#snow is in denial
celluifleur · 5 months
if evil, why hot?
like seriously
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candyunicornsateme · 4 days
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this bitch will never know peace
happy birthday to my green boy 💚
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rexalogy · 2 months
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noelle holiday
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artsyunderstudy · 6 months
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"I’m enjoying myself more than I expected. I don’t think I’ve ever spent time with this many queer people at once—only Agatha, really—and it’s strangely familiar. Not quite a sappy ‘coming home’ feeling… more a blanket sensation of safety. Because we already have this one thing in common."
The Gay Bar by @scone-lover
Carry on Countdown | Day Nine: Pride
This year I decided I wanted to honor the incredibly talented fic writers of this fandom, so I chose one fic per prompt to do an illustration for. I didn’t double up on authors so that I could do this for as many people as possible. I realized while planning this that there are way too many fics and authors that I love, and even after having picked 30 of what I consider some of my very favorites, I could have easily kept going. Please check the fics out if you haven’t, they all come highly recommended.
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point-day-either · 11 days
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sluggoonthestreet · 5 months
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"See No Winter, Hear No Winter, Feel No Winter" - February 2022
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cosmicalart · 1 month
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Despite many issues along the way (my program nearly crashed, froze several times, things died, I forgot how to draw faces, and things wouldn't save) but it is finally finished just in time to submit for COARTREMIX. Post AWTWB hangout at the pub with Simon, Baz, Penny, Shep, Dev (in the red in black), and Niall (in the vest).
(P.s. don't ask why Simon ended up hidden behind Penny cause it just ended up like that lol)
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carryonprompts · 2 months
A misunderstanding where people think Baz is in love with Niall instead of Simon.
I can't remember if there was an actual description of Niall (or if he actually spells his eyes blue or if that was just a headcanon) but I picture him having brown hair and freckles. Enough that given a vague description him and Simon would sound the same (brownish hair, freckles, and blue eyes).
I'm picturing Baz gets drunk with his friends and it slips what his type is, so dev (who is in love with Niall) thinks Baz is in love with Niall. Somehow word gets to Simon and he also thinks Baz likes his friend Niall and it starts to make him mad until he realizes it's cause he's jealous. (Niall could've also said what his type is but cause dev and Baz are cousins they share similarities so dev thinks Niall loves Baz back).
Just think it would be funny to have Niall and Simon look enough alike that even when people find out that's Baz’s type, they dismiss the possibility of it being Simon (even Simon himself).
new Carry On prompt!
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mooncello · 13 hours
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It's Sunday night, and I've got a few fun things to share with you! Which is a small miracle because this past week was rough. Grateful for friends, stupid amounts of tea, and this community. 💛
Thank you for the tags today @blackberrysummerblog (v excited for your COBB), @rimeswithpurple (Niall!!), @thewholelemon (hellooo 5x1, this already rocks), @artsyunderstudy (we are def in this together and you're brilliant) and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe (we get your new wip this week??!!). 🩵 to you all.
I'm not sharing a ton of writing today because chapter 1 of my deniall fic will drop tomorrow. This has been a blast to write, and I'm so excited to start posting. We've got a title: more than a footnote.
And we've got a banner!
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Here are two short snippets, Niall POV:
Dev has snatched my textbook away, and he takes a few steps back until he’s leaning against the side of my bed, homework held hostage against his chest. He taps his fingers against the book and smirks at me. His fingernails are painted a deep navy today, I notice distractedly. I notice it like one might note a passing cloud formation. It’s there, it’s pretty, it’ll change by tomorrow.
“Wistful, you say?” “Fucking moony, Niall.” “Think he’ll be at dinner tonight? We can ask him about it.” “Oh,” Dev says, and leans towards me until I can smell his warm, spicy cologne, his dark eyes a scheming fire. “I have a much better idea.”
love and tags under the cut!
@drowninginships, @valeffelees, @run-for-chamo-miles, @blackberrysummerblog, @orange-peony
@youarenevertooold, @shrekgogurt, @hushed-chorus, @whatevertheweather, @larkral
@cutestkilla, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @artsyunderstudy, @emeryhall, @raenestee
@shemakesmeforget, @arthurkko, @iamamythologicalcreature, @bookish-bogwitch, @rbkzz
@best--dress, @facewithoutheart
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artsyunderstudy · 1 month
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Après la Pluie, le Beau Temps
Rating: Mature
Words: 9.7k
Chapters: 2/4
When a brewing electromagnetic storm takes down communications, leaving the USS Redemption in chaos and Simon and Baz stranded on a freezing and desolate moon, everyone must confront their own communication breakdowns in order to survive.
For @raenestee
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bookish-bogwitch · 3 months
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Hey all! I hope you aren't feeling to much post-holiday drop in the wake of EGF and Baz's birthday. Remember you can keep the spirit of erotic groping alive in your hearts all the year round.
I've been working hard on chapter 9 of Basil Pitch's Diary, which feels like the part where the rubber meets the road emotionally. It's satisfying and I like it, and it's also hard going. I might have to slow down the already slow posting schedule, which chagrins me, but oh well.
Meanwhile here are some sentences from chapter 5, which is maybe my favorite chapter so far. I'm excited to share it with you guys on Saturday.
Baz, Dev and Niall are getting ready for a school dance:
Behind me, visible in the mirror where I was fixing my hair, Niall coaxed Dev’s tie into a neat batwing. “There, it’s—hey!” Dev, laughing, had pulled Niall’s own tie loose for at least the fourth time.  Niall pouted. “Now I have to do it again.” “Let me,” said Dev. In the mirror over my shoulder I saw Dev’s hands move at Niall’s throat with a sureness that would be surprising if you didn’t know he was a Pitch to the manner born. Niall didn’t take his eyes off Dev’s face. “There,” said Dev, fingers lingering on Niall’s collar. “Thanks,” said Niall, and yanked it loose again.  They dissolved into giggles and I resisted the urge to bang my head against the mirror.
Thank you for the tags, @thewholelemon, @hushed-chorus, @cutestkilla, @emeryhall, @forabeatofadrum, @artsyunderstudy, @facewithoutheart, and @run-for-chamo-miles. I'm excited to catch up with your WIPpets. I'll tag in @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @fatalfangirl, @moodandmist, @ileadacharmedlife, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @whogaveyoupermission, @whatevertheweather, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @namistrella, @ic3-que3n, @theearlgreymage, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @youarenevertooold, @iamamythologicalcreature, @goblindad-emoshit, @dragoneggos, @ebbpettier, @fight-surrender, @hertragedyconnoisseur, @j-nipper-95, @larkral, @nightimedreamersworld, @onepintobean, @pipsqueakparker, @rimeswithpurple, @twokisses, @valeffelees, @yellobb, @yeonjunenby.
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Gosh I just love how Jon and Mel are paralleled in how they choose to ignore truths in relation to visions and prophecy because it’s a very interesting collision of two separate arcs: Jon’s - the deconstructed hidden prince/chosen one - and Mel’s - the deconstructed prophetess/wizard.
Like both are given the same information (i.e., that Jon may be the reincarnation of a legendary fiery-sword wielding hero) and both choose to deny the truth in this information because of one reason or the other: Jon has the tendency to ignore all the magical aspects in his life, mostly because he doesn’t want to be a super special magic boy, and Mel has already decided that the hero in question is some balding, middle-aged weirdo. But there exists a commonality between them since neither one knows of Jon’s true parentage, and so both think he’s just some random guy.
It’s very funny because we learn that Mel has been seeing visions of Jon every time she looks into her flames.
The flames crackled softly, and in their crackling she heard the whispered name Jon Snow. His long face floated before her, limned in tongues of red and orange, appearing and disappearing again, a shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain. Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again.
And we know that it’s been happening quite frequently because she gets another vision of Jon (in her POV chapter) and goes “oh god not him again!”
“What do you see, my lady?” the boy asked, softly.
Skulls. A thousand skulls, and the bastard boy again. Jon Snow.
So poor Mel is a little frustrated because she’s not looking for Jon. She’s looking for Stannis because she believes that he is Azor Ahai.
Yet now she could not even seem to find her king. I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R’hllor shows me only Snow.
So she looks for Azor Ahai and only sees Jon Snow, but she never once thinks “hmm it’s super frustrating to keep seeing this weird emo teen but maybe there’s something deeper to it. Like there has to be a reason why I see him in place of my king, right?” And then she talks to Jon in a later chapter and confirms that she is seeing him whenever she looks for Mance or Stannis, as per my previous post, and both of them come out of that conversation being the very definition of “no thoughts, head empty ”. They’re just not going to think about it; and both end up focusing on other aspects of the visions and not the larger theme.
And then there’s this conversation between Jon and Val (in Jon VIII, ADWD) that honestly encapsulates the sheer comedy of a powerful wizard who is sent by destiny to go find this magical prince and missing him, and how the magical prince in question gets really frustrated with the wizard because he thinks that the wizard’s visions are dumb and useless.
In this conversation, Val suggests that Mel may know about Jon switching Dalla’s and Gilly’s babies because of what she sees in her fires.
“And keep [Gilly’s baby] away from the red woman. She knows who he is. She sees things in her fires.”
Val is essentially suggesting that Mel is attuned to the truth because of her prophetic insight. But Jon doesn’t think so.
Arya, he thought, hoping it was so. “Ashes and cinders.”
He hopes Mel can see the truth of Arya’s whereabouts, but what he actually thinks is different. He dismisses Mel’s supposed truth as mere “ashes and cinders”. And it’s so funny because this is a huge miscommunication. Jon is no doubt thinking of Mel seeing “only snow” (we learn from a later chapter that this is the answer Mel always gives) but it seems so silly so he twists that into “ashes and cinders”.
But the problem starts with Mel, honestly. She isn’t able to understand that the king she finds in her fires is Jon Snow and so when she relays the information back to him, she does it in such a vague manner, so Jon thinks she means literal snow (like frozen water, that snow). Except Mel means Jon Snow. She sees Jon Snow in her fires but refuses to ponder further on why she should see him in place of Stannis.
There is such hilarity in a wizard going on a great quest to find a prophesied prince and failing because she at some point found this other guy and convinced herself that he was the prophesied hero all along, even though he didn’t fit at all. So when she is ultimately led to the prince she’s looking for, she mistakes him for some random guy even when her visions actually tell her, “No Mel, wait! This is your guy!! This is your king! Hello?!”
But then, even if she somehow got clued in on said random guy being the prophesied prince, it’s a little too late because he’s already mistrustful of her anyway and doesn’t take her seriously. So he ironically asks her, “have you seen the king in your fires?” And she says, “I’m seeing you when I search for the king”. And literally neither one of them goes, “hey wait a minute?!”
And you know what’s even more frustrating? Some completely unrelated person somehow manages to get to the truth of the matter! (Sort of…). Val somehow manages to understand that what Mel sees is true. In fact, Val is even more correct than she realizes because when Jon dismisses Mel’s visions as “ashes and cinders”, Val counters that with:
“Kings and dragons.”
So, according to Val, not only can Mel see the truth, but she can also see the truth of who is a king and/or a dragon.
The king Mel sees is also a dragon, as he is one of the last surviving Targaryens in the world. Where Jon dismisses Mel’s visions, Val somehow takes the narrative’s voice here and goes “oh it’s not just Snow she sees, she also sees that he is a king and a dragon”.
As if this wasn’t comedic enough, Jon gets a vision towards the end of the book that literally connects the dots.
Burning shafts hissed upward, trailing tongues of fire. Scarecrow brothers tumbled down, black cloaks ablaze. “Snow,” an eagle cried, as foemen scuttled up the ice like spiders. Jon was armored in black ice, but his blade burned red in his fist. As the dead men reached the top of the Wall he sent them down to die again. He slew a greybeard and a beardless boy, a giant, a gaunt man with filed teeth, a girl with thick red hair. Too late he recognized Ygritte. She was gone as quick as she’d appeared.
He dreams of himself as the fire-sword wielding hero Mel has been so crazy about, and then he wakes up to his pet bird calling him “KING” basically affirming everything Mel has been seeing throughout the entire book. And he does the most Jon Snow thing imaginable. He completely ignores it! We get zero commentary to this, same as we got zero commentary from him then Mel said that she saw him every time she tried to look for Mance or Stannis.
Really, both the chosen one and the great wizard are failing quite miserably. They get information much in the same way (Jon gets a prophetic dream, and Mel gets her prophetic visions) but they both decide to ignore whatever they’re seeing. The chosen one is annoyed that the wizard’s visions are useless, the wizard is annoyed that the totally-normal-boy-who’s-definitely-not-the-chosen-one-not-like-Stannis-is-anyway isn’t listening to her, and poor Val is off to the side going “hey, doesn’t anyone else think its important that Mel really does see kings and dragons?!!”
And honestly, Mel’s inability to get it even when the answer is right in front of her becomes even funnier when we take this exchange into account:
[…] all of them seemed surprised to hear Maester Aemon murmur, “It is the war for the dawn you speak of, my lady. But where is the prince that was promised?”
“He stands before you,” Melisandre declared, “though you do not have the eyes to see. Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai come again, the warrior of fire. In him the prophecies are fulfilled. The red comet blazed across the sky to herald his coming, and he bears Lightbringer, the red sword of heroes.”
- Samwell IV, ASOS
I- 😭
Mel accuses Maester Aemon of being too blind to see the truth, not knowing that the narrative has damned her as well. Unlike Aemon, she has actually set her eyes on the promised prince but she’s the one who has been too blind to see.
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valeffelees · 1 year
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i didn't think i was going to make a post today, i've been under the weather for a while now 🌧️ and haven't really been making any substantial progress on anything as a result. i've been drawing, mostly. and no shit, i don't think i've spent this much time on my tablet since i was... fuck, sixteen? wild times.
but i dunno, i guess i just missed hanging out and wanted to share a bit of a WIP i talked about very briefly once before in a SSS (🐍) post, an alterous Dev/Niall (and pre-slash Simon/Baz) fanfic with the working title Niall vs the Amatonormative Agenda. i really like this fanfic. it started out as a runaway document where i could shove words when they didn't have anywhere else to go, and slowly turned into a canon compliant coming of age character study that follows Niall's POV exclusively from the Crucible ceremony to the Leavers ball. it's focused entirely on his life, his complicated relationship with Dev, and his friendship with Baz. i dunno if i'll ever post it in its entirety, but it is very near and dear to my heart these days.
[...] with thick, black hair combed around a sharp widow’s peak and droopy, down-turned eyes like a coonhound. He’s panting hard, his whole body heaving as he slumps down into the grass and tries to catch his breath, pressing his shoulders back against one of the beams supporting the underside of the stands. An ivory wand with a leather handle still too-big for his growing hands is clutched in his left fist. “Um,” Niall says. “Shut up!” The boy bares his teeth at him, scowling viciously. “Shut up or I’ll make you shut up, I’ll spell your tongue off!” “Baz!” Niall twists around and peeks through the gaps beneath the benches. Simon Snow is storming across the football pitch, flushed crimson and ripping at the fluffy inch of hair that peeks out below the brim of his boater, sparking along his forearms like a loose wire and steaming with so much magic that Niall starts all but going cross-eyed from it, he can feel it in his throat, acrid and sticky. He cups his palm over his mouth. “Baz!” Simon Snow shouts again, whipping around, his eyes cutting across the Wavering Wood’s gloomy treeline. Ceridwen, he looks like he’s gone mental. (And kind of like he’s about to cry.) “Give it back!” He spins, searching. He doesn’t find them. A noise like the growl of a small, rabid animal pinches from his narrow chest, and then he’s off. Sprinting in the direction of the drawbridge. Niall turns back around. “Baz Pitch?” “Grimm-Pitch,” Baz replies tersely. “You’re Dev’s cousin.” He blinks. “That’s correct.” “I’m their roommate.” Baz looks barely old enough to be at Watford, honestly. He still has one of those squished up little kid faces. His cheeks are puffy and round, his brow is shallow, his chin is short and flat. But he has a tall, straight nose like an adult, so he’s probably going to have a growth spurt sooner rather than later. Drop a layer of baby fat, shoot an inch and a half taller overnight. That’s how it went for Niall, at least. But then again, he’s older than he should be for a first year, he’ll turn thirteen in January before the end of Christmas break. “What have you done to the Chosen One now?” Niall asks, shifting to uncross his legs and stretch them out, moving his Magic Words textbook to lay open on his thighs. Baz settles down next to him, drawing his skinny knees up right to his shoulders with his arms tucked into the space between, flipping his wand back and forth from one hand to the other. His expression is blank—the kind of calculated, intentional blank that children shouldn’t know how to do—but his gaze is keen, almost feral. “Nothing he doesn’t deserve.” “You’re creepy.” “Are you going to tattle on me?” “No,” he says, after what is probably too short a moment of consideration, “I don’t really care. I just want to finish my homework.” “Well, good.” Baz purses his lips, looking Niall up and down with a single quick, deliberate flick of his eyes. (Grey, like a clean riverbank.) “Otherwise I would’ve had to spell you Six ways to Sunday.” “You couldn’t.” “Could too.” “Could not.” “I’m a Pitch.” “You’re eleven.”
thank you very kindly for tagging me today @larkral, @blackberrysummerblog, and @rimeswithpurple, and thank you to everyone who has continued to tag me these last few Sundays and Wednesdays, too. i really do love seeing what y'all are working on. 🙂💕
i hope everyone has a good rest of their week.
remember to drink water, take your vitamins, and rest when you need to. ☀️
Tag, you're it! 🪄 @raenestee @hushed-chorus @thewholelemon @artsyunderstudy @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @imagineacoolusername @ivelovedhimthroughworse @facewithoutheart @cutestkilla
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smokeygrayrabbits · 6 months
I me personally very much think that coriolanus and Lucy gray have teamed up on sejanus many times over his Rich Bitch Behavior™. coryo is very reluctant to get on sejanus about his Rich Bitch Tendencies, but every time he eventually gets annoyed enough to join in on Lucy grays shaming of the Haver Of Things™
what he doesn't know is that this is all part of Lucy gray and sejanus's plot to get coryo to actually tell them things about himself while also slowly figuring out how much help thw snows actually need. getting coryo to make a snarky comment about sejanus wasting food is easier than getting him to admit that he's hungry
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magical-girl-coral · 2 years
The fandom screaming crying throwing up etc. over which Stark gets to be the TRUE ruler of Winterfell and how is the most politically correct while all the siblings have multiple dreams of reuniting with each other is a good foreshadowing of what will actually happen in the books: all the angry lords/kings screaming over who gets to have the most influence based on how they saved their individual Stark while the actual Starks plus their direwolves take a huge fucking nap/cuddling party in the biggest bedroom they could find.
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