#smiley Anon
my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
i’ve been debating sending you an ask about this, but i’ve read a lot of your anon answers recently and you’ve given some really great advice. 
(i’d like to just add here that ALL pronouns/neo-pronouns are completely and utterly valid and if anyone tells you otherwise, they can go fuck themselves. Also, i’ll be using he/him to refer to my partner as that’s currently the pronouns he’s asked me to use- this will become relevant). 
So I have a long term partner of seven years. last year he came to me and said he wanted to experiment with pronouns and self-expression. 
I was totally for it and together we found a hairdresser, and we made an effort to meet other trans people and I started using different pronouns for him and it pretty quickly went from she/her to they/them. 
And when he was using they/them, he was euphoric. I mean, i’ve known him a long time, and I know when he’s happy.
And he said that was for sure what he wanted.
And then he went to his parents house and told them about his new they/them pronouns. 
And they spent the whole time mocking him. Saying he should just fully transition and he’s being a wimp and they/them isn’t real- comparing it to identifying as random objects and animals (WHICH IS NOT TRUE, all pronouns, and neo-pronouns, are VALID!)
Anyway, he came home and didn’t wanna talk about it and two days later he asked me to use he/him pronouns.
It’s been nearly two months of this and I can tell it doesn’t fit. I’m using it now because it’s what he asked and I respect him, but I also know him, he isn’t euphoric and he doesn’t like the clothes he feels he has to wear.
If i’m being honest I always sort of noticed back when he was using she/her all those years. That something didn’t quite fit. And I had already been prepared to help him figured it out. Even though it didn’t actually click it in my head until he brought it up that first time. 
He liked his new name for they/them pronouns. He picked a “manly” one for he/him and he’s been asking me to refer to him with the they/them name as a nickname. Which I obviously have. 
I do think eventually this’ll run its course and he’ll go back to they/them. 
I know I don’t have the right to claim to know what’s going on in his mind, and I have supported him every step of the way, and he’s not sad now, he’s just not pleased with it. Like he is with they/them.
I can’t decide whether I should wait and see or not.  Because knowing his family and their love to get involved, it might take a while for him to pull away enough to realise this isn’t what he wants.
But his family is important to him and if I bring it up now he’ll probably just quote something his family said. And i’ll wait if that’s what he needs, of course I will, but this is hurting him- and I wish I could help. 
I bring up how they/them pronouns are valid all the time. And he’s never once thought against our friend who uses them. 
 But I personally have always blamed his family for it taking so long for him to ditch she/her, so I don’t know how long they’ll make he/him last.
And as I said, I do not care what he ends up choosing or how he presents himself as long as he’s happy. But I just don’t think this is him happy. (Also just to add, I am 100% sure he knows that I don’t mind whatever. Obviously anyone can love anyone who’s transitioning but I am pansexual and don’t give a shit how he presents himself cause he’s amazing and I love him for him. And I am sure he knows that).
Do you think I should tell him what i’ve been thinking? I’ll be careful not to phrase it in a selfish way as i’m aware this might make it seem like I think i know better than him or I want to rush him. But neither is true. 
I just want him to be happy. 
But I also know it’s not right to push him if he’s not ready yet. 
Thanks 😊 
This is definitely a tough question, because gender is such a personal topic, you know? But I do think you should be honest with your partner. I think it's just the way you're honest that matters.
The parts you said about noticing he's not as happy? That's what you should focus on. Because I feel like that comes off as concerned (which you are) and loving. Saying something like "Hey, I've noticed you've been different since you started using he/him pronouns. Do you agree? Why do you think that is?" I think that would really open the conversation to his feelings. Hopefully he'll be able to recognize your love for him and that you're coming from a place of concern. You could even say "I noticed when you started using they/them pronouns, you were so happy! Like X time, you were just so confident, you know?"
I don't think, though, that you should bring up his family. It sounds like he still has loyalty to them and bringing them up could cause more conflict than resolution. Same with saying something like "I think you'll end up going back to they/them." That makes it seem like you're dictating how he'll live. I know you're not, but it could feel that way.
But yeah, I do think you should bring it up. I think partners are the best people to try to point out to their S/Os that they need to put themselves and their needs first sometimes, and stop worrying about others.
I hope that helps! Feel free to message/update me if you want! I'd love to know how you both are doing!
Also, I'm naming you smiley anon because I'm trying to give every anon a separate tag and you put a smiley face at the end of your post.
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gnosistikos · 1 month
tangled waltz is one of my favorite songs too!! i personally prefer season 2 but thats because that is the season that introduced my favorite character ^^
ohh i think i know who you mean!!! skybloos sister, right? that twist at the end of her episode was so crazy :o even for a kids show!
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Hi again!! Sorry for sending you so many asks but I would like to ask for Riddler, scarecrow, two face and harley (you can really tell I have my favorites) with an s/o that is just really really rich?
Never say sorry for asking questions, this is what this blog is for.
Is kinda impressed how good they're doing
Honesty feels somehow bad cause he feels he might be too poor for them
Might start stealing more valuable things
S/O has to assure him they don't care and they have enough money for both of them
Didn't expected that since they don't seem the type
Honesty if they know each other better he might ask if they're looking to fund someone
Yeah, making toxin takes money
S/O is happy to do that, he basically becomes their sugar baby
Two Face
TF whistle when he sees their mansion
When S/O says they get kinda lonely here he is ready to offer to live there but coin choose Harvey and he decides it's too pushy
Still impressed
Harley Quinn
Just runs around mansion looking at everything while S/O just laughs
Ask if she can swing from chandelier and S/O do it with her
S/O used money so she and Harley can have fun
She knows S/O would become target if other rogues found out so she lies where she gets the money
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fantomette22 · 2 months
Happy birthday ^-^
Thank you for always answering my questions with such fun answers! I am still always a lurker but you are my favorite bloodborne blog. Have a good day~~
Smiley anon!!!! :D Thank you a lot! ❤️
Still lurking hm? Well the day you wanna talk more with an account I will be here when you're ready x) really I'm sure you have very interesting things to say!
Thank you it really means a lot and it's crazy to me that for someone I'm like their fav blog?! And they just you know, don't interact much but it bring them joy everyday?! Wow it remind me back me then when I was much younger and din't had an account yet. And I went scrolling blogs on Tumblr... good old times...
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mrkis · 1 year
I had a funny moment with jaehyun on roblox. He was just staring at me so i hit him he got up and waved at me lmao. I started running away and he tried to (keyword : tried) to run after me but fell off😭
LMAO i just saw a tiktok of him squaring up to another player and then running off laughing because bitch(him) was shy. i can't believe i missed it. i'm so. mad. tbf i don't even have my mic activated because i'm too scared to talk to strangers and people annoy me LMAOICJSDK
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seasonal-writes · 11 months
omg!!!!!!! i just finished the new chapter, soooooo good!!!!
the way this fic always has me on the edge of my seat. I always feel like a fun anticipation when im reading it.
- (:
akfnskdnsks AW. Thank you so much!! I’m soo glad you enjoyed it. Means a ton to hear it keeps you on your toes, sometimes i feel like i lack in that regard, pfft. Thank you again<33
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Hello JALEBI, how r u doing?
Want to discuss something about Barun Sobti🌝We used to see him as a very fun loving guy, his face was so innocent that it seems he didn't understand the world yet at then. Bt now whenever I see any of his pictures, videos(which is rare) he looks tired,lifeless, I can't feel any joy in him. For me(may be I am over analyzing or something) it seems, he losts the willings for living on its full. He seems as a very numb guy now. I know there is many difficulties in this world which can change people totally bt this is really very sad to see him like this🙂
I want to share one more thing(which is actually pointless) that whenever I become tooooooo much lost into Arnav, Khushi's chemistry🥺, I unwilling start to blame Barun's wife🌚. My over thinking stupid mind likes to think that, Barun's wife was jealous of Sanaya and start to pressurize Barun to quit the show. Cz it's really very foolish reason which Barun used to give. He is an actor by profession so he can't quit or blame his job in order to spend more time at home. U know, bcz he have to go to the shooting today or tomorrow. So why he would want to quit a show which was so successful,otherwise to pacify her wife🙄. Or if it was a true excuse😒, then why he continues to be an actor bcz now he has a child also!!🔥Then my mind says that,does Barun's wife is the reason for his silent mood?!🙂
Person me, if my msg shows that I'm a terrible person🙃. It's midnight, and I can barely think rightly at this hour,just wanted to share these thoughs and clr my mind so sending u this msg. U surely can ignore this msg, if it's inconvenient.😞
Again sorry to bother you
Smiley Anon😁
I don’t know where to begin. First of all I have a set strict rule that -
I do not discuss actors’ personal lives here
Second, you have to draw the line at parasocial relationship. “A parasocial relationship is a long-term attachment to a media figure (a blogger, an idol, or even a politician) based on what a person “knows” or understands about that figure over time. We develop parasocial relationships based on repeated interactions with these figures on social media or on television that make them seem relatable and accessible rather than far away from us “regular” people.”
This can be good or bad. The good is that the people who likes Barun’s/Sanaya’s works bond over loving those actors capabilities.
The bad is when someone assumes their life and marriage without even knowing them in real life.
Can you make a comment about Barun not keeping the best of appearances compared to his contemporary actors (for example Arjun Bijlani)? Sure, but-
(1) Barun is a normal human being who might be going through a plethora of things (the human body and mind are extremely unique)
(2) it’s none of our damned business to figure out why he doesn’t look the way he did ten years ago with makeup and good lighting.
Maybe he has aged? Maybe he hates posing for cameras so he always looks a bit uncomfortable? Maybe he just didn’t get sleep last night? Who knows and who cares?
Also I’m baffled at you heaping blame on his wife when he has been very vocal about just how much he loves her and that she’s been the most important person in his life. Like this isn’t even an assumption. In the little he has spoken it is evident how much his marriage means to him.
Yet to override what your favorite actor says to believe a twisted version of events is… sigh c’mon don’t do that. It’s the biggest way you can disrespect the actor tbh.
Also btw Barun was working 16-18 hours a day, daily, for two-three years by the end of ipk. It’s insane. Tv actors often fall ill due to these extreme working conditions!
What he did then is what we now call a mental health break (which is when people step back from their jobs/duties for the sake of themselves and their mental health). And Barun is neither the first nor the last one to do it. There’s Prince Harry, tennis superstar Naomi Osaka, Olympic human simone biles, global KPop sensation BTS, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, etc.
Also Deepika Padukone was diagnosed with depression at the height of her career.
These people have taken a pause from working because they were burned out.
Just like Barun was.
You can be curious as to how do stars get burned out, it’s their job right? Yeah but no job is fun when you don’t get a break.
Imagine being hours under hot lights, being sleep deprived and barely being home to sleep, memorizing pages after pages of lines on the day of shoot and then when you’re unable to deal with pressure you see fans commenting “oh his wife is the problem,”
I hope you have the sense to see the stupidity in this. Also burning out is an individual experience. Just because we can’t understand why a successful actor would leave a show, it doesn’t invalidate his reason!
He wanted to leave, he left. Period.
He loves acting, but not to the point where he doesn’t even see his family and is forced to play one damn character to its death.
Dude I’d give up writing fanfics if I was forced to write sixteen hours a day without a break for a year.
He got his break and he’s carefully choosing projects with proper time commitments (music videos, movies, web series).
TBH I don’t even know where this whole “blames the wife” comes from. If you love the actor, watch his interviews! He literally blames the crippled working system of TV.
Like it’s no surprise we’ve never gotten Barun and Sanaya to work together again simply considering this toxic discourse where his lovely wife is dragged in every now and then, although I don’t think it bothers them as they’ve plainly stated that multiple times.
Also he was 25/26 when he shot IPK. Trust me at that point everyone knows what the world is and they’re far from innocent. He was a fully grown man. Married with a few solid years of work experience. He knew the world well enough to prioritize his mental health and family over any money producers would throw at him.
There’s a very thin line on how to talk about the decisions you think actors are taking based on parasocial relationships with the said actors and I literally only replied to you because:
- you dismissed mental health
- you’ve been on my blog before and you’ve been very sweet
Anyways, I will not be engaging anymore in this kind of discussion.
I sincerely hope you won’t fall for these delusions any more. And if you truly love an actor, respect them. And respect includes respecting their choices and believing what they’re saying within a healthy line.
Too much of anything isn’t good. Not even IPK.
Hoping the best for you,
- jalebi
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pixy-stix-art · 1 year
Hello :3
I was wondering if your requests/prompts are open! Its chill if not, just want to make sure i wont be bothering anyone if i just send a thingy when- you- ya get it ^^
love, ☻
Hi! So yes request are open but honestly? I just don’t feel like writing anymore? Idk why but motivation is just gone and not coming back soon. So if you request something it will be art. A doodle or a full piece depending on how much I like the idea!
So feel free to request but it will probably not be writing if that’s what you want. But I know some amazing writers that I believe are taking requests rn I believe!
@beckyu @brick-a-doodle-do @kayla-crazy-stuffs @cyncerity @quotemenevermore2
Let me know if any of you don’t want to be tagged!
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kinda freaking out atm, anonymous isn’t working for me? how am I meant to tell people I love them and to take a break?! also dillo, ily. ur an amazing creator and person. you’ve seriously made me laugh with your charm and humour! especially the saloon! so, go out, do something you love with the people that matter to you! maybe do something you wouldn’t normally do! drink some water, eat something filling and take a walk! and again, ilysm!
Oh, honey. You’ve earned yourself free drinks for a life time. I’m touched by your message, thank you so much for taking the time to come into my humble inbox. I hope you have a great day, a great week, a great month. Much love and admiration to you Smiley 🤟
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seasonalflowerr · 1 year
cinnamon (((:
- (:
ngl i kinda. forgot i reblogged that ask game for a minute. anyway! CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar. <333 skdfjs thank you,, awww yeah. i am definitely best observed at a distance i can get a little unstable sometimes- followers ask game i really need to start linking ask games in these things but god. so much work.
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Hi Cas! I’m, as you kindly dubbed, smiley anon 😊 I’m back!!! 
So I had the conversation. Thank you so much for your help. My partner knows I have good intentions but sometimes i get stressed talking about things- and mess up- and then they (ooooh- pronouns) freak out too.
There was one time, back when, where they used they/them pronouns (and experimented with style) and were SO euphoric. I took a bunch of pictures. So I sat down with them (with emotional support snacks and a film we love- if we have an argument that we think is out of love and wanting to help, we sit together in annoyed silence with a movie on. It’s our rule to stop us escalating arguments) and brought up the day and the photos. 
I planned out a bit of what I wanted to say (and what I wanted to not accidentally say) and I explained that they seemed happier when they were using they/them pronouns, at least from my view, but they were obviously free to pick whatever pronouns. 
Then I said that if they ever wanted to experiment more, switching it up, i’m super happy to help, but also, if this (he/him) is definitely what they want, then i’ll be happy to carry on. 
(I do possibly have a tendency to bring his family up. Mine were very unhelpful when I was discover my queerness so I like to point that out when other families do it- but thanks to your reminder I refrained- and that definitely prevented an argument). 
They said they’d enjoyed that day (with the photos) the most as well. Maybe we could try it again? So we did. And then again.
Currently me, and our three closest friends have gone to using they/them mostly with a little bit of he/him - as that was his preference (I haven’t used he/him here much as to not confuse you- but I am using the pronouns he wants) 
I’ve been careful to still use he/him sometimes, and I think they’re starting to shift stronger to they/them.
Yesterday they brought up their parents. It was like 3 months ago that the original switch from they/them to he/him at the parents house happened. 
They obviously want to see their parents again, and they want me to use he/him the whole time, which i’ve agreed to. 
They then asked me to try and slip talk about non-binary people into conversation… yep 
We have this rule that (with permission each time) we can use each other as scapegoats with our family. For missing awful events, or seeing old family members that’ve been shunned. Eg. “No, I don’t want to see your ex, my partner does, they were friends” - to my sister. Ex husband. They have a kid together so I wanted to stay in contact, since my sister was kinda the problem anyway. But that’s a story for another time. 
So we sat down together and came up with 3 ways (not that I have to use them all) I could casually bring up non-binary people, and then we’d both try and explain and defend them. Also their sister is kind of an ally, so we’re hoping to get her on our side or something. 
I’m aware this can go sideways, but hey, i’m happy that they’re trying to bring it all up to their family. Honestly I think they’re been more mature than I was when my family were dicks. 
(And aside from this, they’re parents are lovely people. Just not educated about non-binary people). 
Plus they do like me. So, you know, maybe they’ll listen to me. They call me “woke” and such as, but they don’t mind if I ramble about rights so it could be worse.
I’m a bit nervous. I trust my partner not to freak out or turn on me or get mad. But I do worry about his parents not reacting great to me trying to explain non-binary people, and then scaring them a little. Back to he/him. 
But most importantly, thank you Cas. 
I’m very aware I can come across as pushy and i’m quite blunt. I mean, i’ll be nice and all, but I don’t like to sugarcoat things. 
I often worry my partner will feel like i’m forcing them to come out faster, figure themselves out faster. Where as I just want them to have space from what I view as negative influences.
But, I have to remind myself that their relationship with their family is not the same as mine with mine.
Also, I decided to go with something fun to encourage them to get creative. Not to brag but I know my partner very well and they love colour and fun. 
So now you get a list of ways I tried to encourage experimenting. 
I bought stickers with a BUNCH of different pronoun variants on them. 
We work from home so I figured if they just put whatever sticker (or stickers) they felt like they wanted for pronouns that day- they wouldn’t feel weird about asking (also I wanted to be careful not to force only one set of pronouns- or leave them feeling unable to change their pronouns whenever)
2. I got badges. More generic. with different flags, pronouns and labels.
I wasn’t sure whether they’d want to say it outside or not. But in case they do, it can be affirming for a stranger to use your preferred pronouns for you (according to my friends). 
3. found an old, silly, little banner that says “Put your needs first” and hung it by our door.
And another that says “It’s okay to spend forever figuring yourself out”. (They made these FOR ME, back like 8 years ago, when we were just friends, and i was trying to put my internalised homophobia behind me so i could be queer and happy. i thought reminding them that they helped me would make them more comfortable to let me help them).
4. I made a list of all the thrift (+charity) shops nearby that me and our queer friends go to, so that they can look for new clothing.
We moved recently(ish) so we haven’t totally explored the whole area. 
They’ve been getting worried about spending money on this. I also nabbed some clothing from some of our friends, not permanently, but to help them figure out what they prefer. 
5. I LEARNT MAKEUP! I can do my normal makeup, but i’m terrible at detailed makeup. 
But i figured makeup is a big part of feeling like yourself, cause you can look more masculine or feminine of a good mix of both. I found some creators and learnt some tricks and now i’m like- not that bad! 
They’re enjoying my attempts at makeup A LOT.
They’ve seemed to really like everything i’ve done so far. I was subtle about it though, if they realise i’m actively doing things for them, they’ll freak out and say i’m too nice (which is dumb cause i’m not nice to many people- just them- and then like a few other ppl I deem acceptable). 
So anyway, we’re vibing with they/them most of the time and the occasional he/him. And we have dinner with their parents soon… where i’ll be trying to subtly teach them about non-binary people. 
I want to meddle. I won’t and I expect you’ll tell me not to meddle and to just tell my partner but I have the meddling desire so i’m gonna say it. Ready? 
They should just tell their parents. My partners parents DO NOT CARE about problems in the world or anything really.
They only learnt about queer people for their child when they found out that they were queer, and they only learnt about the black lives matter protests back in lockdown when my partner‘s sister got engaged to a person of colour.
Don’t get me wrong, they’re very invested in the social injustices facing queer people and people of colour now. But they don’t care to learn unless it’s something their kids are actively involved in. 
So basically they only the put the effort in if they think their kids are involved. And they’re not quite smart enough to realise their kid might be non-binary.
The way I see it, the only way to get through to them, is if my partners honest.
BUT I will NEVER force them out and I don’t think they’re ready yet. So… I’m going to bring up non-binary people, their parents aren’t going to care at ALL (or worse, they’re gonna say something ignorant and upset my partner unknowingly) and then we’re all going to fall into awkward silence. 
So yeah. The conversation went well and we’re well but there’s some hiccups in the system 😊
(And, you know, if you have any advice for navigating this, feel free to dish it out. Thanks).
Also, LOVING Taylor’s album!!!!!!!!! There’s nothing like screaming I Can Do It With A Broken Heart, with my partner :)
Hi! <3
I just want to say, the things you have done for your partner are absolutely heartwarming. I'm sitting here like almost tearing up because it is so unbelievably clear how much you two love each other.
I think it's also clear that you both have great communication, and even though you WANT to do things a certain way, your partner has made their desires clear. And I have no doubts you'll respect them, because you respect THEM so much. And honestly, it is so cool to hear about how open and honest your relationship is.
You don't need my advice, hon, you're already doing everything right. Keep communicating, respecting your partner, and encouraging them. You're doing great <3
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gnosistikos · 1 month
what's you're favorite squiddles season? ^^
oh gosh, DEFINITELY season one!
sure, the third season has a lot more polish than the first two thanks to the studio getting more used to adobe flash, but theres something about those janky sprites for each of the squiddles and the sea diver that always give me such a nostalgia buzz!!!
plus it has one of my favorite songs in the entire show!!!!! do yourself a favor and look up Tangled Waltz from the record squiddles sing-a-long if you havent already. you wont regret it!!!! :D
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Ok so how about the Rogues with an s/o that constantly gives them gifts. Like sometimes it's not even something expensive just like a cool rock or a book that they found of their favorite genre.
Sorry if you did that one already, have a great day.
Didn't do that one Smiley Anon, sounds cute!
Likes it and finds it cute
Tries to enjoy his gifts together
Really enjoys books S/O gets him
Mad Hatter
Loves hats he gets, tried to buy S/O dresses in return
Doesn't get what's with them and rocks but keeps all of them anyway
Two Face
Harvey thinks they shouldn't give him so many gifts while Two Face is just thankful
Black Mask
Finds it interesting they buy Him gifts
Enjoys everyone of them even the one S/O makes themselves
This is literally game where they try to beat each other
Everytime he surprises S/O they give him gift in return and vice versa
Doesn't matter S/O gifts aren't as expensive, they're the same value as his
Mr Freeze
Thinks they shouldn't give him so many things
Is still thankful
Harley Quinn
Enjoys presents so much
Reads some psychological thrillers together
Poison Ivy
Doesn't understand why they keep giving them stuff
She still enjoys her new flowers though
Loves it give her more, even though they not always as fancy
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quotemenevervore · 1 year
Borrower Q au name ideas:
Remember me my love
Remembering my love for you
Just random name ideas
Remember me my love has got my vote I’m changing it immediately
Thank you for the suggestion! 💚💚
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mrkis · 1 year
CAS. The last time I got drunk i had the nastiest s e x with someone who looked EXACTLY like Yuta. I was so hammered and horny I'm not even sure if it was really Yuta or a doppelganger but it was certainly an experience. He kept calling me something in Japanese on top of that too but i forgot what it was TT
- smiley
just to make this whole situations worse and feed into the delusions (because its what i do best) i'm going to say that it was actually yuta you were fucking <3 congratulations bestie <3
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seasonal-writes · 1 year
5, 6 and 21 (about your golden rings AU)
- (:
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about Golden Rings? Answer it now! AND i'm combining this with #6 because they technically have the same answer: 6. What’s one fact about the universe of Golden Rings that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself? Okay. I DESPERATELY HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ABOUT WHO ALL IS ON EACH ROYAL COUNCIL OF EACH KINGDOM. So! I'm going to tell you all now. Because technically not all of the members will be mentioned within the story. So! The Nether's Royal Council consists of: - The King of the Nether - Royal Advisor Skizz - Royal Architect BDubs (if you know, you know. he actually has some lore too!) - Captai. . ƚɘͶ ɘʜƚ Ꮈo . . . Hm? That last- that last member is.. scratched out.. I can't even read it. That's.. odd? I swear I.. Weird. Okay. Anyway! To continue:
The Overworld's Royal Council is: - The King of the Overworld (again, obviously) - Heir to the throne, Prince Grian - Royal Event Planner Scar (i don't know if there's an official title so that's the one I came up with - Military General Mumbo (He develops the weapons >:) )
I don't have a TON of lore for each member, but I did flesh that aspect out, despite it not being mentioned in the story! But no one!! ever asked about it !!! to be fair, i never mentioned it that much. but. this question was FUN. >:)
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in Golden Rings, what would it be? ohHHH hmmm... honestly, I would write the scene where Tango and Jimmy are making their escape plan. I think I loosely mentioned in the story that they basically did it in the dead of night, by one single candlelight. It was whisper-y and quiet and I just.. that would've been a fun scene to write out based on vibe alone, I think. Lots of dialogue, of course. But I did have a vision for that scene, even if it's not that important! It does make me wonder though, are there any missing scenes you all would've wanted to see? I don't know if there was many ones to really include, but! I'm sure someone noticed a place for one where I didn't. :D these were fun! thank you, smiley anon. <333 Though, I am definitely.. um- concerned? About that fourth member of the Nether's Royal Council. I know there's supposed to.. Hm. Well. Alright, then.
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