#small business accreditation
obqc · 2 years
Small business accreditation: The significance of customer relations
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You can interact with your consumers much more personally when you have good customer relations. You are far more likely to comprehend their needs, address their issues, and establish a feeling of mutual understanding with them when you have a strong connection with the target audience. The staff should be aware of how to handle the workers in a particular and respectful way to encourage people who have joined your firm, according to small business accreditation, as one approach to increase sales is via enhanced customer relations and truly utilizing the available customers.
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indiesellersguild · 10 months
The Marketplace Accreditation Project: Transforming The Internet
We've been talking about Etsy, Etsy alternatives, and holding marketplaces accountable our entire existence as an organization. Our social media and blog posts have discussed the formation of this marketplace accreditation program. Now, a dedicated page on our website has gone live.
What exactly is "marketplace accreditation"? The following contains excerpts from the above page.
Marketplace Accreditation is our collaborative project to transform the internet – from an internet where online marketplaces are monopolies that seek to extract maximum profits from creative small businesses into an internet where marketplaces are supportive partners that share in our success.
How will it work?
Together, we will bring down the barriers that stand in the way of community-focused marketplaces – barriers that block them from forming in the first place, barriers slowing their growth, and barriers that make it difficult for creative indie sellers to join and support them.  And finally, when those marketplaces do achieve success, our guild will hold them accountable to the promises they made to their community.
Want to help? Take our multiple choice Marketplace Accreditation Survey, and check out the page linked above for our Roadmap.
This is still only the beginning.
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marylemanski · 2 years
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Becoming an Accredited Business with the Better Business Bureau is an honor not accorded to all businesses; because not all businesses meet eligibility standards. Cyberpunk Web Marketing & Virtual Assistant Services LLC is pleased to announce today that it has met all BBB standards and is now an Accredited Business.
“Accreditation in the BBB is by invitation only” says Steve J. Bernas, president & CEO of the Better Business Bureau serving Chicago and Northern Illinois. “And only those businesses that meet our high standards, and pass the review process are approved by our Board of Directors.”
As with all businesses that are Accredited by the BBB, Cyberpunk Web Marketing & Virtual Assistant Services has committed to the BBB Code of Business Practices. The Code is a comprehensive set of policies, procedures and best practices on how businesses treat consumers. These standards call for building trust, embodying integrity, advertising honestly and being truthful. Bernas adds “To maintain their Accreditation a business must be transparent, honor their promises, be responsive to their customers, and safeguard their privacy.”
“We are proud to be a BBB Accredited Business,” said Mary Lemanski, Founder & CEO. “In today’s world it is imperative that our customers know how seriously we take our commitment to excellence and good customer service. Our achieving BBB Accreditation exemplifies that goal.”
Cyberpunk has been open for one year, offering consumers the best in Internet marketing & virtual assistant services. “Our desire is to stay focused on what we do best; provide outstanding products and unsurpassed customer service,” said Lemanski.
For more information contact: Mary Lemanski, [email protected], 630-965-5499
About the Better Business Bureau: As a private, non-profit organization, the purpose of the Better Business Bureau is to promote an ethical marketplace. BBBs help resolve buyer/seller complaints by means of conciliation, mediation and arbitration. BBBs also review advertising claims, online business practices and charitable organizations. BBBs develop and issue reports on businesses and nonprofit organizations and encourage people to check out a company or charity before making a purchase or donation.
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sharkrocket · 1 year
There is so much groundwork that me and my partner failed to cover/did not think about, but I think we're going to just lay out what we have and just build upon it as more solid ideas come to fruition, so here we go
Research corporation funded by the Powers That Be(?)
Dedicated to defeating death by prolonging life
Akin to Black Mesa or Aperture Science - Unethical experimentation going on behind the scenes
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Maybe not the founder? Maybe lead researcher?
Maybe founded it when it was a small lab and was bought out by The Powers to greatly expand funding?
Not exactly on the level - HAS done and WILL do shady things again
KNOWS what he's doing is illegal to some extent, but he tries to wash his hands of the dirty work (alleviate some guilt maybe?)
Hands the recruiters a list of requirements for his new hires (potential lab rats), lets them do the searching and he'll conduct the interviews
I have no idea what these requirements are
Sometimes the lab assistants go missing, he doesn't know anything about that, don't ask him
He LIKES his designers clothes - SOMETIMES it comes from Thanatica's grant money, SOMETIMES it's a few hundred here or there, BIG DEAL
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Studied in the Capital or IS studying in the Capital, and is in SO SO SO much debt
Is having trouble getting work because nobody is going to hire a surgeon with no ACCREDITED experience (cutting up bodies in your dad's unlicensed clinic does not count)
Looking to expand the medical practices of his provincial studies(?)
Maybe father has an illness(?) Perhaps Isidor suffering some kind of debilitating disease called the sand pest?
Was contacted by Thanatica Labs for a low level Lab Assistant position - It's Thanatica Labs, of course he's going to respond, that's a lot of money for an entry position, and he's going to have his name attached to a prestigious establishment
He's hired - Is under the pretense he can save up some money, maybe get some lab experience to eventually propose his own research somewhere else
Alternatively, went to university, left university to go home to tend to family business, came back to the Capital to resume studies and is looking for ways to expand his thesis?
Keeps his head down and minds his own business, the less he's under the eye of the lead scientist, the better
Doesn't mean he isn't talking to people and keeping a watchful eye - things are happening that aren't adding up, and it isn't just the grant money
Because he's so desperate for a job, it may mean he's more agreeable to participate in some of Thanatica's shady dealings
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This is so stupidly long, continued under cut
Daniil interviews Artemy and is so rude and condescending about it
Artemy is either biting back insults or being too sassy for his own good
Artemy gets the job either way, but it's VERY funny to imagine that Artemy failed the interview UNCONDITIONALLY, but was hired anyway under the pretense that Daniil didn't expect him to stick around for very long
"He's so handsome, shame that he's such a dick"
"He's so handsome, shame that he'll be medically indisposed for the sake of research"
Artemy figures out Thanatica is doing illegal experimentation but somehow despite this, it sort of falls in line with what Artemy is hoping to accomplish with his own studies (untested and unproven methods of healing that haven't been approved by any board)
Artemy decides to do his own experimentation behind Daniil's back
Daniil smells something suspicious, equipment and samples are missing (its his lab, he WILL get to the bottom of this)
He's been watching the new hire closely (assessing his potential for experimentation), eventually finds out that he's been performing experiments of his own with methods he's never seen before
Wants to put him under a microscope (literal) --> Wants to put him under a microscope (figurative)
Their confrontation can go a couple ways
Daniil approaches Artemy and offers him the resources to continue his work in exchange for doing some underhanded deeds to progress Daniil's own research
OR Artemy blackmails Daniil with the evidence he's gathered in exchange for resources - Daniil is largely unfazed by this, but sees Artemy's morals aren't exactly on the level either and he finds him very interesting so he allows him his resources in exchange for dirty work
Laughing at the idea that Daniil finds out that Artemy has no accredited experience and he lied on his resume to get an interview - Now he's even MORE desirable for underhanded work (thank you inkpot-demigod)
This would be the point Artemy is bagging bodies
Starts off with superficial antagonistic attraction (purely on looks, otherwise has disrespect for each other, condescending and rude) --> eventually develops into mutual respect for each other's work (cordial, maybe even friendly, "oh god why do they keep looking at each other like that") --> eventually develops into unprofessional workplace relationship (they are fucking in places where they definitely have no business doing so)
"can we have artemy need a place to stay and daniil offers a space in his apartment and artemy packs him lunches to take to work. daniil thinks he's being subtle but just the fact he's eating lunch... all of his coworkers Know"
At some point during the relationship (most likely early on) Artemy mentions that his lease is ending and he's going to need to spend time looking for an apartment (or suggests that he needs to find a roommate to save some money because BOY DOES HE NEED IT)
It's closer proximity to the lab
They can keep discussing things in the privacy of his home
Not that Daniil NEEDS to save money, but having some extra is a plus
Artemy makes meals, food just APPEARS and Daniil never has to think about it
Co-workers are noticing that Daniil is ACTUALLY bringing lunches and eating food, hmmm very suspicious.....
Eva (lab receptionist, more on this later) notices the two of them coming into work at the same time in alarming frequency both carrying lunches and she's like SUSPICIOUS EYEZOOM
"if the kids are involved with this i think it'd be kind of funny if daniil and artemy are desperately trying to hide the fact that they kill people but the kids definitely know that they kill people"
Not sure if they can live in Daniil's apartment if Artemy and Daniil have a living arrangement - Could be frequent visitors if Artemy is living there
Not sure about their relation to Artemy - would love to have him be uncle to his brother's adopted kids but this might get complicated
The kids are savvy enough to know about fucked up corporations, they are doing some MURDER in there
"Are you a mad scientist?"
"No pumpkin, I do very important research to extend the human lifespan"
"Oh…. That means people are dying in there right?"
"i'm having a vision of daniil wanting to properly court artemy after a few trysts but he doesn't communicate this very well and he also has very little experience with this so he invites him to a fancy dinner or maybe even a gala and artemy is clearly out of his element the whole time and daniil is trying to make this work and its NOT... if anything artemy thinks daniil is trying to pull some power move on him AND THEN. at the end of the evening when daniil is trying to charmingly flirt and do a kiss, artemy is just like. what are you DOING and they do at least SOME communicating. its a START. this au is a murder romcom"
Daniil coming to terms with the fact that he's so gay for the new hire, oh god he's so gay, who allowed Artemy to be so handsome AND intelligent AND clever AND funny what the hell
He keeps looking in Artemy's direction and Temy thinks he's scrutinizing his work, but god knows Daniil needs to get ahold of himself
He has an idea: Invite Artemy to the next charity gala, show him off to some higher ups, thus giving him the opportunity to sing his praises, and Artemy should get the idea, then later in the night have some drinks and who knows
Daniil extends the invite to Artemy, Temy thinks he's getting some kind of promotion, so he agrees
The event is way bigger and way fancier than Artemy was anticipating, Daniil is showing him off to a lot of executives and Temy is trying to hold his own here - If this is some kind of test, he's going to wring Daniil's neck
"Why is Daniil being so flattering, is he making fun of me"
The two are finally alone and Daniil is sitting where his leg is bumping into Artemy's, he has his hand on Temy's thigh and he's leaning in so, so, so close and Temy panics - Not that he doesn't have his share of attraction to his boss but what is he getting at here? Some kinda power move? A cruel test? Blackmail?
They have been misreading each other this entire time and the both of them are UNBELIEVABLY embarrassed
Time to talk things out and admit some things to each other
Eva Yan
Receptionist at Thanatica, maybe specifically for Daniil's office/lab whatever
The only thing that matters is that she always sees Daniil and Artemy going in and out of the place
Privy to a lot of gossip and goings-on of the place, knows about some of the shadier stuff but she's far from put-off
In fact, she wants to be Daniil's next experiment and he is not having it
Dresses like "I have to go to the office but I'm going to a music festival at 6" boho chic
Yulia Lyuricheva
Works for the government helping to orchestrate shady evil things but she's not actively invested in being evil this is just a job where she can apply her mathematical genius
Eva of course goes on about wanting to be an experiment and neither Eva's enthusiasm nor the fact that Thanatica is so shady is surprising to her
She doesn't have to be here but if she is here than she runs around Thanatica like a rat and no one knows where she came from
She claims to be an experiment gone wrong but really she is just a girl in need of some caring parental figures in her life
Lara Ravel
In the city on a revenge mission to kill Alexander Block for the death of her father
I have no idea how to make this happen
Thanatica is not surviving this one Dankovsky oooooo it is not surviving
Head of the military operation to destroy all evidence related to Thanatica's experiments?
Roles of other characters unclear..... To be determined....
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katyswrites · 1 year
don't call me 'baby'
Pairing: Steve Harrington/fem!reader
Warnings: Sugardaddy!Steve, swearing, alcohol use, smoking, age gap, allusions to sex
Wordcount: 6.1k
A sugar daddy modern AU, a whirlwind summer romance in Italy, and two people from completely different walks of life, somehow finding each other in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But, what will happen when summer ends?
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PART 3 | this path is reckless (and I like it)
Six o’clock finally came torturously slowly, the minutes on the clock passing like molasses. At five minutes-to, the bell above the door rang, and Steve strolled in. He caught your eye to where you stood behind the counter, and nodded. You shot him a small smile, but felt your stomach turn - whether it was excitement or anxiety, you couldn’t quite tell. But, you couldn’t deny that you were happy to see him. You felt stupid, considering that he had explicitly said he wasn’t planning on asking you out - but, what else could it be?
As soon as Steve saw you making your way over, he smiled briefly, before nodding to the chair across from him. He already had ordered two coffees - one for himself, which he was halfway through, and a cappuccino, right at your seat. 
“Hey there,” you said, feigning a casual and friendly air as you sat down. “Oh, um, thanks - you really didn’t need to order me anything.”
“Hey there,” you said, feigning a casual and friendly air as you sat down. “Oh, um, thanks - you really didn’t need to order me anything.”
He shrugged. “I figured you might be tired - I took a wild guess about what you liked, though. Don’t feel like you have to drink it if you don’t want -”
“No, it’s great,” you assured. “I could probably do with a pick-me-up, anyways. Long day.”
“Okay, good,” he said. It was silent again for a moment, both of you just pretending to be incredibly interested in your drinks instead of each other, waiting for the other to say something. You already knew that this wasn’t a date. But, even worse, it didn’t feel like one at all - it felt more like a business meeting, between two strangers. Then again, isn’t that what you were?
You could only stand the anticipation for so long - you were many things, but patient wasn’t one of them. 
“So… what did you want to talk to me about?” you asked. “Is this about last night? Because, i was pretty drunk, so - if you didn’t want me to kiss you, I’m sorry, that was my fault… I might’ve misread things, but if you aren’t interested, that’s fine - you’ve been more than nice, and I didn’t want you to think that I -”
“Why are you living in Italy?” he asked.
Not what you expected. Still, it was fair enough - beyond tourists, you were probably the first American he had encountered here.
“Oh - well… that’s kind of a long story.”
He shrugged again. “I’d love to hear it, if you want to tell me, that is.”
You thought for a moment, placing your mug on the table as you decided exactly which details to disclose to him.
“Well… my home life… let’s just say, it wasn’t great. I grew up in a tiny town in upstate New York, and… I mean, I knew I always wanted to get out of there. So, I applied to colleges as far as possible - mostly big cities, like New York, Boston, Chicago, even out in California. I didn’t plan on leaving the States, necessarily - but I applied to the American University of Rome, just for kicks, since I knew they offered a U.S.-accredited degree. I didn’t think I’d get in, let alone actually go. But, they made a great offer - basically a full ride. And, it got me as far from home as possible. So I left, and never really looked back. And now, I only have one semester left, which is pretty crazy, but… I’m glad I did it.”
It felt nice, to actually get that off of your chest - Robin was one of the only people you really ever talked about this stuff with. There was a lot still left unmentioned, but it still made the man across from you seem less like a stranger, like someone you could maybe trust.
“Was it hard? Moving to a whole other country, I mean?”
He was asking sincerely, but you were still wary as you answered.
“Yes, and no,” you admitted. “There was definitely a culture shock - I had to learn a lot about the city, the people, and a whole new language. But, it really is great here. And, I’m glad I found Robin - someone from home, kind of. But, it’s been… a lot of work.”
He raised an eyebrow. “In what way?”
You sighed, measuring your words carefully. 
“I’ve done pretty well in school, but I didn’t know that Rome was one of the most expensive cities in the world until after I moved here. I mean, I scraped together most of the money I had just to buy my plane ticket. And, campus housing was expensive, so I bounced between hostels and friends’ couches my first couple of years, until I was able to save up a little. That took a bit, too - turns out Italy doesn’t have a set minimum wage, either. Who knew right?”
You chuckled dryly at that last part, and winced inwardly - that was far too much information, and he didn’t need to know any of that. You thought again about the money he had sent, how he casually had a personal driver on hand, the clothes he wore - he probably pitied you, couldn’t even be bothered to consider you as a -
“Is that why you have two jobs?” he inquired. There’s only sincerity behind his question, like he was truly trying to understand. 
You nodded slowly, meeting his eyes. It occurred to you then that this felt like some strange job interview - well, a job interview with a man you drunkenly kissed on the sidewalk the night before. You shivered at the memory.
“How old are you again?” he asked.
“Twenty,” you replied, recalling his age from his I.D. - he had just turned thirty, if your math was right.
“Jesus,” he whispered, mostly to himself. He leaned back in his chair, brow furrowed. You noted how he was fidgeting a bit with his fingers, shifting in his seat - was he nervous? Why?
“Okay, I guess I’ll just get to it,” Steve conceded, leaning forward again. He folded his forearms on the table and leaned it, his gaze focused on yours. He was ramping up to something, but nothing could have prepared you for what.
“What if you didn’t have to worry about money anymore?” he posed, his voice low and steady.
You furrowed your brow, confused. You felt your stomach flip again, you mind racing to a million and one implications.
“I - what?”
He sighed, running one hand through his hair as he gathered himself. 
“I - Jesus, okay, this is harder than I thought. I’ve never really done this before, so just, bear with me, yeah?”
You frowned, but nodded, giving him a moment to continue.
“First of all, don’t apologize for kissing me. I mean, I was really hoping you would,” he admitted.
You felt something flutter in your chest, and fought with everything you had to keep your face neutral.
“You - you were?”
He nodded.
“Yeah - I mean, not that I was expecting it, but - I wanted to. But - earlier, you said something about me not being interested in you… that’s not true.”
You wanted to jump up and down with glee, but you couldn’t help and feel that there was a big but coming.
“- but, I’m not exactly looking for anything right now. Well, anything serious. I just… a relationship can’t happen for me, not right now. And, I don’t know if that’s going to change anytime soon. I’m only in Italy until the end of the summer anyway.”
You felt your heart sink in your chest, like a balloon deflating. There it was - it explained a lot.
“Oh,” you said softly, doing your best to not let the disappointment bleed through. “That’s fine - I get it, really. Thanks for letting me know -”
“Wait, it’s not just that,” he explained. “I - fuck, okay, give me a second here. I was thinking of having an… arrangement, with you.”
You cocked an eyebrow, sitting up a bit straighter in your chair.
“An arrangement?” you echoed.
“Yeah,” he said. “I - I want to keep seeing you. But, with an understanding - that there wouldn’t be personal feelings involved, it’d just be something fun, for you and me. And, maybe you could occasionally be my date to work events, galas, that sort of thing.”
You kept your face as stoic as possible, taking in what he was asking. But before you could formulate a thought, he continued:
“And, in exchange… I could help you out. I can give you a monthly allowance, conver all your major bills, student loans, if you have any… and, if there’s anything you want to buy yourself, like, new shoes or something?”
“What makes you think I want shoes?” you bristled, suddenly becoming defensive as you truly started to comprehend what he was proposing.
“Nothing!” he exclaimed, backtracking. “I’m just saying that… if there’s anything you want, I can take care of it. To thank you, for your… discretion.”
You felt your face heat, the blood rushing into your cheeks and roaring in your ears. Here he was, a man you were only just getting to know, asking if you wanted to be his… his - 
“You wouldn’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, of course,” he added quickly, his own cheeks starting to twinge pink. “I mean, I’d never pressure you into anything - I wouldn’t do this if you didn’t consent, I mean.”
“And if I don’t consent?” you asked, your words coming out as more of a snap than you intended.
“Then I’d leave here, right now, and you’d never have to see me again,” he assured. “And, I’d send you another sum of money to at least cover your rent for the rest of the year, for even insulting you with the offer. But… I do think this could help both of us.”
You bit your lip, grabbing a paper napkin from the table and twisting it in your hand.
“Can it? I just… I feel like you’re not the kind of guy that needs to pay for sex. I mean, what’s in it for you?”
He hesitated for a second, and it occurred to you that he’s nervous, perhaps more than you.
“It’s not just sex,” he admitted. “I mean - it’d be nice, to have someone kind of consistent, and to know she wouldn’t expect anything. That’s the point of the agreement, I guess. But also… you saw who I work with. They’re always on me, about being ‘married to my work,’ all of that. So -”
“You want me to be your arm candy?” you finished bluntly. He turned just a bit more red at that.
“I wouldn’t put it like that, but - yeah, basically. After that stunt at the restaurant… I think they’d respect me a lot more, to be honest.”
“And you think I’m pretty enough for that?” you asked dryly, mostly to yourself as you laughed inwardly at the idea.
“Yeah, I do,” he whispered.
You froze for a moment, caught off-guard by his response - and, you hated how it made something warm bubble inside your chest, especially in the given situation. You just nodded, tearing at the napkin in your hand.
“Can I just ask you one thing?” you posed.
“Sure, anything.”
“Why don’t you want a relationship?”
His eyes widened, like that was the last thing he ever expected. Something unreadable passed his features, and he thought for a moment before replying.
“Honestly? I’m really busy. HNL is working on expanding through Europe - or, in Brenner’s words, dominate. And, I’m trying to work my way up to CEO - I think I have a good shot, once he retires. Having someone… it’d distract me. And, I don’t think it’d be fair to her, either - I can’t fully commit the time, not right now.”
It was an honest answer, at least from what you could tell. Still, what he was proposing… It seemed crazy. Too good to be true. If he had taken you home last night, and just made it clear it was a one-time thing… you would have let it happen. You knew that with near-certainty. If Steve had just become a fun story to tell one day, that would’ve been fine by you. But this… 
“Can I think about it?” you asked. He nodded vigorously.
“Yeah - yeah! Of course. Here -”
He handed you his phone, pulling up the blank contact form on the screen.
“- put your number in here. So you can get in touch, if you make a decision, or for… whatever.”
You took it from him, typing out your full name and phone number with shaky hands. Your palms were sweaty, the weight of what he wanted from you.
When you handed it back to him, he glanced down, and stuck the phone back in his pocket.
“Great - well, um, I’ve kept you long enough after work -”
“Oh, yeah - I should probably get home, anyways. I’m on dinner tonight, for me and Robs.”
He stood when you did, chairs scraping on the floor as you stepped away from the table, leaving two empty coffee mugs and a napkin torn to bits.
“Let me call my car, to drive you home -”
“No,” you said firmly. “I - I want to walk for a bit, actually. To clear my head, if that’s alright.”
He just nodded curtly, and you both just stared at each other for a moment. It was awkward now, like you were now leaving the job interview not knowing if you felt good about getting the job. Do you hug? Should you just leave?
You opted to shake his hand, extending your hand towards his until he took it. It felt strange to do that, but before you could dwell on it, you were mumbling a rushed talk to you soon, and running out the door.
As soon as you were out of sight of the coffee shop, you let out a deep exhale - this could not be your life. But somehow, it was.
As you walked down the cobblestone streets, you became convinced that the whole interaction was in your imagination - perhaps you were still dreaming, and your alarm clock would wake you up at any moment. That was, until, you heard your phone ding:
Maybe: Steve
Hey - this is Steve. Steve Harrington, in case you forgot - I realized you probably also need my number, right? Have a good night.
Jesus, he writes texts like a dad. A grandpa, even. You stared at the message for a moment, reading it a few times - yes, this was real. You took a moment to add the number to your contacts, typing out Steve Harrington slowly. Then, you stuck it in your bag, and continued on your walk, doing everything you could to not check it for the rest of the way.
Your walk home was nearly an hour - reasonably, you should’ve taken Steve’s offer, or at least the bus. But you charged ahead, breathing in the air as dusk started to overtake the day, the sky darkening to the telltale hues of pink and orange. Summer was beginning to show its face, the days stretching just a bit longer, the warmth just a bit more persistent, creeping in as spring met its final days.
It was your favorite time of year - just before the true heat of summer set in, the promise of bright days ahead and winter long-dead in its grave. And thankfully, it meant darkness was only truly settling in when you reached your apartment - you had arrived there on auto-pilot, spending your whole walk home thinking of Steve’s offer.
You were bouncing back and forth, between telling him to fuck himself, and jumping at the opportunity to take everything he had to offer you.
When you walked up to the third floor and jostled the door open with your keys, the apartment was dark - indicating that Robin had hardly left her room all day. But, you needed to talk to her. You needed someone else to tell you that this was insane, outlandish, unbelievable -
When you knocked on her door, you were met with a muffled hmmm, what?
You opened her bedroom door slowly, only to see Robin under her covers, her room still dark. She was only illuminated by the light of her phone’s screen, where she was no doubt doom scrolling for the last few hours, if not all day.
“Hey, you,” you whispered. “How’re you feeling?”
She groaned, sitting up in bed. 
“Only marginally better. But, I think I’ve taken the legal limit of ibuprofen, so I have to wait the rest out.”
You chuckled, shaking your head.
“I would say I feel bad for you, but I’m not sure I do.”
She chucked a pillow in your direction, narrowly missing your head.
“Asshole,” she grumbled.
“Love you too,” you replied, sitting on the edge of her bed.
Robin rubbed her eyes, yawning.
“So, how was work?”
Jesus - how were you supposed to answer that question?
“Oh, uh - good, I guess. Well - okay, if I tell you something, will you promise not to freak out? Because like, I really need your advice here.”
“Uh, yeah, okay - that’s totally not ominous.”
“Well, you know Steve?”
“Our savior, you mean? Yeah. I mean, he did bring us back last night, right? I didn’t make that up?”
“No,” you confirmed. “You didn’t. But, before you found us last night… we kind of made out.”
That got Robin to sit up straight, looking more alive than she had all day.
“Oh? You made out with moneybags??? And didn’t tell me?”
“To be fair, you were incapacitated.”
Robin rolled her eyes playfully, then held up her hands defensively.
“Yeah, okay, whatever - well, did you get his number or something?”
You sighed, gathering yourself as you figured out how to answer that question.
“Well, kind of - not last night. But, he came to visit me at work today… I kind of told him where I worked last night while we were talking.”
Robin’s eyes widened, and she grinned. 
“Wait, he showed up at work? Oh my God, he’s into you -”
“Not so fast,” you said. “I - he asked to meet with me after my shift. So, I did, and… well, he -”
“He what?” Robin asked, clearly impatient. “Did he ask you out? C’mon, you’re killing me here -”
“He offered to be my sugar daddy,” you said quickly, the words tumbling out. It was the first time you had said it out loud, and it felt ridiculous to even put it that way. But, that’s what it was, no matter how you sliced it.
For maybe the first time in her life, Robin had no words. Her mouth hung open, and you could’ve sworn you saw her brain reboot as she comprehended exactly what you just said.
“I - I’m sorry, what?”
“Well, that’s basically what he offered. Maybe there’s maybe a better term for it, but -”
“No, no, you need to tell me exactly what he said,” Robin demanded, crossing her legs on the bed. 
So you did. You explained every detail of Steve’s offer, as best as you could remember, watching how every version of disbelief and awe passed Robin’s face. It was only after you were done that she spoke:
“So, you’re doing it, right?”
You stared at her, eyes wide.
“What? I - I thought you’d tell me it’s a terrible idea -”
“Girl, no - I mean, think about it. He’s offering to pay you, enough that you don;t have to wear yourself down with work anymore, and you’ll get laid? It’s a win-win. Besides, I don’t even like men, and I can acknowledge that the guy is pretty easy on the eyes. I mean, we’ve established he’s not a murderer, right?”
You shrugged.
“I think so - he told me his full name, knows that I told you everything - if he’s a murderer, he’s one who's looking to get caught. But… this is crazy, right?”
Robin just shrugged, a mischievous look in her eye.
“Maybe. But, who ever said crazy was bad? I mean, if you really don’t want to do it, then don’t. But, do you have any reason not to?”
It was those words that rang through your head, all through your dinner (which ended up being a modge-podge of leftovers, after realizing that neither of you had done a proper grocery shop in a while), all while you and Robin watched a movie, and long after she went to bed.
It was nearly midnight when you pulled out your phone, staring once again at Steve’s text. You knew you should probably respond via text - there was a good chance he was already asleep. But, something else compelled you to tap on his contact and press call.
One ring. Two. On the third, a muffled click, and his voice, groggy and low.
“Hey,” you whispered. “It’s me.”
“Oh! Hello,” he replied, sounding considerably more awake.
“I’m sorry - were you asleep?”
“Hm? No, no - don’t worry about that. Are you okay?”
You nodded, before remembering that he couldn’t see you.
“Yeah - yes. It’s just… I’ve thought a lot about your offer.”
Silence. Then, “...okay? And?”
He sounded cautious, and maybe even hopeful. You took a deep, shuddering breath before answering:
“Yeah. Let’s do it.”
You didn’t actually see Steve for a few days after that. You did receive a text the following morning from Steve, which only read:
Let me know what days and times you’re free. We can meet to set up the arrangements.
And that was what the next few days entailed. First, you had a Zoom meeting with Steve, which felt ridiculously formal. He explained that it was because he was at work, and it was easier this way - by the end of it, he had set you up with a personal separate checking account and a platinum credit card. You had insisted that it wasn’t necessary, afraid he’d get in trouble, but he had only waved off your concerns - don’t worry - you’d be surprised what some of my colleagues get up to. Besides, as far as my accountant is concerned, you’re a client.
A few days later, a car pulled up to your apartment - Steve’s car. Only, he wasn’t in it - his driver informed you that he was there to pick you up for your appointment. The appointment, it turned out, was with a seamstress named Valentina, a bombastic and impassioned woman who had once worked for Versace before leaving to open her own independent brand as a designer. As you stood on a raised block and she measured every inch of you, all she wanted to do was talk. She prattled on about her job, her wife, her annoying neighbor, the fact that she’s a week behind on tailoring a wedding gown for some politician’s daughter. You managed to ask how she knew Steve, and she explained how she’s tailored all of his work attire in the time he’s been in Europe - he’d even had his suit shipped to her during his winter in London. Her rambling was occasionally interjected with what lovely arms you have, or you’d look gorgeous in this color, don’t you think?
Eventually, you worked up the courage to ask, “So, uh, what exactly are you going to make for me? Like, a dress?”
Valentina stopped mid-measuring, glancing up from where she was kneeling in front of you.
“You don’t know?” she asked.
You just shook your head in response, and she laughed.
“Well, Signore Harrington was quite clear - I am to make you everything.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean, everything?”
“He said that everything you want to wear is to be made by me. Or, if you buy something else you like, I’m meant to tailor it, too. That’s why I’m keeping your measurements on file - to make sure everything fits you just right.”
That was all you could muster. You had seen all of the fine, beautiful piece at the front of Valentia’s shop when you arrived - you had assumed maybe she was making one dress for you, for a special occasion. Or, you’d be picking something from the shop, and that was it. But this… how much money did Steve have?
“Nothing but the best, for Signore Harrington,” Valentina continued, resuming her work. “Which means nothing but the best for his ragazza.”
Girlfriend. You didn’t know whether that was a cover story Steve told her, or just an assumption she’d drawn, but you just chose to not respond, even as the word and all of the falsehoods behind it swirled in your mind.
It wasn’t until nearly a week later that you actually heard from Steve again. It’s another text, and you don’t see it until your lunch break during a coffee shop shift. It reads:
Are you busy tonight?
You stared at the text for a few moments, pondering everything it implied. Was this it? The beginning of… whatever this was? You took a moment to think, then replied:
No, why? I work until 4 and then I’m free
You saw the three dots appear for a second, then disappear. Then, his reply:
You’re working?
Yea I always work 8-4 on Thursdays
You don’t need to do that, you know.
Are you saying I’m not allowed to?
Of course you are, but just know that you don’t need to. I’ll take care of you.
You read that last sentence a few more times than was probably necessary. Then, he texted again:
So, you are free tonight, yes?
You pause for a moment before sending yes.
Great - I’ll come pick you up at 7? Let’s do dinner.
Then, the bell above the door was ringing, and your manager was calling for you as the line of customers grew, your 15-minute break somehow already over.
Sounds good see you then
That was how you found yourself practically sprinting out the door when your shift ended, just barely catching the bus, internally wishing it would skip every other stop by some miracle and get you home as quickly as possible. That, of course, doesn’t happen, and you briefly wondered if you should’ve just used your credit card and called a taxi. The thought suddenly feels ridiculous - you hadn’t actually used any of Steve’s money yet. You knew he said you should, but it felt strange to just frivolously spend someone else’s money like that. So instead, you leaned your head against the bus window, and willed it to move faster.
When you finally arrived home, you were only in the door for a few seconds before Robin was running up to you, eyes wide with glee.
“There you are! Look at this shit - did you know this was coming?”
“Did I - what?” you asked, confused and still a bit out of breath from how briskly you trekked two blocks and up the stairs. 
“Okay, clearly you didn’t - c’mere, some lady came and dropped this off earlier today -”
You followed her as she spoke, stopping in your tracks at your bedroom door.
“What the -”
Hanging in your doorway was a thick garment bag on a gold hanger, the door propped open with a dark, leather-bound trunk.
Before you could ask anything else, you were unzipping the bag with shaky hands, gasping as you saw the contents - inside were four dresses, probably nicer than anything you’d worn in your life, all adorned with Valentina’s sigil on the inside. 
“Whoa,” Robin said from behind you. “Are those from -”
“Yeah,” you said, cutting her off. “I - I think they’re all custom-made.”
It was then that you noticed a small envelope tucked inside, with a now-familiar wax seal. You practically tore it open, and it read:
I had Valentina send over these first few garments - there’ll be more to come. I think the white one would look great on you for tonight, with the gold shoes. I’ll see you at 7.
“Holy shit,” Robin whispered, followed by a low whistle. “He’s really taking this whole thing seriously, isn’t he?”
You nodded, running your thumb over Steve’s handwriting a few times.
“Okay, you’ve got to tell me - is he just like, really bad in bed or something? Like, is that why he’s doing all this -”
“I wouldn’t know,” you admitted. “Not yet, anyway.”
“Wait - you haven’t slept with him yet?”
You shook your head, pinching the fabric of the white dress hanging in front, feeling the soft satin between your fingers.
“No,” you said. “I’m seeing him tonight, though.”
“Holy shit,” Robin said. “How is this your life now?”
You shook your head in disbelief.
“I have no clue.”
Two hours later, after a long, contemplative shower, and fussing maybe a bit too much with your hair and makeup, you found yourself wearing the dress and heels from the trunk, as instructed. Well, it was more of a suggestion than instruction, but who were you to object?
The dress had slipped on with ease, and it was maybe the lightest, softest thing you had ever worn - it fit like a glove, enough that you didn’t think a single other person in the world could put this on if they tried. You understood now why Steve used Valentina - she was damn good at her job. 
You stared at yourself in the mirror, not exactly recognizing yourself. It felt like you were going to some costume party, if the costume in question was a dress finer than anything you’d ever worn and shoes that probably cost more than you were willing to find out. The dress was light and flowy, hitting right above your knees. You did a quick 360, and took a deep breath - this was fine. It was great, actually - it was just dinner, that was all. Maybe. Probably.
When you emerged from the bedroom, Robin nearly fell off of the couch, jaw slack.
“Who are you, and what’ve you done with my roommate?”
You rolled your eyes, giving Robin a spin for the full effect. She just laughed, shaking her head incredulously.
“Seriously, though - you look great. Like, sophisticated, but in a hot way, I promise.”
“I don’t know if that’s a thing,” you said.
“‘Course it is, I’m looking at it!”
Before you could say anything else, you heard your buzzer ring - someone was downstairs.
You shared a look with Robin, and she bounced excitedly on the couch, urging you to answer. You went to the intercom, pressing the talk button and leaning in closely, remembering how notoriously bad the sound quality on this thing was.
“Um, hello?”
“Hey - it’s me,” Steve’s voice said, distorted a bit through the crackly speaker. “Are you ready to go?”
Oh, God. He actually came to the door.
“Yep! I’ll be down in a minute!”
“Are you sure? I can come up, if you want -”
“No!” you replied quickly - you glanced back at your tiny, and currently messy, apartment, and imagined he’d die if he ever saw it.
“It’s okay - it’s a third floor walkup… I’ll come down.”
“Yeah, okay,” he conceded.
You shot a glance back at Robin, who was giving you two thumbs-up.
“Wish me luck,” you said, suddenly feeling waves of anxiety rolling through you - this was suddenly so real, what the Hell are you even doing - 
“Don’t do that,” Robin said firmly.
“Do what?”
“Freak out.”
“I’m not freaking out -”
“Yeah, you are,” she interjected. “It’s fine - in fact, it’s less pressure than a real date. And I’ve got your location, so if you go missing -”
“Ha, ha,” you replied, voice laced with sarcasm. “Goodnight, Robin.”
Before she could tease you or ask any more questions, you were out the door and heading down the stairs, heart fluttering as you descended each flight, knowing it’d bring you closer to him.
And, when you opened the door, there he was - much more formal than the last time you had seen him, wearing a slim-fitting suit and a friendly smile. When he saw you, he stepped back for a moment, eyes widening.
“I - wow. Look at you.”
You felt your heart flip, your face flushing.
“Well, I have you to thank for that. Or, Valentina, I guess.”
“Oh, yeah,” he agreed. “Mostly Valentina - I don’t really know anything about women’s fashion, so I told her to do what she thought was best for you.”
“And did she?” you asked.
He looked you up and down again, nodding.
“I’ll say - you really do look beautiful, you know,” he said, voice a little softer now.
You felt your face heat even more, and decided not to respond. After a moment, Steve stepped back and waved you ahead, following you down the steps towards the car parked on the curb. He opened the door for you, allowing you to slide in across the backseat before following.
As the car peeled away and onto the road, Steve cleared his throat.
“So - I got you a little something.”
Before you could ask or protest, he was handing you a small white box. You opened it slowly, gasping as you got a look inside - it was a necklace. A gold necklace, with a diamond pendant that glistened more than anything you’d ever seen. The whole thing must’ve been real - you were no expert, but it had to be. It was simple, but so clearly nicer that any of the plated stuff you had sitting on your dresser at home.
You just held the box in your hand, staring at it for a moment as you examined the contents. You slowly traced the chain with your finger, your thoughts only interrupted by Steve.
“If you don’t like it, we can return it, and you can pick out something you like better - I have the receipt, I just didn’t really know what you liked -”
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered. You realized he had taken your silence for rejection, and the idea was enough to make you sick.
“But - I can’t accept this. It must’ve been so expensive -”
“Don’t worry about that,” Steve interrupted. “I wanted to get you something nice, and I thought it’d look nice on you.”
You glanced to the front of the car to gauge how much the driver was paying attention, and leaned in closer to Steve with a whisper.
“You already wired me my rent, tuition, and my allowance - which was a crazy amount, by the way - and, the clothes, all of it… not that I’m not grateful. I am, I just… you’ve already spent so much, you’re going to end up spoiling me -”
“Maybe I want to spoil you,” he murmured.
Whatever you were planning on saying next vanished, the words dying in your throat. So you just went quiet, looking down at the necklace in your lap again.
“Can I?” he asked.
Knowing what he was asking, you nodded, gathering your hair to the side as he extracted the necklace from its box. He unlatched it and pulled it up around the exposed slope of your neck, his fingers brushing your skin as he closed it again. You felt your breath hitched, the feeling of his fingers ever-so-lightly touching you lighting your skin on fire.
“I do have a question,” you asked, fixing your hair as you gazed down as where the pendant rested on your sternum.
“Mm hm?”
“If - if I suddenly changed my mind about this - this whole arrangement… do I need to pay you back?”
He shook his head fervently.
“No - definitely not. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do - if you ever want to stop, let me know, and you can keep whatever I’ve given you. No need to pay me back, I promise. You’re allowed to change your mind, I - I don’t own you.”
“Right,” you said, biting your lip. Then you managed to finally meet his gaze, and he was looking at you so sincerely it made you want to cry. And his face was close - so, so close.
Then, you were leaning across the seat and bringing your hand to cup his jaw, pressing your lips to his. He tensed for a second, then leaned into the kiss. You pulled back after a moment, and he just stared at you, bewildered.
“What was that for?” he asked softly.
“To say thank you,” you replied, hand still brushing his face.
“And,” you added, “I’ve actually changed my mind about one thing.”
His brow furrowed, and you realized that you accidentally sent him into panic mode.
“About what?”
“Let’s skip dinner,” you whispered. “I want to go to your place instead.”
Author's note: thanks everyone for all the enthusiasm for the story so far! Just a warning, there's a lot of smut ahead, so get ready for that! As always, shoutout to Em, who's basically my co-author. Your replies, comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated!
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totowlff · 4 months
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chapter sixteen — an old and hungry yearning
➝ cassie has a problem and only one person can fix it
➝ word count: 5,5k
➝ warnings: cursing, smut
➝ author’s note: okay, this is my favorite chapter ever. enjoy!
19 WEEKS The baby is working on their five senses. He has already learned to suck and now adds swallowing to their bag of tricks. And of course, baby is very busy moving around!
— And we have to organize accreditations for the second part of the season, so we don't have any problems, especially in Malaysia. We don’t want a repeat of last time when we didn’t have enough paddock passes for all of the Petronas executives that decided to come to the motorhome… Cassie, are you paying attention?
Cassie blinked, turning her attention back to Victoria, who was leaning against the edge of Cassie’s desk. Cassie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and tried to hide her blush.
— Yeah, of course — she replied.
Victoria raised an eyebrow.
— Are you sure?
— Yes, why? You were talking about Malaysia.
— You seem a little distant today. Are you okay?
— I’m just a little tired, it’s not a big deal — Cassie lied, giving a small smile.
If only it was simple fatigue that Cassie was feeling, which could be resolved by getting up and walking around or splashing some cold water on her face, but what she was actually feeling was much more complicated to resolve, especially considering the status of her current relationship.
She was horny. Very horny.
It started a few days ago, and she was wondering whether or not it would happen to her or not. All of the pregnancy websites and books she’d read warned of the possibility of increased libido in the second trimester. It had finally come to pass for Cassie. It was subtle at first, like an inconvenient itch, but easy to ignore. However, that particular afternoon, it was nearly unbearable, to the point where she couldn't focus on anything other than the way her heart seemed to be pounding, sending all of her blood to the sensitive areas of her body.
— Good afternoon, ladies — a familiar voice said. Cassie turned her head to see Toto striding into the marketing area with a wide smile on his face. It was enough to send a jolt of arousal straight between her legs, giving her a full-body shiver — How are you?
— We’re doing alright, Toto. Just discussing VIP accreditations for the Asian races. Cassie said she’s a little tired today.
Toto smiled when he saw Cassie nod in agreement with her boss.
— Growing an entire human being is not easy. Cassie has every right to feel tired — Toto said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes — In fact, I'd like to talk to her. Can I borrow her for a few minutes?
— She's all yours — Victoria said, a pleasant smile on her face. Cassie stood up easily still, but she was sure those days would be coming to an end, given the way her belly seemed to be growing larger by the day.
He walked her slowly through the cubicles toward the hallway, where they would be away from the eyes of her colleagues, who always seemed curious about how close Cassie and Toto were. When they stopped at the entrance to the marketing office, she noticed him looking at her with a small smile on his face.
— Is there a problem?
— No, Cassie — Toto replied, caressing her belly with his fingers, his thumb grazing the white fabric of her shirt. — I just wanted to see how you are today. Well, you and Ingrid.
She should be used to that Toto touching her like that by that point, after all, she was carrying his daughter. However, even the lightest of touches from Toto sent a wave of heat down her legs. “Focus”, Cassie thought, smiling at the man in front of her.
— I'm a little tired, but your daughter is doing just fine.
The answer made him frown.
— If you’re tired, do you want to cancel dinner tonight? I don’t mind, and I don’t want you wearing yourself out cooking for us. 
— No, no, we should still have dinner — she replied quickly — I wasn’t planning on cooking anyway. I wanted to order pizza… I’ve been craving the ham and pineapple pizza from Bella Italia.
He raised an eyebrow.
— Have you ever eaten that pizza?
— The Tropicale? Yes, twice this week. Your daughter's fault.
Toto laughed.
— I thought you hated pineapple on your pizza.
— You see that your daughter continues to surprise us every day.
He moved closer, his face inches from hers. With her eyes traveling between Toto's dark eyes and lips, Cassie was studying how wrong it would be if she kissed him there, in that hallway.
— Our daughter, Cassandra. Ingrid is as much yours as mine.
— Our daughter — she repeated, something warm spreading through her body.
A few seconds later, Toto took a step back and took the hand that was resting on her stomach into his pocket.
— Well, I'll be at your flat at seven, okay?
— Perfect.
He took one last look at her stomach with a smile. Such a simple gesture sent an electric shock through Cassie's body, her skin burning as if she had a fever.
— See you later, Cassandra — the team principal said, before walking past her and heading down the hallway.
— See you later — Cassie murmured, staring at the muscles of his upper back moving under his Oxford shirt. “If I haven't gone crazy by then”, she thought to herself, as she slowly walked back to her cubicle, where Victoria was waiting to continue talking about the accreditations for the race in Malaysia.
When Cassie got back to her flat, she looked around and let out a heavy sigh. It even looked like a hurricane had passed through there, scattering cups, plates, paper, books and magazines everywhere, as well as some toys that she had already insisted on buying for Ingrid.
She dropped her bag on the credenza just inside of her front door and started trying to organize her flat. The clutter made it even harder to think straight, on top of the brain fog and the other distractions. She rounded up a stack of books, papers, and magazines, setting them in the basket next to her sofa she used for reading material. After that, she collected the few dirty dishes she hadn’t remembered to put in the kitchen, and set aside a few things she’d ordered online for the baby in the pile of things that would eventually go to Toto’s house. 
Sitting down on the armrest of the sofa, she smiled a little when she realized that the place was more or less decent. “Now, let’s get to dinner”, Cassie thought, picking up her phone and opening Deliveroo to order their pizza.
She was finishing setting the table with the cutlery and glasses when the apartment doorbell rang. As she opened the door, she smiled widely.
— Delivery for Misses Aldersey and Wolff — Toto said, in a formal voice, holding up the two pizza boxes — That must be you?
— Yes, that's us — she laughed, taking the boxes from his hands and indicating with her head for him to enter the apartment — How did you...
— I met the delivery guy downstairs. I asked who the pizza was for and he said it was for Cassie, so I decided to take care of it myself. In fact, I already paid, so you don't need to worry about that.
She placed the boxes on the dining table and turned to him.
— Toto, I already told you not to pay for things for me.
— Cassie…
— It’s just pizza, it’s not an enormous expense.
He approached her, his expression turning serious.
— I know. But at the same time, I want to help you — Toto said, placing one of his hands on the side of her belly. The touch caused heat to rise to her cheeks — I told you at the beginning of this process that I would be by your side and support you through everything, no matter how small of a matter it is. We're in this together, remember?
She smiled.
— I do.
— Good — he said, moving his hand away from her belly, a strange feeling of emptiness taking over the spot where he was touching her — Shall we eat?
After settling in at the small dining table, Cassie opened the boxes, revealing the steaming pepperoni and pineapple ham pizza. The sight made her mouth water.
— Let me get it for you — Toto said, taking the pizza cutter and carefully breaking the dough. The concentration in his brown eyes, as well as the tip of his tongue appearing in the corner of his mouth as he tried to take the slice to her plate, made a memory hit her hard, like a wave crashing violently against the rocks.
It was the same expression that was on his face the night Ingrid was conceived, when he was straddling her body, his hips pounding against hers. The concentration with which he watched her writhing in pleasure had been marked in her memory, as well as the words he whispered to her, accompanied by the most delicate kisses she had ever received in her life.
“You are going to be the most beautiful mother in the world”.
“I can’t wait to see your belly grow”.
“I will give you a child, Cassie, I promise you”.
She brought her hand to her belly, in a quiet acknowledgement of him fulfilling his promise, between the sheets of her bed, as she moaned his name, begging not just for relief, but for him.
— Cassie?
She blinked, feeling heat rush through her body.
— Yeah? — she replied, a little lost.
— Do you want some chili flakes? — Toto asked, holding up the shaker.
— No, no. Thank you. I’ll already have heartburn later — Cassie replied, cutting herself a small piece of her pizza. The smoked fattiness of the ham combined with the slight sweetness and acidity of the pineapple and the slight heat of the pepper made her sigh. 
— Apparently your pizza is good — Toto said with a smile.
— Excellent. Want some?
— No, thanks. I'd rather leave it to you two.
Cassie smiled, turning her attention back to her plate, trying to ignore the heat she was feeling. A few seconds of silence later, Toto suddenly dropped the cutlery.
— Ah, I need to show you something — he said, taking the phone out of his pants pocket — I received an email from that decorator I told you about, about the nursery. She asked me for some references of what we want and I put together these photos to send to her, but I wanted to know what you think.
Cassie took the phone from Toto and looked at the screen. He had pulled up images of nurseries that looked clean and modern, but still welcoming. In one of them, the crib was placed against a wall, and opposite it was a large, comfortable armchair, with a lamp next to it. In the other photo, there was a kind of bench with shelves underneath, where toys and books were placed.
— You scroll through to see more — Toto said, before taking a sip of water. Sliding her finger across the screen, Cassie analyzed the rest of the references that Toto had set aside for their daughter's room. A large closet, shelves, pictures on the walls.
— Very nice — she murmured, returning the phone.
— Of course, it's nothing definitive, there are some things I'd like to see with you if it makes sense, since, for the first few months, we're going to share this space and I want you to feel as comfortable as possible in it.
Cassie took another bite of pizza, watching Toto talk about his ideas for their daughter's room. She wasn't paying attention to any words he was saying, her eyes busy analyzing the way he gestured with his hands, his slender fingers moving in the air.
The memory of them touching her skin gently, removing her hand from the spot between her legs, and massaging her clit that night made Cassie press her legs together. In her chest, her heart was beating heavily, an overwhelming heat coursing across her skin.
In her mind, the scenes repeated themselves slowly, like a movie that Cassie had already watched several times but she couldn't get enough of, rewatching each scene to find details that she hadn't noticed before. She could remember the moment Toto finally entered her, his eyes fixed on hers as he eased himself inside her, his bottom lip between his teeth. His concern for her pleasure was seared into her memory.
She wanted more.
— Cassie? — he asked — Is everything okay?
Turning her attention to the table they were dining at, she smiled.
— Yes, yes, I was just… Thinking.
— May I know what you were thinking about?
“How good it felt to have sex with you”, Cassie replied mentally, taking a sip of water.
— What it will be like to bring Ingrid into her nursery for the first time. 
Toto reached across the table, taking Cassie’s fingers in his.
— If I can say so, I'm really looking forward to that day. I'm sure she'll love every little thing we think of for her.
Looking into his eyes, Cassie seemed to see something beyond simple affection or appreciation. It was more tender, warm. “This has to be love”, she thought, pursing her lips and pulling her hand back.
But surely she was just imagining it.
— In fact, I scheduled a meeting with the decorator at my house, so she could take measurements and talk about ideas for the room. It will be on Saturday morning, around ten. Would you like to come? I’d love for you to be there.
— Oh, yeah, that would be great — she replied, cutting another piece of pizza — I have to make sure you don't paint the entire room pink or put unicorns on the walls.
Toto laughed.
— Something against the color pink and unicorns?
— We definitely don't need to be cliché at this point, Toto.
— But Ingrid will be our little girl, Cassie...
— Little girls don’t need a pink nursery.
He stared at her for a few seconds.
— What is your favorite color?
— Aqua. And yours?
— Orange.
Cassie raised an eyebrow.
— I thought it was baby blue.
— I also like blue, but orange has an inexplicable power. It is more mysterious than red and more revealing than yellow. Orange is comforting and cozy, especially those darker, coppery tones — he explained, his eyes fixed on her. It even seemed like there was something hidden between the lines of his words, but Cassie couldn't understand what, but it was exciting to imagine.
In fact, everything Toto did excited her. His mere presence, in front of her, with the sleeves of his baby blue dress shirt pulled up to his elbows and the top two buttons undone, excited her. She keenly felt the effect he had on her physically, in the way her muscles were tense, her mouth dry and her pulse pounding in her ears.
He was driving her crazy.
— Would you like orange in her room? — Cassie asked softly.
— We can talk about that on Saturday with the decorator — he replied, looking at her plate — Would you like more pizza?
She looked down and then at him.
— No, no. I'm full.
— Are you sure? — Toto questioned, an expression of concern on his face — You didn’t eat much.
— I'm fine, Toto, really — she replied.
— You don’t look like it. You look flushed…
Cassie put her hands on her cheeks and immediately noticed how hot they felt. “Fuck”, she thought, noticing how the blouse she was wearing was sticking to her skin due to sweat.
— I'm just warm, it’s been happening a lot lately. Hormones, you know — she said, forcing a smile — Would you mind if I took a quick shower?
— No, of course not. I’ll get things in here cleaned up, okay?
— Okay — Cassie said, getting up and walking to the bathroom, focusing on her own breathing and not on the way her body pulsed. After she entered the cubicle and closed the door, she let out a sigh. Ripping off her clothes, she tied up her hair haphazardly and got into the shower, turning on the cold water tap.
Holding back a scream, Cassie allowed, with her jaw clenched, the cold spray to wet her skin. The contrast between the temperature of the water and her body made her more alert, the heat slowly dissipating. However, as soon as she started washing herself, her mind was invaded again by lewd images, all starring the same man.
Cassie could imagine Toto following her into the shower, standing behind her and placing kisses on the curve of her neck. As he whispered in her ear, he would take the soap from her hand and slowly slide it across her skin, lathering every part of her body, paying special attention to her swollen breasts and belly.
— My angel — Cassie could hear Toto saying. 
His hands would go down to the point between her legs, where he would find her completely wet. With his middle finger drawing tortuous circles against her clit, he would slowly bring her to orgasm, kissing and biting her shoulder. The imagination was a powerful thing; she could practically feel his hands on her, as if he was actually there.
Bringing her wet hands to her face, Cassie tried to come back to reality, finding herself in a worse state than she had been in before stepping into the shower. She was almost melting under the cold water, her body begging for attention, and strangely, for relief.
She knew there was only one way to get it.
Turning off the shower, Cassie dried off quickly and wrapped herself haphazardly in a gray bath towel. After letting her hair down and running her fingers through it quickly, she took one last breath. Then, she opened the bathroom door and walked into the living room, still barefoot. Toto was sitting on the sofa, looking at something on his cell phone when he looked up at her.
They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.
— Is there a problem, Cassie? — he asked.
— Yes.
— What happened?
— I need you.
He blinked.
— What?
Cassie let go of where she was holding her towel closed, letting it fall into a pile around her feet.
Toto's eyes went wide as they roamed Cassie's entire body, taking in the changes since the last time he had seen her like this. In addition to her belly, her breasts were much larger, crowned by nipples darkened by hormones.
Usually, she felt a little embarrassed about the changes her body had gone through, but at that moment, in front of Toto, Cassie felt beautiful.
— Remember you said you would be by my side? — Cassie asked softly — That you said you would help me with anything I needed?
— Cassandra — Toto murmured, his voice almost scolding, as he stood up from the sofa, his eyes fixed on her.
— You said you would help me — she repeated, as he stood in front of her, a hesitant hand going up to her cheek — I need your help, Toto.
His fingers brushed a strand of hair away from Cassie's face, his eyes fixed on hers.
— With what?
— I'm horny.
— Horny…
— Yeah — she said, bringing her body closer to his, her nipples almost brushing against the fabric of his shirt — Very horny.
— Cassie — Toto murmured, as she took his hand and pressed it to her face.
— I haven't stopped thinking about you today. In the office, here — she whispered, feeling the musk of his cologne fill her nose — Especially here. All I could think about was how handsome you are. With that shirt then… Beautiful.
He let out a sigh, his fingers squeezing her skin.
— I was practically melting in my chair when we were talking during dinner. All I could think about was how much I want to feel you inside me again. I even went to take a cold shower to help calm myself down, but my imagination betrayed me — Cassie said, pressing her cheek against his palm — All I could think about was you using your fingers on me, making me come on them…
— Fuck — Toto whispered.
— I need you, Toto. Please — she said, looking up at him trying to make it clear enough what her sole desire at that moment was for him giving himself to her the same way he had months before.
— Are you sure, Cassandra? — he asked softly.
— Yes, Toto. Please. Help me. 
After a few seconds of staring at her, Toto tilted Cassie's head gently, bringing his own lips to hers in a delicate, almost careful kiss. A few seconds later, it was up to her to wrap her arms around his neck and ask for passage to explore his mouth the way she wanted.
Feeling his hands slide over her skin for real, Cassie felt like she was combusting. Pressing her own body against his, she tried to lead him back onto the sofa, where they could continue more comfortably and without the obstacle of the height difference between them. However, Toto didn't move.
— What are you doing? — he asked, panting.
— Trying to push you back onto the couch…
— Why?
— How else are we going to have sex?
A giggle escaped his lips, his nose brushing hers.
— Cassie, we’re not going to have sex on your couch.
Cassie's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat. He wasn't going to do this to her, he couldn't do that to her, not when she felt like she might melt into the ground or just burst into flames right then and there.
— Toto — she stammered, her eyes filling with tears. She felt like the frustration may be the end of her.
— I'm not going to have sex with you on a couch — he continued, bringing one of his hands to her face — Because my daughter's mother deserves better.
— You mean…
— Take me to your room, my angel.
With her shock dissolving into a smile, Cassie pulled Toto towards her again, leading him through the house towards her bedroom as she fought against the damn buttons on his shirt, only managing to undo two of them when she felt the edge of the mattress against the back of her legs.
— Lay down — he whispered, his intense gaze putting even more strength into what seemed like a polite request, but Cassie obeyed it like it was an order. She would do anything for him.
Still standing in front of her, Toto ripped off his own shirt hastily, not bothering with any of the buttons before running a hand through his hair after discarding it on the floor. Staring at his firm muscles, Cassie couldn't resist the urge to lift her foot to touch him, as if she needed to reassure herself that he was real.
— Like what you see? — he asked softly.
— I do  — she replied, as her big toe reached his chest — You look like a god.
Holding Cassie's ankle, Toto smiled.
— A god, huh? — he asked, and Cassie nodded  — Which one? Zeus?
She smiled.
— No. Apollo.
 Toto kissed the side of her foot affectionately.
— Why?
— Because he was the one who gave the Greek Cassandra her gift — she replied, placing a hand on her own belly — In the same way that you’ve given me a gift.
Releasing her foot, Toto carefully placed himself over Cassie.
— You are my gift, Cassie — he whispered, his nose touching hers gently, his eyes filled with a tenderness that made her heart skip a beat. Placing her hands on Toto's face, she kissed him again, without the previous need and urgency she felt.
That night, he was all hers. As it had been once, so it was again.
Cassie didn't even notice when Toto grabbed a pillow, she only obliged when he asked her to raise her hips. He did his best to make her as comfortable as possible before he began trailing kisses down her neck, down towards her breasts. The pregnancy hormones had not only made them larger, but far more sensitive, which Toto noticed immediately, when Cassie moaned the second he touched his tongue to her nipple. 
— Sensitive, my angel? — he asked, looking up at Cassie. She nodded fervently — Okay. I'll be gentle.
The delicacy with which he grazed his teeth and licked her areolas was capable of taking her to ecstasy in itself. There was no rush nor discomfort with the way he lavished  attention on her body, one kiss at a time.
It wasn't long before Cassie began to feel the excitement becoming uncomfortable. She needed more, much more than just kisses and nibbles. She needed him. Shifting under Toto's body, it didn't take long for him to raise his face towards her.
— What’s wrong?
— I want to come — she whispered.
Toto smiled.
— And how do you want to come?
— It doesn’t matter — Cassie replied, feeling his hands slide towards her hips — I tried on my own but I couldn't...
— What did you use?
— My hand. And a toy.
— Neither of them worked?
She nodded, and Toto smiled mischievously at her.
— Do you want me to try?
— Please — Cassie whispered.
Without saying a word, Toto repositioned himself over her, spreading her legs wider to have better access to the spot between them. The touches started shy and soft, with kisses and nibbles on Cassie's inner thighs, while his eyes searched hers over the curve of her belly.
However, she couldn't keep them open as Toto began to maneuver his tongue carefully over her labia, his saliva mixing and spreading her natural lubrication. Bringing a hand up to his hair, a sharp moan escaped her lips as she felt him suck on her clit for a few seconds before letting go.
— Who were you thinking about? — he asked, while his thumb drew circles on her most sensitive spot, making her eyes flutter.
— What?
— When you tried to come alone, were you thinking about someone?
— I — Cassie began, trying to form a coherent sentence. But, there was some coherence in that moment, with Toto speeding up the movement of his finger, his eyes staring at her wickedly, watching the way he had her in his hands, exactly like in her fantasies.
— Come on, tell me. Who were you thinking about?
— Toto — she whimpered, something warm rising up the back of her thighs toward her belly, a subtle warning that explosion and relief were just around the corner.
— Maybe that was the problem, my angel — he murmured — Maybe you needed to think about someone. But now, you don’t have to. You can just leave everything to me. 
Cassie felt Toto's tongue against her clitoris again, sliding softly over and around it. The movement was provocative, as if this was just a little game for him. Maybe it was, since he seemed very happy at that moment, listening to her loud moans. However, for Cassie, it was like being a few steps away from heaven, her legs shaking after so much effort to get there.
As he settled into a delicious intensity and rhythm, Cassie’s release came like a speeding train.
Cassie felt like she had been shattered into a million pieces. With her spine arched, she felt her abdomen tense, while her legs closed around Toto's head. Unintelligible moans came from her lips, words that had been lost on the way to being said.
In fact, there was nothing to say at that moment. Nothing was enough or adequate enough. And in a way, silence was enough. Well, not raw silence, as Cassie's labored breathing echoed off the walls of the room as her eyes stared up at the ceiling.
— Are you okay? — she heard Toto whisper. Searching his eyes, Cassie nodded. That made him smile — Want more?
— Please — she murmured in response.
Placing a kiss on the side of her knee, Toto got up from the bed and busied himself with unzipping his pants and sliding them down his legs with his underwear, and his underwear down his legs, revealing his erect cock. He sat down next to Cassie, sitting up with his back against her headboard and motioned for her to move toward him. He gently supported her hands as she draped one of her legs over his hips to straddle him.
The sight of him under her body, staring at her with his pupils dilated with desire made Cassie bite her lower lip, a shiver running across her skin. She couldn't even remember the last time someone had looked at her like that, as if they were standing before an altar, worshiping her.
— Can I? — Toto murmured, his hand moving up the inside of her thigh. He teased at Cassie’s entrance with his thumb.
Cassie nodded, raised her hips, aligning her entrance with his cock. He helped her guide the tip in as she gasped a bit from the sensation of the initial stretch. It wasn’t painful, no, but Cassie wasn’t sure what to expect as sensitive as she was. She breathed deeply as she lowered herself slowly, relishing the feeling of him entering inch by inch, sighing with relief when she was fully seated. Closing her eyes, she allowed a moan to escape her lips, as Toto gasped and sighed beneath her, his hands gripping her hips tightly.
Having him inside her in that position was something new for Cassie. Toto seemed bigger, almost impossible to accommodate, but at the same time, he fit perfectly, like he was made to be there. It almost felt too good — the stretch, the pressure, the warmth of him, all of her senses primed and piqued for this. She had heard that pregnancy sex was wonderful, but she hadn’t expected it to feel this good.
Lowering her head towards his, Cassie kissed Toto intensely, her hips moving clumsily and experimentally, without any sort of rhythm. She was trying to figure out what felt the best, but all of it did. Toto moaned against her mouth, bringing his hands to her face, holding her firmly as she pulled away slightly for air.
— My angel — he whispered, his lips brushing against hers. His breath was ragged and shaky.
— Yes?
 — You feel so good, but… I need more…
Setting her hands on his shoulders, Cassie sat up imperiously, as if she had been given a mission. She moved in a meaningful rhythm that escalated from slow, deep thrusts to a quicker pace as she felt like she was getting closer. She felt Toto's hands moving up her belly towards her breasts, massaging them delicately.
— This is… Cassie — he moaned beneath her, his eyelids fluttering with each movement, with each thrust of her hips — Don’t stop, fuck, don’t stop…
Without saying anything, she leaned in again, searching for Toto's lips as if they were the surface and she was looking for air to breathe. She had nothing to say, not when she felt like she was about to explode at any second.
— Yes, yes — she said breathlessly, as she slid her hips back and forth, rubbing her clit against his pubic bone, letting her nipples brush against the skin of his bare chest — Fuck, Toto, this…
She felt every muscle in her body start to go taut, and then, a split second later, the world seemed to stop. 
The wave that ran through Cassie's body made her let out a broken moan, her muscles trembling and her head lolling back. Her vision went white as every nerve in her body flooded with pleasure. It felt sublime.
However, not even her ecstasy made her stop moving her hips. Much more than amplifying her own sensation of pleasure, Cassie wanted to bring Toto with her. She wanted to feel him release inside her, just like the night they had conceived Ingrid.
And then, he came, moaning loudly as his hands squeezed her ass tightly, while Cassie slowed the pace, feeling a new shiver run through her body as she felt the heat of his pleasure inside her. When she finally stopped, she rested her forehead against his, absorbing the moment in silence.
A few moments later, Toto signaled her to get up from his lap, helping her to lie down on the bed next to him, her head positioned against his chest, listening to his heart slowing down.
— Feeling better? — Toto whispered, running his fingers gently down Cassie’s spine.
— Yes, much. Thank you.
— Of course. Do you need anything?
Cassie shifted, looking up into his eyes. 
— I think I need to go to the bathroom, but that’s hardly surprising.
Toto chuckled, shaking his head.
— I was just making sure that you’re satisfied, because if you want more, I’d be happy to help… — he said, placing a hand on her belly and stroking it softly. 
The gesture, which at other times was something that brought her security, this time, brought sadness. 
She was completely and madly in love with him, and she was sure that was not reciprocated. Sure, they were having a child together, and had just had what was arguably the best sex of Cassie’s life, but all of it was in service of both of their desires, simply filling needs, not because they loved each other. After all, what possible reason could Toto have for falling in love with her, anyway?
 — No, I'm fine. We are fine. Thanks.
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usagi-lilac · 4 months
Diavolo scenario from a fever dream
You've just gotten to the devildom about two weeks ago. One starry night, you attend a party at the demon lord's castle. The room is lit with warm, glowing candles on golden sconces, and full of demons chatting. After a few hours you find yourself seated next to Diavolo on a red velvet loveseat. Hes warm, and smells of bergamot and cedarwood. Throughout the evening you had caught his amber eyes lingering on you, just long enough for you to notice, but not the demons he was chatting with. You hadn't had much chance to talk together one-on-one until now.
The voices of the room are a lull in the background. His cheeks are glowing rosy with a demonus flush, and his presence seems to fill the entire room, let alone this tiny loveseat with cushions that are far too soft. You're sunken so far in that your thighs are touching, and you're trying as hard as you can not to smush your elbows into the young masters double breasted suit. You make some awkward small talk, too nervous to think of anything much to say. You're absolutely sweating bullets sitting next to this charming behemoth of a demon when suddenly he lays his arm languidly across the back of the sofa and blurts out-
"I've decided. We're going to get married."
You're so surprised that you're convinced he's making a joke. He always seemed too busy for you before, too stressed. You thought perhaps he was completely disinterested. You laugh it off and drown out your embarrassment with more drinks.
The next day, Barbatos calls you in for a discreet meeting in the demon lord's castle.
"The young master has been doing extensive research on humans, since long before you arrived here. Unfortunately..some of his sources were less than accredited. You know how hard headed- " he pauses, "I mean.. resolute, he can be once he has already made up his mind."
You're still very confused as to what this is about, and ask "umm..I don't understand, where is this coming from?"
Barbatos hesitates and tilts his head to the side, one hand placed thoughtfully beneath his chin. He's trying to find the right words to say.
"To make myself clear, I heard what happened last night. My lord has read somewhere that humans can't participate in *physical relationships* until they're married ..."
You try to stifle a shocked laugh, and start coughing.
"So you mean to tell me he just wants to bang??"
Barbatos sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose in distress.
"yes, that would be another way to phrase it"
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
ok my mom understandably had to go to bed (very late here in her time zone, and it's even an hour later in the one I'm used to) but I'm a mental masochist so I will trudge on until I can't physically watch Shiny Happy People anymore (and I'm just going to edit my comments instead of reblog bc so far there's really not a lot most of us aren't aware of):
- firstly, I knew Deanna was raised Christian but I didn't know she was raised VERY conservative Christian. Per Deanna, this is the reason Amy was allowed so much freedom; she didn't want to limit her as a female in any of the ways she was
- going off of that, I can see how that foundation would open Jim Bob up to a religion that is so insanely misogynistic
- I know it's a thing all of us who've been around a while have known, but it's all but explicitly said that the Duggar kids had any steal of rebellious beat out of them. By Michelle, regardless of what she sounds like.
- I can't help but wonder if this is the reason Michelle sticks so closely to this faith, even after all that's happened. Even as her own children have expressed how abusive their upbringing was. Leaving the ideology means admitting you were an abuser and not an educator.
- Jill felt like she lied in the Megyn Kelly interview. She didn't want to do it and said she wouldn't have without her parents urging, and she felt obligated to protect her family. She didn't want to do this interview, but didn't trust anyone else to tell the truth which, given her upbringing, I totally get.
- the interviews with other ex-IBLP kids are just as fascinating to listen to as Jill's (if not more bc a lot of them WANT to be there). Tia Levings in particular is so incredibly brave and wonderful, please follow her your preferred platform ❤️
- Mike Huckabee is an accomplice to abuse and ped*philia at best
- I know Derick can be insufferable but I promise he's worth listening to in this doc, at least so far (I'm halfway through episode 3). And he's a very serious Jill advocate, which I feel like all the Duggar girls need so badly.
- Jill didn't want anyone at her birth because SHE DIDN'T WANT TOO GO THROUGH WHAT ANNA WENT THROUGH. She agreed to a diary cam at most.
- For that work they did during their babies birth, the Dillards requested not a full paycheck, but a small health insurance renumeration fee from TLC, who asked them to do this work. TLC informed then that they had already paid all sums to Jim Bob.
- Jill has never received any amount of payment from TLC for all the time and work she had given them. Neither had Derick.
- this is probably a NO DUH for us around here, but here is a short list of IBLP/ATI approved lives of training, especially for minors who are doing work for free for other members of the organization (i believe the Bates kids are included in some of the pictures accompanyingthis part):
1. CoNSTrUCTioN!!!
2. Cosmetology (women only of course)
3. Ministry
4. Business?
5. Healthcare consultant
6. ALERT counselor
Secular college courses so not apply to accreditation in these fields
- other ex-IBLP members confirm that children were trained in construction trades and child labor was used gratuitously in the organization, for anything from repairs, to setting up conferences, to building actual buildings. And it was all, of course, free.
- ALERT confirmed as a purposeful paramilitary organization
- am ex-IBLP woman who was sent to ALERT states that they took tampons away from her, as they were a form of purity violation (she says they said she had purposefully taken her own virginity by using them).
- a woman raised in IBLP recounts a story at a conference in Oklahoma City where her roommate almost slit her throat with a knife over being a 'glutton'. Essentially, a teenage girl almost killed herself over not being thin enough to be 'godly'.
- David Green, the CEO of Hobby Lobby, is STILL IBLP's biggest donor. Don't fucking shop there!!!!
- a purposefully sanitized version of Bill Gothard's teachings have been and might still be used in elementary schools, prisons, police and military units as a way of indoctrinating those in attendance to be more open to absolute authority.
- All of the kids besides Jill & Derick might've very well signed a very lengthy contract that extends at least a decade. The Dillards didn't, and have received extreme yet Christian-flavored threats over it???
- The Dillards were using a food bank even after they asked Jim Bob for the most basic payment for their services to the show
- Jill, Derick, and others all agree tha Journey To The Heart was a vetting mechanism for Gothard's abuse victims
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Zookeepers could never go on strike cause that means their beloved animal coworkers would die. The national zoo relies a lot on underpaying their zookeepers and relying on unpaid internships and volunteers. I'm sure many other zoos are like this as well. It should be a part of AZA accreditation that zookeepers are paid according to their educational and work experience. Most of these guys are required to have at least a masters. And are paid $15 an hour OR LESS. And DC isn't a cheap place to live.
The zoo lives and breathes off of the passion of these people.
I actually got to talk to the previous director (who now was directing a different big zoo) and I asked two questions:
1. How can disabled people get jobs at your zoos, what jobs would be accessible to someone like me (wheelchair user)
2. What are your plans on increasing paid internships and wages for zookeepers?
The first one she said that working with the aquatic species or small reptiles would be best, since the reptile house is accessible despite being older. She said she would think about it and get back to me (she never did, but tbf shes extremely busy and I didn't continuously ping her)
2. They've been having meetings and workgroups trying to figure out how to increase pay and paid opportunities especially for people from low-income areas, as they are less able to take unpaid internships as they need to support themselves. Zoo budgets are extremely tight even for the Smithsonian.
Now idk if that's true, I'm sure it's mostly true at least, and most of the blame is on the government for not providing more funding to these places and instead most funding goes to the military and giving the rich fat tax cuts.
It just feels like most of us in the environmental and conservation field are extremely underpaid for the work we do. And if we strike our beloved animals and environments suffer.
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masllp · 2 months
Elevate Your Financial Strategy: CPA Firms in India from Mas LLP
In the intricate landscape of financial management, businesses seek expertise and reliability to navigate complex regulations and optimize their financial strategies. That's where Certified Public Accountant (CPA) firms play a crucial role. At Mas LLP, we offer top-notch CPA services tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses in India. Let's delve into the significance of CPA firms and how Mas LLP stands out in delivering exceptional financial solutions. Why Choose CPA Firms in India?
1. Expertise and Accreditation: Certified Public Accountants are professionals with extensive training and accreditation in accounting, auditing, taxation, and financial management. Choosing a CPA firms in India ensures access to highly skilled professionals who can provide expert advice and guidance on a wide range of financial matters.
2. Comprehensive Financial Services: CPA firms in India offer a comprehensive suite of financial services, including audit and assurance, tax planning and compliance, financial reporting, and advisory services. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, CPA firms provide tailored solutions to address your specific financial needs and challenges.
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4. Strategic Planning: Beyond compliance, CPA firms in India assist businesses in strategic financial planning and decision-making. By analyzing financial data and market trends, CPAs help businesses identify growth opportunities, mitigate risks, and optimize their financial performance for long-term success.
5. Audit and Assurance Services: For businesses requiring independent assurance on their financial statements, CPA firms in India provide audit and assurance services to verify the accuracy and reliability of financial information. Audited financial statements enhance transparency and credibility, instilling confidence among stakeholders and investors. Mas LLP: Your Trusted CPA Firms in India At Mas LLP, we combine expertise, experience, and dedication to deliver unparalleled CPA services to businesses across India. Here's why Mas LLP stands out as your premier choice:
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safetymark25 · 7 months
1 Day Emergency First Aid Course
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Introduction: Having the information and abilities to react appropriately can significantly impact the saving of lives in an emergency, which can occur anywhere and at any moment. In addition to teaching you the fundamentals of lifesaving skills, a 1-day emergency first aid course also offers you a Safetymark Training and Consultancy, which guarantees that you are adequately prepared to safely and professionally handle unforeseen circumstances.
The Value of First Aid Training for Emergencies
Quick Reaction: Moments matter while dealing with emergencies. A one-day emergency first aid course will help you increase the likelihood that the sufferer will recover by teaching you how to respond swiftly to circumstances and offer assistance right away.
Basic Life Support: You will acquire the skills necessary to do artificial breathing and maintain circulation in an individual experiencing cardiac arrest. This includes learning how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Handling Injuries: This course teaches you how to reduce damage and avoid infections by covering bandaging, stopping bleeding, and wound care techniques for both minor cuts and severe wounds.
Handling Choking: Acquire the Heimlich maneuver, an essential ability for freeing an individual's airway from obstructions and perhaps preventing asphyxia.
Comprehension of AED Usage: In the event of a cardiac arrest, automated external defibrillators, or AEDs, are essential for reestablishing a normal cardiac rhythm. Learn how to operate an AED safely and successfully with the help of this course.
The Certification for Safetymark Training and Consultancy
Getting a safetymark-training.co.uk in addition to your one-day course in emergency first aid has various benefits.
Accreditation that is Respected: SafetyMark Consultancy has an extensive international reputation. It displays your proficiency in emergency first aid and your training from a respected institution.
Improved Employability: SafetyMark is highly valued by many businesses when selecting new hires, particularly for positions where first aid knowledge is essential. Possessing this certification might help you stand out from the competition in the employment market.
Self-assurance and preparedness: Possessing the Safetymark Training & Consultancy gives you self-assurance in your capacity to manage crises. It gives others and yourself confidence that you can help someone right away when they need it.
Impact on the Community: By volunteering your expertise in the event of an accident, a natural catastrophe, or other emergency, you may use your SafetyMark to actively support your community and improve the lives of others.
Final Thought
Enrolling in safetymark-training.co.uk's 1-Day Emergency First Aid Course is a small investment that will pay off greatly. Having these life-saving abilities and receiving the esteemed SafetyMark not only increases your employability but also makes you a ray of hope during emergencies. Recall that being ready now can have a huge impact tomorrow.
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obqc · 2 years
Note Them All: 5 Best Home-Based Franchises You Should Consider
Working from home has its benefits and allows you to have flexibility and freedom with certainly fewer overhead costs. Based on your circumstances you must identify the type of franchise you should be going for.
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Owning a franchise might be a great option when you want to make some extra money. There are thousands of franchises available and it is quite easy to find a Home Based Franchise.
Molly Maid: They offer cleaning services throughout the country to homeowners. It can be identified as the most recognized name in the industry. The franchise business can be run by home as the bulk of the operations are from home itself. The fees of this franchise are $14,900 and the initial investments total up to $155,200.
Fetch Pet Care: They provide professional dog walking and pet sitting services. It is an incredible home-based franchise for those who love animals. 
             The fee for the franchise is about $59,500 and the total setup cost could snowball up to $76,000.
ACASA Senior Care: This franchise offers in-home care for seniors. This is a great opportunity and has the option of flexibility. The focus is on hiring quality caregivers. Franchise fees are 39,500 and the total initial investment reaches up - $1,19,100.
GymGuyz: This is also a great home-based franchise that offers personal fitness training. It can be perfect for fitness enthusiasts and those who are interested in teaching others about fitness. The fee for the franchise is around $35,000 and the initial cost can range up to $85,000.
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Mosquito Squad: According to OBQC, It is a budget-friendly pest control business franchise. So it is a good business for the warmer months. The fee for the franchise is $35,000 and the total initial setup may cost you around $90,000.
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indiesellersguild · 8 months
Our all-volunteer team has prepared an awesome set of postable images, printable fliers, and copy-paste-able text for you to help us spread the word about the Marketplace Accreditation Research Survey.
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Find these and more on our share kit.
How to help:
Post a blurb or one of these images on your social media page.
Put up or hand out fliers at a local flea or artisan market.
Hang a flier up on a relevant bulletin board, i.e. at your university or craft club.
Take a picture of a flier you've put up and share with us on one of our social media pages; you can find our Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, etc. on our website through the share kit link above. For Tumblr, just tag us or send an ask!
Are you an indie seller with a blog or newsletter? Include a blurb, or one of these images, to let your supporters know that their voices are wanted!
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You have the power to make a difference in how independent artists and curators are treated by our marketplaces. Speak out! The more people talking, the more people will be motivated to join the conversation! ✊
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mavia-anon · 1 year
Unnamed Cyberpunk AU Part 2
Part one
CW: parasocial relationships
Growing up in the lowest ring of the Dome, one of the last standing strongholds of humanity has been a constant and harsh lesson of survival for Tommy. Nicknamed Tera by the pretentions fuckers in the Heights and even the Midground in an effort to make the lowest ring seem more appealing, everyone who lives there calls it for what it is.
The Depths is where the filth of the city hide away in the tall shadows of the Hights and it's where the people who had the audacity to be born there are left to rot.
Tommy was one such kid. He doesn't know who is parents are, and the idea of a home is unfamiliar to him, but from a young age he swore to himself that he would claw his way out of the hell he was born in. He would not be forgotten. He promised himself that one day, he would learn to live instead of just survive.
Tinkering had always been something that interested him. Something that, at first, had just been a way to keep his hands busy, but then the thought of building something, of learning how it works and having it be wholly his was too good to pass up.
Tommy didn't have a lot of things that were well and truly his.
At first, he only made small little toys and trinkets, made from stolen and scavenged metal and wire, but they never really felt like they belonged to him, just other things to keep his hands occupied and easily parted with every time he had to relocate.
Tommy needed something more. Something bigger. But his solution always eluded him no matter how many things he made and broke and remade better and better.
And then he was saved by Phil. Back when the Free Flyers were just three vigilantes keeping the Depths safe and not the huge organisation of mercenaries that try to keep the whole of the Dome safe.
Back when it was common to see those bird-like wings darkening the sky and hear people wonder if they were real or not.
Tommy knows they are. He felt them as Phil held him close, shielding him from an explosion and keeping him wrapped up safe and warm as he waited for Tommy's panic attack to calm.
That had been the moment Tommy knew what he wanted. On obsession, Dream liked to call it. Tommy preferred "healthy appreciation for the man who saved his life".
He wanted wings of his own. Desperately. He wanted to feel the wind in his hair and know freedom like never before.
But more than anything, he wants to fly beside Phil. To meet him again and to maybe become something more than just another life he saved.
Tommy's first prototype of the wings were far from perfect. The wings themselves too big and bulky for flight and the harness uncomfortable. Tommy had gone through many drafts but the materials he would need to make what he wanted-- no, what he needed -- well. They would come at a high price.
The Viper of the Depths is a mysterious figure with no name and no face. His followers work in the shadows and can only be identified by a tattoo of a snake on their arm. Whispers of assassinations and theft in the Hights are all accredited to the Vipers, not that the Corps would ever confirm it. They were dangerous people but Tommy was more than willing to take the risk.
And in the end, it payed off. Even if the large tattoo of the snake wrapping around his arm had hurt like a bitch, Tommy was protected and respected amongst the Vipers. He could even consider Dream, their leader, a good friend of his.
Even if they bicker, most of the time about nothing, and Tommy consistently gets his ass beat by him in training, they got along well. Two kids unlucky enough to be born in the Depths and trying to make a better life for themselves.
So long as Tommy makes Dream and his Vipers weapons, then he gets all the materials he needs, food and a relatively safe place to sleep.
Trailing a finger along the body of the snake inked under his skin, Tommy wraps his metal wings around him, feeling the way the mechanics shift in his back, he smiles as they obey the mental command, cradling him tight in their cold embrace.
One day, he will meet Phil again. His hero will look upon Tommy and the wings he made, and he will see that Tommy was made to be a part of his life.
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Headcanon that Adam, Cherry, and Joe are all probably double or even triple majors.
Majors: Italian Culinary Arts, Restaurant/Hotel Management, & either Business Administration, European History w/ a Mediterranean focus, or Japanese History
Possible Minors: Entrepreneurship, Nutrition, Hospitality Business, Philosophy, Marketing, or Sociology
Joe obviously studied in Italian culinary arts/cuisine, but he would have also have had to study in restaurant/hotel management since he runs Sia La Luce. Restaurant/Hotel management is a trade that takes two years of study, and it takes at least a year to learn Italian cuisine at an accredited school. If he were to have a third major, I believe he would have went into business, but I’m willing to believe that Joe is a history buff as he was the one who brought up the Battle of Ganryuujima before Langa’s first beef with Adam.
Also, on a different note,  I’d like to think that Joe spent at minimum of three to fours years in Italy, before returning to Naha as that would give him more time to learn the hang of working in a restaurant as he probably got a job in one to pay for food and possibly rent if he got an apartment.
Majors: Programming, Computer Science & Engineering, & either Business Administration, Information Technology, Art History, or Fine Arts
Possible Minors: Creative Writing, Business Writing, Applied Mathematics, Bioinformatics, Robotics
Cherry obviously studied programming, but he would have also needed to have knowledge of engineering to create a transforming skateboard, bracelet, contacts, and a wheelchair that are all connected to the AI he created. He may have a degree in business since in episodes one, two, and six he was shown dealing with a bunch different people for work, but that could also have been gleaned some simple networking skills. Since he’s loved calligraphy since he was a kid, it’s not too out of the way that he may have went into either art history or fine arts as well.
Since calligraphy isn’t a college degree, more a skill you learn from discipline and learning under a master, it’s not included in the above. But I’d imagine that he’d probably been practicing his calligraphy for years before learning under a master for a while before starting his own studio.
Majors: Political Science, Public Administration, Economics, or Communications & either Art History, Theology, or Theater/Dance
Possible Minors: International Business, Philosophy, Public Relations, or Criminal Justice
There are a lot of degrees that Adam could have gone into with his job as a politician, so I chose the ones with skills that were shown most in the show. He has a silver tongue and was easily able to become the leader of his party- with a little backstabbing- despite being the youngest politician of them. His charisma was also shown to be great both in public and at “S”. As for the others, I’ve often wondered how Adam was able to get into learning Flamenco as it seems to something that he personally enjoys and not something his aunts forced him into learning, so I can’t help but think he went into a Theater/Dance major as a small loophole so that he could learn something that he actually liked and wanted to do. I don’t have to explain why I think he majored in Theology.
So what do you guys think? I’d love to talk about some other ideas.
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idsb · 7 months
i know this is not going to be a simple answer at all but are you becoming a legal australian resident? im just curious what the moving process has been like and what the visa stuff was like to navigate for you (idk these terms that well im sorry this is worriedly so stupidly)
No it’s okay!!! Idk if I’m going to do this all the way yet, but there are two very very feasible pipelines to becoming an Australian citizen that I’ve had outlined for myself since i was like 15
Get a working holiday visa, which lets you stay for 3 years if you meet certain regional work requirements (this is what I’m doing now). You can hold jobs for up to 6 months at a time but having 3 month jobs is pretty normal, so this allows for 6-12 jobs. Spend these 6-12 jobs growing the resume required to get a job on Australia’s Skilled Occupations List (basically a list of jobs you are allowed to stay permanently if you do because you’re contributing to their economy’s needs. Some need sponsors, some don’t, but tbh almost every job ever is on it), and in your final 4 jobs, work for small businesses who will see they can’t live without you and then would agree to sponsor your regular work visa. After 5 years total in Australia (so 2 years of that job), you can apply for a permanent resident visa and voila!
Get a student visa (I almost did this in 2014 but bitched out). As long as you’re accepted to an accredited uni - and it can be for any degree or any amount of time; even just a one year program) you can get one pretty easily. Pick something from the Skilled Occupation List and study that. As a student you can work up to 20 hours per week, and once your studies are completed, you get a 9 month grace period to live and work full time. Intern various places during your studies to build a good resume, and again when you get out work for a small business and really like, carve out and make your role so they can’t live without you and there you go.
This was never a considerable option for me but also, if you have the skills needed on the Skilled Occupations List that DONT need a sponsor (nurses, plumbing, carpentry, stuff like that - tbh, a lot of stuff you can learn at a trade school in the US), you can just get one of those jobs. Some you have to be in a “remote” area doing the job for a year or two, so you just do that, then move where you wanna go, and then after 5 years you can apply to be a resident and then work doing whatever you want.
I found all this out doing probably like 50 hours of research when I was 16 - like I said, I’ve wanted to get the fuck out of America for a veryyyy long time haha
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