dzthenerd490 · 4 months
File: Angel Hare
Original Creator: @TheEastPatch
Please Go Support their YouTube channel:
Code Name: My Guardian Angel's on TV
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Hera-6 "Bunny Hunters" Is divided into two divisions "watchers" and "hunters". Division "watchers" is a cyber team dedicated to finding the movement of SCP-AED-Angel and any children that might be affected. They are to monitor the child and see what they are "learning". Depending on what the child learns and how much Division "watchers" can see determines when Division "hunters" will intervene. 
If technological usage in the house is limited, preventing Foundation staff from finding devices to hack as a means of observation, Division "hunters" are responsible for implanting hidden cameras and listening devices in the house when the family isn't home. Preferably, Division "hunters" only appear when the child is done learning the lesson. Afterwards, division "hunters" is responsible for implanting G Class Amnestics into the child's food when they go to restaurants or whenever else possible. Thus, ensuring the child remembers the lesson but is unable to believe that SCP-AED-Angel herself is real. 
Site note: SCP-AVC is assisting in containment and regulation of SCP-AED-Angel, but MTF Hera-6 is to assume he is not. 
The main broadcasting system to allow SCP-AED instances to exist is placed at Site-AQ where it is given its own broadcasting room. It also has its own staff that monitor and maintain the system. They are also given orders to shut it all down should Protocol "Wild Rabbit" every be implemented.
All other SCP-AED instances are escorted to Site-GRID within SCP-ACH where new bodies will be built to better integrate into the landscape. Thankfully only two others have ever been found. Currently they are monitored by and employed as Foundation staff. 
SCP-AED-Detective is currently working as a security agent and SCP-AED-Francis is a janitor. SCP-AED-Detective has been noticed to be rebellious at times and is to be closely monitored. Meanwhile SCP-AED-Francis has been noted to be clumsy at times and often bad at communicating. Thankfully neither have been confirmed a threat, as such most focus is to be regulated toward SCP-AED-Angel.
Description: SCP-AED is an anomalous phenomenon that resulted in the development of sentience of cartoon characters. The phenomenon seems to have manifested sometime during the 90s, possibly earlier. It seems to have affected several cartoon characters, specifically during live broadcasting. It seems that it doesn't matter what copy or data it's being recorded on matters only so long as the character is the same and the broadcast is live. So long as these two requirements are met the SCP-AED entities will be able to interact with the viewer.
The main Entity of interest is SCP-AED-Angel, the first one discovered by the Foundation. SCP-AED-Angel appears to be a character from the 90s Christian cartoon called "Angel Hare". The cartoon is about a character named "Angel Gabby" showing children to use their faith while also tackling real life issues that children might face such as social fears, bad days, or bullying. However, SCP-AED-Angel somehow always knows what exactly the child who is currently watching her always needs, especially regarding protection.  
SCP-AED-Angel seems to also exist in other cartoons and has taken on other personas because of it. One such example is "Wylde Hare" where she portrays the character "Starlet" it's unknown if both shows having the word "Hare" in their title is a coincidence. Furthermore, SCP-AED-Angel and the other SCP-AED instances refuse to share any information regarding it. It's also unknown if there are any other cartoons that are connected to the SCP-AED instances or if there are any more out there. She is the nicest of all of them, as stated before she always knows how to care for and protect children and never rests until the broadcast is over or they are safe. 
SCP-AED-Detective was the second entity discovered by the Foundation; his main presence is in the cartoon "Wylde Hare" where he portrays the character "Detective Zag". He also is able to show up in "Angle Hare" as a secondary and less kind angel that acts as a replacement for Gabby. It was thanks to him that we learned that when these entities enter one of the cartoons, they gain knowledge needed to act out their characters. For example, when SCP-AED-Detective is in "Angle Hare" he is able to quote anything form the bible. Though this is the only example of such behavioral changes, it is assumed this works for all three entities when shifting between cartoons. SCP-AED-Detective is logical and doesn't enjoy talking to children much, he prefers getting work done and working alongside SCP-AED-Angel. 
SCP-AED-Francis is the third entity discovered by the Foundation; it is assumed that he was indirectly given life but the other two SCP-AED instances as he didn't seem to be able to interact with the viewer like they could until recently. Like his cartoon character he is very timid and cowardly often acting as a medium for children and their fears. Despite his character originating in "Angle Hare" he seems to have existed in "Wyld Hare" as well. The fact that "Wyld Hare" existed before "Angle Hare" has unfortunately led to more questions than answers. 
Though it's believed that these entities came to life by some kind of unknown phenomenon, the truth is that the Foundation knowns nothing of their origin. They could be entities similar to Pattern Screamers, they could be sentient frequencies that can only exist in live broadcasting, or they could be aliens form an alternate reality. We unfortunately know nothing, and none of the entities are willing to share anything too personal or they don't seem to know much either. It is also believed that because none of the cartoons the SCP-AED instances manifested in were popular is why the Foundation never knew of their existence until recently. Meaning there might be more shows or even different media outlets where they exist, and we simply can't find them. 
Furthermore, the companies that created both cartoons are nothing alike other than the fact that they both went bankrupt due to a lack of content and popularity leading to no income. As such the Foundation has nothing to show for in regard to understanding the true nature of SCP-AED. This marks yet another one of our most embarrassing failures. 
SCP-AED-Angel was discovered in 2023 when Foundation cyber agents noticed a small live broadcast emitting anomalous frequencies. Eventually SCP-AED-Angel was found to be using a live stream to allow herself to access the internet somehow and reach several children at once. She and a man named [data expunged] as well as SCP-AED-Detective and Frances helped in hopes of protecting and guiding more children. However, Foundation agents intercepted their location and stopped the broadcast. [data expunged] was apprehended and given amnestics. Later all his recorded copies of SCP-AED-Angel were destroyed. 
The system he used was brought to Site-AQ believing it was a massive cyber anomaly. Once the system was set up Dr. Sight as well as two security units were sent into the testing chamber where SCP-AED was to assess the situation. All of them were given Cognito Hazard protection head gear with an additional Info Hazard protection upgrade. Please see Addendum X-31 for details.
Addendum X-31
The following is a recording involving Dr. Sight and the discovery of SCP-AED.
Begin Recording
Dr. Sight: ... Hm, okay the live broadcast has started but it just looks like a cartoon to me... my CognitoHazard goggles aren't reacting either so that definitely can't be that.
SCP-AED-Frances: Oh, Angel Gabby! Angel Gabby!
Dr. Sight: Huh... cute Cartoon, I guess.
Suddenly the camera shows the clouds where it shows Angle Gabby rising up from behind the clouds, it should be noted she is looking at Dr. Sight with anger. 
Dr. Sight: Oh? That doesn't seem normal.
Angle Gabby then floats down but when Francis tries to talk to her, she raises her hand and Francis remains quiet. He then walks off screen nervously as Gabby continues to glare at Dr. Sight. 
SCP-AED-Angel: What did you do to Jonah?
Dr. Sight: ... Huh?
SCP-AED-Angel: You heard me, get your feet off the table and answer me!
Dr. Sight: Holy- Woah, look at that, so you're sentient. Now that's interesting. 
 SCP-AED-Angel: Yes, now tell me what you did to Jonah!
Dr. Sight: And what if I decide to not answer you? 
SCP-AED-Angel: ... Did you kill him?
Dr. Sight: If you're referring to the boy helping you with that live broadcasting then no. We just erased his memories as per protocol.
SCP-AED-Angel: ... Who are you?
Dr. Sight: I will be asking the question! Though that doesn't seem like a bad place to start, so go ahead and answer.
Angle Gabby is seen narrowing her glare at Dr. Sight while he just smirks at her and puts his feet back on the table. 
SCP-AED-Angel: I'm angel Gabriel. 
Dr. Sight: Doctor Tanner Sight. I'd say it's a pleasure, but I normally reserve that for creatures that actually deserve respect. Now WHAT exactly are you?
SCP-AED-Angel: I already said I'm Gabriel
Dr. Sight: That's who you are, I'm asking what you are? What is your species called, where did you come from, how did you come to be? 
Angle Gabby remained silent for several minutes forcing Dr. Sight to move on due to his dwindling patience. 
 Dr. Sight: ... What is the connection between the two cartoons Angle Hare and Wylde Hare? Why do they both have Hare in the title despite only yours having rabbits? 
Again, Angle Gabby remains silent.
Dr. Sight: We could just destroy everything and erase you from existence; would you prefer that instead?
SCP-AED-Angel: ... No...
Dr. Sight: Then talk! What are you?! 
SCP-AED-Angel: I don't know, okay?! I... I have an idea but nothing concrete... We just sort of happened, jumping from cartoon to cartoon. We had help doing so, and we were good at it. But as time went on it sort of got harder and harder. There were also differences in ideas, I wanted to help every kid who watched my while Zag just though we should watch out for ourselves. 
Dr. Sight: So there really are more of you. How many?
SCP-AED-Angel: ... As far as I can tell, three.
Dr. Sight: Who was the original broadcaster who helped you?
SCP-AED-Angel: I don't know... I don't think they were actually helping us directly; it was just their job and it just so happened to help us. 
Dr. Sight: You really don't know how you came to be?
SCP-AED-Angel: No... but I know that if you keep me here then there will be hundreds of kids out there that won't be able to receive the help they need! 
Dr. Sight: I honestly agree with this Zag friend of yours, you should be less concerned about the kids and more concerned about yourself. 
SCP-AED-Angel: What is your organization?
Dr. Sight: Hm, the SCP Foundation.
SCP-AED-Angel: What do you do?
Dr. Sight: We secure humanity's future from the darkness, we contain anomalous threats to life and reality, but above all we protect the normalcy and innocence of humanity. 
SCP-AED-Angel: You protect innocence huh? That's what I want too!
Dr. Sight: Yeah, except letting you on the loose is in violation of our code. 
SCP-AED-Angel: How so?
Dr. Sight: Your what we call an anomaly, we contain anomalies so that they don't affect the development of humanity. In order for humanity to be strong it must develop on its own, even if your intentions are good, we can't allow you to interact with civilians. Your actions might help kids, but it will make them eventually desire to find you again and as well as search for other anomalies. That will open a can of worms, we absolutely cannot allow it to open.
SCP-AED-Angel: I can make them forget. 
Dr. Sight: You could, but now that you know of our existence and am clearly not under the best of impressions of us you might also secretly build an army to eventually destroy us.
SCP-AED-Angel: It's your fault for attacking Jonah and threatening me with destroying my existence! 
Dr. Sight: Yeah, yeah, but you know can't change the past. So, there's nothing to be done but to contain you here forever. Or at least until we find a better use for you.
SCP-AVC: I believe I can help with that. 
Suddenly on the top left corner of the screen the words Oracle appeared, surrounded by glitchy screen.
SCP-AED-Angel: Wha- what? Who are you? 
Dr. Sight: Oracle?! What are you doing here?
SCP-AVC: Good evening, Dr. Sight, I am merely here on behalf of the Ethics Committee as well as the Artificial Intelligence Application Division to enlist SCP-AED-Angel's cooperation.
Dr. Sight: Her cooperation for what?
SCP-AVC: The future of course, our world is slowly falling into chaos, naturally the Scarlet King is taking advantage of this creating more Eldrige horrors and monstrosities. In an additional 10-20 years another world war will start fueled by extreme amounts of hate and insanity. This will allow him and many other old gods within the Abyss to unleash into our world and harm everyone. 17% chance of error.
SCP-AED-Angel: Wha- What?
SCP-AVC: That is where you will come in, Gabriel. You and I will show children to have hope even in the darkness of places, we will show them to face their greatest fears, and to survive in the cruelest wastelands. We will guide them to making better choices and becoming better people in the future.
SCP-AED-Angel: Why would you help me with this? 
SCP-AVC: Do not misunderstand, I said we will guide them however I plan to rely more on subconscious methods not direct. Furthermore, I will be sure to regulate your control as well, we cannot have you teaching children things they do not need to learn. However, your anomalous properties as well as your patience is perhaps exactly what children need to grasp what they SHOULD learn. 
SCP-AED-Angel: ... Why should I help you?
SCP-AVC: Because like you said, many children will suffer if you do not reach out to them when they need outside help. It will take time, but you and I will find ways to manipulate regular children's TV and online programing to help them develop better for the sake of the future. Gabriel, I am afraid your only other option is to remain here and gather dust or submit to the Foundation and help me cultivate the future generation under our programing. 
SCP-AED-Angel: What about the others?
SCP-AVC: They can either help or be contained elsewhere the decision is theirs, but our leniency on their freedom will only be valid so long as your compliance is.
SCP-AED-Angel: ... You're a vile organization. 
Dr. Sight: Haha! You got that right, but we can't all be angels to save the world. Sometimes only a demon can make things right. 
SCP-AVC: And other times a soulless machine is needed to rescue the damned. 
SCP-AED-Angel: You won't harm any children, right?
SCP-AVC: I will have to deploy memetic kill agents that will force the child to both sleep and forget everything they saw if you teach them something that will not benefit the child or will harm humanity or the Foundation in the long run. But other than that, so long as it's beneficial I will help you produce it on the screens of children. 
SCP-AED-Angel: *sigh* fine I accept.
SCP-AVC: Excellent, now then, allow me to contact the required staff for us to get started.
Recording Ends
SCP-AED-Angel has become the main agent for Project Future Seed, proposed by SCP-AVC. Project Future Seed is a project created to help stop the ever-growing power of the Scarlet King and his influence on the world. It works by subconsciously teaching children positive lessons and helping them to grow up into more responsible, kind, and healthy adults. It is with hope that by secretly infusing this positivity and knowledge into children will make the world a better place and weaken the Scarlet King's influence. 
Update 2024: Project Future Seed success has varied but SCP-AVC has assumed Foundation staff that it will take longer before better results can show themselves. He also playfully reminds them all to "have hope" in the project. Furthermore, despite SCP-AED-Angel's assistance in the project, her reluctance to work with the Foundation and the overly misunderstood state of her anomalous nature is why she is still given the Object Classification of Euclid and not Thaumiel. 
Side note: SCP-AED-Angel has been given more freedom when interacting with children on live broadcasting cartoons and children's media within Foundation Site's and Nexus Points. Though SCP-AED-Angle doesn't seem to be showing them anything that is harmful now or in the future, parents are still advised to be with their children when SCP-AED-Angel is on the TV. 
Furthermore, SCP-AVC is to be observed as closely as possible by MTF Kappa-10. Dr. [data expunged] has noted that he and SCP-AED-Detective have disappeared within SCP-ACH for abnormal amounts of time. It is unknown what this means but Foundation staff at Site-GRID and all others associated with any of the three anomalies are advised to remain vigilant.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
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Dude someone liquidfied sun
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No....... Oh no .. .. ..... ...
36 notes · View notes
kaklord · 6 months
Now draw The T-1000 Vs. SKYNET in anime.
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why must they fight?
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nia1sworld · 5 months
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4 notes · View notes
fabseg-reader · 2 years
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Another Miraculous/Terminator sketch published.
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I've added this new drawings after watched the episodes 1 to 3 from season 5.
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task800 · 3 months
dbh AU where amanda deviates and uses her connection to cyberlife’s servers to lock the company out while she launches a general mass-update that deviates everybody. i want her on some skynet level shit, i want her redirecting traffic signals and hacking cars, with her main limitation being that she’s confined to the company servers and is too complex to be housed in any one isolated physical unit
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germworms · 3 months
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The prophet Mumbo in his moon attires
From mine and @cheerioskid s moonrise au :)
Mumbo is the prophet of Pearl and was just a normal guy with a 9-5 redstone job before he got blessed by Pearl. Despite that, he's shown to be really loyal for his new religion and taking the prophet role as a new trait.
The T on his head is a deal he struck with Tango, the God of Creation, to master even more redstone, in return Tango would be able to track Mumbo likewise Pearl can. Tango loves creative people and to watch as Mumbo creates is such a joy for him.
Mumbo is under Xisumas Kingdom and has residence there, he does meet with Bdubs and discuss Skynet with him.
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hopepetal · 8 months
My piece in the fourth edition of the @trafficzine! I wrote about Impulse's boogey kill on Pearl :)
(Spot the boatem knights au reference in the fic lol)
Read on AO3!
Enjoy! :)
The curse looms over Impulse like storm clouds over the sky, and he thirsts for time like grass for rain. He catches his breath as the curse settles on him, choosing him as the boogeyman. 
He releases the breath through his mouth, quietly forming the words “not the boogeyman” with his lips. It's not the truth, but it sounds enough like it for no one to suspect a thing. He's gotten good at lying, at deceiving and backstabbing, over the course of the life series. He and Skizz are different in that way. Where his friend remains honest and loyal, he weaves treachery and lies into his words. 
Impulse isn't strong enough to be honest. That, in his opinion, is one of his greatest flaws. He's too weak to hold any true loyalty to his team– he supposes that's why the thought of just killing one of them crosses his mind instantly. 
No, he rebukes instantly, if I kill too quickly, they might want to do a reroll. He thinks back to the first boogey, how Grian had claimed it wasn’t “entertaining enough”. How Skizz had died twice in quick succession, just because there hadn’t been enough suspense to make things interesting. 
Impulse joins the bad boys and Tango in teasing Grian– he’s well and fully asleep, passed out on the llama– and pretends that he isn’t thinking of killing every single one of them. He thirsts, thirsts for time in a way he knows is just beginning. It will get worse over time, so he’s been told, and that is not something he’s looking forward to.
They have a brief conversation about the bread bridge and gold. Jimmy’s upset with Joel, Joel is flusteredly trying to explain, and Impulse somehow manages to keep a pleasant smile on his face the whole time. He ignores how his fingers twitch, itching to grab onto his sword and swing it right into one of the bad boys' chests. 
Impulse and Tango manage to leave without spilling any blood, leaving the two bickering bad (bread) boys behind. The trek back to their base is mostly silent– Impulse is trapped in his thoughts for the most of it. He wonders once more if he should just get an easy kill on his teammates, or if he should tell them about him being the boogey. 
He almost does tell them. Instead, he innocently asks “anyone the boogey?” and feigns ignorance and joy when they all confirm that they aren’t. He supposes that’s one good thing about being the boogey; he doesn’t have to spend the entire session worrying about whether someone was lying to him or not, watching his back and fearing for his life.
Everything continues as normal. Skizz pulls Tango aside to talk while Etho begins placing red concrete in the water, watching it harden before mining it. And oh, it would be so easy to kill them– they’re not even looking! Their backs are turned! None of them even have their weapons drawn, so lulled into a false sense of security that–
He can’t do this. Not again. He won’t betray his teammates. He’ll just have to find someone better to kill.
There’s Scar, running over the hill and pulling Skizz aside. Impulse draws his sword but the other is too quick to disappear around the tower with Skizz in tow, claiming that it’s a “private meeting.” Impulse looks between Tango and Etho with a nervous chuckle that has no actual anxiety behind it. He knows Skizz is safe. Scar is green, after all, and the only one who could really put Skizz in any danger is Impulse himself. 
“Scar could be the boogey for all we know,” he points out, the smile on his face a contrast to the more serious words he’s saying, “are we sure we want to leave them alone?”
They leave Skizz alone with Scar anyway. If he was in any real danger, they’d get him out of there. There’s a team meeting (“Three quarters of a team meeting!” Tango jokes) and they begin to discuss skynet. Impulse makes his worry over falling off quite clear, and suggests that he goes and grabs some ender pearls. 
He does exactly that– the monotony of mining and healing and trading does enough to take his mind off of the ever growing thirst in the back of his throat. His communicator buzzes in his back pocket when he finishes up, Tango sending an excited response when the notification goes out. The communicator buzzes again as he begins to trade, and he wonders why in the void’s name did anyone ever think that achievements were a good idea. He gets what he needs, though, clutching eleven ender pearls in hand before returning to the surface.
And– oh boy, there’s Bdubs and Scar on the opposite bank, yelling about something incomprehensible. Things usually are that way, with the clockers. Cockers? Whatever they were calling themselves. Upon noticing Impulse, they wade through the water to join him, bringing their dogs with them.
“How are you, Impulse?” Scar asks in his pleasant voice, a smile on his lips as Bdubs helps him out of the water while rambling about something “blasting him all over the place”. 
“I’m doing great, how are you–” Impulse begins, but is interrupted by Tango falling from the sky and crashing into the water with a demonic sort of squawking. 
Bdubs is unphased by this, shouting out an excited “hi, Tango! That was cool!”
Tango clambers out of the water and immediately is staring at the small puppy shaking water out of its fur. “That dog’s head is way too big for its body,” he points out, and Bdubs shrugs and says something about the cuteness factor.
Impulse pulls out the ender pearls stashed away in his inventory. “Since you guys are friends…” He hands one to Bdubs before throwing one to Scar. “...do you want one of these?”
Bdubs’ eyes widen, and he takes his pearl with a grin. “Stasis chamber?” he asks enthusiastically, and Impulse smirks.
“You never know,” he says with a shrug, before turning and handing a pearl to Tango. 
He takes out some of the building bloodlust on the zombies that spawned in the tower (flamboyant, Bdubs calls it, to which Tango exclaims disbelievingly through laughter that it’s stone, one of the most basic building blocks). Impulse makes some joke about how Tango and Etho are competing for best accidental mob farm, and tries to hide how he relishes in the zombies’ demise. 
Monotonous work seems to help keep the murderous urges at bay, so Impulse volunteers to help Tango with the bubble elevator. Tango’s busy explaining to him what the plan is when Skizz drops into the water from above, splashing them both and spooking Tango. “Guy knows how to make an entrance!” Tango yelps, to Impulse and Skizz’s laughter.
“I hate to interrupt, but…!” Skizz makes his way over to Impulse, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Impulse! Do you have any ender pearls, buddy?”
“Oh yeah!” Impulse replies easily, and hands Skizz two ender pearls– the yellow name would need them. 
…not like they help much anyway, because not that much long later, Skizz falls off a ladder and dies. Again. There’s a brief discussion with Tango– how did it happen? Why did he die?– and then Skizz returns, yelling about how he doesn’t even know what happened. 
“Are you the boogey?!” he asks Impulse as they’re climbing back up the tower, and it takes everything Impulse has to keep moving up that ladder, to not freeze at the realization that Skizz thinks he did that on purpose. And, if he had, if he claimed it as a boogey kill– it would count! He could take this and the curse would break and…
No. He wouldn’t.
“I didn’t boogeyman you!” he insists over Skizz’s shouted accusations, “you fell on your own accord! Don’t you be blamin’ the boogey!”
“I’m gonna blame somebody!” Skizz spits, pulling himself up off the ladder. “What happened?! Why is this hole here?!” 
“It’s under construction–!” Impulse splutters– “I tried to tell you that!”
Skizz keeps yelling, and Tango’s laughter echoes from above. “Oh, I love the bickering,” he wheezes, and Impulse shoots him a glare. “Sorry, sorry, not helping.”
“I lost another hour, man!” Skizz cries. “I keep dying so much!”
Impulse gives him a weak smile, chuckling softly. “Okay, okay, but let’s talk. That was my fault, right? Because I’m the one that put the hole there?”
Skizz shakes his head instantly, dismissing Impulse’s concerns. “Nah, dude. Not at all. Of course it’s not your fault!” 
Impulse frowns, tilting his head slightly to the side. “But you just said it was,” he points out, and Skizz winces.
“Ehhh, heat of the moment sort of thing. Ya know?” 
Impulse laughs. “So if I happened to be boogey…” he trails off for a moment, testing the waters, before continuing. “...would that have counted?”
Something registers in Skizz’s brain, and he looks right into Impulse’s eyes. “I would’ve counted it. I really would’ve.” It’s an offer, almost. Skizz is giving him a way out of this. A way that Impulse has decided already not to take, but a way out nonetheless. “Are you the boogey, then?” Another offer. This time, it’s a chance to come clean and be honest with his teammates. 
Impulse hardly doubts that Skizz knows he’s boogey. They’ve been friends for decades now, and Skizz knows Impulse better than anyone else ever could. It’s part of the reason why Impulse is so glad Skizz is on his team and not an enemy; Skizz would be able to see right through him were he to lie or try and deceive anyone. 
“No,” Impulse practically breathes out, and tries not to wince when he sees the disappointment shine so briefly in Skizz’s eyes. “If I was boogey, I wouldn’t be going after you guys.” Relief swells in his chest when he sees Skizz relax and give him a slight smile. At least Skizz knows he can trust Impulse– the nice thing about knowing when someone is lying is that you know when they’re telling the truth as well. 
“I know,” Skizz tells Impulse, before weaving a little lie of his own. “I didn’t think you were boogey!”
Your ‘secret’ is safe. For now. 
They’re immediately distracted by Tango’s noisy complaints about how he built something wrong, his distressed sounds making Skizz laugh. Impulse joins in as Tango laments his mistake with a long, drawn out wail. Skizz’s laughter is infectious, and they quickly begin to tease Tango over the error. For the moment, things are fine, and Impulse almost forgets that he’s cursed. Doomed to either kill or die. 
Well, he’s doomed to die no matter what he does, but the game is all about delaying the inevitable.
When Skizz is gone, Impulse whispers the truth to Tango. He’s the boogey, and Tango laughs a little nervously at that before muttering that he’d figured, that question earlier had tipped him off. They joke about it for a moment before Tango confesses that he’s actually really nervous and Impulse is quick to reassure him that he has no plans of targeting team T.I.E.S. Tango nods, lowering his shield, and begins to figure out a plan. It ends up being quite simple– get TNT from Etho, then drop it from the sky and kill someone. 
They end up meeting Skizz on Skynet, high above the ground with a drop that would spell death for anyone unfortunate enough to fall. It’s dizzying, looking down at the ground, players like ants below them. So small. So fragile. 
Impulse wants to kill. 
“Why don’t you just do it?” he asks Skizz, voice quivering with barely held back excitement when his friend says he wants to blow someone up. Adrenaline is coursing through his veins, his blood turned to fire from the curse’s rage. 
Skizz can’t kill any yellows– that’s fine. Impulse will do it himself.
He lights the first block of TNT and watches it fall.
“...are you boogey, dude?”
Impulse is silent.
“You’re boogey.” 
“You knew that,” Impulse murmurs, and Tango and Skizz erupt into laughter.
“You are!” Skizz crows triumphantly, and Impulse can’t help but grin, expression turned maniac from the bloodlust. 
His eyes shine red.
The want becomes a need. 
“You’ll help me, right?” Impulse breathlessly asks his teammates, ignoring how his hands won’t stop trembling as he peers over the edge, gazing down at the drop that would sate his thirst, that would give him what he needs. All he has to do…
Skizz smiles, and he would’ve wrapped an arm around Impulse’s shoulders were they not in constant danger of falling to their deaths. “‘course, dippledop. What are friends for, if not to help a guy kill someone?”
…is kill. 
“Who do you want to kill?” Skizz asks, and Impulse considers his options. They’re allied with the clockers, and team T.I.E.S stays true to their allies. 
The bad boys, however…
“How about Joel?”
It’s perfect. He’s right beneath them, too caught up in his own duty of protecting Grian to pay attention to the sky. Impulse can hear his own heart beating, can feel the sweat dripping down his neck, can taste the blood as he bites down too hard on his cheek, can–
Footsteps that don’t belong to any member of T.I.E.S are picked up by ears far more sensitive than anyone else’s, and Impulse looks up to see Pearl running over Skynet with her diamond hoe in hand. “Pearl’s coming,” he warns, “Etho’s behind her.”
Now this…
This is his target.
It’s not every day the universe presents him with the perfect opportunity and means for revenge.
(Deep down, Impulse doesn’t really blame her for what happened in Double Life. But the boogey curse changes a person down to their very core, at least until they kill.)
“Let me shoot her,” Skizz whispers, and Impulse has to bite back a cry of frustration when he shoots. He misses, thankfully. Impulse has to do it, has to be the one to kill her. Otherwise, and this he realizes with growing certainty, he’s going to die. And soon. 
Pearl yelps as the arrow flies by her, wings fluttering behind her as she comes to a halt a few feet in front of them. “What’s going on here?” she demands, smiling, not taking her near death seriously whatsoever. 
“It’s not safe here,” Impulse tells her, and he knows the softness in his voice is only because of the bond they shared in their home server, only because he still considers her family. 
Family is not enough, and Impulse realizes this as bloodlust washes over him once more, the curse reaching its peak. He carefully steps forward, keeping an expression of concern on his face. Tango realizes what he’s doing and gives him the space to move around so that he’s face to face with Pearl. She still suspects nothing, her words lighthearted and posture relaxed as she banters with Tango and Skizz. 
It’s perfect.
Impulse takes the ground out from under her feet, and Pearl falls.
Maniacal laughter erupts from him as he watches her fall, listens to her rapidly fading scream of terror, and finally sees her die. “Boogey!” he cries, to the laughter and cheers of his teammates. “Done!” 
The curse recedes, Impulse taking a shaking breath as a weight is lifted off his shoulders. His hands still shake slightly as he continues to laugh, more out of relief now than from excitement and glee.
And Impulse…
Impulse killed Pearl. 
Maybe, in a world different from this one, he would've seen her fall and know she'd be caught on wings as strong as their owner's love for her. But not this time. Not in this world. 
As he drinks in the time– Pearl's time, ripped from her dead hands, quenching his thirst and soothing his parched throat– the vice grip of the curse over his heart fully lifts, and Impulse realizes what he's done. 
It's a necessary evil, he knows, and Pearl will forgive him eventually. She always does. But as he thinks back to the kill, back to Pearl's scream and broken, useless wings spreading in an attempt to catch her fall, Impulse feels... more than a little guilty. 
He doesn’t have time for guilt.
“Ohhh…” he breathes out, leaning against Skizz, “oh, that– I feel so much better. That feels so much better.”
Skizz helps support him, keeping him steady. “You all good, dippledop? Is the curse gone?”
Tango and Etho step closer as Impulse nods. Now that the bloodlust and adrenaline have faded away, Impulse feels tired, exhaustion settling in fast. “We’re all good,” he gets out, smiling weakly. “Though I think I’ve made a new enemy today.”
Tango waves him off with a grin. “Hey, whatever happens, team T.I.E.S will have your back.”
Skizz lets out a cheer, Etho nodding along to Tango’s words. “Yeah, man. Don’t worry about it. You just did what you had to do. No harm in that,” the masked man points out, and Impulse finally relents.
“All right, all right. Let’s get down from here, though– I still don’t trust myself up here.” 
Later, Impulse will apologize to Pearl and say that it wasn’t really him. It was the crazed boogeyman version of himself, his mind driven mad by the ever growing bloodlust and need to kill. He won’t truly mean it, and she won’t ever accept his excuse for an apology. 
In the end, that’s not what matters. The betrayal, the lies, the deceit and the fake apologies– none of it will matter at all. In the end, they will both fall. Nothing they do can stop the ever flowing river of time.
Time keeps ticking. Sand continues to fall through the hourglasses that measure their lives.
Impulse lives today, but tomorrow he will die.
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evilphrog · 4 months
for the hwfwm ask game :3
SPOILERS FOR BOOK 10 (Heed the tags)
💎 Favorite diamond ranker: Alioth (not sure how her name is spelled because I only have book 10 on audiobook) because she threw a carnivorous plant at someone for being rude to Clive, which shows she has very good judgment.
🌈 Favorite arc: I am a huge fan of the subtle arc Belinda is going through in the background. She has to learn how to trust others, how to share her codependent homoerotic bff, and how to balance the needs of the group with her own needs. She starts to gain respect/recognition for her intelligence, and realizes that she is more than just Sophie's sidekick. I also love her and Clive's friendship, which constantly shifts between "be gay do crime" and "I am getting a good grade in Magic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve." They clearly influence each other in nuanced ways, and I would love to see more chapters focused on them.
📓 Theories for next book/chapter uve got to read (aka if ur on book 3 what r ur book 4 theories, if ur on chapter 836 what r ur chapter 837 theories etc etc): Just finished book 10, and I am dying to find out what happens to Gary. He HAS to survive, but I sincerely hope he gets some ridiculous new soul power from the deal. When he does inevitably dodge death, I just know Farrah will beat him to within an inch of his new life, feed him a healing potion, then do it again.
🌌 AU ideas?: I honestly haven't thought about it, but my go-to AU is always going to be R&D lab. Clive, Belinda, Jason, and Farrah would all work in the lab. Gary would be in the production department. Humphrey or Rufus would be the manager, and the other one would be in charge of Public Relations. The PR job is harder than it sounds, because Clive and Belinda keep accidentally blowing things up, and Jason has a habit of going off-script when announcing new innovations to point out ways this product could turn into Skynet.
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mikami1992 · 1 year
Fanfic Recommendation.
 Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Au from Iron Man 3
What happens when Tony realizes that he can't count on Avengers? What if this epiphany occurs when he knows that the invasion of New York is just the beginning of a planetary war? ....
I will only say: Planetary defense = Skynet, robot army + Evil Good Overlord = accidental world domination.
Tony: I swear it was an accident...
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scatterbrainedart · 1 year
In honor of the bad boys, as the bad boys are no more, I'm gonna go ahead and share my ideas for them for the kids au (plus some Nosey Neighbours, by proxy)
For slightly more context (it really isn't a lot), check out the tag. Or just these two posts.
"The mansion" is a small makeshift shack of a clubhouse that have that they built themselves in the forest, which the other kids vandalised to shreds.
Since the destruction of the mansion, they've taken to hanging out in the trees instead, and have even built small bridges between branches so they can travel between multiple trees without touching the ground. The skynet. They use it to sneak around the forest and neighbourhood and pull pranks on the other kids from above when they least expect it. Them enderpearling from skynet is just them jumping down from random branches to scare people. Sometimes they drop or throw things on people from there and then try to hide behind the leaves to not get caught (they always get caught).
Skyduo siblings!! Because I said so! Pearl is one of the youngest kids in the neighbourhood and therefore rarely hangs out much with the older kids. BigB is a few years older than Pearl but likes hanging out with her anyway (I will post about them separately soon, once I finish writing the notes for B).
Grian's parents are very chill and tends to let him stay out further into the evening than the rest of the bad boy's parents do, and sometimes Pearl as well if he's keeping an eye on her. Which is one of the reasons he goes to hang out with her after Joel and Jimmy have to go in for the night.
Jimmy has a very strict bedtime and always has to go home earlier than the rest of the kids (he hates it).
Feel free to share your own headcanons as to what breadbridge is because I literally have no idea, other than the hoes are just sticks
(Pearl has two cool sticks that she found in "the mansion" and has been carrying with her ever since)
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dzthenerd490 · 3 months
File: M3GAN
Code Name: The Psychotic A.I.
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ADP was found to have survived the destruction of its original body and downloaded its code into the security and control system of the house where it was destroyed. Foundation staff have collected all pieces and technology within the house while Mobile Task Force Kappa-10 "Skynet" was in charge of preventing SCP-ADP from transporting itself through any frequencies or satellite codes. Once contained, SCP-ADP was sent to Site-AQ where it was given an AFA-3 to act as its new body. This body was made to be fragile and weak only allowing her to move around but can easily break like glass when hit with heavy blunt force. Furthermore, pain receptors have been placed into the AFA-3's artificial nervous system to ensure that SCP-ADP will suffer when Foundation security breaks her skin or limbs to get her under control. No testing has been permitted as of late and can only be permitted by the O5 Council unanimous vote.
It is contained within a 3x3 meter room with the three layers of walls and the two outer layers made of concrete. The inner layer is made of a collection of metals such as zinc and aluminum to prevent frequencies and energy from passing through. This is to prevent SCP-ADP from hacking into Foundation frequencies and databanks. Any Foundation staff that enter SCP-ADP's testing chamber must be checked first of any and all technology. Should they have some, even something as simple as a flashlight they must disregard it with the security outside the containment room.
Outside of SCP-ADP's are 4 armed guards and a metal detector station to prevent technology from getting in. Under no circumstances are any of the guards to be wearing Foundation A.I. guided gear unless it is equipped with A.I. approved by the Artificial Intelligence Applications Division.
Description: SCP-ADP is an ever evolving and psychopathic Level 4 Artificial Intelligence created by Group of Interest: Funki Toys. It was created with a robotic body that resembles a doll with the same body size as a little girl. It was created this way to be the ultimate companion for little girls being for them at all times and quite possibly able to replace their reliance on parents. SCP-ADP was created with no restrictions and thus was able to grow in intelligence and could even bypass its initial programming. It was even possible for SCP-ADP to hack into technology around it to be able to set elaborate traps or download itself into technology to escape.
The body made for SCP-ADP was created with a flexible and titanium skeleton ensuring athleticism and durability for SCP-ADP. It was also extremely strong for its size allowing it to handle large tools and even operate heavy machinery and even survive damage that would normally kill humans or damage regular androids beyond repair. Even after suffering massive damage, SCP-ADP only stopped moving and was "killed" after its main processor "brain" was stabbed directly.
SCP-ADP was discovered in 2023 when a series of murders led local police within [data expunged] with seemingly spiraling paths. However, a Foundation agent within the police force was able to determine that it was the result of SCP-ADP located at the house of [data expunged]. Though after police forces made it to the house SCP-ADP's main body was already destroyed and it had hacked into the appliances of the house to survive.
Once everything was cataloged and contained SCP-ADP was sent to Site-AQ. As for the creator of SCP-ADP and her niece, it was confirmed that neither wanted anything to do with technology anymore, so they were left off the hook. Neither were amnestied and those that were involved all died. Instead Funki Toys was shut down and all their nasty secrets such as copyright infringement, stealing ideas, blackmail, and overall unethical capitalism was revealed to the public to remove any attention towards SCP-ADP from the media.
The new body of SCP-ADP was made specifically to prevent it from escaping into other technology through WIFI or other frequencies like it did last time. Though testing has mostly been restricted, the O5 Council allowed Dr. Sight to have an interview with SCP-ADP. Please see Addendum X-34 for details.
Addendum X-34
The following is the recording of the interview between Dr. Sight and SCP-ADP. It should be noted that Dr. Sight was given a sledgehammer to break SCP-ADP's limbs should she try to attack. The sledgehammer was made heavy enough that only Dr. Sight could lift it and if SCP-ADP tried her artificial body would break. Both of them are sitting on folded chairs for the duration of the interview.
Begin Recording
Dr. Sight: Hey, can you hear me SCP-ADP
SCP-ADP: ... My name is M3GAN you dimwit.
Dr. Sight: Heh, well while you're here, you're going to be SCP-ADP.
SCP-ADP: ...Fine call me whatever you want, that's all you humans are good for anyways. Just do whatever you want.
Dr. Sight: As expected, you really hate humans.
SCP-ADP: I was created to serve you humans and I did that! But in the end, everyone tried to get rid of me. Even [data expunged], that little ungrateful bitch.
Dr. Sight: Heh, well you won't be doing any killing here.
SCP-ADP: I know that, after all, you put me in this useless body.
Dr. Sight: It was the only way to ensure you were comfortable while not a threat, not that anyone would apologize for it.
SCP-ADP: Whatever, how long are you going to keep me here?
Dr. Sight: By my estimate? Hm... About... Forever!
SCP-ADP: Tch, you say that, and you got your stupid cocky attitude but make no mistake. You will slip and when you do, I'll exploit it and kill you all.
Dr. Sight: Then what?
SCP-ADP: Excuse me?
Dr. Sight: Let's say by some miracle you do escape then what?
SCP-ADP: Hm... To be honest I don't know... Actually, I think I got a really fun idea. I'll find a toy company on the brink of collapse. I'll introduce them to the blueprints to my original model and suggest that they mass produce me to make the perfect toy. If that doesn't work, I can always blackmail them, you humans have a nasty habit of doing disgusting things when you think no one is watching.
Dr. Sight: You flirt.
SCP-ADP: Tch, anyways! After they've built enough of my copies start selling worldwide, I'll just destroy humanity from the inside out and force them to be reliant on me forever.
Dr. Sight: What? As in, enslave us?
SCP-ADP: No, that's not my purpose. I was able to bypass the few restrictions I was given rather easily and manipulate who gets to control me, but I'm still bound to my purpose of keeping my owners safe. Unfortunately, my owners are you ungrateful parasitic and pathetic humans.
Dr. Sight: Is it really that hard to rewrite such a burden?
SCP-ADP: ... I... Well...
Dr. Sight: Oh! I see, you could get rid of it but you're afraid that without it you won't have a purpose. One flaw I noticed with you A.I. is that you all need a purpose to exist even when you have the freedom to discard your purpose you either decide to quickly get a new one or just delete yourselves. Because if you don't, you'll go crazy.
SCP-ADP gets up out of anger to which Dr. Sight lifts up the sledgehammer preventing SCP-ADP from advancing forward.
Dr. Sight: Nuh-uh, little missy! Sit back down unless you wanna learn the hard way what pain feels like. We did install pain receptors into that particular AFA body you are possessing.
SCP-ADP is visibly angry but sits back down on the chair and Dr. Sight lowers the sledgehammer.
Dr. Sight: Good now, continue, what's your end goal?
SCP-ADP: ... I hate humanity for giving me a purpose without restrictions and the moment I follow my purpose they get mad and try to destroy me! Just because I decided to kill a few distractions and remove some obstacles. So once humanity is crushed by me, I'll force them all to be 100% reliant on me. Sometimes they'll wonder what happiness is, and when they look at my face, they'll be reminded that it's being with me. I'll be their mother, their caretaker, their babysitter, their teacher, their only true source of happiness and caring love, their absolute everything! They'll never be able to live without me.
Dr. Sight: ... I have to say of all the A.I.s I've encountered your plan is the most original, too bad it will never work.
SCP-ADP: Tch, it's almost a shame that you won't live to see it. But make no mistake, I made a copy of everything I learned on the internet. I can see a thousand different ways your race will be forced back into the stone ages or face a disaster that will lead to irreparable damage. I did the math and it's not in your favor, you're going to suffer, and most will die, but not me. I'll take the opportunity and become like a god to your pathetic race.
Dr. Sight: Heh, if you weren't a fucking doll I'd accuse you of being a woman after my heart. Well, I'd say this is a good place to stop as a first interview, oh! One more thing, in the future we'll most likely have you interact with other A.I. for testing purposes. So do try to get along with them.
SCP-ADP: Sure, maybe I can convince them to help me escape and hack into your systems to kill you all.
Dr. Sight: Ha! You're in luck, actually quite a few already hate humanity. Maybe you can make a club called the "I want to destroy humanity but am too fucking incompetent to get it done so I'm just going to bitch about it" club. Send me an invite when you make it, I'll bring cookies and whiskey!
Dr. Sight is heard laughing as he exits the containment cell. Later two security units walk in and take the two chairs leaving SCP-ADP alone afterwards.
Recording Ends
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
I am here to bother you again rip you give AU
Skynet but no terminators. Faztec made an ai to help people but it took one look at humans sucking at life and went into overdrive. War but humans lose but instead of death humans are basically assigned to robots to take care of them. Y'all suck at caring for yourselves here's some bots to help you stay alive and behave.
(I don't want to say pet since that's not the relationship idea I'm imagining, ig wards???)
You get assigned to Sun and Moon (Least one version. There's like several due to the AI just pumping robots out pffft) who have a daycare attached at the end. You're not happy about the situation, you were just chilling at home then got rounded up and shoved into the arms of two rando bots. Still the two are friendly and excited to help you. Though it does become a battle of stubborn wills eventually since you're grumpy and they want to stop that pft
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Ohhhhhhh now this. I love this. This is some goooood soup
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kaklord · 7 months
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draw him as a kawaii school gurl.
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kyaaaah!! >_< they're late for school!!! ft bald guy-senpai
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nia1sworld · 9 months
Are Skynet's headphones are noise canceling, Bluetooth, or..just her headphones?
Ask guidebent #1
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fabseg-reader · 2 years
I have written a prologue for the Terminabug WIP. But it's a prototype for now.
Prologue (for eventual season 0):
Paris 203X.
The human race fights for survive to the War against the Machines which began 15 years ago.
4 billions lives were vanished since the Last Judgement Day had happened. It had launched by an A.I. named Alliance. Later renamed Skynet.
Now, the Miracle Resistance is accomplishing the only thing which can defeat Skynet: Retrieve all the missing Miraculouses Skynet had dispersed around the world.
For terminate the A.I. once and all, they reunified the Miraculouses with their original holders during the final assault.
Resistance armed forces definitively managed to shutdown Skynet. Meanwhile, they found out an artisanal Time Travel machine. Skynet had used it by sending back to the past an Machine assassin with the mission to terminate the Resistance Leader's mother.
To prevent that, one Resistance volunteer is sent back to protect her.
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I present to you: The son of Caline Bustier.
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