#skynd interview
bright-was-right · 10 months
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independentzaun · 1 year
((I am so bad at these. I hate open ended questions XD))
favorite color(s): Purple, red, black.
favorite flavor(s): Really truly depends on what I’m in the mood for. Sometimes I want sweet, sometimes spicy, sometimes savory or a mix of things.
favorite genre(s): For what? Movies, manga, books, tv shows, anime, or? IT CHANGES WHY IS THIS SO UNPRECISE? I go anywhere from horror to yuri to sci-fi to slice of life to nonfiction stuff to who knows what else. My favorite genre? Maybe yes sure but not always.
favorite movie(s): Mr. Brooks. Devil’s Advocate. Godfather (the first one). The three musketeers (1993). Ghostbusters. Sneakers. Other’s I’m sure.
favorite series: Arcane (obvious answer is answer). Our flag means death. Midnight Dinner: Tokyo Stories. Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. The Sandman. Interview with the Vampire.
last song: Elisa Lam by SKYND
last movie: Cube 2 Hypercube.
currently reading: Last book I finished was “Exquisite Corpse” by Poppy Z. Brite.
currently watching: Dimension 20: Neverafter.
currently working on: Resting to get some spoons back. Have a gundam I want to finish building, writing to do, some other stuff around the house and what not.
Tagged by: @misfits-of-zaun
Tagging: @misstantabismuses @legendscried @nithhaiahh @elisethetraveller @perfect-fourth @bioniczaunites @astrxae @ whoever else wants to do it.
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victoryrifle · 2 years
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SKYND’s interview for Dagens Nyheter
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celeboftea · 4 years
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NILUM on What Inspired his latest Single "Coffins For Rent" - Getmybuzzup: Tell us a little about yourself? NILUM: NILUM is the soul of a 466-year-old vampire from Transylvania that resides in the body of a London based independent music artist, YUP ME! My sound could be described as an eclectic blend of hip-hop and rock, combining urban production and hip-hop influences with rock style choruses and vocals. I write, produce, mix and master all of my music as well as direct my music videos, all independently. Getmybuzzup: How long have you been in the music industry for? NILUM: Originally, I come from Portugal, where after graduating from a degree in classical guitar I decided to go to London and pursue a different direction in music, as I was always writing music since childhood, I went on to graduate from a Bachelor Degree in Songwriting at The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance in London. During my teenage years (about a couple of centuries ago), I had different artist projects as I really enjoyed experimenting with different types of music, I was in rock bands and I even had some sort of a pop project, that after getting a small taste of what the music industry was like, literally made me not want to become an artist anymore. After that, I was initially thinking of writing and producing mainly for other people but after being possessed by NILUM I felt a strong need to express my own sound, and now with full creative control and a much clearer vision, I ended up creating my own project, releasing my first single 'Numb' in July 2019. Getmybuzzup: What inspired you get started in the music business in the first place? NILUM: I was always making a lot of noise as a child, so my parents decided to get me some musical instruments and lessons, to give my destructive efforts a better outlet. Over the years I ended up playing saxophone, electric guitar as well as a classical one and explored a vast amount of genres from jazz to classical, hip-hop to pop and rock. However, I recall that songwriting was somehow always in me, as I would come up with random melodies as a child and therefore I eventually ended up pursuing this direction. I have considered other careers over time, however, I always knew I would end up in the music business, even if it's not the greatest of ideas! https://wp.me/p1PuJR-4YU7 Please Reblog!
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getmybuzzup · 4 years
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NILUM on What Inspired his latest Single "Coffins For Rent" - Getmybuzzup: Tell us a little about yourself? NILUM: NILUM is the soul of a 466-year-old vampire from Transylvania that resides in the body of a London based independent music artist, YUP ME! My sound could be described as an eclectic blend of hip-hop and rock, combining urban production and hip-hop influences with rock style choruses and vocals. I write, produce, mix and master all of my music as well as direct my music videos, all independently. Getmybuzzup: How long have you been in the music industry for? NILUM: Originally, I come from Portugal, where after graduating from a degree in classical guitar I decided to go to London and pursue a different direction in music, as I was always writing music since childhood, I went on to graduate from a Bachelor Degree in Songwriting at The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance in London. During my teenage years (about a couple of centuries ago), I had different artist projects as I really enjoyed experimenting with different types of music, I was in rock bands and I even had some sort of a pop project, that after getting a small taste of what the music industry was like, literally made me not want to become an artist anymore. After that, I was initially thinking of writing and producing mainly for other people but after being possessed by NILUM I felt a strong need to express my own sound, and now with full creative control and a much clearer vision, I ended up creating my own project, releasing my first single 'Numb' in July 2019. Getmybuzzup: What inspired you get started in the music business in the first place? NILUM: I was always making a lot of noise as a child, so my parents decided to get me some musical instruments and lessons, to give my destructive efforts a better outlet. Over the years I ended up playing saxophone, electric guitar as well as a classical one and explored a vast amount of genres from jazz to classical, hip-hop to pop and rock. However, I recall that songwriting was somehow always in me, as I would come up with random melodies as a child and therefore I eventually ended up pursuing this direction. I have considered other careers over time, however, I always knew I would end up in the music business, even if it's not the greatest of ideas! https://wp.me/p1PuJR-4YU7 Please Reblog!
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meova101 · 2 years
WIP Amnesty
Cult!AU, Charles as the cult leader and Seb as the journalist trying to get his story down without being taken in by him. I’d imagined this as a bunch of interviews comprising the story but then realized I’m not that good at writing dialogue lol. I know I already got gifted a great fic about this with a sex cult but I’m still daydreaming of a “normal” cult too so here it is xD
Also, this entire idea was inspired by SKYND’s Jim Jones, so that’s the vibe I keep envisioning. 
An excerpt:
‘Are you recording this?’
‘I could be, if you want.’
Sebastian closes his notebook, fishes the tape recorder out of his bag.
‘No, it’s better if you don’t.’ There’s a smile playing around the corners of Charles Leclerc’s mouth. It doesn’t reach his eyes. It would have creeped Sebastian out more if it had.
He slips the recorder back out of sight, sits back up and opens his notebook.
‘So, where to start…’
It doesn’t seem like Leclerc is feeling particularly talkative, which is fine. This isn’t his first rodeo.
‘Only twenty three and already the de facto leader of (Ferrari-ology, idk man). You seem to be working hard on reforming the group. Can you tell me how you decided that this was what you were wanting to do?’
Leclerc looks at his nails, runs a hand through his hair. His nails are the one part of him that doesn’t look impeccable, bitten to the quick. Sebastian scribbles down a quick note, leans back in his chair.
‘I didn’t decide. There was no other way. Someone had to lead the horse back to water and, well, I knew from a very young age that that was me.’
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HEAVY Magazine / DIGI-MAG Issue #81 / SPECIAL EDITION: The Ladies Of Rock
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This week we have a very special edition of the HEAVY Digi-Magazine. A week before the next print edition hits the streets we’ve put together a list of 40 bands of which involves ladies rocking their arses off!
We’ve also interviewed a few of these ladies (actually, we’ve probably interviewed them all, but in the last week or so we’ve sat down and chatted with the likes of: Lzzy of Halestorm, Erica of RED SEA, Fiona of DEF FX, Alex of Drown This City, super-guitarist Simone of Voyager, and Skynd of well, SKYND.
To view the interivews with the ladies, and get some of the latest news, album reviews and more… visit:
Enjoy, share, love and ROCK. \m/
The evolutionary journey of rock to metal and back has seen not just the beauty and grace of a lady but the power and strength of a woman.
From Janis Joplin and Joan Jett, Doro and Lita Ford, L7 and Babed In Toyland, Evanescence and Garbage; Epica and Arch Enemy; now we have Jinjer, Babymetal and War On Women – each so diverse but yet each a combined force.
Welcome, “The Ladies of Rock”.
This beautiful half of Humankind has been flying the flag of rock, metal and everything between since the late ’60s. Whether it is clean or brutal vocals, here’s a mixed list of women vocalists hailing from Europe, The United States, The United Kingdon, Canada, Australia and New Zealand who have risen to the top of the World Charts plus a few that have just started that journey.
While this concise list is no particular order, we must first turn our attention to a few founding members of rock and heavy music. Then we’ll introduce you to modern bands, some more classic outfits, and a few you may not have yet discovered before.
Full list in here.
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mmhradio · 5 years
A tweet
🦇🦇TONIGHT 10PM ALL NEW HERESY🦇🦇 With tracks from @depechemode @FOTNofficial , @the_mission_uk , @destroyangels , @DevilsDandyDogs , @mushroomhead , @raymondwatts @nickcave @officialnma plus and interview with @skynd taken at @DownloadFest pic.twitter.com/ucmo7uuiP3
— Midlands Metalheads (@Mid_Metalheads) June 29, 2019
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Neymar idømt et gult kort igen i Champions League
Brasiliens nationale spiller Neymar tog to gule kort i kampen mod Barcelona tabte 0-2 Malaga i sidste uge, i almindelighed, spillerne blev forbudt for et spil. Men fordi selv mock dommeren med den måde at klappe i, når de på den måde at han forlod banen, kan der være yderligere straf. Fodbold spil sæson er på vej, nu virkelig har brug for den Billige Fodboldstøvler, skynd dig ordrer.
Hvis den endelige Neymar blev udvidet til at suspendere den sag, så ville han ikke være i stand til at fange den April 23 team væk mod Real Madrid ' s derby.
I et interview med Barcelona og Juventus, før Champions League, Mascherano, sagde Neymar, bør suspenderes, bare for et spil af straf, han sagde, at der var spillere, der har gjort lige som før, men suspension af kun en enkelt kamp også.
"Vi er nødt til at se på, hvad der vil ske næste." Mascherano fortalte reportere. "Der var en spiller, der havde gjort det samme før, og det var kun suspenderet i et spil, og vi vil se det." Hurtigt købe Nike Neymar Fodboldstøvler, jo mere du køber, jo mere rabat du vil få.
"Det 's er let at se TV tale om en spiller, der er ting i hjemmet, men det' s svært at træffe en beslutning i en høj - intensitet spil, og nogle gange er dine tanker er forkerte, og at 's hvad der skete med mig.
"Vi vil ikke skyde skylden på hinanden, og når holdet er i problemer, forsøger vi at hjælpe ham."
Neymar vil være i stand til at deltage i det næste hold og Juventus i Champions League spil, kan du fortsætte med Suarez, Messi partner. Mascherano sagde, at selv hvis Messi ikke vinde mesterskabet for landsholdet, han er også en fodboldlegende.
I Real Madrids side, Ramos og Modri? i den første del af spillet mod Bayern vandt det gule kort, vil det miste muligheden for at spille anden runde. Bayern array er Boateng.
I det område af Barcelona, Neymar, Pique og Raktich bør være forsigtig med af deres egne handlinger, Juventus er Quartrado.
Mens Atletico Madrid, kun Gimenes en person, der har denne risiko, mens Leicester City har Waldie, Sliemani, Ndi Di og Hutt fire spillere. Hvis du ønsker at vide mere information om Nike Neymar Fodboldstøvler, kan du besøge hjemmesiden, hvor der er en mere detaljeret beskrivelse.
Læs mere på:http://www.vsffodbold2004.com/Neymar-idomt-et-gult-kort-igen-i-Champions-League
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Messi engang nægtede at acceptere enhver samtale, men i henhold til "Marca" nyheder, han har en undtagelse til at acceptere et interview med en mexicansk magasin, Messi sagde hans mest værdsatte ære er det 2008 Beijing Olympiske Lege mester, også påpeget, at han er stolt af at være medlem af Guardiola holdet. Den fodboldkamp sæson kommer, nu virkelig har brug for det Billige fodboldtrøjer, skynd dig ordrer det. I klubben, Messi tog utallige priser, men på landsholdet har han gentagne gange blevet kritiseret, at tale om Messi egne erfaringer, Messi sagde: "Jeg forstår de mennesker, dem, der altid vil have os til at vinde, dem, der håber, at vi kan vinde trofæet, vi håber også, at disse landsholdsspillere kan vinde, jeg er ligeglad om min egen kritik, fordi jeg forstår, hvad der skete. Selvom Messi vundet adskillige priser, men han påpegede, at han er mest skattede er 2008 Beijing Olympiske Lege mester, "det er en meget vigtig sejr for mig, fordi det kan være i hele dit liv, kan kun deltage i 1 spil, mange områder Atleter vil komme i. "Direkte ordrer, købe Griezmann Trøje, og det vil begynde at transportere til dig i den samme dag. Messi talte også om Guardiola drøm team, "om det er for mig, eller for holdkammerater, at være medlem af Barcelona, ​​som får alle æren af ​​lineup, er dette en stor stolthed. Guardiola søger at balancere, men også inspireret den bedste ydeevne af holdet, så alle har den bedste tilstand. Messi talte også om hans familie, sagde han, "i mit liv, det vigtigste er mine børn og familie, jeg kan lide at tilbringe tid med them.What tre ting, jeg ikke kan leve? Er med sin søn og familie sammen, i Ud over frokostpausen, og derefter hver dag og kontaktpersoner sende SMS-beskeder. Leder du efter billig Griezmann Trøje? Vores produkter bliver diskonteret, kom og bestille det nu, og du vil få flere tilbud.
Læs mere på:http://www.fodboldbluser.com/Messis-tre-vigtigste-ting
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fodboldsetborn-blog · 7 years
Fornyelsen af Messi er Barcelona umiddelbare prioritet
Argentina VM mester-afspiller, Maradona idol Bocini accepterede den tidligere holdkammerat Valdano interview. Ifølge Bocini, Messi præstation i Barcelona, ​​end på landsholdet er bedre, fordi Messi i Barcelona få mere hjælp fra holdkammerater og trænere, og Messi er mangel på støtte i Argentina. Merchandise promotion tid, skal du nu ordrer købe Fodboldtøj til børn, har mulighed for at få en række små gaver.
"For Messi, han ikke får hjælp på en eller anden måde, såsom Argentinas landstræner," sagde Bocini, i et program vært ved Valdano. "Messi er foran til at vente en bold, men ingen andre hjælpe ham åbne situationen. Køb Messi tøj til børn, juble for Barcelona, ​​juble for Messi.
Fornyelsen af ​​Messi er Barcelonas topprioritet, men forhandlingerne mellem de to parter ikke har været betydelige fremskridt. For et par uger siden, havde Messi far Jorge kommer til Barcelona, ​​og havde mødtes med holdets øverste ledelse, men de to parter ikke gøre en effektiv konklusion, Jorge også straks fløj tilbage til Argentina.
Men ifølge "Aspen avisen" afslørede, at Messi fornyelse har indvarslede en ny mulighed. "Aspen avisen" fra Barcelona inde i pålidelig nyheder, i de næste par uger, Messi far Jorge vil igen komme til Barcelona, ​​og håber, at han kan nå til enighed med klubben. "Nu kan vi se nogle hope.To vide, at i december sidste år, alt er ikke klart.
I Messi løn side, "Aspen avisen" afslørede, at denne Argentin stadig ønsker at få 30 mio til 40 millioner euro i årsløn, hvilket skyldes, at den tidligere stigning i udførelsen af ​​Barcelona Suarez og Neymar skyld. "Aspen avisen" sagde, at for at give Messi nok løn, vil Barcelona nødt til at justere den eksisterende lineup. Der er typer af Messi tøj til børn i vores hjemmeside for dette øjeblik, skynd dig at købe.
Læs mere på:http://www.compuship.net/Fornyelsen-af-Messi-er-Barcelona-umiddelbare-prioritet
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Manchester United 3-2 vinde Southampton. Efter spillet, Ibrahimovic og Pogba sammen til at acceptere "Sky Sports" interview, er det interessant, at når Pogba har været svært at prale omkring Ibrahimovic, siden nogen sagde: "Jeg er gratis, Manchester United at købe, er dig. "scenen er meget happy.Buy en Billige Fodboldtrøjer på vores hjemmeside, kan vi tro du er ikke sidste gang at købe her. "Dette mester er så vigtigt at spillerne og de fans, vi har brug for en sådan et mesterskab," siger Pogba, "sagde han, og Pogba kunne ikke undertrykke sin beundring for Ibrahimovic Han krammede den side af Ibrahimovic, roste:." Ja, denne fyr ændret fodboldkamp, hvilket er grunden til Manchester United købte sin reasons.The fodboldkamp sæson kommer, nu virkelig har brug for Billige Pogba Trøje, skynd dig ordrer det. Pogba havde ikke færdig til at tale, Ibrahimovic straks svarede: "Jeg er gratis, Manchester United bruge penge til at købe, er dig." Dette kan være sjovt for Pogba, scenen bliver meget glad. Pogba fortsatte: "Ja, det er derfor Ibrahimovic til at komme her af de grunde." Der er fans sagde Ibrahimovic stærk er en grund til ham, hans sind også slået meget hurtigere end den gennemsnitlige person. Alle ved, at begyndelsen af sæsonen Manchester United fri fra Paris Saint-Germain introducerede Ibrahimovic, men Pogba er Red Devils brugt en rekord 89 mio £ fra Juventus introduktion, de to spillere er Manchester United i Midtbanespiller og angribe kernen af linjen de to spillere på banen stiltiende arbejde sammen, når efter fodboldkamp også spillet meget glad, hvad Manchester United er sådan, hvordan kan vi ikke lade fans se håb? hurtigt købe Pogba tøj til børn, jo mere du køber, jo flere rabatter, du vil få.
Læs mere på:http://www.spillertoj.com/Ibrahimovic-latterliggorelse-Pogba-Manchester-United-at-kobe-er-dig-jeg-er-gratis
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meova101 · 3 years
Meo, you know your titles crack me tf up qswdefj But oh my god I'm 👀 Okay okay how about... 'Sebchal cult!au which wasn't going anywhere'?
Aklsjdg I’m glad you like the titles, haha. Okay so the cult!au was dreamt up because I’m absolutely in love with SKYND’s music and she has a really good song about Jim Jones so I wanted to use it for something. Eventually, it ended up as a drabble in the instant pot with way different characters, lol. 
Anyway, basic premise was that Charles is a cult leader (Il Predestinato is just begging for it honestly), Seb interviews him for an in-depth article and eventually gets charmed by Charles, but that’s about as far as I got plot-wise. I wrote a bit of the intro but got stuck so it’s on the shelf until further notice
‘Are you recording this?’
‘I could be, if you want.’
Sebastian closes his notebook, fishes the tape recorder out of his bag.
‘No, it’s better if you don’t.’ There’s a smile playing around the corners of Charles Leclerc’s mouth. It doesn’t reach his eyes. It would have creeped Sebastian out more if it had.
He slips the recorder back out of sight, sits back up and opens his notebook.
‘So, where to start…’
It doesn’t seem like Leclerc is feeling particularly talkative, which is fine. This isn’t his first rodeo.
‘Only twenty three and already the de facto leader of (Ferrari-ology, idk man). You seem to be working hard on reforming the group. Can you tell me how you decided that this was what you were wanting to do?’
Leclerc looks at his nails, runs a hand through his hair. His nails are the one part of him that doesn’t look impeccable, bitten to the quick. Sebastian scribbles down a quick note, leans back in his chair.
‘I didn’t decide. There was no other way. Someone had to lead the horse back to water and, well, I knew from a very young age that that was me.’
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mmhradio · 5 years
A tweet
🦇🦇SATURDAY 10PM ALL NEW HERESY🦇🦇 With tracks from @depechemode @FOTNofficial , @the_mission_uk , @destroyangels , @DevilsDandyDogs , @mushroomhead , @raymondwatts @nickcave @officialnma plus and interview with @skynd taken at @DownloadFest pic.twitter.com/A9arL2cdsG
— Midlands Metalheads (@Mid_Metalheads) June 26, 2019
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