kikosaurscave · 4 years
The Cheater and The Bear Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
10/6/21: PLSSSSS THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT ON THIS FIC BUT I HATE IT. I love the plot but i hate how i brought on the story towards the end, its boring, quick and sloppy as well, sorry for that. Ill touch it up...later🦖🦕
A/N: Kinktober, I dont know when Ill be encouraged/inspired enough to finish it, besides its obviously already overdue. This was written in a little under 5 hours and I think its pretty good.
The Angst isnt too bad, a bit of a weak ending but its alright.
F/F= Fav Food F/A=Fav Animal F/C=Fav Colour F/D=Fav Drink
Fandom: Boku No Hero Acadamia (My Hero Acadamia
Genre: Angst
Warnings/Contains: Angst. Slight/mentions of; Insomnia, Cheating, Abuse and Death(Reader), Sicknesses(Unspecified) and Suicude(Not directly)
Word Count: 1,934
Angst Level: 2-3
Bakugou and Y/n have been dating since they graduated college, they live together and Bakugou has been coming home late because “his boss is asking him to do extra hours” y/n being a good girlfriend, stays up and waits for him to get home so she can help him calm down from the foul attitude he’d usually have.
Trying not to fall asleep most the time, she would rarely get some sleep just to make sure he’s alright.
What he really does while his GIRLFRIEND is slowly falling ill for his sake is gradually getting closer to his coworker, spending the late nights with her and not his own girlfriend.
Slowly, week after week he starts recognising the late hours he’d yell at y/n for ‘Not minding her own business’ when she asks ‘Where he was’ or ‘How he was’, he’d notice his coworker being nothing like y/n, for example; when y/n would hug him, he’d feel warm inside, not with her.
When y/n would compliment him, he could tell she meant it, but she didnt even bother to. When y/n would wait for him and care for him, though she didnt? It just wasnt the same at all, it felt useless, he felt weird, sad in fact, he didnt know how he felt but he knew that if he looked into the e/c eyes of the person he loved; he would practically fall apart.
Checking the mail when he arrived home to see a letter from their local doctor to his y/n and opening it to see that his girlfriend had a bad condition with no possible ‘cure’ or ‘last resort’ to help with her condition caused by stress and insomnia he was scared, he rushed inside the house, stressfully slamming the door shut and walking into the living room to find his what looked like a now fully alert girlfriend with dark bags under her widened eyes with her hair a little messy, she tried to keep it tamed, but the first thing she still asked him was if he was alright, then she checked his forehead for a temperature while he stared speechless at her, mouth ajared and eyes wide with regret, sadness, anything in remorse “Youre sick and you didnt tell me?” He managed to mutter out after grabbing a soft hold onto her hands, something he hadnt done in a while because all his touches to her were violent and dangerous, the way he just spoke to her was the calmest in weeks, months even because he had been noticing the raggedness in his throat whenever he left to work.
She looked down, sadly, “I tried telling you but you told me I was just lying and being selfish..” his breath hitched realising that she wouldn’t live because of him.
Sure she told him she was fine and he didnt need to worry or that it wasnt his fault but that only made him realise how selfless she was, how much she really loved him and how idiotic he was, he finally realised what an idiot he was, a dirty unloyal cheater is what he called himself, undeserving of the very person he vaguely remembered promising to himself that he would give his life and propose to, because, because? He didnt remember because his mind was poisened with the thoughts of the nights he spent with someone else.
He knew that the memories would rush into his mind either after she died or while he tried his best to care for her during her last few days, when he couldve been doing this for until they grew old together.
He didnt remember why he did what he did but he knew that would be the greatest regret of his life; destined to burn into his mind while he recited her very words about moving on and living his life as strong as he always did or at least now could-though she didnt say that last part herself, he knew its what he knows wont stay out of his mind.
And so the days went by, he had stayed home from work to comfort her while in denial about the inevitable death ((Unus Annus👀)) coming to her.
He gave as much love to her that he could, made her the food she desperately needed, made her feel as needed as she was to him, bathed her himself and made her feel comfortable.
Even when she knew he was cheating on her she never stopped loving him, making sure HE was alright even when her very own health was slowly dropping as the weeks passed.
She knew what he did and she still didnt stop caring for him and his health, not her own. She shuffled and shivered in his embrace, causing him to adjust the blanket on her while smiling softly, the other rested on her back hugging her closer to him.
When her breathing evened once again he continued thinking, ‘Was it worth it?’ He would sometimes think to himself while brushing her hair.
He remembered the time he asked her if he was that worth it that she would sacrifice her health for;
‘Was I that worth it?’ He asked her while he adjusted the f/a bag on her back, to which she sadly looked down and said ‘You werent supposed to find out, When that letter arrived I was supposed to leave after seeing how bad my condition is,’ he stared down at her in shock as she continued,
“If I had gotten to the letter before you and left it would all be a little better..you wouldve forgotten me and moved on, I know you wouldve. I didnt want to bother you anymore, so I figured it’d be better if I left and probably went and lived with Hanta or Jirou instead of dying and leaving my body for you to find..I didnt want to cause so much trouble for you..’ His eyed watered and so did hers when she looked up at him..
Driving her to what she knew would be her last festival and what he denied it to be, he held her hand as if it would be the last time he would ever get the chance to.
She pulled him weakly by the hand, taking him from ride to ride—while he complained about how it might not be safe enough for her to ride, she didnt listen though, she still dragged him on, the cycle kept on going with y/n taking him on rides wether he worried about her safety or not, she took him to get some food and candy from time to time, she even asked him to win the f/c bear for and he nodded.
They watched the fireworks with her arms wrapped around her new bear and her bag and his wrapped around her, he watched as she looked up at the bright lights in the sky, he noticed how they reflected in them.
When they got home, she didnt tell him that she felt more unwell than usual, she just told him that ‘I had a great night, ‘Suki. I really love you, you know?’ She hugged him while he wondered where this came from but didnt take much mind as he listened with a smile on his own, she then continued ‘When Im gone, I dont want you to be sad,’ she whispered, ‘Dont say that.’ He shook his head, arms wrapping atound her and hugging her close ‘Youll be fine, you told me youll be fine..’ ‘I know..I just want you to know that, I love you and I want you to be happy and smile, dont dwell on the past, I forgive you, you know that right?’
He nodded, picking her up and taking her to their room, undressing her and putting her pyjamas on then the same with himself while she climbed under the cover and continued, ‘I mean it okay? So dont think it was your fault’ ‘But it was’ he muttered, sadly. ‘It wasnt.’ He didnt argue, he just stayed quiet, contemplating and dwelling on how he knew it was. ‘Are you hungry? Ill go make you some f/f..’ he left the room, not waiting for an answer, leaving you to look down disappointedly.
He didnt want to listen because he knew what you were going to say. Weakly closing your eyes, your hands wrapping around your torso, you opened your eyes a few minutes later, you felt awful, you felt your time closing in you, you swallowed some saliva or at least tried to, you heard Bakugou walk back in and the smell of f/f invaded your senses, you looked up and he walked over with two trays, both holding f/f and f/d, you smiled a small smile that weakly faltered when he put the trays down on the bed and grabbed the remote to the tv in your shared room.
That night when he held you in his arms and ran his finger through your hair and you slowly faded away, youre heart beat faltering, to which only the bear you held—between you two chest to chest—could hear.
‘I love you so much you know that right?’
‘I know..I love you too y/n’
You smiled, hearing him as he spoke genuinely, he really did love you, he just didnt remember or realise that he did so much until he woke up the next morning, your time had come and gone, your heart—
—‘Y/n? Baby wake up, its time to get up’ he shook you softly, you still clung to both him and the bear between you both—faltered that night, it had finally given up and you had lost your last game—
—‘Y/n wake up!’ He checked your breathing, your pulse, anything he could think of to try and give himself some hope that you weren—
You didnt want to die unhappy but you didnt want to stress him or frustrate him when or if he found your body had you stayed and he didnt read the letter.
—t dead, to try and give himself some hope that you werent dead, but the large lack or little to none of heartbeat and the fact that you werent breathing only made the tears fall from his eyes faster—
Its not the time to dwell on the past anymore, you just had to focus on not being scared of what was to come next, so instead you took in as much of Bakugou as you could, you latched closer onto him and took in his warmth and tried to focus on the bear, the calm bear that basically had no idea what was happening around it.
—‘Please wake up, Please wake up’ he repeated while dialling Emergency Services—
At least Suki would have it to take care of him while you were gone. You closed your eyes, and let out one last breath, feeling his grip tighten on you, a tear ran down your cheek as death took you with a gentle touch.
—‘I love you’ Bakugou whispered to your grave, tears running down his face as he hugged the bear the won you at the festival the night you died in his arms..when the found his body and a note saying,
‘Bury me with the bear next to her -Katsuki Bakugou’
It turned out he really did love you?
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kikosaurscave · 4 years
Kinktober: Day 2- Katsuki Bakugo- Dont get caught!
Hi I know im late with this its currently the twelfth and this has been finished since the fourth, this is unedited im sorry but I hope you enjoy somehow since this is short :)
also credit to @-yuputka- on wattpad this is from their ‘Yandere! Bakusquad x Reader x Protective! Dekusquad’ book! im sorry that i basically stole the plot but i guess it was  a small oneshot connecting to it? im really sorry though if i shouldve asked, their book is great go check it out! i enjoyed it quite a lot, thank you?
You know exactly how you got there, though it was a blur parts of the time.
You had just finished taking a shower after dinner, which was consisted with your parents bullshitting Katsuki, your childhood friend, while you sat next to your brother Neito, they were talking about how he was and is a bad influence because he had left a little scratch on you when you two were younger, but now you were back from a year long trip from America well not trip more like a quirk training camp, nevermind that.
You laid on your back on your bed before hearing the light knock on your window, not scared for your life you knew the only person ballsy enough to knock on your window at what was now midnight would be Katsuki.
You sighed, getting up from your bed and walking over to your window and pulling back the curtain, “Gah! Katsuki? What are you doing here?!” You whisper-yelled, but he didnt respond he just pointed towards the lock.
After he jumped through your now open window he smirked down at you before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in close, he whispered into your ear “I was just thinking about you teddybear, so I thought I might come over”
You blushed, feeling something lick your neck, that being his tongue. You pulled back with a visible dark blush as you looked up at him. You were wordless, so you took a step back, causing him to take another towards you. This continued until you hit your bed, causing you to fall more like sit down on it in front of the smirking blonde.
Still looking up at you, he knelt down and kissed your lips, roughly yet passionately.
You gasped and felt his tongue slip into your mouth before you had the chance to kiss him back. That wouldve been something you didnt want yet needed so badly.
You unconsciously wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, he laid you on your f/c bed properly all while searching every crevice of your mouth. Moaning softly, you dragged your hands down his clothed torso as he did yours.
He wore his Jurassic Park shirt that he loved, he also wore some sweats as if he too had just gotten out of the shower or went for a jog.
You wore a hoodie, his hoodie, with no bra (gotta let those puppies breath) and the
f/c comfy shorts you had that you wore to sleep, they were originally Izuku’s and had All Might on them but he let you have them because he left them at your house when he slept over once.
He drifted his hands under the hoodie you wore, “This is mine,” he teased while tugging at the cotton fabric before dragging his hands lower, “And these are Deku’s” he growled, while looking at the shorts you wore right now, “I can tell by how dorky they are” he laughed a little.
You huffed, “Katsuki, thats not nice” you pouted, he just chuckled at your sudden innocence before taking his shirt off.
You admired his abs and double d titties.
Feeling the waistband snap at your skin, you yelp a little to which he did it again. “H-hey!” You muttered, scolding him in a platonic way.
“These. They should go.” He said to you, pulling them down by the waistband earning a small hesitant moan.
He took them off, realising you werent wearing PaNTieS underneath them at all (gotta let the cat out of the bag every once in a while), he looked subtle though he was blushing like crazy.
He tossed your shorts to the side, admiring you in all your glory. “Hey..st-op staring” you pouted to which he looked up at you with that same smirk before leaning over to you and kissing you deeply with you immediately kissing back.
He dilly dallied his hands up and down your inner thighs sometimes stroking your aching cunt from time to time earning a small whimper from you. (if your a boss ass bitch then be submissive for me this once)
All while still kissing you he dragged his hands up your skin, still feeling you up on his way to take your his hoodie off, releasing twiddle dee and tweedle doo, his face lit up at the sight of your gorgeous body. (Dont ever say your body is disgusting, you’re gorgeous)
You felt him squeeze and play with them, moaning at his touch. You finally realised how closed you were (6 feet :/) he had his clothed member (rip wattpad) pressed up at your entrance, feeling how hard he was he could almost cum at the sight of you in front of him. The desire that he kept pent up inside him now had a chance to leave and explore not only you sexually but this could be the start to a new relationship, one he always wished for.
Leaning down to your cunt that dripped with your sweet juices he cheekily dragged him tongue up and down the sensitive skin, lapping up some of the wet substance, tasting you right in front of your face when he looked up at you. He moaned with a small growl, “You taste so sweet, teddybear” he eyed your half lidded eyes as you looked away, enjoying the new feeling of him rubbing his middle finger between your lips while you held in loud moans.
The ended with cautious fucking and raspy breathing, soft moaning and a heavy needing.
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kikosaurscave · 4 years
Kinktober: Day 5- Eijirou Kirishima- Under the Influence
Really short and unedited! Had inspiration for a plot but when it came to writing it, I got distracted easily as usual yet it was hard to concentrate on what to write.
i got inspiration from another yandere based(?) fanfic on tumblr but i forgot what it was called and who it was by so credit to them! im pretty sure if i do find the post ill make sure to come back and credit them respectfully, though the plot was about a yandere bakugo who is obessed/in love with y/n but so is kirishima, she goes to the bathroom i forgot why but she ends up having sex with eijirou while bakugo watches from behind the mirror im pretty sure, also kiri is drunk but ends up dead. if you know the name and the creator/original artist/writer then please let me know :)
Hope you enjoy :)
Leaving to fix your makeup you dont know exactly remember what happened to have you both end up like this.
You do know that he wrapped his arms lazily around your waist, his intoxicating breath withered in alcohol as it hit the back of your neck.
A shiver ran down your spine as he let out a drunken laugh.
“What are you doing?”
He just chuckled beforeturning your head to the side, kissing the corner of your lips.
He then kissed you from behind, cheeks flushed like his hair.
From then on had it went..downhill?
Besides from the eminent pleasure in your lady bits while he pounded into your wet pussy, you knew that itd be bad for both your careers if someone walked in on the two of you, yet it felt so good at the same time.
Lips kissing yours from behind, him whispering dirty little things into your neck while he bent you over the sink, fucking you mercilessly from behind.
He said didnt care when you told him you were worried about someone walking in, all he cared about was finally giving you the love that he wanted to give to you for so long.
Though it ended after an hour with his cum seeping inside you threatening to flow out while he chuckled with an arm wrapped around your waist while he kissed your temple, you still felt the warm semen even when he took you home for another around.
He was happy you were finally his,
You were happy his was yours.
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kikosaurscave · 4 years
Kinktober: Day 3- Dabi- Being recorded
Unedited! Been finished for a while! Its kinda short sorry.
I was contemplating on making this particular one into a series, if youd like that let me know?
Hope you enjoy :)
It was planned, well it was in his mind.
To use you as bait, promising to exchange you back over to 2A and your family safely if they gave him what he wanted, a little ransom never hurt somebody, right?
What they didnt know is that what he really wanted was you.
He wasnt going to give you back, he had craved you for so long, even if he had to fuck the love out of you or tie you down and swaddle you in his seed, hed have you and the money.
Feeling his hands trail your body, you squeezed your eyes shut while he whispered into your ear soft praises of who you belonged to, him.
He knew how this would end, he was basically forcing you to cheat on your boyfriend who would be watching, the ash blond bastard that would watch this when he sent Kurogiri to give the tape and his request to them.
But for now, you tried backed away when he littered your jaw and exposed collarbone with open mouth kisses, obviously leaving a mark. Unbeknownst to you, backing away only made you sink further back into the bed.
He let a low growl escape his lips before the following words roll off his tongue, “I teach you the true meaning to love.” You immediately melted before forcing yourself to pull yourself together.
His shirt that he made you wear slipped further down your shoulder, exposing more of your neck and collarbone.
The way he used his quirk to trail marm fingers along your torso under his shirt he gave you, drove you needy, you felt yourself becoming wet and submissive, that problem of his downstairs, rubbed against your upcoming one as he grinded himself onto you.
You knew the todorokis were good with what they did but only now had you realized how much dabi really was shoutos brother.
Not saying you were a slut but you did get around a lot before you finally committed to katsuki, still keeping the shy pure manner in you with that only the bakusquad and a few other people knew of the side you could say you were ashamed yet proud of.
You were now sharing that side of you with Dabi, as much as you didnt want to you couldnt help but let out a moan when you felt his finger trace the lips of your sex only clothed by your panties.
“Good doll” he smirked, nipping at your neck while the warmth of his fingers were coated by the warmth of your arousal when they were brought to his lips.
The pop when they left after sucking the substance off them, drove you even more needy.
He tried to keep this quick but found the need to tease you as well as them, put he kept it quick, the video didnt need to be long, dabi didnt want them to see how he would treat you in bed when he could give them a taste and you the whole meal. After.
Taking the shirt off of you and throwing it over his already bare shoulder, now your torso was bare too and that only left your panties.
You held your hands in from of you, trying to push him off, only to have him pin them over your head with one hand while snapping the strap of your panties back onto your s/c skin after hooking his fingers in them.
He slipped them off while watching you closely then connected your lips and took his boxers off, he pulled away before looking directly at the camera then looked back at you, bringing one of your hands down to his hard on.
He guided your hand up and down his length as his hand wrapped around yours, you didnt do anything knowing how wrong it was but you couldnt help but feel aroused.
He connected your lips with his again, pulling you close to him, causing his head to press against your soppy sex, making you stutter a quiet moan only he could hear.
He latched onto your hips, moving his hips slowly to tease you while only his head had entered you before he pulled back out then repeated the moment.
“Please.” You softly begged into his ear.
“‘Please’, what?” He groaned into yours.
You hesitated with a shaky breath.
He was and is your enemy. Hes a villain. And you had a boyfriend, one who would watch this tape.
You felt so bad. And you loved that boom boom bastard. This is cheating, except you couldnt help yourself. Unloyal. All you were was loyal when it came to relationships, you were patient and trustworthy, loving and kind, the bad bitch in you told you to shoot for the stars, The stars being dabi, but the committed you told you to shoot at the stars, escape, dont let the temptations reel you in, yet you still did it.
“Fuck me”
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kikosaurscave · 4 years
kinktober day 4
EndeavorxReaderxAllMight wont arrive for a while, i dont have much inspiration to it but when i do itll come
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kikosaurscave · 3 years
changed from simpcave to kikosaurscave bc apparently im updating all my usernames rn :( ill make sure to remind myself to update my account too <3
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