#simon x ximena
witch-oftheflowers · 15 days
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His mask yanked off the moment he got into his truck. Shoved into his duffle bag as he drove home.
Simon smiled a bit as he trudged inside the cottage home. The dead of night filled the house, along side his steps as he dropped the bag into his office. Peeling off his jacket and leaving his work boots inside. Knowing he had to clean them the next day.
His eyes shut for a second as he processed his month away. Knowing his kids and his wife missed him. Knowing he had multiple chances of not returning home.
He opened his eyes as he walked out his office. Locking it. Anna was getting to curious at her age. She was a teen by now. And her father was still going strong with his missions.
Johnny was curious for a young child. But still, he didn't wanna pry like his older sister. And the twins. They just knew Dad was cool.
As he walked down to his bedroom. Hearing sounds of soft breathing and little snores. Peering into the room. His eyes soften, a bit surprised even
His wife laid in the middle of the bed. But not alone. Anna was snuggled against her mom. Blonde curly locks sprayed out. Johnny besides them, his curls hiding his face. Lad was due for his haircut, probably was waiting for his pa to do it with him.And the twins squished everyone as they laid on top. Their hair longer from last time, curls starting to look just like their mum
He softly chuckled to himself as he head to the restroom. Taking a quick shower, wishing to rub off the gunk and dirt he carried for a month.
As he walked out. A pair of brown eyes stared at him. Anna.
Sitting up slightly, trying to not wake the bunch. Her blonde hair swaying as she waved.
"Wanna joke me for a drink munchkin?"
Anna nods as she crawled out the bed. Joining her papa as they snuck off to the kitchen. She sat at the kitchen island as her father made them both hot chocolate.
" 'Ow was mum?" He asked her as he put a load of whip cream on the cup. Sliding it over to Anna. She hums as she took a bite out of the whip cream. Licking some off her lips.
"Mums ok. Stayed busy with Luna." The now 15 year old said as she drank her cup.
Simon smiled a bit as he sipped his own coco. With a spike to it for his sake.
"Your siblings?" He leaned against the counter as Anna was thinking. She was looking more like him everyday. Even started acting like him more. Which he was scared of a tad, but as he noticed his wife was along side them. He had no reason to worry any of his kids would turn out like him.
His eye darted to her ear. Remembering the day she got shot. His eyes stiff as he had so much remorse for building a family in their lifestyle.
Anna tapped the island to get his attention.
"Pa you're spacing-"
"Yea... Sorry kiddo. Just I regret bringing you kids into 'his all" he admitted as Anna had been more curious about everything. Wanting to learn more about his life and his career. She knew more about it since that day she got shot. She became very observant. Maybe even more than she was before.
"Not yous or ma's fault. Remember I was a surprise" she teased her pa as he smiled a bit. Shaking his head at his own daughter comment.
"No you and your siblings, are all blessings Anna."
Anna giggled at her dad's words as she smiled
"Ey if it wasn't for me. You and ma would of never been 'ere." She said as her very British accent was coming out. Which he chuckled to as he smiled bigger.
"Just like your ma. Knock off the same block."
"Well your block too pa"
They quietly chuckled together as they smiled. She finished her cup as she stared at him
"Make another for me???" She begged with her big brown eyes as he sighs and nods his head
"Yes anythin' for you."
The two stayed up a bit longer. Having a bonding moment as they caught up on the month he was gone.
" 'Ows my tios?" She asked him as their eyes met. He sighs a bit as he looked down.
"They're fine. Gonna stop by 'his week to see you kids too." He stated as he looked to his daughter. Anna was getting tired as she yawned a bit.
"Don't you got school in the mornin'?" He asked her as she shook her head.
"Mmmmm no. We got a holiday week"
"Well yous still need sleep munch."
"But you came home..." She said as her eyes started to heave. Slowly shutting as her head swayed around.
"mmm nope. 'Ome on bed time for you." He said as he walked around. Leaving their mugs as he scooped her up into his arms. Knowing his daughter was taller now. She reached his shoulders. Even taller than her mother too.
He heaved her towards her room. Laying her down into her own large bed. Tucking her in as he gave her forehead a kiss
"Love ya munchkin.... You've done good." He spoke as he looked around her room. New posters, movie ones filled with action. Others of horror and some of her childhood. He sighs in content as he noticed the letter on her vanity.
Walking over he knew something was off.
Military seal on top. His blood ran cold as he sighs.
Bloody hell...
He grasped it as he flipped it over. Anna Riley. A small words of ' We're Interested' as he tossed it back down.
Walking back to his own room. His wife Ximena, up as she smiled. Already grabbing one of the kids as she was returning them to their bed.
"They do this everytime you leave..." She spoke softly as she walked by putting Johnny in his room. And he was no light child either.
Simon smiled as he was surprised by his wife's abilities to still carry so much. Years of training still in her body
As she returned and noticed the twins gone. As he was able to carry both out. She smiled to him as she giggled a bit
"Wow still can carry that much?" She asked softly as plop into their bed. Her hair spiraled around as she hums. Her curls framed around her as she met his gaze. Seeing him tired and worn.
He sighs a bit as he crawled over her. Letting himself plop on his plush wife. A giggle left her lips as she wrapped her arms around his large neck. Keeping him close as they snuggled up. Her legs barely could wrap around his waist, but as she did. Latching her ankles together as she let him doze off
"Just sleep soldier... You did good mi amor.. you came home..." She whispered into his ear. As soon after snores filled the room, making her stay up as she wished to make sure he was ok.
And the house became quiet again. Darkness seeping back in as everyone dozed off to dream land. Knowing their house was at peace for a moment.
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a-lil-bi-furious · 3 years
Top 10 Ships Involving POC from 10 Different Fandoms
(Round Two!) Thanks for tagging me @welldressedllama
1) Nia Nal x Querl Dox (Brainia) - Supergirl
These two swiftly climbed my list of favorite ships. I think their dynamic is so sweet. They’re both such dorks but in different ways, and I love watching headstrong, outspoken Nia alongside brilliant, somewhat social-novice Brainy. I think they complement each other well.
Also, I think all the time about that scene in season 4 where Brainy is watching Nia’s interview and asks Lena, teary eyed, “What does love feel like?” Because it was Nia sharing herself with the world that cemented for him that he loved her. Their relationship is built on the both of them seeing one another for everything that they are and loving each other for it. And that’s beautiful.
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2) Sweet Pea x Fangs Fogarty (Swangs) - Riverdale
I’m hopeless. Anyway Toni/Sweet Pea/Fangs is the only main friend group I want from this awful show. Core Four is OUT, the Three Serpents are IN (and let Swangs officially date k thx). I just love the dynamic of the short sweeter one named after a sharp object and the tall violent one with “sweet” in his name.
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3) Maia Roberts x Simon Lewis (Saia) - Shadowhunters
They were really good for each other, and 100% they should have ended up together. (Though Jimon and that fucking “boop boop” get me every time...)
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4) Mason Hewitt x Corey Bryant (Morey) - Teen Wolf
They’re just so soft !! It was a hard choice between these two and Malira (or Scalira 👀). So many good options! But they win this round.
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5) Ximena Sinfuego x Calli Adams Foster (Calmena) - The Fosters
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 (couldn’t find a gif of them together, but...what a very non-platonic thing to say)
6) Victor Salazar x Benji Campbell (Venji) - Love, Victor
They had their impromptu dance party and I was a goner.
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7) Ellie Chu x Aster Flores (Ellster?) - The Half of It
This movie! This! Movie! We didn’t actually see a whole lot of Ellie and Aster interacting, but I love that their relationship is built on depth and mutual understanding and how this whole journey resulted in the two of them helping each other come to terms with who they are without actively trying to. (Aster didn’t even know she was writing Ellie until the end. And yet...)
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8) Octavia Blake x Lincoln Kom Trikru - The 100
A relationship built on valuing one another’s differences and learning to love by learning about one another and the cultural in-betweens? In a world where their people are planning to kill each other based on these differences? Yes, please. 
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9) Spencer James x Olivia Baker (Spelivia) - All American 
This one’s a new love for me. I was more for platonic Spelivia through my first watch, but now I dunno. 👀 And this whole dance sequence was hella cute!
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10) Claire Novak x Kaia Nieves (Dreamhunter) - Supernatural
Kaia (not dark!kaia) was in one (1) episode, and because Supernatural is allergic to anything but white men Claire isn’t in it a whole lot either. (The CW took one look at Wayward Sisters and said “nope. only toxic masculinity allowed in spn-verse”) BUT I loved every second they interacted on my screen. I fall too easily for the wlw.
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Bonus: Yusuf al-Kaysani (Joe) x Nicolò di Genova (Nicky) - The Old Guard
Here’s the deal....I really want to include them , but I must confess I still haven’t actually watched the movie. They’ve been high on my list of ships anyway for a while based on this quote alone: 
“He’s not my boyfriend. This man is more to me than you can dream. He’s the moon when I’m lost in darkness, and warmth when I shiver in cold. And his kiss still thrills me even after a millennium. His heart overflows with a kindness of which this world is not worthy. I love this man beyond measure and reason. He’s not my boyfriend. He is all, and he is more.”
Tagging: @daughterofluthien , @sillyteecup , @spikeface​ , @19ninetyfive​ , @rhyslahey​ & @lightfiretomypaperwings​ to participate (if you want! No pressure at all, I just think these are fun!) 
For anyone else who wants to participate, I have good news: this is me tagging you. Go for it! (And please tag me, I would love to see :)
Round 1
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thevoidismyhome2000 · 4 years
The List
The characters I’ll be covering in grand detail and not so grand detail
Main ALTEREDTale Tiana (OG)
Main ALTEREDSwap Tristan (Rule 63)
Main ALTEREDShatter Tiana AKA Azariah (Fell, Swapfell, Blue, Lust)
Main ALTEREDKid Tiana AKA Gold
Main ALTEREDVerse Tiana AKA Kora (Abused by the Deity Multiverse)
Main Forced ALTEREDReaper Tiana AKA Rainbow
Main ALTEREDShift Malachite
Secondary ALTEREDRoyal Tiana
Secondary ALTEREDRoyal Tristan
Secondary ALTEREDRoyal Abrielle
Secondary ALTEREDRoyal Isabela
Secondary ALTEREDRoyal Evelyn
Secondary ALTEREDRoyal Ximena
Secondary ALTEREDRoyal Malachite
Tertiary ALTEREDDeity Zoe AKA Death
Tertiary ALTEREDDeity Angel AKA Life
Tertiary ALTEREDDeity Phoebe AKA Feelings
Tertiary ALTEREDDeity Laurel AKA Memory
Tertiary ALTEREDDeity Temperance AKA Destiny/Fate
Tertiary ALTEREDDeity Aubri AKA Magic
Tertiary ALTEREDDeity Uriah AKA Peace
Alternate ALTEREDBirth Tiana AKA Simone (Daughter of Order and Change)
Alternate ALTEREDDream Aria AKA Ayleen (Daughter of Feelings and Void)
Alternate ALTEREDThought Tiana AKA Cerys
Alternate Corrupted Betrayal AKA Arielle
Alternate X-Event Loyalty AKA Bella
Alternate Corrupted Loyalty AKA Eve
Random ALTEREDDust Tiana AKA Annika
Random ALTEREDLust Tiana AKA Rebekah
The main group will be covered in near full detail, the second and tert groups will be summarized, and the atlernates and randoms might have a singlular story to their name, or a summarization, but the main group of seven will be the important ones to ask. (You can techincally begin asking them now if you want, but you can also wait until I’ve posted their stories to ask)
If you’re at this point in this list, please do know that most of the main groups stories contain abuse/rape/self-harm/suicidal tendencies/so forth. If any of those things are triggering, then please do not read or be cautious while reading.
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defining-names · 5 years
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Ximena⠀ ⠀ A striking Spanish name, with a warm and pleasant meaning, 'Listener'. Pronounced as kee-MEENA, it rings with artistic mystery, and the on trend X spelling just makes it all the more alluring. I love the possibility of using Kia or Mina as a nickname.⠀ ⠀ Ximena is the feminine version of Simon. There were two of Jesus disciples named Simon, Simon; renamed Peter, and Simon the Zealot (or Cananite). The latter Simon is iconicly depicted with a saw, as it is believed he was martyred by being sawn in half. ⠀ ⠀ #neoterosnames #babynames #girlsnames #gospelnamesforgirls #biblenames #christiannames #ximena #spanishnames #saintlynames #nickname #twelvesapostles #twelvedisciples #listener #simon #martyr #namesuggestions https://www.instagram.com/p/BttwnAkFu6S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kas9xqlyb845
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 years
Bad Habit 5- Guardian Devil [Billy Russo x Reader]
A.N: I hope you all know how happy you made me with your amazing support, people!
Special thanks go to: @hxbbit @littlexredxriddinghood @badkamelia @completeshippertrash @theskytraveler @badwolfsupernova @dyingformyships @hyperella @asongofmarvelanddc @ninjathrowingstork @onyour-right @hightechvigilantes @just-another-potterhead @the-doctor-9-10 @itsjustmylifeconfessions @221bbakerstreettardis @glassteethclan @kissmyjasdaddy @sleepyyweepy @thesandbeneathmytoes @mightymelly @xsarahlouisex @anolympianhero sylviebret @x-ximenas @sabertooth-potato @shesaworkoffiction @lostkizzy  @timeless-flogging @vixsyncynco   @fictionalthrill  @megame  and lovely anons! Without your amazing feedback, I don’t think I’d ever be able to write this chapter, love you
Characters: Billy Russo x Reader, Karen Page, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Claire Temple
Summary: Some gifts are better than others.
Click here for: Bad Habit 1, Bad Habit 2, Bad Habit 3  Bad Habit 4
Click here to see the playlist for the first 4 parts! 
Warning: Explicit language, cussing.
Word Count: 3569
Please tell me what you think
Gif isn’t mine!
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You whistled a tone as you pulled your hoodie over your head carefully, and opened the door to take a step outside, but stopped dead on your tracks when the men in front of your door turned to you, back straight in a complete soldier posture.
You gawked at them, trying to convince yourself that this was actually happening.
“At ease,” You joked, but neither of them smiled so you ended up looking sort of like an amateur soldier cosplayer and cleared your throat.
“Do you guys want breakfast?” You asked them “I’m gonna get myself a bagel and coffee, you want some?”
“No thank you Ma’am.”
“You guys know you don’t have to-“ You waved a hand between them, “I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Y/N, and you?”
“Nice to meet you. So now that we know each other’s names, you can stop calling me Ma’am.”
Isaac smiled a little but Simon remained stone faced, so you heaved a sigh and grabbed your keys from the small bowl, and closed the door behind you, but as soon as you took a step towards the stairs, so did they, so you turned around on your heels.
“Um, what are you doing?”
“Coming with you, ma’am.”
“Bagel shop is literally down the street and it’s 9 in the morning. I think I’ll be safe.”
“Mr Russo said we are not to leave you alone.” Isaac explained and you frowned.
“Wait, whole day?”
“I have stuff to do today.” You said dumbly, “Don’t you- don’t you guys have stuff to do? Shouldn’t you go to work?”
“We’re already at work, ma’am.” Simon said patiently and you shut your eyes for a second.
“Jesus Christ, what is my life turning into?” You muttered to yourself and opened your eyes, “Alright then. I guess we’re going to bagel shop.”
It was indeed weird because you had no idea how to act when two bodyguards were following your every move, but they didn’t seem to find it strange at all, which sort of made sense, since it was their job. Still, you wondered what Billy had told them, seeing that these men was used to protecting really important people, so you turned to Isaac while waiting for your bagel.
“So your boss.” You told him, catching him off guard. “What did he tell you?”
“That we’re not to leave you alone, ma’am.”
“Yeah, what else?”
He shrugged slightly, as if he didn’t understand what you were talking about so you changed your approach.
“Is he a good boss or is he an asshole?” You asked, “My boss is sort of an asshole to be honest. His mom owns the café, so he thinks he gets to be horrible.”
Isaac looked like he wanted to say something sympathetic but changed his mind when he saw the way Simon was looking at him, so you rolled your eyes.
“Blink twice if they’re keeping you here by force.”
“I’m happy with my job ma’am. Mr Russo is the best employer I’ve had so far.”
“Really? Dude, everyone hates their boss.”
“Not us.”
You shrugged slightly, then took your order from the cashier with a thank you, grabbed your receipt and walked out of the shop with them following you. Simon’s phone rang and he took it to his ear.
“Mr Russo?”
You shot Isaac a smile, “Does he do this a lot?”
“Do what a lot?”
“Does he send you to protect-“ You paused as the fact that you didn’t know what you were to Billy dawned on you for the first time, so you cleared your throat, “To protect the people he knows?”
“It’s the first time ma’am.”
“Would you tell me if it wasn’t?”
Isaac shook his head, making you scoff, but before you could say anything Simon approached you.
“Ma’am. Mr Russo.”
You took the phone from him and smiled slightly as you took it to your ear,
“You have some loyal guys, you know that?”
“Yeah? How so?”
“I’ve been trying to find out how horrible of a boss you are, but they’re just praising you. What sort of brainwashing technique do you use?”
“Or maybe I’m just a good boss.”
“Nah, all bosses are assholes as a principle.”
You heard his chuckle, “Stop trying to turn my men against me, Y/N.” he chastised lightly “How do you feel?”
“Better, now that I’m getting myself breakfast. How about you? Did you take care of the thing you were supposed to take care of?”
“Yeah.” He said, “Hey, you’re not working today, right?”
You thought about it for a second, “Well no. I’m supposed to drop by the hospital to get the stab wound checked, but I’m not gonna do that-“
“Why not?”
“Hospital? In this economy? I’ll just wait for my death, thank you.” You shrugged, “Also Karen needs to see me, she says she’s worried and she bought me a get well soon balloon early today, so I gotta go see it before it deflates.”
There was a silence from the other line before you heard him clearing his throat, as if trying not to laugh,
“Wow, you’ve got your priorities straight.”
“Damn right, when was the last time someone bought you a balloon?” You told him, “Why did you ask?”
“I was wondering if you could drop by today.”
“To Anvil?”
“Yeah. I have a surprise for you.”
That made you stop dead on your tracks, “A surprise?”
“What-What is it?”
“You’ll see it when you come here. I don’t know if it’ll be able to beat a balloon though, so…”
You found yourself smiling wide and of course, your lip started bleeding. You wiped it with the back of your hand, heaving a sigh.
“Just tell Isaac and Simon to bring you here, they will.”
“Which metro stop should I-“
“They have a car, Y/N.”
You made a face, “Of course,” you muttered, still pressing on your lip to stop the bleeding “Billy?”
“Can you tell them to stop calling me ma’am?” You whispered into the phone, “It’s so weird, I feel like my mom.”
Billy scoffed, “Sure.”
“You’re not gonna do it, are you?”
“Nope. Consider it payback for the coat and suit comments.”
You rolled your eyes and handed the phone to Simon, then got into the apartment and climbed the stairs. You unlocked your door, chewing on your bagel and put the coffee to the kitchen counter, then walked to your room and grabbed two shirts from your drawer, looking between them before opening the front door again.
“Isaac!” You whispered while Simon kept talking on the phone, “What color does your boss like?”
He frowned slightly and you held up the shirts.
“Does he like green or blue?”
“I- I don’t know ma’am.”
“Okay, which one is better?”
He looked completely clueless, “I-um…” he pointed at the shirt clumsily, “Green?”
You shrugged and closed the door again, then quickly got dressed and walked to the bathroom. You tried to fix your hair in a way that would hide the stitches on your forehead but soon you realized it was futile, so you just brushed your hair, put on some make up avoiding your stitches and split lip, and took a look at yourself in the mirror.
You at least looked presentable.
Presentable with finger shaped bruises on your neck.
You sprayed some perfume and fixed your hair again but this time it fell over your shoulders, partly hiding your neck.
Oh well. If you couldn’t look good, at least you’d smell good.
You quickly prepared coffee and spilled it into two thermoses, put them into your, got into your worn out boots with great difficulty thanks to the bandage on your stomach and the wound that hurt with your every move, but in the end you were victorious, so you got out of the house and closed the door behind you.
“So um- is it okay if you take me to Anvil?” You asked while locking your door and Simon nodded,
“Of course ma’am.” He said, “After you.”
You went downstairs with a sigh, shaking your head slightly and when they guided you to the car, you paused.
“Did I just wake up in Narnia: Sopranos edition?” You asked Isaac as you gawked at the black, bulletproof jeep. Simon opened the door for you and you climbed into the car to slip a little on leather seats, but then managed to find your balance when they started the car. You looked out of the window, half expecting to wake up anytime soon in your shitty apartment for the whole road, but it didn’t happen, so when they pulled over in front of a big building you had already given up on pinching yourself. Soon enough, Isaac opened your door.
“We’re here ma’am.” He helped you out, and you let out a whistle as you looked up at the building. The security seemed as tight as you could ever see anywhere, but they didn’t stop you, instead, after taking one look at Isaac and Simon, they let you inside without giving you so much as a glance.
You followed Simon and Isaac to the huge elevator, and they pressed the button after scanning their ID cards, making the elevator move. The soothing music reached your ears, but it did nothing to ease your heart that was slamming against your ribcage. This whole thing had started to seem more and more like a Fifty Shades trailer, and you were pretty sure you weren’t dressed up for the part.
Now to think of it, you really needed to shop for underwear.
You fanned yourself with your hand as the elevator opened with a small ding, and you stepped out of it to walk into a hall.
“Tracy.” Simon nodded at the beautiful secretary and she smiled at you,
“Mr Russo is waiting for you.”
I really should’ve watched more than just the trailer.
“That was not a part of the deal.” Billy’s voice was like a whip as Tracy opened the door. “I don’t care, if you-“ his head snapped up as he saw you walk inside and you shifted your weight, leaning your back against the closed door,  “No, Morty, you-“ He let out a furious breath as the guy on the other line cut him off again, “We’re going to talk about this later. Calm the fuck down.” He hung up and stood up, smiling at you slightly,
“Bad timing?” You asked, “I could come later?”
He waved a hand dismissively, “Just…work. And assholes.”
“Everything okay?” You asked even if you knew there was no way he would ever tell you what the problem was. Not only was it probably top secret –he had explained as much as he could on your date about his business with the military and government- there was also the fact that army wasn’t something you were an expert about.
He nodded and walked to you as you pushed yourself off the wooden door, holding the straps of your bag tightly before he pressed a small kiss to your lips gently, careful with the small wound and you felt your stomach doing a flip.
“Hi.” He whispered against your lips and you smiled softly.
“Hey.” You whispered back, looking up at his dark eyes before looking around the room, then walking past him.
“Nice place.” You commented, digging into your bag, then pulling out one of the thermoses, then tossed it to him, and he caught it in mid-air without any difficulties.
“Have a good fucking day, Mr.Tease.”
“Jesus, you’re an angel.” He opened the cap and took a sip, closing his eyes and savoring the taste, which made a completely irrelevant image of him closing his eyes in pleasure flash through your mind and you shook your head slightly, trying to focus. You sipped from your thermos, leaning back against his desk.
“No zen sand garden?”
“How cliché do you think I am?”
“You don’t wanna know the answer to that.” You grinned, “Is it safe to lean against the desk or would I get STDs?”
“Oh, that cliché.” He nodded slightly, “Nah you’re safe, they clean it every day.”
You made a face and sipped your coffee, “Touche.”
“How’s the pain?”
“It’s…there.” You shrugged, “I guess expectable. Painkillers help, though- Not important, now about that surprise…”
His lips pulled into a small smile, “Impatient, aren’t we?”
“Once I trashed my parents’ house trying to find Christmas gifts. They thought a storm hit the house.”
“My friend had the same story, only it was his kitten and there were treats.”
You tried not to smile, “I have two comebacks, pick a number.”
“Oh wow, you have friends?”  
He sipped his coffee calmly, “You’re lucky you brought me coffee.” He stated, “What was two?”
“I didn’t know you were into that.” You said innocently, ignoring the flash of mischievous light crossing his eyes “Surprise, Russo!”
He licked his lips, watching you bounce on the balls of your feet excitedly, then nodded at the desk and you turned your head to see the black wooden box lying on the desk.
“This one?”
“Mm hm.”
You turned around, pulled the heavy box closer to yourself, and opened it, then froze as you stared at it for a couple of seconds.
So this is how people feel when their pets bring dead animals to their doorsteps as a sign of affection.
“This- um…” You cleared your throat, “This is a gun.”
“Oh.” You reached out to pull it out of the box, the heavy object feeling was foreign to your hand, “I-I don’t know how to use a gun.”
“I know. I figured I could teach you.”
“Teach me?” You repeated, “I’m- I’m not really a gun person.”
“You gotta be, if people walk around attacking you.”
That made you pause and you licked your lips, then turned to him, “I can’t accept it if it’s expensive, and something tells me it’s really expensive.”
He rolled his eyes at that, then motioned at you to come over,
“Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“First lesson.” He said as he walked out of the office and you gawked at him, then grabbed the bullets and the magazine and rushed after him to catch up with his long steps.
“Yeah, why not?”
“Aren’t- aren’t you busy? Don’t you have actual soldiers to train or whatever it is you do around here?”
“I like my soldiers pretty.” He shot you a charming smile that made you go weak at your knees and you followed him downstairs.
“I’m actually a pretty peaceful person-”
“I’ve never seen you in a state of peace.” He answered as he opened a door to lead you into a shooting range. It looked exactly like you had seen in the movies, everything from the paper targets to earmuffs. You looked at the shadow silhouettes on the paper as Billy took off his jacket, then rolled up his sleeves, making a spark of electricity run through your spine. He seemed oblivious to the sudden attack of your hormones, then turned to you,
Oh you were ready alright.
Billy handed you a pair of over-head earmuffs “It’s gonna be loud.”
“So I just point and shoot?”
“Something like that,” he smirked at you as he loaded the magazine into the gun, then motioned at you to put the earmuffs on. You did as he said, and he pointed the gun at one of the paper targets, then fired the gun, and that was when you understood what he had meant by loud. You noticed that he had hit the figure right on the forehead and you tentatively took the gun from him, as he fixed your posture.
“You need to focus on the target,” he said, moving your earmuff just a little so that you could hear him, then went behind you to help you hold the gun straight. Feeling his body against yours, his arms around yours made focusing way harder and you felt your breathing getting caught in your throat. You swallowed loudly and he fixed your earmuffs, then pulled the trigger with you.
The gun kicked a little, catching you off guard but his grip around your hands –and the gun- was more than strong enough to keep it under control, and the bullet went through the figure’s chest. Your jaw dropped and you let out a surprised breath as Billy pulled his hand back, letting you take aim.
Which you thought you did, until you felt his hands running down your back. You giggled, moving ever so slightly and tilted your head a little to see the target better, but then felt his warm hands sneaking under your shirt to your stomach while he buried his nose into your neck, taking a deep breath.
Well, the perfume did work after all.
“Behave,” You said with a smile on your face, “I’m holding a gun.”
“It’s really important to not get distracted,” he muttered to your ear, then pressed a kiss to the soft skin of your neck, just above the bruises. You closed your eyes in the bliss as the sparks flew through your veins like a wire, making you lose yourself, feeling the soft scratch of his scruff against your neck.
And just like that, you were on fire.
You could hardly feel him pulling the gun out of your hand gently, and placing it on the counter before turning you to him, and you stood on your tiptoes as he pressed your body against his, pulling you into a kiss. His fingers ran through your hair, pulling at the roots a little and a small moan escaped from your lips as you rested your hand on his rock hard chest, feeling his heartbeat under your hand, but then you both snapped out of it as you felt the vibration in your pocket. You pulled back slightly, breathing hard.
“Fuck- sorry…” You mumbled as he licked his lips, his dark eyes roaming your face and you tried to fix your breathing before answering the phone with shaky hands.
“Hey, where are you? I’m waiting for you.” Karen’s voice reached you and you shut your eyes, now realizing the time.
“You forgot.”
“No no, I just-“ You cleared your throat, “I had…um, I had this thing. I’m- I can explain, so sorry.”
“No problem, you okay? You sound out of breath.”
You cleared your throat again, “Mm hm. Yeah- peachy. I’m- I’m on my way, see you.” You hung up, still trying to catch your breath and Billy tried to pull himself together.
You nodded, “I- you made me forget.” Your accusation left your lips in a soft tone, making him smile.
“I’m selfish,” he shrugged and you put your phone back into your pocket.
“I gotta go.”
He still looked a little out of it, but nodded and distracted himself by getting busy with the gun for a second, then handed it to you.
“There. Safety on.”
“Thanks.” You  put the gun into your bag, then stood on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek, your face still burning.
“See you later.” You said, and walked out of the range. Isaac and Simon were already waiting for you at the exit and you tried to make yourself look presentable, fixing your hair and pressing your hands to your cheeks before walking out of the building.
“No way.”
“Yes way.” You nodded as Karen leaned back in her chair, a smile playing on her lips.
“I can’t decide if it’s creepy or romantic.”
“That’s like the story of my life lately.” You said, drumming your fingertips on the heart shaped balloon, “But I mean…Karen, he’s-“ You licked your lips, “I feel like I’m gonna pass out. Like every time I’m around him. The guy has that affect.”
“That’s always good.”
“Is it though?” You asked her “I-I don’t know, it’s like… If I get a heart attack-“ You were cut off when someone knocked on Karen’s door.
“Come in.”
“Hey.” Her boss smiled at you shortly, “I sent you a piece, can you write something short? Everyone else is outside chasing a story.”
Karen nodded, “Sure.” She said as he closed the door behind him, and typed in something, looking at the screen.
“Jesus, someone wanted this guy dead.”
You frowned slightly, “Why?”
“Multiple stab wounds.”
You made a face, “Speaking from experience, it hurts like a bitch,” you said, approaching her “Let me see the poor-“ you stopped talking as soon as you saw the picture and you held your breath, covering your mouth.
“What?” she turned her glances from the screen to you, “I know, brutal-“
“This- this is the guy.” You pointed at the screen, your heartbeat getting faster as you looked at the picture, “The guy who attacked me.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I- I remember.” You swallowed loudly, the panic filling your system just by seeing his photograph and Karen gritted her teeth.
“Can’t say I’m very upset about it then.” She muttered, skimming the lines “He was found dead, doesn’t say who killed him.” She stole a look at you, “Hey, maybe you have a guardian angel.”
You stared at the screen for a couple of seconds, then nodded slowly.
“Yeah,” you muttered, “That, or a guardian devil.”
Part 6 is here! 
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enchufatechicago · 5 years
Enchufate on Vocalo, Sept 27 Edition, Events & New Music
HAPPY FRIDAY! Today’s Critic-For-A-Minute: Grammy/Latin Grammy Awards - meh. I'll mention some of the artists we've played or discussed here on Vocalo who WERE nominated and aren’t crying about it: Flor De Toloache, Alex Andwandter, ChocQuibtown, Ximena Sariñana, Babasonicos, Mon Laferte and Draco Rosa.  BTW Bad Bunny and Daddy Yankee were nominated and there’s an urban fusion category so yo no se.
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New music and video shout outs:
Jessica Garcia (Jesses Musica) just released her EP CENIT. You can find her sweet R&B musings on Soundcloud. 
Gabacho is dropping new music today. His new EP is called Sweet & Sour. You might know Gabacho becuase he also forms part of Los Gold Fires who also released a new EP recently.
Los Punsetes have a new video for the single, “Vas Hablando Mal De Mi”
Buscabulla released a new video for VAMONO’.
Save the date: Nov 27 – Mexican rock band Fobia will be in Chicago, celebrating their 30th Anniversary. They're playing at Aragon.
Oct 10-14 is the Jaraneros of the Midwest showcases throughout Chicago and it's a celebration of Veracruz’s AfroMexican music known as son jarocho. 
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- Los Pies Negros from Puerto Rico and Malafacha will be at Sweet Bar in Pilsen.
- There is a BENEFIT for the Bahamas at Hideout w Cedeno, Caro Arroba and a bunch of DJs.
- Nahuales Underground will be at Liar's Club
A Flor de Piel performs at Hideout (3-6pm).
Daniel Villareal quartet performs at California Clipper. 
Mestiza 2nd Anniversary Celebration - we know how hard it is to keep a small business running so congratulations!
Soulphonetics is at Ludlow Liquors.
It’s tropical night at Simone's and they'll have salsa, bachata, merengue, etc all night long.
- Metal En Vivo with Arthefacto-X / Exegesis / Rosaries at Sweet Bar. Produced by El Chopito.
- WORLD MUSIC FEST continues with Thomas Mapfumo, Alsarah, Funkadesi and Chief Boima at Concord Music Hall.
- Los Vicios de Papa are at Cubby Bear.
-Cqqchifruit is at emporium with DJ Tess. 
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Support, like and follow this Venezuelan’s new single, SACUDE, which forms part of the Apocalipsis #SinFronteras Compilation. Details here.
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wikitopx · 4 years
Gender: Female
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Hearkening, He Has Heard
1. Meaning of the name "Ximena"
Ximena is an old Spanish and Portuguese female equivalent of the Hebrew biblical name Simon (which means ‘hearkener, listener’). In modern times, the Spanish language has largely abandoned the “X” and replaced it with a “J” (think: Jimena).
But back in medieval times, Ximena was in full swing. In fact, this is the name of the wife of El Cid (she would have pronounced Ximena as shee-MEH-nah). El Cid was "The lord, master of military arts" in the 11th century Castilian Kingdom during the Moorish occupation of the Iberian Peninsula.
He was instrumental in the fight against the Moors and eventually recaptured the Spanish coastal city of Valѐncia. After his death, his beautiful wife Ximena would rule the city for a few more years until it once again fell to the Muslims.
The gorgeous Sophia Loren was cast as Ximena in a 1961 film simply titled “El Cid”. While Jimena has largely replaced Ximena as a more modern version of this name, Ximena seems to be experiencing a strong revival right now. Ximena is currently the 2nd most popular female name in all of Mexico.
2. Top 3 Famous Person Named Ximena
Ximena Sariñana:
Ximena Sariñana Rivera (Spanish: [xiˈmena sariˈɲana]; born October 29, 1985) is a Mexican singer-songwriter and actress. In 2009, she received critical acclaim and a Grammy nomination for her debut album, Mediocre.
Ximena Hermoso:
Ximena Hermoso (born April 28, 1991) is a retired tennis player from Mexico. On 23 April 2012, she reached her highest WTA singles ranking of 331, and her best doubles ranking was world No. 329 on 20 May 2013. Playing for the Mexico Fed Cup team, Hermoso has a win-loss record of 15–7.
Ximena Restrepo:
Ximena Restrepo Gaviria (born March 10, 1969 in Medellín) is a former Colombian nationalized Chilean sprinter who specialised in the 400 metres. With the time of 49.64 seconds she won a bronze medal in 400 metres at the 1992 Olympic Games, Colombia's first athletics medal.
This result is still a South American record, as is the case with her 200 metres time of 22.92 seconds, which she achieved in 1991. At the 1991 Pan American Games she won silver medals in 200 and 400 metres.
More ideas for you: Athena Name Meaning
From : https://wikitopx.com/name-meanings/ximena-name-meaning-714154.html
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witch-oftheflowers · 3 months
The little bundle and surprise.
Simon Riley x Ximena Lopez
(Pre-Ghost and after Ghost fic!)
AN: I'm so excited for this series I'll do of the babies. Just know they'll be long like this one. But please enjoy!
TW: Mention of deaths and Simons backstory thats just traumatizing on its own.
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The morning was cold. Base was quiet for the most part, which was rare. But it was 3am.
And all Ximena could feel and heard was the sound of her own hurling into the toilet.
Her long curly hair, which she washed the day before. Was sticking to her sweaty face. She felt awful, terrible, sickly beyond care.
She brushed her hair back as she pulled away from the bowl. Her eyes flutter shut as she was thinking. Why was she sick? She couldn't be this sick? This wasn't food poisoning, it wouldn't last weeks-
She felt a pang in her stomach as she got up. Shuffling over to the sink as she saw how pale she looked. Her tired sunken eyes stared back at her. She swiftly washed her face along with brushing her teeth.
A knock was heard in her bedroom. She kept brushing her teeth as she opened it up. Her curls were pulled into a high ponytail as she glared at Simon.
"How you doing...?" He stopped halfway as he stared her over. He was trying to flirt with her but as he noticed how sickly she looked
"Why do you look like a child during the black plague?" He teased as he leaned into the doorway.
She rolled her eyes as she jab her toothbrush into his stomach
"I'm sick that's all..." She stated as she turned on her feet. He eyed her over a bit, she still looked amazing. But won't tell her
"Well you look pale. Have you taken anything?" He asked as he enter her room. He sat on her bed, making himself comfortable as he stared at her.
"Taken everything..." She stated as she put her toothbrush back and rinsed her mouth out. She waddled out as he noticed a soft glow to her.
"Are you happy to see me?" He teased, she threw a shirt at him as she slid on a new one
"Not you.. your friend maybe." She joked as she walked over to the bed. She plop down as she felt her body ache and her stomach churning.
"Maybe I should get a test..."
Simon stared at her head as she was face into her bed. He ponder her words as he wanted to speak. But he knew what she meant. He just didn't know how to feel about the topic or idea.
"You'll know if it's anything..."
"That's not helping me get it up Xi..." He joked. But he noticed her glare as she spoke up.
"You're not getting laid tonight Simon..."
"I had a feeling.. once I saw your face.." he looked off, a bit disappointed in her words. But he fully understood with her situation. Or theirs? He ponder on that as he didn't think at this age he could have kids. Kids wasn't a topic he thought about, fuck even they weren't dating. It was just a fling between them. It's not like he thought she was beautiful, an intelligent woman, nor the fact she could knock him out-
He blinked a bit as he realized he did like her. A lot.
"If it's positive?" He asked her, she stared at him for a second. Sitting up she tucked her legs under her bottom. She was thinking as she knew she wanted kids, but their situationship wasn't ideal.
"We'll just see..."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When she finally took the test. They all came out positive, and Simon was away on a mission. A solo one.
She fidget with her hands a bit as she was thinking. What to do what to do...
A month would pass. And she decided to keep it, she still went on missions. Mostly coverts so she wasn't always in immediate danger.
When Simon did return he quickly found her. He had his phone back as he got her several texts. That she was indeed pregnant.
When he found her, he felt his heart stop as she was chatting with a few recruits. The way they stared at her, the way she glowed. His breath still for a second as he ponder his actual reaction to her.
Once their eyes met, Ximena stared as she smiled a bit. She excused herself as she made her way over to the tired soldier. Her hair was perfectly in a high bun, to standard honestly. Her bangs brushed against her cheeks as she stopped in front of him
"we need to chat huh...?" She spoke as he nod. He lead her away from prying eyes as they took a walk. She had her hands behind her back as she spoke.
She was a month pregnant, baby was fine. She got her own apartment outside of base and been staying off due to her pregnancy. One higher up knew of her condition, she kept it there for now.
Simon nodded his head as she ranted on. How she was excited, that if he didn't want anything to do with it he didn't. She would be fine-
"Xi I wanna be apart of this..." He stopped her after she said those words. His eyes shook a bit as he kept his gaze on her. Ximena stared at him as she felt a blush to her cheek.
"Are you sure?... Because you don't have to."
"Yes, and I think we need to change our situation. I would officially like to date you Ximena... It would be honest especially with them involved now. I don't want you to think I'll leave anytime soon, I wanna be apart of this.." he admitted towards her. She blinked a bit as she knew they had feelings. But they never wanted to push it into an actual relationship. Well he didn't... But to hear his words now she was so calm as she responded.
"I would like that... You really are being more considerate with this than I thought." She teased him a bit as they started to walk again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As months pass. Their relationship was flourishing. They got along well, they always did honestly before they started dating. As Ximena grew a bit bigger and a did show especially since her size.
She got to meet his family even. Besides his father, that was one rule he told her. His mother loved her, even pulled Simon to the side saying she was 'the best thing for him'. And he softly agreed, knowing just a few months ago they were nothing more than each other's sags. But he was happy about their situation that lead to now.
As they got closer to eight months. Eventually the two moved in together into her apartment. A simple two bedroom, with talks of building their own home even. On the outskirts of town. About an hour from base, it would be in the forest. They found a great plot of land even. Simon told Ximena this was his gift to her, a way to solidify their relationship.
"Simon I can't let you pay for this on your own.." she said one night folding clothes into the baby's dresser. He was built the crib as he was on the floor. Screwing in the screws into their spots
"Not a problem. I want to do this... So let me for us." He said as he glanced over to her. Seeing her in one of his shirts that used to look like a dress, now snug over the belly she had. She sighed a bit as she looked towards him, her curls were in braids running over her chest. Her hands were a bit swollen from the pregnancy along with her feet.
"Mama you should be resting..." He said as he went back to building. He loved the way Ximena was decorating the nursery. He picked a few items himself even for the baby's room.
She finished up her task as she went over and placed a soft kiss to his forehead.
"Ok but I'll be making dinner now though." She said a bit teasing to his concerns
"Oi! Don't over do it woman-" he said his tone a bit stern yet playful as he tossed a sock at her. They both filled the room with laughter as he stopped his task to go help her. They just wished it could stay like that-
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A few months would pass. Simon was put on a mission with a couple recruits in Mexico. Ximena even helped him learn Spanish.
But they went no contact. It's been a few months. And Ximena gave birth alone. Her own family was back home in Mexico at the time for a family reunion.
So as she sat in the hospital bed alone. Holding the little little bundle of joy. Seeing the little girls light complexion like Simons.. Seeing the way the babs little nose scrunched up. And those blueish eyes opened up to met brown ones. Ximena softly ran a finger over her soft chub cheeks. She hum a bit as she was thinking.
Shes here, she's finally here...
The bab let a small whine out as her little fist clenched. Her mouth forming an 'o' as she whined out
"You're just hungry I know.." her voice was soft as she coed to the child. Letting her feed as she softly held her in her arms. Ximena leaned back in the bed as she looked around.
It was lonely.
Where was Simon?
So many thoughts filled her head as she softly sobbed into the child's hold. It was peaceful for a second.
And finally he returned.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When he came back. Mauled, distraught, even mentally scar. But Ximena knew she had to see him. As she went on base with the baby in tow. She was a bit scared as she came down the medical unit. In civilian clothes she got to see him.
Holding the baby close as she got a glimpse of his blonde hair. He stared back to her as he gave a smile. He had a few new scars on his face and they littered his body. But she was so happy to see him, she ran over as she held him.
Simon was cautious as he noticed the baby. His large hand holding her face close as he linger to the tot in his partners arms
"Is that her?" He asked as she nods.
"Simon Riley... I want you to met Anna... Anna Julie Riley..." She said the name softly as she let him stare. He noticed her Spanish accent peaking as he sigh and smiled.
"Anna? That's a gorgeous name you picked... I'm so sorry I wasn't there..." He said as he ran a hand over Ximena's arm. She stared at him with loving eyes as she shook her head.
"Don't you apologize... You couldn't have known.." she said as she sat besides him on the bed. She let him hold Anna close. As they finally were together again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Sadly as months passed. The start of the stalking that happened by Roba and those he was able to control.
And sadly concerns were made within their little family. Ximena thankfully was able to have the house started after he left. The design and everything was done. Just had to be built.
Simon was on leave for now. Rethinking if he wanted to continue in the forces. He helped his family even. Got his brother out of trouble, he settled down even and had a child. His father was kicked out the family too-
It would be around a few months of Anna being born. When it all crumble for Simon..
That night he was gone to go visit his family alone. Ximena was with her family with the baby. Some family time apart, it was going great.
But when Simon found his families house, everyone dead. Making it seem like he caused this.He decided to give General Shepherd's words a thought. Become a Ghost for me. I'll help you and your family-
Simon was firm in his thoughts as he knew who was responsible. Even went solo as the 'crime' sprees that were pointed to him. Faked his death even. Trying to fix the mess that was being created because he didn't finish the task of Roba.
When he returned to the home he and Ximena made. He made a call.
Ximena came home later as she realized that he wasn't home. But she found a note...
I'll be back. I'll tell you more when I come back. Just know I love you and Anna so much.. wait for me. -S
It would be a few weeks later she would find out everything. She was mortified. Distraught even to hear about his passing and his family, along with the fire. They had to make her believe he died. They Had To.
Which didn't help when months passed and he came to the home in a black balaclava. When Ximena opened the door, seeing those eyes stare at her. She was furious, she was hurt. She felt betrayed by the action even.
Anna was firm in Ximena's arms, clinging to her mommy. She let a huff out as she let the man enter the house.
He came into the home as Ximena let him. She didn't wanna argue in front of the tot. Putting the baby into her playpen. Her on her legs as she watched the little music show on the telly.
Ximena wrapped her arms around his neck as she was starting to cry. All her emotions and fears crawled forward. Simon clung to her as he let her feel everything.
"Puta madre Simon... What the hell happened..." She whispered. And he explained, taking the mask off as he sat her in the kitchen.
He told her everything. That Shepard made him an offer, become a Ghost. He doesn't exist technically. Simon Riley is dead... He even was told that most of his work would be solo, mixed in whatever else they needed him to do
Ximena stared at him afterwards as she ponder the words. Her heart and soul aching but slowly was mending.
"So we can't marry..?" She asked him, it's been a couple years together now.
He stared at her as he ponder the thoughts.
"Us alone we could...no big wedding... I know I need to make you a honest woman.." he joked as she swat his arm. In all seriousness they didn't know how this all would go. How their lives will change with this.
They thought Anna was the scariest and biggest thing to happen between them.
But Ghost, this person that would now be added to their everyday. At home and on base, it would take some adjustments. But they've done it before. Like they did thos years back. And they'll be fine.
"I love Simon..."
"I love you Ximena... Please don't ever forget that..."
"Papa! Mama!"
The two stared to their nine months old. Feeling a bit at ease. And smiled to their faces. Love was clear in the air for their family.
Maybe everything will be alright after all...
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witch-oftheflowers · 3 months
I did wanna mention how I see Ximena.
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Arts not mine! But best way to explain her with her curls. She is a plus size woman and short. I couldn't find any plus size woman WITH curls. But I digress...
I adore her deep olive complexion. It's sun kissed even. When winter hits she does get a bit paler but that's it. All the kids sport their moms skin tone too!
Her hair when she does straighten it to tame it for her job it does get wavy but that's pretty much it. It'll never truly be straight honestly.
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witch-oftheflowers · 3 months
Simon Y Ximena tots!
I wanted to post the kiddos of theirs. Children age and teenagers!
Hope people enjoy the visuals. Plus none of these are mine I found them on Pinterest!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Lil Johnny:
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Twins! Maddy and Julie:
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Maddy! Julie!
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witch-oftheflowers · 3 months
Adoration- You're all I need✨
Ximena Riley x Simon 'Ghost' Riley
AN:🔞 This is the solo chapter for the baby series! So enjoy!! Plus I've never wrote smut so bare with me 🫠🥺
🔞MDNI 18+ under the cut too!✨
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Have I tol' you how beautiful you are?" Simons voice was soft, filled with love in his tone. His large hands gaze over his wife's belly.
His brown eyes trailed over her changing body. Even the new stretch marks and those adorable dips in her hips.
He hover above her, his large hands rested side by side her head.
Laying under him, her lips a bit swollen from the heated make out session they had. Her brown eyes were hazed over.
Her lush brown locks were scattered underneath her. Her dainty hands resting on her covered large chest. A content hum escaped her.
Simons softly chuckled as he leaned down and gave her forehead a kiss.
"All because you looked so cute during our outin' little dove..? I need to take you out more than..." He teased her lightly as he remembered why they ended up in their hotel like this.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
They got a weekend from the tots.
Johnny was now 5 months old. Anna was just a spitfire like always.
Ans they needed a break together.
So the pair for a hotel for the weekend.
They went on a date earlier that evening. Ximena was dressed in a cute comfortable outfit. Wearing one of his leather jackets that had puff around the collar. Her little white Vans to go with her neutral outfit. A simple maxi brown skirt, and a loose white tee. Her curls were pinned back so her bangs framed her round face perfectly.
Simon kept to his usual all black. A nice black compression shirt, his high rised black jeans. And his black combat boots. Along with his leather jacket.
He adored how she shined throughout the night. She glowed as they got street food. They shopped around a bit getting whatever she pleased. He spoiled her the whole night.
He did notice some younger woman checking him out. His brown eyes narrowed as he linked his arm around his short wife. Pulling her in as he was here for them.
And then he noticed the men.
Kinda ticked something in him. Jealousy? Noooo-
Why was that guy eyeing his wife?
Ximena noticed her husband hand getting tight around her. Her eyes looking around as she noticed the new pair of eyes on her. And she simply gave her husband a sweet kiss.
"Come on Si. We got more things to do-"
"No I got a better idea."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And here they were.
Ximena was fully bare now. Her neck was slowly but surely being litter with love bites. Soft grabs on her round stomach as Simon kept nipping her flesh around her collar bone.
"You're my wife..."
Her head rolled back. Her plush thighs pressed around his waist as she let him do as he pleased. Her softer submissive side peaking out.
How she adored him jealous
"No one.. and I mean no one.." Simon said as he locked at the new bite he left. Being tender to the now purple mark he left above her heart
"No one will get in me way..." He stated, his brown eyes linger to her face. His heart skipped a bit seeing her face met his
Her eyes were hooded, glazed over with love and lust. She was softly panting as she tried to stay patient.
"Amor... I need ya..." She whined the words out. Her dainty hands pulling him in as they shared a sweet soft kiss.
He never was rough, unless she asked. It was always tender, soft, just filled with love for the woman.
As their tongues danced together, his large hands roamed from her hips to her breast. Softly kneading them as he pulled those soft moans from her lips.
"There we go... Keep those sweet noises Xi..." He whispered as she let out breathless whines.
He shifted a bit as he rubbed his harden shaft against her folds. Feeling her drip with excitement
"I haven't done much mama..." He teased her lightly. Tapping his head against her swollen bud
"Negh... Oh shush..." She gave his waist a squeeze as she returned the playful act.
His eyes crinkled a bit as he was on his knees. He hiked her legs up and over his shoulders, and bent her knees into her stomach as he position himself. Letting her ankles tap his strong broad back.
Ximena felt her cheeks heat up as she felt very exposed..but damn her husband was too.
Seeing his large build. Her hands ran over his soft stomach. Feeling his strong muscle underneath. Her eyes were softer as she admired his own stretch marks. And up as she cleared little circles on his scars
Simon whimpers a bit as he felt her soft touch
"Xi... Don't tease..."
"Give me a second mi sol..." She stated, a bit demanding as she continued.
They were so close and she wanted to savor it.
Her hands grazed over his chest. It was like his body was a work of art to her. Even those soft freckles he got on his skin during the summer. He did tan like bronze...
Her hands wrapped around his large neck. Pulling him in soft a heated kiss. Her tongue fighting his for dominance, as she won. She heard soft whimpers escape his lips as he softly rut his hips against hers
"Please dove.. let me.." he beg as she smiled in their kiss.
"please?" She taunted as she kept him arches over her slightly. She felt the slight stretch in the position but she was willing to take that bit of pain
She rubbed her hips against his as a 'ok'
And he slowly slid in. Feeling her tight walls around his length. Her back arches off the mattress as she adjusted
"...so ..big ..." She whimpers. But he didn't stop, he knew his wife could handle it. Until he bottomed out, he let a breathy sigh out.
"So tight... So so good around me... Take me so good? I know I'm still to big after all these years huh?"
Ximena softly nods her head. She was tiny. His length was large, way above average. But his girth, whoo. She felt herself stretched around him every single time. And she loved it~
"Fuck me..."
Simon hesitated as he shut his eyes. Letting his forehead pressed against hers
"Are you sure?"
"I need you.. I need you..." She beg as she hadn't been touched in months. And the rush of her sexual frustrations were pulled forward.
"I'm not gonna be careful.."
"Don't be."
He ponder her words as he leaned back fully. Holding her hips firm as he slid out.
"You asked for it.."
He ram back in as she whined. Choking a moan back. He snickered at her response as he began a rough pace. He held her hips in place. Using his size to keep her legs up and apart. He felt the way her sweet cunt wrapped around him. Like it was missing his cock inside her
"Oh come on now... You asked for this?" He teased her as she was trying to stay quiet. He kept going as their skin made contact. The sound of them connecting filled the room.
The soft pants from him blended in. But her moans were coming out as she was taunting him
"Come on mama... make those sweet noises."
Using his thumb he rubbed her swollen bud. He started soft, but rubbed it like a joy con. And bingo
"Simmmon~" she whined his name out as her head was rolled back. Her eyes flutter shut.
"there we go... Was that hard?"
The hotel bed under them made squeaks and creaks. The headboard began to slam into the wall behind it.
Simon started to use his whole weight as he kept her legs apart. And ramming himself as deep he could. He adored the way her sweet cunt was making those lewd noises.
And her. He was lost in hearing her cry his name out. Her pornographic moans as he kept pounding into her.
"Aye fuck me! Fuck meee!"
"Yeah just like that? Come one mama take it like the sweet girl you are~"
He adjusted her legs one last time. He felt her walls clamping around him tight. His eyes sharpen as he noticed her hips meeting his thrust.
"Simmmonn I'ma cummm~" she spilled the words out as he smirked at her cry.
He shifted his angle a bit. Going deeper as he moaned dout in bliss.
"Come on... Come on.... Right on Mt cock..." He praised her softly as she whimpers. Feeling her body twitching and her intense climax as she whined out his name.
He groaned at her cry. As he kept going. Feeling his own climax as he kept going. Picking up the speed as he was moaning out.
"Good girl... gonna take my cum? Gonna let me finish in you?"
She softly nods her head as she whines. Feeling overstimulated as he kept going.
"in me...in me!"
He continued to run her clit as he kept going. Feeling her squeeze him as he emptied his massive load. He panted and whimper out as he tried to keep himself above her.
He felt his hips rut into her still. Feeling the strong sensation as he emptied all he had. He fell into her soft chest and body as he sighs a bit.
His large arms wrapped around her plush waist as he stayey buried inside her
They took a second as they caught their breaths. Ximena let a shaky sigh out as she wrapped her arms around his head. Placing sweet and tender kisses to his head.
Simon shut his eyes a bit as he savored his wife's warmth.
"I missed you..."she whispered softly. Simon hums as he smiled
"Fiveonths without your sweet cunt dove... I missed this too and you..." He whispered as he smiled. Softly burying his face in between her massive breast. She let her thighs wrap around his waist as they savored the cuddle session.
And honestly they didn't leave their hotel room after..
They had five months of sex to make up anyways ~
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witch-oftheflowers · 3 months
Lil Johnny
AN:Baby two! Enjoy this story of a growing family! It'll be a long one but please enjoy!
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Ximena Riley
(Canon x OC!)
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The cottage was quiet. Soft breathing echo within its walls, soft kicking of feet in their beds as they adjusted. The sheets moving around as the people stirred.
Eight years had pass since Anna was born.
Eight years together in a loving relationship, with its ups and downs. Been married for six.
It's been a year since Ximena fully returned home. Two years overseas and away from her own family. But she did good, she did fantastic on her mission even. Just coming home to the blonde pair she loved
This moring was like many others they've been enjoying.
Ximena woke up first, around sun rise. Her hair has grown a lot since she returned. No longer the shoulder length she was forced to have. It was mid back, her curls returned as she didn't have to touch the poor thing. It suffered to much heat damage in the two years gone-
Her feet touched the floor as she shuffle to the restroom. She brushed her hair and styled it up into a poofy ponytail. Her bangs brushed against her cheeks as she was calm. She was home.
She moisturized her face with her creams, making sure she's been taking care of herself lately. Physically and mentally, she's been taking care of her aging skin.
Unbeknownst to her, Simon was waking up. His brown eyes scanning around as he remembered he was in his bed. In his home, and his wife-
"Ximena?" He called out as he sat up from his spot. He's been having a small fear his wife wouldn't be home. She would vanish again and his brain softly ran with thoughts-
"Si amor?" She called out as she was brushing her teeth. Her brown eyes flickered with love as she noticed his face painted with worry.
"Hey I'm right here..." She said as she walked over. She quickly sat on his as she grabbed his hands. Keeping the brush in her mouth as she ran her hands together over his. Softly tracing circles on his palm and up his forearm. He felt a shiver up his spine as he bent down and pressed his forehead against hers.
"I know you're here...But got a funny feeling you'll vanish again love.." he spoke as his eyes met hers. Hers widen a bit as she felt so bad for him.
"Simon I'm so sorry... Mi amorsito. Mi sol!"(My love. My sun!)she coe the words a bit as she held his face closer to hers. He stared at her a bit as he savor her warmth against his. Softly his breathing and mind rolled to a stop, his worrying was put to rest for now.
"No no you're alright love..it's just a bit crazy. I have been wondering one thin'" he said as he looked her over. His large hands cupped her cheeks as he ran his thumps over her squishy cheeks. She pucker her lips as they shared a silly kiss.
Her giggles filled the room quietly as she smiled. Simon joined her a bit as they savor the morning light together. Way before Anna had to get up for school-
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As the day went on, Anna finally was off to school. Grabbing her bike helmet as Simon grabbed his own.
"Mama! I'ma take her on the bike" he shouted out as he pulled on his warm leather jacket. Anna was thrilled, as her frilly skirt moved as she let a soft squeal out
"Papas bike! Papas bike!" She said cheer a bit.
Ximena blinked in the kitchen as she enter their living and saw the pair in the hallway by the door. A smile to her lips as she enjoyed the sight.
"Alright you drive safe ok? Anna hold onto papa tight too." She waved them off as she enjoyed their bonding moments,even if it was on a motorcycle.
As the morning ran on and their day. Doing mundane task, fixing up the house a bit. Cleaning around and doing their laundry. Even got to go outside with their pup, Luna which was Ximena's military dog she got tasked with. Well the pup was two now but she'll always be a puppy in their head!
In the garden the two with the pup running around. Ximena was picking fresh vegetables as she needed some for dinner.
"Simon" she called to him as he was watering half the garden beds.
"Hm?" He hum out as he noticed her staring at him. He blinked a bit as he spoke up
"What's wrong?"
"Can we have another child?" She asked bluntly. He stared at her as the hose continued to spray.The wind ran through his short blonde locks. He blinked a few times as he processed his wife's request.
"Are you sure bout tha'? Do you think we need anothe'?" He returned to spraying as he stopped a bit after. He was confused a bit as he heard her steps coming over. Swiftly she made him face her as she spoke up.
"I've been thinking... That maybe we should expand our family. Anna had asked about a possible sibling even..." She said as she softly shift on her feet. Looking down as her curls swayed against her back a bit. Her eyes shook a tad as she anxiously waited for his response.
"Love..." He started as he ponder the idea. Another child would be fun, he adored his wife a lot when she was pregnant with Anna, he didn't mind the sleepless night, he enjoyed seeing her with babies like his wife's nephews and nieces too. God she looked so pretty with a baby- Blood hell.
"Alright that does sound like a great idea... We're more stable. We have a large house too... I think you made it big because you wanted more im guessing.." he teased her as he began to spray the next garden beds. He even playfully sprayed her lightly as she let a laugh out.
"Aye Simon!" She giggled as she swat his arm lightly. He smiled down to her as he brought her in for a tight embrace. Giving her a peck to her head as he smiled
"Alright we'll try..." He whispered to her lovingly.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A few months would pass since they had that conversation. And many, many, many nights of being together.
Ximena waited in the medbay on base. One of the nurses she knew helped her do a quick test, since she wasn't feeling the best during her usual training.
Her hair was in a tight bun, she sat on the cot. Her legs pressed tight together, she was a bit nervous. But at least her husband was on base this time.
The cheery nurse came back as she rolled over towards her in her small stool.
"Ximi, Ximi, I got your results." Bethany said, the sweet nurse coed the words.
Her hands placed the paper on Ximena's, turning it over as she began to read the results.
Positive Pregnancy
Her eyes shined a bit as she had a permanent grin to her face
"You're kidding?" She softly said as the ginger nurse nods her head.
"I'm happy for you Xi... Now go find that hunk of a man." She swat her knee, as Ximena let a soft laugh out. Pulling the nurse in for a tight hug as she smiled at her.
"Thank you Thank You-"
After she pulled away, Ximena was left to her search.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As she speed walked around, her brown orbs scanning around as she didn't find him. His usual spots were a dud, the rookies nor the task force had seen him. She even asked Price if he's seen the giant of the man.
How can not one soul seen him?
She eventually made her way towards the offices. As she passed hers, she noticed it was open. Glancing in she noticed the said man she's been looking for.
Ghost was putting a small vase on her desk. It was litter with carnations, hints of greenery, along with a few roses. The colors were soft pink with soft lavender.
He stepped back as he was gonna leave. But his brown eyes softly widen at seeing her coming in.
"I thought you would be there for a while more..." His gravely voice calmly said.
She shook her head, her bangs swaying around as she walked to her desk. She lifted the vase as she smiled to the small thing.
"It's so pretty... And no. I just got tested is all." She stated as she gave his mask covered face a kiss.
"I'm positive..." She said as she met his gaze. Softly he pressed his large hand against her cheek.
"You're kiddin' love?" His voice was a lot softer, trying to deam it a possible joke?
"Why would I?" She had a soft sweet smile. Her lips curled up in joy as she melted into his large palm.
Ghost looked to the door shut. Pondering for a second, he softly pressed a kiss to her forehead. Pulling her in for a tight embrace as he felt a small weight off his shoulders.
"That's... So exciting news love.. mi sol.." (my sun) he spoke softly as he pulled back. Gazing into her brown eyes with love.
"Good, because we have a lot of excitement to come then."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When it came to the baby name.
It was kinda easy. They wanted Joseph in the name. Somewhere.
Then Simon had a small question he wanted to ask his wife.
"Can I suggest a name love?" He turned to his wife. Seeing her with a round belly, washing dishes as they had dinner in the oven. Her curls were tucked behind her ear as she listened to him. "Hm?"
"What if it's a boy.. I was thinking Johnny?" He asked her. Looking back to his wife as she stopped her task.
Her brown eyes glanced back to him as she was thinking. Pondering the requests, she put the plate down in the drying rack.
"Hmmm.. Johnny Joseph Riley?" She asked him as she glanced to him. Her brown eyes scanning his reaction
Simon stopped stirring the pot, looking to the stew they were making. His eyes shook as he smiled.
"Yeah that works.. I actually.. asked Soap if he was ok with me using the name..."
His wife nodded her head as she went back to cleaning. Her mind filled as she began to think.
"Simon we don't even know it'll be a boy..." She teased him lightly, finishing up the last dish. She dried her hands off as she walked besides him. Peering into the pot as she enjoyed the meaty smell of the stew.
"Smells delicious...." She mumbled, stealing a bite for taste.
He swat her away, softly tapping her arse.
"No no no... You'll try to eat this pot on your own."
"Is that a bad thing??"
They both burst into light laughs. Enjoying the others company so much.
"Well I just think we'll hav' a boy ok?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The day the little bundle was born.
Was hectic.
Ghost was on a mission with Task Force 141. Ximena was in the hospital by herself. Anna was with her grandma.
The moment that helo landed on the tarmac, a storm of ginger passed the men waiting.
Bethany was shouting for Ghost.
Once he heard those words, he panicked. She was in labor and alone. Once Soap heard those words they sprung into action.
"Lt let's go! I'll give ye a lift!"
The pair rushed by, even Ghost thanked the nurse, as they got to his truck.
Hopping in they awaken the truck and drove off. Ghost was peeling his gear off. Didn't wanna scare civi's with his look.
Soap was turning and speeding, with reason. Thank God! Ghost had his own hospital bag, quickly changing into more acceptable clothing.
As they swung into a parking spot. Simon rushed out, "Thank' Johnny!" He yelled out as he got to the front desk.
"I'm looki' for me wife. Ximena Riley-" Simon breathlessly spoke as the receptionist started to look.
"That's fine... Mmmmm this is her room. Let the nurses in Labor and Delivery know you're her husband dearie ok? They'll let you through."
With that he was off. Rushing into the elevators as he was carried up the lift.
As he did as he was told and let in. Being lead to the room.
And once inside, he saw her holding a little bundle. Her soft voice rang in the room as she was on the bed. Her curls were in buns, pulled back. He noticed her nose scrunched up a long with that scar she's had forever now.
Walking over he didn't wanna startle her. But he admired her, seeing the love in her eyes.
And once he saw the little boy in her hands. A boy...
He had a tussle of brown curls. His mother's deep olive tan skin. And he had those chubby cheeks Simon loves from babies.
"There he is..." Simon finally said. Ximena glancing to him as she radiated a soft smile
"Our little Johnny is here..." Her voice was like heaven. Even if Simon was worn out from his mission..just the sight he got to see. It healed his tired soul so quickly
"Yeah Mama... Our lil Johnny..."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
An: OH GOD. this took forever but I'm actually happy with how this came out. Thank you so much to those that have enjoyed and followed along so far! Also thank you for being patient with me too! I'll keep you all posted on the last one of the baby series! Can't wait for the twins eeee. Love you all and thank you!!💕✨
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witch-oftheflowers · 2 months
Warm Dates
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Ximena Riley and their tots!
Family outing
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The weather was nice for once in Manchester. The breeze was enjoyable, the second the sun broke through the clouds.
Sounds of little steps filled the streets. Anna was in front of her parents holding Johnny's hand. Looking back to her parents the ten year old beam with joy as she lead the way.
Ximena softly chuckled as she admired her kids. Her hand was locked with Simons as they trailed behind them. Her head pressed into his shoulder a tad as she hums.
"The boots give you height." Simon teased her as she softly swat his arm. He laughed a bit as he smiled down to his wife. His eyes crinkled on the side as he took in the sight.
Anna was tall. Lord half his size even. Her blonde hair was braided into two. Her brown eyes shined with joy as they walked down the colorful streets. Her skirt swayed around, her jacket slipping off a bit. She was so colorful and bright.
Johnny was excited. He wore his little brown turtle neck. His cuffed blue jeans and his little light up sneakers. They had a superhero on it. His brown curls were swept back as he beam his little white teeth in a big grin
Simon sighs a bit in content as the family got to have a vacation. Away from the busy day to day for once. Be able to return to his roots for a while with his little knit family close.
Ximena noticed him relaxing a bit as she softly admired him. Her curls swayed around, brown eyes filled with love and admiration. Her black skirt swayed, the handbag she wore held firm in her other hand. She let her sweater smoosh into his arm as she got his attention.
"This nice huh?" She whispered as the kids stopped by a little cafe front. A bit of excitement as they noticed other kids in there.
The two adults stopped and checked it out. Seeing the cute families inside too. Many mixed cultures just like theirs.
"Go in." Ximena said as the kiddos squealed and rushed inside. Being polite even.
Simon stared to his wife as he smiled. He seems more relaxed as he thought a coffee sounded nice too.
"It's nice... We just get to enjoy it." He whispered to her as she noticed his words.
"Yeah it's nice...We don't get to be just us right? Come Simon, those kiddos will want their hot coco." She grasped his hand as they rushed in to enjoy the simple joys in life.
And honestly the two desperately needed it. It was right after Las Almas. The family definitely needed it, to rekindle their family. Along with enjoying another day alive together.
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witch-oftheflowers · 3 months
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Here’s a photo drop of Ximena x Simon I’ve done. TAKE IT
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witch-oftheflowers · 4 months
Covert Mission: A Start
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Ximena Lopez (OC)
TW: violence, blood, language
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The night was cold, a fun festival litter the streets of down town Bristol. The vibrant lights along with the rivers running through the city.
The light festival that surrounded the city around the time of Valentine's Day was bustling.
A young Simon Riley walked through the festival. His hands tucked in a long trench coat his mother gifted him. His brown eyes scanning the surrounding area as he noticed the spot he was looking for. Walking over he stood under the large oak tree. He glanced around as he noticed a head filled with large curls bouncing through the crowd.
Once he noticed the curls heading his way. His hands went clammy in his pockets. He was asked to assist in a cover mission with a talented soldier, that needed help tracking a target that kept evading them.
His eyes softly widen when he saw the short woman walking towards him. Her dark olive tan skin shined under the colorful lights, her fluffy large curls bounced off her shoulders even swaying around her hips as she walked over.
Big brown eyes met his as she stood before him. She wore an off shoulder shirt, the sleeves flow around her elbows. Her tattoos evidently shown from the skin exposed. The tight black jeans hug he curvy legs and hips. And the large boots she wore gave her a few inches to her. Her earrings swayed and moved as she eyed him up and down a bit.
Compare to the two, Simon was more bland looking. A simple turtle neck shirt in grey, his black trench coat and some khakis pressed pants. He had on comfortable dress shoes in case. His hair was buzzed cut on the side a bit left in the middle of his soft blond curls. Not overgrown but it wasn't short.
The woman smiled as she held a hand out to him.
"I'm Ximena Lopez, you'll be helping me today hermoso" she said softly, her Spanish accent was clear as she spoke.
Simon took her hand and gave it a shook as he remained calm. "Nice to met ya, I'm Simon Riley.... Didn't know it was a lass I was helping out today." He admitted as he let her hand go.
Ximena nods her head as she took a step and stood besides him. Her hands stayed behind her back as they looked to the crowd.
"Had a feeling the general wouldn't say that .. Usually I get chumps that don't wanna help." Her voice was quiet as she looked around. A small smile on her painted lips as she hums a bit.
His eyes glanced down to her as he noticed the large height difference. About a good foot between them. He looked back to the crowd as he nods his head.
"I see why.. if you dress like that often." He said as he didn't like her appearance. She looked pretty yes, but it wasn't the best choice for a mission like theirs.
Ximena scoffed a bit as she snear at his boldness. "Really... Didn't think you would be bold? Ya know I can do this myself." She said as she began to walk away from him. Her hand held up as she shush him.
Simon noticed a man coming their way as he realized it was their target. He quickly joined her as he grasp her hand in his as he tried to blend in.
Her eyes narrowed at him as she was about to tell him off. She noticed the man behind them on his phone chatting away. Her hand soften in his as she sighs.
"Just be nice. I don't need trouble from ya." She scolded him as she yanked him along. Simon knew he wasn't gonna enjoy this, even rolled his eyes, but he sucked it up for the mission.
A few hours would pass. Ximena dragged him along as they tailed the target. Eventually they got used to being around the other.
She begrudgingly stayed calm, not wanting to spend more time with the English man. Even if he was starting to run off on her, just a small bit.
"With your accent.. Latin America I'm assuming?" Simon said as they sat on a cafe table. A bit away from the target as he was waiting for someone.
Ximena sip her ice coffee as she hums. Her eyes shut as she enjoyed her drink.
"Mexico originally.." she said as she looked at him through her thick lashes. He wasn't bad looking but his attitude was so lacking. Such a shame she thought.
"Why you out here?" He said his gravely voice was clear as he looked to her. Eyeing her up and down, taking in her calm demeanor. He wouldn't admit she looked pretty. He bit his lip a bit as he enjoyed his hot cup of tea.
"Parents moved us out here.. I don't get why they came here and not the US." She admitted as she hums a bit. Her legs were softly swinging under the table as she had a bit of energy.
He nods his head as he finished his cup. He stood up as the target moved again. Ximena pouted as she grabbed her drink and followed him.
As their target moved down an alleyway. Ximena rush forward as they didn't have a chance till now.
She had a syringe in her pocket to subdue the man. Her hands reached for him as she yanked him back. Her curls was all Simon saw as he tried to catch up to her.
Ximena had the man on the floor. A bit of blood trickle down her nose as she sighs. Wiping it off with the back of her hand as she got the man up. Simon assist her over as she called for a ride.
As they tucked the man in the back. She sat on one side as Simon took the other. The driver drove off as he smiled. A young John Price looked to the two as he was the one that helped them get together for this mission.
Ximena stared at John as she sighs.
"I'm not asking you for help Lieutenant. I don't need a rookie to help me next time." She spat as Simon glared at her a bit.
"I don't care how cute he is." She started as she held a hand up to his face. "It's not worth his ugly rude attitude." She finished as Simon yank her hand down and was still glaring hot rods at her.
"I would rather get tortured then have to work with you again. You arrogant pompous brat"
"Don't even act like I held you captive the whole time. You could of left."
"You actually did. You dragged me along the whole time. Which I don't appreciate" he said as he glared down at her
Ximena blinked as she laughs a bit. "You're like a giant compared to me! Come on John tell me you don't believe this shit he's giving???"
John laughs a bit in his seat as he turned around a few roads. He had a small smile on his lips as he taps his fingers on the wheel.
"Seems like you two will get along... I hear there's another mission for you two soon anyways. So get used to it." He said a bit smug as the two in the back process his words.
"You're fucken shitting me..." Simon said as he groaned and sat back. Rubbing his large hand across his face.
Ximena sat there as she sighs a bit, sitting back as she looked out the window.
This was just the start of their rough bumpy road ahead. Two of them didn't know that the irritation and emotions that were fluttering around them would bloom. But they denied it as much they could honestly.
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witch-oftheflowers · 3 months
Bitterness is fair in all love and war
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Ximena Riley
TW: Violence and blood.
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The air felt stiff. Walking through the airport, Ximena held her hand firm within the man besides her. But it wasn't the man she loved. It's someone she's been faking to love for the past two years. And hopefully if today goes well. It all would end.
That's her hope that is.
Her breathing was calm as she forced that smile he adored. Her lashes batted as she followed him along. Going through the front door of the large airport.
Her eyes scanned around as they stick together. Looking up to Vladimir as her hand stayed locked with his. Their steps were careful and soft, seeming as a loving couple entering the area.
As they got a cab and head towards their hotel. As they exit the cab, she thanked them, even paid as they let the car drive off.
"Let's go Ximena." He stated as they started to walk away from the hotel. Going around the corner down as they passed by homes.
That's how it all started. Going into a small hide out home.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And then the day came. The day she was dreading a bit. As the men before her were set to their locations in the stadium. Ximena was in the VIP lounge, seeming as a normal patron in the arena. Her eyes scanning around as she was a bit nervous. And thus the first bomb went off. Her hair shook, seeing the folks area her panic. She remained calm.
Her ear piece rang as Russian was spilled through. She noticed people fleeing around, she stayed in her position. In her coat she had a small gun to hide. In the pocket she had a small radio for cross interference. But to also make contact with the one's she needed to.
Getting on her feet, her comfortable pants rubbed as she moved from the area. Blending into the mass chaos as she looked for a private area. She heard Vladimir's voice as he called for her.
"Ximena! What is your status!" He commanded towards her.
Ducking into a hallway as she hid from the public eyes. She slid against the wall as her poofy curls sprayed around her.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. The crowd is a mess right now. Keep going with the plan" she stated as she cut her comms. She stomped on her ear piece as she sighs. Pulling out the radio she had she fidget with it a bit, changing the channel. Sliding in a new ear piece as she heard Captain Price and General Shepherd's voice.
"Golden Eagle, Bravo-6? This is Bravo-2. I'm inside the stadium what is your ETA?" Her voice was calm as she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail. Her eyes dulled a bit as she yanked a sweater on hiding her clothes.
Captain Price on his end smiled as he hop out the helo. Looking back inside as he listened.
"Bravo-6 here. How copy Bravo-2?"
Ximena smiled as she was ready for her tasks
"The airport been evacuated?" She asked as she hums.
"Yes it's been done. Ghost and Shepherd are assisting with that. They'll met us here at the stadium."
"Heard. Bravo-2 going dark" she stated as she turned the volume down on the radio.
And her hunt began...
As she snuck through and took down members of Koni. A mask pulled up hiding her facial features as she; stabbed, attacked and took down groups of men on her own. Once she heard the British accent near she calmed down a bit. Her clothes were bloodied as she let a shaky sigh out. Her eyes looking back as she heard guns drawn on her.
Looking back she noticed Price staring at her as he smiled a bit.
"Looking well old man- let's keep going. I cut my comms off with them so they couldn't get my cross radios. By now Vladimir should be trying to escape."
She stated as they walked through the VIP lounge. She noticed the bodies on the floor as a few Koni members.
They dealt with any that were alive. Their steps were careful and calm as they moved through the chaos.
As they circled around the stadium, going around flights of stairs. Ximena along with Price and Soap swept the areas. Finding civilians during the way.
Ximena noticed something as it was getting quiet.
"We need to get to the garage. He more likely is making an escape." Price stared as he lead the two down the stairs. As they noticed the mass of abandoned cars and vehicles. A few ambulances were seen.
Ximena swept around as she took a few Koni out. She was quick as she noticed an ambulance coming towards them.
"LOOK OUT!" She roared the command as Soap began to shot at the tires and driver. As the ambulance flipped and skid a bit. Soap ran over as he opened the back. Seeing Vladimir in the back
"HANDS IN THE AIR!" He roared at him as he pulled him out.
Vladimir glared at the Scotts man as he climbed out. Price rushing over as he helped secured the terrorist. Once his eyes landed on Ximena his eyes widen a bit.
She met his gaze as she kept their backs covered.
"Don't act so surprised amorsito..." She said coely, her tone was teasing even. As she began to lead the way. Soap kept an eye on Vladimir.
The two softly bickering as they moved their way out from the underground garage.
Price kept hushing them as he and Ximena took out any enemies coming their way. Their priority was to secure their way out.
As they crossed a few paths and obstacles, they rushed out towards the helicopter waiting for them. As it swings open and they rush in.
Ximena slid the door shut behind them as they lifted off ground.
General Shepherd's voice was clear as he noticed Vladimir Makarov and the woman that's been undercover for two years.
"Vladimir Makarov... About time we caught you"
Vladimir scoffed a bit as he looked to the general. "Are we on some first name basis Herschel?" His voice mimiced his American accent as he grinned a bit.
Soap glared at the man as he noticed his behavior. A bit off and calm for a man that was captured.
Ghost glanced to Ximena a hand placed to her shoulder as she watched the ground below. She didn't dare glance to the man they captured, feeling a bit uneased in the moment.
Ghost turned as they began to intimidate and interigate about his attack.
A shiver was sent up Ximena's spine when she called Ghost by his name.
"Simon Riley- I was expecting you to be at the airport." Makarov stated as he leaned back into his seat.
The explosion shoke the helo as everyone looked out to the airport in flames in the distance. Ximena whipped around as she smiled
"Didn't go as planned didn't it?"
Soap, unknown to him shouted as he tackled Makarov off his seat. Pointing a gun into his face
"What the fuck is wrong with you!"
"Soap get off of him! We need him alive!" Price roared a bit, trying to pull the Sergeant off the man.
"Sergeant we need him alive. Stand down." Price said as Soap finally pulled off of him.
The ride back was awkward, Ximena eventually dozed off as she sat with the pilot. Keeping her distance as Vladimir was softly swearing in Russian.
"Черт возьми, ублюдок."(Shut it you brat) Ximena spoke out as she rose from her nap eventually.
"Вы и ваша семья увидите. Переступить мне дорогу было серьезной ошибкой, моя дорогая..." (You and your family will see. Crossing me was a grave mistake my dear...)
Ximena listened to his words with his warning. Softly she bit her lip as she knew doing this would risk her family and her husband. Her eyes shut a bit as she let the sinking realization that maybe she shouldn't have done this mission.
Ghost walked over as he spoke a bit towards her.
"He's just intimidating you... Ignore it." He spoke as he pat her shoulders a bit. Trying to ease her nerves
But she knew that Vladimir was a man that if scorned, would make you wish you never were born in the first place.
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