#silver in a nutshell: (: this (: is (: fine.
dokitm-arch · 2 years
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accurate, canon and correct representation of silver vanrouge during his time in spirit realm with jamil in endless halloween event.
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jolieblack · 2 months
Jolie’s thoughts on Silver Blaze (Sherlock & Co. podcast) Parts 1 & 2
… because I can already tell that this will get too long if I wait for parts 3 & 4 to drop…
I know Joel has said in several places that this case is his favourite ACD story, so expectations are high… and not being disappointed so far!
I already loved this one at 3 minutes in, with the opening montage of part 1 being totally over the top, mega blockbuster crime of the century style, and then the next thing we get is Sherlock practising the clippity-clop thing and looking for a new home for 327 ants.
Sherlock being a train geek (of course he is) and going on about the ghost trains just after John went on about the creepy Dartmoor legends got me, too. In my book, Silver Blaze has never had a gothic horror vibe to it, but it may well have now! Let’s see how that aspect will develop.
Other details I loved:
John‘s mum: "He‘s a very sensitive boy and you need to respect that." - "He’s not a boy, he’s a man… who plays with ants."
John and Mariana pushing Sherlock into the case by threatening him with a party, and John being a gleefully cackling little bugger about it when it works.
"Just trying to understand how your brain works." - "Yeah, you and me both, mate."
Sherlock giving us a whole paragraph straight out of ACD (the "plethora" bit) - I love how well it always works in contrast with how everyone else in this universe talks.
The dodgy SD card, which - I hereby predict - will turn out to be more than a comedy element as the case progresses.
Sherlock deducing the entry code for the cottage, we love to see that kind of stuff, don’t we.
"We’ve got a horse to find. Giddy up."- Love it when Sherlock speaks ordinary colloquial modern English like a foreign language.
"You are a child, a giant crime-solving child!" - Sherlock Holmes in a nutshell.
"I’ve done the washing up - he said, pausing for a thank you - " - "Thank you."
Oh and scrolling on our phone to the point of existential crisis till we pass out is so how we all fall asleep these days, isn’t it. Jonk Watson, the true Everyman for the 21st century.
And then we get feeeeels, too!
Starting with "Talk to me, John." - 🥹🥹🥹 The incredible intimacy of that little moment. Also, another 'John', seemingly out of nowhere - is this Sherlock being incredibly finely attuned to the moments where John's war trauma may re-emerge, such as in this scene where they’re viewing a very badly injured body, ready to step in with whatever emotional support may be needed? If so, our boy has come a long way already since the first sweet but clumsy "Would you like to hold hands and talk about your emotions?" when they were viewing the body in Thor Bridge and I’M HERE FOR IT.
And what was that shower scene??? Things getting very much *less weird* for Sherlock while he stares at his dear companion in the shower (who presumably doesn’t shower fully or even half dressed) and imagines what life would be without him? If this show was heading in an unequivocal Johnlock direction, I‘d say this was an awakening. As it is, I don’t believe for a second that Sherlock was high. He just wanted reassurance that John would stay in the picture forever, whatever exactly you like to imagine the picture to be. 😭
More lovely details:
"Cinderella will go to the ball" - "You stop being so bloody clever, and I will stop with the compliments." And literally two minutes later it’s "I'm not asking you to be comfortable, I’m asking you to help me solve the case!" and John being Sherlock’s literal beast of burden so Sherlock can look over a wall that even little John Watson climbs without any assistance only a minute later.
Sherlock Holmes telling John Watson to get on his knees as if this isn’t the moment the Sherlock Holmes fandom has been waiting for for over 140 years.
Sherlock being gentle and friendly with the horse!
And to wrap up, a few thoughts on the case aspect:
[Warning: Contains spoilers for the original ACD story and may therefore contain spoilers for this version, too!]
The limping sheep in part 1 had me going 👀 already, and now the cataract knife has made its appearance, I really don’t expect a lot of surprises when we get to the denouement, and I'm assuming that the fact that there is an imprint of the letter S from the walking stick on the head of the murder victim just means that there was a violent confrontation quite some time before June actually died. Why else would Sherlock agree with Inspector Gregory that the imprint is there, but also with John that those extensive and massive injuries could not have been caused by a single blow with a stick? Nope, not sensing any dramatic plot twists compared to the original version this time. Let’s see if I was right!
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
In TFE Silver Aid (Buddy)
How's her relationship/dynamic with the OP, Megatron, & Elita-1 in Earth?
In a nutshell...
'Buddy' does have helmaches from time to time whenever she's with them, powers through.
She doesn't spend too much time with the other bots, preferring to stay with her family.
But when she does hang with them...
Optimus and her talk about the history about things before the war. 'Buddy' really wants to know what were things like before everything. Optimus gladly talks about things before the war. They get along just fine.
Elita and 'Buddy' got along like a house on fire. The two don't know how bet they clicked after a night on patrol. Elita liked 'Buddy' and her willing to stay by her families side. It reminded her a bit of... it doesn't matter anymore.
Megatron and 'Buddy' took a bit to get along. With the whole disagreement in the begining. But thanks to all the Maltos, they quickly found some common ground.
'Buddy' smiles to herself seeing Megs playing with the kids and being gentle.
Megatron smiles at 'Buddy' bittersweetly. She would have gotton along well with Silver Aid...
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princesssarisa · 2 months
The Donkeyskin portion of Cinderella Tales from Around the World has brought me to the various Donkeyskin tales from from Germany, Switzerland, and France. These of course include the two most famous variants of this Cinderella subtype: the French Donkeyskin (Peau-d'Ane) by Charles Perrault and the German All-Kinds-of-Fur (Allerleirauh) by the Brothers Grimm.
*The Grimms' version is the one I've always been most familiar with, more so than Perrault's. Just in case someone doesn't know it, I'll give a full summary. At the beginning, the dying queen makes the king promise not to remarry unless he finds a bride as beautiful as she is and with hair as golden as her own; as it turns out, of course, only their daughter fits this description. To try to stave off the wedding, the princess asks her father for gowns that resemble the sun, moon, and stars, and for a fur coat made from the skin of every kind of animal in the kingdom. Despite all odds, her father gives her these gifts, so she hides the three gowns in a nutshell, disguises herself in the fur coat, runs away, and becomes a scullery maid in another king's castle. When three balls take place, the cook permits her to go and watch the dancers for a little while; secretly she puts on each of her fine gowns, attends the balls, dances with the young king, and then hurries back to the kitchen in time to cook the king's favorite bread soup. Each night, she slips a gold trinket into the king's bowl, but when he sends for her to ask about it, she denies knowing where it came from. Finally, on the third night, the king slips a ring onto her finger, and she stays too long at the ball and is forced to put her fur coat back on over her gown rather than changing. When the king sends for her as usual to ask about the gold trinket in his soup, he sees the ring on her finger and tears off her coat to reveal the gown beneath it. Thus they're married and live happily ever after.
**This collection also includes Andrew Lang's version of the tale from The Green Fairy Book, which is bowdlerized so that the princess just runs away to escape from a loveless arranged marriage to one of her father's counselors.
**In the first edition of the Grimms' collection, before the three balls, All-Kinds-of-Fur has to take off the young king's boots every night, and he always throws them at her head. This obviously reflects the common pattern in Donkeyskin tales of the prince/king abusing the princess in her disguise, but the Grimms omitted it from later editions as one of their efforts to make the tales "more moral."
**In their footnotes, the Grimms mention another variant that doesn't include an incestuous father, but instead gives the princess a wicked stepmother and stepsister, who drive her away out of jealousy after a prince chooses her to marry rather than the stepsister. They also mention versions where instead of a fur coat, the princess dresses herself in a coat of moss from the forest.
**One of these days I plan to try a recipe for German bread soup just because of this story!
*Besides the Grimms' version, this book also includes a second German version, called Aschenpüster ("Ash-blower," and clearly related to the common Dutch name for Cinderella, "Assepoester"), and a German-language Swiss version, Aschengrübel. In Aschenpüster, which for the most part is similar to the Grimms' version, the heroine demands dresses of gold, silver, and jewels from her father (who is just a rich lord, not a king), as well as a cloak of crow feathers that becomes her disguise, and a magic wand that can transport her wherever she wants to go. In Aschengrübel, there's no incest theme: the heroine is just an orphan whose parents left her nothing but a beautiful gown, which she hides when she becomes a servant to an aristocratic family. But a mysterious dwarf appears throughout the story and greets her, then vanishes, and in the end he appears with her parents' long-lost will, revealing that they left her a fortune, giving her a suitable dowry for her marriage.
*Perrault's Donkeyskin goes like this, for anyone not familiar with it: The dying queen makes the king promise not to remarry unless he finds a bride more beautiful than herself. Of course no one fits this description except their daughter, and the grief-crazed king insists on marrying her. The princess consults her fairy godmother, the Lilac Fairy, who first urges her to demand gowns that resemble the sky, the moon, and the sun, and then to demand that the king sacrifice his most prized possession, a magic donkey that defecates gold coins, by killing it and giving the princess its skin. Unfortunately, he does all these things, so the fairy gives the princess a magic chest to secretly store her dresses, and urges her to wear the donkey skin as a disguise and run away. The princess obeys, reaches another kingdom, and becomes a scullery maid and animal herder at a farm near the palace. On Sundays and holidays, when she doesn't have to work, she shuts herself in her room and secretly puts on her gowns. One day the prince happens to stop at the farm, and he sees the princess in her sunbeam gown through the keyhole of her room and falls in love with her. But out of respect he doesn't approach her, but goes to ask the farm folk about her, and they insist that there's no princess, only a servant called Donkeyskin. The prince falls gravely ill and insists that only a cake baked by Donkeyskin will cure him. Donkeyskin bakes him his cake, slipping a ring into the batter. After the prince finds the ring, he has every maiden in the land try it on, and of course, it only fits Donkeyskin's finger. The Lilac Fairy them reveals the princess's true heritage, and the prince and princess are married; the princess's father, now sane again and married to another queen, attends the wedding and is forgiven.
**Andrew Lang also bowdlerized this tale in The Grey Fairy Book, by making Donkeyskin the king's adopted daughter, and by having gold coins fall from the donkey's ears instead of the other end.
**In a strange choice, Perrault goes slightly out of his way not to condemn the incestuous father-king. At the beginning, he emphasizes the king's benevolence and his subjects' happiness and love for him, and later frames his attempted incest as madness caused by the loss of his beloved wife. He also seems to want to blame the queen more than her husband: on her deathbed, she insists that the king must remarry to produce a male heir, but secretly she doesn't want him to remarry, so she makes the apparently impossible demand that the new queen be more beautiful than she was. And of course the princess forgives her father in the end, which is far from a universal ending for this tale.
***Of course, Perrault's stories always have at least a hint of satire in them, and maybe he meant for his readers to judge the king more harshly than he pretends to. There's also the fact that in reconciling with her father, Donkeyskin gains solid proof of her royal status, receives appropriate paternal permission to marry, and likely receives a dowry too. This makes her an unquestionably suitable bride for the prince by the standards of the era. In hindsight, this might also explain why Perrault's Cinderella so emphatically forgives her stepfamily, besides "virtue": her status as a daughter of the gentry is what makes her a suitable bride for a prince, so if she cut ties with her family, the king and queen might not accept her so easily.
*Based on the other French variants this book features, Perrault's version seems to be a typical French variant of the tale, although of course it's richer in literary detail than the others. Still, the others feature unique details too.
**The majority of French variants are called Donkeyskin (Peau d'Ane, Peau d'Asne, or Peau d'Anette). The donkey isn't usually a magical one, though (that detail is uniquely Perrault's), and isn't always sacrificed by the king either. In several versions, she buys a donkey after she runs away, then kills it and disguises herself in its skin.
**At least two versions specifically make the heroine's father the king of Spain. I suppose this is because in other European countries, Spain is often treated as the "exotic" land where unusual and exciting things can happen.
**In most of these variants, the king just decides to marry his daughter because she's so beautiful or because she resembles her late mother. But in one version, The King of Spain's Daughter, he resolves to marry only a woman who can wear his late wife's wedding clothes, and they fit no one but his daughter.
**The three gowns are usually themed to the sun, moon, and stars, though sometimes their themes are gold, silver, and jewels. The heroine usually stores them in a chest, but sometimes in nutshells.
**The heroine's love interest is almost always a prince, except in the French Basque Donkeyskin, where he's a king.
**The heroine typically becomes an animal herder – a goose girl, a turkey girl, or a shepherdess – at a royal palace. She doesn't typically attend balls in these French versions, though, but secretly dons her beautiful gowns in a private room or out in nature on her days off from work. One day the prince happens to see her and falls in love. Again, an exception is the French Basque Donkeyskin, which does have the heroine attend three balls. But in that version and the others alike, the prince/young king finally falls ill with longing and requests food made by Donkeyskin. She slips a ring into the cake or bread she makes, and the prince has every maiden try the ring on, but it only fits Donkeyskin's finger.
**The French variants typically don't include the theme of the prince abusing the disguised heroine. Once again, though, the French Basque Donkeyskin is an exception: after the first and second balls, Donkeyskin provokes the young king by saying that the beautiful lady must have disliked him, or she wouldn't have run away, and for this the king beats her with a slipper. At the next ball, the "lady" tells him that her name is "Braf-le-mandoufle" ("Beaten with the slipper").
**One version, The Golden Bull, follows the pattern we saw in some of the Italian versions, and has the heroine hide inside a hollow object (in this case a golden statue of a bull) which is sold to the prince, rather than running away in disguise and becoming a servant. Every night she secretly comes out of the statue and eats the prince's food, until finally she's discovered.
**Peau d'Anette features a second half that resembles The Three Spinners by the Brothers Grimm. To test whether or not the heroine is a suitable wife for the prince, the queen locks her in a room each day to see how well she can spin, knit, cook, and sweep. But four strange-looking people appear – three women and a man – who do the tasks for the heroine on the condition that she invite them to her wedding, which she does in the end.
**As usual, a few versions don't include the incest theme. In one version, the heroine is just a wealthy young woman in love with the prince, who disguises herself and becomes a servant at the castle to be near him. In another, Césarine, the heroine's father loves her, but her mother hates her, which causes strife between them, so she runs away to save their marriage. And in the French Basque Donkeyskin mentioned a few times above, she's neither a princess nor of high birth, but just a castle servant – when robbers steal some of the royal treasure, the king and queen accuse her of the theft, and Snow White-style, they order men to take her into the forest, kill her, and bring back her heart. But the men kill a donkey in her place, give her its skin to disguise herself, and take its heart to the king and queen. She then becomes a goose girl at the castle of a different king, whom she eventually marries, and she regularly meets a mysterious old woman, who gives her walnuts that contain silver and gold dresses, and a peach containing a diamond dress.
**The book also includes another French tale where the heroine is called "Donkeyskin," but which isn't really a Donkeyskin tale, but just a vaguely Cinderella-like story. A merchant's daughter and a rich young man fall in love, but her cruel mother and jealous sisters force her to wear a donkey skin to make her look ugly and drive her sweetheart away, and demand that she pick up a full bushel of barley with her tongue, grain by grain, before she can marry. The donkey skin doesn't dissuade the young man, however, and ants pick up all the barley grains for her.
Next I'll be reading the variants from Spain.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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miirshroom · 2 months
The many Anagrams of Radagon
Because I found an anagram generator and felt like applying a little confirmation bias to the results, for fun:
"Adan Gor" - Adan, Thief of Fire is a character in Elden Ring. "Gor" is a dialectical oath variant of "god", with well known uses including Moby Dick ("And, by Gor, none of you has de right to dat whale"). Gor is also Old English meaning "dung". Seems like Adan and Dungeater worship the same sun god.
"a dog ran" "a god ran" - the dog part is self explanatory as Radagon is described as a leal hound and here we see that Radagon was a dog god who fled.
"rand oga" - "rand" and "oga" are both Old English/proto-Germanic meaning altogether "on the edge of terror". As blacksmith Hewg says of Marika (who is Radagon): "The sheer terror of her…". In the deep FromSoft history, there was once a minor miner NPC character in King's Field (1994) called "Rand Ferrer" whose name means "on the edge of a blacksmith".
"A Dragon" - I think that the Elden Beast is a fine example of a sparkle dragon. The dragon is also a symbol of the never-ending cycle of alchemy, as both prime materia and the end product. The dragon is endlessly splitting into brother and sister parts and recombining into the divine hermaphrodite - so says Carl Jung in CW12 "Psychology and Alchemy". And the connection that I make personally is that the red-haired Rand al'Thor as the 'Dragon Reborn' is the main character of the Wheel of Time books (1990-2013), whose name means "on the edge of a god" because that's really just his whole character arc in a nutshell. Two of the most significant supporting characters are a blacksmith named for the blacksmith god Perrun and an Odin-expy trickster. See above usage of 'Rand Ferrer''.
"naga d'or" - "naga" is Hindu meaning "a member of a race of spirits recognized in Hinduism and Buddhism that have mingled superhuman and serpent qualities, are genii of waters and rain, and live in a subaqueous kingdom", and "d'or" is French meaning "of gold". Elden Beast seems to exist in a plane of endless water and is a creature of the Golden Elden Ring. Though it is tempting to guess that this might be a DLC payoff one.
"Ra Dagon" - "Ra" Egyptian god of the sun and "Dagon" the principal deity of the ancient Middle Euphrates region. Also the Lovecraftian Dagon fish god thing.
"Ra Gonad" - Ra is god of all of the sky (and earth and underworld), not just the sun. Venus was born of the testicles of Uranus - god of the sky - thrown into the sea. The second phase of Malenia's fight is styled as an allusion to Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus". So technically this one can work with Radagon as a link between his own father the old god of the sky and/or sun and his daughter Malenia.
"Agro DNA" - from the slang term "agro" meaning "aggressive". Perhaps that Radagon has an aggressive nature in his genes. He is something of a Beast.
"And Agro" - as in "Radagon and Agro" - the name of the horse from the Shadow of the Colossus (2005). Elden Ring similarly has the player form an attachment to horse. Notably, The Shadow of the Colossus was directly cited as an inspiration for Elden Ring. Perhaps even a challenge to it - that game has an inevitable grim conclusion at the end, where as Elden Ring lets the player choose wrong 5 out of 6 times, but there is still the 6th more hopeful choice once you learn to read developer intent. Also, Elden Ring has 15 Remembrance Bosses in base game, which is one short of the 16 Colossi in SotC.
"Argo DNA" - Argo was the ship sailed by Jason to find the Golden Fleece. Note the golden sheep in the Altus Plateau area of Elden Ring. It is also the name of a gigantic constellation that was split into three parts in the modern day - thus Radagon's lineage is found in the stars. Afterall "It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring".
"Ag Ra don" "Ag adorn" - "Ag" is chemical short form for Silver, so "Ra dressed in silver", I suppose. More alchemy stuff. One might recall that "Radagon" seems not to have been needed as an entity until going to Liurnia to confront a house of the moon (traditionally associated with silver). Also "Ag" derives from the French "Argent" and another major use of French that I've noted is in the name of "Seluvis" forming "se lu vis" meaning (probably with broken grammar) "To read one's own face".
"Argon AD" - "In the Year of our Lord, 18" - Argon was isolated in 1894 by William Ramsay ("Will I Am, Ram Say" - see Golden fleece above). It is element 18 on the periodic table and has a lavender/violet glow when placed in an electrical field, evocative of the visual used for gravity magic. Notable event in the year 18: "Winter – Germanicus Caesar arrives in Syria, as new commander-in-chief for the Roman East."
"ad argon" - "Ad" is a Latin modifier as in the case of "ad absurdum" or "to the point of absurdity" and etc (much like this post!). "Argon" is a Greek word meaning "lazy" or "inactive". Overall perhaps stretches to "to the point of stagnation"
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MLK Day- Are We Losing Focus?
2day, Al Sharpton & Co. R celebrating the 60th Anniversary of The March On Washington. Sharpton is also pushing a Kumbaya Hate Crime Bill. My problem, is EVERY GROUP has specific Hate Crime Legislation, except ADOS. Yelling @ Asians, European Jews, & LGBTQ... is a Hate Crime; but Police Officers can beat on little Black Girlls, & White Men can shoot Black Boys in the back w/ No Reprisal. Rafael Warnock can get 'Jim Crow' Joe Biden 2 speak @ Eberneezer Baptist Church, but couldn't get him 2 address a Black Agenda, or Reparations specifically 4 American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery.
Instead, Biden spoke about supporting Dr. King's legacy of 'Faith'... Really??! Joe Biden was a disciple of Robert Eastland & Strum Thurman- both HATED Dr. King! R We supposed 2 believe that Biden didn't share their sentiment? It's an insult of the Highest Order 2 have an architect of Benign Neglect Policies speak @ Dr. King's Church; let alone on his Birthday. I can't blame Joe Biden, he's doing what he has always done w/ Blackfolk. He tells Us that he supports 'Opening Doors of Opportunity'; meanwhile, he's working on legislation that will keep those Doors 'Closed'.
Raphael Warnock & Al Sharpton R the individuals that I blame. Both espouse the virtues of Dr. King- 'The Dreamer', but never speak of MLK- 'The Warrior'. Why didn't Warnock remind Biden that Dr. King was 'Coming 2 Washington- 2 Collect Our Check', when he was betrayed & assassinated? Why didn't Al Sharpton have the Courage 2 single out Anti- Black Racism as the #1 Hate Crime in AmeriKKKa? We have a Historical Record that justifies specific Hate Crime legislation; We don't need 2 ride on ANYONE'S coattails 2 make a legitimate argument.
It looks like Our Political Leaders R fine w/ phasing Blackfolk out of Civil Rights. Warnock seems beholden 2 Biden, despite the role that Black Georgians played in his Election. Al Sharpton seems beholden 2 his 'Memorandum Of Understanding' w/ Comcast/ NBC. In return 4 their treachery, R both 'Reverends' getting their 30 Pieces of Silver? This blatant disrespect of Us only tells me that The Powers That B have been forced into speeding up their Time Table. We're gaining momentum faster than They expected. Their Agents of White Supremacy R getting neutralized.
-In a nutshell: It's Coon Hunting Season!
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hiiiii💕💕💕 From the ask game Pride Edition!
8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender
10. Something that gives you gender euphoria
12. What is your favorite piece of LGBT media?
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8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender
ooooh, okay, this honestly stumped me because there is a lot to my gender i feel that i would always miss out mentioning, but like
traditional, static, crystalline and crystallised, but also fluid, like blood, its redness and shine; full of music and candy and horror and sweetness and pastel like qualities but also dark as hell. unimaginable. everything and nothing at once. traditional and non-conforming in one. like a galaxy that can still be read in a nutshell whilst contain multitudes. metal. rock n roll. operatic voices, fantastical and symphonic elements, haunted and abandoned nostalgia, synths, grandiosity, bubblegum, pop, glitter, fairy dust, bat wings, vampire fangs, ethereal natures, ballads, power ones or not, rock candy, candy floss, precious stones, mirrors, reflections, water, fire, tinsel, snow and ice and gold and silver and ashes and dust. ferocity and softness. infinite contradictions within one. can be reduced but also not. anything my heart desires. anything i'm in the mood for and that you can predict and cannot predict. i decide what makes sense and what doesn't. ancient and young at once. unfathomably complex and massive and yet also simple and with the essential things at any given time. also very gay and bisexual and often involved in attraction.
10. Something that gives you gender euphoria
goddd i feel like i'd always forget what to say and when i post this, i know i'll always forget something
but like, when i dress in a particularly soft masc way and a selfie with it looks really nice, especially with my pins and jewelry, or when i talk out loud to myself and realise the kind of deepness my voice has, or when people say Evan, or use he/him pronouns and use 'traditionally masc' terms like handsome, or when my girlfriend/partner refers to me as her boyfriend (especially if trans is there, honestly, so validating, because i love being trans) or when we talk about me being her 'pretty boy' which gives me butterflies
12. What is your favorite piece of LGBT media?
not so much canon but i'm obsessed with the tintin series and i very much constantly go back and forth on the characters' sexualities and genders, and frankly i'm fine experimenting with different scenarios, but there is very much a queer reading into the whole series. it has also helped me with my queerness and how i understand myself along with my life in general. it's very cathartic in many ways, such as this.
i also adore my girlfriend's fave show and her interest in it, the owl house. this one is very canon and i love seeing them express themselves through it with the queerness in sexuality and gender like with the main wlw couple, luz's bisexuality, the gender nonconformity and the canon nonbinary character with raine whispers. it also helps me to understand fae better to see how she talks about it as well and our dynamic together reflective of the characters.
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Comics this week?
Danger Street #1 - Enjoyable! Not sure if King can handle all these characters, he's not a writer who is the best at giving everyone their own voice, but I liked the first issue. Haven't seen anyone offer a guess who the villain that traumatized Lady Cop is, must be a deep cut.
Dark Crisis: Big Bang #1 - An entire issue devoted to Waid indulging his Silver Age fanboy, but in a manner I don't enjoy compared to World's Finest. What the hell is the point of bringing back all these obscure worlds from Pre-Crisis that no one except Waid and a few other boomers know or care about? Why do we need two official vampire worlds? Or the Justice Lords and Injustice? Or the Crime Syndicate and apparently a Pre-Crisis Earth where the names stayed the same but the moralities flipped? Yippee I guess, must make sure that every evil Superman has their own official Earth. Morrison wanted to make sure that the Multiverse was more than just "hey here's Superman and Batman but this time they're Egyptian", they wanted the Multiverse to support different characters as being equal to the usual A-Listers. This new Multiverse is regressing back to the old status quo of there being a million Earths and Superman and Batman are the stars on every one. Weird that they left off the Arkhamverse, Tomorrowverse, and YJverse but included Injustice and DCSG. No films or TV Earths besides the Reeve/Keaton one, and even that is just meant to stand in for the Superman '78/Batman '89 comics. If this aimed to get me excited about the Multiverse it failed, I just want the damn thing to go away for a while and let DC focus on Earth 0 for a bit.
WildC.A.T.S. #2 - Breezy read but fun. Didn't expect Mr. Majestic to make his return so soon. Lot of Superman analogues, and actual Supermen, running around the DCU, somebody should do something with all of them.
Superman: Son of Kal-El #18 - Well this issue encapsulated this entire run in a nutshell: some interesting ideas that are failed by terrible execution resulting in a bland book. At least I can finally hop off Taylor's ride, won't be letting sunk cost tricking me into reading the next miniseries. A recent interview by Taylor made it sound like AoS will indeed be the finale for his time with the character, he was talking about how other people will be writing Jon after him and how Jon will be a big player in what's coming up. Until Taylor finishes writing Jon I've got zero interest in Jon anymore. Let his era be over soon please, this issue was clearly not meant to be the end of the series which tells me this was a sudden change, likely caused by editorial losing faith in Taylor as Jon's caretaker.
I Am Batman #16 - Huh. Didn't see that coming but I am intrigued where it goes. Ridley also gave an interview recently where he talked about other people writing Jace after him. Maybe Jace will be getting his own follow up mini just like Jon is, but by someone else.
Batman Incorporated #3 - Ghost-Maker is a total asshole and I'm not sure how long I'll keep reading if he remains the star. Dude needs to get humbled fast.
Invincible Iron Man #1 - Fine. About the same level of quality as Duggan's X-Men for what that's worth. Should have gotten Hickman on this, it's insane that Iron Man was the breakout star of the MCU and Marvel cannot seem to get him that modern day epic run he desperately needs.
Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker #2 - Pak is sleepwalking through this it feels like. Either that or it's decompressed for the trade, because not much is actually happening issue to issue. Jen's fate reminds me of the 40k God-Emperor.
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longsightmyth · 2 years
👖 dealers choice about which OC.
What type of clothing does your OC generally wear? Why? Do they have any “signature” accessories?
See the easy OC to go with here would be Lillian, mostly because almost none of my other characters care what they wear much? Clothes serve a function for most of my characters and only Lillian really likes them for their own sake.
BUT. I will talk about Laeriel, because I note somewhere that while Morwinyon doesn't care that much (especially when she's younger), Laeriel far and away prefers pants and shirts and preferably armor. Admittedly she also shamelessly steals Thranduil's shirts, but that's mostly because they are shirts, they are there, she needs a shirt, and his fit her fine. There's a snippet where Gil-Galad notes that somebody got her into a dress, and it is a very Laeriel dress insofar as Laeriel has a dress preference.
"Whoever had put her [in the dress] had gone to great effort to suit the dress to its owner, with simple, solid lines instead of the current fashion of many layers of light, almost transparent fabric. It was also black, the exact shade of her hair, in stark contrast to everyone else’s blues and greys and greens and even the occasional splash of purple. When she shifted, sparse silver embroidery caught the light.
Had she not seemed so uncomfortable she would have looked very nice."
(then he notes that she isn't wearing any jewelry, and she says the only jewelry she has is Delu, her sword, and honestly there is Laeriel in a nutshell)(Gil-Galad gets her A Single Piece of Jewelry later and it's plot relevant)
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ailelie · 1 year
Realized that I didn't have a strong sense of time/place for Nora's Return.
I've got an inkling now.
The country has one very large forest and one smaller (but still large) one. That said, logging is not an industry. They don't have a forest god or anything, but they have a respect for the trees. Ships are wooden, but the choosing of trees is very ceremonial.
Instead of wood, they use concrete (which they call molded stone), maladon (nutshells mixed with resin; usually called 'nutpaste'), and ceramics. They don't have glass naturally and tend to import it from overseas. Large sheets of glass break, so they tend to only import smaller pieces. This means large glass doors are actually mosaics of glass. Large mirrors tend to be polished steel, but smaller mirrors are silvered glass. (They can import some material needed for making glass, but the suppliers regulate it heavily and glassblowing/etc is a rare profession in the area. Large glass windows and mirrors do exist, but they're rare and very expensive).
(Paper is from paper mulberries, probably. Maybe from crop cast-offs? Or both and one is more fine/expensive than the other. Point is--it doesn't come from felling trees).
Time-wise, they're in an age of scientific discovery. Rich folk host scholars. People gather in public spaces to share ideas. Electricity is a thing, but not yet widespread. People are still working on making it practical. Guilds are vying for greater control, an effort that is both helped and hindered by the growing stock exchange.
Medicine is mostly past the humors-stage, but not quite to germ theory yet--at least not in Astelan. To the south, Creldyn is the center of medical advancement (greatly because they don't burn their dead or have any strictures against handling dead flesh). (I think, in Astelan, a person's blood is drained and their body burned. Then their blood and ashes are used to fertilize the forest or important field).
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nakedpersimmon · 3 years
Dudes, hey. Idk what the heck is going on but as someone who was once close with M*, this entire thing does not surprise me. She always acted weird about Nez. Always extremely possessive, and no one else was allowed to say ANYTHING. She made it so her little ‘group’ was excluded from the fandom + we were not permitted to talk to anyone who associated with NP - or anyone else who ‘Didn’t take Nez seriously “ she literally forced herself into his life and stalked him and oh my god its So weird
Hi there, Anon. What the heck is going on is pretty much everything you’ve said here in a nutshell, and then some. I’ve been contacted previously by someone else from M’s old friend group who echoed  what you have said here, and deeply regretted ever having been involved with her. So everything you are saying more than checks out.
Yes, she stalked Nez and forced herself into his life, going so far as to move from where she lived to where Nez lives in CA to badger him for a job. Yet ironically, she just instated this as a rule in the VR discussion group...
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The irony is almost sickening, really, considering that she has blocked hundreds of fans from the Videoranch social media pages (all of which she has taken over), and from Nez’s personal Facebook profile. This recent ask comes from @halpeary, who reports:
“I can't seem to send u a message...BUT... I did want to tell you that, on a recent IG post, I commented how "alert and vibrant" he was in the clip from FNB days. It was promptly removed. When i posted the same message, it was also removed. Not a big deal but telling in its own way.”
Nez is going on livestreams with her--on Facebook and now Instagram--stoned and possibly also drugged out of his mind. And anyone who makes a comment about it is banned and/or blocked. The NP Discussion Group has become the only place where anyone can safely talk about what is happening--and “safe” is even up for debate, as M stalks and reads the group obsessively. (I am keeping it public because I want people to be able to find the group and get information about what is happening, if for no other reason than to stop normalizing this situation/continue acting like everything is fine, which is what she wants.)
I had the opportunity recently to speak with a firsthand source, and things are much, much worse than anyone even realizes. Nez is effectively cut off from everyone in his life who isn’t her--longtime friends, former employees, and even his own kids. M is diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses and refuses to take medication/brags about fooling her doctor. In no way, shape, or form, am I intending to stigmatize mental illness, but she is a danger both to herself and to Nez--who, because of his Christian Science upbringing, feels he can help her (or at least wants to). But she engages in emotional blackmail to keep her place in his life, and together their relationship is a mutually destructive/abusive one bound for disaster. And all of this is still only the tip of the iceberg.             So, yes. Everything that happened with your group on Tumblr was a precursor to what is happening now. She is still possessive of Nez, still hates NP/the fandom/Monkees fans, and still completely unable to accept criticism/take responsibility for anything she does. The only silver lining is that so many more people are aware now of what is happening, so there is a chance at least that this will not go on forever. We can hope...
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
Hi, is it okay to ask about TFE Silver Aid/ Elita's twin sis (Buddy)?
You mention in the previous summaries, that Buddy's alt mode is a spider, I was wonder if it's the same organic that she found in the cave before her blackout and how did she get an alt mode?
I apologize if I'm being rude/annoy you
Your fine! Happy to respond!
In a nutshell...
TFE Silver Aid's alt mode is the same spider that was crawling on her frame before lights out.
A work for her alt mode is being done!
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vintagerpg · 4 years
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Shadows of Yog-Sothoth (1982) is the first campaign for Call of Cthulhu. Being the first, it is considered a classic (to the point that it was republished in 1989 as part of the book called Cthulhu Classics), and it is, but it only shows some of the promise that would be achieved by the game in the future.
In a nutshell, the Order of the Silver Twilight is working to wake Cthulhu up early. The campaign is episodic, with players uncovering a global conspiracy and attempting to find the means to foil the plot. Each individual episode is good (particularly “Devil’s Canyon,” which finds players on a haunted film set in the Mojave desert) and they sort of act as a Lovecraftian greatest hits, culminating with the rise of R’lyeh, but they just don’t feel like a cohesive story to me. Which is fine, because it was the first outing and written by a large team. It feels like the equivalent of a TV pilot, where you can see the future potential but things are a little rickety.
Of particular note is Carl Stanford, the primary antagonist. A cunning sorcerer, he’s probably one of the Call of Cthulhu game’s most memorable adversaries. So much so that it is likely he escapes the climax of the campaign, after which he shows up as a minor player in the events of Masks of Nyarlathotep (I like his appearance there a lot, diminished in prestige and power, but really no less ambitious or formidable).
One of the great joys of the book is Tom Sullivan’s art throughout. If there is something that unifies the disparate chapters, its his consistent talent for atmosphere.
Oh, and if the main campaign seems a bit wobbly, one of the bonus scenarios, “The Warren,” is a straight up classic that nails the Lovecraftian source material.
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Saturday, 8 February 1840
6 10/’’
3 5/’’
A-[Ann] awoke me to strike a light at 5 – Slept well and comfortably on my 2 mattresses placed on our 2 large portmanteaus and a box we found in our room – Breakfast now at 6 3/4 and all over at 7 1/2 Reaumur 6 1/2º in our room – A-[Ann] had felt cold, but had the stove been heated our little 7 ft.[feet] high room would have been an oven –
Off (from Manacowa) at 8 – Pretty undulating parky pine-wooded country Reaumur -13º lying at the open door on my side the Kibitka – Fine morning – As we drove off – Several little valleys and gullies as if beds of rivers and melting snow streams, and pass over several wood-bridges and little frozen lakes – Several villages – The good village and church of Tirêvĕnĭa (as pronounced) at 10; and another large village at a little distance – 
Forests and wood Scotch fir with a little spruce and much birch and a little poplar, and a good deal of young oak-copse, or brush wood as yesterday – The most hilly stage we have had, and interesting corn country – Rather pointed caps today – What sort of Tartars? More snow on the road today than before – A line of birches (sometimes 2 lines) mark off the road 60 to 100 yards wide – Mills with sit sails - 
At our next Station Osablicowa at 11 1/4 – Neat good house – A-[Ann] cold – Came in – Large good room – Wrote all the above of this p.[page] and we had the pot brought in       first time a great convenience – 
Osablicowa pronounced Zabliski (pogosk or bourg) – Good church – Station just before entering the Town – Had just written so far – And the sun shining on my paper now at 11 50/’’ – 
Off at 11 55/’’ – Do not enter the town at all – Leave it (go alongside) at a little distance with its 3 good churches finely situated along a high bank over valley between us as if over a river – Very pretty picturesque looking Town – In the valley just between us and the Town a large Tannery and great deal of leather hanging up today – Nice undulating country – The country probably began to improve upon us at Vladamir; and improves as we go along and at 12 40/’’ gallop over little frozen river and thro’ 2 white pillars, the boundaries between the Governments of Vladimir which we quit and Nijeniy which we enter – 
At 1 3/4 at Jarilowo good, pretty small village or hamlet – Good Station-House – Canifs, knives &c. &c. the manufacture of the country offered to us for sale thro’ our Courier, but not wishing to buy any, nobody came to torment us, and we did not even see the things – 
Off again (from Jarilowo) at 2 10/’’ and at 3 35/’’ pass thro’ good Town – picturesque – Having 3 handsome stone churches and at 3 3/4 pass (a little distance left) the good Monastery of Serkos as pronounced by our Courier – Enclosed by a wall with a round tower at each of the 4 corners – The great gateway passes under the tall picturesque pointed clocher, and behind at a little distance (in the middle of the Monastery enclosure?) a handsome looking church – But this Monastery tho’ handsome and picturesque as an object is a nutshell compared with Troitsa – Part of the wall high and loopholed but the penthouse (seen outside) spoils it – And great part of the wall is low and garden wall like – 
At four incur a cross think loosely of [Pi-Mariana] as I always do now when she serves me for these purposes which I do not now give way to very often but I have had no opportunity of putting anything on nor have I washed once so that my shift is one clot and the hair is clotted together and this and the friction of jolting brought on erection which as I lay conveniently down in the bottom of the kibitka and A[Ann] sleeping I did not discourage found myself very large at night and glad of a wash and to get rid of my clotted chemise       never such a thing occurred to me in my life before – 
From Jarilowo at 2 10/’’ to Aleschkowo at 4 50/’’ ∴[therefore] the Town was about 1/2 way and the Monastery ten minutes more than that – Neither marked on our map – Only the Post Towns and Stations marked but still the map is very full – 
It seemed our Courier was dining ∴[therefore] we having alighted ordered tea – this and the 2 last Stations good – New, large good rooms – Tea at 5 40/’’ to 6 20/’’ – Paid the civil government Post-Master who came in – Put down on the table the 50 Kopek in silver, and he seemed well satisfied It is enough to give for Semovar and cream and use of room – Had to wait for the things repacking – 
Off again at 6 40/’’ from 6 40/’’ to 8 55/’’ from Aleschkowo to Doskino slept the greater part of the way till A-[Ann] suddenly roused me to pick up our lantern which in one of the great jolts had come down with the iron bar on which the pockets are hung – Hardly anything is strong enough to bear such jolts – And when not these there is a strong tremulous motion like that on board a steamer near to the engine – A-[Ann] felt sickish she said once or twice and so did I – But I did not think of it, and it passed off in slumbers, for when crouching down in the bottom of the Kibitka, and propped up with our pillows &c. and having passed so few hours in feather-bed case, we sleep in spite of the jolts par excellence – Glad to pick up our lantern for fear of breakage and fire – We might be 1/2 or all out burnt to death before we could get out – The door pad-locked on A-‘s[Ann’s] side to keep it shut – And the door not opened in a moment on my side tho’ not locked – Held the lantern in my hand till we reached Doskino – 
Off from there in 25 minutes at 9 20/’’ slept – At Nijeney at 1 10/’’ – The rooms to be 12/- per day – 3 rooms and little places of some sort close by including little anteroom might for our 3 men and one woman she (George’s wife) really very handy and attentive – A sofa in each of two rooms, and bois de lit and mattress in our middle room (salle à manger) but A-[Ann] put her mattresses on her sofa, and I mistrusting mine and bed stocks too put mine on chairs – Undressed and washed – Put on my usual night things and over these my Chelat – My Cossack sheep skin lined huge-sleeved pelerined pelisse, and lay down on my mattresses – 
Soon after leaving Doskino last night – George came to beg we would walk down the hill – So steep, dangerous – Afraid we might be overturned! Declined the walking and reached the bottom safe – Looked out of my window the descent seemed steepish a high mound left and I could not what right – A-‘s[Ann’s] window blocked by herself and the glare of the wax light – Could only see out of my own by shading off the light, and putting my head out a little – But never dark – That is one can always see the road when there is so much snow on the ground and so many stars – More snow in the Government of Nijeney than in Moscow or Vladimir? But no great depth anywhere, and very little drifting – Very fine day –
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Route from Manacowa (Monakovo) to Nizhny Novgorod.
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A view of Nizhny Novgorod in 1911.
[symbols in margin of the page:]    X
[in the margin of the page:]             Enter Government of Nijeniy
[in the margin of the page:]             Monastery of Serkos
[in the margin of the page:]            observation on my cousin
[in the margin of the page:]            Nijeney
Page References:  SH:7/ML/E/24/0007 and SH:7/ML/E/24/0008
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danish-mbespke · 3 years
MY WARDROBE PHILOSOPHY - Danish M.Bespoke Custom Clothing
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Designed by enthusiastic tailors & especially proficient crafters, your suit is known to be a work of passion & elegance. A suit such elaborated and fine – made makes your closet have its own light, such as a diamond among pebbles. Danish M. Bespoke exclusively manufactures hand crafted suits of one of the fore most fabrics, buttons, & dry goods. Imagine filling up your closet with elegant & classy suits, which clearly defines you as a high – toned person. Moreover, when it comes to modern and a new age of fashion, Danish M. Bespoke absolutely nails it with its superior fabric & sole colors, which makes you look the utmost different, among others. Nowadays everybody wants to look a kind of different from others, and there you go! Danish M. Bespoke gives you the ultimate opportunity of getting the suit of your dreams ready for you, in which you can easily hand pick one of your beloved colors, designs, fabrics, buttons, & other accessories. Like can you kind of imagine your closet stuffed with designer pieces to style steals, which are not unaffordable, like you get what you really want in just a few bucks.
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Each man has its own unique way of dressing up. Well Danish M. Bespoke provides you exactly with the same kind of gesture. It provides you the suit made up of your own chosen fabric, material, design, patterns, etc. Each man / woman has its own choices & desires for clothing ‘n’ fashion. Each man/woman has it’s own personality and has its own choice of fashion, like old style, modern style, or casual type. Some like to wear a dress suit, while the others prefer tees & necks. In a nutshell, Danish M. Bespoke grants you the doorway of custom clothing in which you can design your own unique & elegant fashioned dresses.
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Imagine having a few bucks & willing to have a custom designed suit, hand crafted with one of your favorite fabrics, colors, & designs. Why worry? Just Book an appointment with Danish M. Bespoke and you will get what you want in the price range you own. Having bought once from us, will never turn out be inferior & will always mark your personality as a symbol of decency & elegancy.
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With all new kinds of fabric, designs, & dry goods available, you can get yourself one of the top trends of the current season made by the professional and enthusiastic tailors of Danish M. Bespoke. Among the top trends, whether it is a silver lined hoodie, a wedding outfit, or maybe a frock coat, you can get it crafted within a few weeks for yourself by one of the best & the most recognized tailors in the whole world.
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firewoodfigs · 4 years
Central was known for many things - its remarkable conglomeration of skyscrapers and buildings and outstanding, artistic gothic architecture, but also its alarmingly high crime rate. The sour mix of rich and poor, income inequality permeating every dark alley sandwiched between twin towers of ivory and opulence made this inevitable, and the uncanny presence of psychopaths who seemingly killed for thrill’s sake only aggravated this.
This, this was precisely the case bothering the team who’d been assigned this case. Detective Riza Hawkeye was at her wit’s end - the most recent murder mystery was giving them all a massive headache, for the victims’ bodies had been completely immolated, every strand of hair thoroughly singed, and every possible shred of evidence had been burnt to a crisp.
The second, then third, cases were strikingly similar to the index offence as well, and therefore she and her team had arrived at the incontrovertible conclusion that yes, a serial killer was on the loose. But with the lack of evidence, they had little luck assembling any clues together for the slightest inkling as to the culprit’s identity, much less a coherent picture of his modus operandi.
Instinctively, her mind flicked to a man who she knew was capable of doing this - a man who, once upon a time, had been nothing more than a perverse pyromaniac to her, eventually becoming a man who she disliked - passionately so, with flames of hatred tingling in her veins whenever she saw him, then a lover who could sear her skin with the slightest, gentlest touch, and finally, a man who she loathed with a burning vengeance, and would personally incinerate if she ever met him again. 
Roy Mustang. 
But it couldn’t have been him - the last she heard he’d been in Xing, and the absence of any extradition treaties between the two states prevented Amestris from prosecuting him while he was abroad.
She’d been so lost in thought that she  didn’t even hear the lunch bell go off, until a firm hand on her back and the bright tenor of a young man broke her out of her reverie. “Time for lunch, Hawkeye. Can’t think on an empty stomach,” Inspector Havoc said as he placed an arm around her and pushed her rigid back towards the door.
“Alright, but a quick one, and then it’s back to business, all of you,” she grumbled before following her colleagues to the quaint cafe down the murky streets for lunch. It was a bright, cheery day, and the fulgent sunlight kissing her skin would have ordinarily lifted her mood a little - a rarity she appreciated, amidst the dark, cloudy days of the monsoon season - but in spite of the lovely weather her expression was tied in a sullen glower as she thought about him.
Even the warm, aromatic coffee couldn’t quell the uncomfortable, ponderous lump that had formed in her throat.
After lunch, Riza and her team had been prepared to trawl through simple administrative tasks; filing and paperwork. Apart from that case there had been no other major ones that had been assigned to them - for now, at least - and she’d welcomed the momentary reprieve with open arms.
Unfortunately, her plans were derailed by a fateful phone call. “The police have narrowed down a possible suspect,” Sergeant Fuery said. “Black hair, black eyes, pale complexion. They’re tracking him down now - last seen at 230 Blair Street - and will bring him over as soon as possible for further investigations.”
It couldn’t be. There were so many people with those features, and it couldn’t possibly have been him. A subtle grimace crossed Riza’s striking features, but she quickly pushed aside any anger that was traitorously begging to rise and focused on the task at hand. She would cross that bridge if they came to it - but otherwise, expending energy on overthinking frivolities like this would just be pointless. “Did they say how they narrowed down the suspect?”
“Uh… lingering smell of smoke, people’s recounting of events -”
“Could have been cigarettes, or perhaps he was just conveniently having a barbecue before. And we’ve never come across any direct witnesses so far, so any recounts would just be hearsay and inadmissible, no?” she mused aloud, a little taken aback herself with the sarcasm that crept into her voice. The case certainly had affected her more than she thought it would, but this was hardly professional behaviour, and so she stopped herself immediately. 
“Amongst other things, ma’am. I’m not quite sure,” the younger man gulped, slightly intimidated by the change in his superior’s demeanor. She was normally scary enough to begin with, but with the scowl etched on her features…
It was clear she was in a bad mood. A terrible one, in fact.  
“Fine. Bring him in for investigations later, then,” she said curtly, before returning back to her work tiredly, exasperated that the caffeine had done nothing to alleviate the headache.
In a startling bout of efficiency, they’d brought the suspect in mere hours later for investigations. She paused her monotonous scratching against parchment to look up at her subordinates, a subtly raised brow the only hint of her surprise as she glanced through the report cursorily to confirm that protocol had been followed, and there was nothing hinting towards anything that could jeopardise the admissibility or weight of his statements. The accused had been duly informed of his right to silence, and had declared that there would be no need for a lawyer to accompany him for legal advice.
“Come with me, Inspector Havoc,” he let out a whistle as he brought his hand up for a salute. “And no, no cigarette breaks for you before we go,” already aware of the words that were going to leave his mouth before it even had a chance to. Inspector Havoc groaned at her stringency, but was silenced with a glare.
Riza smoothed her jacket to get rid of any creases or wrinkles that might have been there, and walked assertively down the bleak hallways - steel doors decorated with bolts and locks and chains for labyrinths, as if for added security - with her silver gun resting neatly on her hip, armoured with an impassive expression.
Her eyes never faltered, and she refused to let any sign of weakness show even as the thought of who it could be flashed through her mind again. She didn’t allow herself to believe it was him - or rather, she dare not - for letting her mind wander to him was a dangerous exercise on its own, one that would be completely counterproductive and unhelpful.
She needed something to distract herself. Something. Anything. Havoc’s latest eye candy. Boring, but helpful. Another busty brunette - her body resembled a bud vase with two oranges balanced on top, but that was her colleague’s taste in a nutshell: his preferences were solely based on what lay below the neckline.
Although Havoc had claimed that this girl was the one, the mysterious subject that had eluded even the wisest philosophers, the person that everyone daydreamed about and continued dreaming about when night fell, but he also said that about the previous girl, and the one before, and then the one before.
In other words, it was probably just another idle infatuation.
But she supposed that was fine - as long as it didn’t interfere in his work. If anything, the prospect of having a date to meet after working hours only made him more efficient and focused, and so it was a good thing.
(A good thing that she personally didn’t believe in, for she had come to learn long ago that love only worked to her disadvantage, and there was little to be had or enjoyed from a relationship.)
She shook her head as she rested an open palm on the cool, metallic hilt of her gun, as if searching for benediction and courage. She certainly didn’t need to be plagued with such thoughts right now. Focus, detective. Riza Hawkeye had a job to do and an accused person to interrogate, and with that she inhaled before opening the door, the rusted handle creaking ominously.
Shock, then animosity marred her ochre eyes as she came face to face with the man she once loved, and…
The man who killed her father.
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