tawakkull · 2 years
Islam is a word derived from the root words silm and salamah. It means surrendering, guiding to peace and contentment, and establishing security and accord.
Islam is a religion of security, safety, and peace. These principles permeate the lives of Muslims. When Muslims stand to pray, they cut their connection with this world, turning to their Lord in faith and obedience, and standing at attention in His presence. Completing the prayer, as if they were returning back to life, they greet those on their right and left by wishing peace: “Remain safe and in peace.” With a wish for safety and security, peace and contentment, they return to the ordinary world once again.
Greeting and wishing safety and security for others is considered one of the most beneficial acts in Islam. When asked which act in Islam is the most beneficial, the Prophet replied,
“Feeding others and greeting those you know and those you do not know.”[ Abu Dawud, Adab, 142. ]
Accusing Islam of terrorism
How unfortunate it is that Islam, which is based on this understanding and spirit, is shown by some circles to be synonymous with terrorism.
This is a great historical mistake; wrapping a system based on safety and trust in a veil of terrorism just shows that the spirit of Islam remains unknown. If one were to seek the true face of Islam in its own sources, history, and true representatives, then one would discover that it contains no harshness, cruelty, or fanaticism. They spent their lives preaching tolerance, and each became a legend in his own time as an embodiment of love and tolerance.
Jihad can be a matter of selfdefense or of removing obstacles between God and human free choice. Our history is full of examples that show how this principle has been implemented in life.
Of course there are and should be occasions where war is unavoidable. However, the Qur'anic verses on jihad that were revealed for particular conditions have been generalized by some shortsighted individuals. Whereas in actual fact war is a matter of secondary importance, it has been given priority as an essential issue by these people. Such people do not understand the true meaning and spirit of Islam. Their failure to establish a proper balance between what is primary and what is secondary leads others to conclude that Islam advocates malice and hatred in the soul, whereas true Muslims are full of love and affection for all creation. Regarding this, how apt is the following couplet:
Muhammad was born out of love,
What can be born out of love without Muhammad?
Love is the essence of creation
The Pride of Humanity was a man of love and affection. One of his names was Habibullah (the Beloved of God). In addition to meaning one who loves, habib means one who is loved, one who loves God, and one who is loved by God. Sufi masters like Imam Rabbani, Mawlana Khalid, and Shah Waliyyullah state that love is the ultimate station of the spiritual journey.
God created the universe as a manifestation of His love for His creatures, in particular humanity, and Islam became the fabric woven out of this love. Love is the essence of creation. Just as a mother’s love and compassion compels her to allow a surgeon to operate on her sick child to save his or her life, jihad allows war, if needed, to preserve such fundamental human rights as the right to life and religious freedom. Jihad does not exclusively mean war.
“Disliking on the way of God” applies only to feelings, thoughts, and attributes. Thus, we should dislike such things as immorality, unbelief, and polytheism, not the people who engage in such activities. God created humanity as noble beings, and everyone, to a certain degree, has a share in this nobility. His Messenger once stood up out of respect for humanity as the funeral procession of a Jew passed by. When reminded that the deceased was a Jew, the Prophet replied: “But he is a human,” thereby showing the value Islam gives to human.
This action demonstrates how highly our Prophet respected every person. Given this, the involvement of some selfproclaimed Muslim individuals or institutions in terrorist activities can in no way be approved of by Islam. The reasons for this terrorism should be sought for in the actions themselves, in false interpretations of the faith, and in other factors and motives. Islam does not support terror, so how could a Muslim who truly understands Islam be a terrorist?
The definition of tolerance in Islam is such that the Prophet even prohibited verbal abuse of unbelievers.
For example, Abu Jahl died before embracing Islam, despite all the Prophet’s efforts. His unbelief and enmity toward the Prophet was such that he deserved the Abu Jahl: Father of ignorance and impudence. His untiring opposition to Islam was a thorn in the side of the Muslims.
Despite such hostility, when in an assembly of Companions where Abu Jahl’s son Ikrimah was present, the Prophet one day admonished a Companion who had been heard insulting Abu Jahl:
“Do not hurt others by criticizing their fathers.”[ Hakim, al-Mustadrak, 3:241; Muttaqi al-Hindi, Kanz al-‘Ummal, 13:540. ] Another time, he said: “Cursing your mother and father is a great sin.” The Companions asked: “O Messenger of God, would anyone curse their parents?”
The Prince of Prophets replied: “When someone curses another’s father and the other curses his father in return, or when someone curses another’s mother and the other does the same in return, they will have cursed their parents.”[ Muslim, Iman, 145; Tirmidhi, Birr, 4. ]
While the Prophet of Mercy was inordinately sensitive when it came to respecting others, some Muslims today justify unpleasant behavior on the basis of religion. This shows that they do not understand Islam, a religion in which there is no place for malice and hatred.
The Qur'an strongly urges forgiveness and tolerance. In one verse, it says of pious people:
They swallow their anger and forgive people. God loves those who do good. (Al-Imran 3:134)
In other words, Muslims should not retaliate when verbally abused or attacked. If possible, as Yunus says, they should act as if they had no hand or tongue with which to respond and no heart with which to resent. They must swallow their anger and close their eyes to the faults of others. The words selected in the verse are very meaningful. Kazm, translated as swallowing, literally means swallowing something like a thorn, an object that actually cannot be swallowed; thus it denotes swallowing one’s wrath, no matter how difficult. Another verse, while mentioning the characteristics of believers, says:
When they meet hollow words or unseemly behavior, they pass them by with dignity. (Al-Furqan 25:72)
When we look at the exalted life of God’s Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, we see that he always practiced the precepts presented in the Qur'an. For example, a Companion once repented of a sin and admitted:
“I am guilty of fornication. Whatever my punishment is, give it and cleanse me.” The Prince of Prophets said: “Go back and repent, for God forgives all sins.”[ Muslim, Hudud, 17, 23; Bukhari, Hudud, 28. ]
This event was repeated three times. Another time, a Companion complained to the Prophet that someone had stolen his belongings. But as the punishment was about to be carried out the Companion said:
“I have changed my mind and do not want to pursue my case. I forgive this individual.” The Prophet asked: “Why did you bring this matter to court? Why didn’t you forgive him from the outset?”[ Abu Dawud, Hudud, 14(4394); Nasai, Sarik, 4 (8, 68); Muwatta, Hudud, 28, (2, 834). ]
When such examples are studied from their original sources, it is clear that the method of those who act with enmity and hatred, who view everyone else with anger, and who blacken others as infidels is non-Islamic, for Islam is a religion of love and tolerance. A Muslim is a person of love and affection who avoids every kind of terrorist activity and who has no malice or hatred for anyone or anything.
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anas-al-hemairy · 2 years
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‏‎. شكرا لإدارة شركة ابوظبي الوطنية للمعارض @AdnecGroup . على الدعوة الكريمة لحضور #معرض_سيال_الشرق_الأوسط 2021 @Sial_Me . حيث تحتضن شركة أدنيك النسخة 11 من معرض سيال الشرق الأوسط 2021 المقام في الفترة من 07/12/2021 إلى 09/12/2021 من الساعة 10 ص إلى 7 مساءًا في مركز أبوظبي الوطني للمعارض ( #أدنيك ) حيث تنتظركم تجربة تسوق فريدة من نوعها. . ويقام هذا الحدث تحت رعاية كريمة من سمو الشيخ #منصور_بن_زايد_آل_نهيان نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء، وزير شؤون الرئاسة، رئيس مجلس إدارة #هيئة_أبوظبي_للزراعة_والسلامة_الغذائية ... حيث تنطلق فعاليات النسخة الحادية عشرة من معرض سيال الشرق الأوسط 2021، والذي يعتبر أحد أضخم الفعاليات المتخصصة في قطاع الأغذية والمشروبات والضيافة على مستوى المنطقة، إلى جانب #معرض_أبوظبي_الدولي_للتمور .. الفعالية الأكبر المتخصصة ب #التمور في العالم. . #شركة_أبوظبي_الوطنية_للمعارض #مركز_ابوظبي_الوطني_للمعارض #أنس_الحميري #انس_الحميري @adnecgroup @sial_me #SIALME #SIAL #ADAFSA #AbuDhabiEvents @ADNECgroup #ADNEC #ADNECgroup #UAE #Abudhabi #InAbuDhabi #MyAbuDhabi #explore #Repost @Get_repost @Instagram #Anas_Al_Hemairy #Instagram : @Anas_Al_Hemairy Twitter : @Anas_Al_Hemairy Facebook : Anas Al Hemairy YouTube : Anas Al Hemairy . #اكسبلور #دولة_الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #دولة_الامارات #الامارات #ابوظبي‎‏ (في ‏‎United Arab Emirates الامارات العربية المتحدة‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXROlIqB_CN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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basicsofislam · 3 years
BASICS OF ISLAM : Islamic practice : Rida. Part2
Resignation results in a thrilling joy or a heavenly breeze from God’s being pleased with the believer that is proportional to the depth of one’s fear and hope. It does not come from feeling God’s nearness, worship and devotion, the struggle against sin and the temptations of one’s carnal self and Satan. Rather, it is a spiritual delight merged with hope and expectation, regulated by self-possession, a direct gift from Him, and a breath of mercy associated only with this station of being pleased with God. This station requires the self-regulation of one’s thoughts, considerations, plans, hopes, expectations, feelings, and actions according to God’s Will. Thus, seeing it as a way to experience pleasure and delight in the expectation of acquiring that pleasure and delight shows one’s disrespect of this station, which is based on the purity of one’s intention and sincerity. In reality, this applies to all other states and stations attained through actions of the heart, or which are themselves actions of the heart. One must love and pursue His approval or pleasure for His sake only.
Heroes of the spiritual life have expressed their views about resignation and being pleased with God since the early days of Sufism. According to Dhu al-Nun al-Misri, resignation means preferring God’s wishes over one’s own in advance, accepting His decree without complaint based on the realization that whatever God wills and does is good, and overflowing with love of Him even while in the grip of misfortune. ‘Ali Zayn al-’Abidin describes resignation as an initiate’s determination not to pursue anything opposed to God’s Will and pleasure. According to Abu ‘Uthman, resignation denotes welcoming with the same mood all divine decrees and disposals, regardless of whether they issue from His Grace or His Majesty or Wrath, and having no conscious preference for one or the other. God’s Messenger referred to this when he said:
I ask You for resignation after You have decreed something. Being pleased in advance with God’s decree means being determined to show resignation, while resignation signifies enduring calamity when it occurs.
In short, resignation means that an initiate feels no resentment against or displeasure with whatever issues from God’s Divinity or Lordship. Rather, the initiate welcomes it gladly and is ready to accept or endure his or her fate without complaint. The initiate does not upset the balance of his or her heart. Rather, he or she preserves personal integrity and straightforwardness even when confronted with the most distressing and shocking events, considers God’s predestination recorded in the Supreme Preserved Tablet, and thus feels no regret or sorrow for what happens.
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wisdomrays · 4 years
Your Skeleton: Part 1
My fellow organs in your body have been telling you about themselves. You have seen that each of them fulfills different special tasks. But did you ever stop to ask where they sit or what they hang on to? Since nothing can float by itself in space, your organs and tissues need a support to settle in their places. When you build a house, you add blinds, ceiling lamps, doors, and windows. Before you install these details, you build the beams and columns, which are called the “framework” of the house. Without this framework, you would not be able to attach any of those details in their place. Similarly, I am a very important system, which provides a shelter for your organs and a support for them to be stable in their places. My skull protects and hides your delicate eyes and brain; I hold your heart, kidneys, lungs, stomach, and intestines in different ways and serve as a barrier against external impacts, and I provide proper places for all your organs to work comfortably. Contrary to your other organs and systems, I seem to have a simpler structure-which consists of bones, cartilages, and connective tissues-but they are all brought together in an appropriate combination and order. The fact that my structure is simpler does not mean I am not a work of art. Indeed, the shapes and structure of each of my bones demonstrate how perfectly designed I am. All of your other organs have been made of very delicate and soft tissues, which could be easily damaged. I fulfill the important task of protecting your brain and sensorium, which are vulnerable to bumps, shocks, drying, and heat. My other important duty is allowing your body to move: my bones are appointed with the task of building a proper lever system, which helps the movement of your legs so that you can walk around comfortably and also helps the motions of your arms and hands so that you can do physical jobs easily.
I consist of 217 bones in your body (however, since the bones in the thigh and sacrum areas fuse together in order to form a stronger bone, their number decreases, and the anatomists accept the number of bones as 206). I have 22 skull bones, 33 spinal bones, 24 rib bones, 64 bones in the hands, the forearms, the arms and the shoulder girdle and 66 bones in the feet, the legs, the thighs and the hip area. In addition, I have 6 small ear bones, 1 breastbone and 1 hyoid bone (at the root of your tongue), which make up the total of my 217 bones. It is quite amazing that so many different bones have cooperated with each other and contributed to such a perfect system.
Each piece of my skeleton has been created with special shape and quality that is proper to its place and duty. The bones that protect your brain are flat, whereas the bones in your arms and legs are long and cylindrical; while the bones in your wrists and ankles are short and rounded, your hips and girdles have been made of wide and big bones. The craggy surface of my bones makes it easy for the muscles to attach to them firmly. Each bone has certain durability that protects me from undue weight, flexure, twisting, and pressure. Bioengineers carefully examine my bones that have been created in a perfect form for where they are positioned and for what they do. They take my wonderful structure as a model, and they use it for producing new technology such as buildings or bridges. As you know, constructional engineers have to be very careful in their estimates of material and durability. They have to use different materials for different places, and these points will be exposed to forces like pressure, compression, tensile, or flexure (bending). If the estimates of the materials are not made accurately, the building or the bridge can easily collapse. When you humans build a strong building, it might be too heavy and bulky, resulting in a waste of material and money. Even if you use good quality material, if you do not use it in the right place, all your work might be unusable. Unlike human beings, the Creator has made me such a delicate and well-balanced system, in which you cannot find any material missing or unnecessary or any wrong line in a particular bone. That can only be explained with the boundless knowledge of God the Almighty. He knows exactly how you will be able to do hundreds of different movements in all your life-including running, lying down, jumping, lifting a heavy item, playing sports, writing, and eating. In order to allow you to perform those actions, He has created a perfect design for each piece of my bones and the joints that connect them.
In building my structure, He has used materials in different hardness and durability to make your movements easy. The first material is the bones. Not all bones are the same. Compact bone (dense bone) is found in my hardest parts. For example, the long bodies of the femur, the tibia, and the fibula (bones between knee and ankle) are made of compact bone, and they are very rigid and strong. Softer bones, which look like a sponge, are found at the edges of those long bones and within my flat bones. The second material, my cartilage, is placed at the bone edges and on the joints where, by absorbing excessive pressure, the cartilages are able to prevent damage to the surface of joints and to the nerves that go through the vertebra. My cartilages achieve this thanks to their soft and flexible substance, which also provides a perfect aesthetical quality. In addition, because of this flexibility given by God, cartilages protect the bones from breaking easily (depending on the rigidity of the bones), and they balance your strong and abrupt movements. If it were not for the cartilages on the joints, not only the bony surface would be damaged but also my movements would be mechanical and harsh just like those of a robot. My third material is the ligament, and its main substance, the fibers, that are made of collagen protein. The fibers of this ligament are very strong straps, which hold my bones and cartilages together.
All my joints and tendons that fasten the muscles to my bones are tied up and strengthened by those ligament fibers, which vary in shape, length, and quality. The collagen fibers are also used as the basic substance of my bones and cartilages. Those fibers, which are placed among the cells of the tissues of my bones and cartilages, provide the tissues with strength and durability. The distribution of the fibers in my bones is determined according to the direction and intensity of the pressure coming upon me. To see an example, you can look at the head of my femur (between my knee and thigh) where it makes a joint with the thigh bone. The spread and design of the fibers placed right at this joint requires a flawless calculation, which you can better understand by examining a diagram of it.
Not all my joints are flexible in the same degree. For example, the joints in your skull, which protects your brain and sensorium, resemble the toothed blade of a saw. They are strong joints, which are firmly locked with each other, and they allow no mobility. Of course, it can be no one but God who is able to give my skull such strength and hardness, since He knows exactly how much protection my delicate brain, eyes, and ears need. Moreover, my skull is not shaped simply as a bony capsule; at certain places, God has put little channels for the blood vessels to go through, little cavities for the sensory organs, and a big hole for the spinal cord to connect to the brain. Can any of these be formed by coincidence? The joints between the vertebrae (little bones of your spine) are more movable than the skull and less movable than your fingers. They help to allow you stand upright and sit, twist, and bend or lie down. The joints in my shoulders and legs are freely movable, which enables you to do movements in all directions. Perhaps the most wonderful of all are the joints in your hands! It would not be a distortion to say that-behind all your work to make a discovery or an invention or a new technology-is the skillful creation of my hand joints. Everything that you use with your hands-including all kinds of tools, furniture or appliances, art works, and books-can be produced or utilized only through the perfect ability of my joints to move. If my fingers lacked that great ability to move freely, many of my thoughts or intentions would not be able to be translated into actions.
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loveproblemdua-blog · 4 years
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Wazifa For Love Of Husband and Husband To Listen To Wife If you want to get the wazifa for love of husband then you should consult to Molvi Ji and get the wazifa for husband to listen to wife. By performing the wazifa, your husband will be in your control and will listen to you. The wazifa for husband listen to wife is the perfect remedy for you that make your husband love you. For more information visit us @ https://loveproblemdua.com/wazifa-for-love-of-husband
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444names · 2 years
the entire list of mortal kombat characters from mortalkombat.fandom.com
Aarkahads Aaven Ablue Ablus Adamo Allan Allent Apeasival Apers Arampion Arcuter Ardsers Arrian Arron Arverlog Asiant Asine Assiang Aston Bacybosse Baptet Barobor Berochi Beroyd Berrantant Blayablaya Blaza Bleeya Blene Bossi Bostant Boyan Braarack Bragacy Brahn Brait Brakirecte Brannya's Brojadly Caelins Caestand Cagene Cager Caggods Camege Cansh Capet Caremprion Cartakin Carve Casar Casarobila Casiarai Cation Catower Cerre Cesting Cestreant Cestredith Chaakabate Chaave Chads Chaes Chang Chaolocho Chashok Chaver Chaya Chayneider Chiandfat Chiend Chilet Chinge Chneddy Cifen Collen Coloadly Color Copent Corces D'Cusivel D'Cutwolon D'vor D'vory Dabarty Dabladan Dameger Damprie Darkans Datuu Daver Daverg Deance Deasartis Decers Diray Diresters Dochi Draakirt Dramei Drily Drinna Drona Durianya Durth Eater Edakan Edeat Edencerahl Eders Elizamen Ellenks Embers Emilaya Emong Empirai Emprine Erral Erute Excluchi Excluck Fahast Famel Faurin Fembuciaro Fenew Ferai Fermeong Figer Figgs Filacerron Fillia Frook Fujing Fujingens Gaavin Gaces Gactimbus Gemine Gesermika Gisans Godabackle Godabland Golory Gorgs Gorper Gortals Gorth Gotak Gotan Gotheat Grakap Grang Grant Greept Grobo Grumayant Guarri Hacerrahl Hackle Hacte Hadero Harahl Hartaro Heale Hemomen Heraked Herobo' Herub Homara Homen Hwate Imarle Imbergus Immonyans Jachao Jacquarron Jactouriu Jaing's Jaitivent Jassece Jassinge Jeng's Jerus Jimack Jinanna Jingeo Jinks Jinnya Johskah Johsu K'eter K'etro Kaigeat Kanam Kanate Kanna Kanone Kanow Kanton Kaporang Karochao Karve Katemon Katheli Keniggs Kharlor Kinter Kireshim Kitang Kithyd Kiticer Kobille Komarron Komathrees Komiko Kralm Kreception Kreeyand Krobratuu Kroya Kryptak Kuardse Kuaron Kulla Kullaegohn Kultiannya Kundemod Kurnass Lakiborrer Lanshing Laters Lavik Lavikahao Laynd Leeva Leevaphop Letefempri Leter Leters Lians Linjohnno Lisher Livida Lizage Lizarleal Lochow Lorgs Magacqui Mahillen Manni Maragon Masarlog Mashrest Massath Massivin Mastorlder Matarcepep Materagov Matomarue Matord Megend Megil Meling Menamichi Miception Michi Miefa Mikko Mildemomen Milenika Mileorpion Millen Milleters Minaggs Minnya Mobis Modse Modsecu Momang Mombus Monya Monyan Morgest Morqui Movelis Mytho Mythy Nerld Netrily Niano Niggs Nikkolf Nimberro Nimmon Nirers Nirihi Niver Nokerahin Norgus Norihing's Noryu Onkon Oryken Osserfa Osters Overo P'ang P'ans Pagov Parum Pectribby Pepterou Peranna Perrest Plaeges Plaven Prihi Prilda Pring Prinn Ptiances Ptiankhao Qalius Quain Quainove Quanan Queepep Quessians Quessie Quest Quina Raanyal Radse Rahmilan Raitai Rakaporo Realleon Reath Rempirai Samaid Samay Sarce Sardsers Sarrath Satividak Schim Schol Scology Secte Sekka Sekko Serack Shaele Shampior Shamprion Sheeyle Shiessian Shina Shino Shirile Shragera Shrance Shrek Shujimbo' Shujin Shumi Siallena Sialm Sieuters Siver Skaide Skarri Smover Sorldeall Sparum Speado Sperak Sperornan Spetreena Spetz Stena Stinages Suckle Suing Susivappen Syladly Tannank Tarorbell Tasath Tatorge Tavin Tegaakahac Terou Thoka Tiontar Tiverutwol Tomation Tomotaral Torcu Torcus Torian Torion Toshia Tossia Tound Trachn Tramegor Trang Tration Trihi Trihie Trodavile Twomong Undeartsu Unikka Univikko Untairera Vaporpirty Vereartion Vooka Voore Voreath Wancesann Warakeer Waran Waronihin Watek Werred Wilor Wingeong Womahl Wraida Wyndeliza Yinow Younders Younina Youth Z'dai Zages Zamenet Zamok Zebrie Zebrine
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risalei-nur · 7 years
TAFSIR: Risale-i Nur: The Rays Collection:The Fourteenth Ray.Part34
The Second Respect: The meaning of mawdu’ is that a narration is not a Hadith with an authenticated chain of authorities. It does not mean that its meaning is wrong. Since among the Umma, especially the people of reality and those who have had uncovered to them the realities, and some of the Hadith scholars and those qualified to interpret the law, have accepted them and awaited the appearance of what they indicate, surely those narrations contain truths which look to everyone, like proverbs.
The Third Respect: What question or narration is there that in one of their books the scholars, whose ways and schools are all different, have not objected to it? For example, one of the narrations about the appearance of several Dajjals (Antichrists) within Islam is the following Hadith, which foretells explicitly the dissension of Hulagu and Jenghiz: “The ‘Abbasid Caliphate will long continue, until it falls into the hands of the Dajjal.” Like this Hadith, which states that after five hundred years a Dajjal will appear in Islam, numerous narrations give news of the figures that will appear at the end of time. Nevertheless, some of the mujtahids who were of different schools, or whose ideas were extreme, did not accept them, saying they were either unauthenticated or dubious. Anyway... the reason I have cut this long story short is related to the Risale-i Nur, for just as four severe earthquakes ‘coincided’ with the Risale-i Nur being attacked, demonstrating the earth’s wrath, so during the hours I was writing this reply, two severe earthquakes occurred here. It was like this:
It was two earthquakes ‘coinciding’ with the suffering I was experiencing from the wounds caused by the surgical operation of the experts’ report, which had been given me that evening, and from my pitiful difficulties at having no contact with others and having to write myself with my wretched pen. Yes, I received that evening the report from the Directorate of Religious Affairs, on which I had placed most trust during my eight months of distress in solitary confinement, and had expected would come to our assistance. This morning I understood that with the most trivial matters they had helped not me but the public prosecutor. I saw that they said: “Said said that the last four earthquakes were instances of the Risale-i Nur’s wonder-working.” Then, when intending to write, as I had written in the table of errors: “Like acceptable alms-giving, the Risale-i Nur is a means of calamities being repulsed. Whenever it is attacked, calamities seize the opportunity and occur. Sometimes too the earth rages,” two severe earthquakes occurred here, which made me give up writing the piece, so I am leaving it and passing on to the third Point.
Third Point: Exacting, veracious, and fair-minded scholars of the experts’ committee! A long-standing and acceptable practice among scholars is their writing eulogies and praises, sometimes exaggerated, sometimes the opposite, at the ends of fine works written by others, and publishing them, and the authors in question being grateful and pleased at the writers of such eulogies, and their rivals also not accusing them of boasting. So I have been unable to equate it with careful study, precise knowledge, kind assistance, and fairness, that you should have considered it self-advertisement that I did not altogether reject the eulogies written by some special and sincere students of the Risale-i Nur in the style of the late Hasan Feyzi and the martyr Hafiz Ali, which they wrote with the idea of assisting me in my helplessness, weakness, aloneness, and exile in the face of so many unfair people attacking and objecting to me savagely, and to encourage the needy to embrace the Risale-i Nur. I was sorry at this. Those pure-hearted friends of mine never thought of politics, but verified by mathematical reckoning said: “One aspect and minor meaning of the Hadith’s universal allusive meaning at this time is the Risale-i Nur,” which cannot be said to be wrong. For time is proving it right. In any event, even if it was very exaggerated or even wrong, it would still only be a scholarly mistake. And everyone can write his own opinions. You know how many various views and opinions are written in the works of the twelve schools of the Shari’a, and particularly in the Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’˜i, and Hanbali Schools, and of the nearly seventy authorities of the sciences of theology (kalam) and the principles of religion. However, never at any time has the need for agreement between the scholars of religion been as great as it is at present, and for them to avoid dispute. Now we are compelled to leave aside conflict in secondary matters and not to make them the subject of dispute.
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#sialme #goldisgood #goldcardamomfruitas #eatgoldbehappy @sial_me
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bowlofgabe-blog · 6 years
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Menyediakan menu makan untuk anak anda setiap harinya membutuhkan kreatifitas tersendiri mengingat anak di usia pertumbuhan biasaya di usia 2-10 tahun sangat susah makan. Menyajikan varian menu makan aakan membuat anda kadang merasa lelah dan jenuh karen di banyak kasus si kecil tetap saja susah makan dan ini tentu saja dapat membuat anda merasa stress. Tetapi tenang bund, saya sudah menemukan solusi yang tepat yaitu dengan memberikan madu anak vitabumin. Anda tentunya sudah banyak mengetahu tentang madu anak vitabumin kan, mengingat begitu gencar promosi yang di lakukan oleh vitamin ini beberapa tahun belakangan.
Sebenarnya madu saja sudah cukup untuk mengatasi berbagai maslah kesehatan yang melanda tubuh si kecil tetapi komposisi madu anak vitabumin yang sangat lengkap akan menjadi solsi yang lebih konkret dan komplit. Bagaimana tidak madu ini juga di campur dengan ekstrak temulawak, temulawak anda bisa browsing di internet memiliki banyak sekali khasiat. Tanaman obat ini sudah di gunakan oleh orang orang sejak berabad sialm untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah kesehatan diantaranya adalah masalah nafsu makan yang menurun.
Sekarang kita bahas tentang albumin, ikan gabus mengandung protein yang sangat tinggi, protein ini bisa dinamakan dengan albumin. Ektrak albumin ini juga merupakn salah satu bahan yang di campur ke dalam madu untuk anak vitabumin.Nah kurang apalagi, anda bisa mulai mengkonsumsi madu anak dengan formula yang lengkap ini mulai dari sekarang
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1handedecon · 4 years
FEDS 2020-078: Out of Sight No More? The Effect of Fee Disclosures on 401(k) Investment Allocations
Mathias Kronlund, Veronika K. Pool, Clemens Sialm, and Irina Stefanescu | We examine the effects of a 2012 regulatory reform that mandated fee and performance disclosures for the investment options in 401(k) plans. We show that participants became significantly more attentive to expense ratios and short-term performance after the reform. The disclosure effects are stronger among plans with large average contributions per participant and weaker for plans with many investment options. Additionally, these results are not driven by secular changes in investor behavior or sponsor-initiated changes to the investment menus. Our findings suggest that providing salient fee and performance information can mitigate participants' inertia in retirement plans. from FRB: Working Papers https://ift.tt/3gWCAH8 via IFTTT
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anas-al-hemairy · 2 years
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‏‎. شكرا لإدارة شركة ابوظبي الوطنية للمعارض @AdnecGroup . على الدعوة الكريمة لحضور #معرض_سيال_الشرق_الأوسط 2021 @Sial_Me . حيث تحتضن شركة أدنيك النسخة 11 من معرض سيال الشرق الأوسط 2021 المقام في الفترة من 07/12/2021 إلى 09/12/2021 م�� الساعة 10 ص إلى 7 مساءًا في مركز أبوظبي الوطني للمعارض ( #أدنيك ) حيث تنتظركم تجربة تسوق فريدة من نوعها. . ويقام هذا الحدث تحت رعاية كريمة من سمو الشيخ #منصور_بن_زايد_آل_نهيان نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء، وزير شؤون الرئاسة، رئيس مجلس إدارة #هيئة_أبوظبي_للزراعة_والسلامة_الغذائية ... حيث تنطلق فعاليات النسخة الحادية عشرة من معرض سيال الشرق الأوسط 2021، والذي يعتبر أحد أضخم الفعاليات المتخصصة في قطاع الأغذية والمشروبات والضيافة على مستوى المنطقة، إلى جانب #معرض_أبوظبي_الدولي_للتمور .. الفعالية الأكبر المتخصصة ب #التمور في العالم. . #شركة_أبوظبي_الوطنية_للمعارض #مركز_ابوظبي_الوطني_للمعارض #أنس_الحميري #انس_الحميري @adnecgroup @sial_me #SIALME #SIAL #ADAFSA #AbuDhabiEvents @ADNECgroup #ADNEC #ADNECgroup #UAE #Abudhabi #InAbuDhabi #MyAbuDhabi #explore #Repost @Get_repost @Instagram #Anas_Al_Hemairy #Instagram : @Anas_Al_Hemairy Twitter : @Anas_Al_Hemairy Facebook : Anas Al Hemairy YouTube : Anas Al Hemairy . #اكسبلور #دولة_الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #دولة_الامارات #الامارات #ابوظبي‎‏ (في ‏‎United Arab Emirates الامارات العربية المتحدة‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXQ4CzohkWD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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basicsofislam · 5 years
Hz. Zayd lost his father when he was very young and became an orphan. Abdullah bin Rawaha took care of him. He stayed with Abdullah bin Rawaha for a long time. When Abdullah bin Rawaha became a Muslim, he became a Muslim at a very young age.
Hz. Zayd could not take part in the Battle of Badr and Uhud because he was very young. However, he took part in all battles and wars after that. He fought heroically.
During the Battle of Bani Mustaliq, in which the Prophet also took part, Abdullah bin Ubayy started to talk against the Prophet and Muslims. Hz. Zayd was also there. When he heard those words that were full of mischief, he could not help intervening. He said to Abdullah bin Ubayy, "I swear by Allah that you are the mean and cursed one in your tribe. Muhammad (pbuh) was made honorable by Allah, who is the most gracious." When Abdullah bin Ubayy heard it, he got very offended and said to him, "I swear by Allah that I will not love you at all from now on." When Hz. Zayd said that he was going to tell the Messenger of Allah about what he heard, Abdullah bin Ubayy changed his attitude and said, "O my brother's son! Keep quiet! I was only joking!"  
Zayd b. Arqam did not heed him. He regarded it as an important duty to tell the Messenger of Allah about this munafiq, who tried to cause mischief among Muslims. He went to the Prophet and told him whatever he heard from Abdullah b. Ubayy. The Prophet believed in Zayd but in order to search the issue he said to Zayd, "I hope you do not say so because of you are angry with Ibn Ubayy." Zayd said, "No! I swear by Allah that I heard them from him." The Messenger of Allah asked again, "You may have misheard."Zayd said, "No. O Messenger of Allah! I am telling the truth. It is not wrong." The Prophet continued asking, "Can somebody else have told you this about him?" Zayd said," No. I swear by Allah that I heard those words exactly from him.
There were many Companions with the Messenger of Allah at that time. They got very angry with Abdullah bin Ubayy due to his words. Some of them even offered the Prophet to kill him. The Prophet did not approve it. He sent for Abdullah bin Ubayy in order to listen to the issue from him. Meanwhile some Companions got angry with Zayd and asked him, "Why did you inform the Prophet about it?" Hz. Zayd said, "I swear by Allah that if I had heard those from my own father, I would have told the Messenger of Allah about it."
After a while, Abdullah bin Ubayy arrived. The Prophet asked him, "Did you utter those words?" Abdullah bin Ubayy did not confess; he denied it: "I swear by Allah, who sent you the book, that I did not utter any of those words. Zayd told you a lie. I do not know anybody closer than you among the people here who will be a means of Allah's putting into Paradise." After this talk, the Prophet ordered the army to set off.
The settlement of the issue like that embarrassed Hz. Zayd. He could not approach the Messenger of Allah due to his embarrassment. He said to those who wanted to speak to him about the issue, "I hope that Allah will send revelation to his Prophet and tell him who is lying." He also prayed Allah as follows: "O Allah! Send your Prophet the revelation that will confirm what I say!"
After a tiring journey, the mujahids arrived in Madinah. Allah Almighty sent down verses 1-8 of the chapter of al-Munafiqun. Those verses confirmed Zayd. The last verses of this revelation are as follows:
"They are the ones who say, "Spend nothing on those who are with Allah's Messenger, to the end that they may disperse (and quit Madinah). But to Allah belong the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the Hypocrites understand not. They say, "If we return to Madinah, surely the more honorable (element) will expel there from the meaner." But honor belongs to Allah and His Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not."
When those verses were sent down the Messenger of Allah called Zayd, held his ear and said, "Here is the young man who fulfilled his duty in the way of Allah through his ear! O Zayd! Allah confirmed what you had said!"
After that, nobody believed in Abdullah bin Ubayy. When something like that happened, they scolded and condemned him. The Prophet said to those who wanted Ubayy to be killed, "If I had had him killed, there would have been chaos." For, he was the leader of his tribe. Everybody liked and respected him. If the Prophet had not migrated to Madinah, he would have been the ruler of Madinah.
When Hz. Zayd became ill, the Prophet (pbuh) visited this young Companion and asked about his health. Once, Hz. Zayd's eye got ill. The Prophet visited him and prayed for him. When his eye got well, the Prophet asked Zayd, "What would you do if your eyes remained like that?" Hz. Zayd answered in reliance to Allah, "I would show patience and put up with its hardship." His reliance pleased the Messenger of Allah . The Prophet said, "If you died after your patience, you would definitely go to Paradise."
Hz. Zayd learned a lot of things from the Messenger of Allah. The Muslims applied to him about religious issues. He answered their questions and gave them advice.
Hz. Zayd, who narrated about 90 hadiths, died in Kufa in the 68th year of the Migration. One of the hadiths that he narrated is as follows:
"I am leaving you two things, each of which is more valuable than the other. If you cling to them, you will not go astray after me. They are the book of Allah, which is like a rope extending down from the sky to the earth and my progeny (Ahl al-Bayt). Those who cling to them will never leave the right path until they come to me near the Pool of Kawthar. Never turn your back on these two things."
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wisdomrays · 5 years
THE GUIDE FOR THE YOUTH: The Second Station of the 17th Word.Part1
Cry not out at misfortune, O wretch, come, trust in Allah! For know that crying out compounds the misfortune and is a great error. * * * Find misfortune’s Sender, and know it is a gift within gift, and pleasure. So leave crying out and offer thanks; like the nightingale, smile through your tears! * * * If you find Him not, know the world is all pain within pain, transience and loss. So why lament at a small misfortune while upon you is a worldful of woe? Come trust in Allah! * * * Trust in Allah! Laugh in misfortune’s face; it too will laugh. As it laughs, it will diminish; it will be changed and transformed. * * * Know, O arrogant one, happiness in this world is in abandoning it. To know Allah is enough. Abandon the world; all things will be for you. * * * To be arrogant is total loss; whatever you do, all things will be against you. So both states demand abandoning the world here. * * * Abandoning the world is to regard it as Allah’s property, with His permission, in His Name... If you want to do trade, it is in making this fleeting life eternal. * * * If you seek yourself, it is both rotten and without foundation. If you seek the world outside, the stamp of ephemerality is upon it. * * * That means there is no value in taking it; the goods in this market are all rotten. So pass on... the sound goods are all lined up beyond it.... [The Old Said spoke this with the tongue of the New Said under the blessed mulberry tree.] The one I’m addressing isn’t Ziya Pasha, it’s those enamoured of Europe. The one speaking isn’t my soul, it’s my heart in the name of the students of the Qur’an. * * * The previous words are all truth; beware, don’t lose course, don’t exceed their bounds! Don’t heed the ideas of Europe and deviate, or they’ll make you regret it! * * * You see the most enlightened of them, in brilliance their standard-bearer, Exclaim in bewilderment: Of whom, to whom can I complain? * * * The Qur’an says, and I say too - I won’t hold back: I lodge my complaint with Him. I’m not confused, like you. * * * I cry out to the True Allah; I don’t slip away, like you. I shout my cause from the ground to the skies; I don’t flee, like you. * * *
For all the Qur’an’s cause is light upon light; I don’t renege, like you. In the Qur’an is truth and wisdom; I’ll prove it. I count as nothing hostile philosophy. * * * In the Criterion are diamond truths; I take them to myself, not sell them, like you. I journey from creation to Creator; I don’t lose the way, like you. * * * I pass over thorny paths, I don’t tread on them, like you. From the earth to the Throne, I offer thanks; I don’t neglect it, like you. * * * I look on death and the appointed hour as a friend; I am not frightened, like you. I’ll enter the grave smiling, not trembling, like you. * * * I don’t see it as a monster’s mouth, a beast’s lair, descending to nothingness, like you. It joins me with my friends; I’m not vexed at the grave, like you. * * * It’s the door of Mercy, gate of Light, portal of Truth; I am not discomforted by it; I won’t retreat.
Saying: In the Name of Allah, I’ll knock on it. * I’ll not look behind me nor feel terror. * * * Saying: All Praise be to Allah!, I’ll lay down and find ease. I’ll suffer no trouble nor remain solitary. Saying, Allah is Most Great!, I’ll hear the Call to the Resurrection and rise up, ** I won’t hang back from the Great Gathering, or the Mighty Mosque. * * * I’ll feel no distress, thanks to Divine favour, the Qur’an’s light, and the effulgence of Belief; Not stopping, I’ll hasten, fly, to the shade of the Most Merciful’s Throne. Allah willing, I won’t go astray, like you.
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rodrimaximax · 7 years
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@SamuTAL_: RT @SoyKikos: #NoAlMaltratoAnimal Por favor rt para difusión no se puede permitir esto denunciad a la cuenta de instagram: sialm… https://t.co/OCar86BESq
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anas-al-hemairy · 2 years
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‏‎. شكرا لإدارة شركة ابوظبي الوطنية للمعارض @AdnecGroup . على الدعوة الكريمة لحضور #معرض_سيال_الشرق_الأوسط 2021 @Sial_Me . حيث تحتضن شركة أدنيك النسخة 11 من معرض سيال الشرق الأوسط 2021 المقام في الفترة من 07/12/2021 إلى 09/12/2021 من الساعة 10 ص إلى 7 مساءًا في مركز أبوظبي الوطني للمعارض ( #أدنيك ) حيث تنتظركم تجربة تسوق فريدة من نوعها. . ويقام هذا الحدث تحت رعاية كريمة من سمو الشيخ #منصور_بن_زايد_آل_نهيان نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء، وزير شؤون الرئاسة، رئيس مجلس إدارة #هيئة_أبوظبي_للزراعة_والسلامة_الغذائية ... حيث تنطلق فعاليات النسخة الحادية عشرة من معرض سيال الشرق الأوسط 2021، والذي يعتبر أحد أضخم الفعاليات المتخصصة في قطاع الأغذية والمشروبات والضيافة على مستوى المنطقة، إلى جانب #معرض_أبوظبي_الدولي_للتمور .. الفعالية الأكبر المتخصصة بـ #التمور في العالم. . #شركة_أبوظبي_الوطنية_للمعارض #مركز_ابوظبي_الوطني_للمعارض #أنس_الحميري #انس_الحميري @adnecgroup @sial_me #SIALME #SIAL #ADAFSA #AbuDhabiEvents @ADNECgroup #ADNEC #ADNECgroup #UAE #Abudhabi #InAbuDhabi #MyAbuDhabi #explore #Repost @Get_repost @Instagram #Anas_Al_Hemairy #Instagram : @Anas_Al_Hemairy Twitter : @Anas_Al_Hemairy Facebook : Anas Al Hemairy YouTube : Anas Al Hemairy . #اكسبلور #دولة_الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #دولة_الامارات #الامارات #ابوظبي‎‏ (في ‏‎United Arab Emirates الامارات العربية المتحدة‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXQ345nhB85/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anas-al-hemairy · 2 years
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‏‎. شكرا لإدارة شركة ابوظبي الوطنية للمعارض @AdnecGroup . على الدعوة الكريمة لحضور #معرض_سيال_الشرق_الأوسط 2021 @Sial_Me . حيث تحتضن شركة أدنيك النسخة 11 من معرض سيال الشرق الأوسط 2021 المقام في الفترة من 07/12/2021 إلى 09/12/2021 من الساعة 10 ص إلى 7 مساءًا في مركز أبوظبي الوطني للمعارض ( #أدنيك ) حيث تنتظركم تجربة تسوق فريدة من نوعها. . ويقام هذا الحدث تحت رعاية كريمة من سمو الشيخ #منصور_بن_زايد_آل_نهيان نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء، وزير شؤون الرئاسة، رئيس مجلس إدارة #هيئة_أبوظبي_للزراعة_والسلامة_الغذائية ... حيث تنطلق فعاليات النسخة الحادية عشرة من معرض سيال الشرق الأوسط 2021، والذي يعتبر أحد أضخم الفعاليات المتخصصة في قطاع الأغذية والمشروبات والضيافة على مستوى المنطقة، إلى جانب #معرض_أبوظبي_الدولي_للتمور .. الفعالية الأكبر المتخصصة ب #التمور في العالم. . #شركة_أبوظبي_الوطنية_للمعارض #مركز_ابوظبي_الوطني_للمعارض #أنس_الحميري #انس_الحميري @adnecgroup @sial_me #SIALME #SIAL #ADAFSA #AbuDhabiEvents @ADNECgroup #ADNEC #ADNECgroup #UAE #Abudhabi #InAbuDhabi #MyAbuDhabi #explore #Repost @Get_repost @Instagram #Anas_Al_Hemairy #Instagram : @Anas_Al_Hemairy Twitter : @Anas_Al_Hemairy Facebook : Anas Al Hemairy YouTube : Anas Al Hemairy . #اكسبلور #دولة_الإمارات_العربية_المتحدة #دولة_الامارات #الامارات #ابوظبي‎‏ (في ‏‎United Arab Emirates الامارات العربية المتحدة‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXQ3dyLBhXk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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