#should've based it in europe
ghosts-cyphera · 6 months
as someone who has never set foot in the US, writing a story based in LA is so hard, because I'm obsessed with realistic details but I don't know any ?? like do they have pigeons in LA? I know they have pigeons in New York but maybe they hate LA, lmao. what if I mention pigeons and everyone who's ever been to LA will sue me? also where do people live? would higher middle-class people have studios in apartment buildings? where would those apartment buildings be? does the layout look anything like it does in New York for example, or is it completely different? like would you have a cozy apartment building with a street in front of it and then another similar building straight across from it? I'm PANICKING
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
I am curious
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52 notes · View notes
writingsforwhatever · 7 months
Part 1: Love letters to Matthew (m.s.)
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summary: matt never felt the same way until he finally did.
warnings: very very slow burn. this is a long read, go get a snack! if you don't like reading, don't read it. ALSO, i have one shots based of this story. Their little moments leading up to the reader and matt confessing their feelings for each other. Let me know if you all are interested! enjoy my little bored mind.
A/N: Hi, before you continue reading this story, please be aware that I wrote this work of mine two years ago for my creative writing. It's my baby, and I hold it close to my heart. I lost inspiration for it a while back, but now I'm sharing it with the world. This is a long read because it's the entire story in two post. (Part 2 is posted). It's in no way connected or affiliated with Matt Sturniolo. I just made him the character because he fits the character's personality, and I needed to envision someone while I continued writing it, so I thought, why not?
word count: 27,231k
"If I could choose to live anywhere in the world, I would still choose to live here," she remarked, passing the bowl of Cheetos to Matt. "I mean, I could also pick a place in Sweden, somewhere in Northern Europe, but who could leave Massachusetts?"
Matt, sprawled out on the couch with the TV playing in the background, shrugged. "You could," he replied, smiling down at her. "Come on, don't be so negative. You can't possibly stay here forever."
"Why not? What's wrong with here?" She asked, standing up. She was now facing Matt, and a change of heart suddenly took hold. "I mean, I guess you're right." She flopped down next to him once more, sighing. "Do you think we'll ever fulfill our dreams and go to Europe together?"
"Of course, you idiot. We will, don't worry about it too much," he reassured her, glancing at her. It was the 19th day of December, a snowy day in the Bay State, and excitement was in the air. Airports were busier than usual, which meant one thing: Christmas was just around the corner.
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September 2023
"Damn it," she cursed as she unpacked her suitcase. It was September, with summer in the process of ending and fall about to arrive. She couldn't believe her parents had thrown a "party" to welcome her back from her two-month long vacation. Before leaving, she had made it crystal clear that she didn't want any crazy shit, but it turned out that Luke had talked to her parents behind her back while she was spending time with him abroad. She glanced at the poster on her wall once again and whispered with a smile, "That idiot."
The boy with light brown eyes reminiscent of autumn leaves, the one who swam throughout college, briefly dropped out, and then returned to college. He was the boy she met at Samantha's birthday party, the one her little cousin had a crush on - Luke.
"I'm so sorry," she apologized frantically, searching for the green tissue pack in her little bag while setting the glass of beer on a nearby table. Her white shirt was now stained with liquor, which was just great. The embarrassment of the situation was overwhelming, leaving her unable to think straight.
"No worries," Luke chuckled, clearly taken aback by the unexpected encounter. "I should've been more careful."
She handed him the tissues, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "That was so embarrassing. I'm truly sorry," she said with a sheepish smile.
"Don't worry about it. It’ll dry," he replied with a reassuring smile.
In that moment, she wished she could vanish into the ground, hoping some higher being might intervene and make it happen right there and right then.
"I’m going to miss you so much," Luke sighed, embracing her from behind.
She turned to face him, her expression softening. "Me too, but we'll see each other again on Christmas, okay?"
"That's a long time. I'll really really miss you," he admitted with a sad smile.
"Oh, shut up. You're probably tired of seeing my face every day," she giggled while still unpacking her suitcase.
"I could never. I love you too much." He chuckled, shaking his head.
"That's a nice touch," she pointed at her wall, changing the subject.
"You like it? Your mom helped me," he replied, smiling at her.
"Ya’ll are so dramatic," she chuckled.
Welcome back! – Haley, Mom, & Dad
After that fateful night in March when she met Luke, she had slowly stopped composing letters to Matthew altogether. The dynamics of her relationships with him had shifted, leaving behind a stack of handwritten words that now belonged to the past.
Matt, with eyes as blue as a warm sunny day's sky, was someone she could lose herself in. He was the boy she loved so deeply that if her heart were torn from her chest, his name would be etched there. Matthew, the only one she had ever loved before Luke.
During the summer of ’20, she came to the realization that she had developed a crush on her best friend. On the night he drove her home, she silently prayed for God to make her feelings for him disappear. It seemed absurd; this was Matt, her very own Matt, her dearest friend in the world, and she was in love with him.
As they both grew older, she began to perceive him in a new way. He underwent changes; growing out his hair became something she loved. His height increased too. Whenever she sees him, a permanent smile adorned his face, and she found herself deeply and irrevocably in love with him. Everything he did captivated her, particularly the moment he slept on her shoulder in the car. It was ridiculous how loudly her heart throbbed at that time.
"Do you think they'll mind if it's just the two of us, Matt?" she asked, settling into the passenger seat.
"Why? We've done this plenty of times before; they'll be okay," he reassured her, quieting her with a gentle shush as he started the car.
On the day they left for LA, tears streamed down her face, staining Nick's shirt. "We'll be back for Thanksgiving, you goof," he reassured her.
No matter if it was for Christmas or her birthday, she didn’t care but the fact that her best friends were leaving at that moment weighed heavily on her. "You’re moving to the other side of the country, and I’m heading to college," she sniffled, the airport surroundings continued to add to her gloom.
Chris, empathetic, offered her a comforting a hug. "The other side of the country is crazy,” he said. "You can visit us, you know."
Her response came with a hint of frustration, "I'll be in college, Chris."
With a warm smile, Chris reassured her, “You can visit us during breaks. We're just one flight away."
She gazed at Matt, noticing his pink cheeks. "Everything's going to be okay. We'll see each other again in no time," he smiled sadly at her. She wanted to believe Matt wholeheartedly, as she always did, but deep down, she knew that things would never be the same.
August 23, 2021
Dear Matt, I miss you all so much. Mom and Dad just dropped me off at college, and my roommate, Samantha seems nice. She's from San Diego. You don't think my Boston accent is interesting, do you? She keeps saying it is, but I don't think so. I hope you're having a blast over there. I know you are. I really wish you were here. I miss you the most. Massachusetts sucks without you guys.
September 15, 2021
Dear Matthew,
I already miss you. It's funny; we just spoke on the phone, and here I am writing you a letter already. You sounded really happy, which makes me happy too. By the way, I just realized I brought Nick's shirt with me and your white hoodie too!! I didn't mention it earlier because I thought you might want them back. Haha.
Anyway, I can't wait for Fall; maybe we can visit a pumpkin patch. I know how much you love those. I'm looking forward to seeing you and everyone. Homesickness is setting in, and I miss home, especially you. I miss you the most.
P.S. Samantha thinks Nate is cute, but I don't think she’s his type.
The days went by, and she found herself missing him even more. The calls and texts lessened, she became busier, and Matt was texting her when she was at class and would reply to her when she was face down on the bed, asleep.
She struggled to admit it, but the Instagram posts featuring their new friends tugged at her heartstrings with a sense of longing. She couldn’t shake the feeling of being left out, as if life was in full swing without her presence, playing out somewhere in Southern California with her friends and the love of her life, while she sat alone at UMass, eating a sandwich in the cafeteria. She yearned to turn back time to those carefree 9th-grade days, where she’d laugh at Chris’s antics in class or when Matt and Nick would whisk her away for impromptu beach adventures.
September 28, 2021
Dear Matt,
I saw a guy today who I thought looked just like you in an ice cream shop while I was out with my friend. I think I might be losing my mind. College is going pretty well so far. Alahna sent me a snap from early 2021 last night, and it was of you getting annoyed at Nick because he had the megaphone while we were in the drive-thru. It was so funny. I thought you looked great that night, but then again, when did you ever not? Congratulations on hitting 4 million!
Oh, and does Chris have a crush on Natalie? Never mind, I'll ask him about it later. I miss you guys so much.
Years had passed since she last laid eyes on the photos that adorned the walls of her childhood bedroom. The pink and white paint of the room served as a poignant reminder of the unrequited love that had once consumed her heart.
The photos of her, Matt, and their friends playing in the snow, or the selfies Nick snapped during sleepovers when Chris and Matt would crash on the floor of Nick's room - memories she cherished dearly. The thought of past Thanksgiving gatherings tugged at her heartstrings, recalling how he'd tower over her at the table, his tender touches igniting a warmth in her skin. She loved Matt deeply, more than words could express.
October 11, 2021
Dear Matt,
I got my hair cut today. It felt weird. I was going to take a selfie to send it to you, but I got shy. I hope you're doing well over there. I heard you guys went to a party; Nick won't stop talking about it, lol.
I can't believe it's been months since I last saw you in person, even though I saw you the other day through a video call, it's just not the same... Time is flying by.
Also, Chloe just passed her driving lessons. I wish you guys were here to see it. I know she texted Nick about it, but still, I miss you, Matthew. Anyway, I'll text you later. I have this professor who's very old, and he hates late students.
She did see them on Thanksgiving, and she couldn't forget how Matt looked. Those moments made her question how she could go on with her life, knowing he was completely oblivious to her deep feelings for him. She hated herself for falling in love with him. It was a realization that left her feeling stupid.
November 30, 2021
Dear Matthew,
You looked absolutely handsome at dinner last week. I couldn't help but wonder how LA gets to see you like that every day without turning the whole state upside down. You mentioned missing me, but I'm pretty sure I missed you even more. It's odd that Mom keeps talking about how much taller you've grown, because she should have expected that. Yesterday, when you brought up about meeting a girl, my heart sank. I believe you genuinely like her. I didn't want to ask more because I didn't want to be too obvious, but I think Chris saw my smile disappear. He was kind enough not to ask about it though so it’s all good.
Why do I still miss you even when you're sleeping right beside me on the couch? It's as if you're so far away.
It was early August 2022 when she paid them a visit in California for their birthday. She could recall every detail – the weather, the ride from the airport, and the woman in his arms.
She had faced numerous challenges before, like the time she had to carry Samantha, who was far too drunk for her own good, or when Chris begged her to retrieve his backpack in subzero temperatures. However, this situation felt entirely different. As the doors swung open, she yearned to be anywhere but there – perhaps back in her small dorm room in Boston.
From within, she could hear the voices and music, the uproar of celebration and delight. Outside, the soft hum of Los Angeles traffic persisted as cars rushed by. Yet, above all else, she swore she could hear the unrelenting rhythm of her own heartbeat, as if it were the only thing keeping her grounded in that moment.
The woman was already there, wearing a warm smile, eagerly awaiting her boyfriend Matt's arrival. She couldn't help but admire Matt's taste, as in that moment, she found the woman to be stunning. With her dark blonde hair, brown eyes, and a height of 5'3, she gave off an endearing aura that she effortlessly carried with her. The woman greeted everyone with an open-hearted smile, embracing her as if they were long-lost friends reuniting after a decade apart.
"Hi! It's so great to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you," the woman's voice was flawless, yet there was a hollow feeling within her. She genuinely liked the woman and had an inkling that she would become a significant presence in their lives for quite some time to come.
Her gaze fixed on Matt, a mixture of confusion and hurt in her eyes. How was it possible that he hadn't disclosed that he had a girlfriend? Those nights when he would call her, those were the very nights she longed to be in his arms, not realizing they had already been spent with someone else.
That night was etched in her memory, a vivid recollection of the moment she had realized it was impossible for her to remain friends with him. She couldn't maintain their friendship, not while she was overwhelmed with sadness while he was immersed in happiness.
December 6, 2021
Dear Matt,
Today, I spent the day baking cookies with Haley but the real takeaway is being back in Boston and just one car ride away from you.
Weird, Nick brought up the name of the girl you're talking to, and it took me by surprise a little because you never mentioned her to me. I could sense Chris was giving me the stare, like he knows something, but that's just Chris, right?
It was a scene she had seen countless times before, both in movies and in real life – the clichéd tale of falling in love with your best friend and the inevitable heartbreak that followed.
There he sat, a picture of handsomeness in the midst of the kitchen, so immersed in what he's doing that he only noticed her staring when he looked up and playfully asked, "Any boys I should know about?" She chuckled, finding Matt's question entirely characteristic of his random sense of humor.
"No one, Matt," she replied, rolling her eyes with a smile. Inside, she thought, "It's only you. It was only ever you."
"I find that hard to believe," he said, casting a shy glance her way, his smile never wavering.
She pressed, "And why is that?"
"Because you're..." he started, his voice trailing off, leaving the unspoken feelings hanging in the air between them.
"…because you're amazing. You're good at baking cookies and-"
"Please, shut the fuck up, Matthew," she blushed, looking away.
"It's true! Ask Chris. He thinks you have a college boyfriend you’re not telling us about," he defended himself.
"Well, Chris is stupid," a small frown appeared on her face.
"Hey, I heard that!" She looked toward the boy sitting on the couch in the living room. "Shut up, Chris, Nick is sleeping."
She was standing over the kitchen counter, finishing the gifts she had prepared for her cousins and parents. She rolled her eyes, feeling a bit exasperated. "You're all so dramatic; I'm trying to do something here, fucks sake.”
"Let me help you with that. I'm almost done with this," Matt offered, standing beside her. His proximity alone nearly sent her into a frenzy.
He was incredibly touchy with her, and it only added to the intimacy of their connection. His frequent and intimate touches with her left her in a state of confusion. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was normal for best friends to share such physically intimate moments like this.
"You're terrible at this," he chuckled.
"Whatever Matt," she grumbled, continuing to tape the wrapper.
He leaned even closer, almost putting his entire weight on her. "Matt, you’re so annoying! Get off me," she exclaimed.
Years later, she learned that Chris had glanced at them, shaking his head in bemusement, and thinking about how oblivious his brother Matt was to her feelings. Chris couldn’t help but realize how deeply in love she was with his brother, even if she had never voiced it. She didn’t need to, Chris thought.
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August 2022
She felt stuck in place. In that moment, she felt like time had frozen. Her feet glued to the ground.
The realization hit her like a ton of bricks - he had a girlfriend, all this time, and no one had told her. It was a profound sense of betrayal and feeling forgotten, it didn't matter that their relationship is just starting, she had loved Matt for years!
It was as if she wasn't worthy of knowing this crucial piece of information about the person she had secretly loved for so long, even though he didn't know he was the love of her life. The waves of emotion threatened to make her sick, but she managed to maintain her composure.
Chris remained by her side throughout the entire party, his friendly nudges and conversation attempts providing a comforting presence. "You know, I still can't believe you're here," he remarked, genuine surprise in his voice. "It's only been a couple of months, right?"
"Only a couple of months, Chris," she confirmed, her gaze fixed on her drink.
"I missed you so much. We all did. It felt like forever since the last time I saw you," Chris continued, offering a playful smile.
She managed a smile in response, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. She kept her thoughts to herself, silently yearning for the familiar comforts of Boston, even though it no longer felt like home. In truth, nothing felt like home as long as Matt was in the arms of another. Chris could see through her facade. He understood the reason behind her dull mood, realizing it was linked to the presence of two specific individuals in the room. However, he respected her feelings enough not to confront her about it here and now, choosing to let her navigate her emotions in her own time
The days seemed to stretch on, with summer taking hold. Matt's girlfriend had flown back home to Florida, they were back to their old routine, but her heart couldn’t forget the feelings she had buried deep within.
They drove her to their favorite restaurants and shops in L.A., but the nagging ache in her heart persisted. With her pretending to enjoy the days while ignoring the sinking feeling that gnawed at her treacherous heart, she tried to be as cheerful as possible before her return to the East Coast.
Until one particular car ride with Nick and Chris temporarily absent and inside Ralph's, she couldn't keep her feelings bottled up any longer and decided to have a heart-to-heart with Matt. It was a brief respite from the facade of happiness she had been trying to maintain.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It all happened so fast," he said, his eyes pleading for her to meet his gaze.
She cut him off, "It doesn't matter, Matt. I guess I just felt really sad that you didn't tell me. I'm your best friend, for heaven's sake." She fought back the urge to cry, keeping her emotions expertly concealed.
"I'm sorry, okay? It all happened in a whirlwind, and suddenly, you were on a flight from Boston to L.A.…," he trailed off. "Plus, I wanted it to be a surprise." He sheepishly smiled.
"God, Matt," she whispered, genuinely taken aback by the revelation.
She continued, "It's okay, it's all in the past now. I was surprised, no doubt."
She smiled, rolled her eyes, and forced a lighter tone into her voice. "So, tell me about her. Where did you guys meet?"
He chuckled, sensing that things were somewhat getting back to normal, but it was never quite the same, she thought to herself.
The night before she left for Boston, they drove and explored the city once more, just the two of them. Chris seemed too tired to join, and Nick had editing work to do.
"I wanted to take you here. It's one of the best viewpoints in L.A.," Matt explained, his excitement palpable.
"What, Griffith Park?" she replied, laughing. "You mean the spot from GTA, right?"
"Yeah, exactly. We used to play that game, remember?" he smiled down at her, feeling nostalgic.
How could she forget?
After several minutes of driving, Matt parked the car, and a heavy silence hung between them, no one seemingly wanted to step out. "Thanks for spending your summer here. It means a lot... That you're here," he expressed, looking at her with his blue eyes that shone through the Los Angeles darkness, seemingly even brighter than the city lights.
"Of course, anything for you guys," she replied, breaking their eye contact, and shifting her gaze to the dashboard in front of her. How could he do this to her? How could he not know? She wished she could freeze this moment in time, his face looking so soft in the gentle glow of the traffic lights. His tired eyes and tousled hair that had always made her heart leap and now, she felt like she could cry right there; she loved him so much and he didn’t know. She also wished she could tuck this memory away in the pockets of her thrifted yellow dress.
Tonight felt different, marking the end of summer, and they were both a year older. They weren't 19 anymore, and yet, she remained deeply in love with him.
Nicolas Sturniolo was a smart man, and his brothers secretly admired him for it, even if they would never openly admit it. Of course, he noticed the lingering glances she directed at Matt but never said anything. Nick believed that Matt had informed her about his girlfriend months before she arrived in LA but was shocked upon learning that his brother didn't. That explained the sudden change of mood he'd seen with her at the party.
The older brother had always had an inkling about it since they were young, ever since Matt hadn't asked her to prom. He remembered how she had waited for Matt to notice her new hairstyle, and when Matt already did compliment her, Nick swore he saw her smile so big it could light up the entire school that day. Nick thought his brother Chris was dense, but Matt was on a different level.
He had brought up the subject with Matt once, while they were in line at TSA, just before a flight to California, a mere 7-hour journey away. "You do realize she's in love with you, right?"
"What?" Matt's brows furrowed; genuine confusion etched on his face.
"Come on, Matt. We all know she's had a crush on you since high school," Nick exclaimed, adjusting his backpack.
"That's not true, Nick," Matt responded, shaking his head in disbelief. He found the idea ridiculous.
"Whatever, Matt. You guys are both stupid. I see the way you look at her, and I see how she looks at you. What's holding you back?" Nick shrugged.
"Because we're just friends, Nick? Can't two people of the opposite sex be friends?" Matt retorted, feeling exasperated.
"Okay, Matt, we get it," Chris chimed in, adding his two cents. "We're just telling you what we see."
As Nick appeared impatient and tired of the conversation, and Chris pretending to not care, Matt pushed the thought to the back of his mind.
December 18, 2021
The sight of you on my porch brought me immense happiness. Dad was yelling, which woke me up, and he said you guys were at the front door. Honestly, that pie was incredible; I couldn't believe you three made it.
I wanted to thank you for joining me today. I understand you're not a fan of walking in the snow, but I loved every moment of it.
Christmas is just around the corner, and it's only a matter of days now.
I often wonder if you notice how frequently I steal glances at you whenever I have the chance.
As I sit here writing this, I’m looking at the Christmas gift I got you. It's a necklace. It might seem cliché, but I genuinely hope it brings a smile to your face whenever you see it.
She held onto the memory of that day, those tense days after learning he had a girlfriend and before the car confrontation.
"Are you planning to sleep on the couch?" Matt asked.
"I am," she stubbornly insisted.
"Come on, you're our guest; you can sleep in my bed," Chris mumbled with a mouthful of chips.
"And have you sleep here on the couch? No way, Chris," she replied firmly.
Nick chuckled, watching Matt's obliviousness. How could his brother not realize that she was upset with him?
"Alright, then we'll both sleep in my bed," Chris suggested, glancing at Matt for his reaction.
Matt was puzzled. They always shared his bed, so what was the issue now?
Snatching the blanket Nick had given her, she hurried downstairs to reach Chris's room.
Matt's jaw hung open. "What did I do?" he mumbled, frowning at his brothers.
Nick shook his head, grinning. "I'm off to bed. Matt, quit being stupid."
"What?" Matt looked to Chris for answers. Chris shrugged, "I guess she just wanted to sleep in my bed tonight, Matt."
"Goodnight, Maaaatt," Chris sang, leaving Matt bewildered and hurt.
"But she always sleeps with me," he whispered to himself, still trying to make sense of the unexpected change.
Lying in Chris's bed that night, she silently yearned for divine intervention. Avoiding eye contact with Matt as she passed by him on her way downstairs, she couldn't ignore the confusion and hurt etched across his face. Deep down, she desperately wanted to pull him into a hug and tell him that things were alright.
It was unusual for her to sleep in Chris's bed, given that she always slept in Matt's, so the sudden change had caught Matt off guard. She was aware of it, but at that moment, her anger towards him outweighed her care.
Earlier that day, Madi had teased her about her apparent coldness toward Matt when they were getting tacos in Melrose. It seemed that everyone had noticed her subtle avoidance of his touches and comments, leading to hushed discussions among their friends.
She was also certain that Chris was a light sleeper. He didn't snore, but he definitely woke easily.
"Couldn't sleep?" Chris whispered, turning to face her.
"Yeah, too much on my mind," she replied, exhaling wearily.
The stillness of the night, combined with their exhaustion, allowed for a comforting silence to settle between them. A beat passed, "Why don't you just tell him?" Chris suggested, his voice barely audible. She couldn't see her best friend, but she sensed the sadness in his gaze.
"Tell him what, Chris?" she deflected, shutting her eyes.
"You're not fooling anyone, you know? You might fool my stupid brother but you can’t fool me and Nick," he remarked, adjusting himself under the covers.
Silence descended once more, but this time, it felt oddly reassuring knowing that one of her closest friends was aware.
"It doesn't matter. He would shut me out."
"No, he won't. He genuinely cares about you, and you know it," Chris assured her. While Chris might not be privy to his brother Matt's true feelings, whether he reciprocated them or not, one thing was certain: Matt cared deeply for her, more than she could ever comprehend.
"It's also different now that he has a girlfriend. I don't think she'd appreciate me sharing a bed with her boyfriend. It's more about respect," she added.
Chris disregarded her attempt to change the subject and pressed on, "Matt loves you, bro. If he ever shuts you out for telling him how you feel, then he's an idiot. You have me and Nick by your side forever. If you never tell him, you'll never get the chance to express your feelings."
“You guys should talk.” He added.
"I don't think I'm ready, but I'll think about it," she replied, her exhaustion evident in her voice.
Chris nodded, even though she couldn't see him. He understood the weight of the emotions she was carrying.
"Of course, at your own pace."
"Thank you."
"Anything for you, kid."
In the quiet of that night, as dreams and sleep intertwined, she found solace in the knowledge that Chris, her closest friend, understood the depths of her emotions. It was a small source of comfort amid the uncertainty that had clouded her heart.
As they both drifted into slumber, she imagined a future where everything would fall into place, where she could openly express her feelings to the boy upstairs. In the warm embrace of their Los Angeles home, she held onto the hope that the friendship that she shared with Matt would weather these feelings she has for him.
January 10, 2022
Dear Matt,
I have to say, you can be pretty stubborn. I warned you not to visit me and bring me food because I’d probably end up puking it all out (eww), and now you’ve gone and caught the cold too. Now everyone’s infected!
 But you know what? You bringing me food made my heart leap, I’m pretty sure you know how to make me fall in love with you even more. Nick texted me earlier that he and Chris have lost their sense of taste because of Covid, but you seem to be fine already so you’re making them try different drinks.
I’m feeling a lot better now and I’ve tested negative for Covid, thankfully. Still, I’m dreading the day I go back to school. Ugh.
Alahna mentioned about wanting to visit you guys, but I know deep down she just wanted to see Chris. Haha.
Just so you know Matt, I love you. I think you probably know that already, but I wanted to say it anyway here.
She was certain that Matthew Sturniolo was going to be the death of her. The mischievous boy had cornered her against the kitchen counter, removing the chocolate residue that Nick had playfully smeared across her forehead. It was a sticky, gross mess, but Matt was attentively cleaning it up with a wet face towel. And there he stood, in all his splendid glory – tall and handsome. Nick and Chris's laughter in the background only intensified the fluttering of her heart.
"There, all gone," he confirmed, a warm smile gracing his features, the kind of smile that always had the power to weaken her knees.
"You're such an idiot, Nick," she scowled, avoiding Matt as she walked toward the center of the room.
"What? It kinda suits you," Nick replied, and the hearty laughter of Chris and Matt filled the room.
She flashed a playful smile. "Whatever. Are you guys ready to go?" she asked, her impatience showing.
The car ride proceeded as usual, with Matt behind the wheel and Chris in the passenger seat, en route to Chloe's house for a swim and to meet their other friends. The broken AUX meant the soft tunes of the radio filled the air, harmonizing with the breezy Boston weather.
"Matt, if you don't put me down, I'll kill you!" she screamed.
"Come on, it's not that serious," he laughed, making his way towards the pool.
"I don't care! Seriously, Matt, don't do thi-" But before she could finish her sentence, she found herself submerged in the pool.
"You're such an asshole," she grumbled, retaliating by splashing water at him. He chuckled and swam away.
A few feet away, Chris was engrossed in conversation with Nate about an Amazon package he had ordered, while Nick sat nearby, casually nodding and occasionally chiming in.
When she turned her attention back to Matt, he quickly splashed water on her face again. "Stop it. I mean it," her voice carried a trace of laughter.
"Okay, okay." Matt gazed at her for a moment, his smile fading.
"What?" she grumbled, feeling a twinge of self-consciousness under his gaze.
"Nothing. You're just really pretty," he said.
Moments like this only added to her confusion about where she stood in his life. Her heart skipped a beat, and she was momentarily taken aback, but she was swift to respond and hide her feelings. "Yeah, pretty annoyed at you," she said, pinching her nose to hide the forming blush.
Matt shook his head, a warm chuckle escaping his lips. He decided not to delve further into the matter. Why was he acting like this?
They lingered at the pool for a few more minutes. Matt's intimate touches making her melt, and his constant glances at her lips only added to the simmering heat of the Massachusetts summer.
The ride back home was interesting, she couldn't ignore the flutter of anticipation mixed with uncertainty that had settled in her heart. The day had been filled with subtle gestures and flirty remarks, leaving her wondering if their friendship was tiptoeing towards something more.
That night, when everyone had returned to the boys' home and a drowsy Matt lay beside her, she allowed herself to sleep soundly, knowing that something was undeniably changing between them.
February 3, 2022
Dear Matt,
I watched with Sam your new video. Chris mentioned about a little dinner you guys will have later, I’m so sad. I wish I was there. Anyway, Nick is Sam’s favorite. I couldn’t help but agree. Haha.
I know you’re busy with like stuff there and me too. My professors are killing me with these projects and assignments, also, I learned matcha helps with anxiety. I’ll have you taste it next time we see each other.
Also, you keep asking me why I’m sad, I didn’t think you would notice. How do I tell you, Matt, that the reason I’m sad is because I love you?
March 14, 2022
It has been so busy lately, oh my god. I lost my trusty pen because we moved dorms, but it’s all good now. I got so much work to do with finals coming up as well.
Anyway, I saw your tiktok with Nick today. You looked really cute with the Eeyore shirt, and I’m glad you’re still wearing that necklace I gave you last Christmas.
I miss you Matt. I’ll text you later when I’m done with class.
The car ride to IHOP proved to be quite intriguing, to say the least. Chris had evidently concocted a few surprises before their departure to California and before Spring break came to an end, forcing her to return to Morrissey Blvd.
Matt seemed unusually cheerful that day, expressing his desire to take her out, as well as everyone back home, for a little treat.
In that moment, it almost felt like things were back to the way they used to be. She occupied the passenger seat, engaged in a playful argument with Chris over control of the aux cord. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Matt, his amusement evident as he fought the urge to break into a broad smile.
As Nick and Chris hurried to enter the house after Matt had parked the car at their Somerville home, he prevented her from getting out. Matt fixed his gaze on her, a gentle smile dancing across his face, as he softly uttered, "I really missed you."
There he was again, stirring emotions within her, clouding her thoughts. "Me too," she responded shyly.
"Truth is, I wanted to spend the day with you, alone," he admitted, rolling his eyes playfully. "But I couldn't say no to them."
"That's okay."
A brief silence settled between them.
"What's on your mind, Matt?" She furrowed her brow, sensing that he had something he wanted to say something.
"Nothing. I'm just happy I'm home..." He trailed off, his voice carrying a hint of longing. "Seeing you, being here... with you."
Inside, she silently pleaded with him, "Don't do this to me, Matt. Don't say these things and expect me not to fall in love with you."
"Why? Has LA not been treating you well?" She pressed.
"No, no, LA's great," he replied, offering a smile before shifting his gaze towards their small garage at home.
"What is it?" she whispered softly, just loud enough for him to hear.
"I really don't know," he confessed.
Meeting his gaze once more, she couldn't help but smile. "Okay, then tell me once you've figured it out." She chose to lighten the mood, knowing that he was dangerously close to unraveling her with those looks he kept giving her.
April 8, 2022
Dear Matt,
Today you asked me what I want.
to be with you, that’s all I want.
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September 2023
When Luke left for the San Diego, she looked around her room.
She gazed at the framed photo that hung beside her closet. In the picture, she and Matt were watching a movie, and slowly, they had leaned on each other. As they grew more comfortable, she had briefly considered adjusting her posture, but she couldn’t resist a sleepy Matt. The next thing she knew, his arms were wrapped around her, and they were nestled together, fast asleep. Neither of them had acknowledged it, but Nick had managed to sneakily capture a photo of them when he woke up at 4 a.m. to turn off the living room lights.
A bittersweet feeling loomed over her. She remembered the day all too well. With his mom waking them up for waffles and before things took a turn for the worst.
May 13, 2022
Hi Matt,
Only a few more months till I visit you guys in L.A. I’m kind of nervous but Chris assured me that everything would be fine.
I’m also excited to meet Madi, Nick said she’s nice, so I feel like we’ll get a long pretty well.
Everyone around them can see how much they love each other, from her mom and his mom to her dad, her sister, and even the entire Sturniolo family, including their grandmother. But a silent understanding prevailed; no one uttered a word about it. Perhaps they were all waiting for the day when Matt and her would finally act on their feelings. That's why when Luke entered the picture, it took everyone by surprise. Her mom, Elizabeth would drop hints about Matt’s brothers, mentioning that she saw their mom at the grocery store, and asks about Justin's new girlfriend, in which were all met with her silent nods. From behind her, her parents shared a knowing look.
Luke was the safe choice. He didn't make her feel like she had to beg for his love. He was dependable, polite to her parents, adored by her cousins, and fulfilled all the checkboxes of what she needed. He was unafraid of public displays of affection, and constantly tells that he loves her. Luke wasn't bothered by the story of her intimate friendship with Matt; he remained indifferent.
As time passed, the difference between Matt and Luke became more apparent. Luke, with his warmth and openness, brought stability and security to her life. Their relationship flowed smoothly, and the world seemed to accept them as a couple without question.
Yet, the blue-eyed boy who had once held her heart had an uncanny ability to infiltrate her thoughts. No matter how much she had tried to move on and embrace this new love, Matt remained an enigma. He was the unspoken part in her life, a book she couldn't close. She always wondered if he ever thought about her as she did about him.
It had been a few months since she had made the choice to be with Luke, months of happiness and contentment. But the heart has a way of keeping secrets, and hers held a special place for the blue-eyed boy in Los Angeles.
June 9, 2022
Dear Matt, two more months! God, I’m so over these classes, I swear. Samantha got really drunk two nights ago, it was so funny. I should’ve taken a video but whatever. Mom called me earlier today asking for my flight details, I guess she’s as excited as me.
July 16, 2022
Summer is finally here! I mean, it's been here for a while, but I'm looking forward to seeing all of you for your birthday next month. You better bring me to the thrift shops Nick was talking about the other day in the call.
August 17, 2022
I still can't quite believe you never told me about her. So, she was the girl Nick mentioned the last time you guys went home.
I couldn't help but notice the way you looked at me, and how I instinctively recoiled when she introduced herself. How did I not know? And why does she seem to know so much about me when I didn't even know her name?
Chris tried to console me that night, and I appreciated it. I also noticed how Nick was glancing at me, likely gauging my reaction to it all.
Matt, you don’t know what I’d give to stop being in love with you.
As the months passed, the girlfriend revelation of Matt was soon forgotten. She became increasingly immersed in college life. While Matt would text her from time to time and they would occasionally have video calls with Nick, she learned to accept the way things were. She had to make a conscious effort to push aside the memory of that night in Griffith Park when they had laughed and hugged, with her secretly gazing at his face and him giving her that look she adored. She came to the realization that if this was how things were going to be, she would be happy for him, even if it meant breaking her own heart. She contemplated Chris's words, but they didn't matter; what mattered was that Matthew was happy, and that's all she cared about. It seemed like everyone had forgotten about it too.
Matt was a private person, subtly posting little reminders of his girlfriend, but it didn't escape her notice how much it hurt her heart.
The longer she suppresses her emotions, the easier it seems, she believes. Suddenly, seven months have passed since that fateful night in LA, and March ‘23 is approaching steadily. Deep down, she's aware that she hasn't been honest with herself throughout this entire period, but she resigns herself to the reality of the situation. It is what it is, and she's compelled to carry on, masking her true feelings.
September 20, 2022
Dear Matt,
It's been a month since that night in LA, and Chris has never brought up our conversation again. I trust him. Life has felt quite mundane lately. I still have my moments, but I'm doing okay. I'm trying my best not to dwell on it too much. I suppose I felt betrayed, you know?
Yesterday, Chloe and Alahna came to visit, and we ate burgers. When I finally admitted my feelings to Alahna, I broke down. She told me she had always known I was in love with you, and with Chloe agreeing, both of them sharing the same sentiments, it left me wondering just how oblivious you can be.
October 5, 2022
Dear Matt,
I don’t know why you look at me that way, as though you could genuinely love me, even though deep down, I know you don't, and I know you won't.
Nick mentioned your plans for a trip to Florida to visit her. I tried to convince myself that it wouldn't hurt, but my own curiosity led me to check her Instagram. It was a mistake. I stumbled upon a photo of you two kissing on the beach, and I felt like such a fool for thinking this was something I could handle. I ended up in tears, obviously, poured my heart out to Samantha. I desperately wanted to forget, to stop these feelings.
I truly did try not to love you.
I really did.
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November 3, 2022
"You know I hate these types of parties," she grumbled. "Do I even look good?"
"Girl, please, you look good every day," Madi assured her.
The night was still young, and everyone was on their way to this party the boys had been invited to. Chris was practically bouncing in the front of the car, and Matt, always effortlessly handsome, drove with calm and cool confidence.
Nick tried to comfort her. "You'll be fine. They're actually nice."
But she tuned out Nick's words as they entered the venue. The booming music only heightened her nervousness amid the lively crowd.
When Nick, Madi, and Chris entered the party, she found herself walking closely beside Matt. He was well aware of her uneasiness at these kinds of gatherings. With a gentle touch on her lower back, Matt guided her towards a group of people. Leaning in, he whispered into her ear, his face mere inches from hers, and for a moment, it felt like they were the only two people in the entire party. "You look really good tonight. Don't worry too much. I'm here."
A thought crossed her mind – he's such a flirt without even realizing it.
Under the party's red lights, his lips looked incredibly inviting. If only he didn't have a girlfriend living across the country, she might have kissed him. Of course, that's only if he wanted to kiss her too.
She sighed, as the party continued to buzz around them and the night progressed, surprisingly, she found herself genuinely enjoying the evening, engaging in conversations with Madi. However, she couldn't help but notice that Matt kept stealing glances at her. Fueled by newfound confidence, she walked up to him. "Hey, stranger," he greeted her with a smile, her savoring the sight of that familiar grin.
She could feel his warmth. "Shut up, Matthew. I'm so hot right now; you guys weren't kidding about Los Angeles being intense."
"You are hot, sweetheart."
"Yeah, this leather jacket Madi lent me—"
"No, I don't mean your outfit."
Before she knew it, their faces were inches apart, his eyes locked onto her lips. This was it, she thought. He was going to kiss her. After all those years of pining for him, the past didn't matter anymore. What mattered was now.
He was driving her crazy. And then it happened – he kissed her, and the world stopped. Their lips met in a passionate, consuming kiss. Sure, she had kissed boys in high school, but this was different. This was Matt. She could feel his hands on her neck and waist, his lips following hers when she needed to breathe. This was how it was supposed to be, she thought, her lips on Matt's. Her best friend, the boy she had loved since they were 18, kissing her beneath the Los Angeles night sky. As their lips remained locked in a passionate kiss, she felt an electric charge surge through her. All the inhibitions, the uncertainties, and the fear of what might follow were momentarily forgotten. All that mattered in that heart-pounding moment was the taste of Matthew Sturniolo on her lips, a forbidden but intoxicating sensation she had yearned for since they were teenagers.
“Five years of friendship flushed down the drain just so I could know what Matthew Sturniolo tastes like.” (Ifykyk. This is one of my favorite lines from a book!!)
When their lips brushed again, a soft moan threatened to escape her swollen lips, and her head began to swim with desire.
"Oh my god," she muttered senselessly, her mouth still locked with Matt's.
His touches ignited a fire within her, the heat of his mouth overwhelming her senses.
"Fuck," he breathed, pulling away from her and running his hands through his unruly hair. "Fuck, I shouldn't have done that."
Her stomach sank as embarrassment washed over her. She didn't speak for a moment, still reeling from the intensity of the kiss. "I'm sorry."
"No, I—" He choked on his words. Horror painted his expression as he struggled to make eye contact with her. "I shouldn't be kissing you."
His internal conflict was palpable, and the emotions on his face left her feeling utterly perplexed. They were both breathless, caught in a state of shock. She was about to cry when Chris walked in with a cup full of soda.
"Are you guys ready to go? Nick's about to beat a bitch up-" Chris asked laughing, seemingly oblivious to what had just transpired. "What happened, Matt?"
A concerned look began to appear on Chris’ face as he assessed the aftermath of the situation.
"Just let it go, Chris," Matt muttered, looking at the ground.
"Let's go," she insisted, taking quick strides past Chris to find Nick and Madi, eager to get away from the confusing situation and head back home. Meanwhile, Chris tried once more, his voice hushed as he approached his brother. "What happened, Matt?" Seeing Matt in such a shocked state had him deeply concerned and worried about his brother.
November 29, 2022
I never should have visited again and allowed you to kiss me the way you did because I couldn't stop thinking about it afterward. The pure shock and regret in your eyes were enough to shatter me into pieces. We never discussed it when we got back to your house. Chris, with his knowing glances, probably figured it out, and I know you told him but thankfully, he didn't press the issue. The morning after was just as uneasy; you didn't come out from your room until 4 pm. Nick was concerned, but I was too nervous to say anything, feeling like a colossal mistake that had happened.
But I knew, when you looked at me to say goodbye at the airport, that I was hoping it meant even a fraction as much to you as it did to me.
We didn't speak for two weeks following that day, but today you sent me a text saying you were sorry. Our conversation resumed, but neither of us mentioned it again. I didn't ask if you had told her; that was none of my business.
You have to understand, Matt, that before you kissed me, I was always yours, if only you had looked closely enough to see it.
Christopher Sturniolo had never appeared shocked in his entire life. It was as if the heavens had granted him this shocking revelation.
Nick's voice echoed, "Okay, what the hell happened between you two at that party? You've been moping for days, and you didn't even take out the trash when I asked you to!"
"We kissed!" Matt lashed out at Nick. “Happy now, Nick?”
"Oh, shit. This is good. I mean no, this is bad, you have a girlfriend," Chris winced.
Matt's thoughts raced to Florida. His girlfriend’s going to be furious.
"I know," he muttered, feeling a headache coming on.
Days had passed since they dropped her off at the airport and her departure making Matt more confused as ever.
He groaned, unable to believe he had allowed that situation to unfold. He had also been ignoring her.
"Get your shit together, Matt. Seriously, you can't just kiss her and pretend it didn't happen!" Nick's frustration was too intense for Matt's liking.
"This is bad, Matt," Madi's voice sounded small as she contemplated the situation, her thoughts divided between the girl in Florida and the other one in Boston. This was undoubtedly going to be a messy affair, she thought.
Their comments offered no solace to Matt's torn heart, a whirlwind of suppressed feelings from his teenage years. He didn't genuinely regret the kiss, but he had a girlfriend, someone good who trusted him, and he had shattered that trust by succumbing to his feelings for his best friend.
"Okay, okay, Matt, breathe," Chris tried to comfort his brother.
"I can't do this," Matt said, standing up in frustration. "Let's not talk about this again. It's too much."
He stormed off and slammed his bedroom door shut, leaving Nick, Chris, and Madi in stunned silence.
"I don't understand why he just won't admit that she's always been it for him?" Madi questioned, her gaze shifting between the two brothers.
"Because he's an idiot, Madi," Nick replied, his annoyance evident in his tone.
The situation was complicated, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was playing with fire. His relationship with his girlfriend was hanging by a thread, and the unspoken tension with his best friend was driving him to the brink of frustration.
Matt knew he had to make a choice, a decision that could alter the course of his life. The pain of knowing he had hurt someone he cared about and the fear of losing the person who had been his confidant for years weighed heavily on him.
He was at a crossroads, and there was no easy path to take. He couldn't escape the truth, unsure of where his heart truly belonged.
December 20, 2022
Dear Matt,
It seems like things have returned to normal. Nick has stopped bombarding me with constant texts, asking if I'm okay, and Chris's late-night calls have ceased. I heard you broke up with her, I know you'd never share all the gritty details with me, but it probably was for the best. I can't help but feel like a terrible person for playing a role in your relationship's downfall. Alahna said it wasn’t my fault, but I feel like she’s just saying that, you know? I can't shake this feeling, I keep thinking I wasn't worth the risk. But then, you had a girlfriend at the time, so I understood. You'll have to forgive me, because I've never stopped thinking about that night since you kissed me.No one will ever be able to knock the wind out of me again. Not like that, not like you, Matthew.
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January 2023
Matt clung to the familiar comforts of their Boston home, the very thought of remaining in the same bed that had cradled him in warmth and surrounded by the cherished memories of his childhood with his brothers offered solace to his melancholic heart.
Despite the fact that it was only the second week of January, the jarring noise of Nick's suitcase scraping against the floor downstairs served as an unwelcome reminder of the imminent reality awaiting him in just two days.
He yearned for the days before their move to California when life was different. He pined for the crisp, cold embrace of winter and the warm, welcoming smile she had for him whenever she would visit. Without a doubt, summer was his least favorite season.
Three days ago was her birthday, yet she was still in Nantucket, enjoying a vacation with her family. She texted him just two hours ago, explaining that she would be busy exploring the place with her aunt.
He had also gifted her a necklace, a token of their shared memories, as she had once given him last Christmas ago. The necklace was a heart-shaped silver pendant, a symbolic representation of his heart. He had chosen it with such devotion that Chris had teased him, saying he was like choosing an engagement ring. Matt silently agreed, but the truth was, he couldn't forget that night, the kiss they had shared, and how she had looked painfully beautiful beneath the soft, dim lights of the party.
His mom offered a comforting hug upon their arrival from the airport; Nick had probably told her over the phone about what had happened last November. As he looked around, everything had changed, yet he always felt the same.
He noticed it, as did everyone else, when Alahna and Nate visited; she didn't come. She was distant, and he couldn't help but feel guilty. It was all his fault. He had kissed her and pretended it didn't happen, only offering a sorry that didn't even comfort his own heart. Matt couldn't help but recall the conversations he had with his brothers late at night, in the car, about her being in love with him. Had he been so foolish not to notice the longing glances she directed his way?
It was four days after Christmas when he finally got up and entered Chris's room, the brightly lit space giving him a headache.
He found his brother scrolling through his phone, stress evident on Matt's face.
"Wow, you look like shit," Chris said, looking up. "What's going on? Nate has been bugging us to go to his house. Apparently..."
"Chris," Matt whispered, frustrated.
Chris leaned in, his concern evident in his eyes. "What's eating at you, Matt?" Matt had now settled on his bed, his legs touching Chris's sock-covered feet.
Matt sighed heavily, his emotions bubbling to the surface. "It's her. Something's not right, and I can't ignore it anymore. I kissed her, and then I acted like it never happened. I gave her this weak apology that didn't even begin to cover it. Now she's distant, and I can't shake this feeling that it's all my fault."
Chris listened attentively, his brows furrowing with understanding. "You've been worried about this for a while, huh?"
Matt nodded, the weight of the situation pressing on him. "Yeah. I mean, remember we've had late-night talks about her having feelings for me?  And now, I can't help but wonder if I've been too blind to see it. Maybe I've hurt her more than I realized."
Chris put a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "Look, you can't change the past, but you can talk to her, try to understand how she feels. Maybe it's not as bad as you think."
A beat passed as Matt solemnly gazed at his brother.
"I think I'm in love with her, Chris. Nick was right. I am in love with her," Matt said, eyes heavy from lack of sleep.
With Matt's confession hanging heavily in the air, Chris finally broke his silence. He leaned forward, a half-smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Congrats Matt, you're the last one to know," he said. "We've known for a long time that you felt this way."
Matt sat up, eyes widened in surprise. "You have?"
Chris nodded. "Yeah, it was kind of obvious, the way you'd light up every time she walked into the room. Mom mentioned before that you guys are two peas in a pod. She said it was only a matter of time before you realized she had always been here."
Matt sighed, unsure of himself. "I have no idea what to do, Chris. I'm just so scared of messing everything up."
"Well, technically you already did, idiot," Chris grinned sheepishly. “Just tell her how you feel. What's the worst that could happen?"
January 19, 2023
Chris was being weird, big time. He kept asking if I have talked to you. We talk every day, don’t we? Does he not know that?
Anyway, Chris being Chris, I guess.
You wanted me to visit for Spring break again, but I don’t think I can, but I’ll see you when you fly for Nate’s birthday in June. I cannot wait.
You seemed different these days, Matt.
As days turned into weeks, Matt struggled with his emotions in silence. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing her and making things awkward between them. His ex-girlfriend didn't handle his confession well. She said had expected it and firmly told him not to contact her again.
This situation took a toll on Matt because he never intended for things to become so complicated. He was willing to do anything to prevent it.
Realizing he was in love with his best friend left a bittersweet feeling in his heart. He had been fooling himself all these time with him ignoring the intimate moments they shared and him being clueless as to why she reacted the way she did when she found out he had a girlfriend or when he kissed her.
He wanted nothing more than to fly to the East Coast just to see her, but he felt like it wasn't the right time, especially with college going on.
Matt appreciated the updates from her about school and life, but he can't help but feel things have changed in the air between them especially when she turned down the suggestion of her visiting again for the upcoming spring break. Matt understood and he knows that she too, was processing her own feelings just as he was.
Chris, talkative and ever supportive, insisted that she had always loved Matt too, with Nick joining in on the teasing, he couldn't help but feel hopeful. All of his loved ones reassuring him that things had always been this way. Two peas in a pod.
His Mom also called the other day after Nick had shared the details with her. “Oh, honey, we’ve always known,” her sweet voice comforting Matt. “Don’t worry about a thing; I’m certain she has loved you since the day she laid eyes on you.”
February 14, 2023
Dear Matt,
Samantha teased me today about not having a Valentine's date, but I told her I didn't need one. Anyway, seeing all the couples around campus makes me miss you even more and I know I might sound negative but it's a bit overwhelming.
I remember 2 valentines ago when you made me that pink cupcake with a heart on it. You were so excited to give it to me that you had a little argument with Nick in the car because he was taking too long to get ready, and you couldn't wait for me to see it. I also remember that rainy Valentine's Day when you stopped by my house just to give me the flowers you had bought earlier that day. The soft look on your face, the sly smile and damp hair was enough to make my knees weak. I also remember how Chris snickered from the passenger seat when you said the flowers reminded you of me. I miss you so much Matt. I wish you could have been here with me today, but you're in Palm Springs having a blast.
It's already February, Matt and I don't know how many more seasons I'll spend loving you.
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February 14, 2019
"Hurry up, you idiot. Holy shit, I've been sitting here in the car for 20 minutes, and you're still not ready," Matt complained, clearly annoyed.
"Wow, Matt, what's gotten into you? Sorry, holy fuck," Nick responded, taken aback by his brother's sudden outburst.
Chris chimed in; his teasing tone evident as he laughed. "Calm down, Matt, I'm sure she'll understand if we're a little late."
"Shut up, Chris, it's not that. It's just the fact that Nick always does this," Matt retorted, starting the car.
"Is this what this is about? You being excited to give her your cupcake?" Nick teased, making a face at Chris and smirking.
"You're stupid, Nick." Matt grumbled, proceeding to drive down the familiar road to her house, a route he had taken many times before.
February 14, 2020
"Chris, come on, wake up!" Matt's voice boomed through his brother's room. It was 3 pm in the afternoon, and Nick had already been pestering them to go out. "I'm up, please get out of my face, Matt. I'll kill you," Chris grumbled sleepily.
With Chris in his usual grumpy state and Nick being overly excited, Matt found himself stopping by a nearby flower shop in Somerville. As he stood in front of the various types of flowers, his focused remained on a bouquet of tulips. He had heard from their mom the other day how exceptionally pretty tulips were.
Unbeknownst to Matt, Chris had slipped out of the car to join him. "You're getting flowers for her?" Chris asked, his tone laced with teasing.
"Yeah," Matt replied with a nonchalant shrug.
"Huh," Chris remarked, flashing a smile at the elderly woman behind the counter before turning his gaze back to his brother. "Why?"
"Because" Matt rolled his eyes, "why not?"
"Fair enough, geez, I'm just curious."
"Do you think she'll like tulips?"
Chris grinned and gave his brother an incredulous look, as if he found Matt's question amusingly strange. "She'll absolutely love them, Matt."
"Great," Matt said, clapping his hands together. "I'll get it," he cheerfully declared, already making his way toward the old woman.
With his usual teasing, Chris added, "Why don't you pick up some chocolates and write her a love letter too while you're at it?" He couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle.
"Shut up, Chris," Matt said dismissively.
As the rain began to pour, Chris watched his brother buy the flowers and wondered how unaware Matt can be with his own feelings.
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March 2023
It was the week of Samantha's birthday, and she found herself contemplating on going. She didn't want to come across as a buzzkill for considering not attending, but the truth was, she often found immense joy in staying in on Friday nights. However, there were moments when she felt sad while lying in bed, especially upon hearing from Madi that all of them was heading to a party. Her thoughts would drift to Matt, wondering how he was doing or if he met someone. She tried to push the thoughts away still.
Matt would text her late at night updating her that he was already home, and she would read his messages in the morning. She hated how different their lives now were, with her being in college and him having the time of his life in California.
Sadness washed over her again when she remembered the kiss, they had shared last year. It saddened her to think that it might not have meant as much to Matt as it did to her, but it felt too late to bring it up now. He had apologized, and she had told him to forget about it.
With a change of heart, she confirmed to Samantha that she would indeed attend her birthday celebration. It was time to step out and have some fun, she thought. If Matt could do it, so could she.
The backyard of the Airbnb is transformed with colorful decorations and fairy lights are strung along the trees. The little bonfire in the center, surrounded by Samantha's friends chatting and laughing made her anxious, there is a lot more people than she thought.
She spotted Samantha and approached her cheerfully. "Samantha! Happy birthday!"
"Oh my gosh, you're here! I've been waiting for you. I'm so glad you made it."
"Me too," she replied, enveloping the curly-haired birthday girl in a warm embrace.
"Please, enjoy yourself tonight, alright? We have drinks and food in the kitchen, and I think Lorraine is around here somewhere," Samantha mentioned.
"Yeah, of course. You don't need to worry about me. I'll have a great time," she reassured her. "Go ahead and mingle."
"Alright, I'll catch up with you later, okay?" Samantha planted a peck on her cheek and continued welcoming other guests.
When she surveyed the crowd, she mentally reminded herself to grab a drink to avoid just standing there awkwardly. The party was in full swing, and despite her nagging desire to be in her cozy bed, she was determined to have a great time.
"Hey girl, how are you? I didn't see you come in. Have you seen Sam yet?" Lorraine greeted her with a warm hug, while Hannah waved.
"Hi, Lor, I'm good. And yeah, I just did. I just got here too so," she replied.
"That's great. You didn't get lost, did you?" Lorraine said with a playful grin.
She chuckled, “No."
Lorraine is Samantha's best friend from high school, she has long black hair, sharp eyes, and legs for days.
"Do you drink?" Lorraine asked, as Hannah busied herself mixing drinks at the counter.
"Uh, sometimes," she admitted, although deep down, she wasn't really fond of alcohol but tonight was different, though. She was feeling bold and what's a little alcohol after a rough week?
"We've got plenty here—tequila, beer, vodka, and all that jazz."
"I'll take a beer, please," she decided, opting for a more casual choice.
As the night wore, she took small sips of her drink and appreciated the light-hearted conversations with Lorraine and Hannah, which kept her from constantly checking her phone. Two hours ago, Matt sent her a text about whatever, but she ignored it. Truth is, she still feels a little hurt and awkward with him because of everything that has happened. Just for the night, she allowed herself to clear her mind of thoughts about the blue-eyed boy in California.
"I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back," she informed the couple, receiving only nods in response.
Aware of the dangers of drink spiking, she was cautious and brought her beer with her.
The hallways were narrow, and she wondered how many people had made out in these halls. There were many rooms too and photo frames with inspiring quotes that adorned the walls. Her trip to the bathroom was going fine until she bumped into a guy.
“I'm so sorry," she apologized frantically, searching for the green tissue pack in her little bag while setting the glass of beer on a nearby table. Her white top was now stained with liquor, which was just great. The embarrassment of the situation was overwhelming, leaving her unable to think straight.
"No worries," The guy chuckled, clearly taken aback by the unexpected encounter. "I should've been more careful."
She handed him the tissues, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "That was so embarrassing. I'm truly sorry," she said with a sheepish smile.
"Don't worry about it. It’ll dry," he replied with a reassuring smile.
“"I'm really sorry," she winced as she saw him examining his now alcohol-soaked shirt.
"It's okay," he smiled softly, causing her cheeks to turn pink. When he noticed her freezing in embarrassment, he spoke up again, "Hey, apology accepted. Please don't worry about it. I can just wipe this off, and I'll be fine."
She nodded and whispered, "I'm so embarrassed."
"Really, I'm over it now. Besides, it's my fault for not looking. You got drenched too," he chuckled, glancing at her blouse.
"Yeah, don't worry about me. It's not as bad as yours. Can I at least help you with that?" she offered.
"What? Help me wipe this beer off? Nah, I'm good. You go do your thing," he dismissed her with another friendly smile.
Feeling somewhat defeated, she simply nodded and said, "Alright."
In the bathroom, she found herself shaking her head in embarrassment while trying to wash off the small beer stain on her top. The night is not going well, and she was starting to regret not staying home. Why did embarrassing situations always seem to find her at parties?
After a few minutes of recovery and self-reflection, she returned to where Lorraine and Hannah were. But before she could reach the couple, she spotted the guy she had bumped into earlier. Hannah was chatting with him and giggling, while Lorraine wore an amused expression that made her feel even more self-conscious. Great, he knew them and had definitely shared the incident with them.
Hannah noticed her approaching and said, "Oh, I see you've already met our friend, Luke!"
The mischievous glint in Hannah's eyes confirmed that he had indeed told what had happened.
"Yeah," she replied shyly, smiling. "I think he has already told you how we met."
Luke laughed while Lorraine snickered. "Don't worry, he's not upset with you. In fact, he thinks you're cute, right Luke?"
"Ignore Lorraine. Nice to meet you," he said, flashing her a warm smile and offered his hand. She couldn't help but notice the dimples in his cheeks or how perfectly curled his hair was.
"You too," she replied with a smile, shaking his hand, feeling her embarrassment vanish little by little.
Matthew Sturniolo was confused once again for the millionth time in his life, and his brothers found it funny.
Just five minutes ago, Nick mentioned she was at a party. Matt's head shot up upon hearing what his brother said.
"So, that's why she wasn't replying," Matt said, fingers fast on opening Instagram. "She didn't mention about going to a party."
With furrowed brows, he watched her story, where a girl with jet black hair was seen pouring a drink into a red up. The background confirming that she was indeed at a crowded party.
"She doesn't have to share everything with you, you know?" Nick rolled his eyes, as if Matt should already know this.
Chris chuckled, rising from his slouched position on the couch. "Yeah, you guys aren't dating, so why should she keep you in the loop about everything?"
Chris was teasing him, and he was aware of it. Nick gave Chris a look that said, 'who does he think he is?'
But Matt didn't care. It bothered him that she didn't even tell him knowing how much she disliked parties. He reopened their text conversation and stared at his unanswered message.
He sent another text:
Hey, just checking in. Saw your Instagram story. Hope everything's ok 😊
Turning to his brothers, who were now grinning, Matt asked, somewhat annoyed, "What?"
"Come on, Matt, lighten up. She can take care of herself," Chris teased again.
"She's a grown woman, Matt," Nick shrugged.
"Fine, I don't care," Matt grumbled, shifting his attention to the TV in front of him.
"Except you do, lover boy," Nick replied, and Chris laughed.
Matt stayed quiet, ignoring his brothers' teasing. He didn't need to know every detail of her life, and Chris was right. She could manage on her own but tonight he just felt uneasy. Was she ignoring him on purpose? Is he losing her?
He did his best to shake the thoughts as he stared at his empty notifications bar, hoping it wouldn't bother him as the night wore.
“Trouble in paradise?” Luke asked curiously, a playful smile gracing his beautiful face as he observed her reaction to a text message she had received, which seemed to elicit an anxious sigh from her, if Luke were to point it out.
She nervously chuckled and replied, "No, it's just my best friend asking how I'm doing," explaining helplessly. Luke nodded, choosing not to press any further.
They were now outside, surrounded by the soft chatter and faint music coming from the house. Lorraine and Hannah had left them 15 minutes ago to mingle with the other guests.
"So, is Sam a good roommate?" Grateful that he was attempting to initiate conversation and maintain a lighthearted atmosphere, considering what happened earlier. Lorraine had already explained that they had all been friends since high school and that Samantha was her roommate.
She chuckled and replied, "Yes, she is, thankfully. Although she tends to dance when she's drunk."
Luke laughed and shook his head, agreeing, "I heard she could be a handful when drunk," recalling a conversation he had with his own friends years ago.
"What do you study, again?" She asked, changing the subject. Realizing she couldn't quite remember what he had mentioned earlier, as she had been preoccupied with trying to forget the awkward bathroom encounter.
"Oh, I study business at SDSU, same school as Lorraine," he replied. “You’re studying computer science, right?”
She nodded, unwilling to discuss her major further. "How's Boston treating you? Do you enjoy it here so far?"
"Well, I've only been here for three days, and I've still got two more to go, but yeah, I like it. Just not used to the weather, that's all," Luke replied, looking down at her.
"Oh, yeah, I completely agree. Boston's weather is moody, unlike California's. It's very different," she said.
"I don't mind," Luke shrugged. "It's my first time here, after all."
"Really?" She turned to face him fully.
"Yeah, don't tell anyone, but I've never actually been to any state other than where I live," he chuckled, taking a sip of his own drink.
"Well, I think you deserve a proper tour from a native!" She looked up at him, smiling.
"You think so?" Luke grinned at her knowingly, his eyes twinkling with playfulness.
"Yeah, I mean, I've got nothing to do. I'm finished with most of my projects."
She couldn't pinpoint the source of her newfound confidence, whether it was the influence of alcohol or perhaps Luke’s casual smiles and affectionate glances throughout the evening.
He laughed, obviously amused by her eagerness, and she couldn't help but notice how nice his teeth were and how his curls looked.
"What's so funny?" She raised her eyebrows at him, a faint smile on her lips.
Still smiling, Luke replied, "Nothing, you're really cute."
She went silent, a blush forming on her cheeks. She was about to speak when he continued, "But yeah, a tour would be nice. Maybe we could get some lobsters?"
She snickered, the alcohol giving her confidence once again. "Are you asking me out on a date?"
"If you want it to be," he shrugged coolly, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Well, it's not a date. I'm just a new friend touring my new friend in the city," she declared.
He chuckled once again, his voice ringing in her ears. "Okay then, it's not a date."
She didn't even realize how engrossed they were in each other until Samantha approached them with a wide smile. "I see you two have already met," Samantha said, her eyes holding a hint of mischief.
"Sam!" She turned her attention away from Luke, her surprise evident. "Hi. Yeah, it's kind of a long story," she said, offering a sheepish smile.
Luke chuckled. "Your roommate here seems eager to show me around the city."
"Is that so?" Samantha looked between them, clearly amused.
The atmosphere remained light-hearted. Samantha’s playful smirk hinted at her enjoyment of the situation.
“Well, if she’s offering to be your tour guide, you’re in for a treat,” Samantha said, looking at Luke with a playful glint in her eye. “She knows all the best spots in Boston.”
Luke nodded with enthusiasm. “I have no doubt about that. I’m excited.”
Samantha winked at them both. “You’re in good hands.”
She understood that Samantha was insinuating something else. She wasn't stupid and she very was certain that tomorrow, the birthday girl would pester her about this encounter with Luke.
Samantha and Lorraine gave them knowing looks after Luke offered to walk her home and after a moment’s hesitation, she agreed. It was just a 10-minute walk to campus, after all.  She didn’t want to be rude, but she also didn't want to walk home all alone at night.
She couldn’t help but remember Matt. Her Matt. The Matt she had been ignoring for hours now.
It had been an eternity since someone had taken the time to do this for her. She remembered from their high school days, how Matt used to walk her to her door, the way their hands would touch a little while walking, and her secret hope that he would kiss her goodbye. Of course, Matt never did.
“It’s been so long,” she whispered, her heart aching, unintentionally saying it out loud. Luke stopped mid-sentence.
“What?” He asked, confused.
She shook her head, caught off guard by her unexpected outpouring of emotion. “Oh, I’m sorry. I got a bit lost in thought. Please continue, what were you saying?”
“You did seem a little distracted all night. Is this still about the drink you spilled?”
“No, something else,” she replied, stealing another glance at her phone. Matt’s unanswered goodnight message, sent 20 minutes ago, weighed on her. “Just a lot happening in my life,” she chuckled, attempting to make it sound light for Luke’s benefit.
“Like school?” Luke asked again, his gaze steady.
“Yeah, something like that,” she answered, slipping her phone into her jeans pocket, concealing her suppressed longing.
Matt rose from his bed, finding no solace for his troubled heart in its confines. He headed downstairs to see if Chris was still awake.
"Hey, you up?" Matt opened the door to find his brother engrossed in his phone.
Chris looked up and said, "Oh, hey. Yeah."
Matt let out a long sigh and flopped down on Chris's bed.
"Uh-oh," Chris turned off his phone and turned his full attention to Matt. "She still hasn't replied to your texts?"
"Nope," Matt grumbled. "I want to call her."
"Matt," Chris frowned, "Don't. I'm sure she's fine."
"This is just not like her," Matt added, feeling stupid.
"I thought you didn't care?" Chris teased.
"Of course, I care," Matt sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Damn, you’re really down bad.”
"Chris, what's keeping her so busy at this party? Tell me, have you ever been so engrossed at a party that you forget to check your phone all night?" Matt asked, sitting up as he tried to calm his racing mind and heart.
"Uh," Chris tried to think, but honestly, he wanted to say no. There was no plausible reason she would be so absorbed unless she was actively ignoring Matt.
"You see?" Matt widened his eyes, attempting to convince his brother. "What if something happened to her?"
Chris intervened, "Whoa, we're jumping to conclusions here. Look, Matt, I'll call her."
Matt watched hopefully as the seconds passed by.
Five rings, and then her voice came through the speakers. "Chris?" Her voice sweet as a honey to Matt's ears. She must have made it home because he couldn't hear any background noise.
How could she answer Chris and not even reply to his texts?
"Hey, look, I'm sorry. Did I wake you? Matt here has been worried sick about you. You're not replying to his texts—"
Matt snatched the phone from Chris's hand. "I'm sorry. Chris is an idiot. I'm not worried, trust me."
There was a brief silence, and Chris facepalmed, whispering, "What are you saying, Matt?"
When she didn't reply, Matt continued, "I mean, I am worried. Just checking in, you know?"
"Sorry, no, yeah, I'm good. I just got caught up with friends, that's why I didn't get the chance to reply." A lie.
Matt paced slowly in Chris's room, trying to imagine her face. Chris gave him a look that said, 'What are you doing? Get it together.'
"I was a little concerned," Matt admitted chuckling, downplaying his worries.
"I'm fine, Matt. I just got home 20 minutes ago," she replied, her voice a whisper. She must be smiling, Matt thought, though he couldn't see her.
"Thanks for checking in, and sorry for not answering your texts," she added.
"That's... that's okay. I'm glad you're home and safe."
"Me too. This guy was kind enough to walk me home. I mean Samantha's friend from the party, Luke."
Matt and Chris exchanged surprised glances. "Luke?"
"Yeah, he was really nice. Offered to walk me. Also, I didn't tell you, but I spilled beer on him, which was embarrassing, but he was sweet about it, so we're good."
Chris snickered, and Matt shot him a hard stare, his stomach sinking by the minute. Who the hell is Luke?
"You can't be serious," Matt chuckled, trying to conceal his concern. “What?”
"No, I'm dead serious. We talked all night, and then, yeah, that's it. I offered to show him around Boston tomorrow, just to make up for what happened, I guess." She continued her story, seemingly unaware of how it was affecting Matt.
Matt couldn't hide his unease. "You just met him like 3 hours ago, and now you're spending the day with him? Who is this guy?"
"No, he's really nice, I swear. Plus, he's Samantha's friend, so..." She was quick to defend.
"I'm just saying, you don't know this guy well enough to spend your whole day with him," Matt said, growing more upset by the minute.
"Well, how am I supposed to know him if we're not going to hang out?"
Chris chuckled, shaking his head, while Matt tried to keep his feelings in check.
"Up to you. I'm just looking out for you, you know that. Again, just saying. Be careful," Matt replied, struggling to hide his true emotions.
"Yes, Dad," she teased, rolling her eyes, though she was likely fighting off a smile.
"I'm serious. I'm just looking out," Matt insisted.
"I appreciate that, Matt. Don't worry, I'll update you guys tomorrow. Also, do you still remember the address of that pasta place we visited a year ago where Chris fell in love with the chicken alfredo?"
"I'll ask him," Matt's voice sounded small. He felt like he was losing her by the second. Who was this guy? Were they going on a date? He can already feel a headache coming and a lump forming in his throat.
"I'll text you the address," Chris shouted from across the room.
"Alright, I think I'm going to bed. I'm really tired," she said, still painfully unaware of Matt's feelings.
"Okay, then. Go to sleep. Text me tomorrow," Matt pleaded, his voice carrying a sense of desperation. "Please."
"I will, Matt. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Chris."
"Goodnight!" Chris cheerfully replied, clearly enjoying the situation way more than Matt was.
Deep inside, she felt a bit guilty for distancing herself from Matt, ignoring his texts, and even considering dating other guys, possibly including Luke in the future.
However, she loved Matt for a long time, but he never felt the same way. Some days it felt like he did, especially that time he had kissed her, but it was never enough. She believed that if he had ever felt the same way about her, she would have been aware of it by now.
She was becoming tired of constantly holding onto false hope, longing for a love that would never happen and yearning for a touch that seemed always just out of reach. She desired to be consumed by his fire, even if it meant getting burned.
She craved the warmth of his affection, the reassurance of his reciprocation, and the simple comfort of knowing that her love was not in vain.
Truth to be told, she knew that Matt deserved to know the depth of her feelings, even if it meant facing the harsh reality that he might not feel the same way. Love, after all, deserved to be known. On the other hand, she feared the potential fallout – the awkwardness, the possibility of rejection, and the damage it could do to their friendship.
She couldn't escape the fact that she had held this love within her for so long, it had become a part of her very being. It was like an unspoken truth that lingered in the air whenever they were together.
"Love has a right to be spoken. And you have the right to know that somebody loves you." - Ursula K. Le Guin, A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
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From the moment she pushed open the imposing wooden doors of the campus, she spotted Luke, leaning against a tree. The sunlight played upon his brown hair, making it appear lighter, and his eyes took on a golden hue.
It was undeniable, Luke was handsome. Every time she looked at him, it felt like a breath of fresh air on a crisp morning. Maybe it was something about the way his eyes locked onto her when she told stories, or how effortlessly he could reply with clever comebacks that always seemed perfectly timed. It was the way he carried himself that caused her poor heart to race a little.
When he caught sight of her, his face lit up. "Hey you," he grinned, his hands tucked into his pockets.
She returned his warm smile. "Hey yourself," she replied playfully, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “You ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” he said, extending his arm, inviting her to link hers with his.
She shot him a look that said, ‘I’m not doing that,’ but she rolled her eyes, still smiling and continued walking.
Luke caught up with her, shaking his head with amusement.
Walking side by side, Luke kept his hands in his pockets, while she tucked hers inside her jacket to shield herself from the chilly air. She couldn’t wait for March to be over.
The curly-haired boy was surprised when he noticed a list of places on her notes app. Luke found it incredibly cute that she had taken the time to jot it all down for him.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe you’ve listed everything,” he chuckled, glancing at her phone to catch a glimpse of their planned destinations. “You’re really committed to this, aren’t you?”
Despite his best efforts to meet her eyes, she remained engrossed in her phone, her gaze fixed on the screen. “Of course. I did say I’ll show you the city, remember?”
Luke’s curiosity was piqued, and his eyebrows raised. A small smile played on his lips. “Do you always do this?”
She couldn’t help but laugh at his question. It was quite out of character for her to agree to tour someone around the city, especially when they had only met the night before. But Luke had proven to be a pleasant distraction from the strange texts she had been receiving from Matt lately plus he was really cute.
“To be honest,” she began, looking up from her phone to turn to Luke, “no. I just felt like doing something different today.” Her gaze softened as she spoke, and for a moment, her thoughts drifted to what Matt had texted her earlier that morning.
‘You do know that’s a date, right?’
Her response was that it wasn’t, explaining that she was simply acting as a good friend, and this left her message without a reply.
As the day went on, she found herself more and more drawn to Luke. If she were to describe the distraction from her unrequited love, who was miles away from the East Coast, it would undoubtedly be a flirty man with curly brown hair, coffee-colored eyes, and a smile that could light up any room he walked into.
With a playful tone, she leaned in and asked, “So, what’s one more thing on your Boston bucket list, aside from the lobsters?”
They sat together at a cozy coffee shop near the school, where a handful of students were studying. The shop’s walls were adorned with rustic brown bricks, and colorful flowers added a touch of charm. As the sun began its descent, the interior was bathed in a golden hue, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Samantha had just texted her asking how the date with Luke in which she replied again that it was not.
Luke paused for a moment, considering the question. “Well, I’ve heard Fenway Park is pretty iconic.”
She agreed, reaching for her cup yet again. “That’s a fantastic choice! You’ll get to experience the true Boston sports culture.”
Luke grinned, appreciating her enthusiasm for everything he says. “And what about you? Any more must-see places you’d recommend?”
She thought for a moment, remembering the restaurant Chris loved, but chose not to mention it, as if she were safeguarding a secret that the world couldn’t know, the restaurant symbolizing memories that were now part of the past. Instead, she decided to keep their conversation in the present, allowing it to flow naturally.
She smiled shyly, a glint in her eyes, as she playfully remarked, “If I didn’t know any better, I think you’re just finding reasons to see me again.”
Luke's grin widened, his charm shining even brighter. "Ah, you've caught me," he admitted, "guilty as charged but who could resist an opportunity to explore Boston with such beautiful company?"
Her shy smile only added to the allure of the moment, and he couldn't help but appreciate the twinkle in her eyes. "Well," he continued, his tone dipping into a more flirtatious register, "if this is me saying I’d like to see you again, then what do you say? Perhaps you could be my personal tour guide for a while longer?"
She couldn't help but blush at him. "If that's your way of saying you'd like to see me again, then I say you're in luck,” she teased.  “I wouldn't mind being your tour guide for a while longer."
Luke laughed, his face lighting up at her response, and he couldn't help but shake his head amusingly. "That's fantastic news! I supposed I'll have to come up with even more reasons to see you then."
Her smile remained coy, eyes locking onto his. "I look forward to it."
“But on a Saturday, in a café, she watched it begin again.”
(ifykyk haha)
May 2023
Nick Sturniolo couldn't tolerate it any longer; once again, his brother was wallowing in his room, shrouded in darkness with the covers pulled over his head. It seemed like Matt's sole agenda was eating and sleeping these days.
"That's enough," Nick's voice reverberated through Matt's room, with Chris trailing behind him. "This has to stop. Seriously, you need to get out."
Matt grumbled, squeezing his eyes shut. "No, Nick."
"Dude, come on." While Chris empathized with his brother's emotions, he knew that spending five days holed up in bed was far from ideal. "Have you even talked to her?"
"No," came the quiet, dismissive reply.
Exchanging concerned glances, Chris and Nick understood that Matt was avoiding them once again. Unmoved, Nick reached out and yanked the covers away, leaving Matt exposed from his warm cocoon.
"Nooo, Nick," Matt whined, rising from his bed, and walking past them into the bathroom. "Can you two just leave me alone?"
"Matt, please, this needs to stop," Nick pleaded, following him. However, Matt shut the bathroom door before Nick could utter another word.
Chris shook his head, deeply concerned. "This is getting out of hand."
"I'll call her," Nick declared, determined to mend his brother's broken heart as he headed toward the couch to grab his phone.
Chris halted him in his tracks. "Don't, Nick."
"Why not? This is ridiculous. She needs to know what's happening to Matt, you know?"
While Nick loved her just as much and empathized with her feelings for her brother, witnessing her heart break over the same guy repeatedly over the past few years, he also loved Matt and understood his reasons and he would go to great lengths to ensure he never saw his brother like this again.
"Don't do it, Nick," Chris warned again.
"Why not?" Nick persisted, challenging Chris, his frustration mounting.
"Because what are you going to tell her? That Matt's been depressed as shit because she went on multiple dates with this guy, and it all went well?"
Matt, listening from the other side of the door, emerged and interceded between them. "No one's going to tell anyone anything, okay? I'll be fine. I just want to be left alone."
"You have to tell her, Matt," Nick said, speaking more softly this time.
Chris gazed at the side of Matt's face, his heart aching at the sight of his brother in such despair. "Before it's too late," Chris added.
It pained Chris to see his brother like this, but he couldn't help but consider that maybe Matt had missed his chance with her months ago when he failed to understand why she was so upset about him having a girlfriend. Chris also couldn't deny that she had pined for Matt for years, and it had taken a long time for his brother to realize his true feelings and he also knew that even time would not wait for Matt.
In the weeks that followed, their household was like wrapped in an atmosphere of melancholy. Matt's isolation continued, and it seemed like there was a cloud of sadness hanging over them, especially when she announced that she plans to make it official with Luke.
Each day that passed without Matt addressing his feelings felt like a missed opportunity, and Nick couldn't help but wonder how much time they had left before those feelings became irrevocably entangled with regret.
He knew Matt's heartache was genuine and real. It wasn't just about a date gone well; it was about missed chances, miscommunication, and the unraveling of a connection that had been there all along. Nick also couldn't shake the nagging feeling that time was slipping through their fingers like grains of sand. It was an unspoken truth, a silent echo in the house, that they were running out of chances to mend the rift between Matt and her.
Meanwhile, Chris wrestled with his own conflicted emotions. He remembered that moment when Matt had failed to understand the depths of her pain when he had kissed her and pretended it didn't happen, his brother's lack of action when she needed him the most. It had been a missed opportunity, an oversight.
March 29, 2023
Dear Matt,
Spring’s break over. Been over for a few days. Everything is back to normal, and the air is getting warmer, which makes me a little happy. Mac Demarco’s song came on shuffle earlier on my way to class and it reminded me of when we were listening to it during the car ride back home. Remember the mint ice cream I let you try, and you hated it? Yep, that was the day.
I’ve already told you about Luke. He’s okay. He’s nice. I think I like him. I mean, what’s not to like? He flew back to San Diego, but we've been talking non-stop through FaceTime and texts. I think he might like me too, though I don't want to assume anything. You did say to get to know him better before rushing into anything.
I feel like things are changing, Matt. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. I miss you so much. I wish you weren’t so far away.
April 7, 2023
Hi Matthew,
I’m just struggling with my feelings right now. Luke admitted last night after nonstop calls and texts, that he likes me more than a friend and he wants to take things further but slow.
I was frozen for a few seconds. I like him but I don’t know. I guess I’ll see where it goes.
I texted you about it, but you didn’t reply, Chris said you were out with Nick and Madi. I’ll tell you all about it later. I wish you knew, Matt. I wish you knew.  That it has always been you.
It was the second week of June of 2023 when Matt Sturniolo landed in Boston, Massachusetts. After being gone for months, he was immensely grateful he was back home. The weather was warm which made everything feel just right. Things had improved significantly with him compared to the previous month, following a heartfelt conversation with Nick and Chris. They all agreed that confessing his feelings while she was entering a promising relationship wouldn't be fair, and his brothers supported this decision.
The way she would light up when talking about Luke during their video calls was enough for Matt to accept the situation as it was. He also realized that the opportunity had already passed him. She had already met someone else, and he believed, or at least liked to believe, that this person makes her happy and that was more than enough for him.
This newfound understanding brought a sense of peace to his heart, but he couldn't deny, not even to himself, that he was truly heartbroken. Despite the acceptance, there were moments when the weight of the unspoken emotions, the timing, and the distance bore down on him.
Remembering their intimate moments together leave him with a lingering ache in his heart. Matt had been in love with her long before he could put a name to his emotions, but by the time he understood his own feelings, it was already too late.
"Yo, Nate just texted me," Chris said while munching on chips and leaning against the kitchen counter. "He said shit’s ready."
"Wait, I need to take a shower first, and then we can head out," Nick shouted from the other room.
Matt appeared from the laundry area, a sock on one hand, and asked Chris about his outfit, "Do you think this looks good?"
"Yeah, that's alright. I really like that shirt," Chris replied.
Matt smiled and said, "Me too."
Impatient, Chris sighed and yelled, "Can you hurry up, Nick? Alahna just texted me, she said they already pulled up to Nate’s house."
Nick shouted back, his words somewhat unclear, "Yeah, I'll be quick."
Silence enveloped them again. After a moment, Chris whispered, "Are you sure you'll be okay there, Matt?"
"I'll be fine, Chris. It's Nate's birthday," Matt responded, still engrossed in his phone.
Chris sent him a half smile. “You know she’s never going to replace you right? Your friendship with her is already special in its own right.”
Matt looked up, his expression softening but still uncertain. He nodded, agreeing with his brother's words, though not entirely convinced.
"Alright, I'm ready to roll," Nick announced after 20 minutes, already heading for the door.
Chris could sense Matt's tension and placed a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "Hey, Matt," he began, his tone gentle. "It's gonna be okay."
Matt leaned on him, nodding. "Thanks, Chris."
With a nod, Chris turned to Nick who's already impatiently waiting by the car. "Let's get going then. Nathan's waiting."
Hands on the wheel, Matt did his best to focus on the familiar road ahead of them. Nick sang along to the radio in the backseat, while Chris stared out of the window. Deep down, Matt wanted to turn around and retreat to the safety of his bedroom, but he hid his anxieties by remaining silent.
As Matt parked the car and they approached Nate's house, he couldn't shake the nervousness that had been building inside him. Chris and Nick walked ahead towards the sliding door in the backyard, where they greeted Nate's family.
For Matt, however, it was as if time had slowed down. As he scanned the gathering, he saw familiar faces - people he had known since middle school, some high school, and some he forgot the names of. Life appeared to have moved on for them, unaware of the feelings he was facing with.
With his hands in his pockets, he looked timid and shy. But then, as if the universe conspired to grant him a moment of relief, he saw her. It had been seven months. Seven long months since he had seen and kissed her, and it felt like finally witnessing the sun after a cold winter night.
Nick was approaching her first, and she welcomed his brother with a big smile on her face. Matt couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in her appearance - her hair now cascaded just below her collarbone, framing her face beautifully. Her smile, however, remained as radiant as ever, perhaps even more so. The way she held onto Nick, the carefree way her hair danced in the breeze, the sunlight gently touching her face made her seem almost unreal. The summer air had given her a healthy flush on her cheeks, making them pinker than he remembered. Her laughter like music to his ears.
After what felt like an eternity of hugging and catching up with his brothers, she began searching for him in the crowd. Her eyes eventually found him, standing there in all his handsome glory. With knowing smiles exchanged between Chris and Nick, his brothers left them alone. Matt approached her slowly, his hands still tucked in his pockets. "Hi," he greeted her with a shy smile.
She looked up at him, biting her lip, her voice now softer compared to when she had greeted his brothers. "Hi."
Subtly and unwittingly, her body leaned towards his, just like old times, and reached out to embrace him. Matt couldn't help but notice the familiar scent of her hair, the same fragrance that used to linger on his pillow for days after she had slept over.
As always, good things must come to an end, and she reluctantly pulled away, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she looked up at him. They were so close that they could feel each other's breath.
"Missed you," Matt blurted out, unable to contain his feelings. He had truly missed her more than she'll ever know.
"I missed you too, Matthew. How are things?" Her affection for him was evident in her words. Matt, who had been the love of her life for years, was now back home.
"Things are good," he replied, his voice carrying a mixture of emotions. "I'm so glad to be back home."
"Finally," she murmured softly, the word laden with longing and spoken with an intimacy meant only for his ears. Her gaze remained locked onto his, they were so absorbed into each other that they didn't notice that their friends were watching them, both oblivious to the hushed whispers in the background.
"Yeah, finally," Matt whispered, eyes steady with hers.
Observing this interaction, Nate nudged Chris gently, nodding towards them. His eyes wide.
"Oh no, Matt," Chris whispered, seeing Luke, who stood a few feet away and had seen everything. Her and Matt are standing really close, almost as if they were about to kiss. "Don't do it, Matt." Fearing his brother would do something stupid, again.
A faint clearing of the throat from behind them interrupted their moment.
"Luke," she whispered, surprised and wide-eyed. Luke responded with a polite smile, concealing his uneasiness.
Watching from a distance, Chris's heart continued to race.
Feeling embarrassed, Matt wished he could disappear. He had let his emotions get the best of him and now found himself in an awkward situation. Sensing her pull away, Matt watched as she moved closer to Luke's side, putting some distance between them.
"Luke, this is Matt," she introduced them, her voice slightly small. She gestured towards both of them. "Matt, meet Luke, my boyfriend." Matt hid his true feelings behind a polite greeting and shook Luke's extended hand but from a distance, Chris and Nate could see the sadness in his eyes as he glanced back and forth between the new couple.
"Nice to meet you, Matt. I've heard a lot about you and your brothers." Matt couldn't help but find irony in the situation, as he remembered the night in Los Angeles when he had introduced his ex to her, and his ex had offered similar words of welcome.
Matt smiled and nodded, his gaze lingering on the way Luke held her waist.
Luke started a friendly conversation, trying to ease the obvious tension in the air. "So, when did you guys get back from L.A.?"
"We got back just two days ago," Matt replied casually, shifting his gaze to Chris and Nate a few feet away from them, who was now stopped dead in their tracks, watching their interaction unfold. "What about you? I heard you're from California, right?"
Luke, keeping things relaxed, replied, "Yes, San Diego. I've been here for a week. Planning to stay for the rest of the summer."
"Oh," Matt struggled to find the right words. Spending a whole summer, indicating a serious step into their relationship.
"That's cool. Boston has nice beaches, although they might not compare to the ones on the West Coast." 
Her gaze remained locked on his, searching for a reaction. Nathan, Matt's best friend since they were 13 has always known the right words to say. He swooped in just in time to save Matt from a potentially explosive situation. 
"Hey, you guys, do you mind if I borrow Matt here for sec?” Nate asked casually, offering them his playful smile. "We need help with the ice and stuff." He said cooly, earning a knowing glance from Matt.
This was Luke's first time meeting Matt, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the history between her and her best friend. After witnessing their intense interaction moments ago, he wondered if it has always been like this.  As Nate led Matt away, a moment of silence settled between Luke and her. She could sense the curiosity in Luke's eyes. Finally, he broke the silence with a gentle tone, "You guys seem very close. Is there more than what I know?"
She took a deep breath, her fingers fidgeting with the fabric of her skirt. "We've been friends for a long time, you know that." she replied, her voice a mixture of apprehension and vulnerability.
"I just never expected you two were that close," Luke chuckled lightly, making an effort to lighten the mood.
When she didn't reply, Luke gently continued, "Hey," speaking in a softer tone this time, he turned his entire body to face her, ensuring she could look into his eyes. "I'm not worried about anything. If you say you guys have been nothing more than friends all this time, then I believe you."
She smiled, feeling grateful that Luke had gracefully dropped the topic. But there was no lie in that statement; they were just friends. Matt had never reciprocated her feelings, and it had always been that way. She should be happy that she has a love like Luke's. A love unwavering, ever-present affection that wraps her in a sense of security and even though this love was just starting, it's here. It wants to spend the whole summer with her. It kisses and hugs her at night. A love that loves her back.
Chris followed Nate and Matt into the house and found them already engaged in a conversation. "Dude," he began. With Nate, deeply looking into Matt's eyes Chris knew he was helping calm his brother down. “What was that?”
Matt snapped, growing irritated with Chris, feeling the situation become more increasingly awkward and cringeworthy. "Just be quiet for a second, Chris."
“You need to keep your feelings in check before it gets complicated,” Chris informed, arms up in defense.
Matt sighed, realizing the truth in his brother's words. "Was it really that bad?"
"Bro," Nate gave him a sideways glance.
"Matt, with how close you two are, you might as well just kiss her," Chris whispered loudly, scanning the room for any guests who might have overheard them.
"It was like you guys were the only ones in the room," Nate chimed in, to which Chris nodded in agreement.
Matt hung his head in shame, anxiously sighing once more and burying his face in his hands. "I can't handle this."
"Yes, you can," Nate reassured him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You're here for my birthday, nothing else and you're gonna go out there and we're gonna have fun. Look, look, Karl's already setting up the barbeque."
Matt can only nod. Tonight was all about Nathan, and no boyfriend was going to ruin it for them.
Truth was, Nate was hesitant when she asked the question of whether she could invite Luke as her plus one. Deep down, he understood that she was slowly unveiling to the world the fact that this charming, curly-haired brunette with captivating brown eyes is going to be in their lives whether they like it or not. Nate was also aware of the feelings Matt is dealing with, feelings he suspected had been simmering beneath the surface ever since he witnessed them sharing a slice of pizza in his very own backyard three years ago. He feared that Matt wouldn't take this well, and the feelings of regret over missed opportunities might shadow him as he watched her with Luke. Yet, despite these, Nate couldn't bring himself to say no. He firmly believed that she deserved to show her love, just like anyone else and to Nate, this love was something his best friend would ultimately need to come to terms with.
The night proved to be a blur for her, with Matt's presence lingering nearby like a shadow. Just the knowledge that he was only a few feet away made her stomach churn. It hadn't always been like this; typically, she had a firm grip on her emotions and could maintain her composure, but the situation earlier, with the three of them – herself, Matt, and Luke – had left her wanting to go home and avoid talking to anyone ever again.
It had been a slip, a slip that should never have happened. The way she had clung to him, waiting for any sign, anything that might reveal his disapproval of her relationship with Luke. But when he walked through the door with Chris and Nate trailing behind him, she realized she had been fooling herself once again.
Matt had calmed himself down, thanks to Nate and Chris. With Nick giving him raised eyebrows as if to say, 'What the hell just happened? We'll talk about this later.' he shifted his focus to the food that was being handed around, attempting to divert his thoughts.
The night progressed smoothly, and the final blow came when Matt sat across from her in the group circle. Chloe, who had joined them, shot knowing looks her way as she sat beside Matt. "So, what are your plans for the summer?" their friend asked.
Various answers were heard from the group. "What about you and Luke?"
"We're going on Europe with Luke's friends from New York," she blurted out, her eyes finding their way back to her hands, avoiding Matt's piercing eyes.
She could hear the excitement and wows reverberated around the circle.
Luke chimed in, adding, "Yeah, it's going to be fun. I’m excited."
The conversation continued, with the group asking about when they will leave, and some were sharing recommendations for must-visit spots in Greece. She tuned them out, feeling smaller with each passing moment.
A European adventure was Matt and Her’s secret dream, a dream they had shared only in the quiet of the night, under the covers, with Nick sleeping on the couch nearby. It symbolized another significant step in their relationship, something that Matt couldn't help but notice.
Matt felt his heart break a little more with each passing moment, like a series of painful stabs. Of course, he didn’t forget the plans to elope in Europe and here she was fulfilling those dreams with another man.
When their eyes met, he masked his pain with a faint, forced smile.
Finally, the night ended with Chris giving her and Luke a friendly hug. With Matt already in the car avoiding the couple and Nick in the back saying his own goodbyes to Alahna and Nate.
Matt went straight to his room, shutting the door firmly behind him. Chris stopped Nick in pestering Matt and asking him about what happened at the party, he insisted that they give their brother space to work on his feelings.
"You're awfully quiet," Luke nudged her gently. They sat in the living room, surrounded by her sister and cousins, watching cartoons as the warm Boston summer air flowed in through the open windows of the house.
"Just lost in thought," she sighed.
"What's on your mind?" Luke asked, rubbing her hand while his gaze remained fixed on her face.
"Nothing much, just a bit nervous about meeting your New York friends," she chuckled, trying to keep her tone casual.
"They're not that bad," he reassured her, his fingers now absentmindedly playing with hers. "They'll love you. Who wouldn't love you?"
One person, she thought, but she managed to smile at Luke, appreciating his warmth. It had been a week since Nate's birthday, and Matt hadn't reached out. Part of her was secretly relieved; she wouldn't know what to say to him anyway. She knew Matt tended to withdraw when things got awkward.
This had been her problem since they were young. Matt always looks at her like he could love her, and she fell for it every time, only to have her heart broken again.
She knew she was lying to Luke about her old feelings for Matt, but she was determined to bury those emotions and start fresh with Luke.
"What if they don't like me?"
"They have no choice but to like you; they're going to spend two months with you in Europe," Luke chuckled before giving her a sweet kiss.
"I guess," she replied.
Silence settled between them once more. "Is everything ready for you? We leave really early tomorrow," Luke asked, mentally checking if he had brought everything he needed in his head.
"Yup, all packed and ready. Actually, I think I'm going to visit Nick and the boys later, you know to say my goodbyes," she shrugged.
She could feel the mood had shifted between her and Luke.
Luke straightened up, letting go of her hand. "Oh. Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, that's fine. Nick has been bugging me to hang out since they got back. He wanted to catch up and stuff."
"Alright," Luke nodded, smiling at her, not pushing further.
Setting foot in her lifelong friends' house brought a wave of nostalgia; it felt like an eternity since she had last visited. Nick welcomed her at the front door with a cheerful smile, the sounds of a heated argument between Chris and Matt can be heard from the kitchen.
"You just don't get it. I didn't know it was yours," Chris defended himself, dressed casually in shorts and a white shirt.
"Well, you should've asked me! Can't you leave a soda in the fridge for 24 hours max?" Matt shouted, clearly agitated. "Geez, you're so fucking grumpy today, is this because-" Chris replied, and Nick cleared his throat, worried that Chris might say something she should not hear. Chris noticed her presence first and practically lunged at her, almost knocking the air out of her. "Oh my god, I missed you so much."
She smiled and patted his back, returning the hug warmly. When he released her, he continued with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a playful tone, "I'm so sorry we couldn't talk much at Nate's party. You were so busy."
"Chris," Nick warned with a pointed look. Chris shrugged, still grinning.
"I missed you too and no, I wasn’t," she chuckled, glancing between Nick and Chris, offering a reassuring smile.
"Yes, you were. You were busy with your new boyfriend," Matt snapped, his tone cutting and bitter, causing her smile to slowly vanish. He wasn't looking at her, not acknowledging her presence and not even trying to hide that he doesn’t want her there.
The room fell silent, Chris and Nick exchanging shocked and speechless glances in response to Matt's outburst, making the atmosphere tense.
"In fact," Matt added, his voice sharp as knives, "you were so busy with your new boyfriend that you forgot we had plans to go to the beach with Chloe yesterday."
His words were meant to hurt, like venom injected into her heart. "Matt, please." Chris intercedes, but the tears and the lump in her throat were already starting.
"Shut up, Chris. It's true! She's Miss College-this and Miss College-that. Why are you even here? Aren't you supposed to be in Europe with your boyfriend?" Matt sneered, his blue eyes piercing through her soul, oblivious to how much his words were hurting her.
"What the hell, Matt?" Nick glowered at Matt; his eyes wide, unable to believe that his brother was speaking to her like this.
"No, it's okay Nick, leave us," she whispered, stopping him. She swallowed hard, attempting to hold back the tears and keep her composure.
Chris, sensing that this was a necessary conversation between her and Matt, guided Nick out of the kitchen. He believed in her; if anyone could handle this, it was her.
"What's your problem?" She approached Matt slowly, keeping a comfortable distance, with the kitchen counter acting as a physical barrier between them.
"You! You're my problem," Matt mumbled, avoiding eye contact, turning his head, and looking towards the window.
In the years of friendship with Matt, they never once had an argument like this. Matt had never been this upset with her, especially over missed plans. She had missed one or two in previous years, but he had never been this furious.
Her heart ached trying to understand Matt’s current level of distress. She was not understanding why the boy in front of her was seething with frustration, his cheeks flushed, hair disheveled, and his eyes usually so warm and inviting now looks exhausted and empty.
This was not the Matt she had grown so close to.
"How am I your problem? Are you seriously this fucking upset because I forgot about our plans to go to the beach yesterday?" She was getting angrier, and her voice was rising.
Matt finally looked at her again. "Just forget it."
He tried to walk away, but she blocked his path. "No. Tell me. What's wrong?"
She peered into his bloodshot eyes; he looked so done. But before she could speak again, Matt beat her to it. "Nothing's wrong. Everything's just great. Go back to your perfect boyfriend; he must be worried about you."
"He's not worried about me, Matt. Are you kidding me? What did I do to make you this upset? Look, I’m sorry, okay? We had to pack-"
Matt didn't answer and brushed past her, bumping her shoulder in the process, his back turned to her.
"Seriously, you're just going to leave? So this is about Luke? Are you jealous? Do you think I'm too busy for you guys now that I have a boyfriend?"
"I'm in love with you, okay!" Matt turned around, facing her. His blue eyes now on the verge of tears.
She stood there in stunned silence, her feet rooted to the spot. She couldn't believe it — Matthew Sturniolo, her best friend, and the boy she had secretly pined for over the years, was in love with her.
Meanwhile, in the other room, Chris and Nick listened in wide-eyed shock, their brother’s confession echoing through the house. Chris exchanged a surprised glance with Nick, who couldn’t help but roll his eyes, muttering, “Finally,” under his breath.
Matt continued, his voice frustrated, "I cannot, for the life of me, forget the day I kissed you and how much I still wanted to. How much I wanted to chase after you that night, to kiss you again, I cannot stop thinking about it."
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the-final-sif · 1 year
Hiya! I just saw the QSMP post you made and I have a genuine question! If you can't answer me yourself, it's totally fine, it's just that you seemed to know something about this.
I'm from central Europe, and looking at the mob from the modpack, I never would have guessed that it was offensive in any way whatsoever. To me it just looked like a fantasy creature based on tribes or very very old human history (like uhh.. neanderthals for example). My question is, what part of the mob is offensive? Is it based on something that exists? I'm just really trying to see what I should avoid for future reference. Again, I absolutely mean no harm, this was just my first time hearing about this.
So, first up, I want to say that nothing I'm going to go into next should be taken with any sort of malice. It's really really good that when you saw something and didn't understand it and you went to ask questions to understand the topic better! That's wonderful! I am very proud of you for taking that step!
I will also preface this discussion with a general disclaimer that I am white, the reason I've made these posts is because native people who I follow and am friends with were hurt by the really racist portrayal but didn't feel comfortable risking harassment. I am completely fine with risking harassment, and I want my friends' hurt to be acknowledged and addressed. That being said, there's millions upon millions of different indigenous people from all different places and backgrounds. They live all over the world and they are not a single unified voice. My goal here is to just give a rough overview of some of the basics.
That being said, when you say "it just looked like a fantasy creature based on tribes or very very old human history (like uhh.. neanderthals for example)." that's honestly kind of a big part of why this imagery is so racist. Because it is based on tribes. It's a racist conglomerate of indigenous/tribal cultures that all get bundled into an age old racist "savages" trope. These cultures are not dead, they are not gone, they are not primitive or a relic of history, and they deserve the same respect as any other culture.
"savages" and "brutes" are both extremely racist stereotypes of indigenous cultures. Through history it's been used to justify colonization and genocide throughout the world. Nowadays, people often attempt to portray tribes and indigenous cultures as either gone or archaic. Just a thing of history. Ignoring the fact that there are still people that belong to these cultures who deserve to have their histories treated with respect & to not have their cultures and images treated like some sort of monster.
The mobs in question have a stereotypical "tribal" look to them, and they attack players on sight that don't look like them (until you murder them and take their masks). The resemblance was bad enough that the streamers I heard were all calling these "natives". It was very obvious what they were supposed to represent. An idea of native people as primitive savages that player can (and are encouraged to) murder without consequence or feeling bad for their actions.
In fact, in order to be able to trade with or not be attacked by the mobs, you have to murder them to get their masks. It's really bad. You can also murder and enslave their "Chief". Which is. Bad. It's really bad.
Now, just to be clear, Quackity/the other streamers didn't create the mod. However, it should've never been added to the server, and streamers should address the way that they reacted to the mobs. FitMC in particular reacted very racistily and clearly knew what he was mocking when he did.
Overall, this mob is a deeply racist stereotype, and while it's inclusion was probably accidental, it's still very important that Quackity be an adult about it, take responsibility, apologize & set out a plan going forward so this doesn't happen again. That's his job as the owner of the server. FitMC also needs to apologize for the comments that he made and do better in the future, or Quackity needs to remove him from the server because that shit really wasn't okay.
Hopefully that's helpful? It's something that's kinda hard to explain how racist the imagery is because of how bad it is.
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ggomos-maribat · 7 months
4 | about the Paris Mademoiselle
Part 4 of Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Dead | Masterlist
After hearing out Adrien's suggestion on where to have a meal, Tim and Jason ended up in the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
Might as well check out where she lived, right? Tim looked around the homey place as the overhead bell chimed behind them. It was small, simple: glass cases enclosing an assortment of doughnuts, croissants, danishes, eclairs, cookies, pies, and even single-tiered cakes. There was a tip jar next to the register labeled with a cute scribble, positioned next to a statuette of the Eiffel. Warm scents wafted from the kitchen at the back, and Tim could even pick up the faint smell of caffeine from the coffee-making station.
He and Jason took their seats near the register, allowing Tim to peer at the picture frames hung up on the wall. Though most of the photos were mundane, one stood out at the center: a picture of Marinette standing behind the counter, dressed in an apron and a bright grin.
"You're still not allowed to drink coffee," Jason said suddenly.
"I wasn't going to." He rolled his eyes.
From looking around, there didn't seem to be too many 'hints' of Marinette around aside from the photos.  The place seemed moderately busy, with a short-haired woman—Sabine Cheng perhaps?—manning the register.
Tim lined up behind two women pointing at the pastries. The blonde one wearing a blue dress pointed at the glass. "Hey, those pink macarons! Weren't they her favorite?"
The other woman, cropped pixie cut, elbowed her companion, hissing, "Rory!"
Then, she turned to Sabine Cheng, "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Cheng."
"It's quite alright, dears." There was a fond sparkle on the eyes of the older woman. "You're right, those macarons were her favorite."
Tim and Jason shared a look. 'Her' . . . did that mean Marinette? Quickly, he took his phone out to make a quick profile search—the two customers turned out to be former students of Francois Dupont, but not part of Marinette's class: Mireille Caquet and Aurore Beauréal. Both were based outside of Paris but still within Europe, and seemed to be back in the city for a brief visit.
"We'll take those macarons, Mrs. Cheng." Aurore smiled apologetically. "And two coffees, please."
"Of course. It's on the house, girls."
Mireille paused from reaching for her wallet. "No, you don't have to!"
"I insist. You're only here for a few days, yes? Consider it a welcome back home."
After the girls politely extended their thanks, Tim ordered lunch for himself and Jason, whilst paying close attention to the macaron selection. Pink strawberry macarons, huh? He thought. That does suit her.
He lent Jason his phone for him to take a look at his brief research about the two women. "They knew her, I think." Tim stole a glance at the next table. "Not very close, but she helped them out during their reporter gigs."
"There's nothing out of place around here," Jason commented as he idly read over the profiles.
"One camera pointing at the front door, and one at the back door. There are barely any blind spots, but if she did slip past surveillance, the streets on the way to bridge should've caught her at least." Tim's expression twisted.
"Doubt it. It doesn't look edited." Tim shrugged. "I asked Babs to be sure and she says so."
He took out the small wrinkled list from his pocket and cleanly crossed out Adrien's name. Can we ask those two women? It didn't feel right interrogating them out of the blue, especially when they were in Marinette's family bakery, with her mother close by. Still, it was an opportunity for them.
Jason even looked like he was ready to ask.
"Jay, come on, we have to think this through."
"Dickie would ask if he were here."
"Dick's a smooth-talker. We're not."
Jason tilted his head. "We have Adrien's excuse."
"Er, hello? It's still bad timing."
"Fine. Let's just go over what we have then."
"She was bullied, even though the school records said otherwise; she was involved in multiple extracurriculars; and according to both her friend and parents, she wasn't acting odd before her death," Tim listed off from the top of his head.
"If she wanted to expose Lilia, then . . . isn't that a motive?"
How much of that conflict could've elevated into murder? Tim couldn't piece it together. He didn't want to rule out everything else just because Lilia Ross was so easy to accuse. "Tricky part is that Lilia actually has an alibi that time."
Jason's eyebrows raised. "What?"
"Two years ago, she was just starting things out with her brand and during the week Marinette died, she was on another part of France, having product meetings with her suppliers." And that alibi was airtight.
"Okay, fine, let's back up. The rest of the class was on Lila's side. Is it possible that it was any of them?" Jason suggested.
"They don't exactly have alibis, but I can't track down where exactly each of them were on that day either." Tim glanced at the other table, where Sabine Cheng served the girls their orders, plus free croissants as well. "And going back to the details of it, could they have pulled off something as—er—clean of evidence as that?"
"A lot of them are rich kids, you know."
"Fine, then say we suspect someone else in their class, do you really think any of them would have the heart to do . . . that to their classmate?"
"Who else could've had a vendetta against her?
One name occurred in Tim's mind, a flash of dark purple and gentle wings. He hesitated a little before saying, "Hawkmoth."
"That's the only one I can think of, okay!" Tim shifted in his seat, and then lowered his voice. "Apart from Adrien, Marinette had been the only one to never have been akumatized in their class. That kind of strength to resist akumas is something Hawkmoth would prey on."
"I think you overlooked one problem here, Timbers." Jason looked unimpressed. "Hawkmoth was defeated five months before she died. Ladybug herself said that his Miraculous was taken from him."
"I don't know, maybe he's still a powerful person behind the mask. Or like, it was an accomplice."
It was tricky that Hawkmoth's real identity wasn't ever revealed despite his defeat. It caused quite an uproar within Paris, but Ladybug was set on that decision. As for the reason, all Tim could think of is that the heroes were trying to avoid backlash on whoever was close to the 'real' Hawkmoth.
"You're saying he was fixated on this one girl he can't akumatize?" asked Jason.
"Are you saying that your theory is more likely?" Tim retorted back.
"I'm saying we need so much more evidence to figure this thing out."
Tim sighed audibly. It was true that they were fully basing their guesses on speculations. If they could dig a little bit deeper, they should find a clue that leads to the truth.
Tim stiffened all over in just a span of a second. Were we too loud? When he looked up, both Aurore and Mireille were standing by their table. He quickly checked if Sabine Cheng had heard anything, but she seemed preoccupied with the pastries, fortunately.
"Were you talking about . . ." Aurore whispered. "Marinette?"
"No," Tim lamely replied.
Mireille crossed her arms. "You were. We heard. What is going on?"
"There has been an anonymous request to reopen the investigation," Jason lied smoothly, eyes flickering over to the counter. "But you must understand that her parents are not to be involved."
"What is the reason for this 'reopening'?"
Before Tim or Jason could say anything, Aurore spoke: "Lila. It's Lilia Ross, isn't it?"
"We're not on her side, if that's what you're thinking," said Tim hastily. "Maybe there's something you know?"
Both girls looked at each other, as if sharing a silent conversation. Then, Mireille answered morosely, "We wish we knew more. We couldn't pry into it because she closed herself off from us—even Marc Anciel, one of our common friends."
"Did you know what Lilia Ross did to her?"
"We saw what she did," Aurore said bitterly. "Poor Mari couldn't even catch a break; she was never herself anymore."
"We could've done more," Mireille mumbled. "We tried looking for more information about her death but . . . there's nothing. We even asked Monsieur Raincomprix—that's the father of one of our schoolmates, he was part of the investigation team—and he never said a word."
Aurore nodded, "No one from the police disclosed it."
"Why did they leave the case?" Tim asked. "Did her parents ask . . .?"
Yet again, the two shared a look before Aurore said, "There was someone who asked for the investigation to be closed. Her parents had no choice but to consent to it."
"There was someone pulling the strings from behind?" Jason frowned.
Mireille pinched the bridge of her nose. "Looked like it. That's the only thing we know." She heaved out a sigh. "Actually . . . there is one person who might know or has the means to find out. We can't approach them because, well, it is simply too awkward but maybe the two of you will have more luck. She actually flew over from New York yesterday."
"Who?" Tim leaned in.
"The editor-in-chief of Paris Mademoiselle, Chloe Bourgeois."
"What's CEO Timothy Drake-Wayne doing investigating the death of a French teenager?"
Tim internally winced, not anticipating that Chloe Bourgeois had recognized him. The blonde had surprisingly let them into her office (which was also surprisingly extremely messy) next to Le Grand Paris Hotel. Their encounter reminded Tim of a principal's confrontation with students—Chloe's eyes were unwaveringly cold towards them.
"He's just tagging along for my case." Jason brandished a fake ID, naming himself as a private consultant. "We're here at an anonymous request to re-investigate the incident. We want to ask you about Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
"Who requested it?"
"We can't say—"
"Was it Adrien?"
Jason shook his head calmly. "We can't disclose any details."
Chloe sighed in exasperation. Like with Adrien, the exhaustion behind her face but she hid it more loosely. Even deeper than that, Tim saw fatigue, restlessness, jetlag, a hint of sadness.
"She was my classmate," Chloe began. "Well, I think she should be more than that to me. I've known her since kindergarten. She was always top of the class, all smiles, kind to a fault, so much of a klutz, habitually late . . ." She paused. "I was just her bully."
She has that deep faraway gaze. If there was anyone who didn't bother to hide the hurt from losing Marinette, it was her. Chloe Bourgeois. "I've known her since kindergarten but we were never friends. It's my petty jealousy's fault, I don't know. Even if I mocked her so many times, she always fought back in some way. She had such a sharp tongue. She despised me as much as I despised her.
"Did you know she had a crush on Adrien? I bet you didn't. It was embarrassingly massive that she'd trip all over the place. I'd pick on her about it." She fiddled with a button on her blazer. "The crush mellowed out over time but—but everything about her mellowed out so much. I don't know why I did anything but I asked my Dad how she died. No matter how much I begged, he said 'his hands were tied'. Believe me, my father always gave anything I asked.
"You won't believe how devastated everyone was when she was gone. My dad cried. Hell, my mother shed a tear. Andre the ice cream man cried. Nadja Chamack broke down on live TV. Everyone outside our class cried. Her friends who abandoned her had the audacity to fucking cry. It was like the whole city was grieving. You know why? Because Hawkmoth was already gone at that time. Everyone thought it was finally our time to heal but nooo, they didn't see how much it took a toll on those who barely kept it together the whole time.
"Marinette was never akumatized. She's been targeted by so many akumas, had so much done to her but I never once saw her break. Not even close. Of course she wasn't fucking okay enduring all of that. Of course I had to be the idiot who never tried to apologize to her," Chloe spat out. "There. There's my statement."
Tim felt so pinned down by her gaze. The irony . . . it was Chloe who talked more about her than Adrien.
Jason cleared his throat. "There's one more thing. Lilia Ross—"
"Lila?" She sneered. "No, don't get me started on her. You should be smarter than believing that stupid act she puts on."
"Did her transfer . . . change Marinette somehow?"
"Uh, yeah! She practically lost all her friends," she scoffed. "I'd say everything was going downhill at about Quatriéme, but steeply when Lila showed up."
"Why? What was in Quatriéme?"
Chloe raised a judgmental eyebrow.
"When Hawkmoth first showed up," Tim mumbled. "Did you collect other evidence aside from asking your father? Didn't you ever want to know why?"
"It's useless. I have other things taking up my time right now." But in Chloe's eyes, Tim could clearly see that she wanted to know. Desperately.
"Besides," Chloe added, "My dad's not mayor anymore. I can't exactly pull any strings."
"Do you know anyone else we can ask?" Jason questioned.
"Not really." Her voice turned soft. "I'm not in close contact with anyone anymore. But there's something I've been wondering about myself, and maybe you can look into it."
Chloe reached up to rub her shoulder. "Those rumors online about Lila. They turned up out of the blue, didn't they? Now, who's exactly behind all of that?"
Taglist: @hammalammadamdam @toodaloo-kangaroo @missmadwoman @afanofmanyships @atomicherringpersonjudge-blog @wheredostarsgowhenyoudie
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ryuki-draws · 1 year
Wait hold on, I’m new to your blog and absolutely fascinated by your train oc’s, but who’s who? If you don’t mind me asking
Ahaha, not at all! Local Trains AU Lore, let's go!
This whole AU started as two joke-y posts, the first one being an idea of a local maintenance/oiling tram vehicle - Mazačka, as people call it here - as a Transformer named Grease. The second one was taking Cyberverse Astrotrain and localizing him as a train of a Czech railway company with signature yellow trains.
Then I thought it'd be hilarious if these two not only met but realized that due to being in Europe and separated from their factions, everyone had already left back to Cybertron and they didn't get the memo. So now they're stuck on Earth. And it goes downhill from here.
The only functional space bridge was destroyed under unfortunate circumstances, so their only option for return as of right now is fixing a broken space bridge at an old Moon base that's been long abandoned. If they want to go home, it's time for some real cooperation!
So yeah, that's the story so far. But the whole thing is more shenanigans than anything of substance, as you can obiously see :D I made a tram Transformer, then I used the fact that in Cyberverse there's only Astrotrain from alternate universe and we never get to see the core universe one, so I came in, picked him up and painted yellow. Probably should've made him a full-blown OC but it wasn't supposed to get out of hand like this. Too late for that now :'D
I tag everything Local Trains AU for sake of organization and filtering for those who wish to do so.
I hope this makes at least a bit of sense :D
EDIT: I have one more OC - Plexus aka Plex, the empuratee medic I casually threw into MTMTE but I didn't draw him much yet, except you know... some shenanigans :'D
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
The Potholey Bible
—Robin Bresnark, for Melody Maker. December 1999
Darkly intense rockers Muse, erm, Muse on childhood alienation, future deification and trashing toilets
"Aargh! Fuck!" yelps Matt Bellamy, Muse's singer/guitarist. "I've got a stalagmite up my arse!" It's not the most usual way to introduce yourself, but nice to meet you, anyway. Still, Matt and his gloriously dark, intensely intense band, Muse, should've seen a trip to a cave coming, after calling their last single...um, "Cave." Besides, this idea's much better than the ones we had based around their new single, "Muscle Museum". Well it's a lot less sweaty, anyway.
"The idea for 'Cave' came from that rubbish American book, 'Men are from mars, women are from venus', explains Matt, lighting up a comforting cigar, after we abandon the West Wycombe Caves to their bats and waxwork dummies. "There's this bit about how men go into a cave when they get stressed and I think that's probably true, although, personelly, I tend to let it out. I did have a bit of a tantrum in my hotel bathroom last night - but I managed to repair the toilet, so that's OK." You trashed a hotel toilet? "Um sort of. Everyone does that, don't they?" No. They don't.
Then again, not everyone's favourite hobby is flying Paramotors (like a jet-pack only far, far niftier), not everyone got punched in the nuts on his first day of school for being escorted by his mum and not everyone ruined their loved ones lives back in their tender, childhood years. "That's my guiltiest memory, ' shudders Matt. "There was this massive mirror in our house, a really expensive heirloom. And I smashed it. I was swinging this bucket and spade around and it just shattered. My mum ran up to me and screamed: 'You've cursed this family for seven years!' The next year, my parents split up."
Growing up in Teignmouth, Devon, the three members of Muse (Matt, drummer Dominic Howard and bassist Chris Wolstenholme) found themselves shunted into childhoods where, if you weren't a big lunk, music was the only salvation. What made it even worse was that each of them moved to this rural vacuum from various cities at the tenderest of ages (Matt 10, Chris 12, Dom 9) setting them at odds with their peers. "We were in a tiny minority at school," remembers Dom, "The only people at school with long hair and stuff. People used to beat us up, going: 'Ugh! You look like a girl!' "So we became hash-smoking stay-in types and never went to the pubs", nods Matt. "They'd just be full of drunk, fucking cunts—people who'd hang around looking for young girls to break in and young boys to beat up.
Good job they didn't get in the wrong way round really!" Small wonder then, that when the three of them eventually formed a band, it was little more than an excuse to scream like Kurt Cobain and trash everything in sight. On they trundled, playing tacky pub gigs and changing their name on a ridiculously regular basis (Gothic Plaque, Carnage Mayhem and Rocket Baby Dolls) until, one day, Matt noticed the word 'muse' between 'muscle' and 'museum in the dictionary and the rest was histrionics. Wonderful emotional histrionics. "Not everyone saw it that way though," recalls Matt. "We got barred from most of the places we played for being too loud! Maybe we should go back and vandalise their toilets..." Or maybe Muse have got a bigger toilet to trash now.
Earlier this year, Muse signed to Mushroom (over here [in the UK]) and Madonna's Maverick label (over there [in the US]). Since then, they've toured across Europe and the States, tasting morsels of the big time along the way. "It was shocking in France", grins Matt, "We did this signing and there was a massive queue of hot women lining up for autographs. Did I signed any breasts? It was France! There wasn't enough room!" Meanwhile, they recently released their debut album 'Showbiz', recorded with Radiohead producer, John Leckie - which will doubtless exacerbate the Radiohead comparisons Muse have (unjustly) suffered since day one. "We've met enough people who understand that we're different to Radiohead not to worry about that any more," shrugs Matt, and rightly so.
Muse's only worry now is that their inevitable fame will fuck them up even more than obscurity ever did. Something Matt is all too wary of. "Either you just start hating your audience," he frowns, "or you start to think you're some godlike character. Either way you're fucked. Would I make a good God? Oh no."
"I'd like to be Zeus," hums Dom, happily, "and have all nine muses hanging around every day. (They were his daughters– Greek Mythology) They were foxy, those muses." "Calliope, Euterpe," sighs Matt, dreamily. "But my favourite is Erato, the goddess of erotic poetry!" He's lying, of course. His favourite muse was always Muse.
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harleybeaumont · 1 year
Maxwell's Jolly Holiday Pt. 2
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Book - The Royal Romance AU
Pairings -Liam x Maxwell
Synopsis- This story gives a glimpse into Maxwell’s high school days at an all boys school where he joins the drama club and performs in his first play. This is set as a prequel to my fic, Unintentional, but can definitely be read as a standalone fic too! This ‘one shot’ has taken on a life of its own and will probably end up being 3 parts.
Warnings- swearing, some crude language, a few homophobic comments from bullies
Word count- 4,150
Catch up here.
Part 2 - Like Somethin’ is Brewin’, About to Begin
The following week was exhausting and exciting as Maxwell began rehearsal and studying his lines. He had made several new friends and actually had someone to sit with at lunch time. But all too soon it was time for his usual Sunday afternoon phone call/scolding from Bertrand. He had learned how to tune Bertrand out and just respond based on the tone of voice he was currently using. He lay on his bed, reading over his lines while Bertrand was using his ‘disappointed voice’. Max had completely checked out, robotically responding with “you’re right” and “I’ll try to work on that.”
After a while, Bertrand cleared his throat, “are you even listening to me?!”
“Hmm?” Max snapped back to attention, “I mean, yes, of course.”
“What was I saying?”
Max thought for a minute and stretched out on the bed, “you were talking about.. my grades?”
“Myyyyy stunning good looks?”
“Um… wait I remember! You were saying that the Duke of Karlington used his dessert spoon instead of his soup spoon?”
Bertrand stammered, “W-what sort of oddly specific blather is that?! And there is no way that a Duke would confuse a soup spoon with a dessert spoon! They aren't even beside one another on the place setting for goodness sake!!”
Max couldn’t help but chuckle, “Sorry, it just seemed like something you’d say.”
“Get serious. I didn’t send you to the most elite finishing school in Europe so you could fool around. I sent you so that you could grow up and learn to make something of yourself.”
“Ya right..” Max said under his breath.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You sent me because you wanted to get rid of me.”
Bertrand heaved a long sigh, “not this again.”
“Everybody knows it! Why else would you send me to an all boys boarding school hours away from home? I was going to a perfectly good school in Ramsford and had decent grades and a ton of friends!”
Bertrand raised his voice, “To get you a proper education with no distractions!”
Maxwell sat up on the bed, gripping the phone tighter. “Distractions? What, like my friends?! You thought I’d fit in better with the snobs at this place?!”
Bertrand sighed again and Max could tell he was pinching the bridge of his nose the way their father always did when he was annoyed with him. “Maxwell, don't be ridiculous! I sent you to an all boys school because you are of a.. certain age, and being around females is distracting! Soon you’ll be driving and taking women out on dates.  I don’t want your budding hormones getting in the way of your education.”
Maxwell burst into laughter, “well you’re a few years too late on that one Bert.”
“What?! What do you mean?”
“Maybe you should've had this conversation with me when I was like.. twelve. I’m sixteen now, bro. The hormones have been running rampant for a while!” Max wiped a tear away as he continued to laugh, “And not to burst your bubble, but sending me to an all boys school was about the worst thing you could have done if you didn’t want me distracted!”
Bertrand was flabbergasted on the other line, “What are you saying? I don’t understand.”
“Are you really serious right now?”
“Maxwell, you know I hate when you do this. Just spit it out!”
Maxwell shook his head, “I’m gay, you idiot!”
Bertrand remained silent for a moment and scoffed, “Stop being foolish. This is not amusing.”
“Wow, thanks a lot for your support. I just came out to my brother and he calls me a fool. Good talk, Bertrand. Bye.”
“Wait! Wait!” Bertrand interrupted. “Why are you saying this? Are you trying to upset me?”
“I’m trying to point out what I thought had been painfully obvious for the past few years. I. Am. Gay.”
Bertrand once again went silent on the other line. So long so, that Maxwell thought he hung up. “Are you being serious, Maxwell? How can you be sure?”
Max ran a hand down his face and lay back on his pillows, “I don’t know how to tell you this any more clearly. I like boys. I am attracted to boys. I am not attracted to girls. Seriously, how did you not know this?”
“Well.. you’re still young. Maybe you just haven’t met the right girl yet. Maybe you’re just confused.”
“Don’t. Just.. no. Don’t do that.” The brothers remained silent for a long time until Max spoke up again. “I get it if you need some time to process or whatever, but I have to go.”
“Right. Uh, I’ll let you get back to studying,” Bertrand said quietly.
Feeling like he had nothing to lose at this point Max said, “Oh I’m not studying. I’m reading my lines. I auditioned for the school play, and I actually got one of the lead roles.”
“The school play? How will you have time to do your actual studies if you’re playing around on stage?!”
Max felt tears prick the corner of his eyes. He wasn’t sure why he assumed Bertrand would be proud of him. It’s not like Bertrand was ever proud of Max, but it still stung just the same. “Oh you didn’t know?! That’s just something that us gays do! Ya, once you come out, you have to audition for a school play. Bonus points if you get to kiss a guy on stage!”
“Maxwell..” Bertrand sighed.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, and even though he wanted to cry, he forced his words out. “No! I’m done talking to you! I don’t know why I ever assumed that you would approve of anything I do! Even when you’re not here to scold me on a daily basis, you still make me feel like shit!”
Maxwell hung up the phone and tossed it across the room. Putting his pillow over his face, he cried until he drifted into a dreamless sleep. 
Over the next few weeks, Max ignored any and all phone calls and texts from Bertrand, instead focusing completely on the play. He was amazed at how naturally it all came to him. He always knew he was good at dancing, but acting was like a hidden gem deep inside of him that had been unearthed. He loved it.
While in the lunchroom one day, Max, Eddie, and the other theater kids were talking animatedly about the upcoming play.
“So a couple of the chicks from the girls' school are coming to the next rehearsal," Eddie said, smacking on a carrot stick. “It’ll be like the real deal having everyone together on stage.”
“Oh that's great!” Max smiled. “I hope they’re nice.”
Just then, his phone vibrated repeatedly. He snuck it out of the pocket of his uniform pants and checked it under the table. Liam. It wasn’t like him to call in the middle of a school day. Hopefully nothing was wrong. Max leaned forward to answer the call as discreetly as possible.
“Hey Max!”
“What’s going on? Did something happen?!”
Liam chuckled, “Nothing’s wrong! Sorry if I worried you! I just wanted to tell you something.”
“Whew! Not gonna lie, I thought someone had died!!” Maxwell felt like he could finally breathe again. “So what’s up?” Maxwell felt a tap on his shoulder and when he spun around, his jaw dropped. “OMG! What are you doing here!?”
“Surprise!” Liam was standing before him with two palace guards on either side, scanning the room.
Maxwell jumped up and threw his arms around his best friend, holding him tightly. “It’s so good to see you!”
By that time, everyone in the cafeteria was turned to see Maxwell Beaumont hugging the Prince of their nation. Liam and Maxwell, however, only seemed to notice each other. Max grinned, looking him up and down. Liam seemed like he had gotten taller since the last time he saw him a few months ago, and his hair was longer and a little shaggier. He looked good. Really good. Max felt the butterflies return to his stomach in full force.
Liam grinned, “So I may have pulled some strings and gotten you relieved from your classes for the rest of the day.”
“Score!” Max beamed and pulled Liam down next to him at their table. He introduced Liam to his theater friends who were flabbergasted that the prince was actually talking to them. Eddie asked, “Why didn’t you tell us you’re friends with Prince Liam?”
Max shrugged, “It never came up!”
Eddie laughed, “Well damn.. I guess that’s true. You friends with any other nobles? The Queen of England perhaps?”
Max thought for a moment. “Well my brother is the Duke of Ramsford and I’m kind of acquainted with the Duchess of Lythikos, although she may or may not hate me-”
“Hold it, hold it..” Eddie froze. “Your brother is a Duke? So you’re noble too?!”
Max shrugged and the rest of the theater group gawked at him. Suddenly everyone around them was whispering and lobbing questions at the younger Beaumont. “Why didn’t you tell us? Are you rich? Are you gonna be a Duke one day? How big is your duchy? Do you have an arranged marriage?”
“Whoa guys, chill!” Max held up his hands attempting to calm everyone down. 
The next statement he heard made him sick to his stomach. “So that’s why he got the lead role.”
Maxwell turned around to see Jason, one of the boys who had teased him before his audition weeks ago. His mouth fell open, but he couldn’t make a sound. 
Eddie stood up and rolled his eyes. “Jason, fuck off.”
Jason got closer and stared down at Eddie who was about a foot shorter than him. “You wanna make me, nerd?”
Liam jumped up and held his hands in front of him, “Ok everyone, let's calm down.” His guards were mere inches away, ready to intervene if needed. “If there’s an issue here why don’t we try to solve it calmly?”
Jason scoffed, “Your Highness, I was simply pointing out that Beaumont clearly only got the lead role because he’s a Lord and best friends with you.” He rolled his eyes, “Do you know how many of us were there to audition? It’s not fair that we didn’t get an equal chance just because we're not noble.”
Eddie scowled at him, “You weren’t there to audition! You just wanted to hook up with the lead actress! And no one even knew Max was a noble then!”
“I'm sure the teachers did!” Jason said, “I think we should all get to audition again.”
“You don’t give a shit about this play!” Eddie raised his voice, “Stop being an asshole, just to be an asshole!”
“We’ll see what the parents think about this blatant favoritism the faculty is showing Beaumont. I know mine won’t be happy. They’ve donated lots of money to this school and how are they being repaid?”
Maxwell had reached his boiling point by then. He stood up and said, “Fine! If you want to audition, talk to Mr. Eldore, but there is no way you’ll get the part. You can't even remember to zip up your fly, much less memorize an entire script!”
Jason looked down at his open pants zipper and the theater group burst into laughter. He quickly zipped his pants and stormed away, still fuming. 
“That was fucking hilarious, man!” Eddie clapped Maxwell on the back. 
Maxwell felt a swell of pride. He wasn’t sure if that was the last he was going to hear about the whole Jason incident, but he shut him up and it felt great. 
“Now that that’s been taken care of..” Liam grinned ear to ear. “..I would love it if Max could show me around. I’ve never even been to school before. All I have are private tutors.” 
“Yes!” Maxwell took Liam’s hand and enthusiastically started leading him away. 
Liam chuckled and waved behind him to the theater group, “It was nice meeting all of you!”
Maxwell led Liam through the halls of his school, trying to ignore the whispers and stares of the other students who gawked at the Prince. He showed him his fencing club practice area, the stables where his horse resided, and a few of his classrooms. But Maxwell was most excited about showing Liam the theater. He pushed open the double doors and led him inside with a grin. “This is where the play is gonna be. We practice here every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.”
Liam looked around the grand auditorium in wonder. “Too bad you aren’t practicing today. I’d love to see you up on stage.”
Max chuckled and actually felt himself blushing. “Really?”
“Duh!” Liam laughed and sat down in a front row seat. “Hey, why don’t you give me a little preview?”
“Now?!” Maxwell stepped back. “But there’s no music or any other people on stage or anything!”
“I'll go up with you!” Liam raced up the stairs and onto the stage. “Wow, it’s so big up here.. And open! I’d be terrified to be up here reciting lines in front of all those people.”
Maxwell climbed the steps and stood beside him, looking out at the hundreds of empty seats. “Well thanks for putting a new fear in my head!”
Liam grimaced, “Sorry.”
Maxwell burst out laughing and nudged his friend. “I’m joking. I don’t know why, but I actually love it. Weird, huh?”
They stood beside each other, taking in the beauty of the theater and Liam smiled, looking out ahead. “No. It’s not weird. Not for someone like you.”
Max was taken aback. Someone like him? “What do you mean?”
“I mean.. You’re just this amazing, fearless person. You’re so optimistic and funny and.. I really admire you.” 
Max turned to Liam, who was still staring ahead. His cheeks held a faint blush that made Maxwell's stomach flutter. “Wow. That’s the nicest thing anyone has probably ever said to me.”
Liam looked at him with a tender expression he had never seen before. “Well I mean it. Every word.”
Maxwell stepped closer. It was as if each of them were connected by a magnetic pull and fighting the attraction was futile. Liam’s chest was nearly touching his by now and Max swallowed hard. He felt his breath start to come quickly but the warm touch of Liam’s hand on his cheek stopped his heart completely. Liam leaned in until his forehead was touching Max’s and he tenderly stroked his jaw. “Max.. I.. I-”
A boom from the entrance to the auditorium caused them to split apart quickly. The doors had been thrown open and Mr. Eldore strode in wearing a grin. “My word, it’s true! Your Highness, I am thrilled to have you in our humble theater!”
Liam’s posture immediately changed back to the one Max had seen thousands of times before. He was in prince mode. “The pleasure is all mine. This theater is beautiful, and the architecture is just stunning..”
While Liam and Mr. Eldore were talking, Maxwell’s mind was racing a mile a minute. Liam had almost kissed him. Liam had almost kissed him.  Liam had almost kissed him! That’s what was about to happen, right? He fought the urge to lean over and ask one of Liam’s guards his opinion on the matter. No, that would be too weird. It was already weird enough that they had been right there and seen the whole thing. His palms were sweaty and he attempted to calm his heart rate before any attention was brought to him. 
Liam turned to Max with a grin, “I’m actually here visiting my dear friend, Maxwell Beaumont.”
Mr. Eldore looked delighted. “Your friend?! Well, I hope that means you will be attending the play in a couple months! We would be honored to have you in our theater. Of course the entire royal family is invited.”
Liam winked at Maxwell, “It’ll just be me and maybe another one of our mutual friends, but we’ll definitely be there opening night.”
“Well that is fantastic!” Mr. Eldore bowed. “Maxwell, you just let me know all the details and I will personally see to it that everything is perfect.”
“Thank you.” Liam smiled cordially as Mr. Eldore left the building and they were once again left alone. Well.. alone plus two guards.
Max shuffled his feet and smiled awkwardly at his friend. “I think I’ve shown you everything now.”
Liam put his hands in his pockets, grinning. “Well you haven’t shown me your bedroom.”
“M-my bedroom?!” Maxwell’s voice cracked like a prepubescent boy. He cleared his throat and nodded. “Right. Ya.. of course. My bedroom!”
“Unless you don’t want to.”
“No! No, I definitely want to take you to my bedroom!” Max felt his face grow hot. “No! I mean.. I mean I can definitely show it to you.. my room, I mean!”
The two of them chuckled awkwardly and Max tried to think of a good lie to cover for his dorkiness. “It’s just a little messy is all. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Nah. Your room is always messy, Beaumont! Has that ever stopped me before?” Liam teased and the boys laughed sincerely, thankful that some of the tension had cleared. 
Once they reached Maxwell's door, Liam turned to his guards. “Can you just stay outside?”
They looked at each other skeptically. Sam, the most senior guard, responded.  “Sir, no disrespect, but you are a seventeen year old boy. Your father has charged me with looking after your wellbeing. I cannot in good conscience let you go into Lord Beaumont’s bedroom without supervision.”
Liam flushed, “Oh my God, what do you think is going to happen in there?!”
The guards glanced at each other and Sam cleared his throat. “I.. uh..”
“Just do a sweep and let me have some time alone to catch up with my friend.” Liam looked at Sam pleadingly. “Please?”
After a moment considering, Sam nodded. Once the room had been cleared and the guards left, the boys sat on the bed together. The insinuation from the guards had left them feeling a little uncomfortable. Maxwell tried to break the tension. “Hey.. Why did the student eat his homework?”
Liam quirked an eyebrow and smiled. “Why?”
“Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!”
Liam laughed loudly, “That is so bad! And I love it!” Maxwell joined in and soon they were laughing uncontrollably, laying on Maxwell’s bed. Liam rolled over to face him. “You always make me laugh. Remember when you tried to do a roast at Olivia’s sweet sixteen?”
Maxwell groaned and covered his face, “First of all it was only 2 years ago, so of course I remember. And second of all, it was the day I was nearly murdered. One doesn’t usually forget that day.”
Liam chuckled, “Everyone was going up to the mic and wishing her happy birthday, then along comes Max with his note cards and just totally demolishes her!”
“Shut up!” Maxwell shoved Liam playfully. “I thought she’d like it!”
“You thought she’d like you asking how she manages to create a hairstyle that covers her horns?”
Maxwell laughed, “Drake liked it!”
2 years ago:
Liam had just taken his turn at the mic in the ballroom of Lythikos, cordially wishing Olivia a happy birthday. Max was seated across from the small stage, not so patiently waiting for his turn. He shuffled the note cards in his hand with a grin. This was going to be great. Olivia was surely tired of all the generic birthday wishes, but HE was going to give her something to remember.
He sauntered on stage and winked at Bertrand, who for some reason looked nervous by the gesture. Little did Bertrand know that Max was about to have everyone in this room rolling with laughter. 
Maxwell tapped the microphone and smiled. “Good evening, good evening. Well I’m happy to be here in Lythikos - the land of ice and snow. The only duchy in Cordonia where the temperature outside matches the temperature inside Olivia’s heart.”
Max waited, but was only met by a crowd of shocked faces. Ok, maybe that joke wasn’t the best, but he had more. He cleared his throat and flipped to the next card. “So it’s Olivia’s sixteenth birthday. Tell me, Liv, what's that in people years?”
A loud guffaw from the crowd caught his attention and he saw Drake holding a hand over his mouth, shoulders shaking as he attempted not to laugh. Liam was seated beside Drake, staring at Max wide eyed.
Hey, maybe this was good stuff after all. Drake never laughed but he was loving it! Feeling encouraged, Max flipped to the next card. “So Olivia I love your new hairstyle!” He turned to face her and grinned, “how did you manage to hide the horns?”
Once again the room was met by silence other than the boisterous laughter coming solely from Drake Walker. Surely everyone would get the jokes soon and then the whole room would be full of joy. He glanced over at Olivia and her face was as red as a tomato. Must be from holding in her laughter. He flipped to the next card. 
“Liv, there’s a saying that always reminds me of you: ‘Two wrongs don’t make a right.’ Take your parents for example.”
Drake continued to laugh and Bertrand whispered loudly, “Maxwell Percival Beaumont, get down here right now!”
Max leaned away from the mic to speak to his brother, “Don’t worry, the jokes are about to get better!” Max flipped to the next card and cleared his throat, “Speaking of parents.. Olivia’s parents are dead-”
Just then, the mic was ripped out of his hand by his brother. Bertrand forced a chuckle and spoke into the microphone. “Um, best wishes on your sixteenth birthday Lady Olivia. My brother and I are very grateful for the invite to your party but I’m afraid something urgent has come up and we must take our leave. Goodnight everyone.”
Bertrand quickly ushered Maxwell out of the ballroom and down an empty hallway before turning to face him. “ARE YOU INSANE!?”
“You used her birthday party to insult her? And you were about to ridicule her dead parents!”
Max shook his head. Of course Bertrand had no idea what comedy was. “It’s not insulting, it’s called a roast! It’s the highest honor you can give someone!”
Bertrand ran a hand down his face, “My God, Maxwell. We have to get out of here.”
Just then, the ballroom doors slammed and the sound of high heels stomping down the hallway grew closer and closer. Olivia rounded the corner, looking like a wild animal, and pointed at Maxwell. “YOU!!!”
“Run, brother!” Bertrand shouted and Max took off as fast as he could. Why was Olivia so angry? Maybe she needed someone to explain what a roast was, but Max wasn’t about to stop running to do so.
Eventually he gave her the slip and crammed himself in a dumbwaiter to hide. A terrifying hour later Olivia gave up hunting him and returned to the party. He and Bertand slipped out and weren’t invited to Lythikos ever again.
“I still don’t think she knows what a roast is!” Max chuckled and shook his head, laying next to Liam.
Liam laughed, “Maxwell Beaumont, you are the only person in the world brave enough or crazy enough to ‘roast’ Olivia Nevrakis.”
The two lay together in contented silence, simply enjoying each other’s company. “When do you have to leave?” Max asked quietly.
Liam sighed, “Soon probably.”
Maxwell felt his heart drop. “Oh.” 
Liam checked his watch with a frown. “I have a stupid meeting early tomorrow morning with Leo, my father, and the council. I have to start learning about amending treaties and other bullshit.”
“Well we have at least a few more minutes together.” Max turned over to face Liam and smiled, “Wanna hear some new music?”
Liam smiled, “Sure.”
Maxwell grabbed his phone and scrolled through to his newest favorite album. It wasn’t dance music like he usually favored, but had more of an indie romance vibe. Max closed his eyes, heavily in his feelings about listening to love songs next to Liam. His body was so close, Max could feel the warmth radiating from him and he was trying his best not to get too excited.. In more ways than one.
Suddenly he felt the soft, gentle warmth of Liam’s hand slide into his own. He opened his eyes abruptly and looked at his best friend. It was all he could do not to squeal with joy. The two shared a smile and lay together for the next half hour, hand in hand, enjoying the music and company, until Liam had to return home.
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its-all-ineffable · 1 year
Midnights {IWTV/ T.Swift series}
Midnights (17/140 parts) - All the fics from all the series. This is the over-all series of all my Interview With The Vampire 2022 fanfics that are inspired by lyrics from songs on Taylor Swift's 'Midnights' album. It will consist of seven seperate series, each one based on a particular song.
Anti-hero (13/13 parts) - Lestat centric fics taking place pre-series, during the series, and after the series (some canon divergence/speculation), with a lot of self-reflection. Based on the song 'Anti-hero' from Midnights.
Mastermind (4/12 parts) - Loustat centric fics, all taking place in canon, about how Lestat manipulated their relationship into being. Mainly taking place at the beginning of the series, chronicling the development of their relationship. Based on the song 'Mastermind' from Midnights.
Karma (0/13 parts) - Louis and Lestat centric fics, some canon compliant and some speculation/canon divergent, looking at the various relationships they've had and how they've been built/developed. Based on the song 'Karma' from Midnights.
Bejeweled (0/10 parts) - Primarily Loustat angst with a couple of fics being fluff, set mainly during the course of the series ,with the last one being a canon divergent reunion. Based on the song 'Bejeweled' from Midnights.
The Great War (0/16 parts) - Loustat, Louis & Lestat centric fics that are mainly angst, set during the series and in 2022. Also 2 AU/canon divergent fics that take episode 5 in different directions, with one consisting of 4 fics. Based on the song 'The Great War' from Midnights (3am Edition).
Would've, Could've, Should've (0/18 parts) - Louis centric fics, mainly taking place throughout the series and afterwards (canon divergence), heavily self-reflective. Based on the song 'Would've, Could've, Should've' from Midnights (3am Edition).
You're on Your Own, Kid (0/17 parts) - Claudia centric fics, taking place primarily in the series canon, with some speculation on her arrival in Europe and her (canonical, probably) death; mainly her thoughts on what she sees and feels. Based on the song 'You're on Your Own, Kid' from Midnights.
Midnight Rain (0/12 parts) - Armandaniel (Armand x Daniel) centric fics, primarily focusing on their relationship before the series, in the 'Devil's Minion' era, and some speculation on their relationship post-canon. Based on the song 'Midnight Rain' from Midnights.
Paris (0/13 parts) - Loustat & Armandaniel fics mainly focusing on loving and fluffy times between the two couples, both pre and post season 1, with links to Queen Of The Damned (what I imagine it may be like in the show) in most fics; also bookended with the four main characters being in each other's company. Based on the song 'Paris' from Midnights (3am Edition).
High Infidelity (0/16 parts) - A series exploring the complex relationships between Lestat, Louis, Armand and Daniel, focusing on the 'infidelity' between all of them (as well as Daniel's wives & Antoinette) and how their relationships have changed and developed with each other over time. Based on the song 'High Infidelity' from Midnights (3am Edition).
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floating--goblin · 1 year
Possible hot take, but since it's that time of year again and people are complaining about who won last year, I wanted to give my two cents--
ESC is not, fundamentally, a music contest. It is a show.
Yes, "contest" is literally part of the name - and yes, music is the core of it. But every year you hear everyone bleat about how "it's rigged!" or "they picked a winner based on political interest!"
Yes. That's true. It has always been - if the contest took place during a time of conflict or change, the winners tended to be picked on a political basis - because we're representing countries here, not individual artists - and sometimes, the spotlight needs to be given to a specific person.
But it doesn't matter! No one will 100% agree on who should've won, everyone has a favorite, and the point of the contest should be that Europe's nations come together to show off their best. It's not like a sports game - you can clearly see who ran the fastest in a race, but you can't measure artistic merit the same way.
When Conchita Wurst won, everyone got mad because "they just picked her because she's trans!" (which isn't actually true, Conchita is a stage persona, the guy playing her is a gay man - so most people didn't even bother to get informed about that). But... So fucking what? It was new to have that kind of representation, and ESC is a significant event, broadcast live even to queerphobic countries - the results might have been rigged, but it was a friendly gesture toward the queer community. In 2014 no less!
Did it change anything? Did anyone die from losing the contest? Did winning Eurovision skyrocket anyone's career? Not really - I mean, when was the last time you heard about Conchita Wurst on the international scene? Do you know what Alexander Rybak is up to these days? Most of you dropped Måneskin weeks after their win, and you don't even know what "Epic Sax Guy"'s name is. Hell, Kalush won just last year, and I haven't heard a peep about them from anyone.
Whether or not Ukraine's win was orchestrated, I don't know - and frankly, I don't care to know. They didn't even get to host the event in their country, which was obviously going to be the case, it wasn't a last minute realization - so is it really that fucking important, while they're in the middle of a war, that they won the singing competition?
Kalush's performance last year was beautiful - but almost as importantly, Europe needed to show solidarity with Ukraine at that moment. That includes socially as well, because - shock of all shocks - countries are made up of people, who have a certain degree of control over political and military matters. Whether or not last year's contest was rigged, doesn't matter - because the bottom line is that all of Europe is affected by the war to some extent, and we must make it clear that imperialist warlords and their supporters are not welcome among the rest of us. Sure, it's just an art contest, it's not any kind of tangible, physical action against the Russian forces - but it is a symbolic "fuck you" to Russia and a "we're on your side" to Ukraine, which is something.
There will be other years. You're free to consider your favorite country the winner. Frankly, everyone's winning if they get to be in the contest, because it's a beloved event where every country can put out their own brand of beautiful or bizarre. Let's focus more on the experience, rather than who gets the most points - celebrate all the beautiful performances you're seeing, and stop treating Eurovision like a football league. If a certain contestant wins because of political bias, you're free to just ignore the results and enjoy the performances you loved - because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. You still got to see some beautiful art, and a piece of your neighboring countries' souls.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
I read your one article about Mallyuu. I agree with you for the most part, since I don't think their dynamic is nearly as strong as the game makes it out to be. But, I disagree about your point saying that Malleus would turn down Yuu based on the fact that they're a human. If anything, it strengths that possibility.
From a strictly folklore prospective, fae often kidnap mortals. They do this for a wide variety of reasons including get servants, midwifes, human sacrifices (yes, really) and pets. (It also makes Malleus look like a dumbass for being surprised that humans age, since he should've seen kidnapped human servants in his court age and even Sebek's father. But I digress.) In the case of Malleus, sometimes they kidnap anyone with a uterus to their courts to be their partners and to have many babies with them in order to further their family lines. There was even a type of Irish fae that was tasked to do pretty much just that--kidnap mortals to be the wives or husbands of the fae monarch, making them able to have babies with them.
While I know that the TWST fae aren't the same as the ones in folklore, I think some of that would stay consistent like the court being happy for Malleus to get a mortal partner since he can now produce an heir (depending on whether or not they have a uterus). Either way, it's great yandere material.
Thanks for your opinion. And this is an interesting look of fae folks that I myself not familiar with because I'm from outside Europe and generally has neutral opinion on mythical things.
I do want to point out something, at least two things.
About the royalty marriage. You said it yourself that fae would kidnapped mortal husbands and wives to produce heirs.
But put an underline on produce heir. Now, remember that TWST's MC is gender neutral and, taking a page from what you said, might not have a uterus. Malleus clearly has a penis. I know some fans predict he has two gigantic penises, but that's not the problem. The biggest problem is, if MC doesn't have an uterus, how would it benefit Malleus or the court? It's one thing if the MC is a female OC or self-insert, but canonically we don't know if the MC has a dick or a pussy. With Malleus being the crown prince, the legacy of his family is important. I imagine the court doesn't want to waste their long time to marry the prince who won't get a heir.
But one point, and it is a point I always wanted to express myself is the last part: "It's a great yandere material."
Oh boy, we have a storm. You've open the pot, anon.
I'll be blunt: I don't really like yandere. I mostly have mixed feelings about it. I don't like possessive people. I don't like people who would kill their rival. I don't like people who locked their love ones to "protect" them. I know I joked around that my main OC has yandere tendencies, but I played that as a bad thing. My biggest worry is what if people sees yandere/possessiveness as a romantic thing, the same way they see toxic/abusive pairings as true love. Not to mention the often misrepresentation of yandere. Some might straight see yandere as murderer because the whole "I'll kill everyone to keep my love one for myself", even though it's more to that. It's about the dread of knowing that there's someone who keep watching you, not about the killing. Let me say this: murder is not cute. Yandere is not a cute quirk.
Now a big question that I myself can't asnwer: If, for example, we see a yandere character who locked their partner, drugged or put a spell on them, and not letting them go outside for their "protection". Is this a romantization of abusive relationship?
Now, as I said, this is fiction. You can like yandere but doesn't support abusive relationship obviously. However, we can't deny the fact that some people might see this as a real romantic thing. Like what happened around teens after 13 Reasons Why.
And now the major demographic of TWST is teens and young adults. If, for example, Malleus does ended up locking MC up, how will they see it? Will they see it as romantic or toxic? It also depends on how the game will portray it.
Now, this is not the first time Disney ever do this, see The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Tangled. However, it's between an adult and their child so there's nothing romantic about it, heck nothing familial about it. Those are straight up child abuse. Malleus, despite his olden age, can be categorized as a teen in some eyes (like how I see him as). If Malleus does the same things as Frollo and Gothel toward the MC, do you see this as teen romance or abuse toward the same age?
Here's the thing. I don't really mind if Malleus ended up locking MC is it portrays as a bad/toxic thing. I wouldn't see anything romantic about it. But if there's a slight hint of romance, that's where I draw the line. If MC actually get scared of Malleus because of this, I can see Malleus as a success. But if not, then this is not for me.
But that's my two cents. This is not me saying that all yandere is bad and we should just stop making yandere. Fan contents for yandere are honestly great, even I enjoy them. But when it comes to canon material, I really hope they don't go down the yandere route.
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imthepunchlord · 3 months
Which miraculous(es) the perfect miraculous group would weild the best in your AU(Wu Xing and Ying-Yang)?
This recent poll will change something of your AU or is just for fun?
Again, it would depend on what I'm doing story and setting wise. Cause the Miraculous I crafted are made up of 27 and that's 7 potential team members I would do, with not all 7 being for sure. Not all 27 need to be in use, so that would come down to what swaps I want to do and what characters I'd want to focus on.
I really don't have an exact answer for you on this.
Though for this poll, I can tell you that it may. It is being done for genuine curiosity. How Miraculous are set up is something I always go back and forth on. Like, doing this all based on Chinese myth and culture and themes can work, but they're also not fully committing to it.
Like, the Five are based on Wu Xing.
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By this fact, Fox AND Turtle should have an edge over Butterfly, and be solid alternatives to Ladybug and Cat by extension. Say Butterfly is Wood, Fox as Fire should "burn it up" and Turtle as Metal should "break up Wood". But with how they went about things, it's hard to see how they could. Especially with canon pushing that Ladybug is the SOLE solution to dealing with Butterfly.
That's not working off Wu Xing properly.
And then there's Ladybug and Cat themselves.
Cat can work there. China really likes felines. But the Cat Miraculous works off the unlucky black cat which is exclusively west. China doesn't see cats as a catastrophe, they see them as lucky and as protectors, black as a color is tied to protection. So going with a kwami who's name is based on plague, and having a destructive power that could be easy to misuse, yeah that doesn't really work off what I've read.
And Ladybug has very little to it in China, I can't find a lot talked about to warrant the placement. Like, here's all the notes I put down on ladybugs in various cultures and what they're tied to and what they represent.
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There's a lot for Ladybug in Europe, but I couldn't find a lot of expanded details for Ladybug eastward, which tells me it should've been more Europe based and just traveled a bit. To add to it, looking up lucky animals in China's culture, so many animals come up but not ladybug, though it's regarded as lucky by default of being red, a lucky color.
And between the Ladybug and unlucky black Cat, it works more off the western view, which makes sense as it's a French show, which makes me wish they worked off French/European culture instead.
Which just comes back to how the show sets up Miraculous. They don't really click well coming from China. And looking at the poll at the time, a majority are in agreement.
Miraculous I feel should've been tied to iconic/major civilizations/regions OR they were just universal, had no set region that they were tied to and they traveled about and that's how you got a lot of the same animals popping up in different cultures.
The latter especially allows a lot of creativity in how Miraculous relate to each other. You can have it be that all are uniquely powerful in their own ways, and certain ones can be specific answers to Miraculous misuse. You can roll with Ladybug and Cat as counterparts and not question it. There can be other wish granting pairs and maybe the wish you want depends on the pair. Like, if you want immortality, does the Ladybug and Cat really need to recreate reality for that? And it's a give and take that swaps things around, what human is going to naturally be immortal? Can also do Miraculous can have a lot of different pairs, like Cat can pair with Mouse, Dog, Snake, or Tiger. But that does come with a lot of trying to figure stuff out, deciding what should exist, like, Cat can easily represent all cats, so iconic cats like Tiger and Lion may not need to exist, but they also don't have the same symbolism and myths as Cat, so arguments can be made for them to exist. And how big of a number of Miraculous should exist? I do think there should be more than 7, but I don't want the hundreds the show is going with. And then there's figuring out a system of control and how do they relate to each other? This option has a lot of open possibilities, but a lot will need to be thought of and have some foundation put down.
The former though can get into representing cultures, it can give you nice defined themes and groups to work off of. Most cultures work off an elemental system, which can offer clear systems of control for Miraculous in relation to each other. But for animals that do pop up in different cultures, yeah you need to sit and decide who should go where. Some are easy, like Turtle, Monkey, and Tiger should be with China, Snake and Peafowl should be with India, Ladybug and Bee should be somewhere in Europe. Horse though appears in various European cultures, China, India, Egypt; how do you decide where Horse goes? That's another thing to really think about and debate. As well as doing extra research to decide what themes and groups they should be tied too.
So, yeah the poll may influence things. Going with Miraculous tied to China, I do like what I set up, but I also acknowledge 27 is a lot. And I can't promise all 27 would get focused on. And I'm also still not sold about them all coming from China. And I do debate should some really exist?
Depending on the poll, I may reconsider things and make changes. Majority are in agreement with me about not being crazy about all Miraculous coming from China. If people are up for it, I may do more polls to help decide things, as I can struggle with making choices.
We got another 6 days on the poll at this time, so we'll see.
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ponikva · 1 year
any idea if theres a europe/uk based website where i can order books that are of decent quality? where i can expect graphic novels to have thick shiny paper? like i ordered uzumaki and the black paradox hardcovers but the paper used for the pages is fucking bullshit :( i should've gone with the serbian publication haha </3
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solarsavoy · 1 year
Hello! May I ask 1, 8, and 10 for Deshi, or 2, 8, and 9 for Stag?
(To my other readers out there, yes I'm procrastinating, but this also gets me in the mood to write.)
For Deshi.
1 - What’s their ancestry? Where’s their family from? Do they know? Are they proud of their ancestors?
So Deshi's dad is presumably Japanese, but he left when Deshi was 8 and Mom doesn't talk about him. He is in fact Japanese, but Deshi's unsure of this. His paternal grandmother died before he was born and his paternal grandfather died when he was 1 or 2, so he has little to no memory of them. As for his mom, I go back and forth on what I want her to be, but I know she's from Europe. Originally, I wanted her to be Italian, but now I'm wondering if she's half and half of something else. Deshi is loosely based on my own ancestry, my father also being Japanese but I don't know him, but I wanted him to have two different cultures than my mom, who was a half and half between two herself. So I want his mom to be at least half Italian, and Deshi definitely knows this about her (and all of her ancestry) but her entire family resides in Europe. He's visited them once or twice in his life, but seeing as it's expensive and Mom doesn't work (she gets life insurance for the father's disappearance, he was ruled deceased so she could get access) they don't really go that often. Also, then never come to visit them in America (which is totally rude, but eh, it happens.)
He isn't particularly proud of his ancestry, but he doesn't hate it either. He's very neutral about things like that (he gets it from me, at least for how I feel on my mom's side), but he often argues with certain things he inherited from his father such as his thin frame and inability to gain sufficient weight in muscle because of his genetics. Not without at least trying to gain it anyway, lol. 😅
8 - How do they feel about their government? Or other forms of authority?
He respects it a lot except when it comes to his mom, which I'll explain in a bit. He's that guy that follows all the rules and overly worries about breaking them. Also known as the party pooper when it comes to staying out late or trying a bit of alcohol and other shenanigans that teenagers usually tend to do. It really stresses him out because he cares a lot about not breaking the rules.
A lot of this stems from his home life. When his father left, his mother subconsciously laid a lot of responsibilities onto Deshi because of her grief. Deshi did a lot for a kid, and started to confuse the line between parent and child more often than he should've. This is why he respects authority so much, because he is an authority figure in his sister's life, and she does everything except listen and respect Deshi, which is very frustrating. As he gets older, he often fights with his mom because sometimes, she treats him like an adult, and other times, she treats him like a child. He really hates this confusion and would rather just be a child, but then it just gets insulting to his intelligence and then she'll ask him to do something like babysit his sister or do the yard work, all a man's job in his eyes, which usually ends in a fight. This also affects Sasaki, who is very precocious, because she views Deshi as a child but for whatever reason, he gets these special "adult priviledges" that she fully believes she is more deserving of.
10 - What would absolutely destroy them? What can’t they live without?
While on Earth, if anything were to happen to his mom or sister while he was there, it would destroy him. He would blame himself and maybe even take it to the extreme because even though it wasn't a responsibility he asked for, it's one he had. If he feels responsible, or like he was the only one that could have changed something, it would destroy him to not be able to handle that responsibility, no matter how great a responsibility it was.
For Stag.
2 - If they could be or do anything in the world, who would they be? What would they be doing? What does their ideal world look like?
He actually gets there (technically, not explaining why it's technically). It's funny because you asked the perfect questions that reveal these character's growth arcs. 😊 In his ideal world, he would be free. He's a free spirit in a lot of ways, but for most of his life, he was tied down by trauma and responded with avoidance. He eventually learns to face his past so he can move on and be free, although it takes a while, and ends up in his ideal world with the person he loves. Initially, they travel together, picking up lovers and leaving them only to come back later and have more fun. He does this for years until they settle down and his partner continues to travel while Stag essentially becomes a stay at home dad. He ends up in Estes, the least populated kingdom, so he can continue to hunt and be one with nature while raising his kids. His ideal world is having the freedom to do what he wants, when he wants, without judgment or trauma or anything weighing him down.
The ultimate freedom of his heart, mind and soul.
He is a free spirit. 😊
8 - How do they feel about their government? Or other forms of authority?
He tends to fight against it when it doesn't agree with him and the closer it is to him, for example Lord Carroll, the harder he fights. This stems from his past trauma of basically being abandoned by his authority figure, so he's reluctant to trust that they have his best interests at heart. For good reason, if you ask me.
9 - What’s their perfect day look like?
This obviously depends on which version of Stag you're asking, so I'll do the one for book 2. It's not exactly what happens, but they're all parts of the reasons he really falls for Deshi. (And man he falls hard.) So details are changed, but if done in this order in this way, it would easily be his perfect day. (Only made more perfect if it were with his number one.) He gets up insanely early because Deshi is stressing out about something, so Stag distracts him by pulling pranks on the night guards. Then they watch the sunrise together from up high on the castle. During the day, they end up late for classes but spend a bunch of time goofing around and while fighting Lord Carroll in a two-on-one fight, they actually win. Then after class, they go and explore some parts of the kingdom together. The end up at the Fiend's Nest and, even though Deshi fights it, which is cute, they dance and the night ends with a kiss. They're both horribly exhausted by the end and they stay in the same room (not sexual) and Stag gets to cuddle Deshi while they sleep. Other notable interactions are talking about the people they like and mutual teasing about their crushes on people. Also, Lord Carroll participates in the prank war later in the day and Stag and Deshi end up pulling the ultimate prank on Lord Carroll which makes him act like a sore loser. Also also, they talk about their pasts, which may not seem all that important, but Stag hasn't even told Lord Carroll about his past. Having the heart to tell someone something that deep means a lot to him.
Anyway, enjoy the fluff, but be warned that this is a fabrication based on the events in book 2 and not actual events in book 2. Regardless, there are reasons Stag develops a crush on Deshi, and I can't wait to release the Second Fragment. 🥰
Thanks so much for the ask, @magicalflyingfish, it was a lot of fun to explore these questions. And now I want to work on Krystar... 😅 Well, on to writing!
Ask thing.
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german-milfs · 29 days
genuine question. how would you analyse the badeer-meinhof/raf? regardless to say they did not succeed in erasing the remnants of nazism in west germany (which tbf was kinda hard when you had the usa empowering those people to remain safe and anonymous)
it was a marxist group. not guevarist, not utopian but something akin to maoists in india, turkey and the philippines. it had the theoretical potential to overthrow the f.r.g. (the current state of germany) and build something entirely different from east germany, but sadly lacked the support from the masses. if it had succeeded it would've either become a subject of soviet and (east) german social-imperialism or built a new coalition in europe and around the globe (in opposition to revisionism and everything that stands to the right of that).
you'll notice they instantly recognized zionism as a threat, something that's crucial for genuinely progressive movements in germany and europe. this is what ended up making the difference in the end between actual revolutionaries and reformists and left liberals in germany
had they achieved state power one would assume they could have supported the p.f.l.p. or the socialist movements in ireland financially and militarily speaking but it's very possible the western powers would have done everything to blockade it. germany as a whole is the heart of europe (no, i'm not exaggerating. wish it wasn't like that) so the r.a.f.'s work was far more threatening than that of the i.r.a. (no offense).
they were a bit adventurist though, they should've spent more in their security apparatus (so they wouldn't be captured as easily), should have spent more time in political agitation and organizing, instead of going down the adventurist road of the i.r.a.; not to mean they shouldn't have carried out attacks against the state but that they should've tried to garner more support from the masses and built a stable political base. like the filipino communists right now.
waging people's WAR is a slow process
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bisexualmothman-br · 1 year
Would you look at that, time for another personal top 10, today being for the 2022 contest.
Disclaimer: As i share my takes on my top 10s it should be obvious i only rank years based on the studio version of the entries (it's always the version i listen to everyday, rarely will the live performance of a song affect its placing to me).
10th 🇲🇪 Vladana - Breathe: Georgia 2023 took notes from this one, but damn did Montenegro return for a one-time bop and immediately withdraw again. Lyrics are simple so they're fun to sing along to, but girl really got herself an english dictionary (the italian bridge and chorus on the live was unnecessary but that's irrelevant for now).
9th 🇨🇭 Marius Bear - Boys Do Cry: Listen listen, i have a soft spot in my heart for calm male swiss ballads (Watergun is my 12th this year and the 2020 and 2021 top 10s will let you know my opinion on Gjon wink wink), and as much as Marius is unlikeable, i can't deny his entry fits that model and i love its message.
8th 🇦🇱 Ronela Hajati - Sekret: I have to admit 2022 was my 2nd time following a contest and with Albania revealing their entry that early i kinda have a soft spot for Sekret. It is a banger (pre-revamp, as i almost always rank albanian entries) and definitely a girlbop. Ronela our sammarinese albanian crybaby, please change your ways, i love your entry.
7th 🇱🇻 Citi Zēni - Eat Your Salad: I used to hate that song but then the more i listened the more i got its hype, i love Latvia's 2016-2023 streak so far and, as much as i wasnt expecting a qualification, it kinda stung a bit not seeing it go to the final.
6th 🇵🇹 Maro - Saudade, Saudade: We stan a portuguese sadgirl, and even the english parts were great, just overall a very good chill entry with portuguese bias added of course.
5th 🇷🇸 Konstrakta - In Corpore Sano: biti zdrava, biti zdrava, biti zdrava, biti biti biti biti zdrava, biti zdrava, biti zdrava, može može može
4th 🇲🇰 Andrea - Circles: Underrated entry alert, this definitely deserved to qualify, her voice is so strong and her song is so catchy, girl tested her limits but europe didn't listen.
3rd 🇫🇷 Alvan & Ahez - Fulenn: Diwanit Bugale pales in comparison to this, the studio version is so good and breton is such an interesting language (god help anyone who wants to learn any celtic language). Too bad the live was so jarring, that entry had so much potential but now France may be reluctant on sending more entries in languages like breton or corsican after seeing the result (even though it is such a banger).
2nd 🇱🇹 Monika Liu - Sentimentai: Lithuania and Slovenia are the only countries i didn't change at all in my first and latest 2022 rankings (Austria went from 3rd to 21st lmao) and deservedly so, i'm a sucker for the more unused languages in ESC (please Azerbaijan, send azeri already) and lithuanian was certainly top of the list to do a comeback. Sentimentai is such a classy entry and Monika is hella charismatic, 13th in the final is good by Lithuania's standards but cmon, we all know this should've been their new best result, they need a better "best result".
1st 🇸🇮 LPS - Disko: Already expressed my love for this entry on my blog but long story short THAT'S MY FAVORITE ESC ENTRY EVER I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT AND WHY THE FUCK DID IT GET LAST I LITERALLY CANT SEE WHAT WAS SO WRONG ABOUT IT TO DO WORSE THAN PIA MARIA'S VOCAL "PERFORMANCE". Cahem, yeah, we stan those boys.
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