#should I tag this as TF??? idk
Starting a collection (putting under a cut)
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noisyghost · 2 months
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rambling out loud about the one year timeline of how getting bit by a werewolf affected ark/his body <3
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little update on the project and the comic
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bulbabutt · 5 months
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they give the meme a different vibe entirely (its just that one beast wars episode)
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vitrificvitriol · 8 months
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For Kinklabtober: day 6- remote transfer! Worked with @stickycircuits; their sketch, and my lines and colors!
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rainbowpufflez · 2 months
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Lusaman,,, Rose,,,, Girlus,,,,, Womandre,,,,, and a bonus Womanmore
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giving everyone who has steve call robin "bird" or "birdy/birdie" in their fics a huge kissy on the cheek. thats so fucking cute and SUCHHH bestie behavior.
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eddie4bat-president · 9 months
Comedy of errors Steve Eddie and Robin are roommates and somehow both Eddie and Robin still think Steve is straight - Steve thinks he came out to them ages ago (They might have all been drunk. He might have said something like that he's realizing he likes babes of all kinds, babes with boobies and babes without boobies. They think he's waxing poetic about his own character growth because he appreciates flat girls now and make such fun of him. Steve is glad they're not making a big deal about it, and ribbing is their love language, but he's maybe a little disappointed at having gotten such a non-reaction from Eddie)
Anyway both Eddie and Robin quietly think they know way too much about the other's sex toy preference because Steve keeps leaving them in the bathroom after cleaning them up.
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
opening ko-fi sketch/ doodle requests for LMK, transformers or cotl!
ko-fi link here
theres a small list of rules on kofi, but ill paste them here too, and theres some examples of sketches below. (if youre worried, theres no expectation on you to make a req by interacting with this post lol)
you can put your req in the message when you tip a ko-fi, and ill post the reqs on tumblr and ko-fi when im done
im taking LMK, transformers or cotl sketch/ doodle reqs!
ill do canon/ mostly canon designs for characters unless suggested otherwise
if requesting an oc please message me on tumblr with a clear ref of them (if theyre in lego style, ill doodle them in lego style)
meme redraw suggestions are fine as long as you can provide the image/text (please message it to me on tumblr)
shadowpeach the only ship ill do reqs for (most ships give me artblock) but if you wanna req platonic, thats fine
NOT doing:
oc/self insert x canon character
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weregreatatcrime · 3 months
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Sukuna in Thedas what will he do
Have a crisis that's what
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
Thinking about IDW Optimus again and the fandom's aversion to even acknowledging he exists bc he's a cop or whatever and like. Most of the time people literally just replace him in fic with some white bread knockoff archivist/librarian, not even bothering to keep in IDW OP's personality (which just bolsters my theory that the problem isn't him being a cop the problem is that he's too multifaceted but I digress).
And it's annoying because you could totally write IDW Optimus as not a cop while still keeping his canon personality. You just have to realize that the reason IDW OP became a cop in the first place is because his formative experiences when he was young shaped him to basically have two priorities: 1. To help people and 2. To do it by being on the ground actively doing something about the bad things happening to people.
IDW OP would not be a fucking librarian or archivist because even though those are noble pursuits that can help people and change the world, and Optimus is educated/smart enough for the profession, he wouldn't be satisfied just teaching people or spreading information about activism or social-historical studies or whatever. He's a mech of action: he needs to be doing things right now, in front of him, to people he sees/interacts with in his own eyes, improving society with concrete actions rather than indirect action or abstract inspiration.
So basically the alternate job ideas I can think of for IDW Optimus are something like being a firefighter (or any first responder really) or even whatever the equivalent would be to international charity organizations, those ones that send volunteers across the world to do stuff like build housing/infrastructure or distribute food or whatnot. I mean I can't imagine that the equivalents to these things would be exactly the same in IDW Cybertron, so you'd have to get a little creative with it, but these are just some ideas of jobs that would fit IDW Optimus' personality while still filling the niche of "not a cop" for people who are just that opposed to it.
Though I think the revulsion against coptimus is annoying in general tbh because IDW is already a continuity that rejects the idea of easily defined good/evil people or groups. It feels like people really want Optimus to be a good person in a very sanitized and academically approved way, so he has to be nice and squeaky clean but also like, a perfect leftist who knows theory and holds the most progressive opinions on every single issue....
There is no room for the idea that good people join bad institutions, there's no room for the idea that the reason people think cops are good guys who help people is bc of the government propaganda everything is saturated with. Hell there's even later issues of the Optimus Prime series by John Barber where Optimus like, MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES, is shown in flashbacks grappling with the fact that he as a cop/Zeta's regime that he works for might not actually be improving society like they say they are, and dealing with the fact that he feels more like a lesser evil compared to the Decepticons (perhaps not "lesser" at all).
It's like there's this idea in fandom of like, fictional media and opinions on media having to strictly adhere to progressive ideals at all times. So people just go "cops bad, this character is a cop, therefore they suck" without being willing to engage with the idea of like. IDW OP is born wanting to fight injustice and protect people -> a good way to protect people is to fight the people who are hurting them and committing crimes -> surely following the law is a reliable moral code to guide him in this -> becomes a cop because he's been indoctrinated into a society (much like our own) where he was told that the state/the law exist to protect the people and being a cop means you get to fight bad guys that hurt people. There's really so many interesting concepts there that could be (and CANONICALLY IS) explored about how good, well-intentioned people can be led to harmful actions simply because they have been fed the idea that the things they're doing are good/helpful/noble. Which is especially important for a character like Optimus, I think, who has a cultural icon status as The Irrefutable and Perfect Good, so it's really important actually to use IDW Optimus as an example of how even the most noble people you know have held problematic beliefs or done bad things at some point in their life. You know, because no one is born perfect and ideologically pure, and in fact society is constructed in exactly a manner to make people drink the kool-aid and believe that the systems designed to hurt them/others are just a normal, if flawed, society.
I mean the writing in IDW literally has Optimus deal directly and indirectly with the harm he's done as a cop and how people don't/didn't trust him because of that. I don't know what the fuck else this fandom wants if the source material literally saying "OP realizes that cops suck and he hurt people and earned their disdain by doing the things he did" doesn't stop them from going EW cop bastard sucks and is the worst Optimus. Like the narrative barely stops short of outright saying ACAB and Optimus himself would agree with this sentiment.
At that point, the collective fandom beef with IDW OP isn't because he's a cop and the narrative didn't do enough to condemn that. The problem is literally just that people don't read and don't care
TLDR: Consider the fact that good people can do bad things sometimes especially when living from birth in a corrupt society that thoroughly disguises its vices/oppressive structures as completely normal parts of existence
#squiggposting#idw op love#like honestly just admit that you havent actually read his parts of the story#or that in a continuity of moral grayness you insist OP must be the one person who's perfectly good#bc idk Optimus is supposed to be good and perfect bc nostalgia/marketing/mythology says he should be#also i feel like theres evidence here of a very juvenile mindset of like#to be good a person has to have all the right beliefs and say it in all the right ways#which is the mindset only extremely insular or inexperienced ppl could possibly have lmao#heartbreaking i know but IRL there are very few people who are and always have been progressive and perfect#there are ppl within progressive mvmts that have unaddressed harmful beliefs outside of their Chosen Issue#there are people who wouldnt ID as progressive at all but are still good ppl who act well towards others#like if youve actually interacted with ppl IRL you understand that if you reject everyone who isnt Perfectly Progressive#youll have few if any allies and possibly alienate ppl who would help/ARE HELPING#like idk do you know how many ppl i personally know who i think have some bigoted/problematic beliefs#but im still friends or collaborators w them bc i understand that theyre still good ppl learning and growing#like. learn to understand that 'goodness' doesnt always look like a walking leftist textbook please i'm begging#and in fact sometimes stories. esp adult and mature ones. will present you w problematic ppl#and you have to like. grapple with their flaws and explore the tension between intention and consequences#a bit of a philosophy tangent rather than anything TF related which is why i kept it to the tags
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kasperzinfected · 9 months
wheatley but hes made out of human flesh. meatley
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finally did a colored fullbody of Skyfire
redesighned my redesign a little but whatever
(click for sizing pic)
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i'm Reworking how I do my sizing but Skyfire remains very very big
Also reworking my Starscream design, so if ya notice he looks a little different here from the other designs I have posted of him that's why.
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m00ngbin · 3 months
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Take some Teru concepts I made while I finish up the last few things I'm drawing!!!
I'm so sorry they're taking so long I have had a really long week 😭
Go read The Forgotten Son pretty pretty please :3 it's by @teruthecreator on ao3 and it's so good. You'll love it I promise
Oh um this is me editing this, I originally forgot to actually tag him when first I posted this. ANYWAYS HE USES THE SAME NAME ON AO3 AS HE DOES ON HERE
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vitrificvitriol · 10 months
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What a mess.
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Hi people who see this post I am back I AM SORRY for being so gone my brain got taken over by brainrot for something I’m writing and then when I finally got out of that slump and decided to go back to drawing tfs, I also opened commissions at the same time and then…… BOOM swamped I got a lot of commissions for someone who had never done them before and now I’m just finishing up one big one before I can go back to drawing for myself!!!!!
Anyway here are some low effort low quality shitposts I did between in commission and free time some of these are kinda old ngl and I forgot to slap my logo thing on a lotta of them do OOPS anyway the fun part is I’ve been trying to draw Blitzwing more like hhow he is in animated and tbh that’s kinda fun I love his many designs EXCEPT for the travisverse one because that was not Blitzwing that was a KNOCKOFF!!!!!!
Anyway I, Kay, 1# blitzfan promise I will draw more k swear I swear I swear I just gotta catch up on earthspark anddddddddddddddd yeah commisisnn
Thank WVERYONE who takes the time out of my daay to look at my post I love you I adore y8u you’re pretty cool AND awesome 😊😏😏😏🫡🫡🫡 have a SPLENDDI DAY
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