#shitpost 'til i die
plexflexico · 10 months
I've made the world 5000 worse!
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creampuffqueen · 2 months
tallied up yangchen’s death count (including near deaths) and how they actually died and guess how many yangchen actually killed with her own two hands?
how many does she blame herself for?
every single one
(9 deaths, 1 near death, 3 who were handled off screen so we don’t actually know if they lived or died)
how many of these deaths/near deaths can be traced back to chaisee and her actions?
all but one ☝️ (not even including the UNTOLD number of people she also killed offscreen. i’m only counting the deaths where her and yangchen’s involvements crossed)
the document has been appropriately titled ‘if i have to see another bad yangchen take i’m gonna enter my kalyaan arc 👹’ so i hope that gives everyone some insight to my mindset lmao
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fourthbagel · 10 months
kota, on main: this is what lovers do
aew commentary: they seem like very good friends 😊
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sieglinde-freud · 9 months
3ds fire emblem is fun because with the power of hair color you can make anybody siblings even if they really shouldn't ever be
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not one character in hannibal that i don't relate to. not one.
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wiltingdecay · 2 years
no shade to anybody whatsoever but sometimes i read julian fics and wonder if the author is aware of how easily the human bite can kill
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myreygn · 3 months
Demon Slayer or atla for the shippy meme?
why not both! :D
lowkey otp: uzusane!! i think i just started shipping them because i liked them individually and wanted to throw them together but i read some really good fanfics and they grew on me so much, pushing my rarepair agenda til i die!
highkey notp: giyutan and uzuzen, i just don't like the thought of these 20 something year olds meddling with teens. giyuu in my head is like a brother to tanjiro and tengen and zenitsu have an extremely entertaining dynamic but it doesn't read ship to me at all.
[softly] don’t notp: i'm getting kinda hooked on rengiyuu, i just thought about it because i needed to put some characters into an incorrect quote but ever since they've just been on my mind.
highkey otp but i’m scared of saying it because it’s not a very popular choice: NEZUSEN! and no this is not a typo, i'm talking about nezuko and senjuro. this comic by one of my favorite fan artists got me intrigued and i love the idea of them getting together some time post canon when they're all grown up, like a really nice reunion story would be so cute.
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it: it is so cruel that you'd make me decide but i think. and i hate to do this because it means i can't mention all of the other options but i think i have to go with sanekana. there's so many demon slayer ships that are so near and dear to my heart but sanekana is just. idk man. they're everything to me.
lowkey otp: agaiiiiin so many options... i have to say yueki, yue and suki. idk i just always have them in the back of my mind when i think about zukka and come on they would make such a kickass couple.
highkey notp: tokka. i think toph's little crush on sokka is adorable but they're siblings your honor i'm sorry.
[softly] don’t notp: this is my time to come clean and tell you that i never truly got over my maiko phase. not entirely, at least, like i have other ships that i definitely prefer but they're just hnnngh i cannot sit here and pretend like "i love zuko more than i fear you" means nothing to me.
highkey otp but i’m scared of saying it because it’s not a very popular choice: i need you to stay with me. this started off as a funny idea from a shitpost but. jetkojin. jet zuko and jin. i loved jin so much, i would've loved to see more of her and just imagine throwing her into the already spicy jetko mix, like we all love some jetko right but now make it POLY. marvelous experience.
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it: maileemaileemaileemaileemaileemailee- i feel like my life is more peaceful ever since i have accepted them as my otp, they're everything to me and i could not be happier.
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calamityhen · 1 year
tag your answer
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a-lil-perspective · 2 years
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Never. Fuck you.
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riotshotguns · 2 years
imagine not liking food with earthy flavors. you dont wanna eat dirt? not even a little bit? you sicken me
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kabrac · 3 years
People out here shipping Makorra in the year of our lord 2021? That’s embarrassing,,,,
Anyway stan Korrasami for clear skin
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winstontheiii · 3 years
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i want to study at Duel Academia
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uncleshits · 3 years
how dare u make me read a shitty self insert in the year 2020 (ignore the fact im writing one for u😔) i hate u and ur dumb blog and the shit posting 😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡 cringey ass bitch the big top is calling 🤡🤡🤡🤡
fight me coward I'm SWINGING 😤😤😤😤 i'm gonna keep making shitposts until someone writes me actual self insert Holster fic so you better make it happen 😤😤😤 dont act like you and I aren't driving the same stupid clown car together 🤡🤡🚗
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hot-sweet-coffee · 3 years
cousin, who i’m constantly trying to annoy bc he’s a piece of shit and who doesn’t know i’m trans: i had a nightmare last night
me:yeah? what was it?
him: you were a guy, terryfing
me: oh yeah? :)
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queenlua · 4 years
whenever you’re thinking about taking a social media break or deleting facebook or whatever
please think about my badass friend who does not even own a phone
i didn’t say doesn’t own a smartphone.  i mean she doesn’t have a phone at all.  she lost it once and never bothered replacing it.  if you want to hang out with her you have to send an email, and pick a day & time & place, and you damn well better show up when you said you would, because you can’t just call her to say “oh i’m running late!”
anyway tbh that increased her (already substantial) air of impressiveness & inaccessibility and i think she honestly gets more people to hang out with her now.  because it’s a challenge!  an adventure!
so like if you want to radiate that energy you totally can
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dangthatsspiral · 3 years
NGL my friends at school (all three of them) looked at me and went “Spiral, We’re adopting you.” Two of them are now my parents and one of them is that gay uncle and I wanna be like ‘nooo’ like stubborn for no reason but than I remind myself I have never had this type of pure love in years and therefore I will accept it and cling onto it like its the last thing in the world. 
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