#shin x hachi
rakkun · 1 year
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EP. 62
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pimientosdulces · 9 months
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hachi aug
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j11nko · 9 months
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lottacomics · 4 months
Does nana actually love ren? Or yasu more? In 50 chapter i was so confused about shins speech
shin said that nana actually in love with yasu
When nobu and shin see shion go in yasus room , they were all anxious about because nana s reaction .
but nobu has replied “dont say that! She is marrying ren!”
This panel made me to think “Mmmmso i think now that her true love is yasu.. ?” Ouch. ren😢
This was also a Reddit topic lol
there are so many ‘clues’ in the story about it, for example in the chapter 69 when yasu said thanks to nana well that “thanku” was so beautiful for her she cried for the happy . so many chapters after shion say to little misato that a “thank you“ sometimes is more rewarding than “i love u” if it comes from the person we love more.
I know , Ren has made SO MANY mistakes and in know yasu Is perfect but I believed that nana and ren were soulmates no matter what …happened . I’m so sad for ren… i know.. it’s crazy. yasu and nana are so special yes But i still believed that nana x ren was something more.. no matter what.. till now? 😮‍💨
Ren is my favorite character in nana. that’s why he is to dear to me .. my only hope is that his love is reciprocated by nana.. for real
aahhh I don’t understand what ai yazawa wants to say to us sometimes that i get angry really much. Love is not perfect sometimes… that shion theory’s so deep that i wanna scream 😂 nana was so happy for a thanku .. omg .. Ai Yazawa please.. ren is so lonely in the end.
What do you think about it? So sorry for my bad English
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lovsgore · 2 years
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⟠ ࣪ . zZz⠀ 🖐🏻💭 [Nana] ! ♡
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— You go down just like Holy Mary
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its-vicky1 · 6 months
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acupunkature · 9 months
☆ Shin Okazaki ☆
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piinkyypriincess · 3 months
Shinichi Okazaki x American!OC
"I Love You."
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Main Pairing ~ Shinichi Okazaki x American!OC
Warnings ~ Depression, anxiety, neglect, physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, substace abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, grooming, anger, obsessions, self harm, suicide, EDs, pregnancy, possessive behavior, and death.
Spoilers ~ Yes!
Summary of entire story ~ Below.
Chapters ~ Under the break.
Status ~ On-Going.
Dear, my lovely Shinichi.
Do you remember the first time we met?
Shinichi Okazaki bumps into a teen foreigner on the train to Shinjuku.
She's so sweet, it makes Shin's stomach ache with obsessive need. He can't help that he wants to show her how much fun angels have when they fall.
However, Shin doesn't know If he has the obsessive need to protect her, or show her the world's demons.
Chp 1 ~ I Love You
Chp 1 ~ Lovely, as Sweet as Honey
Chp 2 ~ I Love You
Chp 2 ~ Ironic is the Sweet Symphony
Chp 3 ~ I Love You
Chp 3 ~ Two Nickels for Penny
Chp 4 ~ I Love You (Coming Soon!)
Chp 4 ~ Coming Soon!
All Other Chapters ~ Unpublished, In The Works!
Cross posted on ~ AO3 and eventually Wattpad!
Last Updated ~ 01/24/2024
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peacewithlove · 2 years
Nana x Nana
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Photo credit to original owners.
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heyitslilingpage · 12 days
ᵇⁱˡˡⁱᵉ ⁻ ⁿᵃⁿᵃ ⁻ ˢʰⁱⁿⁱᶜʰⁱ ᵒᵏᵃᶻᵃᵏⁱ
shinichi okazaki
billie ella
solo artist meets a punk artist in the dark
shinichi okazaki x oc
This story follows Billie as she struggles from a past relationship and balancing her career as a solo artist. Then she met a boy in the dark that was just as lost as her.
Story on my wattpad account, @ LITTLE-ING
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rakkun · 1 year
“i will wait for the summer that we missed , even if it takes 10,20, or even 50 years”
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nishikigoistuff · 4 months
Ciao ! Che bello, è difficile trovare una fan italiana qui di nana lol
Sai Mi sono imbattuta in questa teoria , che prende sempre piu piede secondo me.
Perche rileggendo il manga mille volte ho percepito anche io questa teoria, ma sempre di più… alla fine.
Yasu e nana sono innamorati veramente, ren è parte del cuore di nana ovviamente.. ma nel profondo yasu è importante quanto ren. Lo so è tosta 😂
Ma è reale. Se vi ricordate Anche ren ha chiesto di sposarla per far si che cosi lei possa “buttare “fuori dal suo cuore il pelatino lol parole di ren lol
Tutto questo è un po’ toccante a mio avviso. Perche in fin dei conti molti personaggi nella storia di nana soffrono una certa solitudine ma pensare che ren ami nana sapendo che non è ricambiato e questo potrebbe essere causa una delle cause del proprio l’uso di droghe mi inquieta 😞
Ren ha chiesto a nana di sposarlo per averla tutta per se. E che sarebbe arrivato a ucciderla per essere solo sua, nel senso che aveva a volte questi desideri tali confessati a reira.., in un capitolo ben preciso dice questo.
ma andando avanti nei capitoli, nella storia lui matura molto e si dice che se anche nana abbia qualcuno altro nel suo cuore invece che lui.. lei accetterebbe per l’amore che prova per lei. lo fa crescere da diventere un essere umano gentile rispetto a tempo che era possessivo al limite... perche sa.
nell articolo ci sono anche degli screen dove si sottolinea questo…
Ad esempio si prende in esempio confronto tra yasu e nana parlando della propria band e come l’importanza di un grazie ricevuto da yasu possa essere piu importante di un ti amo e cosi via.. e nel capitolo successivo o nello stesso non ricordo bene, infatti shion , parlando alla vera misato sorella di nana (anch’essa in sofferenza per l’amore che prova per il fratello , tale rapporto lo si ricorda con nana e yasu effettivamente lool sara genetica innamorarsi della figura del fratello in se come yasu è per nana alla fine ), shion la risollevare dicendo espressamente come un grazie a volte più bello di un ti amo se viene dalla persona amata.. anche se non si puo possedere ..
Infatti nana pianse di gioia , non capendo perche un semplice grazie l’abbia resa cosi felice…
… ai yazawa cosa vuoi dirmi ? Non è da sottovalutare secondo me. Lei lancia sassolini e poi risponde in altri capitoli subito dopo lol
Oppure un altro momento è quando shion va nella stanza di yasu, e nobu e shin erano preoccupati che nana potesse fare un casino x cio.
Poi shin diede dell’ ingenuo a nobu dicendogli chiaramente che nana e yasu sono …… ma non pote finire la frase perche nobu non volle ascoltarlo ribattendo che nana e ren si sarebbero sposati a breve e con tale risposta, shin paragonò nobu a questa sitsituazione visto che la vera donna che nobu ama è hachi e che nonostante lei abbia sposato takumi, è comunque innamorata di nobi in realtà…
Spero di spiegarmi nel migliore dei modi 😂😂😂😂🤧
Queste scene accadono tra gli ultimi capitoli della storia.
Quindi non è roba vecchia come se ,ai yazawa voglia tenermi sempre confusa sulla priorità di ren o yasu nel cuore di nana 😂 Mannaggia!
Ma non lo sapro mai perche se ai yazawa nn continuera la vedo dura e cosa che sono certa haime non accadra mai 😂
Ma mi chiedo come mai tenga vivo questo amore non dichairaro in modo forte da non sottovalutare di nana e di yasu nonostante tutto.
Pensare che anche miu , coprese che yasu volesse sustituire nana mettendosi con lei all’inizio. Però certo somo la relazione piu solida li dentro dopo junko e kiosuke lol
So che nana e ren sono una cosa sola ma perche ai yazawa mette certi sipari davvero da mettere confusione..
…nana quando ren mori , ovviamente ne rimase succube di tale dolore ma gli indizi prima di cio mi lasciando pensare sul seguito( che mai accadra 😂 )su un cero “colpo si scena” tra di loro lol
vorrei mettere certi screen ma nn so come fare quindi lascio direttamente il link lol 😂
Il fatto che nana e yasu fossero innamorati non si può mettere in discussione, solo che (presumo) che l'amore in certi casi non basti per fare stare insieme due persone, e penso che fosse questo il messaggio che l'autrice volesse far passare. Come hai detto tu, il matrimonio tra ren e nana è stato solo per via di alcune circostanze, in oltre, è anche possibile che nana amasse entrambi, e forse è una breve sfaccettatura del poliamore che, a mio parere, fa parte di un po' tutti noi. Basta pensare ai "diversi tipi di amore" che proviamo per persone diverse, anche se non sono nostri partner, e se vogliamo nuovamente riferirci a questo manga, si potrebbe parlare per ore dell'amore che c'è tra nana ed hachi (un qualcosa di totalmente platonico, ma pur sempre amore) ed è a questo che si riferiva il mio post.
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nana-and-ren707 · 4 months
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Sorry i see you are a nana fan so i want to ask you a thing , Does nana actually love ren? Or yasu more? In 50 chapter i was so confused for shins speech
shin said that nana actually in love with yasu
When nobu and shin see shion go in yasus room , they were all anxious about because nana s reaction .
but nobu has replied “dont say that! She is marrying ren!” Mmmmso i think now that her true love is yasu.. poor ren😢
…And so many clues in the story , example in the chapter 69 whe yasu said thanks nana and that “thanku” was so beautiful for her she cried for the happy .. so may chapters after shion say to misato that a “thank you“ sometime is more rewarding than “i love u” if it comes from the person we love more
I know , ren has made SO MANY mistakes and in know yasu Is perfect but I believed that nana and ren were soulmates no matter what …happened . I so sad fo ren… i know.. its crazy, yasu and nana are so special but i still believed that nana x ren was more , no matter what.. till now 😮‍💨
Ren is my favorite character in nana. that’s why he is to dear to me .. my only hope is that his love is reciprocated by nana.. for real
aahhh I don’t understand what ai yazawa wants to say to us sometimes that i get angry really much. Love is not perfect sometimes… that shion theory’s so deep that i wanna scream 😂 nana was so happy for a thanku .. omg .. Ai Yazawa please.. ren is so lonely in the end.
What do you think about it? So sorry for my bad English !
Helloo and thank you for asking, I love discussing NANA always ♥
I've been confused, and I think we have all been confused just like you with these occurences to Nana being in love with Yasu, I'm pretty sure Yazawa Ai made all these on purpose just to upset us T..T and as Ren and Nana are my favorite character and favorite couple in the serie, I can tell you I was really upset!
But I'm gonna answer your question, as a Nana&Ren fan : I think she really does love Ren, more than anybody. :-)
I can't help but have a lot in common with Nana, I wasn't abandoned by my mother but I felt quite lonely my whole life, not being able to connect to anyone... until I met that one man. It's another kind of love, I swear, to meet someone that heal you from your sadness, from your loneliness, that becomes a shelter, a light in the dark, the ONLY light. The person became a GOD for you, so you can imagine the devastation when you're left by that one person. And there come Yasu! He's sweet, he's nice, he's always available, always a good hear when you need him... I think Nana really wanted to fall in love with him, she knew it would be a healthiest relationship for her... but she did not. She loved him, but she was not in love with him (at the risk of being scolded by their shipers, I think it goes the same with Hachi x Nobu :p). She cannot love anyone else than Ren, and that's one of the reason why she's quite upset
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Do you remember this? That one scene in which she realizes that Yasu will not be able to "save" her - from Ren!
Concerning the scene with Nobu and Shin, "think about the way Nana feels about him", we understand in the serie that Nana is a very possessive person, she wants the person she loves to belong to her, completely. I am a very possessive person too, and it's very complicated to see someone who's interested in you being interested in someone else, because you really feel abandoned. Even if you cannot give love to the person, you need the person to love you, only you. Another interesting cap :
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I think That's exactly what she'd like! That yasu keeps on looking after her, without loving anyone else, even if she is unable to give him love (because she loves Ren more :p)
The last two things that I wanted to underline, are the fact that Nana is not that upset about Myu and Yasu relationship. She's a bit angry, but she was in love with Yasu it would be the end of the world for her.
+ I have also noticed, and I don't know if you will agree with me, that as long as the things go well with Ren, Nana doesn't really need Yasu, she runs to him when the things go wrong, doesn't she?
+If she was in love with Yasu, she would have dated him during the two years of breakup with Ren, right? :-)
But this is just my opinion you know, maybe I'm wrong , maybe she's in love with Yasu and the clues you listed are quite relevant too! But I hope my answer managed to make you believe in Nana and Ren for ever ♥
Your English is not bad at all, I wish you a very nice weekend honey ♥
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lottacomics · 4 months
Since I written this
I thought (and I still thinking) so much about it thanks to some of you guys and I get a new point of view about it.
1 ) So I just realize that “Everyone" thinks that nana replace yasu with ren .. I received so many messages and comments in every social I post about it like this :
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Hell No.
Ok. She love him , (yasu yes.) I think it me too indeed like I said before. ….But she also loves ren too! In 57👇chapter she felts so sad when ren said to her that perhaps it would be better to cancel the wedding because their love no needed to anything else especially of a piece of paper. So why she felt like she was dying there?
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Because she loves ren. (!)…In another way but she loves ren too so much .
And another thing: no, yasu is not asexual. lol
2) I received something like this too👇
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Just to be honest in the story nana say that she becomes “in love“ or she feel she bonded with yasu, but after this moment.. and during That period of time that nana and ren were apart.. i believe in nana x ren... now I was just confused😐
Because ren has a very sad fate in the end in everypoint you can see his life . So even nana it is like this . Their are really our Sid An Nancy For real 😳😆…
SO again, ren was not perfect.. but either love it is perfect like dreams sometimes and it’s so illogical for everyone who we love. So I think they loved each other no matter what happened.
Its so clear that yasu loves nana (anyway poor miu for be “the replaced “ by yasu for his secret love for nana😅 😂 😳 no? ) and her love his presence … maybe she really loves him as well but its not my point now, I know she runs to yasu whenever she has a problem or when she has afraid of something. But sometimes we escape from the person who we love more because we are afraid of being hurt by the person we care most about. I know it’s illogical thing but it’s so real .
That’s why I believe and I hope, no matter in the manga or in the anime , Nana and Ren are soulmates. I think we have this idea that soulmates are "perfect" in a way and Ai Yazawahas a great way of showing you that'snot exactly true! Even soul mates don't get a happy ending because that's how Life is.
In the end my only hope is that nana love ren a little more no matter what .. despite knowing that yasu was or is still so special for her…🙏🏻 . i know im crazy that i still believe in nanaxren and their “love” no matter what Despite knowing that shions “thank you theory”in 77 chapters 👇 and that shin speech with nobu in 50chapter … im totally insane yep 👍
Anyway i feel that Nana still was hurt about rens decision of leave her years ago for his career but worst of it she was cold to him because she was jealous of reira for have steal ren s heart(especially just only Singing…) so I think nana was so confused about her ego and no because she doesn't love him anymore... that's why she didn't want to see him. She escapes from him because She was hurt.
So Their love its full of suffering about past issues not yet resolved.
… and despite this👇
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Yea it’s so deep this panel, 👆 that I feel so sorry for ren sometimes just only thinking about it…(maybe it’s true this theory so this is the end of the story! ) but now I remember to myself there’s no a love of first class and love of second class in the end…. especially in this manga.😂
I think also in a strange way anyway that takumi loved hachi and her loved him despite the fact that he was a raper …..! ( For example . )
Omg 😳 yes ….and hachi still wanted to be there for him . This is so crazy but its like the story goes.
So what!? Love is not perfect. In the end.
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(Nana was so cute in this panel ☺️)
I decided to write it today because it’s Christmas so this means it’s a very special day for nanaxren lovers and supporters .
So… merry Christmas everyone 🫶
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its-vicky1 · 7 months
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radiodread · 2 years
Hi , I just finished the Nana anime. I read a really good fic and realized it was by you!
Sorry for the random ask but I kinda wanna scream about the influence of Nana in Given? Am I over analyzing?
Like Given has hard themes of loss and relationships and is emotionally driven. I feel like if Nana was released today it could have at least had Nana x Hachi try a relationship. But they obv need therapy and work out their issues beforehand.
Also I can kinda see Akihiko’s situation have aspects of Shin’s story and Ugetsu being similar to Nana O. The possessive nature of Aki/Ugetsu vs Nana/Hachi. They both have scenes with symbolic breaking of matching glasses 😭 and their relationship strain.
Anyways, yoru fic made me emotional (it should have been the canon ending) and Nana is heartbreaking. Sorry for random ask/rant
Hi! Ohhh wow, I'm first of all glad you found and read my fic- but also that you liked it 🥺 You know, aside from the obvious musical aspect connecting Nana & Given, I also see a lot of similarities in some of the themes (like loss, friendship, relationships, the good and bad aspects of love, etc) presented in them. And god, you're probably right in that there could've been at least an attempt at something more between both Nanas if it had only been released in the late 2010s or now in the early 2020s. Ah. It just makes so much sense. But yes, like so many fictional characters, they would need therapy or at least someone to properly talk things out with before anything could happen, at least for it to happen the right way. I take comfort in knowing that they both really want the best for the other Nana, so I'm sure they would do anything in their power to make sure things went right this time, considering what they've gone through.
Akihiko and Shin are very, very similar and it only just now hit me when you mentioned it. Abandoned by parent(s), severe abandonment issues as a result, seeking comfort in literally anyone who would give it and not really thinking about who they reach out to. Not only that but also the way they both sleep/slept around for money or other material goods. Yikes. Yeah. Also the fact that both series indeed have scenes where a glass or two are broken as a symbolism of their deteriorating relationship- wow. Yeah. You've pointed out very good things about these series that connect them, things I never even thought about and now I have Thoughts™.
I'm glad that my fic evoked emotions in you, that to me tells of a job well done 😂 And please don't apologise, I really love it when people reach out to me to talk about anything, be it my fics or anything else. It's super fun. So thank you for the kind message, and also thank you for reading my fic! :D
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