#shin megami tensai v
Crossover prompt au where Damian failed to get along with the Titans and was labeled as being "too violent" and this changes the course of the timeline.
Phantom had been living full time in the Ghost Zone and planned on checking out one of the "Forbidden" areas in hopes that it would be a nice place for him to get some much needed relaxation. Ever since Kitty found out which door lead to his lair hes been bombarded with people knocking and looking for a fight. Danny hadn't yet learned that he could just...move his door so he was exploring the more out there options.
Anyway he slips into another dimension and starts exploring this desert wastland filled with monsters and crumpled buildings. It looks like the apocalypse had hit and he didn't see a single human around. Worse there was something moving so fast towards him it was just a large blue blur.
Was that...? Wow thats a lot of hair.
Danny tried to make a quick escape by opening a portal to the GZ especially when he saw a hoard of what looked like angels following after the blur and throwing weapons and lightning at it as it dodged away. The portal opened but it didn't lead to the GZ. The blur crashed into him and sent them both spiraling into the new dimension and crashing directly into some blond guy on a motorcycle.
Good news! The guy was largely unharmed.
Bad news! Danny accidentally opened a portal to the GZ during the chaos. They all fell in and they argued amongst themselves up until the blur, who turned out to be a guy with ridiculously long and pretty blue hair said "I wish I could just see the real you so I could know if you're trustworthy or not."
"So you have wished it, so it shall be!" Came a booming voice from all around them. A woman dressed like a genie then cast some kind of spell onto them turning Phantom into Fenton, and the blond guy into a blond kid.
Phantom decided to use the last of his power to open a portal to a safer location since they had no way to protect themselves from the ghosts and Blue guy agreed while the blond guy was having some sort of mental breakdown muttering, "So Hojo wasn't lying? I really am just a clone? Are all my memories really fake?!"
The other two grimaced with sympathy. That sounds rough. They worked together to move the blond and his motorcycle through the portal which snapped shut behind them.
Now they had a new problem. This city, appropriately named "Gotham" felt far from safe and they were essentially stuck there for the foreseeable future. After cursing thier luck Danny introduced himself as a Halfa, a creature that exists between life and death. The blue haired guy took this as his cue to introduce himself as "Ren" which was an obvious fake name but he called himself a nahobino which was interesting. Too bad he wouldn't elaborate.
Next it was blondies turn. His name was Cloud Strife, a lab experiment made by Shinra- a corrupt electric power company that somehow managed to take over the world. How did that even happen??? Cloud just shrugged when asked.
They all decided they needed to stick together and find a way to find for themselves. This of course meant stealing to survive...which turned out to be way harder than they thought it would be because there's some maniac in a bat costume with a birdy sidekick chasing after them and raiding all thier hideouts. If they had to get another hideout this week Danny was gonna scream!
Worse! He wants to adopt them. The guy! In a bat costume! The "we are all very damaged child soldiers" didn't persuade him, in fact they're sure it made it worse.
On the next raid the bird boy offered to talk. He wanted to make a superhero team with the four of them, in exchange they would be given food, shelter, clothing and payment and the charges placed along them would be lessened or outright dropped.
They begrudgingly agreed.
Damian really liked his team. Especially once Phantom regained his powers.
People kept commenting on my three way crossover so here's a four way crossover with Batman x Danny Phantom x shin megami tensei 5 x Final Fantasy 7 just because I can.
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knightsblight · 1 year
Watch "Shin megami tensei V: Episode Five: ANYWHERE BUT THE FACE!!!" on YouTube
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the-sayuri-rin · 2 years
Arlecchino will share an ENG VA with these characters
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kentinastar · 3 months
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inioranackatori · 4 months
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clowningclownn · 11 months
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redrew a pic i saw on pinterest lol
ref under the cut :)
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m00dystrider · 2 months
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There are only personal apocalypses
The same day someone finds their world
The same will find nothing but ruin
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funktastic-69 · 7 months
I made a really bad Metatron edit
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collectink · 4 months
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Kohryu from the SMT and Persona Games
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greenteaduck · 8 months
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I drew this when Shin Megami Tensei V was announced and thought, “I’ll post this when I play the game.”
I still have not played the game yet 🙃
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junji-maki · 1 year
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knightsblight · 1 year
Shin megami Tensei V: Episode One: Godhood has never looked so fine~
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leviathanrabbit · 1 year
Nahobino Commission
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I obviously took inspiration from the No More Heroes cover for the Wii lmao
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kentinastar · 4 months
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darkraisvictim · 1 month
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