#she was surprisingly fun to draw
nautical-poe · 2 years
Can you draw detective Melon from part 2 shes underappreciated
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Ill be honest, I totally forgot abt that ep until you mentioned it but here she is !!
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ookikufurikabutte · 17 days
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i <3 aerith
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chibifox2002 · 4 months
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Lovely teacher lady
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ether-alert · 4 months
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art block has been kicking my ass but take this humble v1 i just made
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bisectro · 7 months
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dazzelmethat · 12 days
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Here is my side for a Miku themed art trade with @ichiijelly Where I drew Miku's fairy module for the trade! I put in some tulips and butterflies too.
Art trades are always open! Even fanart/miku ones. This was fun to do!
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seltzher-bottel · 4 months
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Cogs should have pencil skirts and high heels if they so desire
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hydrossity-zone · 7 months
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[11/23/2023 doodles]
surge warmups while I try to rember how to draw again
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kairithemang0 · 2 months
Omg she's so cute!! Could you draw Rose?
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GLADLY!!! I did this on a random post it I had in class but here she is :)
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finelyagedlemons · 2 years
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perhaps my most unexpected takeaway from aa4 was how badly i need these two to be weekend besties
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goldiipond · 2 years
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some side story kids
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turochamp · 1 year
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category 5 kitty katswell moment last night
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milkweedman · 2 years
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Terrible rushed picture on the way to work this morning but look at this bag i crocheted for my not-really-boss-but-she-is-in-charge-of-many-things-but-not-me-specifically-as-far-as-i-can-tell. She was super excited by all my bags i kept bringing and always complimented them and said she wished we had time for me to teach her to crochet, and i am just so unused to the relentlessly nice compliments that i ended up crocheting her a bag. You cant really see it but it has a white base as well. And its the closest i could get to rainbow colors (she is, as far as i can tell, the type of Ally TM who puts rainbows on everything), so it seemed a safe color scheme. Anyway when i gave it to her today she was speechless for a few seconds and then started punching the air
So, seems like a successful gift
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linalilia · 11 months
my milgram ocs' twst versions!
hi i know it would probably make more sense to post this on my milgram ocs blog but like. i felt like since it's also related to twst it would be weird so uh. IF I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO POST SOMETHING I JUST POST IT HERE.
so anyway, here's how my milgram ocs would look if they were twst characters!
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more info under the cut!
some notes:
all of them would act the same way their younger (or in asahi's case, older) versions acted in the past, not counting akio, aimi and riku who are the same age as they are in canon.
of course, they are not murderers here, but a lot of them have the same backstories they have in canon, so yes, sanada family is still.. bad, kei and eiji's relationship is still extremely toxic, riku still has to deal with that childhood friend of his, etc. however, miki and asahi's story is different here and asahi never ran away from home in this au and they started living with their grandparents after their father's death. because of that, asahi is much calmer here, his pupils are the same shape as miki's and he's fully aware that she is his sister.
i really wanted to write full profiles for them, but.. gonna be honest, even thinking about it makes me feel tired jdkdlsls. like, i couldn't come up with some things, so i decided not to worry about it too much and just. not write it at all 👍 there also was another problem, which i can describe only as "girl help most of their family members actually have canon names but i can't reveal them rn bc spoilers but i also want to talk about their families AAAAAAAAAAA i guess i just won't write anything" god wouldn't it be funny if i spoiled the names of some victims and the third guard on my main blog instead and yes, i can come up with everyone's family members' names, but thinking about stuff like favorite food, their clubs, etc, makes my brain hurt. idk how that works.
also, i actually drew akio and aimi BACK IN MAY, so if they look a bit different from the others, that's why.
akio acts the same way as his canon counterpart which is great, because azul now has both him and hayden in his dorm :) i think he would most likely be in an archery club let's pretend nrc has one since he was in one canonically before the club president had to leave. like, honestly, i don't talk about it much, but this guy actually?? is pretty good at archery?? and he even likes it, though he still refuses to see it as his hobby and says that studying is more important to him. man, this guy just can't let himself be happy and enjoy things 😔 his best subject would most likely be magical analysis, though i think he would be good at almost everything.
aimi, just like akio, acts like her canon self, but thankfully, she's not a victim of bullying in this au and she's just really clumsy, so that's where all her injuries, cuts and scratches come from wow she would get along great with vance for some reason i think heartslabyul would be a good dorm for her? though to be honest, i just want to see her interact with the other students there, haha. i just want her to have someone to talk to, okay 😭 i think she would most likely join the gargoyle studies club because she would see malleus and go "wow.. he's just like me fr.." she doesn't even care about gargoyles that much, but he's just as lonely as her so :] yeah she's gonna join. it's hard to say what her best subject would be, since canonically she's not really good at anything and her grades aren't the best. she doesn't even try to get better at anything, actually.
shun's hair color is different here, since that's what his hair looked like when he was eighteen, and that's his natural hair color. I HAD TO MAKE HIM AN IGNIHYDE STUDENT OKAY I HAD TO. THIS GUY IS AN IDIA KINNIE ANYWAY. i have no idea what club he would be in, honestly, though mayyyybe the basketball club? but i think he would join only if someone asked him (or maybe kei and eiko saying something like "you'd look good in that club's uniform" would be enough) . this guy is surprisingly strong, even though he would rather stay in his room and disassociate for like an hour or two and forget about everything.
yes, naomi had shorter hair when she was younger! i actually kinda think she looks better with hair like that. so i originally thought that she would be a human, but then i was like "i mean.. her t1 mv had a water theme.. and also she would be an octavinelle student.. and she would look pretty as a mermaid.. so.." so yeah, she's a mermaid now :) please don't ask what kind i'm begging you my brain is just saying "MERMAID PRETTY. THAT'S ALL" listen, her being an octavinelle student makes so much sense to me. like look at her. she's so nice, she's so polite, she's so smart, she surely doesn't have any bad intentions, right? :)
oh god, kei was.. an interesting person when he was younger. just so you understand, he actually was worse when he was younger. like, if you don't count him lying all the time, his mood swings and him wanting to be treated like a younger brother and not the older one, canon kei is actually pretty chill compared to his 18 y/o self. now, again, i wanted to make him a human, but then my brain went "but wouldn't he look good as a merman" and i said "he would but i can't imagine eiji being a merman" and then my brain went "well it doesn't matter." and look he's a merman now. also i'm looking at him rn and. wow, lina, we still don't have rielle's official design, so you decided to take everything into your own hands HJSKSKSLS. i think pomefiore is a fitting dorm for him? i can kinda imagine him being in octavinelle and scarabia too, but i feel like him being in pomefiore makes more sense to me, especially when i think about his t2 self. this guy is more concerned about his appearance than it seems and he also thinks his appearance is his only redeeming quality, so... :') and yeah, let's pretend nrc has a photography club, because he would definitely be there.
listen. listen, i agree, eiko being in ignihyde would make a lot of sense, especially because of her mvs. but i also think she deserves better JSKSDLSLDLS and i just can't imagine her getting along with other students there? flirting with nerds who never got any female attention sounds fun though, but she already has shun. and come onnn, the concept of kei and eiko being in the same dorm is so fun!! i think she would be in the film studies club and her best subject would most likely be ancient incantations.
YESSSSS that's how 16 y/o asahi would look like! he sure is a pretty boy <3 i can imagine him being very tall too. and thankfully, because he never ran away from home and was raised by his grandparents and his older sister, he grew up to be a calmer version of his canon counterpart, though if someone says anything bad about miki, he won't hesitate to call them out in the same manner canon asahi would. he's definitely still traumatized because of the way his and miki's father treated both of them and he still blames himself for his mother dying (he doesn't have that "imaginary mother" in this au btw!) though. he's very attached to his older sister and even though he's taller and more intimidating than her, he can often be seen holding her hand or hiding behind her back. something about him being in heartslabyul just sounded right to me and i think his best subject would be potionology. for no reason at all :) now that i think about it maybe pomefiore would be a good dorm for him too
yurika would act just like her younger self and that means she would act much more confident and she would look down on others a lot, though i think she would be a bit insecure about her interest in animanga and games, like.. isn't that kinda lame? her homeland being queendom of roses and her dorm being heartslabyul just sounds perfect to me because of her color palette jdkdsksl and hey, i think it would fit her because of her personality and vibes too!
riku would act the same way as his canon self, and honestly, i mostly chose diasomnia because i thought he would look good in their uniform and that their aesthetic would fit him a lot :'D though i think, if you take his personality, diasomnia is a good choice for him, since diasomnia students are like, usually the strongest and most talented magic users, and we already know how talented riku is in canon and he sure feels a lot of pressure because of that. "why is he a merman" because his t1 vd's title. i actually wasn't sure what i want his race to be and i thought that him being a human makes more sense, but. but come on!! his t1 vd!! he's canonically great at singing!! come on!! and yes, of course, his best subject would be music and he would be in the light music club.
yes, reina already acted like that when she was a teen. she was.. quite a rebellious teenager, actually. her being a beastwoman just makes so much sense to me, like!! look at her!! she's a catgirl!! she's so >:3!! her being a catgirl is so ironic because of her and riku being a prisoner pair, but i'm not gonna say anything else i wasn't sure about her dorm at first, but then i looked at my other ocs and went ".. we need at least one jock" so here she is! her best subject would most likely be flying and i think she would love to join the board games club simply because she would think it's fun.
OH EIJI... OH MY POOR BEAUTIFUL SON.. yeah. yeah, he was not doing well when he was seventeen he's still not doing well actually . he would still wear bandages, but he would try his best to hide them, for example, with a scarf or longer sleeves, because back then he refused to talk about how bad his relationship with kei actually is and he even wanted to protect kei's reputation. and of course, he would be in heartslabyul, like, of course he would be in a dorm based on rules and order. now that i think about it.. a second year heartslabyul student with red hair who is obsessed with always being in the right, has a serious personality and also has a really bad relationship with a particular family member.. that sure sounds familiar.
yeah, 17 y/o miki looked basically the same as her 18 y/o self and even though in this au miki has a slightly different backstory, she would still act mostly the same way as her canon version. also, about her dorm.. i actually kinda wanted her to be this universe's yuu and be a ramshackle student BECAUSE HEAR ME OUT. this school is full of pretty boys and she can try to fix all of them. like i know that she would RUN to those guys who overblotted and do the whole "I KNOW THIS ISN'T YOUR HEART" speech. but yeah, this wouldn't make any sense bc her brother is a magic user and all. soooo i decided to send her to octavinelle because yes, this girl is cute, but she's also just as manipulative.
also, yes, everyone has a unique magic! and i decided not to think too much about titles and just went with their t1 songs fjdjsdkskls (not counting the guards).
staying at the top: makes akio become better (to the point of becoming an expert) at literally anything, but if he uses it even for simply ten minutes, he will have no choice but to spend the rest of the day in bed because of how much energy his unique magic requires. he accumulates a lot of blot too, so his magic has more cons than pros, but he still uses it pretty often to impress people.
portrait of friendship: makes anyone want to become closer with aimi, but once she's done using her magic, they will forget about everything that happened and they'll most likely want to leave her. she uses her magic very often though and for long periods of time, so.. she's probably very close to overblotting.
error screen: with his magic, shun is able to steal other people's good memories and make them his own instead. he starts feeling like a happier person because of that, but because his bad memories get replaced with those, his memory starts getting worse and worse to the point of him questioning what's real and what's not. and yes, just like akio and aimi, he still uses it all the time, just because he doesn't want to feel any negative emotions.
empty desk: her unique magic helps naomi completely ignore someone's presence and makes that person invisible to her. even if they touch her, even if they yell at her, no matter what they do to make her pay attention to them, she won't see them, won't hear them and won't feel their touch. she doesn't think her magic is that good or interesting, but she does use it sometimes when she needs a break from certain people.
hot pink illusion: kei is able to use his magic only on himself and his magic is supposed to make him feel like everything around him is better than it actually is. no one is arguing, the weather is nice, people think he's cool, all of that. he can use it only for short periods of time though, so if he's having a bad day, he has to use his magic many times in one day to feel better.
lost in perfection: similar to kei's magic, eiko's magic helps her make objects or even people look better than they actually are. it doesn't change their real quality though, so for example, if she tries to make something look less fragile than it is, it will still break easily.
never satisfied: asahi doesn't like his unique magic that much and finds it useless, since his magic helps him "make the number of something bigger", like food or money, but if you try to eat that food, it won't taste like anything and you also won't be able to buy anything with that money, so basically, it's just an illusion not a hot pink one though and it's simply there to.. comfort someone, maybe? help them feel better about themself? make them feel like they're satisfied with what they have even though they are clearly not?
heart-shaped candy: if yurika puts her hand on someone's chest, she will be able to make them say what they really think about someone or something or talk about something that's been bothering them but they couldn't talk about it, basically, "get it off their chest". after that, the person won't remember what they said, but they will feel much better.
jump together: basically ruggie's UM, but worse, because if riku wants to make someone do something, he has to do the same thing in front of them or with them. if he wants to make them jump, they have to see him jump or he has to hold their hand while he jumps. if he wants to make them sing, he has to sing too and they have to hear it. If he wants to make them cry, he has to cry too and they have to see it, you get the idea. and yes, they will remember everything. so if riku really wanted to hurt someone with his UM, it would be much more difficult for him because he can't hide and that person either has to see him or he has to do that thing with them.
no reason: she can change anyone's memories and make them feel like they've seen reina instead of someone else in their memories, for example, if they saw someone break a vase, reina can change their memories and make them feel like they've actually seen her break that vase and not anyone else.
the guard's punishment: if someone does something to him, eiji can use his magic to make them do the exact same thing to themself and it works for both good and bad things, like giving him a gift or hurting him. he knows he could use it as self-defense against kei, but.. he knows that no matter what kei says, that guy's pain tolerance is low.
the price of forgiveness: if someone is blaming themself for something, miki can help them by taking that feeling of guilt and making that person feel more free and less anxious, but miki will feel guilty instead. miki will eventually forget about that person's action that made them feel this way, but the feeling will still be there and it will take a while for her to stop saying that it's actually all her fault.
+ bonus info about the side characters!
arata would be in octavinelle too and he would also be a first year and akio's classmate. they're just as inseparable here as they are in canon. also no murder means no breakup era!!
ruka would be in pomefiore and he would be a second year. so yeah, he not only shares a dorm with kei but that guy is also his annoying upperclassman. great. he actually doesn't mind at all
.. too many of my ocs are either heartslabyul, pomefiore or octavinelle students but yes, takame would most likely be in octavinelle too and she would be a third year. yurika would surely respect her senpai a lot <3
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yesyourstalker · 9 months
Candy: hi guy! This is candy!! You're favorite girlyyyy!!!!! So I recently got a job at Rock shock at Barnacle & Dime Mall!! I'm so excited because I am partnering with them and sharing a location! I get to have my own little piercing station inside the store!! He's even letting me paint it pink. Isn't it cute!! It's a business inside of a business. I love it ....... Some you probably already recognize me as piercing princess on Inkstagram!.. I was at wahoo world boardwalk and worked with ink tank tattoos...... Unfortunately the partnership is over....they went back home to Gillsdens..aww It's not the last time we'll see them tho.......haha. Anyway usually I answer your questions on how to take care of piercings and treat infections but today I want to do something different. So recently I got a new client and that client is my boss!!! And you allowed me to do a piercing for him
Neta: hey Candy....
Candy: hi Neta...... so what did you want me to do today?
Neta: I was thinking of a tongue piercing buuuut how about some ear piercings
Candy: ohhhhh couple ear piercings so we talking about an industrial or maybe we can do a rook *gasp* we can do a daith piercing!!
Neta: yeah that sounds great................ hey Candy can we talk off camera.
Candy....... You don't want me to film in here? I understand... I should have asked first
Neta: no, no filming is fine It brings in people plus I watch you all the time....... I just kind of want this conversation about my ear piercing to be a private thing.
Candy: ok yeah That's no problem.
Neta:..........*sigh* ok...... So it's very obvious that my ear is kind of........ jacked.......and .....it how do I say this...... it holds a lot of trauma and bad memories..... Sometimes I struggle to look at it .......when I had long tentacles I used to hide it but now I'm not able to do that anymore and I've been getting a lot of stairs at it and I feel....... ummm........*sigh*.........I just want it to be easier to deal with..... I don't want to look at it and automatically associate it with my past and want people to look at and focus more on the body modifications instead.......you know
Candy: .......... Oh.... ok it's whatever you want and what makes you comfortable..... my clients come before my content....... I'm happy to provide a safe space and am honored to be a part of this journey of healing you're going through......
Neta: thanks candy I'm fine with you filming, I just needed to have that conversation....... thank you.
Candy: It's no problem..... ok.......1...2....3.....ok guys so first we're going to start with the left ear!!................I was thinking of maybe we can do 3 piercings that travel up the soft cartilage of the ear and then add a piercing on the flat and end with a rook....... mmmmm....... On the Right we can do similar but instead of 3 piercings on the soft cartilage I'm going to stick with 2 and an industrial piercing! How does that sound Neta?
Neta: yeah...... that sounds great. Let's get to it
Candy: great!!
[After piercing session]
Candy: ok we're done........ What do you think?...... Usually I like to film my client's first reactions but I feel like maybe this one should be..... personal
Neta:........................................... Wow ah ha .......... I love it!......... I can-i can actually look at it......I can fully look... at myself....... Candy.... thank you....
Candy: aaaaaaaaaaaa! It looks so good!!!....... you're welcome!! You look amazing! Some of my best work!!........am I crying??.... it's fine....What do you guys think? It's cute right?
Mahi: looks nice.....and painful
Neta: yeah the rook part hurt like shit but I think it's worth it.
Mahi: you didn't get the tongue piercing?
Neta: I did. I just got on the bottom. See......laaaaa....
Mahi: damn I should have gone that........ You look so different in the first time I met you. Are there any more changes that you're going to do?
Neta: I might stop dying my hair and keep it yellow...... I think I'll be good as a natural gold
Mahi: ehhh I don't know. Let me see you being green..... It would suit you though
Warabi: yeah, I would match your personality. A dumb bubbly gold bimbo
Neta: ha. Ha. Shut up
Candy: Oh my cod yes we would match!!
Mahi: I don't think Phoebe would recognize you though
Neta:ah man you're right guess I'm keeping it green...
Mahi belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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nebulousboops · 1 year
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Rare images of drunk Clive where he’s not bawling over every minor inconvenience he experienced that week
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