#she should not have taught them to use the Undernet
pulim-v · 1 year
Absolutely zero motivation but this one came through somehow, here we have day 23: Joke!
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the-river-person · 3 years
End of Days
It was growing colder. Snowdin was unlivable now, the weather was no longer a snowstorm, but simply frozen and dark. There were parts of Waterfall that still had water, but it was all still, the falls no longer cascaded from above, having dried up or frozen solid in ice. Closer the chill crept. It had long since taken Home and New Home, Waterfall and the Depths below the Lower City on the Cliffs, and the Snowdin Caverns had been the very first place to fall. Hotland alone was still warm. But the magma had cooled and solidified on the surface of their burning lakes, leaving only what lay deep beneath. It was there the Monsters huddled. The Fire-Monsters at their center, those most susceptible to the cold. The darkness was oppressive, and only the light of these monsters, and their tiny heat, was keeping everything at bay. Keeping the darkness from falling. They’d searched for Sans and for Gaster, but there was no sign of them, they were gone. They searched every journal and book and file they could find in hopes of finding anything that could call the Ship back or open another Rift to the Void, but they found nothing that would help them. A day went by, exactly as it always had. And then another. And another after that. But the days were numbered. Three weeks before a Reset. And the first had been nearly over. Sixteen days. Sixteen days was all they had left. Fifteen days. Fourteen. Thirteen. Twelve. Asgore spoke to the crowd outside the castle in New Home, telling them of the strange pall of darkness that always fell if they waited too long after the three weeks to Reset. No stars, no water, not even the garbage that fell endlessly from the falls, piling up into the Dump. It all just... stopped. And from what he could tell, the outside was cold. If one stood near the barrier, just as the time limit ran out on Tripplenight, when everyone was celebrating and holding feasts and parties, one could see glittering frost coating the rock outside, lit only by the barrier’s light. Eleven days. Toriel suggested a night to spend reading and playing and telling jokes. Everyone came. But they couldn’t bring themselves to tell any jokes, or read anything, or play. The Queen tried to read some old Monster Tales to them, but she could hardly get through the story where the Destined Heroes of Light fall into a Kingdom of Darkness and meet a lonely Prince of the Dark. And when she reached the part where the Hero tore out his very soul in despair and rage, she broke off, unable to continue. Ten Days. Nine days. Eight Days. The Core was unfixable. Alphys had everything she could ask for, the willing help of any Monster she could possibly turn to. But the explosion that resulted from its meltdown had been so hot that it melted much of the machinery and blasted other sections to fragments of metal. She was unable even to figure out why it had reacted so violently in the first place. It had been maintained until the last moment, when the engineers had headed out to evacuate. It should have been fine. What did it matter? Should have been, would have been, could have been. They couldn’t fix it, so how it got destroyed didn’t matter. Seven Days. Six Days. Five Days. Tempers running high, Undyne destroyed her own house, leaving it flaming and stuck with spears. She said she couldn’t stand being alone there. She and Alphys have taken to wandering Waterfall, speaking in low tones and sharing kisses in the soft blue light of the waters and echo flowers. Four Days. Snowdrake, Lesser Dog, and Heats Flamesman had a breakdown. Asgore found them at the Barrier in New Home, beating on the magical wall with their firsts, bodies, wings, and claws. They screamed and screamed, calling out for someone to hear them. For someone to come. They didn’t want to go with Asgore, didn’t want to go. They wanted to someone to come. Anyone. Just let them out. But nobody came. Three days. Gerson had woken a little during the evacuations, sensing that something had changed. In the terror of the moment he’d woken all the way. Now he was sinking back into despair, becoming harder and harder to speak to, to wake, to communicate with at all. Two days. Monsters want to know what will happen to them. Want to know if help is coming. If someone is coming. If they can call someone to come save them. The ship, Sans, Gaster, anyone. No one can answer their questions. Asgore and Toriel look grim, and Alphys is pale. Never had any seen Undyne cry, tears running silently down her face, her expression never wavering, her stoic stance as strong as ever. Only Gerson could really remember the last time he’d seen tears from her, and that had been when she was very small. One day. Dread. The waiting is the worst thing. Knowing you cannot prevent what is coming, and you are afraid. Mettaton had tried desperately to bring some last bit of laughter to them, but the robotic body is running out of power, and without being able to charge, since the Core was the source of the Underground’s power, they had to shut down to preserve power. Only the sad ghost was left behind, and it seemed that all the others had gone, managing to get aboard the ship. The stars are gone. The light is gone. The warmth is gone. And only the darkness remains. The darkness and the cold. Still they pushed on, refusing to give in so easily, though many were close to Falling Down. Water was stored from the river until it froze over, there was no sign of the River Person or their ferry, the Monster must have escaped into the Ship on time, though nobody could recall having seen them waiting in line, or ever having left their ferry for that matter. Days went by, at least they were almost certain it was days and not weeks or hours. The only change was that the darkness got deeper and deeper, and the cold grew and spread. When Waterfall froze over completely the light from the Echo Flowers faded, their last whispers nearly one with the silence, unheard by any living being. “But nobody came.” ... ... ... It was the End. They could hardly keep the Fire-Monsters alive, burning themselves as they pressed closer and closer together around them, staying warm and keeping in the warmth as much as they could. Any food they had left had run out, monster food, human food, it was all gone. Even the water in their storage containers was in danger of freezing over. The Underground was silent. Waiting. “It was...” said Asgore, hesitating, his voice quiet and his expression unbearably sad. “It was so nice knowing all of you. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you from this fate. I failed.” Toriel embraced him, and the sight stirred what little of the light and love that was still in the hearts of the Monsters who watched them. “No! No! You have not failed!” they cried. “You did everything you could. You did more than we could have ever asked!” Mettaton turned his body back on, to use the remaining few hours of power as best he could, rushing to and fro, finding wood from houses and fences that could be burned. Seeking out forgotten bits of food that could be shared. Each moment was borrowed, but it was another moment. Crystal, Snowdrake’s mother, was snuggled up to her husband. Toriel had asked if she was alright, but the kindly monster had said that her Snowy had made it aboard just in time, pulled up by Papyrus himself in the last few moments. As long as he was safe and away from here, then she could be happy even in the face of death. As the last of their lights flickered out, leaving only the fire-monsters to light the caverns, Crystal turned to the monster she’d lived in the same town as for years and years. “Grillby,” she called out. He looked at her, waiting. The bar owner had never been much for speaking. “Do you remember when we were in year seven of secondary school? When old Maggie insisted that everyone in her classroom had to try out for Choir in order to get a grade?” Grillby nodded, looking slightly annoyed by the memory. Old Maggie hadn’t been the best at teaching, and while everyone had cared for her, they were all very relieved when she had finally retired. “I remember you didn’t want to, because you didn’t want to sing. But she made you and you got upon on the stage and looked so frightened. Nobody had ever even heard you talk before, so we didn’t know if you could sing or not. But when you did...” she paused, a light smile on her face as she remembered. “You sang like the Angel themselves. Couldn’t you sing like that again for us now? As a favor to an old friend?” A smile flickered upon Grillby’s face, hidden deep among the flames, and he nodded indulgently. Silence fell over the monsters as he stood tall and prepared himself. Only a very few had ever heard him speak at all, and when he did it was brief and to the point. What could his voice be like? The first words startled them. In a voice that rose in volume and soared through the dark empty caverns like a light he sang the first words of a familiar song. “Ebbot’s Angel hear our prayer. Are you out there somewhere? Often we have called your name, but then nobody came.” The song itself was a grim one, with all the sorrow of those first years of being trapped Underground woven into the lyrics and tune. But it was a song that everyone knew. From youngest to oldest, each Monster learned it while they were still small. Taught by parents, friends, siblings. It was a song of games played in the snow and on sidewalks, it was a song whistled by old Gerson whenever he was doing spring cleaning in his shop, it was the song Undyne had first learned to play on the piano, it was the song of the music box for the Waterfall puzzle she’d made and left near the old memorial statue, it was the song with a million covers on the Undernet by a thousand aspiring musicians who started out with a song they were most comfortable singing, it was a song that Asgore had hummed while gardening, and Toriel had sung wordlessly while baking. One by one they joined him in singing, each voice adding something indefinable yet vital to their choir. Those Monsters who could not speak simply hummed the tune, and those who could not even do that made noises in accompaniment to the tune as best they could. It was called “The Angel’s Prayer” by many, or “His Theme” by those who remember it being played by a little Music Box at the baby Prince’s first introduction to the Kingdom. He’d been upset to be at the center of so much attention and had even cried before the Captain of the Guard, old Gerson himself, had presented him with a tiny music box he’d made that played the tune. Asriel had been enchanted; cooing and gurgling happy at the music as he tried to reach for the box. But the song’s true name was written down in the oldest books, on nearly faded music sheets, and in the Histories of the Underground. It had been named “Memory”. “On the slopes we fought our war; lost all we’d known before. Humans, Monsters; who to blame? The end is all the same.” A light blossomed in the distance, over the massive stalagmites that made the border between Hotland and Waterfall. A blue light, very faint, but undeniably there. Echo Flowers. The Echo Flowers were singing with them, echoing their song so that it reverberated off the walls of the cavern and back to them again and again. “Long ago we walked with you, ‘Neath stars of many hues. You promised us you would return, and for that day we yearn.” And softly another melody was weaving its way into their song, even as Grillby sang out high, another voice was singing along with him, wordless, and a different song, but it harmonized so easily that they almost didn’t notice its presence at all. When she recognized it for what it was, Toriel stopped singing, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. She knew this tune as well. In fact, she had written it. Years and years ago for her children. For Asriel of course, but also for Chara. “Once Upon a Time”, that was its name, because she had written it as a lullaby to use after telling them a bedtime story. But where was a it coming from? She looked around, trying to see its source in the darkness. “Soon the darkness will draw near, and all light disappear. Is that when you’ll come once more? Just like you did before?” They all stopped singing as another light appeared from the shadows, and though they stopped short, the song continued without them. With their own voices the Echo Flowers continued on, repeating endlessly the grim words with a hopeful melody. And the light before them was from a Door. It stood alone in the dark, tethered to nothing at all. On either side rose stone pillars, and above the door mantel was carved the Deltarune. It looked very much like the doors found the palaces of New Home and Home. Very old gateways and posterns meant for special people to pass through, such as the Royal Family or any humans who fell down from above. Yet unlike the purplish stone of Home or the pale white marble of New Home, this was dark and nearly black. How they could see it at all was a mystery, yet it seemed to give off a strange light. And as the Echo Flowers reached the last verse, the Deltarune above the door began to glow. The song Toriel had heard, it was coming from there, from beyond the door. And everything in her longed to go and see what lay there, on the other side. To see who was waiting for her. Perhaps Frisk, or maybe even Chara. And she could wait for the others too, and for Asriel. Oh, he liked to be called Realis now, didn’t he? A soft sigh seemed to come from the door as it creaked slightly open, a fine white mist piling up from behind it until it spilled over into a drifting wave towards them. Like a breath of fresh air. That’s what it felt like. Sunshine warming you after you’ve been inside all day long, and the splash of streams and song of birds. Perhaps its too late for it here, but somehow, somewhere, it is a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. The perfect weather for a game of catch. ... ... There is a prophecy. The Angel... The One Who Has Seen The Surface... They will return. And the underground will go empty. Only a pale white Void is left behind, like a page in a book that has not yet been written in, or a blank canvas that has not yet been touched with paint, and that too will fade to nothingness. Emptiness remains, no one is left here, except... “YIP!!!” A little white dog barks excitedly. It has several possessions it has considered bringing with it. A sock it liberated recently from its longtime home of the floor, several bone based special attacks that were absolutely delicious, a brick-like cell phone that it used to make wonderful music sometimes, a real live actual bomb, and a salad. But it left its bag at home when the world ended and now it has no choice but to go on without it. Oh well. It barks at the door, which opens slightly, and then rushes through. With a sharp click the door closes. And there is nothing more.
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saveloadreset · 6 years
Mew Mew Parallels In Undertale
It’s been forever and a day before I did a pure meta post, but Toby’s latest tweet planted a thought I wanted to articulate.
Recently, Toby shared with us a picture, an image visible for barely a second in the special edition trailer. It appears to be a blurred ad for Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2, which brought back an old idea I had, about how Mew Mew and Undertale seem to almost mirror each others’ stories.
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And since Mew Mew Kissy Cutie is a rough sketch of Undertale’s journey from several angles, this take on Mew Mew 2 interested me. Now, before we go into depth on that, the question I need to answer is: why does Mew Mew Kissy Cutie match up with Undertale? Well, I have an answer, but I wanted to go full hog on screenshots this time, so I think I’m going to put the rest of this argument under a cut.
Before we talk about this screen, we must first talk about what we know of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie already, from the game. There are several incidents where Alphys talks about it, but only two where we get a glimpse of what the actual plot of the story is about. The first is in the ‘Bad Opinion Zone,’ where we see her talk about her distaste for Mew Mew 2.
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Now, this doesn’t tell us much about the show, except that Alphys thinks that she thinks that Mew Mew 2 betrayed the premise, themes and lessons of Mew Mew, as originally taught. We would need to learn more to get a grasp on her idea of what the show was meant to be. 
Luckily, we are provided with that a little later when she essentially spoils the whole plot of the show, giving us great insight into its nature. It’s really had to screenshot since it autoscrolls, so I captured a .gif of the conversation instead of just taking a screen.
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It’s so good!  It’s, um, my favorite show!
It’s all about this human girl named Mew Mew who has cat ears! Which humans don’t have! S-so she’s all sensitive about them!
But like... Eventually!
She realizes that her ears don’t matter
that her friends like her despite the ears!
It’s really moving!
Whoops, spoilers!
Also, this sounds weird, but she has the power!
To control the minds of anyone she kisses!
She kisses people and controls them to fix her problems!!
They don’t remember anything after the kiss I mean!!
then, uh and, uh, also I mean, of course
eventually she realizes that controlling people
OKAY WELL I almost spoiled the whole show, but
Uhh, I think you’d really like it!!!
This gives us deeper insight into what Mew Mew Kissy Cutie means to Alphys, and gives us a lot of context for how its story parallels with her personal arc as well as the human’s. 
Alphys is steeped deeply in the secrets and shame of the result of her DT experiments. She feels deeply horrified of the idea of anyone finding out what she has hidden, to the point where she believes her friendships are entirely built around lies, and that her friends would immediately abandon her were her mistakes revealed. 
The acceptance of Mew Mew’s friends after she comes clean about her ears would resonate deeply with Alphys, so it’s not wonder that she’s latched so firmly onto the Mew Mew story.
The Human
One thing that doesn’t resonate with Alphys, though is Mew Mew’s ‘special power.’ The ability to control those she kisses and, in particular, erase their memories in order to solve her problems doesn’t really apply to Alphys. But the human’s ability to SAVE and LOAD allows them to control others through perfect knowledge of how they act and manipulate their memories by moving backward in time. 
There’s some argument to be made about the regular rhythm of play, however, I think that assuming a player walks into the story with no outside information, we can expect the progress to move from a neutral run to a pacifist run, wherein the hero first uses their powers to move through a hostile world and out the other side, with dust on their hands...
And then tries again, moving backward in time so as to use their powers for good, culminating in a moment where their powers over time are useless, but that the love and friendships that they have cultivated throughout the Underground can be leveraged by bring happiness to the Underground.
Happy End. But...What about Mew Mew 2? Alphys believes the central arc of Mew Mew was Mew coming to terms with herself, enjoying the love of her friends and, upon accepting their love, no longer feeling a need to manipulate people with her powers. So, in Mew Mew 2, it seems that Mew Mew would have backtracked. She would have likely used her powers, maybe even abusing her friends.
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This is blurry and I had time reading it, but luckily @doge-w-a-bloge​ went through the effort of transcribing it all here.
B4D 0P1N10N A dark Masterpiece!
Mew-Mew Kissy Cutie 2 - DVD Video - 16 hr director commentary - includes 18x4 poster of the creators apologizing From The Original Creators Mew Mew’s Pissed Off And Ready To Mew AVAILABLE ON THE UnderNet [Mew Mew] Should be about whimsy and kindness not edgy self-indulgent garbage. Sometimes there are flashes of the original, but they’re greatly what makes the sequel hurt so much. And God does it hurt so much. -The Anonymous Anime Lizard TESTIMONIALS: My GF really likes the first 1 but I noticed she doesn’t have the sequel. So I just bought six of them 4 her!!! Heck yeah!! Five stars!!! -Strongfish91
Setting aside how hilarious Undyne is for a moment, (I know it’s hard) this gives us insight into Mew Mew 2. It’s apparently a much, much darker story. Alphys takes issue with it because it takes what Mew Mew was about in her eyes and threw it in the trash. Kindness and whimsy, gone. And in its place? A dark, ‘edgy’ story instead. 
Not only that, but if you take the summary as reflective of the game, ‘Mew Mew’s Pissed Off And Ready To Mew,’ it paints our main character as very aggressive. Considering how Alphys says it throws away her character arc, it could be that her learning that she shouldn’t control people was ultimately cast aside in Mew Mew 2, making Mew Mew herself the messenger of the ‘edgy self-indulgent garbage’ that Alphys spends her testimonial decrying.
In a way, it almost mirrors the way that people look at the different runs. Sometimes treating the worst run as an ominous hypothetical that only exists to make a true pacifist ending brighter and happier, sometimes decrying the people who play the worst run as too edgy, masochistic or ignorant of the games’ overall theme and resenting the worst run for existing to blemish their ‘perfect ending.’ 
I bet Chara, Frisk and Asriel would have liked it.
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thanuspillowman · 7 years
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SCREW IT!  WHY SHOULD I TELL THAT STORY...  WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE!?!  NGAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!Undyne before her battle Undyne (/ˈʌnˌdaɪn/ UN-dyne[1]), known as StrongFish91 on the UnderNet, is a fish-like monster that leads the Royal Guard. Clad in her full suit of armor, she pursues the protagonist through the entirety of Waterfalland is frequently evaded or inadvertently thwarted by the Monster Kid. Profile AppearanceNormal Undyne prepares to throw her spear at the protagonist. Undyne debuts in armor varying in light and dark shades of gray, but without armor, is a piscine, anthropomorphic monster. She has blue scales and a long red ponytail. She has red and blue fins on the sides of her head, and a pair of sharp, yellow, protruding teeth. She wears red eye shadow and has an eyepatch on her left eye. She also wears a black tanktop and jeans. Her eyes have black vertical pupils and a yellow sclera. Undyne has no nose. Alphys Date During the date with Alphys, Undyne wears a white turtleneck under a black leather jacket, pants, a light-colored eyepatch, and lets some of her hair down. Undying Whenever she persists through Determinationafter her HP reduces to zero, her pupils turn white, and her sclera turns black. She no longer has an eyepatch, and her newly revealed empty eye socket emits a flashing light. Her hair spikes at the ends and her fins become more rigid and pointy. She also appears to have donned a new set of darker colored armour with souls/hearts on her chestplate and on her new white gloves, accompanied by boots with pointed toes. Personality Undyne is passionate about everything that she does. She acts quickly on her ideas and is steadfast in her beliefs.[2] Though she wants to defeat the protagonist, she also tries to be fair and offers an explanation of how Green Mode works. Asgore taught her the value of pacifism,[3] which is why Undyne sees the protagonist as "a wimpy loser with a big heart." When the protagonist first encounters her, she fights to further Asgore's plan of collecting seven human SOULs but, if the protagonist shows mercy, Undyne just as quickly defends them from Asgore. She loves to help others and mentors Shyrenand Papyrus in various skills. Undyne dislikes puzzles, loves japes,[4] and enjoys anime, an affinity she shares with her romantic interest, Alphys. Since Alphys told Undyne that anime is actually human history, Undyne regards human history as exciting and cool.[5] Out of all encountered monsters, Undyne possesses the most Determination. She melts before her death, implying that her body cannot handle the amount of Determination she has. Main Story Neutral Route The lighting radically changes when Undyne is near. The protagonist initially encounters Undyne after entering Waterfall, where Undyne stands on top of a ledge. If alive, Papyrus approaches her and attempts to convince her not to harm the human. As the protagonist continues, the grass rustling alerts Undyne to their presence, and she scopes out the grass for a moment before retreating. Undyne follows the protagonist throughout Waterfall and repeatedly attacks them, but the protagonist always evades capture by either dodging her attacks or due to Monster Kid's interference. Later on, Undyne approaches the protagonist as Monster Kid hangs on to the side of a bridge. If the protagonist saves the Monster Kid, they will protect the protagonist from Undyne. If the protagonist does not help the Monster Kid, Undyne will save them instead. BUT NOW??? I DON'T CARE! I'M NOT YOUR FREAKING KINDERGARTEN TEACHER!Undyne when enraged After this, Undyne confronts the protagonist and stands atop a crag while giving a monologue that she has practiced many times before.[6] However, she cuts the monologue short because she forgot the rest of it[7] and launches head-on into battle. After Undyne chases the protagonist into Hotland, she collapses because her armor heats up. The protagonist can offer Undyne a glass of water, spill all the water in front of her, or continue into Hotland. If she receives water, Undyne stands up, looks around, and slowly returns to Waterfall. True Pacifist Route I'll make you like me so much... Your WHOLE LIFE will revolve around me!! FUHUHUHUHU!!!Undyne on her date with the protagonist. If the protagonist befriended Papyrus, he calls them during Undyne's chase and suggests that they and Undyne should hang out at her house. If the protagonist gives Undyne water, Undyne will befriend the protagonist if they have no EXP. After Undyne's battle, the protagonist can backtrack to her house and begin their hangout with her. Undyne is initially hostile to the protagonist[8]but changes her attitude when Papyrus presents befriending the human as a challenge. She realizes that becoming "besties" with the protagonist would be "the perfect revenge," and says that the protagonist will feel "enamored" with Undyne by the end of their date. Undyne discusses her training with Asgore over tea and suddenly realizes that Papyrus's cooking lesson usually occurs at this time. She insists that her and the protagonist bond over cooking, which ends in Undyne's house catching on fire. Humiliated and feeling that she failed at befriending the protagonist, Undyne battles the protagonist and offers them the first hit. After the protagonist deals only one damage, Undyne realizes neither of them wants to harm one another. Because her house is engulfed in flames, Undyne moves into Papyrus and Sans's House. After the protagonist completes a Neutral Route, they can backtrack from the CORE into MTT Resort, and Undyne will call them to ask for a favor. In Snowdin Town, Undyne gives them a letter that she asks them to take to Alphys in Hotland. The protagonist gives Alphys the letter, but she mistakes it as being a love letter from the protagonist because it has no signature.[9] Alphys reluctantly goes on a date to the garbage dump with the protagonist. After Alphys hides, Undyne sees the protagonist at the dump and asks for her letter back; she wants to give it to Alphys herself. After Undyne walks away, Alphys expresses regret about her lying to Undyne, and the protagonist suggests a roleplay to help Alphys express her feelings.[10] Undyne interrupts the roleplay, and Alphys tells her about her romantic interest. Undyne reciprocates these feelings and tosses Alphys into the trashcan.[11] Undyne says that Alphys needs to work on her self-image,[12] and Papyrus leaves with Alphys to help with her emotional transformation. After the two leave, Undyne asks the protagonist if anime is real or not and thanks them for helping with Alphys. Later on, Undyne interrupts Asgore's encounter with the protagonist and demands that they befriend one another. Alphys and Undyne almost kiss before Flowey's ambush, but Toriel chastises them for kissing in front of a child. Flowey ensnares the protagonist's friends with a Photoshop Flowey vine, and Undyne protects them from incoming attacks from Flowey. He then absorbs the six human SOULs and most of the SOULs of the monsters in the Underground. Epilogue When the protagonist talks to Undyne in the epilogue, Undyne states that she is glad that she lost to the protagonist and then resolves to watch anime with Alphys. The Royal Guard is disbanded. Toriel also texts the protagonist that Undyne was able to lift Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Alphys, and Toriel herself at once, but was uncertain as to how to put them down. On the surface, Undyne pursues Papyrus after he runs off to meet more humans. In the True Pacifist Ending Credits, Undyne kisses Alphys and laughs after she faints. Genocide Route You're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT.Undyne the Undying After the protagonist attacks the Monster Kid, Undyne protects them and takes the blow instead. Even though her HP reduces to zero, Undyne holds on through Determination and reforms into Undyne the Undying.[13] If the protagonist defeats her, she tells them that Alphys was watching their battle and has evacuated the rest of the monsters to safety.[14] Undyne begins melting due to her Determination and then turns to dust. In Battle For an in-battle description, see Undyne/In Battle. Relationships Alphys Alphys and Undyne have crushes on one another. Undyne first met Alphys in the Garbage Dump, listening for hours about where she thought the abyss there led. The two became close friends soon after, with Alphys introducing her to anime at some point. They hang out often, and Alphys uses the seagrass throughout Waterfall to make a special frosty treat for Undyne.[15] Alphys and Undyne also worked together to create some of the puzzles in Waterfall.[16] They nearly kiss in the True Pacifist Route, but Toriel interrupts them and tells them not to kiss in front of the protagonist. Papyrus Undyne thinks of Papyrus as a close friend. She is impressed by his persistence and trains him in cooking, but is concerned about his well-being and secretly does not want him to join the Royal Guard because she believes that he is too nice to fight.[17] She teaches him how to cook in hopes that he changes his mind about joining the Royal Guard. Undyne sometimes enjoys messing with Papyrus,[18] but she often forgets that he usually takes things literally.[19] She is heartbroken and infuriated if the protagonist kills Papyrus during a Neutral/Genocide Route. The Protagonist Undyne initially despises the protagonist and believes that they would be more useful dead than alive.[20] If the protagonist spares her and offers her water in Hotland, she begrudgingly befriends them if they have earned no EXP. Though Papyrus tricks Undyne into befriending the protagonist, she genuinely cares about them at the end of their date. If the protagonist earned no EXP and befriended Undyne in a previous route, she remembers them as a friend but brushes off the feeling before her battle.[21] Asgore Even though Asgore is her boss, Undyne sees him as a friend and knows his favorite type of tea. When she was younger, Undyne challenged Asgore to a fight but could not land a single blow on him.[22] She was humiliated because he did not fight back and only dodged her attacks. Asgore then offered to train Undyne and eventually promoted her to head of the Royal Guard. After Toriel fireballs Asgore in the True Pacifist Route, Undyne consoles him because he is crying.[23] Napstablook They live in the same neighborhood. They are intimidated by her,[24] but she tries to be a good neighbor to them. She seems concerned about them being alone after their cousin left and tells the protagonist to be nice to them.[25] Mettaton Undyne does not know that Mettaton is Napstablook's cousin. She has a distaste for him,[26] and she does not like his show.[27]Though she does acknowledge that she "admires his lifestyle."[26] Shyren Undyne used to give her piano lessons,[28] but one day she stopped coming – probably after her sister fell down. Gallery Trivia "Undyne" derives from "Undine," a womanly water nymph from Greek lore. It is also a play on "undying," as Undyne does not die when reduced to zero health before her battle on a Genocide Route.When attempting to name the fallen human "Undyne," the response becomes "Get your OWN name!" and prevents the name from being used.If either Snowdrake, any or all of the caninemembers of the Royal Guard in Snowdin or Shyren is killed, Undyne will comment on it on her pre-battle monologue.Papyrus's death supersedes all other pre-battle dialogue and changes her speech the most.Despite donning a helmet during the moment, Undyne's face appears in the dialogue box before her battle as if she had already removed her helmet. If the protagonist approaches to fight Undyne, she appears without her helmet.When Undyne was younger, she followed Gerson around to watch him beat up bad guys, much like how Monster Kid follows Undyne. However, whenever Undyne tried to help Gerson fight bad guys, she ended up attacking "the mailman or something like that."[29]Undyne is consistently shown to be right-handed. However, after scoping the protagonist after Papyrus's report, she handles her spear in her left hand.Despite having an eye patch in her left eye, she doesn't seem to have an eye patch when she turns left.When Undyne says "En Guarde!" before her fight with the protagonist begins, the sentence is misspelled. The right spelling being "en garde," as the sentence is in French. This could also be a combination of the French and English spelling, Garde, and Guard, giving Guarde.While in Undyne's house for the befriending scene, the table that the protagonist sits at is decorated with a doily. The doily cracks along with the table after Undyne throws a spear at it.Undyne the Undying is the only Genocide Route specific boss that does not die in one hit.However, when she jumps in the way of Monster Kid when the protagonist attempts to kill them, she takes more damage than she has HP. This does not kill her, however.Undyne is the only character that recognizes Toriel as Asgore's ex-wife.In Undyne's faux battle, she has one more defense point than in her actual battle, despite being unarmored.Undyne is the only character to have "special" normal attacks. All of her Green Mode spears are either white and blue or yellow but behave the same as white attacks. Also, her spear she throws when doing a green to red switch is white and blue and has a shadow.If the protagonist attempts to kill Undyne on a Neutral Route, they will notice that Undyne's name overlaps the health bar at one point.There's a glitch where if the protagonist is standing as far to left as possible while initiating Undyne's monolgue, they can be shot very high up. The protagonist can then enter the cave, effectively postponing the first fight.If you decide not to enter the cave and enter the battle normally, the protagonist will still be able to move in the air, but Undyne will pursue on the bridge heading to Art Club Room in Hotland.Undyne and Toriel are the only Bosses that the protagonist can flee from during a battle on a Neutral Route.However, You can only flee Undyne's battle if the protagonist' SOUL is red.If Undyne jumps off the cliff to save Monster Kid, her HP is lowered in the following battle.According to Toby, he wanted her armor to be cracked too, but he forgot to add it.[30] References ↑ Undertale (6 October 2015). "how is undyne's name pronounced?"↑ "NGAHHH!!! DIE ALREADY, YOU LITTLE BRAT! YOU'RE GETTING IN MY WAY!" - Undyne↑ "I don't actually want to hurt you either. At first, I hated your stupid saccharine schtick, but... The way you hit me right now, it... Reminded me of someone I used to train with." - Undyne↑ "SHE HATES PUZZLES. BUT SHE LOVES JAPES" - Papyrus↑ "I've READ Alphys's human history book collection! I know all about your giant swords... Your colossal, alien-fighting robots... Your supernatural princesses..." - Undyne↑ "That's where I first talked to you! Weren't you SUPER terrified? I practice that monologue ALL the time in the mirror!" - Undyne↑ Going off-the-cuff... It helped that I... Uh. Completely forgot the words to my monologue, anyway..." - Undyne↑ "Why would I EVER be friends with YOU!? If you weren't my houseguest, I'd beat you up right now!" - Undyne↑ "Oh My God? Did YOU write this letter? It wasn't signed, so, I had no idea who could have..." - Alphys↑ "NGAHHHH!!! NGAHHH!!!! I'M UNDYNE AND I'M PILING ON THE SMOOCHES!!!" - Alphys roleplaying as Undyne↑ "What I like about you is that you're PASSIONATE! You're ANALYTICAL!! It doesn't matter what it is! YOU CARE ABOUT IT!!" - Undyne↑ "Alphys... I want to help you become happy with who you are!" - Undyne↑ "Deep, deep in my soul. There's a burning feeling I can't describe. A burning feeling that WON'T let me die." - Undyne↑ "Alphys told me that she would watch me fight you... And if anything went wrong, she would... evacuate everyone." - Undyne↑ "Ugh, ice cream!? Sugary... COLD... Talk about GROSS. Now this chilly pink stuff that Alphys makes me..." - Undyne↑ "Alphys helped measure out the mud tiles for this puzzle. It was a lot of work, but we got to make sand castles after." - Undyne↑ "But, um, to be honest... ...I don't know if I can ever let Papyrus into the Royal Guard. Don't tell him I said that! He's just... well... I mean it's not that he's weak. He's actually pretty freaking tough! It's just that... he's... he's too innocent and nice!!! I mean, look, he was SUPPOSED to capture you... and he ended up being friends with you instead! I could NEVER send him to battle! He'd get ripped into little smiling shreds." - Undyne↑ "OOH, WHERE? AND WHAT'S THIS HORRIBLE NOOGIE?" - Papyrus↑ "Papyrus, wait, you know I'm joking, right...?" - Undyne↑ "You know what would be more valuable to everyone? IF YOU WERE DEAD!!!" - Undyne↑ "The whole time I was chasing after you... I felt something... Strange. The echoes of something warm, something... Something like 'I miss being friends with you.'" - Undyne↑ "Y'know, I was a pretty hotheaded kid. Once, to prove I was the strongest, I tried to fight ASGORE. Emphasis on TRIED. I couldn't land a single blow on him!" - Undyne↑ "Hey ASGORE, is that your ex? Jeez. That's rough, buddy." - Undyne↑ "hmmm... i should probably try to make friends with my neighbor. she's kind of scary, but i feel like i'm always too late to make friends..." - Napstablook↑ "Be nice to them, okay!? Cherish this ghost!!!" - Undyne↑ 26.026.1"All he did was lie seductively on the piano... And fed himself grapes. I don't really like that guy. But I admire his lifestyle." - Undyne↑ "SHE NEVER LIKED METTATON'S SHOW." - Papyrus↑ "Oh yeah, Shyren lives around here. I used to give her piano lessons." - Undyne↑ "When she was younger, Undyne would follow me around, to watch me beat up bad guys... Sometimes she'd even try to help! Though, most of the time the folks she attacked weren't bad guys. It'd be the mailman or something like that." P.S am i going overboard with the character biographies?
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