#she didn't have good control over her voice magic at first and her father is also overprotective so she doesn't have much life experience
katartna · 1 month
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Song of Frosted Light ❄️🕊️
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happynowyo · 1 year
Reflection, part 4
Fandom: Six of Crows
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Shadow summoner!OC
Warnings: Kaz Brekker and everything that goes with him
Word count: 2,1k
Tag list: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @valkyrie05x, @parabatai-winchester, @footydais, @valeridarkness, @igakc , @winstonthecow22
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Her first week in the Slat was so quiet and nice that Jess had the deceptive impression that she had been living here for many months already. She managed to fit into the routine quite easily, though she kept a certain distance from everyone around her because of Kaz's unspoken request. To him, it was just a job. One of many others, though special enough. So he kept Jess out of any of the Club's activities, but generously allowed her to be there as an observer every night.
She was similar to Matthias in that role, and he was basically the first one who Jess encountered most often, in the deserted kitchen or the living room in the quiet afternoons, while the rest of the Crows and Dregs ran countless errands for Brekker. The day before, Nina had locked herself in the bedroom with Jess with the company of a fine bottle of wine and they had talked literally until morning, passionately recounting the things that had worried and troubled them in these past few years. When Nina talked about Matthias, her eyes lit up so obviously that Jess swallowed her surprise and all questions about how he had coped with his beliefs that all Grishas should be recognized as a mistake of nature and killed.
The stern Fjerdan intimidated her with grim evaluative glances and the silence with him was so dense and physically palpable that it reminded Jess of the rare moments when her father had punished her with such silence and she had become extremely uncomfortable even standing next to him. But Matthias brewed the best coffee in the Slat and proved to be contradictorily curious. Jess thought that was Nina's beneficial influence, though she didn't go into details about their complicated relationship.
— Kaz let slip that you escaped from the Little Palace. Were you a Grisha?
Matthias found her after breakfast, taking the clean plates from her without further question to wipe them dry. His voice sounded wary, but Jess appreciated the first steps taken toward her, so she tried to show reciprocal benevolence by shaking her head gently, though she was almost certain that Kaz had told Matthias such details on purpose.
— Grisha's abilities come from birth and remain with them until death, even if we don't use them for some reason.
— So it's true, isn't it? Can you do magic stuff like Nina, too? Trick someone else's mind and control their heartbeat?
Jess knew that hiding something from the Crows would be an extremely difficult task. She was going to be living with them for a while and she wanted to believe that they would be able to make some sort of connection. To be on good terms. The last thing she wanted was to be in isolation again, where she could trust no one and had to constantly look over her shoulder, drowning in the pitch blackness of anxiety. Matthias, with his crystal blue eyes, looked naïve and curious, but Jess remembered that he had dragged dozens and dozens people like her to execution before.
— I have certain powers, but no, I'm not like Nina.
— I've heard that Grishas get sick when they give up their powers and hide them. That it's a punishment from the gods for ignoring their gift. Is this true? — Matthias seemed genuinely positive, not about to reproach or condemn her for who she was born to be.
— My grandmother used to say the same thing. I haven't met Grishas like that personally, but it sounds likely. I know your culture raised you differently, but many people do perceive our powers as a miracle and a special gift. Which is funny, since Grishas have been training for centuries only to die in the Fold.
Sadness seeped into Jess, threatening to turn into regret over Aleksander's sins, so she chose to change the topic to how Matthias was adapting in Ketterdam and what exactly he was doing for Kaz while he was trying to convince himself that he didn't stay here because of Nina.
Her next personal encounter with one of the Crows came the next day, when Inej caught her on her way back from some shopping. The Wraith was given her nickname rightfully. Her footsteps were completely inaudible, and her appearance made Jess twitch reflexively for a moment .
— Kaz wanted me to keep an eye on you. Why did you go out to the city alone?
If Jess hadn't known they'd only met each other a few days, she would have thought that Inej was really worried about her. But she just shrugged her shoulders and nonchalantly shoved a large bag of groceries into Inej's hands, since she'd decided to stop hiding on the rooftops and keep her company for the walk.
— I didn't know that the Slat was supposed to be my prison with required permission to go in and out from Saint Brekker, — Jess' lips parted in an amused chuckle, though she knew she really should have been careful. — I haven't been gone more than twenty minutes. I thought you were on a mission. What did the boss have in mind for you today?
— Looking for some information, nothing new, — Inej answered vaguely, stepping first into the building that had become her true home in the last couple of years.
Inej held herself aloof and rather professionally, but Jess managed to melt the ice between them with lemon cakes and herbal tea brewed in the Suli tradition, as well as her own honesty about the terrifying things she had seen before in the Little Palace and while visiting military settlements with other Grishas. Experience had told her, correctly, that nothing brought people closer together as much and as quickly as shared traumas. Inej, tearfully talking about the Menagerie, earned Jess' respect almost instantly.
After she had left, Jess expectedly had another nightmare waiting for her. It started out so well that it looked like her real past. She was in her father's study, beside a huge elongated desk, drawing a map of Ravka according to Aleksander's instructions. Shadows stretched lazily along the walls to the ceiling and looked more like puffs of loose smoke, something her father had remembered to point out to her, reminding her to focus better on control. He said it so often that Jess heard his voice in her head many times, even after their classes.
Aleksander was there and she could feel the warmth of his smile, as well as the tangible touch on her shoulders in the form of an approving gesture. She had relaxed enough, and that's when the first terror shaked her. The nightmare crept into her memories as an ugly shadow, taking any light from the room and distorting Aleksander's facial features, bringing her back to that forest. To his screams, to his commands and to the massive pain. To his regret that she was too weak to really be his daughter. Even years later Jess didn't know what hurt her more — his cruel words or the searing, lingering pain by the darkness that had slipped inside her body and deprived her of air, ripping her skin through. Her father always calmed himself at the sight of the first blood, but now, in the midst of the nightmare, it wasn't meant to be.
The clammy fear didn't leave her even after she awoke. Her hands were shaking shamefully and Jess was suffocating in the stuffiness of her bedroom, so she stepped out onto the porch leading to the small backyard. Someone from the Dregs had dragged a nice white bench here, better suited to stand outside a fancy coffee shop, attracting tourists with full wallets. And that's where Wylan found her, unabashedly holding out a cup of tea. His outstanding and too readable facial expressions remained visible even in the night's semi-darkness, his eyes running across Jess' face and his lips pursed in dangerous anticipation, as if he thought she was bound to chase him away.
— Kaz said you had nightmares. You were screaming in your sleep. I guess it's silly to ask you how you're feeling, isn't it?
— If Kaz Brekker is so attentive, why doesn't he talk to me about it himself? I haven't seen him in a few days, — Jess managed to get her emotions back under control and softened the harsh phrase towards the end. She carefully took the cup and nodded appreciatively, dabbing her fingers on Wylan's arm to sit him invitingly on the bench beside her. — I'm fine. We all have reason for nightmares, don't we? No one in the Slat had a good life or we wouldn't be here otherwise.
— What do you usually see in your dreams? — Wylan's question sounded muffled, and his mind had already shifted, tossing up an image of his father. Goosebumps ran down his skin at the same second, giving away his former fear, and he wondered if he would ever be able to get rid of that terrifying reflex. No child should ever have to react like that to his own parent.
Jess knew very little about Wylan. Just some things Nina and Inej had told her. He was amazingly good with substances that could be detonated, had an eye for Jesper that was quite mutual, as was their endless flirting, and was excellent at music, judging by notes Jess had spotted in his room through the ajar door. Nina had mentioned that Wylan had run away from his family, and because of that Jess felt a special sympathy for him. Sometimes even life on the streets or being among ruthless cruel thieves and murderers was better than being under the family wing.
— My father, — the answer came out before Jess could even decide whether she should give away any details or it was better to keep her secrets from the Crows. If she had to run again soon, there was no point in making any friends here that she would have to leave behind.
The weight of the truth was really heavy for her more than ever, and she could feel in her gut how her hope for a peaceful future had crumbled. She could fool herself all she wanted with the rumors of the Darkling's death that were still circulating in Ketterdam, but there was a nagging sense of foreboding under her skin that she couldn't shake off. They really did have a connection.
Once, when she was eight, Aleksander had given her an enchanted pendant when she'd begrudgingly refused to let her father go back to the war. The Fabricator had worked on it so that the silver chain with its decoration in the shape of a small bird, remained completely black, as if it had been made of pure darkness. Her father had said that it would stay black as long as his pulse was beating, that he would always come back to her as birds flew back to their home nest. And she believed. She still believed and that's why she never had the courage to look at the chain kept in the silk pouch at the bottom of her suitcase. Jess still didn't know whether she wanted to see the black or the silver.
— I'm afraid that he'll come back for me. I'm afraid that part of me wants him to, because I'm still attached to him. No matter what - that's what he said, and now it seems like a real curse, — a sad smile flashed across Jess' face, but quickly disappeared behind her cup with another sip of tea. Her heart felt heavy at the admission of her weakness, but she was comforted by Wylan's presence in the moment. — Do you have something similar with your father or have you already managed to jump to the next stage and free yourself from his influence?
— Mine never took care of me. No breakfasts together, no walks, no affectionate words or hugs. He had no part in my upbringing, though he liked to punish me for something he alone saw some sense in. So, I didn't have anything to hold on to. Maybe I was a little luckier in that regard.
Jess had trouble being tactile, but at that point she could clearly feel someone else's pain, and she was sorry that it was her nightmares that indirectly caused Wylan to return to the troubled subject. Damn Kaz Brekker, had he sent Wylan to her? So, coping with the rush of anxiety, she took a deep breath and touched his knee fleetingly as a sign of mute support.
— We don't get to choose our parents, but we can surround ourselves with those who treat us much better. You're doing pretty good with Jesper, aren't you? That gives me hope.
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theocddiaries · 1 year
"Nobody should have to give up their voices to be heard."
I know this is not my typical themed-post, but hear me out, Ariel was so important to me growing up and still is to this day. I was so disappointed for each thing that came out for the new movie, I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it just to get angry.... but.....
Just saw the little mermaid and, against all odds, I liked it. The trailers didn't sell the movie for me and I admit I only watched out of curiosity bc I needed to get my mind off of some things.
Halle made me fall in love with Ariel's character all over again. The movie has flaws that really bothered me, but I am surprised a live action has made me feelt he same connection to a character that made me feel so understood and seen when I was little. Halle's Ariel reminded me of the Ariel from the animated series, which showed a lot more of character to Ariel and made her my absolute favorite Disney Princess.
Overall, I am glad this version finally made some people see Ariel for who she always was: a fierce, loyal, open-minded, intelligent and capable woman with big dreams, caged in a world that for others and her peers might be enough and so magical (even for Eric!) but for her, it restrained her because she always felt like she didn't belong. The fact that they had to spell out the whole 'Nobody has to give up her voice to feel heard', I hope it resonated with future generations whenever they watch this new version or the animated one.
I think the movie came out when I needed it the most, and I am so glad it shut me up with her good, or even better, portrayal of Ariel. I swear, she and Eric are the main reason why I wanna rewatch it once it comes out in good quality.
The scene when she swims up and finally, for the very first time, goes out to the surface.... Chills. And the facial expression Ariel made right before, it resonated with me so much. She's like: I am sick of 'you can't', 'you shouldn't', 'that's not for you', 'get over this stupid, senseless phase', and she swims so fast yet so unsure, but still does it.
It also picked my attention that when Ursula is trying to convice her to make a deal with her, Ariel doesn't mention her father or sisters, unlike the animated version. In this, she knows she shouldn't do this. She knows it is fishy (heh) but still does it bc Ursula uses how she was belittled her whole life to help her made a rushed/angered decision with fatal consequences.
I was so saddened by this version of Triton, though, it feltk like he was so plain and not layered enough. Just portrayed as this 'angry, very controlling parental figure that doesn't listen to his daughter', for moments, I doubted he loved Ariel at all... Maybe because she reminds him of his late wife so much and it's painful? Even Ariel seems quite surprised that her own dad gave his life for her. Sure they still are on good terms in the end, but I felt the animated version was a bit deeper and complicated than this. Still, I kinda like it? For personal reasons I won't get into, Triton and Ariel's relationship (animated) always reminded me of my own father and me. And this version.... kind of does, too, sadly. It just made me empathise with Ariel a whole lot more, how she was forced on some mentality she deemed very generalized and unfair.
I'm sorry for the rant, Ariel and her story is so special to me, and this movie... I felt like it came out in the right moment for me.
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merganalogy · 21 days
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Part 5
Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This one takes place in the 60s (Part 2)
“I got what I deserved?” Morgana echoed, her voice trembling with disbelief. “I deserved to be lied to, betrayed, and killed by someone I once trusted with my deepest secret?”
Merlin remained silent, refusing to meet her gaze. Morgana pressed on, her resolve unwavering. “It wasn’t just my secret, Merlin. I trusted you with my life.” Her voice quivered. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to,” His confession came softly. “From the moment I knew you had magic, it was all I wanted to do.”
“Why didn’t you?” Morgana’s voice rose. "We could have supported each other. Eased the burden of our secret together.” She hesitated, then added, “Perhaps I wouldn’t have turned to Morgause.”
If only that was easy.
A feeling, a mix of anxiety and relief washed over him as he prepared to unburden himself from the weight of his secrets.
Merlin’s nod was barely perceptible. "When I arrived in Camelot, like you, I knew nothing of magic. Not until I received Gaius' teaching and Kilgharrah's guidance." He paused, his next words caught in his throat. His gaze dropped to the floor, and he took a deep breath, clearly wrestling with the decision to speak. "I trusted them with my life. So when they warned against revealing my magic to you, I listened.”
“You shouldn’t have.”
The air between them crackled with unspoken emotions, the tension palpable.
"The worst part is, I didn't always listen." Merlin admitted. "I knew Mordred was destined to kill Arthur ever since we first met him, despite that knowledge, I still saved his life, and it cost Arthur his."
Her eyes widened, her mouth slightly agape as she stared at him in utter disbelief. The news was too shocking to comprehend, too surreal to accept. "You knew?"
“Kilgharrah foresaw much,” Merlin replied. “Including your path toward darkness. Camelot’s true enemy was never Uther—it was you. Lives could have been spared if I’d heeded his warnings.”
“But not mine.” A heavy sigh escaped her lips, carrying the weight of her disappointment. It was as if the air itself had grown heavy with unmet expectations.
"You, more than anyone, ought to grasp the ease with which your demise could have been accomplished." He instantly noticed how her brows furrowed, "If we are here today, it is because I disregard his counsel. I adamantly refused to acknowledge the potential for malevolence within you, as I held firm to the belief in your inherent goodness." He drew a deep breath, his voice heavy with resignation. "Yet, your actions have validated his warnings. You've obliterated entire lineages, laid waste to kingdoms, and snuffed out countless innocent lives. For what purpose?"
"You had those who cautioned you, whereas I had Morgause." A storm brewing behind her eyes as frustration began to simmer beneath the surface. "She exposed me to the true horrors of our world, the injustices inflicted upon our people by Uther and the likes of him. They needed to be halted."
"By seizing control of Camelot?"
"Uther's reign had to end, and though you may protest, Arthur was his father's son. What other recourse did I have, Merlin? To remain subservient and obedient, as you did? Clearly, that path led to naught but disappointment. You never trusted Arthur—"
"Because of you." How could she fail to see it? "Magic is merely a tool, neither inherently good nor evil. Its use determines its nature. Arthur needed to understand that. But how could he comprehend this, with you are embodying his father's teachings? Magic was evil, and you have only confirmed Uther's beliefs."
"I acted as I believed right at the time—"
“Don’t justify what you have done. You were no child Morgana, you should have known better. Done better.”
“You poisoned me.”
Ah, of course she would throw that back at him.
"Then direct your anger toward me alone," he bellowed. "But you cannot justify the slaughter of innocents—"
"You destroyed me that day, Merlin," her voice fractured. "I loved you, and you ruined me. Magic did not corrupt me, Merlin. You did."
Her revelation struck him like a physical blow, stealing the very breath from his lungs. She regarded him, awaiting. But there was nothing that he could offer her back.
She loved him?
Should he believe her?
His heart pounded deafeningly, drowning out his thoughts. All he managed was, "How unfortunate."
It felt as though they had been transported back to the throne room, the weight of their shared history hanging heavy in the air. The intensity of her gaze mirrored that fateful moment, as if the passage of time had dissolved, leaving only the raw emotion between them.
He had just poisoned her all over again.
In her eyes, he glimpsed a reflection of the betrayal and hurt that had marked their past, a silent acknowledgment of the wounds they had inflicted upon each other. It was a poignant reminder of how far they had come, and how much they had lost along the way.
"Indeed, it is," she sniffed. "Goodbye, Merlin."
From this list, send me a prompt if you’d like.
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no-where-new-hero · 8 months
Fire and Hemlock Readalong: Chapter 0
I’m starting this a day early because I realized that I had so much to say about the front matter that I didn't want to clog my discussion of Chapter 1. So here’s a little teaser to whet your appetite for tomorrow!
I always love entering this book because, much like entering a fairy tale or a ballad, it offers many introductory signs along the way to alert you to the textual milieu. The first is the part name: New Hero. If your edition has a table of contents, as mine does, you see that each of the four parts are anagrams of the same letters. Of course, this will become thematically important (as every other paratextual guide in the book is) but for now, we know that this part will introduce us to a new hero: Polly Whittacker. It also signals not only a protagonist, but heroism as a theme: though the novel's setting is grounded in 1980s England with only a few overtly magical moments, the events are filtered just as much through the heroic mode of adventure stories, fairy tales, and myths.
The second signpost is “allegro vivace”: I actually never looked up the translations/definitions of the musical notations in the book before, so I figured now was a good time. This one means "fast and lively," instructing a brisk pace of energy and dynamism, which sets up the vitality of Polly's youth and its concerns. The musical direction signals a tone for the initiated, and to those who aren’t, it establishes music as another major theme, alongside literature and stories.
Finally, we have the epigraph at the start of the chapter ("A dead sleep came over me / and from my horse I fell") taken from the 17th-18th century Scottish ballad, “Tam Lin.” Fire and Hemlock is most obviously a retelling of the ballad (though it retells and draws from other tales, as Diana Wynne Jones has cataloged in her essay on the novel), and interweaves the original material throughout. Later epigraphs will also be drawn from a medieval lay, Thomas the Rhymer, which is typically accepted as Tam Lin's direct antecedent.
It isn’t necessary to know the plot of Tam Lin to appreciate how the themes comes in—partially thanks to these epigraphs—but I also wrote my senior thesis on the ballad, so I’m going to offer a summary anyway: Janet, a noblewoman’s daughter, goes into the forest of Caterhaugh, where Tam Lin lives/hangs out. They have a sexual encounter, initiated by Janet’s own confidence. She becomes pregnant, and her father, not knowing who the forthcoming baby’s dad is, wants to marry her off to one of his nobles. Janet prefers to abort the baby and is about to do so when she meets Tam Lin again, who tells her to keep the child. He explains that he has been placed under a curse by a Fairy Queen, and unless Janet liberates him, he will be offered to the devil as a fairy tithe. Janet agrees, mostly to legitimize her child. Through holding onto Tam as the Fairy Queen attempts to shapeshift him into submission, Janet turns him back into a human (there is an assumption throughout that he is a bit fay himself, though born a man) and the queen rages at them for having escaped her control. The ballad ends with an unspoken HEA. Several of these thematic resonances will become really important as we work through F&H, even though the plot itself is altered (crucially, neither a sex scene nor a pregnancy feature in this version, though sexuality and transgression and also creation certainly do).
This particular quotation is an interesting choice from the ballad itself, if you excuse my nerding out: it doesn’t feature in the main version but in one of the variations, and it is spoken in Tam Lin’s voice, which contradicts the immediate narrative expectation of a line in Janet’s voice (since Polly is pretty consistently Janet throughout). But what’s most important about it is that Tam says this line (and only in a variation on the main version, incidentally) to describe what happened when he fell under the Fairy Queen’s thrall. At the outset, it signals us to enchantment: as a reader, following Polly’s navigation of this perilous world she becomes drawn into, but also merely as readers. One of my favorite things about this novel is DWJ’s ability to pull her readers into her richly felt, incredibly paced world. The first time I read this, I gulped it down in the course of an afternoon, and when I finished, I surfaced feeling as though I had woken from a dream. This book is a beautiful enchantment, and it very kindly lets you know so.
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humanoidalien27 · 1 year
Alright, game spoilers ahead, but game deviation too. I hope you enjoy.
Chapters so far below
One, two, three, four, five, six, eight,
Content warning: death (sorry everyone)
Chapter 7
Not an enemy
You've still been...friendly with Sebastian, it was more reserved than you knew he liked, not that he was going to push it.
He had been doing a good job at keeping his head down and focusing on his normal day to day schoolwork.
Anne refuses to talk to him and she probably would have done the same to you, if not for Ominis.
It was something you'd decided to take on faith and try out as you moved over to him.
He had been studying in the room of requirement, but couldn't quite concentrate with you lurking.
"I was wondering when you'd come over, you spent enough time pacing," he teased as he set his quill down. "Is something wrong?"
"No, but given everything that's happened and still might happen, I think you should know everything."
Worry flicked over his features as his head moved in your direction. "Everything?"
The hesitation in his voice made you swallow hard. "That I've been doing, with Professor Fig and why I'm being actively hunted."
"You're actually going to tell me?" He asked, though you sensed his unease to trust your word, not that you could blame him.
You moved to take the seat closest to him, but not beside him, your nerves were already wanting to rabbit from the room.
He waited patiently as you took a deep breath to steady yourself, before you began from that day the dragon attacked the carriage.
Ominis looked paler than usual as he started in your direction, his body long deflated against the chair.
You'd have thought he'd have something to say, call you an idiot for jumping into danger or something. You hadn't spared any details, not about the ancient magic or about the adventures Sebastian dragged you into.
After everything, it felt like you needed someone to ensure you weren't going dark.
"That's one hell of a first year," he mumbled, while pressing his fingers to his forehead, before something clicked. "So that's what he meant when he said "between the two of you"."
Ah, you'd purposely tried to forget that night. "Yeah," you mumbled.
"Why now? Why'd you decide to tell me?"
"Well, Isadora became evil, stripping people's emotions away entirely, believing she was actually doing good-"
"And you're worried you're going to walk down the same path?"
Hearing it out loud made it sound real. Real enough to sting, to burn as your eyes burned and your nose tickled. "I don't want to hurt people."
He almost knocked his books all over the floor as he climbed out of his seat and squeezed into the chair with you with his arms winding around you.
"You won't."
He said it with such confidence that you almost believed him.
"How can you be so sure?"
"Everyone capable of great evil, are capable of great good. It's your choice to decide which you do," he replied softly, you could hear your father's voice echoing his. "If you don't want to hurt people, don't. If you're afraid you'd lose your temper, learn to control it so it doesn't control you. You have a choice, it's not predestined that you're going to follow in her footsteps, just like she didn't follow in her mentor's."
You nodded, grateful that he reminded you of something you lost sight of. It's easy to forget when you're the one who's in the dark without a light.
"Thank you," you whispered giving him a squeeze before letting him go.
"You're going to the last trial tonight?"
Worry laced his words as you glanced over his way while suppressing the urge to cry.
"Yeah, Professor Fig sent an owl."
"I know it's supposed to be a secret, so I can't offer to come with, but just, be careful."
A small smile forced its way into your face. "I will try."
You pushed yourself up from the chair and headed towards the door.
With Ranrok so close to the repository, you immediately set out to Ollivanders, but when Rookwood showed up, you didn't expect him to kidnap you.
Sirona, who had been stopped to talk to a local, barely caught the sight of you being apparated away, she instantly sent word to Professor Weasley as Ollivander sent one to Professor Fig.
Ominis heard the uproar as voices explode in the room, he moved to follow them, finding Professor Weasley interrogating Sebastian about your whereabouts.
"She said she was going to meet with Professor Fig," Ominis answered coming closer. "What happened?"
"Sirona informed me that she came out of Ollivanders and was ambushed by Rookwood. She was grabbed from behind and apparated away."
Sebastian glanced at Ominis as his brows pinched together.
"I will try to find Professor Fig, hopefully he'll have some answers this time."
She left quickly, leaving Deek, Sebastian and Ominis staring at her retreating figure.
"Rookwood finally nabbed her, this isn't good."
Ominis nodded, while they tried to think of anywhere he could have gone, but the problem was, there were too many places to pick from.
"Maybe Poppy and Natsai know," Sebastian offered. "We can't just sit here and wait."
"Let's go," Ominis said without hesitation.
After Solomon, you'd hoped you saw the last of those damned curses, but now here you were fighting for your life against at least twenty ashwinders.
Victor was dead set on wiping your existence from the face of the earth, if that wasn't obvious as he casted the killing curse.
You were too far away from the castle for any of the teachers to find you.
Being careful and mindful of the ashwinders behind you, you continued to fight back, slowly knocking their numbers down.
You decided it was a good thing they took turns for the most part and the practice you got from fighting them the whole term was helpful, but you knew you were tired from the last trial.
The last thing you could do is allow Victor to get his hands on the keeper wand. So, you fought until every last ashwinder was unconscious and it was down to you and Victor.
"Avada Kadavra!"
The words echoed in your head, a mixture of his, Sebastian's and every other ashwinder you heard speak it as you put all of your effort into your counter spell.
They slammed into each other with his determination and yours.
You pushed harder, knowing if you died here, no one would be able to stop Ranrok. You wouldn't see your muggle mother, your friends or your professors ever again.
Your wand began to heat up as if in silent agreement to live, to help you live and with the last bit of your energy, you sent the spell back at Victor.
It hit him hard enough to knock him off his feet, his eyes open and unblinking.
With all your energy spent, you collapsed to your knees as you heard a screech from above, before your body fell to lay down, ready to rest.
A hippogriff landed between you and Victor —no, Highwing, it was your friendly hippogriff.
People on brooms began to land as your eyes slowly fell closed.
Still unconscious, you were taken to the hospital wing, where Ominis stashed the funky looking wand you had on you, in his robes with his.
You were thoroughly checked for wounds, but nurse Blainey said it was just from exhaustion and tried to get everyone to leave so you could sleep, but two Slytherins, a Gryffindor and one Hufflepuff, refused to leave no matter how many points the nurse threatened to take.
"What happened?" Professor Weasley asked walking in with Fig not far behind.
"We couldn't just let our friend be out there alone, so we used Poppy's and Natty's ashwinder routines to figure out the best place they'd try to take her. Once we figured that out, we went to find her."
Sebastian's oversimplification seemed to confuse her more.
"On school brooms and beasts?" She shook her head. "You five will receive detention for being out past curfew, as will Imelda, Amit, Garreth, Samantha, Adelaide, Leander, Everett, Nellie and Lenora. I can't stress how dangerous it was going out there at night like that. Even if you were a tiny army of students."
There was a hint of pride in her voice.
Everyone turned when a small laugh escaped your throat as you woke up. "Man, now I wish I'd seen that."
"You're in a lot of trouble young lady," Professor Weasley replied.
You opened your eyes. "For being kidnapped?"
"You've done a lot of things this year that broke the rules and I still don't have an answer as to why."
"I can clarify that," Professor Fig replied, as he met your eyes. "I think it's time they knew."
Weasley looked between you two before Fig led her from the room.
"A small army of students?" You teased as your eyes drifted towards your friends.
"Arrived just in time to hear Rookwood use the killing curse," Natty answered. "When you collapsed after him, we thought-"
Your energy was still low, but you forced a smile onto your face. "Was it at least cool looking?"
Ominis appeared unimpressed as Sebastian chuckled. "One on one, spells connected, an unconscious army of ashwinders surrounding you two. It was pretty epic."
"Dangerous, he means it was dangerous," Ominis corrected. "How did he manage to grab you anyway?"
"Ashwinder apparated behind me. He paid the residents to stay in their houses and-" You started patting your robes down for the wand, only finding your own. "Oh no. No, no, no."
"What?" Poppy asked as Ominis reached into his cloak and pulled the wand free.
All eyes moved to it in curiosity. "I figured this was important."
He handed it back to you.
"It is. It's very important."
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bhaalbaaby · 10 months
Title: a pearl (2159 words) Pairing: astarion/tav Warnings: physical/sexual/mental/emotional abuse A/N: lol so i redid the end of astarion's mission and made him good again so i could redo missions i saved over lol but in the process, i found that you don't have to sleep with astarion in the graveyard and they could just be together which made my heart burst, even more, tbh ;-; so i wrote about what they did instead. it is traumatic because of everything astarion went through and with my tav's backstory. so a lot of warnings. 
Read on AO3!
They stayed in the graveyard all night, her head carefully tucked in his arm as he stares up at the sky. He doesn't sleep or meditate. His mind replays all two hundred years, all the spawn he brought back to Cazador, the abuse. He remembers each person and the charm he used to bring them back. The number of times he slept with people just so he could have a moment of reprieve once he went back to the palace. He enjoyed it in the beginning, but…
He glances down at Sarnarei, her face so calm in the dream realm. He regrets being her first. She should have been with someone who cared. He cared enough to make sure she wasn't hurting, physically, but that's all. If they tried again now…
Her smile replays in his memories as she takes his hands. "We can just stay here and just be together."
Her words soothe him. Yes, he wanted to sleep with her after their physical break, but to just be with her. It eases his heart that she didn't want to go back into being physical right after the heavy day they shared.
She kisses his cheek, swiping her thumb over it as she sits back. "When we're free of this affliction, where do you want to go first?" She asks, squeezing his hand.
He swallows hard, looking at the grave. "Back to the night time I suppose. I may go to the Underdark where my siblings will be." She nods as she listens, her thumb rubbing patterns on his wrist. "How about you?" He asks their voices just above a whisper.
Sarnarei's brows quirk down as she shrugs, "This is as much adventure as my life will get I think. I'd want to be with you though."
He can't meet her gaze as he shakes his head. "Don't live your life thinking about me, Sarnarei."
She giggles, moving closer to him, "If the mind flayer never captured me, I'd be a boring book shop owner's wife. In a boring marriage out of safety." She shrugs, "Maybe I'd want to go on another adventure eventually, but I want to spend my time with you."
He laughs softly, "A boring marriage out of safety doesn't sound boring, Sarnarei." He would much rather hear her backstory than dwell on his. His eyes plead with her to share as he sits back, resting on his arms. She stays where she is, running her fingers over her curved horns.
"I want to know more about you. I apologize for never asking about your past and shunning you before."
The corners of her mouth perk up as she tucks her hair behind her ear. "You're fine, Astarion. I shouldn't have brought it up in the beginning like I did."
Astarion's brows furrow as she goes into her apologies, something he recognized as a deflection from trauma. It manifested in his sister, Dal. He leans over, bringing her closer to him. "I want to know. Tell me all about you Sarnarei. More than I already know." He stares up at the starless sky as she glances up at him.
"You already know I lost my mother at a young age like Yenna, and that my father gave me to a strong Wizard in Baldur's Gate, hoping I could get my magic under control. I never found out what happened to him. I don't know if I want to find out. Lord Verbuyst died a few months later and I was left to the Lady."
She scratches her head as she shrugs, "I still don't know if I was supposed to stay. Sometimes I am grateful because then I would have had to fend for myself in an unknown city barely thirteen." She frowns as she continues. "At first I was just a maid, cleaning after everyone and treated like I was invisible to her until I made mistakes. She would come up with harsh punishments."
Her hands go up to her horns as she nibbles her bottom lip. "She wanted to shave my horns once, but her children saved me from that." Astarion's eyes widen as he listens. "It was for something minor. I accidentally made her bath water too hot because my magic wasn't under control. She didn't get burns or anything, just shocked and upset."
She swallows hard as she sits up, making space between the two. "It got more intense as I got older. The Lady was so scared about getting old and looking old. She wanted to try blood magic, but I didn't want to learn it. She called me good for nothing and invited weird shaman over almost every week once the children went to sleep. I only knew because she used me as bait. A young beautiful Tiefling they could do whatever they wanted to in exchange for making her younger."
His heart sinks as she grips some grass under her fingertips, her exhale shaky as she looks away. "They never slept with me, but with my hands… My mouth. And then they'd prick me and draw so much blood. It was all pseudo-magic. I could tell, but I'd lie so she wouldn't invite them over. But she'd see a new wrinkle, a new sag, and then the shaman was back. Molest me, bleed me dry, and lie." Astarion sits up, trying to shake the anger and rage at this woman he'll never know.
"It went on until her eldest son found out because he came home late one evening and saw the strange man trying to go further with me, saying I needed to make the perfect sacrifice of my virginity to him so My Lady could be young forever." She wipes rogue tears from her eyes, shaking her head. "I was like seventeen when it stopped. She didn't stop seeing that man though. She just stopped having me around. She started looking for more help, specifically younger girls, but they never stayed long… I don't know what happened to them. I stayed, however. I didn't know where to go. I did run away, but she sent bounty hunters after me and threatened to kill me. I ran away a year ago for the final time."
She laughs softly as she sniffs. "I can't believe I stayed for so long. For over ten years. I know that's not as long as centuries for you, but Tieflings don't live long like elves or even half-elves." She whispers.
Astarion interjects, shaking his head. "I'm sorry you went through that. I do have to ask, why did you let me bite you? Why do you let me bite you?"
She winces as she shrugs, "I need you strong so we can fight. I also was used to it. My blood being used for something other than staying in my veins."
He takes her hands in his, "You listened to me, made sure I didn't do anything that made me uncomfortable. But I want to make sure you're not doing anything that makes you uncomfortable."
She smiles up at him, "You've never made me uncomfortable. Especially since we've not had sex afterward." She whispers before quickly adding. "I did enjoy it though. I think I would again."
She removes her hand from his as she continues with her story. "I found my friend at his bookstore in the upper city. He's a Drow but could pass as a regular elf. He kept me hidden and offered to give me another name. We'd be married and if she came to find me, he'd be able to protect me since I would be his wife, no longer tied to my Lady… He proposed this to me the night I was taken. I told him I needed to think and then…" She rubs her forehead.
"Would you marry him?" Astarion asks, trying to read her expression.
She sighs, shaking her head. "I never loved him like a wife is supposed to. I would have been trapped even if he meant well." Sarnarei pats her cheeks as she finally looks up at him. "So that's the story of mine. I don't have anything in this city to keep me. I am free to come with you wherever you would like, my love."
Her story resonates with him as the quiet night continues as they move on to the future. "I bet we could get a nice little home near the Myconid Colony." Sarnarei muses, remembering how beautiful the Myconid Colony was.
Astarion frowns, "I'm sure we could find somewhere else." He scratches his head as he sighs, "I wish we could stay in the city. I will miss it." He says with a wistful look.
"Hmm, maybe we could stay in the city, even though you'd have to stay away from the sun."
"You are so adorable when you're coming up with solutions." He says, touching her cheek. "We'll figure it out, I am sure. Besides, we'll have to figure out what you can do."
A blush comes to her cheeks as she shrugs, "I feel like people will want me to be a leader of some sort. They'll want me to help rebuild. I'm just a random Tiefling."
"You're my random Tiefling. And you are much more than that. Not many people are willing to face the Dead Three and an Elder Brain." She waves away his statement away. "I've barely faced one of them. We still have Gortash and Orin. And the Brain." She rubs her forehead and sighs, quietly adding, "And the mind flayer in our brain."
Astarion laughs, bringing her closer. "I believe in you. You're the only person I trust with handling all of this. You're intelligent, strong, quick-witted." She carefully hides her face in his chest, mindful of her horns. "You're going to take all of these compliments, darling. You're an inspiration to a whole entire generation. I don't care about children, but I see the way the Tiefling children see you. I see the way you care about them. They want to be strong like you. I want to be strong like you. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Gods, who knows where I would be if you didn't give me a chance back on the beach." She scrunches up her face, making his odes continue, "You are the rock that we all depend on. You keep us all together…" He pauses, lifting her face to his. "I want to be the one you can lean on when it gets too tough."
She smiles, before accepting his gentle kiss, feeling so tired. "You already are… Should we stay here for the night or go back?" She asks, glancing at the tombstone, today's date etched over his birth.
"We can go back if you want. You're looking quite tired."
She snuggles close to him as she nods, "Okay. We can go back in a moment. I just need to rest for a little bit." He lets her fall asleep, wishing he could join her.
He carries her back to the bar and inn seeing the sky starting to turn blue at the first light. Gale is on night watch tonight, letting them in. "Fun night?" He asks, smirking. Astarion ignores him as he gently puts Sarnarei on the bed.
"When you fell in love with Mystra, how did you know you wanted to steal a Netherese artifact?"
Gale scoffs, stuttering as he crosses his arms. "I just wanted to prove myself worthy of her affection, but before you do anything rash, Sarnarei doesn't need any of that. She may be a goddess among us with questionable taste in lovers, but she doesn't need anything huge and over the top. No one really does even if we feel it in our bones." He pauses as Astarion gently closes her doors.
"I don't feel worthy of her affection," Astarion says to the wizard, the two going to their beds.
"Well, I recommend taking your time with her. That's where I messed up I think. She's beautiful. I wanted to capture her affection and keep it for myself. Misguided, but I see how much happier she is with you, and Halsin to a degree. Once the tadpoles and the Absolute are dealt with, you'll know what your next steps will be. And in the meantime, just enjoy each other. You have plenty of time to show yourself that you're worthy." Gale sits across from him as Astarion takes in the advice.
"Thank you, Gale. For the advice."
Gale smiles as he puts his hand for Astarion to shake. "In the battle of love, you were a great opponent. I wish you two nothing but the best."
Astarion shakes his hand, rolling his eyes, "Hardly a battle, but I'm glad you accept defeat." He replies cheekily as he rests back in his bed, wishing he was cuddling Sarnarei instead. He takes a deep breath, feeling so much lighter. He is free.
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My boy and I have been working on our extended cast for the Cursed Child remake. There might be a part too eventually. But first--- some introductions. Some still a work in progress, but here we go.
Based on a scrapped JK character, we got our good Vampire teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts Nathaniel Trocar. (Harry Lloyd.) Proffessor Trocar took on the empty position after the curse on the class was broken. He's laidback for a vampire and goes around daylight hours with a black parasol. He's able to control his thirst for blood with his blood bank supply, but he's able to enjoy most mortal food so long as it doesn't have garlic (Pukes up blood). It's empty calories, but he'd able to be among mortal wizards. Lily Luna Potter would give him Blood Lollipops from Honeydukes to make him feel welcome. By the time the transfer students come over Trocar keeps noticing someone keeps trying to drug his blood stash. Not to kill him.... But to invade his body.
Yo-yo (voiced by Rowen Atkinson) the free House Elf. Ever since elf kind were liberated by Hermione they were free to pick up different trades like Goblins. As a result Hermione's family are seen as saviors of their kind. One in particular who became a close family friend, is Yo-Yo. He's the first of his kind to be born free. He has never been to Hogwarts and wants to go-- despite him not needing a wand. He just wants to see what it's like. Hugo Weasley then put him in his backpack so he could go and see the campus. The two are very close and love playing games and eating wizard animal crackers.
Amitola Thunderhawk (Tantoo Cardinal) the recent Headmistress of Ilvermorny and Thunderbird alumni. Second in command of the school before Headmaster Agilbert Fontaine suddenly vanished. Wizards in the US had been going missing few quite some time but there was no concrete proof linking them to the mysterious school of Miskatonic University. Considering muggles went there openly, the wizard government choked the rumors up to eccentric fiction. But after Amitola's boss went missing she knew she needed help. She reached out to her old penpal McGonagall and wished to do a student exchange program while she cooperated information to the ministry of magic. It was a risky move, but she knew things would only get worse if nothing could be done. She's protective but fair, and has no time for unneeded nonsense.
Sakima Thunderhawk. Sakima is Amitola's grandson and the first of a long line of Thunderbirds to answer the call of Wampus. He lost his parents to a rogue wizard in his reservation. His grandma is all he has left of his family. As a result his granny protects him and makes sure he stays out of trouble. But being a blossoming Wampus, he naturally wants to be useful in locating these missing witches and wizards. But the headmistress wouldn't have it. She had lost her son and daughter in-law, she would not be losing her grandson to the body snatchers. So she put him in the exchange program to send him to Hogwarts for the year while she worked with other staff to uncover the mystery to these disappearances. Sakima was frustrated, he only wanted to help and had never been outside the country before. But he went. It was a lot to take in all at once and he knew no one there. That was until Lily Potter befriended him and went about showing him around the school. She loved hearing about his home and Ilvermorny. Plus the two bonded over Care for Magical Creatures class. Sakima was very gifted in gaining creature's trust. It didn't take long for Sakima and Lily for form crushes. But not long after their stay, they began noticing students that neither recognized at the school. Ones who weren't part of the program. The body snatchers had infiltrated Hogwarts.
Willow Smith. A daughter of an Ilvermorny Charms professor, Gladys Swan (Kate Blanchett). Her Muggle Born father Jeffrey Smith (Ben Wishaw) went to Hogwarts but was forced to drop out after Voldemort was taking over. He works for the American Ministry of Magic as an auor. Willow herself is a 4th year Horned Serpent student and practicing to be a cat animagus. Her sister Ember Smith is a Squib and it drives her mad. She tried to go to Ilvermorny but when it was her time to get sorted by the 4 idols, none of them called out for her. As a result she couldn't go. Willow would try to comfort her sister, but Ember wouldn't have it. Here was Willow the seemingly perfect sister and then the screw up Ember not worthy enough for magic. Willow would try to throw herself into her studies more, but deep down it hurt knowing their relationship as sisters wouldn't be the same.
De'Aundre Robinson, 1st year Thunderbird. His wizard mother was killed in a hit and run, leaving his muggle father Mr. Robinson (David Oyelowo) to try and raise his wizard son alone. His wife was very secretive of what she did, so it was a hard time for him to relate to his son. De'Aundra is playful and plucky. He wants to get into the Quiddtich team. Personally his father thinks he should stick to something less dangerous like basketball or football.... like other normal boys his age. It frustrates De'Aundre he can't openly show his dad what being a wizard is all about.
Kyoshiro was given up for adoption when he was just a baby. It turned out his Japanese immigrant parents quickly discovered his magical gifts and wanted nothing to do with him. He was then adopted by two witches (Olivia Williams) and (Sally Hawkins) who became his new mothers. They helped him grow and understand how to use his magic. But when Kyoshiro was just getting exposed to wizard life, he couldn't help but notice how much wizards cared about their bloodlines. So many were pure blood, half blood, and muggle born. Though his adoptive mothers were pure and half, he himself didn't know what he was. No one knew much about his real parents and knowing they gave up on him made him sick to his stomach and not want to know what kind of wizard he was. Being a 3rd year Horned Serpent, it's hard to let some thoughts in the mind go.
Sofia Martinez is a 2nd year Pukwudgie and comes from a huge Latin line of Pure Blood wizards. Her family carried recipes that were passed down for generations. Something about their food would heal the soul. Her parents owned an enchanted food truck and would make this food. Knowing how special it was she wants to try and make her own wizard food restaurant so everyone could feel healed too. She's very caring for her friends, almost like a mother hen. In her family, no one is to go hungry or deal with pain.
Onslow and Daisy Dursley. Dudley and his family moved away to the US while the conflict with Voldemort took off in the UK. Dudley went to a community college and was having a hard time fitting in. But one girl was nice to him, Brittany Kowalski. The two started dating and eventually Dudley felt he had to come clean about the wizard part of his family. He braced himself expecting the worse. But to his shock Brittany was actually a Squib, a muggle born from two magical parents. She's Jacob and Queenie's granddaughter. Dudley was overjoyed, he finally could confide in someone over what he had seen over the years with Harry under his roof--- and staircase. Despite having protests from his parents, Dudley married her and they had two kids. Even now they'd take time over the summer to visit their extended relatives with the Potters. Onslow was amazed by his cousins and why they could do. He loved collecting wizard candy and cards. Though he would often ask James and Albus if Aliens existed in the wizard world. To which both would tell him no. That never stopped Onslow for theorizing their secret existence. Not the brightest, and perhaps a bit brash. He's a good kid. His four year old sister is 99.9% convinced she is a wizard. Every day she would take her stick, dress up in her favorite wizard pajamas and crown and try to do magic. This never seemed to work. But even Harry had to admire her determination. Lily would play long to make her little cousin happy.
Benjamin Gulch is not what one would expect for the typical Pukwudgie. He is Confident, irritable, and sarcastic. Ben's family have a talent for healing magic...however it was never enough to pull them out of poverty. As a result they turned to the shady business of scamming muggles. His father, Pastor Gulch, operates a small church out in the countryside where they use their magical talents to fix muggle's medical issues in the guise of faith healing. Growing up poor and somewhat ostracized from wizard society made him tough and combative, prone to blowing up at criticism, especially in relation to his family's legally dubious work. Outwardly he shows pride in his family's ability to help muggles while making some scratch off of them...but inwardly he hopes that one day he can open a legitimate clinic and be a 'proper medical wizard.'
Sunand Alhazred is a melancholic, poetic, and thoughtful boy with a very old soul and a great burden on his shoulders. He is the direct descendant of Abdul Alhazred, The Mad Arab, an infamous sorcerer from ages past and author of the dreaded Necronomicon. However despite his prodigious lineage the young scion resents his family's legacy, believing that nothing good can come from his ancestors accursed books, and prefers to study art and poetry over the mad ramblings of his forebears. A member of the Order of the Bayhakee at Miskatonic University, Sunand is an accomplished Dreamwalker for his age and has visited the Dreamlands many times. He goes there whenever he is able, preferring the fantastical realms there over the 'dreary' mundane world.
Randolph Carter (Jason Spisak) and Sylvia Carter. Randolph is a professor at Miskatonic, Byhakee alumni, and self proclaimed author. An eccentric and curious teacher, Randolph would practice Dream Walking into other detentions. Sometimes he would come out with his mind barely in tact. Sometime he'd be gone for years. This didn't sit well with his wife Wanda Slater (Toni Collette) or his daughter Sylvia. He just wasn't around much and here they were in the heart of Arkham Massachusetts where nothing normal would go on. To Sylvia she longed for a normal life. One with less demonic forces trying to wear her body like a dress or consume her mind like noodles. She'd easily take up a job as a librarian or barista.... if those damn squid people would stop turning her possible clients or bosses into fish. But no, she was a harsh tempered big sister figure in Shantak. Reclusive by nature, but not opposed to give a firm kick to the nads to anyone who was picking on smaller and easily squish-able students at Miskatonic like Judith Whatley.
Judith Whatley is a Fragile, mousey, quiet girl and is the youngest and most human member of the Whateley clan. She bears the least trace of divine corruption in her blood and presents the fewest mutations, having only a handful of slender, hand-tipped tentacles emerging from her back and strange, red eyes. She hates and fears her family, but is too terrified of them to attempt an escape or resist them. She is certain that the only reason that she is still alive is because of her twin sister Joy, who is a mindless, monstrous abomination that only she can control safely. Judith and joy were born conjoined, with Joy as a grotesque tumor on Judith's back. When Judith was old enough the clan cut Joy out of Judith in a ritual that almost killed the small child. Seeing as Joy is necessary to the family's plans, they keep Judith around so she can 'hold the leash' for her monstrous sister who she both fears and loves. Deep down Judith wishes for nothing more than to be a normal child with a normal family, however she has long since given up hope. She was sorted into the Order of the Shoggoth when she was enrolled in Miskatonic University.
Willoughby Wyndham Whatley is cruel, insane, and calculating. The mutated descendant of a corrupted demi-god, Willoughby is a walking nightmare. Despite only being 13 he stands as tall as most adults and speaks with a terrible kind of charisma and calculating intelligence. While he appears as a human from a distance, close examination reveals that something is terribly wrong with him, his worst mutations only covered by extensive clothing. Seen as the 'heir apparent' by his family to his evil great Grandfather, Wilbur Whateley, Willoughby seeks to finish his great grandsire's dark work and bring about the end of sane human life on the Earth. Despite his freakish size and dull appearance, he is also an accomplished wizard and sorcerer, claiming that his 'divine blood' makes him slated for greatness. He despises his younger sister, Judith, for her 'human weakness' while also feeling jealousy that Judith was 'blessed' to be born conjoined to Joy, the most heavily mutated and 'divine' member of the Whateley family. He is sorted into the Order of the Cthonian at Miskatonic University.
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edmiau · 19 days
fantasy t4t princess x mage
(I swear this gets horny, I got carried away LMAO)
t4t/nsft/fantasy/first meeting/"casual" touching/multiple orgasms
a princess meets the castle mage for the first time and is initially shocked, staring point-blank at him with her mouth agape. the mage, a shorter man with his hood drawn, prepares to apologize for being in her sight and hide his face with his cowl. before he has the chance, however, the princess lets out a delighted squeal and rushes to lift him into her arms like a stuffed toy.
"father, father!" she cries to the king, "why didn't you tell me our mage was so darling? I would have wanted to meet him much sooner!!" as she speaks, she's still holding the poor mage tightly against her chest, his feet dangling a few inches off the ground. the mage, too physically weak to do much about it, resigns himself to his fate as he lays limp in the princess' arms.
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the king, surprised by his daughter's interest in the reclusive magic-user, gives a tentative shrug. she simply never asked? he didn't think it was relevant to her? but now she's holding the castle's top mage in her arms like a doll, and he's just...letting her. likely for fear of punishment for disobeying royalty, but still.
finally, the princess seems to notice the mage's blushing face and slightly uncomfortable expression. the king does, as well, and gently orders her to drop him. she reluctantly lets him go, and he immediately shuffles a few feet away to put some distance between them. "well, now look, you've scared him..." the king utters, laughing softly at the sight before noticing his daughter looks a bit upset.
the princess turns to the mage, bowing slightly. immediately, the mage panics, as being apologized to by royalty feels far stranger than anything he's experienced. even the king seems shocked, watching as his daughter begins to speak. "I'm sorry if I frightened you...but...you're so cute...and I had a hard time controlling myself...um...I would like to learn more about you, if that's alright..?" her voice is soft and polite, much different from the way she spoke to her father.
still in a bit of a stupor, the mage glances between her and the king. the king simply nods softly, as if he's giving his approval, and the mage looks back at the princess warily. "I...I would be alright with that, yes...if that's what you want, your highness..." he replies, the first time he's spoken during this encounter. his voice is quiet, almost timid.
upon hearing his reply, the princess straightens up with a beaming smile on her face. "fantastic!! I promise I won't interfere with any of your important mage-y stuff, but I would like to learn more about you...and, is it alright if I touch you..? I'll ask permission next time, of course! I still don't know what got into me..." she giggles nervously, blushing as she recounts the way she lifted him mere moments ago. the mage simply gives a small nod in response this time, bashfully averting his eyes.
feeling content with the outcome of their meeting, the king smiles to himself. "well, I suppose I'll let you two get a bit more acquainted. I'll be taking my leave, but you both know how to contact me if an issue arises." he hums, giving a wave to the pair as he goes to leave the tower. the princess calls out a quick "bye, father!!" whilst the mage simply waves back idly.
now, the princess and mage are alone. it's silent for a good few moments, and the mage turns to mess with something on one of his many cluttered desks. curious, the princess peeks over his shoulder and watches, her eyes following his dexterous hands as they twist and pull at thin metal wires. it seems like he's making something, but she hasn't the slightest clue what it could be.
"what is that?" she finally asks, just as the mage sets a small stone into a slot between the wires. he freezes for a moment, glancing up at her with a surprised expression. like he forgot she was there entirely, despite the fact she's so close, after only focusing for a few moments.
"oh. uh...it's a battle charm. for the head of the knights. the king asked me to make one since there's supposed to be an orc skirmish quite soon, and he wants the soldiers to have a better chance than usual." he explains, holding up the vaguely star-shaped mass of wire and mana stones.
the princess examines the charm in awe, amazed at how easy the mage makes it seem. "wow...and you make these all by yourself? how long does it take to make one?" she tilts her head like a curious puppy, seeming genuinely interested.
blushing wildly at this point, the mage nods slightly. "well...it takes anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the size of the charm and how many stones need to be embedded. I've been working on this one for an hour or so already, but it'll probably take me another two due to how many gems I need to fit inside..." he sighs, gesturing to the bowl of at least 30 little mana stones nearby.
"my goodness! that is quite a few...I'm amazed that all of that will fit in a palm-sized charm..." the princess mutters, leaning in a bit more over the mage's shoulder so she can get a closer look. the mage doesn't protest, even holding it up so she can see it better. after a moment, he sets it back down on the table and continues carefully placing the stones in one after another, twisting the wires to keep them in place.
as she watches him work, the princess notices how focused the mage has become again. he's hardly blinking, staring down at the charm as he works, and he doesn't react when she waves in his peripheral as a test. this response (or lack thereof) sparks an idea in her mind, and a slightly mischievous smile tugs at her lips as she grabs the back of the mage's hood.
slowly, tentatively, she pulls his hood down. just to see if he'll notice...and he doesn't realize in the slightest, even as the princess' fingers begin gently carding through his hair. his hands slow for a moment, a content sigh escaping him before he resumes his usual pace. it seems he can feel her touch, but he's so focused it doesn't even register in his mind.
the princess' grin grows as she realizes just how lost in his work the mage is, and her thoughts begin to wander...as do her hands, as she places both of them on the juncture between his shoulders and neck to massage there gently. he's extremely stiff, no doubt a result of all the work from the king he must deal with every day. as he's massaged, his hands stutter to a stop briefly, and a slight whine escapes him as a particularly taut muscle is worked on.
hearing such a noise come from the mage, the princess has to suppress the urge to squeeze down harder on the knot in his shoulder just to hear something like it again. she fully stops her movements, though her touch lingers. she doesn't want him to notice, especially since she promised she would ask before touching him next time...
"princess...can you...please keep going..?" the mage suddenly mutters, never moving his gaze from the charm on the desk in front of him. hearing him speak so suddenly startles her, and the princess lets out a quiet yelp in surprise, already preparing to explain herself. when she finally processes what he said, however...she pauses.
there's a moment of silence between the two. it's eerie, and the mage begins to worry he's messed something up by asking her to continue. he opens his mouth to apologize, but he's quickly cut off by the feeling of the princess' hands rubbing at his shoulders again. caught off-guard, he lets out another soft whine, pressing his palms against the desk to steady himself as he leans into the feeling.
"hmm...this knot in your shoulder is really intense..." the princess mutters, a playful smile on her face as she squeezes the muscle a bit harder. now that she knows the mage is both accepting and aware of her touch, she feels no guilt in messing with him a little bit.
the squeeze to the mage's shoulder forces a moan out of him, and he quickly clasps a hand over his mouth. his face and the tips of his ears are burning bright red, and he can't believe he just made that sound in front of the princess. even if she's seemingly doing it on purpose, anxious humiliation still builds in his gut.
giggling intermittently, the princess finishes working the knot out of his shoulder before finally releasing him. "is that better, my dear mage?" she mutters right beside his head, her hands moving down to rest lightly on his waist.
timidly, the mage nods, trembling slightly as he feels the princess' breath against his ear. he's honestly amazed at how easily she fixed his shoulder, since it's been bothering him for more than a week; but he doesn't have any time to show his gratitude before feeling her hands on him again.
"you must be quite stressed if you work like this all the time...if you'd like, I can help you...relax a little bit more..." the princess whispers right against the shell of the mage's ear, her hands gently squeezing his waist. she thumbs over the velvety material of his robe, waiting patiently for a response.
the mage, mentally grappling with himself, desperately tries to collect his thoughts. he doesn't want to get his hopes up, so why would the princess be so interested in a mere mage like him? is she not confused by or dissatisfied with his reclusive behavior and frail stature? does she perhaps think it's just fun to mess with him?
"if...if touching me will bring you joy, your highness, then do as you please. but...I cannot stop my work..." he mumbles out in reply, trying to sound as professional as possible while he continues fiddling with the charm. he can't just go "yes, yes, please touch me, princess!" due to both his dignity and the need to keep his composure around his employer...or, in this case, his employer's daughter who just so happens to be a beautiful woman around his age that won't stop handling him like a toy.
upon hearing his reply, the princess hums softly as she takes a moment to think. "well...you don't have to stop...keep going, and I'll handle everything, okay? don't be afraid to speak up if you don't like it..." she speaks quietly, tightening her hold on the mage's midsection.
his breath hitching, the mage nods, his hands shaking slightly as he keeps working. as he embeds gem after gem into the charm, the princess' hands slowly get bolder, massaging his waist and sliding closer and closer toward the split in his robe. so far, he's keeping it together quite well, other than the occasional whine or gasp.
though, his unwavering focus is broken when he feels a hand slip beneath his outer layer. he gasps sharply, pressing one palm to the desk to keep himself grounded as the princess' fingers start playing with the buttons on his pants. "focus, mage...or do you want me to stop..?" she whispers in his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.
the mage, panicking momentarily, shakes his head. as quick as he can, he resumes his work, even as his slacks are undone to reveal his undergarments. he freezes, only for a split second, before forcing himself to embed another gem into the charm. his breathing is unsteady, hitching as the princess presses her fingertips against the front of his underwear.
"my, my...is my mage even cuter than I thought?" she chuckles softly, rubbing the pad of her index finger along the mage's slit. he shudders in response, whimpering quietly as she teases him. his head is spinning, and he's unable to respond, too distracted by the feeling.
only when the princess suddenly slips her other hand beneath his robes and undershirt does he snap back to reality, exhaling shakily as her nails lightly rake across his ribs. "why have you stopped, mage? am I too much of a distraction?" she mutters against his ear playfully, pressing her hips up against his from behind.
"I...n-no, princess...you can--" he's cut off by his own sharp gasp as the princess roughly circles his clit, and he has to grip the edge of the desk to keep himself from doubling over. "I can? how kind of you...please, do keep working..." she hums, continuing to tease his slit and gently scratch his ribs. watching his reaction is quite entertaining, even if she feels a little bad for distracting him.
as the princess plays with him, he whines and bites his cheek to keep himself from moaning like an animal in heat. the mage straightens back up, breath and body quivering, as he continues his work.
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it takes almost double the original estimate of time for the mage to finish his task. after four hours and at least ten orgasms in total, he's a trembling mess, half-leaned against the desk as he stares down at the finished charm blearily. it's a bit messy due to his "multi-tasking," but it should be just as effective.
the princess, smiling brightly, finally pulls her hand out of the poor man's pants. her fingers are soaked, pruned slightly from how long they were going at it. she grins a bit at the sight, then turns her gaze back to the mage.
his robes and cowl were discarded about two hours in, and are draped over a nearby chair, leaving him in his unbuttoned slacks and wrinkled undershirt. his elbows are pressed to the desk to keep him upright, since his knees are threatening to buckle underneath him, and he can't stop panting.
wordlessly, the princess hums and guides him over to the chair with his clothing so he can sit down. as soon as he's off his feet, she runs her clean hand through his hair, even taking a moment to press a kiss against his forehead. "such a good boy...my wonderful little mage..." she mutters against the top of his head, smoothing over his hair and shoulders to help him calm down.
the mage, truthfully, is still basking in the combined afterglow of that many orgasms in a row. he barely processes being brought to the chair, only coming to his senses when he feels the princess' lips against his sweaty forehead. he gasps softly, his eyes flickering up to meet hers. his face is flushed entirely red, and he's looking up at her like she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.
smiling, the princess slides her hand down to cup his cheek. "how are you feeling, then? still stressed?" she queries, checking him for signs of distress as she examines his flustered expression. the exhausted mage shakes his head lightly, trying not to push her hand away. "I...f-feel amazing, princess...thank you..." he mutters quietly, leaning into her touch as his eyes flutter shut.
feeling her heart thrum against her chest, the princess' smile widens to a grin. "you're very welcome, my mage...in fact...would you be interested in more of my stress-relief services? I wouldn't want my kingdom's best magic-user to fall ill with over-exertion..." she offers, biting the inside of her lip. it's a blatant excuse to sleep with him under the guise of "help", but she is also worried about his health.
once he actually processes the princess' offer, the mage blinks his eyes open again. he looks shocked, though still in a daze, and it takes him another moment to respond. she's almost worried he's going to refuse, but he finally speaks. "I would...appreciate that very much, your highness..." he mutters, a slight smile tugging at his own lips.
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
moar rewatch
s1! ep2 and 3!
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Bow's voice actor's work here is so good lolol
Nice work establishing that only Adora can do the transformation thing with the magic sword
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Man someone on youtube has to have done one of those therapist deep-dives on their relationship. So much of their interactions are just painfully accurate for the way a kid reacts to an abusive parent--that combination of fear and resentment and still wishing you could make them happy, just once.
My family didn't have a golden child vs. scapegoat thing going on, though. I wonder if this is based on the writers' own experiences or if one of them read about that dynamic or had a therapist consulted or what
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oof too real 😬
anyway Free Palestine
even cartoons know that murdering civilians and/or destroying their homes makes you the bad guy
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There's some parallels here with kids who grew up in conservative/evangelical families realizing their family's politics and faith weren't based around Jesus at all but were based around bigotry and small-minded cruelty and knowing they have to leave, and knowing ND Stevenson's background I assume it's intentional
"You've known these people for, what, a couple of hours? and you're going to throw everything away for them?"
:( and to Catra, this just feels like a betrayal. There's a meta post somewhere way back in my tags that was like, from Catra's POV, Adora knew how shitty Shadow Weaver treated Catra and that wasn't enough to rebel and leave, but knowing Glimmer and Bow for a handful of hours was, and how much that had to hurt like hell, considering Catra put up with Shadow Weaver's abuse for so long in part to protect Adora and in part because it meant her and Adora were still together
Ugh this is why I love this show, Catra's actions are sometimes just awful but they make sense given what we know about her life, and right now she's just panicking and trying to hide it
And meanwhile Bow and Glimmer are like "actually we've decided we trust you :) can you be fancy sword lady again thanks!"
Like of course Adora is going to pick Bow and Glimmer and not Catra in that moment!!
"Is that....Adora?" "It's She-ra!"
Yeah that's not gonna be the source of weird "who the fuck even AM I" feelings later ha ha ha amiright
Also along with all the other weirdness of suddenly being bigger/different outfit etc, like, She-Ra is not only WAY stronger, but also knows how to fight in that body and with that sword. Like having muscle memory you didn't know you had. That's gotta be WEIRD. (I mean, there's also memories that clearly aren't hers, too)
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Poor bb is scared, mad, and kinda turned on (shhhh I can headcanon whatever I want)
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I called Yellow Diamond a clod, right to her face!!
("You made that joke the first time you saw this ep April" It's just a good joke okay!!)
EP 3
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Glimmer: everyone hates Horde soldiers but I think people will love you as She-Ra YOU JUST HAVE TO BE SHE-RA HA HA IT'LL BE FINE
Adora, internally: I'm only valuable/acceptable/lovable as long as I can be She-Ra, a person who isn't entirely me and that I don't know how to control and feel extremely weird about, got it
whether the sword's edges are sharp or not is entirely dependent on whether someone needs it to be or not pffft
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lol this would be such a wild cosplay to do
(a quick image google says the original is far more popular for cosplay; only a couple of people have done this version)
"Adora's gone, she's defected. And I'm starting to think she had the right idea!"
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...okay how tempted do we think Catra actually was to just fucking leave.
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Once again: intentional parallels to high-control religious groups
But the reference to Lord Hordak specifically also has shades of "Just wait until your father finds out what you did!" which is, uh, a little uncomfortably close to home ngl
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boy do I hate how familiar this is
I used to get so scared it would make my stomach hurt, and I'd shake the same way Catra does here, which sometimes made him angrier
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jesus christ
okay how much of my love of Catra as a character is bc I can empathize with her in moments like this one (I was never as openly rebellious or back-talking as she is though; any disagreement got me screamed at)
I mean on the other hand Hordak is like "bitch, I know you've been doing this whole Golden Child/Scapegoat bullshit, so if your Golden Child fucked off and the Scapegoat is all you've got left then congrats that's on you, dumbass."
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Catra thought she was gonna be murdered and instead she got a promotion
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OKAY BUT ahahah oh god
IF Hordak had actually punished Catra or even threatened her in any way, I feel like Catra would, in fact, have left. There would be nothing left for her in the Horde, right? So why not leave?
But Hordak didn't promote Catra because he personally believes in her abilities, he did it to piss off Shadow Weaver. Then again maybe he knows that promoting Catra means she'll stay loyal.
Because it works, doesn't it. Oof. Catra wants to prove herself, dammit; and she's been given a shot at doing it, so she's staying.
OKAY that's 3 episodes out of 52. I think I'm done for today. No guarantees, though. Also there's no way I can do this for every single episode. >_<
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blackrosesmatron · 7 months
An assortment of HC
LeBlanc inherited her magic from her mother, who was also quite a powerful Sorceress. But, unlike her mother, the girl believed herself to deserve more, exactly because of who she was. That desire for more, to no longer be a 'nobody,' never left her. ("Oh, I don't ask for much. Just everything." LeBlanc line from Legends of Runeterra).
Her father died when she was around 7 years old, and if anybody asked her to describe him, she could not even remember his facial features, his voice, nor his personality. Her mother passed away when she was 12, leaving her to take care of three younger siblings. They all died a couple of years later, under circumstances she refuses to disclose to anybody. She was 15 when she found herself fully alone.
Her mother taught her the first spells and also gave her a rose made of Black Spinel. It was the size of a coin and had very realistic features. It was used to help the young sorceress to focus and canalize her magic, much like training wheels. At some point, she didn't need it anymore but kept it as a memory of her. For centuries, that was her only belonging that had no relation to Mordekaiser in any form. Also, after joining his followers, she started using the Black Rose as a soothing object. She would rub her thumb over the top of the flower to calm herself down. After so many decades of doing it, the flower lost its realistic features, becoming rounder on the edges of the petals.
The rose now belongs to Vladimir (@heredis-sanguinis), whom she gifted it as a proof of her good faith in their partnership (and also something else).
At 16, she joined Mordekaiser's followers. Her ambition and determination helped her build quite the reputation and drew the attention of the Iron Revenant himself, who invited her to be part of his inner circle. That happened when she was 50. By that time, she had already discovered a ritual to make herself immortal (by immortal, I mean she can't grow old, die from old age, or get sick/die due to any illness. However, she still can be killed).
Because of Mordekaiser's sigil on her, she rarely goes in person anywhere, for the risk of dying and being under his control is too high for her to take. Instead, she sends her clones around. They are extremely realistic and cannot be told apart from a real person by any means. They are, however, weaker than herself. The more clones she creates and keeps at the same time, the weaker they will be. Since most of the time they are not created with the idea of fighting, she doesn't mind sending dozens of them all around Runeterra at the same time.
She only goes personally when she knows her clones cannot do the job. She is a powerful Sorceress, having only a limited number of beings on the same level as her or above. For certain missions, she will need a great deal of her powers to accomplish her objective.
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Double the spotify
"This story takes place somewhere peaceful where two twins fight to live, but let's start 5 hours before that"
"Rave and her twin sister B were practicing their strength and magic power on each other"
Rave: *breaths in ripping out her wing jumping high in the sky, throwing her needle point wing at B*
"Raves wings then multitude i to hundreds"
B: *stands their as some missed her, then she got stabbed by multiple needle wings*
Rave: *tries summoning her weapon, getting upper cutted in her gut, vomiting*
B: u ok, sister?
Rave: *breaks B's arm spin, kicking her to the ground hard, then fixes her hair into a pony tail* There
B: *socks rave in her jaw, then headbutts her, breaking her nose* How my hoof feel ravie *laughs*
Rave: *she hit the ground head first dazed*
B: That had to hurt
"Raves and B's heart started to weaken, but they didn't know till rave didn't get up. B started to worry, so B teleported down to rave, then B started to feel fuzzy her chest started hurting, and her eyes got blurry"
B: w-wats go-oing on-n? I-i-i....... *She collapsed, getting catched by her dad* d-da.......... *she passed out*
~5 hours laters~
Red: This isn't good.....blood is gonna kill me......again......BLOOD
Blood: *appears* Well????
Red: .........B is blind rave and has some broken ribs, but........ they both have heart cancer. im sorry, blood. "She walked out of the room as she closed the door she started crying"
Blood: *he felt sick, scared of losing them so soon he fell crying*
God: *holds blood to comfort him* i-im so sorry blood......
Blood: i failed as a father.......i-i failed........
God: No blood, i failed u. i didn't notice the heart cancer......i failed u.......
"Then god heard a wailing she remembered that voice"
God: the holy being, of course, blood, we gotta go now theirs still time to save them
Blood: *he turned to her with fire in his eyes* im ready
God: *summons a portal to purgatory jumping in bloods body* Let's go love
Blood: *lights a blunt pulsing into the portal* Where r we hot stuff? *puffs on his blunt, looking around*
God: purgatory the home of the holy being
Blood: i see. "He started walking, then he heard a wailing of the holy being." That's very close?? *turns around quickly, summoning his holy energy sword*
holy being: *stops the swing, throwing the weapon grabbing blood by his throat pinning him to a tree* Who r u mortal how'd u get here?
Blood: fuck *tries getting free* off
Holy being: ahhh *blasts blood* talk mortal
Blood: *spits blood at the holy being* u.....suck at......hitting.......pussy.......
Holy being: *blasts blood multiple time* talk!!!!!!
Blood: damn u really suck huh......i pitty u. *breaks free using his vampire wings to choke the holy being*
Holy being: *grabs bloods wings* wat r u mortal is my question now?
God: *takes control* hi *smiles*
Holy being: *sets god down kneeling at her present* so sorry, my lord, i didn't know u had a new vessel
God: Don't worry, dear blood can be a prick sometimes now rise
Holy being: *stands* How may i serve my lord?
God: ..........
Holy being: lord?
God: i need a favor........
Holy being: ? Anything my lord, my soul is at ur serve
God: ...........i have two vessels for u........
Holy being: ..........I'll do it
God: *hugs the holy being* thank u........
Blood: *takes control summoning a portal* follow me pussy *walks threw the portal*
Holy being: *sighs walking threw*, huh? A? Hospital?
Blood: There they r ur two vessels
Holy being: their kids?
Blood: look pussy those two r my daughters they have heart cancer
Holy being: ok, so? That's not my problem
Blood: *growls* look bitch tits ur either help my two daughters or I'll forcefully make u help them ur choice
Holy being: this isn't over blood
Blood: Names blood rainbow pie ugly tits now IN!!!!!!!
Holy being: *separates in two one going in rave and one in B* hmm, these two have the will to live and would do anything to help their family hmmmm
To be continued
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thequeendomhq · 2 months
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NAME. Alessia Hart AGE & BIRTH DATE. 26 & April 13th, 2998 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/Her NATIONALITY. Iskaran SPECIES. Witch FACTION. Hidden Ones OCCUPATION. Street Performer FACE CLAIM. Danielle Campbell
( tw: death )
Sabine was the daughter of Lysaran merchants. She’d meant to simply pass through Iskaldrik and the lands so hostile to her people. But when the lonely blacksmith with a babe in his arms caught her eye, the Lysaran witch had the unexpected pleasure of falling in love with the love of her life and with the son of his that she would so easily call her own. So she remained. Sabine, the merchant’s daughter, and Asbjorn the blacksmith welcomed their own daughter into their family not even a year from the first moment that they had laid eyes on each other. This was a difficult place for girls, even more difficult for those who held magic. Warnings were what her neighbor, Runa, would give Sabine because she herself had lived the same fears as a faiman who’d taken refuge in the woods all her life. Observant and cunning but wholly unsuspecting, the widow Runa had survived long enough to her formative years and remained to give those same warnings to Sabine’s husband and children long after her friend had been taken to the mines. She was the one who counseled Asbjorn to take them to another village where none had known the family before and where Runa had once lived many years ago. Months later, when it was safe, Runa followed them. She whispered her hopes that Alessia and her brother, Alrik, would one day leave the frosted woods behind and journey to the place that Sabine had been from - the Queendom of Lysara.
Alessia did not share those dreams at first. Her father had taught them strength and resilience so the youngest of the Hart family had those traits in spades. She did not fear the leering of the men and she did not bow to the expectations of the small-minded village, not the way her adopted auntie, Runa, did. She only sat still to watch the mesmerizing flames of her father's forge or deep in the woods where the old faiman instructed her and her brother how to control their magic. Alessia chased horses, losing her shoes in the snow and returning home, shivering barefoot but with a grin that was larger than life. Asbjorn would say she was born from the flames of his forge and not from either of her parents. Alrik seemed to easily blend himself into their society, but his sister figured it couldn’t have ever been so difficult for a man who had every opportunity. Alessia instead escaped into the woods with leaves in her hair, bending down to the water's edge to learn how the currents moved and how to fight the winds when up in the highest trees. It wasn't long before the currents and the breeze began bowing to her voice, or before the trees bent their branches to carry her up. Alessia was careful to be wary of Witchers. She escaped deep into the places that Runa showed her, foul places or places littered with fanged predators that most knew little of and cared less to patrol around.
There, alone and in the wilderness, the elements and their power called to her while Alrik bent over the forge with their father. But when she was not alone it was always her brother who Alessia avidly searched for. Barely a few months younger than Alrik, she didn't let him run ahead and instead willed her feet to carry her to his side instead of behind him, even when his legs grew longer than her’s. Runa begged that Alessia find a good and trusted husband, if not for love than for her own safety as a woman of Iskaldrik with magic. She would be more inconspicuous as a wife and mother. Alessia instead decided to find boys that taught her things. She seduced a boy into teaching her to perfect her archery. She found a performer's son and learned tricks at his side with Alrik, laughing as they all walked on their hands and flipped over high branches. Life was a joy, as joyous as it could be while Runa continuously warned her that she could not be a child forever and that her mother would have wanted her to be safe. Only days after her 15th birthday, Alessia argued that she would not be like Runa - weak, looking for a man to chain at her side just so society would accept her. She stormed away to hunt, only to return to the news that their auntie hadn’t been seen since.
Alessia blamed herself, torturously wondering for months what had happened until her father finally came home with the news that he had traveled to another village to obtain, one both Alessia and Runa frequented every other month to buy crops for their gardens and sell their animal skins. Runa had been caught with magic. No details, no idea how she could have been so careless after so many decades of hiding her abilities so well. The Witchers refused any more information but it was clear enough that she had used lies to keep the Harts safe. No one came for them, no one looked at them twice or even knew Runa had been taken away at a village across the river. The old faiman somehow had fought to her last, ensuring Alrik and Alessia would be spared any suspicion of involvement with her. The family of three packed up and moved even further away where none would know them and they began anew. Alessia finally learned to heed Runa once she was gone, a spark of that life within her extinguished with that stillness that she adopted.
She was quieter and calmer in their new home but her brother would not be fooled that it was just the maturity of age, and even their father saw the misery that had settled over the once force of nature that his daughter had been. Only her brother would see that the misery had only made his sister more formidable, leading her to take their magic more seriously. Though there was no one to teach the young witches, Alessia hid in the caves by their home and wrote in journals stuffed between rocky walls, collecting knowledge, practicing in terrible places the Witchers wouldn’t be bothered to patrol. No longer using what she knew to play and satisfy her relentless curiosity but instead to become a weapon that could protect herself and her brother from ever meeting her mother or Runa’s fates. She adopted a careful nature. She bit her tongue until it was bloody and made half moon bruises on her palms with her nails when the Witchers came for others, knowing her time had not yet come to fight.
She hoped it never would but the time came; the time came two months after her 18th birthday. Her father's blood splattered on their wooden walls and her brother wielding his menacing blade. The Witchers laughed as her magic was silenced. A fragile young woman made powerless, no magic surfacing and a bow snapped in two. Alessia was backed into the wall, looking towards her brother as he was tackled to the ground. There was no hope left for the two of them, already overwhelmed by the Witchers that had taken her mother and their adopted aunt. She cried, seemingly giving up and falling to the ground as they reached to cuff her. But in the carriage on the way to the mines, Alessia's mouth was curled and bloody. Within the flaming homestead that they left behind, the ear of a Witcher had been spat to the floor. The bitten skin turned to ash with the Hart family’s home.
Darkness and labour would make up Alessia's life for a long time after her family's life burned to the ground. Hopelessness tugged at the corner of her heart but she could not let it penetrate, not when she saw her brother falling victim to the same dark devastation. Perhaps her mother and her auntie had been taken here and did not survive, but Alrik would not be next. Alessia's spite kept her alive, as well as the innate desire to prevent her brother from meeting the same fate as so many of their kind. It kept her hoping even as the hope seemed more like a madness than anything else. She reminded her brother of days long gone, she murmured rumors about Lysara even if they all screamed at the young witch to forget that freedom would ever be an option for them again. But it was. For the first time in ages, the sun bathed her skin under the devastation of riots. Eventually, Alessia grit her teeth to prevent the sobs and the howls of pain as she ran with her brother's hand in her's. They ran, scaling mountains to freedom. She waited until night fell, alone with her brother on the snow high above with the corpse of a Witcher and beasts miles away where she and Alrik left them. Her feet were blistered, her hands were bloody, her stomach empty and her eyes swollen from the tears that she'd let fall in utter silence. As the full moon glowed high above them, Alessia thought of all the injustice done and she screamed at the Gods.
Even now, she would have no answer to the question of how they survived. Somehow she and her brother had, pulled on by an instinct to survive and something more. When The Old Woman in the Mountain found them, Alessia had little questions for her. There was hope and there was purpose there where once Alessia had nothing left. The young witch grasped it all with greedy hands. The Hidden Ones molded them, changed them even more, but the siblings had been imposing from the moment that life was breathed back into their two pale and shivering bodies. Limber, cunning and children of warrior-blood, the surviving Harts proved themselves suitable candidates to become servants for Fate and all its machinations. Alessia thought of the mother she had never been given the chance to know. She thought of auntie Runa, who had been stronger than they had ever given her credit for. She thought of her poor father who had died without a blade in his hand. She thought of children and parents taken away by those cold-hearted Witchers. She thought of those she found pale with death’s kiss beneath the darkness of the mines, still clutching pickaxes with skeletal hands. She bared her teeth as the knife sliced her wrist, not with pain but with rage. Her chest heaved and Alessia found herself smiling like she once had with the Witcher’s blood in her mouth, but now her own dripped on the altar of The Old Woman in the Mountain with a promise. Daughter of peasants, blacksmiths, and warriors. Student of fighters. Witch of the elements. Escaped prisoner of the mines. A Hidden One. There would be no mourners and no funerals for her and her brother when Hel finally took them, but if she couldn’t have love in this life then she would have power, power needed to lend those made powerless.
+ quick-witted, resilient, loyal – stubborn, hot-headed, audacious
played by dany. est. he/him.
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mediaevalmusereads · 3 months
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Hangsaman. By Shirley Jackson. Penguin, 2013 (originally 1951).
Rating: 3/5 stars
Genre: literary fiction
Series: N/A
Summary: Hangsaman is Miss Jackson's second novel. The story is a simple one but the overtones are immediately present. "Natalie Waite who was seventeen years old but who felt that she had been truly conscious only since she was about fifteen lived in an odd corner of a world of sound and sight, past the daily voices of her father and mother and their incomprehensible actions." In a few graphic pages, the family is before us—Arnold Waite, a writer, egotistical and embittered; his wife, the complaining martyr; Bud, the younger brother who has not yet felt the need to establish his independence; and Natalie, in the nightmare of being seventeen.
The Sunday afternoon cocktail party, to which Arnold Waite has invited his literary friends and neighbors, serves to etch in the details of this family's life, and to draw Natalie into the vortex. The story concentrates on the next few critical months in Natalie's life, away at college, where each experience reproduces on a larger scale the crucial failure of her emotional life at home. With a mounting tension rising from character and situation as well as the particular magic of which Miss Jackson is master, the novel proceeds inexorably to the stinging melodrama of its conclusion. The bitter cruelty of the passage from adolescence to womanhood, of a sensitive and lonely girl caught in a world not of her own devising, is a theme well suited to Miss Jackson's brilliant talent.
***Full review below.***
CONTENT WARNINGS: sexual assault, blurring of fantasy and reality, attempted suicide/suicidal ideation, underage drinking
OVERVIEW: I have a lot of love for Shirley Jackson, so when I found this book at a used bookstore, I snatched it up. I didn't have a clear idea of what it was about going in, so in some respects, I was surprised. Overall, though, I think I'm giving it 3 stars because the narrarive progressed slower than I would have liked. Though I love Jackson's writing and Natalie, our protagonist, is strange and has an uncanny mind, I also think this book could have been a novella.
WRITING: Jackson's writing is incredibly descriptive and vivid. I really enjoyed how it blended fiction and reality, as well as how it showcased Natalie's internal thoughts and responses to the world around her. Jackson does a good job depicting psychological realism and finding a voice that feels both childish and on the edge of maturity.
PLOT: The plot of this book follows Natalie Waite, the daughter of a writer who goes off to college. While away, she struggles to make friends and spends a good amount of time in her own head.
If it sounds like not much happens, that's partially a correct assessment. There isn't much "plot" per se in this book, as most of the story is concerned with exploring Natalie's inner world. Part of me found this inner world fascinating; I loved the way Natalie blended fact and fiction, and I liked how whimsical she could sometimes be. But I also found the narrative to be somewhat slow and wished it was condensed.
Still, there were things I thought were smart. I liked the relationship between Natalie and her father and how his control over her influences the way she experiences the world. I also liked how the Langdon family mirrors the Waite family and how Natalie perceives the misery within both marriages. There is some element of social commentary there, but it's not so prominent that I'd say it's the main focus.
CHARACTERS: Natalie, our protagonist, is interesting to follow because she interprets the world in such imaginative yet childish ways. I found her responses to things to be fairly representative of a teenager who is living on her own for the first time, and her inability to get along with other girls was a great way to introduce tension.
I also greatly enjoyed the parallels between Mr. Waite and Mr. Langdon - Natalie's father and Natalie's English teacher. Both are egotistical and fail to keep their wives happy, and I enjoyed Natalie's letters to her father and her constant need to seek his approval.
Other supporting characters were fine. Elizabeth Langdon and Mrs. Waite were both sympathetic because they were so unhappy, and Vicky and Anne were irritating in appropriate ways. Tony, the mysterious girl that Natalie befriends, was also fascinating for her obsession with tarot, and I liked that her mysticism made the ending a little bit more unsettling.
TL;DR: While I respect what Jackson was trying to do with Hangsaman, it simply did not move quick enough or have enough plot for me to feel fully engaged. If you're interested in psychological realism or intensive character work, this book might appeal to you more.
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 6 months
Enduring Ties - Chapter 1 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
It was early when Liam came by with a tray of food the next morning, but Cailan was already up.
He hadn't slept well.
By the time the door was open, he was already kneeling on the floor at the foot of the bed.
"I thought you might be hungry," Liam said as he carefully set the tray down on the bed. "I don't suppose my father bothered to feed you last night."
"Thank you, sir."
"You can stand up," Liam said. "You don't have to kneel for me all the time. I mean, it would be a good idea in front of my father and in the presence of important company but when it's just us..."
"Thank you, sir," Cailan said again as he stood, slow and smooth like he'd been taught.
"The 'sir' thing, too. That's not necessary when we're alone."
Cailan nodded his head and dropped his gaze.
"Well, I'd better get going," Liam said. "I just wanted to get something to you before everyone else eats. I'd bring you down to breakfast but taking you near my father seems unwise. I'll get our maid, Aubree, to come and get your dishes and help you take a bath later."
Cailan nodded, his eyes on the ground and murmured...
"Thank you."
He couldn't say the words with near the same confidence when he wasn't tacking 'sir' on to the end.
He had been told that some masters would ask them to drop such formalities as a way of feeling closer to their slave but that wasn't what was happening here and Cailan had never addressed a human so informally before.
It was only after Liam had left that Cailan actually looked at the tray, that he noticed the sheer quantity of food on it.
He could never eat all that.
A full bowl of porridge, two boiled eggs and buttered toast,and an apple.
Liam had made it clear the entire tray of food was for him, though and he'd been trained never to question his master's judgement.
He sat down on the bed and he ate.
It was nice at first, the perfectly soft boiled eggs and the buttery toast the most delicious things he'd ever eaten but by the time he moved on to the apple he was already nearly full.
After just a few spoonfuls of porridge, the thought of eating more made Cailan feel nauseous.
He continued anyway.
Liam had given him so little guidance.
He would do whatever was asked of him.
He had finished most of what seemed to be an increasingly large bowl of porridge by the time a final mouthful pushed him over some threshold and suddenly he was retching violently.
He tried to hold it back with his hands but he still managed to get it on his clothing, the carpet and the bedspread before he finally got himself under control.
Half an hour later the maid entered to find Cailan sobbing as he tried desperately to calm his mind enough to make his magic cooperate with cleaning up the mess.
Aubree was a tall, slightly overweight woman with light hair and dark eyes that narrowed critically at the sight of Cailan kneeling on the floor, his robe stained with vomit and his eyes red and damp from crying.
Aubree didn't speak to Cailan as she hauled him up by his arm, her lips pursed in disgust and dragged him down the hall to a large bathroom.
She put the plug in the bathtub and let the water run while she tugged Cailan's clothes off with unnecessary aggression.
"I'm sorry, ma'am," Cailan murmured, his voice trembling.
Aubree may have been a maid but she was a free woman.
That put her well above him.
"Sorry's not going to clean up your carpet, now is it?" Aubree said.
"Get in the tub. Can you scrub yourself?"
"Yes ma'am," Cailan murmured as he climbed into the white porcelain bathtub.
The water was heated, presumably by electricity like the house's lighting, a rare luxury even in the city.
"I can clean the carpet too, with my magic."
Aubree scoffed.
"You're welcome to try but we both know you're only really good for one thing."
Cailan pressed his lips together and focussed his attention on wetting his hair.
He was good at cleaning.
He'd just been having trouble because he was scared of getting in trouble.
After he'd had his bath he'd go back and do it properly.
Aubree told Cailan she'd check back in on him in a while and left him to wash himself, taking his dirty robe with her.
As Cailan washed himself mechanically, he pulled himself back together.
Things had just changed so fast and suddenly he felt very much on his own.
He liked his new master but Liam clearly didn't understand him.
He didn't offer Cailan the same companionship the other slaves had given him in spades.
By the time Aubree returned ten minutes later, Cailan was much calmer and had finished washing.
She dried him briskly with a towel though he could have done it himself.
He hadn't been treated like this since he was a child.
Maybe that was how she saw him.
Turning thirteen had meant that he was mature enough to be sold but Liam seemed to think he was still a baby.
"I don't have any clothes that will fit you, so you'll just have to wear your underpants while I get your robe washed," Aubree said once Cailan was dry.
"I'll get those off you and wash them once you have your robe back, though. We can't have you being unclean for your young master."
The scorn in her voice was unmissable.
Cailan couldn't help but wonder if there would be less of it if she knew Liam felt much the same way.
"Yes, ma'am."
"I've changed your sheets but I've left the carpet alone," Aubree said as she led Cailan back to his room.
"I'll be back to check on you soon. I won't be pleased if all that comes of your efforts is that mess settling in deeper because of the delay."
"I can do it, ma'am," Cailan murmured.
"Then do it."
Left alone in his room, Cailan knelt next to the mess he'd left on the carpet and tried again to get to work.
His mind felt jittery, out of sync as it always did after more than a day in isolation.
He'd never been expected to try and use his magic afterwards until he'd had a bit of contact to resettle him.
Cailan's progress was glacially slow as he drew the vomit out of the carpet and dissipated it.
By the time Aubree returned to check on him half an hour later he was only half way done but he'd proven that he could do it so she left him be.
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◈ (Jamily obvs)
Send me ◈ for a first kiss between our muses.
Their first kiss...
James smiled to himself. How old had they been, then? Fifteen? Sixteen maybe? It was easy to lose track with a face that rarely aged. They were teenagers, he remembered that much--by mutant and gallifreyan standards. So young and filled with impatience and adrenaline and a desire to experience more than the life they'd known up until that point (at least, James felt that way; Emily had literally come from another world.)
He shook his head, looking down at his wife, finally asleep after chasing after toddlers all day. Sometimes he still couldn't believe they were parents. Hell, he couldn't believe they survived their teen years, sometimes. All part of growing up, I guess. Among other things...
James closed his eyes, snuggling up next to Emily. Hard to believe this all started out with a kiss (wasn't there a song that went like that...?)
Maybe he'd forgotten his age, but the moment remained clear in his mind and replayed behind his closed lids like a film. Sometimes after they'd settled his father into the infirmary, and after Logan and Raven both chewed them out for reckless behavior. They were sitting on the balcony, chatting about how easily their wounds healed, tiptoeing around the electricity crackling between them. Neither of them had had much dating experience, and at the time, James remembered still struggling with controlling his powers. Not exactly a "chick magnet" as they say. Emily didn't seem to mind. Her powers complimented his; kept them out until he learned to see only what he wanted (and what others wanted him to.)
At some point, he knew his hand brushed hers. He also recalled she didn't pull away. In fact, if memory served, Emily carefully climbed over his hand like a spider, lacing their fingers together. His poor heart nearly jumped out of his chest. Silence followed, the kind that sat between awkward and comfortable. Of course, James can't remember anything but the burn in his cheeks and the blood pooling in his gut and how very very close he and Emily were.
He remembers turning towards her--and the subsequent surprise as she did the same.
"Hey, uh..." He fumbled, yellow eyes darting away. If memory served, she'd tried to mumble something as well.
"So, um..." They'd paused and locked eyes. It lasted about a half second before looking away again.
"Can I...?" He offered? Emily laughed a little. She nodded, and he cleared his throat.
"Thanks...for everything. I mean it. I couldn't have done all that without you."
"I know," she'd teased, the smile still on her lips. "You'd be a total wreck without my help."
"Yeah," he'd said, more seriously. "I know."
A pause followed.
"James, I was kidding--"
"I'm not," he said, and turned to face her again. Oh man, she'd looked so beautiful in the moonlight, her gray eyes almost silver. Almost magic, if he believed in that kinda thing.
"Emily, I..."
Was it he who made the first move, or did she? To this day, the moment blurs in his mind; all he remembers is connecting, and the fireworks that set off between them. He'd never really taken romance seriously, before. He liked the idea of companionship, someone to laugh with and look at him like he was the greatest damn thing since sliced bread. This was different. Emily was different. When they kissed that night on the balcony, a little voice in James' head knew he'd found his other half. A piece of himself he'd been missing all his life, because he'd never thought to look to the stars.
"I love you," he whispered, sliding an arm around her waist. Emily stirred, but she didn't wake. Good. She needed her rest. They both did. They had the rest of their lives waiting for them, bright and early.
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