#sharpclaw's mom
designsofwarriorcats · 10 months
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yuridovewing · 6 months
oh btw feathertail x cherrytail may become real lol
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exocynraku · 1 year
hello! i was wondering how do you think of names for the hypokits you do? they’re all so cute and fitting + i’m curious :0
i have this post that explains all my thoughts in greater detail so this time ill keep it short(er) preeettyyy much i base my names off of 1: design, 2: personality, 3: relatives, 4: the ideas in my own brain basing names off of designs is easy but the thing is i usually design my cats after i name them so the design names r usually based off of how i picture the design in my head beforehand or the parents designs for personality, when i make a hypokit i think of them for the whole time, creating ideas and personalities in my head. alotta the time i base the personality off the parents like if one of them is a villain sometimes ill make the kid evil too or make them sad its a whole thought process relatives is usually something i end up doing if i cant think of anything for design or personality, OR if one/both of the parents has a strong family connection and then ideas from my brain is pretty self explanatory if i cant think of anything for the other 3 i just make things up that i think sound cool here's some examples of why i named certain hypokits certain things: haystack: this ones funny theyre actually named after the "needle in a haystack" saying stringskip: i drew their fur very stringy and long, and theyre skipping across some stones jesse: sharpclaws moms name is jessamy which sounds similar yaknow naga: i always relate sol to snakes so lately ive been naming his kits after snake gods/myths/whatever (ouroboros, naga) longreed: reeds are big. and long . longreeds fur is big and long cloud: storm has interacted with a long of characters who have weather related names (thunder, clear sky, she's named after a weather thing herself) and i thought it fit their design amaryllis: i was compelled to name them after a flower, specifically a red flower based off of red, their mom and their tortie markings so i looked up "red flowers" and thought amaryllis sounded cool okay im done but if you wanna hear more name meanings just send another ask
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the-owl-tree · 11 months
Fallen leaves pet peeve anon back again, its said in po3 dark rivers prologue and is continued on page 215-221!
To paraphrase what happens, fallen leaves is lead by a patrol to the caves with his mom and two other unnamed cats(presumably one is his mentor, as they boast about training him well) with the other cat with them warns fallen leaves of the smell of rain on the wind
When Fallen goes down, he meets rock who gies over how he must find a tunnel that leads out, and also ask if its going to rain, to which fallen, quote from book “Should he mention the tingling in the air that hinted rain might come? No. Rock might tell him to go back and wait until another day. He couldn’t put off becoming a sharpclaw any longer. “The sky is clear” he promised”
And then rock tells him to begin
So as fallen leaves runs through the tunnels(followed by jaypaw, as he’s seeing this from memories) fallen leaves gets stuck at a dead end and has to take random turns in the tunnels to flee as the tunnel floor becomes increasingly wet from rain outside until a wave of water rushes in starts to sweep him away and he drowns
Checked and yep! I actually quite like that. Adds to the tragedy of the character, that if he'd just been patient he could've survived.
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mgarmagedon · 1 year
Does this mean that as cybertronians, steeljaw is half cat and sharpclaw is half wolf?
Steeljaw is biologically a poor little meow meow
I mean... in my au (if we talking about cybertronian forms obv XD), their mom was lynx and their father was something between wolf and fennec...
So in some way... YES!!! Steeljaw is a poor little meow meow! And Sharpclaw has a bit of cybertronian wolf CNA (eat my old Steely sketch which I made at beginning of this year uwu)
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jayfrost-designs · 2 years
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Last two!  BlossomHarry kits, Leafstar and Sharpclaw grandkids time! Up first is Ridgekit.  Cute name - I wonder what her warrior name will be?
Ridgekit has no physical description given other than her pattern, so I came up with my own for her. Both of her parents are big and fluffy, so I just made her a poofball - I’ll figure out her size and build more as she grows older. I used this image as a reference.
For her pattern, Ridgekit is described as a reddish she-cat with a white nose. I decided to interpret this as a reddish-brown pointed cat with a white snip on her nose. She gets the colorpoint pattern from her mother. She has no canon eye color, so I gave her her mom’s blue eyes.
Overall, I’m really happy with how she turned out.
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menacetomany · 1 year
i’ve been brainrotting recently... warriors x things fall apart mashup au... (context: Things Fall Apart is classic African literature that examines both traditional Igbo culture and the arrival of British colonizers. It centers on a man, Okonkwo, who’s basically the embodiment of toxic masculinity who has a complex about not being seen as ‘weak’ and ‘lazy’ like his father was. He’s extremely harsh on his wives, children, and community as a result. This stubbornness and pride also leads to him clashing violently with the colonizers when they appear, and things. Well. Fall apart. Other notable characters:  Ekwefi, his second wife, with 10 kids [nine of whom are dead]. Okonkwo once nearly shot her to death because she made a snide remark about him being a bad shot [ironically, he missed.] Ikemefuna, Okonkwo’s adopted son who was given to him by a neighboring village to prevent a war after said village killed a woman in a scuffle. One day it was decreed by the gods that Ikemefuna must be sacrificed to prevent disaster; the Oracle (I think?) told Okonkwo not to be involved in the death because Ikemefuna was his son in all but blood; Okonkwo is the one who deals the final blow nonetheless because he doesn’t want to be thought weak.) Nwoye, Okonkwo’s biological son, and very close with Ikemefuna. Okonkwo sees him as weak just like his own dad, and is very cruel towards him. He runs away to the colonizers near the novel’s end to escape his father--and his grief. Possible candidates/setting: -The proto-clans, with Clear Sky as Okonkwo, Bright Stream as Ekwefi (she’s not getting friged), and Thunder as either Nwoye or Ikemefuna (if he’s Nwoye, Ikemefuna might be Lightning Tail?) Clear Sky is a very good Okonkwo ( abusive, embodied toxic masculinity), but its not a 1:1 thing because the proto-clans were the colonizers during DOTC... -The forest pre-clans, with Wind Runner as Okonkwo, Gorse Fur as Ekwefi, Dust Muzzle as Nwoye, and Moth Flight as Ikemefuna. Wind Runner also makes a great Okonkwo, considering she’s an awful mom and also has complexes abt usefulness and strength, but she’s not rlly toxic masculinity. Wind, obviously, never assimilates into clan culture in this au, and maybe becomes ‘leader’ of the groups of non-clan affiliated cats who resist the mountain cat invasion. Moth and Dust would  be kits she found somewhere after her first litter died; the spirits tell Wind to sacrifice Moth to become the first spirit guide but just like canon tell her not to be involved; Wind disregards this and kills her anyway. After this Dust Muzzle runs away to the clans and eventually becomes the WindClan founder (Maybe it’s DustClan in this universe lmao) -Modern SkyClan, with Sharpclaw as Okonkwo, Cherrytail as Ekwefi, Hawkpaw as Nwoye, and Dustpaw as Ikemefuna. Not much to say abt this one, other than Hawkwing taking Darktail up on his offer after killing Sharpclaw being very interesting and very, very tragic. Sharpclaw is technically the most fitting but it feels boring lol lmk what yall think!!
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rogue-of-light · 2 years
for me its difficult bc i get into "well why would they be named this way in the warrior cats universe?" like using wisper as an example: Why would his parents name him Whisperkit? was his meow soft and quiet rather than loud and mewly like other kits? was he named Whisperkit because he was born due to a secret relationship, and his mother wanted to reflect that with the name of this kit? (because warrior cat moms really be naming their kids the weirdest fucking things sometimes)?
and then im like "should the suffix have to do with appearance or personality?" and it just keeps going from there </3
almost done with the lineart btw! -KPA
honestly my thought process with nekane was "Sharp came from his sharp personality, something that was probably present even as a lil kitten" (since, you know, people tend to make jokes and go "aw a feisty lil guy aren't you!" at kittens? yeah that)
Then claw came from his promise as a warrior- because he was good! Genuinely he was great at it, gathered loads of food and never argued
but then the Incident happened, and all the "sharpness" left him, plus "Sharpclaw" started to feel like more and more of a mockery, a reminder of what happened everytime someone called to him
Thus, a nickname of "Dullclaw" was born- which later he requested to become his Actual name
and ooo!!!!
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sallytwo · 2 years
oh oh oh ummmm for wof: glory, tsunami, riptide, thorn? and for wc maybeeeee jayfeather sandstorm and fallen leaves .. don't feel obligated to answer for all of them these are just guys I remember liking :-)
i will answer for FALLEN LEAVES. tee hee
How I feel about this character
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fallen. leaves <- autism.
i think what gets me about him is how simple yet tragic his story is. like all he wanted to do was become a sharpclaw. and he died trying to do that and just.. stayed in the tunnels for decades still convinced his mother would come for him. NOT FUNNY CRIED.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
HOLLY LEAF. wailing.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
guys i dont think he interacts with anyone else rlly. SORRY.
My unpopular opinion about this character
i don't know if i have one.. i dont think people are talking about fallen leaves enough to have bad takes about him
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I WISHHHHHH WE GOT TO SEE HIS REUNION WITH HIS MOM. BLOWS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bitter-coffeecup · 3 years
Camp camp warriors au warriors of clans
Inspired by @campcampfanfan and there characters for the warrior cats au
Deafheart (Preston's grandma) she is a silver tabby with amber eyes, her name was braveheart when she was warrior then she lost her hearing from a very bad ear infection, she's in the elders den
Heavysky (dolph's dad) a brown town with black tipped ears and paws, he's a veteran warrior that trained along side Eaglestar
Lionleap and Tigerleap (agent miller and agent miller) the adoptive parents of leopardpaw, Lionleap is golden tabby with green eyes and Tigerleap is a brown tabby with amber eyes, they also trained as apprentice's with Eaglestar, they are very suspicious of his many plans
Creamswirl (candy/Nikki's mom) the deputy of flowerclan, she used to be a kitty pet named cream, she got the name swirl as a prefix, she's a greenish well groomed cat with white toes, cats say she had a rivalry with rosestar when they were apprentice's when she first joined the clan, she gave her kit wolfkit to bushclan Because flowerclan couldn't handle her
Tallbranch (carl/Neil's dad) he is a tall, messy furred brownish orange tom with a white tail, he used to train was a medicine cat but for unknown reasons swapped to warrior training halfway through causing him to be trained along side Oakpaw, Heatherpaw, and Jasperpaw even though he was moons older
Sharpclaw (nurfs mom) a ginger tabby she-cat with a overbite green eyes and white muffle and paws, she is Eaglestar's half sister, she's very violent and is usually leading patrols when oaklight isn't
Runningmoon (space kids uncle) a black tom with small white speckles around his silver eyes and paws, he's the medicine cat and has a very strong connection to starclan, so strong some say he's seen what's in the night sky because a starclan cat showed him
Sootpool (nerris's mom) a brown she-cat with black paws and tipped black ears, and blue eyes she's from the same litter as Heatherpool, they had a friendly rivalry as apprentices
Fatefeather (nerris's dad) a black tom with a white underbelly white paws and a white muzzle once a curious and clumsy rouge he's now just a curious and clumsy warrior that no one can really take seriously but he's fun to be around,
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Like reading the timeline of Firestar's Quest/Skyclan's Destiny, it makes me think that Cherrypaw and Sparrowpaw were apprentices for a moon and then warriors and then got their apprentices a few moons later. Now, I don't know the age gap between Cherrytail and Sharpclaw, but it did make me feel weird. But Sparrowpelt and Tinycloud (who was his apprentice) makes me confused because I have no idea what the gap is.
we don’t know how old sharpclaw was before he joined skyclan but cherrytail and sparrowpelt weren’t full grown, they were apprentice age
i forgot sparrowpelt and tinycloud were mentor/apprentice too god damn it
but if we’re thinking they were say, i dunno, like 8 or 9 months old when they joined skyclan and tinycloud was like i dunno 3 months old when she and her mom and littermates joined skyclan that would technically only make them 6 moons apart, and at the most like MAYBE a year apart
and i’m sure sharpclaw was probably only like 1.5-2 years old when he joined skyclan, MAYBE 3 at the most, but with both of these situations it’s not really the age gap that’s the problem it’s that they were literally teacher and student, there’s a power imbalance, like imagine if after a high school student graduates she starts dating her former physics teacher or something, like even if the teacher was only a few years older than her (started college immediately after high school and got the physics teacher job right after their 4 years of college and that student was his student during his first semester of teaching and she’s a senior so their age difference is only 4 years) that’s STILL weird
i mean in the humans’ case if like a few years pass and THEN they get together it isn’t as weird, so maybe if like a couple of years pass and the mentor and their former apprentice start having feelings for each other so they’re both experienced warriors and the mentor/apprentice days have been over for a while, maybe that’s not as weird
maybe it feels weirder since like a mentor/apprentice is a one-on-one thing and the mentor basically becomes the apprentice’s new parent
i dunno, maybe it all depends on the couple
let’s make a new like amendment or whatever these are
a mentor and apprentice shouldn’t become mates or develop feelings for each other UNLESS:
-they are less than two years apart in age
-at least 2 seasons to a year has past since they were mentor/apprentice before they develop feelings for each other (the apprentice can have had a crush, but the mentor absolutely cannot have feelings for them unless several moons have passed (a full year is preferable though) since they were their mentor)
-the mentor cannot have at any point felt like their apprentice was like their own kit or like a younger sibling
-the apprentice cannot at any point have felt like their mentor was like an older sibling or parent to them
this only applies to traditional apprentices; if the apprentice is already an adult then they can become mates (i.e. millie being graystripe’s “apprentice”)
this sounds very authoritative and like wasn’t even the purpose of this ask but i ended up rambling sorry lol
obviously everyone can have their own “rules” i’m just talking about my own personal rules to myself now lol
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duskstar727 · 5 years
Because people showed some interest in seeing a full list of male to female cats in power on my last post, I've compiled a full list! Here it is:
Male Clan Leaders: Thunderstar, Skystar, Riverstar, Redstar, Swiftstar, Cloudstar, Pinestar, Cedarstar, Hailstar, Sunstar, Raggedstar, Tallstar, Crookedstar, Brokenstar, Nightstar, Tigerstar (OG), Firestar, Blackstar, Onestar, Bramblestar, Rowanstar, Harestar, Tigerstar (New), Owlstar, Whitestar, Finchstar, Lionstar, Vinestar, Morningstar, Oakstar, Ravenpelt, Blizzardstar, Snowstar, Ripplestar, Marshscar, Sedgestar, Houndstar, Gorsestar, Duststar, Stonestar, Hazelstar, Dovestar, Rabbitstar, Emberstar, Troutstar, Reedstar, Talonstar, Volestar, Beechstar, Mothpelt, Hawkstar, Rowanstar (SkyClan), Flystar, Spiderstar, Buzzardstar. In total 55.
Female Clan Leaders: Windstar, Shadowstar, Dawnstar, Heatherstar, Bluestar, Leopardstar, Leafstar, Mistystar, Doestar, Hollystar, Brindlestar, Lilystar, Brightwhisker, Flowerstar, Featherstar, Darkstar, Ivystar, Birchstar, Maplestar. In total 19.
Male Deputies: Lightningtail, Sunfall, Tawnyspots, Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerclaw, Fireheart, Whitestorm, Graystripe, Brambleclaw, Gorsefur, Reedfeather, Talltail, Deadfoot, Mudclaw, Onewhisker, Harespring, Crowfeather, Shellheart, Crookedjaw, Timberfur, Oakheart, Stonefur, Reedwhisker, Stonetooth, Raggedpelt, Cloudpelt, Brokentail, Blackfoot, Cinderfur, Rowanclaw, Crowfrost, Tigerheart, Juniperclaw, Sharpclaw, Waspwhisker, Hawkwing, Owleyes, Vinetail, Beetail, Pineheart, Mumblefoot, Stonetail, Mudpuddle, Pebblefur, Acorntail, Milkfur, Gorsefoot, Hailstep, Ravenpelt, Sunshadow, Lakestorm, Marshscar, Silvermask, Snaketail, Cedarpelt, Cloudstorm, Buzzardtail. 58 in total.
Female Deputies: Bluefur, Squirrelflight, Ashfoot, Leopardfur, Mistyfoot, Foxheart, Russetfur, Tawnypelt, Cloverfoot, Honeyleaf, Daisyheart, Greeneyes, Leafstorm, Seedpelt, Doefeather, Night, Sloefur, Sunnytail, Brightwhisker, Sparrowfur, Maplewhisker, Raincloud, Petalfall. 23 in total.
Overall, 113 Male cats have held positions of power, compared to 42 female cats. While that is slightly better than the 3:1 difference from before, it is only just barely so.
At the risk of making accusations, though, it seems that the authors are more likely to throw in a female deputy in one of the ancient short stories from Code of the Clans, because they don't have to be developed or appear for more than one scene.
Another interesting thing to point out... Cats that have been shown to have children before or during their positions of power.
Male cats: Hailstar, Deadfoot, Crowfeather, Onestar, Pinestar, Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerstar (OG), Firestar, Whitestorm, Graystripe, Bramblestar, Gorsefur, Reedfeather, Shellheart, Crookedstar, Oakheart, Timberfur, Raggedstar, Rowanstar, Crowfrost, Tigerstar (New), Sharpclaw, Waspwhisker, Hawkwing. 25 male cats.
Female cats: Bluestar, Leafstar, Squirrelflight, Mistystar, Tawnypelt, Ashfoot. 6 female cats.
Even with the 3:1 disparity of male cats in power to female cats in power, this is very skewed. This stat gives an almost 5:1 disparity of male cats in power with children to female cats in power with children. And I almost don't want to count Bluestar among the female cats because the whole point was that she gave up her family to earn her position of power.
In the warriors world, motherhood and leadership are portrayed as highly incompatible, but fatherhood and leadership are not. And it doesn't just apply to cats that have kits while in power. Any cat that has ever been a mother is automatically like... darkmarked against being given deputyship or leadership. This plays into the hurtful and misogynistic concept that being a mother and being a career woman cannot go hand in hand. We already see this in the real world, we don't need it in our children's book series as well.
Let moms be leaders!
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Ooh can we kick off the positivity fest with fun Star Wolf headcanons?
Yes!  We!  Can!
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^ This is a gif of Wolf going straight to Happy, Funtime Land, btw
Star Wolf Headcanons – Fun Edition!  
Some of these have served as inspiration for Burning Stars, so please enjoy.  Oh, I will also be covering Star Wolf throughout its multiple renditions, not just SF64 or Assault Star Wolf.
Wolf is actually incredibly athletic.  When he lived on Eladard as a scrapper (a guy who goes around and salvages parts from space carriers, mostly ones abandoned in Meteo or in the nearby space zone), he would spend some of his free time playing ball in the back alleyways.  He was pretty good at it and enjoyed the competition.
Pigma is an incredibly lucky individual.  He’s survived multiple encounters in which he should have ended up dead.  He’s actually noticed this and somewhat thinks he can just luck/wing his way through life.  He took his luck to some of the casinos on Eladard once and ended up pretty rich.  And… then he blew it all on various things.  Relatable, but not entirely wise.  Oh well, that’s Pigma for you.
Leon gets cold very, very easily, as he is from a warm-temperature planet.  When the team does missions on cold planets like Fichina that involve them getting out of their Wolfens, Wolf usually lets Leon either stay behind or makes sure he is wrapped up super tight.  Wolf sometimes bundles Leon up too tight and Leon can’t move his arms at all (think like that kid from A Christmas Story).  
Wolf is pretty lowkey into spa days– being covered in mud and blood just reminds him of Bad Memories™ so he always makes a point to shower after every mission if possible.  He doesn’t let the others know for awhile… until Panther stumbles across Wolf using a bath bomb.  From then on, Panther secretly buys Wolf more bath bombs and other spa things just because Panther is a man who can appreciate wanting to be clean and beautiful.
Panther likes to go sight-seeing and takes selfies.  His phone is pretty much mostly out of storage space because of how many selfies he takes.  At one point, he sends a friend request to Fox on Lylatgram.  Fox accepts it because, you know, it’d be a great way to spy on the enemy if Panther’s constantly taking selfies of where the Star Wolf team is at.  One day, after a skirmish between Star Fox and Star Wolf, Fox looks at Lylatgram and sees that Panther somehow managed to take selfies and fight at the same time and is both baffled and intrigued.
Leon CAN in fact change colors!  Sometimes it’s emotion-based, sometimes it’s environment-based.  Leon tries to keep a good grasp of his emotions in order to keep himself from spontaneously changing colors, but it can be very difficult at times for him to do so.  He prefers not to change because he thinks the others will make fun of him for it. 
Before Wolf became the leader of Star Wolf, he was a fairly infamous space pirate.  His schemes and stunts garnered him a lot of fans and sites dedicated to idolizing him appeared.  Andrew, while he would never admit it nowadays, was an avid fan of Wolf’s and was super excited to meet him in person.  He may or may not have run a small shrine fansite for Wolf at some point…
Along that same line, occasionally when the team is bored, Pigma will read off quotes from fans about Wolf to the rest of the group and they all laugh… except Wolf, who is usually super embarrassed. 
Krystal expects she will have to clean up everything when she joins the team and goes to their hideout.  She’s shocked to find that the team is probably neater than Star Fox, keeping the Sargasso as immaculate as they can.  Each member has their own chores.  Panther does dishes, Leon dusts and sweeps, and Wolf wipes down all the counters.  Krystal is left to vacuum.  She is lowkey impressed by their organization.
Andrew’s room is surprisingly normal.  The others don’t have as many things in theirs, but Andrews is surprisingly full.  He has an older generation gaming console, a bean bag, a bed, and a desk with a chair in his room.  Pictures hang on the walls, mostly family photos.  He keeps one of himself with his mom and uncle near his bedside.
When the team gets really bored, they all watch soap operas together.  Panther and Wolf get especially into them.  Leon finds them incredibly asinine but watches them regardless. Krystal is usually the one in the middle eating popcorn and trying to ward off the others from stealing it all.
Once a year, Wolf takes the team to a vacation spot.  He thinks Zoness is bad luck since he was arrested there, so he never takes them there.  Their vacation spots include, but are not limited to: Aquas (Pigma almost got eaten by a giant squid), Katina (Pigma convinced Andrew to eat some mushrooms and Andrew got messed up and had to go to the hospital.  They didn’t tell Andross about it), Fortuna (Leon and Panther got lost in the jungle), Eladard (Wolf was pissed af but Panther wanted to gamble, so they went there and ended up chased out of the city by the end of the second night), and Sauria (Krystal wanted to show them around and Leon was mistaken for a SharpClaw by the CloudRunners and nearly roasted alive). 
Star Wolf is a bunch of memes that try to act tough, but we know better.
Hope you enjoyed! :D 
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us2dinosaurplanet · 3 years
Ultimate Story 2: Dinosaur Planet-Chapter 8: Welcome Back, Ocean Princess
After releasing the spirit, Fox and Pikachu were immediately sent back to the Warpstone area in Thorntail Hollow. Warpstone: “Right there, Fox. It’s time for you and your friends to head down to the Seaside.” Misty: “The Seaside? You mean the…the…?” Warpstone: “The beach? Yes, that’s what I mean.” Misty: “Oh! It’s like a dream come true. Who knew that I would return to the ocean some day? I…I can’t believe that this is happening. I feel so special.” Warpstone: “Eh, what’s wrong with her?”Fox: “Well, let’s just say you don’t know how happy you’ve made her.” Kazooie: “Oh, great, there she goes, talking ocean again. Just when I was about to enjoy another month without her doing this.” Fox: “Oh, shut up, birdbrain. You only heard her talk ocean once this journey and meanwhile, how many times have you annoyed us with your squawking? Besides, I feel sort of glad to hear her talking ocean again.” Bubbles: “Me, too!” Warpstone: “Well, get going. Just standing there and dreaming about it isn’t going to there faster, you know.” Misty: “You’re right! Let’s go!” Warpstone: “But before you leave, I have something for you.”        
He then took out another scarab bag. Warpstone: “Here you go. Ready for you when you needed it.”Misty: “Great, can we leave now?” Warpstone: “Yes! Go, now! And be sure to check the post signs for directions.”
And so, Fox and his friends left the Warpstone area. Tricky: “What did you guys mean when Misty was “talking ocean”?” Fox: “Oh, it’s just a little something we made up whenever Misty starts talking about the ocean a lot.” Kazooie: “Yeah. It was mostly an insult.” Fox: ” Kazooie!” Kazooie: “What? I’m only telling the truth.” Fox: “Kazooie, just…just shut up, OK? I don’t want to hear another word out of you.” Kazooie: “Jerk!”
After hearing the Thorntails and Shabunga, the Thorntail store owner, talk about a beautiful beach area being controlled by the Sharpclaws called Cape Claw, they finally had a chance to see this beach for themselves. With the help of the post sign and Peppy’s world map, they know exactly where to go.
They headed through a gateway behind the Arwing, through a tunnel and around a fence to a long path with a gold scarab at the end in front of a gate. It asked them to feed it 60 scarabs to enter the maze to Cape Claw. Fox fed it the scarabs and the gate behind it opened up and they went in. At the end of the maze is a well that lead them through an underground tunnel to Cape Claw. Phew! It’s about time they made it.          
As they entered, Fox ran ahead of his friends, until he saw them. That’s right, the beautiful beaches of Cape Claw. He was amazed from the sight. Fox: “Wow! It’s beautiful. Oh, Misty’s going to love it.”
He ran back to his friends. Fox: “Misty! Misty, you won’t believe this. We’re here.” Misty: “We…we are?” Fox: “Yeah, we are. Come on.” Misty: “OK, I’m coming.”
Then, hand and hand, Fox and Misty walked down the path together until Misty was able to see the beautiful beaches herself. She was surprised and speechless. She didn’t smile, but she wasn’t sad or angry; just surprised. She looked at Fox, who was smiling, but she didn’t make a face at him, or any for that matter. When she turned her head and flew up in the air, Fox’s smile began to fade. When the others caught up with him, he grew worried. Fox: “She…she didn’t smile. What happened? Was it something that I did?” Bubbles: “I believe you did…absolutely nothing wrong.” Peach: “I thought what you did was very sweet, leading her here.” Fox: “I hope she thought the same thing, as well.”
Peach activated her PPG suit. Peach: “Well, there’s only 1 way to find out.”
Bubbles and Peach flew in to the air while Fox, Banjo and Rayman ran down to the closest beach to them to catch up with the girls. As they approach the beach, they saw Misty kneeling in front of the water and staring down at her reflection on the water. Then, she saw Fox’s reflection right next to hers. When she looked up, she saw Fox kneeling right next to her and smiled at her just like in her reflection. When she looked back down at the water, Fox’s smile faded again. Fox: “Misty…” Misty: “Fox, can you believe it? After a long period of time, I’m finally near the ocean again.” Fox: “So, what’s wrong? Aren’t you satisfied?” Misty: “Yes, I’m very satisfied.”
She smiled at him. Misty: “Thank you, Fox. This means so much to me.” Fox: “No problem, Misty. I’ll always do things like this for you.”
Fox and Misty smiled at each other. Fox: “So, are you going to do that transformation thing that you’ve always wanted to do?” Misty: ” Oh, Fox. I thought you’d never ask.”
And now the moment that you have been waiting for. As she got up, she floated off the floor and stood above the water. With her mystic water-powers combined with the water, itself, she was able to use these powers to transform herself into her princess form. When she fell into the water after finishing her transformation, every one of her friends started celebrating, except Fox, who was folding his arms and smiling. Fox: “Welcome back, Ocean princess.”
They both smiled at each other. Tricky: “Wow!” Misty, Fox: “Huh?” Tricky: “That was cool! How did she do that? Can she do it again?” Fox: “Tri-Tricky! Were…were you watching the whole thing?”Tricky: “Of course I have. That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! What is she? How long have you been hiding this from me? Can you tell me, Fox?” Fox: “Well, not exactly. It’s all pretty complicated to explain. It’s a long story. However, there’s 1 thing about this secret that’s easy to talk about. For instance, remember when with were with your mom and Misty jumped to the ceiling when she said that word that caused her to do that?” Tricky: “You mean, “pirates”?” Misty: “AHHHH! PIRATES! WHERE, WHERE!” Fox: “Misty, it’s OK. Another false alarm.’’ Misty: “Phew. Thank the stars.” Tricky: “But why does she get all jumpy when any of us say that word?” Fox: “Well, it’s because of this form. She freaks out all too easily upon even hearing the word.” Misty: “I’m sorry, Fox. I try real hard, but just can’t control myself whenever I hear anyone saying that.” Fox: “Well, it’s OK, Misty. It’s not all your fault. Not many people know your greatest fears.” Tricky: “So this form is why she’s afraid of who-know-what?” Fox: “Exactly.” Tricky: “Oh. So, what is she?” Fox: “She is the legendary princess of the sea and this is her true form.” Tricky: “You mean she’s actually a mermaid?”
Fox nodded. Tricky: “Wow! She’s beautiful.”
Misty tickled Tricky underneath his chin. Misty: “And you’re cute.”
Tricky flipped to his back and Misty rubbed his tummy. Suddenly, they heard a cry of a dinosaur at the distance. Fox: “Whoa, what was that?” Tricky: “It’s a Hightop. I wonder what’s going on?” Fox: “I don’t know, but we’ll never find out if we just stand here. Let’s go!”
They immediately ran to the boardwalk that is surrounding the Hightop to see what was going on. When they asked the Hightop, it said that it buried its gold somewhere on the beaches when it heard that the Sharpclaws were invading Cape Claw, but forgot where they were buried. He then told them that if they retrieve all of his gold, then he would help them on their quest. They all decided to help, but Fox told them to stay out of this one because he wanted Misty to work with him.
It may have taken them a long time to find the gold, but with the help of one of Misty’s special underwater abilities, the underwater drill, they were able to find them and return them to the Hightop. The Hightop then stomped the ground, causing a nearby cave to open up. The Hightop told them about the Sharpclaws doing something suspicious within that cave and asked them to go in there and find out what exactly it was, so they did.
Fox ran to the cave as fast as he could. Inside was a staff switch, he pulled the staff and opened a cage at a beach that’s closer to him. He jumped down from the ledge and met the others near the cage. Suddenly, a Cloudrunner wearing a golden crown on its head and a blue shirt came out. Tricky was immediately startled. Tricky: “Whoa! A Cloudrunner!”
He stepped behind Fox, Kazooie became dazzled at the sight of the Cloudrunner. Kazooie: “Wooooooow…!”  Tricky: “Shoo! Go away, Cloudrunner! Get away!” Bubbles: “(Giggle) Have you 2 met?”Cloudrunner: “He is an Earthwalker. I am a Cloudrunner. Our tribes do not see each other eye to eye.”Peach: “But why?” Cloudrunner: “His father has probably said bad things about me. That why.” Peach: “Oh. So, who are you?” Cloudrunner: “I am the Queen of the Cloudrunner tribe and the gatekeeper of the Cloudrunner Fortress. Scales has used my powers to reach the fortress and then afterwards, he locked me in that cage.”
Kazooie then flew out of Banjo’s backpack and landed in front of the queen. The Queen seemed somewhat startled to see her. Queen Cloudrunner: “Um…hello…who are you?” Kazooie: “Hi. I’m Kazooie. You’re pretty.” Queen Cloudrunner: “Er, what is with your friend here?” Banjo: “It seems to me like Kazooie has found her own kind on this planet.” Queen Cloudrunner: “Uh, I see. Anyway, I must return to the fortress and stop Scales.” Kazooie: “Can we come with you?” Queen Cloudrunner: “You want to come with me?” Misty: “Of course, we do.”
Misty dunked herself underwater, brought forth a bright flash of light from below the surface and then came out in her human form. Misty: “We’re going to need the Spellstone there.” Queen Cloudrunner: “Well…All right.” Fox: “Great! Thanks, Misty.” Tricky: “Oh, no. There’s no way I’m not going to her fortress.” Fox: “Well, OK, it looks like you’re sitting this one out, Tricky. We’ll head back to Thorntail Hollow and you can wait there for us to return.”
Tricky nodded. Kazooie: “I’m liking this more and more.”
The queen flew up towards the sky.  Queen Cloudrunner: “I’ll meet you guys at the fortress. Good luck!”
As she flew into the sky, she opened the gateway to the Cloudrunner Fortress and flew right in.Kazooie: “Hey! Wait for me!”
Kazooie flew after the queen. Banjo: “HEY! KAZOOIE, WAIT! WHO’S GOING TO FLY ME UP TO THE FORTRESS?”
Rayman walked up to Banjo and placed his hand on his shoulder. Banjo looked at him. Rayman: [“Don’t worry, Banjo. I’ll fly you to the fortress.”] Banjo: “You will? Aw, thanks, Rayman. You’re a real friend. Unlike some people!!!” Fox: “OK guys, let’s…Huh?”
Just then he spotted Misty and Bubbles and noticed that they were about to cry. Fox: “Oh, no, you 2 aren’t going to mope because Tricky’s not coming with us. Are you?”
They both nodded. Fox: “Aw, girls. I don’t want to leave Tricky here either but, we really don’t have a choice. He doesn’t want to come with us and we can’t make him.” Bubbles: “But…we love Tricky.” Fox: “I know, I know, hm…oh! I have an idea.”
Fox took Pikachu off of his shoulder and held her in front of him. Bubbles quickly snatched Pikachu out of Fox’s grip. Fox: “How’s this: you girls can have Pikachu for this part of the mission. OK?”
Both Misty and Bubbles became greatly ecstatic. Misty, Bubbles: “OK!”
Pikachu seemed very happy to be held by Bubbles. Fox: “OK, guys. Let’s go.”
And so, Fox and his friends returned to Thorntail Hollow where they all got ready to take off and fly towards the Cloudrunner Fortress.
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Ultimate Story 2: Dinosaur Planet-Chapter 4: Helping the Queen Earthwalker
After Peach took off and put away her coat, Tricky heard something that sounded like his mom crying and ran off. When Fox and his friends followed him, they wound up back in the chamber where the queen was locked in. Fox then contacted the rest of the team. Fox: “I’m here, guys. Mission accomplished. Contact the general so we can get paid.”
Misty tapped Fox on the shoulder. Misty: “Uh, Fox? I think there's more to the mission than rescuing the prince.”
Fox soon noticed that the queen wasn't budging at all. Peppy: “She's right. The planet's still not back together, yet.” Peach: “Tsk, tsk. Oh, Fox. You count your chickens too early again. These are one of the many reasons why I watch over you.” Fox: "All right, all right. Me down, you kicking. Happy?”Peach: “Very.” Fox: “The queen needs our help. Fox out.”
Fox turned off the projector. Misty: “Is there anything we can do to restore her, Tricky?” Tricky: “Let's see...when I don't feel good, my mom feeds me white Grubtubs. It seems to me like she'll need a lot.” Kazooie: “White Grubtubs? You've got to be kidding me! Can we just feed her the blue ones?”Tricky: “No. The blue ones don't work. They're only snack food. Not even every blue Grubtub contained on this planet would restore her.” Kazooie: “Oh, great! That's the last thing I ever want to hear from this lousy kid.” Misty: “Kazooie! Watch your attitude. Now, where can we find these Grubtubs, Tricky?” Tricky: “Well...I heard that they grow underground. I believe that they're growing in the ancient well, right now.” Fox: “Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!” Peach: “Yes, but we need to prepare, first. We may never know what lurks underground.” Fox: “(sigh) Yes, Peach.”
After Fox visited the store, he and his friends headed for the well. Fox: “OK, listen up: for those of you who would want to go down and search for the Grubtubs with me, raise your hand, but Tricky will have to stay behind.”
Only Peach and Rayman raised their hands. Fox: “Girls? Banjo? You're not coming?” Bubbles: “We're not if Tricky's not.”
Fox rolled his eyes. Fox: “Oh, brother.” Kazooie: “You've got a problem with that?” Fox: “Maybe. Listen; if you’re going to stay with Tricky then I want you to stay here. I don’t need to have you guys run off and cause trouble again. Got it?” Bubbles: “Sure.” Misty: “Fine.” Banjo: “OK.” Kazooie:“Whatever.” Tricky: “Well, OK but hurry back. My mom didn’t look good.” Fox: “Don’t worry. We will. Peach, Rayman. Let’s go.”
Fox slid down the ladder as Peach and Rayman followed.
Within an extensive amount of time, Fox, Peach, and Rayman returned with the mushrooms. With them in hand, they hurried back to the queen with Misty, Bubbles, Tricky, and Banjo-Kazooie and fed her the mushrooms. Soon enough, the Queen was well enough to lift herself off the ground. Queen Earthwalker: “Thank you, everyone. Thank you all for rescuing my son and restoring me.” Bubbles: “You're very welcome, your majesty, but what's going on, here?” Queen Earthwalker: “This is all the work of General Scales. He is the ruler of the Sharpclaw tribe, a nasty bunch of pirates who...”
Just then, Misty screamed and jumped into the air. Misty: “PIRATES!” Fox: “Misty!” Kazooie: “Oh, no! Not again.” Fox: “Misty, come down from there. She didn’t mean those kinds of pirates here!” Misty: “Um…OK…”
She lowered herself back down. Tricky: “What was that all about?” Fox: “Uh…well, she’s…afraid of pirates. Don’t ask me why; it’s a long sorry. Uh, sorry, please continue.” Queen Earthwalker: “Now then, as I was saying...they have always wanted to rule over Dinosaur Planet." Peach: “So, you have been fighting these scoundrels for a long time?” Queen Earthwalker: “Yes, we have always been able to stop their attacks.” Kazooie: “So, what went wrong?” Queen Earthwalker: “We’re not sure but somehow, they suddenly become stronger and defeated our army at the Krazoa Palace.” Kazooie:“Well, I guess you guys weren’t so great, after all.” Fox, Misty: “Kazooie!” Banjo: “That’s a very interesting story, but why did the planet fall apart?” Queen Earthwalker: “Within the Krazoa Palace, General Scales broke the seals in the Force Point Temples.” Peach: “Force Point Temples?” Queen Earthwalker: “Yes, this planet is rich with a magical force, a force so strong that it is continually pushing our world apart. To stop this, 4 Spellstones were placed inside the Force Point Temples.”Misty: “Hm, sounds very interesting.” Bubbles: “We specialize in stuff like that, right, Misty?” Misty:“Right, Bubbles.” Queen Earthwalker: “Scales then entered the Temples and removed the Spellstones. With nothing to hold back the magical forces, the planet was torn apart.” Fox: “At last, it all makes sense now. So a bad guy stole all the Spellstones that holds the planet together so now we have to find the Spellstones and return them to their Force Point Temples.” Tricky: “See? I told you they were good. Starfox, yeah.” Queen Earthwalker: “Very well, then. My son shall remain with you."
Tricky proudly walked back towards the group. Queen Earthwalker: "For only a dinosaur of noble birth can breathe life into the Spellstones.” Fox: “What? You've got to be kidding me!” Queen Earthwalker: “Is there something wrong?” Fox: “Well...isn't he a little too young? I mean it will be dangerous where my friends and I will be going. Loads of bad guys, fighting, death. Besides, don't I have enough royalty following me? I mean, I have 2 princesses by my side!” Queen Earthwalker:“True, but he does know his way through these places.” Fox: “Well, point taken.” Queen Earthwalker:“So, what do you say, Fox?” Fox: “Well...I don't know. What do you think, girls? Uh, girls? Girls? Bubbles? Misty? Girls?”
Suddenly, Fox spotted the girls on the floor, petting Tricky. Pikachu became jealous. Bubbles: “You're the cutest dinosaur in the whole world. Did those mean old Sharpclaws hurt poor Tricky?” Fox: “I guess that's a yes.” Peach: “But what do you say, Fox?” Fox: “Well...” Bubbles: “Please! Please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top.” Fox: “But...Oh, all right. You can come, Tricky. But if you mess up once, I'll send you back to mommy and you know the girls won't like that now, would they?” Tricky:“Oh, no, sir.” Bubbles: “Yay! Tricky's coming. Oh, thank you, Fox.”
Fox leaned over towards Peach and whispered to her. Fox: “I hate it when Bubbles gets all cute like that.” Peach: “Oh, Fox. You're so stubborn.” Queen Earthwalker: “OK, then, now, our spies have indicated that Scales was last seen in Darkice Mines. I know the Gatekeeper, Garunda Te. A silly fellow, but he can guide you to the Spellstone. Go back to the Snowhorn Wastes and find him.” Fox:“OK, got it. Let’s go, everyone.” Bubbles: “Thank you for everything.” Misty: “We’ll see you later, ma’am.” Peach: “Goodbye.”
And so, they ran off.
They ran back to the tunnel to the Snowhorn Wastes. When they arrived, they had to unlock a gate just across the tunnel exit and veered left to an ice patch where the gatekeeper was trapped underneath. He asked them to try and help him escape. With their impressive strength, the girls ground pound on the ice causing it to crack. However, the ice was extremely tough. They were going at it for a while, but at the time, numerous Sharpclaws came out from a nearby cave. Fox and the others fought off the Sharpclaws while Misty and Bubbles continually smashed the ground. Fox and Tricky helped out by Fox having Tricky send plants known as Frost Weeds towards Garanda Te. They kept at this for several minutes.
Soon enough, they were able to shatter it completely, freeing him. As he walked out, he remembered to thank them for freeing him. Garunda Te: “Ah, the young prince. Who are these people with you?”Tricky: “These are my friends of Starfox. My mother sent us to find you.” Garunda Te: “Well, I am Garunda Te, Spellstone Gatekeeper of Darkice Mines.” Bubbles: “Um, excuse me for asking, but what does a Gatekeeper do?” Garunda Te: “A Gatekeeper is someone who is given a task to guard a land from which a Spellstone is forged.” Misty: “Wow, that’s very interesting, but what were you doing in that hole?” Garunda Te: “A very fascinating question, one that comes with a terrible tale. After General Scales took the Spellstone, he was able to discover that I was a Gatekeeper. He gave me an alternation: to allow him to take the Spellstone back to the sacred land or he would destroy my tribe.”Peach: “That’s terrible!” Garunda Te: “Yes, it was, but I could not risk the safety of the planet, so I refused to help. My daughter did not think this way. So, in an effort to save the tribe, she opened the gateway, herself.” Banjo: “Oh, dear.” Peach: “So, what became of your tribe? Did Scales have them destroyed?” Garunda Te: “No, Scales did not destroy my tribe, he enslaved him, instead.” Misty:“That Scales is nothing more than a bully and a jerk!” Fox: “Agreed.” Garunda Te: “Yes, but my daughter dishonored me. I need all of you to search for that Spellstone, only then can the planet be restored. I will open the gateway.”
A stream of light shot out of Garunda Te, from that formed a large vortex in the sky. With that, everyone returned to Thorntail Hollow where they got ready to leave for Darkice Mines.
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