#shared heritage
German and English (second text)
👑 Zum bevorstehenden Thronwechsel in Dänemark: Margrethe II. – eine direkte Nachfahrin Königin Luises von Preußen
Übermorgen, am 14. Januar, zweiundfünfzig Jahre nach ihrer Thronbesteigung, wird Königin Margrethe II. von Dänemark nun abdanken und ihrem Sohn, der ihr als König Friedrich X. folgen wird, die Regierung übergeben.
Aus diesem Anlass lohnt es sich, einen Blick auf die Verwandtschaft zu werfen, die Königin Margrethe II. mit dem einstigen preußischen Herrscherhaus verbindet: Gleich von mehreren Seiten ist die Monarchin nämlich die vierfache Urenkelin der preußischen Königin Luise.
In unserem aktuellen Beitrag auf unserer 👑Facebookseite Schloss Charlottenburg👑 erfahren Sie mehr über die Verwandtschaft Margrethes II. zu Königin Luise. Wir wünschen Ihnen anregende Unterhaltung.
👑In Berlins größtem Konigsschloss können Sie von Dienstag bis Sonntag zwischen 10 und 16.30 Uhr auf den Spuren der Königin Luise wandeln. Im Neuen Flügel erwarten Sie das elegante Appartement Luises sowie die Wohnräume ihres Mannes König Friedrich Wilhelms III. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.
Fotos © Det danske kongehus; Thomas Weiberg (Büste der Königin Luise in der Sommerwohnung Friedrich Wilhelms II. im Schloss Charlottenburg.)
👑 On the upcoming change of throne in Denmark: Margrethe II - a direct descendant of Queen Luise of Prussia
The day after tomorrow, on 14 January, fifty-two years after her accession to the throne, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark will abdicate and hand over the reign to her son, who will succeed her as King Frederick X.
To mark the occasion, it is worth taking a look at the family ties that link Queen Margrethe II to the former Prussian dynasty: On several sides, the monarch is in fact the fourfold great-granddaughter of Prussian Queen Luise.
In our current article on our 👑Facebook page Charlottenburg Palace👑 you can find out more about Margrethe II's relationship to Queen Luise. We wish you stimulating entertainment.
👑In Berlin's largest royal palace, you can follow in the footsteps of Queen Luise from Tuesday to Sunday between 10 am and 4.30 pm. Luise's elegant flat and the living quarters of her husband King Friedrich Wilhelm III await you in the New Wing. We look forward to your visit.
Photos © Det danske kongehus; Thomas Weiberg (Bust of Queen Louise in the summer flat of Frederick William II in Charlottenburg Palace).
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trailmixtime · 1 year
idk. i just think it's kind of shitty to make fun of celtic languages or try to project english rules onto them. just because a language has a latin alphabet doesn't mean it follows english spelling rules and celtic spelling rules actually make sense when you actually learn the rules. and just because a word may sound like a rude or adult word in english doesn't mean it's ok to make fun of it. it's as beautiful as any other word in the language and shouldn't be made fun of i think.
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bunnyheritageposts · 3 months
youre so right about the rabbit contest thing, i entered my dear bunny snuggles, may he rest in peace, into the village fair when i was about 8 and he LOST because he had very thick, black fur and it was summer so he was moulting and i will never forgive the boy in my class whose bunny won because she had thinner fur and looked nicer. the judges did not look into his heart and soul and see that i loved him so very much that he ought to have won. i sat by his hutch for hours afterwards telling him second place was very good actually because in sofia the first, clover wanted a blue ribbon and the second place ribbon was blue so he was a blue ribbon bunny, just like in the song from sofia the first.
justice for snuggles the bunny
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wyrdle · 2 years
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role swap au (Tsunade and Orochimaru only at least??)
Despite appearances, Orochimaru is Hokage here, but he’s not suuuuper keen about it hence the lack of the hat and only a minor sash to indicate his position. More info on the au here I guess, not really fleshed out or anything lol.
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fourteenfifteen · 5 months
thinking about the public domain is more than a little devastating to me like they’ve literally taken so much from us. the corporatization of art and culture has locked away american cultural heritage for longer and longer periods of time! the original term for public domain was 56 years think about that. almost 40 more years. i hope we all live 40 more years but who knows. and how much of that art will degrade and disappear in the meantime! things are lost every day! truly and genuinely it’s such a loss for the independent artist i want people to be able to adapt things from the ‘60s into shitty plays that they put on at their local rec centers and to make money off of that but we can’t because of corporate greed
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chompe-diem · 5 months
on my extrapolating about characters arc so im thinking about. gorgug and riz. do u ever think of them
gorgug who grew up knowing intimately how much he stuck out like a sore thumb. riz who can count all the goblins in elmville on one clawed hand.
riz who hides behind walls and in dark corners because he cannot stand in a crowd and simply blend in; gorgug who wakes up his whole childhood in a room too small. two people who garner attention that they aren't seeking. riz the rogue whose keen eye notices, knows how people will stare if given the opportunity. gorgug who more often than not sits timidly with his headphones on and hands in his hoodie pocket, who hates the stomach flip when someone assumes he must be a barbarian, and hates the fact that he proves them right.
riz and gorgug who are different in their upbringings, but share the same quiet sense of unbelonging, in green skin and craned necks and cruel cruel assumptions
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vigilskeep · 7 months
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this is my favourite pair of screenshots because with him just lying there he looks so unimpressed. you know those days when you wake up and some more fucked up nonsense is happening and you’re this close to just closing your eyes again and letting whatever happens happen. he doesn’t get paid enough for this, astarion. he doesn’t get paid at all. we literally have the hag fight tomorrow astarion
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t4tadrienette · 12 days
My favourite thing about the Goku and Vegeta relationship is how Goku sees Vegeta as a friend he can do some fighting with, while Vegeta has a one-sided frenemies kind of view of their relationship. Goku stopped seeing Vegeta as an enemy immediately after his death on Namek. He was not even bothered or weirded out by him being on Earth and like basically chilling with the others. While Vegeta still saw him as an enemy he had to surpass and defeat until like the Majin Buu saga. Only after their fusion together I think he started to see him more in a friendly way, although Vegeta would never admit that. I think if Goku said to Vegeta outloud that he likes him, Vegeta would have to take five business days to recover from that because what do you mean you like me, we are enemies, rivals, while also feeling the same way for him, but he would rather die before admitting it to himself and Goku
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Deutsch/English (second text!)
👑 Ein preußisches Diadem im Besitz Königin Margrethes II. von Dänemark Das häufig von Margrethe II. getragene sehr repräsentative Diadem mit zahlreichen Diamanten und großen Tropfenperlen war zusammen mit anderen Juwelen ein Hochzeitsgeschenk König Friedrich Wilhelms III. von Preußen für seine jüngste Tochter Luise (1808-1870). Prinzessin Luise heiratete im Mai 1825 ihren Cousin Prinz Wilhelm Friedrich der Niederlande (1797-1881). Das Prinzenpaar lebte in den Niederlanden in einem ›Huize De Paauw‹ genannten klassizistischen Palais in Wassenaar sowie auf seinen preußischen Besitzungen Schloss Muskau in der Oberlausitz und im schlesischen Schloss Schildau, das König Friedrich Wilhelm III. 1839 seiner Tochter schenkte. Unter den Linden in Berlin stand dem Paar das sogenannte Niederländische Palais als Absteigequartier zur Verfügung. Bis heute erinnert die Luisenstraße in Berlin-Mitte an die Prinzessin, von der ihr Vater Friedrich Wilhelm III. meinte, sie sähe ihrer früh verstorbenen Mutter sehr ähnlich. Über ihre gleichnamige Tochter ist Prinzessin Luise eine der Stammmütter der heutigen dänischen Königsfamilie und die dreifache Urgroßmutter Königin Margrethes II. Text © Thomas Weiberg; Fotos © Det danske kongehus; Thomas Weiberg (Portait Friedrich Wilhelms III. im Schloss Charlottenburg.)
👑 A Prussian tiara owned by Queen Margrethe II of Denmark
Often worn by Margrethe II, this very prestigious tiara with numerous diamonds and large pearls was, together with other jewellery, a wedding gift from King Frederick William III of Prussia for his youngest daughter Luise (1808-1870).
Princess Luise married her cousin Prince William Frederick of the Netherlands (1797-1881) in May 1825. The princely couple lived in the Netherlands in a neoclassical palace called 'Huize De Paauw' in Wassenaar as well as at their Prussian estates Muskau Castle in Upper Lusatia and Schildau Castle in Silesia, which King Frederick William III gave to his daughter in 1839. Under the Linden trees in Berlin, the so-called Dutch Palace was available to the couple as a place to stay. To this day, Luisenstraße in Berlin-Mitte commemorates the princess, who her father Friedrich Wilhelm III thought looked very much like her mother, who died young. Through her daughter of the same name, Princess Luise is one of the progenitors of today's Danish royal family and the triple great-grandmother of Queen Margrethe II.
Text © Thomas Weiberg; Photos © Det danske kongehus; Thomas Weiberg (Portrait of Frederick William III in Charlottenburg Palace.)
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camelcraft · 2 years
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guys my mom is half Greek this is so so important to me
it means so much to be like him, even in such a little way.
he's like me ❤️
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adorablegorilla · 3 months
List of Arknights Heritage Posts, in no particular order:
1. Franka being rewarded for not playing any pranks (the grip this art has on so many lesbians who don't even know arknights is well-deserved)
2. Sarah Tonin (and it's follow-up)
3. Minecraft Streamer Jessica having her chat mistake Franka for her mom ("Hi Mom!")
4. All of harlequin-wheels's animations. Every single one is game-changing
5. While not quite as popular as the rest of these all of the Arknights art @munchiep makes deserves to be on this list. To me.
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lostghost0o0 · 9 months
The Outsiders Headcannons: At a Mexican Party
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Ponyboy -
would be super awkward at first
he would be sitting at the ‘kids table’, just fidgeting with his fingers
eventually the primos would start to small talk with him, getting him to open up
all the adults really like him
they think that he’s super respectful and polite
of course the tios will tease him over his name
but then they’d probably reassure him, pat his back and say something like; “No mas estamos jugando contigo, mijo!”
they’d think he’s to skinny and practically force him to eat lol
“Comé, mijo, comé!”
abuelita would absolutely adore him
she’d ask him to help her with everything, and Ponyboy being the mannered kid he is, would always oblige
she’d pinch and kiss his cheeks
“Gracias mijito!”; “U-Uhh.. no problem…”
Pony would blush and get all embarrassed and the gang would tease him
secretly likes the motherly love from abuelita
Sodapop -
I can’t think of a lot for him 😭
I’ll try tho
the primas would absolutely swoon over him lol
they would ask him to dance repeatedly
the primos would ask him for tips on how to get girls and he would gladly give them advice
one of the little kids would probably have a crush on him
they’d get jealous of one of the primas that got to dance with him, might even throw a small tantrum
the tias would constantly make comments like; “Estas tan guapo, mijo!” “Que hermoso niño!” “Tienes novia, mijo?”
they would try and hook him up with their daughters
I could honestly see him flirting with the tias playfully/as a joke and the tias would laugh all loud
they’d do that cheer that tias do like; “Ahhhhhh!”
Darry -
Darry would kinda just be there
but he’d definitely get along with everyone
everyone thinks he’s this super strong guy and they ask him to do favors for them a lot
the little kids would think he’s a superhero or something and some might follow him around
they’d probably beg him to pick them up lol
the tios would probably give him a nickname like; “Superman” “Luchador” “Rocky”
they also think that he’s super responsible
one tired mom would probably ask him if he could take her sleeping baby inside to a random bedroom
“Oh, sure. Where do you want him?”; “It doesn’t matter, just as long as he’s in a bed and he doesn’t roll off.”
Darry does NOT know how to hold a baby
the whole time he’s internally freaking out; ‘Am I holding him too tight?’ ‘Am I doing this right?’ ‘I don’t wanna drop em’, please don’t drop him’
he’s actually doing fine but to ease his worries the tias help him out anyways
If it’s a kid’s birthday then I can totally see him helping out the tios holding up the piñata
he’d actually really enjoy the party, they’d make him feel appreciated :)
Johnny -
they’d probably all think that he’s Mexican
everyone would automatically feel comfortable around him and speak to him in Spanish
Johnny would kinda just look at them confused before explaining that he doesn’t understand
“Como estas en escuela?”; “Uh… S-Sorry I don’t speak Spanish…”
they’d think that he’s just a ‘no sabo kid’ and try and teach him Spanish
Johnny is pretty quiet and stand-offish so everyone would try and include him in everything
drinking, dancing, karaoke, anything you can think of they called him over to join them
I think it would be cute if they called him ‘morrocho’ due to his dark tanned skin
constantly feeding the family dog when nobody’s looking
I also think it’s cute if he develops a soft spot for the kids at the party
like, he lets them drag him around to play with them
according to the book, he’s the shortest in the gang
the primos tease him a little over his height and at some point they even toss him up in the air(my own primos have done that before lol)
they accidentally throw him up really high and poor Johnny is a bit shaken up(has also happened to me), they immediately apologize
all in all, he starts to feel a part of the family :)
Dallas -
the kids absolutely love him and he “hates” that
he wanted to be mean and mess with the kids so he flipped over the bouncy castle
he wasn’t aware the kids would find it fun tho and begged him the rest of the night to do it again
“Do it again! Do it again!”; “No.”
the kids would definitely follow him around because they think of him as the cool older kid
if it was a kid’s birthday party he would definitely wreck the piñata, yank it off the rope, and rip it open, spilling the candy everywhere
Darry would be annoyed but the kids would cheer and quickly scram to the ground to find candy, almost making Dal fall
he would also smash the birthday kid’s face into the cake to be mean, and again, the kids thought it was funny
he would definitely flirt with all the primas, they would think he’s a perv or cute or both
they also think his blue eyes are scary
the primos and him would have a little beef cause Dallas yelled at them for throwing up Johnny lol
would def get along with that one cholo cousin there
the adults don’t like him, they think he’s a bad influence
he complains about the attention he’s getting from the kids but deep down he likes it
Two-Bit -
you KNOW this man is drinking with the tios
they all think he’s funny af
would laugh his ass off when the kid got their face smashed into the cake
he has no enemies fr
everyone likes him, old and young
he somehow learns how to dance cumbia, bachata, la iguana, merengue, and how to zapatear all in one night
but he absolutely STRUGGLES with salsa(same)
there’s always that one tia that encourages people to dance, so of course she called up Two to dance with her
everything was going fine till Marc Anthony’s ‘Flor Palida’ came on, he actually tripped over his own feet and fell lmao
he learns how to do ‘a la bim, a la bom, a la bim bom ba’, which is basically a way of cheering before taking a drink
he basically becomes one of the tios
when they play loteria and el borracho comes up, they say his name
he leaves the party all wobbly too, they gotta help him to the car
I strongly believe that he would leave the party dressed completely different, probably like this;
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Steve -
was stuffing his face the entire time
birria, carne asada, menudo, posole, arroz con leche, flan, anything you can think of
he felt like he was in heaven
when people didn’t finish their food they would pass the plates over to him
the kids don’t like him
when the candy from the piñata came out he dove in and stole some of it from the kids just to pick on them
many cried and later that night they ganged up on him lmao
I KNOW he knows how to do a grito, he’s super good at it too
he empresses everyone when he does it
he’ll try to speak Spanish but it just sounds so funny
he’ll speak Spanish with a thick American, southern accent
he definitely gets competitive in loteria
he practically shouts buenas when he wins
“La Escalera-“; “BUeNaS!!”
he’ll leave the party with a whole bunch of containers of food
Cherry -
would honestly be uncomfortable at first since she’s never really been to any parties before
there’s also a lot of people, makes her a bit nervous
but some primas start to talk to her and she starts to ease up
the tias think she’s absolutely beautiful and don’t hesitate to tell her
“Ay, eres tan hermosa!” “Que bonito pelo tienes!”
similar with Soda, they’d try and hook her up with one of their sons
she’s an only child but she’s always wanted little siblings, so she absolutely adores the little kids
she plays with them as long as it doesn’t involve getting dirty
she stays with the primos in one room for most of the night, where the primas spill the chisme
“Y sabes que? I heard that Ricky got a girl pregnant!”; *gasp* “No way!”
a couple of little kids sneak into the room and the primos yell at them to leave, but Cherry convinces them to let them stay
the little kids braid Cherry’s hair and she just lets them, they listen to the chisme and whisper some of their own add-ons to Cherry
she ends up leaving the party with all the primas’ numbers and they continue to talk chisme on the phone
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bellaaldamas · 4 months
@stupidrant this is the official, SMS approved (hopefully) gif everyone should use whenever they encounter a fandom troll.
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#because any other reasoning just wouldn't work on those people#yesterday stumbled across another troll comment (though not a new one) from an Odin apologist#saying that Odin 'never abused Freya' and women like her 'always lie about those things'#alas there's no option to post gif responses in the YT comment section#otherwise I'd be doing that on a hourly basis whenever seeing nonsense like this; or posts about how#'Thr*d and Atreus should get together; because apparently a girl punching a boy in the face before trying to#chop his head off as he lies helpless on the ground (which she would've done if her mother hadn't interfered) after calling him#'a killer just like his father'; or a boy 15 years of age playing a parent to girl's actual parents - one of whom is#a semi-functioning literally gigantic alcoholic who slaughtered this boy's people and bragged about it in front of him -#is a basis for healthy romance#rather than an actual healthy and equal and caring relationship between Atreus and Angrboda#who trusted him when he admitted he had no idea what he was doing and agreed to share responsibility with him#which was supposed to be his all along but that he wasn't ready to take just yet#in addition to opening up about her own pain of losing both parents just to help him feel better#and aiding him in embracing their shared heritage which was what Atreus wanted from the moment he#learned of his giant background and 'Loki'#that is on top of taking care of Fen while Atreus embarked on a quest of his own (both times) and being the only one who could#sooth him back into human form during his animal transformations using only words of support and physical gentleness
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ough in TPATD Miraak is half-Atmoran, half-Falmer. One person carrying and uniting the blood of two races that became enemies, that ultimately destroyed one another.
Jia is half-Nord, half-Imperial. One person carrying and uniting the blood of two races that are currently under an endless war, that are, too, basically destroying each other.
Miraak used to receive some weird looks from the Atmorans for his Snow Elf heritage, with his fellow dragon priests calling him names such as 'ghost' or 'paleface', because of the marble-white complexion he took after his Snelf mother.
Jia is quite frequently confronted with "aren't you a little short for a Nord?" by the Nords, and with "aren't you a little tall for an Imperial?" by the Imperials.
and yet, aren't they both living proof that before any hate, or any war, or any decimation of life, there was once love and unity? 🥺
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the-chattering-tower · 4 months
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I promise I WIll put the accent in the shop tomorrow but until then please look at Newest Baby, hatched and touched up today, grandkiddo of my beloved's progens, future wearer of my brand new wool accent ("fiber fun")
I'm love them
Their name is Cighaya after the cigája sheep breed. I'll figure out lore for them tomorrow when I feel awake again
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