lopmonappreciation · 9 months
Residents evil Digimon au : Leon S. Kennedy Anubismon
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Fresh: paomon
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In training: shaomon
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Rookie: labramon
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Champion: seasarmon
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Ultimate: caturamon
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Mega: Anubismon
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mat2modblog · 1 year
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Speaking of Chronomon Destroy Mode, I was NOT actually expecting to see Chicchimon, let alone any of its line, maybe we actually will see Chronomon in Holy or Destroy Mode. Also there’s another pusurimon too. That’s twice now. There’s even a freaking KETOMON.
Not entirely sure which digimon is behind the pusurimon and pickmon and in front of the demimeremon though. Outside of this close-up, there’s a cupimon in all the copypasted instances of the babies instead (they’re not in the same arrangement) but that’s not a cupimon, it’s weird.
And then when Quartzmon shows the inside of the sphere, it’s this  exact arrangement copy-pasted instead with a few more digimon.
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digimonpolls · 1 year
Best Baby II: Round Two
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Bracket 7/12
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digimon-smashorpass · 2 months
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 2 months
I’d love to hear your reasoning for some digimon partners!!! especially giving empanada veemon & pepito a caprimon that digivolves to gotsumon :D
Chayanne got the hyokomon like since it's a yellow chicken and training to be a warrior. They have similar motivations and personalities, I thought they would work together very well. I also considered giving him wormmon, but the reasoning was very loose so I decided otherwise.
Tallulah gets the gekomon line since they're musically based. I think the change from Otamamon to Gekomon parallels Tallulah's journey of love as well. I keep thinking about Tallulah in that attic holding onto Otamamon's egg, okay?
Dapper and Pomme's digimon don't really match with their personality or motivation or anything, but instead its more of a destiny thing! Lopmon and Terriermon always come together and so Dapper and Pomme are linked by fate. Its also one of those situations where it feels like Dapper should have Terriermon and Pomme have Lopmon, but it feels correct this way. Also. French Sniper. Gargomon has big guns.
Ramón got monimon because a little ninja TV that spies on people feels VERY fitting for that family. Monimon and Hagurumon are also very dumb on their own, but that wouldn't bother Ramón too much, I think. I also considered giving him the Kakkinmon line, since they are shield digimon, but I couldn't resist how cute Monimon was.
Leo got dogs. That's pretty much it. They struggle to get attached but once they do they are very attatched to their tamers, you know? Wolf. I also considered giving her Gabumon but I think her personality would overpower him too much.
Richarlyson got the Gomamon line purely because their mischief would line up PERFECTLY. Tell me Gomamon from Adventures WOULDN'T try to set up people on dates. I also thought about giving him Renamon but I.. don't quite remember why? Big protector? I guess?
For Pepito, its a Caprimon into a Gattsumon mostly because I couldn't find a preevolution for Gattsumon. I chose Gattsumon (because it's my favorite) because it feels very childlike, and very protective, and I think that's what Pepito needs. Gattsumon would color with Pepito. I can't explain it. I also considered Upamon and Armadillomon, since Upamon is a axolotl, but I couldn't resist my favorite rock baby.
Empanada got the Veemon line because I feel like their enthusiasm would align very well! They love to love and won't back down, you know? Also imagine Empa carrying Demiveemon like a stuffed animal. Exactly.
Sunny got Bowmon and Herissmon not only to match with Leo, but also because of how Herissmon avoids combat and runs/hides. And I think that it could keep our sunshine princess safe. I also thought about giving her Impmon, actually. Despite his demonic attitude, Impmon is actually such a sweet digimon to his trainers and also very lonely, which pairs with Sunny's feelings very well. Also, I imagine that Impmon's attempts at "warming up friends" wouldn't turn out so well and frankly would make things worse lmao. But I chose against Impmon for some reason. Weird.
Chunsik was a difficult one, I had a hard time finding anything for him. The bear was cute and protective and Chunsik is cute and tiny. Also, Wanyamon gets attached to people if they love him like an animal and. Chunsik is named after a cat, so. It was funny.
And finally Nacho. The Shaomon line is an artificial digimon that can't evolve past a certain point, gets attached very easily, and is very very loyal to their tamer. It fits very well. I also considered Pawn Chessmon (White) for obvious reasons, or Gammamon, for being a white dinosaur.
Thank you for the ask I am so thrilled does anyone else have a question 🖊
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mt-wolfy · 3 years
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Can't forget about the babies, Xiaomon and Paomon ❤
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digimonpolls · 1 year
Best Baby II: Round Three
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Bracket 4/6
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digimonpolls · 1 year
Best Baby II: Round One
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Bracket 13/24
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digimonpolls · 1 year
Digimon Best Baby II/In-Training Contest
Round Two
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Starts 10pm pst
(10pm brackets)
Bracket 1: Poromon vs. Pukamon/Bukamon
Bracket 2: Gigimon vs. Kyokyomon/Kyokomon
Bracket 3: Pinamon vs. Pagumon
Bracket 4: Tokomon vs. Tsumemon
Bracket 5: PetiMeramon/DemiMeramon vs. Yarmon/Yamon
Bracket 6: Minomon vs. Chocomon/Kokomon
(11pm brackets)
Bracket 7: Xiaomon/Shaomon vs. Vitium Baby
Bracket 8: Nyaromon vs. Babydmon/Babydramon
Bracket 9: Bibimon vs. Pusurimon
Bracket 10: Dorimon vs. Pyocomon/Yokomon
Bracket 11: Pokomon/Viximon vs. Chibimon/DemiVeemon
Bracket 12: Culumon/Calumon vs. Wanyamon
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digimonpolls · 1 year
Digimon Best Baby II/In-Training Contest
Round Three
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Starts Feb. 16th 10pm, ends Feb. 17th 10pm(pst)
Bracket 1: Poromon vs. Gigimon
Bracket 2: Pagumon vs. Tokomon
Bracket 3: PetiMeramon/DemiMeramon vs. Minomon
Bracket 4: Xiaomon/Shaomon vs. Nyaromon
Bracket 5: Pusurimon vs. Dorimon
Bracket 6: Chibimon/DemiVeemon vs. Culumon/Calumon
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digimonpolls · 1 year
Digimon Best Baby II/In-Training Contest
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Vote for your favorite!
Brackets will be posted in batches
New rounds will be begin the next day
Top 2 digimon in the brackets of three will have a rematch if the results are close
Bracket 1: Poromon vs. Puroromon vs. Monimon
Bracket 2: Sunmon vs. Pukamon/Bukamon
Bracket 3: Goromon/Tumblemon vs. Algomon vs. Gigimon
Bracket 4: Pickmon vs. Kyokyomon/Kyokomon
Bracket 5: Otamamon vs. Negamon vs. Pinamon
Bracket 6: Pagumon vs. Kozenimon
Bracket 7: Tunomon/Tsunomon vs. Tokomon vs. Chapmon
Bracket 8: Tsumemon vs. Arkadimon/Arcadiamon
Bracket 9: Mochimon/Motimon vs. PetiMeramon/DemiMeramon vs. Gurimon
Bracket 10: Kakkinmon vs. Yarmon/Yamon
Bracket 11: Bosamon vs. Minomon vs. Koromon
Bracket 12: Chocomon/Kokomon vs. Puyoyomon
Bracket 13: Chicchimon vs. Xiaomon/Shaomon vs. Sakuttomon
Bracket 14: Vitium Baby vs. Hopmon
Bracket 15: Nyaromon vs. Caprimon/Kapurimon vs. Cupimon/Kyupimon
Bracket 16: Hiyarimon vs. Babydmon/Babydramon
Bracket 17: Bibimon vs. TorikaraBallmon vs. Moonmon
Bracket 18: Pusurimon vs. Budmon
Bracket 19: Kyaromon vs. Frimon vs. Dorimon
Bracket 20: Flamon/Flamemon vs. Pyocomon/Yokomon
Bracket 21: Kodokugumon vs. Pokomon/Viximon vs. Upamon
Bracket 22: Chibimon/DemiVeemon vs. Tanemon
Bracket 23: Missimon vs. Culumon/Calumon vs. Meicoomon's baby form
Bracket 24: Gummymon vs. Wanyamon vs. Bowmon
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lopmonappreciation · 3 years
Digimon ocs pt 5: Enjel and Max
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name : Enjel
Age : 9
Hair: blonde
Eyes: Blue
Crest : Light
Partner: Labramon
Digivolution line :
Baby: paomon
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In training : Xiaomon
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Rookie : labramon
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Champion : seasarmon
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Ultimate: caturamon
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Mega : Anubismon
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Bio : Enjel is Davies older sister and the bearer of the crest of light , her partner is Max the Labramon . Enjel is friendly and sweet child with a bright personality. She is always looking out for her friends and loved ones especially her younger brother . She is often very ill and because of that hospital bound a lot of the time . Enjel has a very low self esteem believe that her sickness makes her weak and not useful ( this of course isn’t true ). She met her partner when she was being chased by some vilemon , And they had cornered her but thankfully before any damage could be done she was rescued by a seadarmon who fought off the virus Digimon . Wounded from the battle the seasarmon degenerated to rookie form and was patched up by Enjel , the pair become partners .
Max is incredibly close if not a bit over protective of her human . Where ever Enjel goes Max is never very far from her side . She also acts as sort of a therapy dog for Enjel helping her calm down and cheer up during tough situations.while she can seem rather serious and focused on her Task once you get closer to here you’ll find that she can be very lovable and sweet
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lopmonappreciation · 2 years
Updated bnha evo lines : Dabi / Touya and Dobermon
I feel like Touya’s labramon dark digivoluved to Dobermon due to all the abuse his partner suffered .
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Fresh : paomon
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In training : Xiaomon
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Rookie: labramon
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Champion: Dobermon
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Ultimate: cerberumon
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Mega : plutomon
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