#shandy is super cool!
lordterronus · 2 years
✨❤Send this to five people you love seeing in your notes!❤✨
Aww, thanks so much!
Let's see, five people...
@shandycandy278 @zen-unknown @blossomtato @scrubthings @onlyplatonicirl
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iriswestallenn · 1 year
The final season of Ted Lasso wasn't good
Long Post Warning
In my opinion of course, it was just wasn't very good and the finale was bad.
They didn't know what to do with Keeley. Her friend, Shandy, didn't add anything. Her relationship with Jack was stupid. Jack fucking with Keeley's business didn't matter because it was resolved in one episode thanks to Rebecca. Then they decided to make the love triangle a thing again. We'll come back to that later.
Nate lmao you can forgive people. They don't need to bend the knee or buy you flowers for you to forgive them or to prove they are worthy of forgiveness. All they need to do is show they've changed, grown, and learned from their mistakes. The problem with Nate is not that they ALL forgave his slimy ass. The problem is we never see the change. He cries to his dad, he gets a gf, he realizes Rupert is an asshole. We spend no time with Nate being worthy of forgiveness to THE RICHMOND TEAM. He gets the girl and he's cured of his asshole-ness. The girl in question btw? Bland. No personality, we don't know why they like each other. The end.
Sam and Zava. Nonsense. Colin's storyline was cool. I like that he didn't want to be an out player because he didn't want to be the spokesperson for that or for that to be his main identity. A good amount of time was spent on that story and I liked it (see I can like things) but the same can't be said for Sam and Zava. They gave Sam a racism storyline which resulted in his restaurant getting vandalized and the end. No, wait, I'm sorry! Sam is gonna keep shattered glass in the restaurant as a reminder of the criminal act because... believe??? Never mind that could injure the guests, we're an inspirational show people we gotta keep inspiring! All Zava did was get Jamie to want to be better. That's it. So much of Zava should have been cut, oh my god.
Ted. Who? Barely in the final season. Apparently has had panic attacks since his father passed away and his mom knew and just ignored them? Episode 3 (I think) Ted reached for alcohol and we just skated past that. I have no idea how Ted is doing lmao if he's "obviously" doing well, I couldn't tell you how he got there. We got so many fucking shots of his therapist during the finale. More than we did the entirety of season 3. Oh well I guess hope he's happier back home
Maybe I'm being dramatic but Beard and his gfs relationship came off super toxic but they're married now so who cares I guess
Rebecca spent the whole show obsessed with Rupert and when we finally got away from that, surprise! She wants kids. Okay... sure. It's not easy to get over a man you loved who treated you like shit and who you felt robbed you of so many years. I'm not saying she should have gotten over it quicker. I just feel disappointed this was her whole story. There could have been so much more for Rebecca but instead all we got was her getting back at her ex and finding a new man on a boat and kids and blah blah blah
Roy and Jamie. My favorite part of the season. Jamie's arc was excellent and the actor did a fantastic job. Brett Goldstein is also great and has been at this acting/writing thing since 2005! I am so happy he finally got this huge show. Roy is such a cool fucking character. Too bad they went to shit in ONE EPISODE. Okay, I'm being a bit dramatic, I'm glad Roy went to therapy in the end there but that bar scene irritated me. - Actually we fucked last month. - Well that video was sent to me! What the fuck??? Gross gross gross. They put Keeley back in the love triangle and then gave no real resolution? She chose herself? Okay. Can we get a scene of her realizing both these dudes need to work on themselves and she doesn't want either of them ever again or? No? We're just gonna shut the door? Oh okay.
Overall, I'm just disappointed. I know no one will read this but Ted Lasso was a comfort show for me at one point. It premiered in 2020 when we all needed something wholesome and funny. Shame it couldn't stick the landing for me.
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robinruns · 2 years
I had gotten rid of my work anxiety by getting things done and actually feeling good when I left today. And we went to dinner and felt good. And now my mom's like "oh Shandy's thrown up, she seems like she doesn't feel well" and it's like great cool super and here is my anxiety all back again. Like now I feel nauseous. Fuck.
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raydorcakes · 5 years
Just finished my first ever Shandy smut scene for an upcoming WIP. Since it’s my first and I’m super worried it’s garbage, I’m posting it for feedback and review purposes. Please let me know what you think! Simply click below the “Keep Reading” for the smutty stuff
17 Years Ago
Sharon Raydor approached the Evidence Room, hopeful to take a damaged cell phone from her most recent case before Robbery-Homicide got ahold of it. She reached for the doorknob, key raised, surprised to find the door propped open just a sliver. Sharon cautiously pushed on the door, its squealing hinges giving her away much earlier than she had wanted. She heard footsteps coming towards her, and a moment later the door was forcefully swung the rest of the way open by Andy Flynn, the cell phone Sharon had come for in his jacket pocket, the red evidence label exposed. 
“Stealing evidence, Sergeant?” Sharon questioned as she pushed past him into the centre of the room and turned to glare at him. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Andy replied, and just as he was about to leave the room, Sharon’s voice stopped him. 
They’d had this argument a thousand times before, and they’d have it a thousand more if either of them had anything to do with it.
“The phone from the Figueroa case.” Andy turned to her, not surprised to find her arms crossed and eyes pointed in his direction. “FID has priority. Hand it over.” She outstretched her palm, waiting for him to remove the offending item from his pocket. 
“You have priority? How the hell does that make any sense? I’m holding onto it so you can’t get your mitts on it and steal it from us. Looks like I got to it just in time.”
“Sergeant, I suggest you remember who you’re speaking to.” Sharon returned as she stepped towards him, arms still crossed and eyes narrowed. “FID is involved to investigate Officer Comas. He and Figueroa have had run-ins in the past, and it’s my job to prove that Comas acted appropriately. Please, the phone.”
Andy closed the door and turned to her, only a few feet from him, close enough he could smell her subtle perfume. He hadn’t noticed it before, or maybe he’d been too hungover to care. Now, however; everything felt amplified, including his rage. “Miguel Figueroa was beaten to death, and you haven’t closed Comas’s case already? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You want the phone for what?”
“To prove that Comas didn’t premeditate this murder; that he didn’t involve other officers.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Andy breathed again as he sighed and pushed past Sharon. “A man is dead, not from a gunshot wound, but because he was kicked and beaten to death. You know just as well as I do that that isn’t protocol. I can’t believe you get paid the big bucks to investigate common sense.”
“Sergeant, the phone. I’ll listen to the voicemails and give it right back. I can even return it directly to you if you’d like.” There’s a devious smirk on her face, like she’s begging Andy to fight her. 
Andy took a step closer to Sharon, their faces close enough together that Andy could feel the heat of Sharon’s breath. “Fuck you.” Andy returned, ready to argue with her to keep the phone, but when she looked up at him, he got distracted by her deep green eyes.
He acted without thinking, grabbed her face and met her lips with his, just one kiss at first, but when Sharon didn’t step away, didn’t slap him, didn’t flinch against his touch, he kissed her once more, deeper, stronger this time, until they were both lost in the kiss. They continued to kiss, Andy’s hands still cupping her face, and when he pulled her closer, he felt Sharon’s heels lift up out of her shoes. She was standing on her toes, trying to reach him in a way he’d never seen her before. 
When Andy took a step forward, Sharon replied by stepping one back. They continued this dance until the back of Sharon’s legs pressed against the evidence table, and in one swift motion, Andy had picked her up and sat her on it, their lips never parting. 
Sharon started to say something, but the words died in her throat, replaced by only a hum as Andy kissed her neck and began to unbutton her shirt. When Andy had finished his task and Sharon's shirt fell from her shoulders she shivered, the Evidence Room air cold against her bare skin. Without much thought she grabbed ahold of Andy’s tie and pulled him to her, her lips crashed against his as his hands kneaded her breasts and traced the soft flesh of her bare stomach with the utmost care. 
“Andy,” Sharon breathed, and Andy pulled away from her, taken aback by the use of his first name. He wasn’t sure she’d ever called him that before. 
“Sharon,” he responded, but when he leaned back in to kiss her once more she stopped him and undid his tie before setting to work on his shirt. Andy shrugged out of his jacket and threw it onto an evidence box, far too focused on Sharon to care where it landed. Once Sharon had finished with his shirt he tossed it aside, captured her lips once more and knotted one of his hands deep within her hair. 
When Andy tightened his grip on her hair, tilted her head back, and began to nip at the soft skin of her neck, she knew she needed to be closer to him. She reached for his belt and fumbled with it for a moment before loosening it, then unzipping his pants and pushing both them and his underwear down his legs. 
Andy knew where this was going, and despite that he paused, took a step back, and looked Sharon over. “Are you sure?”
She closed her eyes, swallowed deeply, then looked to him before responding, “Yes,” her voice ragged. 
Andy quickly filled the gap he had created between the two of them; he kissed her strongly again, enjoying the pressure of her lips against his as his hand crept beneath her skirt. He immediately felt the contrast of Sharon’s warmth to the coolness of his fingers, and soon Sharon was writhing beneath his hand, mumbling words Andy couldn’t hear. He withdrew his fingers and leaned over Sharon, now laying on the table, and kissed her as he aligned himself, Sharon letting out a moan against his cheek as he thrust into her. 
“God, Andy,” Sharon let out between exasperated breaths, Andy pinning her hands above her head as he leaned in and kissed her for what felt like the thousandth time. 
Andy watched her as he continued his work, admired the swell of her breasts, the rosy pallor that had started on her face but was creeping down her neck, her chest, and finally to her stomach. He liked it on her, that colour of lust, and he found himself imagining all too vividly what it would feel like to know her again, to hear her squirming with ecstasy, to feel the heat radiating from her skin, to taste the mixture of sweat and perfume that oozed from her every pore. 
Sharon moaning broke him from his trance and he quickened his pace, pushing into her while grabbing her hips and pulling her deeper into him as well. When he felt her tighten around him, he knew he didn’t have much time left. Soon, he came, and he made quick work of pushing back Sharon's skirt and bringing her to climax, her back arched and nails dug into his hair. 
Once they had both finished and Sharon sat up, they looked at each other, both rosy-cheeked and short of breath, unsure where things would go from here. Sharon hopped off of the table and slipped back into her heels before finding her shirt and threading her arms through the sleeves. She left her shirt unbuttoned as she made her way around the room, picking up Andy’s jacket and shirt as he pulled up his pants and fastened his belt. She handed him his clothing and looked to him, admired his toned chest. It made her want to kiss him again, but she knew that was off the table. What happened tonight could never happen again, she’d promised herself, no matter how much fun it had been. Once Andy was dressed he turned and left the Evidence Room without another word, leaving Sharon by herself. 
The room smelled like the two of them, and it was intoxicating in every way. Sharon took a deep breath as she buttoned her shirt, and she stepped out of the Evidence Room only a moment later. 
That night she went home, kissed her children, told them how much she loved them. She opened and closed the Figueroa/Comas case without the use of the phone that she had ultimately decided to let Sergeant Flynn keep. She went to bed that night and slept better than she had in years, a smile on her face and a warmth in her stomach, already missing the feeling of Flynn’s hands in her hair. 
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valetudincrian · 4 years
Christmas went surprisingly good, I am so grateful 😭 and I got the coolest gift ever. A copy of Tristram Shandy from 1884 which is my grandfather’s favorite book so now I’ll be reading it. I got a newer copy too so I don’t ruin this super cool old one though.
I hope everyone else is having a great Christmas if you celebrate it, otherwise happy holidays 🤍
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imagine-loki · 6 years
Title: Irked
Author lokilover9
Chapter 11
Original Imagine: Imagine due to having highly effective telekinesis, Tony Stark seeks you out and hires you. Loki’s been forced to live there by Odin and help on missions when needed, making penance to Midgardians. Prior to moving into the Tower, you learn of his superior and arrogant attitude and upon being introduced, immediately dislike him. Particularly because he looks at you like your his next meal.
Warnings: None
Notes: I apologize to my readers as it’s been a bit since I submitted a chapter of Irked, and for those of you reading Taming the Rage, the same. I’ve struck major writers block due to life becoming all consuming, but will do my best to continue with both. Sooo….At the end of chapter ten, Shandi had no sooner apologized to Loki for thinking he gave her food poisoning, when the brat subtly threatened a spanking. And now the saga continues.
Never, as an adult, had Shandi received, or desired a spanking, yet hearing it insinuated in Loki’s alluring voice, only added to her growing perplexity with him.
“Do you really think you’d get away with spanking me?” She asked.
“Pshh, I only mentioned putting you over my knee. If spankings are your thing however, I’m free upon returning to the house and would happily indulge you.”
“Seriously Loki? How can you be so thoughtful one minute and so damn..agitating the next?”
“It’s in my nature.”
She sighed, heavily. “How forgetful of me. You will not ‘indulge’ me in anything of the sort and I suggest you keep driving. I still need new shoes.”
His lips pursed at her un amused expression. “I’m sorry, was that a threat darling?”
“Shoes Loki!”
The first store they found had what she wanted, but the clerk needed to search the back for her size. She sat while waiting and Loki stood close, legs slightly apart and hands cupped together at his front.
“Must you appear so intimidating?” She whispered.
“Yes I must.”
He leaned down, hovering his cheek next to hers, his voice husky and low. “I’m rather possessive of my spouse. No one touches her, but me.”
Battling a sudden urge to tighten her thighs together, she looked away as he stood again. ‘How did this happen?’ She thought. My first first major mission and I’m knocked up by an alien God whose voice alone crumbles my every moral thought.’
Continuing, Loki eyed her from his peripheral vision. “Something on your mind? Perhaps a skinny dip in the pool later would soothe your rosy complexion, hm?”
‘Oh lord.’
Much to her relief, the clerk reapproached. “Our last size seven ma’am. If you’ll just remove your shoes, I can…”
Loki took the box with a smile. “Thank you, but I’ll assist from here.”
Once her sneakers were off, he squatted, resting her bare foot amidst his palm and decided to wiggle a finger between her toes. The joke was on him however, when Shandis reflexes sprung into action and jerked her foot upwards, kicking him beneath the chin. He froze with an arched brow and she couldn’t refrain from chuckling.
“Oh dear. Did ‘ems forget how ticklish I am there Clifford?”
“Apparently so ‘Lizzy’ and I highly suspect you enjoyed that.”
“Ohhh, you’ve no idea.”
Loki waited until they were back in the car. “You may come to regret your amusement at my expense.”
“Poor darling.” She teased. “Did ‘ems little wifey kick ‘ems too hard in the chinny chin chin and now ‘ems offended?”
“Eh he he he. Would ‘ems little wifey like her spouse to follow up on his previous indulgence offer?”
“Don’t even think about it Clifford.”
Amidst the the towns core, was a large park with landscaped flower beds, benches and several paths, that followed a stream throughout. Loki unexpectedly stopped there and opened his door.
“Nice place for a walk. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Before she’d a chance to protest, he was aiding her out of the car again and smiled when she willingly took his hand.
“Good girl, obeying the rules.”
“Rules?” She sarcastically asked.
“Why, yes. Besides carrying my child, how else are we to convince others you adore me?”
She whispered her response. “This baby isn’t yours if you recall, me being a shameless tart and all, so don’t expect much beyond the basics.”
Loki placed a hand to his heart. “Such cruel and hurtful words you speak darling. Having promised my undying love for this child, no matter who the father. I’m terribly wounded.”
A smirk formed on lips and she followed suit. “You’re a real pain, you know that Clifford? I can’t decide who the bigger Diva is at times, you or Tony.”
“I think it’s safe to say we’d point a finger at each other.”
“I can actually picture you two in a heated conversation about that. Sarcasm so thick you could cut a knife through it, testosterone oozing from the walls.”
“Tony and I have had several heated conversations. Mostly because I find him entertaining to annoy.”
Her brows rose. “Nooo, really? ‘Only’ Tony?”
“Such unfounded accusations you keep voicing. I’m wounded twice now Lizzy.”
“Oh they’re founded alright and there’s not a guilty bone in my body.”
“Is that so? Are you aware that in Asgard, I could have you sent to the dungeons for speaking to me in such a manner?”
“Then lead the way as I’ve no issues saying what’s on my mind.”
His eyes playfully narrowed. “So I’ve learned. It seems to be a common occurrence in women of this realm. Natasha, Pepper and Jane are the same. Especially Kroshka.”
“Kroska?” She asked.
“It basically means ‘sweetums’ in Russian. I’ve used it sarcastically and kindly, yet still receive Cactus or ‘prick’ mostly in return. She’s a unique and skilled set of talents for one with no super powers and quite an intelligent woman.”
“You like Nat?”
“I’ve no longer any qualms with her. Since returning, she’s the only one who’s granted me any real kindness, despite minute.”
A part of Shandi felt bad for Loki, despite understanding the others distrust of him. She knew no matter how much good he continued doing, it would always remain and that had to be tough to accept. Still, she’d never tolerate his crap.
“So females who stand up for and defend themselves, are they a problem for you?”
“Not necessarily. As princes, Thor and I are used to women being subservient and obedient, always aiming to appease. Some Midgardian cultures appear to enforce the same, yet in yours, women present a challenge. I find it intriguing, yet also slightly amusing.”
“Why amusing?” She asked.
The glance he shot her sent a shiver down her spine. “In certain regards, they’d inevitably succumb to defeat. Let’s change the subject, hm?”
She let go of his hand when a large bush of pink peonies caught her attention. Loki followed, noting her admiration for them.
“I gather these are a favorite?”
“Tulips are my first, but they only bloom in spring.“ She inhaled their light scent, then turned to him. "What are gardens like on Asgard?”
He smiled at her almost childlike curiosity. “Not that I’m bias.” He replied. “Yet Midgards are nothing in comparison. Our flowers alone are more vibrant in color, potent in fragrance and tend to be rather ‘exotic’ in appearance.” ‘Much like you.’ He thought.
They walked in silence for a bit when coming across a young teen selling something. He explained that during the summer months, most who worked in the towns core, would take lunch over the next couple of hours, while feeding the many birds amidst the trees. After buying a small bag, they seeked out a shaded bench where she dabbed beads of sweat from her face with a tissue.
"Wow. This heavy humidity is already making me nauseous.”
“I can help if you wish?”
“How?” She asked.
He walked behind the bench, resting his hands on her shoulders, her suspicious glance earning a smirk. “Shandi, I won’t hurt you. Close your eyes and relax?” She couldn’t avoid obeying when his thumbs began rubbing and kneading between her shoulder blades, quickly obliterating all the tension they possessed. The moment she slackened though, the centers of his palms began cooling and her eyes shot open.
“Uhh, what are you doing?” She nervously asked.
“Trust me.” His thumbs re commenced, luring her into a state of calm as a cooling sensation, seeped throughout her neck, face and upper torso. It removed all her sweat and nausea, while ebbing away through her skin. The experience took only minutes to occur and when his hands lifted, she felt refreshed.
Rejoining her, he smiled. “Better?”
“Uhh, yeah. Thanks. How…”
“Just a little magic and you’re very welcome.”
“Not that I don’t appreciate it Loki, but we aren’t supposed to use our powers in public, remember?”
“To others I was merely massaging. No one saw a thing, I assure you.”
Silently, she tossed about the feed, deciding she’d keep this secret as he’d done her a kindness. Should the heat continue this way, maybe he’d do it again. Her thoughts began wandering towards what else those hands might be capable of in combination with his magic, when logic snapped her back to reality. ‘You need to get a better grip on yourself Shandi. Stop forgetting who he is and why you’re here.’
Loki had been casually observing people descending upon the area. “Might I inquire why you joined the Avengers?”
“That was unexpected. Why do you wish to know?” She asked.
“Well, helping those in need gives me a great sense of fulfillment for starters. Secondly, I couldn’t have been more honored at the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of people. Add that to an eagerness for change and I was fairly easy to convince.”
“Were you aware Tony praised you highly and was elated by your decision? He also made it very clear to the others you were ‘not’ to leave the tower unescorted.”
She smiled. “I remember him trying to convince me how unwise that could be.” Playfully, she mocked Tony and his mannerisms. ‘I know you’re a tough cookie with a powerful gift Doll and most people here are great. Still, it’s a big city and you never know where creepy crawlies might be lurking. You’ll need time to get to know the place.’ He continued for almost a half hour before Pepper intervened.”
“Creepy crawlies?” Asked Loki. “I’ve never met another Migardian with odder names for things. I overheard him use the word ‘thingamajiggy’ once and asked of its meaning. ‘Well Cactus, it’s a doohickey.’ What’s a doohickey then Tin Man? ‘It’s a watchyamacallit.’ I realized then, I was being had.”
Shandi laughed. “That’s Tony.”
A few minutes passed when Loki slid an arm around her, gently tracing his fingers up her arm. “Nice display of goosebumps, but focus on the mission will you?”
“Ha ha God of vanity. I’m doing my best.”
“I’m actually serious Shandi, it would appear luck is our ally again today.”
“How so?”
“A few trees to our left, Beth and ‘Alice’ are dining on a bench. Let’s go properly introduce ourselves and engage them in some conversation, shall we?”
“That’s perfect. What should we initially reveal of ourselves without sounding overly friendly though?”
“I’ll begin.” He replied. “Just hold tightly to my arm, appear nervous of your surroundings and follow my lead.”
“Why appear nervous of my surroundings?”
They stood and he raised her hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss to it. “Trust me again darling? I’ll explain later.”
Shandis lashes fluttered as she took his arm. “What was that for?”
“The first step in convincing others, ‘I’ adore ‘you.’
They started back onto the path.
“Are you planning to share what step two is?” She politely asked.
“And ruin the element of surprise? Come now.”
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johnboothus · 3 years
VinePair Happy Hour: What Original Cocktail Have You Crafted Recently?
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So far in 2021, our social lives have looked a lot like they did in 2020, and that means many of us are channeling our pent-up creative energies into hobbies like home bartending. Though the VinePair team loves making our tried-and-true favorites such as Negronis and Margaritas, we’ve recently been taking breaks after our end of day Zoom meeting to craft our own unique cocktail recipes (some more successful than others).
Looking to mix up something a little different from your usual vodka-plus-anything-in-the-fridge? Read on for a list of the drinks that VinePair’s thirsty staff members are conjuring up at home this year — including a failed Old Fashioned riff, and a throwback to everyone’s favorite (forgotten) garnisher, Salt Bae.
“Lately, I’ve been riffing on the Hot Toddy by spiking my last cup of Sleepytime tea. Anything with skullcap works, but I’ve found Triple Leaf Relaxing Tea plays especially well with Kasama Rum. Otherwise, if I’m day drinking, it’s ginger beer with a splash of vodka and fresh cucumber for me.” —Emma Cranson, assistant editor
“I’ve been really embracing Sumo orange season this year — meaning that I’m not only eating them as a snack, but also using them as a cocktail ingredient. My go-to cocktail lately has been a combination of Sumo orange juice (you can use regular oranges, too), the juice of half a lemon and lime, and a shot of tequila, topped with sparkling water. It’s refreshing and super easy to make.” —Katie Brown, associate editor
“I’ve been really into lychees lately and created a cocktail with lychee juice, mango puree, sake and shochu. I had something similar at an Asian fusion restaurant a few months ago and wanted to recreate it. I’m excited for the warmer weather because I think it’s the perfect drink to sip by the pool or on a rooftop with friends.” —Danielle Grinberg, art director
“I recently mixed up a version of a rum maple Old Fashioned, only with lemon bitters and a lemon twist (because we didn’t have an orange). It took a few tries to get the proportions right and ended up being just… fine. Definitely wouldn’t ‘craft’ this one again.” —Joanna Sciarrino, executive editor
“I felt this was the perfect platform to finally share ‘The McKirdy’ with the world. Beloved by a literal handful of individuals, the drink sees a shot glass filled with equal parts Fernet Branca and Campari, then seasoned with a generous pinch of fancy flaked sea salt. Some reading this may be thinking this is just a ripoff of the Ferrari, a popular industry shot or ‘bartender’s handshake.’ You are quite mistaken. While the inclusion of salt is not entirely unique, it is the manner in which that seasoning is applied that renders a genuine McKirdy shot. Don your whitest T-shirt, slick back your hair, and put on your darkest pair of shades. Grab a large pinch of the bougiest salt you can find and proceed to sprinkle (from height) down an extended forearm and into the awaiting shot glasses — otherwise known as the Classic Salt Bae technique. Given that we’re all still drinking at home, alone, only your dog will judge you.” —Tim McKirdy, staff writer
“Prior to the pandemic, one of my favorite bars was The Rockwell Place, owned by Toby Cecchini. I live in Fort Greene, so am pretty close, and it was a place I frequented often as I think the cocktails are some of the best in New York City. One such cocktail was the bar’s Rare Citrus Margarita, a drink so delicious I found myself craving it. Sadly, unlike Cecchini’s other bar, The Long Island Bar, Rockwell Place did not open for outdoor-only seating at any time during the past year, so I took matters into my own hands and tried to recreate the drink. I am sure this is not the recipe Cecchini uses — his is definitely better — but I have found my version delicious enough to tide me over until The Rockwell Place reopens: 3 ounces blanco tequila, 1 ounce fresh cara cara orange juice, .25 ounce fresh lime juice, .25 ounce fresh lemon juice, .75 ounce agave nectar. Combine all ingredients in a shaker, add ice, and shake until the outside of the shaker starts to frost. Double strain, and serve up in a chilled coupe glass garnished with an orange peel.” —Adam Teeter, CEO and co-founder
“I’m a major frozen drink fan no matter the temperature outside, so I wanted to craft my own frozen Margs at home. I used ice (lots of it), frozen strawberries, tequila, Triple Sec, and lime juice. Blended it up in my Magic Bullet, and garnished with a lime in a Margarita glass.” —Ally Burton, brand partnerships intern
“Between sipping wine all day and typing up reviews, the only mixed drink I’ve been messing with is a latte. Maybe next time I’ll make it an Americano and dollop a swig of whiskey in there.” —Keith Beavers, tastings director
“I love lemonade — and for the record, boozy lemonade was cool in my house before the largest alcohol producers on the planet were making hard seltzer with it — so, anyway, I’ve been testing out shandy cocktail recipes. Here is the recipe I’ve landed on so far: Combine equal parts Aperol and OJ. Shake with ice and strain into an ice-filled tulip glass. Add Angostura bitters (I pop out that rubber thingy and pour a bit directly from the bottleneck, because who has time for dashes?), give it a stir, and top with a lemon shandy. I’ve been experimenting with samples of Goose Island’s 312 Lemonade Shandy, filling the glass about 3/4 of the way to leave room for foam. Pause to admire the fluffy pink cloud atop that summer sunset-colored drink in your glass, and sip away.” —Cat Wolinski, senior editor
“I created a riff on the cocktail ‘Seoulful Sour’ — inspired by Korean cuisines, this cocktail uses sesame oil! This is my re-creation, using some of my pantry staples and a great gin: Coat the cocktail glass rim with a chili lime salt/seasoning blend; then in a shaker, pour in gin, a dash of pineapple juice, a bit of honey, 3 drops of toasted sesame oil, and a squeeze of freeze lemon juice; shake and serve ice cold!” —Jenny Riddell, director of brand partnerships & events
“I’ve been throwing together a drink my friend turned me on to: Hendrick’s gin, a bit of elderflower tonic water, some freshly squeezed Meyer lemon juice, and a tiny splash of vanilla extract. She garnishes it with rose petals!” —Kelly Tesoriero, editorial intern
The article VinePair Happy Hour: What Original Cocktail Have You Crafted Recently? appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/home-craft-cocktail-recipes/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/vinepair-happy-hour-what-original-cocktail-have-you-crafted-recently
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wineanddinosaur · 3 years
VinePair Happy Hour: What Original Cocktail Have You Crafted Recently?
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So far in 2021, our social lives have looked a lot like they did in 2020, and that means many of us are channeling our pent-up creative energies into hobbies like home bartending. Though the VinePair team loves making our tried-and-true favorites such as Negronis and Margaritas, we’ve recently been taking breaks after our end of day Zoom meeting to craft our own unique cocktail recipes (some more successful than others).
Looking to mix up something a little different from your usual vodka-plus-anything-in-the-fridge? Read on for a list of the drinks that VinePair’s thirsty staff members are conjuring up at home this year — including a failed Old Fashioned riff, and a throwback to everyone’s favorite (forgotten) garnisher, Salt Bae.
“Lately, I’ve been riffing on the Hot Toddy by spiking my last cup of Sleepytime tea. Anything with skullcap works, but I’ve found Triple Leaf Relaxing Tea plays especially well with Kasama Rum. Otherwise, if I’m day drinking, it’s ginger beer with a splash of vodka and fresh cucumber for me.” —Emma Cranson, assistant editor
“I’ve been really embracing Sumo orange season this year — meaning that I’m not only eating them as a snack, but also using them as a cocktail ingredient. My go-to cocktail lately has been a combination of Sumo orange juice (you can use regular oranges, too), the juice of half a lemon and lime, and a shot of tequila, topped with sparkling water. It’s refreshing and super easy to make.” —Katie Brown, associate editor
“I’ve been really into lychees lately and created a cocktail with lychee juice, mango puree, sake and shochu. I had something similar at an Asian fusion restaurant a few months ago and wanted to recreate it. I’m excited for the warmer weather because I think it’s the perfect drink to sip by the pool or on a rooftop with friends.” —Danielle Grinberg, art director
“I recently mixed up a version of a rum maple Old Fashioned, only with lemon bitters and a lemon twist (because we didn’t have an orange). It took a few tries to get the proportions right and ended up being just… fine. Definitely wouldn’t ‘craft’ this one again.” —Joanna Sciarrino, executive editor
“I felt this was the perfect platform to finally share ‘The McKirdy’ with the world. Beloved by a literal handful of individuals, the drink sees a shot glass filled with equal parts Fernet Branca and Campari, then seasoned with a generous pinch of fancy flaked sea salt. Some reading this may be thinking this is just a ripoff of the Ferrari, a popular industry shot or ‘bartender’s handshake.’ You are quite mistaken. While the inclusion of salt is not entirely unique, it is the manner in which that seasoning is applied that renders a genuine McKirdy shot. Don your whitest T-shirt, slick back your hair, and put on your darkest pair of shades. Grab a large pinch of the bougiest salt you can find and proceed to sprinkle (from height) down an extended forearm and into the awaiting shot glasses — otherwise known as the Classic Salt Bae technique. Given that we’re all still drinking at home, alone, only your dog will judge you.” —Tim McKirdy, staff writer
“Prior to the pandemic, one of my favorite bars was The Rockwell Place, owned by Toby Cecchini. I live in Fort Greene, so am pretty close, and it was a place I frequented often as I think the cocktails are some of the best in New York City. One such cocktail was the bar’s Rare Citrus Margarita, a drink so delicious I found myself craving it. Sadly, unlike Cecchini’s other bar, The Long Island Bar, Rockwell Place did not open for outdoor-only seating at any time during the past year, so I took matters into my own hands and tried to recreate the drink. I am sure this is not the recipe Cecchini uses — his is definitely better — but I have found my version delicious enough to tide me over until The Rockwell Place reopens: 3 ounces blanco tequila, 1 ounce fresh cara cara orange juice, .25 ounce fresh lime juice, .25 ounce fresh lemon juice, .75 ounce agave nectar. Combine all ingredients in a shaker, add ice, and shake until the outside of the shaker starts to frost. Double strain, and serve up in a chilled coupe glass garnished with an orange peel.” —Adam Teeter, CEO and co-founder
“I’m a major frozen drink fan no matter the temperature outside, so I wanted to craft my own frozen Margs at home. I used ice (lots of it), frozen strawberries, tequila, Triple Sec, and lime juice. Blended it up in my Magic Bullet, and garnished with a lime in a Margarita glass.” —Ally Burton, brand partnerships intern
“Between sipping wine all day and typing up reviews, the only mixed drink I’ve been messing with is a latte. Maybe next time I’ll make it an Americano and dollop a swig of whiskey in there.” —Keith Beavers, tastings director
“I love lemonade — and for the record, boozy lemonade was cool in my house before the largest alcohol producers on the planet were making hard seltzer with it — so, anyway, I’ve been testing out shandy cocktail recipes. Here is the recipe I’ve landed on so far: Combine equal parts Aperol and OJ. Shake with ice and strain into an ice-filled tulip glass. Add Angostura bitters (I pop out that rubber thingy and pour a bit directly from the bottleneck, because who has time for dashes?), give it a stir, and top with a lemon shandy. I’ve been experimenting with samples of Goose Island’s 312 Lemonade Shandy, filling the glass about 3/4 of the way to leave room for foam. Pause to admire the fluffy pink cloud atop that summer sunset-colored drink in your glass, and sip away.” —Cat Wolinski, senior editor
“I created a riff on the cocktail ‘Seoulful Sour’ — inspired by Korean cuisines, this cocktail uses sesame oil! This is my re-creation, using some of my pantry staples and a great gin: Coat the cocktail glass rim with a chili lime salt/seasoning blend; then in a shaker, pour in gin, a dash of pineapple juice, a bit of honey, 3 drops of toasted sesame oil, and a squeeze of freeze lemon juice; shake and serve ice cold!” —Jenny Riddell, director of brand partnerships & events
“I’ve been throwing together a drink my friend turned me on to: Hendrick’s gin, a bit of elderflower tonic water, some freshly squeezed Meyer lemon juice, and a tiny splash of vanilla extract. She garnishes it with rose petals!” —Kelly Tesoriero, editorial intern
The article VinePair Happy Hour: What Original Cocktail Have You Crafted Recently? appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/home-craft-cocktail-recipes/
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lordterronus · 3 years
*yeets purple character dye @ u*
*dodges with superhuman speed*
Ha, foolish mortal, you think I have time to fight with colours?
I am beyond trivial notions of aesthetics and have transcended.
I'm also super colour blind and would vet confused easily but shhhh being a transcendent immortal being is cooler
But since you are fren,
Have a little purple. As a treat. Unless this is dark blue in which case you're still cool I just don't know how colours work.
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Tokyo, part 2
After a really nice, quiet night at the hotel, we met up with Sam and Mel for breakfast and blew $40 for what should be the cheapest meal of the day, but this hotel is ridiculous. They only had a few hours before their flight so we opted to see a few things around the hotel together. 
First stop was the famous Shibuya crossing, which was pretty cool to see but hard to capture from the crowd. Its also a holiday here, so I don’t think the crowds were what they would be during rush hour. From there, we walked to Yoyogi park, near where we were yesterday, to see the famous shrine of Tokyo. We are pretty shrined out at this point so it was a nice touch that there was a wedding taking place - good to see something different.
We walked from there to Cat Street, a cute narrow street with boutique stores, and said our goodbyes to Sam and Mel. We took the train to see the Imperial Palace and gardens.  It was a nice place to walk around; there is something really peaceful and calming about Japanese gardens. Kind of makes you want a pond with koi in your backyard with perfected landscaping. We realized we don’t know much about the Japanese Emperor, and after some research, still have a lot of questions.
Adjacent to the park, which was huge, was a very basic and boring skyline. It was surprising that Tokyo wouldn’t have a nicer skyline than Dallas or another standard US city. We walked past the buildings to some streets closed off to cars (maybe for the holiday) through some very expensive shopping areas. There is an insane amount of shopping here, but also an extreme amount of high end shopping. We stopped in a fancy french macaron place and the cafe in the back was full of people despite ridiculous costs for each item. There is a lot of money here.
We happened upon a cool pop up exhibit with 2019 design award winners; I always like seeing cool new industrial designs, and like that cities are places where you can stumble on unique exhibits. We were starving at this point so stopped for lunch in a department store basement, but it was so high end that we just got something simple to hold us over and ate by the escalator, which was the only place we could find seats. For the thousands of square feet of food retail in these stores, there are no actual food courts.
Graham has had internet service for free on this entire trip so far but for some reason it just stopped working at the mall. Having internet and google maps here has been crucial - the streets have no names and there are rarely perfect grids, so without his phone and his navigation skills, this trip would have gone very differently. So we mapped out our route via wifi at the mall and set off.
En route, we came across a giant Sony walkman, which lured us into another cool free exhibit documenting the timeline of Sony walkman, with actual models from each year thst you could play and listen to. It was fun to walk down memory lane but also funny to think that other kids at the exhibit had no idea what a walkman is for.
We took the train to the famous Shinjuku neighborhood where we had planned to stay our first night but it was too expensive. Its definitely had a Times Square vibe with endless neon and bars and endless activity. Honestly, I am really glad we didn’t stay here our first night; the Asakusa area is so much quianter and “old” Tokyo vibe. In fact, it’s hard to believe it’s even the same city. 
We walked around the neighborhood, saw the spot of the famous Robot Restaurant, and eventually made our way to the much smaller but equally as crazy Golden Gai section - four or five super narrow streets completely lined with two levels of super tiny  bars. Like they can fit at most 6 people tiny. 
Most were closed since it was only around 7 pm, and most are closed to foreigners anyway (“members only”), but Graham picked one on the second floor and we grabbed a drink. Honestly, we just crave any opportunity to sit after all the walking we have been doing, but its nice to grab a drink anyway and make the most of being on vacation. The stairs to the bar were about 2” deep and at about 45 degree slope up; it was practically a ladder at that point. Despite the other patron smoking, it was a cool spot and my new discovery of a shandy drink of half beer/half ginger ale is pretty damn good.
From there we got back on the train to the “bohemian” neighborhood of Shimo Kitazawa. These quieter areas are so much more our style; the Brooklyn to Times Square of nyc. We walked around; lots of cool shops and restaurants, many crowded, especially the Japanese pubs that serve food (itzakaya). While we were looking for a spot to eat, we found the equivalent of a Verizon store and went to see if we could figure out why Graham’s service disappeared. I guarantee no one behind the counter had any clue what he was asking, but as we stood there trying to communicate, his service kicked in again, miraculously. And we were off.
We found a nice spot to eat that was recommended by the guide book; one where you take off your shoes and sit on the floor. As we are settling in and trying to figure out what vegetarian options exist, this Japanese woman crawls up next to me and starts asking questions and showing me her favorite item on the menu. I thought it was a weird way to take someones order, assuming she was the waitress, until the waiter came up at the same time and asked for our drink orders. At that point, as Graham describes it, my "New Yorker" side came on strong - I am generally ok with lots of things going on at the same time, but this woman was invading my personal space, I was being asked for my drink order before I had a chance to even see the menu, and we were trying to figure out if there was even anything Graham could eat at this place. I don't do well in those situations, apparently. The woman got the hint and left and the waiter decided to come back in a bit. It may be in their culture to be interested in talking to westerners to practice their English, but at some point, I drew the line.
After a very good dinner (deep fried corn is amazing, btw), we walked back to the train station and got off at our stop, which is apparently a huge and very busy station outside the famous crossing. We luckily stumbled upon a walkway on the second floor of the train station and I was able to get a great shot of the ped scramble. We took some other cool photos and then called it a night.
Photos are saved here.
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robinruns · 2 years
It wouldn't be me if I didn't start the new year with a ramble-y thoughts post
When I heard Betty White had passed yesterday (on here, of course) I was really upset. It felt like a cruel joke since my mom and I were JUST talking about people celebrating hee 100th birthday. I had said that I heard people were gonna make cheesecake, and I might too. I think I may as well do it ya know?
Also my mom mentioned that her husband is a Wisconsin native, Mineral Point to be specific. Some other fun facts about Mineral Point: Shandy is also from Mineral Point! They may have a vampire there! Kyle, who is from not super far from there, and worked there for a while, says there is no vampire. I asked if it was because the vampire had moved to [city where we live now] 😏
He did not respond. Dreams of being a vampire's juicebox still not over.
So basically all that to say I wonder if Ms White will be coming here to Wisconsin to rest. It would make that poor little nothing town real popular, that's for sure.
If you do come, please check out the whole Driftless Region. It's weird. Like there's a weird energy, but in a good way. I would know, I'm in it right now.
Kyle talked about maybe getting a cat this year. That's be cool since I feel like I spent all night dreaming about owning a dog.
Some hopes for 2022: New albums from Jimmy Eat World and Taking Back Sunday. They tour together again, but not just on the west coast. MCR can finally go on tour. Covid gets to the point where it's not A Problem anymore (like how we treat the flu. Endemic? Is that the word). I actually clean my apartment and get rid of things. Good running year.
My goals for 2022 still don't exist and I'm 7 hours into the year. (Oh great. I just realize I only got like 6 hours of sleep lol) It's one of those I don't want to make them too big, but I also don't want to underestimate either. Hell, idek what races I wanna do this year outside of the usual one Labor Day weekend.
I just read a really cute fic for my favorite ship, which, while it's not a rare pair, but it's rare enough that it's extra special when I find one. It was a good distraction from the not thinking about my goals thing.
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medusinestories · 7 years
“100 Questions
@moosefrog​ tagged me, tagging... anyone else who wants to. Yes that was lame. XD
1. Coffee or tea? Tea. Always tea. So much tea. Coffee is the devil’s bitter palpitation-inducing bile.
2. Black and white or color? Colour
3. Drawings or paintings? Drawings. 
4. Dresses or skirts? Both? Dresses maybe.
5. Books or movies? Books.
6. Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi. I don’t drink it anymore, but when I was a kid we used to drink that and Coke doesn’t taste as satisfying somehow.
7. Chinese or Italian? Both! Definitely both!
8. Early bird or night owl? Extreme night owl. Pretty sure my doctors would say it’s a disorder but shh I don’t tell them.
9. Chocolate or vanilla? I'd say vanilla because I’m always in the mood for vanilla, whereas there are some times I’m not really in the mood for chocolate.
10. Introvert or extrovert? Introvert with the ability to behave like an extrovert for short bursts.
11. Hugs or kisses? Hugs.
12. Hunting or fishing? I don’t think I could stomach killing a hot-blooded animal but I could just about manage catching a fish. Or I could put it back into the water. ;-p
13. Winter or summer? Bleh. I’ll say summer if I don’t have to spend it in my horribly hot city.
14. Spring or fall? Oh god both! Spring for the promise of warmth and the flowers and autumn for the cooling down and the beautiful colours.
15. Rural or urban? Urban.
16. PC or Mac? PC.
17. Tan or pale? Paler than pale. You know that photo with someone on the beach who’s so pale they blend in with the sand? That’s me.
18. Cake or pie? Cake
19. Ice cream or yogurt? Ice cream.
20. Ketchup or mustard? I tend to have mustard more often than I have ketchup.
21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles? Sweet pickles. Not a huge fan of dill.
22. Comedy or mystery? It really depends on my mood... but if we’re talking films, probably mystery. Comedies are more hit-or-miss with me.
23. Boots or sandals? Boots. Every day, even in summer.
24. Silver or gold? Definitely silver. Gold looks silly on me.
25. Pop or Rock? Both and more.
26. Dancing or singing? Singing.
27. Checkers or chess? I have never played either.
28. Board games or video games? Video games.
29. Wine or beer? I don’t usually drink alcohol but I do sometimes have a bit of shandy. So beer. I hate wine unless it’s used for cooking.
30. Freckles or dimples? Freckles (not on me, my freckles are literally grey-coloured smh)
31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce? Honey mustard
32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights? ... exerwhat? I have no idea what these things are. :-p
33. Baseball or basketball? omg both of those carry painful memories. Do I look like I hate sports? Cause I really really do.
34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus? Sudokus.
35. Facial hair or clean shaven? Absolutely depends on the person, but I do have a Thing for nice beards.
36. Crushed ice or cubed ice? lmao North America and their fancy ice options. If I have ice it’s a cube, but I usually don’t have ice.
37. Skiing or snowboarding? HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No. I’ve never done either despite living in a country where people come expressly to practice these sports. If I was forced at gunpoint I’d choose to ski because there’s a remotely better chance that I wouldn’t dislocate or break something within 5 minutes.
38. Smile or game face? Smile.
39. Bracelet or necklace? Bracelet.
40. Fruit or vegetables? Fruit
41. Sausage or bacon? Sausage
42. Scrambled or fried? My stomach doesn’t like eggs very much, but scrambled go down better than fried.
43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate? BOTH. Together. Oooh.
44. Tattoos or piercings? On me? Maaaaybe tattoo, in my imagination. On other people, both can be very interesting.
45. Antique or brand new? It depends what it is, but usually it’s brand new.
46. Dress up or dress down? Down.
47. Cowboys or aliens? Aliens.
48. Cats or dogs? Cats.
49. Pancakes or waffles? Both!
50. Bond or Bourne? I had to Google “Bourne”, I’m obviously not a spy movie person. Well, Bond, since I know him.
51. Sci-Fi or fantasy? Both, as well as science fantasy. I’m a sucker for stories set on earth, though, rather than alternate worlds.
52. Numbers or letters? Letters
53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Absolutely both.
54. Fair or theme park? Fair, for the simple reason that I’m not going on the rides so paying to get into a theme park would be a big waste.
55. Money or fame? Money
56. Washing dishes or doing laundry? Dishes
57. Snakes or sharks? Snakes
58. Orange juice or apple juice? Orange
59. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
60. Slacker or over-achiever? Both. :-p
61. Pen or pencil? Pencil.
62. Peanut butter or jelly? Peanut butter.
63. Grammys or Oscars? *snore*
64. Detailed or abstract? Detailed.
65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions? Essay.
66. Adventurous or cautious? Super cautious.
67. Saver or spender? Saver.
68. Glasses or contacts? Neither, because I got LASIK! *happy dance* I’ve had both glasses and contacts, though, and they each have their drawbacks and their advantages. I just couldn’t wear lenses anymore because they suck at correcting strong astigmatism.
69. Laptop or desktop? Desktop. I love my desktop. *is a dinosaur*
70. Classic or modern? Classic.
71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? Hmmm. Personal chef is tempting IF they can adapt to my long list of no-no foods (stupid IBS). I probably need a personal fitness trainer more, but they’d have to adapt to my tendency to injure myself all the time (yay hypermobility :-6).
72. Internet or cell phone? Internet
73. Call or text? Text
74. Curly hair or straight hair? Curly
75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening? Evening.
76. Spicy or mild? Somewhere in between?
77. Marvel or DC? I think Marvel but tbh I know nothing about these things except the film adaptations.
78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent? Ahahaha ugh. Rent.
79. Sky dive or bungee jump? No. :-P
80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Oreos are okay and I’ve never had the other one. But... just for the name alone, Chips Ahoy. XD
81. Jello or pudding? Ooh tough one. I like both.
82. Truth or dare? Truth.
83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? Ferris wheel
84. Leather or denim? Leather
85. Stripes or solids? Solids
86. Bagels or muffins? Muffins
87. Whole wheat or white? White
88. Beads or pearls? Beads
89. Hardwood or carpet? Hardwood. I used to have carpet and it’s so high maintenance, especially if it gets infested with clothes moths. D:<
90. Bright colors or neutral tones? Neutrals
91. Be older than you are or younger than you are? I’m definitely more mature, as mature and less mature than I should be at my age, depending on which area of my life you look at. :-p
92. Raisins or nuts? Nuts
93. Picnic or nice restaurant? Restaurant
94. Black leather or brown leather? Black
95. Long hair or short hair? Long. A bit too long atm, it’s down to the middle of my back.
96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”? LMAO what?! ready, aim, faire.
97. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction
98. Smoking or non-smoking? Non-smoking
99. Think before you talk or talk before you think? I usually try to think before I talk.
100. Asking questions or answering questions? Answering. I like the sound of my own voice. XD
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Hamburg: Wind, Water, and Wide Green Spaces
Germany’s greenest city invites you to enjoy a city break in close touch with nature: with its countless Hamburg parks, nature reserves, beaches, open-air food stands and its unique urban shore, Hamburg ensures a relaxing and yet highly diverse holiday experience.
In Hamburg, inspiring urban environments and soothing greenery go hand in hand – sustainable hotels, retail shopping and gastronomic venues included.
No need for lengthy journeys, complex planning, or rushing. With its 31 nature reserves, Hamburg is one of the greenest cities in all of Europe, allowing visitors to enjoy urban flair combined with beautiful nature experiences.
So why not venture out for a hiking trip in the nearby Harburg Hills, followed by a refreshing shandy at the legendary Strandperle with a view of passing container ships. Or take a leisurely walk around the 200-year-old Planten un Blomen Hamburg park and pop over to the adjacent Karolinenviertel afterwards for fair fashion and natural cosmetics. Or how about an extended bike tour along Hamburg’s urban shore?
With a fresh tailwind, you can cycle alongside giant container ships, from the stairs quarter of Blankenese via the Oevelgönne beaches and past the St Pauli Fischmarkt all the way to the city centre. You can stop over at the Landungsbrücken for a fresh fish roll, or enjoy a cool drink on the Elbphilharmonie’s Plaza at sunset.
Hamburg is a thriving green pearl, with numerous bodies of water, a continuous fresh breeze, tree-lined streets, and residents who love their city just as much as Hamburg’s guests do. Hamburg offers an excellent climate especially in the summer months – and not just in terms of temperatures, but also in terms of street food locations, outdoor cafés, and lush green getaway destinations within easy reach.
  Hamburg parks and outdoor spaces – a world of outdoor experiences
Hamburg has actually more bridges than Venice and Amsterdam. Little wonder though when you consider the countless canals and tributaries of the Alster Lake and the Elbe River. In Hamburg’s urban ecosystem, water and nature are embedded in a unique way. If you feel like discovering the city from an entirely new angle, you can rent a stand-up paddle board or a canoe at the Alster Lake in the city centre.
From there, you can make your way along the Alster canals that will take you to green residential areas and to Stadtpark Hamburg, the city’s green lung and a much-loved location for open-air events – and all this while enjoying summery temperatures and a refreshing breeze.
  Hamburg provides a laid-back holiday experience – not only on the water, but also on land.
A relaxing summer in the city can also take the shape of browsing around the city centre, strolling through the countless inner-city parks, or chilling out on Hamburg’s waterfront. That’s because Hamburg’s retail opportunities go well beyond shopping centres, and because Hamburg boasts Europe’s largest Japanese garden as well as Europe’s most extensive park cemetery. And because Hamburg is one of the few cities that has its very own urban beaches.
  The city’s cultural life is being rebooted cautiously and, due to current circumstances, Hamburg’s cultural venues will not be overcrowded this summer.
But that’s just fine, because Hamburg’s locals have their own way of enjoying a long summer’s night: in the countless street cafés, or at one of the beach clubs, beer gardens and open-air restaurant terraces – some of these with a maritime view of the Elbe, and others with a view of lush greenery on the banks of the Alster.
  And all those wishing to get away from the urban environment can simply get a train from the central station to the countryside just on Hamburg’s doorstep:
in the matter of one hour, you can reach the seaside resorts on the Baltic Sea as well as the national parks and the Wadden Sea on the North Sea. The unspoilt nature around the Lauenburg Lakes to the east is also worth a day trip, as are the extensive hiking areas of the Lüneburg Heath in the south of Hamburg.
And even as a stopover on the way to the Baltic Sea, the North Sea or the route to Denmark, Hamburg is the ideal place to enjoy two or three days of urban flair combined with wind, water, and wide green spaces.
For all those who can’t wait to start planning their next Hamburg trip, we have compiled our very own…
  Top 10 Hamburg tips revolving around water, wind, and wide green spaces:
Süllberg (Blankenese):
With an altitude of 75 metres, the Süllberg hill in Blankenese arguably offers the best view over the Elbe River and the North German lowlands – including a star-studded terraced restaurant and a beer garden (www)
  Falkenstein shore (Rissen):
A hearty beach walk within the city boundaries, with some of the world’s largest container ships passing you by (www)
  Jenisch Park (Nienstedten):
On the slopes above the Elbe, Hamburg shows its somewhat stately face: just off the elegant Elbchaussee, this landscaped park, which was designed as an English-style country estate, invites you to enjoy a picnic with a view of the Elbe – and to explore the art exhibits of the Jenisch Haus and the Ernst-Barlach-Haus on-site the premises (www)
  Coast by east (HafenCity):
At a prime location in the HafenCity district and with an unobstructed view of the Elbphilharmonie, this restaurant offers Asian-inspired food, with a window front that can be opened and an eye-catching interior wall that is entirely covered by green plants (www.coast-hamburg.de/en/)
  Canoeing and kayaking on the Alster:
Perhaps the best and most eco-friendly option are the GreenKayak boats as these combine paddling pleasure with environmental protection. Make sure to stop over at the Café Canale, where you can be served coffee and cake through a hatch while remaining in your vessel (www)
  AlsterCliff (Harvestehude):
This prominent venue directly on the Alster Lake is all about seeing and being seen. Guests can choose between the indoor café and the wooden jetty (www)
  Strandperle (Oevelgönne):
The ultimate Elbe experience. Look at the ships passing by, dig your feet into the sand and dream away the afternoon with a delicious fish roll in your hand (www)
  Strand Pauli (St Pauli):
This beach club creates the perfect holiday atmosphere, including a St Pauli off-scene flair and a fabulous view of the shipyard on the other side of the Elbe (www)
  A cycle tour along the Elbe and Hamburg’s urban shore:
Enjoy the tailwind on your trip from Blankenese in the west to the Elbphilharmonie in the HafenCity, with plenty of opportunities for ­refreshment along the way.
  Elbphilharmonie Plaza (HafenCity):
A must for all guests since 2017, the Plaza viewing platform provides a unique panoramic view of Hamburg – with a steady west wind and best enjoyed at sunset (www)
  Think green. Enjoy Hamburg!
What is one of the main components of a city break in close touch with nature?
Well, nature itself.
Today, metropolitan regions are increasingly taking steps to ensure that nature and natural resources are used in a responsible manner. In Hamburg, a fresh breeze can also be felt when it comes to sustainability, as the city’s ecosystem of fair fashion, regional and seasonal cuisine, as well as sustainable mobility and upcycling projects continues to grow and thrive.
Using the ICE, you can travel to Hamburg in a climate-friendly way, and thanks to Hamburg’s extensive and eco-friendly public transport network, including port ferries and the StadtRAD bike rental system, even families don’t need a car to get around. In fact, Hamburg’s local public transport system is entirely CO2 neutral.
Quite aptly, Hamburg Tourismus has launched the digital “Hamburg CARD Green”, which can be easily downloaded to your smartphone. The Hamburg CARD Green offers unlimited mobility, ensuring free travel by underground, suburban rail, buses and port ferries throughout your stay – in addition to countless opportunities to explore the real Hamburg. What is more, the card offers discounts at numerous (mostly sustainable) attractions across Hamburg.
  For example, from the Steinstrasse bus stop in the old town, lovers of regional cuisine can walk over to the Hobenköök – a market hall with Hamburg delicacies and an adjacent restaurant.
Even sustainable overnight stays are easy in Hamburg: the Raphael Hotel Wälderhaus at Inselpark Wilhelmsburg, for instance, offers a holistic holiday experience amidst a forest atmosphere.
And all those who would like to spend the night in a super central location will find sustainable accommodation at the Scandic Hamburg Emporio. To view even more sustainable places and activities in Hamburg, please visit www.hamburg-travel.com/discover-hamburg/experience-sustainability/
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nipponoverdrive · 5 years
Nippon Overdrive/Aloha Alova 09.07.2019
artist - song - album/source   * = new    ^ = request Uchuu Nekoko - Like a Raspberry - Kimi no you ni Ikiretara; If I Can Live Like You *For Tracy Hyde - Can Little Birds Remember? - New Young City Imeruat - I Want To Assassinate! - Far Saa Far Kataomoi - Party Kills Me - Quiero V.I.P. *Nyarons - Lonely Lonely - Renaissance Love Sayonara Ponytail - Sekai no Mukou; The Other Side of the World - Kimi was Boku nno Uchuu; You are my Universe *Mononkul - Super Looper - Super Looper (single) *UWANOSORA - Inseki no Love Song; Meteorite Love Song - Yogiri; Night Fog CRCK/LCKS - Shower - Double Rift Crystal Cola - City Lights - Oneironaut (Local Visions Compilation) i-fls - vague - not beautiful view *Snail’s House - Cinnamon - Love Magic *TWRP - Typhoon Turnpike - Return to Wherever Totorro - Yaaaago - Come to Mexico tortuganónima - Bolbol - Asteral  Christopher Larkin - Greenpath - Hollow Knight (Original Soundtrack) sow - Beach - Route of Migratory Daijiro Nakagawa - diploma - in my opinion SAKEROCK - Old Old York - Sakerock no Kisetsu BEST 2000-2013 Toconoma - Dawn - Tent How to count one to ten - News Paper - Method of Slow Motion Nabowa - Ninety Eight - Dusk Special Others - Week - Window *ichikoro - James? - James? (single) paranoid void - Blind Blue - 01 (single) LITE - Bizzard - Multiple Low-Pass - Δ;Delta - Trimurti milos - Stutter. So Hard Rega - Quiet - SOLT & PLUM Origami JP - epäkypsä; immature(Finnish) - Origami JP  *Base Ball Bear - Ima wa Boku no Me o Mite; Now Look at My Eyes - Grape (EP) *SCANDAL - Fuzzy - Fuzzy (single) Tokyo Karankoron - Warau Doppelganger; Laughing Doppelganger - UTUTU Aqua Timez - STAY GOLD - Utaisarisi Hana; Singing Away Flowers Chatmonchy - renai Spirits; Love Spirits - Miminari; Ringing Ears *Yorushika - Ame haruru; It Will Rain - Elma Potali - MONSTER - POTALI 3  TWRP - Phantom Racer (feat. The Protomen) - Together Through Time Starbomb - Donkey Kong Joonyer - The Tryforce Ninja Sex Party - Release the Kraken - Cool Patrol dokoe - Kenkai - Vol. I Hit Home - Unsunset - ...After the Fact Buttons and Mindy - Super Nintendo Chalmers - Split w/ Hit Home Sambomaster - Sekai wa Sore o Ai to Yobun da ze; In this World, that is Called Love - Sambomaster Kyukyou Best Veltpunch - Shandy gaff in the cold glass - THE NEWEST JOKE Tribal Chair - My World Is Not Over - Tribal Chair Pens+ - YELLOW - OUR days. Zazen Boys - Crazy Days Crazy Feeling - Zazen Boys II the HIATUS - Insomnia - anomaly
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Cooking Tips & Recipes :: Cookbook For College Students
Making home brew is cheap quick and easy, once you have the fundamental items your away, making brew this way can be produced stronger than the average beer you get from your pub. Ginger beer may be mixed with beer (usually a British ale of some sort) to make one type of shandy. You are likely to really love this easy beer bread recipe. Apply the dry-cure mixture about the skin side and about the fleshy portions of the legs. It is normally observed in one's big toe, however it can also manifest in other joints of your body. However, occasional use of alcohol is not harmful towards the baby you have to worry as long as you're a moderate or heavy drinker. The guac was pleasant but no much better than the earnest homemade Super Bowl variety. -a Home brewing kit generally costs about $100 including the ingredients. Trim the legs but do not cut off the feet. 3 cups all purpose sifted flour. The home brewery process is actually easy and simple to fulfilling the personal interest of anyone involved. on the 15th day, rub the dry cure mixture (this time without curing salt) on the pork legs. You might think many more anglers would know details about this because so many anglers happen to be conditioned by direct and indirect subliminal messages in films, soaps, adverts, movies etc to smoke as it is supposed being cool. olive oil .
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&lt&lt Back to "Food And Drink" Index. If you are doing it right it can help to save you a large amount of money, particularly if you and your pals drink a great deal of beer! But a lot more than anything else, home beer brewing hobbyists can use the cash they save to buy a different type of beer kit to experience a brand-new taste. If you do it right it can conserve you a great deal of money, especially if you and also your friends drink a lot of beer! But greater than anything else, home beer brewing hobbyists may use the cash they save to buy a different type of beer kit to experience a brand-new taste. &lt&lt Back to "Food And Drink" Index.
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mauitime · 6 years
Sons of Zion at Keokea Marketplace
Sons of Zion at Keokea Marketplace
Sons of Zion will perform at Keokea Marketplace on Sunday, July 8th. Hailing from New Zealand, Sons of Zion will be joined by Slydog, Kohomua, Shandi and Dani, Nephesh and TFlatz. Here’s a super cool and irie Upcountry event for the whole family. All ages & 21+ BYOB. $25/pre-sale; $35/at-the-door; $75/VIP. Doors 3:30pm. Show 4-10pm. Keokea Marketplace, (Mile Marker 17, Kula); Sparkshawaii.com
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