#sga one shot
savestave · 1 month
Rewatching Before I Sleep makes me so emotional in that last conversation between our Weir and the original, when Elizabeth says "You gave up your entire life" and her withered counterpart responds with "No [...] The best part of my life is just beginning" — Oh it hits so much worse knowing everything that follows in this series
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
A New Experience
Plot: John wants to confess his feelings to you during Valentines, but you aren't originally from Earth, and have no idea what Valentines Day is.
Pairing: John Shepard x Gn!Alien!Reader
Prompts: "What are these for?" "Valentines Day." "Why?" + A takes B's hand to help them down steps/wall, and doesn't let go
Requested By: @gaitwae & Anonymous
Warnings: A kiss at the end. Mention of roof ledge (sitting on).
Words: ~1.2k
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As John made his way around the Atlantis base, his eyes scouring every room for you, his heart beat nervously in his chest. Over the course of the few months you had been settling in at the Atlantis base, becoming a new team member, John had fallen completely head-over-heels for you.
He debated constantly when or if he should tell you about how he felt, often chickening out last minute. But as the Earthly holiday of love slowly infected the Atlantis base, he felt more courage than he had before.
So here he was, looking desperately for you, hoping to whisk you away to his room, where he had set up a dinner for the two of you. He got flowers chocolates, and hopefully the confidence to tell you exactly how he felt.
"Hey Zelenka!" He called out as the scientist walked past "You seen Y/n?"
"Oh yes, roof, I believe."
"Roof." John sighed out with realization. You often went out to look out at the water to relax.
Quickly making his way up to the roof, he took a few deep breaths, hoping to quiet his anxieties.
As he made his way out onto the roof his eyes moved around, before finally spotting you sitting up on a roof ledge, legs dangling over as you peered out at the water. He always felt a nervous flutter in his stomach when he saw you there, so close to danger, yet appearing so peaceful.
Making sure his steps could be heard, so he did not startled you, he walked over. Turning your head to look back, you smiled as you saw him.
"Hello John." You greeted, your own heart fluttering in your chest as you saw his familiar warm smile.
"Hey Y/n." Leaning on the edge of the wall, he looked over for a moment before looking at you "You got any plans for this evening?"
You shook your head with a soft smile "No, why?"
"Well, I thought you might join me, for dinner."
You felt butterflies in your stomach as you smiled "I'd love to."
You'd often sit in the mess hall with John or the others and eat, you enjoyed spending that time with them. You wondered if the others would be joining you again tonight.
"Great!" He said with a bright smile "You hungry now?"
You let out a soft laugh "Yes actually I am. I was planning on heading in to eat soon."
As you turned around, facing the roof, you moved to jump down. John reached out his hand or you to take as you did so, and you smiled softly as you took it.
Jumping down from the ledge you expected John to release your hand, but you were surprised when he did not, instead he smiled almost bashfully at you as he lead you inside.
You felt your cheeks and neck warm up as his hand continued to hold yours. You were not averse to the action, far from it actually, but you were definitely caught off guard by it.
As you stood in the lift, making your way down, John cleared his throat, "I think you'll like what I got for dinner."
You frowned slightly, unsure of what he meant. "What do you mean? Are they serving something unusual today?"
As you said this, John realized he had made an error. He was not specific enough.
"Oh, no, uh, when I asked if you would eat with me, I meant just the two of us, I had something special made up for us."
Your heart was now pounding in your chest, and the reason behind his holding your hand started to make a bit more sense.
You smiled at him "Oh, I see, that sounds wonderful."
He smiled at you, obviously relieved you were still happy to have dinner with him. He glanced down at your still intertwined hands and smiled to himself.
As the lift doors opened to the floor where you knew John's room was on your stomach grew tighter as you began to grow nervous. You had feelings for John, you had since you first met him.
Now your mind was full of thoughts of what this dinner was for, why was he holding your hand, did this mean he felt the same as you? The way he looked at you seemed to express enough, but you still held doubts.
Making your way into John's room, you were stunned to see a table set up for dinner, complete with candles. John quickly pulled out his phone and you watched him for a moment before he looked back up at you.
"Our food will show up son, I had the kitchen hold it while I looked for you."
You smiled fondly at him as he seemed to hold a nervous energy about him.
"Oh!" He exclaimed softly, before grabbing something off the counter, turning back around he handed you a bouquet of beautiful red flowers "I got these for you".
You looked at them in awe before looking up at John "Oh they're beautiful, what are they?"
He smiled "They're called dahlias."
As you smelled them, you looked back at John "What are these for? What is all of this for John?" Your tone was bewildered but obviously pleased.
John smiled "Valentines day."
You blinked a few times "Why? What is, Valentines day?"
As realization washed over John, he let out a soft chuckle "It's an Earth holiday, obviously, I thought you may have heard about it by now."
You shook your head "What does it mean?"
"Oh, that's- uh, well, it's a holiday for people to celebrate love, and relationships of all kinds."
"So you are celebrating our...friendship?" You asked softly, worried you misinterpreted what this was.
He smiled "No, not really. Uhm, it is a holiday mostly celebrated by couples, it's a romantic holiday. And a lot of people, including me in this case use it as a way to express how they feel about someone."
Now your heart was beating faster again, maybe you did not misunderstand after all.
"And what it is you are trying to express to me?"
He smiled as he took a step closer to you his eyes grazed your face softly before he spoke "I wanted to express that I am crazy about you." As you smiled brightly at his confession, he felt more confident "And I've been a coward these past couple months having not told you and I'm sorry it took so long."
You smiled bashfully at him before you spoke softly "I have been a coward too then."
He grinned at you, as you stared at each other for a moment in blissful silence. Reaching over, he gently caressed the back of your hand before he met your eyes again "I really like you."
"I really like you too John."
Leaning closer, slowly, his eyes drifted from your eyes down to your lips. Gently, your lips met in a soft kiss, as John's hand gently drifted up your arm, before he cupped your chin and deepened the kiss.
You had a feeling you were really going to enjoy this new holiday.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Stargate Taglist: @hybrid-omegaverse, @gatefleet, @cs-please, @fandomdancer,
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sga-owns-my-soul · 8 months
Every time she closed her eyes, Elizabeth could see every moment they almost lost him. His arm bloodied when she came back from showing the Genii the supplies, the way he stepped in front of a gun for her, the way Kolya was ready to shove him over the edge. Elizabeth shuddered as she thought about how far over the edge Rodney was being held.
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all-mighty-yaoiyuri · 2 years
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Evan Lorne/Todd the Wraith Summary: Major Lorne had his infamous bad luck on the mission and it was not without injury… and now he desperately needs a helping hand. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 10k words in 4 chapters (finished), humor, smut and smutty alien biology included.
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lightthewaybackhome · 4 months
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So innocently I decided I wanted to start my day off with a little Stargate, as one does. I watched an episode of SG1 and then started SGA only to realize I was watching Common Ground. Well, this doesn't promise to be very relaxing.
I think one of the things I like about SGA over SG1 is I feel like it hits harder. I don't know why exactly. SG1 has plenty of torture and has been known to kill off characters. But there is something about SGA that is more intense, less light, less guaranteed to wrap everything up nicely. The thing I'm unsure about is how much of this sense of intensity comes from knowledge accumulated from rewatching--Elizabeth's death, Carson's death, Sheppard's deepening darkness, Rodney's experiences in the Shrine episode. But, I had watched some of SG1 before SGA and I loved SGA immediately unlike SG1. Even the most intense SG1 episodes don't make me cry like some lighter SGA episodes.
Common Ground. I love it because Sheppard doesn't even once lose his faith that his people will come for him. At the same time, he doesn't sit around twiddling his thumbs. I love that he does both, works for his escape and trusts his friends. I love that after talking about giving up his life in Sateda and then being given two examples of his willingness to die for his friends, we see his trust in them.
I love his final command being not to give in. I love Ronon's anger. I love Elizabeth's pain and strength. There is a shot of Elizabeth from the back staring at the closed Stargate and you can just sense her calling Sheppard back, willing it to open, willing information to form so she can send the team to get him back. It's such a powerful image of a woman in her home waiting for her people to get back, not idle but with a visceral aggression.
I love that we finally get to view the Wraith with a little more nuance. I love it every time Todd chuckles. Giving us a Wraith with a sense of humor was pure brilliance because it connects us to him instantly. It humanized him in a refreshing way. But, really, the golden moment was when Todd treated Sheppard like a brother-in-arms and Sheppard did the same. Talk about me cheering!
I love this episode. It hurts but it also makes me smile and it brings in one of my favorite characters: Todd.
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dedkake · 5 months
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SGA Fanworks Only Holiday Gift Exchange 2023
A day you won’t forget by scifi_dancer | g, 2.4k, rodney / john
The prompt I used describes it well: "Nothing goes right - until it does."
A Little Christmas Chaos by WonkyElk | t, 3k, rodney / john
The Cheer Committee nodded in solemn and united agreement. In principle, of course, they agreed that ‘absolutely hosed’ was not the ideal state for a large proportion of the expedition to be in, at any one time, Christmas or not; but that didn’t stop them feeling that the punch could do with being just a smidgen merrier. For morale purposes. Which was why each of them, separately, decided to add just the tiniest amount of extra cheer to the punch.
Big enough to miss by Mas_Pebbles_Sharp | t, 3.9k, rodney / john
Missing scenes/coda to The Daedalus Variations: Rodney's injury from alien weapon fire is worse than they at first realised
Elizabeth’s Pet Demon by Tazmy | g, 2.8k, gen
A mini demon ransacks Elizabeth’s quarters. Somehow, it’s cute. It shouldn’t be. It should be wrong, maybe even disturbing.
Finding Limits by halestrom | g, 3.6k, gen
The only thing John could focus on was getting back to Atlantis, getting a team and finding Rodney before Ford's men did anything. Getting back to Atlantis and finding out that Rodney had rescued himself wasn't a surprise, but sitting and watching his still body as Carson tried to figure out what to do was hard. Not just for John, but for all of AR-1.
First Embrace by Cyber_Witch85 | m, 2.8k, carson / evan, rodney / john, evan / john
John Sheppard and Evan Lorne rescue Rodney and Carson from a wraith lair. Carson and Evan explore the beginnings of their relationship as John and Rodney sleep.
Golden Slumbers by cassiope25 | g, 3.8k, rodney / john, team
“You should put more trust in me,” Ronon told her gently. "There's nothing a former runner can't take on.” Ronon is there to care for his team, and they care for him in turn.
Hand in Hand by mific | e, 4.7k, rodney / john
"Yes, yes, we're the talk of the town," Rodney said, eyeing them narrowly. "Run along now and if you're ever on Cambara don't agree to do the damn welcome ritual." "And if you do," Sheppard panted, "don't come last."
His Rodney by Jade | g, 1.5k, gen
It’s not always easy to remember who he is.
I Can Do Anything Better Than You! by Goddess47 | t, 3k, rodney / john
John, the traitor, had lured him to this so-called 'social event' organized by some self-appointed group of Expedition members. There had been a promise of chocolate cake and John had hinted at the possibility of mutual orgasms at the end of the night.
i waited ‘til i saw the sun by LogicGunn | t, 1k, steven / elizabeth
Elizabeth remembers.
I’ll keep you warm by puddlejumperpilot | g, 2k, rodney / john
The sky was darkening and fluffy snowflakes were falling from the sky as Teyla gave her speech, but John was distracted by Rodney shivering violently next to him. John swore under his breath and took off the outer layer of his jacket, wrapping it around Rodney’s shoulders. “You’re from Canada, aren’t you supposed to be immune to the cold?” He hissed under his breath. Rodney shot him a glare. “You know I get cold easily!” He replied in a whisper. “I also know that you do this every year. I’m beginning to think you just like wearing my jacket. You’re lucky I expected this, otherwise I’d just let you freeze!”
Just Peachy by melagan | t, 1.7k, rodney / john
John and Rodney are married and living on Atlantis. They have a rare day off together, but things aren't working out the way Rodney planned.
Lighter Than Air by spurious | g, 2.6k, rodney / john
Visiting a trading partner, the team participate in a winter solstice ritual that's more effective than it might seem.
Like A Shot To The Shoulder (And Other Adventures on MXR-338) by audioletter | g, 2.8k, gen
As far as welcomes go, being shot in the shoulder was not what John considered polite.
Solace by A_Storm_of_Roses | e, 7.2k, teyla / elizabeth
Elizabeth wakes with the hangover of the century and a throbbing elbow. She can’t remember how she got here, or where here even is, though it feels hard and rocky and smells like burning metal. Elizabeth and Teyla take a very long walk, and discover each other.
the snow has drifted high by dedkake | t, 1.7k, rodney / john
Rodney and John watch the New Year's fireworks together, just like they always do.
Wraith Rodney by carsonsweebabyturtles (Erindors) | fanart
This is my Holiday gift for Cassiope25. I kind of gambled at making him a Wraith but I hope you like it anyways 💜
You can’t pin joy like a moth by QueenIshtar | t, 3.7k, john / elizabeth, carson / rodney
Elizabeth knows that you can't pin joy like a moth. It's too fleeting. Joy is the soft fluttering of wings you notice only in the still, silent moments. It's your heartbeat rushing, racing when you laugh; when you feel alive. Joy is not a complete, tangible thing.
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thekristen999 · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @hippolotamus, @spotsandsocks, @exhuastedpigeon and @diazsdimples. Thank you!
How many works do you have on ao3? 110
What's your total ao3 word count? 1,384,560 and a another 700k on other platforms
What fandoms do you write for? Currently 9-1-1
Previously: ER, CSI, SGA, H50, Daredevil
Top five fics by kudos:
Beneath the Trident (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)) 
Reluctant Allies (Or the Time Frank Had to Bring Home the Devil) (Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017)) 
Shadowboxing (Daredevil (TV), Captain America (Movies),
Alone In The Dark With You (9-1-1 (TV)) 
Navigating Domesticity (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)) 
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to atleast. Even if it takes me a bit.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? All my stories tend to have happy or hopeful endings. I believe in catharsis.
The Hoku  was a McDanno future fic, post-apocalypse story. So, it had a hopeful ending despite the very bleak world it was set in.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Recently? my Buddie fic We’ve Got Fun & Games
Which was if the 118 did a local Amazing Race competition for charity. It was a hoot!
Do you get hate on fics? I’ve gotten people who try to argue with me or leave unpleasant comments in the bookmark section.
Do you write smut? On occasion
Craziest crossover: The Killing Game Daredevil, The Punisher, Jessica Jones fusion with the Predator.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, a few times.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a few.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes. I had a co-author for a few CSI and SGA fics back in the day.
All time favourite ship? Buddie
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I tend to finish all my stories because I write one fic at a time. Occasionally, I’ll write a one-shot in between longer stories, but I typically don’t have a WIP file. Just ideas that wait until I'm ready.
What are your writing strengths? Descriptions, tone, action scenes, world building.
What are your writing weaknesses? I’m mildly dyslectic so word order and weird grammar. It also takes me forever to write.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Unless it’s alien in sci-fi, I don’t tend to use it.
First fandom you wrote in? X-files
Favourite fic you've written? I'll stick to recently. All these are Buddie.
We Found Each Other (Over There)  Epic WWII AU.
Hold the Pain, Release Me  Eddie tries art therapy.
Buddha's Arrow  Buck helps Eddie deal with chronic pain.
Trying Hard to Remember, Trying Hard To Forget  A nitty gritty look at healing and recovery after the shooting.
... tagging a few people who might want to play:
@renecdote @homerforsure @mellaithwen @andavs
@elvensorceress @the-likesofus @goddess47 @eddiebabygirldiaz
@ronordmann who could apply this to her cover art!
@steadfastsaturnsrings @wildlife4life @dangerpronebuddie
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adriankyte-writes · 3 months
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thanks for the tag @chaniis-atlantis !
Awkward Conversations (SGA Todd/Sheppard Lorne/Kenny (Bonewhite) Lorne heaves a deep sigh of relief as he crosses the event horizon and flies into the Atlantis Control center.
Freefall (SGA AU Bug;john/Todd) It is dark in the storage room where John sleeps.
Eye of the Storm (SGA Sheppard/Todd) Guide sprints down the corridors of the Starborn Glory towards the dart bay, the humans only a few steps behind him.
Mercy (SGA Sheppard + Todd) The sun sparkles across San Francisco Bay, the waves lapping against the shore.
Ivory (SGA Lorne/Kenny|Bonewhite) Evan stands in the sunny meadow, a brush in hand and feels the tension leave his muscles as he relaxes into his project.
Chained (SGA AU Bug;John/Todd) “Dr. Weir,” the voice coming through the radio is harsh and commanding.
Tempest (SGA Sheppard/Todd) (This story has two starting lines, one a quote from the viewpoint character, and one the first line of story, so I included them both.) "I don’t know why you need my statement on this Sam." It started out like a normal day on Atlantis.
Patterns: Almost all of them start with an establishing shot, naming both a viewpoint character and an activity they are engaging in. Tempest and Mercy are a little weak in this area as they were my first two writing projects in several years and I was a little rusty. Freefall and Chained both start with a touch of unpleasantness to invoke the darker, harsher version of Atlantis they take place on.
I think for Mercy, Tempest and Ivory I was probably trying to mimic the set dressing for an episode by setting up an "establishing shot." Retrospectively, I would retool them a little.
Most of my mutuals have already been tagged (I think), so I'll leave it open to anyone who wants to give it a shot.
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nonsequitur22 · 2 months
WIP Whenever
I've been tagged by the amazing, most spectacular cheerleader ever, @emimayooo to share part of a WIP in preparation for our upcoming workshop. Emi, my friend, I too need to get my shit together.
So, rather than attempt to share actual writing (because I feel like all my prose needs some work atm), here is a list of my projects that I intend to finish. Eventually.
My fem!Anakin longfic that's sitting at 90k and is only halfway done. The second half is all outlined and mapped out and my goal is to finish the whole thing before I continue posting.
Witcher one-shots series. I've got two more planned. Both will be within the 10k range, and both have graduated from the outline phase to the dumb draft phase.
Modern SW AU with fem!Anakin. This one's been on the back burner for nearly a year now. It's about 40k words and only halfway done.
New plot bunny that just might be my workshop piece. A mashed together SW/SGA Obikin meet cute. With drama. And math.
A fem!Bruce Wayne batman one-shot series. This one is exciting because I get to do "research" by watching all the batman movies and reading the comics.
Those are my main writing priorities for the time being! Hopefully I'll start making progress on them! Ty for the tag, Emi!
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stinalotte · 5 months
A prompt by @sga-owns-my-soul
“Rodney keeps a memorial for every single scientist lost in his lab and Radek shows it to new scientists who start complaining about Rodney not caring and risking their lives.”
A small one-shot for what I thought was a lovely image.
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spurious · 8 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Thank you for the tag, @wonkyelk & @sga-owns-my-soul!
How many works do you have on AO3?
103, a number which recently shot up due to me posting all of my random tumblr ficlets to my AO3 account lmao. Previously it was, like, 70.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently it's pretty much all SGA all the time over here. I am enjoying dabbling in Genshin when the mood strikes though, love the yuripeans <3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Twenty Questions
Ink and Wings
Five Times Rodney (and John) Visit the Millers
Solitary in a Wide Flat Space
Abercrombie & Rodney
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to, at least, though sometimes my responses are painfully delayed. I like hearing what people think about a story, I want them to know their comments are loved and appreciated, and sometimes you end up getting into a discussion like back in the Good Old Days on LJ.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Man I really do not write a ton of stuff that doesn’t end happily /just went through all my fics
Angstiest ending of things I've posted is probably either the Kanjani superheroes AU or the apocalypse akame fic? Has my tolerance for writing lengthy angst lessened with age?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
As I said above, most of my stuff seems to have relatively happy endings. If I were to pick I might say O I Think We Should Be Brethren, because it takes the longest and hardest journey to the ending, which makes it feel more impactful to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got one "hate" comment on the Kanjani cannibalism fic from someone who thought I was sick and needed therapy, or something to that effect. Otherwise, nope.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. I would say my smut wheelhouse is kinky porn with feelings, I guess?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I believe one or two of my fics in Johnny's fandom were translated into Russian and/or Chinese?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not to completion!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
how dare you make me choose between my children
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Story I started for a fic exchange in, like, god...2014 or so? In which Yoko kisses Hina, then hits his head and wakes up in a world that's just a shamelessly silly amalgam of J-drama tropes. Sometimes I read through the doc and go "man i wish the author would update"
16. What are your writing strengths?
Sensory description, wanky poetic bullshit, smut, scenes with no more than two people in them, banter-y dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Endings, complex plots, ensemble casts, scenes with three or more people in them, transitions, being a complete baby about taking criticism, endings, endings
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't see a reason for it? You either need to add a gloss with a translation (if your POV character and audience are intended to understand it), at which point you may as well just write "Screw you, McKay," Zelenka said in Czech; or you want it to be incomprensible to the reader, at which point you may as well just write Zelenka muttered something in Czech as he stomped away. If your reader happens to understand the language you've written in and you're not confident in it, they'll be annoyed by the weird grammar you've gotten from google translating it, and even if you are, you're losing the effect of someone having said something that your POV character shouldn't understand.
......................apparently I have an Opinion on this? who knew.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Cardcaptor Sakura, when I was like 13? I may have posted it on FF.net but if there's a god it's been lost to the sands of time. I do not think it was very good.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Shouldn't be surprising at this point for me to pick O I Think We Should Be Brethren for this, right? I just think it's neat.
Tagging (I've seen this one circulate a fair bit so apologies if you've been multiple-tagged): @audioletter @sparrowsarus @texasdreamer01 @luredin @alienfuckeronmain
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annwayne · 2 months
The WIP game looks fun, the Oc x Rikkick isekai fic looks fun, but I'm also really interested by Alice in Atlantis.
I'll take any opportunity to talk about my wips bc lord knows I'm far from posting them 🥲
The oc x riddick isekai is suchhh a fun fic and probably my saddest? bittersweet, I'll say. but I love it sooo much. Very general summary-Ares is a regular person living in a regular world, until one night they wake up from a very vivid dream with marks that match how they died in their dream. Also, that dream world is a movie they are obsessed with called Pitch Black.
Alice in Atlantis is my SGA long fic, and actually the second fic since I've started writing fic again (around 2022?). Alice is a human scientist who's been with the Atlantis expedition since the beginning. When an alliance between Atlantis and Todd the Wraith forms, she's the scientist tasked with working with Todd to find a gene therapy that'll allow Wraith to eat regular food. This is that story. (and its a ship fic between Todd and Alice, if that wasn't clear lol)
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oc x Riddick isekai:
“I don’t blame you.” I broke the silence of us sitting on the ridge overlooking the desolate camp.   “What’s that now?” Riddick scraped off that black goo he used to shave his head into a bucket.  A beat passed between us as I stared out at the multiple suns in the sky. “I’ve spent a long time thinking about why you’ll do what you do.” He glanced my way. “It never made sense to me, especially with how much you stick up for Jack. I don’t think I could even imagine thinking how you do. I don’t think I’m supposed to.” He scraped another line of goo from his scalp. “It’ll happen again.”  From my peripheral vision I saw Riddick lift his head to look at me. He didn't need to ask what I was talking about. I kept looking forward.  “Considering what’s coming, I’m not sure if I’ll come back.”  “What’s coming?” He asked, voice steady and serious. Everyone else thought me insane or cursed, but Riddick listened. Didn’t mean he always believed me, but he was smart enough to listen.  “A blood bath.” I answered, finally meeting my own eyes via the reflection of Riddick’s goggles. “You’ll run.” His head tilted back. “I don’t run.”  “You’ll want to.” A sigh slipped from me. “But that’s what I wanna talk about–I want you to know, no matter what happens to me, I don’t blame you because I know you’ll do the right thing when it matters.”  He sat, taking everything in perhaps. “That’ll be the first time you’ve been wrong, little girl.”
Alice in Atlantis:
"Ugh, you should have seen me, Teyla. I was a disaster in the lab." "I'm sure it was not as bad as you think it, Alice." Ronon’s eyes flickered with curiosity. A sly grin grew as he asked, "What happened?" The doctor pulled back the lid on her fruit cup and in one swift movement knocked back the contents of the plastic cup as if it were a shot. A habit from childhood. After wiping off the stray juice on her lips, Dr. Tucker answered. "I was focused, in the zone. Completely forgot where I was and who I was with. After I ran the simulation the whole program flashed errors at me and I swore at the computer." "I've heard Rodney threaten to rip apart a computer's mother before." The muscular man bit into his apple. Teyla gestured towards the full bottle of water on Alice's plate. "That's not all." Dr. Tucker grabbed the bottle, following Teyla's urging. After taking a long gulp she continued. "I guess Todd was curious. Hell, I'd be too. It was the first words I'd spoken since we started."  Ronon sat up and rested his elbows on the table. He crossed his arms and tilted his head while listening. Teyla finished off the last of her mashed potatoes as Alice continued. "He came over to check my work, only I didn't notice. So next thing I know, a Wraith is leaning over my shoulder and pointing out my mistake." Between words Dr. Tucker forgot about her lack of appetite and started shoveling down her meal. "I nearly fell off my stool and then couldn't say a word without shaking. It was pathetic."  Ronon chuckled quietly and Teyla threw a glare at him. "Alice, you have never encountered the Wraith in person before. It is sensible to react fearfully." "Sensible, but not strong." "So get stronger." Ronon lifted a hand the doctor's way. After a blank expression from her, the Satedan continued. "I've been giving Dr. Keller lessons. You could join us."
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
13 Days of Halloween: Day 3
Plot: You get caught while secretly trying to decorate the Atlantis base.
Pairing: John Sheppard x Gn!Reader
Warnings: None!
Words: 873
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Walking down the hall, with a garbage bag in your hand, you smiled innocently as some soldiers walked past. Watching them disappear around the corner, you quickly reached into the bag and pulled out a band of orange garland.
Draping it along a nearby bookcase, you quickly looked around as you made your way into Rodney's office.
You knew Rodney was at lunch, so this was the perfect moment. Pulling out a small ghost figurine, you placed it on his desk, before tapping it on the head.
Next, you placed an orange wreath on the door. Grabbing another garland, you got on your tip-toes, and began to drape it along the top of his bookcase.
Hearing someone clear their throat behind you, you froze, arms up, garland still in hand.
Slowly looking back over your shoulder, you saw John leaning against the doorway, watching you with a smirk on his face.
You smiled innocently "Hello" you said in a sing-song voice.
His smile widened "Hello." He repeated, before he stepped into the room "So, you're the phantom decorator."
Dropping the garland where it was, you turned to face him, arms behind back, as you rocked on your feet.
"That depends on what you're gonna do about it if I am."
He hummed as he walked further into the room, placing his hands behind his back like you had.
Stopping right in front of you, he leaned in a bit and whispered "I'm not gonna do anything. In fact, I was gonna ask if you needed help."
A smile slowly spread across your face "Oh you were, were you?"
He nodded softly "Yep. I too think this place needs a little re-decorating. It is the holiday season after all."
"Well then-" reaching into the bag and pulling out a strand of purple ghost garland, you draped it around the back of his shoulders with a smile. "Get busy, Rodney finishes his lunch at 12:30."
Smiling, John leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek as he grabbed the garland "I had a feeling it was you ya' know. You're the one person I can imagine doing it. But, how did you decorate Carson's office? It happened when we were off world."
You smiled and shrugged, refusing to answer.
You didn't need to decorate Carson's office. All you had to do was leave a bag of decorations by his door and he would do the work himself. He said it was the "phantom decorator" solely so he would not get chastised for having done it himself. But John didn't need to know that.
John squinted "Alright, I get it. I'm not the first person to help you."
"Actually, you're the only person who knows about me." You admitted.
John watched you curiously, as you smiled gleefully, before placing a fake spider in Rodney's desk drawer for him to discover later.
After Rodney's office was well and truly festive, you eyed John. "Do you think we could get into Weir's office?"
John let out a huff of air "Now you're just playing with fire."
You smiled and shrugged your shoulder "It's the last place I have yet to add any decorations. My magnum opus, perhaps. You don't have to go with me."
He shook his head and smiled "I might regret this, but, let's do it."
As you and John approached Weirs office, you looked around cautiously. You couldn't hear anyone, and Weir's office light was off, signaling her absence.
Jiggling the handle, you locked eyes as the door creaked open.
Just as you were about to go in, a head popped around the corner of the doorway.
"What are you doing?"
You let out a startled yelp, as John let out a low gasp. Ronon smiled happily at the two of you, amused that he scared you.
You glanced down at the decoration filled garbage bag you had dropped, before looking at John. You both looked at Ronon, unsure of what to do.
You shrugged lightly "Uhhh, breaking into Weirs office to decorate it for Halloween?"
Ronon looked down at the bag at your feet "So you two weren't trying to find a secret place to make-out or something?"
"What?" You and John questioned at the same time, bewildered.
Ronon looked back at the bag before he turned away. "Lame. Have fun I guess."
You and John shared another bewildered look, before John stepped out and called out in a half-whisper "Don't tell anyone!"
Ronon waved his hand dismissively, but you were both sure he wouldn't say anything.
Quickly rushing into Weirs office, John locked it behind you. You looked around the darkened room, beginning to plan where and what to decorate.
"You know..." John began as he leaned in closer to you, as you looked over at him "This would be a good time and place to secretly make out."
You rolled your eyes and smacked him in the arm, while repressing a giggle.
"Ow." He chuckled as he rubbed his arm "Just a thought."
"Hurry up and decorate before she comes back. If we make it out of this safely, you might get your wish."
"Don't gotta tell me twice." John said playfully as he began to dig out the decorations.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Stargate Taglist: @hybrid-omegaverse <changed url?, @gatefleet, @cs-please
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oldfangirl81 · 1 month
Work on one of my many WiPs? Nah.
Write a new one shot double date crossover SGA/911 because I still have strong DADT feelings? More likely than you might thing.
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gatefleet · 2 months
Hints and Could Be's
Stargate: Atlantis; Evan Lorne Word Count: 1013 (T)W: Being lifted against your will. Request: Yes. “I was wondering if you could do an Major Lorne imagine or Fanfic. Set in Atlantis but can have a cameo of SG1 💁🏼‍♀️ Where reader/Yn is an archeologist (like Jackson) has a PHD and they meet one day and it’s a hint of what could be, head strong like carter. Enjoys making fun of flyboys, is kinda a “hot girl” if you will 🤦🏼‍♀️ (trying a different than the shy “nerdy” girl) could of joined the Airforce but has too strong of a memory of what Generals can be like. (Has family ties to the airforce! Oh she totally likes to “bullies” McKay, he actually respects her (secretly) because she can stand up for herself and show off her knowledge. She might have a dark past?? Unsure Have fun! Thanks for looks at my request 🙋🏼‍♀️” @stargurl-battleship A/N: I am so, incredibly sorry this has take so long! Some of your request I'm kind of working into an SGA long shot and to prevent myself from (accidentally) reusing lines, I wasn't able to cover everything in the request, and I'm so sorry about that! I hope this is close to what you were looking for!
Being part of the Stargate programme was one of the best things that could have happened to you. Never once in all your years of studying, did you think you would ever get to use your degree to the extent which you currently were. Seeing the different races and cultures that participated towards the evolution of your own made your other hopes for your degree usage pale in comparison. You hadn’t realised that the stargate programme would be made up of mainly military personnel and was even more shocked to discover that most of them were Airforce and the few scientists that were in the team tended to be civilian contractors, with Major Samantha Carter seeming to be the exception to the rule. You studied under Dr Daniel Jackson for the first year or so of your career with the Stargate programme, you learned the dialects, the common and uncommon hieroglyphs, the correct pronunciation of words from Dr Jackson and Teal’c.
Eventually you joined a different SG team and would travel with a Major Evan Lorne and his team once Dr Jackson had deemed you ‘well versed’ enough to go solo. You and Lorne both got along well enough and had a similar bond to O’Neil and Jackson. You would call out Lorne for his ‘military tactics’ and he would call you out on your ‘naïve and protocol breaking ways’. When you were both made aware that you would be joining the Atlantis programme and travelling off world for an extended period of time, you made sure to grab any PDF’s you could on the language and dialects of the ancients and attempted to pack as lightly as you could. When Lorne came by your office to check in on your progress, he was highly amused and alarmed at the books piled high, the scattering of objects and the general untidiness of your normally pristine workspace. He had the greatest smirk on his face when you randomly popped your head out looking extremely disheveled, and making Lorne catch his breath without realising it.
“No, no, no, it can’t be time to leave already! I haven’t finished packing yet!” You panicked more, bouncing between different piles of books and artefacts. Lorne became more amused and continued to watch you from the doorway.
“Came on nerd, let’s go through this together, you still have a couple of hours until we actually have to leave, yet.” He put his rucksack down by the doorway and made his way into the office.
After a lot of debate and a few arguments of what’s logical to take and what’s essential to take, you and Lorne had finally managed to get a) your bag packed and b) drastically reduce the amount of bags you were trying to take through the gate with you. You both made it to the gate room just as the dialling sequence was finishing, much to Lorne’s annoyance, and bid your farewell to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.
When you both arrived at the Atlantis site, it was breathtaking. You spent your first few days exploring the city, or what was open and accessible of it. You met Sheppard and his team. You found Tayla and Ronin friendly enough and learning of their cultures was fascinating. McKay was arrogant, selfish and definitely someone you made a mental note to avoid in the future. You were capable of keeping pace with McKay, but wasn’t up for the constant debate that you felt was sure to follow with being in a close proximity to him. You heard from Tayla that McKay appeared to enjoy your company and the intellectual sparring. You mentally gagged at the thought. When you were sent on your first mission with Lorne and Sheppard’s team you were excited, you made sure to keep at least 2 people between yourself and McKay and stuck close with Lorne.
When you were translating something, lost in thought and focussing on the writing and translation, Lorne would make sure that you remembered to hydrate and eat (even if it was just a snack) and when he was doing a perimeter check he would ensure that someone else from your team would take over the role of ensuring you ate and drank.
Once the survey of the planet was completed, you had packed up your equipment and was trying to grab some last pictures to study when you returned to Atlantis. Lorne made sure to watch your 6 and gently hurry you along. After about 5 minutes the patience ended and while you continued to ignore his pleas to head back to the gate, Lorne eventually huffed and grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder and hauling ass back to the gate. Your protests being greatly ignored. Sheppard looked incredibly amused at the sight before him, Lorne attempting to run with your legs randomly kicking in protest and your faint voice calling for 5 more minutes to go back as you had missed a few columns for researching. Tayla completed the dialling sequence as you made it to the gate and Lorne refused to put you down until you were all through the gate. You huffed and squirreled yourself away in the research lab, using the Ancients data base to try and help translate faded parts of the text.
Lorne would periodically pop in or send Doctor Beckett in with nutrients and hydration, but you were so lost in thought (and truthfully still annoyed at Lorne) that half the time your forgot to eat the ever-growing snack/fruit basket which was accumulating on your desk. On Lorne’s 8th check-in he threatened to carry you to med bay for nutrition if you didn’t sit and eat soon. “Y’know I’m tired of you airforce boys trying to threaten me with med bay.” Lorne tried to hold back a smirk and stopped himself from bringing up the fact that you should be used to it growing up with ‘flyboys’.
The light smirk you attempted to push down when speaking with Lorne stole his breath. His checking in on you, made your heart skip.
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I decided after my second SGA watch through to watch SG-1 and do this whole chronological order thing.
Over the weekend, I got to the divergence between the two shows and was able to start SGA over again. Guys, I'm going home!
I've really grown to love SG-1, but Atlantis will always be my Gater home. I didn't think I would have that many thoughts, because I thought all the thoughts last time through. (Y'all have got to be tired of my meta by now.)
I was wrong.
First off, it was supremely rewarding to watch this in chronological order, to go from SG-1 to SGA. It's like I've read the other half of the story, heard the other side of the conversation. I know Daniel and Jack at this point of their life and what they've been through. I know Elizabeth. I know that she's the anti-military who stood up for the military to the vice-president. I know she's earned their trust.
John "I like Antarctica" Sheppard. Of course he does. Also I love that he goes into the Stargate program basically blind, but he goes. It really shows he has nothing on earth and no one.
Highlights include:
Weir says: We need him. Everyone else with the Ancient gene can train to get better. John Sheppard does it naturally. I love that she picked Sheppard. She saw his potential.
When he walks into Atlantis, I always think: The city that lights up for Sheppard just the way Elizabeth left it for him.
When Teyla says Summner looks right through her and Sheppard asks if he does, and she says no.🥰
Okay, so when Sheppard picked up Teyla's necklace, did he activate it? Because 3 drones show up right away.
They all feel so light, buoyant. Even when you know Sheppard is here because he has no home, he's worlds away from the man he is in Doppelganger. And the same with Rodney. Rodney isn't really even stressed yet. He's kinda calm. Even when he knows they're running out of power he's not freaking out, not really freaking out. (So, does that mean the better you know Rodney, the more he's willing to whine at you?)
Also, the cinematography stood out to me because it's often framing Sheppard and Rodney in the same shot, like a hint at their friendship, or is panning between Elizabeth, Rodney, and Sheppard, hinting that they're the crew, the team, the family.
Also, Peter. Sigh.
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