#serie C
l-cele-1d · 1 month
Disfruta de la vida cuando seas feliz, no tengas la copa vacía hacia la luna.
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Palabra de Honor
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rhpirlo · 10 months
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aug 6th, 2023 -> novara v sampdoria, friendly
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Cara Deablr
Guarderete anche la Dea u23?
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sardies · 22 days
Finisce 6-1 l'amichevole fra Torres e Lanteri
Proficua sgambata al Vanni Sanna per i rossoblù in vista dei play off. Doppiette per Scotto e Fischnaller, reti per Diakitè e Goglino. Per gli avversari gol della bandiera di Nuvoli Continue reading Finisce 6-1 l’amichevole fra Torres e Lanteri
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ilbasketlivornese · 28 days
#SerieC: si separano le strade tra l’#USLivornoBasket e coach Mori #Livorno #ilbasketlivorneselive
(foto by Alessandro Solimani) I programmi di lavoro per il settore giovanile della società in ottica prima squadra, prevedono impegni in palestra che non coincidono con quelli personali e lavorativi del coach Le strade tra l’US Livorno Basket e coach Marco Mori si separano. Lo ha comunicato la società in un comunicato: L’Unione Sportiva Livorno Basket, targata Uappala Hotels, e l’allenatore…
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nicolacostanzo · 3 months
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cocksley-and-catapult · 9 months
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ISSUE 800: zeeige
22 august 2023
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Boniek ex Juventus, was also a coach for Avellino (the club who i like from childhood)in May 1995, he took over at third-league Avellino. He finally got what he expected: a club with aspirations. His predecessor was fired after two draws and two defeats. With Boniek, Avellino finished in second place and had to fight for promotion in the play-offs against teams from positions 3-5. It worked. Boniek achieved his first and only success as a coach.
He resigned in September. The club won four points in four matches. "La Gazzetta" reported laconically that he did not agree to work with the then staff. President Antonio Sibiglia is known for his difficult character and short temper; before Boniek, for ten years, no coach worked with him for more than six months. Boniek called a conference in Rome and announced that he had signed a contract for four rounds, making the extension conditional on the purchase of three top-class players. - Then you could think about a safe place - he explained.
Boniek today. "I parted ways with the coach in a pleasant atmosphere, I was in a good place in the second league, I was promoted to it myself. The president wanted promotion to the first league, and I said that it was impossible without buying three players. Will you buy them - I asked? - I don't have money . - I won't get into Serie A. - I'll throw you out. - Please, throw me out - I replied. He kicked me out. And he dropped to third.
So when Boniek had a team he could do something with, he did it. Maybe that's why I haven't met anyone who would complain about my workshop and I've never heard "Boniek doesn't know how to train."
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delinquenzanews · 8 months
Domenica Anzio di scena a Cisterna. En plein dell'Under 12 ad Aprilia
Secondo impegno stagionale domenica prossima per il Rugby Anzio Club, che sarà impegnato alle 15,30 in casa del Cisterna. E’ la terza giornata della prima fase di stagione della serie C, quella che stabilirà il ranking in base al quale poi saranno stilati i gironi della fase promozione. L’Anzio, dopo aver battuto nettamente all’esordio il Ceccano per 48 a 7, adesso se la vedrà con la terza…
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inbarfink · 8 months
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"oooooh, I know the comics aren't canon, but I wonder if Simon did an 'Ice King Apology Tour' in the main show continuity as well?"
Guys, let's not kid ourselves.
Simon's first instinct is to apologize for the actions of his Alternative Universe Counterparts.
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oajuricabaamazonas · 1 year
Clássico Estadual: Amazonas FC e Manaus FC se enfrentam no Estádio Carlos Zamith
Além do futebol, futsal e a Maratona Kids agitam as praças esportivas de Manaus Com apoio do Governo do Amazonas, o estádio Carlos Zamith recebe, neste domingo (11/06), às 15h, a partida entre Amazonas FC e Manaus FC. O duelo válido pela oitava rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro Série C é destaque na agenda esportiva da Secretaria de Estado do Desporto e Lazer (Sedel). “Temos dois representantes…
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spirk-trek · 2 months
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when your captain just defeated an alien entity with the power of friendship and everyone around you is laughing but you're vulcan :/
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rhpirlo · 1 year
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The president of my town's team said today in a interview that IF, we reach Serie C (third Italia league, actually we're in the fourth in 3rd position and there is a little chance to go up) then there could be the Female team 🥹🥹🥹
It would be a dream 😍
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chocomars · 7 months
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This is one of the ways they show their affection towards each other, by the way.
pt 2
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ilbasketlivornese · 2 months
#Playin di #SerieC: l'#USLivornoBasket espugna Monsummano nel primo match #Livorno #ilbasketlivorneselive
(foto by US Livorno Basket) Salvezza per gli amaranto più vicina Per Uappala Us arriva la prima vittoria del play-in di C unica , ed è una vittoria che vale oro quanto pesa. Raggiunta negli ultimi secondi sul terreno di Monsummano (67-69), al termine di una partita tosta e combattuta.  Le parole dell’assistant coach Alberto Ramagli: “Finalmente ci siamo sbloccati e abbiamo portato a casa una…
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