#serena butterfly
flx-res · 2 years
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winxixia · 5 months
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Amnesic Jasper: a concept
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vanderwoodlings · 9 months
... I would like to hear about the symbolism of the masks 👀👀👀
Well, Chuck is the Devil, and I think that’s enough said
And then you have sparkly, sunshiney Serena, which hides much more of her than you would think it does, in the same way that Serena is often reduced down to her bubbly side and, at this point, really burying a lot of stuff
But you have Nate in the Phantom of the Opera half-mask—he’s quite literally playing a role, and he’s also notably not fully in it, in that UES skin anymore
Blair’s is metal, very rigid and harsh, arranged in that pretty fragile, feminine pattern—very Queen B, very much pointing to how she portrays herself as the hyperfeminine dictator and to the fact that she herself pretty highly spirals under pressure
There’s this combination of both who they are and what they play at going on, because their lies are deep enough to be a part of them. They can’t actually not be them, once you’ve done something that’s something you’ve done
And Dan, of course, has to borrow something plain. He’s very honest, as yet, but he’d still like to come in
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flx-res · 5 months
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Finalmente, aquí esta el tercer bebo tomstar que les habia prometido mis seguidores de tumblr 💛💙
Star and Tom will have another baby boy in their early 40s. Since Aiden will become the king of the Underworld and Serena the queen of Butterfly Kingdom at that time their parents will be able to raise another child without complications 🫶💘💕
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mahoutoons · 4 months
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its valentine's day so have some oc x canon goodness
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||Horror Book Chapter 5: A Hacker kidnapping Part 2||
*Waving* Hi dears, I'm back with another chapter to the horror book. It seems I still will continue this like I said but I was lost on what to write. So, lets see what this chapter presents. If you wish to read the others so far, chapter list is down below.
~~Book chapters~~
Horror book one: Bloody game of Hide and seek
Horror book two: Darkness of one self
Horror book three: How to Be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 1 and Part 2
Horror book four: Hunting grounds
Horror book five: A hacker's kidnapping part one
((Your reading horror book 5 part two right now))
~Will have horror in the drabble
~Blood and maybe gore will be seen in this
~Scary themes will be also seen as well
~Dark themed is present in this drabble
~~Drabble Summary~~
After being kidnapped, Fosh and Mouse wakes up to see they were in some unknown place. Wrists tied and looking like they were trapped. However, a familiar face was seen startling the hackers. BLT has been the one that kidnapped them and now he's ready to do some experimenting. Now the hackers are on the run from this man. Wanna know how it goes? Read to find out.
((Guests in this drabble))
Jellyfish belongs to my rp partner/friend @demon-blood-youths
Mouse belongs to me and a guest visit from BLT a NPC villain from a old thread will be showing up.
((Just a heads up: Grammar is not good and their will be heavy mistakes but this was written for fun so please enjoy. ))
Heavy panting was heard in the hallway of this place with Fosh and Mouse running to get away from BLT. This place was pretty dark with light dim lighting and their was many electronics around. However, that was not important! They had to get away from him before he catches them!
"We need to find a way out of this hallway! Maybe we can find a computer to contact someone!" he said running even with their wrists tied together with rope still.
"I know we should find something hopefully but we need to get rid of these ropes!" she said but as the two get to a door, she tries to open it only to see it locked.
"Damn locked!" she said struggling trying to open it but Fosh was trying to help her to hear some laughter from behind them. Both Fosh and Mouse looks seeing BLT rushing towards them.
"Come back my beautiful new toys!!! I just wanna cut into you and rip you to bits!" he laughed but the two looks around trying to find a way out till Fosh noticed another door to grab Mouse by the arm to gently push her to the right. "Here, go in here!" He said as the two run into a door but they quickly shut the door and lock it behind to move away from the door. BLT looks around in that area but he was looking seeing his normal machines to laugh.
"Ohhh new toysssssss come out, come out, where ever you are....." He sings out looking around in the hall but didn't know they ran into the right room. Fosh and Mouse was quiet hiding behind a wall but they held their breaths, feeling their hearts pounding in their chests.
Fosh and Mouse looks seeing the small window in the door but their was some lights flickering but they didn't say anything to tense seeing BLT's shadow before hiding again. Fosh was scared but he looks away to see they were in some room but it was bigger. The room had screens with static or just turned off. A table was there with something laying on top. Some surgical tools sitting in water that was bloody. Seeing all this made Fosh pale but he slowly didn't want to know before Mouse keeps looking seeing BLT's shadow slowly walking off. She lets out a shaky breath to see that but closes her eyes.
"Geez, that was too close.." she softly said nervous. "Come on Fosh, we need to keep moving to get out of here." she reaches to touch his shoulder as he grabs her wrists to look ahead.
"M..Mouse....." she looks down to him but then looks at what he was seeing. Her own eyes widen seeing the room but it looks to be some lap.
"W..what is this?" she asked disturbed to see the area even the blotches of blood as well. The two hackers looks around but this place already gave bad vibes. The two slowly shook their heads looking around to try finding a way out. They step forward into the lab passing the bloody mess of tools and items even the table with something laying on it. The thing looked human judging by the form. However, when checked closely, she sees blood blotches on the sheets and even more at the top.
"......D..do you think that's.." Fosh started to say but Mouse was too nervous to answer. "......Mouse?"
"..I..I don't know but I get this sick feeling of my answer being true..." she looks away but looks to Fosh. "C...come on, we need to keep moving." she said as the two hackers walk but they did see a knife near by so Mouse carefully reaches to pick it up and start trying to cut Fosh's ropes loose. He waited not looking around this place but he did see the ropes cut rubbing his wrists that showed some rope burn. He then takes the knife to start cutting Mouse's ropes.
He was focused on cutting the ropes but Mouse was worried, feeling his hands shaking. He was scared and she was too. They were not expecting to be in this mess and yet here they are.They couldn't even do anything thanks to the shots BLT gave them so they were powerless but for how long? When he was done freeing her, Mouse gently takes his hand to have Fosh look.
"Fosh..Look at me..." she sees him slowly look up. "Trust me, I'm scared as fuck myself because I was not expecting this to happen. But believe me, we will get out of this..." she said hoping to help calm him down but even he was worried.
"I know I just......*Sighs* I'm just shocked that crazy psycho has been trying to find us all this time and now he wants to cut us up....that's just wrong. So fucking wrong.." he shudders and yet Mouse rubs her arms thinking the same.
"Well, as I did warn back then when we did that mission, he is always like that. But we did stop him from doing damage to the cyber world Fosh but now..seems he's been busy. But right now, we have to keep away from him and find a way out. We can't let him catch us." she knew that if he did, they would be fucked. For now, they had to keep moving.
"R..right..right..." He sighed but he saw Mouse look at him but takes his hand. They keep moving through the lab together now passing more of the tables near by. More things were drenched in blood but the two passed a certain one to tense. A human hand was seen under the sheet but their fingers were missing. Mouse and Fosh said nothing but they slowly keep moving not wanting to look anymore. As they pass more tables, more body parts were seen with some mission or in jars and tubes. Just what the hell was BLT doing? Kidnapping hackers to rip them apart? Or was it for something worse. As they keep walking, the two hackers stop seeing a door!
"Oh thank god. We can get out of this lab. Come on Fosh." she said gently pulling him as they get to the door. They get to the door but sees that it was unlocked. Mouse and Fosh look at one another then looks to reach to grab the door handle and turning it. The creek of the door was heard as the two look seeing another room but two more doors.
It was dark in this room with the only light from where they are showing inside. Both the hackers walk through but Mouse begins looking for a light to turn on. Fosh looks to help as the room even smelled horrible.
"Did you find the light switch?" she asked.
"Not yet...it should be around here somewhere...wait..I think i found it." He felt something near his fingers and flips the switch. However, he wished he didn't as a bright light turns on making Mouse and Fosh shield their eyes. They wince from the light but slowly lowers their arms with their eyes wincing a little. The light was not as bad but they slowly open their eyes that slowly looks to see the room.
Right away, Fosh and Mouse's eyes slowly widen in shock and horror. This was BLT's work office but they saw a teenager sitting in a chair but their face was hidden by a cloth. Wrists and Ankles chained to the chair but their head was cut open. Wires, needles, and other things were inside of his brain while he appears to be dead. BLT was even ripping bits and pieces of brain tissue from the other but the teen was already dead.
"....." Fosh's eyes were wide but he suddenly felt sick to cover his mouth to puke on the ground coughing with tears in his eyes. What the hell was wrong with BLT!?
'O..Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god....' he said this in his mind over and over but Mouse's eyes were wide. Horrified of what BLT did that she was crying shaking.
'S..so it was true. He does this to hackers just to find secrets in their minds? This is...this is so wrong...' she thought shaking afraid. She wished she could just change into a bird or something and get both her and Fosh out of here but she couldn't do anything yet. Neither can him.
This must have been where he's experimented on other hackers explaining different body parts, organs, blood, brain tissues in jars and tubes. This was just insane and sick!!!!
Mouse shook where she stood but she was at a loss for words. However, she reaches to rest her hand on Fosh's back. "W...w...we need to leave...Fosh, come on. We gotta move." she said trying not to cry but Fosh was too paralyzed in horror to move.
"F...Fosh? Fosh, come on. We gotta move.....please.." She slowly grips his sweater as he snaps out of it to look at her but saw something. She was crying. She wanted to leave this room before that monster finds them. Letting out a shuddered breath, he slowly stood and helps Mouse on her feet.
"Y..Yeah..l..lets g..go.." he said as the two was about to leave.
"Ahhh so this is where you both been."
"!?" Both Fosh and Mouse quickly look seeing BLT there. He found them! His sick smile was seen on his face as both Mouse and Fosh turns to run only for them to ram through the door to run again. However, he rushes to press his hand on the door to look down at the two scared teenagers.
"Heheh, I see you stumbled upon my little treasure room. Beautiful isn't it? Such a nice reward after getting the targets and scrapping through their brains finding more information to add." He smiled seeing Fosh and Mouse afraid as he smiled.
"Awww, don't be scared. I did say I wouldn't kill you yet....I rather break both of you piece by piece to see what makes you tick. I won't hurt you....." He grins but right away, Mouse and Fosh move away from him but Mouse grabs a metal pipe to point it at BLT who looks to blink.
"Just what the fuck is wrong with you!? How could you d..do this to innocent people!? To teenagers like us!?" she shouted but all he did was smile.
"Simple; for information. You young ones are fresher and ripe. It's more fun to rip someone apart when their at the right age. And with you two..your at the perfect age. I really wish to sink my knives into you both. Ripping you slowly and painfully....you should be honored.! I heard your both the best hackers in NYC so if I find out what makes you that way, I'll have even more information to become greater!"
"Y..Your insane!" Fosh said but BLT smiled.
"I know..now come on, let me have a little bit. I promise it will be not as painful." he steps towards them as the two back away from him. Mouse tightens her hold on the metal pipe but she was feeling sweat running down her face. This was bad! They had to find a way out of here and away from him!
BLT smiled seeing the fear in their eyes before he suddenly rushes towards them as Mouse swings the metal pipe to hit his face. BLT winces feeling his jaw break but he quickly cuts Mouse's side as she yelps to wince when getting punched.
Mouse slams into the wall holding her injury as she bleeds with Fosh hitting the table knocking some jars down. Glass scattering around when he heard a yelp. He looks seeing BLT holding Mouse down while laughing trying to attack her worse.
"Get away from me you asshole!" she hissed trying to push him back but he was laughing still reaching and trying to make her lose strength. Seeing blood running down to the ground from the wound. He even hits the pipe and stabs her even deeper as she screams in pain.
"Stop fighting me my new beloved toy! Let me cut you up, slice up that delicate skin of yours. I need your brain to see what makes you tick! And when I do, I will do the same to your friend! Your both mine now!" he laughed as Mouse was struggling to push him away. Fosh looks left and right trying to find something to help her then noticed some broken shards of glass. Looking, he quickly reaches to grab it and rushes to help Mouse.
BLT laughed still trying to cut Mouse again and again while seeing her wince. "That's it! Your mine now!" He laughed about to cut her throat when something stabs into his side. He screams seeing a shard of glass in his side. He then gets kicked off by Mouse as Fosh helps her up as she was coughing.
"Mouse!! Mouse!" As he tries to help her, he felt something hit him in the back as he crashes to the table knocking it over.
"F..Fosh!" She sits up wincing in pain from the wound but she saw him gripping his arm feeling a deep cut.
As BLT tries to attack him, Mouse gets in front but she picks up a glass jar and throws it at him. It hits his face hard to knock him down before she looks to try helping him."
"I got ya Fosh, come on we gotta run!" She helps Fosh to his feet as they both ran to the door that leads to the outside! It looks to be some old abandoned building but they quickly run as BLT coughed from the injury. He growls to slowly stood up, yanking the glass out as blood drips from it. Looking at it to chuckle, he threw it to the side now following them. Both Fosh and Mouse kept on running to get away from this creep but Fosh stops seeing the edge of a small hill.
He was able to stop but Mouse accidentally crashes into him to make the two stumble and fall. They land into some boxes to wince in pain. However, they heard BLT's laughter to quickly run.
"COME BACK!!! COME BACK AND LET ME HAVE YOUR BRAINS! DON'T YOU FUCKING RUN AWAY FROM MEEEEEEE!!!!" The two kept running faster and faster, not wanting to get caught.
"Hey, come back! Don't run from me!!" he laughed only for the two to run faster. Mouse tried to use something or shapeshift into something but she still couldn't! Fosh was trying to teleport but still can't! Stupid serum was still in effect. They only could keep running! Getting away from that crazy killer as he was dead on their trail.
After a while, both Fosh and Mouse got to the end seeing a blocked off wall with bob wire as it was sparking. The two was worried but heard heavy panting seeing that BLT caught up. He looked like a bloody mess but the two were nervous not wanting him near them.
"You two really are something else...I love that! Now, lets keep playing. I wanna see just what you two can do!" He runs towards them but he saw them duck trying to run away. Seeing that, he quickly threw something to trip the two as Fosh and Mouse falls to the ground but he only laughed seeing them trying to move. He walks to stomp on their backs to keep them from running.
"Oh no no no. We can't have that! You two have played long enough..I'm growing more excited seeing you both squirm." his smile was scary but Fosh and Mouse was shaking trying to get away from him. Even with the blood they were losing, they were trying to move!
Chuckling, he reaches to grab Fosh and lift him up and he looks at him. "Maybe I should start with you. You seem pretty smart as the data tells. I wonder what your brain hides." he smiled seeing Fosh wincing trying to get him to let go.
"Let Fosh go! Let him go!" Mouse said hitting him but he back slaps her hard to see her hit the ground hard.
"This is so much fun! You both have such a spark in you! I love it!" He tightens his grip seeing Fosh wincing in pain. He was hurting him! Now kicking his feet, he was seeing him drag him into the ground and steps on Mouse who was twitching in pain. She was coughing but he keeps going.
"Mouse! Stop it! Stop your going to kill her!" he shouted.
"But that's the point! If I keep this going, I can knock her out and then your next! Just seeing her struggle and cry is nice! Your cries will be just as nice!" He laughed still going as Fosh was trying to make him stop. Till he tries to knee him in the face to get dropped. He quickly moves to cover Mouse while looking at BLT.
"Y..You st...stay away from Mouse! I won't let you hurt her!" he shouted but he kicks Fosh in the face to break his glasses as he walks over to stomp on his chest seeing him cough twitching.
"Heh, I'm going to enjoy breaking you too.." he smiled holding his knife to grip his braided hair. The blade was near his throat while seeing Fosh shaking with eyes closed. Some blood seen from his nose and chin.
"Though, maybe I need to see just how loud you scream too!" he laughed about to stab his throat when suddenly.......
A bomb explodes near by along with another that blinds BLT who roars to cover his eyes. He drops Fosh on the ground as he steps back rubbing them. "GUAAHHH! MY EYES! I CAN'T SEE!"
"Good, then you won't see this coming you fucking asshole!"
Wait, that voice sounds familiar...
Even if Fosh was blacking out a little, he saw a familiar red jacket but another short sleeve jacket who was holding a spear in the palm of her hands.
"Yeah, your dead you dead beat asshole!"
Fosh knew who it was. It was Navarro and Echo! But if they were here then that means...
More destruction was heard when a giant fire bursts from behind shaking the area as the sound of rushing feet was heard. A fight was happening from what Fosh could see but he was laying on the side to look ahead. He did hear muffled voices.
'Oh god Fosh! Mouse!! Opehlia! we need your help!!!'
'Mouse, wake up please! Your going to be alright please wake up!!'
'Their bleeding to death!? What the hell did this monster do!?'
'Nevermind that! We gotta get them away from here!'
So many voices..and yet he was too tired to figure out who was talking. He begins to feel his consious slip away when seeing someone near by shouting for him to stay with them.
'Fosh, stay with me!! you'll be alright! Fosh!!!!!'
~~~~~~~~~~Hours later in the mid afternoon~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The sun was up this time after a few hours but Fosh was resting in a bed bandaged up with his head turned to the side. Ophelia was watching over him worried since she was hoping he would wake up. However, he felt some of the sun shining on his face that he slowly turns his head to make Ophelia notice. Was he waking up?
"...F..Fosh?" She looks to see him hear her voice and turns his head to face her. His eyes slowly open to look seeing someone. For a moment, he saw a flash image of BLT to make him snap away and gasp sitting up but Ophelia gently held his shoulders.
"Easy! Easy Fosh!...it's alright...." she said as he was looking to see it was Ophelia. He didn't say anything but he was calming down to feel her keep him back on the pillow.
"..O..Ophelia? W..wha..."
"Fosh, thank god your awake. H..How are you feeling?" she sees him look at her then at himself seeing the bandages. He didn't say anything but he slowly turns to look at her.
"I....I guess I'm okay. Sore but....where are we?"
"Your back home. We were all so worried about you and Mouse after finding out you both were kidnapped. You were gone for two weeks..." she said but Fosh looked shocked.
"T..two weeks? W..we were gone for that long?"
"Yes. When you both didn't come back that night, we got worried and went to look for you. Thanks to Fin, his fraction was able to track your phones and saw they were smashed. It told us someone kidnapped you and Mouse. However, we were about to find you thanks to Echo and Navarro making a tracker device..."
"......." Fosh couldn't believe it but that left him wondering, if he was here then...He quickly looks worried in a panic.
"W..wait, then where's Mouse!? Is she here!?" he tries to sit up but Ophelia stops him.
"Calm down Fosh Please!"
"But...But Mouse! She was badly hurt as I was! Please..i..is she alright!? Is she.."
"Calm down.....she's alright. Mouse is sleeping over there...." She said looking to the right. Fosh looks but saw someone else in bed asleep. Also bandaged up, Mouse was asleep.
"......S...Has she woken up?"
"No. She was tired as you were so your the first to wake up. I was able to treat her and you and get rid of whatever was in your systems from what that..guy injected into you. For now, your too weak to heal yourself so I suggest some bed rest for a few days." she said but Fosh looks down at his lap but looks down gripping the blanket.
"Here, if you want, I can let you rest up. I'll come back to check on you later Fosh Okay?"
"O..Okay.." seeing that, Ophelia goes to tell the others Fosh was awake but as she leaves, he was looking quiet then at Mouse. She was sleeping quietly on the other bed but she was resting so that was good. He didn't know why but seeing her like this was painful. He didn't like seeing anyone of his friends hurt. That goes for Mouse too.
For now, he lays back while looking up at the ceiling but his upper face was hidden as he bit his bottom lip with tears running down his cheeks. That was a horrible night for both her and him.
For now, he just can rest and prays Mouse wakes up. But one thing is for sure: he hopes they never remember that night ever again.
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Same energy. @senpujin​ 
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Did a little thing. My bf chose the characters
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maddurang · 2 months
A muito tempo estou querendo voltar pra Ana, choro dias e dias por causa do meu corpo mas sempre tenho compulsão quando tento....
Mas hoje foi o pior dia da minha vida, foi o dia que me fez dar um ponta pé inicial de vez! Me gravaram distraída e foi simplesmente a pior coisa que já vi em toda minha vida!
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winxixia · 3 months
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DQ IX charms ideas I had while rediscovering the game with friends. Younger me would have LOVED having DQ IX merch... oh well one thing left to do!
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enchanteleclerc · 11 months
strawberries and cream 🂱 cs55
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genre: 18+, literally pwp, fem!reader who’s the sister of carlos’ best friend?? LMAO
word count: 2.5k
You seem to enjoy the company of your brother’s best friend. Especially right now, over some breakfast of pancakes, thinking you may never look at strawberries and cream the same.
a/n … idk how my last post did pretty well but thank u all for the support !! still learning how to write smut (and write in general bc i never write in uni 💀) this was heavily inspired by that one serena and nate scene i hope u guys know which one i’m talking ab :))
warnings … penetrative sex, semi public sex, dirty talk (degradation and praise), unprotected sex, food, rough ish sex?
You don’t remember when it started. The butterflies, the stolen glances across a room. Ever since you could remember, Carlos was always around. But he wasn’t here for you; you had to remind yourself. Your brother’s best friend. And yet, neither of you could deny the tension between you both. The way your fingers brushed when you handed him your plate, offering to wash it for you after dinner, caused you to subconsciously hold your breath. ”Need some help?” Sauntering into the kitchen where Carlos was washing the dishes. You don’t miss how his lips turned into a smile upon seeing you. Picking up the dishes he just washed, you began drying them beside him, taking quick looks at him from the side of your eye but making sure he doesn’t see. Flipping a plate over, you accidentally splash him with water. Your hands immediately went to your mouth to apologise, but you couldn’t help the giggles pouring from you. “Yeah? You think that’s funny?” He wrapped his arm around your waist to hold you still while turning the tap towards you, soaking the white oversized shirt you wore. Pleading for mercy, to which he loosened his grip, you retaliated by turning the tap onto him. Stepping through the puddle of water you both caused, he turned off the tap. ”Truce?” He sticks out his pinky for you to shake, which you take happily. Pinkies interlocked, you look up at him, still giggling, but the giggles dissipate when you look into his big brown eyes. His eyes held yours for a moment before travelling down your body to the white shirt that had gone translucent and stuck to your body, leaving almost nothing to imagination apart from your bra and panties. Carlos’ clothes were no better. His grey shirt had darkened and stuck to his torso, revealing the lines and curves of his toned stomach. ”What the fuck?” Your brother’s voice echoed between Carlos and you as if a strike of lightning. You both jumped away from each other but still connected through your pinkies. As if there was an invisible piece of string connecting you both. Clearing your throat and crossing your arms over your chest to hide yourself, you announce that you were heading up for bed, unwilling to let go of Carlos’ hand. You wonder how you could possibly fall asleep knowing that Carlos would be in the room beside yours. The answer to that question was reluctantly. However, you eventually fell asleep to Carlos’ light snores through the thin walls of the house. And the moment the snoring ceased, so did the little sleep you received. Early in the morning, you heard a door open. Well aware of your family’s ability to sleep into the late hours of the morning, you knew whose door that was. You were suddenly wide awake and wanting to run out your door to see him. Needing to regain some dignity after letting him see you basically half-naked yesterday, you decided against leaving your room immediately. After what you believed was enough time, you found yourself walking downstairs into the kitchen, where a figure was rummaging through the fridge. Despite only being able to see his back, you knew who it was, of course. That was a back you caught your eyes lingering on many times. The way his muscles flexed through the thin shirt had you in a trance. “You’re up early.” He returned the milk carton to the fridge before turning around to see you. You simply hummed back because you couldn’t form coherent thoughts when Carlos looked like this. Sleepy eyes looking back at you from the opposite end of the island, slightly obstructed by his hair that was messy and looked somewhat damp from a shower, you assumed. His voice, raspy from the morning, had your knees buckling. You sit on the island's counter to avoid the embarrassment of passing out simply because he spoke. ”Wow. He cooks and cleans. Is there anything you can’t do, Mr Sainz?” Your eyes flitted from the stack of freshly cooked pancakes to Carlos. His eyes unmistakably darkened at your use of “Mr Sainz”, but his head still shook with a low chuckle, placing his hand on your bare thigh. Picking a strawberry out of the bowl of toppings, you lean towards Carlos. He opens his mouth instinctively to accept the sweet fruit out of your hand, keeping his eyes focused on you and the way you bit your lip when the juice of the strawberry leaked from his lips. His eye contact broke only when your hand reached up to wipe the juice dripping down his chin with your thumb, only to place the thumb in your own mouth to suck off the juice. His eyes connect with yours again, and your close proximity is not lost on either of you. Your hand rests on his flushed cheek, the light stubble scratching your hand as his chest rises and falls. Carlos hums before wrapping his hands around your thighs to pull you towards the edge of the counter and moving in between your legs. Your faces were so close you could feel his warm breath from his slightly parted lips. He looked so pretty, like a prince straight out of Disney that you would have obsessed over when you were younger. You could’ve sworn you saw Carlos’ resolve crumble around you as his hands moved from your thighs to your head to catch your lips in a suffocating kiss. Years of sexual tension between you and Carlos finally being resolved had your head spinning in a whirlwind of lips, wandering hands and the taste of strawberries. The sudden action caused a squeal to leave your lips as your body connected with his, warm and hard. The feeling of his body in between your legs with your oversized shirt riding up and his clothed cock hardening for you from every minuscule movement you made, simply to find more friction and provoke him. Your arms wrapped around his neck, one arm reaching for his back, feeling the tensing muscles through his thin shirt, the other tugging slightly at the hair on the back of his neck, eliciting a silent moan from his mouth. His lips move from yours to your neck, letting your head fall back, and your legs wrap around his torso. Your fingers find the hem of his shirt, tugging slightly before he tugs it over his head, revealing his perfectly toned body, lightly speckled with hair. His lips are on yours again before his hands rest on your hips, inviting you to move them against him. You gasped at the feeling of him right where you needed him, and he used your gasp to delve deeper into your mouth. His fingers grip your hips and pull your shirt up for a better view. The feeling of the cold air and his hands on your overheating body stimulate you beyond belief. You pulled away from the kiss to breathe and look down at the way you slot in perfectly with him. Carlos tilts your head to look at him and lets his thumb rub your swollen and bitten lips. Your lips attach to the skin of his chest, placing light kisses moving down his stomach. “Fuck. Need to feel your lips around me.” he groaned deeply before you pushed yourself off the counter. You find yourself on your knees for him pulling down his grey sweatpants and boxers to reveal his cock spring up. It was intimidating how big he was. If you weren’t so needy, you would’ve made a cliche comment about his size, but there was no need; Carlos already knew. He could tell by your face and subsequently chuckled. Looking up at him through half-lidded eyes while you stroke it, you observe the way his head falls back for a moment from the pleasure before landing back on you, focusing intently on what you’re doing as if he would rather die than miss this. His eyes bore into your own, but not with the chocolate brown colour you know so well. A darker tint of brown has invaded, causing your thighs to clench together. You place the head of his cock in your mouth. The warm feel of it causes an involuntary moan in you that is reciprocated by Carlos. His hand wrapped around your hair, guiding you along his cock and allowing you to take it in full. Caressing it with your tongue, Carlos’ grip on your hair tightened as the muscles in his legs clenched. Carlos has spent so long seeing you flaunt in short skirts and cropped tops around your house. Spent so long watching your long legs as you walked or when you crossed your legs as you sat. Carlos remembers the day he started feeling like this towards you. It was a hot summer day, and he volunteered to drive you and your brother to get ice cream. Seeing the way you lapped up the ice cream as it dripped down your hand and the moan you let out when the cold liquid touched your tongue haunted Carlos’ dreams for weeks. Dreams that resulted in him having to take a long, cold shower. On the drive home from the ice cream parlour, Carlos was silent and painfully hard in his pants as he avoided looking at you in the rearview mirror unless they wanted to completely drive off the road. Carlos couldn’t believe this wasn’t one of his many dreams. You were real and kneeling before him, letting him fuck your pretty little throat. Your cheeks hollowed and wrapped around him tightly before pulling it out and letting your tongue swirl around the tip, catching all the pre cum. Carlos’ small groans start speeding up, as does your mouth on his cock, but he pulls you away using your hair. ”Need to be inside you.” His hands find their way around your thighs again to lift you up and place you back onto the edge of the counter, ripping your panties off and discarding them somewhere in the kitchen. Dipping his finger in the bowl of whipped cream left for forgotten pancakes, he draws a line on the inside of your thigh, stopping before the apex and letting you suck the whipped cream off his finger. Your back connected with the cool surface of the kitchen island, unable to take this amount of pleasure as Carlos dropped his head between your thighs and began lapping up the whipped cream. The frustrated groan you released when Carlos’ tongue stopped before he reached your heat was disrupted when you felt him drag the tip of his cock up and down your needy folds with ease from how slick you were. Your hips rutted towards his, needing him inside you or at least some friction. Finally, he began pushing, feeding his cock into you. Your eyes clenched closed at the overwhelming pressure you felt. No other boy had stretched you out like this, but none of them were Carlos Sainz. The shared moan that left both your mouths once he bottomed out inside you was intoxicating. You shiver momentarily at the loss when he pulls out of you, but all was forgotten as he slams back into you again He was everywhere— around you, inside you. So overwhelmingly good you understood why you waited so long for this. ”Faster, please” Carlos’ grip on your hips tightened, hearing you begging for him, happily speeding up his pace, hearing your little whimpers from every movement. His hand reaches up to grab your tits, kneading and flicking your nipple to perfection. Carlos had to restrain himself from cumming when he saw how sensitive your nipples were and how you responded to him. ”Fuck you’re perfect. This pretty cunt— so wet. all this for me?” His hand left your tits to attack your clit, rubbing in small circles that had you throwing your head back in pleasure. “Answer me.” He ceased his movements on your clit and began thrusting agonisingly slow. You tried moving your hips to find some friction, but his hands pressed your hips into the counter to stop you from moving. ”Fuck Carlos. It’s all for you. It’s always been you.” Carlos sped up once more. Faster than before. Faster than you thought was humanly possible. The sound of an alarm clock upstairs caught you off guard, the thought of someone— let alone your brother finding you like this. Fucking his best friend. And yet, the tightening feeling in your core didn’t disappear but got stronger. ”Please, can I cum?” He slows down, staving off your orgasm. Unable to move your own hips, Carlos set the pace, and apparently, Carlos did not care that someone could walk downstairs at any moment. He wanted to relish in this moment. The feeling of you beneath him and begging for release. He wanted this image to be ingrained into his memory for the rest of his life. “Cum for me, cariño.” Your legs shaking and releasing a moan that was much too loud for comfort, your orgasm hit you at full force. His hand slammed over your mouth to prevent anyone from hearing, although Carlos would love for the whole neighbourhood to hear you scream his name. His thrusts didn’t cease through your orgasm. Instead, they sped up. Twitching inside of you, he asks where you want it. ”Inside me, please. Fill me up.” Mumbling behind Carlos’ hand that was still firmly over your mouth and was now covered in your spit. Without warning, you felt it. Like a warm flood within you, pushed around by Carlos’ slow thrusts. His cum trickled down your thigh when he pulled out, and you both stood there in silence, listening to each other’s heavy breathing. Footsteps walking down the stairs sprung you both into action, however. Wide eyed for a moment before frantically adjusting your shirt back on and Carlos pulling up his sweatpants with no time for his shirt. ”Morning.” Your brother rubbed his eyes as you and Carlos stood behind the island. No panties on you. No shirt on Carlos. Both were discarded somewhere in the kitchen and soon to be found by your brother. “What are you guys doing? Where’s your shirt, mate?” Your brother’s eyes went between Carlos and you as you pretended to just notice that Carlos had no shirt on. ”Oh, pancakes. You want some?” Your brother offering you as if he was the one that made it. You shook your head before seeing the way your brother loaded his pancakes up with strawberries and whipped cream. You had to bite your lip to hold in a laugh as Carlos’ cheeks flushed. Walking behind your brother, you find your panties and Carlos’ shirt, sending him a wink before walking back upstairs with the clothing items in hand. Leaving Carlos to deal with your brother and the pancakes that were now cold.
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flx-res · 1 year
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Our demon princess and her talking ded horse 🤍
I did some doodles of Serena (being with her horse just like a Disney princess uwu) a year ago. I dropped this project for a while cause drawing the skeleton horse was so difficult (even with references) but I'm so happy I finally finished it now ☺️💗
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mahoutoons · 1 year
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local lesbian butterfly reacts to her gfs' new outfits
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||Horror book Chapter 5: Hacker kidnapping part 3||
*Waving* Hi dears, I'm back with another part to horror book chapter 5 so have a bonus that will be part 3. So, lets see what this chapter presents. If you wish to read the others so far, chapter list is down below.
~~Book chapters~~
Horror book one: Bloody game of Hide and seek
Horror book two: Darkness of one self
Horror book three: How to Be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank Part 1
Horror book three: How to be Evil: Scared Straight Beyond Prank part 2
Horror book four: Hunting grounds
Horror book five: Hacker Kidnapping part 1 part 2
((Your reading horror book part 3/Final part))
~Will have disturbing flashbacks from both
~Blood may be mentioned in this
~Scary themes will be also seen as well
~Triggering moments will be present
~Dark themed is will be spoken of in this drabble
~~Drabble Summary~~
It's been a few days after Jellyfish and Mouse was rescued by their factions so all was so-so in New York. However, consequences was the result for the both of them. Now they try to recover but it's something both will never recover from. So after rest, Jellyfish had a visitor. Who could it be? Read to find out?
((Guests in this drabble))
Jellyfish belongs to my rp partner/friend @demon-blood-youths
Mouse belongs to me and a guest visit from BLT a NPC villain from a old thread will be showing up.
((Just a heads up: Grammar is not good and their will be heavy mistakes but this was written for fun so please enjoy. ))
It's been a few days after the rescue of Jellyfish (Fosh) and Mouse (Serena), the hackers from the DBT and the Cursed Vixens. Though to Fosh and Mouse, it felt like it just happened yesterday. Both were kidnapped, chased down by BLT and almost killed but thank god their fractions found them in time or who knows what would have happened.
Even if both were saved, the damage was already done. Thanks to it, even if Fosh tired to get back into action, he felt like it was too soon. Even after finding out he now suffers from flashbacks when seeing bloody wounds. If he saw just one or noticed it, he would get terrible flashbacks or nightmares if he takes a nap or sleeps. It gotten bad to the point that Ophelia had to give him sleeping medicine even if he would try to refuse or stay up a couple nights.
So, Ink told him he's on break till he's fully recovered but he knew he wouldn't fully recover after that night. Not ever.
Right now, he was on a recovery break after that night but he was looking at some tea that Ophelia made for him. He didn't have many bandages but some was still seen. He was looking ahead while feeling a calm breeze blow against him.
That's when his mind goes to another person. Mouse. He didn't know how she was doing after that day when her team took her home to rest up. Though, he didn't know how she was from this. He would call her but he didn't want to bother her at most. But, he hopes she's alright and resting up. As he was just sitting there looking ahead, a knock was heard to make him jump looking over seeing Ophelia.
"Fosh? Are you awake?" she takes a peek to see him awake but he was looking tired still while setting the tea down so he didn't drop it by mistake.
"..Y..Yeah, I'm awake. Is something w..wrong?" even hearing his tone was a worried sign from how exhausted he was. Ophelia shook her head gently but she looks to him.
"I wanted to check up on you and it seems your still recovering which is good. I was going to ask if you were hungry. Did you want to try eating something?" she asked but Fosh looks down at his lap but remembers the soup Jaron made. He didn't eat it because he was too scared to eat it. She sighed but looks to him.
"......I'm not really hungry right now. I can try to eat later on if that's fine." he said but Ophelia understood but she still would give him space and not push him into doing anything.
"Alright but you have to eat later on or soon. We don't want you to get sick okay?" she saw him nod to look down then she remembers. "Oh, also...you have a guest to see you." she sees him blink to look.
"Yes. She wanted to visit you and see how you are holding up. I'll go and get her so one moment." Ophelia goes to do just that as Fosh wonders who it was. In a bit, the door opens up to show Ophelia back and as she said, she had someone with her.
Orange red hair that was in a twist braid today, some knee high jeans with flats on but she looked just as tired. Their was still some bandages on her cheek and arms but he sees her look at him.
"..H..Hey Jellyfish. Hope you don't mind a little visit." Mouse or Serena was there with some help with Ophelia. Behind her was Jinx who waves but it shows the Vixens were visit today since Mouse wanted some fresh air and to check on him. She walks in with some help before sitting down by him while the two looks at one another.
"Alright. If you both need anything, please call me or someone. We will come in case you need something." Ophelia said before she saw them nod. She turns to leave the room to let them talk alone with Jinx following her. Both Mouse and Jellyfish said nothing but she looks to relax or tries to.
"........It's good to see your awake and resting up Fosh." He heard Mouse said after a moment, leaning back a little but she still was stiff after a few days back.
"S...same for you too."
"So..how have you been? Have you been resting up?" she asked looking to him as Fosh said nothing but looks down while resting his hands on his lap feeling the blanket he got when he takes a nap.
"You could say that.....even after what happened I'm still a bit..jumpy. B..but I've been okay." He didn't look at her that Mouse looks to him.
".....Are you sure? You sound like you haven't had any sleep..." she said seeing Fosh look more quiet to sigh.
"...No, no I haven't. I've been having really bad nightmares so it's been hard to get some sleep or take a nap. I just can't take one....even after all that. I try to take one I end up...s...seeing..you know." He whispered the last part but Mouse knew even she grips her wrist trying not to remember.
"*Sighs* Thanks to that night, I been more scared that it's affected my sleep and me eating. I can't even keep anything down because I remember what happened and what we saw. Even being near food would or might make me throw it back up." He said remember when Jaron tried to help him eat something he suddenly threw it back up moments after crying. Mouse looks worried but saw Fosh looking ahead but she can see it in his eyes he really was tired.
"You know it's not good if you don't eat......but I understand.." she mutters softly but Fosh shook his head to think.
"But what about you? Have you been recovering?" he asked but it was her turn to be silent.
".......Not really. I'm having trouble sleeping at night myself. I just can't close my eyes and relax even with the peaceful silence. I've gotten a lot more jumpy that I accidentally shock my teammates. I think I even have panic attacks now which is not cool." she rubs her arm but Fosh looks to her hearing that.
She gets panic attacks now? That wasn't good. "Ever since we were saved, I thought I would be alright like it never happened but.." she looks down to feel her hand shaking. "I was so wrong. I can't sleep without seeing 'his' face. His sick smile and remembering him wanting to...do that to us. I can't even hack properly so my team gave me a break in order to be more stable." she remembers freaking out crying that it took a while for her to calm down.
"..Mouse.." he sees her look up but her eyes were hidden but he knew she was trying not to cry.
"..Even if my scars healed, somehow I still feel them stinging like theirs something under my skin. It's scary Fosh and I don't like it. I don't like this feeling..." she looks ahead but touches where she was stabbed by BLT. It showed a very light scaring thanks to her demon blood but she still felt it there.
"It's gotten bad to the point that I would cry or sob in my room or under the shower. Trying to wash his filthy hands off of me but..but they wouldn't come off. He still is....I can even still hear his laughter Fosh..." Fosh got worried but he sees her hands shaking as he saw her looking down. Right away, he reaches to take her hand as she quickly held it.
"Your safe though Mouse. Were both safe..h..he's gone.....I hope he's gone. B..but..were fine now." He said but Mouse looks silent but she only sniffles to breath but he looks to see her now crying. He didn't like when his friends were this upset but he was no better. Both were having lack of sleep, focus, and just trying to recover but that physically scared them.
"E...even so......we can relax now. Were fine Mouse. Were s..s....safe like everyone tells us." He said to assure that it's fine. She was still shaking even with her hands resting on her but he noticed her wrists and arms. It seems they were bandaged up but his eyes widen seeing small patches of.......
"B..b...blood..M..Mouse? D..did...what happened?" he asked in a silent tone.
"H..Huh? O..Oh..It was after I freaked out one time. I was having a panic attack thinking he was there and ended up clawing at my skin to cut my skin. It should be healing soon. I did that this morning...." she said but that's when she felt Fosh shaking. "F..Fosh?" she looks to him but he didn't look up at her.
His eyes were looking at the bandages but that's when flashbacks or images flashed before his eyes of that night, the blood, and BLT. He quickly lets go but held his head trying to breath.
"F..Fosh? Fosh what's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked but she saw him shaking and whispering something.
"N..no...no no no no no no no no no..please god not again. Not again....." Wait, what did he mean? She saw him now shaking but tears were seen that worried Mouse.
"Fosh!? What's wrong??" she said.
"Not again...Not again! I don't want to remember again! I don't want to remember!!" He shuts his eyes gritting his teeth with tears still flowing. He didn't want to remember. He didn't want to remember the teenagers that died that night. He started hearing BLT's laughter in his head to make him open his eyes wide breathing in and out loudly and deeply. He felt sick all of a sudden like he was going to pass out. However, that's when he quickly held his stomach and covers his mouth before vomiting on the floor coughing.
"Fosh!!" She got up to quickly get some water for him as he was crying but right away she got some to help him. "E..Easy Fosh Easy!" she was trying to calm him down but he was shaking holding his head before she heard him muttering.
"Please..Please I don't want to remember..I don't want to. Make it stop..please dear god make it stop..." he gasped shaking but Mouse was worried that she was careful.
"Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop! MAKE IT STOP-?!?" That's when she quickly held him not caring if she got something on her. She had to calm Fosh down. He didn't move tensing up but he felt Mouse shaking now. However, she carefully got some paper towels to help clean Fosh up after he got sick on himself a little.
"Shhhhhhhhh...please...please don't talk....It's alright. Were safe now. H..He's gone..." she whispered but the upper part of her face was hidden but he felt tears hitting his face as she was crying remembering. "W..Were safe now....*Hics* W..were....." that's when she begins sobbing as Fosh said nothing else to only slowly hug her back tightly.
Both hackers were now sobbing quietly in the room but even from now, they needed a moment. Even now, the others were worried but they didn't bother. However, Ophelia heard the noise when going to check on them. It broke her heart hearing her friends like this but it hurt Mouse even worse hearing Fosh break down like that. For now, she didn't bother them and goes to get something for later.
~~~2 Hours later~~~
Ophelia came back to check on the two but she gently knocks to wait for them to talk. Jaron was with her but he was worried while Melinda was holding some clean bandages.
"Do you think their alright?" Melinda asked but Jaron said nothing not sure.
"I don't know but I hope so.."
"W..well, we will see." Ophelia heard nothing but goes to knock again. "Fosh? Mouse? Are you both alright in there?" she opens the door slowly but takes a peek but her green eyes widen seeing. Jaron and Melinda blinks wondering what is going on but they take a peek to Melinda letting out a gasp covering her mouth and Jaron's eyes widen.
Both hackers were asleep but Mouse was holding Fosh in her arms but it seems both have been crying. Their was a odd smell but it seems Mouse cleaned up the throw up from before. He and her were twitching in their sleep but they were so tired they couldn't keep their eyes open.
"What happened?" Jaron said but Melinda was still worried.
"M..Mouse must have had a panic attack...and Fosh did too? They seem to have been crying...." she said but Ophelia checks to see. Her eyes looks and noticed some thing.
Their was some things broken near by but spots of blood was seen followed by some of Mouse's bandages being undone a little. The three didn't know what to say but Ophelia goes to check on them. The two didn't even wake up when the three came in. However, soft whimpers came from the two as they were either having nightmares or something worse.
"....Guys.." she was so worried of the two but Mouse and Fosh just remain asleep. Melinda and Jaron was more worried now not expecting this but the two only hope the hackers will get through this. BLT did a lot of damage to the two and he made sure it sticks with them. As many would say, true they will recover but this will stay with them forever.
'Please..please be alright....' Ophelia said in her thoughts like she was going to cry for them but Jaron was worried as Melinda was sad while looking at them.
Serena and Fosh knew from here on out, the memory remains as scars do. Even if they healed, the scar still remains with them.
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