#section 3 video nasty
grindhousecellar · 1 year
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wendynerdwrites · 3 months
A Measured Response: A Measured Response
Above please find the video I'm responding to, "A Measured Response" by James Somerton. If he deletes later (and I suspect he may), I will reblog with an embed of a copy of the video.
Also note: Much of this is taken from comments I made on his video. But I believe he may be deleting them. Or I got caught up in the spam filter because I commented more than once out of sheer frustration with what I was hearing.
Okay, I am going to start off with a couple things I will give you credit for:
1) Acknowledging the shitty effect nuking your channel had on Nick's career and prospects. That's actually something that hasn't been discussed much and it is genuinely good of you to volunteer that to your audience. As someone who once had her own portfolio nuked by former partners, that's a good thing to bring up. No notes there. That was a good move.
2) You actually used the word 'plagiarism' this time.
I would also like to say that I am glad that you are safe and I am glad you are still alive.
I'm hearing lots about insurance, and your mental health struggles, and the move YOU chose to make "disrupting everything" and your mom's death, "not citing things correctly", how ADHD apparently made you plagiarize, and how hard things are for you. And how people harassed and doxxed you. How you totally want to prove yourself!
Here's what I'm not hearing about:
1) The harassment campaign you launched against your accusers that literally caused them to go into hiding. Sorry, but you don't get sympathy points about death threats and doxing without at least expressing remorse when you did that to others. You haven't mentioned it once. you also falsely accused OTHERS of sending harassment your way and have not acknowledged it.
2) The multiple transphobic and misogynistic lies you told.
3) The tangible impact of queer erasure YOU ENGAGED IN. You barely mention any of the people you stole from. Believe it or not, James, but those people? They also had lives, and jobs, and obligations. Some of them also had dead parents. Then there are the queer people you erased the identities of, slandered, and insulted. Becky Abertelli had to deal with YEARS of the same sort of harassment you're complaining about because of people calling her straight. And even after she was FORCED OUT OF THE CLOSET, you perpetuated that lie again. And yes, YOU DID, JAMES. PUTTING HER IN THE 'STRAIGHT AUTHORS' CATEGORY IS CALLING HER STRAIGHT, JAMES. THAT'S HOW CATEGORIES WORK. Then when she briefly corrected you, you lied about her repeatedly and inserted nasty little vague comments about her so that you could bait your audience into asking about it and claim she harassed you on twitter for not liking her show (which never happened once. She didnt even bring up you straight-washing her on twitter. It was in your comments section.). So not only did you lie, you went out of your way to create opportunities to lie about her more.
4) The outright dangerous rhetoric you engaged in. Such as:
a) You lied about the AIDS epidemic and generations of actual queer activists who you claimed didn't care about employment discrimination and just wanted to have "big gay weddings" because they were "boring. This is a false and dangerous retelling of queer history, not only isolating new generations of queer people, but also erasing the tangible benefits of the legal benefits you enjoy now, James. THEY WANTED MARRIAGE SO THEY COULD HOLD THEIR DYING LOVERS' HANDS AS THEY PASSED AND ATTEND THEIR FUNERALS, JAMES. THEY WANTED MARRIAGE SO THEY WEREN'T KICKED OUT OF THEIR HOMES AND STRIPPED OF BENEFITS DURING A HEALTH PANDEMIC, JAMES. THEY DID FIGHT FOR EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS, JAMES. THAT'S HOW SEXUALITY BECAME A PROTECTED CLASS. Lying about and downplaying the legal rights these valiant "boring" people fought for misleads current generations of queer people into caring less about their history, the people who have done the most for them, and protecting the legal rights so desperately won.
b) All the gay Nazi shit. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain why inventing facts about all the Nazi secret police and youth counselors being gay and extorting people for sex under the Reich is so insanely dangerous and disgusting, but here's a hint: it casts your own community as being the vile, perverted criminals that THE ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO WANT YOU DEAD (you know, homophobes? Not people on the internet who noticed you plagiarized the Celluloid Closet) perpetuate in order to sell their draconian policies to the masses.
c) all the misogyny. I get it, you want to erase the discrimination against women (and people you claim are women) have faced, especially as queer women. You wanted to pretend Radcliffe Hall was allowed to "carry on with her happy little life." You wanted your audience to believe that. You wanted your audience to shit on women for moral panics you made up. You wanted to erase the queer identity of a woman who had already been through Hell and then pass it off as justified. With the rising tied of renewed misogyny,, incel attacks, and reproductive rights being stripped from us, you really, really wanted to sell the message of women being whiny, jealous bitches who get handed everything, never deal with consequences, and hate people for not liking their work. (TBH, it feels a bit like projection on your part) thank you for spreading so much incel rhetoric and transphobia and making your audience ignorant of the great contributions women have made to LGBTQIA history.
I'd respect you more if you would just own up to the obvious biases you clearly have.
That's not all, but my hands are getting tired.
5) That you were caught lying about the contents of Hbomb's video in your initial patreon response.
6) The worth of the people you stole from.
7) Using Nick's asexuality as an excuse for your acephobic AF bullshit about how ace people apparently never dealt with institutional oppression when they're the most likely to be sent to conversion camp and have had corrective rape used as a "treatment" throughout history. Like, holy shit, James.
8) How you tried to lay blame for your shitty, stolen work on your own audience because "you didn't wanrt to make them and they were patreon requests." You didn't have to keep video requests as a perk. Those people paid over $300 to you for those wids only for you to throw them under the bus.
9) Your complete refusal to update your Telos backers on anything besides announcing new projects that you were using to replace the projects you promised them. You could have gone on Patreon, Indiegogo, Twitter, or your channel, and explained things. Things like this happen. But instead you ghosted and gaslighted.
10) The shit you pulled about Nebula.
11) The shitsquillion dollars you spent on cameras you didn't need when you were also claiming to your patrons about being on the verge of homelessness.
"It's a documentary, no opinion just cited facts." James, you've cited "facts" like "15% of the Hitler Youth counselors were gay", "Radcliffe Hall didn't get punished for writing a book about lesbians", and "there was no fight against employment discrimination" as "facts."
Then there's the part where you're still insisting that the people who told you that you can't make a short film on 3K were wrong. You insist it's possible because you intended to use non-union labor. then two minutes later you admit a movie you put together ended up going way over-budget because you didn't realize how much things would cost.
So the Telos nay-sayers had a point, James. Why are you still acting like they were wrong. Do you just not want anyone to find Dan Olsen's tweets about your finances?
The fact that you think you have any business coming back when all you've ever managed are lies and theft is so hilariously conceited. I get it. You want to be able to "carry on with your happy little life" (the way Radcliffe Hall DIDN'T). You want to go back to being a big youtuber and for everyone to admire you once you manage to go a whole video without stealing from anyone. That's not how this works. You have no credibility. You have caused a huge amount of damage not just to your immediate audience, but also the queer community overall.
You hurt a lot more people than Jessie Gender, James.
You also lie in your video saying "in the beginning, I thought it was enough to put people's names in the opening credits." No you didn't. You started using those opening credits well after the accusations came rolling in. You even admitted on twitter that in the beginning you weren't "citing my sources yet."
Do I believe much of your bullshit was pure laziness? Certainly. But there can be more than one reason for it. There's no way you knew who Radcliffe Hall was and actually thought she face no repercussions. No one who has ever heard of The Well of Loneliness DOESN'T know all the prints were destroyed. It being a lesbian book that was destroyed by the courts is THE STORY.
You lied when you said you didn't call Becky Albertalli straight. EVEN THOUGH YOU ADMIT TO PUTTING HER IN THE STRAIGHT CATEGORY.
You lied about your "adaptation" of Evil Queens and tinker Bells and the citation and schedule of when you got approval. You got approval after the fact and claiming you got it from the beginning. your own email screenshot proves it.
You lied saying the Evil Queens video was "a direct adaptation of the books" despite half the video being plagiarized from completely different works. You lied about your plagiarism accusations and HBomb's video rehashing old "debunked" accusations on Patreon. You lied about Alexander Avila. You lied about reading/watching a bunch of the media you were "critiquing." you lied about when you started with your opening credits.
You don't "research", "write", shoot, edit, and post a video with shit like that in it and say it wasn't malicious or intentional. You put these videos out there with scores of lies, many of which were directed at various marginalized groups, and CHOSE to never check if anything you said was true. You don't invent entire fake moral panics "by accident." You don't plagiarize by accident.
Please don't spend forty minutes reciting excuses and then claim "these are not excuses." You're not fooling us.
Also - Leave your poor mother out of this. She already had to die of cancer. Let the poor woman rest.
But thank you for linking your new patreon and telling us all about your upcoming videos! I am glad you have your priorities straight. (that was sarcasm)
Just leave the internet, James. Not LIFE, OBVIOUSLY. Stay alive. But your time as a content creator is done. You have no viability in that area. The fact that you think you can just do this is equal parts entitled and delusional. That you think you can come back so soon makes it even worse. Tell you what: you can try again after it's verified that the people you stole from have been compensated and you properly apologize for everything else.
I will not believe you're truly sorry until you can actually apologize without caveats, excuses, and, yes, lies. Saying you're sorry for "not citing things correctly" is not apologizing for what you did. It's cushioning the actual facts and downplaying your transgression. You have not apologized for the misogyny, acephobia, or transphobia, which, yes, YOU DID. I don't care if you want to claim it wasn't intentional YOU STILL DID IT. You haven't apologized for harassing and slandering your critics.
So no, James, I don't really believe you're sorry. I think you're sorry this blew up and that you have to make a new patreon. I don't trust that you won't continue being misogynistic. I don't trust that if you ever see this comment, that you will actually read it instead of crying homophobia and cancel culture and "wanting you dead."
Admit that you harassed people and that it was awful. Admit the extent. Admit you lied about Becky Albertalli and apologize to her. Admit that, yes, YOU HAVE SOME REAL ISSUES WITH WOMEN and that you are ready to confront them.
I don't trust you to do the right thing here. But maybe this comment will be read by someone who might have otherwise fallen for this and it'll be easier for them to see through manipulation like this in the future.
Just log off, Bro.
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onlyseokmins · 1 year
a tiger's dominion [2] • k.s.y.
"Some days you tame the tiger, and some days the tiger has you for lunch."
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Pairing: kwon soonyoung x afab!reader Genres: porn with PLOT (minors dni!), camstars!au, university!au, best friends/idiots!au, goofy comedy, cheesy fluff, and angst Warnings: cam shows and camera sex obv, swearing, me thinking I'm funny, sex toys, alcohol, food, gym/exercises (reader works out), innuendos, perv behavior from everyone ngl, boob obsession, switch!Hoshi and reader, light-hearted threats, denial of feelings and lots of advice, subpar communication, spicy shower time, insecurity, lots of pet names, mentions of dacryphilia, fingering (fem. receiving), nipple pinching/pulling, slapping, spanking, crying after sex bc it feels good, lil bit of pain/temp play, multiple orgasms, grinding, dry (wet) humping, thigh riding, slight ab riding, face-sitting, slight punishment (?), nasty and messy 69, marking, slight possession, titty job, squirting, spit play, cum-eating, and it's just WET MESSY SEX FILTHY GRRR with a touch of sleepy after-care WC: 21.3k A/N: finally!!!!!!!!!!! the long awaited part 2!! this is such a huge labor of love for me despite the many hurdles, i am so proud and happy to post it finally! i would like to give a huge thank you to @duhnova and @onlymingyus for doing the big deed of beta'ing for me. without their help this would be an even worse mess ajdkfs <3 so so appreciated and a big thank you to the anons, readers, and kind blogs that left so many nice tags on the first part, i hope you enjoy the continuation just as much and look forward to the finale!!
➯ a tiger's dominion ◇ [teaser] ◇ [part 1]
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Seokmin's a safe bet. 
He's clumsy, awkward, and kind of weird enough to distract people from the fact that he is absurdly handsome and his endearing nature easily melts everyone's heart. You like Seokmin a lot, you really do. 
Plus, he's a taken man, and that makes it even better for him to be the one to drive you out to the repair shop. The same one that he was ever so kind in recommending to help you save money.
Seokmin's best boi.
But you kind of wish he would shut up.
"You're telling me that the guy you've had the hots for — mind you, for eons — admits to jerking off to your sexy videos… and all you say in response is 'great'?" 
You cross your arms in defense, thankful the car's stopped at a red light when he throws his hands up in the air in disbelief. "What was I supposed to say? And it has not been eons."
"As long as I've known you, you've liked him. And that has been many, many, many years."
"We've been friends for a little over two, Seok. Besides… it's not like I 'like' him like that entirely."
Lee Seokmin. Better known to some as Dokyeom or DK. He's a fan-favorite and still rated number one on Svthub's audio porn section despite the sudden "retirement" announcement a couple of months ago. You're more familiar with the joint viewer account he shares with his girlfriend though — deathbyd1cks — and the expensive gifts they love to send.
They taught you a lot about the streaming world. The do's-and-don'ts. How to gain and maintain viewership, safety, and money. You hadn't expected to end up with mentors (turned sugar daddy and mommy, let's be honest) when you'd messaged his girlfriend — who was single at the time — for advice. Neither had you anticipated being the leading factor in pushing them to confess their feelings for one another. 
Nor could you have guessed they were locals attending the downtown city's university, not too far from your own. But here you were and boy — were you grateful to them. Because they were now dear friends. Although you saw Seokmin in person a lot more than you were able to see his girlfriend lately, as his schedule this semester was much freer than hers. Hence why he was the solo figure driving you out today.
"I can't wait to watch this stream," Seokmin mumbles as he excitedly taps his fingers against the steering wheel. "If you're already super dick-drunk now, imagine what's gonna happen when the real thing's in front of you. I'm tingling!"
You scowl. "Why are you more excited about this than I am? And I am not dick-drunk!"
"Because you're gonna see his dick — that you're totally drooling over — in the flesh… speaking of which, you're both all tested and clean, right?"
"It's not like I don't already know about ninety percent of his sexscapades as it is." You roll your eyes at the reproachful tone he uses when saying your name. "Yes, of course, he sent me his latest results and everything's fine. And you already know about me."
You hear him hum in agreement. His girlfriend really likes you — so much that she even offered to invite you to become part of a potential threesome. Not even for a camera act but out of pure (as pure as you can get with that kind of request) intent. 
Of course, you declined though. As much as you loved them and were flattered by becoming somewhat of their sugar baby, you had rather strict rules on engaging in any sexual activities with your friends. Or anyone for that matter. Regardless of how tempting. 
Until now.
Your head thumps against the headrest of the seat. "Why the fuck am I doing this to myself?"
"Doesn't have to be this agonizing. From the vibes I'm getting, he's into you. Definitely thinks you're attractive."
"This isn't some fanfic where the best friends fuck and there's this grand reveal that they've had mutual feelings for one another all this time."
"You don't know that."
"Don't make me question reality, Seokmin — my problems are real and there's no way there's some silly little author out there with their evil mind deliberately making me go through all this shit."
His shoulders reach his ears as he shrugs. "Maybe we're all just some god's little playthings in the grand scheme of the universe."
"You're literally so irritating when you get philosophical and ambiguous. Revoking your friend rights." When he simply snickers, unaffected by your empty threats, all you can do is shake your head. "I don't want to go off of vibes. And I don't want him only liking my body. I know, I know — as cliche as that sounds, you've got to understand where I'm coming from."
"You want his heart."
You purse your lips as the autobody shop comes into view. "I actually… don't want anything. It's better for everyone that way. Besides, he still has that date this week."
"Ouch," Seokmin winces at that as you get out. Rolling down the window, he calls out to you. "Still rooting for the best outcome, though. You know we've always got your back no matter what!"
A fake smile and thumbs-ups are all he gets before you wave goodbye. Once the car has disappeared down the gravel road, you turn and approach the open garage door. Jeon's Repairs looks like something out of a horror film. A creaky building covered in dust and located out in the middle of nowhere. 
Maybe if you were murdered out here, it would be better. But you know that's not going to happen.
It's just as much of a shock as the first time when you see the six-foot-two mechanic wave energetically as he stands up to full height next to the open car hood he was bent over. A thin, white wife-beater is barely able to properly cover his large chest muscles. The minuscule shirt is basically ruined from oil spills coating it, the shiny amounts of perspiration from the hard manual labor he performs, and various upper body sinew bulging as he moves.
"Hey, Mingyu. How're you?"
He sweeps back the curly bangs that fell out of his man bun and shoots you a dazzling smile. "Right as rain, like always, Sugar. Your car is too. Fixed 'er up and she's runnin' like brand-spankin' new! You'll be ridin' a beast in the streets for sure."
Mingyu's a funny guy. You already like him and this is only the second time you've met. That's why you can't help but tease him back with a mischievous smile. 
"How do you know my car's a girl?"
"Ah," he walks over to the stall where your car sits and you follow, eyebrows raising at the affectionate slap he gives to its side before leaning against the front, thick and muscular arms crossed. "'Cause I know my way best around the ladies. Always get them makin' the prettiest noises for me jus' right."
"Don't let him lie to ya, sweet stuff." The new tone you hadn't heard the last visit makes your eyes widen at the new visitor's entrance. Long legs on perfect display with short denim shorts and a white tank somehow even scantier than Mingyu's. They send you a saucy wink. "Why don'tcha tell the truth 'stead of bein' a creep, Gyu?"
"Sorry, Bun." When Mingyu grins this time, it's all teeth. "Not tryna steal your thunder or anythin'."
"'sides, if anyone knows their way 'round women, ya know who's best 'tween us."
"Although it's true Bunny is our star mechanic and a star at… other things, you're embarrassing me." The door to the office opens and the man in charge steps out, peeking at all of you with a stern gaze over his wire-rimmed glasses. "I apologize for their antics, it's a pleasure to see you again."
He greets you formally with a handshake that you return. "The pleasure's all mine, Mr. Jeon."
"Wonwoo is fine, 'Mr. Jeon' sounds like you're addressing my father."
"Wonwoo it is then. You can call me by my first name as well and please, it doesn't bother me whatsoever, my good friend is much worse, I assure you."
"Gyu said you're friends with MinMin."
"Uh, Seok… min? Yeah, he spoke highly of here."
"He's always been such a good boy." You would wholeheartedly agree but the way they say it almost hints at something else. "Dare I say it's a shame he's now hitched. Or prolly soon to be."
"Hey," Wonwoo calls their name warningly even as he's busy cross-checking your total but they don't pay him any mind. "Seok told us — "
Nor to Mingyu who is elbowing them not so discreetly in the side. "He also told us not to — "
"We're streamers!" they exclaim excitedly, interrupting both men. "Well… we were. Kinda hard to set shit up when yer out here fuckin' like — haha, bunnies all the time, ya know?"
The boss now refuses to look up from the papers he's writing but his partners' two pairs of sparkly eyes with matching, mischievous grins beam at you. Your cheeks burn at their openness but you do smile back.
"I see."
Flawless (despite the grimy work conditions) French manicured nails tap excitedly along your wrist before pulling you in close. "Don't worry, Seokminnie didn't say anythin' but ya know how ya can tell when he knows somethin'? So, we did some deducin' and detectin'. And we're sooooo excited for yer collab!"
"Ah, thank you? I didn't know I had such... enthusiastic supporters here."
"Friends can always be found in the most unsuspectin' of places!"
"Truly, um… I hope you didn't give me a discount or something just because of that." 
You chew on your lip out of concern because your car looks polished like brand new and you're sure it'll run great — even better — as Mingyu declared. All of that for the price deducted from your bank account almost seems unfair to them. In fact, you could return most of the sum Soonyoung had given you, perhaps rendering the collab null.
Except he'd already made an announcement on the forum page and then accidentally locked himself out of his account for forty-eight hours. And the post is still up for a ton of people to see and share around the community. Your notifications are blowing up — some in excitement, others jealous — but all in anticipation. Evident from the fact that the people way out here in the countryside with spotty internet knew about it.
And you hated letting people down. Or thinking you chickened out. 
Wonwoo finally unfreezes to refute and shakes his head adamantly. "No, our pricing is standard as always so please don't worry about any illegal or favorable treatment."
"Good, 'cause I don't think I can afford to go to court," you laugh. 
"It's only fun if yer on a reality TV show, hon. We don't intend to go to court unless we're on one 'n it's guaranteed we can win the case."
"Remind me to never get on your bad side, then."
"Oh, sweetheart — all I have are good sides." They turn in place, swaying and showing off the best parts of their assets. 
Mingyu wolf-whistles while you clap along politely and Wonwoo takes that opportunity to sidle up to you, returning your credit card, keys, and receipt. You thank him and he nods, subtly gesturing to follow him outside.
"It was a pleasure doing business with you. Hopefully, you'll consider coming back again if you need any more fixer-uppers. As long as the crew didn't scare you away."
"They didn't, I think they're lovely."
He regrettably looks over his shoulder and you peek along. Trying your hardest not to laugh at the scene of Mingyu having whipped out an expensive camera from who-knows-where and is now snapping shots of their partner dancing.
"Yeah, they are. They just get really excited meeting new people, especially fellow streamers."
"So, it's true, you used to stream?"
A wicked smile is shot your way. "Sure did. But watching is just as fun, if not more. Especially with folks as excitable as them."
"Oh, I'm sure you get into lots of trouble."
"You couldn't even imagine." 
"I can't." 
Wonwoo clears his throat after that comment. It's not surprising that he's good at picking up on things and reading the room. A nice expectation when you're in any type of relationship, especially given his shared dynamic. After a drawn-out goodbye with the lively throuple, you finally slide into the driver's seat of your car to leave.
The ride back to the city in relative silence allows your thoughts to wander. It's true. You couldn't imagine such a relationship filled with laughter, trust, and positivity. Now you're sure it wasn't perfect, obviously. But that's probably where a good amount of open, clear communication helps fix whatever issues arise.
It seems like something out of a fairy tale. Just as you told Seokmin, a fanfiction plot built to accommodate its main characters and their perfect story. 
You're not sure what role you're destined to live out and honestly, you don't care. You're goofy, impulsive, damaged, insane, and doing the best you can. That should be enough in this wretched world, right?
Although you decide it's not enough for you personally and make the split-second decision at the stoplight to pull into the parking lot of Limbo. Your favorite supply shop for some much-needed stress relief and serotonin boost.
"Welcome to Limbo, where our prices are as low as they go, and our products will — oh, heya!"
"Hey, Jun."
The welcoming slogan is always cut short when Junhui's on the clock and you walk inside. As the owner, he's all too familiar doing business with you. He might even consider the two of you as more than acquaintances. Friends maybe. Dropping the customer service routine, the attractive blonde smirks at you with raised eyebrows and leans against the counter.
"And what can I do for my favorite customer?"
"It's not good to play favorites."
"Who says I'm playing?"
You roll your eyes. "As the biggest playboy I've ever met, when are you not?"
"Touché," he laughs and quickly stops the fake flirtatious act. "Honored to be pulling more bitches than your furry 'boy friend'."
"I don't have a dog so you have to be talking about… why is everyone bringing him up today? You know he's not my boyfriend!"
"Because someone tends not to realize how much they overshare and don't worry, dearest. I know that foolish boy hasn't made a move on you yet, hence the air quotes. Shame on him."
"Don't talk about it," you mumble, "and he's not a furry. He genuinely thinks he's a tiger. Maybe that's how he's able to pull new dates out of his ass all of the time without a tail plugging it." When Junhui erupts into more manic laughter, you cross your arms. "Just tell me what you've got new in stock, please. It's the only reason I'm here."
"Of course, of course. Let's see — ah, do you know how revolutionary this is?"
You dubiously eye the large cardboard box he pulls out and starts waving around. "A… card game?"
"Bingo," he snaps his fingers, "except a hundred times better. It demonstrates the best way to find the clit through an interactive and compelling game!"
"Why are you showing me this? I know where the clit is."
"Congratulations! But not everyone does, do you think your friend can find it? Maybe you can buy it for him."
"How are you still in business, your sales pitch is terrible," you complain with half a mind to strangle said salesman right then and there. Your eyes drift over to what's behind him on the wall, eyes widening with the ideas suddenly flowing through your head.
"I thought we were besties, I just wanted to show off goods that aren't attached to my body." Junhui pouts, albeit good-naturedly but you're not paying attention anymore — despite his next words. "Perhaps, you can be the one to educate him."
When you don't respond sardonically as expected, he follows your zoned-out gaze with a questioning brow raised. Meanwhile, Mingyu and Wonwoo's partner's kind words before you'd left play over in your mind.
"First non-solo stream, eh?"
"Oh, um. Yeah."
"A word of unsolicited advice, darlin'? Enjoy yourself. Make it fun. The feelin's can figure themselves out after, yeah?"
After you'd assured them their advice was very much welcomed and that you appreciated another steadfast supporter you know in-person, you'd exchanged numbers. Now, their final parting words before driving off echo in your ears like a haunting siren's call. Bidding you to do its will. Your neck heats up, remembering their mischievous smirk and saucy wink. 
"I didn't peg you for someone into collars and leashes."
You're snapped out of your hazy thoughts. "Well, don't because you so aren't. Ever."
"Yeah, yeah. Well, I would have thought you were someone who'd prefer these more," Junhui snickers wickedly, an atrocious set of fuzzy pink handcuffs he'd pulled out from under the counter dangling off his pointer finger. "A more hands-off, no touching approach."
The vision that scandalously pops into your mind is quickly dispelled. Banished even. So you refute by lying and saying, "It's not cuffing season."
"Oh, you're down bad. So bad." He shrugs. "Think of it as a bonus then." You watch in mild horror as he also throws them in a plastic bag. "I'll even give them to you free of charge. So, what color do you think will compliment your boy toy best?"
"He's not my — " You close your eyes, taking a deep breath and trying again not to think too hard. "Any will do. Just give me black… oh, and that too."
A wolf whistle. "Someone's in for a treat. Or trick. Something."
"I will literally cry if you say another unnecessary comment."
"Luckily for you, dacryphilia isn't really my thing. Yet."
"Oh my god!"
"All I'm saying is, this'll be some good shit." 
"Do not — and I repeat, do fucking not — make me commit murder in broad daylight, Jun."
"Alright, alright," he holds his hands up in surrender, biting back the endless jokes and puns that always threaten to roll off of his tongue. Instead, he changes the subject to something you're less likely to kill him over. "If things get boring, tedious, heart-wrenching — text me. I can set you up for some decent mixers!"
"By my stupid luck, you'll be the only one who shows up."
"If you wanted to date me so bad, all you had to do was ask." He takes the credit card from your iron grip and swipes it with ease while batting his eyelashes at you. "Tempting but no thanks, darling. Though trust me when I say I have tons of acquaintances who know how to have a good time. And get down and dirty if you'd like."
"I don't even want to date you but… I'll think about those mixers," you concede and grab your purchases. Given the nature of his job, it's obvious he has all kinds of connections. "See you around."
When the little chime marks your farewell and you step back outside, you're not sure how much of a stress reliever that even was. The back of your head hits the headrest of the seat with a defeated thump once you're inside your car.
Damnit, Junhui!
Peeking inside the bag with a grimace, you toss it onto the passenger's side. What were you even thinking? The buzz of a phone halts you. The name belonging to the very bane of your existence flashes across the screen.
"Hello?" It's silent. The line crackles and you think he might have just butt-dialed you until a desperate call of your name comes through via a different but not unfamiliar voice. "Oh, hi there, Chan. Please don't tell me a certain someone's in trouble."
"I'm so sorry to bother you but… yes. He's um… very, very, very intoxicated." 
You glance at the clock on your dash with a frown. "At this hour?"
"We went out for a lunch break and he ordered a drink. Maybe two…"
"Oh, no. Why? He knows he can't handle liquor at all, especially at restaurants and bars."
"Like it was great to go out for a good time since he's seemed out of it. And we did try to stop him but…"
"You're not his babysitter."
"Yeah." You both fall silent. You're mentally cursing Soonyoung for embarrassing himself in front of his junior dance team. As their captain, no less. At least Chan had experienced this too many times. Unfortunately. "Um, and… he won't stop talking about you so… I thought the next best bet was to call you."
Your blood runs cold. "Is he saying weird things?"
"N-no… of course, not! You know how he gets."
Soonyoung's more of an emotional, lovey-dovey drunk than a secret spiller but maybe you have too much faith in him, judging by Chan's rushed and uncertain response.
"Yeah, I do," you sigh, "where are you?"
"We were at his place and tried to get him to go inside but," — "no, stop trying to kiss me!", someone in the background shouts in protest — "um, sorry but anyways, he keeps insisting to come see you. And none of us knew if you were home or not."
You can hear the drunken slur of your name clearer now and assume Soonyoung is getting all up in Chan's business while he's on the phone. Possibly to say hello to you. 
"I'm out right now —  "
"Oh oops, sorry! I'll try and get him to calm down — "
"Wait, so you're at his place?" you rush to ask after he accidentally cut you off. 
"Well," he lowers his voice as best he can, "we're just driving around with the excuse that he'll think we're taking him to see you." 
"Okay." Glancing around the parking lot you're in, you know you would die before admitting to the young, up-and-coming dance crew member that you were anywhere near a sex toy store. "How about we meet at my place? I'll be back home in about fifteen?"
He agrees readily, apologizing once more with a guilty tone at having to bother you. Soonyoung being a chaotic drunk doesn't occur as often as one might think but when it does happen — it's always an experience to remember. And somehow you and Chan always seem to be the victims of circumstance when shit goes down.
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"I'm… I'm really sorry about this."
"Don't be. If there's anyone that has to apologize, it should be the one that caused the situation in the first place." You attempt to lessen the intensity of your glare when facing the younger man. "Unfortunately, that will have to be after he sobers up."
Chan shuffles his feet, cheeks dusting a light pink because he's not sure where exactly to look. After dragging his senior's body out of the car when he'd arrived at your place and then lugging him up to the door, the inebriated man completely melted right onto you and is now intimately nuzzling at the crook of your neck. All while you remain expressionless, arms crossed above Soonyoung's that embrace you.
Something gnaws at the young man, telling him that this is a bad idea. "Um, are you sure you don't want me to take him back? Drive around a few blocks before he passes out?"
"Wasting more gas in this economy? Don't worry about it… besides, he doesn't deserve to wake up by himself with the sun shining through his window and birds singing now, does he?" Your rather menacing tone causes Chan to instinctively step back to leave until you blurt out, "Oh wait!"
"You said that this buffoon kept talking about me, right? What kinds of things did he say this time? Y'know, wanna make sure it wasn't slander or something gross."
Being buried six feet under would be much better than ratting out his mentor or becoming the victim of your misplaced wrath. "Ummm… he said you have pretty… eyes, yeah! Pretty eyes!" When you blink them once — twice — Chan uses that as his cue to escape with a rushed "See ya!", taking two steps at a time to scramble back in the car with his friends.
Pretty eyes, my ass, you think to yourself and glower at the man clinging helplessly to your side.
Slamming the door shut a little too harshly causes Soonyoung to flinch and nestle impossibly closer to you. His clumsy hands knead the skin below your breasts, innocently inching a little too high for comfort. Gripping at the strands on the back of his head, you tug him away only to grimace at the inappropriate moan that escapes his mouth.
"Shut up."
"I… said nothin'?"
"Yeah, well. I've heard enough already," you snap and urge him forward until he topples onto the couch headfirst. "What's got you acting up like this?"
His eyes have stayed squinted this whole time even in the dim area of your living space, a perpetual frown on his puffy red face. It's cute even if he looks like he might cry. Although a closer glance and being all too familiar with his drunken habits, you think he might actually be on the brink of tears.
"You been… 'voiding me."
"No, I haven't."
"'course, that's what you think."
"I've been busy."
"'s what you always say."
"Do not," you argue. As a point, you stare directly into what you can see of his dilated pupils only inches away from those pursed lips of his to fluff the pillow on his right. "Had to pick up my car and everything. It hasn't been that long since you've seen me."
"No texts?"
"I'm not on my phone twenty-four-seven."
"Liar. Going without me."
"You wouldn't have even known where the place was. It was in the middle of nowhere and recced by a friend."
"You have friends?"
You sigh in defeat. "Yes, I do, Soonyoung. Whatever, it's not like you're comprehending or going to remember any of this anyways."
"I will."
"Yeah? What's two times two?"
"… Twenty-two!"
You nudge him over in exasperation and he falls down on his side, head perfectly landing on the pillow you propped up while he lets out a heavy sigh that you echo. "Sleep tight, dumbass."
Throwing a blanket around the lower half of his body, you know his tolerance has improved enough that he won't make a mess of the furniture. Shaking your head — albeit fondly — you head inside your room for the evening. Later on, lulled into a dreamless sleep by the even-tempo snores of your best friend.
Drunk Soonyoung is a deep sleeper — easily knocked out for more than twelve hours. 
By the time he's come to, he's slept through you waking up early, fussing in the kitchen, starting laundry, and stumbling around looking for your shoes before leaving (you needed to get out before you grew too soft over seeing him asleep on your couch). You don't even bother to keep quiet, knowing the man won't stir until his body has detoxed all the alcohol out of his bloodstream.
He's a little upset to find you gone, the living quarters noticeably a bit chilly without someone else — you — in it. Though a sheepish smile lights up his face after seeing medicine and a glass of water on the table. Plus, the usual post-it note with a frowny face scribbled on it that you left for him.
Like it's a habit, his fingers slide across his phone screen rather efficiently to speed-dial your number, smiling at the profile picture he chose. A candid picture of you laughing so hard at his funny antics you didn't hear the shutter clicking. Sometimes being bad at using technology works to his advantage.
"Morning, how's the hangover?"
"Barely feel a thing, must be the magical fairy dust you sprinkled over me."
You make a disgruntled noise before playfully asking, "Four times four?"
"… is sixteen. Whatever I said last night you cannot and will not hold against me, okay?"
He notes your noncommittal response. It's strange when you'd normally fire back at him. Rhythmic pounding noises thud in the background, and if he holds his breath to listen closely — he swears you're panting.
"What're you up to?"
"Workout. Treadmill."
Soonyoung blinks. 
Forbidden thoughts of your pretty tits and ass deliciously bouncing in time as you jog flood his mind. Licking his lips, the imagery turns to you bouncing on something else. Like his cock, for example, that's already starting to swell and stiffen up at the thought. His attractive best friend panting hungrily for him instead of in the gym. Exactly as when you squirted all over that pathetic vibrator of yours.
You're a goddamn perv, he chastises himself. 
Groaning as quietly as possible, he clears his throat. "You're not a fan of exercise routines. At least, you've always hated mine."
"Yours are stupid, insanely hard. A friend of mine said to keep fit, you know — to look nice for that."
"Friend? What kind of friend says shit like that?" You're reminded of his question last night but he continues on with sudden passion. "You're already pretty just the way you are!"
"Mhm-hm, and what exactly about me do you think is pretty?"
Heat burns on Soonyoung's neck, traveling upwards to set his cheeks aflame. There's no way you know what he's picturing right now. Banishing those scandalous ideas far, far, far away (for later maybe), he scrambles to answer. 
"Your… your… eyes!"
He's not sure what he's expecting but it's certainly not a scoff of disbelief coming out of his phone's speaker. Only the wall you're facing can see how hard those very eyes roll.
"Lies. All men do is lie."
Before he can ask you to elaborate, a male voice he can't make out nor identify takes your attention away. Soonyoung frowns, eyebrows furrowing in perplexity at your amicable, "Be right there," before you bid your friend a rather miffed goodbye. 
"Please lock the door when you leave."
"I can't stay?"
"… Just don't destroy anything."
A toothy grin emerges on his face as he thinks back to where you told him the spare key was. "I wouldn't dream of it, babe."
"Uh-huh. 'kay, bye."
"Bye!" The suddenly smug man hangs up. Donning a smirk on his face for no audience to see, one that Jihoon would shake his head and say his roommate must be up to no good.
Well. If you're going to do a workout with some other guy just because his routine is too intense — in more ways than he could ever know — Soonyoung's going to have to show you what you're missing out on.
Meanwhile, a chill runs down your spine. Puzzled, you pat at the sweat glistening on your forehead, neck, and back with the towel looped over your shoulder as you cool down. Turning off the treadmill, you join Seokmin on the large floor mat where he's attempting to stretch but has given up in pursuit of draping his body over a stability ball.
"What are you doing?"
"Becoming one with the ball."
You snort. "Is it working?"
"Yes." Turning his head, sparkling eyes stare up at you. "The universe has spoken to me and told me that was your special tiger boy. Does he miss you? Long for you?"
"There's a twenty-five-pound weight next to your girlfriend's foot. Don't make me go get it and throw it at your head."
He whines out to said partner about how mean you're being to him, only receiving delighted laughter as meager consolation in return. Setting down the heavy bar, she swings her legs off the bench and saunters over. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, a bejeweled eyebrow raises at how Seokmin forlornly rolls across the floor before he drops the act to grin at her knowingly.
"I don't like the look you two are sharing."
"Relax, sweets. When have we ever done something bad?"
"Do you want the evidence mailed or faxed by the time I gather up all the receipts?"
"You're so funny and cute," she coos, fiddling innocently with your workout bra strap. 
"And you both are insane. Lovely. But insane."
"I promise it's nothing crazy, right Seok baby?"
"Yeah, it's really tame. Nothing big either."
You shake your head. "So, it's not another extra, extra large-sized vibrator? 'Cause I was told that wasn't big either."
More bubbly giggles fill the empty gym. "How 'bout we grab some food on our way out and we'll share the deets?"
"I suppose so, could definitely use a cold drink now."
"A drink? At this time?" Seokmin teases as you search for your cover-up hoodie and zip it up. He'd wrangled all the details out of you this morning about last night's events while you helped spot him on the chest press. "Was taking care of your tiger boy really that bad?"
"… How you haven't broken his perfectly shaped nose yet is beyond me."
"'cause he's adorable. And frankly, dearest, you can be a real sour puss sometimes."
"Sorry, I'm surrounded by irritating idiots all the time that test my patience."
"Even me?"
"Never you." You loop your arm through her free one, causing the fake pout on her face to disappear. 
Seokmin hangs giddily onto her other side, matching his girlfriend's radiant smile. He's used to the usual light-hearted jabs thrown his way and knows they aren't meant with any ill intent.
The three of you traipse outside where the fair sunlight and time of day increase the crowd of people milling around. Business always flourishes for the food stalls lining the sidewalk when the stroke of good fortune smiles down on them with pleasant weather. Especially when hungry gym-goers stop by for a refreshing drink or delicious snack like your trio needs after a hard routine.
"So, what's the grand secret you're hiding?"
Shiny, long hair is flipped over a tattooed shoulder with such a sure smile on her face and for the umpteenth time, you wish to have even a fraction of the self-confidence Seokmin's girlfriend exudes. "Got a sexy little number for you, darling. Nothing insane but I know you'll just love it and well," a glee-filled snicker, "I know he'll absolutely adore it. Isn't that right, 'Min?" she asks louder.
Her boyfriend nods in agreement even though he probably hasn't heard a thing other than his name from where he's busy paying at the stand. You roll your eyes.
"Thanks, but is that really necessary?"
"Of course!" she gasps, "it would be a bit of a shame, really, but I wouldn't be surprised if he tore it right off. Hah, it will be easy to tho… but anyways, the setup is always key. Remember, I told you it's just like foreplay and equally as important. You're already hot stuff and you're just gonna look even hotter flattering your best assets. He's gonna end up blowing his load, I just know it!"
"I'm going to have a meltdown," you state rather evenly while she squeals. Quite proud of yourself for the fake calm demeanor. 
A hand wraps around yours, squeezing encouragingly. "Listen to me. I was in the same boat a year ago and what great advice did I receive?"
"That was different."
"How so?"
"I mean look at you two now."
"Yeah, I found the love of my life. But that's not what I'm referring to. You know how murky our feelings stupidly were at the time and what did you tell me?"
You sigh in defeat and repeat, "'Whatever happens, happens but at least you know you tried'."
"Exactly." She puts a hand on your shoulder and the other one tilts your chin up so you have no choice but to meet her firm gaze. "And I wasn't happy when you said that but it's true. Plus, my intuition deep down is never wrong and something tells me this will be good either way. It's why we got you something to help boost your confidence, yeah? Think of it as armor… even if it doesn't cover much!"
You groan her name. "Geez, alright. You're right. Someone else said the same thing but I'm just — you know…" You wave your arm around and she nods understandingly. 
"I get it. It's okay to feel that way, perfectly normal. Be honest with him, at least about the nerves part if that's what you're only comfortable sharing. I think he's gonna treat you right during this, though. You're his best friend when it all comes down to it! Remember, you both have equal control over this so make sure to express and communicate at all times."
"I don't know if he'll have any control with what I have planned," you mutter and her eyebrows raise up in surprise before they wiggle suggestively with a salacious grin.
"Oh? There's my spicy sugar baby."
"Hah, stop it, you! I dunno, I mean we didn't discuss what we would be doing anyways so…"
"Mhm-hm. Well, don't forget we're always one phone call away. For anything."
"In fact, we could just book a nearby hotel." Seokmin returns and hands out your respective orders. "We haven't spent the night in one for a while, have we?"
You make a face of disgust following the couple to their parked car. "There's only trashy motels that reek of sex out my way. Like the dorms on campus but five times worse."
"Whaddya mean, that sounds perfect?"
"C'mon Seokmin," you grumble and he chuckles. 
His girlfriend takes out a white clothing box wrapped with an elegant black ribbon. "Don't open it until right before you're ready to stream. I know you'll overthink it if you see it any sooner."
You bite your lip but nod, pulling her in for a hug. "Thank you a lot. For everything you always do. I know you're right." Taking in a deep breath, you stand back and nod at both of them. "I'm going to do this."
"Yes, you are! You're gonna take that dick and own it, regardless of fuzzy feelings, you better enjoy it for what it's worth!"
"Baby, we're in public!"
"What, that's never stopped you before? You just handed over a lingerie set on a public street!"
As they bicker, you hear your phone ding. 
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You gasp. For multiple reasons. None of them good ones.
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Throwing your head back, you let out a frustrated groan before turning to face your curious friends. "It was great seeing you guys but I have to make a call and hurry home. Love you, will talk to you later."
They blow you kisses goodbye, acting as if they aren't chortling like little demons to each other that you have a very important dicking-down appointment to make. You pretend like you don't hear them, urgently dialing Soonyoung's number.
"Tell me you didn't bleach and dye your hair in my bathroom sink!"
Your devious best friend can't help but find your fuming cute as he plays with the tattered strings on his sweatpants. "I didn't."
You halt your fast stride and accusingly huff into the phone, "Then you're just fucking with me?"
"Not yet, actually."
"Kwon Soonyoung!"
"What? You didn't answer my question. Y'know I was gonna call and ask you what color you'd prefer but I didn't want your gym buddy to overhear."
"So you left and came back just to make a mess of my bathroom, maximizing the chances of my landlord potentially killing me?"
"Something like that, yeah."
"If you thought Jihoon was pissed, I can get much scarier than him."
"Oh trust me, I know. Better hurry that cute ass of yours home to get me to behave."
He hangs up, leaving you standing on the side of the street with your jaw nearly hitting the concrete. You hope that Soonyoung had learned his lesson after horribly — albeit accidentally — staining Jihoon's brand-new sink the last time he'd had done something crazy to his hair.
But as usual, he never fails to surprise you in the worst of ways. For as irritating as he was, it was honestly sometimes a surprise that you were best friends with him — let alone ending up with stupid feelings that totally don't exist.
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The heavy weight of male testosterone hanging in the air smacks you right in the face when you open the door. So much so that you have to take a step back, shake your head, and approach your own living quarters with much more caution.
"Honest to god," you mutter to yourself, only just able to hear Soonyoung's grunts, groans, and controlled exhale over the obnoxious blaring of his workout playlist. You pray your neighbors won't file a noise complaint. "Is he for real?"
Like out of a wet dream (yours), the lean arms of your best friend curl inwards to bring the dumbbells toward his head. Biceps bulging, the rest of his muscles visible through the thin white tank draped over them ripple in time with his precise movements. An audible hiss from the burn of exertion is followed by furrowed eyebrows, lips curling inwards before he relaxes and releases the tension. 
The only thing keeping you from fainting is the sight of his fuzzy bleached hair sticking out at odd points. Reminding you of why you stormed home in the first place.
Having seen your reflection in the blank TV, Soonyoung sets down the weights and turns to face you with a lazy grin. Shaking out his arms, the bracelets on his wrists jingle and jangle, silver beads against his tanned skin make it glow even more.
Like who even wears jewelry when they work out, you think to yourself with critical disdain to distract away from the fact that you're staring. In disbelief obviously. Pure and utter judgment.
As if you don't have a dainty golden chain around your own neck, the pendant resting demurely above the low zipper of your hoodie. 
You miss the hungry dark brown irises following the way it dangles back and forth above your chest when you bend over to set down the bags you're carrying. Unconsciously biting down on his bottom lip at the pretty view presented to him. Hurriedly flitting his eyes away with slight shame when the charm nestles itself exactly where he was staring as you stand back up. 
Just in time to meet your fiery glare that burns into his dilated pupils — this time, not from alcohol.
You're too busy staring at the mess on his head to really notice and he uses that to his advantage. As much as possible. But the attempt at sexily brushing back his frizzy bangs only makes them look worse and causes your scowl to deepen. A failure in making you swoon or laugh as intended, he sighs in defeat and turns on the kicked-puppy-dog act. Even though he's a self-certified tiger.
"Don't give me that look."
"I'm not doing anything."
"That's what you should've told me on the phone."
"Ah but… oh, wait… " he calls out as you stomp over to the bathroom only to let out a frustrated shriek. "See? Didn't ruin your basin, babe."
"Oh, you! Like you even know what that word means!"
"I do!"
A withering look is shot his way on your return but it has no effect. Neither do the next words out of your mouth. "I'm going to strangle your rat-lookin' ass for giving me a false heart attack!"
"Hah, I might be into that if it's you doing it."
This time, though, the way you whine out his name causes Soonyoung to shiver. Tiny hairs stand at attention, eliciting bumps to cover his body despite the sheen of perspiration already coating his skin.
God, does he want to hear it again.
You turn away from him, having said enough of your mind and knowing he probably wasn't even listening. Which would be correct. Instead, he tugs at the hem of your shirt and taps your shoulder so you'll face him again, allowing him to put his hands on your hips to keep you in place.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Where are you going?"
"Away from you. Obviously."
"Trying to escape me in your own place?"
"Oh, trust me. I can evade very well while you… work out whatever alpha male energy you need to release in my home."
"But I'm a tiger — a solitary creature with no social structure." 
"No social skills, more like it." You push at his chest, hand jolting back like it'd been burnt upon the realization of just how thin and useless the almost-sheer fabric of his tank top is. Cheeks burning only hotter when his shit-eating smirk widens. 
Absent-mindedly kneading at your covered skin while mentally taking note of how short your attire was on your lower body, Soonyoung chuckles. "You're a tiger too, you know?"
"Stop, I could never compare to the level of your tiger-isms. Because I'm not a furry or whatever you like to call yourself."
"I could convince you to be my tigress," his breath hot against your already burning cheek, "change your mind a little bit, you're already halfway there as it is."
Any biting remark fizzles out in your throat like an opened soda can turning flat, knowing it'll only come out sounding like a whimper with how close he gets. Firm and warm — so warm and his dazzling, brilliant display of teeth only makes everything burn more. Your legs are as shaky as the breath you would have let out if you weren't holding it in just as hard as the grip on the last shred of your sanity.
Your best friend must deviously know who now has the upper hand at your ducked head. Sweatpant-clad knees knock into your bare ones. Urging you back, back, and back until you obediently sit down on the couch. 
Reminiscent of the night before. Opposite positions.
Soonyoung cages your head between his arms, wishing he was shirtless so you could see the way his abs flex in order to hold himself up, not solely relying on the strength of his arms. Your silence and stunned look are enough to boost his ego though, and he knows he can make it up to you.
"Have a few more reps to do, why don't you wait 'til I'm done?"
It's adorable, he thinks — how you're only able to cutely nod, mouth slightly ajar. Completely overwhelmed by him and him alone until he backs away to give you space to finally exhale in relief.
"And why would I do that?"
Broken out of the spell long enough to grouse at him and be taken aback by the unfamiliar but familiar pull-up bar station he's headed toward. However, before you can chew him out again, he easily targets your Achilles heel. Sometimes he's smart like that (or lucky), able to pick up on your strengths and weaknesses you don't realize or try to hide. Either for or against your well-being.
"'Cause I'll make it worthwhile, babe."
And right now, Soonyoung's actively using every effort to work against you. 
Pulling out a baseball cap from who knows where to cover his hideous hair and tossing away his useless top, you have no choice but to momentarily gawk at the defined valley between his back muscles with nothing shielding your view. It's up to your filthy imagination to envision what disappears under the waistband of his gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips.
"Yeah, right, I'll just look at my phone," you grumble, although you can't tear your gaze away despite unlocking the device with your thumb. 
"See something you like?" 
His teasing is relentless, your shrunken reflection on the TV screen becoming his focal point. Grinning to himself with his tongue sticking out, panting and moaning as acceptable as one can when doing pull-ups.
"No," you lie flatly, "I saw a lot of that not too long ago at the gym." More lies. Seokmin is a respectable man and keeps himself well-covered. "I'm just wondering how you got that damn thing in here."
"I'm stronger than I look."
"I know. Doesn't explain why you bothered to set it up here."
It's hard to shrug in the middle of a pull-up so he hums. "Change of scenery?"
"There's a great view at your apartment. A huge, wide window overlooking a green yard, not some beige wall."
Like he'd admit right now that he'd rather look at you. For amusement. For other reasons. Especially because he has a pretty good idea of how lovely you are undressed.
Continuing to ramble, you carry on. "And if you're all wrung up about me avoiding you — which I'm not — because of the collab, don't be. 'Cause I'll still do it — "
One of Soonyoung's hands almost slips off the bar, losing his grip in his sudden excitement at your words. Stabilizing himself with two feet planted on the ground, he faces you — chest heaving, abs rippling to catch his breath.
"You're still okay with it?"
"I mean why wouldn't I be? I just… had to process things. I'm a bit… well… nervous, okay?" You look down, expecting him to laugh at you.
"I'm nervous, too. Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable with the things I texted you, was just caught up in the moment, and I… " He rubs his neck, backpedaling when you flinch. "I meant it! Oh god, I mean… I didn't intend to be a creep, I just wanted you to know that…"
A deep inhale gives him enough air to rush out, "I do find you attractive. I mean you're hot, duh. And… I would and will do anything and everything to make sure you're comfortable at all times and… also… feel good… and… and stuff."
Soonyoung's voice fades away, the idea that he's fumbled the ball so hard and lost the game is super embarrassing. Defeat isn't common. Flirting and securing dates were his forte, his special skills, and the things he never failed at. Yet, with you sitting right in front of him right now — someone who is always by his side — he keeps fucking things up.
It gives him a small flutter of hope though when you raise your head to steadily meet his eyes. A hint of a soft smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "You're strange, you know that?"
"I'm trying to have a heart-to-heart for the third time and you're telling me I'm weird?"
"Strange, not weird."
"They're literally cinnamons."
"… Synonyms?"
"Yeah, you know when two different words mean the same thing."
"I — " You shake your head. Typical Soonyoung behavior. Attempting to get back on track, you mumble an apology. "You know, I've been caught up in my head without thinking about what or how you're feeling at all even though you've been pretty open."
"More than open."
"True. It just…. scares me. You're my best friend, Soonie — I don't want to lose you."
Your fearful whisper comes out more like a plea. The both of you search each other's shared gaze, unable to recognize the exact emotions you seek are in plain sight. 
Soonyoung frowns. "You aren't going to lose me over this."
"You don't understand."
"You haven't been upfront with anything if I'm being honest so, yeah. I don't."
"I'm — I'm sorry — "
"Don't be," he assures you with a wave of his hand and comes closer, "I get that it's new, scary, and gonna take time. I'm not expecting anything nor am I gonna leave when it's over, okay? Just want us to enjoy ourselves." His soft approach — the clumsy steadiness of the man you know and love — only makes your heart melt devastatingly so. "I promise this is gonna be great."
"It… it will be. I trust you."
He beams at you, holding out his hand. "Why don't we shower together then?"
"What?" Your body jolts, not at the coldness of the phone you had a death grip on falling onto your thighs but at the shock of his words. "Why?"
"To make up for the time we could've had during the communal shower incident?"
"Ugh, omigod, you perv…I should've known way back then."
Soonyoung wiggles his eyebrows and fingers enticingly. "How about just getting comfy and calming the nerves a bit? No cameras, no viewers, no one else — no pressures. Just us. Whatcha think?"
"No funny tricks," you warn but take his offered hand and stand up. It's horrible how the idea is enough to make your body thrum in anticipation.
"'course not, wouldn't dream of it, babe."
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Despite the growing trepidation, neither one of you is eager to move too fast and disturb the careful equilibrium established. 
Once he's secured your hand in his, Soonyoung leads you toward the bathroom but pauses right outside the door. You peer at him curiously — thinking he's chickened out — but he simply winks, apologizing that he needs the bag left by his workout equipment.
"You little shit, you had this all planned, didn't you?"
"No, but I brought a few things in the hopes you'd at least let me stay over again. You see, Jihoon was planning a big romantic dinner tonight."
"Aw, was he? That's cute. Can you grab my stuff too? I'll… meet you in the shower in a few… gotta run to my room real quick."
"'kay, but you better not run from me," he whispers in your ear and delivers a playful slap on your ass before leaving.
Your legs wobble. Weird excitement mixes with the butterflies in your gut and then you're dashing off into your bedroom to glare at the flustered expression reflected in your vanity's mirror. Sorting through and tossing around various panties, undergarments, and casual clothing only to huff at yourself because what does it matter what you wear to the shower? 
Damn you, Soonyoung.
Patting at super flushed, hot cheeks causes you to unzip your hoodie and throw it in the hamper. Left wearing only a sports bra, the urge to waste time and calm yourself by staring at the glowing, rotating stars on the ceiling is strong. Instead, you crouch down on the floor to give yourself one final pep talk for mental fortitude and then head back to join said man in the bathroom.
So caught up in trying to steel your nerves, you don't realize how long it took him to get the bags. Nor the flush coloring his neck a scarlet red and even spreading across his shoulders after he dropped yours off in front of the closed bedroom door, having accidentally caught a glimpse inside one of them.
Yes, the unmarked plastic Limbo bag that had been left in your car due to the events that happened after. You had brought it in today and although he'd picked it up without a second thought, he had seen a particular item that left his head spinning. You are none the wiser — forgetting all about it already again because of everything.
Soonyoung's already stripped and turned the shower on, intently watching the stream of water like it's the most interesting thing he's seen all day. You're grateful, though. 
Although a bra and booty shorts are by far not the most revealing thing you've worn or that your best friend's seen, you feel bare before you're even naked. Quickly discarding them, you wait for his next move, shifting on your feet. Both bashful and antsy.
"You ready?" The soft way he calls your name has your stomach doing somersaults. 
"C'mere, then." Brown eyes crinkle to match his smile at the way you shyly sidle up next to him. "Don't know if the water temp is good for you."
"It's fine."
"After you, then."
You snort at the so-called gentlemanly nature, stepping inside while Soonyoung fidgets. It's funny because he's never failed to ogle you before with clothes on. But now he's unsure where to even look, choosing to focus on the water flowing past your painted toes and down the drain.
"You coming?"
"Yeah, uh…" He asks himself why he was doing this despite knowing the answer. "Um, nice shower."
You play along as if he's never been inside the bathroom before. "It is a nice bonus considering the rent. Big enough for two people to stand inside and not… touch."
Soonyoung's back is pressed straight up against the shower wall, clinging to it like mold and using it as a lifeline. There definitely seems to be enough space between your two bodies but he would rather slip on soap than move his eyes off the chipped caulking he's focused on right now. Speaking of soap, his singular brain cell lights up for a moment and he grabs the shampoo bottle that's thankfully to the right rather than behind either of you. 
"You wanna wash my hair for me?"
"What did you do to it? Obviously, it wasn't bleached if you're getting it wet. And it doesn't look much different."
"Chan helped me lighten it. With apple cider vinegar."
"Are you serious?"
Another mistake. Not his hair. But asking you to wash it. Especially when you tell him to duck his head to his chest so you can lather it up properly. Though your nails feel great against his scalp, he squeezes his eyes shut — afraid to look again. Even after straightening up and you're rinsing out the suds.
"I thought we were doing this to ease up the nerves but why do you look ten times more uncomfortable?"
"… I'm trying really, really, really hard not to be a creep right now."
You have to laugh. Endeared and amazed, you tap at his hands which have curled into tight fists to try and get him to relax. "Don't you want to look?"
One eye opens to squint at you, a strangled groan escaping his throat. "The goal was to get you more comfortable with me. Not the other way around?"
"But it looks like you're having a harder time." The not-so-subtle innuendo has him groaning again, running a distressed hand through his wet locks. You're having zero difficulties checking him out, undoubtedly noticing the effect this is having on him. So of course, your ego grows just like his cock. "Do you wanna touch me, Soonie?"
"I… I…"
It's your turn to reach for the shelf of toiletries, the snap of the body wash's lid opening causes a shiver to run down Soonyoung's spine and his nostrils flare at the familiar scent. He's helpless to your sweet, seductive tone and lets you lift up his hand, squeezing a generous amount from the bottle onto it.
"You can get me all nice, clean, and pretty for our stream, yeah?" 
Which is a lie — you're not looking to get clean, necessarily. The hot water and occasional soap suds are enough to wash away the sweat and grime from both of your workouts. An actual scrub could come later. 
After the festivities. 
"Don't waste my expensive products," you teasingly beg and bat your damp eyelashes at him before turning around. How the tables have turned. "Please?"
He swears under his breath, muttering, "This is all your fault," (a lie) before running his hands along your shoulders to spread the cool gel. Circular motions bring them down closer and closer before cautiously, but eagerly, cupping at the underside of your breasts.
"Knew you always had a thing for them," you giggle.
"Can you blame me?" Soonyoung bites back and starts to knead at them the same way he's done to other parts of your body without this kind of intent. "They're fucking gorgeous. Can't believe I finally get to touch them."
Your sigh comes out more like an airy moan, leaning back against his firm body. Two and two click together. "So these are your favorite parts of my body, huh? You've been talking to your juniors about my tits?"
"No way!" he assures you, "It's true that your eyes are beautiful as well but I can talk about how pretty you are…. you know, as a person."
"I don't even want to know."
"Like… you know!" 
"I mean all of them have the hots for you, I'm just making sure none of them make a move because that would be weird."
"Oh please, it's only weird if you make it weird."
"Think about it. If my best friend dates my younger peers and exposes all kinds of embarrassing moments, how am I supposed to hold onto my authoritative position?"
"You expose your stupidity all by yourself as it is and still somehow maintain it. I think you terrify them in so many ways you don't even have to worry."
"I dunno. Whatever, are underclassmen even your type?"
You shrug. "I don't really have a preference but I guess not."
"Good, let's keep it that way."
"You're incorrigible."
"And yet here we are." He points out, noting that his hands groping and squeezing at your chest has to feel good. A little too good, if you're the one being honest. "You still want to stream, right? Like tonight?"
"Mhm, we might as well. Besides, you have your date really soon and — " You yelp at the sudden pinch and tug at your nipples, lurching forward.
Soonyoung follows your body's motion, ensuring you won't slip or hit your head. You can feel the hot press of his cock laying heavy against your back, bodies melding together as he rises back to his full height and brings you up with him. He doesn't move away, one hand brushing across your stomach while the other soothes the harshness just enacted upon your breasts.
"Do you think you can handle one sweet orgasm for me? Before we put on a show? Please?"
"Wha — Soonyoung?" you splutter out, brain trying to catch up and process the change of his demeanor. 
His mouth is on your skin, not quite kissing and not quite biting or sucking. Just lips pressing along your neck with an occasional prod of his tongue that licks up water droplets as he pleads for permission. Followed by a slight grind of his hips that steals away your breath, his heavy cock swirling against the curve of your ass, its heat matching the heat building up in your abdomen.
"Just my fingers, baby. There's no way I'd have trouble getting hard again but I need… no, want to stretch you out first. Please."
Breathless laughter bubbles in your chest at his desperation. And of course, you find yourself equally as turned on — easily able to distinguish between the hot shower water versus the release of arousal that bursts from your gut and trickles out to coat your sensitive folds.
You tell him "okay," and then he's goddamn thanking you. Already panting. Would get on his knees if he could but it's too risky, even though he reaches behind and shuts off the water that's rinsed away all of the unnecessary suds. Now, Soonyoung can resort to using his fingers to explore where he hopes his mouth and eyes can later.
Prodding at the crease of your thigh, he mumbles more to himself, "Is this where it's at?", causing you to grimace. Not knowing he's referring to your tiger lily tattoo. 
"Thought you were a sex maniac? But you don't know how to finger someone?" Maybe Junhui was right. "I should've bought you a guide or something, my bad."
He scoffs. "A little mouthy, aren't we? Not that I was expecting anything less. Saw you bought some fun sex toys, babe and I assure you — I know how to use them and find my way around a body."
"We might use them in ways you can't imagine," you gripe and he silences you with a bold swipe of his fingers against the smooth folds of your cunt.
"You're shaking in my arms already and you don't think I know what I'm doing." He doesn't speed up his pace or make further movements, content to tease. Though his lips turn downward when you clasp a hand over your mouth. "Going quiet on me before I've even started?"
"I'm cold," you mumble behind your palm. 
Soonyoung's hand leaves your lower body so he can place it on your elbow instead. Not moving your arm away but it's a tight enough grip that you know he wants to and could if he tried. He feels the bumps covering your skin everywhere he's pressed against and shivers himself.
"Let me warm you up then. But you're going to have to let me hear how it feels or I won't know if I'm doing a good job." Fingers trail down your side again and you relent, tentatively dropping your arm down and letting out a soft, wobbly moan at his tickling motions. "And I very much like knowing that I am."
You can feel his smile against your neck. He can't help but be fond of such cute shyness that you don't normally exhibit around him but even that's not enough to feed the ravenous tiger. Soonyoung understands though, aware of some of the differences between sexual acts for a camera audience versus doing it with another person.
Especially if it's him. Not that he's actually aware of that fact.
"Words, gorgeous." But the man still desires to ask, intent on getting you to actually say something, breathy and sweet all for him — and him alone. Hopefully not just an act. Besides, he knows how mouthy you actually are whether there's something in that cute cunt of yours or not.
"Mhm yes, Soonyoungie…"
"Yeah?" He rewards you with a return to your damp folds, gently brushing back and forth to get his fingers thoroughly coated with arousal. "Tell me what I should do, what you like. Wanna hear it all from those pretty lips of yours."
"Hm, want… want your fingers."
"In… inside."
"Huh, inside… here?" A finger slowly eases its way into your warmth. "In this lovely little pussy of yours?"
Your reaction is incredible, arching your lower back to press even closer to him, wedging his cock between your ass cheeks, and throwing your head back. A louder moan echoes in the shower. One that glimmers with more confidence. 
You're no longer cold, sure the water droplets glistening on your skin are sizzling now and evaporating from the feral heat rushing through your body. And it is absolutely everything to Soonyoung. Almost.
"How many? How deep?"
Despite having shorter fingers, they make up for the lack of length with thickness and technique. You can clearly feel by the one alone that he obviously knows how to utilize as it explores the spongy walls of your cunt. Your moan turns into a whiny huff as he stills his digit and your foggy mind finally registers you need to answer.
"Two, please. Not… not too deep."
"'course, baby. Whatever you want. I know you can take more but I'll be gentle." He nips at your ear as he slides his ring finger next to his middle one inside, teeth bared hungrily at the filthy squelch. Pointer finger soothingly pets one side on the outer lip of your pussy that snugly wraps around him, tiny tremors of its nerves fluttering across it. "Anything for you."
He continues to mumble, stuff along the lines of "only for you" and "never do a thing to ever hurt you". But it's drowned out by the blood roaring in your ears, melting against Soonyoung's body, and attempting to keep standing. It doesn't matter too much, his strong grip ensures you won't fall — it'd be a waste of such a rigorous arm workout if he couldn't even brace and support you while he finally gets to stroke your velvety walls like he's fantasized about.
Or maybe that's fueling his strength alone. It's startling, how fast you rush toward that peak. The sensitivity of someone — him — touching you for the first time in years, the smell of your scent on him… everything in that moment, within the intimacy of your shower, is just you and Soonyoung.
It's intimate. Much too intimate. 
Emotions collide and crash, causing an intense ache that leaves you in a fragile state of vulnerability, stealing your breath with a sharp gasp. Paired with the slow, concentrated strokes of his fingers that are intent on helping you reach that peak, you have no choice but to follow along. 
Embarrassingly climbing up the hill and hurtling to your climax at a raging speed, like a roller coaster that races downwards off-track. And like its unfortunate passengers, you scream — albeit silently, the pleasure so mind-numbing that it steals away every single one of your functions. 
It satisfies Soonyoung though. The lack of noise from your mouth lets him appreciatively hear the accompanying squelch of your darling cunt pulsating around his fingers. Gummy walls squeeze his fingers in rippling waves that make his cock ache. You tremble in his arm and he feels hella pleased, content to support your shaking frame until he realizes you're sobbing.
Mush. Your brain, your body, your heart. It feels so so, so good it almost oddly hurts so, so, so bad.
Your best friend is quick to wipe your cheek tenderly, brushing away the trickling tears with his cleaner hand. "Hey, you okay? You still with me?"
It's hard to trust yourself to speak, the lump in your throat is too big to allow for speech anyways. Instead, you nod at him through bleary eyes, waiting for the roar to fade from your ears. Soonyoung scans your face repeatedly, worry knitting his eyebrows.
"Baby," he whispers, pet names slipping out without thought, and pulls down the fluffy towel on the nearby hook to drape over your shoulders. "Talk to me. Too much? I'm so sorry… gosh, I really am sorry, love."
Regret immediately eats at him. Regret at what, he's not quite sure. But like a stone is crushing his chest, he watches you attempt to talk to him — to actually assure him that you are okay — but your body refuses to cooperate in its hypersensitive state, stuck heaving dry sobs. So, you timidly open your arms, asking for a hug and he steps in to embrace you without a moment's hesitation.
Although it's like he's touching glass, afraid you'll break with one wrong touch so he's extraordinarily gentle. Your head buries into the crook of his neck. Toweled arms wrap around him, luckily sharing a bit of warmth and dryness. Breathing in his comforting scent that lingers beneath your shampoo, and the supportive strength of defined, moist skin pressed against yours. Both of your hearts beating rapidly off-sync starts to ease the shaking in your body. 
Every swallow you hear and feel from his throat continues to bring you back down to a calmer wavelength. Unsure of how much time passes until you no longer feel like you're a balloon floating away in the stratosphere. But once you finally come down and feel a sense of stability, you lift your head.
Soonyoung's quick to crank his neck just for the tiniest glimpse to gauge how you're doing when there's zero indication of you releasing him from your embrace. In fact, your arms might tighten even harder around his torso. A thumb reaches up to cradle the side of your cheek he can reach, swiping tenderly at the salty dampness.
"I'm sorry." It's your turn to croak out an apology and he frowns.
"Why are you apologizing? It's me who should be — "
"No, it's not you! Well, not exactly. Forgot how it feels to be touched by someone else and it's just… a little overwhelming. I didn't mean to scare you."
"Wasn't scared but definitely worried I took it too far. I didn't want or mean to."
"You didn't," you assure him, hands wrapped in the bath towel running up and down his lean back. "I'm fine. It felt… good. Really good. Probably too good. Guess you weren't lying about your skills."
Embarrassed laughter is muffled by burying your head back into the space between his neck and shoulder, a slight nuzzle against his warm skin. Refusing to look into your best friend's brown eyes yet upon the recollection that he'd just had his fingers deep inside of you, bringing you to a pleasurable precipice that you think is the best you've ever experienced.
When that's all he simply says, you have to lean away, honestly a little puzzled. Now it's his turn — once again — to not meet your eyes. A pretty flush illuminates round cheeks that are only emphasized more by the shockingly bashful smile growing on his lips.
"'Ah'?" you repeat in surprise. "I thought you'd be all… cocky and proud. Y'know, like earlier."
His hands rub up and down your arms, unintentionally but successfully finishing drying you off. "Hey, don't get me wrong. I am proud, it's not every day a man gets his pretty bestie to cum like that."
"I am pretty, aren't I?" 
"Yeah, you are." He confirms that by resolutely meeting your gaze and the moment stretches on until you blink to shatter it. "Don't like making you cry though."
"Really? That doesn't seem like your normal MO, Mr. 'I get told off for having too high of a sex drive'!"
"Well… you're different," Soonyoung huffs at you mimicking his words from days ago, and scratches the back of his head as you step out of the shower. Shamelessly ogling your backside in mild retaliation as if you aren't giving him a free show on purpose when you reach for another towel. It's pointless if you don't see and he's allowed to look. "You know that."
All you do is chuckle and shake your head, humor being your favorite defense mechanism. You don't dare to ask him to elaborate. What do you know? Sure, he treats you differently… because you're his precious friend. Because he —
You focus on his matted hair that kind of makes him look a bit like a drowned rat. Though your affection doesn't dwindle, at least you can focus on the conversation rather than Soonyoung and his undeniable attractiveness that now makes you weak in more ways than one.
"What I know now is that my best friend has a dacryphilia kink."
"Do not!"
"Sure," you say, the word absolutely coated in sarcasm but you don't push it. Instead, you ask, "What about you though? Anyone ever made you cry?"
Soonyoung tongues at his cheek, as he joins you at the sink counter, towel politely covering his modesty like yours. "And now who has a kink for tears? I'm aware of how much you love it when viewers are sobbing for you to squirt for them, all pretty like you do. Bet they wail into their pillows every night because they can never, ever have a chance with you."
"Ha, talking about yourself, Tiger?" Boldly, you run a finger down the crevice formed by his pec muscles, just stopping before you reach his abs. "Didn't someone admit to being a frequent viewer of mine?" Watching as he visibly gulps despite the smirk starting to quirk the corner of his lips up. "Ever shed tears for me, Soonie baby?"
It's a miracle that the poor man is able to remain standing with every single one of his nerves tingling and firing off at your words. His entire being thrums while he wiggles his eyebrows. 
"Wouldn't you like to know," he teases, unsurprisingly finding himself breathless.
"I guess I would. Or… I could just find out for myself."
"Fuck, so those toys I accidentally saw weren't for you, were they?" When all you do is bite your lip to try and hide your grin, he laughs and swears again. Turning away to run another hand through his hair, he looks back at you with an eager sparkle in his eyes. "I should've known, you naughty tigress."
"Are you up to it though?"
"… I mean mentally, Soonyoung. Want to make sure you're okay with that."
"As okay as you were with what we did in the shower," he affirms, "because I trust you, too. Besides," his gaze lowers to drag across your covered body though you might as well be naked with the hungry way he stares before meeting your eyes again. "That sweet pussy of yours could bring anyone to tears. Hmm, maybe I do have a dacryphilia kink… "
"You think?" With a giggle, you try not to melt at his words. The whiplash of him jumping between hot and goofy still leaves you reeling. "We'll just have to confirm between ourselves, won't we? Let the viewers decide on the consensus."
"I'm all yours, baby." Always have been, rings silently in his mind though you likely fail to receive the message. "No matter how many people are watching or what they're saying, we'll go at your pace."
"Our pace."
"Our pace," Soonyoung repeats affirmatively and holds out his hand.
You clasp onto it like an anchor, an unspoken deal mutually accepted by the action. And then you're using it as a way to pull him out of the bathroom, eager to share with him all the ideas you've brainstormed for tonight's livestream.
Tumblr media
This was it.
Your camming setup was in its desired location after making Soonyoung sit in various positions on the bed while you adjusted the angle for the best view. Then you turned everything off with strict instructions for the technology-inept man to not touch anything while you were gone and he lazily reclined on your bed to wait. 
He agreed just as amicably as he had after patiently listening to you stutter when finally discussing what you both felt comfortable doing on-cam. Winking lecherously as you leave the bedroom with his arms propped up behind his head causes his upper body to automatically flex. You'd probably seen more of his muscles today than you ever did over the couple of years of knowing him, the man only donning — startlingly normal-colored — boxers and various silver earrings dotting his ears.
"No tiger print?" you had asked, half teasing, half shocked.
"C'mon, it wasn't like I was that prepared. Besides, what's it matter when we'll be naked soon?"
And now you stand back in your bathroom with a cross look. Twisting and turning in different directions to assess your appearance in the vanity mirror. 
Seokmin's girlfriend has never done you dirty. In fact, she just seems to get better at buying things that not only flatter you but stuff you actually enjoy and feel comfortable with or in. And clearly, with this set… frankly, you think she's hit the nail on the head. But Soonyoung's casual words about getting naked eat at the normal self-esteem boost you would expect to be instilled by the beautiful lingerie.
It's simple and classy. Delicate yet sexy. Still, you don't feel as confident as you'd like to. 
But then you jump at the loud drawl of your name followed by, "If you don't come out here soon I'm gonna start touching stuff!" A beat of silence. "Hm, I wonder what this button does…?"
"Hey, you'd better not!"
"You're right, I'd rather be touching you! So get your cute butt over here before I count to three, ahem, one… "
"And I thought it was me who was supposed to be the one counting," you call back and roll your eyes. 
"Two… "
"Omigod! I'm coming, you beast of a man!"
"Yeah, that's what I want you to be say — oh, damn… oh wow… "
You barge back in and Soonyoung hasn't moved, still lying on his back and yelling on your bed like a child throwing a temper tantrum. But he turns to look when he hears you approach only to do a full-body jerk at the sight. 
Because his traitorous eyes are immediately drawn to the large but darling satin bow tied below a flattering display of cleavage created from the two matching pieces of fabric pulled comfortably snug around your breasts. Licking his lips subconsciously as his gaze follows the line of your body to the two additional bows adorning each of your hips and keeping the material of your panties on with one simple knot tied in each one. 
The man is mumbling all kinds of stuff you can't really make out as he sits up besides, "Oh my god," and probably something along the lines of "holy mother of —," and then curses. Suddenly your insecurity flares back up and you recoil instinctively to cover yourself even though he's already seen you naked.
"Wait, wait… don't hide from me…! No, no c'mere, baby. Please," his voice actually cracks as he begs and reaches out his hands, "let me see you… all of you."
And how can you resist when Soonyoung looks at you like that, glassy-eyed and tender? You go to him with timid steps until you're close enough to feel his body heat once more. 
"Sweet thing." Strong arms wrap around your thighs, hands gently laying against the back of them as he nuzzles tenderly around your stomach with his nose. "How are you gonna order me around when you get all shy on me like this?"
Your hands flutter at your side, twitching unsurely before they dare to settle on him — one plays with the tip of his ear free from piercings, and the other scratches his scalp with your nails right above his forehead. And Soonyoung practically purrs in contentment, strangely putting you back at ease. 
"Oh, you'll be surprised at what I can do."
He chuckles. "I always am. You're so beautiful and gorgeous, there's no reason to hide, okay? Never forget that. You still feeling alright?"
"Actually, yeah I'm… good. What about you?"
"Couldn't be better. Except my dick feels a bit numb as fuck but that's okay." When you snort, he smiles against your skin. "I'll manage."
"I'll take care of y — it soon, I promise."
He groans. "Might actually bust a nut at this point."
"Dear lord, Soonyoung… "
"Just kidding. Mostly." Backing away to get a better look at you again, his eyebrows crinkled. "You know I have excellent stamina and control. I'm as cool as a cucumber right now."
"Yeah, okay. Whatever."
"But you do look good enough to eat, goddamnit." Fingertips dare to caress the free end of the ribbon hanging from the knot tying your bra together. "This is new."
"Are you keeping track of the lingerie sets I wear?"
"Mhm… vaguely?"
You roll your eyes. "Yes, it's new."
"Thought so 'cause you've never worn dark green before but damn, do you look good." 
Soonyoung wiggles his eyebrows and you flick him gently on the forehead before turning around at his command. A low whistle and awakening twitch in his boxers at the satin that thins at the back, showing off the round perkiness of your ass. 
It's true that your normal colors are orange, black, or a combo. But the dark green material looks amazing against your skin, is fresh and new, and unsurprisingly — he finds himself hella down bad, noticing the way it also draws out the colors of your tiger lily tattoo that he's never really paid attention to before, when you've completed your 360-spin to face him again.
God, you're a vision.
"Hot, sexy, perfect… buy it for me to unwrap you, babe?"
You glance at the bows with a pout. "A friend bought them for me but I guess it makes sense, doing it with someone else is definitely more exciting with these."
"You said a friend?" Of course, that's the only thing he acknowledges even if he's indeed dying to undo all of the ties right away.
"Yes, Soonyoung. Again, I have friends besides you." 
"One that buys you lingerie?"
"Last time I checked, you weren't."
"Then I'll amend that problem."
"No thanks," you wave him off as you head over to your camming setup to start. "I get enough stuff as it is."
"I guess I should have my kittens gift me things." A hint of satisfaction fills his chest at the downward tilt of your lips when you turn back to the setup. But a pang overrides it because he can guess why you're really grimacing. "Since it's so worth it and all."
"Don't get all salty, I'll help you find a safe place to receive things if you want." You glance over only to find his arms crossed and a frown set on his face. "What's wrong? Did your cock fall off? Do I have to drive you to the hospital?!"
You're puzzled. "Then are you good to go or…?" 
"Yeah, I'm fine," he huffs, "sorry, got in my head a little."
"We can wait."
"No, it's all good. Let's get this show on the road."
"Alright… " 
You hesitate for a minute or so before decisively starting the livestream, the telltale red blinking dot starting after the countdown. Though your next words make Soonyoung feel like somebody dumped an ice-cold bucket of water over him, a cruel jerk back to the reality you'd both created. And maybe you just doused yourself with it too.
"Let's finally just get this thing over with."
TigerLily_61596 is now live… with a special guest!
The air has definitely suddenly shifted and both of you need to dial it in and dull it out. Whatever it may be. Because you've got an audience to perform for.
Luckily, it's easier than expected. The brief silence as you wait for viewers to tune in ends up permeating a blanket of calmness. The view count rises fast, everyone's excited anticipation is so palpable that it's starting to rouse in your body as well.
"Horang-HEY… " Soonyoung murmurs the infamous tagline while using his phone to monitor the chat. He's pleased to recognize many of the joining screen names consist of his regulars. "Yeah it's me, Hoshi AKA 0riginaltiger69. He/him pronouns, if you please."
He continues reading with a dubious adjustment to his covered crotch. "Ah, wooluv, kitten! No tigerprint…? Yeah, things are gonna be a bit different tonight anyways. Yeah, good to see you too. Miss me? Aw, missed my rowdy lil pussycats."
kingh0ng: im early for once but there's some just random dude talking abt his underwear?????
kingh0ng: and CATS????????????????? NOT PUSSIES???
NewUser4950: it's gonna be a collab
horny49yu: it's a good day to be a bisexual >>>
sugacub3s: and a furry apparently 🤨
"Hey now, no kink-shaming is welcome here."
While he starts an easygoing back-and-forth about whether or not kink-shaming could classify as a kink itself, you re-approach where he's seated on the edge of the bed. Fingers press into the firm muscles of his deltoids after you crawl to sit behind him and he sucks in a sharp breath.
kitkat69: 🤤 mama has finally arrived 
"Hi kitkat69, darling," you smile in comfort at the familiar user while peeking over Soonyoung's shoulder, a hand creeping over to brush above his pectoral muscle. 
NewUser3939: what are you okay with us calling u?
"Yeah, if you're new here… I don't care how you address me, I'm fine with anything. The regulars call me Mama, Tigress… all sorts. Spoiler alert though, I'm probably not the one you're going to want to be calling names tonight."
hoshis_d1ck: oh damn???? 🫦
wooluv: 😢 im so jealous 
You dare to tweak at the man's corresponding nipple. He grunts and leans forward into the camera, bare upper body hiding from the lens the way your lips purse at his actions. 
"'kay kittens, I hope you enjoy what we have prepared so get all comfy while the tigers set up their playpen." 
Once he moves to situate himself in front of the pillows piled by the headboard, you're quick to turn and kneel between his thighs. Dutifully showing off an enticing backside perched prettily on the back of your heels and the black leather strap draped over one of your legs hinting at what's in your hand.
s0turned0n: leash?! ummmmmmmm 👅
AnonymousUser4442: toys…….. oh- 🙃 😵‍💫 🥴
newuserjk: even between the 2 of them? yuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
deathbyd1cks: you look great in that set babe~ 😍 💦
crazy4w00: too true 😳
m3rs: HOT
"You're so cringey." Your whisper is just loud enough so only he can hear.
"And? They love it."
woolove: why can't that be me 😩😩😩😩
cumdaywh0ring: 😔 same here but which 1
horny49yu: again a great day to be a bisexual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soonyoung's still reading the comments and you huff. "You're supposed to be paying attention."
"I am."
"To me," you clarify and take the phone out of the man's rather loose grip. Placing it on the nightstand, your covered breasts softly press against his firm ones and another quiet grunt escapes his mouth.
He's still not looking directly at you even as you loop your arms over his shoulders to put the collar around his neck. Bravely, you place what could almost be considered a kiss — featherlight — to the rapidly pulsating vein, raised and visible on his neck due to an extremely tensed jaw. 
A whisper of "Soonie," in his ear and you feel the tiny hairs on the nape of his neck rise despite how the flesh beneath the pads of your fingers burns. "Relax for me," you continue in a low, seductive tone and then fasten the collar with a resounding click. 
deathbyd1cks: 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 everyone shut up they r having a moment 
NewUser1920: feeling inherently single! ✌️
crazy4w00: may be the point lololol
wooluv: 🥲
Leaning back to assess how good he looks with the black leather stretching around the honeyed skin of his throat, the defiant spark that smolders inside of a swift glare before he's glancing away ignites something within you. Maybe he's doing this on purpose. Egging you on to deliberately provoke what happens next in the hasty script you're both choosing to act out, weird feelings be damned.
It helps. 
Hesitation is nonexistent when your hand runs along his sharp jawline until it reaches his bottom lip, pulling it downwards with your thumb. Two fingers slip inside Soonyoung's mouth and push down on his tongue, encouraging him to open wider which he readily obliges. Your other hand sneaks into his boxers, just barely grazing the head of the growing bulge confined in them, and decisively pulling out the second surprise toy of tonight's show.
kitkat69: jsfkdjafkjfkJDKJdfjjdf
cherry_scouper95: 😏😏😏 my colors ayo ❤️ 🖤
8starfucks: this fucks 1000/10
4ngelic_m3nace: me n who ME AND WHO??????
The red sphere of the ball gag is filled with holes but the solid surface molding the circular shape lays sticky between your fingers. Holding it enticingly between your own teeth, you can't help but stick your tongue out and let out a tiny moan at the salty excess purposefully left behind by his neglected, leaking shaft.
You're not sure when Soonyoung placed his hands on your sides but he kneads the bare skin with usual familiarity, squeezing just a bit rougher after the sound you made. Before you dare let yourself wander too far off track, you lean in close. An accelerated heartbeat mixed with ridiculous flutters can be felt in your chest, your stomach, and even between your legs. So traitorous that you would grit your jaw in irritation if you could.
Instead, you tilt your head, raise up onto only your knees, and place your arms around his neck again, this time for support. Using a skilled tongue — while continuing to tease yourself with the taste of his precum — to nudge the ball into his awaiting mouth. Lips dangerously brush together and you're surprised he doesn't flinch away.
"No kissing."
"Not gonna question why?"
There's no need to because you respect his boundaries as he does yours. But as familiar as he is with your idiosyncrasies, you also realize Soonyoung is pushing the matter because he wants you to ask. 
"No one gets to kiss your virgin lips, I know."
"Wha — "
"That's what your drunk self — that kisses people very often — told me once."
"Oh, hm…"
"Don't worry, I get it. You should save kissing for someone special. Like maybe Yuna."
"Huh… I guess?" He shrugs noncommittally. In a way, you almost feel bad for the girl he's going on a date with. In fact, that's why you're trying so hard to protect your own heart, dare it get treated so flippantly like this.
"Besides, there's no reason for any kisses."
Not unless it's you, think two dumbass minds.
And maybe you linger a little longer than necessary or needed during the brush of lips that's clearly not a kiss. Surely Soonyoung doesn't lean in a little further, pressing up closer against your entire body. Perhaps it's simply your imagination when his hands move behind your back as if he would never let you move away from him again.
deathbyd1cks: 🍿 😎
Anonymous33001: i feel like i'm intruding on smth v personal 😭
jejusb00s: it's called intimacy 🤌  a connection
s0turned0n: sad lonely n horny
But you do distance yourself. You have to. 
Once the ball is lodged in his mouth, you drop your arms down, guide his hands onto the bed, and lean to the side to secure the strap of the gag behind his head. He's a vision and you know it. 
He probably knows it too.
Loose bangs are pushed up off his forehead that glistens in the low light of the room. Sweat also shines between the peaks of his tiddies and valleys of abs that flex and unflex with uneven breathing. Saliva starts to pool past his reddening lips. A hazy look in his eyes that has to be mirrored within your own. There's no other choice but to be proud of such a masterpiece — him.
You also can't help but show a cheeky smirk to the viewers when you turn around. Seating your ass right on top of Soonyoung's large bulge like it's no big deal that the moist wetness soaking the satin covering your cunt blends right into the seeping mess of fabric covering him. Bracing yourself with hands set on the two strong thighs below, you start a lazy grind of your hips that have you biting your bottom lip coyly when he throws his head back with a series of frustrated groans.
kingh0ng: woooo some action from the fav
Putting on an act, you frown as if hurt. "What do you think I've been doing all this time darlings?"
NewUser9031: not paying attention to us :(
"Aw, I know you need attention too."
The pleasant sound of tips pouring in is satisfying as is but you always have ideas on how to rack them up even more and rile the dirty minds of the viewers. Drive them crazy. Seemingly Soonyoung has the same thought process and acts quickly. Quicker than you can even react.
tigressb00bl0v3r: finally my time to shine!
Deft fingers loosen the bow of your bra causing it to easily slide down your arms. Warm hands palm eagerly at your breasts, kneading and squeezing and squishing them at a much more aggressive rate than in the shower before. 
kingh0ng: now we're talking
cumdaywh0ring: SCREAMING
cumdaywh0ring: creaming
cumdaywh0ring: jerking off
cumdaywh0ring: yEs
tigressb00bl0v3r: i love boobs &lt;3
Soonyoung's harsh yet pleasurable groping means you've stopped moving, the attention to your chest keeping you captive both physically and mentally. So he kindly picks up the initiative, desperate rutting of hips up against your pussy as if he was actually fucking you from below.
The man wishes he could be whispering all sorts of naughty shit in your ear but the ball gag keeps him silent save for the groans and whines coming from his chest and throat. Drool dribbles onto your left shoulder creating a shimmering sheen of saliva for the camera that eventually ends up coating the upper swell of your breast. 
tigressb00bl0v3r: god i wish that were me 😩
dickarawrous420: u and me both 🤝
He goes on long enough for a copious amount of spit to aid his hand in gliding with smoother ease across your skin. Messier. Faster. Harder. The extra slipperiness only makes him apply more pressure to grip and grab at your tit, causing a low moan to build in your throat out of pity for the more neglected one. You feel the rumble of humor in Soonyoung's chest against your back and your brain has to fizzle out the tingles and remind your body to fight against the pleasure you're receiving in order to take back control.
Who's the one holding the leash anyways?
"Stop," you say sternly and place a hand on his forearm, noting the way those muscles twitch in response.
kitkat69: mama using big words now 🫢
sugacub3: seriousness is such a turn on
But the little bastard continues to fondle your other breast without pause so you reach behind, yanking at the band of the collar. He moans. The audacity.
"What did I just say, Hoshi? You know only good boys who listen get rewarded, do you not want yours?" You pretend to wait for a reply. "Oh, that's right you can't talk, so I guess someone else should make that decision. What's the verdict, loves — has he earned his?"
dickarawrous420: absolutely not
wooluv: he's a good boi to ME
h0n3ybun: even good boys need a lesson
deathbyd1cks: punish him! 😈 make him beg bby!!
NewUser88963: tie him up and teach him some manners
8starfucks: touching w/o permission is a BIG 🙅🙅🙅🙅
"Should've kept your hands to yourself, baby boy. Looks like they wanna see you pay for not listening. And honestly, I do too."
You're quick to switch to your original position so you can face him again and Soonyoung isn't afraid nor ashamed to admit to himself that the wild, unhinged look in your eyes is crazy sexy. It's almost enough to make up for the loss of contact with one of his favorite parts of your body. He would have never, ever pictured himself submitting to anyone during sex but it comes quite naturally when it's you. Though a part of him that's not his cock aches, wondering if this is truly all for the camera as usual or what you're really like.
Will he ever know?
Those thoughts are luckily banished quickly when you dictate he put his arms behind his back. He complies, grateful to even have this kind of opportunity despite the circumstances, and focuses on doing his best to enjoy every moment.
"I'm even going to do you a favor because I like you so much and would hate to punish you more for additional misbehavior."
deathbyd1cks: oh??? 🫢
horny49yu: 🍿 😋
crazy4w00: 😎 this is better than a kdrama
newuserjk: am i the only one who feels like im missing smth???
4ngelic_m3nace: yeah im missing some1 tied up on MY bed 
cherry_scouper95: idk bout yall im just here to get off 😗 ✌️
To be honest, you planned on never touching the hideous handcuffs Junhui gave you even if they were free. For multiple reasons. Banished and stashed away in the very bottom of your dresser drawers, you are quite proud of the substitution you'd chosen to use instead.
Unclipping the leash in case Soonyoung might accidentally choke himself anyways (though he might like that), you loop the leather strap across his wrists and forearms until it's bound tight enough just to remind him it's there if he gets too impatient. It'd be a joke to think that could actually restrain him if he really tried to break free. Still, it's great for theatrics.
All the while, you're murmuring in his ear if he's doing alright even though the establishment of safety words and signals were already made very clear before this all started. Your best friend assuages any worries with an imperceptible nod that only you can feel though he whines audibly over Svthub's steady cash flow notification at your bare chests brushing against one another.
You relieve him (thankfully) by moving away (sadly) and deliberately brush against his cock (evilly) with your knee when you sit yourself prettily on his thigh. His eyes roll back instantly, hips stuttering at the teasing action as well as the spongy material of your panties saturating his bare thigh.
He huffs wetly, chin and throat, inside and outside, coated with drool. Incoherent noises, a mixture of whimpers and words he's trying to say, grow louder in desperation when you start grinding with no mercy, riding his thigh at an unforgiving pace that's wildly fast. Your hands grip at the covers behind you for support as you thrust your hips towards him and then away, knee inching closer to once again nudge his hardness with your motions. Messy cunt oozing so much arousal, the viewers don't have to listen too hard to hear the nasty sound of soiled fabric sliding against skin.
beg4gyu: i debated if i should watch this or not
beg4gyu: i caved,,,,,,, im weak
beg4gyu: i can live w/ this tho
beg4gyu: esp if tigress uses him like a hq dildo 
wooluv: hey!
beg4gyu: hi!
wooluv: (derogatory)
wooluv: sorry it's not my strong suit
beg4gyu: 🤨 um 
beg4gyu: n e wayz glad to see i didn't miss much
Comment wars rage on as usual but you're too occupied to care. It was a hard choice to decide on at first. The ridges of Soonyoung's abs and the insane vein that leads down all the way to the mushroomed tip of his cock surely would have felt divine rubbing between the folds of your pussy. Perhaps that would have to wait until you were unclothed next —
Or just forget about it. There won't be a next time. There can't be. So you must let it leave your mind. 
It's not hard because his thigh wholly takes away any thoughts that even might enter your head, by far surpassing your expectations and dispelling any indication of disappointment. He flexes and releases the muscle just enough so it catches that sweet clit of yours at different points and angles while you slide back and forth. He'd give anything to push his knee up and temptingly stuff your soaked panties a teeny tiny bit inside your hole with a sinful squelch. 
Alas, he fears the repercussions if he tries to do too much. Content with the way your breasts jiggle cutely, wishing you were still wearing the pendant that you came home from the gym in so he could watch it bounce and sparkle in time with them.
You're moaning shamelessly now, mouth set in a gorgeous "O" and cute moans, almost squeals, coming out as you ride his thigh with even more vigor. Soonyoung hopes — prays — that you'll cum. Nearly cracking the ball gag with how hard his mouth squeezes around it in anticipation. 
The minute that thought resonates in his head, your body seizes up. Lower body shakes and shudders, lifting upwards… up, up, and up… enough for him to spy a hint of the dark green satin color turned black where it's wedged in between the puffy, soppy lips of your cunt that spasms slightly around the ruined fabric.
His eyes threaten to roll up out of pure delirium but he can't bear to look away and miss this moment.
Oh god, and then when you somehow have the wherewithal to move off of his thigh to engage with the hungry viewers that adore watching you come undone (who doesn't?), he just about faints. You even have the gall to wink at him over your shoulder and bet how many orgasms he can give you. He can't bother to try and pay attention as you continue to praise him in front of everyone watching just to egg on the comments and the long, blazing bling of money pouring in. 
Something itches at him. Soonyoung's well aware of the incredible amounts of arousal you're able to conjure with some lube helping you play with during your streams but he's floored. He could definitely feel the wet mess you were making on him. And then to see it. Slathered all over and across like he'd been oiled, it strikes a pleasant possessiveness as if you staked your claim on him. He watches star-eyed at the tiny quivers in your legs while you try and regain your breath.
Down bad, the poor man is. You'd be the death of him.
wooluv: i might have to accept i will never be as cool as tigress
wooluv: or as hot
"Aw that's not true, wooluv baby!"
h0n3ybun: believe in urself luv!!
wooluv: 😭 💔
"Seriously. Oh and hello, beg4gyu! Missed you."
beg4gyu: 😳 ME?????
"Yes, you silly. You were fighting with Hoshi during my last stream!"
beg4gyu: i was?
"He was under a different screen name but yes, it was so funny."
beg4gyu: yeah i mean i was and i was totally winning
You snort, shaking your head to hide your eye roll. "If you say so!"
beg4gyu: also… important -
deathbyd1cks: 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
crazy4w00: 😴😴😴😴😴😴
horny49yu: 😪😪😪😪 
beg4gyu: what's w/ all the haterz???
beg4gyu: this is a judgment free zone
beg4gyu: N E WAYZ why is he called 0rginaltiger if he's 69th 🤔🤔🤔
That makes you laugh and turn back to Soonyoung with a devious smirk, hand brushing against his bulging cheek. "Wanna tell 'em, tiger boy?"
It's a mocking tone you use, the ball gag still in his mouth obviously preventing the man from uttering anything except incomprehensible sounds at this point. He's not below begging in whatever way desired — rather be drowning in your arousal than his own saliva — and raises his eyebrows pleadingly. Dancer hips hump up pathetically but oh-so-temptingly, another strangled whine thrown in for good measure and shiny eyes threatening to tear up. 
Of course, you concede to finally taking it and helping with his boxers after removing the leash that's left pretty red streaks across his forearms showing where he strained against the binding. Your hands brush tenderly across the marks, a questioning hum while you wait for him to collect himself to respond.
"Guess we should," Soonyoung eventually chokes out in a raspy voice, "ya know…" a little too eager in the way he reaches for your hips, "demonstrate."
You click your tongue and gently yank on the collar before he can touch. His upper body jerks forward, merely inches from your face, nose brushing against his. 
"I don't remember you having the control here, Hoshi."
"Ah, but don't forget to lemme know if I'm doing a good job like before… "
And with that, you respond by pushing against his chest after the saucy wink and smirk sent your way. Urging your best friend to lay down on his back so you can place your knees around his waist, untying one side of your panties with a flourish while he rushes to slide a naughty hand over to assist with the other. Across the room they fly, joining the discarded toys on the floor with the nastiest splat imaginable.
NewUser94594: holy shit! 🫣 💦
dickarawrous420: my god... 👅
deathbyd1cks: 👁️ did sum1 say before? 
deathbydicks: hahaha n e ways — ruined ☑ 
You can't even be bothered to care, all your focus instead on the heat of your bare cunt pressed against Soonyoung's hard abs just as you imagined. He seems to be in a better mood and is finally obeying. But you don't like the look of the mischievous glint in his eyes when his teeth sink into his bottom lip, feeling what a sopping mess you still are.
He's covered in it. And he hopes for more. 
"You're so fuckin' beautiful," slips out before he can stop it which causes you to click your tongue to cover up the fact you're extremely flattered, cheeks aflame.
"Looks like I'll have to shut you up, huh?"
Twisting around and moving further up his body until your fluttering hole is over his mouth, you see his brow raise questionably.
"Aren't you gonna... ?"
"Work for it," you interrupt with a command and don't wait for his reply before seating yourself against his swollen lips. "Work for it and maybe I'll suck you off as a reward, baby boy."
sugacub3: this is SOOOO unfair
kingh0ng: im abt to unalive 
kingh0ng: i cant keep edging myself like this
kingh0ng: the drs r getting worried
AnonymousUser9999: weak
jejusb00s: concerning
There is zero hesitation in doing as demanded. Obviously. A vigorous tongue swirls to spell out his own name sloppily — s o o n y o u n g — against your sensitive clit, dipping into and all around your quivering pussy with each swipe, prod, and glide as you settle more and more of your weight onto his face. Tiny bites of cold metal from his earrings sting as they dig into your skin and only add to the pleasure. 
The man underneath you growls, absolutely feral in his euphoria, not minding being smothered one bit as your knees practically crush the sides of his skull. He would die a happy man this way. Nodding his head up and down in agreement then back and forth, nose coincidentally brushing against the rim of your asshole. 
You shiver at the sensation. Despite never having done any anal play, it's not that much of a turn-off. Paired with the vibrations from the noises he's making that fires off and alights your nervous system somehow even better than the XXL vibrator gift from Seokmin and his girlfriend, you're on some kind of otherworldly high. And his dick isn't even inside of you yet —
"Hah, he's… gawd, he's so good… at this!"
It's not like you forgot the only plea Sooonyoung asked of you but it's also not hard to fake or hold back the moans and praises that fall easily out of your mouth with his ministrations. Fully sitting back all the way, a treat to the viewers who can get a peek at your occupied lower body atop his shiny chin. Watching his jaw and tongue fervently working in tandem as he continues autographing your pussy. Sitting on his face like you belong there — which you do.
Only because his lungs are screaming for air, not because he's satisfied, is the reason he taps your ankle three times. Honestly, you find it a struggle to lift up and fall forward onto your forearms instead, the rest of your body prone against his. Soonyoung's rendered you weak, especially as he parts from your cunt with a lecherous wet smack like he's just had the messiest make out of the century. 
He kind of has.
You're left with your mouth hanging wide open and panting — though not as hard as he is — a flurry of emotions as your mind can only think of one thing. It's no surprise when drool dribbles out of the corner of your parted lips, perfectly falling onto the angry red cock below you that jumps adorably in shock at the contact.
deathbyd1cks: hehehehehe dick drunk dick drunk dick drunk 🙇
deathbyd1cks: called it! 
deathbyd1cks: 💵💵💵💵💵💵
h0n3ybun: i mean it IS pretty
horny49yu: THICC
newuserkjk: still feel like im missing smth
beg4gyu: its like a 100
beg4gyu: out of 100000000000000000000
wooluv: jealous much?
A wonky, dazed smile and a flutter of eyelashes dampened by tears is sent to the camera. While you might not be reading their comments, you can only imagine how they're eating this shit up. You let more drool accumulate and collect on the center of your tongue (easy with how good you feel and the sight before you), sticking it out so a singular clear strand can drip down from the tip. 
Like a baker drizzles icing on their cake with a spoon, you direct your head in various directions over his length. Eyeing greedily as it twitches agreeably and leaks more precum at the teasing, barely-there warm liquid that instantly cools beginning to coat it.
Whether out of repayment or retaliation, Soonyoung catches his breath and gathers up the moisture in his mouth (that probably consists more of your arousal than saliva), and then spits. Right at the pretty folds of your pussy that are eye-level if he keeps his neck lifted. Hungrily watching through a lidded gaze as it slides between them and mixes in with the sloppy cream that's starting to seep out and threatens to spill onto his chest. 
"This pussy…! Fuck, is it so perfect… totally made f'me."
His voice is choked and raspy. Like hell he'd waste any droplets of yours, vowing for them to only fall on his tongue. Hastily grabbing at your hips, pulling you back onto his mouth, and kneading at the plushness of your asscheeks before delivering a playful and light slap to them — daring you to finally suck him off.
And you do, reverently picking up his thick length with trembling hands. Marveling how it even makes your hands look small around it. Lying hot and heavy in your hold, you can feel the blood raging through its veiny prominence.
Then your lips are suckling at the tip, re-addicted to the salty tang you previewed thanks to the ball gag. Soonyoung lets out a grateful moan of relief and you echo it because of the satisfying taste of him.
horny49yu: actually
horny49yu: bad day to be a bisexual if youre not between them
4ngelic_m3nace: where do i sign up to be a part of this???
beg4gyu: bruh
beg4gyu: not b4 me 😑
deathbyd1cks: is sum1 having their bi awakening?
beg4gyu: no but
beg4gyu: ill do anything for tigress
wooluv: 😳 i think i might
deathbyd1cks: amen to that 🙏
Your best friend's now almost halfway inside your mouth while he's been tongue-deep inside of you in exchange. Granted, Soonyoung is only occasionally flicking your clit now, much lazier thrusts as he tongues and laps around your hole because it would be a lie to say he's not mildly distracted at long last by being enveloped with your warm mouth.
That's perfectly fine though, allowing a clearer mind to pay attention to him instead. Your head bobs up and down in a methodical, slow way until the tip of his shaft slips down your throat. Staying like that for as long as you can without breathing before popping off, proud of yourself for not gagging. 
Practicing with your toys for the past week must've paid off.
(Of course, you would die before you ever admitted that to Soonyoung, and likewise. Because if you asked him if he wanted to hear your gags, the answer is an obvious yes — but admitting it? Over his dead body.) 
You get more comfortable, breasts squishing against his thighs, forearms strewn across his calves so you can fondle at his ballsack while you work him deeper and deeper down your throat each try. Soonyoung mimics you, arms thrown across your lower back as he moans against your pussy. More than pleased when you start an unhurried, inconsistent grind that he happily continues to supply his drenched face for.
You're not even trying to look pretty for the camera, slobbering all over the place like you're devouring one of those ginormous round lollipops, nor did you intend to make such a mess. Who knows if it's precum or saliva dripping down between his balls? But there's so much that you can smear all around and all over like a heathen.
Only adding to all of it by briefly neglecting his cock (hand replacing your mouth to jerk him off because you're nice like that) and giving a love-suckle to each one of them simply because you can't resist with them right there for the taking.
kingh0ng: can it be a concern to cum sm???
cherry_scouper95: dude fr?? need to work on ur stamina
cherry_scouper95: get laid finally or smth
kingh0ng: im not a virgin!
h0n3ybun: no shame if u r
kingh0ng: w/ the amt of times i use my hands to these shows i could be tho 😔 
Soonyoung must be feeling the same way you do if his loud, open-mouthed moan and warm breath ricocheting against your clit are anything to go by. It might just be the hottest thing you've ever experienced, cunt squeezing deathly around his poised tongue that dips in and almost gets trapped. 
He growls, freeing it, and slaps your ass again, soothingly squeezing the sting away. Arms muscles taut as he holds your hips up and away so he doesn't quite literally drown in all of your arousal.
Still, licking his lips and tasting more of your tantalizing essence on them, he desires more.
"Think I can make you squirt?" He also thinks he deserves even more. "With just my tongue? Or… " A finger traces around the soft skin of your pussy lips, admiring the clenching and unclenching hole above him. "My fingers? Think you can do it for me, sweet thing?"
Instead of replying, you simply turn your head to the side so you can meet his dark brown, carnal eyes. Teeth scrape along that devastating vein and nibble on the sensitive skin that connects his pelvis to his cock.
"Watch it," he hisses, "easy, babe."
You whine, batting your eyelashes and mouth first curving downwards as it presses against his lower body before curling upwards in a smirk. "Only ever squirted with a dildo."
Soonyoung eyes your tiger lily tattoo and places an oddly domestic-like smooch to it. "Of course, the brat would challenge me."
"Wasn't — "
You let out the most unflattering squeak as he drops you back down on his mouth, slurping at your cunt again with an addition of a harsh suck. Before you can let him get too carried away, you match his pace.
beg4gyu: am i just a fly on the wall????
beg4gyu: do i even exist here?????
wooluv: 🥲 no 
wooluv: none of us do
deathbyd1cks: baby im not even here im a hallucination 👍
Licking from the base up to the slit that's trembling in your hold as your hand runs up a different vein, this time on the underside of his dick after another teasing squeeze to his balls. Deep-throating with much more ease, swallowing two to three times before coming up for air, and diving back down again. 
Rinse and repeat.
Soonyoung's hand sneaks between your body and his lower lip to fondle at your clit, pinching and pulling like a demon, though gentle in his actual administrations. The lovingly clumsy mannerisms of your best friend before are nowhere to be found in this pussy-drunk beast of a man who aims with precision at all your exact weak spots. Or maybe he was like that all along… 
And that's perfectly fine because damn Seokmin but he was right — you're positively, utterly, completely dick-drunk.
"In love with… in love with this pussy of yours," he rasps out and you mumble nonsense with a full mouth, responding more with the enticing wiggle of your hips. Encouraging him to bring you to that precipice, over it, and more while you return the favor.
deathbyd1cks: 📹 damn almost caught it in 4k
AnonymousUser7021: was there a lag??? did i miss smth??
deathbyd1cks: the confession of the century 😔 ✊
wooluv: HUH?
beg4gyu: HWAT???? THEYRE A THING???
crazy4w00: well not yet…
wooluv: 💔 so there's still hope 🥹
h0n3ybun: cute
cherry_scouper95: cute n all but r we ever gonna finish here??
cherry_scouper95: this dude's stamina…
kingh0ng: now who's weak? 😆 🫵
cherry_scouper95: 🖕
You're almost just as frustrated as cherry_scouper95. A mix of a growl and whine rises in your throat whenever it's granted reprieve in between thrusts, nails scratching and leaving crescent moon marks along his tense, sticky thighs. Because goddamn, even though his cock looks so achingly hard that it could probably stay up straight on its own, growing more difficult to bend it down your throat — he shows barely a hint of nearing that sweet release. You huff, cold air whooshing across his shaft and balls that has him jolting beneath you.
A brain cell lights up.
Sliding down his body, away from his mouth, and ignoring the devastating loss as well as his surprised groan of disappointment. Focusing as it turns to one that is pleasantly breathless in enjoyment when your breasts squish around his length instead. Pornographic moans ring out as the back of his head hits the mattress and shameful cries of "baby, babe, love," fill the air, so loud that the viewers have to lower their volume by a few decibels. 
"Oh, fuck… "
It only takes two slides up and down between your tits before Soonyoung's hips take on a mind of their own without your hands to hold him still. Rutting unapologetically and unforgiving up into the enclosed space, using your chest like it was nothing but a cocksleeve or fleshlight toy. 
You revel in it. 
Appreciating the pathetic grips and grabs at your asscheeks as he fails to ground himself. Sticking out your tongue to meet the pretty pink head that pokes through with each thrust tugging the foreskin back and forth as it rubs against your soft, tender skin.
You're positive he's almost lost control, surely chafing your skin despite the insane amount of wetness. Of course, you don't mind at all and add whatever moisture is left in your mouth so it can drip down your shared bodies, mixing in with the filthy, sopping mess that's probably ruined your bed. 
Soonyoung's intent on that promise, finally gathering hold on some of his wits to raise his head back up. Removing a hand to prop it behind his neck, the other one trails downward, pulling the fat of your ass slightly up. Your lower body presses into his to support the actions of your chest and torso but he's still able to see your empty hole leaking arousal all over the front of his body. 
You're right where he needs you. Wants you.
A digit pushes in to bury inside your cunt that greets the welcome, thick intrusion with a sickening squelch. He starts knuckle-deep out of caution before exploring farther, middle finger (essentially giving the viewers a big "fuck all of you" while inside your pussy) readily seeking out that bundle of nerves to brush against that he found in the shower. Stroking them relentlessly once found by his finger nestled within, and grinning sadistically when you cry out. Clit rubbing against the rough, top indentations of his abs.
"C'mon, baby… soak me. I know this nasty little hole can do it, know you can do it." Soonyoung growls when you feebly garble out his screen name. "That's right… mark me, baby 'n make me yours. Bet they're all crying out for you right now. But you'll do it all for me, just f'me, right?"
A strangled "Yes, Hoshi!" is ripped out of you followed by a wrecked sob as you grope at your nipples out of habit, coincidentally continuing to squeeze and release your tits around his weeping shaft. 
"Together!" you also beg with a scream, pleading for his release as well. The repetitive pulsating of his cock gains more consistency to match the rapid thumping of your heart beating in time against it which thrills you.
"Together," he confirms, "always."
AnonymousUser1205: wow hot damn
beg4gyu: just bc hes right doesnt mean he has to say it
beg4gyu: esp if he gets to be w/tigress >:(
cumdaywh0ring: let's gooooo
cumdaywh0ring: let's fcking gooooooooo
There's an audible hiss heard from both of you as your pussy lips tighten around Sooonyoung's finger, almost cutting off his circulation like a rubber band wound too many times. Cunt suctioning yet pushing him out, trapped as if his digit is a fish caught up in a dam, as you start to gush. Droplets of your essence dribbling down his flexed wrist that attempts to thrust within its limited range to coax you through your climax more.
"That's it, that's a good fuckin' baby," he praises and grunts, white spurts of cum erupting as his own release hits. "My baby. Take it, love. Take all of it 'cause you're mine, aren't you?"
The feeling of his cum hitting your face, tits, and mouth that's open already from moaning like the true star cammer that you are plus his hoarse voice repeating the demanding possession of, "Aren't you?," has you screaming out a confirmative "Yes, baby!". And then you're really gushing, squirting as desired because of his fingers and mouth, harder than you ever thought you could be capable of. Successfully ejecting Soonyoung's digit out in a spray that seems to last an eternity as you seize up and shudder and shake until you can give no more.
Most of it lands on his chest, dousing him and wetting the poor bed. With both of his arms free, he can basically do a light curl-up, tongue sticking out to catch whatever he can like a heathen. His balls empty and empty out across your face until his cock finally plops against your rubbed-raw chest, almost as weary as you are as it starts to soften. 
You may look like a complete and utter mess and wreck. But no one thinks you could look any prettier than you do now in this moment, especially Soonyoung whose muscles protest when he forces himself to move.
kingh0ng: is this heaven or hell
newuserjk: why not… limbo 😼
h0n3ybun: oh?
deathbyd1cks: 😏
newuserjk: $5 off, sale ends in 2 min! 
wooluv: my god… 😓 these ads
kitkat69: imma need 10 business days to recover,,,,
He fumbles a bit, hazy mind struggling to stop the livestream as he hastily thanks everyone for watching. Once it appears to have turned off, he chews on his bottom lip and decides to just power off the whole computer system for good measure.
"Hey." Handing you a water bottle after downing a few sips, he also grabs the towels and wipes from the table you'd prepared beforehand. Laying them down on the upper, cleaner part of the bed and collapsing back on the mattress with a bounce. "You with me, babe?"
Though your eyes are still glassy, you nod. Relief as the water soothes your scratchy throat. "I am, you good?"
You both know you need to clean up properly before resting but it seems alright for now to just lay there and catch your breath. Soonyoung pulls you into his chest, rubbing circles on your back as a chill sets in — metaphorically and physically — in the sudden eerie silence shared between just the two of you in this room.
"Thank you."
Your best friend giggles. He goddamn giggles. "Was I that good that you're thanking me?"
A beat of silence.
"Honestly, yeah you were. More than good, you were great. With everything. So yeah, thank you."
"No, thank you." It's said with such gratitude, such conviction, and then a kiss is placed on the top of your head. Your heart thuds erratically. "You were perfect. Everything I've ever imagined and more."
"S-Soonyoung? "
"… Wake me up in ten."
"Okay. But we'll have to wash up after, alright?"
You nod against his chest, shutting your eyes tightly. He inhales deeply, jostling you a bit to reach his phone and set the timer before tossing it onto the bed. Both of you miss when your respective phones light up with new messages.
Despite the way you want to relax and pretend like there's not the looming elephant in the room to face, you have to ask. 
Even if it hurts.
"So… what happens next?"
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◇ Find out more in Part 3... cumming soon 😉 (like to charge, reblog to cast)
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onlyseokmins: April 2023 ©
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
𓇻 day 3 of  fic days [masterlist] 𓇻
◜  attention. [simon “ghost” riley x f!reader]   ◞  
― video game: call of duty: modern warfare II
― summary: being the medic of force 141 has its consequences; draw attention of lieutenant, ghost as they say.
― wc: 2.2k
― warnings&tags: fluff, angsty (a little bit), kissing, touching, masked!ghost, confession, no using of y/n. enjoy <3
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  famous soldier of force 141; simon riley, ghost as they said. a man who you should not try to make a conversation with. he was a soldier – he acted like a soldier, not having specific emotions rather than all stillness, acting unhuman mostly; not eating, not talking. indeed you knew him more than others in the building. being medic of force 141 has give you a chance to get further knowledge about the team since you looked each of them one by one when they needed any treatment after a tough mission after captain price picked you as personal medic of the team, trusting you truly, seeing you like a part of it already.
you has spent nearly a year with each of them, especially soap who were like a friend of yours rather than a soldier who just came to you for medical support. he showed his face whenever he found some free times between his mission with the force 141. he and captain price were there for you whenever you needed to calm yourself down because it was a hard job to be doctor for soldiers since they needed mental treatments too. but you were giving it to them because even if you didn’t know every mission particularly, you knew what they did to accomplish their mission. 
so, yes, you were like their safe place to calm themselves down; having a few fun conversation that help them clear their minds from the mission they just came from, or simply getting needed treatment to their wounds. 
it was all easy job after you got used to it even if it had its own difficult sides. the job you had in there was good for you because you knew you were doing something – good. every person in the world needed to feel – good and healthy for you. pain was a nasty thing, tingle on people’s skins to make them weak for a moment but with your help, they were getting more powerful than before after the treatment section. you always had a smile on your pretty face, you always had that delicate side of you whenever you saw how broken your patients were in that particular moments. you both had a good soul and a good heart – not so rare, not nowadays. you didn’t do the job for the money, no, you were doing it for others’ good – to make them feel well. 
ghost knew that well. ghost saw this. with the sparkles on your eyes, especially those whenever you saw him in your medical room, he knew how you found it amusing to heal them. ghost didn’t know if you had a specific fond of him, no, he believed that you would never – he would never find a place on your mind, soul or heart – he believed he didn’t deserve it. you had a pure soul and having him in there would cause it to get – dirty, darker, worse. that was what ghost thought – and you knew it because as you believed, you got knowledge of him thanks to every visit he had. 
in your first times, ghost didn’t trust you. he didn’t come for simple wounds which he could heal by themselves even if the team wanted him to come to your medical room as soap confessed later. he only came when he needed a real medical supply. even in those times, he didn’t speak at all, just answering you questions directly and shortly. 
with time, after he finally paid attention to your presence, getting know you better as you did about him in return, he began to talk more than before. he even began to show his masked face, always masked, in your room, to get simple treatments like a bandage on his arm or hand. he was professional. his injuries didn’t happen so often, so, whenever he came to you, you felt both excitement to see him again finally and sadness because you didn’t like to see him in pain even if he hid it every time. 
there was something in your heart that made you feel closer to him, not any other person from the team or the building at all – only him. some of your co-workers asked how you could treat a man like ghost who was acting like a real ghost and you always held the real answer to yourself; he is not only ghost for me, he is also simon riley, a man who was broken and needed all of your love.
you both liked ghost and simon riley. simon riley. it created a weird feeling on your chest whenever you called him with his name, real name, not believing how you achieved this closeness with him in the first place because it looked impossible – but now, after knowing that you got lieutenant’s attention, you found it as a miracle.
as ghost’s liking on you became visible each time you had spent, you couldn’t believe it but he was determined to show it to you.
beginning with simple gestures like nodding his head to yours whenever you met in corridors, elevators or stairs, making you blush, feeling so hot and excited in those times, he started to show how you got his attention. you didn’t know what made him acknowledge you but sure, you liked it. you liked it so much that you wanted to leave your room only to see him like few seconds that would last on your mind more than that.
then, he began to have simple conversation with you such as ‘how are you today’ that turned to simple jokes like ‘did clumsy soap visited you today too?’. you found their relationship cute and good. having gossip with soap about ghost made you laugh every time ghost mentioned soap’s names. you could see how ghost’s eyes traveled around your face when you laughed, chuckled or simply smiled. he found it amusing, as he said later in a romantic day you had, so rare but priceless.
after those cute but limited times, he began to come to your room because of having wounds that needed to be healed and wanting to see you. the bond you shared was growing thanks to the closeness you got slowly but strongly. 
you realized that ghost wanted to become more than friends, as you thought you were and ghost approved. his little and shy touches in the first that were so delicate enough to make you question if he really touched you or not at all. your hands, fingers and hair were the first few places his skin touched gently, making you have a red colored face and pink cheeks with tickling skin. in return, you started to touch his arms, hands and knees rather than the places you touched to heal. that touches turned to confident ones as he looked pleased by them, giving you permission to touch.
lastly, the whole situation turned into something more – more than a friendship when he finally knocked your door before leaving for a mission that held great danger as your co-workers and captain price informed you to prepare yourself more than ever for all cases.
having fear on your heart, you waited ‘till night – probably 1 a.m., for ghost’s arrival. he told you he would come before going to mission after he got his supplies ready. traveling around the room, you prayed for his safety and rest of the team as well but mostly his – because you had a sensitive feeling for him in your heart which you denied ‘till that day, but finally accepted its presence since it grew into something you could not avoid no more.
ghost’s masked face finally showed itself, helping you to calm down immediately as you rushed towards his massive and bigger body to give a big hug by using both of your arms, hugging him from the neck as you stood on tiptoes to reach him.
his arms found your waist and back immediately, holding you so close and still. you heard his heavy breaths on your ear, feeling them on your neck and hair. you closed your eyes to feel him closer, tightening your grip on his neck. “simon –“ you sighed, not ready to leave him. not yet.
“I know,” he said in return. always understanding you without needing further information, “but don’t worry, everything will be okay.”
leaving his neck, putting both of your palms on this chest he had thick armors on but you could feel his fast beating heart which he would say how his heart was beating like that only because of you and your touches later. “don’t jump into danger.”
he held your cheek with his right hand while his left one stayed on your back, pushing your small body to him more, not getting enough of it. you couldn’t see his face but when he spoke, you knew he was smiling under the mask, playful to make you calm down more about the mission, “danger should not jump to me.”
hitting his arm a little, you smiled too.
spending a certain time on his arms while touching his masked face and arms as he touched your body with the same willingness, you left him there to get something from your table.
“here,” you picked the necklace that only had a black stone which was untouched. “it is something I found in my childhood years, beside a river.” you stood in front of ghost while showing it to him with a sad but proud smile on your face, “I thought how beautiful it looked in that day, not looking like every other stones in that river, but having its own beauty.” you took his hand, opening his palm to leave the necklace into his big palm while he was watching you carefully. “I like to look at it whenever I feel fear, sadness or stressed. it reminds me that wonderful day and I also find it amusing that the stone is untouched yet so beautiful in its own way.”
closing his palm which had the necklace now, you looked up to see his brown and dark colored eyes, “keep it and whenever you feel fear or something like that, look at it. remember the most beautiful thing on your life. it will give you strength.”
he looked at the stone for a while before caressing your cheek and asking, “why are you giving me this? what if you feel fear again?”
putting your cheek more into his palm, smiling, you replied, “because now I have my own beauty, right in front of me, with a beating warm heart.”
closing your eyes, not wanting to see more because of feeling a little fear about whether he felt the same way as you do or not. ghost stood silent and unmoved for a while before moving his hand which has began to touch your face gently contrary to all his massiveness.
with a heart beat, you opened your eyes and the moment you opened it, you saw how ghost opened his mask ‘till it reached to his nose, reveal half of his face and his lips that looked so good – so touchable.
when you thought about how you wanted to feel them on your lips firstly and then all over your body, ghost acted like he read your thoughts, kissing you deeply by pushing you to him by your neck he gripped.
feeling the hotness of his lips, going from his to yours, you almost left a high pitched growl sound which made ghost to go further, holding you from both of your neck and back, crashing your body to his huge one, he deepened the kiss like it could go any deeper.
holding his cheeks with your hands, you could feel both the fabric of his mask and his skin which made you feel so wonderful – finally you could feel him this closely. it was another miracle for sure.
“simon –“ you moaned his name, not having enough breath now.
he left your lips freely, letting you space to breath in and out with a exploding heavy chest. your mind was all gone but you could see the little smile on his lips that were visible for you finally.
“simon –“ you said again, getting the last remaining of your brain’s functions, “what’s this mean –“
he cut you, “it means that,” he said, looking at to you with such a great intensivity, “you said how I should look at this stone and think about the most beautiful thing on my life. then, whenever I feel down, I will look at it to think about you.” he kissed you one more time but short this time. “you are the only one thing in my life that is beautiful.”
“oh, simon –“ you said, kissing him couple of times while feeling lots of explosions in your heart that were effects of his confession. “I love you.”
simon let a wider smile, “I know.” then, it all went like that; simon kissing you passionately, you letting him do whatever he want. after that night, after he got back from the mission, your bond turned into something you could not predicted before. you two had your own beauty like that stone had – even more than its beauty and it always stayed on ghost’s neck, bringing you everywhere he went only to come into your arms in the end.
the end. 🦋
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sweetstench · 1 year
answering a bunch of questions
i get lots of asks but i'm bad at responding to them, so here's a big post where i answer all of em in a row. sorry if i missed any
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thank you! honestly voice acting for my videos has helped me a lot over the years; I find it a lot easier to experiment with my voice in character, when it’s detached from my own ego. re: publicly transitioning, i can only speak from my own experience, but i’ve found it just takes a lot of baby steps to get where you want to be. it’s awkward at first but i much prefer to be awkwardly me rather than someone i’m not. i believe in you!
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thanks, that's very considerate! yeah i'm sweetstench on youtube, tiktok, and twitter, and i'm sweet.stench on ig because someone else got it. i'll add the links to my blog header at some point, i hardly know how to use this website
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i'm carter amelia davis, and i don't make creepy videos, all of my videos are nice :)
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NO!!! that is not ok
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hmm i live in minneapolis, that must have been my philly doppelganger
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cool, i'm glad i did a good job tagging that one. someone actually requested the “parasite” tag for that one so i added it. it seems like people really want to define their own experiences on here and i respect that. tagging my posts kinda makes it so I can’t post “in character,” but i also don’t want people to be uncomfortable. my goal with the gore and body horror shit is to be nasty, so i can’t fault people for finding it nasty, haha. just trying to do my best
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thanks, it's been a good one. i had some good tamales
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this is so sweet of you to say! means a lot, truly <3
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i have to imagine this was sent with good intentions but it feels like a well-crafted neg, haha. anyway peace n luv xoxo
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i'm pleased to hear that i’m giving off leaking gas pipe woman vibes. Very cunty
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not sure how to engage with this one , never had someone hit on me anonymously.. you correctly clocked me as a lesbo tho, haha
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nope, can't dwell on my past work. gotta keep moving forward!
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you must be cutie-melon to the fullest extent!
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i looked it up, this is some freaky stuff! thanx for recommend
~~~ General Nice Comments Section ~~~
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~~~ These Are All Appreciated, Thank U ~~~
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i hereby grant swagheartwerewolf permission to fuck, in general. they are no longer banned from making love. that is my decree.
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silvergeek · 2 years
I had no idea that Tolkien fans were so nasty and racist.
Any time I try to look up any information about Rings of Power, comment sections are overwhelmed by racist freaks. I swear to fucking god, these people don't have anything worse going on in their lives other than a film studio hiring a Puerto Rican to portray an elf or a black English woman to play a dwarf. (Even Isildur is too ethnic for some of these fans. Like jfc, so sorry he's not a WASP.)
What blows my mind is the sheer number of complaints, just about each one of them starting with, "I'm not racist but..." and ending with this rant insisting that Tolkien wanted all of his fictional little magic characters to be white. (Ok. Fair enough. He probably DID envision them all as white. He's a dead guy who was born in the fucking 1800's.)
Lol. "I'm not racist but I can't stop obsessing over the hobbits' skin color!" Jesus christ.
1. I'm currently re-reading the Silmarillion and nowhere does it explicitly state that everyone must be Caucasian.
2. There are numerous citations about some people actually having darker skin (e.g. harfoots).
3. The people who are screaming, "But this is OUR contemporary European mythology! Stop shoehorning black people into it!" Newsflash: there are black Europeans, assholes. Born and raised in your fucking countries. They know no other culture aside from --whichever country they gotta put up with your shit in. (Yes, my grammar sucks. Fuck off.) Why the hell do you act like these people do not exist?
I can't say the USA is any better with these attitudes, but I thank the fucking stars for having visibly outspoken, politically active African American women to keep our bullshit in line.
Imagine being a woman or a POC (or both) and anytime you apply for a job, audition for a role, or enter into any sort of competition and actually win based on your talents/skills, just around the corner there's a legion of assholes screaming that you were only picked because of tokenism. Imagine going through life being told over and over that your effort means nothing and that anytime you succeed at any given thing, you're just being pandered to. And imagine that the people saying this shit to you are pretending to be on YOUR side. And imagine, just for a moment, that these same people happily watch white guy after white guy walk into success and never ever question if whether or not their white guy peers are playing favorites -- because surely those people are impartial in all of their decision making. (Did they pick a white guy? It's an impartial choice! Did they pick a black lady? WOKE BULLSHIT PANDERING::blood erupts from esophagus::)
Imagine all of that, then go take a nice big shit in your garage.
Also, this uruk hai is totally gonna eat this little boy. Off topic, really. The pic is just there to get your attention.
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Between the nasty backlash of Sandman and Rings of Power, complete with death threats and everything, I have to say this takes me back to the uprising of Gamergate.
They performed all of these same hate rituals, but aimed squarely at women in gaming. Zoey Quinn caught the brunt of it -- people even figured out her father's home phone number and made threatening calls to him.
I remember Anita Sarkeesian would have to cancel expos due to bomb threats.
These are typically the actions of some subhuman demographic, mostly male, aged 20's to 50's, typically white (not always) and either straight or profoundly closeted. Politically... they tend to think of themselves as freedom lovers, but at the root of their ideologies, you'll find stagnant traditionalism dancing in rhythm with contemporary neo-conservatism. Freedom for them, not for anyone else.
These are the people who don't want women to design video games, they don't want black/hispanic/Indian folks in their TV shows except as forgettable side characters, and they don't want the gays. Never ever with the gays. (And anything beyond "gay" doesn't exist in their minds. It's made up.)
I remember all this back in 2014. They review bombed games, in fact. They were a bunch of keyboard warriors for the most part. They eventually lost, because now we have a more diverse gaming industry. Most of them can only find their male gaze fixations with the big-tittied anime girls in obscure JRPG's pumped out by Japan, China, and Korea -- at best.
They're just scum. They really are. And they hate change. And they're cowards.
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tuesday again 10/3/2023
september was not kind but we're back with a real making section babEY and lengthy all other sections
SHIFTED by Jolynn J Chin, a progressive jazz (?) piano piece that changes time signatures on every bar. i am led to understand this is a massive technical achievement but more importantly to me it sounds cool as hell. this is a little funny bc pianist friends occasionally complain that the technically challenging pieces that are fun to play aren't that fun to actually listen to. spotify
the artist uploaded an explainer video that went well over my head but i have no music theory background. i know that not every video with a lady patiently talking through a problem on a whiteboard is going to be a physics video but spiritually this is a physics video to me
how'd i find this: spotify discover weekly
lee winter's The Fixer. perfectly fine technical quality of writing but absolutely bizarre plot. there will be spoilers for this book bc i cannot talk about this book without them.
A naive activist is hired by a corporate villain but doesn’t realize it. Cue one awkward farce, a twisty puzzle, and the slowest of slow burns in this opposites-attract, ice queen romance. Nine years ago, aloof, icy Michelle Hastings chose career over love. She’s now living with that choice as she rules a secret corporation catering to the rich and powerful. Enter Eden Lawless. The guileless activist finds it a bit weird being employed by a mystery organization to bring down a corrupt mayor. But, hey, she’s up for a challenge. Much harder is getting her beautiful new boss out of her head. The pull between them is electric.
this was not the fanfic level of mean woman i prefer. this woman is a bit of a tsundere boss with some past regrets. like yeah her Company does awful shit but she herself is a very restrained sort of James Bond villain level of icy polite.
unfortunately the actual plot itself is so fucking bizarre.
one of my two concerns: the author is not Jewish but has written Michelle as such, and employed sensitivity readers. i do not know that it is in the very best of taste to have a Jewish woman as the head of a shadowy, textually evil, para-governmental organization pulling strings behind the scenes for the rich and powerful.
the other thing that really threw me is that the series of events we are concerned with, a mayoral election in small-town uhhhh maryland??? i have returned the book and cannot fact check-- seems to be a very thinly veiled rehashing of the 2016 presidential primaries. but as a mayoral campaign.
there is an obnoxious redheaded used car salesman who is running for national publicity for his used car business and writes nasty jingles about his main opponent, a very unpleasant woman who nevertheless gets things done but WAS a slumlord and DID ruin our activist Eden's life. everyone in the county is in her pocket. things are running quietly and well in town, and her platform is solar. the solar farms would take up literally all the actual farmland in the country and (spoiler) she is defeated bc the townspeople think this would be an eyesore and not actually bring that many jobs to the town. again, i stress this is a small town mayoral campaign. they are a college town but it is an EXTREMELY small lib arts college. she has the correct idea about renewables but downfall is that she personally is reprehensible and is going about renewables WRONG!!!
our main character Eden sinks this renewable energy plan bc, again, in college, legally-not-Hillary-Clinton got her dad fired from the local hospital and ran them out of town bc of Eden's protests against her slumlord activities.
then there is the objectively best candidate, a retired pediatrician in the very early stages of dementia who is sort of a puppet candidate for his wife, the actual political mind who hired the evil CEO Michelle's company through a shell company in order to sink her husband's opponent. VERY weird setup.
this was indirectly recced by a big name romance writer who would would not appreciate being tagged lol. i will not be reading the second half of this duology. too much stuff that made me go WHUH???
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The Big O is a 1999 and then 2003 detective noir mecha anime. i have never wondered what batman: the animated series would look like if it went in a different retrofuturist direction and put bruce wayne in mecha, but now i have that answer.
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this show looks good as fuckin hell. there are SO many dutch angles and dials and gadgets and switches. there's a cut in the first episode that doesn't translate well to screenshots, to the interior of a luxury apartment building and the water in the pool is sloshing around as mechs fight outside.
ive only seen the first three episodes but im having a marvelous fucking time. very importantly for me, there is a robot who is a child but notorious womanizer Bruce Wayne Roger Smith isn't fuckin weird about it.
how i found it: this post reblogged by @ouroborosenso ! the line "You're a louse, Roger Smith." got one short sharp bark of laughter out of me, and a bone dry sense of humor is an excellent selling point. it's available on the internet archive (dubbed but no subtitles)
im having a grand old time with g/enshin's new area. my shit did kind of get rocked with the revelation that the prisoners-- okay let's back up. the player character gets sent to prison on false charges so they can investigate something for the chief justice. backing up farther, the watery land of Fontaine runs on magic energy produced during its court trials. this incentivizes them to make the court trials full-on fucking dramatic productions with very little care for like. victims. once convicted (fontaine feels like it has a near 100% conviction rate, very much like japan) prisoners go to an underwater prison that is a more steampunk version of bioshock. these prisoners make the automated clockwork humanoid police force, as well as the automated clockwork police dogs. there is a panopticon.
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the economy in the prison (cannot believe this game that wants me to spend money on anime waifus so i can watch their skirts billow teasingly in the wind while i fight big monsters also wants me to think about prison economies) anyway the economy in the prison is scrip-based. you get one free meal a day but everything else runs on scrip. apparently many people choose to stay in prison after their terms are up bc they have achieved some sort of power and stability there. says a lot about the surface world, don't it? wish we SAW literally any of that in the surface world!
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i guess being very overt about drawing from a fifteen year old game is like. kosher? so many other games have drawn from bioshock, but genshin draws so heavily and frequently from Breath of the Wild that it was a little jarring to go from the last area with the cute little korok seed knockoffs and a lot of thinking about academic misconduct to somewhere with a flavor of politics i think a lot more about. as you travel throughout the land of genshin impact, you are quite involved in big diplomatic incidents and overthrowing various baddies, installing the correct people, things of this nature. i think this new land of Fontaine is the most overtly political in that literally all of your time here is spent thinking about exactly how this country's administration operates. it's not a real "hey look we've recreated the Torture Nexus" situation yet but i am curious about what sort of themes the next expansion will be chewing on. im also not quite done with the second of two giant quests that take place in the prison so stay tuned.
bonkers fucking game. wish it wasn't gambling based and didn't have to adhere so closely to chinese restrictions. wish literally ANY outlet was regularly covering this insane lore hiding under the gacha and grind systems
the goddamn couch covers are finally done. they are 9x12 and 12x16 100% cotton drop cloths from Chicago Art Supply, and im quite happy with their quality (evenness of weave, normal selvededge, normal seams). i used rit all purpose dye in fuchsia (hot bucket method with colorstay, more on that later) and the itajime triangle method of shibori dyeing. this involved folding the fabric accordion-wise, folding it like a flag, then sandwiching it between two triangles of wood or plastic with many many many rubber bands or twine.
it was a right fucking bitch to prewash, dry, and fold these fuckers. mack was deeply unhelpful. if i need to wash them in future i will be visiting a laundromat.
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i could not procure enough dye locally for the recommended 1 packet per 1 lb of dry fabric (4 and 8 pounds respectively) so i did a .75 strength dye bath, since i wasn’t trying to dye the entire thing perfectly and evenly. i think you could probably do a half or quarter strength with more time and be fine. the photo on the left is the smaller dropcloth after a half hour in the bucket (unfolded in the washer to reduce. well to just reduce many problems) , and i did not like that high of a contrast bc i did want some color on all the fabric. so i unfolded and dunked the whole thing back in for literally thirty seconds and it promptly sucked up the rest of the available dye molecules, making it lower contrast than i wanted. so it goes.
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i didn’t like how even and neat the triangle motif was on this go round (when deciding on colors and patterns for this project i was thinking about coral and pink cow print but did not want a literal pink cow print couch), so for the next one i did a much worse job folding and was way more aggressive with the rubber bands. i also folded it in half lengthwise to make the accordion folds easier for myself, something i did not do for the smaller one.
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and here she is through my balcony screen door after an hour in the dye bucket and a wash with half the recommended amount of fixative to get it to bleed a Little for better coverage of the fabric but keep it lower contrast. i am not completely thrilled with how this came out bc i feel it reads a little sorority girl tshirt. im not sure if making the motif/triangles smaller would have helped any, and even though i was not folding it in half every time you can only fold something so many times before it becomes extremely cumbersome.
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couch before the cushion, the cover loosely on the couch. i am going to safety pin and tuck the shit out of this but do not currently have the bandwidth to actually sew it. we’ll see how this goes! kind of a pain in the ass and physically taxing but not a lot of actual hands on time, and now the dyeing bug is out of my system.
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preview of next project: i am going to repaint this somewhat shabby globe bar with northern hemisphere constellations :)
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solusprime987 · 4 months
Everything I'm about to say has been said by autistic individuals in the past but I just wanted to add my own thoughts, I'm aware that my words likely won't have much of an effect and that the majority of neurotypicals will just scroll past but for all those neurotypicals that couldn't care less there is just as many autistic people who are desperate to read something that makes them feel understood and less alone so writing this is entirely worth it in my opinion, long post ahead;
Being neurodivergent is hard, especially in a world that isn't built for us and is reluctant to make any changes to accommodate us and with the addition of social media we are constantly seeing harmful videos with even crueler comment sections, I'm not going to put any examples of that cruelty here because that completely defeats the point of this post but if you ask any neurodivergent person what the most nasty and mean spirited comment they've read or received directly is then you are going to hear an extensive and different list from every person you ask,
Seeing these things on a daily basis can ruin your self esteem and any confidence you have about being neurodivergent, now I'm not going to say any of the usual rubbish "just ignore it" "it's just jokes" "you shouldn't let it bother you" "just scroll away" because none of these sentences make even the slightest bit of difference when the videos and comments are so common place that they cannot be avoided,
All I can say from one autistic woman to every neurodiverse person that reads this post, You aren't alone <3 you have an entire community here to support and love you during the hard times and the good times whether you are undiagnosed, on the pathway to getting your diagnosis or already have your diagnosis you have an entire community here that has your back and will take you in with open arms (or a kind head nod if you don't like touch) reading books like Unmasking Autism by Dr Devon Price and going through tags such Actually autistic and neurodiversity will help you feel less alone and isolated particularly on tumblr and tiktok these tags are full of supporting and understanding neurodivergent people of all genders, sexualities and ethnicitys, you don't even have to directly communicate with them just watching their videos or reading their posts can help mitigate some of the negative feelings you have about your neurodivergentency.
As I said earlier in this post you will likely never be able to avoid the harmful stereotypes, the nasty comments and the ignorance that a lot of neurotypicals are full of but you can counter it by surrounding yourself with other people that understand and have similar experiences as you because we do exist and you are so so far from alone in this world even if it feels that way a lot of the time.
I'm extremely tired so this post might not make much sense and it's likely got more then a few grammer and spelling errors but I hope I got my point across well enough that it helps any neurodivergent individual who finds this post and gives them the reassurance they need, you aren't alone my friend and you are a beautiful and worthy person who's neurodivergency can be equally as beautiful <3
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placegrenette · 1 year
Longing for Dick and Laughing at Death: The Story of Diseased Pariah News
All right, Tumblr, gather round. This is not my usual style here, and I have missed World AIDS Day by a number of days, but I searched for “Diseased Pariah News” on this nonsense site and got all of two coherent hits, and that does not sit right with me. So let me tell y’all a story of black humor, porn, a pre-venture-capital-overrun Bay Area, lovingly photographed penises, recipe testing, friendship, and death. It’s all true but I wasn’t there; sources are linked throughout and compiled at the end.
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Cover of Issue #3. This and all illustrations courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society and Calisphere, the online archives of the University of California. Support your librarians and archivists, kids!
“It’s My Party and I’ll Die If I Want To”
The short version of the story is: Diseased Pariah News was a zine that ran for eleven issues, all published between 1990 and 1999. It was edited almost completely by, and addressed pretty much exclusively to, PWAs, or People With AIDS.
To remind you whippersnappers: to know you were HIV positive in 1990 was to know that you were going to die a lot sooner than average, and probably not peacefully. As Jonathan Kauffman wrote in “Get Fat, Don’t Die,” a 2020 Hazlitt essay on DPN: “So many of the narratives of the time circled around two themes: memorializing the terror and adulterated sweetness of being alive as everyone they knew was dying, and shearing through the cordon of dehumanizing indifference that the public had erected around plague-struck communities. The experience of daily diarrhea or constant nausea may have been too visceral, too private, or simply too grinding to fit into the arc of a plot.” The diarrhea could go on for months, by the way. And that was separate from debilitating fatigue, potential blindness (from CMV retinitis), or constant prickly pain in your hands and feet (from peripheral neuropathy).
This was years before the development of protease inhibitors and “the cocktail” could prevent HIV-positive patients from developing full-blown AIDS; AZT could slow things down, but it came with nasty side effects. AIDS was not like the tuberculosis, or rather like the romantic conception of tuberculosis, in which one’s dying status could be signaled by paleness and the occasional discreet cough. AIDS was painful, and complicated.
So somebody had to have a sense of humor about all this.
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Co-founder, original Serene Editor, and the guy who gets the credit for having the idea in the first place, Tom Shearer
Tom Shearer was a computer hardware engineer living in San Francisco, running a zine on the side called GAWK (it stood for Gay Artists and Writers Kollective) when a reader named Beowulf Thorne (more on him later) complained that GAWK looked terrible. Shearer challenged Thorne to do better; Thorne rose to the challenge; one thing led to another and the pair ended up collaborating on a whole new zine, this one focused on the experience of dealing with AIDS. Shearer got the title from an Advocate comic in which a flight attendant asked a passenger: “Would you like the smoking, non-smoking, or diseased pariah section?” (This was during a time when airlines not only had smoking sections but were occasionally refusing outright to transport PWAs.)
From the very beginning, Diseased Pariah News was meant to be funny, helpful, and obsessed with dick. Page 3 of the first issue lists a number of practical steps PWAs can take (“Call Pac Bell for low income phone rates”). There was also a Resources page, dedicated to advocacy groups, support groups, even mail-order pharmacies easy to work with, anyone whom the editors judged would treat PWAs fairly and not waste their time. In between those two was the debut of the column, “Get Fat, Don’t Die!,” dedicated to high-calorie recipes specifically designed to combat wasting disease, illustrated by a naked man in a come-hither pose; the debut of the column “Porn Potato,” which reviewed porn videos while keeping a much better sense of narrative than its subjects; a short-short story titled “I Fisted Jesse Helms”; and a contest to guess Shearer’s T-cell count. (Not included yet was the centerfold feature, which would include the model’s history of infections and T-cell count alongside his full-frontal glory; that would come in later issues.)
Shearer died in April 1991, as the second issue of DPN was going to press. (”Thanks to Mike for guessing optimistically high,” ran the conclusion to the T-cell count contest.) Issue #3 starts with Thorne recounting the aftermath of his death, including a visit to “Akbar and Jeff’s Cremation Hut,” and then, contemplating taking over DPN by himself, allowing himself a rare show of mourning:
Seriously though, the reality of Tommy's death isn't funny. But then, neither is it funny that the first President to preside over the age of AIDS couldn't make himself say the name of the syndrome. Or that a septuagenarian senator would obstruct prevention programs because he would rather see his nation's children die than "promote deviant sexual behavior" (all the while forcing us to endure tobacco subsidies and its retinue of smoking related deaths). Or...well, you know enough about this yourself, you fill in the blanks. What can I say about this situation? You can either laugh or cry, but crying gives you crow's feet.
Fortunately Thorne wasn’t alone for the rest of the ride: as “Cranky Editor,” he was joined by Tom Ace, christened “Humpy Editor,” and Michael Botkin, who already had a reputation around the Bay Area as a suffering-no-fools journalist and critic, as “Sleazy Editor.” DPN had found an eager audience to begin with--Shearer and Thorne had to double back to the printer when the first print run of the first issue sold out--but at its peak it had a circulation of 5,000 and could be bought in dozens of bookstores across multiple countries. The guys were dedicated and passionate without being self-important, and it showed.
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Left to right: Sleazy, Cranky, and Humpy, in an undated photo (1994?), for a DPN Christmas card.
All eleven issues have been archived and can be read in PDF form courtesy of the Gay and Lesbian Historical Society and the University of California’s online archiving efforts. Highlights include “AIDS Barbie,” in #8; an interview with playwright and ACT UP co-founder Larry Kramer in #9; Thorne’s evisceration of And the Band Played On author Randy Shilts (who had himself just died of AIDS) also in #9; and the Opportunistic Infection Merit Badges (OIMBs), introduced by Botkin in #10:
The outcome will be an array of badges and ribbons which tell the educated viewer, at a glance, just how progressed your HIV disease is. It will be particularly useful for health care providers, who instead of taking lengthy histories will instead be able to briefly study a PWA's array of service ribbons, badges, etc.... a careful study of my OIMBs would quickly reveal my obscenely low T-cell count (17 at last testing), the fact that I've had PCP, peripheral neuropathy, MAC, wasting syndrome, cryptococcal meningitis, and herpes, and that I've taken every nucleoside analogue known to man. This would allow those who want to fawn over or avoid me to act accordingly, and avoid the frustration of mistaken acquaintanceship.
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I can’t speak for you, but the badges were what stuck in my mind: humor black enough to communicate the bleakness of its source. It’s funny how history can seem incommunicable. Odds are you reading this are young enough that if I try to tell you what it felt like to look down Lexington Avenue on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, and see a great column of smoke and no cars, you can place the reference but probably not the devastation. People dealing with the aftereffects of COVID now are having a hard time gaining empathy for what it feels like to have their body betray them; the distance of a couple decades or so is not going to help. To take history at all seriously is to admit that the various horrors of the past are ungraspable. But the badges allow you a glimpse of what it was like to live in the midst of this particular horror.
Which is not to say that the DPN guys were particularly concerned with history. Hamilton-style musings about legacies would have left them cold. History had, in a sense, been stolen from them, and so they were going to embrace the present they had left. Especially Thorne, who would be the guiding force behind DPN for the rest of its run.
The Story-within-a-Story of Beowulf “Biffy Mae” Thorne, Writer, Editor, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Cartoonist, Recipe-Tester, Critic, Know-It-All, and Horndog Extraordinaire
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and also, a babe. I don't care what your gender/sexuality combination is, you would've been at risk of doing some pining.
Beowulf Thorne--no, that wasn’t his birth name, but it seems to have been the name he used exclusively during DPN’s run, so that’s what we’ll stick with--was born in 1964 and grew up in southern California, but fled to the Bay Area in 1983. I saw one source say he tested HIV-positive as early as 1986, which is to say before the term “HIV” was even in widespread use. Suffice to say, dude had to start contemplating his mortality far, far earlier than he should have. He was enrolled at UC-Santa Cruz for a while, studying biology, but that whole contemplating-his-mortality part led him eventually to focus on graphic design and advocacy: first with various condom-promoting organizations, such as the Condom Resource Center in Oakland, and then DPN.
If he hadn’t been doomed, Thorne probably would’ve been one of those guys resented by his acquaintances, just for the sheer number of things he was good at. He was not only DPN’s chief writer and editor but its layout artist and the designer of its related merchandise (not to mention the OIMBs). While working as a graphic designer for Addison-Wesley, he would occasionally piss textbook authors off by pointing out errors in their text, even though he wasn’t supposed to be factchecking: he just couldn’t help it. He did full-page, multi-panel “Captain Condom” comics for several DPN issues; that takes some time and effort now, never mind with Adobe Illustrator as it was three decades ago. He tested all of the “Get Fat, Don’t Die!” recipes. He was a gardener who specialized in orchids, cacti, and meat-eating plants, and beautifully detailed plant sketches are scattered in his collected papers.
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1994 version of the Condom Educator's Guide, co-written by Thorne and Daniel Bao (who would later work on DPN issues) and designed by Thorne on "his trusty Macintosh."
And he could write. Reading him, you’d never guess the man wasn’t a trained writer, or is now twenty-three years dead: his voice is unstoppable. I’m not the type who laughs out loud at books easily, and while reading the DPN back issues, I found myself giggling repeatedly at the turns of phrase in Thorne’s porn reviews.
Oh, yeah: he also was Porn Potato. And just generally an unabashed horndog. He and Ace met when Ace saw Thorne’s personal ad: “Relatively stable 25-year-old design student seeks other adventurous good-looking men for mutual sodomy and oral copulation.” When a POZ writer asked Thorne about this in 1997, Thorne--who by this point was dealing with neuropathy and killer candida that ate his gums down to the bone--said cheerfully of Ace: “He’s quite buxom. I’ve always had a letch on him.” If Thorne and DPN stood for anything, it was the conviction that an AIDS diagnosis could not take away the right and responsibility to live, and living included being sexual.
But You Already Know the End of the Story
The hardest issue of DPN to read is the eleventh and last one, which came out in 1999, three years after #10. “In the eternity since DPN #10 appeared,” ran a note under the masthead, “66.67% of the editorial staff expired.” Botkin had died in 1996; that left Thorne and Tom Ace. By this point there was a new set of treatments available, but they worked a lot better if you hadn’t already been fighting HIV (plus the side effects of AZT) for over a decade.
One of the last DPN pieces Thorne wrote was on viatication, the practice of selling your life-insurance policy to be able to collect cash while you’re still alive. His health was failing pretty fast at that point--another of the last pieces is about CMV retinitis blinding him--but the article is practical, funny, and devoid of self-pity. It will break your heart nonetheless.
Deciding to viaticate my policy started with some soulful contemplation. The first thing I had to face was my own impending mortality. It was as though signing the paperwork obliged me to kick the bucket on some kind of schedule. For an obsessive taskmaster such as myself, there were some control issues....
Finally, there's a little roulette. The closer to death's door you are—on an actuarial basis—the more moolah you get. You don't want to cash in too early for a measly 50% (two-year life expectancy). On the other hand, if you wait for that 80% jackpot (six-month life expectancy), you might croak before you can enjoy it all. I was feeling pretty grim at that point, so the time seemed right.*
* For all you voyeuristic sickies, It was necrotic periodontitis.
He died on May 8, 1999. Reportedly his friends tried and failed to create a snowglobe with some of his ashes and Astroglide lube.
Tom Ace, miraculously, is still in possession of his mortal coil, or at least was as of 2010, when Vice interviewed him. Kauffman was able to talk to several of Thorne’s friends for his 2020 Hazlitt article. Beyond that I didn’t find a lot of easily accessible information about DPN’s survivors, either editors or readers.
Why Remember Diseased Pariah News
It’s not for everyone, I’ll grant you that. It never was. Even setting aside the sharp (necessary) line it drew between PWAs and HIV-negative onlookers, it was very much a product of a small, dedicated group with its own goals. If you are not a white gay cis man, you were not going to feel seen, as the modern saying goes, reading DPN. And if you don’t draw as strong a link between sex and vitality as its editors did, the repeated explicit celebration of dick might well put you off.
It’s still worth remembering, and celebrating. DPN is the kind of work that’s not easy to preserve. There were thousands and thousands of zines in the 1990s, and we’ve got no hope of learning from all of them, or even a good percentage of them. Eventually the people who can remember getting zines in the mail (my husband still sometimes uses the term “trib,” short for “minimum acceptable contribution”) will be gone. Our ability to communicate has expanded so much in the last three decades that it’s hard to archive and learn from all that communication--think of all the lost MySpace and Geocities pages, bulletin boards, emails. Preservation will be by definition selective, and later generations’ sense of what was actually happening thereby skewed, but we ought to preserve what we can.
But also: these guys were trying to bring laughs, help, and comfort to a vulnerable population, and in 2022 we like to think we approve of that kind of thing. Meanwhile they themselves were vulnerable, far more so than they should have been, and they recognized the unfairness of their situation but they did not whine. They were brave in the face of death, which is hard, and physical pain and the deterioration of the body, which is even harder. And we still in these supposedly enlightened times don’t have a good mechanism for thinking of campy gay men as brave. They weren’t looking to be remembered. We should remember anyway.
All the back issues of DPN are archived on Calisphere, the archives of the University of California, with Beowulf Thorne’s papers. Direct links: #1 (1990), #2 (1991), #3 (1991), #4 (1991), #5 (1992), #6 (1992), #7 (1992), #8 (1993), #9 (1994), #10 (1996), #11 (1999). Some of the information comes from this collection of contemporary articles Thorne clipped.
Tom Ace, “Thorne on Our Side,” POZ, August 1, 1999
Mark Allen, “That’s Not Funny, Or Is It?,” Vice, December 31, 2010
Jonathan Kauffman, “Get Fat, Don’t Die,” Hazlitt, April 28, 2020
Greg Lugliani, “Last Laughs,” POZ, October 1, 1997
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kthecutest · 9 months
Random Rant??
so I was really on track to just stay positive today but i just cannot....
context : I found a tik tok of a clip from Nichomaki's live reacting to enhypen's criminal love. An engene&lune in the comment section said &Team voice would suit the song and a cover would be nice. I saw a lot of supportive comments but then the toxic engenes start flooding in. In summary, they were just practically trying to say that Enha's vocals are better than &Team (aka favoritism)
See as harmless and peaceful as it sounded, it wasn't. And no this isn't me being overdramatic or favoritism from my side. I love all the boys equally truly. But the way they were trying so damn hard to BASH &Team's vocal quality just to make their own group and themselves feel superior is really disgusting. Like we know how brilliant Enha's vocals are, but attacking another group and the fanbase was another level.
I started replying to few nasty comments at one point, the ones that go so far. And this one nasty ass engene shamelessly have the audacity to reply to me and say "Oh yea Enha's B-sides are way better than &Team's overall vocal. Their vocal sucks." - honestly to that person - do you hear yourself right now? You are comparing a 3 year old kpop group to a 1 year old rookie kpop group that just debuted last year. And you have the audacity to compare the quality and amount of tracks and sides they release. Disgusting.
Another thing I wanna point out - It's true each idol will differ on fields they're best at as well as groups which mainly is because of the difference in experience and time. And I think people need to get that in their heads. They all became 'idols' for a reason. Because they can sing and dance better than any local humans out there and can do both without collapsing on stage. These toxic shits don't even know the amount of stress and pain each idol/group goes through yet they're here so damn ready, doing nothing but sitting at home and binging on reality shows, and now you wanna bash and attack small growing groups. Disgraceful.
Apparently the fight stopped after a while between me and the person because I basically just told them I have no time or energy to be in an argument with a deluded person where this would lead absolutely nowhere. And the notifications pretty much went dead. And then that person tagged me - and that one act they did, straight up i just blocked them.
They tagged me in a jungwon edit video and then wrote "jungwon >>>>>>>>> &Team". I'm not here to bash jungwon or Enhypen, i truly love them, they're literally the group i stanned before &Team formed. And the problem wasn't the edit or i'm not butt-hurt about the comment, but it's the fact that even after i left the argument and moved on, they still was raring to go. The fact that we were done with this nonsense crap-talk, and they had the audacity to tag me back and try so hard to trigger me. And ykw, congrats to the person cuz at that point, i just blocked them. I'm not trynna have someone like that bugging my ass on the notification bar, they can go cry in a ditch idc.
Conclusion : Ik i'm coming off really aggressive here - but forgive me cuz i just cannot with toxic engenes. Enhypen and &Team are practically supposed to be like brother groups. They share the same lore, same storyline, even appear in each other's mvs, collabs, the past survival show contestants, the bonds - Everything. Yet its either twitter or tik tok each day, it's not even any other group stans atp, it's literally mostly just engenes. Like it is unbelieveable, how the toxic part of the enha fanbase, literally wants to target and stir discord between the two bonded groups and each other's fanbases.
A lot of engenes are also the ones currently apart of the Lune community including me and i just cannot imagine the shame and embarrassment and absolute disappointment, we must have to feel witnessing all this crap that our same old fanbase is at.
Toxic engenes just need to fucking stop. You guys are so full of yourselves. You guys even have the audacity to call normal engenes CRAZY just because they weren't in your damn toxic train.
I understand favoritism, thats something most people have, I can literally sit here and say Niki was my first love but I favoritize K over him just bc it's my liking. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go attack Niki. You can favoritize someone and love someone without trying to bash and launch at everyone else that isn't THE PERSON. It's crazy how these same toxic engenes have to make &Team and Lune inferior just soo they could feel superior
And ykw the worst thing is - it's these same toxic engenes that make other normal engenes like us want to quit the entire fanbase and these toxic sewage cans are the same reason that the engene fandom has a shit reputation.
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grindhousecellar · 1 year
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thedawntreaders · 2 years
the prankster and his pasta. (edmund pevensie)
word count: 1.31k genre: comedy, fluff, golden age era, around maybe three to four years after they become kings and queens of narnia. author's note: this was based off an instagram video i watched and it made me laugh so hard that i had to incorporate it into a fic. enjoy :)
edmund pevensie enjoys terrorizing his siblings with pranks.
it's not that any of them are easily gullible, far from it actually; it's just that he comes up with antics so bizarre and unpredictable, not even intuition could prepare them for what he has in store.
the practical joke he's planned for today, however, is so, so simple and perfect. that's why this time, he doesn't take several days to consider what to do in case his brother and sisters catch on earlier than he'd like, because he knows they won't be able to. as he stuffs his pockets with uncooked penne, he wonders why he hasn't thought of this before.
now, you and the bewildered cook in that kitchen might be thinking, "what the hell, what is he going to do with that?"
it goes like this.
peter and edmund are working on a proclamation draft in their shared study. nothing largely impactful, rather an overview of what to expect for the upcoming harvest and the festivities that come with it. they work on it dutifully, exchanging thoughts as to how to structure the proclamation, where to truncate or expand a section of the document, and sounding out the words to make sure that it all comes together grammatically.
but it's been two hours and frankly, edmund thinks, it's time to have some fun.
when peter looks for a new ink bottle to replace the one that has run out, the younger quickly sneaks in two pieces of the pasta behind the other's back and keeps them hidden in his cheeks as he yawns, stretching his arms and back upward.
it's innocent enough. who wouldn't be a little tired? he takes a silent breath.
well, it's now or never.
edmund hisses out a "shit!" as he comes down from his stretch, hand dropping instantaneously to grasp his neck. to further sell the pain, he clenches his eyes shut and groans. by then peter has turned around, ink bottle be damned. the quick shuffling of feet against the wooden floor only adds to the picture of peter's concern edmund has created in the back of his eyelids.
"ed! aslan's mane, are you alright?"
"i think i got a crick in my neck. must have pulled something while stretching."
"here, here, let me see."
edmund peeks through his eyes, and watches how peter's eyebrows furrow in worry, and how his hand barely touches the neck, not wanting to aggravate the muscle. it takes much inner strength for the younger to steel his face into a pained expression over a smiling one. oh brotherly love, how pure it is. he really doesn't deserve him.
"could you maybe help me crack it? i think it could relieve the tension," he suggests, fluttering his eyes open. peter leans back and looks up thoughtfully. hmm. he has done that for himself before. and it felt somewhat better afterwards, even if not entirely cured.
"are you sure? it might hurt."
"couldn't hurt anymore than it does right now, pete. just, be careful please."
"we'll do a countdown, okay?" peter affirms.
it's too easy, edmund thinks, shifting the rigid pasta in his mouth to rest right between his teeth. when his brother comes behind his seat and rest his hands on the top and bottom of his head, the younger prepares himself mentally for the chaos that is about to ensue.
"3... 2... 1!" edmund bites down.
"ow ow ow! what the hell, peter!"
with the way peter shouts "aslan have mercy!" and the nasty sounding crack that accompanies it, susan, poor susan who happened to be reading peacefully next door in her own study, wastes no time to rush into the room.
"what. did. you. do?" she starts, her breath becoming more labored as she begins to register the sight in front of her. oh no. oh no. peter searches for the right words to say.
"he- i- susan, susan look at me, it's not what it looks like!"
"it hurts, i can't move my head," edmund whines, letting his lips tremble to add more effect. peter, for no discernible reason other than hearing his brother's broken and shaky voice, lets go of the head in his hands. seizing the opportunity, edmund lets his head tilt awry once more, and bites again.
this time both peter and susan scream in unison and edmund starts shaking and breathing erratically. to the elder siblings, it appears he's sobbing. truthfully, he's struggling to stifle his laughter. this is, by far, the funniest thing he's ever done.
"I'M SORRY, i'm sorry! he said it hurts!"
"so you let go?" susan asks incredulously. edmund lets out another wounded cry. peter tries to move again but freezes when susan widens her eyes at him. he throws his hands up, and surrenders. susan makes her way back to the door of the room and peeks her head out.
"guards! call queen lucy here, and tell her to bring her cordial. now? no, go on a picnic and frolic in the fields. of course now! make haste!"
it takes no longer than ten minutes when lucy finally arrives, elixir ready in hand. when the guards called her, she thought perhaps lunch was ready. she didn't expect to hear the heart stopping news that king edmund has been gravely wounded.
he was supposed to write a proclamation today. did he somehow accidentally stab himself with a quill?
"i came as soon as i heard. what happened?" she asks, looking to edmund. so far, no feather sticking out of his chest. that's a good sign. but the way his head is tilted...
susan crosses her arms and presses her lips into a thin line. "peter, here, broke edmund's neck."
lucy's eyes widen as she turns to her older brother. oh aslan have mercy, that's even worse. "you WHAT?"
"i didn't mean to! he had a crick in his neck and he asked me to crack it out!"
"and you took him at his word? he didn't want you to literally crack his neck!" edmund chokes on the pasta. aslan's mane, lucy; does she have any idea how funny she is? he coughs down the pieces stuck in his throat and groans again to cover for himself. lucy looks at him pitifully, interpreting his lack of communication to mean that he can't even move his mouth out of such pain.
"oh edmund, it's going to be alright. let me help."
she twists the cap off. honestly, she was hoping to not use the cordial for any instances other than during battle, but this is a definite must. she can't have him paralyzed like this! but before she can land a drop, edmund closes his mouth abruptly and tugs her sleeve.
"huh? what is it ed?"
he fishes out a piece of the penne from his pocket, and shows her. at first, lucy is very puzzled. aside from the fact it's very strange he has pasta in his pockets right now, what does that have to do with anything? she tries to push his hand away.
but when he hums out a fierce "MMMPH" and even shakes the lower half of his body, lucy definitely knows he means for her to stop. so she does. it's after that, edmund points the pasta piece to his mouth and clenches it in his fist.
peter, susan, and lucy all blink. oh. oh.
"you little shit, i am going to kill you!" peter remarks, as lucy caps her cordial. edmund gulps down the remaining tasteless mush of penne in his mouth and starts cackling, jumping out of his chair and making a beeline to the door.
if the narnians of cair paravel see the just king attempt a valiant escape with his horse philip, and the three other monarchs tailing him from behind, they pay no mind to it.
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fdelopera · 1 year
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Welcome to the 59th installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper 113 yeas ago.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 25, “Les Supplices commencent” (The Torture Begins).
This section was first printed on Monday, 27 December, 1909.
For anyone following along in David Coward’s translation (the link is to the Kindle edition on Amazon US), the text starts at Christine’s line in Chapter 24, “'I merely wanted', she said, 'to look inside that room, the one I've never been in, the one you always keep locked...'” and goes to Christine's line, “'Put the light out in the little window, Erik!... Put it out!...'”
NOTE: Leroux based the design of Erik’s torture chamber on the Palais des Mirages (Hall of Mirrors) at the Musée Grévin in Paris (see video at the bottom of this post), which was anachronistically created in 1900 for the Exposition Universelle in Paris, and brought to the Musée Grévin in 1906. 
The Palais des Mirages is a small, octagonal mirrored room whose changing scenery reflected in mirrored recursion makes it appear like a great hall that stretches on into infinity.
TRANSLATOR’S NOTE: The text highlighted in blue in the 2nd image above indicates where Erik switches from using 2nd person singular (informal "you") to address Christine, which he has used since the unmasking, to using 2nd person plural (formal "you"). Erik's abrupt use of 2nd person plural here is overly polite, and is intended to be condescending.
Erik switches back to 2nd person singular later in the section, highlighted in blue in the 3rd image.
If you are following along in David Coward’s translation, Erik starts using 2nd person plural at: "Take a look for yourself, my sweet, through the peephole!" He resumes using 2nd person singular at: "Did you see any birds?..."
There are some differences between the standard 1st Edition text and the Gaulois text. In this section, these include (highlighted in red above):
1) Each chapter in the Gaulois publication is one number ahead of the chapters in the 1st Edition, due to the inclusion of “The Magic Envelope” in the Gaulois.
2) Compare the Gaulois text:
Encore un ricanement farouche.
(Another cruel snicker.)
To the 1st Edition:
Encore un ricanement mauvais.
(Another nasty snicker.)
3) Compare the Gaulois text:
Non !… n'éteignez pas !... J’ai peur !… Je vous dis que j’ai peur dans la nuit !…
(No!... Don't turn off the light!... I'm afraid!... I tell you that I'm afraid of the dark!...)
To the 1st Edition:
Non !… J’ai peur !… Je vous dis que j’ai peur dans la nuit !…
(No!... I'm afraid!... I tell you that I'm afraid of the dark!...)
4) Minor differences in punctuation and italicization.
Click here to see the entire edition of Le Gaulois from 27 December, 1909. This link brings you to page 3 of the newspaper — Le Fantôme is at the bottom of the page in the feuilleton section. Click on the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen to turn the pages of the newspaper, and click on the Zoom button at the bottom left to magnify the text.
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badassbutterfly1987 · 5 months
2023 Film Reviews
(from July to December)
5 stars
Medea (1983): A strong adaptation of the play. A straightforward simple telling of the story, almost like a filmed stage performance. Strong acting from the leads.
4 stars
Haunted Mansion (2023): The first twenty minutes felt a bit rough humor wise but it smoothed out after that. Overall I enjoyed, I was actually pleasantly surprised by the performances. Strong focus on grief and healing from loss while also being a spooky fun family movie.
Ninja Shadow of a Tear (2013): Strong improvement on Ninja 2009. Better action, better acting, better story. Strigtforward revenge story but it does the formula well. Kane Kosugi as Nakabara is a highlight even if he only has a handful of key scenes. Docked a few points for fridging the last movie's female lead without even a good fight scene.
Five Nights at Freddys (2023): I was delighted; animatronics alternated between adorable giant cuddle buddies and deadly killing machines, bunch of lore easter eggs, Josh Hutcherson as a sad wet dog of a man and his odd little sister, Mathew Lilliard having a blast, and a wildly flipping tone (which is perfect for this franchise). Will horror fans like it? Eh, there are spooky scenes but cut between robot adorableness and somber family drama. Will average moviegoers like it? Again, the tone varies wildly and the story's a bit confusing and doesn't answer every question (which fits fnaf). Best to approach it as a spooky fun alternate adaptation of the game story.
The Marvels (2023): I mostly enjoyed it! It's fun and fastpaced and it balances the stories of the three leads pretty well. I think the fast pace is a detriment at some points since the emotional moments aren't always given enough time to breathe (I wish we spent a little more time on the musical planet for example). Villain feels a little forgetable but she has a good motive that ties well into Carol's guilt about how she handled fighting Hala. The Flerkens are fantastic as usual. There's a planet where they communicate primarily through song, where Carol is technically a princess and has a platonic husband (I so badly want to hear that story). I like the heart of the story too, about the relationships between the three leads.
3 stars
Ninja (2009): it's a fun sometimes goofy ninja film, you get what you pretty much expect. Although it does have a heart and genuine character interactions, even if they don't get full arcs.
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023): eh it's okay. I like Harrison Ford as Grumpy Old Man Indy Jones; I think I actually connected more to this version of him than the previous films (guess depression made him relatable). Helena (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) was mostly a delight; yes she's selfish and greedy and her character arc isn't quite there but she bounces off Indy in fun ways. Mason (Shaunette Renee Wilson) seemed to have potential for an interesting arc but that was abruptly scrapped. Mads Mikkelsen does well as the villain and it was especially fun to see him progressively lose his shit in the climax as his plan falls apart.
The Shepherd (2008): Meh, it's okay. There's definitely far worse direct to video Van Damme films. There are a couple fun aspects (Jack carries around a pet rabbit also named Jack, Scott Adkins as side villain Karp) but it felt lackluster.
Gran Turismo (2023): First act is pretty weak like it's just hitting the required plot points and the training section definitely felt rushed. It regains it's footing once the lead actually starts racing. An interesting look at the fallout (both PR and emotional) of a nasty race crash. Good showing from the cast, especially from Djimon Hounsou.
2 stars
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part 1 (2023): Cool action and stunts. Too long and too many characters. Most of the new cast are either boring or annoying, couldn't remember the names of half of them. Couldn't take the scary AI threat seriously because it felt like jumping the shark. Through most of it I just felt mildly annoyed, including when a favorite character was abruptly killed.
Hard Night Falling (2019): Typical Die Hard formula featuring Dolph Lundgren. It's functional but doesn't do anything to stand out. Mostly a bland experience.
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mugenfinder · 2 years
ayyo where's that Kakutou Class game downloadable at? And where do you usually go for your MUGEN shenanigans?
If you're looking for a reliable place, Mugen Free For All's collections are good for finding stuff by series/game (especially Touhou). There's some dead links in a few so try using Wayback Machine. Mugen Guild hasn't updated its database in a long time but it's still worth skimming through. Mugen Guild and MFFA's release sections are also good to skim through. Mugen Archive does have stuff you can't get anywhere else, but I prefer to try to find the source. I know certain things because I watched whole series on NicoVideo and went looking for what I saw. Videos can be a good way to find new characters if you can pick things out.
And about Kakutou Class
You might need a locale emulator or to set your computer to Japanese Locale to play Fighter Maker games.
If you have controller issues, I recommend turning off the Joystick option and using Anti Micro to map your inputs to the keys. Fighter Maker can be weird about controllers.
Also, I am not responsible for whatever content you see from these games. Not that there is anything super explicit or nasty, you'll get what I mean.
Kakutou Class is 格闘クラス Keep in mind it doesn't have any AI so you need someone else to play against if you actually wanna play it. Otherwise, you mess around in training mode. The first stage it has set is also the training stage, you have to manually pick a different one in the settings. Crabby Friends is ザリガニー (Full Version adds 2 or 3 characters) a game he made after Kakutou Class, I can't speak much to it. It looks like you have to get the full version for Story Mode?
Straight Fighter III 4rd Strike is 熊ゲー this game DOES have an arcade mode Monster Girl Club Trial Version is もんめす部 (I bought the full version) They all play pretty differently
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team-heavenly · 2 years
Chapter 18 - Part 2
Ayo! Cool kids go back and read the first part before the second!
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So...! Affluent Yurt! Idk seems pretty dingy to me. Also if this looks like one giant room, that’s because it is.
Oh dear god oh f*ck the Sableye found us again!!
Only a few things to talk about, really:
I did need to reset once after a nasty Monster House + Agility + Draco Meteor combo. (What is it with Draco Meteor in this run?)
You can apparently hit Ghost types hiding in the wall with Rare Fossils lol
That said, Rare Fossils did not always spare me the mercy of Normal form Rotom, who hits surprisingly hard with flying type moves.
Rotom just before OHKOing Teresa with Sky Attack:
(Side note but I first saw this video on a post about Trump getting Corona and it made me laugh my ass off for DAYS.)
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This was a tough decision at first ngl. Sleep can be useful in some cases. The move has a little more PP than Smokescreen. And I’m pretty sure we go straight to the Hidden Land Precious Butte from here, so I better be darn sure about what moves I choose to keep.
Then I took one look at the accuracy for Sleep Powder and laughed it off. Four stars versus eight? Bye bye!
Speaking of... Tropius almost never needed to attack, so I have no idea what his moveset was. All I saw was one failed Last Resort.
On to the next scene!
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Hey, Andrea? Uhhh, irony just called and asked for you-
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...Oh darn, I was too late 😅
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Even without the portrait, you can see the “eh” is just DRIPPING.
I also like how the placement of Gastrodon makes him seem like he’s a part of the team (and not just an unwilling observer lol).
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Oh yeah this is TOTALLY our fault. We left ourselves WIDE OPEN to theft, a conscious choice of action YOU’VE MADE TWO SEPARATE TIMES NOW
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Man, how long ago was the expedition at this point? We have no idea how many “present” days we spent in the future, so...
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...Okay, maybe not that long.
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About the perfect apple incident? Oh yeah. Source: Trust Me™
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Welp, Tropius just went MIA in a fit of rage. Understandable tbh.
So onward we go into the depths...
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Wealthy Shore... Wealthy... Shore... I swear that sounds familiar, but I looked at all our previous dungeons and the name doesn’t show up anywhere. It’s very possible I’ve had a Magnagate dungeon named this in GTI? That’s the only explanation I can come up with.
In any case, this section was only 5 floors and I (thankfully) had no trouble breezing right through it.
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I dunno if I focused on a different spot of the picture or what, but for this scene some of these shots have drastically different lighting/saturation. I hope the inconsistency isn’t too distracting...
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This is on you, mate. You do a bad job of spying on the guild reconnaissance.
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Well, we’re good guys in a video game, so we kind of have to care about you. Unfortunately.
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Oh, to have been a Cutiefly on the wall for that.
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It’s... a little touching, really... I absolutely would have kicked their limp bodies one more time before walking away lmaoooo
But then suddenly, redemption moment!
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Actually, this added dialogue happened earlier, but my shot didn’t wind up looking too good... and this seemed like a natural place to put it instead!
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...And then we never see them again.
Which is honestly kind of a shame? It would’ve been nice to have some resolution here. And maybe some groveling from Team Skull because you end up saving the world 😏 (I say like they’d ever do that...)
All joking aside though... this was definitely a missed opportunity.
And a little messed up? Because until Super Mystery Dungeon, for all you know they end up dying in the cave. Talk about dark.
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Well Team Water Meanies, we had a good run. Thanks for the memories 👋
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“...You two, can you move?”
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“What, are you kidding?!”
Don’t let their deaths be in vain, click here to move on to Part 3.
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