#sebinis fanfic
reallifetangent · 1 year
Crime and Remission on Ao3, by blatantblue:
“Oh, of course, safety always comes first at our centre,” the woman said joyfully. “That reminds me. Mr. Gaunt, I will have to take your wand, please.”
A weighted silence.
“I use my wand to…” He made a vague gesture with his hand.
“Ah,” she said. “I’m sorry, Mr. Gaunt. I’m afraid there’s really no way around it. But the room is just here and I’m sure Sebastian can show you around once you’re inside.”
He passed her the wand. When his fingers slipped off the handle, everything went truly, completely dark.
Ominis never really understood what people meant when they spoke of colours. It was ridiculous, the way they tried to describe them to him. How could red be hot if it couldn’t be touched? How could the water have no shade but the ocean be green and a river be blue? It sounded exhausting. Light — light, he could understand. He had always been able to locate its source in a room; it was a muted echo of the pain he could feel under his eyelids when he turned his face to the sun at midday. And then there were the shapes that his wand supplied, endless, blurring, always there, always limited by this edge or another, always finite. Without it, he was floating in an abyss.
“Are you ready?” Professor Hecat asked.
He wasn’t.
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Second try posting this. Yei.
Anyways, here's one of my favorite parts of Chapter 2 of this fabulous fic that really has my whole existence.
Moreless tried to show how everything goes dark so sudden for Ominis, and sorry if I couldn't make him look older. I tried to use Freddy Carter as a reference, but well.
Hope you liked it.
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pandanscafanfiction · 10 months
Well guys, Laundry Day is coming to a close (sooner than you know it!) and so it's time for me to think about my next short project that i'll be working on in between updates to the omegaverse longfic i'm doing!
I have 2 small ones that have been in my head from the start that i would like for you to choose between:
Boyfriend For Hire: Garreth needs to aquire some money for potion ingredients so he creates a business where he pretends to be someone's boyfriend for the day. Ominis receives a howler from his parents telling him to bring the "partner" he's been (lying) telling them about for the better half of the past few years to dinner to officially meet them or else they'll follow through with an arranged marriage. This leads to Ominis begrudgingly using Garreth as a last resort. But, over the course of the week in preparation for the dinner, the two actually do fall in love and it's sweet and fluffy and (perhaps) smutty (because I honestly haven't decided). It will be a handful of chapters.
Double Trouble: Sebastian (stupidly) decides to try Garreth's latest concoction on a dare and after he drinks it there are somehow now two of them! Although lots of hilariously can ensue, the main plot of this is basically 2 sebastians double teaming their poor, unsuspecting boyfriend Ominis. Basically porn with a dash of plot just for premise purposes. This fic is ADAMANTLY planned to be a one-shot and will not deviate from that.
Although both will be written, this poll is just to see which one I should work on first. I appreciate your time if you took this! ❤️ Thank you, besties!
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polly-sly · 1 year
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Hey guys!
Can you share in the comments names of your The MOST favourite Sebastian x Ominis fics.
I’m craving for more content, but it seems like I’ve read everything worthy.
Please! You’ll help me and other users 🖤
Merlin bless you all
Artist: unknown
Found on pinterest
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thenerdykneazle · 5 months
Left Behind
Summary: Ominis is feeling forgotten when he discovers his partners have run off on yet another adventure without him. He frets about the future of his relationship with two people who seem to neither need nor want him around. Can Sebastian and MC make amends with him when they return to the castle?
A collab with the lovely @darch7995, who gave me the prompt and created the audio version of this story. Listen here.
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC x Sebastian Sallow
Warnings: light angst, sad Ominis
Word count: 2511
Ominis could hear the scrape of metal on stone as the door to the Room of Requirement materialised before him. He pushed it open and stepped inside. He could hear several cauldrons bubbling and the magical loom weaving away. The aromas of mallowsweet leaves and shrivelfigs hung thickly in the air from the potting tables along the wall.
“MC? Sebastian? Are you here?” he called as he took echoing steps into the centre of the large room.
A soft pop came from his right. “Deek saw the students leave nearly an hour ago,” the house-elf said.
Ominis groaned. “Ugh, of course, they did,” he groused. “Off to fight some dark wizards or search for artefacts in a hidden cave, no doubt.”
“MC told Deek they were going to collect ashwinder venom for a new potion,” Deek said timidly.
“What a surprise!” Ominis said sarcastically as he began to pace around the room. “That’s obviously more important than working on our project for transfiguration – like we had agreed on days ago! And, naturally, they didn’t tell me they’d miss our appointment. Plus, why ask the boy who can speak to snakes to tag along? Why would he be useful?”
Deek let out a squeak of fright as Ominis sent a hex at the adjacent wall, singeing a portrait of a witch with her pet niffler in her lap. “Deek is very sorry if he upset you,” the meek elf said in a trembling voice.
Ominis winced. “No, I’m not upset with you. I…I’m sorry,” he said, as a pang of guilt stabbed into his stomach. He hadn’t meant to scare the innocent elf. He was just frustrated.
Deek apologised again, as if he’d done anything wrong, before popping away again.
Ominis sighed as he trudged forward into the forest vivarium. Inside, he could hear unicorns galloping across the ground and jobberknolls soaring above the trees. Wand outstretched, Ominis walked down the cobblestone path to a bench by the water. The sun warmed his skin as he stepped out of the shade of the trees. As he sat there, a light breeze tousled his hair, making a few strands fall across his forehead. He usually liked to nap in the spot, but he didn’t feel up to it at the moment.
His attempt to brood angrily failed miserably, as Ominis just felt dejected. He sniffed as unshed tears made his nose begin to run. He didn’t understand why his companions constantly neglected him in favour of each other. He had been elated – eventually – to have MC make him and Sebastian a trio again. Something had been missing ever since Anne had to leave school. He thought MC had filled that void – not that she had replaced Anne, as the other Sallow twin was still like a sister to him. She was far better to him than any of his actual siblings, and nothing would change his love for her. But she wasn’t there anymore.
And Ominis’s feelings for MC were certainly different than his ones for Anne. Right from the start, they were a lot more like how he felt toward Sebastian. It had felt like a dream come true when they had decided to date each other – Ominis had thought he couldn’t ask for better partners. They both made him laugh. They both knew how to comfort him when he was upset. They both made his heart skip beats when they sat close or grabbed his hand to lead him to some newly discovered oddity in the castle or out on the grounds. Ominis normally hated when people grabbed him, but it was different with Sebastian and MC.
Though, neither was dragging him much of anywhere lately. The girl who had stolen a piece of his heart had also managed to steal most of their boyfriend’s time. They were always sneaking off to Merlin-knows-where to get into untold trouble. It made Ominis feel like an outsider in his own relationship.
Heavy thuds behind Ominis announced the approach of the hippogriffs even before Highwing’s chirping made their presence obvious. She nuzzled into the boy’s side before flopping down on the ground beside him, resting her head on the bench beside him. Caligo settled down on the opposite side of the boy.
Ominis laughed softly, despite the heaviness still in his chest at being abandoned. “At least you two still like me,” he said, giving each beast a pat on the head.
Caligo chittered happily as Highwing rubbed the side of her face against Ominis’s thigh in a display of affection.
“Maybe I should take a page out of Poppy’s book and promote you two to my best friends,” Ominis joked. He could feel Caligo’s head tilt with his hand still resting atop it. “You wouldn’t abandon me for each other, would you?”
They gave no response.
“What am I saying? Of course, you would,” Ominis said, shaking his head. “You two are a bonded pair.”
The words tasted bitter in his mouth.
“You know,” he continued to the hippogriffs, “I used to think Sebastian and I were a rather bonded pair. And, while I was sceptical of MC when she first arrived, she won me over. I thought I had gained a new partner in crime. I didn’t realise then that my old friend and my new one would slowly decide they were better off without me.”
Highwing made a sympathetic sort of chirp. At least, Ominis thought it sounded so.
“Yes, I suppose MC left you behind on this adventure too, didn’t she?” he observed. “She has a fancy upgraded broom and a duelling champion. What’s she need any of us for? Never mind that you saved her from those poachers. Or that I helped her defeat all those inferi in the catacombs – inferi that Sebastian created, mind you. But why have the blind boy tag along, right? I couldn’t possibly take care of myself – or, shock of shocks, be helpful.”
Caligo rested his head in Ominis’s lap. The boy stroked the creature’s head, smoothing his feathers gently. It made his fingers feel powdery to run them through his plumage, but it also soothed him.
“I just….I really can’t believe Sebastian replaced me so easily,” he said, struggling to get the words out as he was getting choked up. “After all we’ve been through together. After all that I’ve stood by him through. And MC…I confided in her about things I’d never even told Sebastian. They both mean so much to me, and…it’s like I’m expendable to them. They just ran off without telling me. Again. Not only do they not need me, they…they don’t even want me there.”
Ominis stayed in the comforting presence of his feathered companions. He felt a bit less alone with them on either side of him. Completely losing track of time, he just sat and sulked with them until two more people burst into the vivarium.
“Ominis?” MC called as she wound through the trees.
The blond didn’t bother replying. He had little interest in talking to either of his so-called partners. The hippogriffs scampered off when they heard their master’s voice.
“Traitors,” Ominis grumbled to himself.
“Ominis! There you are!” Sebastian said as the pair arrived at his bench. “We’ve been looking all over for you! We were worried something happened to you when you weren’t at dinner. You’d just disappeared!”
Ominis snorted out a laugh. “You two are the ones who disappeared,” he accused, crossing his arms over his chest in indignation. “We were supposed to work together in the library this afternoon, and you couldn’t be bothered to tell me you weren’t going to make it.”
“That was today?” MC asked guiltily, shifting nervously where she stood and making the leaves crunch under her feet.
“Yes, it was!” Ominis shot back irritably. He shifted away from her voice, turning his nose up in the air. “But I should’ve known better than to expect my boyfriend and girlfriend to show up to our study date.”
“I’m sorry, Ominis. We just got caught up–” Sebastian started, laying a hand on his shoulder.
Ominis shrugged him off. “You’re always getting caught up in something! And always leaving me behind!” he interjected.
“We didn’t think you’d want to come,” MC admitted, sounding remorseful.
Good, Ominis thought. She should be sorry.
“We had to fly up into the mountains to find the ashwinders’ nests, and you hate flying,” she explained.
“But I love the two of you! I would’ve gone if you’d asked,” Ominis retorted. “But you clearly didn’t want me there.”
“That’s not true!” MC insisted.
“Isn’t it?” Ominis replied.
“You know it’s not,” Sebastian stated firmly, breaking back into the conversation. He often let MC handle Ominis when he was upset, as Sebastian was under the impression that MC “had a way with him.” The blond had clearly struck a nerve to make him feel the need to speak up.
“No, I don’t, Sebastian!” Ominis argued, growing angrier. Before he knew it, he was on his feet and jamming a finger in Sebastian’s chest. “You two just don’t want your little blind pet getting in the way. You don’t think I can handle myself out in the forest, right? You think you need to protect me from harm while you both run headfirst into danger. You treat me like a child!”
“Ominis!” MC gasped, taken aback at his outburst.
“Do either of you even want me around anymore?” he asked, trying not to let the pain show in his voice.
“Of course, we do,” Sebastian said, and his anger had dissipated. He took hold of Ominis’s hand. Ominis squeezed his in return. “We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I didn’t think you would want to go gallivanting through the Highlands.”
“What I want is to spend time with my boyfriend and girlfriend again. You two are always gone lately,” Ominis admitted.
MC wrapped her arms around him from behind. “I’m sorry, Ominis. We found a potion that might be able to cure Anne, and I’ve had tunnel vision about the whole thing. But I also didn’t want to get her hopes up if it didn’t pan out. I wasn’t sure we’d be able to find all of the ingredients.”
Ominis rested a hand on her arm that was across his stomach. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he croaked.
“Ominis,” MC said chidingly, “you know you’re rubbish at keeping secrets from her.”
The boy’s cheeks flushed with heat. “I’m not that bad,” he said defensively.
“You told her what I’d bought her for Christmas three years in a row before I started hiding it from you, too,” Sebastian argued, making MC chuckle.
Ominis could feel her chest rumble against his back, and he melted into her.
“So, you two aren’t tired of me, then?” he asked a bit timidly.
MC laughed. “Hardly,” she replied before giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.
“Who else would be the voice of reason?” Sebastian joked. Tenderly cupping his hand over Ominis’s cheek, he added, “You know I’m mad about you, you stupid git.”
“Ever the romantic,” Ominis replied drily.
MC giggled as Sebastian crashed his lips into Ominis’s. He had clearly taken the heir of Slytherin’s words as a challenge. One he met with force. If MC hadn’t been behind the lithe boy, Sebastian probably would have knocked him to the ground.
Sebastian tasted like the treacle tarts he always gorged on after chasing MC around on some ill-advised adventure. Ominis fisted his free hand into his boyfriend’s robes as he kissed him back, sliding his tongue into his mouth and making him moan. Sebastian quickly returned the favour – and then some, as he moved to trail open-mouthed kisses down the side of Ominis’s neck.
Panting as he pulled back, Sebastian’s smirk was practically audible. “Better?” he asked cheekily.
Ominis chuckled. “Much,” he replied silkily, stroking his thumb over the back of MC’s arm, which was still wrapped around him.
“Does this mean you’d want to help us get venom from the snake I’ve got in my nab-sack?” MC inquired, lifting her head off his shoulder. “Because I’d really prefer not to get bitten again.”
“You were bitten?” Ominis roared.
“Three times, actually, but Nurse Blainey patched me right up when we made it back to the castle,” she replied as if it were as casual of a fact as that it might rain the following afternoon.
Ominis felt like he might pass out before the rage steadied him. “You let her get bitten three times?” he growled at Sebastian.
“How is it my fault?” Sebastian asked, bewildered, but Ominis had already spun away from him, refocusing on MC.
His hands worried over every inch of her. “Are you sure you’re all right?” he asked. “Are you dizzy? Or in pain? Do you want me to take you back to the hospital wing for the night, just in case?”
“I’m fine,” MC insisted, and Ominis would bet a pretty galleon that she’d rolled her eyes.
“I got bitten too, you know,” Sebastian sulked.
“Merlin, I’m so glad you’re okay!” Ominis said, pulling MC into a tight hug.
Sebastian pouted even more at being ignored.
“I am as long as I can breathe,” MC choked out.
Ominis instantly released her. “Sorry,” he muttered, raising a hand to her cheek and gently stroking his thumb over the smooth skin.
“It’s all right,” MC replied kindly before turning her head to press a kiss into his palm. “You’re sweet to worry, but I really am fine.”
“Barely! You’re never going out without proper supervision again,” Ominis asserted.
“Now who’s being treated like a chi–” MC started.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sebastian asked, offended.
“You know exactly what I meant, Sebastian,” Ominis said severely. “Clearly, you two are hazardous left to your own devices.”
“I’ll let that slight pass if it means you’ll start coming out with us,” Sebastian said lightly.
“Yes, I’ve quite made up my mind on it,” Ominis replied seriously.
“Brilliant! It’ll be great having more help. And if we all get stranded in one of those remote little cabins and have to share the one, tiny bed all pressed up against each other, well…all the better,” Sebastian added cheekily.
Ominis jumped slightly when he felt a hard pinch on his bum. “You’re a degenerate, Sebastian,” he tried to assert, but his face was going red imagining the scenario.
“You love me,” the mischievous boy stated confidently.
Ominis could tell he had stepped in rather close, because he could feel Sebastian’s breath puff over his nose and cheeks.
Ominis gave a dramatic sigh, refusing to give Sebastian the satisfaction of swooning at his flirting. “Against my better judgement, but, yes, I do. Both of you.”
“Good. Because we’ll never be tired of you, so you’re stuck with us,” MC said.
“Promise?” Ominis asked, feeling a jolt of insecurity.
Sebastian rested his forehead against his, their noses brushing together. “Promise,” he vowed.
Ominis relaxed. Pressed between the two people he loved most, he felt anything but unwanted.
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anto-pops · 1 year
Mallowsweet Muses PART 2 - Sebastian Sallow/Ominis Gaunt/Female! Reader
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Summary: Ominis knew he was being unreasonable. He knew he was acting like a petulant child and taking out his frustrations on Sebastian purely because he was an easy target. But Merlin– his trousers were tight. There had been one goal in his mind when he came down here, and now that he’d been interrupted, his composure was slipping. He was being intentionally cruel on the off chance Sebastian would let him leave as a result. 
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: 18+, aged up characters, explicit content, F/M/M, polyamory themes
Full fic can be found here on Ao3! Part 1 of Mallowsweet Muses can be read here on Tumblr. Part 3 now complete! 
Ominis was ready to throw himself in the lake and let the Kraken have away with him. 
It had been an entire week since his unintentional bout of eavesdropping in the vivarium. One week since he had listened to you give sloppy head to Sebastian and heard the depraved comments he whispered in your ear, before he had shamelessly fucked you over the table. All with him laying not five feet away. His mind hadn’t stopped reeling from it since, and maintaining his aloof facade had proven to be more difficult than he’d originally thought. 
Hell, he’d been so preoccupied with controlling his raging boner after the fact that he’d barely been able to pretend to be pissed about his Herbology notes. 
Since then, he’d spent an increasing amount of time separated from the two of you. Not because he was mad– far from it, in fact– but because he was confused beyond belief at his own reaction to the whole thing. 
He liked it. All of it; your muffled moaning against Sebastian’s hand, and the wet sound of him pumping into you. The almost silent scrape of the wooden table against the floor had made Sebastian’s slow and steady pace easy to keep track of, and the man’s own lust-filled groans had lit a fire in Ominis’ gut that had yet to lessen, much less disappear. 
Sighing in frustration, he let go of his magical hold on his dictation quill, the feather falling to the table silently. His head tipped forward to slam down on his notebook, the dull thud echoing through the sparsely populated library around him. Ominis had managed to find a cozier corner on the second level, far from the activity that overtook the main floor, and he had been here for the better part of two hours trying to distract himself before his mind had started to wander. 
Right back to you and Sebastian. His cock twitched in his pants then, demanding attention. 
He groaned, “Damn it.” 
Common decency overpowered his baser urges, and with a hurried flick of his wand Ominis charmed away his books and quill, stuffing his hand down his tight trousers to quickly readjust himself into a somewhat more comfortable position before he was peeling out of the library. The dorms were out of the question– too many students were likely holed up there for the weekend, and the possibility of running into Sebastian was too great. Silently praying that the two of you had gone on a date somewhere far away, he made his way to the Undercroft.
As the iron gate rose, Ominis went rigid like a deer, already about to flee as the sound of Sebastian’s voice mid-conversation registered from somewhere inside. 
“I’m not sure, but he wasn’t in the dorms this morning. Imelda pretty much confirmed he was in the Great Hall early though.” 
“So he’s avoiding us–” you said, before the screaming gears of the gate cut you off, drawing your attention to the entryway. Ominis could only assume as much, considering it had suddenly gone deathly silent. 
You barely had time to catch a glimpse of the red glow from Ominis’ wand before he was pivoting on his heel and making a break for the exit. “Ominis, wait!” 
Sebastian shot up instantly as he followed your gaze, watching with a mixture of anger and confusion as his best friend fled down the hall as quick as his legs would carry him. All week he had been trying to figure out what the hell could have caused Ominis to draw so far into himself– to the point where he would be actively avoiding his two closest companions– only to come up empty handed, everytime. The man’s ability to maintain a straight face was impressive most days, but Sebastian had grown tired of it after the third night in a row of being blown off by Ominis to ‘study’. 
Who the fuck studied at midnight? Not Ominis Gaunt, that’s for damn sure. He was indisputably intelligent, but he never cut his sleep short to slave over books. Sebastian knew him too well to believe any of his half-assed excuses. 
“Accio!” Sebastian expertly cast the spell as Ominis turned to escape up the stairs. It caught the material of his robe and summoned him backwards down the hall, indignant shouts and curses flying off his lips as he was unceremoniously dragged across the stone floor before coming to stop in front of you. 
“Are you out of your mind, Sebastian?! What the hell is wrong with you?” Ominis shot to his feet with a piercing scowl, hurriedly adjusting his robes and smoothing out the material of his trousers.  
Sebastian’s eyes darkened with obvious anger, his fist clenching around his wand as he gestured wildly. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?! Hiding from us all week and then sprinting to get away just now? Start talking.” 
“It’s none of your concern. How dare you presume to yank me around like some common dog– not everyone likes being at your beck and call all the time, you know.” 
The brunette recoiled like he’d been slapped, but all you could do was watch with wide-eyed shock as the two men’s bickering devolved into a full blown argument. 
“What the fuck are you even talking about? Where is this coming from, Ominis? What did I do to piss you off so bad? Things were fine a week ago then out of nowhere you’re acting all uptight and avoiding us like the plague.” 
“I wasn’t pissed until about ten seconds ago, you pompous ass! And who says I need to spend every waking moment with you? I’m allowed to have time for myself. Get off your high horse, and if you ever do something like that to me again, I’ll transfigure you into a roach and step on you.” 
Ominis knew he was being unreasonable. He knew he was acting like a petulant child and taking out his frustrations on Sebastian purely because he was an easy target. But Merlin– his trousers were tight. There had been one goal in his mind when he came down here, and now that he’d been interrupted, his composure was slipping. He was being intentionally cruel on the off chance Sebastian would let him leave as a result. 
“Every waking moment? What the hell, Ominis– if this is some last ditch attempt at graduating friendless, you’re going to have to do better than that– you’re not leaving until you come clean about whatever fucking resentments you’ve clearly got bottled up.”
“I said it’s none of your business. Now if you’re finished using me for target practice, I’ll be going–” 
“Did I do something?” Your timid voice from somewhere to his left was like a punch to the gut, making him halt his movements. “If I did, I’m sorry. I know we’ve all been stressed because of our O.W.L.s, but if I said something last week or did something to offend you, I really am sorry, Ominis.” 
Dammit. This was the worst case scenario for more reasons than one. Sebastian being pissed with him was one thing, but having you believe he was upset because of you, was unacceptable. The angel on his shoulder was smacking him for being so immature and cursing him for putting that watery tone in your voice. 
You and Sebastian watched dumbfounded as Ominis threw his hands into his hair and raked the neat strands into an unkempt mess. Suffice it to say, you’d never seen him so frazzled; Ominis was normally the picture of groomed elegance on every day ending in ‘Y’, and as your eyes roamed over his disheveled form, you took in his flushed cheeks and the shaky rise and fall of his chest. When he pushed his hair back from his face, the action caused his robe to fall open further, and you couldn’t help but notice the painfully obvious bulge in his trousers.
Oh, wow. 
Ominis hissed through clenched teeth, “Sweet fucking Merlin– I’m not angry with you– either of you. I’m just confused about something right now and it isn’t anything I want to bring you two into, so please, just drop it and let me leave.” 
Sebastian looked exasperated. “Confused about what? Since when are we keeping secrets from one another? I thought we were past that, let us help you, Ominis.”
You started to interject, “Sebastian–” 
“You can’t help me with this! For fuck’s sake— I heard you last week, alright?!”
The declaration bounced off the walls of the Undercroft, silencing you and Sebastian both as a brilliant red hue swept across Ominis’ otherwise pale cheeks. Sebastian’s mouth fell open, and you found your own cheeks warming aggressively as you cast a panicked look at him. 
Sebastian’s genuine shock lasted for all of two seconds before he was schooling his expression into something less petrified, and you followed the bob of his adam’s apple as he swallowed around the lump in his throat. “You… heard us? In the vivarium?” 
Ominis exhaled roughly, awkwardly shifting his weight between his feet in a combined attempt to calm the fuck down and to alleviate the mounting pressure between his legs. “Yes.” 
“And you’re confused about what part of that, exactly?” 
His crude remark pulled an affronted gasp from your throat, but before you could tell him to keep his mouth shut and at least try to be understanding, Ominis was replying evenly, “I’m confused as to why I liked it.” 
Maybe you had imagined it, but you could have sworn the sound Sebastian made at the back of his throat was one of interest. When you looked over to him, you found his gaze trained on the tenting fabric of Ominis’ trousers, a curious glint reflecting in his eyes. Part of your mind was still reeling from embarrassment at the entire situation, but another far more shameless part of you was enthralled by your boyfriend’s reaction to his best friend’s confession. 
Frankly, you would be lying if you said you weren’t a little intrigued by Ominis’ words too. 
“What about it did you like?” Sebastian asked, his voice noticeably rougher than before, and you and Ominis both had physical reactions to it. While you seemed to melt at the sound, instantly enticed by whatever dirty thoughts raced through his head, Ominis tensed, visibly mulling over whether answering was worthwhile. 
“Sebastian,” you injected yourself into the moment, drawing his attention back to you. The smoldering expression on his face was promising, but for Ominis’ sake, you tried to give the kind-hearted Slytherin an out. “Don’t make him any more uncomfortable than he already is.”
“I– it’s fine,” Ominis muttered, angling his head in the direction of your voice. “Does it make you uncomfortable? That I overheard the two of you?” 
Did it? While the initial embarrassment was impossible to deny, there was a very big, very brazen part of you that liked the idea of having an audience. After all, hadn’t you and Sebastian both teased one another with the threat of Ominis catching you? That day in the vivarium certainly hadn’t been the first time. Suddenly your mind was flooded with fantasies of Sebastian’s hands gripping your hips, digging into the skin there to pull you back on his cock with brutal precision, before pistoning you forward to swallow around Ominis’ equally hard member.
Oh, Merlin. 
Sebastian seemed to lean in closer in anticipation of your response. Heat rose to your cheeks as your gaze flickered down to the ground in an attempt to hide the growing interest on your face. “No. I don’t mind that you listened.” 
“Nor do I,” Sebastian added, and when your wide-eyed stare landed back on him, there was pure mischief etched into his expression. “I kind of wish you’d said something back then, to be completely honest with you.” 
Ominis reeled back a step, his blush amplifying tenfold as his grip on his wand blanched his knuckles white. “Whatever you’re playing at, stop it. I feel bad enough that I let myself behave so boorishly without your jesting. I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you both, I’ll get over it, but now you know, so please excuse me–” 
“What did you like about it?” you echoed Sebastian’s earlier question, your own curiosity driven by the lust-fueled fantasies that whipped through your mind, and Ominis’ mouth hung open in silent shock. “Please, tell me. I want to know.” 
“What’s the matter with you two? I’ve been ripping my hair out all week while fighting the worst urges of my life because I feel too ashamed to jerk off to the memory of what I heard– and now that you both know, you want feedback?”
“You shouldn’t feel ashamed, Ominis. If anything, we’re the ones who should be apologizing,” Sebastian threw out, his tone genuine. “I’m sorry if I ever gave you the impression I’d be angry with you over something like this. You’re my best friend– I trust you more than anyone– and if it had to be someone in this blasted school that had to hear us, I’m glad it was you.”
“Let us make it up to you,” your sultry voice came from directly in front of him this time, and Ominis’ breath caught somewhere in his throat. Nothing about the way you were speaking implied that ‘making it up to him’ wouldn’t involve his cock. For the first time since entering the Undercroft, Ominis let his hand drift south to his achingly hard member, squeezing it softly through his trousers. 
Merlin’s beard– was he actually considering this? Interestingly enough, Sebastian had yet to voice his displeasure at the thought of his girlfriend handling another man’s cock– and Ominis decided that had to be the strangest thing about this whole thing. Where was the possessive, alpha-male persona Sebastian so frequently displayed when other men approached you? He was the last person Ominis imagined to be okay with sharing, so to speak. 
“Why are you doing this?” It was a vague question, but one he needed to voice all the same. He needed to know this wasn’t some sick, convoluted game the two of you were conspiring to play at his expense. 
“You’re clearly in a predicament, and if you really did listen for as long as you say you did, you already know she can help with that.” Sebastian purred the statement, the low growl in his voice causing the slick to build between your legs, and even Ominis couldn’t suppress his shaky exhale. 
“How are you so okay with this? I can’t– I don’t want to make things awkward– I can just as easily take care of this myself.” 
Your hands came to rest just above Ominis’ sternum, and he jumped at the sudden contact, his heart thrumming wildly beneath your palms. His lips parted around a small gasp as you wandered lower to the waistband of his trousers, nimble fingers dancing between the fabric and his smooth skin. “Do you really think we haven’t thought about including you before? Where do you think the dirty fantasies of you catching us came from?” 
Ominis’ mind went blank for a split second when the tip of your finger gently brushed across the head of his cock through his undergarments. He hissed, “You’re telling me you’ve wanted me to walk in on you before?” 
It was Sebastian who spoke next, his voice heavily laden with arousal as he watched his best friend fall apart at your touch. “Hell yeah, we’ve wanted you to join in too. Trust me Ominis, we’re more than okay with bringing you into the mix. I’ve kinda been dreaming about it for a while now.” 
It was a rare treat, getting to see this side of Ominis. Sebastian could recall walking in on him jerking off once when they were younger while spending their summer in Feldcroft. The blonde boy had been spread wide on his bed, hair mused and face bright red, with one hand furiously jacking his impressively long and uncut cock while the other cradled his tight balls. The memory had stayed with Sebastian all these years, and he sincerely hoped Ominis was still as vocal now as he had been then, because his broken moans from that day had continued to haunt Sebastian with enough sleepless nights to last a lifetime. 
Rational thinking failed to triumph as Ominis let himself relax into your touch, his shoulders dropping slightly when your palm came to lay flat against his cock. Your fingers pressed lightly, ghosting over the throbbing head and drawing a needy sigh from him. Sebastian moved quickly so that he was behind Ominis and wrapped his arms around the man’s slender waist, tugging him securely against his chest before his hands started to explore. 
Ominis gasped at the sudden feeling, but Sebastian’s firm hold prevented him from arching away, and even if he could, you were still leaning against his front, working him into a frenzy with featherlight touches that threatened to make him combust. He was sandwiched between the two of you, effectively at the mercy of his two closest companions.
“A-Are you sure about this?” 
“Absolutely,” Sebastian murmured into the crook of Ominis’ neck, and you gave the blonde’s cock one more affectionate squeeze before you were sinking to your knees in front of him in silent confirmation. “So tell us then; what did you like most about what you heard last week?”
It was impossible for Ominis to decide on one thing in particular when he felt your fingers move to unfasten the button on his waistband. The scrape of your nails over his hip bones was positively tantalizing as you swiftly tugged his trousers down to his knees. Sebastian’s broad hands slid under his shirt, trailing along Ominis’ bare torso as he gripped at whatever skin he could. When he grazed his thumb over one of Ominis’ nipples, the taller man’s breath hitched, and you watched in awe as his cock twitched against the cotton prison of his briefs. 
“Fuck– I don’t know, I liked all of it,” he fought back a whine as your hands abandoned his swollen cock to slide up the sensitive skin at the back of his legs, dragging your nails softly as you went. The muscles in his stomach tensed, and he shuddered, “I liked the sounds.” 
“What did it sound like?” Sebastian whispered, and when you peered up to steal a glance at him, you were pleased to find him watching you with hooded eyes over Ominis’ shoulder. The look was primal and hungry, and so at odds with the bewildered expression that Ominis bore. 
Those milky blue irises pinched shut as Ominis willed himself to maintain his composure, his eagerness to have your mouth around him revealing itself in the form of his shallow panting. “It sounded wet, and sloppy. I liked listening to her choke around you, it was–” 
He was cut off by a guttural moan when your hands finally returned to his front, your fingers catching in the elastic of his briefs before you were sliding the attire away oh-so-slowly. 
When Ominis’ cock sprung free, he sighed with relief at the same time you licked your lips, and Sebastian was already committing the entire scene to memory because fuck– this was hot. His best friend was leaning against him while his girlfriend prepared to stuff her beautiful mouth with his equally stunning cock, and all the while, Sebastian’s own erection was standing at attention between the shapely curve of Ominis’ ass. 
He really hoped he wouldn’t cum in his pants before getting a chance to see everything play out. 
“Is that what you want?” You asked Ominis from your kneeled position before him. When you took his shaft in your hands to give him a testing pump, he bucked his hips eagerly to meet your touch, and a wicked smile broke out across your face that nearly brought Sebastian to his own knees. 
“Yes,” he breathed. “Yes, I want that. I want all of it– your mouth and Sebastian’s hands– whatever you’ll give me, please.” 
Sebastian couldn’t fight the desperate roll of hips as he ground his now solid cock against Ominis at the request, and the bold movement had the man arching his back to press harder against Sebastian while simultaneously angling his hips to grant you easier access to his leaking member. You obliged, convinced that he had waited for this long enough, and wrapped your lips around the head to give him a toe curling suck. 
Ominis’ head fell back against Sebastian’s shoulder with a broken cry, his knees already trembling on either side of you— and it was a good thing Sebastian was holding him upright because you were positive he would have collapsed otherwise. Spurred on by his heady gasps, you pushed forward more, hollowing your cheeks around Ominis’ impressive length before you pressed your tongue against the sensitive underside of the head. 
“Fuck– damn, that’s perfect–” he moaned his praises into empty air, the hair on his arms standing on end when he felt Sebastian crane his neck to place wet, teasing kisses along the curve of his jaw. He sucked and bit at the skin there, the sensation bringing Ominis to new heights at the same time you began bobbing your head on his cock in a steady rhythm. 
There was nothing in this world that could have prepared Ominis for any of this. To go from sulking around the castle for days, to suddenly being wrapped in Sebastian’s arms with him sucking bruises into the column of his neck; all the while, you were holding your mouth fast to his cock, drawing wanton moans and breathless gasps from his lips with each stroke of your skillful tongue. It was like his wildest fantasies come to life– and for once, he refused to give a shit about the repercussions. 
With a low moan, Ominis surrendered to the feelings overtaking his limp form, allowing his fingers to slide into your hair before fisting against your scalp to pull you harder onto his shaft. You were prepared for him, suppressing a gag as you allowed Ominis to stuff more of himself in your mouth, and you hummed around his pulsing cock as you brought your hands up to stroke what you couldn’t fit. 
You began to suck him off like that, watching intently through your lashes as Ominis writhed under your attention and arched against Sebastian, his stomach tightening and tensing in time with each steady dip of your head. The hand he didn’t have fisted in your hair was gripping at Sebastian’s forearm for support as his hips rolled brainlessly into the even tempo of your mouth. Maybe you were crazy for thinking so, but Ominis looked rather pretty as he fell apart. He was noisy, too, gasping soft praises and breathless moans whenever the head of his cock brushed the back of your throat, and his fingers tightened in your hair at the feeling. 
“You two look so fucking good right now, you have no idea.” Sebastian had paused his ministrations against Ominis’ positively wrecked neck to watch you hungrily through his hooded eyes. Your idea then was easier said than done, but you did your best to weasel one of your hands behind the curve of Ominis’ ass to grab at Sebastian’s own neglected member. Your efforts were rewarded with an unsteady groan from the freckled man, and you grinned around Ominis’ cock as Sebastian’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as you began pressing and stroking him through his trousers. 
With Ominis in the way and the added difficulty of the angle, you didn’t think you were doing much to help Sebastian with his predicament. But from his perspective your eagerness to please, coupled with the rushed manner you palmed at his cock through his trousers, was more than enough to make his head spin with arousal. His hips jerked against Ominis’ backside, causing the slender man to jolt forward, and the force of Sebastian’s thrust in turn pushed Ominis further down your throat. 
“Mmph–” your eyes squeezed shut, a few tears slipping out of the corners of your eyes at the intrusion, but by some miracle you didn’t choke. Instead you relaxed your throat more so you could accommodate as much of Ominis as possible, and when your nose nearly nestled against the collection of sparse hair below his navel, you heard a long string of profanities fall from the blonde man’s soft lips. 
“Fuck, she’s taking you so well, Ominis– she’s drooling all over your cock, it looks fucking incredible–”
Sebastian was rutting shamelessly against Ominis, taking full advantage of your hand and the smooth expanse of his friend’s ass to chase his own pleasure. It was quite possibly the raunchiest thing you’d ever seen; both of your companions desperately crumbling above you as you worked to please them in any way you could. Your jaw started to ache around Ominis’ cock and you slowed your pace slightly, but not before your clever tongue was quickly picking up its movements to compensate. 
At the same time you hollowed your cheeks and swallowed around Ominis, his fingers tightened painfully in your hair as his hips bucked against your chin. “Fuck, wait, p-pull– pull back–” 
You would do no such thing. 
Your hands abandoned Sebastian’s cock to grip the backs of Ominis’ thighs again, holding him firm against your parted lips as your tongue cunningly flattened along the underside of his shaft before curling along the base. The filthy, wet sounds coming from your mouth intermingled with Ominis’ shaky breaths in the air around him, and Sebastian dropped one of his arms to shamelessly stuff his hand down his pants to pick up where you had left off. It was an awkward position to get off in, but Merlin– he was desperate for some reprieve. 
Sebastian tugged Ominis closer to him, boldly rutting against the other man’s body while his fist furiously assaulted the pre-cum soaked head, keening moans spilling from his freckled lips as he brought himself closer to his release. Ominis shook against Sebastian as you hummed around his cock, the vibrations finally sending him clean over the edge with a hoarse, drawn out cry of your name, and he was frantically holding you to him as he shot thick ropes of cum down your throat. 
It was almost greedy, the way you drank down everything he gave you. Ominis was boneless in Sebastian’s arms as you continued to work your tongue over him, milking him dry before you were pulling off his softening cock with a sinful lick of your lips. The sight of your glazed over eyes combined with Ominis’ trembling weight pressed against him was more than enough, and Sebastian dug his teeth into the alabaster skin of his friend’s shoulder as he came all over his hand
“Fuck,” Ominis rasped as he felt Sebastian buck against him, looking like the epitome of a wet dream. 
His usually neat hair was beyond mused, falling into his sweat-slick face as his head hung between his shoulders. Sebastian’s arm moved with the rapid rise and fall of Ominis’ chest, and the sight of your boyfriend shaking with pleasure while wrapped around Ominis’ lithe form had you tilting your head to the side to gauge his condition. 
Safe to say, Sebastian looked seconds away from dropping to the ground with Ominis in his ironclad grip. The poor man was barely holding it together– his face was flushed, bottom lip red and swollen from him incessantly working it between his teeth, and although Ominis concealed the majority of his lower half, you knew Sebastian had to be riding out the prolonged high of his own orgasm– all from watching you suck off his best friend from over his shoulder. He caught you staring a second later, narrowing his eyes when he spied the smug look on your face. “Find something funny down there?” 
Your hands were lazily stroking Ominis’ bare thighs, pulling a contented sigh from the blonde as you grinned diabolically at Sebastian. “Just enjoying the view. You look… pleased.”
“That’s a word for it,” Sebastian mused, gingerly lowering himself and Ominis to the ground, and once the safety of the stone floor was beneath his knees, his arms slid away from the slender man. Ominis sagged limply against Sebastian with an airy groan, his chest still heaving as he willed his brain to start functioning again. “Damn, I think you killed him, darling.” 
You couldn’t help but smirk, feeling mighty proud of yourself, all things considered. Your voice was still a little rough as you asked, “You alright, Ominis?” 
He slurred the first half of his sentence, but the second bit sounded a little like, “–fuckin superb,” which earned a laugh from both you and Sebastian. Then, Ominis was fidgeting slightly, effectively grinding his ass against Sebastian’s sensitive length still pressed against him, and the brunette hissed through clenched teeth. 
“I already made a mess of these trousers, Gaunt. Proceed with caution.”
It was a real treat getting to watch Ominis’ fucked out expression sober up instantaneously following Sebastian’s statement. His blue eyes widened comically, and his hips slowly twitched back to feel the blatant wet patch between the brunette’s legs. 
“D-Damn– that’s– I’m sorry,” Ominis fumbled for words as he attempted to sit forward, but Sebastian was having none of it, and quickly wound his strong arms across Ominis’ waist to keep him in place. 
Sebastian pressed a hot, tender kiss to Ominis’ pulse, stilling the blonde’s attempts at escaping as you closed the space between you and the boys. You cupped your hands under the sharp curve of Ominis’ jaw to angle his parted lips to yours, and before he could register what was happening, you were there, banishing any lingering tension from his body with your lips. It was soft and delicate, yet demanding and urgent, all at once. Ominis sighed against your mouth and let his slender fingers come to wind in your hair once again, tugging you against him quickly, and he felt Sebastian reach around his shoulder to put his hands on you as well. 
“Don’t apologize,” you murmured in between heated kisses before pulling away entirely to stare down at him. “It’s a pleasure having you with us, Ominis… we should do this again.” 
Sebastian shot you a look of agreement over Ominis’ love-bitten shoulder, and his eyes darkened as he groaned softly from beneath you. “Can ‘again’ be right now?” 
Your brows shot up into your hairline, “Are you even capable of that right now?” 
Ominis roused further from his post-coital state at Sebastian’s suggestion and pushed himself upright. “Do you not want to?” 
“Merlin’s beard, of course I want to. Trust me– I have a few ideas on the subject, believe it or not. I’m just making sure he isn’t spouting false promises–” 
“False promises?”  Sebastian chimed in indignantly from behind Ominis, and the glint that reflected in his eyes was one that guaranteed trouble. “I can promise you this, darling. You haven’t come yet, and after all that hard work, I’m sure Ominis would be thrilled to assist me in getting you off. Wouldn’t you, Ominis?” 
“As long as you’ll have me,” he murmured, voice husky. “I’d love nothing more than to return the favor– you won’t end up waiting a week for it, either.” 
A laugh burst from you at the same time Ominis was tugging you back towards his lips, delving his tongue into your mouth to taste more of you, and Sebastian made a keening sound deep in his throat. 
“Seriously Ominis, say something next time. To think we could have done this last weekend if you’d just spoken up.” 
Any retorts he could have mustered fell away at the feeling of Sebastian’s hands trailing up his shirt, and when you deepened your kiss with him, Ominis decided that if this was standard practice for being honest, he would make more of an effort to voice exactly what he was thinking in the future. 
After all, his fantasies couldn’t hold a candle to the real thing. With a brief adjustment period, and maybe a few butterbeers, Ominis was certain he could get used to this sort of treatment.
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life-at-hogwarts · 5 months
So cold (House of Gaunt)
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Pairing: Ominis x GN!reader
Warnings: just a bit of fluff and drama
Wordcount: 1.3k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
The first snow was always something special at Hogwarts. It turned the castle into something straight out of a fairy tale. You couldn’t help smiling to yourself when you heard the satisfying noise of fresh snow under your feet when you crossed the courtyard. Not that you particularly liked the winter but even you had to admit that the first snow had something magical. You were on your way to meet Sebastian and Ominis in the library to study together for the oncoming exams but since you were early you decided to take your time and took the longer way through the courtyard to catch a glimpse of the spectacle.
Suddenly something cold hit your temple and you quickly turned around to look for the culprit, expecting it to be Sebastian who was always up for some sort of mischief. Instead, you discovered Ominis, now innocently waving at you from across the courtyard. Before you had time to process what had happened you were hit again, this time right in the face. “Just you wait you little…,” you growled and quickly grabbed a handful of snow, throwing it in his direction. Ominis however caught the snowball midair with his wand and sent it right back to you, landing another hit. Sometimes you forgot that Ominis, although blind, was one of the most powerful wizards at Hogwarts. He was the heir of Slytherin after all and according to Sebastian he was an excellent duelist who had humbled the cheeky brunette a number of times.
You decided to go for a different tactic and sprinted over to him tackling him to the ground. He let out a surprised grunt when he found himself laying in the snow, unable to get up because there was someone on top of him. Satisfied with yourself you gave him a quick kiss on the top of his nose, then scrambled to get up before someone could ask what you were doing.
“You know, I was trying to be sweet,” Ominis grumbled while he brushed the snow off his robes.
“What can I say? I like to play rough,” you giggled and gave him another kiss on the cheek. “Are alright though?”
“I will be once I get my hug,” he said innocently, yet when you obliged and wrapped your arms around him, he quickly took the chance to stuff a handful of snow down your shirt. You squealed when it melted and trickled down your back and Ominis laughed mischievously.
“Oh, you are so going to pay for that!”
A few minutes later both of you were soaking wet and out of breath after chasing each other around the courtyard, giggling like children. The light snowfall was slowly turning into a blizzard, and you started to shiver in the biting wind.
“Let’s get you inside, you’re freezing,” Ominis declared and offered you his hand. You took it and wanted to head towards the library when Ominis held you back. “Let’s go to the common room. We can warm ourselves at the fireplace.” A tempting offer you had to admit.
“What about Sebastian? He’s waiting for us in the library,” you reminded him.
“I’ll send him an owl.”
The Slytherin common room was empty. Most students had gone to the Quidditch match that was taking place that afternoon. You shook your head at this – you couldn’t share their enthusiasm for sitting in the freezing cold watching people on broomsticks throw around balls. Luckily Ominis and Sebastian shared your sentiment on Quidditch, and you could therefore avoid going to the games altogether. With everyone gone you quickly made your way to the fireplace and warmed your hands by the fire while Ominis sat down on the sofa, kicked off his shoes and curled up in a worn knit blanket. You spent a few more minutes enjoying the welcoming heat of the fire before you joined him and snuggled up to him. When he wrapped the blanket around both of you and pulled you closer you sighed contently and buried your face in his chest. Neither of you spoke for a while, and you listened to the gentle cackle of the fire and Ominis deepening breaths and concentrated on the feeling of his chest slowly lifting and lowering. His long, elegant fingers began stroking your hair and tracing your features and it felt like time stood still. Being with Ominis always felt like you were the only two people in this world, as if the universe froze to watch, in awe of two souls dancing to the tune of love. And just for a moment it was perfect.
When you were called to the headmaster’s office you immediately knew what it was about.
 It was no secret that the Gaunts and headmaster Black were close. No doubt Marvolo had told on you. Yet nothing could have prepared you for what was waiting for you when you entered the office. Erebus Gaunt. Ominis father turned around when he heard you enter, his dark stare fixated on you. Headmaster Black gestured you to come closer. “You know why you’re here I presume?” he asked you solemnly. You held his gaze and nodded slowly. “Marvolo’s father asked to have a word with you. I will leave you alone so you can talk.” Please don’t leave me alone with him, you wanted to say but you know it was no use. You tried your best to keep your composure when Erebus sat down opposite you in the headmasters’ chair. “You assaulted my son.”
“He was being a foul-mouthed little brat,” you shot back but Erebus didn’t react.
“I know very well what this was about. In fact, that is why I’m here. You and I are going to have a little talk,” he declared calmly, yet there was something in his voice that sent shivers down your spine. Even when he was calm, Erebus seemed like a predator ready to pounce.
“We have nothing to talk about.”
“Oh, but we do. Sit. Down.”  Reluctantly you obeyed and slowly sat down on the chair opposite the head of the Gaunt family, avoiding his piercing stare. You could understand why Ominis always seemed to shrink when he was in a room with his family but forced yourself to sit upright, mirroring Erebus body language. It was clear that he was used to being in charge. He leaned back, observing your every move, not saying anything, seemingly waiting for you to pull back. It took all your willpower to remain expressionless in the uncomfortable silence that followed.
“I know that you are involved with Ominis. I should have guessed as much last time. Of course, he had to pick someone from an impure bloodline. To aggravate me no doubt,” Erebus broke the silence, his voice dripping with disgust.
“I can assure you our relationship has nothing to do with you,” you replied coolly.
“Shut your mouth, half-blood. I didn’t recall giving you permission to speak. You will leave my son today.”
“I have no intention of doing that.”
Another uncomfortable silence fell over the room. Then Erebus leaned in, so close you could see your own reflection in his dark eyes, and you instinctively backed away from him. “This was not a request. Fail to do as I say, and I will see to it that he suffers. He will never see Hogwarts or his friends ever again. I have allowed his nonsense long enough.”
Trying to regain your composure you straightened your back and coldly replied, “He doesn’t even live with you anymore. You have no power over him.” 
Erebus eyes darkened. No one had ever talked back to him like that. Losing his patience he spat, “Don’t forget who I am, little brat. I have connections everywhere. One word and he will be in an asylum for the rest of his life, no questions asked.”
“You wouldn’t do that to your own son.”
A wicked smile formed on Erebus lips. “It’s your choice.”
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alun1r · 5 months
Headcanon that while growing up, Ominis would touch his face every few months to keep notice of how he was changing and growing. And one year at Hogwarts, Sebastian caught him touching his face in their dormitory so he asked him about it and let Ominis feel his own face so he could find out what his best friend looked like.
But every year after that Ominis would continue to feel Sebastian’s face to take notice of how his best friend was changing and growing along with him.
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eleniaelres · 4 months
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Artwork for milkteeths' Sebinis Big Bang fic!! 💖
Here is the link!
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If you look closely you can see the certificates Ominis has after becoming a healer 🤭
I also did a simpler version of the art! I think it maybe showcases the moment between them better 🥹
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trappezoider · 11 months
Finally finished the sixth chapter of my Sebinis fanfiction😭A huge, massive thank you to trello, my beta-reader. Couldn't have made it this far without her. She has improved my writing tremendously! This is very much a slow burn piece, planning on having it to be 20 chapters long at least :D Things will start escalating very soon though ;) The art below was originally made for the latest chapter of this fic so now I can finally add context to it. So happy!
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mills-73 · 10 months
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Eyes on Fire
Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt
tags: blowjobs
18+ All Characters are aged up
first fanfic, little nervous. hopefully there will be more from me :) enjoy
The undercroft has always been a special place. Filled with fun memories, silly duels, and loud laughs bouncing against stone walls, Sebastian and Ominis hold it dear to their hearts.
It’s always been clear between the two that this place was their escape from the world around. A place where they can coexist within the realm of magic while also feeling an essence of normalcy that’s shared between two best friends.
For as long as Sebastian can remember, Ominis has been one of the more consistent things in his life. He’s never left Sebastian alone or betrayed him for another, taught him spells and curses that wouldn’t get the both of them in trouble, and offered a shoulder to cry on whenever things got hard with his sister Anne.
So it’s only likely Sebastian could get wholefully infatuated with the others' caring persona.
Tonight, Sebastian’s spending his night doing homework for Professor Sharp's class, and he’s having a particularly hard time brewing drought of the living dead.
He honestly doesn’t know where he’s going wrong. “Sixths times a charm,” he lies to himself, adding in the last ingredient.
As expected, it blows up in his face.
An exasperated groan slips out from the back of his throat, tossing his wand to the side as he slumps down to the floor. He burrows his face into his hands, feeling absolutely helpless and frustrated with his inability to brew a potion. Given it is an advanced potion, but one vial is due in the morning.
“Sebastian?” An all too familiar voice rivets through the room, making him jump.
“Ominis!” Sebastian exclaims, perhaps a bit too excitedly. “Where did you come from?” He smiles softly from the way the other feels his way around with his wand, walking straight to him.
“The door, you nimwit.”
Oh. Yeah, of course he did.
“What are you doing?” Ominis asks, a curious expression dawning over pale features.
Sebastian sighs. “Trying and failing to do potions homework. Starting to think I’ll need to buy liquid luck to be able to brew the damn thing.”
Ominis laughs. Sebastian watches as he sits down next to him, admiring the strand of hair—that never seems to stay in place—fall into his eyes. He reaches out to tuck it behind his ears, though knowing it wouldn’t stay; it was just a poor excuse to touch Ominis without it being suspicious.
“You know I can help you, right? I could probably get it right for you.”
“I know,” Sebastian sighs. “But I wouldn’t be actually learning anything if you did. That’s why it’s called homework.”
“Since when do you care about homework?” Ominis asks.
“Since I’m failing half of my classes.”
Ominis gasps. “You’re what?! Sebastian, please tell me you’re only joking.”
Sebastian stays quiet, a sheepish expression falling over his face as his hand scratches the back of his head. Ominis stands up quickly, reaching out to Sebastian to pull him up on his feet.
“Come on,” Ominis says, “I’ll tell you what to do and you’ll listen, okay? That way you’re learning but I’m also helping.”
The entire time, Sebastian can barely pay attention, too concentrated on the silky proneness of his best friend's voice, guiding him through the steps of the potion. Merlin, Ominis is too attractive, and he doesn’t even know it.
Needless to say, Sebastian could barely get his homework done, but eventually, with a light slap on his head, he started making progress.
Later that night, Sebastian decides to make his way down to the showers, needing to clean his face from the explosions that came from his attempts to brew potions. As he gathers his clothes, his eyes wander to Ominis’ bed, the view absolutely angelic.
Ominis lays there, eyes bore shut, his breath slow and quiet, sleeping ever-so-peacefully. Merlin. He’s so fucking beautiful.
Sebastian gazes down to where his pajamas are slightly unbuttoned at the bottom, revealing a soft, flat stomach with blond hairs easing below his trousers. And he doesn’t mean to, but he imagines slipping his hand underneath, wanting to feel supple skin beneath the pads of his fingers, wanting to feel every inch of Ominis’ body.
His cock twitches at the thought, and he stifles a groan sliding up his throat. He curses himself for thinking such things and rushes off to the bathrooms.
It’s embarrassing to think about how easy it is for him to get so worked up with such mindless thoughts.
As his shower warms up, Sebastian begins to wonder how it would feel to have Ominis touch him so inappropriately. He visions the other feeling his way down Sebastian’s body, fingers hesitant but excited to explore something he can’t see for himself, and honestly, Sebastian loves the idea of Ominis mapping out his body with delicate hands.
He shivers eagerly, feeling a ghost of Ominis’ hand caress his chest, feeling down his toned torso until it hovers just above his aching cock. Fuck.
If only.
Sebastian strips himself of his clothes, tossing them on a stone bench placed strangely against the wall. He always wondered why it was there, but it proves useful sometimes.
He hums quietly once he steps in, water dripping down his face and to the drain. His cock twitches with need, reminding him of the situation at hand—situation being his need for Ominis taking over bit by bit. And yes, he knows Ominis will never see him the same way, even if he does, his ability to act calm and collected will forever remain the one thing that shoots Sebastian down a peg.
Sebastian wraps his hand around the base of his cock, slightly embarrassed by the thoughts that churn in his mind, a vermillion tint lacing over tan, freckled skin. He almost feels sick, flicking his wrist over the length of himself, his other hand pressing against the wall to hold himself up, a soft moan eliciting from the tip of his tongue.
He’s gentle, imagining his hand as Ominis’, knowing the blond boy would go soft on him at first, just to test the waters of what he could take, to tease and tease and tease until Sebastian lost his composure. It wouldn’t take much, if Sebastian is honest. Hell, he could barely keep himself in check around the boy anyway.
Fucking christ—it feels too good. His thoughts are nothing but sinful, Ominis’ name slipping through the cracks of the shower walls as he quickens his pace.
Sebastian rests his forehead against the stone, steaming water falling over his backside, moaning vicariously at the thought of Ominis wrapping pretty pink lips around the tip of his cock, gray eyes looking up. Though he wouldn’t be able to see how good he could make Sebastian feel, Sebastian would have no problem telling him. Whispering praises like a mantra, telling him how good his mouth feels, anything to let him know how well he’s doing.
He’s close, so fucking close, to the edge of his release, when suddenly a bang echos through the bathroom. Sebastian slaps his hand over his mouth to muffle any moans that slip out, his other hand resting at the base of his cock. He hopes his moans weren’t overheard.
“Sebastian? Are you in here?”
It’s Ominis.
Fuck fuck fuck. What is he supposed to do? If he answers now his voice will surely give him away, but he has no choice does he?
“Uh…” Fuck, get it together. “Y-Yeah, it’s me.” He can hear the tremble in his voice, the desperation to cum leeching to the echoes that crumble against his ears.
“Why are you showering so late? And why were you saying my name?”
Sebastian’s eyes widen with fear. Merlin, help me! “What are you talking about? I haven’t said your name at all.” He gains a bit of composure back, confidence trying to cover the neediness he feels at this moment.
“Oh, Sebastian,” Ominis tuts, “you know better than anyone I have amazing hearing. You know, from the lack of sight.”
The way his name slips off of Ominis’ tongue is like honey that cracks Sebastian’s skin, igniting another flame deep in his stomach. His eyes flutter shut as he dares to continue the abuse against his cock agonizingly slow, just to receive that ounce of pleasure he craves. This proves to be a mistake, a moan slipping out that he knows Ominis hears.
“Sebastian!” Ominis gasps. “Are—Are you…?”
Practically caught in the act, something washes over Sebastian, darkness flooding over amber eyes as he whips the curtain open and pulls Ominis within the confines of the shower. Ominis squeaks at the suddenness, his back slamming against the wall under the strength of Sebastian’s hold.
Sebastian holds him hostages by his hips, fingers digging sharply into bone. “Ominis,” he whispers suggestively. “Fuck…Ominis. You’re so goddamn pretty.”
He admires the pink tint that scours over Ominis’ features, lips slightly parted in surprise. His cock is pressing against the front of the others stomach, twitching at the sight.
“You make me like this, tempting me day in and day out…this is the only way I manage to keep my hands off of you.”
“I-I tempt you?”
Sebastian leans in. He can tell Ominis senses this, watching his tongue leap out and slick his bottom lip, teeth then nervously biting at plush skin. He wants to tell Ominis every secret desire that’s been locked away in the back of his mind about fucking his dick past those pretty little lips, desperate to release himself down the back of his throat. But he doesn’t. Instead, he sighs hungerly, humming with approval.
“I don’t know what I—What I do to tempt you, Sebastian.”
“You don’t do anything, Ominis. You just,” he growls lowly, “You’re you, the way you walk, the way you talk—the way you play around and tease me all the time.”
“But that’s not—”
“Hush it. I’m not finished.”
Ominis whimpers, and it’s music to Sebastian’s ears. The water begins to soak Ominis’ clothes, pajamas sticking to the curves of his body, and Sebastian can’t help but to admire.
“It’s your body. You’re so small, much smaller than me, and it turns me on so much to know just how bigger I am than you.”
He swiftly turns the other around, making him face the wall. He allows himself to indulge in a little teasing, raking his hands up and down Ominis’ sides, smirking from the shiver he feels underneath his palms. Slowly, he makes his way to the front, exploring Ominis’ body selfishly.
“Your ass is amazing, too,” he whispers into the boy's ear. Sebastian laughs darkly when he feels Ominis push backwards, his cock nustling into the plumpness. “You knew that already, didn’t you?”
“No,” Ominis says sheepishly.
The shower is unbearably hot now, and it’s not due to the water anymore. There’s a tension begging to be broken and explored diligently, and Sebastian can tell Ominis can feel it too.
Sebastian ruts himself against Ominis’ ass, moaning softly at the friction. “I want you badly, Ominis. Tell me I can have you, please.”
He prepares for a no, for a slap to the face, and for Ominis to run out and head straight back to bed. But instead, Ominis agrees, a quant ‘yes’ echoing through his ear drums, and with that, he yanks Ominis around and smashes their lips together in a heated kiss.
Ominis’ lips are softer than Sebastian anticipated, a gnawing feeling in his gut that tells him he’s about to become addicted to this from here on out. He revels in it, passionately kissing and prodding open the others mouth, slipping his tongue behind pearly white teeth to deepen this kiss indefinitely.
His skin tingles, fire igniting through his veins with need when Ominis rests his hands on Sebastian’s hips, his own need pushing through as the kiss begins to gain a sense of roughness to it. Ominis is breathlessly moaning into Sebastian's mouth, and it’s making him go insane.
He gasps suddenly when Ominis rolls his hips, creating friction against his cock, and he can feel just how hard Ominis is. God is he going to enjoy this.
“On your knees, love,” Sebastian mumbles. “I want to put that mouth to more use than this.”
Ominis obliges, sinking down to his knees. Sebastian is slightly taken aback as delicate, shaky hands take hold of his cock, the water adding to the slickness of it.
He’s never had someone else do this to him, and it feels absolutely euphoric, the newly found pleasure almost addictive as Ominis begins to jerk him off with leisure. Sebastian holds himself up with both hands on the wall, looking down at the other who looks right up at him.
“Can you feel how big I am, Ominis?” He smirks, eyes burning with desire to dig out every ounce of cowardness from Ominis. “Do you feel how badly I need you, baby?”
“Y-Yes…” Ominis whispers. “You feel so good and big.”
Ominis guides his mouth to the tip, closing his eyes, and placing kitten-licks to the tip. Sebastian can tell he’s savoring it, using his sense of touch to make up for his lack of vision, and Sebastian thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world.
His mouth feels heavily around his cock, and Sebastian decides he needs to learn self control, trying his best to fight the urges to fuck Ominis’ mouth until he’s a drooling mess of spit and cum, and his lips blood red from the abuse. This is so fucking good.
“Your mouth is holy,” Sebastian moans as Ominis sinks lower onto his cock.
Temptation isn’t his strong suit, but when Ominis is here, looking ever-so-sinful, serpentine features reaching out and offering him a gift he can’t do anything but accept without question, going against his morals and everything he believes in. Ominis is nothing but a temptress, and it’s taking everything in Sebastian not to get his way.
“Ominis, stop teasing me.”
Ominis pulls off with a slick pop, a smile growing on his face. “But I like it.”
Sebastian brings a hand down to grab a fistful of blond hair, tangling his fingers deep within and guiding Ominis’ head back down to his cock. He glides himself between pretty lips, slowly moving in and out. The drag of the others tongue feels god-like on the underside of dick, infiltrating thoughts brimming at the front of his brain. It’s painfully slow for the moment, relishing in the sensations before his hips begin to move a little faster.
Ominis hums around the thickness, sending another wave of pleasure jolting down Sebastian's spine. Given he was on the edge of his orgasms earlier, he’s unbearably close now, so with that, he begins forcing his cock further down Ominis’ throat, making him take more and more until his nose is flush with his groin.
“You like how I make you take it, Ominis?” He hums. “Do you like having me down your throat like this?”
Ominis’ jaw goes slack as an answer, hands wrapping behind his thighs insisting him to pull out and slam back in. So Sebastian does.
He fucks Ominis’ mouth relentlessly, moaning darkly, head tilted at the ceiling from the pleasure. “Touch yourself for me, love. I want to drown out your pretty sounds with my cock.”
Sebastian goes faster, curses drawing from the back of his throat as he feels the vibrations of Ominis’ moans swallowed up by his cock. Ominis is vigorously jacking himself off, needy whines nothing but pathetic, reminding Sebastian of his want to hear them fall delicately into the air.
Another time.
“Fuck, Ominis. You’re so good for me,” he praises. “Can’t—mm fuck!—I can’t wait to fuck you like this one day. God the things I’d do to you.”
He smiles sadisticly, wishing Ominis could see his face right now, because fuck is he doing so well right now. That smile only grows wider when he feels warmth splatter over his legs, a rugged moan echoing against the stalls before it’s swallowed up.
“I’m gonna cum, Ominis, fuck!”
At his words, Ominis tightens his lips, edging Sebastian closer and closer until he’s spilling into the back of the Ominis’ throat with a loud moan that causes him to slap his hand over his mouth. For a second he forgot they were still near the common room, somebody could still be up and hear them. He makes a mental note to do this in the Undercroft next time.
He rides out the rest of his high before pulling out with a groan. By now the shower has turned cold, only realizing at this moment. He soothes the top of the others head from the bruising pull he had earlier.
“You okay, Ominis? I know that was a bit—”
Ominis interrupts, pulling him down quickly to kiss him.
“It was amazing.”
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itissarah · 1 year
Ominis: *getting up angrily leaving Sebastian behind in the Three Broomsticks* Act like a child, get treated like a child!
Sebastian: *panicking* Isn't it illegal to abandon a child?
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reallifetangent · 1 year
A small headcanon/fanfic of an idea.
Might be Gaullow/Sebinis, but can be taken as them just being friends too.
I don't think this needs warnings. I just leave things in the air but no big details.
Small detail: Mikka Callyps is MC.
Puppet lines
Whenever they had to take collective showers with the rest of the students, Sebastian and Ominis awaited patiently for the rest of their housemates to leave the bathroom. Sebastian didn't have that trouble in showering with the rest, but Ominis... Having to leave aside his wand and being more vulnerable in a bathroom full of naked and prankster guys was not his best scenario. And Sebastian knew it too.
Both used to talk to while showering, like they didn't see each other during the day. But somehow, after fifth year, Ominis ended his cleaning way before his friend did. No particular reason, Sebastian tended to spend more time checking himself out and sing any tune his head came up with.
One night, while Ominis was starting to dress up, towel covering his waist, Sebastian came out of his shower to get his forgotten towel, when he saw it. Marks all over Ominis' arms, legs and a cross over his chest. Like the strings of a puppet. He used to notice small details on his friend, but he became more reserved of his body after 5th year, where Mikka casted Imperio over him in order to prevent Ominis giving away Sebastian and his lately more frequent interactions with Dark Arts. Sebastian noticed small rings on Ominis' fingers and small lines over the location of the bones of his hands while Palm Reading at Divinations, but nothing else seemed to be out of place.
Now he was staring at the almost naked body of someone that important to him, carrying the consequences of an attempt to stop him. He was looking at the marks left by Imperio, as a reminder of how far he got that someone had to cast that unforgivable curse over his most precious person, besides his sister. Guilt was a really kind word for all the things he felt, and how, apparently, his friend couldn't tell the visible white lines all over his body.
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In The Shadow Of Every Word Left Unspoken
Pairing: Ominis/Sebastian
Rating: Explicit
Summary: It's Sebastian and Ominis' 7th year at Hogwarts and nothing has gone how either of them thought it would. The emotional rift between them has only grown since their 5th year, making them strangers to one another. Ominis has thrown himself into his Prefect duties, taking it upon himself to keep Sebastian out of trouble while Sebastian does everything he can to cause trouble and ruin himself. But one night sets into motions things neither of them are prepared for and truths come out that neither of them can take back... Can they reclaim what they once had in the shadow of every word left unspoken?
Tags/Warnings: Hogwarts Seventh Year, Aged-Up Character(s), Going by the storyline that Ominis decided not to turn Sebastian in, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers, Duelling, Fist Fights, Sneaking Out, Sneaking Around, Promiscuity, Broken Promises, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, First Kiss, First Time, French Kissing, Love Bites, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Gay Sex, Mildly Dubious Consent, Drunkenness, Drunken Kissing, Awkwardness, Dirty Talk, Dirty Thoughts, Light Dom/sub, Come Eating, Anal Fingering, Edgeplay, An abhorrent yet sexy waste of wine, Heavy recreational use of the room of requirement that Black would not approve of, Room of Requirement (Harry Potter), Marriage Proposal, Missionary Position, Doggy Style, Cowgirl Position, Bath Sex, Bathtub Sex, Frottage, First Time Blow Jobs, Blow Jobs, Promposal? Kinda!, Yule Ball (Harry Potter), Public Display of Affection, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, One Big Happy Family, Fluff, Semi-Public Sex
Status: Complete
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blueraineshadows · 10 months
Secrets of the Night
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Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt
NSFW 🔞 Angst, trauma, masturbation, physical abuse
Hogwarts, 2nd Year
The soft, pale glow of moonlight filtered through the skylight window in the Slytherin dormitory, and Sebastian lay in his bed, wide awake, watching the shadows shifting slowly around the room as the hours passed. Sleep was eluding him again. He shifted and winced, his ribs paining him, and he stilled. He took slow, even breaths until the dull ache passed, the mottled bruising that spread up his side was taking a long time to fade. He had to bathe in silly hours of the day to avoid his classmates seeing the evidence of his guardian's methods of teaching him a lesson. Now that he was back at school, he could avoid the beatings, avoid having to be near that house, and live in relative peace here at the castle. Hogwarts could be a home from home, and the safety it provided was enhanced by the friendship he had formed with Ominis Gaunt.
Soft whimpers sounded from behind the curtains of the bed beside him. He turned his head to listen as Ominis fretted through another nightmare. Ever since term had started, these late night episodes had been a regular thing, and it hurt Sebastian more than his bruises did. Something was troubling the Gaunt boy, and while their friendship had been slowly developing through their first year into a closeness that was new for him, Sebastian wasn't sure if Ominis would appreciate him prying into something so private and obviously painful. But, it was getting harder to listen to.
At the sound of a low, painful moan, Sebastian sat up and slipped from his bed, moving quietly towards Ominis and peering through the curtain. Ominis was twitching and shivering, his face pale and eerie in the moon's warped glow. His blonde hair was damp, strands sticking to his forehead, and he was breathing fast and shallow.
"Ominis," Sebastian whispered. "Are you alright?"
"Go away," Ominis mumbled. He buried his face into his pillow, biting back his whimpers.
"It's okay," Sebastian soothed. "Let me help you. I can sit here with you, if you want. We can talk about anything, anything at all."
"You don't understand," Ominis whimpered.
Sebastian felt sadness wash over him. After his parents died, he had been the same. He had woken in cold sweats, fear of the dark weighing heavily on him, and the only comfort was to curl up with Anne, their bodies entangled like kittens as they tried to squeeze out the horrors from their minds.
"Okay," Sebastian said. "We don't have to talk. But, if it helps, I can sit here with you until you feel safe again. Just say the word, and I will. But, if you would rather be alone, then I shall return to my bed, but you know where I am should you change your mind."
Ominis kept his face buried into the pillow, his body trembling, but he didn't say a word. Sebastian's shoulders slumped and he let the curtain drop before turning to seek his bed once more.
The word was whimpered, softly spoken, and desperately lonely sounding. Sebastian turned, eyeing the curtains of Ominis' bed.
"Please don't go."
Sebastian slipped through the curtains and climbed onto the bed beside Ominis. Carefully, he shifted the trembling boy over and lay down beside him. He didn't say anything, just lay there beside him, pulling up the blanket to cover them both because Ominis had felt chilled.
Sebastian stared up at the canopy of the bed and concentrated on his own breathing, ignoring the twinge in his ribs as he breathed deeply, in and out. Gradually, Ominis began to calm, his trembling easing off as his breathing began to match the rhythm of Sebastian's. It became warmer under the blanket with their combined body heat, and Sebastian felt his eyes beginning to drift closed.
He must have dozed because when he awoke, there was a weight against his chest. He looked down to see Ominis laying against him, fast asleep, thick dark lashes fanned out across pale cheeks. Asleep, there was a serene calm to Ominis' face. It was a look that Sebastian would never forget, a sense of deep protectiveness swelling in his chest from knowing that his warmth and friendship had brought Ominis some peace. If he was being truly honest, then the act had brought himself a sense of peace, too.
Gently, so as not to disturb the sleeping boy, Sebastian slipped out from under the blanket and returned to his own bed, which felt cold and lonely after the warmth of Ominis. As much as he had appreciated the moment shared with a friend, it would not do to be caught sleeping in the bed of the other boy in the morning. Ominis suffered enough with whispered talk in the corridors, and Sebastian was not going to be the cause for more.
Over the next three weeks, Sebastian often crawled into Ominis' bed in the dead of night, sometimes not even speaking a word as Ominis fretted and thrashed. He would just lie next to him and let his body warm the bed, breathing slowly and carefully until Ominis became calm and dozed into sleep.
He wasn't sure when laying there had turned into him holding Ominis in his arms. Perhaps it had been after Ominis had suffered a particularly bad nightmare, and Sebastian had been forced to hold him steady. From there, it had progressed, and now it was common for Sebastian to wrap his arms around the fragile boy and soothe him into sleep. It wasn't something that they ever spoke about, and Sebastian always returned to his own bed before the first fingers of dawn pierced through the veil of the Black Lake.
After two months, Ominis took Sebastian to a secluded corner of the Defence Against the Dark Arts tower and introduced him to the Undercroft, and a firm bond of friendship had been formed.
Hogwarts, 4th Year
The Undercroft was a special place. Not long after Sebastian had been introduced to its existence, he had talked Ominis into sharing the secret with his twin, Anne. Sebastian could not keep secrets from his twin. It was like a physical pain, and Ominis was understanding enough to allow Sebastian to share their special place.
In the two years that followed, the trio would seclude themselves down in the dusty, cold dungeon, forming a bond that Sebastian believed to be as unbreakable as the vow. They were damaged kids, lonely and lost, but they found comfort in each other.
Ominis had revealed his dark family secrets and the causes of his night terrors. Talking about such things had actually lessened the pain for him, and while his nights were less traumatising, he did often spend a lot of time avoiding sleep. Sebastian would always offer his comfort and his ear to his friend, but as they had grown older and more aware of their bodies, they had moved out of the habit of sharing a bed. Although, this was only at school.
Ominis spent the school holidays with the twins in Feldcroft to avoid going back home to his family. The Sallows were pure bloods, and therefore acceptable friends for the youngest Gaunt son, and it was allowed. Ominis had no choice but to share a bed with Sebastian in the small cottage, but it was a small price to pay for the glow of happiness that would light that pale face, and put colour in his cheeks. He was also a buffer between Sebastian and his uncle, who would use his fists less in front of a Gaunt.
As the children became teens, the dynamics had begun to shift a little in their trio. It was during the summer that was leading into their 5th year that Sebastian began to notice things about his friend that confused him. Ominis had beautiful skin, and when they were on the beach, messing about in the waves, Sebastian noticed how the droplets of salty water would bead into crystal orbs on that pale flesh. Once noticed, it was hard not to look for it, and Sebastian was entranced at how it made Ominis' skin glisten in the sunlight, there was an almost ethereal beauty to the boy that made him seem unreal and mesmerising.
Sebastian had also noticed the way Anne would now look at Ominis, her cheeks flushing rosy pink, and her giggle becoming a different tone whenever she messed about with him. It would pull a frown into Sebastian's brow, a strange slippery feeling curling in his guts as he realised that Anne may have a crush on their friend.
Anne was jumping the waves, her pony tail flipping and dancing in the sea breeze as she squealed and leapt in the air. Her bathing shirt was splashed, and the small, hard mounds of her budding breasts were visible. Sebastian was oddly glad of his friend's blindness in that moment, knowing that he would most likely be looking at Anne, as other boys did in the corridors at school. It raised a fierce streak of protectiveness in Sebastian that made his fists curl, and his heart pounded.
Ominis was sitting on the sand, hands braced behind him, shirtless, and his trousers rolled up above his knees from his own turn at paddling. Soft chuckles left his lips as he listened to Anne's squeals, appreciating her enjoyment through sound. Sebastian sat with his legs crossed beside him, his eyes wandering over slim legs, the curve of Ominis' calves where soft blonde hairs had become thicker and more noticeable.
Sebastian's cheeks were pink at his blatant observation of his friend's body, well aware that he was taking advantage of Ominis' blindness to ease his own curiosities. Sebastian had thicker, dark hair on his stomach now, and his gaze moved to the flat plane of Ominis' belly, the hair soft and pale as it swirled around his navel and led down to the waistband of his trousers. Sebastian's face flushed even darker as he wondered what colour the hair was below that waistband. Was it equally as pale? Or was it darker like Sebastian's own?
As he pondered this, and the idea that Ominis had no doubt grown thicker and longer where Sebastian had also noticed a rather impressive improvement in his pants, he was mortified to realise that said piece of anatomy was beginning to twitch and swell. Shocked, Sebastian grabbed himself through his trousers and adjusted himself more comfortably, his cheeks and neck burning in horrified embarrassment. He licked his lips and tore his gaze away from smooth, pale flesh and stared out at the rolling waves, taking slow breaths to calm his raging body down.
That night, Sebastian lay in his bed, rigid and staring up at the ceiling as Ominis slept soundly beside him. Sebastian could not stop thinking about what had happened on the beach and did not understand why. Frightened at what his body had done, Sebastian turned over, putting his back to Ominis and closed his eyes, trying to push his thoughts away and sleep.
But, the soft, warm feel of Ominis' breath fanned across the back of his neck. Sebastian knew his lips would be parted, soft, plump, and pink. Sebastian gulped, his eyes flying open, but the images continued behind his eyes. The smooth, pale flesh of his friend's torso, the line of hair disappearing below his waistband, and the soft tickle of his breath at his neck all collided together to make Sebastian's heart pound in his ears. His cock began to swell in his pyjamas and he winced at the tight, desperate feeling it brought to his loins. Shame made his face colour. Ominis was his friend. Surely, this was wrong.
Breathless and thoroughly confused, Sebastian climbed from his bed and padded softly across the cottage, grabbing a robe from the hook and disappearing outside. The night air was cool against his flushed face as he walked quickly towards the shed, unlocking the door and disappearing inside. He locked the door behind him, not bothering to light the candles placed on the bench before throwing himself down onto the bundle of blankets and pillows scattered on the floor. This was his safe place, a hideaway from Solomon's fists, and the weight of trying to grow up.
Sebastian panted, his cheeks hot and his cock still rigid and throbbing in his pyjamas. Hand shaking, he slipped it down under his waistband, grasping hold of himself and groaning as his palm slid over the hot flesh. It felt delicious and scandalous as he began to stroke up and down, his eyes closing as he pressed his face into the musty pillow.
He moaned and flexed his hips, trying to block out images of Ominis with no shirt, trying to picture some of the girls from school with the pretty smiles. He liked girls. He had grown hard in class before, just when a girl had smiled at him once, but this felt different. This was an ache that stole the breath from his lungs, and he pumped his hand even harder, moaning and clenching his teeth at the piercing heat that shot through him.
A pressure began to build in his lower stomach and he gasped, hips bucking to thrust his cock harder into his fisted hand. He shuddered, his cock throbbing almost painfully and a low groan escaped through his clenched teeth as hot, white release shot from the tip and coated his hand, splatting across his hip and the cold floor beneath him.
Sebastian lay there in his own mess for a measure of time, waiting for his breaths to return to normal, as his brain tried to process the confusing and conflicting emotions that raged through his adolescent body. Did he love Ominis? Did he have a crush on him like his sister did? He didn't know. All he did know was that the hot feel of that release had felt rather good, and he wouldn't be against doing it again.
He must have dozed off. He woke up stiff and cold, his pants sticky and uncomfortable as he stretched and sat up. He rubbed a hand over his sleep glazed face and frowned. He could hear commotion outside, and the faint smell of smoke reached his nose. Alarmed, he scrambled to his feet and went outside.
Little did he know what horror was waiting for him and the devastating effect it would have on his life forever.
For not only had his twin been hurt, she had suffered while he had been hiding away and indulging in his dirty, little secret. The heavy guilt at not being there to protect Anne would weigh heavy on him for the rest of his life.
I am obsessed with Sebinis at the moment, and I couldn't stop thinking about this. I am considering a part two 💚 Part Two
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gothic-lottie · 18 days
I made a sketch for chapter 1. I'm planning on going back to add to the old chapters more so that's fun. I'm definitely not procrastinating an issue that popped up in a chapter I'm currently writing.
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I call this one "Sebastian Pissbaby Sallow cries to his boyfriend about not being allowed to ruin his and all his friends' lives"
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ravenelyx · 9 months
More Than A Friend - Sebastian Sallow x Reader W.I.P
"Have a drink with me," she said quietly, so quietly it was a miracle he had heard her over the music. But maybe his body seeked her so much he'd hear her everywhere.
"All right," he whispered just as quietly; she didn't seem to hear.
And so, he guided her, and took a drink for himself. And then another, because she asked him again, and he could never deny her. And another still, because she got one for herself, and he couldn't let her drink alone.
"Thank you," she smiled, glowing in the bright light of the room. But was there really so much light in the room, or was it just her presence that seemed to smoulder and blaze his mind out of conscience, out of existence even? Sebastian didn't know.
"Come here," he dared, and she just laughed. And she was in his arms again, and he wondered — just wondered, not daring to hope yet — if she felt like he was glowing, too.
She was swaying again, and her body pressed on his, her perfume filling his nose like a drug. And perhaps he could let himself hope, just a little.
My Sallow Sunday contribution. This will be published in 8 short parts on AO3 (you can find part one here already) and as a one-shot on tumblr once it's finished <3
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