#screencapture of the week
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Screen-Capture(s) of the Week: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen #03. 「炭治郎全快‼ 柱稽古大参加」 (“Fully Recovered Tanjiro Joins the Hashira Training!!”)
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niuniente · 2 months
I have multiple favorite characters. They're all equally beloved. I don't get to choose which one of them is on the spotlight - they come and go on their own.
Because of this, I have assigned a personal meaning to each character: this character means have more fun; this character means that keep your eyes on the price; this character means a time of transition; this character asks to rest more. Always works!
A month ago, Dragunov from Tekken appeared on the spotlight (this didn't happen with Tekken 7 so we can't blame the new Tekken being out).
Now, the first time he was on a spotlight was 15 years ago. I was in a horrible place back then. There was a legal mess which, if the shit hit the fan, would ruin the rest of my life. Literally. I wouldn't be able to get a rental apartment, make any new contracts like electricity, phone, internet, buy anything with monthly payments, get subscription services, I would lose part of my income. I was THIS CLOSE to lose it all and the worst thing was that there was nothing I could. I hadn't caused the mess but I had no way out of it either. I even went to a lawyer to ask for a legal help but he couldn't help.
I feared for my life and future, hoping it would turn out OK. What kept me sane was playing Tekken 6. I played it hours every day and always as Dragunov. I even did my art school final thesis of fan culture and Dragunov (I had much fun with a Russian fan who drew really pretty pics of Dragunov and gave me an access to her screencapture collection of Tekken 6 for my thesis)
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Then, one day I figured what was Dragunov's assigned meaning; you will survive. No matter what the odds, even if it was the 3rd world war, you will survive and come out alive without any harm.
That's exactly what happened. Took 2 more years but I got out alive, unharmed. It was horrible time. I'm glad it's over.
So, when Dragunov NOW suddenly appeared on the spotlight after 15 years, my initial thought was "WHAT WHAT, WHAT'S THE BAD NEWS??? WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE ODDS ARE HORRIBLE BUT I'LL SURVIVE????! "
Two weeks later, in a span of a week, without any prior warnings:
I got laid off because the company bankruptcy and fell on a social welfare
this happened while the current right-wing government made big cuts to social welfare and housing benefits (so I don't know if I can keep my current home)
while at the same time prices keep getting higher due to inflation
The IUD for anemia treatment came out on its own
Because of that I'm without any help to my iron anemia and the only solution will be hysterectomy in my case; doctors aren't giving those easily (even when needed)
I lost my workplace healthcare which would have been the easiest and the best way to get to hysterectomy
the sudden removal of IUD is causing me horrible withdrawal symptoms
my Japanese friend told me that she's unable to come to Finland this year and has to postpone her trip till 2025 :(((
(which also means I won't get my favorite cigarettes I smoke for fancy treats a few times a year because I can only get it from Japan - ordering tobacco online is illegal here)
noticed that wasps had made a nest to my balcony (that's being taken care off)
couldn't attend a free(!) ice-cream tasting for a feedback and for a free 15€ gift card because of the IUD withdrawal symptoms
found out that trains aren't operating normally and my home station is under construction and causes some issues
So yeah. He wasn't lying. It's been so bad that the first thing this morning when waking up was to take stomach medicine and have a smoke. And I'm not a smoker.
Horrible times are up ahead but I trust that I'll survive out of this phase just like I did 15 year ago.
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goranvisnjicdaily · 3 months
Blu-rays and Fanfic to come
Good Sunday afternoon! I've just finally came across online for the "Timeless Season 1 & 2" on Blu-ray, really hard to find in Canada. I already have Timeless on DVD and on apple, but on DVD the screencaps quality is bad, and you can't screencapture on Apple.
I will also screencaps "The Santa Clarita Diet" This week, it's still available on Netflix, so I'm just going to do it before Netflix take it down, just like they did for "Timeless" :'( At least here In Canada, Timeless isn't available on Netflix anymore. I also found on Amazon, Season 3 of Crossing Lines, never seen it before and it's a Region 2 blu ray, I don't know if it will work on my External bluray player, we shall see ;) I'm taking the chance, because quite frankly, it's kinda hard to find all those Goran Movies and TV Shows on Blu ray ahha! I have most of them from Amazon prime, but some of them aren't on the streamings platforms.
I also got my hands on Elektra, The girl with the dragon tattoo and the Deep end, all in Blurays! So stay tuned for more HD Screencaps in the weeks to come :)
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I'm also having in mind to post soon a Nicholae Schiller fanfic ;) Stay tuned for more and enjoy the rest of your week end :)
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mangocheesecakes · 1 year
"Louthes" messaged me a few hours ago "asking for permission" to start posting again (and scamming people for money again, no doubt). The blog they were using has now been deleted (it was justmelou) but they still maintained that her "sister" Laura is dead, and that Laura's son is now living with her and that's why she wants to ask for help again, and for their house and bathroom that never seem to get fixed and keeps changing appearance in every photo. Here is the link to Laura Deramas' Tiktok page:
Anyone reading this can see for themselves that her latest video was posted a couple hours ago, that she has a post yesterday and a couple of days this week, as well as during the dates when she was supposed to be dead, in prison, or tending to her mother in the hospital. Just in case she deletes her Tiktok, here is a screencapture a friend made of some of the relevant dates:
Laura Deramas is lying about being dead and having gone to prison and most likely about her mother having surgery. She has stolen pics from Facebook users and presented them as proofs for her claims.
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grande-caps · 1 year
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Ted Lasso 3.04 - Big Week Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 1008 files Resolution : 1280x640px
- Please like/reblog if using!
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derekklenadaily · 2 years
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Here are the screencaptures of Derek's scenes in 'Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin'! Derek plays Wes, Tabby's boss at the town's local movie theater. A handsome film school graduate, the two form a bond over their mutual film admiration. Wes' intentions, however, are anything but pure.
Top One: Chapter One - Spirit Week
Middle: Chapter Two - Spirit Queen
Bottom: Chapter Three - Aftermath
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r-truth · 1 year
36 & 86 !!
36. favorite movie?
hard to choose between clueless and 10 things i hate about you. 90s romantic comedies my beloveds.
86. what is your phone background?
goku ultra instinct!! i change it at least once a week. yesterday it was a power ranger asjdkasjd i'd show a screencapture but my phone is charging!!!
thank you <3
ask me something i’m studying neurophysiology y quiero cabecear una bala
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saint-starflicker · 7 months
This is maybe less ideal timing what with NaNoWriMo having only just started last week so origfic writers are probably all busy but
✨ my first Dead Poets Society fanfiction reached 1000 hits today! ✨
I want to celebrate by making/joining a group for writers of original fiction who currently have a W.I.P. in the genres dark academia, light academia, chaotic/frenzied academia, contemporary gothic literature, noir, historical, fantasy, science fiction, and/or weird fiction.
Those are the genres I'm really into reading as well as writing at the moment, and I want a group that cheers each other on because we know we will want to read what the others are writing. I am seeking content-whacking stick tier enthusiasm.
So...who fits the description above and wants a BlueSky invitation? I have like 5 and I get 1 new one each month.
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(Screencapture of The Pepper Ghost Effect hosted at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43359250/chapters/108993442 )
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vertical-captures · 5 years
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cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Daigo [RGGO]
This might be the longest Character Story I’ve done and man do my fingers feel it, but here’s Daigo! Now with GIFs, because I finally figured out how to use screencapture on my phone and I want to show how extra Majima’s sprite is XD (Thank you @onadacora​ and @blurred-voices​ for the request!)
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Story: Kiryu leaves Daigo in charge of the Tojo Clan, but the people really don’t like nepotism, surprisingly. Majima returns to the clan but doesn’t listen to Daigo because he doesn’t have the required gym badge to tame him yet.
Bodhisattva Majima: “The Tojo Clan is pathetic! This is all Kiryu-chan’s fault for leaving!!”
Bonbon Boy Daigo: “Majima-san, I know you’re upset about your breakup, but please stop taking it out on our men D: ”
Note: “Bodhisattva” according to google means “a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings” (so yeah Majima’s definitely full of shit). “Bonbon” refers to whiskey bonbon. EDIT: Apparently it’s slang for “rich spoiled brat”. (Yay new Daigo nickname!)
|A few months after Kiryu Kazuma settled the score with Goda Ryuji and the Go-Ryu Clan, Dojima Daigo is recommended by Kiryu to be appointed as the Sixth Chairman of the Tojo Clan.|
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Kiryu: “Then, I trust you to handle the rest . . .  Daigo.”
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Daigo: “Yeah, please leave it to me.  . . . But . . . why me?”
Kiryu: “What do you mean?”
Daigo: “I think there are others more suitable than me. Such as Kashiwagi-san and Kiryu-san . . .”
Kiryu: “No, there’s no one else more suitable to be the Sixth Chairman than you. That’s what I think.”
Daigo: “More . . . than anyone?”
Kiryu: “Daigo, you are strong. You have the strength not to give in to violence or power. Now, with the Tojo Clan exhausted by the conflict against the Omi, we need a strong leader like you.”
Daigo: “A strong leader . . .”
Kiryu: “You will surely unite the Tojo Clan. I believe so.”
Daigo: “Kiryu-san . . .”
|After several months . . .|
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Kodama: “That bastard Sasaki, invading our territory, what is the meaning of this?! Sixth Chairman!!”
Daigo: “. . . I don’t mean to leave it alone. I have repeatedly advised Sasaki to be careful.”
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Kijima: “It’s not just Kodama, I’m affected too. Are you just going to let them do what they want?!”
Daigo: “. . . I’ll have a lot of words for Sasaki.”
Kodama: “Honestly, I don’t want to hear what you’re going to say. I’m sick of the Sixth Chairman.”
Daigo: “. . .”
Kijima: “You think this is all right? Sixth Chairman, do you even know what you’re saying? ‘The Sixth Chairman is a half-assed yakuza who lets the direct patriarchs do what they want’. That’s your reputation in the clan, right?”
Daigo: “What?”
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Kashiwagi: “Kijima, watch your mouth.”
Kodama: “Kashiwagi-san. These are just facts. Even if you look away, it won’t solve the problem. Moreover, Kanda, who recently became the head of the Nishikiyama Family, is rumored to be planning something big.”
Kijima: “Haa~. None of this would be happening if the Fourth Chairman was still holding the seat.”
Daigo: “. . .”
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Daigo: “Damn it! Nobody listens to what I have to say . . .”
Kashiwagi: “I’m here. The resistance is strong . . . even so, there is no courtesy to the Sixth Chairman.”
Daigo: “. . . but . . . what they are saying is also plausible.”
Kashiwagi: “Sixth Chairman, this isn’t solely your responsibility. There was also that incident with the Omi, and the clan is still in turmoil. The police are also keeping their distance from the Tojo, and the battle for territory is accelerating.”
Daigo: “Yeah. I can’t leave it as it is.”
Kashiwagi: “Jeez . . . that Kiryu left such a heavy role on you.”
Daigo: “Kashiwagi-san. For now, let’s talk to Sasaki again.”
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Sasaki: “Sixth Chairman, even if you say that. I’m not doing anything wrong, am I? You just pay the money properly, make a contract, and buy the land, right?”
Daigo: “However, the land is Kodama Family territory. It doesn’t make sense to buy territory from your own relatives.”
Sasaki: “What reason. I’m not doing anything illegal, right? I even consulted with a lawyer.”
Daigo: “Even if you didn’t violate the law, you violated the code. I can’t forgive you for that.”
Sasaki: “Good grief, the person who was just a mere gangster the other day is now acting like he knows anything about being a yakuza. Didn’t the deceased Patriarch Dojima . . . no, didn’t your daddy give you a special education?”
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Daigo: “What?”
Sasaki: “At this point in time, let me tell you . . . no one accepts you as the Sixth Chairman. Doesn’t have any experience or track record. Doesn’t have his own family. Aren’t you just recommended by the Fourth Chairman? On the contrary, until recently you were just a thug who drank a lot. Being fucked over by the Omi, getting captured, and after being released you play around with your parents’ money like a good-for-nothing boy?”
Daigo: “What was that?!”
Sasaki: “Is that who’s supposed to be the Sixth Chairman? How funny. You think anyone would agree to that? Hey, you . . . how much did you bribe the Fourth Chairman?”
Daigo: “Bastard!!”
Sasaki: “. . . That’s right. What are you going to do?!”
Daigo: “. . . if people don’t understand what you say, you need to change the way you say it.”
Sasaki: “Sixth Chairman. You think if you hit me in a fight, I’ll answer to you?!”
Daigo: “Yeah. If I can do it, then I’ll try it!”
{Daigo beats up Sasaki.}
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Daigo: “Who are you calling a boy? Huh?!”
Sasaki: “Gyaah!!”
{Sasaki collapses.}
Daigo: “Haa . . . haa . . . haa . . .”
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Kashiwagi: “Daigo! What happened?”
Daigo: “. . .”
Kashiwagi: “Is this . . . Sasaki? Daigo, you . . . no way . . .”
Daigo: “If people don’t understand what you say, you need to change the way you say it.  . . . Kashiwagi-san.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Sixth Chairman. Is this what Kiryu expected of you?”
Daigo: “Eh?”
Kashiwagi: “Anyone can rule by force if they’re strong enough. But is this what Kiryu wanted you to do?”
Daigo: “That is . . .”
Kashiwagi: “I know suddenly being thrust into this role is confusing. But still . . . don’t lose sight of what you have to do as chairman.”
Daigo: “. . . Yeah. I already know that.”
Daigo: “. . .”
|After a few weeks . . .|
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Kashiwagi: “. . . Sixth Chairman. There’s been talk.”
Daigo: “Talk? Of what?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah it’s . . . should I call it good news, or should I call it bad news. Actually . . .”
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Majima: “. . . I’m tired of waiting! How long I’ve waited!”
Daigo: “Ma-Majima-san?!”
Majima: “Daigo-chaa~n! Great to see ya!”
Daigo: “Kashiwagi-san, is this what you were saying earlier?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah. the Majima Family will return to the Tojo Clan. It seems that Kiryu persuaded him. He wants him to support you.”
Daigo: “Kiryu-san? For me?”
Majima: “So, I’ll be taking care of ya from now on.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Majima. I ask that you moderate your behavior.”
Majima: “Oh, leave it to me. With a bodhisattva-like heart, I support Daigo-chan.”
Daigo: Yes! If Majima-san returns, that would be reassuring! With this, the Tojo Clan . . . I think it will finally come together.”
Majima: “. . .”
Daigo: (Alright. From now on, let’s brace ourselves!)
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Yakuza: “B-Bastard . . . What’re you doing?”
Majima: “You . . . I heard it. You’re dissatisfied with Daigo-chan’s manner of doing things. It sounds like something is being planned behind the scenes. Are you staging a coup d’état?”
Yakuza: “Wh-What the hell are you talking about?! Guh!!”
Majima: “Get up. I’m not through with ya yet.”
Yakuza: Hiii! No more!!”
Majima: “The Tojo Clan has become weak. If Kiryu-chan was still here . . . It wouldn’t be such a mess!!”
Yakuza: “Gyaaa!!”
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Daigo: “What was that?! Majima-san again?!”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah. This is the 19th incident this month.”
Daigo: “Damn it. Why is he doing this?”
Kashiwagi: “It seems he is rampaging as much as he likes against those under suspicion of rebellion against you. With or without evidence, if he has judged you to have the will of rebellion against the Sixth Chairman, he will give you no mercy . . . Thanks to that, the number of voices dissatisfied with the Sixth Chairman is only increasing.”
Daigo: “. . . Majima-san, this is counterproductive . . .”
Kashiwagi: "That man is the kind of guy whose leash you couldn’t even hold in the first place. That Kiryu, bringing back such an outrageous problem child . . .”
Daigo: “It can’t be helped. I’ll have a word with him . . .”
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Majima: “Daigo-chan, what’re ya talking about?”
Daigo: “Majima-san, I heard you’ve been rampaging around Kamurocho.”
Majima: “Kiryu-chan told me to. Hit the guy who opposes Daigo-chan from one end. That was what Kiryu-chan endorsed.”
Daigo: “Kiryu-san said that?”
Majima: “That’s the truth. I don’t know what to tell ya: if an idiot strikes, the owner will bite back to discipline him. With a dog.”
Daigo: “Th-that may be so . . . but what you’re doing is overkill.”
Majima: “. . . Haa. Daigo-chan, you’re an amateur.”
Daigo: “. . . Majima-san. Thank you for doing this for me and the clan. However, because of your rampaging, the Tojo Clan is plunged into more and more chaos. That is . . .”
Majima: “Daigo-chan! There seems to be a misunderstanding, so let me clear it up.”
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Majima: “I don’t want to do this for the Tojo Clan and Daigo-chan.”
Daigo: “Then . . . are you doing this because of Kiryu-san?”
Majima: That ain’t it.  . . . It’s because . . . I want to rampage.”
Daigo: “Eh?”
Majima: “Kiryu-chan asked me to do it for Daigo-chan, it’s just for the cause!”
Daigo: “Wha-”
Majima: “Besides, the only one who can order me around is someone who is stronger than me! But Daigo-chan . . . you’re weak. I met ya the other day and it was easy to see at first glance.”
Daigo: “W-Weak?”
Majima: “Hopeless. I won’t listen to someone that weak. Y’know, that kind of thing!”
Daigo: (What . . . such an absurd person . . .)
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Kashiwagi: “Really. Majima did that . . .”
Daigo: “Yeah. I’m in trouble.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . But, Sixth Chairman. Are you in a position to criticize Majima?”
Daigo: “Eh?”
Kashiwagi: “The other day, you too tried to make Sasaki obey with violence.”
Daigo: “!”
Kashiwagi: “What Majima is doing and what you did are essentially the same. The result is the current turmoil.”
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Daigo: “. . .”
Daigo: “. . . Kashiwagi-san. How would Kiryu-san deal with this?”
Kashiwagi: “If it was Kiryu? No . . . I think the problem here is, ‘What would you do?’”
Daigo: “Me?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah. There must be a reason why Kiryu is willing to entrust the Tojo Clan to you. In that case, it shouldn’t be about what Majima or Kiryu will do . . . but rather what will you do?”
Daigo: “. . . so it should be by my method?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah. Just think it over.”
Daigo: “Okay . . .”
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Daigo: (My method . . . In terms of achievements and popularity in the Tojo Clan, I can’t hope to match Kiryu-san. Majima-san’s way of domination through violence, that’s not my way . . . Then Kiryu-san, what were you expecting from me?)
Driver: “Uooooo!”
{The driver swerves wildly.}
Daigo: “Oi! What?!”
{A hail of bullets rings out.}
Daigo: “What?! A shootout?!”
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Thug: “Dojima Daigo!! Come out!”
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Daigo’s Bodyguard: “What the hell are you doing?!”
Thug: “You guys, do it!!”
Daigo’s Bodyguard: “Kuh . . . this many people . . .”
Thug: “You’re annoying!! Now die!!”
{the thugs beat up the bodyguard.}
Daigo’s Bodyguard: “Damn. . .”
Thug: “Hahahahahahaha!! Die!!”
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Daigo: “Oi!! Stop it!! Aren’t I the one you want?!”
Daigo’s Bodyguard: “Sixth Chairman . . . please run away . . .”
Daigo: “No. I can’t. If I run away, you guys . . .”
Daigo’s Bodyguard: “B-But . . .”
Thug: “Hehehe. Don’t count on it. There are 30 people here. The load is too heavy for the Bonbon Boy!!”
{Daigo defeats all 30 men.}
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Thug: “S-So strong . . .they didn’t say . . .”
Daigo: “You thought a chairman who sits at his desk all day and only does clerical work couldn’t fight? You guys . . . who hired you?”
Thug: “Damn . . .”
Daigo: “Answer me!!”
Thug: “. . . To-Tojo Clan.”
Daigo: “What? Oi!! Which family was it?”
Thug: “Come on! I don’t know! He seemed to be from a family at the lower end, but he didn’t give a name!! We were just given money by him and were told to kill you!!”
Daigo: (Shit. Who the hell could it be?)
|A few days later . . .|
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Daigo: (The other day’s attack. The assailants didn’t seem to know anything . . . The person who hired them. If I think about it . . . it must be someone who has a deep grudge against me. Sasaki . . . he was still complaining about me after that, but could it really be him?)
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Kashiwagi: “Daigo! It’s terrible! There’s an attack! Sasaki’s office is being attacked!”
Daigo: “Attacked?! By who?”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Majima. It seems he called up his family and headed to Sasaki’s office.”
Daigo: “What was that?!”
Kashiwagi: “Majima thinks Sasaki is the culprit who had you ambushed, said he was going to execute him.”
Daigo: “E-Execute?”
Kashiwagi: “Sixth Chairman. We can’t forgive Majima’s violence anymore. Isn’t that right?”
Daigo: “Y-Yes!! Let’s head to Majima-san right away!”
Kashiwagi: “. . .Yeah!”
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Daigo: “Majima-san!!”
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Sasaki: “U-Ugh . . .”
Majima: “Oh, Daigo-chan. Yeah, I came here too. This guy spilled everything. He said he had Daigo-chan attacked.”
Daigo: “You?”
Majima: “Rebellion against the chairman won’t be forgiven. You’ll be executed.”
Daigo: “Majima-san, stop it!!”
Majima: “Stop? Why? Didn’t this guy try to kill Daigo-chan?”
Sasaki: “D-Don’t kill me . . .”
Daigo: (Th-This method . . .)
Daigo: “. . . Majima-san! This method of making a mark is wrong!”
Majima: “. . . Haa. Don’t say something so boring. Besides, didn’t I say so the other day? The only ones who can order me around are those stronger than me. Is Daigo-chan stronger than me?”
Daigo: “. . . Th-that is . . .”
Majima: “Or . . . can ya prove it? That Daigo-chan is stronger than me.”
Daigo: “Eh?”
Majima: “Since you’re silent, I guess that means I don’t have to do what you say . . .”
Daigo: “Prove . . .”
Majima: “If ya can’t do it, then don’t do it. Let me do things my own way!!”
Daigo: “W-Wait!!”
Kashiwagi: “Daigo. Majima is provoking you. If you hop on . . .”
Daigo: “I know that. But . . . if I pull back now . . .”
Majima: “What are you going to do? To stop this guy from getting killed, are ya gonna prove you’re stronger than me?”
Daigo: “. . . . . . . . . Understood. Let’s fight, to bargain for his life.”
Majima: “Oh! So you’ll do it?!”
Daigo: “Yeah. And . . . if I beat you, please swear your loyalty to me.”
Majima: “What? That’s a hefty condition. Well, in that case . . . If I win, I get the Tojo Clan. I’ll be the next chairman.”
Daigo: “What!”
Kashiwagi: “O-Oi! That’s . . .”
Majima: “If ya can’t meet those conditions, then this discussion is over. Let Sasaki die.”
Sasaki: “H-Hiii~~!!”
Daigo: “. . . Alright. Let’s drink to your conditions.”
Majima: “Kukuku. Yeah. We’ll have to do that, Daigo-chan.”
Kashiwagi: “Daigo . . . ! This method . . .”
Daigo: “Pardon me, Kashiwagi-san. But this is the only way . . .”
Majima: “. . . Really. I should change the location. The best stage for the best event is . . . I’ll contact ya in a moment, so please wait. The pickup will come soon.”
Daigo: “. . .”
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Daigo: “Here?”
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Audience: “Wow!!”
Ring Announcer: “L a d i e s   a n d   G e n t l e m e n ! ! We suddenly have a special match tonight! Tojo Clan’s Sixth Chairman, Dojima Daigo VS  the patriarch of the Majima Family directly under the Tojo Clan and the Mad Dog of Shimano, Majima Goro! The battle for the chairmanship is about to begin!!”
Audience: “Oh~~~~~~!”
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Daigo: “Wh-What is this . . .?”
Majima: “A special match. Isn’t it more exciting to do it this way?”
Daigo: “Heh. How like you . . .”
Majima: “Time to say goodbye, Daigo-chan!!”
{Daigo and Majima fight in the ring, presumably shirts off. Daigo . . . very much does not win.}
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Daigo: (Damn . . . of course . . . he’s incredibly . . . strong . . .)
Majima: “After all that, Daigo-chan, it wasn’t enough. this is how it turns out.”
Daigo: “No, not yet!”
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Majima: “Hmph. Let go.”
{Majima kicks Daigo.}
Daigo: “Guh!! Damn it!”
Majima: “Can’t be. I shouldn’t hit ya that way. It’s too full of holes!!”
{Majima kicks Daigo again.}
Daigo: “Gah! Guwaaaaaa!!”
Ring Announcer: “Oops, Dojima Daigo is  d o w n !”
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Majima: “This is the end!! Uoryaaaaaaaaa!!”
{Majima kneedrops Daigo in the head.}
Daigo: “~~Gah!!!!”
Ring Announcer: “The Mad Dog of Shimano’s ruthless kneedrop downed Dojima Daigo with a direct hit to the skull!!”
Daigo: (No . . . I can’t beat . . . this person . . .)
Majima: “It’s over, Daigo-chan. The Tojo Clan is mine.”
Daigo: “. . .”
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Kiryu: “Daigo, you are strong. You have the strength not to give in to violence or power. Now, with the Tojo Clan exhausted by the conflict against the Omi, we need a strong leader like you.”
Daigo: “A strong leader . . .”
Kiryu: “You will surely unite the Tojo Clan. I believe so.”
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 Daigo: (. . . I see. So that’s what you meant, Kiryu-san.  . . . Strength is not just about power. The strength of Kiryu-san that I admired . . . is so much more than that!!)
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Majima: “Wh-What?!”
Daigo: “. . . Haa . . . Haa . . . Majima-san, it’s still . . . it’s still not over yet!!”
Majima: “Hn. Ya talk big. Uooryaaaaaaaaa!!”
Daigo: “Guh!!”
Majima: “Good . . . now stay down, Daigo-chan!!”
Daigo: “No, I can’t lose. I can’t afford to lose!”
Majima: “Wh-What are you doing? Are you really going this far for the Tojo Clan and Sasaki?!”
Daigo: “. . . Majima-san, I finally understand now. What Kiryu-san expected from me and entrusted to me.”
Majima: “Wh-What?”
Daigo: “I will not give in to violence, because there is something to protect. But. If I succumb to you here, I would be recognizing that violence rules. I can’t admit that . . . so I can’t back down!!”
Majima: “!! . . . Hopeless. Daigo-chan, you . . . Being great . . . it’s hard. Meeting Kiryu-chan’s expectations.”
Daigo: “?”
{Majima falls to the ground.}
Ring Announcer: “Wh-What the hell is this?! Majima has fallen?!”
Daigo: “!”
Majima: “I lost. I’ve been completely defeated. Daigo-chan has crushed me.”
Ring Announcer: “Th-This is . . . the Mad Dog of Shimano has been torn downnnnn!! A miraculous reversal by Dojima Daigoooo!!”
{The crowd cheers.}
Daigo: “Majima-san, you promised. From now on, follow me. Okay?”
Majima: “. . . Yeah. Do whatever ya want with me. I entrust my life to Daigo-chan. Really, you’re a great man, Daigo-chan. It’s your win.”
{The crowd goes wild.}
|A few weeks later. . .|
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Tojo Clan Member A: “Hey, have you heard the rumor? It’s said that the chairman disciplined a rampaging Majima with an iron fist.”
Tojo Clan Member B: “Ah, really? I can’t believe it.”
Tojo Clan Member A: “But lately, the Majima Family patriarch has been listening to the Sixth Chairman, and quietly does as he is told.”
Tojo Clan Member B: “No way, the Mad Dog of Shimano deferring to that boy?”
Majima’s voice: “Who is this ‘boy’?”
Tojo Clan Member B: “P-Patriarch Majima . . .”
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Majima: “As long as my eyes are black, rebellion against the Sixth Chairman won’t be forgiven!!”
Tojo Clan Member B: “Hiii. I’ll be careful!”
Majima: “Hmph. Just rumors, at most.”
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Sasaki: “I’m really sorry!! For me . . . to do such a thing . . .”
Daigo: “It wasn’t for you. I did what I should as the chairman.”
Sasaki: “But my betrayal this time can’t be forgiven! I will atone here as a yakuza!!”
Daigo: “Can you even use your fingers? I don’t need you to do such a thing.”
Sasaki: “But . . . !!”
Daigo: “With the Tojo Clan exhausted after the conflict with the Omi, we need as many people as possible. We do not allow acts that will impair it. Work frantically if you want the chance to remove your finger.”
Sasaki: “S-Sixth Chairman . . .”
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Kashiwagi: “Everything worked out as you expected.  . . . Majima.”
Majima: “Whatcha mean?”
Kashiwagi: “The Mad Dog of Shimano that rampages as he likes, obeys when the Sixth Chairman punishes him . . . For the newly appointed Daigo who has no backing yet, that legend will become his strongest backing in leading the Tojo Clan. In preparation of that, didn’t you rampage around just so you can challenge Daigo to a one-on-one battle?”
Majima: “. . . You’re overthinking it. I just do what I want to do and I did it.”
Kashiwagi: “Hmph. So you did.”
Majima: “I was convinced and have accepted him as the Sixth Chairman. That guy is worthy to lead the Tojo Clan.  . . . Daigo-chan is real. More of a worthy man than I thought.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Yeah. Maybe Kiryu had seen Daigo’s worth . . .”
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Daigo: (The rebuilding of the Tojo Clan is just getting started.  . . . Kiryu-san, please watch. The future of the Tojo Clan that you protected, I will take over and show you.)
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Screen-Capture(s) of the Week: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen #01. 「鬼舞辻󠄀無惨を倒すために」 (“To Defeat Muzan Kibutsuji”)
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2x06 A Private Person Screencaps
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Gallery: "WandaVision" Episodes 1.01-1.02 Screencaps and Magazine Scans
Enjoy these UHD screencaps from the first two episodes. I love this show!
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MAGAZINE SCANS > 2021 > Total Film (January)
MAGAZINE SCANS > 2021 > TV and Satellite week (January 9)
MAGAZINE SCANS > 2021 > Veronica (January)
  Gallery: “WandaVision” Episodes 1.01-1.02 Screencaps and Magazine Scans was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
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fyjjong · 4 years
given that your friendly neighborhood admin is about to go on state ~sheltering in place~ for two weeks (and likely doesn't have a job again until may), i'm finally going to start uploading content from the folder that i have for jjong on my desktop. this is something that i haven't really done since mid-2018 and i have a LOT to work with so i'd like to get your opinions on what you'd like to see, especially with his birthday coming up very soon.
i’m going to list off everything that i have in slight, but not everything in general (given that i have 3,000+ folders in total). if you see anything that you want to see uploaded you can either respond with general requests (ex: photoshoots, replay era events, etc.) or get more specific (ex: she is scans, star golden bell screencaptures, etc.). with fantaken photos, just specify on the era that you want to see pictures from (ex: replay, sherlock, etc.).
album scans: the shinee world, amigo, romeo, shinee world (concert album), sherlock, dazzling girl, 1000 years, misconceptions of us, lucky star, i'm your boy, base, she is, story op. 2, poet | artist.
concert related: shinee world 2012 merchandise scans, shinee world v merchandise scans, smtown live world tour iii merchandise scans, the letter merchandise scans, x-inspiration merchandise scans (+ official photos).
endorsements: clride.n, etude, maypole, mexicana chicken, nana b's, reebok, s.mart, the saem.
photoshoots: replay / the shinee world / amigo era, juliette era, ring ding dong era, lucifer / hello era, japanese debut era, dazzling girl / 1000 years era, sherlock era, misconceptions era, everybody era, base era, story op. 1 era, she is era, 1of1 / 1and1 era, story op. 2 era.
photobooks / special magazines: day & night scans, one fine day photobook scans, seek scans (i'll sacrifice myself to upload these if i have to).
screencaptures: 1000 years bts, dream girl bts, replay (japanese ver.) bts, sherlock bts / star golden bell (2009), weekly idol (2013) / various fancams (2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017).
variety: hello baby (official photos), kbs world date (official photos), yunhanam (official photos).
other: blue night radio (official photos), inkigayo (official photos - from 2008 / 2009), official board photos (from 2008), predebut photos, season's greetings scans (2012 and 2018), selfies (me2day and ufo, older official selfies, twitter selfies from 2012 - 2013).
videos: replay / the shinee world / amigo bts and press juliette era bts and press, ring ding dong era bts and press / 2008 cfs / photoshoot bts (2008, 2011, 2012, 2013) / starcall messages / yunhanam bts / various fancams.
fantaken pictures (aka date related. i have each year sorted into a folder with subfolders for events, and then subfolders within those events for fansites that attended and shared pictures. it’d take too long to list everything off so i’m going to go by era.)
replay era (may 2008 - august 2008) shinee world / amigo era (august 2008 - may 2009) romeo era (may 2008 - october 2009) ring ding dong era (october 2009 - july 2010) lucifer / hello era (july 2010 - june 2011) japanese debut era (june 2011 - march 2012) sherlock era (march 2012 - october 2012) dazzling girl / 1000 years era (october 2012 - february 2013) misconceptions era (february 2013 - june 2013) boys meet u era (june 2013 - october 2013) everybody era (october 2013 - december 2013) 321 / lucky star era (december 2013 - september 2014) i'm your boy era (september 2014 - december 2014) base era (january 2015 - march 2015) your number era (march 2015 - may 2015) odd era / married to the music era (may 2015 - september 2015) story op. 1 era (september 2015 - october 2015) sing your song / d×d×d / knsd era (october 2015 - may 2016) she is era (may 2016 - october 2016) 1of1 / 1and1 era (october 2016 - december 2016) winter wonderland / five era (december 2016 - april 2017) story op. 2 era (may 2017 - )
go wild and stay safe and healthy!
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I don’t think this amazing action shot of Perdita Weeks as Juliet Higgins from the Season 2 opening credits of the new Magnum PI gets enough appreciation. Although the show isn’t making any Top 10 lists, it’s a lot of fun and the partnership between Juliet and Thomas Magnum is very much in the same vein as Laura Holt and Remington Steele or Maddie Hayes and David Addison in Moonlighting. 
And there’s no need to debate over the whole “is there a ship” thing, either - the show is definitely playing the “everyone sees it but them” card this season. I’m not too keen on the ship name, though: Miggy (Magnum + Higgy, which is Juliet’s nickname) I’m not married to yet.
All this comes from the great on-screen chemistry between Perdita (who gets bonus points for being one of Jenna Coleman’s best friends) and Jay Hernandez.
Related to this, another fandom I belong to is for Peter O’Donnell’s 1960s superspy Modesty Blaise - a character well overdue for a proper film treatment after an awful 1960s spoof, a dull Americanized 1980s TV pilot and an obscure prequel made about 15 years ago. I think Perdita would be letter-perfect as Modesty (with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau of Game of Thrones as Modesty’s platonic soulmate, Willie Garvin). (screencapture by me)
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grande-caps · 1 year
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Young Sheldon 6.11 -  Ruthless Toothless and a Week of Bed Rest Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 595 files Resolution : 1280x720px
- Please like/reblog if using!
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