#scrap car company near me
If you have an old or unwanted car on your property, selling it to a scrap car removal company is the best solution. By getting in touch with them, you will be surprised to know that your damaged car still has some value. Also, it is the easiest and most affordable option when you are comparing it to selling your car to a potential buyer.
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thejunkboys1 · 5 months
Junk Boys extends its garbage removal services beyond Toronto and GTA. Trust us as your cleanup partner, offering reliable and efficient waste disposal solutions for homes and businesses alike.
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seat-safety-switch · 11 months
Me and boats don’t get along. Because of my unique upbringing, I never learned how to swim. This hasn’t been too much of a problem, except when one of my beleaguered cars decides that it’s tired of having more than one ball joint and augurs directly for the nearest drainage pond. You don’t need to know how to swim to drive a boat, I hear you say, and you’re correct. This is really just an elaborate excuse for being poor.
Even though your average boat costs the approximate GDP of Guatemala to own and operate, this is nothing in comparison to speedboats, the drag racers of the seasickness world. They have big engines (and a lot of them,) drink fuel like crazy and need a lot of space in order to operate. They also attract the most expensive members of the opposite (or same) sex. If that form of imminent death isn’t enough for you, they also make cigarette boats, which abandon all pretence of comfort and practicality in favour of pure speed. They’re so fast that the coast guard needs special helicopters to catch up to ‘em, which means that every minute you’ve got that throttle pinned wide open is another good citizen’s entire lifetime of 1040s being chewed up in the military-industrial machine.
Of course, as we’ve already established, I can’t enjoy any of these mysterious sea-going vehicles. Sure, sometimes I can get a ticket on the local slow ferry, and enjoy the company of Birding Mable (she likes birds, but be very, very careful which ones you talk to her about) and her husband, Trashbag Stan, the origin of whose nickname is unknown to everyone in town, including Mable. As long as nothing goes wrong. If something does go wrong, due to the aforementioned not-swimming, I’ll probably drown in the middle of the bay, which makes it about as dangerous as taking a city bus downtown.
Because of my addiction to buying scrap and near-scrap land-going automobiles, it seems unlikely that I’ll ever make cigarette boat money. There is one thing that I can do, though, and that’s buy a little wind-up toy boat, and play with it in the tub. That’s the life. There’s still something missing, though, and that’s why I’ve got this old Mercury outboard from some dude that ran into a bridge while the coast guard was chasing him.
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partyanimal167 · 6 months
Paying Back Goodness- Vampire!Miguel x F!Reader
Was this supposed to be just another vampire!Miguel fic during October? Yes.
Is it definitely almost December instead? Also yes.
I need practice writing smut with this man for my other fic, so I'm definitely going to pretend that this came out before that other story lol
cw: modern au, black fem reader, smut, mdni, praise kink, biting (duh), pet names, pussy-drunk Miguel (our favorite munch)
For the life of you, all you wanted to do was rest. Literally. Life was wearing you out, but when a hot stranger needs your help, things somehow get more interesting.
You wanted to get home as soon as possible. You spent the entire day running around for your boss to make sure he didn't miss meetings or forget to send important documents. You didn't see yourself being a secretary, but you took a break from your main career, and this job found you with good benefits and some relief. However, being the workaholic you are, you were just as committed and driven in this job that was only supposed to be a year. Now, it had been two and a half.
It was fine at first. Your first boss was a gentle, sweet old man, but he was replaced a cocky asshole once he retired. You knew that the company was wealthy which meant things needed to be in order, but your boss could totally be tyrant.
You groaned as you turned on your car which beamed with a light stating you needed to get gas. You rested your head on the steering wheel and cursed past-you for being lazy that morning. It didn't matter though. It was Friday, and you actually had the weekend off to disassociate from the grind.
You drove to your favorite gas station nearby and decided to go inside for a snack. It was the normal night commuter crowd who quickly came and went like you planned on. You stood near the register thinking about which candy bar to buy when you heard someone clear their throat in your direction. You turned disinterested but ended up surprised by what you saw.
The man towered over you but looked down softly. He had handsome features: board shoulders, strong-looking arms, high cheek bones. His eyes were gentle as well as his hair that waved at certain points. You gulped quietly.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but I think I left my wallet. Could I trouble you in getting this drink for me?" he scratched his head awkwardly, but the emotion looked cute on him.
You blinked twice then nodded. "Oh yeah sure, no problem." you placed your items on the counter and were in your thoughts. The man was dressed casually, but you were sure it was nice quality stuff. You mean, the situation happens to the best of people, so there was no reason to judge.
"Thank you so much, hermosa. I hope I can pay you back one day." the man smiled. You told him not to worry about it and went your separate ways. He was parked near your car, and you peeked to see how nice of a vehicle it was. You nearly choked. It looked like something that would be driven by your boss' boss. You turned away quickly as you filled your tank. You could hear the sound of an engine starting before a curse and then a door slamming.
You peered up and met the very shy gaze of the man from earlier. "This is really embarrassing, but I seem to be out of gas too..." he trailed off and barely met your eyes.
You just finished filling up, and you smiled to yourself. "Okay then." you walked over to the man's car and inserted your card.
"I'm so sorry. I was in such a rush to leave, and now I'm here bothering a beautiful lady." the man went on.
You coughed at the compliment but tried to play it off. "I get it, but let's just get you home. No point in being stranded. That would suck." you giggled.
The man nodded before searching for a scrap of paper while the tank filled. He fished for a pen before scribbling quickly. "I owe you one. If you ever need anything, anything, don't be afraid to call me please." You looked at the paper and read the name: Miguel O'Hara. Why was that familiar to you? You pocketed the slip and nodded. After insisted that you would call, you two went you separate ways.
You threw on your pajamas and flopped on your bed ready to rest the night away--promptly forgetting about your small act of kindness.
You were beat.
In the normal chaos of things, you totally forgot about the upcoming fall masquerade that your company was hosting. Thankfully, the event was handled by the marketing department, but you spent hours searching for a dress and mask to wear. You needed to look presentable. Your boss lectured you on who he needed to impress and how you need to find any and all hot gossip about the important business people. It seemed there were some ambitions he wanted to act on.
You didn't really care.
You stared at the garment bag hanging on the back of your bedroom door. You had a couple of hours before you needed to start getting ready, so you pulled out one of your work binders and flipped through the VIP list. You looked lazily at stuffy professional photos, facts on various business adventures, and quirks in people's personal lives. A couple red tabs highlighted your boss' targets, and you tugged on one randomly.
The page showed the strong intimidating face of one Miguel O'Hara. You nearly chocked on nothing. You knew his name was familiar! You were a bit startled by the photo. He looked so serious and commanding--very much the opposite of when you met him randomly at the gas station. The car made a lot more sense now. The man's pockets were deep. You glossed over to the personal facts. Your eyebrow quirked.
There were several bullet points noting how the man was a bit of a recluse, didn't like meetings before 4pm, preferred working at night, etc. He had been a highly sought after businessman for partnerships and investments, but was notorious for wanting all the details and spotting a swindler miles away.
You snorted to yourself. Your boss was going to have to be on top of his shit if he wanted to get away with anything, and you highly doubted that he was.
You hummed to yourself, looking at all the information. It was interesting to see how one's professional life contradicted with the personal. The gas station incident made a little more sense to you now. You wondered what made the man leave his house in the first place. Must have needed something and his staff was away.
You figured it would be easy to spot him later that night. Your boss would be ready to kiss ass and shake hands, so you didn't think you'd have much interaction to mentally prepare for.
Hopefully it would be an easy night.
"What did you just say?" Despite the mask covering half of your face, you knew that your disbelief was shining through. You were so tempted to kick your shoes off and high-tail out of the gala hall. Be fucking for real.
Your boss scoffed before pinching the bridge of his nose--as if his request was as simple as bringing him another drink. "Please don't be difficult tonight. I hear that O'Hara has been having a bit of a dry spell. If he seems even a little interested in you, pounce on him. Get into his bed if you need to. I'm sure he's got some important information in his home office."
You stared dumbfounded. "I am not fucking him for you! What the hell!"
An eye roll. "Oh please, I'm sure it'd do you some good. You don't have a boyfriend. Plus, I'll give you a raise. You can-," Thankfully, another VIP target appeared to speak with your boss which gave you an opportunity to slip away.
You didn't necessarily hate parties, but this grand showings of your company's wealth was a bit annoying when you felt you could be better compensated for your performance. You grabbed a glass of champagne and walked around a bit--chatting with some co-workers and seeing what little habits the rich and wealthy had. You weren't above knowing a little chisme, just not going to fuck someone for work.
"These things are always a little stuffy." a friendly voice said in your direction.
You didn't turn to see who it was but chuckled a little. "Yeah, but you gotta let the rich people have their fun. Otherwise, they're gonna start torturing poor people again." you kept your eyes on the crowd. Most people you recognized from their files, but despite your boss' wants, you hadn't seen Miguel O'Hara so far. The party had been going around for awhile. You weren't sure if he was going to show up, but that wasn't too much of your concern.
"Mm, that's quite an interesting thought." there was a brief pause, "Well I don't quite find amusement in people's suffering. But sometimes discipline is required--especially when you keep someone waiting." there was some teasing under there, and your brief tipsiness faded when that voice went a little deeper. You turned to face the stranger and softly gasped. "I thought you would have called me by now, Miss y/n."
Somehow seeing him this time, Miguel's presence felt entirely too large as you faced him. He looked down at you confidently, and there was some of that strong demeanor in his eyes. It reminded you of reading his file from earlier. He was definitely in his element here even if he preferred to be at home. You, on the other hand, were not used to high-end parties and social mingling. That's why you were off to the side watching.
Miguel indulged in seeing you decked out in a gown and a lacy mask. Your face was lightly beat, and lips shone in the light. You weren't going overboard like some of the other women there, but it didn't matter. He planned to seek you out after seeing your name as a point of contact for one of rich bastards here.
You took a moment to get your words together. "Ah well, I've been a bit busy...plus I didn't want to bother you."
Miguel grunted. "Wouldn't have been a bother at all. I'm the one who troubled you."
You waved your hand. "Ah well, it's fine really. A simple act of kindness. It's all good." you mumbled a little. There was an amusement in the man's eyes, and they seemed to glow with how his own masked framed his face. "I'm surprised you recognized me..."
A chuckle. "Of course hermosa, how could I forget such a beautiful face? I-,"
And just your luck for your boss to appear. "Ah there you are! Mr. O'Hara, I see you've met my lovely secretary. I hope she's giving you some good company. I'm-," he went on some rant, and you saw this as a chance to try and dip. You did not want your boss getting the wrong idea that you were going along with his shitty plan to seduce Miguel and search his house for whatever blackmail he assumed existed. It did look as though he was paying attention to your boss, so you quietly took a step away.
Immediately, you felt an arm around your waist-- pulling you closer to Miguel. Your faced warmed up. How did he even notice you move?
"Ah yes, I think we have a meeting coming up together soon. I'm interested in the project you proposed." Miguel interrupted the boring ramble. He leaned by your ear for a moment. "Find me on the third balcony in fifteen minutes." he whispered in your ear before letting you go.
You glanced at him then your boss before nodding. Your boss sent an unsubtle glare your way as you walked off.
It took an hour before you found yourself alone on the balcony. You took a seat on the sole bench and glanced up at the night sky. You had watched as crowds of people went out of their way to talk to Miguel. From afar, it seemed as though he had such a charismatic control over people. He leaned into it with powerful handshakes and cocky grins.
You were tempted to go home, but then your eyes met his and he winked. You decided to wait a little longer since the man wanted to talk to you.
You sighed after taking off your mask. You fidgeted with the shawl around your shoulders.
"Your boss is pretty shameless." you turned and watched Miguel approached you.
You chuckled before looking back at the sky. "Oh trust me I know. You wouldn't believe what he's asked me to do."
You felt the man stand close behind you. "Oh probably sending out his secretary to tease me." you quickly turned up at him. Miguel had a knowing grin. He licked his lips. "He's going to have to get more creative than that, but," he paused and took in the curious look in your eyes, "I would be tempted since it's you."
Things felt like they were warming up despite the autumn chill. "Excuse me?"
Miguel took a seat right by you, and the closeness wasn't in your favor. "I was hoping to take you out once you called, but that didn't happen." he huffed. "I had to wait to see you at work event. Not so charming."
You scratched your cheek and messed with the shawl again. "Ah well, you don't have to worry about charming me--people!" you corrected quickly. "People are drawn to you."
"Yeah for my money, but I wouldn't mind getting the attention I want for once." he gently reached out and turned your chin so you could properly look at him. "Gosh you look delicious." he groaned. You gasped as a thumb ran over your bottom lip. "Excuse my forwardness, but your sweetness drew me. I just want a little taste." he leaned in, "may I kiss you?"
"Yes." you quietly let out.
There was a shock that ran through you body feeling his lips against yours. You wanted to melt immediately. Yes, the man was attractive, but it was like something was pulling you just from his closeness and attention. You wanted to be greedy and hoard it. It suddenly wasn't enough to be alone with him outside. You feel something a bit pointy graze the skin of your lips, and you opened your eyes to see streaks of red in the man's eyes. Confusion flashed through you though Miguel looked down at you with a gentle fondness and deep hunger.
He slowly licked around what was definitely a fang as he lifted your hand to his lips, kissing it, then placing it on his cheek. "Mmm, you feel so warm too." his voice vibrated through your skin and its sultry tone kept you aroused and intrigued despite the slow growing concern that things were not what they first seemed. Miguel could see it in your eyes--the curiosity just under that cloud of lust. "Oh nena, you're safe with me." another kiss onto your hand, "I just bite a little."
You didn't question why Miguel had a suite ready at a hotel nearby. You didn't question how he seemed to know where to touch and what to say. You didn't question what he was despite knowing that those fangs were real and how the pieces about him were coming together.
Miguel planned on being on his best behavior originally. He mentally prepared himself to be in the limelight with people flocking towards him on the pretense of business. He only wanted to speak with you originally about a casual coffee date or to ask you why you were working for a scummy boss. (So he looked into your job and company. Don't sue him) However, things were just so tempting seeing how you easily talked with him, how your dress hugged your body and color scheme lit up your eyes, how he could hear your heartbeat increase and watch the slight twitch of your neck.
He lost that battle to tempation.
So Miguel would take you away from the useless mingling and allow the two of you to indulge in one another.
You gasped as you bounced slightly on the bed and propped yourself up to watch the man. He eyed you almost drunkenly as he pulled at his tie and tossed his cufflinks to ground as if they were worthless. You moaned watching him undress himself all the way to his briefs and felt that hazy sensation when you were pulled to the edge of the bed. A leg was raised, and you bit your lip feeling that sharp grazing sweep over your skin. The skin didn't break, but the possibility excited you especially when the truth was becoming clearer. You saw how his eyes glowed in the dark, and you froze with both arousal and anxiety.
Miguel chuckled as he rubbed his face against your leg--kissing right behind your knee. "Mmm, I don't know how I want to taste you first." he muttered half to himself and you. He edged himself more feeling his teeth on you skin. He could sense your excitement. "It won't hurt, nena; I promise. Just want little bite, please." his sweet begging made you clench around nothing, and of course, he saw it. He reached up and dragged your thin underwear off you. He melted at the sight. "So eager to please me. Just want to be a good meal for a vampire like me? Yeah, I know."
You knew. He knew you did, but the confirmation did things to your body. You heaved for air, and body started to squirm for more. It did was so deliciously appealing to know that this man desired you in more ways than one. You spread your other leg quickly for him and whimpered as the air reached your core. "Please," you started off, "I want it."
Miguel chuckled as his hands ran further up than before, your dress pushing up and gathering by your waist. "You want it?" Miguel teased and mimicked you. "You want what baby? You gotta use your words pretty girl. I know you can do it."
But you weren't sure what exactly. Him to fuck you, yes, but how would it feel if he did those other unspoken things he wanted? If he did more than just bite you but truly indulged in your essence? You didn't want to decide just then; either one would be beyond satisfying for sure. You shook your heard--still squirming and panting for more. "Give me whatever." You yelped feeling a slap against your wet cunt.
"Not the right answer. Be specific, dulce." Miguel went on to slowly run his fingers up and watch the slick coat his fingers. He was starting to lose himself more. You smelled sweet and delicious. He hadn't had the temptation to eat in a long time, but after meeting you, he couldn't shake the feeling. He was fighting so hard to be calm, collected. But you were such putty in his hands. He'd give you anything you wanted too.
"I want you to eat me out, sir." you threw the words together, but they seemed to work since Miguel went straight to work--sucking on your clit. He made himself comfortable wrapping his arms around your thighs; there was no way you'd be able to escape if you really wanted to.
He was messy.
If you weren't so caught up in your own pleasure, you'd think about how he seemed to be doing this for himself. The room sounded wet. You went from gripping the sheets to his hair and thrashing up and down--trying to get even closer to that sinful tongue that moved better than you'd ever experience.
Miguel was definitely pleased with himself and your reactions. Your hands gripped his hair once his fangs ever-so gently pressed on your clit. He was drunk off your scent, your sounds, your essence. He wouldn't have minded spending his night here at all really. He's please to devour you in any shape or form.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come." you breath out.
Miguel enjoyed that confession. He didn't let up at all. He lapped his tongue up and down, sucked on your pearl, teased your entrance. Your body trembled and only babbles were coming out. You were submerged in that intense feeling; you thought nothing could top it really...
But then you felt two pricks. And soon you were drowning deeper.
Miguel drinks from your thick thighs. He couldn't help himself. Your enamored expressions from coming pushed him to have you once again--more towards his nature. You were truly filling his being now. His brain was blanking only having that warm, comforting feeling of safety in ecstasy. Your pleasure became his and vice versa. He was lost in the way you accepted him so easily; he hadn't experienced that before.
The man pulled his teeth out and lapped at the bite deliriously. He rested his head on a thigh and enjoyed watching you come down from that consuming experience.
Your lungs finally seemed like they could get enough air, and you blinked away tears--first staring at the dark ceiling then moving your head down to see those glowing red eyes stare up at you--so much reverence and care. It took you by surprise, but you could only moan. Words still failing you.
"You're so beautiful, reina." It wasn't lost to you how he licked around his pink-tinted fangs. He pushed himself up and kissed his way back up. "So delicious, you have to mine." he was nearly pleading. Another kiss on your neck then lips. His eyes were so eager yet soft. He smiled sweetly at you. "Get some rest. I'll see you in the morning."
Apparently, eights hours was enough time for your world to be turned upside down. While you dreamed of warmth and care, Miguel seemed to have been working to make life a lot easier for you. Breakfast had been ordered. Clothes delivered. And a plan to buy your company, fire your boss, and get you back into your desired profession easily formulated.
You were none the wiser as grapes were gently placed into your mouth even after you insisted that you were fine enough to feed yourself. Miguel wouldn't be having that.
The man was still gorgeous in the soft lights of the hotel room, and it was hard to maintain eye-contact after the night's...festivities. You darted your eyes again, and Miguel chuckled. You looked back. "What?"
Another smile. "Why can't you look at me? Was it too much?" he almost pouted.
You scratched your cheek and fiddled with your hair. "It was amazing...but in my defense, vampires are not common knowledge." you opened your mouth to be fed without hesitation this time.
"Well, we like to keep things that way." he paused for a moment. "And I was wondering..."
The shyness didn't seem like at him at all. You met his eyes though they seemed nervous. "What is it?"
Miguel looked back at you. "I was hoping I could take you out after all of this...maybe some dinner or something." you laughed. "What's so funny!"
You waved your hand. "Nothing. You just showered me in goodness, and you're the one that's shy about me not wanting to see you? I'd be out of my mind." you leaned over and pecked him on the lips. "Guess good deeds to pay off."
I am a sucker for a vampire!Miguel. I want all the sexy, tempting goodness. Help people folks. You never know were it'll get ya 😉
It took me over a month to get through most of this, but only twenty minutes for the last portion. Writing is weird.
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dxwnfxll · 1 year
Hi it's me again! Sorry i'm requesting too much. Can request any scp character with a reader who is homeless but surprisingly good at hiding it. But there are subtle signs like them always getting to work just on time, clothes that have totally seen the sewing kit a few times, hell they just don't even say anything most of the times cus it's clear they've got a hoarse throat but no meds. Basically they work as the janitor and are giving most of their money to there family to help with their issues so the reader just sleeps in their car.
Thank you!
Of course!
And i hope it's okay if i have it that they find out reader is homeless if not i'll rewrite it lolol
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-during your time working for the SCP Foundation you sadly began to slowly suffer from homelessness.
-it started off as things that seemed easy to fix, you made deals with the light company to pay extra next month, begged your landlord to let you pay in halves
-that was an easy fix after all you'd get a raise soon right? With how badly the interest of renting was going up you needed it..
-then your family began to suffer, you were hardly scrapping by and now you were getting calls from your mother begging for money to help with cancer treatments
-You began to give the majority of your money to them, your deals with the light company and your land lord going up in smoke when you told them 'i can't pay this month i'm sorry..'
-One day when you returned to your home after a long day of work, needing a shower you saw a note on your door. Your blood ran cold when you saw it was a '30 day notice' you had 30 days to leave.
-Your friend came over and helped you pack your stuff, but you had nowhere to put it..that's when your father told you that you could store it all at their place
-now with your things stored you tried to find homes, anything with cheap rent but it was useless. The rent for nearly every place was 1000+ and your paycheck now hardly gave you 100
-So now you've decided to start sleeping in your car, you didn't want your family to worry about you so you told them that your new place just couldn't hold all your stuff. But you'd come back to get it once you got a bigger place
-you also lied to their face and told them you had a small apartment, all the while you slept in your car in the site-19 parking lot. No one really seemed to bother you but that was probably because you were just the janitor
-well..there was one person who seemed to bother you, they'd always hear how hoarse your throat sounded and tell you to go to the on site doctor.
-or they'd see the bags under your eyes and your unbrushed hair and ask if you had been rushed to work today
-you never told them anything, you lied to their face just like your family. You didn't want anyone to look down on you OR pity you.
-but one day as you were brushing your teeth near your car holding a water bottle in one hand and brushing your teeth with the other. Just as you spit you heard a slight gasp
-turning your head around your eyes widened as you saw....
Dr. Elias Shaw
-Dr. Shaw stared at you, she had come outside to leave work for the day a little later than usual. When he spotted you "shit...y/n do you..live like this?"
-they asked glancing at the car and the makeshift bed in the back, he heard you sigh "yes i do. Look i'm sorry if it's not allowed on site i'll find a Walmart or something to sleep at"
-Dr. Shaw looked at you with confusion and worry mixed on his face "no no, no need for that." She put a hand through her hair "Jesus Y/n why didn't you tell me this was how you lived? I could've gotten permission to give you a dorm"
-you looked away from them "cause i don't want anyone pitying me." Elias tilted his head confused "what? No one would pity you though. Hell y/n you can't sleep and survive in a car. Trust me i tried"
-you looked at Dr. Shaw as they watched you, you looked embarrassed to be 'caught' like this. You felt like a kid who had been caught shoplifting.
-Dr. Shaw sighed "look, if i can't get you a dorm why don't you uh..stay with me? I've got my own place outside of the site." She crossed her arms "and honestly i'm not too keen on leaving my friend homeless"
-you nodded putting the water bottle in the side of your door "..okay, sure..thank you Dr. Shaw" he smiled "just call me Elias"
Dr. Clef
-Clef had his ukulele held in one hand as he faced you, his cheshire grin slowly turning into a frown "shit i was hopin' to catch ya before ya left, but uh..didn't really expect to see this"
-You looked embarrassed that Clef of all people found you homeless, he was probably gonna tell everyone now and then they'll all just make your life harder by taunting you about it
-But Clef just sighed taking off his hat and scratching his head "didn't know our pay grade was that shit." He put his hat back on "c'mon." He said motioning for you to follow him
-you looked confused "where are we going?" After speaking you tried to clear your throat, Clef looked back at you "to getcha some medicine, then you'll be staying with me at my dorm..i mean unless you really do wanna stay in a car outside of our lovely little site."
-you followed the short man as he chuckled "i'll admit you were pretty good at hidin' it till ya got that awful cough of yours."
David Blindman
-from the shadows emerged the blindman himself, he held a walking stick as he 'stared' right at you. You thought you could play this off "oh hey David, i was just about to head hom-"
-he interrupts you "no you weren't." The man stood his ground his big ol' seeing eye poodle/chupacabra cupcake next to him.
-You tried to change the conversation "what are you doing here? You don't work for the Foundation" he nods "indeed i don't, i came here for a..family meeting."
-the two of you stared at each other before David spoke "you can't live like this y/n, i have plenty of room for you to stay with me if you want."
-you looked away for a moment towards your car then at him "i'm fine David, i can manage" he tilted his head "can you?"
-after he said that your mind began to race with thoughts, how long would you actually survive like this? How long till you die from not receiving any medicine? How long till you starve?
-you sighed "you're right..shit." David smiled at that "my place isn't far don't worry"
Mikell Shaw
-a cigarette hung from his mouth as he walked over to you, he put the camel brand pack into his pocket as he looked at you "why the fuck are you brushing your teeth outside?"
-you couldn't even make up an excuse for that, especially with how your car looked. Mikell was a smart man and it wouldn't take him long to connect the dots, and just as you thought that you heard him mutter a curse
-he drew the cigarette from his mouth blowing smoke to the side "you live like this?" He said side glancing at the car
-you spoke your voice hoarse "y-" a cough interrupted you "yes" Mikell stared at you as the cigarette slowly went out in his hand.
-"you're coming with me, i got a ranch you can stay at." He said almost sounding as if he was *demanding* you to go with him.
-you spoke "bu-" he looked back at you "do you really wanna argue with me about trying to get you a better place."
-you shook your head and spoke "no, i'll follow you there..thanks Mikell" he nodded taking a drag from his cigarette "no problem"
Dr. Glass
-Glass walked towards you with a saddened look "y/n? Are you..are you living in your car?" You didn't know how to answer the doctor, you didn't want him to worry about you..you didn't want anyone to worry
-"I um.." You couldn't mash together an excuse or anything, you couldn't lie to Glass..he'd know somehow he'd know.
-Glass sighed as he walked over to your car picking up some of your blankets "come on" you looked at him confused "wha..what are you?"
-Glass looked back at you "i refuse to let you sleep in your car, it's not good for you mentally and physically. You'll sleep in my dorm"
-you couldn't refuse the therapists kindness, he wouldn't let you. He'd just keep insisting to help you until you finally accepted his help. So you nodded grabbing your bag with your necessities and followed him back into the site.
Sorry if some of these seem short, i wasn't rlly all to sure what direction to go with them lolol
If you want me to add anything just ask lol
As always requests open!
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handhourgalleries · 2 months
Life update rant. Not very uplifting and its terribly long, so its under a line for people that don't want to subject themselves to it.
After having our car finally towed to a mechanic that agreed to replace the head gasket on the engine for an affordable price that my mother in law offered to cover, mechanic states that rust has developed in the engine that apparently demands either a rebuild of the engine or total replacement, which bumps up the cost of the car repair to a ridiculous amount no one can pay. We are now being asked if we want to have the car scrapped. Doubt we will get anything remotely feasible for it to help toward the purchase of a new car in the near future, but I suppose we'll see what happens. Having no car in the USA is just a slow suffocation of resources, which we have little of.
My spouse and I are currently still unemployed, even after trying to apply for different places within walking distance - we are often told that the actual location is elsewhere, and we aren't getting there without a car. Bus stop is a 30 minute walk just to even get to ride a bus, takes 2 hours to get anywhere from there after bus transfers.
Luckily my husband is able to draw unemployment - I was unable to get accepted for it myself since I was fired in February (for my unstable attendance due to an undiagnosed medical condition). My oldest son is still able to help with his own job, though only on the weekends, which he is trying to keep up on with Uber rides. I'm trying to make do with applying for a remote job that will accept online working from something that doesn't require ethernet, as I don't have access to that. Trying to get hired on to a company currently that can potentially pay me part time. So I am currently hinging my life on promoting art commissions right now to help...which has not been as successful as I would like, sigh.
We are also trying to support my other 2 children who are on the spectrum, and they are enrolled in a vocational program to help them to be more self sufficient in their adult lives. I am hoping more resources will become more available to them individually when they can finally get the diagnosis they need from their assigned therapists. I am so, so proud of all my spawn and what they try to do, and my rock of a husband, and some days they are the only thing that keeps me from wanting to walk into oncoming traffic and put myself out of my useless existence, quite frankly lol.
Money is severely tight, most times we can only afford to pay our weekly rent and little else. We are trying to take advantage of food pantries but most depend on actually being able to drive there to pick up the food, which connects back to our primary issue with the car. But we have basic internet access and shelter and potential connections for help, and in-laws that understand the situation and are trying to help to the best of their own ability. Very survival mode right now. I am trying to not lose hope. Some days are harder to smile than others, definitely.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
In 1971, the Angling Times sent reporter Dave Nash to document a disaster in Ockendon, Essex. The resulting article described the extinction of a local beauty spot, hundreds of hectares of open space where former gravel pits had become popular fishing lakes. “In less than a decade, what was one of the best fisheries in Essex has been savagely raped and despoiled. Seven hundred tons of household garbage is deposited into the pits every day, along with a similar undisclosed amount of industrial refuse.” The article was accompanied by a striking picture, taken by Nash, showing two men attempting to catch a pike between the scrap cars that lined the bank of Arisdale lake. “If it’s not the water level dropping,” said Jerry Hulbert, the vice-president of the Moor Hall and Belhus Angling Society, “then it’s the rubbish encroaching a few feet every day.”
I came across this story via my father-in-law, Cliff Hatton, who had sent me the newspaper cutting in the post. He would often tell me how the gravel pits, clay pits and sand pits of South Ockendon – initially dug out by the Ham River Grit company to feed the post-second world war hunger for concrete in south-east England – became, in his own excited words, “a nirvana” once they had naturally filled with water. “You dig a hole in Thurrock, leave it a few years and there are fish in it.”
The faintly absurd happenstance of the pits felt to me like a classic Essex story. My birth county had long made the best out of whatever the modern world threw at it, from industrial growth along the Thames to postwar new towns, becoming a shorthand for a loutish brand of greed-is-good Conservatism in the 1980s, and spray-tanned reality stars in the 2010s.
Like many former Londoners looking for green space, Cliff’s family had moved to South Ockendon from a housing estate near Romford in 1964, when Cliff was 11. He and his older brother Barry were keen fishers, and had enrolled in the local angling society. They rejoiced at the abundance of water they could dip their lines into. Cliff was a big fan of local heroes the Small Faces and the music of the burgeoning 1960s mod scene, which was filling Mecca ballrooms with R&B and soul from Forest Gate on the edge of London to Clacton on the coast. But it wasn’t music that kept him up all night. While his peers might have been trying their luck with a potential squeeze in the dark corner of a parquet-floored hall, he was sitting under the moonlight with a rod, eager to catch a handsome carp, perch or bream.
Cliff said one of the pits, known as Hamble Lane, had, like an increasing number of places in south Essex, become an established rubbish tip by the time they started fishing there. But, while fishing at night, he noticed something odd. “There was more activity at the site during the hours of darkness than there was during the hours of light, even though everybody should by law have been gone,” Cliff said. Lorries would come through the gates “nose-to-tail” with sometimes up to 14 in a convoy, all through the night until sunrise. It was only later he realised the extent of the industrial chemicals that were being dumped there under cover of darkness.
One day in 1967, an elderly neighbour had asked Cliff to bring back some sticks from the Hamble Lane dump that he could use in his rose garden. Cliff remembered his errand when he was on the way back from fishing, after the sun had gone down. He climbed on top of a pile of wood to search for sticks, and then jumped off. “I just leapt into the darkness thinking I was going to land on solid ground,” said Cliff. Instead, he found himself up to his waist in slime. After a few moments, his skin began to burn. He had jumped into a caustic slurry, dumped there by a pharmaceutical company based in Dagenham. “That led to me spending a week or so in hospital and many, many weeks after that invalided indoors with great burns to my legs and on my face,” said Cliff.
Cliff’s parents, knowing their place, never sought compensation. Once recovered enough to return to the pits, Cliff found two half-empty drums of granulated cyanide floating in one of them. Another time, he and his brother came across a mountain of glass vials, and suspected that barbiturates had been dumped a few yards from a school fence. “We took some samples to the local police station, and showed them these dangerous drugs and mentioned they were within yards of the school playing field, and the only question we were asked was: ‘What were you doing over there?’ They were more worried about the fact that we were trespassing.”
Thurrock council took no action over the scandalous pollution that burned him and destroyed the habitat he so cherished, leaving Cliff with “a lifelong grudge against authority”. Decades later, he still winced at the thought of the fish floundering about in a couple of feet of muddy, poisoned water as the pits were drained and the whole reserve became a landfill site; those that hadn’t already perished were buried alive under tonnes of industrial waste.
“And of course with them went all the voles and the birdlife, including kingfishers and bitterns.” Each time Cliff told me of his favourite fishing spot, the Ripples, it was as if he could see it before him anew. “It was dubbed the Ripples because when the wind blew on it and the sun shone on it, it was such a beautiful looking place. It sparkled. It was a paradise and it just went under a sea of filth.”
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daz4i · 9 months
since idk if i'll actually turn this into a fic (if i do, i'll clean it up, change things to have capital letters n shit, and ofc add a proper beginning and end lol) but for now have a part of what i wrote bc why not
i'll also explain some of the terms and background under the cut so we're all on the same page, if you're interested 🫡
ok you can skip this if you prefer and just read it as is, i'll add some mark to signify where the actual fic starts!
pandora = the planet at the core of the borderlands series. a bit of a wasteland, tho in bl2 there are other areas as well (lots of ppl don't like it but eh it works with what i need for this story, so)
hyperion = a company in the universe mining pandora for resources. originally, its manager wanted to wipe everyone on pandora bc he thinks they're disgusting and it'll be heroic to do so, but here i decided the owner is fitzgerald and he's just mining pandora for monetary reasons (and. doing other things i will elaborate on if anyone's interested)
opportunity = a city built on pandora by hyperion. in the game it's not yet finished, so i decided to go with it here too. you drive a really long road to reach it, from an area called "the highlands", filled with monsters and bandits, tho this area has a lot of hyperion work in it as well. might touch on it as the story goes along but not yet
threshers nomad bruiser (so you know what each is meant to look like hehe. otherwise bandits are Just Some Guys)
other thing you might need to know: guns in the universe are manufactured by different companies. bandit guns look like they're built from scrap parts. also, guns can have elements to them, and one of them is fire 👀
tw for violence, death, implied cannibalism
background: kunikida is a hyperion worker who never left his home planet or hyperion's lunar base before, now sent on a mission in opportunity. nothing big, just meet an investor there and watch how the building process is going. on his way there, in the highlands, he passes a bandit village built inside a high ceiling cave, some of its houses build on its walls, and he spots the bandits trying to get to a little girl standing at the entrance of one of the higher cabins. kunikida tells the driver to stop the car. dodging threshers and shooting them in the eyes till they leave him alone, he makes his way towards the scene. 
"leave her alone," he tells the bandits.
they leer at him, faces half covered by masks. a bigger one - a nomad - waiting on the ground and holding a shield speaks, "we found her first. come back later for the leftovers if you really want a piece." 
the girl at the top sounds shaky as she says, "y-you're not getting any piece of me! just go away!" 
a bandit tries to grab her leg, and she stomps on his forearm with her other one. a small crack sound is heard and the bandit drops from the ladder into the shallow waters below, yelling in pain.
"you there!" she turns her attention to kunikida, "you're hyperion, aren't ya? go on, take me back to opportunity, or... or I'll never forgive you!" 
kunikida squints, but her recognition of his clothes is enough to get him moving. he is here for a mission, after all, and it seems she might be related to it somehow. 
he dives and kicks the nomad's legs under the shield. as the nomad hits the ground, kunikida uses the same shield to jump on as a boost to get near the other bandits. he uses the butt of his pistol to hit one of them in the head, and shoots another in the leg. 
there are three bandits left, but fighting the threshers beforehand emptied his ammo. soon, they will surround him. 
"here, take this!" he hears from above him, and something small hits him on the head. he yelps but grabs it - a package of pistol rounds. the girl at the top looks at him pleadingly.
he reloads his weapon, and aims at the other three. one, another shot in the leg. two, in the shoulder. three, in the hip. they fall to the ground. 
"those were probably all of them," he says, "you can come down now. I'll bring you back to the city." 
"mister, watch out!" he hears the girl call right as large, muscular arms wrap around his neck. a bruiser is holding him in a chokehold. 
"you think you're gonna waltz in here and take what's ours? nuh-uh. maybe we should add some hyperion scum to our dinner tonight!" 
kunikida tries his hardest to grab at the arms holding him, thrashing and kicking, but to no avail. his first mission on pandora, and he hadn't even made it to his objective, nor save the girl. he didn't even know her name. 
"hey, asshole!" a yell echoes in the cave, and then a gunshot. the smell of burning flesh hits kunikida's nose before the bruiser's screams reach his ears. 
the arms around him let go and he inhales deeply. the smell is awful, but he's grateful for the air back in his lungs. 
he hears someone go down the ladder, then little steps through the water around him. "mister, are you okay?" 
he looks up, and there's the girl looking at him worryingly. 
"yes. yes, I'm fine. thank you." he stands up and straightens himself. "what's your name, girl?" 
"i see. and tell me, aya," he raises his voice - "what the hell are you doing out here by yourself in a goddamn bandit village?!" 
"hey, i didn't come here on purpose!" she yells right back, then lowers her voice. "i was just… wandering around. i came here with my dad and got bored, so i started walking on the bridge -" she motions to the big bridge they were standing under, the long drive to opportunity - "and threshers tried to grab me, so i ran here. i didn't know there were people here until i heard them yelling about how delicious I'd be," she recalls, her horror clear on her face. 
kunikida softens at her story. "you walked all the way here?"
she nods.
"what did you shoot, to…" he motions to the now burnt bandit at their feet, "do that?"
aya holds up a little red gun, clearly not hyperion-made. "i found it in the cabin. i think they made it themselves, it kind of smells like gasoline and piss." 
“leave it here. we don’t know if it’s safe.”
“hell no! i found it, it’s mine now.”
“you-” he groans, “fine. but let me keep it safe for now until we can find someone to fix it up into something better.” 
“promise you’ll give it back?” she raises an eyebrow. 
kunikida gritted his teeth. “as soon as i find you, i will give it back, yes. but please only use it in self defense.”
“aw, fine.” she frowned, but handed him the gun anyway. “what’s this about finding me? i’m coming with you!”
future plans if i ever continue: they go back to opportunity. the investor is aya's dad. he suspects he hurt his daughter somehow, and pulls strings to get kunikida fired. now stuck on pandora, kunikida tries his best to survive. aya joins him - running away bc her dad is shitty and kunikida DID promise to give her back her gun (also he was just nicer to her than most people she met since coming to this planet), and together they roam the planet, fighting monsters and bandits, and uncovering some of the horrors hyperion commits. also, at some point they meet the rest/part of the ada, whose stories i will figure out at some point lol. i do plan to make the person kunikida goes to to fix aya's gun to be one of them but i'm not sure who yet 🤔
anyway. hope that if you actually read this you enjoyed and i might've even gotten you interested in borderlands :P mwah 🖤🖤🖤
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mkcherrio · 11 months
no one asked but i answered so here's a gay short story
Title: Warm Coats
The subway screeched into the station just as I stumbled in. I seized the brief moment I had for the doors to open and leaned against a bench to regain even a small amount of energy. Bundles of people stood packed together in the overcrowded area. Many of them were wrapped in thick woolen jackets, knitted gloves, and even full-length blankets to combat the biting December chill. Boston was not kind to its residents in the winter. Me, I had long since conceded to my ragged Boston University hoodie, patched-up leather work pants, and construction uniform to keep me from succumbing to hyperthermia. The construction company I worked for kept us on site for far longer than city law allowed them to, claiming they had adequate protection from the elements. If a five-minute break underneath a Walmart heating lamp was protective, I didn’t want to know what was unprotective. Every week or two in these cold spells, a body would turn up on whatever site we were working on at the moment. Their skin was frozen and tight with ice, and their lips cracked with colors ranging from pale blues to bruised purples. We each sunk deeper into our flimsy clothes as if they were the barrier between our mortality and the wretched state the body was in.
Eventually, when I was able to push past the mass of people, I scanned the subway car eagerly for an open spot. Of course, there weren’t any, and generally, it didn’t matter to me. However, an eight-hour shift lugging around solid timber in continuously plummeting temperatures sapped most of my stamina, and the scraps of it I had left over were used to sprint to the station. I gripped the smooth metal pole near me and leaned my head against it. My eyes felt almost bruised from the lack of rest.
“Excuse me?” a quiet voice spoke, snapping me out of my stupor. Flicking my eyes to the source, a woman looked up at me from a seat, a small smirk playing on her full lips. 
“Erm, hello?” My face pulled into a grimace at my ineloquent response. The fatigue really was getting to me. “Sorry, is there something I can do for you?”
“What you can do for me is to sit down.” She gestured to an empty spot that went unnoticed during my initial search. “You look dead on your feet.” 
My mouth pulled into an exhausted smile and I slipped next to her. “Thank god.” 
Her warm mahogany-colored eyes cut across my slumped form and I found myself straightening underneath her gaze, heat rising up my cheeks and up to my ears. It had been a while since I’d gotten flustered by another pretty woman. It had been a while since I felt anything relating to romance at all. Constant work and eight-hour shifts didn’t sustain a relationship. The friends I had were in the same sinking boat as me. Along with the harsh cold, the frostiness of solitude was another thing I didn’t have a thick enough coat for. 
“Your jacket is horrible,” she said bluntly. 
I laughed and looked at her barely patched-up leather jacket. A long tear on her right sleeve showed she wore nothing but a thin long-sleeved shirt underneath. “Yours is too. No doubt you’re freezing right now.”
“Well, we aren’t talking about me now are we, dead girl?” 
“Nicknaming the stranger without asking for the name?” 
Her eyes brightened even with how cold she must’ve been. A fire blazing in a snowstorm. 
“Sorry, I’ve been rude. What is your name, dead girl?” 
“Sarauniya, just call me Uni. You?” 
Her smile could’ve melted the ice clinging to the windows. “Alika. Are you Nigerian?” 
I smiled when I heard her name. The weariness steeping my bones was curbed by her friendliness. “Yeah. I’m assuming you are.” 
She nodded. “My grandma had your name. It means queen.” 
“Yours means beautiful. I think it fits.”
“I prefer chivalrous, thank you.”
Her laughter resonated like cymbals colliding together, forming a quick yet bright sound. “Christ you sound like an English teacher.”
 “I was a creative writing major so I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Oh? A writer in construction?” 
“I like to build things as well. Though in usually better conditions.” 
“You went to Boston University?”
“Yeah, I just graduated. You?” 
“It’s my last year; I’m a music major.” My eyes trailed down to her hands which were folded in her lap. Hard callouses lined the tips of her fingers.
“You play guitar, right?”
Her brows furrowed and the corners of her lips quirked up. “How’d you know?” 
“I play and you have the hands.” 
“Oh so you do everything at this point,” she smirked, “what can’t you do.” 
“I’m not aware of anything, but if you can come up with something let me know.”
Alika opened her mouth to respond but a sharp voice cut across the overhead speakers and informed us that the trip would be delayed due to maintenance issues. The unified groan in the subway car was palpable. 
“Are you actually kidding me?” I murmured, glaring at the speakers as if they were the cause of the wait. 
“You have someplace to be?” Alika asked.
“The store. I was going to pick up something to eat but now everything will be closed by the time I get home.” 
“I think you’d pass out in the store even if you did have time. I genuinely thought you were about to fall over when I saw you.” 
“Hardy har har. I was merely resting my eyes.” 
“Sure.” She glanced at the rough stone of the tunnel we were bound to through the ice tipped glass windows. “Looks like we're stuck here for a while.” 
A shaky laugh escaped my lips. No longer in the throat of our original conversation, lead filled my eyelids and they struggled to stay open. “I guess we are.” 
Her face softened and she nudged my shoulder gently. “You should sleep a little bit. It's not like we’re going anywhere.” 
“No it might start again and I don’t want to miss my stop.”
“Then I’ll wake you up. Please you might fall into the street if you stay up for any longer.” 
With, albeit more aggressive prodding, I conceded and slumped deeper into my seat. Her arm rested on my curved shoulders and when I shot her a questioning look through my sleep-lidded eyes, she smiled. 
“Well, I don’t want you to actually die from the cold, dead girl.” 
Warmth sat on my skin as if I wore something thicker than my old hoodie and cheap construction uniform. The deep, nearly unrelenting chill of loneliness sunken in my bones lessened ever so slightly. It was smothered with a jacket sewn with just a tinge more care than usual. Another coat added to my small collection.
And I could always do with more coats.
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5ond3r · 1 year
Paying attention to things.. it's how we show love
Christ, Sonder hated wearing their human glamour. They were always cold without their fur. They had wicked phantom tail and felt so muffled without their expressive ears drooping or twitching at every noise. 
But that was one of the costs of visiting human only universes. Well, some here weren't so very human anymore. At least not externally. 
Sonder stood in the dilapidated convenience store, having told Joel they'd search for supplies while he siphoned more gas from the abandoned cars out front. They could hear Ellie's laughter outside as she read another of her puns from her Will Livingston book. 
There wasn't much in the little store but Sonder used a bit of their magic to conjure up a couple small things. A few cans of expired fruit cocktail and a bag of ancient trail mix. The rules they had to live by when traveling universes of other's creations wouldn't let them do anything to directly effect the storyline but they could still interact and do small, simple things like that. They found some old scraps of gas station tees near some clothing racks that would work as bandages should they need them. 
As they stuffed everything in their bag an idea hit them and Sonder grinned. They looked behind them to make sure Ellie hadn't wandered in before snapping their fingers to bring an object through the multiverse from one of their homes. A small light blue shirt with a graphic of a rocketship on the front. Behind the ship was a four color rainbow and below it read NASA in white letters. 
Having come from a far different universe to this one the shirt was far too… pristine. So Sonder rubbed the shirt against the dirty floor, not enough to ruin it, just enough to make it look a little more aged. As they dirtied the shirt up it caught against an exposed nail and a small hole tore near the bottom hem. 
They held it up in front of them to look the thing over and decided it was good enough. 
"Sonder? You find anything?" Joel called from out front. 
"Yeah," they replied, quickly shoving the shirt in their messenger bag. They walked out the front and added. "Bit of food, some old clothes for bandages." They shrugged. "Not a bad score really." 
They looked at Ellie and offered the child a small, fond smile. "Found a decent shirt that's too small to fit me. You want?"
Ellie shoved her puns book back in her bag and held out her hands, making a grabbing motion. "Gimme."
Sonder chuckled and opened the flap of their messenger bag, pulling the shirt out and holding it up for Ellie to see the front.
"No fuckin' way! NASA?!" Ellie exclaimed, snatching the shirt right out of Sonder's hands. She grinned as she held it up but her face fell a little when she noticed the hole at the bottom. 
"Don't worry," Sonder said, rummaging about in their messenger bag for a moment. They held a sewing kit up for Ellie to see. "I can fix it." 
Ellie's face split back into a bright grin and off she went, chattering about everything she'd read back in the QZ about NASA and astronauts and all things space. 
Sonder glanced over at Joel, just barely catching a spark of.. well something in his eyes. The beginnings of fondness for the girl? Their eyes fell away from him. They already knew how this story was going to end. They were mostly here as a spectator really. But.. they could offer their company. Some small joys to these people whose story they'd seen play out countless numbers of times. These people that they had come to love so dearly.
They couldn't change the story, nor could they give any sort of warning for what was to come. That thought, the thought of what lay ahead of them all, had Sonder nudging Joel with their shoulder as he stood. "C'mon. We gotta find somewhere to make camp. It's getting late."
As dusk settled in the forest Sonder set up a lantern to work by since Joel refused them both a campfire. 
Ellie sat nearby watching them carefully as they pulled the sewing kit from their messenger bag. Sonder selected a needle and one of the bobbins of embroidery floss they kept on themself in case of injuries or clothing mishaps.
Sonder threaded their needle and began the task of visible mending the hole. Ellie watched intently, already possessive of the shirt, as they stitched and wove the bright orange floss into a circle over the hole. 
She held her hands out for the shirt once Sonder was done with the circle, thinking it finished, but Sonder held up a finger and pulled out a tiny pair of scissors. They rummaged around in their sewing kit, pulling out a few more bobbins of floss. A lighter orange, red, and yellow. 
They worked swiftly, their fingers nimble and quick with the needle. They added a few light orange wiggly lines to the circle and as they began stitching a ring around the planet taking shape Ellie gasped. Her eyes were wide and sparkling with excitement, bringing a smile to Sonder's face. 
A few yellow stars stitched around the planet completed the job and Sonder snipped the thread free. Handing the shirt over to Ellie they were rewarded for their work with a huge beaming smile. 
"Can you teach me how to do that?" Ellie asked, looking back to the shirt and running a finger over the stitches as she examined Sonder's work. 
"Of course," they said with a soft smile. Glancing up they saw Joel watching them. His feet shuffled a bit and his grip on his rifle tightened. He'd been suspicious of them and their intentions since they met after Boston, not completely trusting them. Who could blame him after all he'd been through? 
He gave them a small nod before his eyes darted away and he went back to keeping watch. 
Sonder knew this was the only apology for his mistrust they would get. And that was just fine with them. 
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The benefits to the environment are among the biggest advantages of scrap metal removal near me. By hiring an experienced contractor for your removal requirements, you can help lessen the demand for natural resources, which in turn reduces the need for mining. Eco-friendly disposal techniques are given top priority by junk auto removal businesses. By ensuring that automobiles are disposed of by all applicable legislation and norms, they help to minimise their environmental impact.
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With Money for Old Cars, Get the Best Price for Your Scrap Car
Although selling a trash car might be challenging, they make the process easy and ensure that you receive the best price for dispose of car. Whether your car is old, broken, or non-operational, The Wreckers is a firm that specialises in buying every kind and make of automobile and provides enticing cash for old car deals.
They value every car because they understand the value of recyclables and repairable parts. By choosing cash for cars in Melbourne, you may get cash for your used car. Their team of experts evaluates your car based on information such as its year, make, model, and condition.
Energy Conservation and Harmful Releases Reduction:
The extraction, refinement, and processing of virgin metals require large amounts of energy and release greenhouse gases. By reusing and recycling scrap metals, we lower these energy requirements and emissions directly related to the metal production process.
Working with professionals helps you directly contribute to energy conservation and carbon footprint reduction, which in turn promotes a cleaner and healthier Melbourne. The scrap metal industry creates jobs at all levels, from collection and transportation to distinguishing and processing.
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Regardless of the condition, a lot of junk car removal firms pay cash for old or abandoned cars. This gives automobile owners a financial incentive to get rid of their vehicles morally and responsibly.
Source - https://metalscrapyardnearme.blogspot.com/2024/05/from-waste-to-space-locating.html
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davidjoel · 2 months
Cash for cars Geelong near me searches Made fast and reliable than ever before. If you’ve got a damaged scrap, unwelcome accident, or damaged car that you’d like to dispose and put some cash in your wallet, Cash for Cars – Junk Car Removal is just a telephone call away. We’ve been providing Car removal services and wrecking services in Geelong, Colac, Ballarat and other nearby regions such as Anakie, Armstrong Creek, Avalon, Bannockburn, Barwon Heads, Batesford, Bell Park, Bell Post Hill, Belmont, Breakwater, Breamlea, Ceres, Clifton Springs, Connewarre, Corio, Curlewis, Drumcondra, Drysdale, East Geelong, Fyansford, Geelong, Geelong West, Gheringhap, Gnarwarre, Grovedale, Hamlyn Heights, Herne Hill, Highton, Indented Head, Inverleigh, Jan Juc, Lara, Leopold, Little River, Lovely Banks, Manifold Heights, Mannerim, Marcus Hill, Marshall, Moolap, Mount Duneed, Newcomb, Newtown, Norlane, North Geelong, Ocean Grove, Point Lonsdale, Portarlington, Queenscliff, Rippleside, South Geelong, St Albans Park, St Leonards, Stonehaven, Swan Bay, Teesdale, Thomson, Torquay, Wallington, Wandana Heights, Waurn Ponds, Whittington, Winchelsea, Wurdiboluc, Lethbridge, Modewarre, Moriac, Mount Moriac, Paraparap, Shelford, Sutherlands Creek, Teesdale, Wensleydale.
Junk Car Removal Cash for Cars company have helped motorists find a cost-effective and efficient method of getting rid of their cars. If you are looking for a reliable car deposal service in Geelong look no more than Junk Car removal Geelong 
We can take away your junk cars and instantly provide up to $20k in your account. Call us at 0403 684 535 to inquire about working with a trustworthy Car Removal Company In Geelong located in Geelong. 
Cash for Cars Near me Geelong & Car Removal Near Me are the most popular key words people type and search us on Google. However, we cover all west Melbourne areas up to Werribee, Colac, Warnambool and Ballarat. 
Junk Car removal Geelong is one of our specialities. If you have a damaged scrap or unpleasant incident or a damaged vehicle that you’d like to eliminate from Melbourne and deposit some cash in your bank account, Cash for cars – Junk Car Removal is just a phone call, just a phone call away. We’ve offered car removal services throughout Melbourne and the surrounding areas and have helped drivers find an affordable and effective method to dispose of their vehicles. We will remove the cars you don’t want and pay up to $20k to your account. Contact us on 0403 684 535 to discuss working with a reputable Car Removal Company located in Geelong for you all Geelong Car Removal matters. You can contact us directly or chat with us via FB Live. 
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Junk Car Removal
56-64 Nobility St, Moolap VIC 3224, Australia
RCJ6+V8 Moolap, Victoria, Australia
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anycashforcars · 2 months
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Sell Your Car The Same With The Trusted Scrap Car Buyer Near You If you decide to sell your car, you may be concerned about how I find the best scrap car buyers near me in Melbourne. It is because the whole car-selling process depends on it. Only trusted cash for car companies can make the process easier and give you the best price for all vehicle types.  Quick And Easy Way To Sell Your Scrap Car  How long will the scrap car buyer near me in Melbourne take to remove the car? This is the question most car sellers ask. The answer varies on the method and plan of the company. When dealing with professionals, it is only a few hours. They have experience in all types of removal and towing. So the process will be quick and safe. It is also possible to sell the car within the same day. You only #cashforcars #cashforcarsmelbourne #anycashforcars #carsforcash #carsforcashmelbourne #car4cash https://www.anycashforcars.com.au/sell-your-car-with-the-trusted-scrap-car-buyer-near-you/
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rinkuyadav99 · 3 months
Who Buys Junk Cars Near Me for Cash?
Car Removal Companies
Car removal companies specialize in purchasing junk cars and often offer cash payments on the spot. They accept vehicles of any make, model, or condition. Car removal companies typically handle the towing process, making it convenient for sellers.
Scrap Metal Dealers
Scrap metal dealers purchase scrap cars for their metal content. While they may not pay as much as car removal companies, they offer a quick and easy way to dispose of junk cars. Some scrap metal dealers require vehicles to be stripped of valuable parts before they will purchase them.
Junkyards accept junk cars for resale or recycling. They often pay a fair price for vehicles, regardless of their condition. Junkyards may resell the vehicle or use it for parts.
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youngdetailing · 3 months
Best & Affordable Ceramic Coating in Greater Noida | Young's Detailing
Introduction :
Discover Advanced car care solutions in Greater Noida with Young's Detailing. Our ceramic coating services provide long-time protection and a shiny look for your car. Our paint protection film Provides defense against scratches and scrap. Experience Advanced detailing services near you for a pure and protected ride. Trust Young's Detailing for the best car care.
Paint Protection Film for Car Near Me :
If you are searching for the best Paint Protection Film for a Car Near Me? Look no Other than Young's Detailing. Our paint protection film provides an invisible shield to protect your vehicle against scratches, dust, and environmental damage to keep your car paint looking new for a long time. We are Located conveniently near you our expert professionals provide expert installation and high protection for your vehicle. Don't let road dust and harsh elements Damage your car's appearance. Trust Young's Detailing for advanced protection solutions that keep your car looking new. Drive with confidence knowing your car is guarded by the best company.
Ceramic Coating in Greater Noida :
Enhance your car's looks and protection with ceramic coating services from Young's Detailing in Greater Noida. Our advanced ceramic coatings offer a durable bright finish that protects from dirt, water, and UV rays to keep your vehicle looking new and stylish for years. Our skilled professionals provide exact applications for providing long-time protection against scratches, minor dents, and environmental damage. With Young's Detailing your car receives the best treatment to enhance its look and resale value. Experience the best in automotive care and detailing with our Ceramic Coating in Greater Noida services. Visit Young's Detailing today for the best quality and results.
Conclusion :
Young's Detailing offers advanced ceramic coating services in Greater Noida and the best paint protection film service for cars near you. Trust our dedication to keep your vehicle looking new and protected against dust. Visit us today for premium automotive care.
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