#scp H4RP13
cloudwolfieaskblog · 2 months
A question to those who know stuff better than me: Am I in danger during When Day Breaks if I'm technically a walking cloud?
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fake-dr-bright-list · 16 days
Dr. Bright is not allowed to roll H4RP13'S wisdom saving throws. By some unknown form of (bad) luck he always hits a NAT 20 on the worst possible ideas that thing has.
I still don't understand how he got dice that can predict the outcome of things but we're still trying to figure out whether to classify it as an SCP or an anomalous object
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 3 months
Incident H4RP13-A:
Date: ██/██/20██
SCP-H4RP13 awoke from tranquilization in its temporary holding cell at Site-19, two hours after it was placed. Security personnel entered its cell to infrom it about the foreseeable events, to which the still drowsy entity reacted unideally. Security drew their weapons in self defense, earning a hostile snarl from the lycanthrope.
The personnel approached the entity armed, resulting in the lycanthrope to climb the wall and jump over security's head, effectively breaching containment. The chase stopped when the entity reached the end the containment zone, trapped by a card activated door.
Personnel approached it again as E-11 arrived to the scene, resulting in the entity to lash out and freeze on-site security from the neck down, one bitten. E-11 Agents fired tranquilizer darts at the entity, subduing it from afar.
Damages: All rifles and armor used by on-site security frozen and unrepairable, building internal damage moderate.
Personnel condition: Scanned for the lycanthropy virus, all negative. Mild to moderate freezer burn on security personnel.
Deaths: 0
Update: effective immediately, the following changes befall the entity:
-Object Class update: Unclassified to Keter
Threat level update: Unclassified to Orange
-Disruption Class update: Unclassified to Ekhi
-Risk Class update: Unclassified to Warning
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 3 months
H4RP13: You kill people because you have no choice. I kill people because it's fun. We're not the same.
Bright: Since when was psychopathy a flex?!
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 3 months
Incident H4RP13-B:
On the ██/██,20██ Site-19 faced another containment breach, involving several Keter and Euclid anomalies. Dr. Jack James Bright was leading SCP-H4RP13 back to its cell from another test, the restrains over his shoulder when the entity suddenly stopped and refused to keep walking with the assistant director of personnel.
The level █ foundation official demanded the anomaly to keep moving, but it refused to comply. When he asked why it refused to cooperate, it refused to answer, even though several D-Class, guards and other researchers reported hearing it speak fluent English when alone in its cell.
The entity turned around and ran, forcing Dr. Bright to give it chase when the alarms went off, alerting personnel of SCP-076-2 breaking out of containment. Dr. Bright stopped for a moment as realization hit him. After he calmed down enough to speak, he said the following on record:
"I didn't understand what its deal was. I just knew it wouldn't for the love of 343 stop running. Then the sirens went off. I had to stop to gather my surroundings a bit. That's when it hit me. H4RP13 was running away from the direction of the breach."
This however didn't last long as the duo arrived to a dead end between their original path and a door that was out of order due to serious malfunctions, allowing 076-2 to catch up.
SCP-H4RP13 stepped forward with a growl shielding the personnel director, motive currently unknown. The two clashed, H4RP13 immediately impaled through its chest, forced to its knees. After the initial shock, it stood back up and attacked the violent humanoid once more, while changing strategy and attacking from a distance, then swooping in as 076-2 became stunned, chipping away at its resilience.
Based on the security footage, Dr. Bright was encased in an ice shield of sorts the whole time, leaving him mostly unharmed. Said ice shield was created by the lycanthrope itself, revealing its type blue properties on camera.
The battle however ended abruptly as 076-2 figured out H4RP13's strategy and struck again, disarming its lycantrophic challenger. The two stared at each other for approximately 5 minutes before 076-2's shock collar was set off by on-site security, paralyzing it long enough to be moved to an empty room and have the room flooded and 076-2 successfully recontained. SCP-H4RP13 passed soon after due to the severity of its injuries. Entity considered neutralized, prepared for autopsy.
Epsilon-11 arrived after the main perpetrator had already been dealt with and recontained the rest of the anomalies. The breach ended with 58% of Site-19 thrashed, ███ casualties and just as many critically injured.
Effective immediately:
-Object Class update: Keter to Neutralized
Update, ██/██/20██: SCP-H4RP13 began healing its wounds while dead. I was entrusted with carrying out the autopsy, but its minor injuries are healing rapidly on their own. Complete brain death checked and confirmed, outside impact negative. We should move it to the infirmary to see if it fully recovers. –Dr. ███████
Update, ██/██/20██: 10 days since H4RP13 was moved to the medical wing. Its injuries healed significantly on their own and its vitals returned. –Dr. R. Bates
Update, 23/██/20██: 14 days total and the entity awoke from death. Its immediate vocalization consisted of pained whines and whimpers. Administered 9 mg of morphine intravenously. Entity's pain reduced significantly. Current status: resting.
–Dr. R. Bates
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 4 months
Warning! The following file is still a work-in progress and will most likely undergo modifications.
Object: SCP-H4RP13
Object Class: Keter
Threat level: Orange
Disruption class: Ekhi
Risk Class: Warning
Special containment procedures:
SCP-H4RP13 is to be assigned a modified frost resistant living space, accommodating basic human needs, in Sector █ of Site-19.
SCP-H4RP13 is to be led on a chain attached to a neck cuff and restricted when moved, taken to- or brought back from tests. The object is to wear power nullifying gloves at all times and a muzzle when personnel assigned Class C or higher interact with it. Two guards are to be stationed in front of its chamber watching at all times.
In case of a breach, SCP-H4RP13 is to be subdued nonlethally immediately and taken back to its containment chamber. If necessary, SCP-H4RP13 is to be kept subdued during the breach to prevent another attempt at breaking out.
SCP-H4RP13 is a lycanthropic humanoid with pure white fur all over its body, standing at approximately 183 centimeters (6 '00) tall and weighing around 75 kilograms (165 lbs).
Its entire appearance resembles a humanoid canis lupus arctos, its eyes showing heterochromia and star shaped pupils. Its left eye is a vibrant violet with a pastel yellow pupil, its right eye is sapphire blue with a pastel blue pupil. On top of its head, the fur turns into more firm, human-like hair that curls in thick locks and resembles a stylized cloud.  
From the top of its head two triangular ears extend, covered in medium length white fuzz and sporting a silvery color on the inside. 
Its entire face is also covered in short white fur and underneath its big bright eyes are three lavender colored heart shaped markings arranged into a triangle. The reason behind this color difference is currently unknown. Its mouth has a pointy tooth sticking out of it at all times when closed, when opened the inside is blue instead of the usual reddish pink.
It's body is slim, and the entity is fairly athletic and highly energetic and sociable, displaying an increased need for physical exercise to keep it entertained. Its legs are digitigrade and its limbs end in paws, visibly appearing to had been declawed, with retractable claws, also found in some breeds of the canis lupus familiaris, namingly the Siberian Husky and the samoyed. Its front paws are capable of fine motor functions, mimicking the human hand with up to 98.8% accuracy.
Its spine is elongated and forms into a tail that is coated in thick, white fur. The entity claims the tail helps it balance, and it was also observed wrapping it around itself for comfort.
SCP-H4RP13 has been located on the ██/██/████ in a quiet, suburban neighborhood of ███████,██ after a citizen posted a video of the entity in the neighborhood, seemingly minding its own business. Agent ███████ was sent to investigate and prepare the entity for containment. The agent reported the following in a short summary:
"I approached the property with caution, my disguise ready and the story I made up clear. My alias was that my car broke down and I needed a place to stay until someone can collect me. The entity allowed me entrance to the residence it imhabited at the time and led me to an empty bedroom, offering it for me to stay as long as I need. Then it showed me around, mentioning the essentials, and offered me a cup of drink of my choice.
Its behavior was human-like to the point it felt uncanny. A lycanthropic entity that understood human etiquette and hospitality and was actually welcoming towards sudden guests. I requested some cream for my coffee, and while it was away, I slipped the level █ sedatives into its drink and waited for it to return. The sedation worked and the operation was a success."
Agent ███████ was sent to medical for a checkup after he mentioned drinking the beverage the entity prepared and was found unharmed, meaning the entity acted out of genuine hospitality. According to Agent ███████ the entity was docile and unsuspecting during the interaction, even managed to make smalltalk and spoke fluent English. Level of intelligence to be further researched.
██/██/████, █pm: SCP-H4RP13 awoke in its holding cell, confused by the sudden change in its environment. It's still lying on the floor and attempting to regain full consciousness and recollect the events leading to its capture. Will continue to monitor.
Update: A couple hours after its awakening, personnel approached the entity, which resulted in the entity breaching containment. It was cornered and subdued non-lethally.
Damage total: Moderate damage to the building, all rifles and armor unrepairable, involved personnel all subjected to mild to moderate freezer burn, one bitten, all tested negative to lycanthropy.
Until further notice, based on this incident report, the following changes are effective immediately: Object Class updated to Keter. Threat level updated to Orange. Disruption Class updated to Ekhi. Risk Class updated to Warning. O5-1
Update: on ██/██/20██, SCP-H4RP13 challenged SCP-076-2 during a containment breach, motives unknown. It was revealed to be capable of cryomancy. It succumbed to its injuries moments after 076-2 was taken away to be recontained. Object Class updated to Neutralized and entity prepared for autopsy. - O5-█ further details in this incident log.
Update: On ██/██/████ SCP-H4RP13 awoke from death after two weeks of regeneration. Dr. ███████ who was tasked with conducting the autopsy reported that the entity started healing without outside impact. The entity awoke at Site-19's medical wing and complained about migraines, sounding nonchalant about the fact that it just revived itself. Until further notice, the following changes apply: Object Class updated to Keter. Threat level updated to Orange. Disruption Class updated to Ekhi. Risk Class updated to Warning. –O5-█
Based on camera footage and the medical report from Incident H4RP13-B, the entity is capable of cryomancy, self resurrection and has heightened senses as well as superhuman strength, which was just enough to stall "Abel" long enough for Epsilon-11 to recontain him.
The entity understands human speech, can form complicated sentences in writing and many reported to have overheard it speak fluent English in its cell while walking past, but it is yet to say a word to personnel directly.
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 2 months
Fun fact: H4RP13 is always excited to meet fellow immortals. So when it meets Connor it's immediately bringing him over to Dr. Bright and starts squealing happily about how Connor is "one of them".
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 2 months
Tumblr media
It's a full moon today. So H4 has only one thing to say:
Hello, insomnia! :3
Despite being a lycan, H4RP13 does not transfrom during the full moon. Well, not physically anyway. They do lose sleep and run on caffeine and sugar for a few days which makes them easily irritable.
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 3 months
It's been six years since H4RP13 united the deadly enemies SCP-076-2 –better known as Abel– and Dr. Bright. Since then the three have been living in a polyamorous relationship, sharing tender moments of love, struggles and passionate nights with each other. It was a rocky road to walk, but it worked out.
It worked out so well, that the triad had been blessed with two children of their own: Abel sired a daughter named Hilda, her Raven black hair complete with white splotches from H4's side. Her ruby eyes piercing but also tender and so full of the childlike wonder.
Jack on the other hand contributed to giving life to a sweet baby boy called Caden James, or just CJ for short. His hair strawberry blonde and fading into a pastel purple like a sunset, his green eyes sporting H4's star shaped pupils.
But six years passed by like they were nothing, bringing forth the changes as well. The children are old enough for school now, their anomalies yet to manifest. The silence of the cozy home the family was allowed to inhabit was interrupted by excited knocks of four rubber soles against the tiled floor.
Abel and Jack were cuddling on the couch in the living room and sharing loving glances and whispers of pure affection when the steps grew loud, snapping the two men out of their moment.
H4 followed further behind as the kids immediately rushed to their dads for a tight hug, happy to be home at last.
"We're home!" –H4 called cheerfully, their high pitched voice almost singing the words. Their soft paws barely made a sound on the tiles, their claws retracted to preserve them for times of need.
They walked over to their lovers and gave each a soft kiss on the lips, then sat down in one of the arm chairs, basking in the warm afternoon glow like a lizard.
"How was your day, darlings?" –Abel asked both children, smiling at their natural excitement and curiosity.
"Papa Abel, look!" –CJ exclaimed and showed an ugly stickman drawing of the family hugging each other, all happy together. "This looks amazing, Caden." The warrior remarked and got up. "I'll put it on the fridge."
As he walked, he suddenly froze before the threshold of the kitchen, the boy's words sinking in and drawing tears from his eyes.
"Did you... Just call me... Papa?" The immortal barbarian inquired, more tears trickling from his eyes his voice cracking awkwardly. "Yes, papa Abel." Caden repeated the name. The next thing everyone knew, Abel swooped up the strawberry kid and held him close, the drawing falling from his hands and caught by his boyfriend, Jack.
"What do you think, daddy?" Hilda asked, looking at Dr. Bright with curiosity and anticipation. "I think it it looks great, Hilda." Then Jack had to pause as he was about to form the next words. "Wait.... What did you call me...?" He asked his step daughter to confirm what he heard.
"Umm.... Daddy...." The girl repeated and climbed on the site director's lap for a hug. Jack teared up as well and pulled the girl close affectionately, letting his tears fall.
The two men sobbed in joy as their step-children acknowledged them as their parents, holding them the whole time. H4 smiled as the scene unfolded, proud of how far the relationship evolved, proud of their children, but most of all, proud of their boyfriends for bridging the rift that used to be between them to the point that now they can love each other's children as their own.
The sobs quieted after a good thirty minutes and the little family of five got up and headed out to the backyard to play together, their chatter growing distant from the lit room.
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 3 months
A list of rules for SCP-H4RP13:
Note: Unlike the infamous Bright list, which was meant to be a joke, this list is semi-canon and does represent some of H4RP13's behavior in containment:
0. Most but not all elements on "The List Of Things Dr. Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The SCP Foundation" are in full effect!
1. SCP-H4RP13 is not allowed to claim it's a sapient fursuit. Yes, we know that's the most accurate way to describe you. The interns you traumatized by ripping your head clean off had to be amnestized and let go of their internship.
2. SCP-H4RP13 is not allowed to bake hyper realistic cakes of dangerous creatures and scatter them around randomly. The number of personnel we lost to heart attacks reached an all-time high that day.
a) No, not even if the cake is tasty.
b) No, you may not use SCP-6161 to turn random things into cake.
c) hyper-realistic cakes of everyday objects, plants, food, animals, mythical creatures, pieces of art and landscapes are fine. But only if they aren't one of our contained anomalies!
3. H4RP13 is not allowed to spend time with Dr. Bright during breaks outside of containment ever! We don't have enough insurance money to cover for the damages.
Addendum: for the sake of keeping the entity contained this rule has been abolished. —O5-1
4. H4RP13 is assigned the Thaumiel Object Class, true. This does not however give it a pass to cause mass destruction for fun. Unless it's are in a rage room, but that is an entirely different scenario.
5. H4RP13 is not allowed to call new personnel who fill roles previously held by another personnel it knew as "replacements". Yes, we miss Dr. Glass and Iceberg as much as you do. No, the new personnel are not trying to steal their roles or their place in your heart.
6. H4RP13 is not allowed to be in the same containment site as Dr. Samet. Yes, we know you don't tolerate it when he calls Dr. Bright by the amulet's designation. No, it's not an excuse to break Dr. Samet's nose, both arms, both legs and his pelvis. Stop making his life miserable. Your immortal buddy can handle it on his own.
7. H4RP13 is to be kept far away from SCP-076-2, unless it's sent out to stop an active containment breach.
8. H4, using spray cheese instead of the radioactive silly string isn't a big enough distinction to make the joke you recreated from Bright's list original.
9. H4RP13 is not allowed to use its hair as storage. As comfy, soft and fluffy it is, nobody wants hair in their stuff. Especially from a lycanthrope. No, it doesn't matter that you practice good hygiene. Hair is hair. And it's a biohazard.
a) For the sake of transparency, we are referring to the hair on top of the entity's head. Don't get ideas, people.
10. H4RP13 is not allowed to use its shed fur to make a decoy of itself while it's out and causing trouble. We aren't falling for that. Again... For the third time... Just stop it!
11. H4, the official motto is still "Secure. Contain. Protect." Don't even try rewriting it to "Gotta catch 'em all" We can't afford another lawsuit after Kelloggs sued us over "Snap crackle and pop"!
a) And what did we tell you about stealing from Bright's list?
12. Yes, H4... We know Dr. Bright is your crush best friend the appropriate term is handler, for crying out loud! No, that doesn't mean you're allowed to brainstorm new pranks together.
13. H4RP13, look. Playing tabletop rpgs and TCG matches against a reality bender is fun. We get it. No, asking said reality bender to make the game reality is still not allowed. Consider other people's well-being pal-lease!
14. Yes, we admit it. You're a skilled thief. We're impressed every time you pickpocket us during a chat, seemingly not moving an inch. But in all seriousness, if you steal another personnel's key card we're removing your recreation wing privileges indefinitely.
a) What did we just say?
15. H4RP13 is not allowed near anything shiny or valuable due to its kleptomania. I'm baffled this rule wasn't made sooner.
16. H4RP13 is not allowed to replace Dr. Clef's buckshot with itching powder. What kind of a monster are you?
a) Yes, that was creative enough to see it as a separate prank. Still, what kind of a monster are you?
A very itchy one. —SCP-H4RP13
Who gave you access to this list? —O5-1
H4, please don't snitch on me. —Dr. Bright
[REDACTED] —Dr. Bright
I swear to 343, you two... —O5-1
17. No longer allowed to listen to country music. We don't need a repeat of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" case involving Dr. Clef or any other reality anchor or reality bender.
18. Yes, Epic: The Musical is, well, epic. No you may not make up your original SCP cast. And no you absolutely may NOT cast Abel as Poseidon.
a) Addendum 1: H4RP13 is no longer allowed to recreate any musical, anecdote, screenplay, movie, puppet show or series be it live action or cartoon.
19. H4RP13 is no longer allowed in the zoo, on safari or near animal SCPs. We swear to 343 if you ever try to "pet the big kitty and its kittens" again....
a) No, you may not pet the "wild puppers" either.
b) No, "oversized teddies" are also not viable candidates.
c) Neither are "clawed birbs".
d) Who gave it the idea to go and visit "dracula and his family"? It's a rhetorical question, we all know who did it.
e) No, "horsies" of any kind are not pettable for you.
f)Neither are "sea puppies". And why the heck would you call a shark a sea puppy?!
g) No, it doesn't matter that it's "fren shaped" when it's little. Do you know what isn't "fren shaped"? Its adult counterpart.
h)Yes, bunnies are cute. No, you can't own one. Or more.
i) H4RP13 is not allowed any pets and there's that! But Bright's list already covers that rule, geez! This is one that applies to it too.
Not even furry potatoes....?
How did you type in here again?! But speaking of the question, no. No animal or anomaly. I don't care if it would be a cute pet, period.
A professional never reveals their secret ;) —SCP-H4RP13
Bright gave you VPN access, didn't he? —O5-1
Nope. I got it myself. —SCP-H4RP13
20. I thought this goes without saying, but here we are. SCP-H4RP13 is not allowed access to any electronics, unless it's for a test that was greenlit by the Ethics Committee. Nevermind, don't let it access electronics and that's final.
a) How the hell did it rickroll everyone on a lighter?!
21. SCP-H4RP13 is not allowed to reference Star Wars to prove a point. No, it does not in fact have the high ground, Night Sister magick, or the Force, no matter how much it may insist otherwise.
a)"Come to the Dark side, we've got cookies" is a dead meme.
22. SCP-H4RP13 is required a wisdom check every time they get an idea. For that its supervisor in the moment has to roll one D20 and subtract two from the final score. Any score under 16 will be a dismissal of the idea.
a) Okay, so apparently somehow the wisdom checks say you add 2 to the score. I don't know nor care to find out why.
b) For goodness' sake! If SCP-H4RP13 has a genius new idea don't let Bright do the mandatory wisdom check! Somehow he always hits a NAT 20 on the worst ideas.
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 6 months
Cross test #12
Participants: SCP-H4RP13, SCP-018
Proposed by: Dr. Jack Bright
Short description of the objects:
SCP-H4RP13: a lycanthropic humanoid (wolf lycantrophy), approximately 6'00 (183 cm) and 165 lbs (75 kg), cryomancer, sentient and sapient
SCP-018: a red rubber ball manufactured by the company Wham-O in 1969, 2.36 inches (6 cm) in diameter, bounces with over 200% efficiency.
Description: [REDACTED]
SCP-H4RP13 was subdued and transferred to a reinforced test chamber in Sector █ of Site-██. After it recognized its surroundings one Class D personnel was introduced to the chamber, entrusted with SCP-018. First the D-Class handed the item to SCP-H4RP13, which without hesitation accepted the anomalous ball and started bouncing it against the wall of the chamber. SCP-H4RP13 was instructed to return SCP-018 to the D-Class, but it refused. The D-Class was instructed to forcefully take the anomalous toy from the lycantrophe. The D-Class was admitted to the medical room and her hand was closed up with ██ stitches. SCP-H4RP13 was subdued nonlethally and returned to its cell with a muzzle.
When Dr. Bright was questioned about the outcome he went on record and said "I did not expect this outcome. H4 is usually fully cooperative when I instruct it to give back 018."
Addendum 1: Never again.
["SCP-018" by Epic Phail Spy, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-018. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.]
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 11 months
Test #8236
Subject: SCP-H4RP13
Short description:
A photograph taken with SCP-978
Test log:
SCP-H4RP13 has been photographed with SCP-978, the desire camera, while enjoying its lunch in the canteen. Only H4 was captured by 978.
Entire scene changed. The photograph appears to be split clean in half vertically. In the left half, the entity is standing in front of a blank pink background, surrounded by people it knows and is on good terms with. The pink background has a stylized calendar hanging from it with the date. It corresponds to the date of the photograph taken.
In the right half of the photograph, the background is just as blank aside from the stylized calendar. The color changed from pink to a pastel blue, most people who used to surround H4RP13 have completely disappeared except for one and new figures appeared in the old ones' stead. The remaining person from the original side was the shadow with the neck accessory that indicated the identity of the figure in question heavily. The shadow part is most likely to keep their appearance ambiguous as it is unknown what they will look like next. The other two figures appear to be children with strawberry blonde hair, a boy and a girl around the same age, the boy displaying the same canine phenotypes H4 does.
The stylized calendar lacks a date this time, the original one replaced with an infinity symbol. Upon taking a closer look at the two sides, everyone appears to be smiling.
H4RP13 seems to wish it could have people around it forever and maybe even a family with another immortal we all know. Upon questioning, the subject confirmed the suspicion and admitted to struggling with separation anxiety and rejection dysphoria, as well as the fantasies of a future with the mysterious person in the right half, in a more domestic setting.
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