skelethyst · 2 months
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Just a gift for my friend, who is nice to me. Well, because I like the work of my friends, especially if they create something that can fall into the soul. So here is a fan art on Dr. Bright with the design of this lovely persone @evanwevand
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amajordraltoclef · 1 year
Been a while since I've posted here!
Here's some bois that have to leave my ETSY before I move to big cartel
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 6 months
Cross test #12
Participants: SCP-H4RP13, SCP-018
Proposed by: Dr. Jack Bright
Short description of the objects:
SCP-H4RP13: a lycanthropic humanoid (wolf lycantrophy), approximately 6'00 (183 cm) and 165 lbs (75 kg), cryomancer, sentient and sapient
SCP-018: a red rubber ball manufactured by the company Wham-O in 1969, 2.36 inches (6 cm) in diameter, bounces with over 200% efficiency.
Description: [REDACTED]
SCP-H4RP13 was subdued and transferred to a reinforced test chamber in Sector █ of Site-██. After it recognized its surroundings one Class D personnel was introduced to the chamber, entrusted with SCP-018. First the D-Class handed the item to SCP-H4RP13, which without hesitation accepted the anomalous ball and started bouncing it against the wall of the chamber. SCP-H4RP13 was instructed to return SCP-018 to the D-Class, but it refused. The D-Class was instructed to forcefully take the anomalous toy from the lycantrophe. The D-Class was admitted to the medical room and her hand was closed up with ██ stitches. SCP-H4RP13 was subdued nonlethally and returned to its cell with a muzzle.
When Dr. Bright was questioned about the outcome he went on record and said "I did not expect this outcome. H4 is usually fully cooperative when I instruct it to give back 018."
Addendum 1: Never again.
["SCP-018" by Epic Phail Spy, from the SCP Wiki. Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-018. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.]
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scpwiki-official · 2 years
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The silly!
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trxsh3banditt · 1 year
Clef x Bright is still an OTP I do not care if Shaw exists. He gets Kondraki 
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marina1920 · 11 months
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dr--lovejoy · 1 year
Dr.Lovejoys Personal Journals [#231]
I have been assigned to yet another new objective. Scp-049 has requested my presence...again. Ever since I snuck him in that one liver when I was assigned to him as a way to make peace.
He's self aware enough that he doesn't touch doctors or any d-class personal unless he is actively threatened.
When i went to see him he seemed unusually happy, and informed me that the 05 council had agreed to let him use a couple d-class personal bodies a month from the morgue. That's nice. Those small joys that humanoid SCPs get are a small relief for them. I know that the plague doctor hates the fact he's here, that the pesstilence he's attempting to fight he believes is ravaging the human race while he's locked up in the small containment cell he now calls home.
[The rest of the page has been torn out.]
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grabnok-the-destroyer · 8 months
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(OOC POST) @admingears and @kingoftheboooterflies begged me to draw Brightdraki 😭 ur welcome pookies <3 (both of these men are horrendous red flags) #brightdraki #scp #ship #gay #drbright #jackbright #drkondraki #ew #gaypeople #ihatetheseguys
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pobopolybius · 10 months
Fellas I got the @drbright url
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pluralprogramming · 2 years
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amajordraltoclef · 3 years
Both bust and Chibi keychains are live in my store!
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cloudwolfieaskblog · 3 months
H4RP13: You kill people because you have no choice. I kill people because it's fun. We're not the same.
Bright: Since when was psychopathy a flex?!
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tryerofpods · 2 years
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Ahh yeah, let's talk about The Bright Sessions (@brightpodcast ) from @laurenshippen and @atypicalartists . The Bright Sessions is a speculative fiction drama podcast, and is the first pod in the Lauren Shippen Empire. It falls in to one of the #podtropes I'm always a sucker for, people with special powers, and then turns it on it's ear. It's about the psychiatric practice of Dr. Joan Bright, played by Julia Morizawa (Amelia Project, Bridgewater, The Strange Case of Starship Iris, EOS10). Joan is a psychiatrist who helps people with special abilities, atypicals, to manage and control their powers, and also just offer good old fashioned counseling. Like, what if you were a gay high schooler, who suddenly found they could feel the emotions of people around them--all the people...in high school? Had the power to read minds? Time travel, but not when you want to, but triggered by anxiety attacks? What if you had the ability to force people to do what you wanted? How would that affect you? You'd probably want some help coping with this. Though, then again, where did Dr. Bright learn these techniques? Surely someone must have shown her how to help... There's 123 15-30 minute episodes in the feed, including spin-offs, The AM archives, and The College Tapes. Drama, intrigue, and some mystery/occasional heist vibes, The Bright Sessions is definitely on the list of iconic pods you'll regret not listening to. If you like "mutant abilities", found families, and well-crafted stories, then The Bright Sessions is for you!
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kirasystem · 3 years
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Drew our SOs Bright [The left one] Our Bright [The right one]
And someone from DA’s bright. Cause yes. -Lass
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mewzinhooo · 4 years
Containment Breach! Tales from the site 19
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This is how my roleplay would be like if it was a Netflix series.
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dr--lovejoy · 1 year
SCP -002
Item #: SCP-002
Object Class: Euclid
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Scp -002 in its containment area
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-002 is to remain connected to a suitable power supply at all times, to keep it in what appears to be a recharging mode. In case of electrical outage, the emergency barrier between the object and the facility is to be closed and the immediate area evacuated. Once facility power is re-established, alternating bursts of X-ray and ultraviolet light must strobe the area until SCP-002 is re-affixed to the power supply and returned to recharging mode. Containment area is to be kept at negative air pressure at all times.
Teams including a minimum of two (2) members are required within 20 meters of SCP-002 or its containment area. Personnel should maintain physical contact with one another at all times to confirm there is another person present, as perception may be dulled, skewed, or influenced by proximity to the object.
No personnel below Level 3 are permitted within SCP-002. This requirement may be waived via written authorization from two (2) off-site Level 4 administrators. Command staff issued such a waiver must be escorted by at least five (5) Level 3 Security personnel for the duration of their contact and must temporarily surrender their rank and security clearance. Following contact, command staff will be escorted at least 5 km from SCP-002 to undergo a seventy-two (72)-hour quarantine and psychological evaluation. If deemed fit for return to duty by psych staff, rank and security clearance may be restored when quarantine expires.
Description: SCP-002 resembles a tumorous, fleshy growth with a volume of roughly 60 m³ (or 2000 ft³). An iron valve hatch on one side leads to its interior, which appears to be a standard low-rent apartment of modest size. One wall of the room possesses a single window, though no such opening is visible from the exterior. The room contains furniture which, upon close examination, appears to be sculpted bone, woven hair, and various other biological substances produced by the human body. All matter tested thus far show independent or fragmented DNA sequences for each object in the room.
Refer to the Mulhausen Report [cross-ref:document00.023.603] for details related to object's discovery.
Reference: To date, subject has been responsible for the disappearances of seven personnel. It has also in its time at the facility further furnished itself with two lamps, a throw rug, a television, a radio, a beanbag chair, three books in an unknown language, four children's toys, and a small potted plant. Tests with a variety of lab animals including higher primates have failed to provoke a response in SCP-002. Cadavers as well fail to produce any effect. Whatever process the subject uses to convert organic matter into furnishings is apparently only facilitated by the introduction of living humans.
Mulhausen Report [00.023.603] The following is a brief report detailing the discovery of SCP-002
Subject was discovered in a small crater in northern Portugal where it struck the Earth from orbit. Encased in a shell of thick rock, the fleshy exterior of the object was exposed by the impact. A native farmer happened upon the site and reported his findings to the village elder. Subject gained SCP attention when a Level 4 agent posted in the area detected a small radioactive anomaly generated by the object.
A collection squad of SCP security personnel led by General Mulhausen was immediately dispatched to the area where they quickly secured the subject in a large container and performed initial testing with subjects recruited from the nearby village. Three men individually sent into the structure subsequently disappeared. Upon discovering this deadly property of the subject, General Mulhausen issued a Level 4a Termination Order of any witnesses (roughly 1/3 of the village) to ensure no outside knowledge of the object and initiated its transport to SCP facility [DATA EXPUNGED]. During preparation for transport, four SCP security personnel were inexplicably drawn inside the object where they too immediately disappeared. Following inspection, it appeared as if the object had "grown" several new furnishings and was beginning to look like the interior of an apartment room. General Mulhausen immediately ordered the requisition of several Class III HAZMAT suits for the remaining security team members, who proceeded to lift the container onto a waiting freight ship for transport to the SCP containment facility.
[DATA EXPUNGED] [DATA EXPUNGED] Following the termination of General Mulhausen, SCP-002 was re-secured by SCP staff and brought into special containment in [CLASSIFIED], where it currently resides. Staff with clearance below Level 3 have been denied access to the SCP-002 container without prior approval of at least two Level 4 staff after the Mulhausen incident.
Notes from Dr. Lovegood~
Personally i've never come into contact with this SCP. However, what i've heard from fellow level 5 and even level 4 personal is quite odd.
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