wayermelon · 2 years
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barbieburnanator · 1 year
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To be a clone, forced to grow up all too fast, to fight in a war that is not your own.
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citrine-elephant · 9 months
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found out what a robber fly was and decided it needed to be inspiration
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lanwangjihouse · 10 months
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Oh we are hating on the wmmap novels today? I found Athy (Lee Jihye) to be oddly mean in the novels. There were multiple instances where Jennette was uncomfortable, sad, being targeted or about to be embarrassed and Athy aknowledges she could have helped her but chose not to. If I remember correctly once at the tea party the girls were trying to get under her skin because of her relationship with Ijekiel and how it would have been sorta incest even though cousin marriage is legal in Obelia (nevermind that they are only pretending to be second cousins and all nobles are distantly related anyway) and it was very apparent these girls were just trying to prick her with their words but Athy leaned back and watched without intervening with the excuse that Jennette has to learn how to defend herself.
There was also a Jennette/Ijekiel date scene where Jennette was stuck with her heel somewhere and Athy thinks to herself how Jennette would have to take off her shoes in public and would embarass herself. She thinks how she could have easily helped her with magic but instead she hides and watches (thankfully Ijekiel kneels down and helps her.) These are such small and subtle scenes but piled up they paint a much meaner picture of Athy. When you know you have the power to help a friend and it would cost you absolutely nothing, wouldn't even be more than a sentence or the flick of a hand but you instead chose to watch them embarass themselves then you are a dick. It also makes wmmap Athy a hypocrite for getting mad about the girls in The Lovely Princess talking shit about the og Athy when in her current universe there's a girl in a similar position and she prefers to be a spectator rather then giving her a helping hand. I think Athy secretly likes it when Jennette is unhappy and Jennette becoming something pitiful in her eyes is the only way she can love her because that way she doesn't feel threatened in her position and can feel better about herself when she choses to comfort her. Athy feels jealous over the smallest good things that are happening in Jennette's life that weren't there because of her.
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teddywesworl · 3 months
improving your craft is such a double edged sword man like do i understand the importance of sowing all the required seeds of a whole novel in chapter 1 in a way that primes the reader to perceive certain patterns and themes and establishes plot elements that won't pay off until the end of the book? yes.
but that stuff is still hARD
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inosukz · 1 year
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aconstantache · 6 months
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You're precious to me, Henry
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Reason to Live #8679
  Writing because you need it and it feels so good or so neutral, either way, satisfying. – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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carnivorepussy · 9 months
being accosted by adult authority figures you barely know for doing something "sexually provocative" that will "tempt someone" (like showing your shoulders) as a Small Child that knows literally nothing about sex or sexual innuendo (but still being treated like you know and you're doing it intentionally) is 20x more damaging to your psyche than seeing two men hold hands.
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mondaymelon · 7 months
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what. what does this. im. im trembling. my hands are visibly shaking. i am quivering at the sight of him. what does he want from me. why is he staring at me like that with his mouth open just far enough that i can catch a glimpse of his yellowed chompers why is his nose so dangly like a crusty musty sock and why is he gripping onto the spoon so intimately
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enirb0r3h · 1 year
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01000101 01101110 01101010 01101111 01111001
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catsinmugs · 4 hours
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highschool outtakes <3
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chiosblog · 4 days
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I just met my idol today lol
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romysoph · 11 days
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honestly glad they're selling these
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eruditetyro · 2 months
suffering from terminal too many projects brain
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