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Valkyrie: Jane Foster #4
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Oh boy! one of the weird like 6 different Satan creatures! Super excited for that!
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mister-faltine · 2 years
The Hell Lords:
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Captain Britain And MI:13 (2008) Annual #1.
Writer - Paul Cornell.
Artist - Mike Collins.
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alex-leweird · 1 year
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Small doodles
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marvelman901 · 1 year
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Satannish! . 1st - 4th slide is from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe v3 12 (1991) Art by Keith Pollard and Josef Rubinstein. 7th slide is by Jackson Guice. 9th slide is from West Coast Avengers vol 2 98 (1993) Art by David Ross and Tim Dzon. . See more relevant content here: #marvelman901satannish #marvelman901horror . #satannish #westcoastavengers #avengers #90s #supernatural #keithpollard #jacksonguice #timdzon #davidross #josefrubinstein https://www.instagram.com/p/CnQNyYXNdZ6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ewzzy · 2 years
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Unto us... The Sons of Stannish!
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quasar1967 · 2 years
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Doctor Strange #175
Sept 3rd 1968
Unto Us, The Sons Of Satannish
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Doctor Strange Vol 1 #177
Art by: Gene Colan.
Release Date: November 5, 1968.
Cover Date: February, 1969.
Editor-in-Chief: Stan Lee.
Writer(s): Roy Thomas.
Penciler(s): Gene Colan.
Inker(s): Tom Palmer.
Letterer(s): Herb Cooper.
Editor(s): Stan Lee.
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ahgastayverse · 8 months
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Shuma-Gorath is an evil deity and a villain from the Marvel universe, and is one of the Many-Angled Ones. He is an ancient alien deity who demands blood sacrifice, most commonly serving as an enemy to Doctor Strange, the Fantastic Four, and the Guardians of the Galaxy. His goal is to conquer all dimensions.
As an ancient force of chaos, ruler of over a hundred alternate universes, he is capable of energy projection, shapeshifting, teleportation, levitation, altering reality, and sympathetic magic among many other feats. He is described as being vastly more powerful than other mighty demonic enemies such as Satannish and Mephisto, and is capable of automatically destroying multiple galaxies through aura-pressure alone. Shuma-Gorath also has the ability to destroy realities by using all of his tentacles to create a ball of energy which he fires at the reality.
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Sometimes stated to be omnipotent, he is considered to be one of the primal power of Chaos. He was stated to be the greatest of the Old Ones. In his native dimension he is virtually unstoppable, and given his past reformations, it is unknown if he can ever truly be killed.
His skin is rubbery and armored, making him difficult to damage except by the most powerful magics. Though he often appears as a scaly being with six to eight tentacles and a great, central eye, during the Hyborean Age he was also seen to have numerous pincers, claws, and insectoid limbs, in addition to a large, fanged maw. Similarly, he has been depicted as either greenish or purple in color. It is stated by The Vision that Shuma-Gorath exists on many planes and thus his true form cannot be seen by humans. Presumably, he can alter the form people see him as to his will. According to Shuma-Gorath himself, he is nothing except his power and his form is merely a shell that contains it.
Shuma-Gorath's name is often invoked across many dimensions by beings seeking dark power.
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Shuma-Gorath's power level is far beyond human comprehension. He is virtually indestructible and powerful, so he can regenerate completely, also being able to change his own form.
He generates energy within himself and can also absorb energy, which he easily manipulates to create several forms of attacks.
He is capable of teleportation, levitation and phasing, being also able to travel through dimensions at will.
He can communicate telepathically and mind-controlling others, even from other dimensions.
He can create and direct powerful blasts of mystical energy, and affect transmutations on a planetary scale.
His strength levels has no known upper limits.
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Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Far superior to entities such as Dormammu, Slorioth and The Trinity of Ashes.
Speed: Immeasurable, Omnipresent within its realm
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown
Durability: Multiverse level+, possibly Low Complex Multiverse level
Stamina: Unknown
Range: Multiversal+, possibly Low Complex Multiversal
Marvel Wiki
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Team Supplemental - The Night Shift
The WestCoast superhero known as The Shroud came to the conclusion that he would prove a much more effective crimefighter were he to pose as a villain and take on the underworld from within.  To this end, The Shroud gathered a team of costumed villains, many of whom had been the captive of the villain known as The Locksmith.  
Although most of the members of The Shroud’s Night Shift believed they were involved in a criminal endeavor, The Shroud was able to steer them on a course to take down the other criminal factions active in the Los Angeles area.   Based in the Tower of Shadows, The Shroud led the Night Shift into battle against a host of criminal organizations, stealing their wealth and splitting it among themselves. The Shroud also kept careful watch over his team, ensuring that none of the group members preyed on the innocent. Under the Shroud's leadership, the Night Shift even allied with Captain America against the Power Broker.
The Shroud’s chief lieutenant on the team was the former Spider-Woman foe known as Dancer Macabre.  She often acted as leader of the team during times in which The Shroud’s duties took him elsewhere.  During one of these times, Dancer Macabre led the Night Shift in an attack against The West Coast Avengers.  
Not long thereafter, the team was taken over by the villain known as The Hangman, who was actually in league with the demonic entity known as Satannish.  All this resulted in The Night Shift rebelling against The Hangman and joining forces with Dr. Strange and The West Coast Avengers in order to defeat Satannish.  
The squad subsequently disbanded yet a new version of the team later reformed under the leadership of the Superior Spider-Man.  
Members of the team included:
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The Shroud
When he was ten years old, Maximiliian Coleridge witnessed his parents gunned down. He dedicated his life to fighting crime, gaining a law degree and studying the Cult of Kali. During his studies, he developed mystical perception and the ability to manipulate aspects of the Darkforce. He became the Shroud and used this costume identity to take down criminals in a very covert manner. He encountered the Fantastic Four and Captain America, and later established a club in Los Angeles called the Cat's Jazz Club, where he could keep watch over the criminal underbelly.
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Dancer Macabre
Dansen Macabre was a skilled dancer and priestess of Shiva who visited the Shroud's club in an attempt to kill him because he was empowered by Shiva's rival Kali. This led to an encounter with Spider-Man.
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Roderick Krupp was a grave digger in Los Angeles who encountered the dangerous, haunted mansion called the House of Shadows. He soon moved into the house and from there hosted several late night horror television shows, taking the name ‘Digger.’ After his television shows were cancelled, Roderick started to go insane, believing everyone alive was actually dead. He started to bury people alive, but was apprehended by Jessica Drew and taken into custody.
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A mutant with the ability to control natural fibers, Sybil Dvorak was brought to the United States from her native Rumania by the actor Jason Reed, who promised her fame and fortune, but instead kept her effectively a prisoner in his mansion. Bored, Sybil created a costume and wove delicate wings to become ‘Gyp$y Moth’. She became hedonistic, seeking pleasure and adventure, and when Reed died, his wealth was left to her. She also became an American citizen and encountered Spider-Woman on multiple occasions.
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Werewolf by Night
Jack Russell inherited his father's curse of lycanthropy.  He has had many adventures with the criminal and super human communities and joined the Night Shift following his encounter with The Locksmith.  
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Josef Saint was an elderly tailor who was attacked by hoodlums and lost an eye in the process. He grew enraged by this, and developed the ability to paralyze people with a stare. He battled Spider-Woman prior to becoming a member of The Night Shift.
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Arnold Paffenroth was bit-part Hollywood actor who could never really catch a break. He eventually became homeless and bitter towards the upper class, which led him to being mind-controlled by Sarnak, who gave him the ragged costume which he would wear as a super villain.  Following encounters with The Werewolf by Night, Ghost Rider and Spider-Woman, The Tatterdemalion ended up a member of The Night Shift.
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The Brothers Grimm
Percy and Barton Grimes were corrupt realtors who purchased an old theater in Los Angeles, where they discovered the long-abandoned Brothers Grimm costumes which had been imbued with magical powers. Taking the costumes for themselves as the Brothers Grimm, they fought Iron Man and later Spider-Woman before being captured by The Locksmith.  Thereafter, the pair were recruited into the ranks of The Night Shift.  
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Jason Roland was a handsome Hollywood actor who struggled to get his break in the industry. He eventually made a deal with a make-up artist who claimed to be an emissary of the devil;  He traded his soul in exchange for success. The make-up artist created a monstrous design for Jason to wear in the film ‘The Demon that Devoured Hollywood,’ which led to Jason's increased popularity. Jason threatened to break off the deal but, on the final day of shooting, he discovered that he was unable to remove his costume, effectively trapping him in a monstrous form.  Now known as The Misfit, he battled Spider-Woman prior to being captured by the Locksmith and subsequently joining The Night Shift.
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The monstrous Waxman had been a scientist suffering from a rare skin condition.  An experiment meant to cure him instead turned him into the creature composed of a malleable wax-like substance. He appeared at popular clubs throughout Los Angeles disguised as handsome men and seduced women. Bringing them someplace alone, his body turned into a waxy form during a moment of passion and he would smother them to death.  The villain was defeated by Spider-Woman and then imprisoned by Locksmith.  he served for a short time as a member of The Nightshift until he was dealt with more permanently by Moon Knight.  
The Night Shift  first appeared in the pages of Captain America Vol. 1 #330 (1987).
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aformofnerdlife42 · 6 months
The incredible Hulk vol1 #359 or the time hulk (Joe fixit) bet las Vegas, a soul of a guy that I don't really care for the name and his own soul with the fucking demon, or as he introduced himself satannish, clootie, old Nick, old scratch, the serpent and a lot of other names
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taiblogcomics · 8 months
Bad Guys Making Bad Decisions
Hey there, cybernetics. Well, we're on issue 7 of 10. That's really all there is to say at this point!
Here's the cover:
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Oh, jeepers, no. Nico, don't kiss that mans. He doesn't even have lips, for one thing. He's got all that misty red leakage. And, like, he couldn't even be bothered to put on a clean shirt, for cripe's sake. Now, the real question is, trace the angle of Nico's arm. Now trace the angle of the Staff of One. Where is she holding onto that thing? Like, even if it's in her other hand--which seems even less comfortable--where is she holding it? Or if Alex is holding it… We can see his one hand, so same question applies. I think they just wanted to get the Staff on the cover and didn't really think about it because they weren't drawing the characters lower than the bottom of the frame. That all aside, great cover, though. Very spooky. Oooo~
So… What the fuck was last issue about? I've honestly forgotten. Something with Deathlocket? Yeah, that sounds right, sure. Anyway, we open today with narration from Nico, where she's like "Most girls fantasise about killing their first boyfriend, don't they?" Geez, I hope not. I think you may be projecting, Nico, because you literally did that. Anyway, these feelings are surfacing for her because Alex has trapped her in a pocket dimension to fight a magma elemental. You know, standard stuff you do with your ex, I'm sure~
It's not even the lava golem she's fighting that's pissing her off, it's that Alex keeps flirting with her. And that's certainly fair. Fortunately, before it gets too awkward, Hazmat and Anachronism enter and tell her there's a problem regarding Chase. If you recall, Chase blew his cover last issue by preventing Captain America from being shot. Because despite his somewhat dudebro personality and his even douchier looks in this storyline, Chase is actually a good guy. He's the hope we still have riding on this storyline. That oughta worry you.
The away mission returns, and they did retrieve their guy from AIM or whatever they were doing. But as Nico teleports in, they find Chase was shot. Surprisingly, Excavator covers up for him. Sometimes folks just get shot while on missions, you know how it goes. He says it wasn't anybody's fault. Nico retorts that it's always somebody's fault. And hey, remember how I said Chase appears in future Runaways stories, so I wasn't worried? Nico casts a spell to "fix him", channelling purple lightning into him. Well, for once, she certainly can't make him worse~
Now here's a cutaway I didn't expect. We move over to the SHIELD Helicarrier to see our other victim of the AIM debacle: Captain America. He's having a debriefing with Maria Hill and Hank Pym. Hank obviously wants to just storm in there and get the kids, while Maria points out that Bagalia is a sovereign nation and they can't just do that. But in case you think she's the reasonable one, Hank just wants to help the kids, while Maria calls them "fugitives" who conspired and succeeded in murdering a man, resisted arrest, and escaped custody. In case you wondered if she still had that stick up her ass~
Now, Cap is of course on the same side as Hank in rescuing the kids, but they can't really do anything about it right now. He's more worried about the agent they lost in the debacle: a certain Reginald Crenshaw, head of SHIELD's entire information network. This is who the Masters of Evil were targeting, who was being held by AIM. He's warded against psychics of all stripes, so the Masters haven't a snowball's chance in hell to get him to spill. Funny wording, that. Because remember Satannish's cameo a few issues back? He possesses Crenshaw, completely hacking his mind open. …Figuratively, to be clear.
We return over to Nico and friends, observing Chase in emergency care. She's getting antsy because it's taking more than a few minutes to heal him. The doctor (who's a creepy half-cyborg fucker the wiki is telling me is actually the Tinkerer, a man who does not have a medical degree) tells her that Chase is suffering from the trauma of the gunshot wound and is comatose. Nico doesn't get it, she healed that wound with magic. She's seen Chase get up after being hit by a car (which I think is a reference to the ending of the "Rock Zombies" storyline in Runaways). So why isn't he okay now?
Dr. Walker (or the Tinkerer or whoever he is) tells her that neuroscience is more complicated than that. You can't just "magic" someone's brain better. And she's welcome to try, maybe she'll regress him into infancy somehow. She retorts that magic doesn't work like that. Looking smug, he retorts with a request for how magic does work, then. And of course, her retort is "it just does!" and blowing all the windows apart while storming out of the room. Ah, teenagers, am I right~?
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This very funny tantrum is followed by the extremely stupid decision of her to go snog Alex Wilder. And, like, Alex is an evil jerk, but the first thing he asks is "How's Chase?" when she returns, with a look of genuine concern on his face. And I will give him points for that. Meanwhile, the comic ends with a glimpse of Cammi in prison. She's spent the whole time carving a peephole so she can spy on Baron Zemo and crew. However, her very chatty cellmate keeps bugging her. And why shouldn't he bug her? Because it's Arcade. He's alive, imprisoned by the Masters of Evil, and he still won't shut up.
Bad choices, bad guys, and of course, bad comic books. This one is mostly just continuing everything from last time. The Alex/Nico stuff is gross and uncomfortable, and it's not coz they're teens shacking up or anything. Alex's flirting comes across as way too manipulative, which is probably the point? It doesn't make me enjoy reading the character, though. This isn't the worst issue of the thing, but it does feel like it breezes by a bit too quickly. Maybe because basically nothiing happened in it, besides the ending reveal?
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Pretty generic wrap up... nothing to write home about...
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marvelousmrm · 2 years
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Giant-Size Defenders #2 (Wein/Kane, Oct 1974). Asmodeus, an old foe of Dr Strange’s, kidnaps Hulk in exchange for a Satanic resurrection. Te remaining Defenders seek help from Daimon Hellstrom. The confusing and unnecessary distinctions between Satan and Satannish are resolved, but I still kinda wish Marvel would just confirm Mephisto is another guise of Satan.
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alex-leweird · 2 years
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Bringing some shitposting
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marvelman901 · 1 year
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The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe v3 12 (1991) Art by Keith Pollard and Josef Rubinstein. . Which of these characters do you like the most? . #silversurfer #piper #aguila #blackcat #andromeda #centurius #crossbones #dspayre #frenzy #goliath #helio #jackofhearts #karnak #loki #melter #mrhyde #nightcrawler #puffadder #runner #satannish #spitfire #taurus #unimind #whiplash https://www.instagram.com/p/Cman8ysqYDg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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