#saph's writings
elementalladymallorie · 9 months
Small Moments and Small Gestures that Make a Home
Chapter 9- Even a Drop is Enough
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Word Count: 877
TW: Mention of Blood
So here we are with Jinbei's chapter! This time our SBS trivia is Blood Types! I almost went with how often everyone bathed for comedy, but this ended up feeling more right.
I hope you enjoy!
They say blood is thicker than water, and that the bonds we choose to make are stronger than those we can start with. It something runs through everyone's veins though, and shows how much more alike we are than we think.
It was an odd thing to think of when Jinbei reflects on the events leading to his recruitment offer. How one small thing could lead to something so big, and how diverse and limited it could be as well. 
It was also something he didn’t think he would give much more thought to after everything that’s happened. But when you live dangerous lives, people get hurt and even when they aren’t in danger minor accidents happen every day and both lead to people bleeding. Perhaps it was a nicked finger, a paper cut, or someone accidentally getting a bloody nose but one day Jinbei couldn’t help but think about it and remember that it had been mentioned that Luffy was the only one with his type of blood on the ship. So, he decided to learn of the other’s as well.  
Chopper had everyone’s types memorized of course, but he ensured that everyone else knew as well, just in case there was an emergency and one of them was being treated by another doctor. 
It was a startling thought to realize that Sanji could donate blood to everyone on the ship, but none of them could donate to him. A dangerous thing really when it became apparent that Sanji may be one of the ones that would need a potential transfusion more than others. 
Usopp and Robin luckily donate to each other as well, at least given no one else could donate to either of them outside of Sanji as well. It gives Jinbei an odd kind of respect and a greater concern for those that had S type blood.  
On the other hand, Zoro and Franky both had the easiest time of it. They could both receive from every single member of the crew. It was something that apparently Chopper would angrily mutter about whenever he’s patching up Zoro, and it was likely the biggest reason Chopper was able to keep up with his injuries. 
It’s also a wonder if it also helped Franky with when he remade himself, both times he had done so. It does give a small sense of closure that for the most part they won’t have to worry about those of the XF type.  
Then there was the oddest grouping of those who shared blood types on the ship in Jinbei’s opinion. Nami, Chopper, and Brook all shared the same type, but Jinbei couldn’t help but question how that would work. Chopper could be partially explained by his devil fruit perhaps changing his blood enough to be compatible with humans to the point he can transfer it, which he apparently would also be in his more humanoid form while he does so.  
Brooke is a more puzzling case, even for Chopper, and like many things that revolve around Brook and his general existence, it’s accepted as being part of the devil fruits abilities. However, in a broad sense of worry about how much Brook can actually afford to donate, he’s used left as a sort of last resort for those with the X type blood.  
Jinbei worried a bit about the potential strain that could put on Nami, and about the potential ‘Billing’ that may come from it, but it is mitigated by the fact that it’s Chopper and Brook she has to help and how much less likely it is for them to need a major transfusion. He also comes to learn that most of the things Nami places on their ‘tabs’ are not things she ever intends to collect on, and it seems more to be a way to keep the crew in line.  
That left the last group of them, a small group of only two. Jinbei and Luffy themselves, and what tumultuous moment it had been to learning that.  
It had made Chopper more at ease to have more than one person with the F blood type on board. Much like with Sanji, it had made Chopper uneasy to have to draw from one person, especially one of their more injury prone fighters who was more likely to need a transfusion than to give one.  
It also gave Jinbei an odd sense of accomplishment, because it meant it was another way that he could help one of his crew and in a way, it meant he could fulfill the request Ace had asked of him once so long ago now.  
He also knows, that without even being asked, that Luffy wouldn’t hesitate to return the gesture if necessary. Though he also hopes that will never need to happen if they can avoid it.  
It did make him wonder though, how they had managed to have only one member with the F type blood for so long. Though he does find out that there had been apparently one other with their type in the crew before, the princess that half their crew mentions with fond smiles and nostalgic words had matched Luffy as well.  
Well, there were two now, and Jinbei had no plans on leaving any time soon. It was surprising too to think back and see how much of a taboo something as simple as blood could be, but Jinbei and his friends were pirates. They always did things out of the norm as it was. 
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fcthots · 5 months
Jason Todd would want you to take pictures of his face between your legs.
He'd want you to make sure that you have the flash on and have your other hand buried in his hair. Multiple pictures too. One with his face completely buried in your folds. One with his eyes drunkenly locked on you. Another after you tug his face away, hand still in his hair, with glassy half open eyes and slick all over his mouth.
If you send him the pictures when he's out of the house and busy, he'll drop whatever he's doing to get to take some more. And if you send him a video of you touching yourself to the pictures? He will go 100 in a 35 to see you and get to watch you.
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dear-ao3 · 2 months
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sapphorror · 6 months
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I genuinely cannot fucking handle how upset these two get about having their fights interrupted. This is definitely normal behavior from two people who want nothing to do with each other and don't find any kind of social fulfillment in their repeated attempts to annihilate each other
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Also Dib introducing himself as Zim's sworn enemy. 'The first thing you need to know.' he literally could not be more transparently embarrassing about this if he tried.
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signed-sapphire · 3 months
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Pardon TFS!Asha’s rudeness… she hasn’t quite reached her character development yet
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saphira-approves · 8 months
I know everyone talks about realizing characters they grew up with in YA media aren’t nearly as Basically An Adult as they seemed to a 12yo reader but. It’s literally JUST NOW hitting me that while Eragon was high-school aged (tackled that realization ages ago), Murtagh… is college aged. Barely. Like, baby-faced freshman in the first book to jaded sophomore/rising junior in Inheritance.
Depending on when his book is set, he’s either a graduating senior or starting grad school (you know he’d do grad school, he’s a nerd).
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thewordswewrite · 1 year
The Drought of an Ocean
Chapter 2 - As Tribute
Pairing | Finnick Odair x Fem!Reader
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Story Summary | Finnick Odair was the youngest victor to ever win the Hunger Games but that didn’t earn him respect as a mentor, at least not until she came along. When a dejected volunteer from District 4 puts her life on the line, Finnick will do anything he can to protect her.
Chapter Summary | Finnick thinks back on the years since his own games as the reaping for the 70th annual Hunger Games takes place.
Chapter Warnings | canon typical violence, nonexplicit forced prostitution, mentions/situations of sexualizing minors, anxiety inducing situations, explicit language
W/C | 1.5k
A/N | wow guys I know this is prewritten but we wrote two chapters in two days and planned out the rest of the fic. we’re doing so good. -Smoe<3
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In the years since becoming a victor, Finnick continued the tradition of mentorship alongside Mags and the few others who sporadically made appearances when they had an extra bit of incentive from the capitol. However, being the youngest victor wasn’t all it was cracked up to be when it came to tributes on the older side, the seventeen and eighteen year-olds who thought little of him for his ‘peacocking’ in the capitol and his age. Even knowing he was skilled with traps and his trident didn’t earn him much respect. They trusted Mags, for she was about as old as the games themselves. Her old age gave the illusion of knowledge, but she only fought once, just like him and she had been a teenager then too. 
Still, it didn’t matter much for they rarely returned home except for one in recent years and he, being eighteen, had favored his independence both during training and the games. Finnick was occupied with other endeavors anyway, a job less glamorous than being a mentor, where his patrons didn’t deal in respect either but found him more useful than any tribute had. 
On his sixteenth birthday, Finnick received his very first gift from President Snow. 
He was returning home from a training session with the Stafford kid when he was met with peacekeepers stationed at his front door. Upon entering, his mother rose from her chair, ushering him into the dining room where Snow was sitting at the head of the table making conversation with his father.
“President Snow,” Finnick grinned, turning on the charm that was usually left at the door. “To what do we owe this pleasure?” Hearing his voice, his father stood from his chair and left them to their private conversation, giving Finnick’s shoulder a squeeze on the way out. 
“Mr. Odair! I think a celebration is in order. It's not every day a victor turns sixteen,” Snows teeth were lined in red when he smiled, a waft of rose replacing the metallic scent in the air before it had time to set in.
Finnick felt his heart begin to calm, it was just for his birthday. “Ah, of course I’m honored that you’d come see me personally but I couldn't possibly accept any gifts”  Snow had given him plenty; he hadn’t wanted to seem greedy. “You’ve already given me so much.”
Snow tutted at him and began to rise in his seat as if to leave. “Well, if you’d deny my gifts-”
“No! I’d never!” Finnick interrupted but immediately regretted it. He’d talked over the president and now there was nothing he could do to take it back.
Snow’s eyes glinted with a moment of fury before he smiled once more. “Maybe I could ask you for a favor, hm?”
“Absolutely, you’ve always been so generous,” Finnick’s nails were digging into his palms, his smile strained. “Anything.”
Of course, when Finnick had learned of what Snow had wanted from he refused; how could he not? He had learned early on however, that you do not refuse the President. 
“I’m sorry, Mr. Odair but if you can’t accept the opportunity I have offered you with grace, then I’m afraid I’ll have to take matters in my own hands,” Snow hissed, his barely restrained anger threatening to escape.
“What…what does that mean?”
Snow gave a ‘come hither’ gesture and before Finnick could utter another word, his father was on his knees in front of him, a peacekeeper pressing a gun to his head. In the blink of an eye, he was fully collapsed on the floor, his blood staining the ornate carpet. His mother was dragged in next, the butt of a gun slammed into the side of her head.
“I accept!,” Finnick screamed, “I accept!”
Since that day, Finnick had been doing business for Snow. He made trips to the Capitol monthly, normally getting through four or five customers per excursion. It didn’t matter whether or not he was in the mood, it didn’t matter that his ‘clients’ were his mother’s age or older, it didn’t matter because he had something to lose and as long as that was the case, he was a slave to Snow’s whims. 
Finnick stood at the back of the crowd watching as those of reaping age began to file in in front of the stage. He remembered how terrified he felt the day of his reaping when he was told he was meant to volunteer. Nobody knew who was to be picked until right before they pulled the names out of the bowl. Not even the tributes themselves. This year was different for him; Mags had recently fallen ill. Combined with the illness and her being frail with age, she was unable to aid him in his mentoring, meaning this year he was on his own for the first time. He hadn’t been concerned at first for now he'd helped a tribute win but without the guidance of Mags, if his tributes died the blame was his to shoulder.
The escort had been the same since his own games, often lingering around Victor Village and inserting themselves into the lives of the past victors for the Capitol's pleasure. Unlike 12’s escort with the ridiculous gold hair, who he knew preferred picking the ladies first, 4’s escort switched off each year.
“Boys first,” the escort was dressed in red-orange, spikes protruding from the outfit, the likeness of which resembled a lionfish. Finnick had to admit, out of all the outfits he'd seen them wear, this one he almost approved of, still though the wasteful extravagance of the Capitol left him with distaste. 
He didn’t care to listen to the name that had been pulled for he knew there was a boy who had been predetermined to volunteer, just as he had. While in the lower districts the reactions to the name-pulling were terror-inducing, in career districts it was safer to have your name pulled for someone would take your spot no matter the circumstances; parents could spend the night before the reaping resting peacefully with the knowledge that their children would be safe. 
The boy who volunteered in the reaped one’s place was nothing special but he knew how to play to a crowd, an advantage that many tributes had learned with Finnick as an example. He hadn’t seen more than a glimpse of the boy around town, spending most of his time at the Victor’s Village or in the Capitol nowadays but he recognized him as someone capable with a spear. Ultimately, it was up to the boy whether or not he was interested in cultivating other skills.
Finnick was nearly dozing when the female tribute was reaped. He waited for the telltale sign of the career to follow, the over zealous exclamation of ‘I volunteer’ to which the crowd would fawn but it didn’t come. Instead, a hand raised slowly above the crowd, fingers barely extending upwards towards the sky. The words could scarcely be heard as they were uttered, calm as a waveless sea.
“I volunteer,” the voice huffed, murmurs in the crowd wondering if something had gone wrong dampening the sound of her voice.
“What’s that?” The escort replied, making a show of leaning in closer to the crowd.
“I volunteer. As tribute.”
“Oh,” the escort crooned, “it seems we have another volunteer. Wonderful!”
Finnick smirked, watching the girl trudge her up the steps of the stage. To some degree, he respected her defiance, a trait he lost long ago, but he knew it would be her downfall and as any good mentor would, he would tell her to lose the attitude before it lost her her life. 
Finnick hadn't seen her before which he guessed meant she was from an orphanage that specialized in training volunteers. He couldn't stand to linger around them for he knew the pain of losing family and the thought of being around them depressed him more than he already was. The training rarely paid off anyway; the tributes produced by the orphanage had no life to return home to and little will to fight. She looked to be around his age meaning she was likely to age out soon and was chosen based solely off that. He could only guess those circumstances added to the resentment that was clear from a mile away. 
She would say her last goodbyes to her ‘family’ now if any of them had bothered to show up. Knowing what was coming next, Finnick found a peacekeeper to lead him to the train. He was always delighted by seeing how the volunteers would react to the decadence of the Capitol for it was one of the very few privileges that they had. It would be a short wait before the tributes were ushered on to the train along with the escort, whose name he really should have learned by now. He didn't see this year as a possibility for a district victory, which eased the pressure off his shoulders but filled him with guilt beyond belief. The next few weeks he had to look these two tributes in the eye and tell them he believed they could win.
Finnick heard the door to the train open and the telltale sound of boots coming up the stairs. With practiced ease, he slipped on a smile and grasped his hands behind his back looking both tributes in the eye.
“I’m Finnick Odair, your mentor.”
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silly-songs-with-saph · 2 months
Me girl rotting in bed: I don't even have an appetite, let alone the drive to get up from bed to get dinner.
Senshi dungeon meshi who lives rent free in my brain: Things are hard but youre going to have an even harder time if you dont a well balanced meal in your system. Eating something will give you the energy you need to do something you love. Even a small snack is a good start to getting back on your feet.
Me: you're right Senshi. I'm sorry I wasn't taking care of myself.
*heats up the chicken rice and veggies i made and eats*
Me: I still feel sad but nowhere near as horrible as before. I think I can pick my mood back up from here. Thank you Senshi.
Senshi: remember, eating right is the first step to becoming a good adventurer! You're on the right path
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sexynetra · 1 month
If y’all enjoyed Nymphia on ice, boy do I have a fic for you to read 😏
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slayfics · 20 days
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Girl talk about villains.
Warnings: nsfw themes
650 words
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Featured OCS:
💚 Kansatoki Hikari
💚 Yume Hoshino
💚 Asumi Tachibana
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"Ugh," Asumi sighed lying down on the floor dramatically. "I'm so tired of studying," she complained.
"We could take a break," Kansatoki suggested.
Yume nodded in agreement, her own eyes beginning to feel heavy from the long study session.
"Hey, I have an unhinged question for you both," Asumi said sitting upright.
Kansatoki eyed her suspiciously, while Yume sweetly replied, "What is it?"
"If you had to fuck a villain, who would you choose?" Asumi asked.
"Overhaul," Kansatoki answered before Asumi finished her question.
"Oh, that was too fast, you've definitely thought about that before," Asumi said laughing.
"Kansa!" Yume exclaimed. "I thought you were over your Stockholm syndrome!" Yume whined.
"I didn't have Stockholm syndrome!"' Kansatoki snapped. "I just think he'd have the cleanest dick out of all the villains."
"KANSA!" Yume exclaimed, hiding her face, flustered by her friend's vulgarness.
"I bet he's got a girthy one too," Asumi added.
"Oh, he does," Kansatoki agreed.
"Hu?" both girls looked at her. "What did you just say?" Asumi clarified.
Kansatoki's eyes widened, "I just mean- I saw him up close and he radiated big dick energy. Anyway, what's your answer Asumi?" Kansatoki asked forcing the attention off herself.
Asumi thought for a moment before answering, "I have to say Compress."
"Hmm," Kansatoki hummed. "He wasn't bad looking when that ugly mask came off."
"I just want to show him a few tricks myself," Asumi said, with a snicker. "Gonna make that dick disappear."
The two girls erupted with laughter while Yume tilted her head to the side trying to understand the joke.
"All right Yume, your turn," Kansatoki said, her laughter subsiding as she turned her attention to her friend.
"Hu?!" Yume looked between the girls with a panicked expression on her face.
"What villain are you fucking?" Asumi asked.
"Are you insane!" Yume exclaimed, "I'm not-," she looked around as if someone else might hear before whispering, "making love with a villain."
"Of course not, this is just hypothetical, just pick one." Kansatoki urged.
"Fine! Hmmm," Yume thought for a moment, "If Red Riot became a villain, I'd pick him."
Asumi and Kansatoki looked at each other with a pointed glance, before turning back to Yume. "That's cheating you can't choose your boyfriend," Asumi said.
"It's not cheating! It's hypothetical right!? So hypothetically if Eijiro became villain I'd choose him," Yume said matter-of-factly placing her arms on her hips.
"That's it, hold her down Asumi," Kansatoki instructed.
"What?!" Yume yelled as Asumi followed Kansatoki's directions and held Yum's hands behind her back.
Kansatoki slinked over to Yume's stuffed animal collection before grabbing her beloved shark plushie. "Answer now or sharky gets it!" Kansatoki examined squeezing the stuffed animal.
"Put it down! Eijiro gave me that!" Yume squirmed in Asumi's grasp.
"Come on Yume, just say a name and we'll leave you alone," Asumi encouraged.
"Yeah, you can even agree with one of us! Are you thinking Overhaul or the lame magician?" Kansatoki asked.
"Hey! At least Compress isn't a germ freak like that beak brain!" Asumi reported.
"What is it with you both and villains with missing arms!" Yume yelled, still struggling to get out of Asumi's grasp.
"Wrong answer!" Kansatoki said, pulling on the shark's tail.
"DABI!" Yume yelled, causing Kansatoki to stop in her tracks.
"What?! EW!" Kansatoki said, repulsed, and dropped the stuffed animal.
"What do you mean ew!?" Yume questioned.
"Have you seen him?! He's only got half his skin! How do you know he hadn't burnt his dick off!?" Kansatoki questioned.
"I bet he's a freak in bed though," Asumi said letting go of Yume's arms.
"Oh, so you're into freaks?" Kansatoki asked Yume.
"KANSA!" Yume whined, bringing her knees to her chest and hiding her face, embarrassed with herself.
"I'm just teasing ya, I like that answer." Kansatoki laughed.
"Yeah, who knew you had it in you," Asumi agreed.
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haha does it ever like destroy you a little bit sometimes how you are made up completely of other people. like blackberries are my favorite fruit because of that one time my best friend and i found a bush by the creek i lived by when we were seven and i started writing poetry in all lowercase because of a boy i don’t talk to anymore and i dance the way i do because of someone i saw through a window in a city i’ve only been to once and i learned to write my a’s the way i do because of my sister who learned it from my mom who learned it from her mom who learned it from her dad and my first kiss was a girl who sat on the same bus seat as me in fourth grade and everything i say i learned from someone else and everything i am i took from someone else and it’s funny or something. i am made up completely of melted down pieces of other existences. it’s weird man
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fcthots · 8 months
OKAY SO. I was thinking abt Jason fucking you raw for the first time and he's all dizzy and giddy when he puts it in and he has to like pause for a sec because if he moves he's 99% sure he's gonna cum and like YEAH. i need this man BADLY. anyways...
This came out more cracky than I intended
"Fuck, Jason. Move."
"What the fuck do you mean you can't? If you don’t hurry up and fuck me-'
'I mean if I move I'm gonna cum."
"You haven't even been inside me for a full minute."
"Shut up. You feel so good. Can't help it. Gimme a minute."
"Jason," you whine, "please."
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dear-ao3 · 3 months
Some fanfiction authors are actually insane, I started reading a fic those days with ~87k and only 8 chapters and the author promised more chapters soon and I'm just ... Do you guys sleep? Do you guys get a warm meal? Pls go to sleep.... I commented in every chapter but for the love of God take care of yourself!
i think i once wrote a 40k fanfic for a fandom i wasnt in entirely out of spite in about 2 weeks so. no. none of us are ok.
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saphflare · 11 days
Honestly I also do not really care for the ending they gave the eggs.
As far as I am aware, if the egg admins don't say they are dead or apparently in cryosleep then as far as I am aware, they are not.
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sapphorror · 6 months
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so I don't necessarily have anything to *say* about it just yet but I find this moment very interesting because if there's one thing that's always been very central to Dib's characterization it's that he, like Zim, is driven primarily by ego—and more to the point, his sense of heroism is ultimately constructed in much the same way Zim's role as an invader is. It's a shallow fantasy he's crafted for himself to make living more bearable, and I would think that the opportunity to be hailed as an entire planet's chosen savior would be exactly the kind of thing he'd seize on. It's EXACTLY how he sees himself, or at least, how he wants to see himself.
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And the really interesting thing is that we actually DO see exactly this happen later on in the same story, when he finally wins and it maybe just a little bit goes to his head. He's genuinely well-intentioned, and he wants to teach the Plim to rise up and save themselves rather than rely solely on him, but that's just it—his ultimate end goal as Defender of the Earth has always been to expose the truth and make people realize how blind they've been, but now that he's opened their eyes they can go forth and seize their own destiny, which just happens to look a lot like all the things Dib personally cares about. Perhaps ironically, his desired role is less hero than prophet, and maybe that's why he finds it so hard to swallow the notion of starring in someone else's pre-made narrative.
(And there's something to be said here, about how Zim, for all his unrepentant Zim-ness, might've actually gotten one thing a little bit right when he told Dib the Plim weren't suited to self-actualization—that they didn't want it. To Zim's view, of course, this only makes them exploitable and we're right back to him being horrible again, but I think there is something worth considering about the Plim's autonomy and that, faced with all the evidence and every means with which to save themselves, they still asked—literally asked—Dib to do it for them. Which begs the question—is Dib's continued insistence on developing the Plim's independence itself a kind of subjugation? How about his fixation on showing humankind something they so obviously don't want to see?)
... But you know the really funny part?
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Dib ultimately rejects yet another heroic title that isn't to his liking, albeit much less surprisingly this time. Lesson unlearned.
Take this all with a grain of salt—I'm thinking out loud here and quite literally didn't expect to say any of this, but it's an aspect of Dib's character that interests me, and it was actually really unexpected and exciting to read a piece of canon material going into it. I think I'd like it if there'd been more emphasis on Dib's initial motives being largely the same as Zim's in essence—that is to say, feeding his ego and spiting the nemesis—since his ultimate epiphany is that all this time wasted on a petty popularity contest could've been spent actually, you know, being a hero, but the message still comes across and the core of the story being told is really solid. I'm going to be obsessed for weeks.
Also, Plab is everything to me. And I really do think it says something that the single faithful outlier among the Plim still thought Dib could maybe afford to cool it on the reclaiming-their-individuality bit. That's honestly more telling to me than the opinion of any crowd.
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