#sanscest crack ship
absurdumsid · 3 months
I was talking about this
It was from uvstudio where you could ask characters questions from underverse questions
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its ok anon this isnt the canon blog
X! Sans/Cross belongs to jakei95
Fell! Sans belongs to Fella/Vic
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susartwork · 9 months
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Hey look, a new crackship!
Resident!Sans belongs to @parniathedevil UW!Sans belongs to me Original meme -> here
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frogs-stealing-sleep · 11 months
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Meet my newest creation!
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xpau-official · 6 months
A question for the mod. Is there going to be shipping? Specifically Sanscest.
Thanks for the question!
Any shipping or ship possibilities will be entirely satire. Just for jokes.
I personally don’t ship anyone, but you are free to take anything that happens as you will. If I happen to add anything, just know that it’s just for the funnies. A crack-ship, if you will.
I only ask that no one bombards this blog with ship related content. You are free to do whatever you want outside of this.
Thank you for understanding!
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velvetsqwyrme · 3 months
I saw ur tags and ran over here. What are ur favorite spicy UF! Papyrus fics?
HELLOOO LMAO you were so quick... sorry this took me a while to get together, but I hope you enjoy ( ù ᵕ ú )
Fair warning that some of these picks will include dub/noncon (and potentially other dubious content? I don't know what I'm going to add yet HAHA) so as always make sure to heed the warnings and read the tags before reading!! I've done my best to label them accordingly though :]
Edge Discovers the Wonderful World of Subbing
You can tell exactly what this list is going to be like just from the title of this first fic... (title is explanatory, gotta love it!!)
Good EdgeLord
More sub Edge!! 💥💥
Caught in the Act
HELLO?? HELLO. Voyeurism? Low stakes semi-public sex? Double penetration ?? Sign me UP.
Pumped (Kinktober Collection)
Usually I refrain from including individual Kinktober chapters from rec lists BUT I really like this one ( '^' )!! It isn't even that explicit, but it's stuck in my brain because I GASPED when I read it for the first time.
Pyr's Favourite Keeper [DUBCON -> CON]
Love me a snakey boy!!!!!! There's also oviposition 👀!!
Sleepy sex <3! The bit with the SNAP part killed me and it's also such a fun detail!
Prime Time to Run
Mafiafell... he straight up murders someone in front of you and you fuck about it.
Bound Edge
Sub Edge again!! The reader has a dick in this- a rare but delicious treat !
Fall Out Bones [NON/DUBCON...????]
Technically this is linked to a series featuring both UF!bros, because I think that both are reslly good partially also because I think they're intensely hilarious at times. The titles are also great.
Boned [NONCON]
CLASSIC 2016 PREMISE. Reader is trapped in the fucking shed. (Fucking used as both profanity as well as a descriptive action)
Housekeeping [NONCON]
Weird location (sink)! But it works really well for the fic!!! Violenctce.
To Prove A Point ||| The Origins Of The Pap-wich - (Swap!Pap/Reader/UF!Pap)
Ahhh the good ol threesome ! The reader gets sandwiched between two very sexy skeletons~ !! I'm also a big Swap!Pap fan so this is just. *Mwah* so good!!!!! Double penetration again ~ also one of the few fics with squirting 🙏✨
I cannot put into words how much I love this. It's got detachable ectobits... inconvenience due to detachable ectobits!! In this, Edge has a barbed dick and claws up a tree. It's crack but it's so so good!!!!!! I'm patiently waiting for updates and will ravenously consume the fic for lime the fiftieth time when it does.
Also! Here are a few fics with UF!Pap in other ships (namely various Papcest configs) because you didn't specify it had to be reader inserts lol
Little Wet Bones (Papcest: Farm/Underfell)
Bitty!Edge is soooo cute... and horny!! He's so self assured I love it.
Pepper Heat (Papcest: Edgepuff)
Heat fic! Heat fic!! Chili peppers is one hell of a heat scent... the only person who can handle a Papyrus is another Papyrus ;] The naming scheme here is also very funny when you realise what went on.
A Fallen Knight and his King (Papcest: Edgepuff)
MORE SUB EDGE ! This one delves more into the his exploration of dom/sub dynamics and it's so so good!!!!
Three Chance Meetings (Papcest: Spicyhoney)
Swap!Pap is (secretly) a prostitute and Fell!Pap finds out and shills out the money to spend a night with him. I looooove the character dynamics in this one too.
Taste of Blood and Honey (Papcest: Spicyhoney)
I forgot about this and was delighted to discover it again because ohhhhhh my god the premise is so good... also there's mirror sex and first times and those are always fun :3c
Mutt Lost a Bet (Papcest: SpicyBBQ)
Mafia AU setting where SF!Pap and UF!Pap make and lose bets resulting in sexual escapades. The second chapter is my favourite because it involves gloryholes and aphrodisiacs <33
Bro's Replacement (Papcest + Sanscest : Spicyhoney + Cherryberry)
LAMIAS AGAIN 💖 Honestly the setup is what gets me... but the smut is delicious so I'm adding it here :3c
Heat (Papcest - Spicyhoney) [HEAT INDUCED MUTUAL NON/DUBCON]
Why are there so many lamia fics in this list, I do not know, but heeeeeeey enjoy the snakeys! In this one the non/dubcon is due to UF!Pap being in heat, and both of them regret it after. Things get better though!!
Anyway, that's all for now! Hope you enjoy some ^^!!!
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freshiegayboi · 2 months
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Welcome to the 5 Dollar Fic Fest!
I'm saving up for some stuff and I wanna make some quick pocket money for emergencies lol
1000 words per 5$ (this pays for a 1000 word fic, if you want something longer just come talk to me!)
Rarepairs welcome! Most ships go unless I don't know the character well (you should know though, I won't write crack lol)
Fontcest/Papcest/Sanscest welcome! Any of them goes unless again, I don't know the character well
Will not write parental incest or explicit N/SFW (suggestive stuff is fine as long as you're 18+)
if you aren't sure if I'll write something, ask! I'm very down to discussing stuff!
5 slots open! first come first served!
kofi here: https://ko-fi.com/fresh_writes
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boneywones · 3 months
sanscest shipkids
i would say that i have a love/hate relationship with them, mainly because i love some shipkids while i HATEEEEE others with a burning passion
ones i hate are either shipkids that come from a proship/problematic ship, they have very similar attributes to either of their parents (whats with horror shipkids having the same crack in their skull?? thats actually so dumb to me) or in general are just made to be JUST a shipkid. like cmon, if you’re making a character ATLEAST give them some sort of story?? dont just throw a shipkid into the multiverse and go like “eh, thats it” (i hate people who do this)
i also hate dreammare shipkids. i do NOT care if the shipkid was made for a non-ship purpose its STILL WEIRDDD LIKE WHY ARE YOU MAKING KIDSS AND THEIR PARENTS ARE SIBLINGS SLASH TWINSSSSS ZTOPPPP
like guys stop giving shipkids bland designs they should be treated better………
if u ship gen 1 sanses x shipkids ur hella weird and you should ermmm explode and die (cough cough, paperfresh. i fucking hate paperfresh gr) its like the same as shipping ink with a gaster (looking at all u xvials shippers) 
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fanonskeletonstuff · 4 years
pls kno im not a serious writer thank;; also it’s my replies only, i didnt share anyone elses (unless they want to share killer and his s/o’s whole thread along with the sideplots, i dont wanna paste their replies without permission tho i plan not to)
this may include othertale spoilers and rahafwabas’ killer!sans comic references
gonna put this on wattpad too
Dust explores the CP. he sees Color and his rainbow cracked skull is the first thing he catches. Color sees him back and walks to him first. “heya. i see you’re about to cause trouble.”
“wh... what? pfff...” Dust is surprised Color already knows who he is. “i can’t if this is some large christmas gathering. isnt it on christmas, you have to be well... GOOD???”
Color jumps back from the yell. “of course you have to. but, you’re one of those sanses, so i can’t stop ya.” Then, he realizes something. “say, aren’t you killer’s friend? have you two met before?”
Dust remembers who Killer is. “ohhh, that man?? yeah, we had to date once during our bad sanses sleepover. horror held the event cause it was halloween at the time.”
“huh... well, this is dangerous of me, i’m talkin’ to ya and anytime you might just kill me.” Color chuckles. “however, I know sanses can control themselves. I know killer can. he thinks i have to kill him, but it’s just wrong. i think he can change. he doesnt have to fuel himself with thoughts of murdery.”
Dust feels roasted. “WOW?? heheheh!! you’re so smart those colors must be how high your IQ is!”
“heheh, oh, that. so, here’s my story. i absorbed souls in a genocide timeline. i was about to die, so it’s the only thing i had to do. that’s why i look like that... that...”
Color gets interrupted by Dance, who teleported next to him. “uhhh...”
— — —
“heya. you’re quite the party lights in here.” Dance is getting the gay feeling.
“oh, heheh, wow, huh?” Color feels awkward. “heyy, i know you! you’re that shy dancer who doesn’t get much stage fright the more he gets used to dancing. hip hop, right?”
“yep. yeah, that’s my genre.” Dance blushes. “what AU are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“i’m from othertale. fun fact, the AU’s not about me! i’m pretty much undyne’s supporting character.” Color laughs.
“cool...” Dance likes him- “i like your colors. where’d you get your lights?”
“oh, i was just explaining to dust pal here I got it from human souls. i, um, absorbed ‘em. needed it cause i was aboutta die.”
“that must be risktaking of you for your own life, c...” Dance winks, his left eye open. “hey, maybe we should... dance, sometime...”
Dust laughs at Color and Dance, gives a hard pat on Color’s shoulder. “uh oh, GAY alert!!!” Phantom!Papyrus is probably shook at this point.
— — —
“heh... sorry to say, but you’re too nice and popular to be with me.” Color answers. “I, um... already had letters with someone. kinda like dust, but...”
“it’s ok. if i dance too much, that’s when the beats go off.” Dance understands.
“yeah... honestly, he’d kill you if he sees you. If he were in this party and you say that to me... he’ll overthink his actions and end up on a killing spree.”
Dance knows who he’s talking about. “wait. you don’t mean... how...???”
“how... how is he with you? wait, i must be assuming. who are you with, but not really?”
— — —
“u-uh... he likes... someone else, n-n-now...” Dance being the shy sweatpants boi he is puts on his hood blushing. “sorry, i said too much...”
“o-oh, no problem! killer chose me anyway, but i only chose him back cause he wants me to be his guy...de.” Color winks for the pun. guy-de for ‘guide’ lol.
— — —
Then, Color says his name.
“killer. he told me everything about himself. personally. there was no one else but me and him. like an error in his anti-void.”
“oh, uh... he’s h-here, actually...” Dance hesitates. “wait... i still have more to say...”
Dust walks out of the conversation, continuing to follow Red.
Red sees Killer being cute. “ah *shoes*-//“
he notices himself getting his words censored and thats embarrassing. “WHAT THE-////“
— — —
Color and Dance walks in.
“hey, what’s happening here?” Color asks.
“hi red...” Dance waves. “i hope your anger management’s doing well.”
Red’s starting to think he’s gonna have a BIG WHOOP. “OK, what’s goin’ on here?! who set this?! cigar’rus?!” he mentions US!Pap, the host of the therapy closet session.
— — —
Killer sees Dust and feels a bit scarEd. “hiya.”
“welcome to the party, that goes to the three of you....” Dance still shying out tho.
“hey buddy red. tough day? i heard you yelling back there.” Color helps Red.
“ya heard nothin, newbie!” Red nervously laughs. “feel like imma get stabbed by that dust guy there! or any of those funkers!”
Killer breaks up with Color 3 2 1-
“sir’s probably lookin’ for us, we should find a way out.” Dust puts a hand around Killer.
Killer blushes. “wait...// im still wearing this.”
Dust lets go. “ohhh’kayyy, take your time...”
Killer rubs both of his sleeves until he sees Color. “color....?”
“uh...” Color stops hiding behind Dance, holds Dance’s hand, and blushes. “yeah, it’s me.”
Dance blushes back, HE A HERMIT CRAB//) “(c-color, whuh)”
“long time no see.”
“heheh... i heard you found someone else, so... hey, it’s okay! if he can help you, honestly, i just said yes so i could control you. and, uh, manipulation is one of the bad things in relationships, right? so...”
Killer listens to Color. “don’t feel bad.”
“i’m gonna walk off cause i don’t wanna get caught. oh, and one more thing.” Color shows Killer he’s holding Dance’s hand. “once you see it, you can ditch me.”
“s-s-sorry/////“ Dance mutters while hiding in his hood hiding away his blue blushy flustering face.
last one: shoutout to outer sans being a fluffy pillow to the bad sanses out there uwu
Outer, still next to RainbowKill, looks at Dust while Color and Dance walk away together. Not only he should help Killer calm down, but maybe him too. He probably has a certain goal to calm down most Sanses that used to be good. Yep, still the most relaxed Sans AU.
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hxy-hemaxye-art · 4 years
yesterday I saw some illustrations of Mistren, of lust And dance sans, it inspired me and I created these mini illustrations♥️😊
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pepper-mint · 4 years
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Continuing with the lineless thingies. I made these drawings as a practice for my friends (and also added my boy Klez cuz he's a soft boyo). Bare with me, guys... you'll see a lot of lineless drawings while I get used to it and then get bored of it hahHA
Now time for sum credits
Nebula belongs to @lina-okazaki-sn
Cabriole belongs to @andrewture
Restar belongs to @naintylinx (by the way, this little dude here is Orfeo's boyfriend! for those who were asking me about it. My friend made his ref sheet a few months ago! That's why I never showed him to ya)
And Klez belongs to me! Those little parasites are his siblings, by the way! I wanted to add Rubi here too but I didn't had enough space. You might recognize those that's he's holding. The one in his head is from Nainty and the one that looks like a squid is another kiddo of mine ;b
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vilullabyy · 5 years
hey kid wanna buy some shitty headcanons
WARNING: Contains Crossmare, Afterdeath, Kreme, Dustberry, Errink and Horrorlust
- Okay adding onto the Heathers AU thing from last headcanons chapter
- I feel like Dream and Blue would switch roles occasionally because I feel like both could be either Heather Duke or Heather McNamara
- Idk but this has been bugging me for the pass few days and I NEEDED to say it
- And if Dream and Blue do switch roles, than so do Dust and Killer cause they wanna be with their waifus
- okay MOVING ON-
☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆
- Horror, Dust, and Killer totally have called Nightmare "Dad" because sometimes the Bad Sanses just feel like a family (aka ALL THE TIME)
- Soon after they also started calling Cross "Mom"
- That always made Cross blush and it made his day better
- Error always thought it was funny and would sometimes call Nightmare "Dad" if Nightmare was being really overprotective/bossy/etc.
- And Error would call Cross "Mom" because he knows it makes Cross happy
- Error also uses the name's to tease them
- At first Nightmare hated it because he hates most things
- But over time Nightmare just kinda embraced it
- Because it's funny as hell
- In the middle of a battle against the Star Sanses, Killer called Nightmare "Dad" while asking for back up
- Dust also called Cross "Mom"
- "AHHH- oh my god, thanks for the help Mom!" "Of course. Now go help Horror." "Got it!"
- And the Bad Sanses didn't even realize they were doing it
- It just came naturally
- Of course, it confused the fuck out of the Star Sanses
- It was until after the fight that Error realized what they did
- They all started laughing at that
- And Cross blushed because Nightmare kinda implied that Cross was his waifu
- It was great
☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆
-  Dream and Killer love watching anime
- It's like their ideal date night
- Killer actually showed Cross anime
- And that's where Cross got the idea to call Nightmare "Senpai"
- But Nightmare doesn't know Killer taught Cross "Senpai"
- And Killer plans to keep it that way
- Otherwise he'll get his ass beat-
☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆
- Everyone would literally kill someone for their partner
- These bitches crazy
- Wait Horror what are you doing with that axe
- Horror
☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆
- Lust, Ink and Killer are all totally best friends
- And they're best friends because:
- 1. They all like to be annoying
- 2. All love to make sexual jokes/remarks
- 3. And because the personalities I give them just seem to line up
- 4. And because I can do whatever I want
- Killer definitely jokingly brags about how he's the dom in his relationship, while the other two are subs
- And then Ink and Lust chase Killer around the house, jokingly screaming to be quiet when in reality they don't give a single shit
- And they all laugh way to hard
- While Dream, Error and Horror silently question why they fell in love with these idiots-
☆.。.:*  .。.:*☆
- Geno has practically adopted Lust
- Geno is really protective of Lust
- And Reaper is Lust's dad
- "Son, where are my grandkids-" "REAPER DO NOT ENCOURAGE LUST'S BEHAVIOR"
- And Error and Fresh are uncles
- "Broski shouldn't we help-" "Stfu Fresh"
- And Horror is of course the son-in-law
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comicfontaine-blog · 7 years
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So do you remember the grey kid from my comic Family photos? His name was Sans kids or Saky well I said I would explain who his is or who the "sans kids" are. Well me and my friend, Kennedi the same friend who owns Monstress. We know each other irl so we were talking about Ship children when we were still into undertale which we probably still are but we don't talk about. Well we made crack sanscest children.We got carried away Kennedi owns Star, Mint, and Ash. I own Indigo and Cry. Rant was made by both of us and if you don't know who Vent is I'll tell you next time basically she made the pairing I made the child sooooooooo. There was two others Horror x Underworld Dancetale x Singtale But we decided Horror wouldnt have children with World because he's you know what. And Dance and Sing we didn't feel like it since we had 6 sanscest children in total and if you like you can ask me what they look like in my Inbox!
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fati-chargoy · 7 years
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lust+errorthis makes no sense good, His name is eros
 He is a profetional shiper and has a cupido complex 
He hates sex but he loves romantics
 Love romance novels
 He likes undernovela ........ And that is all for now
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xpau-official · 6 months
Are ships allowed?
You can refer to this post about ships, but I’ll elaborate a bit more.
Shipping is totally fine, whether it is with the guests, yourself or with OCs, as long as it is outside the blog (aka, don’t send asks saying “where’s [ship]”, “how’s your bf [character]”, or… scream about them)
I’m a bit more lenient on selfshipping than sanscest, since it can get a bit crazy. Of course, I might feature crack-ships and dumb flirt jokes here and there, but I don’t want them to be taken seriously. Having fun at the party is the main focus, after all.
You can make fanart, fanfics, whatever you want, it’s totally cool! I might not reblog them but it’s still fun seeing y’all’s art through the tags. I really just want to steer clear from making XPAU seem like it’s only focused around ships.
Hope that helps!
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drowninginblox · 4 years
Thrown into it (2)
Part 2- Am I crazy?
It was always an effort to distract yourself from your thoughts. You remembered when grandma passed away you would go days without uttering a word. That time was hard for everyone but you had it the worst. You’d space out randomly. You would find yourself glued to a spot for hours on end. It took over a year, but you worked your way through it. Youtube was a godsend. This was gonna be like that, but last time you checked the universe of My hero didn't mention a site like youtube. So automatically this was gonna be harder. But that didn’t matter right now. In this moment you needed to get up.
“Hey.. hey it’s okay.” His voice rang in my ears. He must be so confused. Why out of all people did it have to be purest boy Mirio. “It’s gonna be alright.” He says as he rubs my back. Why is it that he’s so good? This world truly does not deserve him. I wish I can tell him what the actual fuck is going on but the only things that will come out of my mouth are pathetic hiccups and even if I could I would be in the same predicament as him. Fuck I’m such a mess. This is such a mess. Why does this happen to me? “I know it’s hard right now, but can you tell me what's going on?” He tries. I shake my head into his shoulder. “N-no..” I mumble. I hear him sigh. He must be so tired. Not only of work and school, but of this one bitch that cant read their own situation. “And why might that be?”  He adds to his question. Through all of this, his voice is so calm. Not a hint of anger or annoyance towards me. He must be hiding it. Just because I haven’t seen Mirio mad, doesn't mean it’s impossible. I wonder if he’s like Katsuki and wrecks shit or if he just holds it in until he can't anymore. 
“Helloo? I know spacing out is an issue but please stay here with me okay? I wanna know how I can help.” Oh god bless this sunshine boy. Fuck overhaul, this boy must be protected. “I'm sorry..” I mumble. “You’re.. You’re not gonna believe me.” I grip onto him and close my eyes before letting go of him slightly. “The agency you work with will lock me up in a looney bin.” From my grasp he tries to loosen himself from my grip. I oblige his actions and let him go. When we face each other he has a smile on his face. I can just barely see it in his silhouette. Damn it’s bright. Tamaki wasn't lying. “Now that's ridiculous! You don't have a weapon on you, from what I know you’ve been trapped in here for a while so you couldn't be with those yakuza guys- to be honest you look too squishy to be one of them- who are deadly as all heck, and you haven't attacked me so.. I don't have a reason to arrest you!” My eyes widened a little at that. He chuckles lightly before getting up. As he does so he offers his hand. “Do you mind coming with me though?” With the light shining around him, it almost made him look like an angel. Wait- hold up- the fuck man! Stop with that fangirly shit. 
I blink a few times to see his smile faltering a little. “I-I’m sorry!” I apologize before taking his hand. “I just.. Y'know when you look at something and your mind goes somewhere else?” He stares at me for a moment. He blinks himself out of it though. “Oh? Um.. yeah I think I get it.” He mumbles. Slowly, he helps me up from the cold floor. Almost immediately the air around seems to grow warmer. The light coming from outside seems to grow brighter. The blonde of Mirio’s hair, the white of his suit, the red of his cape, it all suddenly grows more vibrant. What is this feeling?  “M-Mirio!” A voice belonging to someone you knew too well called from down the hall. I glance behind Mirio to see the door frame still empty. When I look back to Mirio his eyes are still on me. “Um.. M-Mirio..? You okay?” I squeeze his hand to try to get him out of it. It must’ve worked since he made a noise similar to that of a weeb meeting their favorite voice actor at Starbucks on accident before jumping away from me. Not that i would know or anything..
“Oh my god! Mirio! Are you okay!?” Tamaki called. In a second the room is filled with men in bullet proof vests, heroes of all shapes and sizes, and a definitive figure outside of Mirio and Tamaki- the boss man himself- Sir Nighteye. All I can do is back up a little. “Put your hands up!” One man barks while the others ready their guns. I glance at a now concerned Mirio as I slowly raise my hands. “P-please! D-d-dont shoot!” I plead as I get on my knees. “Honest to god the most illegal thing I’ve done is ship sanscest and I was ten!” My eyes screw shut out of instinct.
An overwhelming silence encapsulates the room only cracked by the shuffling of gear. “Mirio.. What happened for you to yell?” Sir Nighteye prompts. “N-nothing sir! I just- I can't really put it into words..” he eventually trails off. What is up with him? I open one eye only to be blinded by too many flashlights. A groan escapes my lips while I rub my eyes. “For the love of crap..!”
“Keep your hands up!” someone shouts. I snap in the direction of the quip. “All due respect- to the person that said that- shut the hell up. You would want to rub your eyes if you had flashlights shining in them.” That didn't seem to ease the tension that filled the room but it did get my point across. “Who are you?” I hear Nighteye ask. A chill runs up my spine at how cold his voice is. “My name is Y/n, Y/n L/n.” I hear footsteps come up to me. Although my mind is telling me to run, I remain in my spot. “Do you know where you are?” He questions. His tone eases a little. My eyes open to see right in front of me, him. Weird isn’t the right word to describe meeting him. More so, awkward than anything. Probably because he’s very professional hence his stature commands respect. If only people would look closer though. His suit is clean but very wrinkled and some hairs were out of place. “Excuse me?” He prompts, making me look him in the eyes. His quirk is activated. “Sir, I just know I’m too far away from home to get back the same way I came.”
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fanonskeletonstuff · 4 years
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