#sangaku x sakamichi
mushi-shield · 4 months
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kurogamishiro-chan · 3 years
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deathskull1412 · 7 years
Manami: Sakamichi, why is our child screaming and wailing, saying that we aren't really human?
Onoda: I...may have...introduced him to anime a little too early...
Manami: ...
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ksketch731 · 4 years
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It's fun seeing their double dates in the official art soooo i had to make one too
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I thought akiba scene would be next week BUT THANK YOU IT APPEARS FASTER ;;//////////////////////////////////////////////;; kinda ‘off’ from manga but STILL CUTE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH//////////////////////////////
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queendomination · 4 years
Something self-indulgent!
Manami x Sakamichi
Where Sohoku's having it's Summer festival and Sakamichi was assigned to wear a maid outfit. He always does what he is told so he obliges. As an anime fan, he takes this rather seriously albeit embarrassed through the whole ordeal. To make things worse, Manami came to visit!
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sportsanimedaily · 5 years
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♧ authorized reprint for tumblr // artist:    remix  /   0.0
✿ please do not remove source link// edit  illustration // change caption // upload to other websites!
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kirishine-love-blog · 5 years
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I drew this since im loving Yowamushi Pedal and these two dorks are adorable.
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torastripes · 6 years
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It’s not lame! His mother-in-law gave that to him
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endlessnine09 · 7 years
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Toudou Tips 101: Being updated with your boyfriend rival
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hi i was wondering if you could do the hiding injuries from s/o thing but as a writing thing this time? for Manami and Onoda please
Onoda Sakamichi had managed to injure himself when he had done some practice races with his other teammates. It wasn’t anything serious; he had sprained his wrist and earned himself some nice scrapes and cuts when he decided he wanted to see what pavement tasted like.He wasn’t sure how he was going to tell his you. You had a tendency to get super worried and he didn’t want to put you through that, so Onoda tried to hide his injuries. It was a bit harder to hide the scrapes and cuts, but a sprained wrist was easy if he didn’t wear the brace. That, in itself, got him yelled at by a concerned Imaizumi and Naruko. That idea was out.Decidedly trying to avoid you was kind of silly too since you both had lunch together. Onoda made his best effort to hide his injuries despite, calling off for lunch for a few days - at least until the scrapes and cuts had healed or were less noticeable. You were beginning to get antsy, thinking Onoda was hiding something from you. No matter how many times you texted him to meet, he always had an excuse.Part of you wondered if he was cheating on you. When you asked him, he said no, that he loved you. Yet it didn’t feel that way. One day, you decided to take matters into your own hands and track his ass down at school. He couldn’t avoid you today! As expected, you surprised him and you saw the brace on his arm and what looked like minor scratches and cuts. “Sakamichi!” You declared.“A-ah, (name)!” Onoda said nervously. “I’m so sorry I’ve been avoiding you!”“What’s the meaning of this?” You demanded, face red.“I…I got hurt and I didn’t want to worry you.” Onoda admitted, his own face turning red.That was great! Maybe not that he was hurt but the fact that he was being truthful: he really did love you. “But why? Why did you avoid me? I would have understood!” You retorted.“Because-” Onoda started, finally looking you in the eyes, “I didn’t want to worry you…” He said with a little smile, rubbing the back of his neck with his good hand. “I’m really sorry, (name). Please forgive me!”“Of course I will, Stupid.” You said with a sigh and kissed his cheek gently.===When Manai Sangaku had gotten himself injured riding alone, he did the only thing he thought was sensible with an extremely caring s/o: hide from you. He had it all planned out. He had to be out of school for a small, extended period of time anyway, so he’d pretend he’d be out of town for something. Then he’d ride the waves of healing.It made sense in his head, but he forgot a few crucial things. Where could he go without his parents, bike team, or teacher? He even failed to realize that his mom would talk. That was a serious blunder on his part. Even so, he did his best to stay home and avoid you, going with his original plan. His bike team understood and he asked them not to tell, though. At least they had his back.You were worried by the sudden ‘trip’ but didn’t question it. You trusted him and he even sent you some pictures. Odd ones, but they were believable enough, you guessed. The longer his ‘trip’ went on, you began to get worried. You asked him if everything was fine, to which Manami replied, ‘of course it is! don’t worry about me (name)’.It felt kind of cheap, in a way, to lie to you. Manami didn’t like this, but he also hated the look on your face whenever he got hurt. It broke his heart. He had been parading around his house in his super duper fancy leg cast, hating every minute of his imprisonment. It was the same as when he was sick as a kid and he couldn’t wait to go back to school. That was saying something.Unfortunately you had shown up at his front door and his mom had let you in. “I’m surprised you haven’t been by yet.” She said.“Me too.” You added.That tone in your voice...Manami wished he could have ran and hid; his leg prevented that at the moment. He was practically caught with his hand in the cookie jar, smiling sheepishly. “Oh, (name)…Funny to see you here.” He laughed.“Sangaku. Why did you lie to me about this? Toudou-san told me what happened.”Curse his senpai! “Um…well I always feel bad when you give me that look-” Manami paused. “Yeah, that one! Anyway, I feel bad when you give me that look you have on when I get hurt…so I thought–”“You could avoid me? Really?” You sighed.“My mistake. I shouldn’t have…” Manami said in all honesty. “I was starting to get bored here without your company. Forgive me?” He asked, holding his arms out for a hug, opening and closing his hands to gesture ‘come to me’.“Ugh, I guess just this once since you’re so cute.” You relented, giving in to his hug.
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zonatra · 7 years
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Yowamushi Pedal New Generation - Episode 12
When it all starts again (Shipping time also starts again) 
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aikafuwaa · 6 years
Enstars x Yowapeda
The collaboration event will be on June 19 until June 29.
More details are posted here.
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momorabu · 6 years
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Ensemble Stars! Special Story - Yowamushi Pedal Collaboration Story  
*Part of Yowamushi Pedal x Ensemble Stars Collaboration
Sorry for the long wait since I was planning to finish writing about this last week but I fell sick and kind of lost the motivation to finish it until today ^^; Was actually planning to write another event story first but since I was reading this story when it was requested, why not post about this instead? 
PS: This story is actually fully voiced, so I greatly recommend anyone who likes listening to the characters’ voices to read the original story even if you may not understand the dialogue ^^^
Anyway as always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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Chapter 1
Subaru was rushing on the street one day while exclaiming that he’s late one day. He had completely forgotten about the gathering he was attending until now and wondered whether everyone had already gathered by now. 
Just then, he noticed someone passing by him in a really fast speed and turned out it was Manami and Sakamichi, who were lost and trying to find their way around the town. Subaru realised that the two of them were riding road bikes, and was wondering about them when Sakamichi called out to him. Sakamichi asked whether Subaru knew the way to Nagame-zaka. He noticed that the clothes that Subaru was wearing and asked him whether he was from Yumenosaki Gakuen. This was then Subaru realised that these two were the people being invited to the experience programme, where they would teach the students from Yumenosaki Gakuen about bicycle skills. By luck, Subaru was heading towards Nagame-zaka too as he was part of the programme and proposed that all three of them would head to the venue together.
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Sakamichi felt assured now that there’s someone to lead them to their destination, while Manami was looking forward to what kind of a hill Nagame-zaka would be. 
Subaru took the chance to introduce himself, he’s a second-year student at Yumenosaki Gakuen and belongs to a unit called “Trickstar”. Subaru was invited by his fellow unit mate - Mao to attend this experience programme, as the student council was planning to teach a new sport at school and thought that bicycle skills would be a good choice. He had heard that the bicycle teams had performed well at the Inter-high School Championships, but Sakamichi panicked upon hearing that, stating that he was nervous about being able to teach them well at the experience programme. Subaru encouraged him to smile more, saying that if he smiles, his luck and blessings would definitely arrive for him. But, Subaru’s smile was too bright and shiny for Sakamichi that he made him blush, and made him felt even more nervous~ (Aww~ That’s kind of a cute moment, even though it sort of backfired~ ^^;)
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Subaru realised that they’re really going to be late if they stayed by the roadside and chat. Manami explained that actually, he was the only one who was late in arriving at the train station, and the seniors decided to head off to Nagame-zaka first while Sakamichi decided to stay back and wait for him at the train station. Subaru remarked that Manami seems really relaxed for someone who was late, but Manami explained that he had already been scolded on the phone earlier on, and said that it would be good if they hurry to the destination. 
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The trio arrived at the destination, where Kuro and Tetora could be seen waiting for them. As they were wearing the same outfits as Subaru, he guessed that they would be attending the bicycle skills experience programme just like him. Kuro explained that he had heard about the experience programme from Keito, and after talking about it with Tetora, the two of them had decided to join this programme together. Tetora was really excited about it, that Kuro had to ask him to please calm down in case he started talking about things that might offend the other party. 
The guys from the other party had already arrived earlier on, and they were Jinpachi and Makishima. Jinpachi scolded Manami for being late, complaining that he had already reminded him countless times yesterday not to be late but he still ended up being late. Manami gave a weak smile and said that he had  set up an alarm to wake him actually but it didn’t ring in the end, and that cause Jinpachi to scold him even more, telling him that he should feel ashamed to have made megane-kun (Sakamichi) and even a student from another school (Subaru) to bring him here. Thankfully, Makishima stepped in to stop him and said that they should start with the programme since they’re already late. 
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But first thing first was self-introduction time for the Yowamushi Pedal’s members! Jinpachi started by introducing himself as Toudou Jinpachi, a 3rd year at Hakone Academy, and the genius climber of Hakone Academy. Tetora felt that Jinpachi’s introduction was just like an idol~
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Next up was Manami’s turn, whose full name was Manami Sangaku. He’s a 1st year at Hakone Academy and also a climber as well. Subaru asked what exactly does a climber refers to and Jinpachi answered that they’re referring to a cyclist who is good at cycling uphill in places just like Nagame-zaku. Even though he wanted to explain more about cycling, Jinpachi felt that they should carry on with the introduction, and thus next up is “Maki-chan’s” turn.
The person he was referring to was, of course, Makishima Yusuke, a 3rd year at Sohoku High School. Even though Makishima had introduced himself, Jinpachi felt that his facial expression was too stiff and told him to smile even more as if he always shows such an expression, all his happiness will run away from him ^^: Tetora agreed with what Jinpachi had said, remarking that smiles were something everyone had to be good at Yumenosaki Gakuen, since it was a school that trains their students to be male idols after all. 
Makishima told Sakamichi to introduce himself too, and thus he did his introduction after being surprised that what Makishima did was just saying his name only for his own introduction. He’s Onoda Sakamichi, a first year at Sohoku High School and also a climber as well. He continued that Makishima is a climber like him too and a senior that he greatly respects. Sakamichi then went on gushing about Makishima’s skills, boasting that he even had a reputation called “Big Spider” because of his unique cycling skills. That made Makishima embarrassed as he told Sakamichi to cut it off XD
Jinpachi pointed out that Makshima was blushing and remarked that Sakamichi was actually helping Makishima to introduce himself better since all Makishima did was stating his name just now.
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(Here’s an embarrassed Makishima if anyone was interested to see XD)
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Chapter 2
Since the characters from Yowamushi Pedal had introduced themselves, now it’s time for the characters from Ensemble Stars to introduce themselves instead. First up was Nagumo Tetora, a first year in the karate club. He claimed that the person he admired was Taisho, which was actually Kiryu Kuro, the leader of the karate club. Tetora had viewed Kuro as a “most manly man”, and thus looked up to him very much. (And along the way he also helped to introduce Kuro too ^^;)
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Next up was Subaru’s turn, whose full name was Akehoshi Subaru. As he had introduced himself to Manami and Sakamichi before when they were on their way here, Manami had remembered how Subaru’s name was written, which pleased him very much.
Just then, someone called out that he’s sorry that he’s late. It was Chiaki, and Subaru was surprised to know that Chiaki had also come to participate in the experience programme. (So cute how Subaru calls Chiaki by his nickname here - Chi-chan Senpai~ >/////<)
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Chiaki smiled and explained that he had heard about the experience programme from Mao during club practices, found it interesting and decided to participate. (*Note: Chiaki, Subaru and Mao all belong to the basketball club.) He asked Subaru to join club practices more frequently, saying that he felt lonely... but Subaru turned his nose up in the air and said that he won’t since he had more important things to do like unit lessons and walking his dog, Daikichi instead. However, Chiaki said that he won’t give up and would make use of the chance today to be in a better relationship with Subaru at the experience programme.
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(Poor Chiaki... Even walking the dog was considered a higher priority than playing basketball to Subaru ^^;)
Kuro asked Chiaki whether he could explain why he was so late in attending the experience programme, to which the latter apologised and explained that he lend a hand in helping an old grandma in carrying her stuff on the road here. The old grandma wanted to thank him by inviting him to her house for some tea, and since Chiaki could not refuse the offer, he ended up staying for tea and thus arrived late at the destination. He claimed that he’s an idiot and requested everyone to beat him up to ease their rage XD (I don’t remember who was it that state that it would delay their lesson even further as it’s a waste of time to beat him up ^^;)
Sakamichi remarked that Chiaki seems really manly and cool by his words, which cheered the latter up as he did his introduction. Morisawa Chiaki claimed himself being a burning heart and is a 3rd year at Yumenosaki Gakuen. He’s the captain of the basketball club and also Ryusei Red of Ryuseitai.
Since now that everyone had arrived, Kuro urged them to start with the experience programme (finally~!) Jinpachi took over and started explaining some of the things they’ll need to know before mounting onto the bikes. The easiest and most suitable bike for a beginner would be the “mamachari” bike. Other than being unique in that it can be used to carry stuff while cycling, it’s also a special bike that’s suitable for road bike cycling. (*Note: I’m just roughing translating what Jinpachi is explaining, some of the facts may not be accurate *cough*)
Subaru tried holding up one of the bikes and remarked that it felt really light to him. The bike was also really shiny in Subaru’s eyes, that he felt that it was a really cool bike. Chiaki explained that the bicycles here and also the cycling jersey that they’re wearing now were all prepared by Eichi’s family’s corporation, thanks to Eichi being in a generous mood after getting interested in cyclings skills himself. Sakamichi said that Eichi had even prepared hotel rooms for them in case they felt too tired to return home at the end of the day, and he felt really grateful for it that he wanted to thank Eichi personally. 
Subaru remarked that if Eichi would be able to join the cycling experience programme, that would be great since he felt that cycling isn’t something that requires much strength by the took of it. Jinpachi laughed and told Subaru that he’s too naive to think of that, adding on that it would be bad to think lightly about cycling. Since there are four trainers and four trainees at the experience programme, Jinpachi felt that it would be good if each of them groups up in pairs of two such that each trainer would be able to teach a trainee individually. 
Makishima told the two members of the karate club (Kuro and Tetora) to come over to his side so that Sakamichi and he would be able to teach them about road bike cycling. Kuro was worried initially since before teaching them anything, Makishima had told them to start getting on the bike first, but Makishima assured him not to worry since the trainers would be accompanying them and giving them advice at appropriate times. Sakamichi smiled and tried to encourage them that he was able to cycle well too even though he started too suddenly initially. (Makishima said that Sakamichi’s circumstances were too unique to be an example XD I guess it’s something I’ll only get to know if I watched the anime / manga ^^;)
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Hearing that Sakamichi said that he’s a beginner, Kuro was surprised since he had heard that Sohoku High Bicycle Club had won at the Inter-High School Championship. Sakamichi blushed and said that it’s not just because of his effort that they won the championship, but of everyone else’s joint effort instead. He had worked very hard at the Inter-high Championship but felt that he had caused a lot of trouble for the team even though he wanted to be a more reliable role in the team... but was glad that he was able to prove his role in the team in the end.
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Chapter 3
Tetora started off with a great start and called Kuro to look at his progress. Sakamichi explained that because the position of the bike saddle and handle of a road bike are different from a normal bicycle, beginners might have difficulties trying to balance themselves and might fall while cycling, but seeing that Tetora seems to be handling it really well, he remarked that Tetora must be really athletic. Tetora claimed that he’s still a beginner and thus complimented Sakamichi that he had taught him well and told him what he had to take note as a beginner, which made Sakamichi flustered as he replied that he’s just passing down what he had been taught by his seniors, and may not even be someone who’s capable of teaching another person.
Tetora was interested to know whether there were any secret techniques which helped Sohoku High Bicycle Club win the Inter-high School Championship, seeing that Sakamichi himself was a beginner too recently, and... isn’t someone who looks strong OWO” (Tetora even felt that Sakamichi maybe someone who can even be blown away by the wind, does he really look that weak? XD) Kuro told him off that he should not be judging people by their appearance, and that led Tetora to realise that he had said something rude, but Sakamichi was really kind and doesn’t mind at all~
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On the other hand, Subaru was cycling at a really smooth and fast speed, being all excited that he’s going to be the wind. Chiaki challenged Subaru to a race, that both of them should race to be the first to reach the top of the hill, but Subaru was more interested in talking to Manami instead. He asked Manami what positions there are in a team for bike cycling, other than the “climber” which they explained earlier on. Manami explained that there are “sprinters”, cyclists who are good at dashing in a really fast speed suddenly and would be useful in sprinting for the last mile before reaching the goal, and also “all-rounders” who are cyclist who doesn’t have any difficulties in cycling anywhere and could handle both cycling uphill and flat ground very well. 
Subaru remarked that “all rounder” sound really cool and wanted to be one too himself. He wondered why Manami wanted to be a climber, to which he replied that he really like hills and felt that the views at the top of them are the best when he had reached the top. Manami even felt excited now just imagine what views he would get to see when he reached the top of this hill.  Subaru wondered whether Manami’s sense of excitement would be similar to how he would feel when he was performing at a live show. As Manami had never performed in a live show before, he wondered whether Subaru would feel nervous before going on stage, but Subaru said that he won’t since he felt more excited and could hardly wait to go up on stage~
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Seeing how well Subaru was getting along with Manami, Chiaki can’t help but to feel sad since he was being ignored by Subaru. But~ he won’t give up and tried to tag along to Subaru and Manami. Chiaki ended up getting scolded by Jinpachi, who told him that he should not go off by himself and to wait for him instead, even though he was impressed that Chiaki was able to cycle at a fast speed 
At this time, Sakamichi and the others had caught up to Jinpachi and felt surprised to find that he was alone. Jinpachi complained that Chiaki had not listened to him at all and had dumped him behind, and warned them that if they want to catch up to the others before him, they would have to increase their speed and cycle even faster. Of course, Tetora and Sakamichi wanted to catch up to them, and thus sped up and head off by themselves. Makishima asked Kuro whether he wanted to catch up to them as well, but Kuro was fine in cycling at a slower speed and practise in this area. He even told Makishima to go ahead before him. (But no way Makishima would go ahead and dump his trainee behind ^^:)
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Chapter 4
Soon, Subaru started getting tired of cycling uphill, remarking that it was more tiring than he had expected and that he was so tired to the point that he might collapse. Chiaki was being all encouraging and cheering Subaru on, but that only annoyed him even more, as he wondered why Chiaki was still able to be so energetic. Chiaki smiled and encouraged Subaru even more that they should try to overcome their difficulties together, but Subaru coldly told Chiaki that he can overcome it by himself and complained that Chiaki’s cheers made him lost his strength and even felt really annoyed how Chiaki was around him. (Poor Chiaki, Subaru sounds like he doesn’t enjoy his presence ^^;)
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Just then, they noticed Tetora and Sakamichi had caught up to them. Tetora was already tired from cycling by the time he caught up and wondered why on earth Chiaki could still be so energetic. Chiaki suggested that everyone should sing at this kind of time when they’re in low spirits, which unexpectedly gets Sakamichi’s support since he actually always sing when he was cycling up the hill usually. He started humming a tune which gets Subaru’s attention, and feeling shy, Sakamichi apologised for singing so suddenly. He explained that the song that he was singing was the theme song of his favourite anime. Chiaki was interested in that song and wanted to sing together with Sakamichi, so the two of them ended up getting along well and started singing together ^^; (which shocked Tetora very much since the two of them just cycled really fast up the hill while singing together OWO”)
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(Sakamichi is kind of cute here when he blushes~ I just love Ensemble Stars’ expressions on the collab characters ^^)
Manami laughed and remarked that Sakamichi seems to be enjoying himself, and told Subaru that Sakamichi was actually someone who enjoys cycling uphill and would smile when he did so. He continued on saying that he felt that Chiaki was a really formidable person for being able to catch up to Sakamichi’s speed, and since he sees Chiaki as someone who kept smiling, Manami wondered how it would be like when Chiaki gets serious and gives his all in a race. 
Finally, the group reached the top of the hill. As much as Subaru felt that it was hard to get up the hill, he felt a sense of accomplishment when he reached in the end. Manami was all smiles too as he praised that it was a Nagame-zaku was a good hill and wanted to race on it next time.
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Jinpachi arrived next and asked Manami where did Megane-kun (Sakamichi) and Chiaki are, to which Manami pointed out that both of them were singing happily together over there. Sakamichi was very impressed with Chiaki, saying that he’s really an idol who’s good at everything since Chiaki could sing very well even without a backtrack. He questioned about the song that Chiaki was singing, and get to know that it was his unit, Ryuseitai’s song. Chiaki told Sakamichi that he’s Ryusei Red while Tetora is Ryusei Black, and the unit has other colours too such as Green, Yellow and Blue~ Sakamichi felt that a unit on Super Hero sounds really cool, and complimented Chiaki on his singing once again. Chiaki returned the favour by complimenting Sakamichi on his singing too and asked about the anime theme song which he was singing. (These two gets along too well ^^;)
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Chapter 5
Jinpachi felt that he can’t lose to both of them, and claimed that he’s going to spread his beautiful voice out in the world, while Makishima just found them all too embarrassing. Manami pointed out that Sakamichi had gotten along well with the students from Yumenosaki Gakuen, which he agreed and even asked whether Manami wanted to join him in watching the live performance at Yumenosaki Gakuen tomorrow. This was a plan suggested by Chiaki since he wanted to give a gift to the cyclists for teaching them about road bike cycling today. Jinpachi wanted to go too and urged Manami to come along. Even though Manami wasn’t really interested initially, Subaru managed to convince him to join, saying that this time around it would Subaru’s turn to show him being the feeling of him being excited. 
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(Look at Jinpachi nagging Manami once again not to be late ^^;)
This information was something new to Tetora though, as he had never heard about such a thing and told Chiaki off for deciding such an important matter by himself. Chiaki apologised and explained that since he felt lonely just saying goodbye after meeting them for a day and getting to learn about the charms of road bike cycling from them, he wanted to perform this live as a gift for them. Though Tetora still felt that it was abit too sudden, Sakamichi encouraged him that he would definitely be very cool looking since Tetora and Chiaki belonged to the same unit, Ryuseitai together. (And that’s because he had already envisioned that Ryuseitai would be a cool unit~ ^^) Seeing how excited Sakamichi was about tomorrow’s live performance, Tetora decided to give it a try and thanked Sakamichi for teaching him alot of stuff today. 
As evening falls, Kuro was tired from cycling and Makishima passed him a sports drink for him to replenish his strength. Makishima noticed that Kuro doesn’t seem to be enjoying himself very much, remarking that he felt that Kuro was forcing himself from the start till the end. Kuro realised that he can’t keep it hiding from Makishima any longer and admitted that he was actually bad at riding a bicycle and tell Makishima to keep it a secret from the others. Makishima was shocked by this and asked him why had he kept mum about it rather than forcing himself to get through the programme. Kuro gave a weak smile and said that he just had a pride that he didn’t want to throw away. As Tetora really admires him, Kuro didn’t want to let him see a side of himself that was considered “uncool”, as he felt that if he admitted that he was bad at riding to Tetora, Tetora might have his ideals crushed. He told Makishima could laugh at him for wanting to act cool in front of his cute juniors, but Makishima just gave a weak smile and said that he understood Kuro’s feelings completely, since Sakamichi totally admires Makishima alot as well. 
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Just then, Sakamichi turned up in front of them and started waving happily to Makishima. Kuro smiled and said that as much as Makishima might felt embarrassed by Sakamichi’s admire, Sakamichi was a cute junior. The two thanked each other as the day ends.
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Chapter 6
The next day, everyone gathered at the school auditorium, and Chiaki complimented Makishima on his outfit. Makishima was confused that he was being forced to put on a performance outfit when he had thought that the Yowamushi Pedal’s characters were only coming to watch the performances of the students from Yumenosaki Gakuen. Manami didn’t mind though and praised Sakamichi’s outfit, saying that his outfit seems really suitable when cycling. Sakamichi complimented Manami too, remarking that he seems just like a real idol~ (Well, Manami really does have a good-looking face here though ^^)
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(Here’s showing the Yowamushi Pedal’s characters in the various unit’s outfit. Sakamichi is wearing Tetora’s Ryuseitai uniform, Manami is wearing Subaru’s Trickstar uniform, and Makishima is wearing Kuro’s Akatsuki uniform.)
Sakamichi had already heard from Chiaki that plans had changed for today, but thought that everyone else would have heard about it by then. Chiaki chipped him and explained that since they had gathered together in an “experience programme”, and the Yowamushi Pedal’s characters had taught them about cycling, Chiaki wanted to let them experience the feeling of carrying out idol activities.
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(Apparently, Makishima hated that idea as he remarked that he would definitely not come at all if he had heard that he had to experience being an idol ^^;) 
Jinpachi turned up and praised himself personally for being able to fit any kind of outfits. (He’s wearing Chiaki’s Ryuseitai outfit.) Subaru turned up too and complimented Manami for being so suitable in his outfit, and even suggested that he may even try being an idol actually. Manami thanked him for the compliment but unfortunately... he doesn’t want to be an idol XD Since Jinpachi had put on Chiaki’s Ryuseitai uniform, Chiaki suggested that he try to introduce himself like he’s a part of Ryuseitai. He asked Tetora to give a demonstration together with him, which charmed Sakamichi as he praised the two of them for being cool and were just like a superhero.
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Chiaki asked Sakamichi to give it a try but got interrupted by Jinpachi doing his introduction instead. (Jinpachi’s introduction was quite... unique, since he said that he’s a genius with 3 out of 4 traits - beauty, and the ability to sing and dance. He claimed once again that he’s a genius climber and also an idol - Toudou Jinpachi.) This surprised Chiaki very much as he never expected that Jinpachi would even make up his own introduction lines. Subaru felt bothered about Jinpachi’s personality and asked Manami whether his senior (Jinpachi) was actually such a noisy and hyper person actually. Manami gave a weak smile and remarked that Jinpachi was very quiet when he was cycling though. In fact, Jinpachi was so silent when he cycling that he was even called as the “The Forest Ninja”. Too bad Subaru and Manami’s conversation get heard by Jinpachi, and he told off Manami for revealing additional information about him. 
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Chapter 7
Kuro and Makishima were looking at the others interacting from afar as Kuro remarked that it’s very lively over there, while Makishima sighed and said that he can’t keep up with them. Sakamichi came over to them and started looking really intensely at Makishima, which made him wondered why. Sakamichi explained that he actually find Makishima really suitable in Akatsuki’s unit outfit and started complimenting him about it. That flustered Makishima as he insisted that he doesn’t suit that at all and said that perhaps Sakamichi’s eyes had holes in them to have thought he’s suitable ^^; 
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(But no matter what Makishima said, he would always be like a real idol and really cool looking in Sakamichi’s eyes XD)
Kuro remarked that this seems like a really familiar scene to him, while Tetora was confused on what Kuro was talking about. (He was referring to how much Sakamichi and Makishima was like Tetora and him~ ^^) Kuro suggested to Makishima that he may perhaps try dancing since he’s already wearing an idol outfit, but Makishima replied that he won’t since he’s worried he might end up tearing the clothes. Kuro assured him that the clothes won’t tear easily, in fact, he could even fix them even if they tear. Makishima was surprised to learn that Kuro was actually the person who had made the outfits of Akatsuki and Ryuseitai, and Kuro gave a weak smile saying that he’s used to hearing comments like this since Kuro had a delinquent face that does not match with sewing. 
Makishima commented that he could actually move easily in this outfit and ended up liking it alot, but felt that it would better if more yellow and green were added to it. Somehow, this clashed with Kuro’s sense of style, and he remarked that Maksihima had a very unique fashion sense ^^; However, Kuro said that if there’s ever a chance for him in the future, he would fulfil Makishima’s request and make a set of outfit for him. 
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Looking at the two seniors chatting so happily, Tetora wondered when had they started getting along so well. Sakamichi joined him and remarked that he’s glad to see Makishima enjoying himself though. Tetora found that he can actually be quite similar to Sakamichi in the same sense that he’s glad to see Kuro being happy too. 
Just then, Trickstar’s music started playing and made Subaru excited to the point that he started singing and dancing. Chiaki encouraged Subaru to continue, and tell him to use his singing, dancing and smile to capture everyone’s heart. As Subaru performed to his heart’s content, Sakamichi can’t help but feel awed by Subaru being able to sing while jumping in the air. 
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(Yes Sakamichi, you are really watching an actual idol performance~ ^^)
Manami remarked that he could feel the excitement coming from Subaru, and Subaru urged the Yowamushi Pedal’s character to join him on stage to sing together. Jinpachi was, of course, the first to join in as he confidently started singing and dancing, which surprised Sakamichi that he was doing it so naturally. 
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Chapter 8
Jinpachi and Subaru started challenging each other in singing, and Jinpachi even asked Makishima to join them too. He knew Makishima would get embarrassed and try to reject him, and thus encouraged him that once he started singing and dancing, all those thoughts about being embarrassed would all be gone. Makishima decided to join them in the end just because he found Jinpachi being too noisy nagging him to join XD Jinpachi was pleased with Makishima and stated that if they ever ended up being idols, they would still be great rivals against each other. 
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Of course, Sakamichi ended up being a little fanboy looking at Makishima’s performance XD He wanted to take a photo using his phone, but realised that he had left it behind, and thus had to use his eyes to stare at him so as to imprint the process in his mind. Tetora saw him and asked him to join the others up on stage, but Sakamichi said that he’s satisfied in just watching since he doesn’t think that he could sing and dance like the others and felt that he would definitely cause trouble to them. Tetora encouraged Sakamichi, telling him that he’s sure that he’s able to do it, as Sakamichi isn’t weak at all and is a great guy who could cycle up a hill smoothly. That made Sakamichi felt more confident about himself, and he decided to head up on stage and join the others in the end~ ^^
Even though Manami wanted to skip out on performing on stage and reject Sakamichi when the latter invited him, Jinpachi yelled at him and demanded him to get up on stage. Thus, Manami had no choice but to follow them ^^;... As Sakamichi get up on stage, Makishima advised him not to think about whether he would be able to perform well or not, since this was not a race and he should just sing happily as per usual instead. 
Looking at the four of them performing on stage, Chiaki felt that this seems to be the born of a temporary unit. Kuro agreed and remarked about the conversation he just had with Makishima on making outfits for him if he had the chance in the future, saying that if they decided to group up as a temporary unit, he could always make some outfits for them too~ ^^ (Kuro is so kind-hearted here ^///^)
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Unfortunately soon it was coming to the end of the second day and the Yowamushi Pedal’s characters have to head home. Subaru exclaimed that he felt lonely now that they’re leaving and asked them to stay for another day. Chiaki tried to cheer Subaru up by telling them similar to them, the other party have to go back and continue with their everyday lives. Even though Chiaki himself felt lonely too, he knew that this wasn’t an eternal goodbye, and suggested that perhaps the students from Yumenosaki Gakuen will head over and visit them the next time instead. Subaru finally agreed with what Chiaki was talking about, and said that he’s going to smile and bid them off. 
Manami bid goodbye to Subaru and remarked that Subaru really does like being an idol alot, adding on that he really shines alot on stage. That pleased Subaru since he likes shiny stuff alot (so he’s glad he’s considered shiny too XD) He told Manami that Manami shines alot too while he was cycling uphill, and even felt that he had seen wings sprouting out behind him. 
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Chiaki was bidding goodbye to Jinpachi as well, telling him that he would always welcome him to challenge him in a dreamfes anytime~ Even though Jinpachi doesn’t really understand what Chiaki was talking about regarding a dreamfes, he accepted the challenge and claimed that he would not lose any challenge that comes upon his way. (Erm... You might want to understand what a dreamfes is about, Jinpachi... ^^;) 
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(Subaru felt that the conversation between Chiaki and Jinpachi were too fiery to the point he felt suffocated, remarking that it seems like there are two Chiaki XD)
Manami asked Subaru whether he dislike Chiaki, seeing that he always show a sulky face to Chiaki whenever he appears next to him. Subaru revealed that as much as he felt that Chiaki was noisy and annoying, he does look up to him as a senior in the basketball club and an idol too. (Aww~ Subaru~)
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Jinpachi and Manami then headed off, with Manami going off first without waiting for Jinpachi though ^^; Chiaki approached Subaru and asked whether he and Manami were talking about him just now since he had noticed their gazes on him, but Subaru just smiled and answered that he’s not telling Chiaki about it. (I guess no way Subaru will admit to Chiaki that he actually admires him ^^;) Poor Chiaki felt left out that Subaru is not telling him anything when he thought that they’re comrades, so Subaru suggested that they play some basketball before heading home since he’s quite free now. 
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(Subaru’s reaction to Chiaki is always quite cold “I’m alright if you don’t want to...” Of course, Chiaki would jump on the opportunity to spend more time with Subaru ^^;) 
Now it’s time for Tetora and Sakamichi to bid their goodbyes. Tetora complimented that Sakamichi had become just like an idol at the end of the day, while Sakamichi said that he’s thankful to Tetora for helping him create such a wonderful memory, since everyone sang his favourite song together ^^ Tetora was glad that he had let Sakamichi enjoy having the experience of being an idol~
Seeing the two juniors happily chatting among themselves, Kuro remarked that they’ve gotten along so well now. Sakamichi complimented Tetora that he was a great idol and look really reliable on stage, which made Tetora blushed and he explained that he’s still not that strong yet and wanted to be more like Kuro, because... “he’s the manliest man!” Even Sakamichi could understand Tetora that well now that he could even finish his sentences for him ^^ He could understand Tetora’s feelings very well because he too had a senior that he greatly admire, and that’s Makishima. The two then fanboy over how good-looking their seniors are in cycling jerseys, casual wear and idol outfits XD
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Makishima called out to Sakamichi, telling him that it was almost time they should leave by now. Tetora and Sakamichi bid goodbye to each other one more, promising that they’ll definitely meet each other in the future and would show the other party how much they’ve grown by then. 
The two seniors, however, were much cooler, with Kuro cheering Makishima on. They didn’t want to act so cuddly as the juniors did, and decided to just shake hands instead in the end. 
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And that’s it for the special collaboration story~! I’ve never watched or read Yowamushi Pedal before actually, so this was actually a good chance for me to get to know the characters. They’re quite interesting and I’m quite fond of Sakamichi and Manami, so perhaps I’ll keep a look out for them if I ever decided to pick up watching the anime in the future~
Happy Elements gave out a few cards for this special collaboration event this time, and I felt they’re being quite generous with giving a 5* Sakamichi just because you logged into the game during the collab period. (And his bloomed illustration is adorable~ ^///^) Manami took abit more effort to get, but his card looks really good too when bloomed~ 
Even if I didn’t get the remaining two cards of Jinpachi and Makishima since they’re in the gacha which I didn’t spin, their CG illustrations were available in the story so that’s great~ ^^
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Ensemble Stars’ cast obviously took a back seat in this collaboration event, but there’s still two new cards of Subaru and Kuro in their cycling jerseys available to collect~ ^^ (I didn’t have enough jewels to bloom them yet though ^^;)
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Collaboration is always interesting for me in Ensemble Stars as even though I do not know much about the new characters, the events are always fun to play and the cards are pretty enough for me to collect +W+ I have to say I really like  Ensemble Stars’ art style since they actually converted the Yowamushi characters quite nicely, making them look much cuter and good-looking but still retained their looks in a way they don’t look too different from the anime version~ 
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lupines-slash-recs · 6 years
Fandom Masterpost - Y
Yowamushi Pedal 
Hajime Aoyagi/Junta Teshima  --  Fanart Board 
Juichi Fukutomi/Shingo Kinjou  --  Fanart Board 
Sangaku Manami/Sakamichi Onoda  --  Fanart Board 
Shunsuke Imaizumi/Sakamichi Onoda  --  Fanart Board 
Yuusuke Makishima/Jinpachi Toudou  --  Fanart Board 
Fandom Masterposts: # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M| N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Crossovers
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blondthndrninja · 7 years
Wrote another fun YowapedaAU oneshot because why the hell not. Now I was inspired to write this because I’ve seen fanfic AUs where Onoda is a face in the crowd and Manami is the famous one, however I want to see that twisted up a bit maybe even...reversed. Thus, this oneshot was born, it can even be considered a sequel to this. Anyways, here it is! 
Title: Otaku of Rock - Part 2
Rated: K+
Pairing: Manami Sangaku X Onoda Sakamichi if you squint 
‘Wow, I’m having so much fun!’ Onoda thought as his fingers moved quickly across the strings of his electric guitar, ‘Imaizumi-kun sounds amazing as always, Sugimoto-kun is doing great with the drums, and Naruko-kun is incredible too!’ he smiled brightly as the end of the second chorus approached which Onoda knew meant it was almost time for his guitar solo, ‘I’m having so much fun!’ He stepped out on stage and performed his solo with great enthusiasm the screams of the fans fueling the ecstasy he felt on stage as people called out the name of their band.
 ‘I can’t believe these people love us so much!’ Onoda thought as he played the last chords of the song and listened to the cheers of the audience, ‘I’m so glad we got a chance to perform at the school festival!’
 Naruko let out a loud laugh before picking up the microphone, “Thank you everyone! We’ll be back in a few so sit tight!”
 Onoda smiled and moved off the stage with the others wiping the sweat off his brow. A short break was just what they needed, playing the guitar was fun but his fingers needed a good rest.
 Onoda hummed happily to himself as he walked around the tents. Imaizumi had promised to text him five minutes before they would be performing again. He glanced at his phone to check the time noting he had some time to at least buy something to drink before going back on stage only to collide into someone by accident.
 “Ah! S-Sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going!” Onoda said as he looked at the person he had ran into, he was a few centimeters taller with blue hair and blue eyes that were slightly lighter than his own. The stranger smiled, “Please don’t worry about it, I wasn’t paying attention either.” He then blinked and suddenly his smile widened, “Hey! You’re the one who was playing the bright yellow guitar on stage earlier, your performance was amazing!”
 Onoda blushed at the compliment and waved his hand, “A-Ah…I-I’m not that impressive I only play an instrument!”
 “But your solo was incredible! I had chills just watching you…you’re really an incredible performer.” The boy said.
 “Heh…well I-I’m glad you think so.” Onoda said with an embarrassed smile, “Sorry to take up your time…I’ll go on my way.”
 “Where are you going?”
 “Oh…I just wanted to buy a drink before I go back on stage.”
 “Let me buy it for you.” The blue haired boy said.
 “Oh please you don’t have to! I’ve caused enough trouble!”
 “Nonsense! You’re not troubling me at all!” the boy said grabbing Onoda’s hand, “I want to hear more about you! Will you tell me your name?”
 “It’s Onoda. Onoda Sakamichi.”
 “You have such a great name Sakamichi-kun!”
 They talked for a good while. The boy’s name was Manami Sangaku, he explained to Onoda that he wasn’t exactly from this area of town. He had been wandering through Chiba when he hear the music from the school festival and walked over to see their band performing. He had been enthralled by the music, especially Onoda’s electric guitar playing. He claimed Onoda was better than most he had heard in his life. Onoda of course thought the compliment was too much but Manami claimed that he meant every word he was saying.
 Suddenly Onoda’s phone vibrated and he flipped it open, “Ah…it’s almost time for the show to start again. Sorry Manami-kun I need to head back.”
 “That’s fine, I’ll walk you back.” Manami said.
 “Really, you don’t have to do that.”
 “I don’t mind Sakamichi-kun, besides someone needs to make sure you don’t get hounded by fans.” The blue haired boy said as he grabbed Onoda’s hand once more, “We better hurry, you don’t want to miss your performance.”
 “Thank you for walking me back here Manami-kun.” Onoda said with a sincere smile, “I really appreciate it.”
 “No, thank you Sakamichi-kun. You made my day a lot more exciting.” He said, “Say, would you exchange numbers with me? I know that might be forward but I really would like to see you again if there’s a chance.”
 “O-of course!” Onoda said, “I had a lot of fun hanging out with you Manami-kun.”
 After numbers were exchanged Manami stared at Onoda with an expression the otaku couldn’t place, “Good luck on stage, Sakamichi-kun.”
 “Thank you!” Onoda said cheerfully as he waved at Manami before making his way to the back of the stage only to be grabbed by Sugimoto who had a wild look in his eyes, “Onoda-kun, what was that?!”
 “Huh?!” Onoda looked at Sugimoto in confusion, “I-I was just exchanging numbers with Manami-kun!”
 “You exchanged numbers?!?!” Sugimoto asked practically in hysterics, “That easily?!”
 “Oi calm down idiot, you’re freaking Onoda-kun out!” Naruko said smacking Sugimoto on the head before looking at Onoda, “Onoda-kun…you know who Manami Sangaku is, right?”
 “Huh? Do you know him too Naruko-kun…is he a friend of yours?”
 “Oh God…you really don’t know much outside of anime do you?” Naruko shook his head, “Manami Sangaku is also known as Blue Angel, he’s a J-pop idol…like…top of the charts J-pop idol.”
 “Eh?” Onoda blinked a few times, “N-no way! Manami-kun is famous?!” he then looked up the name on his phone and came across multiple searches for ‘Blue Angel’ and ‘Manami Sangaku’, “EHHHHHHH?!?!?!”
 Manami smiled to himself as he left the school festival, ‘I thought today would be boring but now I’m glad I came here.’ Suddenly he heard his phone ringing and picked it up, “Hello?”
 “Don’t you ‘hello’ me mister! Where the hell did you take off to?! Your manager’s about ready to pull out her hair so you better tell me where your ass is so I can come get you!” a shrill angry voice said on the other line.
 “I’m sorry Toudou-san, I didn’t mean to worry you I was just so bored hanging out at the studio so I decided to take a walk. I just left Sohoku High School…they were having a school festival and there was a band performing.”
 “Is that right? Well stay over there and don’t move until I find you!”
 “Their performance was really nice and I even got to talk to their guitarist. He was really impressive.”
 “Oh? That’s a huge coming from you considering you never dish out compliments. You never have anything to say about other performers in the industry except for me, but we all know I’m perfect so that’s to be expected.” Toudou said, “So he’s an amateur?”
 “Yes but he’s got the potential to be professional.”
 “Hmmm…interesting. Tell me more when I get there.”
 “Of course Toudou-san.” Manami said before hanging up the phone and looking back towards the festival as he heard the music start playing again, ‘He deserves a bigger stage…I want to see you shine Sakamichi-kun.’
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