#sandor is a warrior and maybe half giant from the looks of it :)))
dr3adlady · 2 months
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🐦How to Catch a Bird🐦
This au has been eating up my mind recently :) long story short, Sandor and other vikings raid a convent and he decides to steal this beautiful brave nun.
In the first picture, he's telling his friend, Asha, that maybe this little chirping bird can be a good loving wife for him, but Asha is doubtful :)
Sansa's clothes designs:
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Also there's one raunchier illustration, open at your own risk (cw: noncon elements):
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erzakyuubei · 5 years
Jonsa Book Foreshadowing
Not mine. Credit goes to Juligen from asoiaf forum.
YOU WILL MARRY A KING..............
“You,” Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, “will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon.”Arya screwed up her face. “No,” she said, “that’s Sansa." 
(Eddard V- A Game of Thrones)
For me this quote is one of the most important quotes from the entire series because it pretty much sets up for the audience both Sansa and Arya story arc. Sansa will be the sister who will marry and have children and fulfill her childhood dreams of a happy family, which is why Love, marriage and children will be a constant theme in Sansa’s arc story. She will be treated as an object, passed around by the powerful players of the story, all interested in her claim of Winterfell and the North; she will be forced into marriage alliances and her future children will be desired for their claim in the North. Sansa will try to survive as much as she can, keeping still a slim hope to find love and happiness and maybe one day fulfill that sweet dream of a rebuilding her destroyed family.
Arya will follow another path; she will be a warrior and ruler on her own. Arya always wanted to be the keeper of her own holdfast, she wanted to be a knight and fight in battle and most important, I believe Arya wanted to feel the independence that most women in Westeros could never feel. Not that love and marriage is not impossible for her, but I feel George wants Arya to be a Queen regent on her own.
George is trying to tells us in this passage of the books that women should be able to choose their own paths and if its love, marriage and children what they wish for they should have it, but if its not, they should be free to figure out her own destiny. The tragedy of Lyanna Stark was that she never had a choice and was forced into marry someone she never cared for, and I believe George wants to show with both Sansa and Arya that girls should be free to choose their own dreams., because BOTH dreams are equality valid.
A CLOAK STAINED IN FIRE AND BLOOD......................
When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained with blood and fire. The sky outside was darker by then, with only a few pale green ghosts dancing against the stars. A chill wind was blowing, banging the shutters. Sansa was cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering.
(A Clash of Kings - Sansa VII)
Sansa cloaked herself with a cloak stained in "Fire and Blood" the words of House Targaryen. For me this has always been one of the biggest foreshadows on the book and its interesting to notice how George used the character of Sandor Cleagane as a redherring for this scene in order to not make so obvious the connection with Jon.
It was only when we make the connection of this particular scene with one that happened a few chapters before In the book A CLASH OF KINGS that it became pretty obvious this quote was about Jon Snow.
“I’ve never lain with any woman but Cersei. In my own way, I’ve been truer than your Ned ever was. Poor old dead Ned. So who has shit for honor now, I ask you? What was the name of that bastard he fathered?”
Catelyn took a step backwards. “Brienne.”
“No, that wasn’t it.” Jaime Lannister upended the flagon. A trickled ran down onto his face, bright as blood. “Snow, that was the one. Such a white name … like the pretty cloaks they give us in the Kingsguard when we swear our pretty oaths.”
A Clash of Kings - Catelyn VII
When she crawled out of bed, long moments later, she was alone. She found his cloak on the floor, twisted up tight, the white wool stained with blood and fire. The sky outside was darker by then, with only a few pale green ghosts dancing against the stars. A chill wind was blowing, banging the shutters. Sansa was cold. She shook out the torn cloak and huddled beneath it on the floor, shivering.
A Clash of Kings - Sansa VII
Every time Sansa’s marriage proposals are being discussed in the books, the next chapter usually its followed by a JON chapter. Once you put the two quotes together is that you really get it, what George was once again, very delicately trying to tells us.
In the first book A GAME OF THRONES, chapter 4 Eddard I, we have King Robert arriving at Winterfell and asking to visit Lyanna tomb in the crypts of the castle. While there King Robert decides to ask for Sansa’s hand in marriage for his son prince Joffrey. This is the chapter where Sansa and Joffrey become officially betrothed to each other and their Royal engagement its made official. The very next chapter? JON. This is also the chapter where Jon Snow will get drunk in the Feats for the king and ask uncle Ben to join the NightsWatch.
In a CLASH OF KINGS chapter 52, SANSA IV, Sansa will get her period and be finally “fit to bear children to the king”. Cersei then tries, as best as she can, to be a mother figure to Sansa in this very special moment and gives her a womanly advice. She tells her that love is a dangerous feeling that makes us all weaker and it should wiser for her to love only her children. Once again we have a chapter discussing Sansa future marriage to a king and the following chapter is JON VII.
Finally on A STORM OF SWORDS, we have the famous chapter 68, Sansa VI, where she laments that no one will ever marry her for love, its only her name and Winterfell they all want. The very next chapter of the book? JON. Again, thats not a coincidence, George does this, he said that he takes a lot of planning and caring about the way he writes and structures his books.
In A CLASH OF KINGS we will have George very quietly making the connection with Jon, Sansa and the tale of Bael the Bard.  While was I re reading the books I noticed that George was playing with the chapters orders and trying to tells us some hints of the story by putting characters chpaters next to each other. The first time Jon meets Ygritte on “A CLASH OF KINGS”, chapter 51, she tells him a story of Bael the Bard and the Blue Winter Rose:
"The Stark in Winterfell wanted Bael's head, but never could take him, and the taste o' failure galled him. One day in his bitterness he called Bael a craven who preyed only on the weak. When word o' that got back, Bael vowed to teach the lord a lesson. So he scaled the Wall, skipped down the kingsroad, and walked into Winterfell one winter's night with harp in hand, naming himself Sygerrik of Skagos. Sygerrik means 'deceiver' in the Old Tongue, that the First Men spoke, and the giants still speak.
"North or south, singers always find a ready welcome, so Bael ate at Lord Stark's own table, and played for the lord in his high seat until half the night was gone. The old songs he played, and new ones he'd made himself, and he played and sang so well that when he was done, the lord offered to let him name his own reward. 'All I ask is a flower,' Bael answered, 'the fairest flower that blooms in the gardens o' Winterfell.'
"Now as it happened the winter roses had only then come into bloom, and no flower is so rare nor precious. So the Stark sent to his glass gardens and commanded that the most beautiful o' the winter roses be plucked for the singer's payment. And so it was done. But when morning come, the singer had vanished . . . and so had Lord Brandon's maiden daughter. Her bed they found empty, but for the pale blue rose that Bael had left on the pillow where her head had lain."
(A Clash of Kings – Jon VI)
Right next in the following chapter 52, Sansa has her first flowering. This is the chapter where Sansa gets her first period and its now “fit to bear children to the King.”
"The blood is the seal of your womanhood. Lady Catelyn might have prepared you. You've had your first flowering, no more." Sansa had never felt less flowery. "My lady mother told me, but I... I thought it would be different.""Different how?""I don't know. Less... less messy, and more magical.” Queen Cersei laughed. "Wait until you birth a child, Sansa. A woman's life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you'll learn that soon enough... and the parts that look like magic often turn out to be messiest of all." She took a sip of milk. "So now you are a woman. Do you have the least idea of what that means?" "It means that I am now fit to be wedded and bedded," said Sansa, "and to bear children for the king." …….
Do you want to be loved, Sansa?" "Everyone wants to be loved." "I see flowering hasn't made you any brighter," said Cersei. "Sansa, permit me to share a bit of womanly wisdom with you on this very special day. Love is poison. A sweet poison, yes, but it will kill you all the same."
(A Clash of Kings – Sansa IV)
In the chapter 52, Sansa gets her period for the first time. She is taken to see Cersei who uses the moment to give Sansa womanly advice about love. She warns Sansa that love is dangerous and make us weaker. The following chapter of the book is JON VII.
“Robert wanted to be loved. My brother Tyrion has the same disease. Do you want to be loved, Sansa?” “Everyone wants to be loved.” “I see flowering hasn’t made you any brighter,” said Cersei. “Sansa, permit me to share a bit of womanly wisdom with you on this very special day. Love is poison. A sweet poison, yes, but it will kill you all the same.”
(A Clash of Kings – Sansa IV)
In the end of chapter Cersei warns Sansa about love and how dangerous it can be. The following chapter of the book is also JON VII. George really wanted us to picture Jon, Sansa and the Blue Winter Rose tale all together. For me this is one of the biggest clues that not only Jon and Sansa will marry but also, its their child that will continue House Stark.
In A storm of Swords, George used the prologue of the book to foreshadow Jon and Sansa romance, using the snow to symbolize Jon Snow. In the two paragraphs under, Chett will lament that heavy snow has ruined his plans for desertion and that Jon Snow and Sam stole his comfortable position as Maester Aemon’s steward: and that Jon Snow stole his position.
“He could feel tears freezing to his cheeks. It isn’t fair, he wanted to scream. Snow would ruin everything he’d worked for, all his careful plans. It was a heavy fall, thick white flakes coming down all about him.How would they find their food caches in the snow, or the game trail they meant to follow east? They won’t need Dywen nor Bannen to hunt us down neither, not if we’re tracking through fresh snow. And snow hid the shape of the ground, especially by night. A horse could stumble over a root, break a leg on a stone. We’re done, he realized. Done before we began. We’re lost. There’d be no lord’s life for the leechman’s son, no keep to call his own, no wives nor crowns. Only a wildling’s sword in his belly, and then an unmarked grave. The snow’s taken it all from me … the bloody snow …”
 “Snow had ruined him once before. Snow and his pet pig.”
(ASOS Prologue)
And later we have Jon Snow introducing himself as “the snow”……
“The singer rose to his feet. "I’m Mance Rayder,” he said as he put aside the lute. “And you are Ned Stark’s bastard, the Snow of Winterfell.”
 ( A Storm of Swords – Jon I)
Then comes Sansa’s chapter at the end of the book, where she will feel snow falling down her lips and touching her almost like a lover……..
Snow was falling on the Eyrie.
Yet she stepped out all the same. Her boots tore ankle-deep holes into the smooth white surface of the snow, yet made no sound. Sansa drifted past frosted shrubs and thin dark trees, and wondered if she were still dreaming. Drifting snowflakes brushed her face as light as lover’s kisses, and melted on her cheeks. At the center of the garden, beside the statue of the weeping woman that lay broken and half-buried on the ground, she turned her face up to the sky and closed her eyes. She could feel the snow on her lashes, taste it on her lips. It was the taste of Winterfell. The taste of innocence. The taste of dreams.
(A Storm of Swords - Sansa VIII)
In A FEAST FOR CROWS, chapter 23, we have Sansa playing the role of Alayne Stone, Littlefinger bastard daughter. In this chapter Sansa remembers Lord Yohn Royce son,  Ser Wayman Royce and how she fell madly in love with him when he visited Winterfell on his way to take the black on the Nights Watch. If we go back to the prologue of the first book, we will find out that surprising, Ser Waymar physical description is identical of Jon Snow. George is trying to tell us that Sansa will probably be physical attracted to Jon Snow once she is reunited with him later in the story. 
"Bronze Yohn knows me," she reminded him. "He was a guest at Winterfell when his son rode north to take the black." She had fallen wildly in love with Ser Waymar, she remembered dimly, but that was a lifetime ago, when she was a stupid little girl. "And that was not the only time. Lord Royce saw . . . he saw Sansa Stark again at King's Landing, during the Hand's tourney."
Waymar Royce is described as follows. Notice how similar this description is to Jon.
Ser Waymar Royce was the youngest son of an ancient house with too many heirs. He was a handsome youth of eighteen, grey-eyed and graceful and slender as a knife. Mounted on his huge black destrier, the knight towered above Will and Gared on their smaller garrons. He wore black leather boots, black woolen pants, black moleskin gloves, and a fine supple coat of gleaming black ringmail over layers of black wool and boiled leather.
Jon’s eyes were a grey so dark they seemed almost black, but there was little they did not see. He was of an age with Robb, but they did not look alike. Jon was slender where Robb was muscular, dark where Robb was fair, graceful and quick where his half brother was strong and fast.
“Sweet one,” her father said gently, “listen to me. When you’re old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who’s worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. **That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me.”** -
( A Game of Thrones – Sansa III)
She shouted for Ser Dontos, for her brothers, for her dead father and her dead wolf, for gallant Ser Loras who had given her a red rose once, but none of them came. She called for the heroes from the songs, **for Florian and Ser Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, but no one heard.**
(A Clash of Kings – Sansa IV)
They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. “I’m Prince Aemon the Dragonknight,” Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, “Well, I’m Florian the Fool.” Or Robb would say, “I’m the Young Dragon,” and Jon would reply, “I’m Ser Ryam Redwyne.”**
A Storm of Swords – Jon II
Notice how Sansa's heros match with with the ones Jon's used to pretend to be as a child.
“Frog-faced Lord Slynt sat at the end of the council table wearing a black velvet doublet and a shiny cloth-of-gold cape, nodding with approval every time the king pronounced a sentence. Sansa stared hard at his ugly face, remembering how he had thrown down her father for Ser Ilyn to behead, wishing she could hurt him, wishing that some hero would throw him down and cut off his head.
 A game of Thrones – Sansa VI
"I will not hang him," said Jon. "Bring him here." "Oh, Seven save us," he heard Bowen Marsh cry out. The smile that Lord Janos Slynt smiled then had all the sweetness of rancid butter. Until Jon said, "Edd, fetch me a block," and unsheathed Longclaw.
A dance of Dragons – Jon II
Dreams of home and family
“She pictured the two of them sitting together in a garden with puppies in their laps, or listening to a singer strum upon a lute while they floated down the Mander on a pleasure barge. "If I give him Sons, he may come to love me. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon, and raise them all to be as Valiant as Ser Loras. And to hate Lannisters, too. In Sansa’s dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya.”
“I would need to steal her if I wanted her love, but she might give me children. I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decide to live his life on the wall. I could name him Robb”..-
Rebuilding Winterfell……
The snow fell and the castle rose. Two walls ankle-high, the inner taller than the outer. Towers and turrets, keeps and stairs, a round kitchen, a square armory, the stables along the inside of the west wall. It was only a castle when she began, but before very long Sansa knew it was Winterfell.
A Storm of Swords - Sansa VII
Winterfell, he thought. Theon left it burned and broken, but I could restore it. Surely his father would have wanted that, and Robb as well. They would never have wanted the castle left in ruins.
A Storm of Swords - Jon XII
There is so much foreshadow for this relationship that I always shake my head when people say there is nothing in the books about this romance.
Edited March 30 by prettylongclaw
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ohtheseboysilove · 5 years
Goodbye Westeros [ Ben Hardy x F!Reader ]
Words :  1, 400 K +
Warnings : language, fluff
Summary :  Reader and Ben watching the very last episode of Game Of Thrones. She maybe confess accidentally her feelings too.
Note : I got a bit carried away after the request of @im-themoonofyourlife and god, I had a lot of fun writting this one ! This pure fluff and praising about GOT characters. But shit I’m so sad it’s over, like daamn, how I’m gonna survive to the next mondays ? Anyway if you want to talk about GOT, just message me or slid in my dm im so frustrated uurgh. Enjoy my buddies xx
Masterlist & Requests
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@/ none of these gifs are mine xx
You bounced nervously your leg, waiting impatiently for Ben to arrive at your place. It was monday evening and who said monday, say...Game of throne day. And tonight was the last episode ever, after ten years of following the drama of the seven kingdoms, you were sad but excited to see finally who gonna end up on the iron throne. Even if you were a bit disappointed about this season eight you were still a massive fan.
When you heard Frankie whining at the front door, you knew Ben was about to arrive, fucking finally ! He gave a copy of his keys for you to come sooner at his place as you always watched the episode at his place. He had a bigger and better t.v than yours.
“Hiya Frank’ ! How are my girls’ tonight ?” Ben’s pretty face popped in the living-room and you immediately jumped on him, tugging him by the arm to the sofa. “Someone is in a hurry” He chuckled and rubbed the dog’s back with a wide smile.
“In a hurry ? You’re two hours late !” You pouted and crossed your arms. “I fought really hard to not watch the episode without you Benny”
“Mmm, you promise you didn’t watch it ?” The blond grinned and observed your face closely. You shook your head and he pressed a deep kiss on your lips.
His warm palms slid cheekily into your jeans, pinching your ass innocently.
“Hey, not even in your dream Benjamin” You pushed him away with a smirk and sat comfortably on the sofa, grabbing the blanket. “Maybe after the episode” You winked and he rolled his eyes.
“But you’re always grumpy after the episode, especially this season babe” He whined childishly. “We all know you’re not gonna like the ending”
“True but I’m gonna watch anyway so...” You shrugged and caught the remote, looking for HBO on the t.v screen. “You’re coming or what ?” You raised the cover for Ben but he stood up with an amused smile.
“I’m starving babe, I’m gonna make myself a sandwich. Want something ?”
“Seriously Jones !” You let your head fell back against the couch in a dramatic effect, sighing deeply. “Put your pretty ass on the sofa and let watch this damn episode” You threw him a pillow when he openly laughed at your exasperation.
“Jesus woman, gimme two minutes” He disappeared behind the kitchen door and just when you were about to pressed start, he yelled “Don’t fucking dare play the generic without me !”
You grumbled childishly and waited five more minutes before Ben finally came back, two sandwiches in a plate. He plopped next to you and slipped his arm around you shoulder, putting you close to him.
“Ready ?” He nodded as he bit in his snack. “Oh my god I’m so excited !” The familiar music started echoing through the room and you smiled widely, both you and Ben humming the theme song.
Your eyes were glued to the screen, hands clasping around your boyfriend’s forearm and squeezed it when your were shocked or afraid by a scene.
“I swear if she hurt him...I’m flying to Westeros tomorrow morning and take personally good care of her” You whispered as Ben chuckled gently. He loved how intensely you were living every episode.
By half of the episode, your cheeks were wet, like every time and you were on the blond’s lap, arms wrapped around his neck as you literally drank every words escaping from the characters’ mouths.
“Hey, that’s mine ! You said you didn’t want anything” Ben growled as you shamelessly bit in the sandwich still in his hand. “You–“
“Shush, my girl Arya is speaking. Show some respect to the best female character of the show” You scoffed and kept your eyes on the screen, waiting patiently for the final outcome.
Ben mumbled something about Cersei being way more interesting but you ignored him, too busy as you tried to guess who gonna be king or queen of the seven kingdoms. As the moment came closer, you could feel Ben tensed behind you, both of you looking with wide eyes the decisive scene.
“Oh my–“ You gasped and put a hand on your mouth as you finally get to know the new ruler of Westeros. “Fuck, is this real ?” You turned to Ben who looked as surprised as you.
“Told ya you were wrong” You silently watched the remaining minutes of the episode, laughing and crying again as the end of the episode was very close. “That was, indeed, unexpected” He shook his head with a grin as the generic played on the screen.
“I can’t believe it’s over” You sniffled and scratched Frankie’s head, your mind trying to process all the informations from the last episode. “I can’t wait for the spin-offs”
Ben stretched his arms and yawned lazily, stroking affectionately your hairs. “I know babe, so weird. Monday gonna be boring again now” You nodded and snatched the remaining half-sandwich from the blond’s plate and munched ferociously in it, not sure how you were feeling about this ending.
“Anyway, now that it’s over, we can all agree and say that Jon Snow is the best character of the show” Ben added with a cheeky smile knowing very well how you would react to his words.
“I think the fuck not ! Not on my watch baby” You shook your head and punched playfully the blond’ shoulder. “He’s a good character, of course. But seriously, he was so bad written this season, what a waste” You sighed with a pout.
“She is my queen (Y/N)...” His imitation of the well-know voice of Jon snow made you giggled stupidly. “It doesn’t matter if I fucked my aunt, she got the nicest tits of the seven kingdoms”
“Oh my god, shush” You snorted and captured his lips for a sloppy, giggling kiss. “You’re terrible...and well all know the best character is Tyrion, periods” You added with a superior smile.
“Only loser think that, babe” He shook his head and you gasped dramatically, offended by his words.
“How dare you talk about-–“
“Come on, he is funny alright, I give you that. But he is just an alcoholic who think only with his cock and get bully by his whole family, you’re always love the weakest one” Ben commented with a shrug.
You knew he was doing that in purpose to annoy you and it worked every time, you were too attached at the characters to let him say some bullshits like that.
“You’re lucky I love you because you being really stupid right now” You grumbled and took a deep breath, ready to make your speech about how awesome was Tyrion. “He is not only fun, he is smart and strong and very brave, he didn’t–“
“What did you just say ?” Ben’s eyes widened and a soft smile painted his pretty face.
“What ? I said he was brave...”
“Not that silly girl, you said I’m lucky because you love me” You blushed deeply as you just noticed that you effectively let your little secret slipped out. “You’re serious, you love me ?” He asked with a giant smile, brightening all his features.
Your fingers fidgeted with the sleeve of your top and nodded timidly. “Yeah, I love you Ben” You looked shyly at him and gladly accepted his long and intense kiss, his hands immediately grabbing your hip and you sighed appreciatively at the softness of his plumpy lips. He broke the kiss when the need of air was too important and you both smiled stupidly. “You don’t have to say it back, you know” You murmured, rubbing gently your nose against his.
He rolled his eyes and pressed few pecks on your swollen kiss. “I love you too (Y/N), of course I do” You heart fluttered heavily in your chest at his words.
“Yeah ?”
“Silly girl, I did catch up the seven seasons of Game of thrones just to watch with you the last one, right ?” You chuckled slightly. “Sixty-seven hours in few months with my crazy schedule darling, I thought it was obvious I did that because I love you. I knew you would need an emotional support for this six last episodes”
“True, you’re my real knight in shinning armour, the bravest of the seven kingdoms” Ben grinned cockily, his teeth grazing gently on your lower lip.
“Bravest than Brienne of Tarth ?”
You scoffed playfully and rubbed his cheek like he was a little kid.
“It’s Ser Brienne of Tarth and please, don’t push your luck honey. She fought a bear and practically killed Sandor Clegane, she is the greatest warrior of all the time”
“Can’t argue on this one” Ben admitted and pressed his lips on your forehead. “I love you”
“And I love you too” You answered with a loving gaze. “Even if you have shitty tastes about GOT characters”
Permanent tag list : @16wiishes
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rachelrogers11 · 6 years
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One of my fanfic ideas from the SanSan closet.There’s really no dialogue, just a fanfic idea I had (for this fanfic I picture Peter Steele as Sandor), modern AU, maybe slight DubCon for a bit of mind manipulation.
A Peek at the story idea:
Sansa journeys to Kings Landing to join the secluded academy The Red Keep after she cannot restrain the strange dreams and powers plaguing her since she was a child. She is an Empath. She senses people’s distress and it all becomes a little too much for her to handle on her own especially those dreams of the Strange Man which leaves her weak and gasping from the sheer rage in them…
In the rank depths of Flea Bottom annexing the glamourous and pristine city of Kings Landing, a secret meeting took place. In the dimness of the room, the Head Master of the Red Keep made a deal with the Stranger.
He would not be apprehended by the Red Keep Guard if he would turn away from his ragtag human gang and work under cover for the Red Keep. The Stranger was not amused. And he was in a particularly beatific rage since the Red Keep special retrieval team had brought him in.
Until the Keep’s Headmaster said he had her.
After that, the Stranger listened…
One week later
Sansa cautiously made her way down the winding corridor to the Head Master’s office.
Margaery had given her the heads up that the Head Master wanted her to power practice on a new Red Keep recruit. It’d been a while since Sansa had a power practice session and she was looking forward to the distraction it would give her from her obsessive contemplation on whether her Strange Man existed or not. She’d been having the dreams for as long as she could remember. It was what made her come to the Red Keep in the first place despite her parents’ caution. The old fashioned Northerners her family was did not totally trust the Red Keep, only known to those families with gifts, to keep their innocent tall little girl safe..
But after the first few rough months and despite the antagonism she’d faced from Cersei, the resident Red Keep queen bee who resented Sansa for becoming the Head Master’s favourite student, she had grown to like it here.
Except that the dreams hadn’t stopped.
The memory of the latest dream, just last night, assailed her again. She’d had yet another dream of the Strange Man, a dream filled with his anger and pain.
The Strange Man’s startling grey eye had been so clear, almost like silvered glass, his gaze piercing and sharp as if his rage was something that could leap out of his eyes and cut her. But the moment she reached out and touched his face as she always inevitably did, she felt that strong current of rage within him ebb away.
The moment she felt the warmth of his chiselled cheek, she’d wake up, hot and shivering under her heap of blankets.
Despite the confusing whirl of pain she felt whenever she dreamed of him, the idea that the Strange Man might be a figment of her imagination depressed her. Somehow the dreams, which had first affected her like nightmares, became something familiar that she had grown to expect. Like her favourite pair of pajamas she’d slip over her skin at night, she had begun to take a certain comfort in the dreams. She didn’t understand it. There was no doubt that she was using her power of calm in the dream, she was soothing the Strange Man in the only way she knew how but then why did she feel reassured as well?
Taking a deep breath, she came to a stop before the heavy gilded door that led to the Head Master’s suite of offices. She dismissed all memories of the dream and cautiously knocked.
The Head Master summoned her in.
As soon as she walked into the spacious office, she saw him.
Her dreams dissolved around her like torn bits of burned paper fluttering in the wind, the black and white static of those dreams in no way preparing her for the full Technicolor, thumping decibel of the Strange Man in the flesh.
In her dreams, she’d always seen his eyes but never the entirety of him.
The Strange Man wore a fierce frown and she could see only one of his silver eyes blazing down at her because one side of his face was half hidden behind the dark tangle of hair that skimmed down to his broad shoulders.
Sansa decided that he was at once the most beautiful and ugliest being she’d ever seen.
The giant man looming before her was the sculpted towering statue of the Warrior brought to life but it was the hate that shone bright in his silver eyes that made him ugly.
She could barely hear the Head Master’s banter as he introduced her to the Red Keep’s newest recruit. All she heard was his name.
Sandor Clegane was the Strange Man’s name
Despite encountering his rage in her dreams, she still did not feel prepared to face it, face him, in all his terrifying reality. He took a step towards her and it was only then she realized how much she had to crane her neck up to look at him.
She’d never had to do that before. To her everlasting chagrin, she’d always been taller than almost every male she’d encountered.
The Strange Man, well Sandor, looked her up and down, his frown etched even deeper now.
“Hope you’ve been warned, girl. You’ve got your bluidy work cut out for you. Think you can calm a killer?”
Sansa was startled at the deep sense of disappointment she felt when she realized he had no knowledge of their shared dreams.
Looking at the harsh skepticism displayed on the visible side of his face, she knew he wasn’t aware of the countless times she’d reached across time and space to do just that. To calm his rage.
A killer he said.
Despite the flutter of shock she felt, Sansa decided she would show him that he could not intimidate her, she would not let his festering anger deter her from what she did best.
“I’ve worked with killers before, sir.”
Many times during her training, she had been required to power practice on hardened criminals in the Black Cells, under heavy guard of course. None of tem had shown her as much resentment as this man did.
He doesn’t know of the dreams, she reminded herself as the Head Master directed them to sit opposite each other, only a narrow desk between them that was dwarfed by his large frame.
Sandor glared at her for a long moment and she unflinchingly met his stare until with a rather slow deliberate movement of one large hand, he moved the pitch-dark tangle of hair off his cheek and jaw.
Her mouth went dry as he revealed the gruesome scarring covering most of the right side of his face. The knotted flesh was pitted and gnarled and as vivid as a raw red wound.
He seemed to take a savage satisfaction in her horror, his slow smirk not revealing the pain she could sense brimming within him.
Tears stung and blurred her vision as she thought of the physical torment he must have endured to survive such a scar but she made every effort to blink them away. She averted her eyes, fearing she was staring too hard at his disfigurement then watched as he reached across the desk and held out huge callused hands towards her.
Even as he extended his palms, marked with scars different than those that covered his face, she could sense the mockery in him, just as Cersei and her entourage had mocked her when she first came to the Red Keep.
He fully expected her to flee, expected her to evade his touch.
Sansa reached out and took his hands in hers.
She felt his jolt of surprise and then her palms were drowned under the heaviness of his and that blast of fiery rage hit her again, even more intense than the dreams and there was turmoil there too and fear.
And there was also the effect of his flesh on hers, his hands in hers, the feel of his warm skin sent a jolt of her own through her as if her heart had stopped beating and then her entire body shocked back to life.
He didn’t really want to touch her!
No one had ever been so unwilling to touch her, not even Cersei who had succumbed to the calming power of her touch during one of her earlier power practices.
Sandor fought against her, fought like a drowning man against the current of her empathy. She cried out at the power of his rage beating against her.
He tore his hands out of her grasp, slamming to his feet with such violence that the heavy chairs the Head Master used in his office tumbled over like a light toy in his wake.
The Head Master leapt to his feet as fast as he could as well, moving immediately to stand beside him, a meaty hand on the towering man’s arm, whispering something fiercely that Sansa couldn’t hear. Sansa could only stare at how incongruous the Head Master of the Red Keep looked standing next to this giant.
As she sat there inhaling gulps of air, recovering from her tumultuous interaction with the giant man, she found it surreal that she now knew the name of the stranger who had been haunting her dreams for so long.
The giant man sat before her once again while the Head Master reclaimed his seat a few feet away. In an uncharacteristic gentle tone, he encouraged her to resume her power practice. Sansa glanced at the headmaster. He had always been kind to her where more often than not, he was blunt and no-nonsense with the rest of the Red Keep alumni.
With some caution, she glanced at him.
Sandor had cast his scars under their curtain of dark strands again, head bowed, hands laid out like an offering on the table between them but Sansa could sense that resentment again and how unwilling he was. She’d never had an unwilling participant in her practice before but the Head Master nodded encouragingly.
Taking a fortifying breath, she reached for Sandor’s fingers again. So warm. And then there was that jolt as their skin touched.
His hands were long, large and sturdy like he was. She could see the darker sheen of sweat on his massive chest under his simple dark green t-shirt even though the room was conditioned with cooling vents that kept the heat of Kings Landing at bay.
Sansa mentally prepared herself to feel his rage again, pulling at her inner reserves of calm to counteract his anger but to her utter surprise, she felt nothing as she held his hands.
That had never happened before.
It was then she realized with some shock that he had blocked her out. She had encountered mind blocks before in her power practice but she had always managed to weave her way around them. Like with Cersei. At first she’d blocked Sansa out quite willfully but she had overcome her block almost immediately.
No such luck with Sandor.
No matter how she tried, despite all the practice she’d had at surmounting blocks, she couldn’t get through to him. She closed her eyes tight in concentration feeling the burn of his gaze on her and the burn of his anger roiling in her mind.
An anger she couldn’t diffuse as she usually did! She did not like that for the first time since coming to the Red Keep that her power had failed. She’d taken more pride than she’d thought in how powerful her calming influence was. Her empathy had reached out to even the most stubborn of the Red Keep alumni. Even to the cruelest of the Black Cells prisoners!
Suddenly, she felt the caress of his fingertips against the sensitive underside of her palm. At first, she valiantly tried to ignore the tingles his caresses produced, tried to concentrate only on getting past his block. But then the caresses increased and he started making little circles that she could feel in other places besides her hands. Her eyes flew open. He was peering at her under the fall of his dark hair, icy eyes heated now.
Sansa was immediately flustered, breath caught in her throat until she saw that mocking smirk tilting one side of his unscarred lips not hidden by his hair. She was about to tell him to stop at once when the first sensations hit her.
Every erotic thought, every lewd desire he had ever had, that he ever sated, Sandor sent her way. To her complete and utter embarrassment, Sansa couldn’t contain her moan. She shifted against her seat, trying to fight him off now but he just kept pushing…
The Head Master intervened, moving to pull her hands from Sandor’s except Sansa shook her head violently. “No!”
She wasn’t going to allow Sandor to scare her away like some untried little girl. Sansa had advanced too much in her power to calm, had struggled too hard to prove herself amidst the unforgiving Red Keep alumni to be thrown into chaos by a new recruit...
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janiedean · 7 years
masha-russia(.)tumblr(.)com/post/106925435839/daenerys-is-azor-ahaiprince-that-was-promised What do you think of this?
oh god
the old gods save me
a) last time I interacted with that person she was arguing theon deserved getting castrated and tyrion would have deserved it too because she appreciated *sexual purity* in people and all the while she liked tywin. k. I mean I don’t hold that user’s opinion in very high regards
b) I had an entire meta post about why jon was AA wait a moment let me find it and see if I can c/p it
AH OKAY HERE IT IS I’m putting it on the side
grrm usually does a thing which is, ‘when he TELLS YOU SOMETHING REALLY REALLY HARD AND MENTIONS IT ALL THE TIME that thing usually doesn’t happen’.
case: every death not on page and everything cersei says. affc: OH HEY DAVOS IS DEAD HIS HEAD IS HUNG OUTSIDE MANDERLY’S CASTLE adwd: hey bro we killed someone else in your place you’re going to find rickon byadwd: hey mance is dead!jon: …. I’m not sure it’s himadwd: SURPRISE IT WASN’T HIM ACTUALLY!cersei: I’M SURE THIS THIS AND THIS HAPPEN BECAUSE I SAY SOactual reality: all the contrary happensarya: well I left sandor dying on the road he’s definitely a gonermonk on the quiet island: I AM STILL ALIVEarya: sometimes I still hear his voice& so on.
now, never mind tyrion’s sage advice about prophecies (Prophecy is like a half-trained mule. It looks as though it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head). What we have in the text is dany seeing R and elia and the following dialogue happens:
“Aegon. What better name for a king… He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire”; “There must be one more. The dragon has three heads.”
AA prophecy:
There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him
When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.
+ tpwp prophecy as melisandre & others put it
You are he who must stand against the Other. The one whose coming was prophesied five thousand years ago. The red comet was your herald. You are the prince that was promised, and if you fail the worldfails with you.
Born amidst salt and smoke, beneath a bleeding star. I know the prophecy. Not that I would trust it.
Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai come again, the warrior of fire. In him the prophecies are fulfilled. The red comet blazed across the sky to herald his coming, and he bears Lightbringer, the red sword of heroes.
now, either you think that AA is a red herring and tptwp is the real deal or you think tptwp = AA, the prophecies say exactly the same shit about either, so it’s a lot more likely that AA is tptwp and/or viceversa, or that AA is a red herring but tptwp is not. that stated, in order:
prophecies can’t be trusted 100% and no one interprets them well, which is what tyrion’s implying and what everyone does in these books since until now no one’s ever manage to understand one correctly
if GRRM tells you that someone is SOMETHING without immediate proof/verification, he’s most probably lying or red herring you around
R has elements from which he could deduce that if he didn’t have three children for three dragons the long night would come, which was why he started getting ready for it and was that bent on having three children. now, what is he saying in that vision? that AEGON is tptwp. now, as per above, if R thinks aegon is tptwp he’s definitely wrong because aegon is not and whether the one with jonc is fake or not (I think not) he is not AA or twptw. one out. rhaenys is dead, regardless. and what was R’s deal? getting the third head of the dragon in the world… for which he started a civil war. ops. let’s leave it one moment. anyway, R’s prophecy says for sure three things: the apocalypse is coming, you’ll need three dragons to stop it with three riders who should all be targs, and one of his children is AA/tptwp.
obviously, we could say that dany works anyway because she’s a targ so maybe R’s prophecy was wrong. which is most probably half true, because dany’s of course one of the heads of the dragon. but, she isn’t tptwp. why?
because she’s already been brought up by the narrative and everyone that the narrative explicitly brought up is NOT for now tptwp. it’s not aegon. it’s not stannis. and since in affc grrm took the time to put his red herring around with the language question and so on… sorry but it’s not dany. if she was dany, no one would have brought her up as an option, because that’s… not how the narrative works. like, literally, in asoiaf I’ve never seen anything that explicitly stated (that wasn’t dany owning dragons obv but that was the established plot point from the beginning) actually become a thing. you get hints. you get parallels you can theorize on. but like, if the narrative tells you davos dies offscreen davos doesn’t die offscreen, if cersei thinks marge is the younger and beautiful queen she’s wrong and if aemon thinks tptw is dany, she’s not. it’s a red herring. why?
interlude: there’s a thing named occam’s razor which basically says the simplest explanation is the most likely and if your theory needs to be extra elaborate to work, it’s probably not true.
if we follow occam’s razor (which a lot of narrative does because the more convoluted is a theory the least likely is the reader to buy it), we know: that tptwp has to be a thing, that he/she is related to rhaegar and should be one of his children, that he/she has to die among smoke and salt and blah blah blah and that prophecies are half-trained mules and that in order to have three kids R started a civil war, so that third kid must be damned important, and that it’s not R’s second child because R thought he was, and that it can’t be the first since he’s dead.
now: who is actually R’s offspring which has not been mentioned openly in the book until now, who has never ever ever brought up by the narrative itself as a possible AA/ptwp candidate, who has showed up in melisandre’s flames when she asked to see AA thinking she’d see stannis, and, most important, whose canonical death PERFECTLY matches the AA prophecy if you don’t interpret it literally?
The dead man was Ser Patrek of King’s Mountain; his head was largely gone, but his heraldry was as distinctive as his face. [from awoiaf: Patrek is clean-shaven and windburnt. His knightly raiment are of white and blue and silver, his cloak a spatter of five-pointed stars.] Jon did not want to risk Ser Malegorn or Ser Brus or any of the queen’s other knights trying to avenge him.
Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun howled again and gave Ser Patrek’s other arm a twist and pull. It tore loose from his shoulder with a spray of bright red blood. Like a child pulling petals off a daisy, thought Jon. “Leathers, talk to him, calm him. The Old Tongue, he understands the Old Tongue. Keep back, the rest of you. Put away your steel, we’re scaring him.”
Couldn’t they see the giant had been cut? Jon had to put an end to this or more men would die. They had no idea of Wun Wun’s strength. A horn, I need a horn. He saw the glint of steel, turned toward it. “No blades! ” he screamed. “Wick, put that knife …”
… away, he meant to say. When Wick Whittlestick slashed at his throat, the word turned into a grunt. Jon twisted from the knife, just enough so it barely grazed his skin. He cut me. When he put his hand to the side of his neck, blood welled between his fingers. “Why? ”
“For the Watch.” Wick slashed at him again. This time Jon caught his wrist and bent his arm back until he dropped the dagger. The gangling steward backed away, his hands upraised as if to say, Not me, it was not me. Men were screaming. Jon reached for Longclaw, but his fingers had grown stiff and clumsy. Somehow he could not seem to get the sword free of its scabbard.
Then Bowen Marsh stood there before him, tears running down his cheeks. [NOTE: tears are made of… salt…] “For the Watch.” He punched Jon in the belly. When he pulled his hand away, the dagger stayed where he had buried it.
Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger’s hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. “Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold…
… and, who has the show confirmed as being r+l?
it’s jon.
it’s always been jon and it’s always going to be jon on his own. dany will be important af, whoever else rides the third dragon is gonna be hella important (I have a theory which is probably wrong but whatever grrm will have to pry it from me), but tptwp/AA is jon. and R said ‘his is the song of ice and fire’, not ‘the song of ice and fire is for tptwp and AA’. like. it seems fairly obvious textually to me that there’s no way it’s anyone but jon snow, who by the way in theory has had his nissa nissa moment with ygritte if you take it sorta literally and in a lot other ways if you take it very imaginatively.
you’re totally welcome to think it’s both of them, but according to me it’s just him, never mind that dany is all targ, he is half stark and half targ…. so…. ice and fire. like. it’s so trasparent I just can’t think that there has to be something even more complicated to it. *shrug*
if AA is a red herring or not, or whether AA = tptwp….
like he died, he came back to life, he’s rhaegar’s son, it’s confirmed, it’s
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janiedean · 7 years
'We are not men' was an offhand comment that dany made to missandei, she doesn't really believe that since they are women they are immune to death or some shit, anon should just chill omg. And the prince/princess is confirmed to be genderless from the books, it's not something that d&d invented bc they love dany, actually they know who aar is so it wouldn't surprise me if it's really both jon AND dany
I know it’s from the book but I thought it was a red herring from the moment it happened which is why the whole thing sounded kinda like melisandre wanted to find a way to convince dany but… like… okay listen idk what D&D want to do, but:
grrm usually does a thing which is, ‘when he TELLS YOU SOMETHING REALLY REALLY HARD AND MENTIONS IT ALL THE TIME that thing usually doesn’t happen’.
case: every death not on page and everything cersei says. affc: OH HEY DAVOS IS DEAD HIS HEAD IS HUNG OUTSIDE MANDERLY’S CASTLE adwd: hey bro we killed someone else in your place you’re going to find rickon byadwd: hey mance is dead!jon: …. I’m not sure it’s himadwd: SURPRISE IT WASN’T HIM ACTUALLY!cersei: I’M SURE THIS THIS AND THIS HAPPEN BECAUSE I SAY SOactual reality: all the contrary happensarya: well I left sandor dying on the road he’s definitely a gonermonk on the quiet island: I AM STILL ALIVEarya: sometimes I still hear his voice& so on.
now, never mind tyrion’s sage advice about prophecies (Prophecy is like a half-trained mule. It looks as though it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head). What we have in the text is dany seeing R and elia and the following dialogue happens:
“Aegon. What better name for a king… He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire”; “There must be one more. The dragon has three heads.”
AA prophecy:
There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him
When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.
+ tpwp prophecy as melisandre & others put it
You are he who must stand against the Other. The one whose coming was prophesied five thousand years ago. The red comet was your herald. You are the prince that was promised, and if you fail the world fails with you.
Born amidst salt and smoke, beneath a bleeding star. I know the prophecy. Not that I would trust it.
Stannis Baratheon is Azor Ahai come again, the warrior of fire. In him the prophecies are fulfilled. The red comet blazed across the sky to herald his coming, and he bears Lightbringer, the red sword of heroes.
now, either you think that AA is a red herring and tptwp is the real deal or you think tptwp = AA, the prophecies say exactly the same shit about either, so it’s a lot more likely that AA is tptwp and/or viceversa, or that AA is a red herring but tptwp is not. that stated, in order:
prophecies can’t be trusted 100% and no one interprets them well, which is what tyrion’s implying and what everyone does in these books since until now no one’s ever manage to understand one correctly
if GRRM tells you that someone is SOMETHING without immediate proof/verification, he’s most probably lying or red herring you around
R has elements from which he could deduce that if he didn’t have three children for three dragons the long night would come, which was why he started getting ready for it and was that bent on having three children. now, what is he saying in that vision? that AEGON is tptwp. now, as per above, if R thinks aegon is tptwp he’s definitely wrong because aegon is not and whether the one with jonc is fake or not (I think not) he is not AA or twptw. one out. rhaenys is dead, regardless. and what was R’s deal? getting the third head of the dragon in the world… for which he started a civil war. ops. let’s leave it one moment. anyway, R’s prophecy says for sure three things: the apocalypse is coming, you’ll need three dragons to stop it with three riders who should all be targs, and one of his children is AA/tptwp.
obviously, we could say that dany works anyway because she’s a targ so maybe R’s prophecy was wrong. which is most probably half true, because dany’s of course one of the heads of the dragon. but, she isn’t tptwp. why?
because she’s already been brought up by the narrative and everyone that the narrative explicitly brought up is NOT for now tptwp. it’s not aegon. it’s not stannis. and since in affc grrm took the time to put his red herring around with the language question and so on… sorry but it’s not dany. if she was dany, no one would have brought her up as an option, because that’s… not how the narrative works. like, literally, in asoiaf I’ve never seen anything that explicitly stated (that wasn’t dany owning dragons obv but that was the established plot point from the beginning) actually become a thing. you get hints. you get parallels you can theorize on. but like, if the narrative tells you davos dies offscreen davos doesn’t die offscreen, if cersei thinks marge is the younger and beautiful queen she’s wrong and if aemon thinks tptw is dany, she’s not. it’s a red herring. why?
interlude: there’s a thing named occam’s razor which basically says the simplest explanation is the most likely and if your theory needs to be extra elaborate to work, it’s probably not true.
if we follow occam’s razor (which a lot of narrative does because the more convoluted is a theory the least likely is the reader to buy it), we know: that tptwp has to be a thing, that he/she is related to rhaegar and should be one of his children, that he/she has to die among smoke and salt and blah blah blah and that prophecies are half-trained mules and that in order to have three kids R started a civil war, so that third kid must be damned important, and that it’s not R’s second child because R thought he was, and that it can’t be the first since he’s dead.
now: who is actually R’s offspring which has not been mentioned openly in the book until now, who has never ever ever brought up by the narrative itself as a possible AA/ptwp candidate, who has showed up in melisandre’s flames when she asked to see AA thinking she’d see stannis, and, most important, whose canonical death PERFECTLY matches the AA prophecy if you don’t interpret it literally?
The dead man was Ser Patrek of King’s Mountain; his head was largely gone, but his heraldry was as distinctive as his face. [from awoiaf: Patrek is clean-shaven and windburnt. His knightly raiment are of white and blue and silver, his cloak a spatter of five-pointed stars.] Jon did not want to risk Ser Malegorn or Ser Brus or any of the queen’s other knights trying to avenge him.
Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun howled again and gave Ser Patrek’s other arm a twist and pull. It tore loose from his shoulder with a spray of bright red blood. Like a child pulling petals off a daisy, thought Jon. "Leathers, talk to him, calm him. The Old Tongue, he understands the Old Tongue. Keep back, the rest of you. Put away your steel, we’re scaring him.”
Couldn’t they see the giant had been cut? Jon had to put an end to this or more men would die. They had no idea of Wun Wun’s strength. A horn, I need a horn. He saw the glint of steel, turned toward it. “No blades! ” he screamed. “Wick, put that knife …”
… away, he meant to say. When Wick Whittlestick slashed at his throat, the word turned into a grunt. Jon twisted from the knife, just enough so it barely grazed his skin. He cut me. When he put his hand to the side of his neck, blood welled between his fingers. “Why? ”
“For the Watch.” Wick slashed at him again. This time Jon caught his wrist and bent his arm back until he dropped the dagger. The gangling steward backed away, his hands upraised as if to say, Not me, it was not me. Men were screaming. Jon reached for Longclaw, but his fingers had grown stiff and clumsy. Somehow he could not seem to get the sword free of its scabbard.
Then Bowen Marsh stood there before him, tears running down his cheeks. [NOTE: tears are made of… salt…] “For the Watch.” He punched Jon in the belly. When he pulled his hand away, the dagger stayed where he had buried it.
Jon fell to his knees. He found the dagger’s hilt and wrenched it free. In the cold night air the wound was smoking. “Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. Stick them with the pointy end. When the third dagger took him between the shoulder blades, he gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold…
… and, who has the show confirmed as being r+l?
it’s jon.
it’s always been jon and it’s always going to be jon on his own. dany will be important af, whoever else rides the third dragon is gonna be hella important (I have a theory which is probably wrong but whatever grrm will have to pry it from me), but tptwp/AA is jon. and R said ‘his is the song of ice and fire’, not ‘the song of ice and fire is for tptwp and AA’. like. it seems fairly obvious textually to me that there’s no way it’s anyone but jon snow, who by the way in theory has had his nissa nissa moment with ygritte if you take it sorta literally and in a lot other ways if you take it very imaginatively.
you’re totally welcome to think it’s both of them, but according to me it’s just him, never mind that dany is all targ, he is half stark and half targ…. so…. ice and fire. like. it’s so trasparent I just can’t think that there has to be something even more complicated to it. *shrug*
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