#same hat uvu
the-possum-writes · 9 months
aaaaa omg what are ur thoughts on farmworld finn?
he is so tragic and ugh i love how they went abt him after the entire ice crown thing, torment that man more i want him traumatized and troubled !!!
personally i'm loving all these finns we've been getting, i love him sm !!! from giant husband himbo original finn to dilf farmworld finn to cute little baby finn, hehe
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HIM! we're getting well fed on Finn content, amen! uvu I wrote a fic for Ice!Finn a few years ago and i was so happy to see him and Farmworld again. Dear glob i know everyone is struggling- but there's just something about trauma on this sunshine boy in general that seasons him with so much flavor, gives his character more layers ya know.
I headcannon that they're closely the same age (Obsidian Finn is probably in his early 20's since he's not jacked yet but is growing the beard and has the tattoo, Himbo Finn being around his early/mid 30's with Farmer Finn being in his late 30's) where Farmer Finn feels waaay more mature than our Himbo Finn back at Ooo, but like, homie was able to move forward with his life despite the crown's magic and all the shit he did. He married and had kids! ultimate husband material <3 although he probs doesn't know how to cook since they've kept the soup running for so long. But the homeboy is still going through tough times ever since his "wife" died, like you can see how he's a bit more serious, careful (and drinks) but he still does the right thing and holds a stong face for the kiddos.
Also i love his design, it's soooo *chef kisses* although the double hat thing is kinda silly, i'm digging the shorter hair and the peach fuzz. I hope he made it out alive cause i'll start bawling if not ;w;
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idv-news-boi · 1 year
S/O scenarios,,,, How would the news bois react to S/O sleeping in their clothes?
// it’s been a while since I got requested for headcanons rather than just me making them myself- it’s cool though ùwú
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Laurence is late to come back home like usual,,, either working at the news department for paperwork or some business trip.
And once he opens the door to their shared bedroom they have at one of Dyanthus’ most busiest cities, he chuckles quietly at the sight of you snuggling on the bed with his oversized shirt.
He takes a moment to glance at your form for a moment before setting down his bag next to his working area from the next door room. He checks himself in the mirror for any dirt or mess, brushes back his hair, changes himself into his pajamas, and joins you on the bed quietly.
People like him don’t need sleep,,, he usually just comes to his desk to do his work all night. But now that he doesn’t have that for tonight, he’ll just watch you sleep until he feels like he will just cuddle up with your form and make sure you’re well wrapped up in the blanket before planting a light kiss on your forehead,,, <3
If the S/O is human, Laurence’s place is usually very cold. Because that’s how Mist branch residents live that way.
So you’re lucky you have him to keep you warm, just as he’s lucky to have you keep his bed warm at times~ UvU
Same goes for Laurence, the News Department is always a busy place to work at as you’ll have to wake up so early and probably even stay there all night. As a Wisteria Sect resident, he fortunately has a speed of light subway that can easily teleports him all the way to Blue Rose Sect within 10 minutes/ih/hj
Akihiko was placing his hat and coat back on the rack with the closet near the entrance before coming upstairs to see you. It’s late night, hopefully you’ve been eating dinner before sleeping as he was not around to cook.
He probably then gets surprised by the sight of you sleeping while wearing one of his yukatas- he’s silently speechless despite of the straight neutral look he remains to have.
Nonetheless, noticing that the futon of the floor bed isn’t covering you properly, Akihiko kneels down to gently wrap you up before flicking off any remaining lights of the room unless he has to keep one in(knowing well that the S/O would sleep with one lantern on for reasons).
And just like that, he leaves the room quietly. Satisfied that you’re doing well, but unfortunately has to do to his work office to do his night routine; researching.
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nulltune · 2 years
😳 PROTAGS !! aka my boy minato uvu
send 😳 4 me 2 ramble abt our muses!!
PROTAGS!!!!!!!!! (affectionate) (screaming) oooo bell i am Vibrating abt them interacting because!! just from Vibes alone i feel like they're similar-- a cool aloof beauty! ✨️✨️ in hakuno's case tho, she's really just someone who's shy and wants to make connections but is bad at expressing herself. she still tries her best tho! and i feel like she'd feel some sort of solidarity with minato... :thonk: can imagine her taking the initiative in interacting and no worries abt him being cold and distant cuz she's very persistant! (her canon talent is literally Not Giving Up) not in an annoying way tho.. i call hakuno moon girl a lot because 🥺 my simping aside she really is like moonlight.... like a gentle radiance! so it wouldn’t be offputting or irritating, i’d imagine! also, she may look all cool and chill like him on the outside but she’s a nervous wreck on the inside honestly. i def def deefffiinitely wanna see em have something to do with music together toooo i read your hc about him and music and like. LET HAKUNO PLAY THE PIANO FOR HIM.... it'd be perfect for a bonding moment too tbh because hakuno's more of an actions than words kinda person, so where words fail her (maybe her previous attempts at befriending him?) i think it'd be rlly neat for a piece she plays from the heart to be what ultimately gets through to minato... the start of their friendship mayhaps...? :,) read that he first used it to escape reality so i just think it'd be sooo sweet if it instead made him grow a bond with someone 🥺😭🙏💖 idk idk i wanna see em be musical together! and i see he has an interest in the music industry which is!! super neat!! thinking about the future makes me sad though because-- man i Cannot imagine my hakuno having a long life asadfdssfdgd (she dies in canon! and i plan to have that be the same in any verse <3) this could be a neat concept to explore with them tho! their character arcs complement each other in this aspect too... hakuno being scared of losing her own life / minato being scared of losing someone he cares about but they both come to realize at the end that there's something to be cherished even in a shortlived time,, it's not meaningless and  and :,,) hmmrrgh it's a lot but it'd be bittersweet methinks!!!! also saw that he works part-time and like- same hat yet again!!!! so like.. what if they were coworkers (hakuno works part-time at a convenience store, but hey hey she can def work shifts in wherever minato’s working too!) (<- i Will make that happen if u want tho actually, cuz i nEED THEM 2 INTERACT -FROTHS AT DA MOUTH-)
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chainedwarden · 2 years
⭐ lucius uvu
Winter & Holiday Starters ❄️
⭐– our muses get dressed up for a holiday party   
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"You do not have to go, if you do not feel up to it." Solus looked at himself in the mirror, adjusting the coat over his suit. There were gold tassels on his shoulders, decorations of winter reflected in glitter and other charms. The suit was simple, black with a red tie. There is bear fur lining the neck of the coat, and polished black boots.
"But I know what you will say." Solus added on. "So hurry up. I won't be late on your account." He huffs at Lucius, but approaches his son all the same. Lucius is dressed in a much less formal outfit, a long blue skirt with red decoration upon the end covers his legs. He wears a blue top with it, and it looks a bit like a sarafan when he wears it in such a way. It doesn't help that his figure is so slender and dainty... yet it matters little, as he is covered in so much more fabric it will be hard to tell.
There is a coat thrown on over that, gloves as well, a thick stole scarf of wolf's fur, and a black papakha on his head. He also has fabric wrapped around his face, and earmuffs on his ears, so only his eyes are visible.
There is that little look in Lucius's eyes. The one that brings a smile to Solus's face. There is so much that Lucius took on after Solus, his eyes included, and they were gorgeous, like sunlight, and the marks in his eyes, so familiar...
"Come." Solus beckons, but he knows Lucius struggles, so instead he approaches, and takes upon himself to throw a blanket over Lucius's legs. He is sitting in his wheelchair, and Solus even deigns to kneel down, and tuck the blanket in properly so not to get the fabric stuck in the wheel spokes.
"Maslenitsa is your favorite. I know you wont miss it. It's my fault, you know? It's the only time I let you eat whatever you wanted." Solus reminisces and scoffs. He checks again that Lucius's hat is secure, and for a moment, his hand ghosts over his son's shoulder, before he gets behind, and starts to push the wheelchair to the door.
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"Do not pull what you did a couple years ago. If you feel faint, you tell me immediately. I do not care what I am in the middle of. Whether you like it or not, no blini is worth fainting over."
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massensterben · 2 years
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— how are you ruined?
ruined by trauma
you cannot get over the past. you are constantly remembering, never forgetting. you cant live in the moment because the moment is not what brought you here. you are birthed, raised, and killed in the past. you will never get over what was done to you, be it big or be it small. you cannot escape what you refuse to confront.
tagged by: @oceansvanidicus​ <3
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skybrightpixie · 2 years
merry christmas to those who celebrate it :]
and to those who don't: same hat. i'm going to try and relax today, play video games and listen to some fun tunes and/or videos uvu
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angelicichor · 4 years
Hey! Can I have a fluffy request for Billy Lenz? Like he’s sleeping (I imagine he would sleep during the day) and all the he’s startled awake by the loud sound of a rock song (like California son by lucifer, I would of chosen an actual 70s song but this is the one that inspired this) starting and when he peeks down to investigate he sees Y/N loudly singing and dancing alone in the sorority house. Your writing kicks ass! -Khaki🖤🤘🏻
G O D ofcourse I can!! This is ADORABLE. Warning for some N//SF//W language UvU ♥
A rather rude wake u--oh. (Billy Lenz)
There is a dream - one of a quiet winter night, with cold air and snow getting crunched under warm boots. One with coats and hats and a sweet, sweet person, taking a happy Billy by the hand and pulling him forward, to a lake, so they can look at ALL the people skating and being happy and he was about to learn how to do that too!!  Except the quiet forest started getting louder and louder and before he knew it, Billy sat up, shooting awake with loud music filling his ears and triggering every destructive instinct in his body to destroy whatever was waking him up from a sweet winter dream, back to the HORRENDOUS reality of a summer morning.
He came down front the attic and rushed downstairs, searching room after room to try and identify where the noise came from, but the sorority house was big and had a lot of echo if the doors were left open, so it wasn’t exactly that easy.  Finally he managed to focus enough to realize that the only person besides him that should be in the house was you and that lead him to almost rush down your door, that is, until he heard your voice, singing the same lyrics as the song that ruined his dream, but that was enough to make him slow down.
For once he didn’t just barge in, instead bearing with the noise and peeking in, only for his eyes to widen at the sight of you, in your pajamas, with messy hair, dancing away like nobody was watching.  His eyes followed your movements for what felt like a wonderful eternity, until one spin went wrong and you ended up on the floor with a loud thud, still laughing and continuing to sing your song, feeling like a rock star, but while dancing might’ve kept him away, seeing you on the ground was too much and soon enough you felt a weight on your hips and looking up your eyes met with his. “Oh.” With a sudden realization of being watched your face turned a tad bit pink. “Lenz... how long were you watching...?” He shrugged his arms in return, lowering himself just enough to press his forehead against yours, entangling your hands together. It was not the most comfortable position you’ve ever been with, but it was cute in its own way. “I’d take your ass and FUCK IT like a DOG, just BREED YOU like a BITCH, but then you could get pregnant and have babies and I don’t want that, no, no filthy wailing crotch demons to take you away from me, too annoying and hard to keep alive, no, but you’re too beautiful not to touch, my [y/n]. My sweet, sweet [y/n]. Mine. Mine.” he growled at you, making it almost impossible not to blush a bit more, but looking at his face let you know that despite everything it wasn’t him just being a pervert. His eyes were excited, like ones of a child who just saw a butterfly for the first time, he was purely mesmerized. You let a small giggle escape you. “Well, aren’t you a charmer.” The slyness of your voice didn’t escape him and soon enough it was his turn to blush, as he got up and pulling you with him, he sat on your bed, placing you on his lap, hugging you tightly. “Words are hard.” He mumbled, allowing you to kiss his forehead in return for being gentle with you. “I know they are, love, I know. So what brings you to me, hungry?” “No... I had a dream. That YOU interrupted with your STUPID LOUD BANGING NOISE, but...” His face nuzzled lightly into your back. “It’s fine... you’re as pretty as that dream, my beautiful, beautiful [y/n]. You’re as pretty as winter.” “...oh.” To say that you didn’t expect these words coming from him would be an understatement, but they warmed your heart more than anything else. “I... Thank you, Billy. I suppose I was right to call you charming, huh?”
You stayed quiet for a while, just so he could take in your scent and warmth, relax himself after an annoying wake up, but the summer heat was a bit too much for either one of you to handle. “Hey, want to go outside and play with the water sprinkler? I don’t think anyone will be there to look...” You offered and his head shoot up faster than you thought possible. “What is that?” His curious nature shined through and you couldn’t help to smile, nodding at him to let you go and grabbing his hand to show him the wonder of a different season this time around. Just be careful with how many clothes go missing during your time outside.
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brontescmplx · 3 years
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@crowsiin​ sent: Mother/parents for the drabble? uvu
Send me something to drabble about
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They had escaped. All four of them. Karl, Nikolai, Ethan, and Rose. Four people now just trying to live their life while on the run as bioweapons. Really, it wasn’t too bad. Maybe an alibi here and there, but they fled away from the Romanian village to somewhere more... normal. A large city, where people mingled and no one was all too different.
It wasn’t too far from his hometown, actually.
“I’m going out for a while, don’t know when I’ll be back.”
He didn’t take a no for an answer. He wasn’t even asking for permission.
It wasn’t much of a trip. His town wasn’t far off, but it was still a little difficult trying to understand the train times and things for public transit. Weird how technology had changed so much, he thought. He didn’t dwell long on it, though, as soon he was there and he got off the train.
It had started to rain and thunder, autumn in the area brought a lot of rain. Nothing he didn’t mind, though. His body absorbed the static in the air from the lightning that came and crackled in the clouds. It gave him more energy.
He entered the gate and looked around the place from the entrance. His footsteps gave small splashes in the quickly-gathering puddles. He had his coat on, but no hat. No, the hat was always Karl’s thing. He just didn’t want his clothes to be drenched, especially since he would be taking the train back. He looked at the worn names upon stone as he tried to search.
Then he found her.
Holly Margaret Adkins-Haas October 14th, 1940 - November 10th, 1967 God bless a mother that loved her child.
He also found him, too.
Markus Damien Haas June 23rd, 1935 - December 26th, 1971 Loving father to one son.
He sighed and sat down to their graves, putting down a small bag. He took out a scraper, and started scraping off the moss on his mother’s gravestone.
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“Hi, mom. Sorry for not visiting sooner. ...I think you’d understand, though. But I’ll do you a favor, okay?”
The rain helped wash away some of the dirt and grime, along with the cleaning brush the boy used. And soon her stone was much more readable, and cleaner. He started to do the same to his father’s grave.
“...I’m sorry for stressing you when you were alive, father. But, hey, Karl and Ethan are alright. I think you would’ve liked them. Rose is... well, she’s something. She’s a good kid. Still just a baby though.”
Soon, he was finished. He stood as the lightning slammed the ground not too far away, hitting the pavement. It made him jump, but he smiled nonetheless.
“Alright, alright. I’ll get out of your hair.”
He put the scraper in the bag and the brush, soaked with rain. He looked back to the two stones with a smile.
“And... thank you. I hope I made you proud at some point in my life, if not for anything I did recently.”
Nikolai left for home, a weight on his shoulders seeming to be lifted.
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concept: caleb being big scary protective bf over s/o bc a new survivor or killer is a creep and doesn’t know what ‘no’ means
not even gonna lie here- this was hella fun to write! Please enjoy uvu
Caleb Quinn (Deathslinger) x Reader || “You called death to your door the instant you done me wrong.”
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You shiver softly as the cool wind of Shelter Woods surprises you. You had been so used to seeing Caleb in the warmth of Glenvale, that you barely seemed to remember what the cold felt like. You look about the area around you…there were no signs of any Jigsaw boxes, which meant that you were safe from the clutches of the pig. You weren’t feeling tired much, so there would be no nightmares. You get started on a generator close to you. You smile to yourself, knowing that this would be an easy, and hopefully painless match. After a bit of repairing and other gens popping, you hear a familiar gunshot. This only reassured you more that this would be a breeze. However, you began to feel a weight come to your chest as one of your teammates neared you. You had kinda kept you and Caleb’s relationship on the down low for some time, but you made sure that you knew you weren’t single and for the taking. This person however, didn’t catch that.
“Well hey there cutie, working on a generator? That’s funny, cuz I was just about to do the same thing.” They grin. Their flirting game was just…horrendous to say the least. Especially compared to what you were used to. You knew that they knew you hated being called corny pet names. Especially if it wasn’t coming from your sweet cowboy. “Just shut yer yap, and lets get this done.” You grumble. From spending a lot of time now around Caleb you had begun to slightly pick up on his way of speaking. “What are you, that new cowboy that’s been around?” Your fellow survivor chuckles. If you both weren’t trying to get this gen done, you’d bolt out of the situation as soon as possible. “Well I beg yer pardon.” They tease, softly snickering to themselves. You two shortly finished the generator and you quickly made your way away from them to the next closest generator. Unluckily for you…they followed right behind.
You just wanted Caleb all in this moment, just him to swoop in and save you. But he sounded quite the distance away from where you were. You sit on one of the wooden window sills to catch your breath from the bit of running.. Your new generator partner was close behind you, a lustful smirk on their face upon seeing you. You hated that look. “What?” You spat, not in the mood to be toyed with. “Oh nothing…” They pause, you can see the cogs turning in their brain. “I was just thinking about how…the killers occupied with the others, gen’s don’t take that long to deal with… we’re alone~” They slowly approach you with lustful eyes. You hop down from the window sill before they get any closer. “I-i’m fine, really.” You try and stand up for yourself but, that was something that Caleb had yet to help you with. Before you could push them away, they backed you into a corner, forcefully and passionately kissing you. You shove them off, wiping your mouth disgusted. “Get off of me creep!” You yell, hoping that Caleb wasn’t too far now. 
They wrap their arms around your waist, “C’mon babes! We don’t really have any better time to learn more about each other.” They coo, biting at your ear, you try and push away but they had tightened their grip around you. You struggle to pull away, “I said get off!” You now holler, hearing nearby footsteps. They kiss at your neck as you’re left there helpless. You feel tears well in your eyes as you’re unable to push them off…that is until you catch sight of your boy. You’d smile but you weren’t feeling up to it right now. The creep still clinging to you, lifts their head with a bit of a concerned look, “You hear something?” they seem to whisper. Caleb lifts his gun to their head, clicking back the safety. “I’m gonna give you till counta three. You unhand ‘em, or I blow yer brains in…right here.” His voice is low and threatening, his eyes seemed to be overflowing with rage. The survivor freezes, almost immediately unhanding you. You see all the color leave their face as they’re met with Caleb Quinn, the Deathslinger. 
He steps forward, towering over them with harsh, white, glowing eyes. “You should be lucky I don’t down ‘yer arse right here. Right now.” A taste of his Irish shows through as this usually tended to happen when he was overly furious about something. Caleb studies their face for a moment before he lets out a low chuckle, “Why the long face? Ya ain’t got nothin’ ta fear right now. But till then, fear me. Cuz if I catch ya like this again, you can bet on ‘yer life you’ll be nothin’ but a bloody corpse.” You hold in a snicker as you can see that Caleb meant that, and for sure that this creeper was listening now. “Now get.” He says lowly, poking them with the harpoon end of his gun. They scamper off, rather quickly now, as they knew not to mess with you anymore.
 Caleb looks down to you now, scanning your body to make sure they hadn’t hurt you at all. “I’m sorry I didn’t get over here sooner sunshine, I-” He’s quickly cut off by you hugging him tighter than ever. He gently rubs your back with his free hand, gently kissing the top of your head. You try to hold back tears, but fail as you sniffle a bit. He was always there for you, no matter what he’d be willing to protect you. “I love you Caleb..” You say rather quickly, but you had meant it. This catches him a bit off guard as his eyes widen some, a faint blush coming to his cheeks. “I love you too, darlin’.” He smiles a bit, now pulling away from the hug. “I promise I won’t let nothin’ bad ever happen to ya. Understand?” You wipe your eyes and nod with a smile, “Of course…” you sniffle. “Now I gotta job ta do so…you just wait by one of them exit gates and I promise, you’ll be the only one outta here alive after this.” He deviously smirks. You tip his hat forward a bit, quickly kissing the tip of his nose. “Go get ‘em for me Quinny.” You giggle as he gives a confident nod, heading off to show the rest of your crew why you should never mess with a cowboy.
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ooh okay, thats so cool! it reminds me of how parents used to believe their autistic children were changelings? and im also definitely using that as further evidence that i myself am fae (-the anon asking about all fae being auristic uvu)
that is in fact exactly the bit of folklore that i based that meta on! also, same hat lol
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
How have all of the clowns been? :3
also going to tag @post-itpenny cause they asked me the same question after you did uwu
alrighty lets get started lets start off with
Pierre: not so good, he is still unable to talk and no one is sure what he is up too uwu still under Dovevs hold
Honey: gotten real good at shapeshifting and wants to work on her illusions next. Shes been getting into some gaming with her sister and her food blog is very active. Shes been getting lots of comments from people who went to visit the places she did for the food she posted and its been giving those places more business too. uwu
Brie: Has been super into her animal crossing game. She loves to dress up and talk to all her villagers every single day. she feels bad if shes gone too long cause they notice. Her favorite is Stitches the bear hes so cute and cuddly, Honey even was able to find a plushie of him for her so she has that now uwu Shes also been feeling better in doing things for herself so shes learning and growing
Amaranthus: amazeballs. Shes a big sister now, WHAT! amazing. Plus shes got a new friend that she hasnt told anyone about but will most likely tell Ula and Atlas about cause hes so cool and tall. and Tove is growing thats exciting, he got little wings now! Plus Henry is able to visit more which is so good uwu
Billy: discussed business with his aunt. Has two wonderful children and a wonderful wife uwu He feels blessed and is so happy. He will always say it whenever anyone asks he never imagined his life would end up this way but hes so happy it did. He has been trying to get Maggie to get out more though she needs a break every once in a while. But he also understands she is feeling very protective.
Lennie: Gods hes...just so amazing. (- uwu-) He will say he is the luckiest clown to ever live. Hes got an amazing wife, and three amazing kids, amazing family and just ....life is good. Lennie is happy uwu
Henry: Hes going through the processes but hes met a man named Eugene who wants to adopt him. He seems very nice and friendly, definitely dad material. So good things are coming his way uwu
Tilde: Lives comfortably in her log cabin in the woods surrounded by wild flowers. Shes thinking of putting in a vegetable garden. Thinks itd be a nice idea, and growing herbs in the kitchen. uwu She still wants to run a zoo too shes been discussing it with Billy. He still is a bit weary around her and she doesnt blame him. She is patient uvu
Cecilio: Hes found himself a friend in Velvet and hes so happy. He loves making friends. Hes hoping they can spend some more time together, perhaps she could come to his house/car to visit x3 which sounds so odd but they are clowns so itll make sense. They could make some more traditional italian dishes together uwu
Calliope:  (- uwu-)~<3 She rather enjoys living at Cuckoos circus, its a vast change from her usual which is dark foreboding castles. Plus shes got her two babies who bring a lot of excitement and change too which is always good.  But her life is bliss, she feels safe and happy and knows that if Orfeo comes around that Cuckoo will NOT hesitate to smack a bitch own and neither will Zeta x3
Belinda: her family just keeps growing and she doesnt mind one bit uwu Pepper is such a good dad and always so considerate. She gives him lots of hugs and kisses, and cuddles. and even Benjamin seeing little Greta wants to help with the baby and hes still not done being baby himself. they grow up too fast shed say with tears in her eyes. Jeff and Bubbles she loves those two so much. I imagine she has a stash no one knows about that she will occassionally take form just the give the two of them something sweet to eat. shes aware everyone stashes sweets in the house but it feels nice giving sweets to people too uwu
Alex:  This guy had to deal with his dad recently. But hes in a much better mood and less tired. Fanny is happy that hes back and basically his old self again. Not really anything new with Alex. Except for the fact a certain very tall hatted being wants to speak with them. They havent spoken in a very long time.
I didint write for the little little ones for this ask cause wasnt sure if you wanted more updates for them as well cause I dont think too much has changed for them, But if you do I can always edit and add it in uwu
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remember-no-more · 3 years
Hey ho ho ho!! Santa most extreme here! - Throws snow dust all over the place and dances- How are you today, my little amazing friends! I had a lot of fun reading yesterday's story! Dnd can certainly be amazing like that! When i take off the hat, maybe i can tell you some of my crazy shenanigans! But for today... Let's get spicy~ Who was Mimi's first love? Who was her last?? Is she currently in love? Share the spice with this Santa!
// Hey Snowdown buddy! It’s always so nice to hear from you ♥ I do hope we’ll remain in touch after the event ends! And of course, you must tell me about your own DnD adventures when you get the chance, I’m very curious about those~
I just hope you’ll forgive me for answering walls of text to every ask you send, but you have no idea of how excited I get to receive from you quq Thanks for making this Snowdown so special!  (I’ll put a TL;DR at the end, I’m really sorry!)
Things are proceeding calmly here. Long threads are mostly on hold on the blog but I returned to have some nice quick fun with fun-fact-asks and stuff, you might have seen some on the dash cx 
About me, welp, I kinda caught a cold, whoopsie! It’s not exactly fun to cough and have all the eyes on you, but I checked things and it’s not the virus, it’s just me being an irresponsible kid when it comes to clothing. I usually avoid taking medicine when I can, but I guess it’s time to start curing it before I get closed up in a room and the key gets thrown away! (Ahahah, jk. I don’t want others to worry for nothing.)
But enough about that, let’s give a little premise before answering the questions uvu
Mimi has a hella long story that was revolutioned by the canon lore updates. Most of what happened before that became nonsensical, especially after Noxus turned out to actually value mages a lot and Veigar never being imprisoned. The only way to not start over with her completely and not throw to the fire years of roleplay and character building was to actually consider the lore changes like an event that happened at some point in the timeline - see it like the movie Return to the Future :o something happens at some point and the future changes radically. 
The catch is that she is actually aware that she’s missing certain puzzle pieces about her past, many memories just disappeared or feel somehow wrong but there’s no way to solve the mystery without causing another paradox/reaching a dead end and a consequent reset of her timeline. However, there’s a reason if she’s not searching for answers anymore... and all of this deals with her first and last loves. Now we get to the juicy details~
Her first love was the Master of Evil himself. After fleeing Noxus when she was little more than a child, she learnt how to survive and took years to develop her magical skills on her own, then she tracked down the mage and offered him her unconditional support. She needed a guide and she wanted him to be it: old lore Veigar inspired her to act because he evaded from the prisons of Noxus, which were a far worse deal than just running away from home, and her idea of him was all she had left to hold onto when the rest was left behind. She was ready to do anything to achieve that, and none of the ones I roleplayed with rejected a free pawn. 
What happened with the one I ended up choosing as Mimi’s canon Veigar (the-primordialbust) was developed through years of roleplay. She earned his trust, he began to teach her things, he took her under her wing and eventually opened up to her, and she couldn’t be more happy about that. He even gifted her a soulstone to enhance her power at some point, the same kind of jewel he had on his staff - the one that justified the AP growth in-game according to his headcanons. At that point, she was so in love with him that she didn’t care about the price she had to pay to obtain it.
Then the changes happened, Veigar-mun actually abandoned the blog, so I reinvented Mimi to keep her alive. She still had the stone, she had no idea about how she got it or about what she did after she ran away from Noxus, and even the reasons that made her decide for that first life-changing event don’t feel exactly right according to history.
She began looking for answers. On the way, she met an ex Noxian soldier, a mercenary, and they spent a year knowing each other, fighting together and so on. He was one of the few that got to know her full name and see her actual human form after she polymorphed into a yordle for so long (something that, again, she kept doing because of unmotivated habit). They became friends with benefits, but he never knew she actually had feelings for him (and the mun actually found out just a few weeks ago, hah). 
When he found out about her quest to find out about a past that gave more and more hints about how dark it was and realized what the stone she kept actually was, he offered her his help to destroy the stone and free her from this burden, so that she could move on and live freely. She wouldn’t have accepted if it wasn’t him asking. 
Succeeding was risky and they both had to pay a toll for it. He sacrificed his runic attunement while her own spirit was lost in the process, but they both survived. About her, she’s still surviving without her own soul because undoing the tie to black magic allowed her runic attunement to flourish, especially making her able to dab the power of Life itself. Taking away her magic would turn her into a husk. This also makes her life expectancy on Runeterra much longer than she can imagine, but she has no idea about that yet. The downside of this is that her fate when she finally leaves this world is actually very unsure - she cannot exactly get to the Spirit World without an actual spirit, can she? 
But let’s return to love affairs!... he left right after they fixed this. She hasn’t forgotten him yet, but she is getting to know more people now. We shall see how things evolve~
Canon lore changes messed everything up, so Mimi doesn’t remember about her first love being Veigar from the old lore universe! She abandoned the nation and her previous life to follow him after he escaped from the Noxian prisons, they bonded over the years, then everything went poof because suddenly Veigar never set foot in modern days Noxus! (And modern day Noxus doesn’t look down on mages anymore, but oh well *shrug*)
Her last love was a Noxian mercenary that helped her to get rid of the soulstone Veigar gifted her before the lore changes! He never realized she was in love with him and he left after he convinced her to abandon her memory holes/dark past and move on with life.
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picorihero · 4 years
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STUDY   :   Link ?? [“what’s a surname?”]
tagged by   :  i stole from  @hyyrulicn​ tagging   :   pirate code, steal it
—    basics.
▸       is your muse tall    /    short    /    average ? 4′0″ or shorter
▸       are they okay with their height ? When you see the world at 2 inches tall, 4 feet feels like a giant. So yeah. He’s fine just how he is.
▸      what’s their hair like ? His hair is the very distinct color of yellow marker from a Crayola pack. Texture-wise it’s probably soft but messy.
▸     do they spend a lot of time on their hair     /    grooming ? he has that ‘windswept’ look of not caring to wait until his hair dried until he’s off running on an adventure again.
▸      does your muse care about their appearance   /   what others think ? Generally no until someone points out he’s covered in charcoal or mud and probably should do something about it. Bathing is a ‘chore’ to him so he avoids it until it’s necessary.
—    preferences.
▸      indoors    or    outdoors ?   Outdoors! ▸      rain    or    sunshine ?   Sunshine! ▸      forest    or    beach ?   Forest! ▸      precious    metals    or    gems ?    Metals! the smithy heart calls ▸      flowers    or    perfumes ?   Flowers! ▸      personality    or    appearance ?   Personality! ▸      being    alone    or    being    in    a    crowd ?   Crowd! He needs people to survive. ▸      order    or    anarchy ?   Order! Vaati was enough ‘anarchy’ for one life, thanks ▸      painful    truths    or    white    lies ?   Truth! This kid cannot lie. He’s bad at it, so he doesn’t even try. You can read his expression like a book. ▸      science    or    magic ?   Magic! tbh in Hyrule they’re both kinda the same thing ▸      peace    or    conflict ?   Peace! ▸      night    or    day ?     Day! ▸      dusk    or    dawn ?   Dawn! ▸      warmth    or    cold ?     Warmth! ▸      many   acquaintances    or    a    few    close    friends ?  MORE THE MERRIER. Re: Mini needs people to survive. ▸      reading    or    playing    a    game ?   Both?? He’s a nerd for epic (heroic) poetry and also a fan of the generic game of sports ball.  
—    questionnaire.
▸      what are some of your muse’s bad habits ? His lack of words leads to him being more touchy-feely than what is generally accepted. For good friends he has no problem rooting through their pockets without asking.
▸      has your muse lost anyone close to them ? how has it affected them ? Ezlo. It’s just weird to spend months traveling together and bonding over near-death experiences only to have a sudden goodbye.
▸      what are some fond memories your muse has ? Some of the late nights he spent working with Grandpa in the forge. Ezlo’s stories about his days as a swordsman (before Link knew he was formerly a Minish, he just imagined the funny hat wielding a sword in his beak). Zelda. Just... Zelda.
▸     is it easy for your muse to kill ? Monsters? Yes. They usually attack first and Link retaliates in self defense.
▸      what’s it like when your muse breaks down ? He will try his damned hardest to hold it back and if he can’t, he’ll try his hardest to hide. Either getting away from people or hiding his face (bury it in his hands or another person’s chest). All attempt at communication flies out the window and he’ll cry, a lot.
▸      is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life ? Of course! He can always count on his dearest friends and family! uvu
▸      what’s your muse like when they’re in love ? This kid’s on the aro spectrum but he loves the idea of love. It’s so sweet-- he’s kind of jealous he can’t feel that way.
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pheenick · 5 years
excerpt. homecooked
She twists back around to sit on the couch properly and reaches for the remote to turn the television on. Their local station predicts rainfall for Thursday. Trucy frowns. Rain means they’ll be sloshing through the streets with her heavy suitcase. Behind her, Papa frowns too.
“We should buy a car,” she suggests. “Then we wouldn’t have to walk so far or pay so much for the taxi fare.”
“I have a bike,” Papa points out.
“A bike that can’t carry all my equipment. We already tried that remember?”
“You can fit all your props into that tiny case, but you can’t make things light?” He looks positively shocked, hand covering his mouth. “I thought you were supposed to be able to bend reality, dear daughter. It’s what everyone says you can do.”
She giggles. “Conservation of mass, Papa.” Her hands follow through the motions and flourishes. She feels exposed without her gloves, but because it’s Papa, it’s okay. “Things may look a little different after a little presto chango, but the important things are still the same afterwards!”
“So even magicians follow rules,” he hums. “What about Mr. Hat?”
“Nothing can explain Mr. Hat,” she says seriously. 
He laughs, eyes crinkling in the way that lets Trucy know it’s real. Her heart glows like a stagelight. Intensely, brightly and with a narrow focus that makes her spring from the couch and into his arms. 
“We’ll figure it out,” he says, smiling. “It’s what we do.”
excerpt from a fic i couldn’t get done by father’s day. at the very least, have this uvu
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heavenxpiercing · 5 years
In Regards to Aiko
A short series of ficlets from Ichigo’s point of view on Aiko, his little sister in all but blood, and how her death affected him. 
For @aikouo​ || suffer, bitch. uvu
As much as he’d like to deny it, there was a small splinter of jealousy in his heart when it came to Aiko and her relationship with his father—their father. It was stupid. Petty almost. Being jealous of this girl he considered a sister in all but blood. This girl who had almost nothing. Yet it was there. 
Isshin was so loving, doting, and goofy with her—just like he was with Yuzu and Karin. Watching them had always warmed Ichigo’s heart, glad that his family had accepted her so easily into their fold. 
Yet there was still that splinter—aching in his heart. 
A feeling of not belonging. Isshin would not cease harping affection on this girl who he’d only known for such a short time, yet would hardly spare his firstborn son a second glance. An ounce of affection. All the praises and adoration for his daughters: Karin, Yuzu, and Aiko, but what for his son? A swift series of blows meant to be parried and a brief rant about Ichigo’s bristly demeanor. Nothing more, nothing less.  
But that wasn’t her fault. 
She had a tough life and deserved nothing less than every ounce of love the Kurosaki family could pour out for her. Ichigo would never fault her for that. 
Besides, he was pretty sure if he asked Isshin about it, Isshin wouldn’t hesitate, and that was really all he needed… He didn’t need to take any attention away from his sisters. The mental assurance that his father did indeed love him in his own weird way was enough. 
☀    ☀    ☀ 
After her death, guilt consumed him. 
Why couldn’t he protect her? 
It had been by her own hand, he knew, and that tore him up inside. Why didn’t he do more? Why hadn’t he been around that night? Why did he let his own goddamn problems take up so much of his time that he didn’t realize that she wasn’t alright? That she needed him? 
Ichigo wasn’t so arrogant to believe it was only his own inattention that led her to it. Of course not. Things like this were too complex and messy to say it was entirely his fault. He knew that much from his own musings on the riverbank when he was nine. It wasn’t just because his mother was gone. It was also the confusion and pain and guilt all on top of not really knowing what happened that night. It was the despair in his sisters’ eyes. It was Isshin not looking him in the eyes for weeks. 
That knowledge wasn’t enough to assuage the guilt in his heart though. It wasn’t enough to stop the image of her lifeless body from haunting him. It certainly wasn’t enough to blot out her cries begging him not to send her to the afterlife from ringing in his ears.  
“I’ll find you, I promise Aiko. I promise.” 
“Don’t do it! Don’t do it, I’ll never forgive you!”
A roar pierced the night.  Ichigo’s blood ran cold.
“You’re not safe here. I have to. They’ll devour you like this.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I hate you.”
☀    ☀    ☀ 
He didn’t remember the funeral. He wasn’t quite sure he even went. In fact, he wasn’t sure he remembered much of anything from the weeks following her death. He only knew he existed during that time because of how he screamed himself raw demanding that the Shinigami allow him into Rukon. He begged everyone from the Soutaichou to Rukia to Urahara to let him go look for her only to be denied by everyone he turned to. 
“The Arrancar are coming. We need you here.”
“She can manage on her own for a few weeks in Rukon. In the meantime the Arrancar take priority.”
“We’ll send squad members out to look for her. Right now, focus on the Arrancar.” 
It was like a broken record. Excuses. Arrancar. Lies. Arrancar. Broken promises. Arrancar.
Didn’t they understand that his sister needed him? 
☀    ☀    ☀ 
Grief made him stupid. It made him more vulnerable to his own hollow.  
When he finally turned to the Vizards for help, he was already a wreck. Guilt, anger, sorrow, and grief made him more volatile than usual, but also more prone to the Hollow’s whims. The mask could form at the drop of a hat, and Ichigo often found himself paralyzed for no reason other than the hollow’s sick amusement. 
“Daydreaming about that dead girl again? You fool. You should be more worried about me! Any day now I’ll be close enough to devour you whole!” 
“Leave me alone goddammit!”
☀    ☀    ☀ 
Shinji was the first person to notice that he wasn’t always all there when it came to training. Probably because he was the only one who’d known Ichigo—no matter how briefly—before Aiko’s death. 
Sometimes he was so caught up with the task at hand, they could hardly get him to stop or settle down for food or rest. Other times, he seemed so overcome with melancholy he could hardly move. Still others, he seemed akin to an animal in a cage, just itching to burst free and leave everything behind. 
After a couple weeks, Shinji had enough of Ichigo’s mood swings. 
When he confronted the substitute about it, Ichigo could do nothing more than break down. Whatever Shinji had expected, the teen guessed it probably wasn’t this. 
Then again, who would expect they’d end up with a sobbing 15-year-old in their arms for their trouble? 
☀    ☀    ☀ 
The good thing about Shinji was that he didn’t have any expectations of Ichigo. None of the Vizards did, not really. He wasn’t a weapon or a soldier or a tool to them. He wasn’t a hero either. He was just a standoffish kid going through something they’d all already been through before. It wasn’t that they liked him or anything. They simply understood. And fuck if that wasn’t exactly what he needed right now. 
However, Shinji was…different. 
He cared.
For all his annoying quirks and dramatics, he could be surprisingly serious. In a way, he reminded Ichigo a bit of his own dad… Like if Isshin had ever bothered with any semblance of dignity at least. 
Unlike his dad though, Shinji didn’t shirk around affectionate gestures. A pat on the head or shoulders. A one armed embrace. Hell, he even went as far as to ask about how Ichigo was doing and feeling every now and again. 
It was foreign. 
It was nice. 
☀    ☀    ☀
After he lost his powers, he was numb. 
He didn’t want to die… not really… He just wasn’t quite sure how to live… how to move on. 
Some nights he would find himself sitting at the riverbank, staring down at the water. He didn’t know how to live without the dead being such a prominent presence in his life… And she was there… waiting for him on the other side… 
Those thoughts that haunted him back when his mother died never really left, but they were background thoughts. Intrusive and unwanted and ultimately fleeting for the most part. Now though, they didn’t seem to want to leave. They itched at the forefront of his brain. 
‘You promised her. You promised her. Just do it. There’s no other way to get to her now. Just do it.’
‘You wanna do it anyways. Why don’t you.’
‘You’re useless at being a person. You weren’t meant to be alive. You never even made any plans for growing up. What’s holding you back?’
What was holding him back? Only the same things that held him back 8 years ago. Yuzu. Karin. Tatsuki. Now there was Chad to think about too. Uryu and Orihime… Mizuiro and Keigo as well… Sure… Chad, Uryu, and Orihime hadn’t been around much lately… but that was his own fault. 
Aiko would understand, right? 
Him living for Yuzu and Karin? 
As much as he loved her, as much as he wanted to be with her and make sure she was okay… Yuzu and Karin were his sisters too, and he couldn’t make them worry and more than they already did. Couldn’t hurt them more than he already had. 
He had to go on living. For them. He had to do his best… 
Besides… Rukia promised she’d look for her for him… She wouldn’t break her promise… right?
☀    ☀    ☀ 
Living was hard. 
He resolved to live and he refused to be swayed from that---Zangetsu would never forgive him should he allow his resolve to crumble---but that did not change the fact that living was hard. 
Some days he had too much energy. Some days, too little. 
When restlessness bubbled inside him, he’d wander the streets until he found himself in places that made his heart ache. The library near the train station where he and Aiko went to study sometimes. A bakery that sold numerous treats---strawberry milk, chocolate cakes, and milk bread amongst them---that he’d taken her to multiple times. Several times he found himself standing at the spot he found her and his blood ran cold every time. 
Ichigo could never get away from that spot fast enough. He’d turn around and sprint away as fast as he could, paying absolutely no mind to where he was going. As long as he could get away.
Once he found himself at the Vizards’ warehouse. Once. 
He even went so far as to go in, breaking his rule of not going near his connections to his old double life. It was one thing to avoid Urahara Shoten like the plague. It was another to not even say ‘hi’ to the people who helped him get stronger and kept him from going insane when he’d already practically run-up to their doorstep, right? Besides, he owed them a thank you at the very least. 
Finding the place abandoned was a little unexpected. But it wasn’t at all upsetting. Not at all. That was the lie he told himself on the way home at least. 
From then on, Ichigo made sure to steer far from the now-abandoned warehouse. 
 Other days, those when he had no energy whatsoever, Ichigo found himself weighed down with grief and exhaustion and a heaviness he had no name for. He didn’t even have the energy to get out of bed. 
Yet no matter how much he wished to sleep away the day, he rarely let himself give in. He was supposed to be living, dammit. Loathsome though it may be, he would force himself upright and out of bed with every ounce of willpower he could muster. 
Rare was it that he made it to school on those days, but at least he was not wasting away in bed, he resolved. Instead, he often found himself at the cemetery where his mother was buried. Longing for the company of the dead wasn’t exactly living, but it wasn’t dying. If nothing else, it wasn’t dying or contemplating his own death, and that was something. 
Lighting incense and praying for his mother and Aiko was… cathartic in a way. Atheist in that he believed in no higher power, having seen the injustice of the afterlife first hand, he was not above the Shinto practices he grew up with. It was strange how much he took comfort in such things as praying and lighting incense at the family shrine, but it was nice nonetheless. 
Aiko wasn’t buried there. He never actually found out where she was buried, but he knew it wasn’t there. His dad mentioned something about her “father” claiming the right to bury (maybe that’s why he couldn’t remember the funeral? Her father didn’t let them go?) or something along those lines. That didn’t deter his family in the slightest from adding Aiko to the family shrine. They put a grave marker for her right next to Masaki’s with the inscription, “Aiko, beloved daughter and sister, a true Kurosaki in every regard”.
“I can’t… I can’t look for you now… but I will. As soon as I can, I will… I really hope Rukia found you… Or at least… at least that wherever you are… you’re okay, Aiko.”
☀    ☀    ☀ 
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wonkabars · 5 years
ok i hope this isnt weird to say but we share so many of the same kins and i just wanted to pay respects 😔✊ have a good day/week my dude
but nah that isn’t weird to say, feel free to pop in whenever you want! uvu
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