#sam seaborn imagine
niche-ish · 1 year
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‘Sam sees you dressed-up for the first time…’
reader specifications: wearing a dress and has long-ish hair
It was the First Lady’s birthday dinner and she had dedicated it to a charity sending relief to the victims of a recent flood down in Florida. As such, the floor was full of reporters and their clicking cameras with punches of flash.
Sam hung by the edge of the room, having drifted towards one of the many refreshment tables whilst in conversation with Josh.
“I’m just saying,” Josh continued, with just enough amuse-bouche in his mouth as was prudent for such an event, “Me, Toby and the President? No chance. But I really believe that you, Leo and Charlie could pull-off high heels!”
Sam levelled him with a hiked brow. “The President and First Lady haven’t even arrived yet. We’ve only been here for like ten minutes; tell me you’re not drunk.”
Josh half-cocked a hip in a staccato movement. His eyes were on Sam in that really-looking sort of way; Sam hated it. Josh could be unnervingly deductive when he really wanted to, and Sam hated it. But he looked away to pick up a passing martini from a waiter, and Sam breathed a sigh of relief that he gotten out unscathed. The older man made a small noise of satisfaction into his drink before looking back up at Sam.
“Dry spell, huh?” He smirked around the rim of the glass.
Sam resisted the urge to roll his eyes and turned to face the crowd on the floor. The movement was meant to say “I’m not dignifying that with a response” but they both knew it really said “… yes.”
Like a saviour, CJ appeared at Sam’s other elbow. She was wearing a dark blue, velour dress that perfectly swept the marble when she walked. It was a beautiful dress. There were lots of beautiful dresses in the ballroom tonight, of varying jewel tones and silkinesses. They all sort of blended together like a sweet jam.
“CJ, stunning as ever!” Josh greeted.
“Why, thank you, Mr. Lyman! You two don’t look half-bad yourselves.” She teased.
Sam smiled at the opportunity to tease Josh. “Well, according to Josh, I’d look better in a pair of stilettos.”
CJ didn’t miss a beat. “I wholeheartedly agree.”
Sam, betrayed, scoffed and turned away again.
It happened that he’d been left to face the direction of the door. He likely wouldn’t have noticed otherwise, but for you catching his eye as you walked in. Your dress was within the appropriate colour scheme, but somehow he felt it was much more intriguing than any other shade he had seen in his life, let alone tonight. Your hair was pulled up, away from your face, letting the golden light from the chandeliers bounce off the curves of your face unobstructed. You looked like heartbreak and heaven in one and Sam was left stunned.
Josh noticed his friend’s love-struck expression and gave him an encouraging nudge forward. “Looks like the dry spell’s over.” He smirked.
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imawkwardlysoc · 9 months
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i made instagram profiles for anna and sam (including sam's congress instagram) from my fic it started off with a kiss... now it ended up like this
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roadtogracelandx45 · 10 months
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The first time that Madison Bartlet sat on the raised stage in front of the US Capital, she sat with her sisters and mother watching her father Jed Bartlet getting sworn in as president. She had been battling cancer for a second time in her young life having to put her college education on hold until it went into remission. And the second time, she was standing next to her husband.
Former commutations director to her father, Sam Seaborn as he is sworn in as president. Things hadn’t been easy for Maddie Bartlet then and they wouldn’t be easy now at least this time she is going to be more prepared to take things head on.
Expert from the first chapter of Once a Presidents Daughter
The West Wing fan fiction coming September 1st 2023
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twwpress · 1 year
Weekly Press Briefing #49: May 28th - June 3rd
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from May 28 - June 3, 2023! Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing!
The following is a roundup of open challenges/prompts. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
The Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda Josh/Donna prompt fest (hosted by @jessbakescakes and @thefinestmuffin) is open for claiming; fics reveal on June 24th. Details here. 
Here’s what was posted from May 28 - June 3.
Amy Landecker posted photos of her and Brad’s trip to Harvard for Brad’s son George’s graduation from Harvard.
Amy Landecker posted a photo of Brad doing the Leg Thing in Boston.
Dule Hill posted a photo of his son saluting Retired United States Air Force Colonel Norman A. McDaniel in honor of Memorial Day. 
Marlee Matlin posted a photo and a birthday wish for her friend.
Marlee Matlin posted a video for Alzheimer’s Awareness Month.
Mary McCormack posted a TikTok of her daughter Rose singing and playing guitar. 
Melissa Fitzgerald posted a picture of her dog Evie for her 15th birthday. 
Rob Lowe posted behind-the-scenes footage with his son Johnny from their show Unstable.
Donna Moss Daily: May 28 | May 29 | May 30 | May 31 | June 1 | June 2 | June 3
Daily Josh Lyman: May 28 | May 29 | May 30 | May 31 | June 1 | June 2 | June 3
No Context BWhit: May 28 | May 29 | May 30 | May 31 | June 1 | June 2 | June 3
Allison Janney Updates: May 30
Editors’ Choice:
It’s summer in D.C., so today we’re recommending some of our favorite fics with the best of summer vibes for you to read beachside!
it's just a water view (and what a view) by mikaylawrites for JessBakesCakes | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Now he thinks of the kids they’ve seen on this trip, chubby babies in unbelievably tiny hats and toddlers running through the tide on unsteady legs. They were cute, sure, but didn’t inspire any real paternal instinct in him. But then he conjures up images of babies with blonde hair and dimples, with his complexion and Donna’s eyes, and something catches in his chest. If he’s being honest, he’s imagined those babies for years.
Josh and Donna and their babies at the beach.
 Shenandoah by hufflepuffhermione | Rated G | Gen Fic/No Pairings Listed | Complete | The President makes good on his threat of a staff field trip to Shenandoah National Park, Josh tries to prove he's an outdoorsman, Sam fights a bush, and Donna just tries to keep them all on schedule.
august, honey (you were mine) by sam_writes_fics | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn | Complete | “Just Sam,” he answers, dropping his duffle bag off his shoulder and holding out his hand to shake. “Sam Seaborn.”
“Josh Lyman,” the other man says as he grasps Sam’s hand. “Looks like we’re bunk mates for the summer.”
// summer camp counselors au
[originally titled nothin' like you, renamed on sep 7 after much debate]
 if i had a wish (i'd wish for sunshine all the while) by JessBakesCakes for mikaylawrites  | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | “The parent who volunteered to coach Leah’s team ended up getting a job transfer. I know it’s short notice, but do you know of anyone who could possibly take that spot?”
// basically an excuse to write tee ball coach dad Josh Lyman.
 heat of the moment by rearviewmirror | Rated M | Abbey Bartlet/Leo McGarry | Complete | "There’s another reason her innocent teasing hits home so acutely: he’s planning- and has been, for weeks now- what needs to be the greatest, most romantic gesture of his entire life."
 all i ever wanted (was a life in your shape) by thefinestmuffins | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Donna sighs and slumps further into her Adirondack chair, pretending to read her magazine, but keeps stealing glances at Josh. He sticks out like a sore thumb amidst her throng of brothers, who are, to a number, tall and broad and blond, with a wholesome, open-faced Midwestern quality. Even at 5’11”, Josh still looks slight amongst them, dark-headed and wiry, palpably radiating his particular brand of beltway cynicism. He’s been fully integrated into the Moss brood, though, with a train of children trailing in his wake all morning: she’s witnessed him happily tossing her nephews around, hoisting her niece up onto his back, sparring good-naturedly with her brothers about whether a pitch was a strike or a ball. And it’s a good thing, it really is — she’d worried he wouldn’t get along with her family and after a couple of hours they’re all thick as thieves — so why exactly does it feel like she’s been struck in the chest with a pickaxe?
Josh is dating Amy. And yet, here he is, in Wisconsin, winning over Donna's entire family and making her acutely aware of everything she doesn't have.
*songfic to Strawberry Blond by Mitski, for October 2021 Big Block of Cheese Day*
 i’ll love you with all the madness in my soul by crossingdelancey | Rated T | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | Complete | Through the open window, he hears children giggling, and he figures they’ve taken breakfast outside for the second day in a row. They’ve been blessed with good weather this summer, with temperatures climbing daily. Toby isn’t pleased about that, and he insists he’ll burn, but CJ tells him to lighten up.
When he reaches to undo her towel, she slaps his wrist.
“We’ll be late.”
“We don’t have anywhere to be.” — in which the zieglers spend summer at the farm
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own.
Errors and Omissions by Chinesepapercut | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
don’t talk (put your head on my shoulder) by flowersinapril | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Wonderful in a Loathsome sort of Way by JayeReid1 | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Domestic Days by spooky_spacegirl | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
it ain't nothing but a family thing by hell_to_breakfast | Not Rated | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Writer’s Block by krazykitkat | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | Complete
your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep  by Luppiters | Rated G | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | In Progress
Ten Weeks by Jxjxjx | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | Complete
Off the Record by  onekisstotakewithme for daylight_angel, miabicicletta, Luppiters, hondagirll | Rated T | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | In Progress
 Other Pairings/Gen Fic
it started off with a kiss... now it ended up like this by imawkwardlysoc | Rated G | Sam Seaborn/Original Female Character | In Progress
even i don’t know myself tonight by belledamn | Rated M | Ainsley Hayes/Donna Moss | Complete
Multiple Pairings
Paradise City by casliyn | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Josh Lyman & Donna Moss, Amy Gardner/Josh Lyman | In Progress
Operation in the Desert by mlea7675 | Rated T | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Helen Santos/Matt Santos, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn, Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg, C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler, Will Bailey/Kate Harper, Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young, Leo McGarry/Annabeth Schott | In Progress
Golden State by miabicicletta for Luppiters, onekisstotakewithme, hondagirll, ballroompink, stars_inthe_sky | Rated M | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
The Best of Wives and The Best of Women by DeborahSampson1776 | Rated T | Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn, Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Cliff Calley/Donna Moss, Andrea Wyatt/Toby Ziegler, Amy Gardner/Josh Lyman | In Progress
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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dil-ibaadat · 1 year
Hellooo! This is the anon who sent you the West Wing youtube clip.
I was shy and hence posted anonymously but you’re so sweet that I couldn’t help revealing myself! 🙈
Full disclaimer that I’ve never watched the West Wing but have always kinda wanted to because I love that sort of old timey witty American drama, even if it’s politics I don’t fully understand and it is a full testament to your talent and writing prowess that I now really feel like watching the show to get all the references from your fic 🙈Alas, it’ll have to wait since I have an exam but I shall get to it right after hopefully!
I’ve read this first chapter about 5 times ( I am not joking), I can’t even explain why I love it so much! You’ve combined two series’ with such finesse! There’s so much depth and character even within this fanfictiony world and I can’t even begin to grasp how sexy it is? The whole premise and how it’s so befitting for Kanthony and the rest of the Bridgerton clan too!
I love how you’ve not made it just a love story but like an actual world with seemingly real people trying to actually make a difference - that whole bit with Tom saying ‘this is going to be the greatest thing they’ll do’ is just so epic.
I can’t wait to see how the election unfolds now that Kate is almost winning! I wish this was an actual show, that’s how amazingly you’ve pulled me in 😬
I now get your references for the characters and it’s funny how initially before reading, I just assumed Anthony and Kate would be modelled on Josh and Donna (since they were the only two characters I sort of knew from the West Wing) but your interpretation of them contesting for President is way cooler and makes for so much more angst and drama.
Sorry for such a long ask, I’m genuinely so happy and eager to read your wonderful fic and I really hope you write many many more stories because your talent is just astonishing. 😍 Dowry is one of my favourites in the fandom. Shoutout to @folklauerate too as I realise this is both of your time and effort! (My favourite fic of hers is Hold Onto You and the Heist Society one!)
I’d like to end with getting the Chris Traeger reference too! I now know who Sam Seaborn is. 🙈
oh, wow. this is one of the loveliest messages i have ever received. <3 thank you so much for taking the time to send it!!!!! i'm so pleased you like the writing and the general vibe :)))
as for watching the west wing, we're doing our best to make sure it's not necessary to have watched the show in order to get the fic. if you have, you probably recognize some scenes (directly ripped off from scenes and dialogue in the show), and some character sketches, but beyond a few elements of plot, background, and surface-level characterization, this fic universe will feel a bit different from the show. we're borrowing the universe, the idealism, and the feel-good, hard-but-worth-it political reality constructed in the show. it's a wild, escapist political AU, all in good fun. we hope you'll like it! :)
i find it interesting you say you thought the dynamic between kanthony would be a josh/donna type deal, because i did consider that when i began writing it. it was sort of my go-to, but then i realized i've seen the boss/secretary dynamic many times in shows and it's gotten a bit stale for me. i've also noticed that oftentimes, the female love interest is put in the assistant-position, which to me feels a bit antiquated. at the same time, it's hard for me to imagine anthony in donna's position because the power dynamic between anthony and kate was very different in canon, so i ended up nixing that thought because i wanted them to start off as equals.
that said, there are other bridgerton ships that could fit the dynamic really well! josh and donna are interesting because they're introduced as this enmeshed, basically-married duo that are on a slowburn, friends-to-lovers arc. i think polin could work really well with that storyline, with maybe penelope as josh to shake things up (i think colin as her assistant who switched a lot of lanes in college and career-wise could be really, really interesting, and maybe one of pen's sisters could be dead, to give that additional edge of angst to the already complicated featherington dynamics aaaaaand i better stop before i end up writing this too!).
moreover, i originally began writing this fic because i was interested in exploring a kate-tom friendship a la jed and leo. and in order to do that, i had to make kate president. and then the idea grew legs, because i actually adore the idea of kate as a thirty-something, obama-type figure who's pulled in the opposite directions of radical liberal idealism and centrist pragmatism and anthony as a jaded, conflicted, entrenched dynastic political figure who's caught in this quagmire of expectations. in a way, anthony's still conflicted about his relationship with kate in this AU because it directly conflicts with his personal ambitions and his desire to make his dad proud, so that's canon-accurate but also repackaged in a fun, fresh way.
i don't know. i think it's neat. it's a neat AU. and @folklauerate has so many great ideas and juicy bits of characterization and plot and pitch-perfect writing -- it's gonna be so good, i'm gonna scrreeeeaaaammmm.
finally, thank you so much for being here in my inbox and sending this ask. i've been having days on and off for the past few months where i seriously question my writing and purpose and it's comments and messages like this that stop me from giving it all up and moving to kazakhstan and taking up, i don't know, goat-farming (or is it kyrgyzstan ;D, you tell me). i really appreciate it.
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portlandwithyou · 1 year
Imagine if Rob Lowe’s character in Contact was Sam Seaborn
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starryeyes2000 · 1 year
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
This looked like fun (thanks for the list @mrsmungus) so I am joining.
But first, permit me to give a shoutout to the underappreciated WIPs.
The next time you view your list of WIPs with guilt - remember this:
WIPs are positive, are good things. They represent your talent, desire, and imagination. And they may aid in finishing that fic you are slaving over. They may provide a scene, when retooled, which perfectly presents the next link in your plot or character development. They can nudge writer's block away, because WIPs help you 'write around.'
WIPs are like that afternoon walk through a sunlit park which clears your head. WIPs are like a couple hours at the gym, strengthening your writing muscles. WIPs are like the giddy rush you feel on those first dates when you are falling in love. WIPs are like the tinge of excitement at the start of a term when your textbooks and notebooks are fresh.
Yes, not all of your WIPs may ever be finished. That's okay. Celebrate them anyway.
Here's my list:
Aeres (Lord of the Rings)
President Sam Seaborn (West Wing)
The Marquis' Daughter (Bridgerton)
The Scottish Vampire (Discovery of Witches Gallowglass)
The Road Back
Getting to Know You
The Future That Isn't To Be
Trust Love One More Time
Lost (McCoy/Cara sequel)
Woman in Uniform
Pon Farr: A Vulcan Honeymoon
All Night Pharmacy
Cadet Tilly
Date Night
Dating Advice
Delete Scenes Below Decks
Dispatches from Sickbay
Hold Your Hand
In the Shadow of Boreth
Klingon War / The Other Side
Terran Multiverse
How Una Became Number One
Spock's Escape
Unexpected Love
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angelicguy · 1 year
i love toby ziegler and sam seaborns relationship in the west wing. imagine having to work with a beautiful man that you despise
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panicbeach · 2 years
imagining sam seaborn doing this
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claudiasjeancregg · 2 years
au + headcanon meme, summer camp au
HI OKAY YES!! i miss you so much oh my god. okay so some time last year, with the help of @palukoo i have a convoluted summer camp au in my head so every single good idea is because of them. literally all the credit.
josh is the head counselor, if that's even a thing. ham and i discussed him being the program director, pretty much, but he still has interactions with campers for my heart. josh is not exactly the "successor" for jed- he's pretty much training for leo's job as director of camp life. (i know. dying.) obviously josh/donna is paralleled here- donna is a self-hired CIT in josh's area. she started that job when she was 16, and after a few years, josh moved to head counselor and unofficial program director. so donna became his deputy!! which means she saves his ass when it comes to scheduling, and pretty much everything else. they're in love with each other forever, obviously, but nothing happens for years until one summer when they're 22 and 26. they attempt a secret relationship and dramatically fail, because everyone knows they've been in love with each other for half a decade.
cj is an area lead, because out of everyone she just seems like the best counselor. honestly, i can't imagine anyone more suited to boss kids around without making them hate her. she's in charge of a few specific things in administration, mainly camp outreach and like, recruitment. i can so picture cj getting people to join the camp and introducing jed and abbey to the concept of internet advertising, and eventually forcing jed into it after he stubbornly refuses to pay for anything except newspaper ads. she helps with the camp newsletter and student announcements. she eventually leaves the newspaper leadership to danny, who worked on it with her, and focuses fully on supervising the camp news show. it has nothing to do with toby being the script writer for "west wing daily," obviously. nothing at all.
toby is in charge of logistics and helps with the camp announcements, which really isn't at all his job but he does it for cj shhh. the two of them are the only couple at camp who have successfully hidden a romantic relationship for more than two summers, and that was only because toby and andy were literally married while they were with cj (yes its the ot3 no i will never shut up). andy is probably also a counselor and i love ham's idea of amy as her deputy, and they help cj with her outreach and recruitment in terms of leadership by leading a program for older campers to train them for volunteering as counselors in the future.
abbey and jed own the camp and are co directors. abbey is in charge of medical, which ellie helps out with (pretty much abbey is in charge but ellie is like the CIT for medical?) ellie is dating mal because i said so, and she's also a CIT.
basically our senior staff are all counselors in some regard in this au, and they're all in their older 20s. donna is like 20 or 21, i would say. since this is a volunteer camp, all the senior staffers are both area leads and have some position in administration- so like sam is toby's deputy, helping with logistics and leads a ton of activities. he teaches a debate class with ainsley and each year, half the kids are just there to see them argue and bet on how long they can delay class by spurring them on.
bonus list of all roles that i made last year:
josiah bartlet — owns the camp, director
claudia jean cregg — area lead, helps with camp news/journalism class, sports, camp outreach
tobias ziegler — in charge of program/logistics, camp newsletter
samuel seaborn — area lead (with toby sort of), swim leader, debate w/ ainsley, writing, logistics
leopold mcgarry — director of camp life, in charge of the counselors
donnatella moss — self hired CIT in josh’s area, moved up to a deputy area lead, crafts class
abigail bartlet — owns the camp, director, in charge of medical 
william bailey — lifeguard, writing
elsie snuffins — CIT, helps with writing class
katherine harper — adventure leader, teaches self-defense and shooting range
annabeth schott — theater class
amelia gardner — counselor, deputy area lead, art classes/balloon animals, helps w/ mentorship
josephine lucas and mr. kenneth thurman — arts leader
matthew and helen santos — publicity managers / day to day stuff?
ainsley hayes — counselor, debate class w/ sam, maybe horseback riding
daniel concannon — counselor, maybe helps cj with news
margaret hooper — assistant to the director of camp life, teaches craft classes
andy wyatt — area lead, andy amy and cj do mentoring stuff
carol fitzpatrick — cj’s CIT 
ginger webster — CIT (helps toby w/ logistics)
bonnie parikh — CIT (helps toby w/ logistics)
ellie bartlet — CIT, 16, works in medical
mal o’brien  — CIT, 16, good with little kids
liz bartlet — counselor, helps out in a lot of places
mrs. landingham — camp’s beloved chef, teaches cooking class
campers— zoey, charlie, annie, gus, hogan, deanna, peter, miranda, others
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shutupanddance · 3 years
@girloncorneliastreet requested a fluffy Sam Seaborn oneshot that’s friends to lovers, so here we go!!
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“Oh, give it a rest!” You shout at the TV, and the whole West Wing hears.
“Will you shut up already!?” Toby screams from one door down. He’s glaring at you through the adjoining window.
Sam looks at you, a warning. Don’t say another word, that glance cautions. You grumble something incoherent.
You and Sam were watching a recording of some late-night Republican talk show from years ago while you eat dinner. It was a tradition on nights when work ended later than dinner but too early to just go home and collapse. You’d pick some old TV politics program, and then debate. One of you would play the host, and the other would play a guest speaker there to fight the claims. It was fun. Whoever paid for dinner always played the host.
But you hadn’t even gotten through watching this whole segment yet, and you were already so pissed at the man on screen that you weren’t sure you could get through pretending to be him. 
“I’m going to strangle myself,” you whisper, and Sam throws a balled-up napkin at you, clearly not amused.
You whip you head around to look at him where he’s lounging on the couch.
“I was aiming for the trash can,” he deadpans.
You throw the napkin ball back. He grins.
You had known Sam for over three years now. When you got the job in the Whitehouse council team, you never expected to spend any time with the West Wing Senior Staff. But you had fit right in. And Sam had been your #1 from the moment you set foot in the building.
You spent most of your time together. When you weren’t working together, you were doing things like this (watching TV and eating meals together). He was your best friend in every sense of the word.
CJ liked to tease you about it, saying you and Sam were practically married. And you had heard Josh do the same for Sam. But you would always just roll your eyes and ignore it. Sam was your best friend, you’d reiterate.
You realize suddenly that you had been staring at him, and he’s staring at you, too. Your face heats up. It gets a little awkward.
“Aren’t you supposed to leave soon?” You ask, trying to deflect. Sam had a date with someone from a coffee shop tonight. It was going to be a late-night rendezvous at a theater. He checks his watch.
“I guess,” he says, and sits up slowly. He doesn’t look too excited.
“Come on, you’ve been trying to get this girl to go out with you for weeks. Go and have fun!”
Sam’s not so sure anymore.
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Sam picks up his date, Chelsea, on a designated street corner. She hops in the car.
“Hiya Sam!” She kisses his cheek.
He smiles, and feels the butterflies, but something is missing. He ignores it. Just have some fun, he reminds himself.
Chelsea chats away while he drives to the theater. All about her day, her work, etc. Normally, Sam would find himself fully engaged with a beautiful date like this, but he’s distracted. He’s thinking of how he’d run the debate against you, playing the part of the host.
By the time they arrive, Chelsea is still talking.
They find their seats, and there’s a brief, glorious pause before she speaks again.
“So, tell me about your day!”
Sam opens his mouth to say something. And really, he tries. He can usually talk on and on about his day, and impress girls with his work at the Whitehouse, but for some reason, he stops.
He stops because he realizes that most of what he remembers about his day is you. He wants to talk about you, but as Josh has drilled into his head, you never talk about another girl on a date. Sure, he remembers other things about the day, but really, he’s not sure he can talk about it. Would Chelsea understand it all? Probably, but he knows she wouldn’t laugh at the right moments, or roll her eyes at others. She doesn’t really know him, he realizes. She’s just here for the butterflies. And maybe for the night after.
Sam wants to go back to the West Wing. He wants to go back to you, so he can talk and talk and talk with you until the early hours of the morning. Because, even though this girl is giving him butterflies, it’s not the same as being with you. It’s not the same feeling. It doesn’t really compare.
I love Y/N, he realizes suddenly. He loves you.
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You were sort of enjoying the quiet right now. 
As you grabbed your coat and switched into some comfier shoes for the walk home, you wondered how Sam’s date was going. You hoped he was enjoying himself. Still, there was a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach that you couldn’t place. Jealousy? Certainly not. You shake your head.
You say goodnight to the security guards and custodial workers, and head out. You can’t wait to take a hot bath.
You’re almost halfway home when you hear someone running towards you from behind. You take your keys and place them between your fingers, then look in the mirror of a car to see who it is.
You turn around.
“Hi!” He shouts.
“Shhh!! It’s past eleven! People are sleeping!” You whisper-yell. By now, he’s standing right in front of you. Grinning.
“What are you doing? I thought you were on a date.”
“I wanted to say goodnight.”
You raise an eyebrow and he’s still grinning. You know that grin. It’s the I have an infallible plan and I’m about to execute it grin. 
“Okay? Goodnight?”
He’s still grinning. He leans over, and pecks you on the cheek, but stays with his face so close to yours. He’s kissed your cheek before, it wasn’t uncommon. But he has this look in his eyes…
“Sam, what are you doing-”
He gently, ever so carefully, presses his lips to yours.
And it’s like fireworks go off in your head.
You close your eyes, and lean in. You’ve never felt this way before. No, scratch that, you always have. You just didn’t realize it until now, until he’s kissing you slow. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you just a little closer, and the sweet kiss turns deep and even slower. It’s not careful anymore. It screams I love you from the highest balconies in the most loud way possible. You place your hands on either side of his face, and rub your thumbs across his cheeks.
You were kissing Sam like you were never gonna kiss anyone else ever again. You were kissing Sam.
He pulls away.
“I need to tell you something,” he says.
“I love you,” you interrupt, the realization coming quickly. You don’t have time to think before you say it.
He’s laughing now.
“That’s my line,” he says, and you can’t help but grin ear-to-ear.
Oh, Sam. You shake your head. My Sam.
Somewhere off in another part of town, Toby finds himself suddenly annoyed by something. He’s not sure what it is, yet.
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Three years earlier
Standing in the Whitehouse for the first time is like being pinched by a friend who’s trying to wake you up. You’re grateful, but also in excruciating pain and discomfort.
The party has been going on for hours, and your feet are killing you. The lights are gorgeous, of course, and the food is delicious as always, but you’ve found the company to be bit boring, the men to be a little handsy, and the drinks to be less alcoholic than you desire.
Someone walks up behind you.
“Y/N!” The President practically shouts, and you turn to greet him.
“Hello, Mr. President.”
“I’d like to introduce you to someone,” he says, and it’s now that you notice the man standing next to him.
This man’s got the definition of “baby blue eyes”. And to say he cleans up well would be an understatement.
“Sam Seaborn,” he offers, holding out his hand. You shake it.
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
This was going to be a good night.
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imawkwardlysoc · 1 year
i may or may not have forgotten to upload the links to the new chapters and posted them... but hey! chapters 23-30 are out now!
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Learning Teamwork
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Josh Lyman x Reader
Words: 2184
Summary: Two colleagues that usually butt heads are forced to play nice when the President sends them to attend to a Governor's Ball in his home state.
Notes: I have so much Josh angst I wanted to write something a little fluffier that I could still capture his signature snark in. (For the purposes of this, I made up a Governor that would fit the story so if there was one discussed in the show, they aren’t in this one.) I also wrote this in two days so… bare with me.
If you hadn’t been in the presence of the President, you might have thrown something at him.
“If the President addresses this now, the Republicans will stop at nothing to get back at him for it.” He spoke in that smug, know-it-all tone that drove you insane.
“This is about real people, Mr. Lyman, not the little politics games that you play all day.”
“Okay, everyone, I think that’s enough.” The President’s order may have halted your argument, but you could still feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you stared Josh down. The rest of the team made a very quick exit, hoping to avoid becoming casualties in you and Josh’s on-going battle. But when the two of you started for the door, President Bartlet’s voice called you back. “Not. You. Two.”
You grimaced and turned back around, reveling a little in the fact that Josh looked just as uncomfortable as you did. One stern look from Jed Bartlet, however, was enough to diminish that.
“Is it physically impossible for the two of you to let me get through one meeting without going at each other’s throats?” He urged, his irritated gaze switching rapidly between the both of you. “Not only are you both a part of this team, you are adults for Christ sake!”
“Sorry, sir.” You gulped.
“My apologies, Mr. President.”
God, even apologizing, he had to try and sound smarter than you.
“I’m not finished yet.” The President walked around his desk and grabbed an envelope from under a pile of other papers. “The Governor of New Hampshire is hosting a ball on Saturday to celebrate something that I can’t even remember. Frankly, I think it’s because his wife enjoys parties a little too much, but who am I to judge?”
You and Josh exchanged a look that consisted more of confusion than anger.
Bartlet continued, “Well, seeing as I used to be Governor of my home state, he’s been kind enough to invite me, though I also think this is more of a way to get more Democratic backing for his next election. Nevertheless, while I am unable to attend due to this whole mess with possible terrorism, I know just the two members of my senior staff to send in my place.” He looked pointedly at both of you.
The excuses tumbled over each other as you and Josh blurted them out, desperately pleading to find something that would change his mind. You hated political gatherings in general but the idea of being forced to go with Josh? It twisted your stomach into so many knots you thought you’d throw up.
“There’s going to be political fallout from all of this and I should really be around-”
“C.J. and Toby are going to need me to-”
“Y/N could go by herself.” Josh said suddenly, making your jaw drop. That little snake. “I’m sure there are plenty of young men that’ll be thrilled to see you.”
“Says one of the White House’s most eligible bachelors.” You fired back, forgetting who you were standing in front of.
“Enough!” The President slammed the invitation down on the desk in front of the two of you. “This isn’t about who is more desirable than who. This is about you two learning how to work as a team and not biting each other’s heads off every time you’re in the same room together! Now, I am calling Governor Thompson and telling him you’re going and the two of you are going to be the picture of grace and maturity. If I hear one word of anything else, so help me god, your careers will be so buried, it’ll take years before they see the light of day.” His voice echoed through the Oval Office, rattling you down to the bone. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Mr. President.”
“Yes, Mr. President.”
“Good. Now go do whatever you need to to free up next Saturday.” He sat down, putting on his glasses to look over other documents. “Oh, and find something nice to wear. Mrs. Thompson has always been a bit of a stickler with the dress code.”
With that, you were dismissed and you felt the dread settling in your chest. You were going to a ball. In New Hampshire. With Josh Lyman for a date. As you shouldered out the door together, you cast glowering looks.
“I hate you.”
“I hate you more.”
If the snickers from Sam and C.J. weren’t enough to drive you crazy in the week leading up to your flight, scrambling to find a dress was not something you originally had on your schedule. Even when you had found one you liked, there was the matter of rescheduling everything you had the weekend you would be gone.
At least Josh seemed to be having as difficult a time as you were. Any time you saw him in passing, he looked frantic and disheveled- which would usually bring you a small amount of joy, but for some reason, knowing you were in the same boat actually made you feel better about going with him.
You looked up from the piles of work from your desk, surprised to see your unfortunate date standing in your doorway. It was the day before you were set to leave and you both had mountains of work to try and finish.
“What can I help you with, Josh?”
“I just came to say that this might not be such a bad idea.” He moved from the door to the chair, but he didn’t sit down. He just stood anxiously behind it, leaning on the back. He actually looked sincere- and a voice in the back of your head pointed out that, without his usual cloud of arrogance that always hung around him, he was actually very attractive.
No. Definitely not. You hated him.
“Which part? Going to a ridiculous dance so that Governor Thompson can get more clout with Democrats or the fact that we have to go as a bonding exercise?” Your tone was cold, even more so than usual. Call it overcorrecting for your brain’s traitorous thoughts.
“I think the President is right.” Josh’s posture changed, standing up a little straighter as his tone grew defensive. “If this is what it takes to get us to work together, then I guess we deserve it.”
“Funny, since when he first proposed the idea you suggested that I go alone.” You stood up, crossing your arms.
Josh mimicked your stance, his brow furrowing with anger. “Look, I came in here to make some kind of peace with you, and I don’t understand-”
“I know what you came here to do, Josh. You want to show me that I don’t understand Bartlet the way you do while you play some kind of martyr for going on this trip.” You leaned forward with your hands on your desk and he did the same. Your faces must have only been a few inches apart.
You’d never wanted to kiss Josh Lyman more than you did in that moment and couldn’t hate him more for it.
Your seats on the plane were right next to each other. Because of course, they were. Josh got the window seat despite your protests, sticking you in the middle between him and a rather obnoxious businessman who was speaking loudly on his phone.
“Sir, I need you to turn that off as we prepare to take off.” The flight attendant instructed.
“Yeah, just give me a second.”
“Now, sir.” Her voice was a semi-irritated monotone that left little room for any argument. The man gave her an annoyed look and ended his call. “Thank you, sir.” She continued down the aisle to berate somebody else. Without the distraction of work, he sought out a new way to pass the time- you.
“What takes you to Concord?” He leaned a little closer to you than you would have preferred, but leaning back would basically put you in Josh’s lap so you stayed put.
“My coworker and I have an event to attend.” You motioned to the seemingly oblivious man on the other side of you.
“Just coworker?” His casual expression turned into a suggestive smirk and you felt his fingers run up your knee. You jerked away from him.
“Husband, actually, so how about you keep your hands to yourself?” Josh snapped suddenly, giving Mr. Handsy a death glare. You stared at Josh with wide eyes and forced your mouth shut to keep it from gaping in shock. The man beside you must have been as surprised as you because words came out as a whispered stutter.
“Sorry, I didn’t- she said- and I thought-”
“Yeah, well you thought wrong.” He stood up. “Here, honey, why don’t you take the window seat?”
You sat there, without moving, for a few seconds before he nudged your leg with his foot and you climbed over him to get to the seat by the window. Once you were both situated, the other man got suddenly very interested in the papers from his briefcase.
You leaned over and whispered in Josh’s ear. “Honey? Really?”
“Don’t start.” Though his voice sounded irritated, there was almost a small smile playing at his lips. You shifted awkwardly, trying to keep a smirk from your own lips.
“You really didn’t have to do that.”
“Do you want the window seat or not?” Now his smile had grown into a snicker, making you laugh lightly.
“Who would have thought you were such a gentleman?”
“Well, I’m a married man now, apparently.” He teased. You rolled your eyes.
“In your dreams, Lyman.”
After an hour of shaking hands and dancing with the Governor’s persistent son, you were ready to knock your head against the wall until you passed out. Oddly enough, you had yet to see Josh. Mrs. Thompson invited you to come early for tea so you hadn’t arrived together. You were beginning to think he’d bailed when you saw him across the room.
Pushing your way over to him, his eyes widened when he finally saw you.
“You look amazing.” He gasped, his eyes scanning your silky blue dress before settling on your eyes. “I mean… wow.”
You felt blush tint your cheeks as a smile spread across your lips. He cleaned up pretty well himself and you found yourself checking him out for what you wished you could say was the first time ever. What could you say? The man looked good in suits.
You must have stood there, staring at each other, for a few minutes before Ned Thompson came into view. Without a second to think, you grabbed Josh’s hand.
“Dance with me.”
“Just do it.” You yanked him with you onto the dance floor, losing sight of the Governor’s persistent son.
Josh looked around, trying to see who you seemed so desperate to avoid as the two of you began to sway to the music. “What was that about?”
You checked one more time to make sure the coast was clear. “Ned.”
“The Governor’s kid?”
“Isn’t he, like, ten years younger than you.”
“He’s only eight, but yes.” You rolled your eyes, annoyed by his pestering. On the bright side, he was a pretty good dancer. “If I dance with him one more time, I think he’ll propose.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“Just tell him you’re married to me.” Josh smirked. “Worked the last time.” You both chuckled and continued dancing. For a while, you forgot why you were here to begin with. You were enjoying yourself more than you cared to admit. In a room full of people, the only one you wanted to dance with was the man you loved to hate.
Maybe it was the other way around.
You sat up in bed, sipping coffee and reading the paper while the sound of the hotel’s heater droned on. The fluffy white robe enveloped your body perfectly, but the real warmth came from the sleeping form beside you as he turned over, swinging his arm so it was around your waist and pulling you closer to him. You smiled in both amusement and complete bewilderment as to how you got here.
“I don’t think this is what the President meant by ‘teamwork’.” You noted, folding up the paper and setting it aside.
Josh peeked up at you, half his face still smooshed against the pillow.
“Goodmorning.” He greeted groggily, rubbing his eyes as he slowly sat up.
“I made you coffee.” You handed him the little Styrofoam cup and waited until he’d had enough to wake up a little more. “What are we supposed to tell him when he asks how everything went?”
He thought for a moment. “You know, we didn’t fight at all last night.” He was right. Between the ball and, well, everything after that, not a single argument was had.
You shrugged and held out your cup of coffee for a cheers. “To teamwork,” Josh smirked and tapped his cup against yours.
“To teamwork.”
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palukoo · 3 years
sam and cj!
siblings! sweet, adorable siblings! like look at this! god, i love them, they are very very cute and i also... love when they fight. i think... hmm. i think i tend to think more about their sweeter moments. like, i love the "i didn't want you to feel beholden to me" talk, because there's so much there between sam protecting her, and not wanting to tell her, and her quietly not putting up with his hero complex about it, and her being vulnerable to him and that solidarity there... it's really good. i also love, when he's running in california and they all come to campaign for him and ruin everything and he says to her "i have no idea what makes me say this, but it's good to see you" like that's so sweet! ugh. i also love schmutsy pants and "get on the couch, i'm gonna do you right now" "okay" "sorry, i was still talking to carol"
i've mentioned this tangentially through donna, but i do think of the senior staff, they're probably the most consistently upbeat, optimistic and kind (but they do both have their lapses) and i think they know that and kind of see an ally in that, so when they argue, it feels kind of weird for both of them? but i mean they pretty plainly spell out why they argue sometimes, in season one with everything with laurie and the "when did we stop caring about what it is and start caring about what it looks like" and the "i care about what it looks like!" which is like... that's her job, and sam basically calls her a coward for it, and... like, he has a point that it shouldn't matter but she has a point that it still does, and anyways sam and cj yelling at each other about the optics of who you are involved with romantically and how public it can be sure is something, especially considering they're probably the two characters who most consistently are given plots/issues of the week about gay people/rights, in this essay i will--
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meganwritesfanfics · 5 years
Born in the U.S.A (Josh Lyman x Reader)
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Part 2 of 3
Word Count:  2083
I know that my medical knowledge is not sound but its a fanfic so it doesn’t have to be logical 
The office was frantic trying to figure out a way to get Y/N to a hospital without drawing the attention of the press, the last thing they needed was for someone to see an ambulance at the White House. 
“We can’t have an ambulance show up at the White House, we will never be able to convince people of what actually happened.” Toby said as he paced back and forth. 
“I agree with Toby, can we just use the car?” Y/N said breathlessly as another contaction hit her. “Sam,” She cried and the man who was in the corner on the phone. 
“He won’t answer his phone.” 
“It probably died.” Y/N said before she let out a scream due to another contraction. 
Elsewhere on the hill Josh, unaware of the fact that his wife was in labor, was fighting. 
“Listen, we are not talking about gun reform today Josh.” The man screamed at him as Josh laughed head in hands. 
“No that is exactly what we need to talk about.” Josh exclaimed. 
Suddenly a woman burst into the room. 
“Josh Lyman you have a telephone call.” 
“Who is it?” Josh sighed as he pulled out his cellphone noticing that it was dead. “Damn-it.” 
“Sam Shepard, he says its urgent.” 
“Will you excuse me,” Josh said as he quickly made his way after the secretary who looked positively terrified of him. “Sam what do you want.” Josh snapped slightly angry for being pulled out of his meeting but that anger was quickly replaced with fear when he heard the sound of a woman screaming more specifically, Y/N. “What is it what’s wrong Sam!.” Josh screamed tears in his eyes 
“Y/N went into labor.” Sam said seriously. 
Josh almost took off running until he remembered he wasn’t on his cell phone. 
“Where is she what hospital did you take her to.” He said gripping the phone tightly. 
“Um…” Sam started. “We didn’t.” 
“What do you mean? Sam what is going on.” 
“She’s in the Oval Office we are arguing over how we need to get her to the hospital.” 
“You are what!” Josh said dropping the phone as he began to run back to his car. “Tell him I’m on my way!” He yelled back. 
“Josh, Josh!” Sam called into the phone freaking out. 
“What is it what’s wrong?” Y/N asked panicking. At this point Leo and CJ had made there way into the room, CJ was holding her hand. 
“He’s on his way.” Sam insisted as he went over to Toby. 
“We need to get her to a hospital,” Leo said as he stood by the president. “I don’t care how we can deal with that later.” 
“That’s not going to be an option.” Abby quickly said. 
“What do you mean?” 
“She’s 7 centimeters dialated, she is having this baby now.”
The whole room went silent as the reality of the situation set in. 
Within minutes the room was filled with as many doctors and nurses as they could find, Y/N was laying on the floor with Abby helping as best she could to comfort Y/N. Everyone else had been ushered into Leo’s office including the President. 
“You know the last time there was a baby born in the White House it was Grover Cleavland.” Jed said trying to ease the very clear tension in the room. 
“Where is Josh, he should have been here by now,” CJ insisted as she paced back and forth trying to ignore the screams coming from the next room. 
“He might have hit traffic or gotten lost, who knows with Josh.” Toby sighed. 
“Should I go after him, I feel like I should go look for him right, I’m going to go look for him.” Sam panicked as he started to leave but CJ grabbed him by his coat tails and pulled him back. 
“Don’t worry he will be here.” Leo said. “He wouldn’t miss this for the world, let us not forget that this has been the only thing he has been talking about for months.” 
           In the other room, they had gathered a few doctors mostly men, but Y/N really only felt comfortable with Abby. 
          “Where is he Abby, I don’t want to do this without him.” 
          “Y/N sweetie he is on his way, but for right now this baby is coming and you are going to need to push.” 
          Y/N shook her head as she felt the pressure of a contraction once more and she let out a loud scream. 
          “Damn-it!” Josh screamed as he sat in traffic. Of course Y/N had to go into labor right during rush hour. “Move!” He slammed on the horn only to get the finger from the person in front of him. He looked at his watch once more even though he had been checking it every second. “Screw it.” He said as he quickly through the car into park, pew the car into park,yanked the keys out of the ignition and bolted out of the car heading in the direction of the White House. 
        “Sam!” A voice in the Oval Office screamed causing Sam to jump. Quickly he headed in that direction. “Where is he?” Y/N cried. 
“I don’t know, he said he was on his way…” Sam started nervously when suddenly Josh burst into the office. “Oh thank god.” 
“Josh,” Y/N breathed reaching her hand out for him. 
“Hi baby.” He said as he rushed towards her. The minute he reached her she punched his arm. “Oww.” 
“Where were you?” Y/N screamed.
“I’m sorry, I got stuck in traffic.” He said grabbing her hand. “Speaking of, Sam I left my car in the middle of traffic will you please go get it.” 
“You did what!” 
“I wasn’t going to miss this for the world.” He said kissing her forehead. “That being said why in the hell is my wife giving birth in the Oval Office and not a hospital.” 
“We couldn’t have an ambulance come to the White House.” Toby said as everyone slowly crept their way into room. 
“Joshua,” Bartlet said coming over to Josh placing his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “Let us not worry about what happened let’s focus on what is happening, you are going to be a father.” 
“Jed, I need you to go back into Leo’s office ok, and Leo I need you to call that person you and I talked about.” Abby quickly said and instantly everyone knew that something was wrong. As everyone,who didn’t have a medical degree, hurriedly left the room Josh looked at Abby terrified. 
“What is it, what’s wrong?” He said as Y/N gripped his hand tightly as another contraction hit. 
“Josh I’m not an OBGYN, I can’t…” 
“Abby,” Y/N cried as she looked at her pleading. 
“I think the baby is in the wrong position.” Abby sighed. 
           “What does that mean?” Josh said worriedly. He was now behind Y/N so her back was against his chest. He was running his hands up and down her arms trying to comfort her. 
“Josh again I’m not an OBGYN, I don’t want to…” 
Y/N let out another scream as she gripped Josh’s hand harder. While Josh’s hand felt like it was being broken, it pained him more to hear Y/N in such pain. 
Suddenly a man was rushed into the room. 
“Dr. Carter, thank you so much for coming.” Abby quickly said and she quickly got up and went over to the man whispering. 
“Josh,” Y/N cried as the panic began to kick in. “I don’t think I can do this.” 
“Y/N you are the strongest woman I know, just think about the fact that we are going to meet our baby soon.” Josh said kissing the top of her head. 
“I’m going to tell C.J and Donna that you think I am the strongest woman you know.” Y/N teased. 
“I love you,” Josh said as Y/N looked up at him. She was covered in sweat and had tears streaking down her face, but he thought she looked so beautiful. 
“I love you too Lemon.” She said as she kissed him. 
“Hello, Mrs. Lyman.” The man said coming over. “I am Dr. Carter, I’m going to help you meet your baby.” 
Y/N smiled but the smile quickly faded as a contraction hit. 
“Now Abby thinks your baby is being stubborn and not wanting to come out.” 
“Josh Lyman’s baby is stubborn who would have guessed.” Y/N laughed trying to stay positive. 
“Hey it’s your baby too.” Josh said as he squeezed her arms.
“Do we know what the sex of the baby is?” 
“I do but Josh doesn’t want to know until the baby is born.” Y/N insisted.
“You can be really sweet sometimes Josh, you know that.” Abby said smiling as she brought a tray of very scary looking medical instruments to Dr. Carter.
“Alright well I’m going to take a look and see what’s going on. I’m going to need you to lie back.” 
Josh quickly moved positioning himself so that Y/N’s head was laying in his lap. 
“Now this is going to be very uncomfortable, maybe even painful.” The doctor said and Y/N nodded closing her eyes as she held onto Josh’s hands. 
“You know I told Toby that I would go into labor today just to spite him.” Y/N said trying her best to talk through the pain. 
“I’ll kill him,” Josh teased looking down at her lovingly. 
“How was your meeting?”
“You really want to talk about my meeting?” Josh laughed. 
“You know you should be grateful that I’m speaking to you nicely. My mother told me that when she had me, all she did was scream obscenities at my dad.” Y/N said gripping Josh’s hands tighter as a wave of pain hit. 
“Oh I would imagine that part is still to come my love.” Josh said kissing her forehead. 
Suddenly Dr. Carter looked up at Josh with a look that instantly made Josh nervous. Within in an instant Dr. Carter was up talking to Abby and the other doctors confirming. 
“Josh what’s wrong?” Y/N said panicking 
“Hey it’s ok just breathe.” Josh tried to calm her down even though he had now started to panic as well. 
That panic only worsened when Abby slipped out of the room into the room where everyone was waiting. 
“Josh.” Y/N said. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Lyman, I’m afraid this birth may be more complicated that we first anticipated.” Dr. Carter said seriously. 
“Will someone please tell us what in the hell is going on.” Josh snapped angry at all the secrecy. 
“The baby is in the wrong position and it’s shoulder is stuck at Y/N’s pelvic bone.” 
Y/N let out a noise that Josh wouldn’t even describe as human. He couldn’t tell if she was screaming because of the pain of another contraction or at what the doctor had just said. 
“Ok what does that mean,” Josh said.
“Mr. Lyman, may I talk to you alone for a minute.” 
“No, anything you have to say you can..” 
“Josh go talk to the doctor,” a voice said and suddenly Abby came back into the room followed by C.J and Sam and Toby. 
C.J quickly came over grabbing Y/N’s hand again. 
Sam and Toby quickly helped Josh to his feet then they walked with him over to the doctor. 
“In order to safely get your baby would be a c-section.” 
“Ok then let’s do that.” 
“We don’t believe that we can safely get Y/N to the hospital because the baby is in a space where any movement could be dangerous.” 
“Well what is the other options.” 
The doctor sighed. “The procedure would be me trying to manipulate the baby back into the right place. It will be extremely painful for Y/N and there is a high risk.” 
“I don’t get what you are trying to tell me, both those ideas sound bad, what are the other options.” 
The doctor was silent. 
“There are no other options Josh.” Toby said. 
“You need to prepare for the fact that we may lose the baby, and in a worse case scenario we may lose Y/N.” 
Josh didn’t have any words, for the first time in his life Josh couldn’t find the words to express how he was feeling.
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gingerwerk · 2 years
Haaaaa rob Lowe making a west wing joke
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