fieriframes · 3 months
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td72qmi9cf · 1 year
royalton punta cana casino pictures Make fit Teen phone sex Officially A Fucking Family Flat chested chick with dick plays with her monster solo Teen Sierra Nicole eats cum after riding rough stepbro Shemale fucks babes pussy Aunt Chantal is a good housewife but sometimes she lingers too much with the vacuum cleaner Milf Asian China masturbation with nice body Acompanhante karcia de Manaus muito gostosa mostrando seu belo rabo Mamacita rica gozando y gimiendo de lo lindo
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exopelagic · 8 months
Okay I’m finally excited abt term starting now this is gonna be GOOD
#it might just be that I just watched queer eye. who knows#but I’m like. actually sorting out a pretty significant amount of the things all in one go bc this is how I do things apparently#saltatory evolution. anyway#I’m gonna go back to uni and see my FRIENDS#I’m doing a bunch of stuff in freshers week bc I’m running a stall in freshers fair and then there’s ice hockey which is gonna be insane#at the start of the year it’s SO busy and I gotta run it and it’s gonna be stressful as hell but so fun#even the times when it’s super busy and I have to do things more than play it’s good it’s a rlly nice atmosphere#and I made plans to go skating with some of my friends after we finish setting up the stall on the Tuesday#and I’m getting a bunch of stuff for my room!! I have a rug and I’m finally getting a sun lamp#and stealing some photos and I’m gonna get some nice ones printed. definitely buying another poster#and I WILL make the kitchen nice this year if it kills me I wanna have people over and actually eat there sometimes#and I’m getting some new clothes!! and I’m gonna get some when I’m back at uni so it’s lower pressure#oh and I actually realised that even though it’s Hard I kinda like the molecular biology module I’m doing#I think it should be manageable if I keep up with it and I have all the things set out to do that#AND a free enough timetable that I’ll be able to keep up with it with a little effort#I’m gonna get a planner or something I think bc they’re fun to write in and it’ll be nice to have everything in one place#OH OH AND IVE MADE PLANS TO COOK WITH MY OTHER FRIEND WHO LIVES LIKE FIVE DOORS DOWN#which is gonna be SO nice#I’m gonna tell my goddamn flatmate to keep his shit off the kitchen table#and I’m living with people I actually like now#with a bunch of my other friends next door#and one of my best friends will actually have free time this year!!!! she had none last year we’re actually gonna be able to do things#this is gonna be a good year I’ve decided I don’t care I will MAKE this year a good year#it’s gonna be a good year.#luke.txt
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l3ds7beqshzwep · 1 year
despues de cojer con ONICE FLORES nidhi sharma hot video Hot latina slut Ginebra Belluci double penetrated by two huge cocks Sweet Whorothy and her dog HoHo in nasty ass eating, rimjob, face fucking action (Kendra Heart, Maria Jade) SEXY BABE WET PUSSY CUM FUCK BLACKED RAW POV BBC GANGBANG HOMEMADE AMATEUR Ebony teen gives head Hunk Joey relaxes during feet licking and sucking session Camgirl Sandra Anal Fucks Machine FUCKABLE AUNTY SOUMI SAREE Slutty Brunette girl is upskirted multiple times
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professor Gohan what the strongest bugs in the world also if you weren’t an entomologist what would you be?
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They're also the classic example of insect strength. I mean, what can't these little guys do?! They plow through the ground for their intricate tunnel systems, use their jaws to cut up everything from leaves to their enemies, and even build bridges and rafts by hanging from each others' bodies! The force of a trapjaw ant snapping its mandibles shut on a hard object can be enough to send itself flying several times its body length back, which looks silly but is a great escape route. And of course, they can lift tens of times their own body weight. To explain shortly, smaller animals have the potential to be very relatively strong because the surface area-volume ratio is more even at that scale. They weigh less and so have less to carry, so they can allocate strength to carrying larger objects than usual. A human-sized ant would be very strong, but not as proportionately strong as it was at its usual size. But let's move on from ants!
Apparently, the world's strongest insect and apparently overall strongest animal (once again relative to body mass!) is a dung beetle called Onthophagus taurus which has pulled more than 1,000 times its body weight in a study! This strength may have been sexually selected for due to males competing for females through competitions of brute strength. Beetles in the family Scarabaeidae are generally pretty strong, if you hold certain burrowing species in your hand you'll find that they can prise open your fingers quite easily!
The diabolical ironclad beetle (Phloeodes diabolicus) is another very strong beetle, but in a different way. Its exoskeleton, especially its elytra (the shell on its back), are incredibly durable and are constructed of layers that are meshed like puzzle pieces and cemented together by proteins that make them almost impossible to crush through natural means. The way the parts of the shell are interlaced also has given scientists a challenge to replicate their structure in human materials such as planes. Biomimicry is a crazy field! Also, you can imagine how notoriously difficult these things are to preserve for the... average entomologist.
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(It's true. Entomologists, in the name of science, have run over these beetles with their cars and they just shrugged it off.)
I don't want to make this post too long (you're strong yourself for getting this far!), but I should give honorable mentions to our saltatorial (jumping) friends in the order Orthoptera, which are your grasshoppers, crickets, and katydids. Even less well-known (or rather less-respected) are the fleas, which I personally find fascinating because their closest relatives are likely scorpionflies! Who knew such a tiny, flat insect with no wings but powerful hindlegs could have evolved from potentially such a dainty-looking ancestor.
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As for an alternate career path... I'm very grateful to be studying the insects I love so much, but I've always been interested in all the sciences. One of my backup plans was to become a researcher or lab technician at Capsule Corporation, which would have dealt largely with mechanical engineering. I wonder how that would have gone!
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c-casu · 6 months
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As the Anthropocene came to an end the human impact on the environment reached the point of no return. The climate became increasingly hotter, much of the glaciers melted, the sea levels rose and the deserts expanded. Crops failed and livestock died en masse, along with most animals bigger than a cat. Famines and fights for resources killed most of the world population, with the remaining humans slowly fading into extinction.
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When the climate stabilised the plants that recovered the fastest were the grasses, with bamboo and reeds being the first plants to reestablish forests in every continent except Oceania and Antarctica, that’ll serve as the basis for the development of future ecosystems. Most other tree taxa also survived, but suffered a great loss in diversity, and got relegated to drier climates.
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Without bigger herbivores like cervids and bovids occupying those niches, the small grazers that survived were able to diversify and grow in size. In South America maras started to grow in size, and hares in Eurasia and North America did too independently from each other and became less saltatorial and more cursorial. Wallabies and wallaroos did the same in Australia. Africa remained a safe haven for bovids, with dik-diks and grysboks reclaiming the former antelope glory. Eventually big predators and megafauna will evolve too with the start of the Epigene period.
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belladecasa · 1 year
Qualche giorno fa ho sentito pronunciare quest'espressione idiomatica: non avere grilli per la testa. C'era questa signora che diceva di essere una senza grilli per la testa, quindi una donna morigerata e proba, determinata, ligia al dovere ecc. E allora io ho ovviamente pensato: beata lei signò io sono piena di grilli! E mi ha fatto ridere pensare a tutti sti grilli che colonizzano il mio cervello che quindi smette di funzionare perché invaso da questi simpatici (non a me) insettacci, e ho ripensato che il mio personale demiurgo, cioè mia mamma, usa frequentemente questa espressione, così frequentemente che nella mia testa è così normalizzata da passare totalmente inosservata, tanto che, appunto, solo alla mia veneranda età mi è venuto da rifletterci, quando in realtà la pora mamma mi dice da una vita: c'hai troppi grilli per la testa! Ed è vero amici miei sono piena di grilli! Solo questa settimana mi sono rifatta il naso e ho deciso di andare a lavorare in Grecia per viaggiare senza soldi, solo perché non potevo andare in Canada sempre per i soldi sennò me ne sarei andata ancora coi tamponi nel naso probabilmente. Sempre per colpa dei grilli; altrimenti forse mi sarei accettata, penserei solo a laurearmi, a trovarmi un lavoro e stabilizzarmi come vuole mio padre, ma scusa papà non è colpa mia c'ho troppi grilli per la testa!
Quindi mi sono chiesta perché effettivamente si dicesse così e sono andata a cercare sulla Treccani. Riporto alcune parti (leggete tutto se vi va perché è molto interessante soprattutto la parte sul Medioevo e Bosch):
avere i grilli per la testa ci rinvia, con l’immaginazione, a dei grilli che saltano in testa come certe idee che all’improvviso giungono alla mente e che non sono sempre socialmente accettabili.
Navigando in rete, sono presenti alcune motivazioni sul perché diciamo avere grilli per la testa: alcuni siti lo attribuiscono al fatto che i grilli con il loro movimento e i loro suoni non consentirebbero di pensare razionalmente.
I grilli sono eccellenti saltatori e chi li ha metaforicamente in testa non può pensare in maniera razionale e consequenziale.
Ciò che del mio pensare m'ha sempre disorientata è l'impossibilità di definirlo un pensare irrazionale, ma assolutamente non può definirsi razionale: è un pensiero estremamente analitico, una tessitura che si ingarbuglia talmente che poi non ne viene fuori nulla ed è tutto da buttare. Il pensiero razionale è, ragionevolmente, utile, produttivo (termine aberrante), ti porta a salire su una macchina perché ti serve e ti può portare in un posto. Il pensiero analitico, irragionevolmente, ti fa prendere una macchina per smontarla fino all'ultimo ingranaggio, e alla fine, con quella macchina non ci puoi fare niente. In questo senso il mio pensiero è irrazionale perché è estremamente, inutilmente e improduttivamente, analitico, ma di un'analisi intuitiva, associativa. Associazioni che saltano da una parte all'altra senza senso come i grilli!
Questa colonia di grilli mi ha sempre abitata, è una dimensione di fantasticheria che mi ha fin dall'infanzia condannata alla distrazione, a non essere mai con la mente dove era il mio corpo, una continua divagazione, tanto che le maestre delle elementare mi chiamavano Incantesimo e mi rimproveravano spesso perché non seguivo un cazzo, e io ne soffrivo molto perché non lo facevo apposta, ci provavo ma inevitabilmente mi distraevo, mi frinivano dentro sti grilli e non riuscivo più ad ascoltare e mi estraniavo. Ovviamente non è mai passato solo che crescendo non è più fregato un cazzo a nessuno dei miei professori perché tanto andavo bene a scuola e a loro bastava, ai miei genitori bastava, peccato che sti grilli non avessero più il simpatico aspetto del grilletto di Collodi ma fossero degli orripilanti voraci insetti, ma tanto andavo bene a scuola; Dio mio nessuno riflette mai di quanto gli stereotipati successi e insuccessi scolastici determinino e soprattutto appiattiscano l'identità di una persona, per cui i miei voti scolastici hanno fatto sì che mi fossero attribuite delle caratteristiche che non erano e non sono mie: io non sono morigerata e proba, e non sono diligente, non sono studiosa, non sono brava. Ho conosciuto così tante persone brillanti trattate da rincoglionite, incapaci, problematiche solo perché non si piegavano a essere dei microfoni delle loro inutili, semplicistiche, nozioni, invece io sì quindi per loro ero capace, promettente e soprattutto non avevo problemi e invece avevo delle locuste giganti nel cervello.
Da una parte però sento dei cambiamenti nella mia colonia, come se non ci fossero più questi spaventosi insetti stanziati nel mio cervello, immobili e voraci, ma dei piccoli grilli che si slanciano, saltano creativi, come quando da piccola mi chiamavano Incantesimo. Forse ho sbagliato a cercare di liberarmene, ad esserne schifata e orripilata, a tentare di ucciderli con gli insetticidi peggiori, forse devo solo imparare a convivere con questi ospiti, seguire a volte i loro salti, magari ce ne sarà qualcuno che mi porterà dalla parte giusta. Magari ci sarà qualcuno che sarà in grado di farli posare sulla punta dell'indice, invece che tentare di schiacciarli, ma se non darò l'esempio io, forse non lo farà mai nessuno.
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ilblogdellestorie · 1 year
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È morto a 76 anni Dick Fosbury, atleta statunitense che vinse un oro alle Olimpiadi del 1968 di Città del Messico e che soprattutto è ricordato per la tecnica di salto in alto ancora in uso, con cui si salta “all’indietro”, con la schiena rivolta verso l’asta, che lo ha reso uno dei personaggi più influenti nella storia dell’atletica leggera. Fosbury, il cui nome era Richard Douglas ma che era noto come Dick, era nato a Portland, in Oregon, nel 1947 e aveva iniziato a sperimentare nuove tecniche di salto già da adolescente, visto che con lo stile allora più diffuso – noto come ventrale, perché si superava l’asta con il ventre verso di essa – faticava a raggiungere risultati soddisfacenti. Col tempo perfezionò la tecnica che ancora porta il suo cognome e che iniziò a portarlo negli anni Sessanta, quando fu mostrata e raccontata da un giornale locale. Altri atleti statunitensi, più o meno nello stesso periodo, iniziarono a usare quello stesso stile, senza però arrivare, perlomeno non prima di Fosbury, ai suoi risultati.
Lo stile Fosbury – dorsale: in cui il corpo si ruota in aria mentre si salta, con un atterraggio finale sulla schiena – fu peraltro reso possibile dal fatto che proprio in quegli anni si stavano diffondendo materassini più morbidi su cui cadere, cosa imprescindibile per poterlo fare di schiena (prima si atterrava spesso sulla sabbia).
Lo stile Fosbury all’inizio fu spesso criticato e perfino ridicolizzato, ma fu parecchio efficace: prima per Fosbury e poi per la quasi totalità dei saltatori e delle saltatrici in alto. Grazie a quello stile, nel 1968 vinse la gara olimpica di salto in alto e fece un nuovo record olimpico arrivando a due metri e 24 centimetri, un’altezza che superò al suo terzo e ultimo tentativo.
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cupidskissx · 1 year
ugh i wanna do smth like 'LOVE' 'MARRY' 'TENDER' but.
Bold of you to assume I knew the definition of saltatory 😂
Unfortunately, I can say with confidence it hasn’t been used (yet), maybe I’ll sneak it in now 🤔
I think the whole of Part 2 is saltatory, in the sense they’re always dancing around each other!
To make it up to you, you can have this moment because I adore you:
The media loves to paint Charles as a shy, people-pleaser — because he is. Yet they often forget he’s born to push limits, to be bold and never back down. When their visors are down it’s thrilling, when their helmets are off it sends him into a tailspin.
WIP game
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prosopagn0sis-a · 1 year
for @airi-of-hearts who spreads our work all across the borderlands; for collecting the pieces and keeping them together here.
i sit in front of my desk lazily flipping through the pages of the book. i'm still trying to make sense of this mess that happened, but should have not, so i rest my head against my palm and wait patiently for messenger to appear.
here she is, airi, and yet i can only recognize her by the sense of hurry and the messenger bag she has to her side. i force a polite smile waving at her, stopping her between her hops.
the pocket watch she cautiously checks when she sees me stops ticking. this is the meeting she tried to remember to get to and i don't blame her for getting lost between the paragraphs. i would have hard times finding paths and people while my head wobbled around like that as well — a result of beheading carried out in a sleazy manner. i make my best attempt at trying not to look at the red and jagged flesh poking out from under white rabbit's scarf; i don't want to make airi uncomfortable.
“a scattered dream that's like a far off memory,” i start cautiously, knowing how prone bunnies are to panicking and how easily they hop away from any danger and threat. “and a far off memory that's like a scattered dream. i want to line the pieces up. yours,” i look around the wonderland, spreading my hands, trying to embrace everything around us all at once — all the withered roses far away in red queen's castle, all the broken cups from mad hatter's parties, all the stakes king of hearts' head was stuck to and all the forest around us; the hideout of all of those who tried to form some sort of allyship against mira. but also cheshire's smile. dormouse's insignificance. white rabbit's soft fur.
i look at the nurse before me.
“and mine.”
she seems uncomfortable.
there's something saltatory in the way she runs from patient to patient. it's my way of defining her for now and i see her pretty often. at my words her nose wrinkles to the side, long white wiskers quavering with it. i make my best effort at faking a smile, but i'm sure airi knows it's a forced, nothing but a taught expression. she knows me so well. knows i can't recognize peoples faces, and thus never learned to show emotions through my features.
her ears twitch. i've got her attention.
“i know what you've planned and i know what you're planning. killing the queen of hearts is not that easy, the jabberwock and the soldier and the white queen are already aware, but i know there's more of you wishing to get rid of her,” i explain and before the white rabbit jumps away, i raise my hands, showing no signs of any ill intentions. no weapons, no nothing. i'm just here to talk and i hope airi sees that, too.
just like the king of hearts did, but he's a fool; he can't remember his own name, but remembers my father not being there when he was the one responsible for saving my life, sewing the skin and flesh of mine i willingly cut open with the sharp blade of my guardian's knife. he never learns when i talk to him, telling him exactly how to stop the illness around this world from spreading. there's not much i can't do with him alone.
i don't know why queen of hearts' anger was directed towards airi at all, and i hope one day i'll be blessed with the knowledge, but there's not much time left, white rabbit's clock will start ticking again any moment now.
“please do make sure she gets the message. tell her, the one who makes sense will join her tea party, and will play chess with her. tell her, please, my dear bunny, that she shall await my arrival.”
i don't know if airi will deliever my words to the right ears. i might've accidentally scared her.
i close the book in hopes that mira will be prepared.
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asocialmoth · 10 months
Oh look, it's the Fakemon I've finally gotten around to posting!
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Sampanggal (Ghost/Flying) and Bridanggal (Ghost/Flying) is already familiar to this blog. They are the signature Pokemon of my gym leader OC, Frills. This line is also among my oldest Fakemon I've designed and still care about. They are based on the Manananggal, a creature from Filipino mythology that I for some reason got attached to when I first heard of them. During the night, Manananggal detach their upper torsos from the bottom and grow wings. They prey on newlyweds, newborns, and fetuses, and that's why I themed them around weddings. If Bridanggal is a bride, then my thought process was its pre-evolution would be a flower girl. The flower Sampanggal is based around is the Sampaguita which is the national flower of the Philippines, and I think that reason alone is why I chose it cause I decided to recheck what flowers are used for Filipino weddings and the Sampaguita barely comes up in the webpages I found.
In the night, this line preys primarily on Pokemon eggs, although it does eat already hatched Pokemon and berries as well (Sampanggal particularly prefers berries as they're easier to eat). During the day, they hide within caves or other dark places. The Bridanggal's veil is different depending on the ability it has. Uh honestly I haven't nailed down which abilities yet though.
Catersquint (Bug) and Chitopti (Bug/Psychic) were inspired by how butterflies/moths have eyespots on their wings, basically fake eyes that scare or confuse predators. Masquerain is also based around this concept and that's why it has Intimidate but I wondered what it would be like if the eyes on these types of wings were real.
All eyes on Chitopti work independently and uses Psychic abilities to fall slower needing less flaps or do more elegant maneuvers to take advantage of its eyes. Despite them being eyes, they are covered with hard material to keep them from being easily damaged or hurt. Also Catersquint is actually blind except on its front eye which is short-sighted.
Myelanket (Poison), Scarnvier (Poison/Electric), and Saltarings (Poison/Electric) are based on neurons, myelin sheaths, and saltatory conduction. They were originally Psychic instead of Poison since I was thinking about them the same way as the Solosis line plus the fact that they're neurons, but realized that since they interact and battle with neurotransmitters which are chemicals, Poison seemed a better fit.
Anyways, myelin sheaths basically insulate neurons and lets electricty move faster by "jumping" through them to the spaces in between them (known as Nodes of Ranvier). I thought making them into scarves and blankets were a good idea because of that, though I'm not super sure about if rings were the next logical evoulution. Regardless, even if they are I feel like the execution of Saltaring's design isn't the best and subject to future redesign.
Germibuoy (Grass/Water), Aydrofyte (Grass/Water), Bulaquatic, and Lumilypad (Grass/Flying) honestly exists just because I was amused by how flying in Filipino, "lumilipad", sounds like lily pad, and I like puns. No proper digital illustration for them, I felt like I really should be saving my art time for Art Fight and drawing another full line would take some time, plus the extra sketches were cute I think. Honestly I think the line is self-explanatory, however I will note that despite being the reason the line exists in the first place, I'm not super satisfied with Lumilypad's design, particularly the wings. If I had time to digitalize this I would've probably improved it, but for now I wouldn't say its too bad.
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vavaclasses · 11 days
Neural Control and Coordination: A Comprehensive Guide for Class 11 Students
Neural control and coordination are fundamental aspects of the human body's functioning, orchestrating complex processes ranging from basic reflexes to intricate cognitive functions. In Class 11 Biology Neural Control and Coordination, understanding the nervous system's structure, functioning, and coordination mechanisms is crucial for gaining insights into physiological processes and behavioral responses. Let's delve into a detailed study of neural control and coordination:
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1. Introduction to Neural Control and Coordination:
The nervous system comprises the central nervous system (CNS), consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), comprising nerves and ganglia.
Neurons are the functional units of the nervous system, transmitting electrochemical signals to coordinate various bodily functions.
2. Structure of Neurons:
Neurons consist of a cell body (soma), dendrites, and an axon.
Dendrites receive signals from other neurons, while the axon transmits signals to other neurons or effector organs.
Myelin sheath, formed by Schwann cells, insulates the axon and facilitates faster signal transmission.
3. Generation and Conduction of Nerve Impulses:
Nerve impulses, or action potentials, are generated due to changes in membrane potential across neurons.
Resting membrane potential, action potential threshold, depolarization, repolarization, and hyperpolarization are key concepts in understanding nerve impulse generation.
Action potentials propagate along the axon through a process called saltatory conduction.
4. Synaptic Transmission:
Synapses are junctions between neurons or between neurons and effector cells.
Neurotransmitters released from the presynaptic neuron bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, leading to excitatory or inhibitory responses.
Reuptake, enzymatic degradation, and diffusion are mechanisms for neurotransmitter clearance.
5. Central Nervous System:
The brain is the control center of the nervous system, responsible for processing sensory information, initiating motor responses, and regulating higher cognitive functions.
The spinal cord serves as a pathway for sensory and motor signals between the brain and the rest of the body.
6. Peripheral Nervous System:
The PNS comprises sensory (afferent) neurons that transmit sensory information to the CNS and motor (efferent) neurons that convey motor commands from the CNS to muscles and glands.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates involuntary bodily functions such as heartbeat, digestion, and respiration.
7. Reflex Action and Reflex Arc:
Reflex actions are rapid, involuntary responses to stimuli that help maintain homeostasis and protect the body from harm.
The reflex arc involves a receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron (in some cases), motor neuron, and effector organ.
8. Sense Organs and Sensory Pathways:
Sense organs, including the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin, detect various stimuli such as light, sound, odor, taste, and touch.
Sensory pathways transmit sensory information from receptors to the brain for processing and interpretation.
9. Hormonal Regulation and Coordination:
Alongside neural control, hormonal regulation plays a vital role in coordinating physiological processes.
Endocrine glands secrete hormones into the bloodstream, which act on target organs to regulate metabolism, growth, reproduction, and other functions.
10. Disorders of the Nervous System:
Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and stroke can impair neural function and coordination.
Understanding the etiology, symptoms, and management of these disorders is essential for healthcare professionals and individuals affected by them.
11. Conclusion:
Neural control and coordination are intricate processes that underpin all aspects of human physiology and behavior.
A thorough understanding of the nervous system's structure, function, and regulatory mechanisms is essential for students pursuing careers in biology, medicine, psychology, and related fields.
In conclusion, neural control and coordination form the backbone of physiological regulation and behavioral responses in organisms. Through a comprehensive understanding of the nervous system's structure, functioning, and coordination mechanisms, Class 11 students can gain profound insights into the complexities of biological systems and their adaptive responses to environmental stimuli.
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circusfans-italia · 14 days
CIRCO ARKAR: Il Programma
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CIRCO ARKAR: Il Programma Fabrizio Procopio ha avuto modo di assistere allo spettacolo del Circo Arkar della famiglia Caroli-De Angelis, a Ponsacco (prima tappa nella provincia di Pisa).  
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  Di seguito il programma che presentano. - Giocoliere Alex - Ripresa comica Clown Denni - Piatti Clown Denni - Ripresa della Macchina Clown Denni - Corda Brasiliana Fabio Intervallo - Rullo Oscillante Alex - Diablo David  - Saltatori Acrobatici Fratelli  - Finale I numeri - ci racconta Fabrizio - sono intervallati dall’ingresso di varie mascotte per bambini. Lo spettacolo é molto piacevole, un tuffo nei circhi familiari che col tempo diventano sempre più rari.  
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La prossima piazza in provincia di Pisa sarà San Miniato Basso dove il Circo Arkar si fermerà dal 25 al 28 aprile.
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Visita le nostre sezioni ARCHIVIO  TOURNEE' Per rimanere sempre aggiornati sulle tappe dei circhi italiani   Se questo articolo ti è piaciuto condividilo sui tuoi social utilizzando i bottoni che trovi qui sotto   Read the full article
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problempossum · 16 days
Bitches love my saltatorial hindlimbs
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ainews · 6 months
Libraries are an important part of the educational landscape and provide an invaluable resource to all members of the community. However, many libraries throughout the world are instituting a "no prayers" policy as a means of ensuring equal access to library materials for all patrons.
This policy, while at first seeming saltatory, is, in fact, an important step towards ensuring the library is a safe and equitable space for all. Prayers take time, and in the case of a library, a few moments of silent prayer can disrupt the environment and create an atmosphere of exclusion for those who do not share the same faith as the person praying.
Another factor to consider is the potential of inadvertently compromising the integrity of the library. The library is public space, and as such, it should remain free of devout public displays. Prayers are personal, religious rituals and while a library may be safe for moments of silence, it should not be expected nor asked of the library to offer a platform for prayer.
Finally, religious boundaries should be respected. One of the primary roles of a library is to offer a platform for knowledge for all interests and beliefs. If the library creates an environment exclusive to one set of beliefs, or discriminates against those of a different faith, it can create feelings of marginalization. Libraries should remain places of inclusion, acceptance, and knowledge, and should not be influenced by any religious bias.
For all of these reasons, it is clear why libraries should remain an uncooked space for prayers, and should continue to serve as a platform for all beliefs.
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cosmicanger · 7 months
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Joey Holder
Daphnia, 2023
UV ink on acrylic, varnish; 42.0 x 49.9 x 0.4 (inch)
This wall mounted work is a direct to media digital photograph printed using the UV ink process. Imagery is derived from microscopy, cryptozoology forums and conspiracy sites using the artist's particular diagrammatic aesthetic.
Daphnia is a genus of small planktonic crustaceans, 0.2–6.0mm in length. Daphnia are members of the order Anomopoda and are one of the several small aquatic crustaceans commonly called water fleas because their saltatory swimming style resembles the movements of fleas Daphnia live in various aquatic environments ranging from acidic swamps to freshwater lakes and ponds.
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