#saga eiji
Ok now that I’m thinking abt it cfv cast social media headcanons if cfv was set a little closer to now than 2011:
Aichi: he has Instagram but mostly to follow Kai (who didn’t actually accept his follow request until like the end of season 1 lmao) and Misaki and all his other friends rather than out of a particular desire to post pictures himself. It’s a private account and he posts when the mood strikes him, with content wildly varying from like pictures with friends to cute animals to cool new vanguard cards to food that was particularly good. Has Snapchat because Kamui bugged him about it and mostly uses it for streaks (but he forgets a lot & kamui’s like BROTHER AICHIIIIIIII :( OUR STREAK :( ).
Kai: Instagram. It’s also a private account, and for a while he just had 2 followers (Ren and Tetsu), then after their fallout he blocked Ren and Tetsu but Miwa bugged him into accepting his request (though he didn’t really post during that time just used it to observe), then after s1 he finally accepted more of his friends’ follow requests. Eventually he starts posting food he made & ofc his favorite kagero units (& maybe his friends. Occasionally. He’s not big on writing captions though). I can also see him having a Twitter where people try to antagonize him & he roasts the shit out of them (Kamui is constantly in his mentions trying to start shit, at first out of genuine dislike - he gets blocked for a while because of this - but then just for fun. Kai still blocks him every so often, and/or occasionally plays along and snipes back with some rude comment, but it’s mostly to annoy him back rather than out of genuine malice. Mostly. He does enjoy being an asshole to Kamui though). Has Snapchat but pretty much only opens it when Aichi sends him something (Ren likes to send him a million snaps chronicling his whole day to annoy him so mostly he ignores the app).
Misaki: she’s a Pinterest girlie for sure. Very organized Pinterest boards with images that are always properly sourced. She also has Instagram (also a private acc) but she didn’t use it much before she met her card capital friends, now she uses it to keep tabs on Aichi and the others. She doesn’t really post pictures except on special occasions but she is an avid close friends story user, especially when she knows Kourin will see her posts (before s4? Or au where she doesn’t disappear I guess? Idk it’s my city & I’m already diverging from canon to say they have social media just roll with it). There’s also an official Card Capital Instagram, and when she becomes the store owner in G she doesn’t really run it but she has to approve the content that gets posted there. I can also see her having tumblr just bc of her “strange” sense of humor, like she’d be very anonymous about it and not put basically anything in her bio (MAYBE her name but maybe not even that, & possibly a fake name), but I can see her being fairly popular here.
Kamui: he’s too young for social media AND YET he has it anyways. Can frequently be found getting into fights on Twitter. He’s also a big Snapchat user and HATES when people leave him on read, or when someone’s about to break a streak. Very big on streaks in general, has insanely long ones with Reiji and Eiji. Also he definitely has tiktok and (he will deny this but) he’s jealous when anyone he knows has more followers than he does. How does Suzugamori Ren have that many followers anyways >:/? In G era he downloads Instagram because he heard that Emi did it.
Miwa: definitely a Reddit user (but like not in the derogatory way, he’s just fascinated by the site). He has a personal Instagram as well as a wildly popular other account dedicated to unflattering candid pictures of his friends (mostly Kai but Misaki Kamui and Morikawa are also frequent features, and, on one memorable occasion, Jun). Semi-popular on TikTok for being a sweet & funny guy and also for casually mentioning insane things that happened and never elaborating (“yeah sorry I was absent I got kidnapped because my dumbass friend wanted to play cards with a gang leader, that guy better be grateful”).
Reiji and Eiji: have the same social media Kamui does, and hype him up on it (/occasionally bemoan how lame he is) but also do their own things.
Morikawa: Tumblr user, fully believes the wizard blogs are real wizards. Gets anons from people like “I want to study you” all the time & he always misses the point and makes it into “the Morikawa vanguard school is always open to new students because I am the greatest teacher ever”. After meeting her, a lot of his posts start focusing on Kourin and his followers have an equivalent experience to when someone you’ve followed suddenly turns into a K-pop blog with absolutely no explanation. Kind of famous just because of how fucking weird he is. He also has Snapchat but is like really bad at taking pictures so everything he sends/posts is blurry or at a bad angle, but unironically. Had no interest in any other social media until he heard Kourin had Instagram and Twitter, at which point he downloaded them both and immediately started posting about her.
Izaki: Twitter user /derogatory (sorry Izaki but I know this in my heart to be true. He’s gotta have some red flags to have stayed friends with Morikawa this long). Also has Snapchat and tries (and fails) to help Morikawa take better pictures. Kamui frequently bullies him about losing their streak, which since they’re not actually that close is probably their main form of communication. Izaki’s not totally convinced that Kamui actually knows his NAME, so he’s confused about why he cares so much (it’s bc Kamui has a Snapchat streak with literally everyone he knows who 1. has Snapchat and 2. does streaks). Also possibly has an Instagram where he occasionally gets influxes of followers when he’s tagged in pictures with his more famous friends, but some of them probably don’t think he’s that interesting and soon unfollow (lmao rip)
Emi: does not have social media in the main series but gets an Instagram by G era (when Kamui finds this out he suddenly downloads Instagram even though he has never expressed an interest in it before, and thus so does Nagisa, somehow sensing what Kamui has done).
Nagisa: has Twitter only so she can follow Kamui (again, she is too young for Twitter). Kamui has her blocked but she can still somehow sense when someone’s arguing with him & she comes into their replies like “leave my man alone!!” I would not be surprised if she doxxed people tbh. She keeps getting banned but somehow every time she appeals it the ban is lifted (Kamui suspects dark magic). Also downloads Instagram in G era after Kamui does (how does she know he got it if he didn’t tell her??? She has her ways).
Kourin: has an official ultrarare Instagram and Twitter where she promotes her idol work, and also a private Instagram and Twitter where she posts pictures of her friends and nerds out about vanguard and thoroughly logically dismantles stupid people. Once she posted a stupid meme making fun of Kai on her official ultrarare Twitter instead of her personal one by accident and fully freaked out trying to take it down before the fans screenshotted it (she wasn’t successful bc idol fans are crazy and ended up saying she was hacked) (Kai will never admit it but he thought it was funny). She probably has Morikawa blocked on every platform.
Rekka: an instagram girlie FOR SURE. She posts often and sticks to a cutesy aesthetic, and is wildly popular. She’s also very into Snapchat, both in terms of doing streaks with people and live-blogging funny bits of her day on her story. Probably also spends a lot of time on Pinterest & has a lot of Pinterest boards for every situation.
Suiko: I’ll be real I have no idea. I feel like she either has no social media at all and just like guest appears on Kourin and Rekka’s, or has like official instagram/twitter accounts with tons of followers that she semi-maintains and weird shitposty anonymous accounts where she just posts whatever comes to her brain. Tbh I can see her stirring the pot so she can observe Kamui into getting into more twitter beef just to see what happens. Redditor??? She is a mystery to me.
Kenji: has Tumblr & like 60% of it is dedicated to Ancient Rome, 30% of it is about vanguard, and the last 10% is just him reblogging like feminist stuff and positive messages. A wife guy without actually having a wife or realizing he’s a wife guy (posts a lot about “his friend” - Yuri - bc he just thinks she’s neat, but his followers seem to think he’s in love with her for some reason???). Cries when people on tumblr celebrate the ides of March. Probably has been cancelled for unironically stanning Caesar. Also has an official Instagram but doesn’t post on there much, when he’s there he’s usually just there to like his friends’ posts and log back off. People are surprised by his lack of social media and have not connected his tumblr (where he stays completely anonymous thank you very much, he is Not a fan of the attention) to him, and are always begging him to post more on his Instagram/get more social media, but when Yuri and Gai bring this up hes like no <3 I will not <3
Yuri: she’s a YouTuber for sure & she has helpful videos on deck building, strategy, how to stay calm under pressure, etc. Occasionally she includes her teammates or people from other teams in her videos (Aichi featured in one once and now her fans regularly ask for him to come back lol). She also has an official Instagram and Twitter, and runs most of the official Team Caesar accounts on various platforms. Yuri and Misaki are tumblr mutuals, and she is aware of Koutei’s tumblr (bc they’re both in the vanguard tag a lot and who else would be THAT obsessed with Julius Caesar. She’s no fool, she recognized it was him instantly) but she thinks it’s funny to not tell him it’s her (+ she’s kind of embarrassed in a fond way/thinks he might be embarrassed about the posts abt her if he knew) so she just scrolls through his nice posts abt her when she’s having a bad day.
Gai: tiktok famous for generally being a chill dude who’s willing to answer your vanguard questions but mostly for posting Team Caesar behind the scenes videos, which range from Yuri being mad at one or both of them to them doing challenges/playing games together, to some of their movie star stuff in G, to one particularly memorable video where he just stared at the camera while Yuri and Koutei were being in love with each other and (at least in Koutei’s part) oblivious to it in the background.
Ren: pre-season 1 he had no social media except an Instagram account and a Snapchat, both of which he used to post an ongoing stream of whatever was in his brain so that Tetsu and Kai would see it. After The Breakup™️ he went private and posted a lot of stuff about revenge, and being stronger, etc (which was no use since Kai had him blocked and he was not popular pre-Asteroid era, so pretty much only tetsu saw his posts). Also he’s DEFINITELY a Reddit user lmao. Post-season 1 Asaka got him into tiktok which he immediately became famous on, he joined Twitter which had a preconception of him due to the way he acted during season 1 and so he gets cancelled every other week for a while (eventually they mostly get used to his new personality and the way he says the weirdest shit), and he rebooted his Instagram to be public and deleted most of the old revenge posts (he probably leaves one up just to cause controversy lmao). Often leaves Kyou on read on Snapchat, but whether that’s on purpose or an accident is anybody’s guess. Actually he probably would have tumblr too & be kinda infamous bc his personality would definitely make him popular here tbh. He runs a “official ren suzugamori” blog but he never acknowledges he’s on tumblr anywhere else and everyone thinks it’s just a fake parody blog.
Asaka: tiktok famous for being hot, on team asteroid, and if she’s feeling generous for answering people’s vanguard questions (with a special focus on the Pale Moon of course). Probably also has a sizable following on Instagram. Lords her amount of followers over Misaki who pretends she doesn’t care but early seasons Misaki was actually a little annoyed by this.
Kyou: had a Twitter. Keeps getting banned from Twitter and making new accounts and the cycle repeats. Doesn’t have a tiktok but is tiktok famous anyways for always appearing in team asteroid videos in the weirdest ways (disguised as a potted plant. Scaled the building and can be seen inaudibly yelling in the background through the window on the third floor of team asteroid headquarters. Parachuting down from an airplane. Etc). When people comment about him on Ren’s videos he’s always like “who?” “I don’t see him?” or “huh, that guy looks vaguely familiar…” and when people comment about him on Asaka’s videos she refuses to name him but always says something about how much she hates that guy. Has Snapchat but about half the cast either leaves him on opened/read or straight up has him blocked (he Does take really interesting pictures though, and it’s cool to see all the places he goes! How does he have the money for all this??? Nobody knows).
Tetsu: runs “official team asteroid” accounts, including a YouTube on which Ren is IMMENSELY popular despite not being the account owner. Known for being intimidating on Twitter, and also for (one-sided tbh) twitter beef with Kamui (who would @ him like HEY ASSHOLE ACKNOWLEDGE ME >:/ & Tetsu would just ignore him) in earlier canon. He doesn’t actually use any of his accounts that much besides the YouTube and to publish official updates about team asteroid, but - though he’ll never admit it - he’s a fan of terrible memes. He asked what Asaka was laughing at once and she showed him a vanguard meme (“I don’t know if you’ll get it though”) and he excused himself and went to another room to laugh (Asaka was like ???).
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tampire · 1 year
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Iori Yagami with his Teams in King of Fighters 95, 96 and 97 Orochi Saga
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bubblegeon · 2 years
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Would you mind going together? ☔️ ISHIKO TO HANEO: SONNA KOTO DE UTTAEMASU? (2022)
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ginza-division · 1 year
Eiji's Thoughts on Saga Division
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Ayaka Kagawa
"I can't think of anyone who hasn't heard of the youngest Kagawa sibling. She and her sister were well-known for the number of beauty pageants they were entered into. I have to admit though, I never realized it before, but they never seemed to be too interested in them. And after the horrors of what her parents did to young Ayaka-chan, I can see why. It's sad when parents try to force their own dreams onto their children. That's not an ideal way to live. It's good to see that she and her sister are doing better."
Mizuki Minami
"Mizuki-chan? ...Ah yes, she's a frequent poster on PROFILE. She frequently posts videos of her livestreams, which are quite good, if I say so myself. She isn't as well-known as other gamer handles, like 1-Up or 8Cloud, but she is still pretty popular. When I have time, I often try to catch some of her livestreams."
Megumi Kagawa
"Like I mentioned with her sister, it's hard to think of anyone who hasn't heard of the famous Kagawa sisters. It's only been a year since the realization of what their parents did to them came to light. Many law officials have tried to figure out exactly what happened to their parents, but I think after seeing all the abuse that they've done, they're not all that worried about, which is good. The two of them have gone through enough turmoil."
Bloody Divas
"Truthfully, I'm kind of curious why this team is competing. I don't think it has anything to do with fame since all of them are famous, in their own right. And money? I don't think that's the issue either. Whatever the reason, I hope the three of them take care of themselves."
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sagadivision · 1 year
Megumi’s thoughts on Ginza division
“Stay the hell away from Ayaka!” She suddenly growls “I’m not even sure if he thinks that she’s an abomination against his god or just some tool he could use for that church of his but one things for sure…I’m not going to let you hurt her!”
“I do have a PROFILE page but I’m not the one who runs it” she admits “Too many self confidence issues to willingly post a candid photo of myself- no it’s my agent that runs the thing! I am allowed on it…like I said I don’t post anything about my day to day life”
“Plus there’s a lot of rules about social media use that I have to follow given the company I work with” she shrugs “All of those are in place to avoid any scandal that might happen”
“I don’t like him- he’s an asshole” Megumi frowns “I refuse to say anything else about this man”
Last Judgment
“A division with a name that sounds…so final” She grimaced “In death we are all judged equally…and I already know I’ll burn in hell for my sins there’s no escaping that”
“Yet my list of sins would probably grow even more should I ever come across Masa in public ever again!”
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demifiendrsa · 2 months
Suicide Squad ISEKAI Official Trailer 3  (with English captions)
Suicide Squad ISEKAI will premiere in 2024. Mori Calliope is performing the ending theme song “Go-Getters”.
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Key visual
Cast additions
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Taku Yashiro as Rick Flag
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Kujira as Amanda Waller
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Chika Anzai as Katana
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Reina Ueda as Fione
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Mamiko Noto as Aldora
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Jun Fukushima as Cecil
Previously announced cast members
Anna Nagase as Harley Quinn
Yuichiro Umehara as The Joker
Reigo Yamaguchi as Deadshot
Takehito Koyasu as Peacemaker
Jun Fukuyama as Clayface
Subaru Kimura as King Shark
Director: Eri Osada
Character Design Draft: Akira Amano
Character Design: Naoto Hosoda
Screenplay: Tappei Nagatsuki, Eiji Umehara
Music: Kenichiro Suehiro
Animation Production: Wit Studio
In the crime-ridden city of Gotham, Amanda Waller, the head of A.R.G.U.S., has assembled a group of notorious criminals for a mission: Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, and King Shark. These Super-Villains are sent into an otherworldly realm that’s connected to this world through a gate. It’s a world of swords and magic where orcs rampage and dragons rule the skies—an “ISEKAI”! With lethal explosives planted in their necks, there’s no running or hiding, and failing the mission means a one-way ticket to the afterlife! Can Harley Quinn and her crew conquer this perilous ISEKAI realm?! Brace yourselves for the pulse-pounding saga of the elite task force known as the “Suicide Squad” as they embark on a jaw-dropping adventure!
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kahixxi · 1 year
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My fav historical manga:
Requiem of the Rose King (Aya Kanno) The Apothecary Diaries (Natsu Hyuuga, Nekokurage, Itsuki Nanao) Golden Kamuy (Satoru Noda) Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku (Yuuji Kaku) About the Movement of the Earth (Uoto) Vinland Saga (Makoto Yukimura) Green Blood (Masasumi Kakizaki) Vagabond (Takehiko Inoue, Eiji Yoshikawa) The Angel of Elhamburg (Aki)
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
Do you mind dumping all of your thoughts on ebina for us?
i dont even know where to begin on ebina he just sucks major horse cock and i cant be swayed on this but ill put it under the cut for everyones sake. this is rambly as hell too idc i refuse to spend any more time thinking about ebina more than i already do
like what is his purpose. like i KNOW his purpose but it sucks- him being a Plot Twist baby is the dumbest shit in the world and they dont even ATTEMPT to do anything meaningful with it i do not care what anyone says
why even HAVE HIM be related to ichiban if he never even interacts with ichi in a meaningful way, esp when ichi's whole theme is family-- WHEN THE GAME IS LITERALLY ABOUT ICHI MEETING HIS MOM (or it was until they decided they didnt care about akane in the plot anymore)
like we mentioned it before here but if you have to have ebina related to a yakuza from the past for his ol Bring Down The Yakuza gig then why not make him an orphan from kazama's orphanage ???? literally nothing wouldve changed except it would've made more sense with how much kiryu deals with him instead of ichi. it wouldve been a great way to round things off with kiryu's saga too, what with having to confront the consequences of kazama's actions directly and finally and officially burst that fanatic bubble of his (i dont wanna HEAR nothing about gaiden that's not enough for me im GREEDY). theres something in here too about kiryu and daigo but i cant articulate it... i just know that wouldve been better too .... something something kiryu brought daigo into this life and now that he sees kazama 'bring' ebina into this life hes projecting ... idk ..
the game def didnt seem to give a fuck that ebina was arakawa's son considering they fucking revealed it in a bland-ass in-game cutscene FROM DAIGO OF ALL PEOPLE daigo respectfully why the fuck do you know this
i dont know how many people watch my streams but i was so obnoxious about ebina's villain monologue before his fight because its just ...... it just SCREAMS Hey You Guys Remember Aoki Right. fucking Masumi Arakawa Had Two Sons: One Who Loved Him And One Who Hated Him LITERALLY SHUT UP AND DIE I HATE YOU MASATO ARAKAWA WAS RIGHT THERE AND HE DID IT BETTER THAN YOU fucking stealing his bleach japan shit too. you might be able to steal bleach japan and piss me off about it the entire time because fucking everyone and their grandmother besides zhao seems to have forgotten fucking bleach japan but you can NOT steal Number One Hater Son from masato arakawa GET AWAY FROM HER 🗣️🗣️🗣️ 'why did masumi arakawa have to get himself killed' BECAUSE HIS NUMBER ONE HATER SON HAD HIM KILLED BECAUSE HE WAS A BETTER HATER THAN YOU SHUT UP
another thing that pissed me off to no end was the sawashiro shit fuckin Oh He Kept Him Alive Because He Wanted Him To Stop Him SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP I HATE YOU . i really wouldve preferred if they just killed sawashiro like old man why are you here- WE DIDNT EVEN GET TO SEE YOUR EYE GET GOUGED but im getting off topic. NOTHING bout what we've seen from ebina could convince me he Wanted To Be Stopped like absolutely nothing i dont want to hear this bullshit excuse. it is MERELY just reminding me of ichi being like 'i wish i couldve been there to stop you' @ aoki and its making me pissed
like im the only person who cares this intensely because im the only person who likes aoki enough like this and im trying NOT to mention him so much and just focus on ebina but its just so annoying... like its impossible NOT to see the parallels, especially when the game is practically bashing it into my brain every three seconds. like if we're talking aoki/masato-adjacent antags then i like eiji so its not the fact that HE IS aoki adjacent that pisses me off its just that he has no agency OUTSIDE of being a ghost of him. like there's nothing interesting about him in the slightest and he's barely even on screen why are you forcing me to give a fuck about this twat. if anything the one aoki thing i wish they did mirror onto him was dying at the end i do not care about this man
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pastelfates · 5 months
Can you talk about some of your favorite writing partners on tumblr? You seem to write with some super interesting folks
◌・❀➵ Aaaa I dont want to pick favorites because I genuinely adore all of my longer term moots [I adore all my moots, just I havent gotten to know the newer ones all to well yet!] but I will list moots that I have had some of my favorite threads and convos with!!
◌・❀➵ @morifactory Lena is one of my favorite people in general?? She's so sweet and kind and honestly like a sister to me. We've been moots since 2018! And she's been through so much with me. As for one of my favorite threads [aside from the Carbon and Serina ones] it was when Serina and Eddie first met! I'll always cherish that thread since it how we first met.
◌・❀➵ @constellationcrowned / @malusrecord Kala!! Kala is an extremely talented writer and aaa I def recommend following!! I've come to love so many games and charas through them! I would die for Sunny and Nellie's lil frenship as well as Kariom and Mana's!
◌・❀➵ @strebcr Pineapple!! I adore Pineapple sm! And just aaa I've been so glad to reconnect with them. Mana and Streber's relationship makes so somft.
◌・❀➵ @ervaurem Shai!! Cries I could go on n on ab how amazing Shai is but it'd be easier to take my word and follow them <and everyone else on this list>. The family verse with Sun, Mana, and Law is one of my favorite verses and i just love writing it !!
◌・❀➵ @solivcgant Mochi!! Mochi is super nice!! Rip Eiji dealing with the eggbear saga though--. One day they'll have eggbear omelette!!
◌・❀➵ Im gonna cap there but mentions to @forgottenluck, @ofstarsandskies, @talesofourworlds, @pyonpyonpyon, @archivisim, and you reading this!! You're v v talented and respected. Stay hydrated!!
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mtdthoughts · 5 months
Heroism (Migi & Dali Analysis)
*Spoiler Warning* This discussion is about Episode 12 of the Migi & Dali anime (or Chapter 42 of the manga).
This is also a bit of a long read, so do be warned if you decide to proceed.
If there's anything that Episode 12 showed us, it was heroism. First, Akiyama saved the gang with his trusty axe (and beloved bird costume ruined!) when it seemed all hope was lost, then Dali charged into the burning Ichijo house (with Migi following behind) to save a suicidal Eiji, and finally Micchan made yet another surprise appearance as a guardian angel and showed us that even in death, her love and willpower was strong enough to save our beloved twins once more (almost in a Jojo-esque fashion). These characters all deserve praise for their courage, but the main topic here is Dali's decision to save Eiji. While Micchan's and Akiyama's actions were understandable because of their devotion toward the twins, Dali's was very much unexpected and seemingly uncharacteristic. After all, the cold and rational Dali we know would never risk throwing his life away, much less to save a stranger that he hated and previously intended to kill. If anything, we expected the impulsive but gentle Migi to save Eiji, as he initially seemed more inclined to accept Eiji. This decision was so reckless that Dali was even (reasonably) scolded by Migi, something that pretty much never happens. That's why this decision is so important, as it highlights how far Dali has come in his character development.
Speaking of heroism, I searched various types of heroes in literature, and the Byronic hero stood out to me. This archetype, named after the English Romatic poet Lord Byron, focuses on a character with innate heroic abilities that are plagued with psychological issues and are oftentimes destroyed by their flaws. I won't go too deep into it, but I will say that from this description, it seems that Dali fits the bill here. I convinced myself of this by looking at common traits of Byronic heroes listed on TV Tropes, and almost all of them describe Dali to a tee.
Physically attractive and charismatic: I won't judge physical attractiveness, but the twins are noted by other characters to be very cute and handsome. Dali is also very charismatic in whatever role he plays (i.e. the mask he puts on), such as the twins' fearless leader, the cool and reliable older brother, the perfect son and friend Hitori, and the mysterious and alluring girl Sali.
Struggles with personal integrity: Pretty obvious here.
Intelligent, perceptive, sophisticated, educated, cunning and adaptable, but also self-centered: Definitely, as he is a great manipulator and mastermind, and is a top student (probably with an affinity for math and science) despite having no previous education. However, I'd argue that Dali is pretty selfless.
Emotionally sensitive and emotionally conflicted: Definitely, since being a great manipulator requires him to be perceptive of others' emotions. Also, at several points in the story his desire for revenge conflicted with his desire to protect Migi, with the latter eventually winning out.
Intensely self-critical, introspective, dark, and brooding: Dark and brooding is pretty obvious. Also, throughout the story, he's displayed regret for his actions, such as when he sacrificed himself and his revenge so that Migi could live, and when he finally decided to grant his brother's fervent wish in returning to Origon Village after beating him up.
Cynical, world-weary, and jaded due to a dark and troubled past: Pretty obvious here.
Extremely passionate with strong personal beliefs that he prioritizes over others': goes without saying, as he initially put revenge (and eventually protecting Migi) above everything else.
Believes that he must take the long, hard road to do what must be done: Definitely, and the Sali saga is the best showcase of this.
His intense drive and determination to live out his philosophy without regard to others' philosophies produce conflict and may result in a tragic end: Definitely; his desire for revenge conflicted with Migi's desire to live normally, and he almost killed Migi as a result.
Hopefully, this is enough to show that Dali fits this archetype, though I'm sure this could be done more rigorously. But the point was to highlight the type of person Dali was, the fact he could have suffered a tragic fate (e.g. killing Migi) like many other Byronic heroes, and his character arc. Unlike Migi, who initially imitated Dali (as befitting of the "King of Imitations") but gradually stopped as his true personality came out, Dali radically transformed, as his internalized personality flaws were being erased. Despite being initially distrustful of others, controlling, and obsessed with revenge, Dali was eventually able to befriend Akiyama and Maruta for real, build a healthier and stronger relationship with Migi, and even sympathize with Eiji and save him. All of this was possible because of Migi, who served as Dali's light and helped him grow from the deeply broken boy he was at the start of the story. As Dali stated, Migi always ruined his plans, but he realized that this was actually a good thing because Migi's kindness, sincerity, and innocence helped guide him toward the right direction. This leads me to believe that Dali's personality didn't just reverse out of nowhere; rather, deep down he wanted to make friends, he wanted Migi to be happy, and he was always a compassionate boy (even more so than Migi). He might have even possessed a light brighter than Migi's. But because of his mother's death and its associated burdens, Dali's heart hardened as he repressed this side of himself and built walls around his heart for the sake of revenge, and it was Migi who was able to tear down these walls and illuminate the darkness within Dali's heart, allowing Dali's repressed personality to come out.
Finally, let's get into Dali's decision to save Eiji. Dali finally understood that Eiji was just like him, a victim of their parents' sins, and that Eiji was always alone as he never had someone like Migi with him. Dali hated Eiji because he reminded him of himself without Migi, a deeply broken boy who only caused himself to suffer by forcing himself to fulfill an obsession (e.g. revenge and perfection). In other words, Dali hated the the dark version of himself that rejected others, hurt his brother, and caused himself to suffer for the sake of revenge. Dali was able to overcome himself because of Migi, and he wanted to extend this opportunity to Eiji as he seems to have finally accepted Eiji as his brother. This act of compassion showed us the essence of Dali's "revenge," as what he did for Eiji can't be characterized as revenge, but rather justice. Instead of getting revenge against his mother's killer, Dali sought justice for the triplets and the suffering they endured as a result of their parents' sins. His anger towards Eiji transformed into a defiance of destiny as he sought to prove that regardless of their dark past and mistakes, they could still live happily and face a brighter future. In this episode, we witnessed the depth of Dali's compassion, which was even greater than Migi's, as well as the rise of a hero who was able to overcome his darker nature. This is one of the biggest reasons why Dali is my favorite character in the story, as his character arc was just that compelling.
However, at the end, someone had to take responsibility for the tragic events that occurred that night. Eiji realized that even though he now sought to live, the life he was promised by Dali was "too sweet" for him, as he had to atone for killing Reiko and attempting to burn everyone to death. As Eiji was taken away, Dali watched with a sorrowful and/or distressed look and a new burn scar on his left cheek. On the surface level, Dali can't keep up the Hitori act anymore. But the scar may carry a deeper meaning. For example, it can be seen as a proof of Dali's courage and heroism. On the other hand, it can also be seen as a proof of Dali's sins and his failure to bring Eiji home. Knowing Dali, he might internalize the latter interpretation, and may carry a great deal of guilt and self-loathing as a result. We can only hope that in the final episode, Dali (and likely with Migi's help) resolves whatever emotional fallout there may be and can finally embrace the happy and cherry-pie-filled life with Migi and the Sonoyamas that he craved (and IMO deserved).
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peonypaint · 1 year
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very self indulgent installment in my ongoing saga of redrawing ankh and eiji as well known/older paintings of people with wings [ ID: a digital painting of ankh from kamen rider ooo, it is a redrawing of the painting "bat woman" by the painter albert joseph penot. ankh is floating mid air in front of a large mass of dark clouds, his red wings are unfolded behind him. ankhs shirt is open showing his chest, his arms are raised above his head. his face is partially shadowed and his expression is ominous. /END ID]
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ankhisms · 1 year
the saga of me having nightmare eqsue dreams where the cast of kamen rider become aware of my internet presence continues i had a dream where i became a decently successful actor and i was cast as like. yknow how sometimes in jdramas theres a random english speaking person. i was cast as that in a drama that eijis actor was in and i was like hey its really great to be able to work with you im a huge fan of your work and he pulled out his phone and showed me the noncanongayestbitches poll and was like did you make this and he wasnt even mad or anything in the dream but i was mortified and now that im awake its incredibly funny to me
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honoka-marierose · 5 months
Will the Suicide Squad ever win over the hearts of the masses? The DC comic book team jumped to the big screen in 2016 with David Ayer’s lambasted Suicide Squad, which made for a better trailer than movie. Birds of Prey tried to give Margot Robbie her own moment, but that bombed. James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy touch was supposed to redeem the villains with 2021’s The Suicide Squad, but the half-reboot, dropped in theaters and HBO Max on the same date, didn’t exactly pop. Max’s Peacemaker and Harley Quinn animated series have found success in a sitcom-ier mode, but it’s hard to call either a true Suicide Squad vehicle. Pray for Rocksteady Studios’ Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, which looks like fun... despite a number of delays.
But there’s good news for anyone hoping the Squad can truly assemble in kick-ass form: Suicide Squad Isekai. A collab between Warner Bros. Japan and Wit Studios, the new anime finds Harley Quinn, Peacemaker, Clayface, Deadshot, and King Shark jumping into an alternate universe to fight and crack wise. Amanda Waller is once again pulling the strings, sending them through some kind of interdimensional portal to complete a mission that will end in blood, one way or another. Set to Tomoyasu Hotei’s “Another World,” it feels like the perfect vehicle for the characters.
Here’s the official synopsis:
In the crime-ridden city of Gotham, Amanda Waller, the head of A.R.G.U.S., has assembled a group of notorious criminals for a mission: Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, and King Shark. These Super-Villains are sent into an otherworldly realm that’s connected to this world through a gate. It’s a world of swords and magic where orcs rampage and dragons rule the skies—an “ISEKAI”!
With lethal explosives planted in their necks, there’s no running or hiding, and failing the mission means a one-way ticket to the afterlife! Can Harley Quinn and her crew conquer this perilous ISEKAI realm?! Brace yourselves for the pulse-pounding saga of the elite task force known as the “Suicide Squad” as they embark on a jaw-dropping adventure!
Suicide Squad Isekai has quite the assembled crew itself: Working with Wit is director Eri Osada (Jujutsu Kaisen), writers Tappei Nagatsuki (Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World) and Eiji Umehara (the Vivy Prototype), and on character work, manga artist Akira Amano (Reborn!) and Naoto Hosoda (Digimon: The Movie).
As someone who enjoys John Cena’s zany Peacemaker in both Gunn’s The Suicide Squad and his Max series, I can’t argue with the potential of handing the character to over to seasoned anime artists. I mean...
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Suicide Squad Isekai is expected to roll out in 2024.
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adventofheroes · 10 months
Fanfiction-Ultraman Tiga and Trigger Saga 01- Water War
The first installment in a collaborative fanfiction series!Kengo Manaka aka Ultraman Trigger is distantly related to the ancient giant Ultraman Tiga, but how much? It all begins when Trigger meets a time displaced Tiga Dark..in this character and universe spanning start of a saga....
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Introduction- The Tiga Trigger Saga is a series of roleplays on the Ultra Zone Discord Server. Due to the nature of a roleplay, some events are naturally going to seem chaotic or strange. 
——– Indicates a writer shift to a new character
******* Indicates a character shift by the same writer
A: indicates an author note for context or general author commentary
Floating through space appears to be a large gigantic body of ocean water. Large enough to be a large asteroid, it appears to be swimming..away from the direction of Earth. And most disturbingly it’s big enough to host a small fraction of Earth’s sea creatures, as fish, coral, sand, and even dolphins can be seen within this body of water. It appears as if a large ecosystem is just…floating in space. But how? Why? Where? Deep within one would hear a monster roar..
The Story So Far 
Tiga Dark- A time-displaced ancient Tiga Dark snatched to the present just before he could grasp the light. He fears returning to his time and facing his Dark Giants. 
Written by Gom
Ultraman Trigger- Kengo Manaka, similar or near identical to events in the Ultraman Trigger TV series, but Decker and the Absolutian War are where his history deviates. 
Written by Advent/Echo 
Extra note, you know this isn’t just any water, it’s actually a part of the ocean. That’s right earth is missing a small part of the ocean. Kind of dangerous don’t you think?
A: Nobody was responding to my RP scenario so I added some informal incentive- Advent
Well, this was concerning for this Giant. The question is, he didn’t seem to fit here, out of all places possible..And so, arrived the ancient giant 30 million years ago. The original Tiga himself (X edition), confused as he simply flew beside the asteroid.
Tiga would see an earth whale float by him in the giant body of water.
“What the scallop,” He said, as he went closer. His visions kept finding for any unusual activities, excluding the flora and fauna already being the unusual part. Perhaps, a Kaiju. Maybe, a Seijin. He had this intention to pet the whale, but for some reason.. he felt wrong to do so. Maybe because of his status, perhaps.
A: “What the scallop” is Gom’s catchphrase for ALL his characters. 
A large amount of energy would be within the body of water as well as the presence of a large kaiju deeper within
Well, this was scary. But fear wouldn’t stop his massive curiosity inside. He finally dived straight into the ocean, landing on its ground for a moment. He looked everywhere, sensing the energy. Not sure if it’s harmful or not; considering he was harmful. Maybe he still is.
Inside Tiga would notice that the water is a perfect copy of Earth’s ecosystem…including all forms of animals. A battle here could be devastating..
Partially true, but his belief may not find it too problematic. He’s still, after all, learning. He may be perfectly honed to kill, destroy, corrupt.. but to protect? He continued journeying, trying to find this large amount of energy.
A violent thrash of water was behind him as if something was there. Cue theme music from Eiji tsuburaya’s Jaws
It raised his alarm bells, which made him turn around and immediately taking a fighting stance. He wasn’t sure what was it, but he was prepared more than ever.
Suddenly a powerful slash came at Tiga’s back. If he was fast enough Tiga would catch the outline of a large kaiju creature as it swam into the shadows again
Outside of the body of water, Ultraman Trigger had arrived to inspect the situation. Earth’s water had disappeared and with his ultra eyesight he could see it within deep space, but perhaps it would be best to inspect the perimeter before going on inside…
Gah, he was hit! But his eyes managed to see a glimpse of the large Kaiju.. This reminded him of his ally back then, Darramb. The underwater and all.. He blasted a simple dark slash towards where he had last seen the mysterious Kaiju.
Trigger was using something Akito taught him. Observing the situation by learning about it. He was flying around learning the mass of the body of water. But he could see something black inside..
Suddenly a whirlpool of water flew toward Tiga catching him in its grip and he would hear a giggling kaiju-like roar
So, Tiga was captured by the grip and struggled to escape from it. He heard the giggling kaiju-like roar, but his eyes seemed to be more focused on trying to escape this hold.
Slimy hands grab Tiga’s back as a monster grabs and flips him over followed by a sonic scream.
The creature is Leilons not that this Tiga would know.
Tiga immediately was rolled to the ground, but he managed to recover himself. Of course, being the past Ultra he had no prior experience with such being. But his anger and darkness surely made him see the Kaiju as nothing more but an enemy. Or the cause for this thing to happen. Thus, he ran forward and went for an attempt to land a flying kick!
Leilons had enhanced speed and strength underwater so it quickly dodged and grabbed Tiga’s foot.
“Something’s fighting the sea life!” Trigger said, “Fighting in this environment would be hazardous to Earth if he destroyed the natural habitat. Sky type would be best…”
He transformed and tossed the Circle Arms beside him. It would be too hazardous. But would this be wise or deadly? He dived in.
Tiga was struggling, with his foot being grabbed. But he tried to escape, by trying to kick it with his other leg.
Tiga’s powerful kick knocked Leilons and freed him but the kaiju was ready to really test his strength with its claws as it unleashed a flurry of claw strikes.
Bad luck for Tiga Dark, as he was hit by the flurry of claw strikes! Each strike meant a spark would come out from him, showing that he was damaged. To stop this from continuing any further, he leaped forward, charging his palm with dark energy as he attempted to land a devastating chop towards Leilons! Even if the chop didn’t work, he hoped his weight would at least ram Leilons!
The attack worked as Leilons was knocked backward, it quickly swam away into the darkness faster than Tiga could..
Which was pretty lucky, he had room to breathe. He looked around, hoping that he could escape from this sea.. But knowing Leilon’s speed, it would be unwise to do so right now.
Trigger swam toward the same energy Tiga sensed and saw him attacking Leilons. 
“Another Tiga? This isn’t very smile smile…could it be one of my Tigas who got trapped in their dark form like I did so many months ago?” 
He then caught a look at Tiga’s face before diving forward grabbing Tiga Dark by the neck! 
“One look at your face told me all I needed to know…clone. Your smile is lacking, it’s too grim. The REAL Tiga always has a warm but hopeful smile. I won’t let you dilute Tiga or our ancient race’s legacy!”
A: The first line of dialogue is referencing a storyline that was written by the previous writer of Trigger’s character. As someone who read through the backlog and enjoyed it, I wanted to give this a nod. 
A2: There is some confusion on why Trigger attacks Tiga here, so I wanted to point out that Kengo’s ability to “see” smiles on Ultras would logically have some sort of ability to see emotions. So the idea here is that Kengo thinks this Tiga is a fake because he is battle-hardened and guilt-ridden. 
Not only that, he was now choked by another Ultra! What’s with them wanting to hunt him down, and what did Trigger mean by the REAL Tiga? He is the REAL one! 
“Gaghk!-” He tried to break free from Trigger’s grip, by rapidly punching him on the face! Hmm, the way he grunted on the last one didn’t seem like a normal grunt.
Trigger could not sustain Tiga Dark’s attacks as he was pushed off. Using his superior speed to backflip away he tossed several light bullets at him 
“His strength seems as powerful as other dark ultras I’ve faced, perhaps even more. “
He formed a barrier, protecting himself from the incoming light bullets. 
“Stop!” He’s not sure what to say anymore to explain his desires, perhaps filled with fear that..
Continuing his assault of light beams, Trigger quickly swam over Tiga and dives forward like a bullet!
 “You’re aren’t as chatty as the other Dark Giants..I guess things differs in other universes”
Tiga, who had seen Leilon previously sidestepped before doing the same move as the Kaiju. He went to grab Trigger’s foot, before spinning around and throwing him elsewhere! 
“Camearra? Darramb?” He asked. Did his friend to enemies come here as well?
Trigger quickly balanced himself as he realized that this “enemy” wasn’t trying to pulverize him. It made him pause. 
“Something’s wrong..do you even know where you are? Who you are?”
He looked at himself, his hands specifically. He seemed to know who he is, just.. more confused with the Ultra in front of him. How did he know of them? 
“Were you.. with them at some point?” He asked, implying his question was meant by the four Giants of Darkness. 
He assumed this Trigger was apart of them after he left accordingly. But why light, then?
Kengo studied his face for a moment. “I’m sorry I misjudged you,” Underneath the grim facial expression, he could detect confusion not just at the current situation but at his very identity.. 
“I was part of a group of Dark Giants..before I realized I wanted more out of life when I encountered the holy light. My memory is fuzzy..reincarnation and all..”
“Reincarnated..?” That’s an interesting line. If this was really true, maybe Trigger was his reincarnation? He does not know, obviously. 
“So you do know Camearra..” “What happened? What happened to them?” He questioned. He believed they were also reincarnated as well, perhaps converted into the light..
“I do know a Carmeara in my world but I don’t know of your versions..think of us as like a fun house mirror. At least that’s what Shizuma told me. Similar but different!” Trigger said.
“Mirrors?” So, he assumed that this Trigger was nothing more than just an alternative counterpart of he, himself. So this one turned out to be good and accepted the light.. But he, who needed to accept the light? He simply just couldn’t afford to do such things. He felt guilty and wrong to do so. After all, he’s done unforgivable acts as the Giant of Darkness. “You knew my name.”
“The name “Tiga” is legend across the multiverse at least that’s what Shizuma te-“
Suddenly the water began to be moving rapidly around them..
“Breaktime’s over!”
Leilons roared as it dived between them slashing both Ultras and then quickly made its distance..
Tiga was again, hit by the incoming slash. Sure, he heard the callout but he wasn’t fast enough to react. 
“Have you ever fought this thing?” Tiga asked, now taking his battle stance behind Trigger to cover the view Trigger could not see. He hoped Trigger would do the same, covering his back.
Trigger was hit as well as he was thrown a distance away. 
“Me? He’s YOUR kaiju at least that’s what Shizuma said..he talks about you a lot. ” he said rubbing his back.
 “I caught a look at that kaiju’s face. He’s not angry or evil..but sad? Something’s very strange is happening here..”
“Huh?” That’s a strange explanation. Shouldn’t they kill the Kaiju in the first place; and surely this Tiga Dark likely had never seen this Kaiju. Due to of course, timeline shenanigans. 
“What do we do?”
“We make it smile! But hopefully, we don’t bruise it up too much. I’ll distract it, maybe you can find out where that energy is coming from.” Trigger said as he turned his back to swim the opposite direction. 
And with that, Tiga agreed to the terms Trigger given. He’d definitely treat things recklessly if he’s the one to distract Leilon. He didn’t say anything further, though. He simply waited for the Kaiju’s appearance, before splitting up with Trigger with a new objective. Find the source of the energy.
Leilons appeared into view and roared! It seemed to be focusing on Trigger. 
But before it could attack, Trigger flew first firing several light bolts at it diving under its feet.
 “Go Tiga!”
Tiga immediately bolted out of the scene to find the source Trigger talked about. He dived, but not too fast due to him not possessing the multiple arsenal Types his light entity and Trigger himself have.
Tiga would be growing closer to a stronger energy…something swirling in the water..A bright light was nearby.
A bright light? Could this be intoxicating, for the embodiment of ancient darkness himself? Tiga was a bit fearful, though. But to become a Hero.. why not? He went straight into the light, albeit with a deepened grunt.
The light appeared to be a disguise to hide something as Tiga would now a giant swirling purple portal pouring water into it. It wasn’t pouring water INTO the portal but instead, water was flowing out into space…Looking through the portal would reveal the water was coming straight from Earth’s pacific ocean!
Meanwhile, Trigger was manhandling the Leilons feeling fairly confident.
“Ahahaha.. am I too tough for you?” he joked.
Leilon’s eyes then seemed to glow purple..unusually so..
“Wait..a minute..” Trigger said.
A powerful blast from Leilons expelled Trigger away as he was now caught in a psychic hold.. “Frown..frown! Zett and Haruki told me this must be…magic!”
Was there a way to really destroy this thing? That’s really the only answer Tiga would assume after seeing the current situation. Charging up his own Dark Zeperion Ray, he blasted it towards the portal to see what would happen. Would it affect the Earth, or something else would happen?
The blast hit the portal but it fizzled out as if the portal was immune to attacks both light and dark. The portal glowed purple indicating some type of magical resistance.
Leilons controlling Trigger became slamming him onto the dirt over and over. 
Not wanting to attack in fear of endangering the wildlife around them, he lets it happen. 
Trigger felt dazed but his color timer wasn’t blinking.. “Smil-…Smidle..? Smileoo?”
How would he dispose of magic? Tiga thought to himself. It’s an energy he didn’t have enough knowledge into, but.. with magic, shouldn’t there be a mastermind who controlled the portal or some sort? A sorcerer, perhaps? Dark magician? Could Leilons be that answer? Everything seemed so hard to guess, and with each reveal felt like more questions were left unanswered..
Trigger tossed some more light beams toward Leilons. This broke the monster’s concentration and freed him from his psychic hold. Diving forward he pushed Leilons towards Tiga’s direction. 
“What’s going on?”
“Magic. Something I don’t know well,” Tiga said, grabbing Leilons thanks to Trigger’s push as he attempted multiple energy chops to damage Leilons. “There’s a portal that brings the ocean from Earth to here.”
Trigger looked up and down. “Someone is stealing our oceans..? Taking it somewhere..”
These words caused Leilons to let out a violent screech as it roared unleashing a barrage of explosive bubbles at Tiga and Trigger.
“Woah!” Trigger said throwing up a barrier, “Did you see that? It got angry when I said that..It understands..and takes offense.”
Rather than a barrier, Tiga Dark aggressively reflects away the incoming projectile. But that was only for the first, due to him finding out it’s explosive on contact. He crossed his forearms to block more. Wow, he’s tanky. “It understands us?” Speaking up was probably the worst thing Tiga could ever do. He rarely spoke in his time. “Calm it down.”
“Umm okay..Leilons.. smile smile!” Trigger shouted unsure. 
Leilons did not, in fact, smile even once, but instead twirled its hands around as they glowed purple..A lighting storm conjures up above them.
“Look out it’s crafting spells!”
Tiga Dark proceeded to try and block the raining storm, only for the impact to push him completely to the point he crashed into a seamount. “Let’s take it down,”
 Tiga’s convinced that it was better to just kill rather than saving or whatever. The thing was, what would really weaken Leilons? 
“Whatever it is, we have to find a way to weaken it. Phrases.” Tiga gave a suggestion, before trying to perform his ability; Forehead Prison which was encasing Leilons into an orb. He hoped in this way, they could think for a moment or at least give Trigger a moment to attack.
“The creature is more fairly powerful than a normal Leilons but that portal is the bigger problem..If we close it how do we get the water back to earth? But we can’t just let it sit..” Trigger charged up his light energy and fired Trigger Freezer!
 However, upon shooting instead of a flying bolt, the bolt immediately began creating ice rapidly expanding…It did hit and freeze the portal, but now ice was quickly expanding around them! 
“Uh oh…” Trigger said, “I didn’t take into account what the blast would do!”
Leilons continued banging on the shield bubble trying to escape as ice was encasing them.
“If we break the ice, it’s going to make the portal work again!” Tiga shouted. 
He had the ability to heat up and break the ice.. This was such a hard moment to choose. However, it’s clear that he preferred to let the portal continue before both of them freeze and make this entire operation fatal. With that, Tiga proceeded to directly go towards the ice- at the cost that Leilon may have broken free (the choice is up to the other roleplayer).. as he infused himself with the heat of darkness, before touching the ice. His own version of Ultra Heat Hug.
The ice is spreading fairly quickly so the heat hug breaks the portal…but the ice still begins to spread as the heat hug isn’t powerful enough..
Leilons breaks free but and tries to use its psychic attacks to break the ice, prioritizing saving the water instead of attacking.
“This is my fault! Even after all this time.. I’m still inexperienced..” Kengo said panicking.. “No time for a catchphrase..”
In a flash of light, Trigger turns into Glitter Eternity. “I’ll burn it away!” Using the power of the Eternity Core.. Trigger’s powerful light shines to heat up the ice around them..but at a great cost of energy as his color timer starts blinking..
Tiga grunted. The situation was getting dire, and he was pretty much tired too. But his colour timer didn’t blink (for the fact there was no instance of Giants of Darkness having their colour timers blinking). 
“We’re running out of time. What should we do?” Tiga asked. “You mentioned it understood us. Tell me, Leilons. Who brought everything here to space?”
Leilons screeched wildly as it fired bubbles at the remaining blocks of ice as things calmed down..water again began to again be sucking in..from earth. Back to step 1.. 
Upon hearing Tiga’s words, it turned around not looking the Ultras in the eyes..
Kengo squinted from within the light, “It’s crying..emotionally at least..”
Leilons shrugged…and reached its arms toward the portal.. closing it. Things were stable for now..
“….Why?” Tiga seemed to believe one thing- Was Leilons trying to leave the Earth? Why would it bring everyone with it, though?
Trigger looked around.. “Something’s different here. Different from earth’s oceans..” He twirled around looking for any sign. “There’s no trash..debris.. ships.. any sign of.. humanity. This isn’t a random instance, but calculated and planned.. by the Leilons..”
Leilons seemed to growl in agreement as it created a portal back to earth outside of the water. Perhaps a peace offering?
“They leave Earth so they no longer can contact humanity..?” That was a surprising reveal. So the Leilons knew what they were cooking.. “…” He’s not sure what to act at this point. Was this the right thing to do?
“We have littered our oceans..” Trigger said sadden.. “I can see why it wants to leave..”
“…Shall we leave?” Tiga asked. He’s not sure what he should do anymore, because all in his mind was just smacking tf out of Leilons.. until he understood its true intentions. 
“We’ll take care of our oceans.”
“I…no..its took a large portion of earth’s oceans.. I’m not much of a science person, but that’d do something bad to our environment.. Earth needs its water..Isolation can’t be the answer.”
Trigger’s color timer began blinking rapidly.. “I’m sorry.. for the ice thing..Tiga. I believe you can handle th-” Trigger immediately faded away into light..in his place a glowing orb of light.
“…” Tiga was silent. The Earth surely needed its water.. so what could he do? Speak up. That’s the answer. “Leilons.. No, this is the wrong thing to do.” Tiga said in a saddened tone, no- confused even.
Leilons studied Tiga.. and roared..It wouldn’t give up without a fight..perhaps even to the death Its eyes glowed purple again. It used its psychic powers to kick up a rage of dust into Tiga’s view..and then past that another barrage of bubbles..
Tiga, this time, read the incoming attack like a book. He wasn’t so sure if he should go for the kill, but he needed to do so in case he needed to live. He formed his barrier before the dust came in contact with him, making the followup useless. To counterattack, he would try and grab Leilons- before proceeding his own grand plan. To try and bring it straight out of the ocean.
Unaffected by its own bubble strikes Leilons was grabbed and tried to claw Tiga wildly. Oddly not using his dangerous magic powers..perhaps instinct had truly taken over..
And that meant an advantage for Tiga; the embodiment of ancient Darkness. Unfortunately, he was hit by the claw, which promptly forced him to throw Leilons in hopes it did go to space.
Leilons was thrown into space and it seemed to be slower too outside of its element, though I suppose being in space isn’t too different from being in water. idk there’s a lot of scientific liberties in this scenario.
Now it’s a good time to fight and going totally all out. After all- fighting in deep underwater would cause devastating effects. By flying upwards- he charged up his fist with dark energy. He went in an attempt to land a blow towards Leilons!
Tiga would feel another similar but distinct warm light within his being.
“That’s it! you got it away from the ocean” Kengo said. He appeared inside Tiga’s light with his human form. “I hope you don’t mind but I caught a ride here..”
“Huh?” Within Tiga’s light was just someone who looked like Daigo. Someone finally freed him from his agency. The light felt intoxicating at times though. Likely due to the darkness he had. “How are we taking it down?” He asked, before flying towards Leilons and unleashing a beam from his hands; his Bright Shot (Or Dark Shot, for that matter)
Leilons took the hit and tumbled backward into an asteroid. It looked up and readied a magic spell. It threw dozens of pieces of asteroid at Tiga! 
Kengo looked to see his Circle Arms still floating about.. “The Circle Arms! You can use that..!” He pointed.
He grabbed as told, using the said weapon for defensive measures- a shield, precisely. He stumbled backward, though. By using the sword-bow like weapon, he flew towards Leilons in an attempt to land a vertical slash.
Leilons continued to hurl debris at Tiga hoping to stop him in his tracks.
“It’s in bow and arrow config but it should still work as a sword staff. Look out!”
So, Tiga messed around and found out. He proceeded to shift the Circle Arms by pulling the.. ‘blade’ to create a sword staff. [SKY ARROW]
He spun the arrow, cutting down the debris. Using the energy darkness he had, he fired out multiple arrows- but imbued with his own darkness rather than light.
Tiga’s blasts seemed to be working as the arrows destroyed the incoming targets.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t protect earth’s oceans Leilons but we of the land and the water are of the same kin!” Kengo said as he transferred some of his light into Tiga to enhance his attacks.
Combined with light and darkness, Tiga fired one arrow that was more devastating than any of the previous arrows. He aimed it straight to Leilons’ head.
The light arrow flew straight through Leilons creating an explosion and wounding the creature but it was still alive. It roared. 
“What can I do with this?” Tiga Dark asked Kengo in his own light. Soon enough though, a Tiga Dark Hyper Key was created out of nothingness.
“Our light and darkness synchronized..creating something new!” Kengo said. 
Letting out a simple grunt, Tiga Dark grabbed his own Hyper Key. He shifted the Circle Arms back into- [MULTI SWORD]
He then inserted his own Hyper Key into the weapon. [MAXIMUM, BOOTUP; DARK] He then pressed the TRIGGER, and the sword engulfed itself with light and darkness! [TRUE ZEPERION SWORD FINISH]
Tiga unleashed a crescent wave attack, but far more powerful than Trigger’s own attack- thanks to them combining their own strength!
“Tiga-san…” Kengo watched as the blast soared toward Leilons.. “We were never very different after all..”
The blast flew and hit Leilons exploding the kaiju upon impact.. its explosion was purple to reflect its magical powers..
Suddenly the portal seemed to turn into a wormhole sucking all the water back to the earth.. perhaps sucking Tiga Dark in..
Ack! Tiga was pulled in a similar moment of Dyna’s wormhole! Yooooo!
“Smile.. Smile!” Kengo said as they were both pulled in. 
The portal sent all the water back into the Pacific Ocean along with Tiga Dark with Kengo.
Crashing onto the deep barren water, Tiga swam up for a moment until he floated to the sky. He flew towards nearby shore. “So it ran away because of what humanity was doing.”
“Yes..it intended to take all of the ocean’s life forms with it..” Kengo said rubbing the back of his head.
He remained silent for a moment until he landed on the nearby shore- before reverting back to his human form. He looked similar to Daigo but with a black robe. “We have to take care of the oceans, then.”
“I suppose humanity always makes ugly mistakes, from ancient times to now.. I see it now. This is why we became human light.. so we can do all we can..” Kengo stepped forward giving Tiga a bow. “I almost doomed us back there.. that would have made a mess of time..sorry. Though if its anything like my time travel adventure (my memory is fuzzy on that) I think that things will work out for the best.”
Tiga remained silent during his speech. Time travel? That was an interesting word. Because he precisely time traveled (the way is unknown, perhaps by accident or intentionally). “Time. I don’t think I’m supposed to be in this time.”
“I caught of a glimpse your memories while I was in there, maybe you caught some of mine too. You’re not the Tiga I’ve met, but you’re the same light or at least the beginning of your growing light. You’re the Tiga from ancient times.. before..” Kengo’s voice trailed off fearing of creating something called a parallel isotope that Ribut told him about one time.. “Just keep discovering yourself Tiga. You’ll find your answers.”
And he did (Owner never watched the show sorry bros), with him giving a nod in agreement. “Find myself..” He muttered. He pulled out his own transformation device- The Dark Sparklence.. “This is the time we depart. May I know your name?” He put back his transformation device into his own robe.
“I’m Manaka Kengo.. aka Ultraman Trigger.. New Generation Tiga!” Kengo said this proudly finally understanding the significance of both of their lives being so similar.
A: [hardest title drop ever]
He let out a small grunt. To be fair, he did find it funny. “Kengo, have this.” He said, lending out the Hyper Key of Tiga Dark to Manaka Kengo. “Call me Taiga, or Tiga. Your choice.” He finished the interaction with a small smile, before walking away.
Epilogue of things to come..
Kengo caught the Tiga Dark and observed it closely. 
“I better not let Ignis steal this one!” he said before turning to run off into the opposite direction. 
He was sure he’d run into Tiga again and he’d tell Shizuma about this adventure soon. He smiled looking at the setting sun and realized he hadn’t actually been on Earth in a while..Mars had taken up most of his time..in fact now that he realized it he was kind of lost.
Until he ran across this young woman standing on the beach seeming to be looking out into the sea.
The young woman turned to notice Kengo. “Homesick?” 
She was dressed in all black and had a strange looking pendant, she looked around the same age as Kengo.
“I was gonna ask you the same thing..” Kengo said, “But yes I am kind of lost.”
“Don’t worry..go straight this way and you’ll make your way back to the mainland,” she said.
“Thank you!” Kengo said as he walked off.
You’re welcome…” she said, “Trigger..”
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sagadivision · 1 year
Ayaka’s thoughts on Ginza Division
“I stumbled across this curious building when I was in Ginza on a trip to see a doctor who was willing to…work with me on the whole doll thing” She hums “Its the first priest I’ve ever met- i asked him a few questions and can you believe it…he actually answered them!!!”
She laughed
“Of course I ran back to Megumi the moment she came running up to yell at me…she told me not to speak to this guy ever again” she shrugs “i don’t know why”
“Hmmm? PROFILE? Oh that one social media app? Of course I have one- who doesn’t” The doll like girl giggles “I don’t post often though- sometimes I post some sweets I get at my local bakery!”
She frowns “I don’t like myself enough to post a picture of myself”
“Oh this guy! He’s an asshole!” Ayaka smiles at her snarky little comment “Mizu hates him! I’ve never even met him before so I don’t have much right to judge”
Last Judgment
“Last Judgement hm? Sounds scary~!” She giggles “I’ve seen scarier things though! They best not underestimate what we can do!”
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demifiendrsa · 5 months
Suicide Squad ISEKAI Teaser Trailer (with English captions)
Suicide Squad ISEKAI will premiere in 2024. Tomoyasu Hotei is performing the opening theme song "Another World."
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Key visual
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Anna Nagase as Harley Quinn
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Yuichiro Umehara as The Joker
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Reigo Yamaguchi as Deadshot
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Takehito Koyasu as Peacemaker
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Jun Fukuyama as Clayface
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Subaru Kimura as King Shark
Director: Eri Osada
Character Design Draft: Akira Amano
Character Design: Naoto Hosoda
Screenplay: Tappei Nagatsuki, Eiji Umehara
Music: Kenichiro Suehiro
Animation Production: Wit Studio
In the crime-ridden city of Gotham, Amanda Waller, the head of A.R.G.U.S., has assembled a group of notorious criminals for a mission: Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, and King Shark. These Super-Villains are sent into an otherworldly realm that's connected to this world through a gate. It's a world of swords and magic where orcs rampage and dragons rule the skies—an “ISEKAI”! With lethal explosives planted in their necks, there's no running or hiding, and failing the mission means a one-way ticket to the afterlife! Can Harley Quinn and her crew conquer this perilous ISEKAI realm?! Brace yourselves for the pulse-pounding saga of the elite task force known as the “Suicide Squad” as they embark on a jaw-dropping adventure!
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