#safaris lodges
ginger-by-the-sea · 8 months
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jurassicateer · 3 months
The Safari Lodge: Now Open!
We are pleased to announce that Safari Lodge, our new bungalow-style hotel, is now open!
These beautiful villas of straw-roofed buildings and elevated treehouse platforms were conceived by John Hammond himself for Jurassic Park, and it has long been our hope to recover yet more of his vision for Jurassic World. Not only does the Lodge allow guests to enjoy jungle life in comfortable accommodations, it also features an adjoining rainforest garden; rock-walled swimming pool and Jacuzzi; a Traders Outlet gift shop; and our new Bird Mimic eatery, which includes an extensive vegan buffet and salad bar!
But what could possibly make this better, we wonder? Oh, of course: dinosaurs! Specifically, a flock of Struthiomimus, an ostrich-like species related to Gallimimus and Archaeornithomimus. These lovely ladies can be seen directly from the balcony of the Safari Lodge, living peacefully in their garden-style habitat. Be sure to ask your concierge about guided walking tours into the enclosure!
Book your bungalow at the Safari Lodge today!
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arc-hus · 2 years
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Game Lodge, Khomas, Namibia - Slee & Co Architects
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mypepemateosus · 1 year
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xtruss · 9 months
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A Spotless Giraffe, Pictured in Namibia 🇳🇦, was seen and photographed for the first time in the wild just weeks after another animal with this type of coloring was born at a U.S. 🇺🇸 Zoo. Photograph By Eckart Demasius and Giraffe Conservation Foundation
Another Rare Spotless Giraffe Found—the First Ever Seen in the Wild
The sighting occurred just weeks after the unusual condition was seen in a newborn giraffe at a Tennessee zoo. Is it more common than scientists thought?
— By Dina Fine Maron | September 12, 2023
Just weeks after a giraffe at a U.S. Zoo was born missing its characteristic spots, another spotless giraffe calf has now been seen and photographed in the wild for the first time.
The unprecedented sighting occurred at Mount Etjo Safari Lodge, a private game reserve in central Namibia. Tour guide Eckart Demasius saw and photographed the solid-brown calf during a game drive on the roughly 90,000-acre reserve, according to the Giraffe Conservation Foundation. Demasius, who was not immediately available for comment, shared his photos with the giraffe nonprofit.
Sara Ferguson, a wildlife veterinarian and conservation health coordinator at the foundation, says the two recent spotless sightings are pure coincidence and that there’s no data to suggest this coloring is occurring more frequently than it had in the past.
This finding is just another example of “the weird way the world works” she says, adding that she’s “so amazed and pleased there is so much more to learn and discover about giraffe.”
Genetic Anomalies
The spotless reticulated giraffe born at Brights Zoo in Limestone, Tennessee, earlier this summer was recently named Kipekee, which means “Unique” in Swahili. The recent wild sighting occurred in another giraffe subspecies found in southern Africa, the Angolan giraffe.
Before these recent births, a giraffe with all-brown coloring was last seen at a Tokyo Zoo in 1972.
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The spotless giraffe and its mother were photographed on a reserve with around 800 giraffes in central Namibia 🇳🇦. Photograph By Eckart Demasius and Giraffe Conservation Foundation
Scientists, including Ferguson, believe the solid coloring is likely due to one or more genetic mutations that haven’t yet been identified.
Some aspects of giraffe spots are passed down from mother to calf, according to a 2018 study in the Journal Peer J, and larger, rounder spots appear to be linked to higher survival rates for younger giraffes, but the reasons for that remain unclear.
Derek Lee, a Biology Professor at Penn State University and a co-author on the PeerJ Study, says that technically these two recent examples are not spotless animals, but instead —"one-spot-all-over giraffes."
It’s impossible to say what this genetic anomaly means for the animal’s health, he says, but there’s no evidence the color difference puts the animal at a disadvantage.
“We have a sample size here of one, so time will tell what happens.”
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dlyarchitecture · 1 year
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Mountain Gorillas in Uganda - Following & Trekking The Great Apes In Virunga Massif Of Mgahinga National Park
Mountain Gorillas call this smallest national park in Uganda home but is also paradise to many enthusiastic travelers. Mgahinga National Park is a game on its own with a natural and wide biodiversity. Located at the extreme south border of Uganda, Rwanda and DR Congo. The 3 countries share the Virunga massif which is divided into 3 National parks, Mgahinga national Park shared by Uganda and…
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jhsharman · 1 year
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From Laugh Comics #267 (1973).
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checkoutafrica · 1 year
Discover the Unique and Remote Shipwreck Lodge in Namibia's Skeleton Coast
The Shipwreck Lodge in Namibia’s Skeleton Coast is a remote and unforgettable destination that offers a truly unique experience. Situated in one of the most isolated areas of the world, the lodge is surrounded by stunning desert landscapes, wild beaches, and rusting shipwrecks that have been stranded along the coast for centuries. Designed to blend in with the natural environment and mimic the…
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logi1974 · 2 years
Stretching from the Linyanti River all the way to Savute Marsh, the winding waterways of the Savute Channel have pumped life into the western section of Chobe National Park for many thousands of generations. However, this fickle and unpredictable channel, which has a fascinating history of flooding and drying up, independently of good rainy seasons and flood levels elsewhere, has mystified local inhabitants, geologists and others for many years.  When David Livingstone, the first European to visit the area, saw the Savute Channel in 1851 it was flowing. Thirty years later it had disappeared and the Savute Marsh had dried out, remaining this way for almost 80 years. It flowed again from the late 1950s to the early 1980s, when it again receded, hence its reputation as ‘the river that flows in both directions’.
Die gewundenen Wasserwege des Savute-Kanals, die sich vom Linyanti-Fluss bis nach Savute Marsh erstrecken, haben über viele Generationen Leben in den westlichen Teil des Chobe-Nationalparks gebracht. Doch dieser wankelmütige und unberechenbare Kanal, der unabhängig von guten Regenzeiten und Überschwemmungen anderswo eine faszinierende Geschichte von Überschwemmungen und Austrocknung hat, hat Einheimische, Geologen und andere seit vielen Jahren Rätsel bereitet. Als David Livingstone, der erste Europäer, der die Gegend besuchte, 1851 den Savute-Kanal sah, floss er. Dreißig Jahre später war es verschwunden und die Savute Marsh war ausgetrocknet und blieb fast 80 Jahre lang so. Er floss von Ende der 1950er bis Anfang der 1980er Jahre wieder, als er wieder zurückging, daher sein Ruf als „der Fluss, der in beide Richtungen fließt“.
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janameerman · 1 year
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yhakenyatravel · 2 years
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Experience the Majesty of Masai Mara with Our Tailored Safari Itineraries!
Cheetahs playing in masai mara Embark on an unforgettable journey to witness the Great Wildebeest Migration in Masai Mara, renowned as one of Africa’s premier wildlife parks. Our expertly crafted safari itineraries cater to every preference, whether you seek budget-friendly options, midrange comfort, or luxurious indulgence. Why Choose Us – Wild Race Africa Safaris – for Your Masai Mara Safari…
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theadventureoffice · 5 days
Experience the Thrill of Malawi Adventure Holidays
Are you ready for an adventure like no other? Malawi Adventure Holidays offer you the opportunity to explore stunning landscapes, embark on thrilling safaris, and immerse yourself in rich cultural experiences. Our personalized itineraries are designed to ensure you get the most out of your adventure. Picture yourself cruising on the clear waters of Lake Malawi, spotting elephants and lions in the wild, and participating in local cultural festivals. Dive into the heart of Africa with Malawi Adventure Holidays and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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