#sad milfs
ranjxtul · 10 months
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iviarelleblr · 4 months
Genuinely fascinated at the showrunners of live-action ATLA misunderstanding the purpose of a character arc so badly. Like, I don't live in that fandom, I'm not super emotionally invested, but it feels rather on the same level as the guys who made Game of Thrones saying "themes are for 8th grade book reports" and Disney trying to shoehorn extra modern feminism into the Beauty and the Beast live action adaptation. In this case, characters need arcs, and sometimes that means a good character does bad things at first so they can learn to do better, because it's REALLY IMPORTANT ACTUALLY that kids get to internalize that doing bad things now doesn't mean you're bad forever.
Meanwhile we've got the Wheel of Time adaptation over here saying "The first books were written with only a loose outline of the series arc and for an audience more than a generation removed from today's sensibilities. We're going to tighten up the story structure, avoid repeating some character beats to death the way the books did, and generally make this a smoother journey than the books are, as well as shorter, but still with all the satisfaction of an arc trajectory well executed. Also make it queerer." Like, legitimately, I'm in Discords with people who Know Their Shit, and even the costume department read the brief and had a professional costumer predicting book 14 plot points just from embroidery on an outfit and a certain camera-cut in episode 1x02. In season 2, some other authors were analyzing the story beats and showing us in full-spoiler channels exactly how the changes being made are setting up the endgame in some ways better than the original author was equipped to when he thought the story was going slightly different places.
Good adaptations are possible, but you need someone at the helm who understands why a story is doing what it's doing. Rafe Judkins's team is doing incredible work on WOT but he also hired a book consultant, who read the series dozens of times, and can help balance the needs of the original story against the needs of the television medium. You can't adapt a story unless you understand the story, and it seems like the ATLA people are doing a lot of the same things that Disney's live action adaptations of their former animated hits have been doing: adapting the superficial layer of the story without understanding its underpinnings and why those resonated so much with audiences.
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sodafrog13 · 1 month
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younger butch (idiot)/older femme (into that) is like S tier combo to me
also some little things that i liked + alt sweetheart thoughts under the cut:
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tee-wells · 10 months
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yall.... Darla's campaign ended awhile ago why have i not posted all her alternate outfits
anyways she was sad, pathetic, and divorced the whole time and I truly love her for that
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clarklexlois · 11 months
it’s so funny to me that I started reading xmen comics bc I love movie cherik and then somehow I ended up falling for fucking Banshee and Moira literal middle aged average heterosexual couple
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flamingthespian · 1 year
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fescues · 6 months
Went to dyke nite at a gay bar last night, had a great time, bought a shirt from a vendor there, and then immediately lost the shirt (I think maaayybe in my uber home?) that I just spent 30 bucks on :|
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loyaltytm · 1 year
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[ lee sung kyung, she/her, cisfemale ] — was that PENELOPE RIDDELL? the THIRTY TWO year old is a FORTNUM AND MASON CLERK, how exciting to see them this season! rumors have it they are NURTURING and WARM, but i’ve heard they are PROTECTIVE and DRY as well — maybe that’s why they’ve been called the CANCERIAN. I have even heard that HER CHILDREN WERE NOT HER LATE HUSBAND’S. —  only time will tell. 
full name: penelope riddell née song nickname: pen, penny, pea age: two and thirty years old gender + pronouns: cisfemale + she/her sexuality: heterosexual marital status: widowed, unbetrothed
nationality: british social standing: working class, single mother and widower languages: english education: homeschooled occupation: general store clerk hobbies: sewing, embroidery, drawing, painting, playing with her daughter
height: 5'10" build: on the thinner side due to stress and poor diet hair: dark brown, usually tied up and out of her face eyes: lifted , fox-like eyes complexion: pale skin in a permanent state of rosy, borderline flush with fever fashion: would be more stylish if she had the flexibility to be
tw partner death, child death
although she lived a life long before her husband and children came along, its hard to remember when you hold such little regard for the time. her youth, although the memory escapes her, is spent in a small orphanage in london with an elderly widow. pen grows up drawing in the dirt and imagining a life where she might build her own family. she knew that when she would be so lucky to have them, she would hold them so close that they would never know the loneliness she felt as a child.
now despite being a lonely child, penelope grows up to be beautiful woman. she has no problem in finding a husband, but she finds love in the brown eyes benjamin riddell. he has a family of six siblings and two parents to complete the set and pen has never known such love than to be with their family. ben is dependable, and kind, and although he is gone most of the year as a sailor, there are happy together. her heart aches when he leaves but soon... while he sets sails, pretty penelope's tummy grows rounder and rounder until the fruit of her womb grows so heavy she has no choice but to give birth to her son with only the midwife and her husband’s sisters by her side. all is well for the months where he is home, and when he isn't, she has her darling little bumble bee, benjamin riddell ii.
bee, just shy of eleven, takes her hand solemnly. please mama, can i go with papa? he looks so eager and ben is happy to spend more time with his son but what should be a calm day in the water culminates into a freak storm. although she promises to hold her little family tight, there are times when your grip slackens. the days afterwards are wrought with nausea, sick with grief, so she thinks.
if it hadn't been for her sister in law, penelope would have feared for the worst. seraphine's offer to let her stay in her cottage until she could land on her feet is kind, and its even kinder that she does not rescind it when she finds out pen is with child. she is by her side when she gives birth to the last of their little family, gwendolyn riddell. some people are nasty and their cruel speculation brings about baseless rumours.
now, her heart still aches for her boys. every fibre of her being is tainted with grief, missing them both dearly despite having long completed their journey to the pearly gates. but pen has no intention of losing herself in her grief, knowing she has a young daughter to take care of. she will not make the mistake of letting go again. to support her and her daughter, pen works at fortnum and mason.
tldr; a single mom, working at fortnum and masons to support her daughter while being sad about losing her husband and son < / 3
pen has a motherly disposition, bleed through of her parenting style. she’s nurturing and warm — always happy to offer a kind word or wrap you in a warm hug if need be. she also makes a mean mug of soup.
having suffered loss after loss, pen prefers to hold what she loves to her chest. over-protective, maybe. cautious is what she’d rather say. she doesn’t chase adventures like her boys had been. practical-minded, she’d rather keep her feet on the ground.
she loves to doodle. the thought of being an artist never crossed her pragmatic mind, but she does love the idea of painting.
if she finds that you’re a little too wild for her speed or she does not like your conversation, she will curl into herself and shrink. she has a tendency to become dry.
wanted connections
flirty customers idk maybe they only come to fortnum and masons and buy the overpriced cheese because they wanna see the milfs
friends of her late husband! he was a sailor!
get her out of the house mayb,
ajfkjfdkfgkn i would like unlikely friends
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welcometoteyvat · 5 months
zhongli + 12 & 20
ty for the ask anon!! <3 :D
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
he had an extensive conversation with rukkhadevata about phylogeny and then mythology, and named azhdaha after her word for dragon. his branched tail reminded him of that discussion. not strictly mine but adopted from an incredible fic (rezhong. please read it. i'm begging)
also some liyue poems used to have a melody/tune with them, so you can turn them into songs (guizhong sometimes wrote simple melodies for poems she heard among her people). nobody really remembers the tune now besides zhongli and ping
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
contestants include azhdaha venti and xianyun/cloud retainer but i'll go w venti bc rock and wind sky and earth dichotomy is real (they're enriching each other in a little terrarium rn)
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thankyoumskobayashi · 7 months
we finally get to see her
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