itzel1004 · 2 years
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Hace 9 años con mi mini jirafa por #Ryeowook #려욱 #Ryeosomnia🦒💙💖 (at Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfcV5Btpj6Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ryeoksuni · 4 years
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Let’s start again!
Hello, I’m Nahir. I’ll try to be active in my tumblr acc~
I’ll design/edit (?) icons, headers and stuff... or at least that’s my plan, lol.
I like Super Junior and anime, so you know what to expect from this account. Also, I’m learning about Photoshop on my own (be aware of this TT) but I’ll try my best!
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smarchieve · 5 years
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suju headers fandoms neon 3/3
→ reblog if you save/use
→ requests are welcome
→ only sm artists
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superjunior-lovelf · 5 years
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Ryeowook supporters @sjofficial @leedonghae @siwonchoi @gyuram88 @xxteukx
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naegaworld · 5 years
but i'm over youuuuuuu oppa 🖤
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utprianti88 · 4 years
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#chokyuhyun #chokyuhyunnie #gyuram88 #gaemgyu #superjunior #timeslip #kyuhyun #elf #sparkyu #angels #clouds #siwonest #elfish #jewels #pumpkins #petals #gengfans #camomile shinsfriendss #snowers #ryeosomnia (di Jalan Bojongkoneng Atas Cibeunying Kabupaten Bandung) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8D3SlUHxJH/?igshid=j7eb4fhz1wcq
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- 17.09.15 - ESP - Ryeowook estará participando en el "Concierto Gimul"~ -
- 17.09.15 - PT - Ryeowook participará do ‘Concerto Gimul’ - 
Cred: MxRyeosomnia
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inkstainedfanfics · 7 years
Hey, I've got a drabble request.. Can I have a Spn Castiel x reader with loads of fluff? Maybe an aftermath of the season 12 finale cause I'm still not over that.
You trudge into the motel room, annoyed, exhausted, but not angry. You should be. The hunt ended with no serious injuries, which you’re grateful for. Unfortunately, that worry was replaced with a lovely interaction with the local police and, worse, your celebration with Dean at the bar ending with an entire plastic cup of beer spilling over your shirt.
It’s an old shirt, but you’re fond of it and now it’s ruined for the night. All you’d wanted to do from the moment you’d felt that blood splatter over you was come back to the room, change into pajamas, and watch stupid movies until you fell asleep. You’d felt bad, though, when Sam and Cas decided to go to a restaurant and leave Dean at the bar alone. So you’d agreed to accompany him. For a few drinks, you’d been happy, actually thought you’d made the right choice. Then the man had shoved Dean and one thing led to another and now you’re peeling off your soaking shirt and tossing it onto the ground.
Grumbling to yourself, you dig through the dresser drawer, trying to find another shirt.
One certain one, grey and way too big for you, catches your eye.
You know you shouldn’t, but you pick it up, slipping it over your head and breathing in the sweet scent that clings to it. The irritation you still feel starts to ebb away as it hangs off your body. It’s warm like a hug, and softer than you’d imagined it would be.
You smile despite your evening and reach down to get a pair of sweatpants. Grabbing the remote from next to the TV, you cross the room and crawl under the fluffy comforter. Shuffling under it, you stack two pillows behind your back and curl up. Somehow, the TV starts up with no issues. You wonder if your night really is getting better.
Flipping through the channels, you stop on some cheesy rom-com and pull the comforter up to your chin.
You don’t know how long you stay like that, content, exhaustion slowly taking over and tugging on your eyelids, but you don’t bother to move when the front door creaks open again.
“There you are.”
“Hey, babe.” You try to say, though it’s a little slurred from sleep.
Cas shrugs off his jacket, laying it over the back of a chair. “I thought you were with Dean.”
“I was.” You sit up, stretching. “Then I had an entire beer spilled on me and I decided I was done with that.”
Cas frowns. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Dean just got in a fight again.”
Cas slides off his shirt, approaching the dresser. He doesn’t sleep at night, at least, you think he doesn’t, but you’ve convinced him over the last few months to change into sweatpants and a T-shirt before he lays down in the bed. You’d woken up one too many times with marks on your face from the buttons on his shirt.
He digs through the clothes. “Have you seen my grey shirt? The one I wear to bed?”
You blush. “Um, maybe?”
He glances at you over his shoulder. “Maybe?”
“I might know where it is.”
He returns to rifling through the clothes. “Where? I thought I saw it in here.”
You slide out of bed, padding over to Cas, wobbling from exhaustion. “I think it was stolen.”
“Stolen?” Cas turns to you, face contorted in confusion until he sees you. You wait for his reaction, twisting the shirt’s hem in your hands.
You nearly sigh in relief when he smiles. “I see.”
“My shirt was ruined and this one looked so comfy. You can have it back. I’ll change.”
Cas wraps his calloused hands around yours, stopping you. “No, you keep it.”You feel your heart flip at his look. “Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” He clears his throat. “You… look good in it.”
“Thanks.” You murmur, suddenly shy, though you’re not sure why. You’ve been dating him for months.
But when he runs his hands up and down your arms, knocking the goosebumps away, you realize why. He’s looking at you like he never has before. There’s no worry in his gaze, no terror, no concern over how a hunt will end or how a wound will heal. There’s just happiness: Happiness and adoration.
A look you’re sure is reflected in your own eyes.
You swallow, enjoying the light feeling in your stomach, and pop onto the tips of your toes to press a kiss to Cas’s nose.
He runs his hands up to your biceps, gripping them tight as he leans down to press a slow, steady kiss against your lips.
Your legs wobble under you, a combination of nerves and exhaustion. Still, you reach up, wrapping your arms around his neck. Cas deepens the kiss, tracing the outline of your body with his hands before bundling the sides of the soft shirt in his hands.
He deepens the kiss further, tugging you against his bare chest, letting you run your hands through his dark hair, bumping your nose with his whenever he tilts his head the other way, helping you stand when your knees threaten to give up again.
Your stomach flutters when he lets go of the shirt and rests his hands on your hips, guiding you backward.
When your calves hit the bed, Cas takes your face into his hands, gently pushing you back a few inches. “You need to sleep.”
“I’m fine.” You mumble even though your blinks are getting longer and longer.
He chuckles, stepping away so you can crawl into the bed. He gets in on the other side, eyeing your stack of pillows.
“You can have one.” You say, pulling the comforter over yourself.
Cas smiles. “I’m okay. Will you sleep now?”
“But kisses.” You whine as you turn on your side to see Cas.
He smiles. “Tomorrow.”
He rubs his thumb over your cheek until you drift off into a peaceful sleep.
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xryeowook · 4 years
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Ryeowook as 'J' on the musical 광염소나타 [Sonata of a Flame].
공연 장소: 대학로 유니플렉스 1관
공연 기간: 2020년 8월 15일(토) - 2020년 8월 30일(일) / 2020년 9월 18일(금)-2020년 9월 27일(일).
Performance: 15.08 (Thu), 30.08 (Sun), 18.09 (Fri) & 27.09 (Sun).
Venue: Performing Arts Theater, Uniplex Building 1,Daehak-ro.
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adrenaline-roulette · 4 years
I am flesh and I am bone
Here’s a little sneak peak of Chapter Three for I am flesh and I am bone. I won’t give too much away, but just know we’ll be getting a few time jumps this time round, and things will be hotting up between reader and Ahk...  This goes out to @thisheartbeatsonlyforyou  (I hope you like it!)
This is just the first two pages, as you probably know by now, there will be heaps more when the official chapter comes out.
And I just want to say how sorry I am that it has taken me so long to get any kind of an update out for this fic, but just hang in there, it’s coming soon I promise!
Pairing: Ahkmenrah x Reader Warnings: Language 
Chapters One and Two here so you know what’s going on!
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Sneak peak to chapter three (title is coming, but I don’t wanna give too much away)
Things were changing, or should you say, things had changed. When you returned to school the following week, your friends no longer wanted anything to do with you. At first, you thought perhaps it was just so they could talk about the weekend’s party, without rubbing it in that you hadn’t been there. Of course, this was fine. However, as Monday wore on, and not a single person had so much as said hello to you, it occurred to you that perhaps things had changed more dramatically than first assumed.
You allowed this to go on for a few days, not wanting to be the person to cause conflict within your friendship group. Though one evening, as you sat at your desk, finishing off your homework for the day, it occurred to you, that there was no friendship group anymore. At least, not one which included you. This startling realisation had caused you to burst into tears, falling back to your bed where you cradled your pillow to your chest tightly. The people you had known for years, the same people whom you called your best friends, they no longer wanted anything to do with you. But why? What had changed in such a short period of time?
Once your tears had calmed, leaving only a stinging sensation now, you crawled off your bed, in search of your phone. You had to know what had happened. You deserved to know the truth at the very least, right? Finding your phone, you find the person whom you had once contacted the most, pressing call and waiting for the number to dial.
“Hello?” Amber’s voice flows through, and you almost cry again at just hearing her voice. It had been nearly an entire week, and in that time you had missed her voice more than anything.
“Amber, its me.” You practically whisper whether for your own benefit or hers, you were unsure.
There’s a pause down the line, and you can hear her fumble with the phone for a moment, before pressing it to her ear again. “Y/N? What’s going on?”
At that, you laugh, you can’t help but! “What’s going on? That’s what I wanted to know!”
“What do you mean?” Her voice is testing, almost as if she were about to spit fire and start a fight if so prompted.
“What have I done? What did I do wrong?”
There’s that pause again, only this time there’s no movement for her end. The pause comes from Amber attempting to find the right words to explain the situation to you. “Things changed at the party. And, well, you weren’t there to experience them. We’ve all grown up now Y/N. But you haven’t.”
“You’ve grown up? What? In the span of less than a week?” You cry out, before biting down hard on your lower lip. You weren’t sure if your parents were still awake, and if they were they wouldn’t like knowing you were on the phone so late.
“Yes! A lot happened at the party alright? But you wouldn’t know that would you? No! Because you were too busy at that bloody museum!” Her voice is pinched, and you know there’s more where that outburst came from.
“You know I make plans! One weekend a month you know that I’m not free.”
“Yes, I know. Everybody knows! You go to the museum to study, so you can go to a good college and be the best of the best! We all know you’re the smart one in our group! Fuck man, you always have been! But you don’t have to remind us all that you’re going to be the one to succeed while the rest of us fail!”
It’s your turn to pause now, sucking in a deep breath and squeezing your eyes shut. “I never meant it to come across that way Amber. I promise.”
“I just don’t understand what is so special about that museum? What information is there that can’t be found in one closer to home? Or hell, even online?”
Your eyes fly open, and for the first time you’re left without any answers. Aside from the obvious, displays coming alive at night. What was it that kept drawing you back? The information that Rebecca provided you was something you could easily source via a phone call, or email. The displays themselves, while they provided a great source of conversation, held the same information as what could be found on Google. Your heart hammered in your chest, pounding against your ribcage like a jackhammer. You knew the real reason you kept coming back, but it was hardly something you could share, at least not fully. “The- There’s this guy there…”
Amber squeals shrill loudly, and you have to pull the phone away from your ear to prevent yourself going deaf. “No fucking way! Y/N! You never said anything about there being a guy? Fuck dude, if you had, I mean, I never would’ve questioned you! Who is he?”
She’s babbling now, and you feel as if the weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders. How long have you been hiding this? How long have you been wanting to tell someone? Two, maybe three years at least? The final question is what stumps you. How the hell are were you supposed to explain to her that the guy you were interested in, and who was the soul reason you kept returning to the museum, was a thousands year old Egyptian Pharaoh? Oh right, you couldn’t! “He’s a young docent. He’s nineteen, comes from Cambridge, and is studying ancient Egypt, like me.”
Taglist:  @lana-isabelle​ @polarcrystall​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​ @ryeosomnia​ @thenewnightguard​ @stfuchaase​ @rjwinterfell​ If you want to be added for when the official chapter comes out, let me know!
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abd-illustrates · 5 years
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(Submitted by @ryeosomnia)
“Don’t know if you’ve seen this already, but your art was on the login screen!”
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goofylittlebear · 4 years
This is the first sketch/ the test run for the princess bride au (I’ll draw the whole bit, but so far this is what I have).
I’ll do a bit more than the drawings, but I thought this would be fun to share.
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I know this is in no way complete but you said you wanted to be tagged if I ever expanded on this. (Also, would you mind telling me if you’d still want to be tagged for future drawings/sketches/works of the au?)
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ryeoksuni · 2 years
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i’m /kinda/ back? lol.
i made twitter headers or at least i tried. use them if you feel like it.
> support Ryeowook’s 3rd Mini Album ‘A Wild Rose’ ~
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neonwizardheehee · 5 years
Individual member fandom name
Super Junior: Leeteuk: Angel Heechul: Petal Hangeng: Gengfan Yesung: Cloud Kangin: Chamomile Shindong: ShinFriends Sungmin: VitaMins Eunhyuk: Jewels Siwon: Siwonests Zhou Mi: Mitang Donghae: ELFish Ryeowook: Ryeosomnia Kibum: Snowers Kyuhyun: Gamers Henry: Strings
For shinee it's: Onew: MVPs Jonghyun: Blingers Key: Lockettes (and Little Freaks) Minho: Flamers Taemin: Taemints
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superjunior-lovelf · 5 years
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Our lovely mc #mcryeowook #ryeowook #asong4u #screencap #cute #ryeosomnia
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utprianti88 · 4 years
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#chokyuhyun #chokyuhyunnie #gyuram88 #gaemgyu #superjunior #timeslip #kyuhyun #elf #sparkyu #angels #clouds #siwonest #elfish #jewels #pumpkins #petals #gengfans #camomile shinsfriendss #snowers #ryeosomnia (di Jalan Bojongkoneng Atas Cibeunying Kabupaten Bandung) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8D3PNWnP0Y/?igshid=m26ncsedwzxe
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