#rwby vol 6: Ms. Belladonna
zazabelle · 6 years
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RWBY Volume 6: Ms. Belladonna
In honor of the newest season of RWBY and the one year anniversary of my first RWBY motion comic, I present, ANOTHER MOTION COMIC!!! WOOO! 
This one is definitely not as long as the first but I think I have the process down to a science! There’s a lot more animating involved and I’m so proud of what I got done in the short time I had to work on it and I hope you guys like it! 
As what seems to be the reoccurring theme in my prediction comics, the plot of this comic aligns with the events of the newest season in that it’s an event that is implied to have happened but we never actually see it occur! 
This one definitely has more elements of Ozpin possibly being the aura parasite I think he might end up being to Oscar, but I’m not 100% sure yet so I’m leaving it as a hint! 
The inspiration for this comic was literally just me wondering what the most convincing thing Oz would have to say to Blake to get her to believe that he is who he is, and I remembered the interrogation scene back in season 2 or 3 where he mentioned the bow and I went from there!
Also, I can’t say this enough, THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT! Thank you to everyone who gave me the surprise of reblogging my first comic that long year ago and to the nearly 10K peeps that have watched it as a comic dub on YouTube. I keep my expectations on the reception to what I create low because I think it’s great, but the internet is weird. So the warm fuzzies I get whenever I think about “Oz and the Scarecrow” is so overwhelming and encouraging!
I hope to work on the RoosterTeeth RWBY department someday, as a writer, a concept artist, an animator, whatever they’ll have me as! So the support of these comics is beyond encouraging towards that goal. 
Anyway! Hope you enjoy “Ms. Belladonna” and here are the links to my original comic and the dub!
RWBY Volume 5: Oz and the Scarecrow: https://zazabelle.tumblr.com/post/166712517350/rwby-volume-5-oz-and-the-scarecrow-this-is-the
Comic Dub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAbyPdEqvWI
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