#rvb grid
xheerios · 5 months
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leonardalphachurch · 7 months
uhhh. rvb steamer au.
church is like. guy who gets mad at video games. you know the type.
tucker DOES stream games but tends spend more time talking to chat and is basically a just talking streamer at this point
grif and simmons are nearly always guesting in each others streams. they say it’s because their roommates so they can’t stream at the same time but it works fine when they do group streams 🤔
grid does a lot of commentary/reaction streams bc you can do those lying down
simmons plays a lot of puzzle games and bans anyone in his chat who says he’s bad at them. they all move to grif’s chat to shittalk simmons instead
donut doesn’t really stream games very much but he IS on tiktok promoting every beauty/wellness/diet scam imaginable. not because he’s trying to scam people but because he truly believes in every one of them
kai also doesn’t stream but she has an OF and guests in blue teams streams. sometimes invited sometimes not
sarge is a weird old man that plays like. historically accurate rts games and literally everyone is like. how the fuck did this old guy get into your guys group and none of the reds and blues can remember
caboose streams like once a month just the weirdest things possible. like socpens but you can’t tell if he’s serious or not. or if it was an accident. he’s by far the most popular of the group.
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clocks-are-round · 2 days
my partner and i are introducing each other to new songs and we’re prefacing some of them with what rvb characters they make us think of lol
girls by ren - simmons
everything is fine by all time low - grid
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january-summers · 7 months
How much crack is too much crack? We'll know if cops bust down the door screaming "drug raid."
There's always time for crossovers.
I was just thinking, SPARTAN Freelancer armour is kind of like Power Ranger armour, but with more armour on it, like the Ivan Ooze Power Rangers Movie armour rather than just the helmet and spandex.
And then because Wash is my favorite, I went: Power Ranger Washington.
But not like and RVB Power Ranger AU, where everyone is Power Rangers, although that would be fun also, no, I mean like during the late 20th, early 21st century, David was a member of a Power Ranger team, but because reasons, during his team's final battle with The Big Bad, David ended up in suspended animation, or stuck in the Morphin Grid, or was punted through a temporal anomaly and ended up In The Future.
Things were shiny there.
But also Wash was a teenager with no ID, no family, no way home. He tried looking for a few months, but nothing, he gave up on waiting for his team to find a way to bring him home and went on with life.
Which is when he discovered the universe was at war, so he signed up, joined the UNSC and the rest is history. The reason Wash feels so comfy in his armour is because he was a Power Ranger, but also Power Rangers don't remove their helmets, which is why he insists on using the curly straw to drink.
Literally nothing else changes, just, Ex-Power Ranger Washington.
(Not really 'ex' though, once a ranger, always a ranger!)
Like, David doesn't lie about his family, or most of the stuff in his record, he just... doesn't exactly put down the actual dates. He maybe also lies about his age to enlist. But just a little, just a tiny but believable amount to make it legal for him to sign up.
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astral-gambit · 10 months
Noble Life Headcanon - Heights part 1: Freelancers
So one of the first things I had wanted to figure out was how tall the other Freelancers were next to Six. I first looked on the RvB Fandom wiki to see if there was any heights. There wasn't, so I went to find a good picture of all the main Freelancers standing together, and this is the one I picked to work with.
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I loaded it into Clip Studio and added a height cart to it and lined the bottom of it up to the first 'level' of boots. North, Carolina, Wash, CT, and Florida aren't on that line, and South and York are crouched down. So I added a grid as well and figured out where South and York would stand at full height then lined everyone up on the chart.
And I quickly came to the realization that this wasn't the was to do it, at least not with this chart. Because there is no way that I'm the same height as Maine, there is no way that he's 5 foot 1. I refuse.
So I scrapped that method and worked on a different method. I can't tell you how I got the heights I did, cause I didn't write it down. I guess I just worked around Six's known height and still based on the picture, trying to keep the heights in line with the image, I found the height I liked the most.
Here are the heights I see the known Freelancers as, the first height is when/if they're out of their armor, and the second height is while in their armor which I think adds three inches.
Maine - 8'3" / 8'6" North - 6'9" / 7' Wash - 6'9" / 7' Wyoming - 6'9" / 7' York - 6'8" / 6'11" Noble Six/West Virginia - 6'6" / 6'9" Tex - 6'5" / 6'8" Carolina - 6' / 6'3" South - 5'10" / 6'1" Florida - 5'8" / 5'11" CT - 5'8" / 5'11"
There we go, I've had these headcanons for a year or more, and I'm glad to finally have the story going and to be sharing it all. I hope you like this and the ones to come.
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forest-requests · 1 year
Hiya! We’re Celestial Forest! We're a traumagenic system that's introject heavy. We collectively use they/glow/grid/disk/pluto pronouns
We’re pretty new to having a blog like this so bare with us(/lh)- but! We do pronouns (helping find some and testing them), and we do moodboards! We might branch out and do more things eventually but this is what we're doing for now
A note: please do not tag anything we've tagged as fictive with "kin" "me" "irl" etc unless you're a fictive/in a system. It makes us really uncomfortable
Update (5/24): we're opening up requests from singlets for moodboards now
Our tagging system:
#requests of the forest - finished requests
#letters to the forest - specifically the asks so they don't get mixed up with the finished stuff (block this if you don't want to see any anon asks)
#it comes from the stars - pronouns/moodboards that aren't from asks
#tw [thing] #cw [thing] - how we're gonna tw/cw anything (if there's anything you need tagged let us know!)
#fw #eyestrain - how we're adding a warning for anything flashy/bright/etc for photosensitive peoples
#[name] of the forest - some people in the system might tag stuff they specifically make
#[name] constellation - tags for similarly themed pronouns
(DNI and will and won't do below)
We will do:
Most problematic sources (introjects can't control what their source is)
Stuffs for introjects including factives
Moodboards and pronouns for non-introject alters (just give us general vibes you want plz)
Pronouns for singlets
Moodboards for singlets
Stuff for noncanon introjects (we’ll just need more info on vibes you want)
Stuffs for therians
Won’t do:
Anything NSFW
Sources that make us uncomfy
Anything proship (incest ships, anything with a big age gap, etc)
Fictive moodboards for endos
Some of the media we will do: (this isn't all of it, if something isn't on the list feel free to ask!)
Minecraft and MCYT
Steven Universe
Full Metal Alchemist
We are allowed to delete any ask that we don’t wanna do or that makes us uncomfy
Endos + supports
MAP or whatever you guys are going by now
Anti-LGBT including transmed and anti-neo pronouns (one of the things we do is literally neo pronouns), racist, sexist, anti-therians, etc
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razmerry · 2 years
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None of these characters are safe from my snakeification beam. I mean, if Felix is a Cardassian, I’m simply by required by law to make Siris one too. I don’t make the rules (I do). 
Here’s the extra info about this mysterious backstory man:
- I don’t remember if it was explicitly stated in the show, but I think it’s at least implied that Siris was in the military/same squad as Locus and Felix were, as he was working with them as mercs after the Great War. I also assume that’s where he lost his leg. I remember something, either in the wiki or in a novel, that Cardassian Union treatment of injured people was pretty terrible, so Siris was probably off-homeworld when he was able to get his prosthetic. 
- In RVB it’s implied that Siris either died or went missing somehow, which is why he’s not in the mainline story, but because this is my fanfiction I’m allowed to do whatever the hell I want. The canon I’ve created says that he was left behind in some key survival moment by Locus and Felix, but he survived and went somewhat off-grid. And also his wife is okay because I can’t stand killing off Megan. If this AU were an actual show, Siris happening across the ship while Locus is on it would be the plot of an episode, where you get to learn more about Locus’s backstory. 
- I really don’t have much to say about Siris! I changed his first name Mason to a more Cardassian spelling of Macyn, but I left his last name because some Cardassians have human-sounding last names, like Natima Lang. 
Next week is the last of the mercs! It’s Sharkface :)
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celestialforest · 2 years
Figured we should do one of these
hi we're a polyfragmented traumagenic did system who's very introject heavy. we have a lot of conditions including being physically disabled (fnd and eds), and neurodivergent (adhd and autism), and some others. we don't really know a ton about using tumblr, we're probably just gonna mostly reblog system, mental health, and disability related things
feel free to ask us stuff if you wanna, but if it’s super personal we might not answer
they/them, dis/disk/disks/diskself, gri/grid/grids/gridself, glo/glow/glows/glowself, plu/pluto/plutos/plutoself pronouns unless you know someone's pronouns please <3
we’re introject heavy, some of our big sources include:
hlvrai, rvb, mcyt, mlp, spiderverse, helluva boss, and aus of all of those (but that isn’t all of our sources)
we’re critical of our sources but will not put up with hate being sent our way for having certain sources
like we mentioned we’re physically disabled and neurodivergent. we have chronic pain, chronic fatigue, we use mobility aids
we use tone tags, if we need to explain what any tone tags mean feel free to ask
and feel free to ask us to tag anything
we tag somethings with “[ rb by (insert name here) ]” to show who in the sys posted it and a lot of that might not even have to do with system stuff- it’s just people in the sys having fun
we run/mod multiple system servers on discord! send us an ask if you’re interested
oh also we’re like- we don’t believe that any origins other than traumagenic are possible, but we don’t fakeclaim people just for being other origins. We won’t be a dick to anyone for identifying as anything other than traumagenic, we just expect no one to be a dick to us for our stance on endos
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donut-entendre · 3 years
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Memes about a WIP fic that I want to talk about but equally desire to keep to myself until it's done SOOO meme compromise!
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scribbleboxfox · 6 years
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Here’s my drawing of Grif for @creatrixanimi‘s b-day so far!
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creatrixanimi · 6 years
RvB s15 AU where instead of doing his victory pose after taking down the plane, Tucker just fuckin dabs.... ya know... this scene:
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someone pls draw this for me. I would do it but I have homework that I'm procrastinating and I need to see this NOW
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justiceforkins · 6 years
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“Hey! Is it alright if I can get an aesthetic for a Grif from RVB who lowkey misses his team??” for anon!!! mod coffee
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yrwnrsk · 6 years
Grif helps Carolina relax and Caboose helps Coralina be more comfortable with human intimacy
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jazzy-a · 7 years
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In honor of my last post...
Because you don’t finish a badass fight scene like this without having half make up, half reunion, half- ‘omg Simmons you have a spine’- sex lol.
(Click for HD on computer! Srsly!)
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quorras · 2 years
a half-baked though but what if-- rvb/tron au where entering the ‘true warrior’ portal on chorus takes the ‘warrior into the grid/a halo-universe equivalent of the grid and also tron is there
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realbacchus · 7 years
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