#rub the brain cells together
callings · 1 month
being a dykething who openly uses they/them pronouns in the workplace is like being seen as a woman lite except your cis men coworkers can't quite figure out why they keep wanting to call you dude
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littledigits · 1 month
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Miss 'Mina
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ariesbilly · 14 days
Hard to say if it was intentional or not but there is something to be said about how billy was dressed as the terminator at the Halloween party and the terminator is a villain turned hero character…
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Derry posting...
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
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Don’t let him notice I blushed, don’t let him notice I blushed, don’t let him notice—
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stevebabey · 4 months
i love u x reader fics and i will never abandon u but dear god [shivers] the steve harrington x reader tag is shit on a level of epic proportions like sweet jesus
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pangur-and-grim · 1 year
I’m still amazed that Tallgeese is so alright, given she was in the mouth of a fox two days ago!
I think the fox must have tried for Wormbecca first (given that she’s smaller and theoretically easier to carry off) but Wormy is FAST and LOUD. probably it had just given up on her and switched to giant, stupidly passive Tallgeese when I walked out
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xoxoemynn · 5 months
hey if you're going to leave replies on posts that deliberately misconstrue what a brown, Jewish man says in an attempt to get some moral superiority points and then blocking the OP immediately afterward,
you're racist
you're antisemitic
you're a coward
you're honestly just fucking stupid
you are doing literally nothing to help Palestine
Get the fuck over yourself. Stop spreading conspiracy theories and do something productive with your life. It is honestly really gross to be exploiting a devastating genocide as some sort of "gotcha" vendetta against an indigenous man who literally has NOTHING to do with it.
Go contact your representatives or go to a protest or donate to one of the organizations that's doing something to actually make a fucking difference. Because the cancellation of a goddamn TV show is not going to be what brings about peace and liberation in Palestine.
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archirdarchernar · 5 months
Milgram: Deep Cover Thoughts (Spoilers)
(some of the post written a few hours after, mainly bc deep cover released in between 2 of my mocks)
(all of this is personal opinion and interpretations, take this with a grain of salt or pepper or your choice of powdery food flavouring)
its so good i thoroughly applaud the animators for their work. the colours and the design and ajdhkdhrr
i love staring at how they draw eyes like wtf??? that animation budget must be really high like the transformation and the BLOOD-
okay onto more lore-y thoughts:
(this part is me rambling at my screen trying to form a coherent theory of what happened, there are a lot of random stray thoughts here)
kotoko seems to be the 'punish > solve the systemic issue' type of person. we see that in the way she interacts with the brown-haired girl that she saved. when the girl grabbed onto her we see her conflicted eyes. to me it seemed partially out of desperation??(could just be the adrenaline high of her murder, we also see her sweaty so theres that. murder takes a lot of energy guys), or like she doesnt know what to do with herself. like she wants to push the girl away but felt like she could not (maybe knew that if she pushed her away she might harm the girl even more psychologically...). after that we see her barely acknowledging the brown haired girl in the park, seemingly more interested in the article on her phone than the girl she saved...
also, i found a post where someone translated the article!
to paraphrase, the son of a newspaper company's CEO was found dead (shocker, probably Kotoko's victim). The article goes on to talk about how a female university student had killed him in self defence due to getting into a scuffle as she caught him kidnapping a minor (so. definitely kotoko. probably). The minor agreed with the student that it was self-defence. The company's CEO then came out with an independent report all the injuries that they found on his son, which indicated that more than proportional violence was used, and then announced that the victim retracted her statement. The article then mentions all the rumors that exist about this murder...
then that scene. that face of absolute fear on the girl and the uncaring apathy on kotoko's face. we clearly see the young girl trying to wear the cap, we see her basically modelling herself after kotoko. who can blame her? that's the person who saved her from... a life of suffering, probably. So to see kotoko ignoring her like that would absolutely destroy her.
so is kotoko just that heartless? no. or at least, i don't think so. remember the article? 'the victim retracted her statement'. this can happen for many reasons, such as being coerced, forced, bribed, etc. no matter why she did it, this would cast a lot of questions to the credibility of this case. maybe kotoko was legit mad? like 'if you don't want to be saved, i can't save you'. or she thought distancing herself from the victim would be the best thing to do, cuz otherwise people would argue that the two of them conspired together to murder a person and pass it off as a 'heroic deed'. by distancing herself, more of the 'blame' if it ever comes would fall on her. maybe she thought this was the best course of action in this scenario, so at least the girl would seem less 'co-conspirator' and more 'young child who was coerced'. either way, even without counting kotoko's bloodlust in the background, this is a fucked situation.
and yes, the prison seems to be composed of 5 direct and 5 indirect killers, kotoko being an indirect one. we know that she has actually, physically killed a person. the fact that she's in the prison for an indirect murder means that she didn't even consider that guy as a person (lol) or a being worth caring about.
so my running theory of what happened is:
(this part is just consolidation of the theory, above is rambling)
kotoko went after a the newspaper CEO's son, and found him kidnapping the child in that warehouse. then, she beat him up and possibly killed him with excessive force (i.e. the force she used was 'not proportional to the violence about to be inflicted onto her' or smth, im paraphrasing here but that's the gist. and i really mean 'possibly', ill elaborate later). after that, she reported the case to... probably the police? and claimed in court that she found CEO's son kidnapping a minor, then the interaction got violent and she had no choice but to kill him, with the help of the child's testimony. after that, she was released with no charges. (assuming that when the translation says 'the verdict...' it means that the trial has concluded, the judging body(japan doesn't have a jury. for serious criminal cases, they have a 'saiban-in'. look it up for more info abt this) has deemed kotoko free of all charges or smth, and now she walks free.)
but after THAT, the CEO got an independent investigation that reported those injuries, and they believe them to be inflicted not in self-defence but with intent to harm. this is where the idea that she might have killed him to sate her bloodlust comes from. while i do agree on some aspects, remember this is an 'independent investigation', and this is a CEO whose money speaks. also, what you're telling me is that the forensics who looked into the body did not believe the wounds were due to 'excessive force' (bc if that was the case the trial should have gone very very differently), but the group that you independently hired did. i mean, a little bit suspect about the level of validity of that claim, don't you think? (this is assuming that everyone in the trial was competent at their job and no foul play was present. if not, ignore this section.)
the CEO also claimed that the child retracted her testimony (that would be perjury, since that would be admitting that you were lying to the court. japan seems to have laws against perjury, but im not very sure how enforceable it really is, or if people actually get charged with it.). this casts doubt on the verdict and both kotoko's and the victim's credibility in the eyes of the public, you know how the public is. and in a case like this, where the one trying to get someone in jail is someone with money and influence to do private investigations and press conferences, the impact it can have on the life of the other party can get insanely negative. they could have their lives absolutely ruined by this, being publicly shamed this way, while the CEO walks away looking like a caring father 'just looking to avenge his child'. i think the following are plausible:
1st case scenario: im not a legal expert, so REALLY don't blindly believe this, but if this means the child is legally retracting her testimony that she made in front of the court, during a trial, this would require the child to reach out to the law enforcement entities to get it passed, and that might warrant a re-trial of the original trial. in other words, in this scenario kotoko is seriously fucked (probably). so kotoko avoiding the child and/or being pissed is.. personally i think there are better ways to handle this situation, one of which is get yourself a damn good lawyer and hope for the best, kotoko- but not unordinary.
2nd case scenario(more likely in my personal opinion): of course, there's always the case that all this is made up. in which case, kotoko would still have a reason to avoid the child, in that it's the most logical course of action to avoid unnecessary harm to the child. if she acts friendly to the child in public, there's a chance that the child will be seen as a co-conspirator to the 'murder'. also since its a guy with money who's speaking out, it's likely that public opinion would wholy turn against her. and the child, who helped defend kotoko in court, well... even more harrassment, probably. death threats, likely.
in both cases, her and the child would probably receive harrassment, which i think is a possible motive for the child getting killed. (i'm assuming that the child was the one who kotoko feels like she's killed, because she was put in milgram for indirect murder to complete the 5:5 ratio)
And then she becomes a furry.
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yay? well, i think the wolf is supposed to be a symbolic of the monster that she now sees herself as. remember, if the version of events i described above is true then she probably faced a lot of social isolation. she has to distance herself from the victim that she helped and got close(? somewhat attached? like cmon she may be distracted with the very important life changing article but she doesn't outright ignore her, and that the chlid showed up to meet her implies that the child had an expectation that kotoko would be accepting of her company... right?) to, and many of her peers probably isolated themselves away from her (being a victim of a crime in japan can often be just as hard on a person's social life as being the perpetrator of said crime, so im not surprised if she was socially isolated by others AND herself). the lack of social support is the start of a mental downward spiral.
also, she keeps referring to herself as a tool and that she needs a next 'target'. so somewhere along the line, she stopped viewing herself as a person but merely a tool to enact justice with. because that's all she is now, she's caused the death of someone she swore to protect, the emotions are too overwhelming, please just give me something - anything - else to focus on; she's a monster, but if that's the case then so be it, she will be a monster with a purpose: eliminating the dregs of society, because that way at least she's of some use to society, otherwise-
otherwise, she's just a regular old monster.
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chamerionwrites · 6 months
USAmericans will really be like “all cops are bastards” “the government refuses to take a pandemic seriously because it might make the money sad” and then say listen. The poor engineering students have no choice but to go work for Raytheon because student loans. And they have no choice but to keep working there because mortgages.
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buddiebitch · 2 days
BuckTommy shippers stop calling everything you disagree with homophobia challenge
level: impossible (apparently)
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borzoilover69 · 26 days
dirkjake is vanilla because it’s an INSANELY popular ship. it’s complex yes. but it’s vanilla.
Me when im in a misinterpretation of a word contest and my opponent is anon
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zeb-z · 9 months
Foolish had the exact same conclusion that Bad did about how to break into the vault, but no one believed it could have been Foolish to figure something like that out? When Bad fessed up, everyone was like oh that makes more sense, it’s less of a mystery, surely Foolish couldn’t figure out such a thing?
It’s like. I love and hate when people underestimate Foolish, it’s a double edged sword. Like no, he’s not some one dimensional airhead who can’t rub two brain cells together. He’s clever and he’s charismatic, and sure he can be giggly and chaotic, and sure he can speak without thinking, but he’s not stupid. On the other hand, it’s so satisfying because this means he gets away with a metric fuck ton of bullshit. He gets so severely underestimated that his true potential or intentions are never guessed at.
Everyone assumes that because he’s silly and impulsive with a tendency to lose focus means he doesn’t have the capacity to be serious, to be intelligent, to be clever. It’s a mistake made time and time again that its almost insulting, definitely frustrating - yet it is so fun to watch, because it means he gets away with it yet again.
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tarragonthedragon · 10 months
wild how despite knowing they're at constant risk of arson attacks every ASoUE character lives in a traditional, large, detached structure composed mainly of flammable materials. I respect the commitment to aesthetic but could I suggest a brutalist concrete block or perhaps an igloo.
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friendsofabracadaver · 3 months
There's discourse on Facebook about Halsin being a Himbo.
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starscelly · 5 months
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cooking up something big (scoreless powerplay)
chi@dal 12.29.23
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