#rtte liveblog
howtodrawyourdragon · 8 months
I know Hiccup only told Stoick he would be spending the night at Snotface's so Stoick wouldn't notice leaving while he's away on a quest to get the frozen potato... but all I can think of the movie universe' Hiccup staying at Snotlout's for the night.
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awwww compare this to that scene in rtte,, he likes kids now
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
DreamWorks Dragons: The Nine Realms liveblog A Hole New World
The Hidden World comment is pandering but that’s actually sorta a funny / natural one to say.
Alex continues to be the best thing about this show. Also she’s cute. I want to squish her cheeks.
“Are you stalking me? That’s so sneaky.” “I’m sneaky? I think you have me mixed up with yourself.” WRITE BETTER DIALOGUE DUDES.
“He has this lightning thing...” [dragon gets scratched under chin and collapses to the ground] haha.
They honestly don’t have good rationale written into the story for why not to tell adults about the dragons. Like, it’s there, but it’s not. A few stray lines about “the corporation” and “too dangerous” does not a strong reason make. You gotta lean into it, especially because we’re talking about kids, whose reasonings are not going to be the same as adult reasonings. Alex is the only one who believably would make these arguments.
“June! June, it’s safe!” says the boy who’s almost fallen off a dragon or nearly plunged to his death every time he’s been in the air. Tommmm.
For all I know that TNR blatantly, repeatedly references and parallels HTTYD (have had multiple friends vent about that hahaha), I’m happy that June’s flight wasn’t spun like an Astrid romantic flight. The music stayed with the triumphant main theme, and while both June and Astrid were scared to be on a dragon, it’s for different reasons, and it’s different reactions. June loves dragons; she’s just not as bold as Tom. That’s rather different from courageous, dragon-fighting Astrid being yoinked into the sky against her desire. Tom has already convinced June to keep the dragon a secret. And Tom doesn’t need to get on better terms with June, who’s content to be with a childhood friend.
“I can’t believe how friendly they are,” June says as she hugs a Terrible Terror. In my hypothetical rewrite, the Terrible Terror lunges at her and tries to eat her nose.
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I mean come on these are Terrible Terrors. They are the epitome of obnoxious. I wanna see obnoxiousness.
Of course, a calm dragon is easier to animate, and this show has more conservative and less swift movements a la budget constraints.
Okay but that’s a lovable and creative dragon design. THAT is the spirit of HTTYD dragon species creativity, borrowing from unique species in the real world, etc.
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“I dunno, your destiny looks really angry.” pfffffft XD
One head eating the necklace and the other burping is a hysterical touch.
Seriously how can you not love these things?
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Haven’t talked about it before but another area of clear limited budget is the environments. A few objects repeated, otherwise bare. But it’s not the most important thing to talk about. It doesn’t make or break a show.
Thunder’s tail having a triangle-esque webbing instead of Toothless’s duo webbing is a nice, small difference.
Being chased by the spiky dudes would be more realistic if you established they had poor vision or poor smell or some sense.
The amount of the dragons understanding language is going to bother me. Albeit I know the fandom does this lots too. I like seeing the animals from a more naturalistic, realistic sense, which means non-human animals don’t understand human gestures, don’t do human gestures, and don’t understand human speech in all but a few heavily repeated words.
ROTFLHHHHHH did you notice she abruptly switched heads on which dragon she was riding when they cut away? ANIMATION ERROR.
How fast they bond with the dragons is unrealistic, but it doesn’t annoy me because 1). the ROB/DOB/RTTE series sometimes fast-tracked that, too, and 2). TNR doesn’t have many episodes, so instead of making montages or something, they’re speeding up the trust process. Suspension of disbelief is what I’m gonna do, knowing it’s harder to pull off narratively given their time limit.
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honestsister · 5 years
This episode has mad fishcup energies
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hoffock · 6 years
“That is some weak sauce right there.”
Not even three minutes in and Ruff’s already got me laughing like a banshee
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bovivinator · 6 years
It’s a good thing I’m not streaming RTTE until Thursday, ‘cause I was getting all kinds of salty in this morning’s stream, haha. I need some time to ease my frustrations with some of the writing, so I can enjoy the rest of the season.
But honestly if I see Astrid so OOC-ly passive aggressive again I might just quit this whole endeavor. She deserves better.
Also the thing with Fishlegs being upset that his ancestors killed dragons, like??? Your whole tribe did up until a couple years ago??? YOU were training to kill dragons before Hiccup and Toothless ended the war??? Canon inconsistencies like that drive me up the wall.
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tysonrunningfox · 7 years
Episode 2: I'm like crying and drinking and warning of fester like an oracle of old
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Love how Hiccup and Astrid are basically sitting together. If you could do that with Netflix, I’d take a screenshot of how her arm looks like she’s resting her hand on his thigh.
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"And then I admired his tousled brown hair..." EVERYONE ON THIS SHOW IS SO BI
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the-fanaddict · 6 years
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howtodrawyourdragon · 10 days
"That's my father you're talking about!" warned Hiccup, "and he has many excellent qualities, once you get to know him."
Hiccup defending his father when Humungous calls Stoick a barbarian. Even though that's kind of what he is.
Also, reminds me of Gothi scribbling something in the dirt about Stoick and Hiccup being like "Watch the language. He's still my father."
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starfiyah · 6 years
i’d be less upset about dagur and mala getting married if they weren’t both so obviously gay
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persimnon · 7 years
mala is a mighty and powerful lesbian warrior and her eyebrows are perfect
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
DreamWorks Dragons: The Nine Realms First Flight: Part 2 liveblog
Yeah the animation not good. From how faces move to the odd lighting to things like hair being way too stiff, yyyeah.
So I have one friend who is a professional artist of doom and she can’t watch RTTE literally because of the stiffness in Dagur’s forehead and hair. So whenever I see stiff hair, I think of her fondly. And there is some freaktastically stiff hair in this show. My friend would be screaming in pain. I really wanna sit her down and watch a few minutes just to hear her get upset over the hair and facial stiffness.
Okay but Tom’s POOFY HAIR is adorable and I loved that.
“Big business would exploit them, reducing them to a tiny column of profit margins on an ENDLESS SPREADSHEET OF DOOOOOOM.” XD actually a good line.
Ever since they introduced Jade as The Tarot Girl, I’ve been concerned that would be an overwhelming amount of her personality. Like be that one note and nothing else.
Tom and his mother’s eyes are ABSOLUTELY the wrong color of blue. The brown eyes on characters are too glowy too. Like this is not a hard design thing to get right.
Okay that’s it I’m going to photoshop EVERY character’s eyes into the right colors.
I noticed this since episode one. Jeremy Shada’s voice acting is outstanding and no one else is measuring up to him. Voice acting performances on their own are fine, but they don’t match the animation always, and they especially don’t work as back-and-forth conversations. The ancient issue of voice acting in a room by yourself, not conversing. You can hear each VA isn’t actually talking to the other. That’s half of what makes the conversations feel stiff. If you implemented this better, 50% of the dialogue that “feels bad” could be pulled off fine.
That said, I am invested in the story. And I also appreciate a HTTYD TV series banking so hard on chronological storytelling. Don’t get me wrong, it’s all the rage in animated shows (and all shows) to have a chronological plot, and I want more episodic shows again, but it’s fun regarding the HTTYD world for a tv show to be designed this way. Even RTTE had a semi-episodic flow to it.
Okay I am really falling in love with Alexandra Gonzales this episode. She was cute when she didn’t talk. But she’s a real delight when she does talk. Her mannerisms, the information she does and doesn’t share, how she relays that information, it’s a charm.
You don’t have to repeat the scene of Toothless forcing Hiccup to eat a fish. A dragon refusing to eat pizza and rejecting pickles before the jar is opened is the content you should stick with.
This entire time, the dragon’s mannerisms have been too human. Especially for a wild animal that has not been around humans.
I wanna start saying “Not another nug” at people.
Rotflh they even had the composer do a Forbidden Friendship-esque track in the background.
Acceptable use of a HTTYD motif during the flight scene. Surprised this was allowed, but as a composer, I also know how much we can get away with changing two notes and calling it “new.”
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We had to fast-track the entire HTTYD for y’all in 3 minutes
Couldn’t have told Tom’s story without
The entire
HTTYD 1 movie
How was Tom not electrocuted when the dragon fired?
Okay I had been thinking to myself that the cave they were in was way too dull for a main set, and that at least they should’ve changed the color scheme. I get it. I get it now.
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It’s like the Trollhunters Troll Market and the Bewilderbeast’s lair in HTTYD 2 had a baby.
I AM a sucker for this color scheme though. It was the color of my junior prom dress. So I am drawn to the lights. You’ve done it, animators. You have successfully drawn my eye here.
Alright so when’s Valka appearing /hj
So here’s the thing: I find mediocre works easier to fanfic sometimes. I almost rewrote Abominable because there’s TONS of potential there. And a fanfic where the story is given true life would be cool. I can already sense TNR falls in the same category. I could take all this plot, spiff it up, and make it shine. Not because it’s fantastic right now, but because it’s got that outline already in front of me; all I’d have to do is take it and let it grow.
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honestsister · 5 years
RIP spitelout
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hoffock · 6 years
you know what though? hiccup’s right. astrid’s always been there for him in a way that goes above and beyond their own relationship because they’re not just lovers or betrothed, they’re also part of a team where hiccup is clearly the leader. they’re partners in a plan that is mostly hiccup’s. they’re part of a tribe which hiccup is the future chief. all these things they’re getting up to (dragon training, dragon hunter fighting, dragon defending, etc.) hiccup and astrid have roles that they fall into which puts their relationship in the backseat for the most part
it’s all these nuances that makes it so that astrid is always paying attention to hiccup but hiccup can’t do the same for astrid and i think it’s neat that there’s at least some acknowledgement of that
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