#royal rumblr
blowflyfag · 7 months
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WRESTLING ALL STARS: Heroes and Villains : JUNE 1996
Shawn Michaels 1996 Royal Rumble Winner!
By George Napolitano
On January 21 in Fresno, California, Shawn Michaels accomplished exactly what he set out to do when he outlasted 29 other competitors to win the 1996 Royal Rumble. Going into the Rumble no one knew how Michaels would fare as he had been advised by doctors to retire from the sport due to complications from injuries he had sustained in an unprovoked non-wrestling-related attack outside a Syracuse, New York, nightclub. But Michaels was undaunted. He was determined to continue his career and his quest for the WWF title despite numerous pleas from his doctors and close friends (Ed. Note: See related story on page 16), and despite the great odds “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels accomplished his dream.
To win the 1996 Royal Rumble Shawn Michaels had to withstand a barrage of punishment from quite a few very tough men. On his way to victory Michaels personally eliminated Vader, Yokozuna, the 1-2-3 Kid, Jerry Lawler, Owen Hart, Dr. Yankem and the British Bulldog. After everyone else had been eliminated the only man left was his good friend and former champion. Diesel. Then, using a swift side karate kick, Michaels sensent the seven- foot ex-champion sailing right out of the ring. With This Shawn Michaels had done the seemingly impossible: He won the Royal Rumble for the second straight year. 
With his victory in the 1996 Royal RUmble, Shawn Michaels earned the right to wrestle the WWF champion on March 29 at Wrestlemania XII in Anaheim, California. 
ROYAL RUMBLE 1996 Order Eliminated : By
Bob Backlund : Yokozuna
Henry Godwinn : Jake Roberts 
Mabel : Yokozuna
Omiri : Jake Roberts
Dory Funk : Savio Vega
Jake Roberts :  Vader 
Doug Gilbert : Vader
Squat Team #1 : Vader
Squat Team #2 : Yokozuna
Savio Vega : Vader
Vader : Shawn Michaels 
Yokozuna : Shawn Michaels
1-2-3 Kid : Shawn Michaels 
Hakushi : Shawn Michaels 
Aldo Montoya : Tatanka 
Jerry Lawler : Shawn Michaels 
Tatanka : Diesel
Bob Holly : The Ringmaster: Steve Austin
Hunter Hearst Helmsley : Diesel
Barry Horowitz : OWen Hart
Owen Hart : Shawn Michaels 
Marty Jannetty : The British Bulldog
The Ringmaster : Kama
Fatu : Dr Yankem
Dr Yankem : Shawn Michaels 
Duke Droese : Kame and Diesel 
The Bulldog : Shawn Michaels 
Kama : Diesel 
Diesel : Shawn Michaels 
[Goldust won the Intercontinental Championship on the Royal Rumble card by defeating “The Bad Guy” Razor Ramon. 
Shawn Michaels won the WWF Royal Rumble for the second year in a row, despite suffering from a “post-concussion syndrome” that threatened to end his career.]
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dynamitekansai · 4 months
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worstloki · 1 year
That person must be spacist, the cube can purr and is completely sentient, I know because I know.
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dragonedged-if · 1 year
My Second Interactive Novel
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Dragon's Edged is an interactive novel, about a Author of a IF died and reincarnated to their own IF.
There are 4 love interest for you to choose from, 2 males and females each with their own past and secrets for you to learn!
(Note: The RO's are not final. I might add more in the near future and that no romance is not a option. Also, I want this novel open as much as possible not restricting itself to the medieval time era or any kind of era. For example, I might put modern music in the novel.)
(Warning: 18+ The story includes the following: Violence, , self-doubt, cliché's and many more will be added in the future.)
Demo: Prologue To Chapter 5, Discord
"Another one bite the dust" a voice says sorrowful, peering through a mirror and seeing a image of people gathering around a mangled body.
The person waves their hand in the air and the mirror disappeared, leaving them alone to their thoughts.
"Looks likes I need to prepare for the ritual for this one!" they sigh and head aching due to thinking the preparation that must be done.
Still contemplating, they heard their door slammed wide open and a figure barging into their quarters.
"LUCIAN!" they scold the person for being disrespectful and disturbing their peace.
Lucian dismissed the rebuke with a wave of his hand.
"Yes, I know Lucille and I apologize but I want to be sure." he says in a somber tone and a sad look on his eyes.
Lucille looked at his brother with a puzzling look; "Sure of what?" she ask herself in her mind.
She and his brother are Gods and they can sense if a life is snuffed out on Earth.
Due to her being the Goddess Of Life and his brother ,God Of Fertility.
Up to this day she still doesn't know why the roles are swapped, is it the job of the woman to oversee which will be fertile?
But nevertheless the two of them do their job with upmost devotion.
"What do you mean? My Brother?" she looked at him with calculating eyes.
Still waiting for a reply, she was shocked to see that her brother burst to tears.
"MY FAVORITE AUTHOR DIED!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs and eyes flooding with tears.
Lucille mouth gone slack and can't help but face palm.
"Oh brother!" she exclaims in slight annoyance and with a roll with her eyes.
You're a IF writer, correction was a IF writer!
So the gist of the IF that you written is that the MC(you) is imbued with a dragon’s soul but of course you don’t want to make the life of MC’s easy, that particular dragon is ruthless and stubborn waiting for the opportunity to kill your MC.
You finished the game and launched it lived and never thought that people would loved it and gaining so many followers on “Rumblr”
But an accident happened and forced you to stop breathing on the realm of the living ,you were still processing what happened and your memory is still blurry.
Everything happened so fast, you were coming out of the cake shop with cake in hand and starting the journey back home so that you and the family can celebrate the birthday of your Father.
Then, you saw a little girl crossing the streets and a vehicle fast approaching.
Afterwards, everything went black and your can't remember what happened next.
To your surprise when you heard a Goddess speaking to you and telling that you will be reincarnated.
As added bonus to getting a second life, you will be reincarnated to your IF.
Frankly, you still don't know how you feel about this?
Leaving your past life and exchanging it with a fictional one but still what's done is done and besides dead people can't be choosers.
"A walk in the park!" you boast and knowing that you know the ins and out of your story.
"Oh one more thing!" a voice interrupts your moment.
"Your IF has been rewritten by the Gods!"
"Oh!" you exclaim worriedly.
Pick your MC's gender
*Customize your MC's physical appearance.
*Make choices that will affect the story and the people around you.
*Choose your class and mastery.
*Can you love among the characters that you created? Know their new story, see what makes them tick. 2 males and 2 females with their own personality.
*Will you follow the story that is dictated in the book or will you make your own narrative.
*Battle liches, dark knights, tackle conspiracy and many more!.
*Oh! A surprise character will be waiting for you in the story!
Romance Options:
"Clara Dacre, The Royal Princess"
"You think being royalty is a boon?
Physical Appearance:
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In the kingdom, there is no one quite like the Royal Heir to the throne, Clara. She is the eldest of her brothers and the one who will one day rule the kingdom. At first glance, she appears a little shy, but once you get on her good side, the two of you can talk for hours with tea, of course! However, something is amiss - did you just watch her behead an enemy? It seems the gods have done her dirty by changing her sweet and kind attitude into something feisty and ferocious.
Don't mistake her gentleness for weakness, as Clara is a fearsome warrior on the battlefield. Her parents made sure she can protect herself from any possible threats that may come her way. She is a courageous and fearless fighter who is unafraid of dying on the battlefield. Clara sees her royalty as only a restriction to her passions and hobbies, much preferring to solve problems with her own hands than waste her life sitting on the throne all day. She makes sure the safety of her future kingdom is protected, and she will dispose of anyone who dares harm it.
However, as a princess, Clara doesn't act like one. She is the epitome of scandalous and flirtatious behavior, with no regard for royal ethics. She is the renowned prankster of the kingdom, always looking for ways to stir up trouble. But beneath that mischievous exterior lies a woman who is passionate and full of life. She is not shy or demure, but bold and outspoken. She does not care about etiquette or manners, but only about having fun and living life to the fullest. She is not afraid to express her desires or pursue her passions, whether it is a hobby or a lover.
Can your love prevail through the complicated politics of royal courtship, or will you drown under the sea of bodies seeking the favor of being the consort of the princess? Clara's personality is complex, yet intriguing. She is not one to be tamed or molded into what society expects of her.
Can you be the one who can keep up with her wild and adventurous spirit? The one who can match her wit and charm? The only one who can make her laugh, blush, and moan? But can you also win her heart and make her yours? Can you handle the challenges and dangers of being with the Royal Heir, who has many enemies and admirers? Can you prove yourself worthy of her love and trust?
"Clara is a character that will surprise you, delight you, and seduce you with her unpredictable personality. She will make you feel alive, excited, and passionate with her fiery attitude and playful nature. She will make you want more of her, more of her kisses, more of her touch, more of her love. Will you be able to tame the warrior princess who defies all conventions? Or will you be just another victim of her mischief?"
"Lucas Pierce, The Royal Bodyguard Of The Princess"
Physical Appearance:
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"Everyone and everything is an enemy, until proven not, by me!"
In the world of Rumblr, there is no character quite as angsty and cruel as Lucas, yet he remains the most beloved and sought-after character by followers. Tasked with guaranteeing the safety of the princess, Lucas has a gaze that could pierce through steel, and a deathly aura that surrounds him at all times. He is always on edge, and his aloof nature means he doesn't care about your position or status. To him, if he sees you as a threat, he will not hesitate to take you down, even if you are the most reputable person in the kingdom.
Don't believe me? Even the closest friends of the princess and his own comrades must pass his inspection and interrogation before they can get an audience with her. Lucas is devoted, thorough, and quick to act, precise and deadly in the ways of the sword. But behind that tough exterior, you sense a loneliness that only the princess can assuage.
Can you convince him that there is more to life than his job? That there is love to be found in the world, and that he is worthy of it? Lucas is cold and aloof, not interested in making friends or finding lovers, as he is entirely focused on his role as the Royal Protector. But as you spend more time with him, you notice something different about him - a vulnerability that he keeps hidden from the world.
Will you melt his frozen heart and show him the warmth of life? Will you be the only one who can see past his cold and aloof demeanor and discover his vulnerable side? The only one who can make him smile, laugh, and feel? Can you break through his walls and reach his soul? Can you make him realize that there is more to life than his job, and that he deserves to be loved? Or will he push you away and keep you at a distance?
"Lucas is a character that will captivate you with his intensity and intrigue you with his mystery. He will challenge you, thrill you, and even hurt you. He will make you feel things you never felt before, and he will make you want more. Will you be able to win his heart and make him yours? Or will you be just another obstacle in his path?"
"Lucian, The God Of Fertility"[M]
Physical Appearance:
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"I love your story so much and it's one of my dreams to be a part of it!"
In the realm of the gods, there is one who stands out among the rest - the God of Fertility, Lucian. But the question remains, why is a man in charge of such an important department? It's not often you see men in this role, but Lucian doesn't seem to mind. In fact, he loves his job and performs it with enthusiasm.
He is the one who blesses the land with abundance, the animals with offspring, and the people with children. He is the one who makes the world a more beautiful and joyful place. But he is also a man who loves to have fun and enjoy himself. He is a fanboy and a friend.
Lucian is not your typical god. He does not act like a solemn and serious deity, but like a cheerful and playful child. He is always smiling, laughing, and joking around, making everyone around him feel at ease. He does not care about status or rank, but only about happiness and friendship. He is friendly to everyone he meets, and he treats them with kindness and respect.
But Lucian’s favorite person in the world is you - the MC, his beloved author. He is your biggest fan, your most loyal supporter, and your most devoted admirer. He reads every word you write, he leaves likes and comments on every post, he sends you gifts and messages of encouragement. He loves your stories, your characters, your imagination.
When you die, Lucian is heartbroken. He mourns your loss, he misses your presence, he longs for your return. But when you are reincarnated and come back to life, Lucian is overjoyed. He rejoices in your resurrection, he celebrates your comeback, he welcomes you with open arms.
Lucian’s love for you is pure, sincere, and unconditional. He will always be there for you, to support you, to protect you, to cheer you up. He will always be faithful to you, to respect you, to admire you, to cherish you.
Lucian's goodwill, childish antics, and friendly nature make it easy to trust him. But could there be something more to his affable demeanor? Is there a hidden agenda behind his loyalty to the MC? Only time will tell.
Can you reciprocate his feelings? Can you see him as more than a fanboy or a friend? Can you accept him as a lover or a partner? Lucian’s story is one that will make you laugh, cry, and swoon. He will charm you with his humor and personality, he will impress you with his skills and abilities(Don't depend on his God-Powers).
"As you read through Lucian's story, you'll find yourself falling in love with his character. His loyalty and protectiveness of his favorite author will make your heart swell with emotion. You'll be drawn to his carefree nature, and his playful banter will leave you laughing out loud. But beneath that bubbly exterior lies a god who is powerful, competent, and fiercely protective of those he loves."
"Songixoninne(Variel), The Raging Inferno"[F]
Physical Appearance:
Left: This is her human looks without the draconic traits.
Right: Just a interpretation on how she will look like if I managed to add her dragon traits.
The tattoos, scales and sharp fingers, the red slits for eyes, etc.
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"Humans are so small and fragile beings, how quaint!"
You have faced many dangers in your life, but none compare to Variel. She is the dragon who has brought ruin and misery to countless worlds, earning the ire of gods and men alike. Her soul has been chained to yours as a curse, forcing you to share a destiny with the most wicked being in existence.
But when you finally confront her, you realize she is more than just a monster. She is a dragoness with a name that sounds like a hex, and her savage and rude attitude makes her a pain to deal with. She is a sadist and dominatrix who delights in tormenting you, a tyrant who dominates you with her power, and a mocker who ridicules you at every opportunity.
Yet, despite her evil, you find yourself drawn to Variel. She is clever and witty, making you chuckle or cry with her sarcasm and dark humor. She is fierce and proud, showing off her skills in magnificent and flashy feats of magic. She is blunt and honest, telling you what she thinks without holding back or lying.
And as you journey with her, you begin to see hints of something else. A softness hidden under her hard shell, a warmth buried under her cold words, a yearning concealed under her fierce gaze. Could it be that she is falling for you? Or is it just another scheme to satisfy her twisted urges?
You can’t help but feel attracted to this dragoness, even with all her faults. She is like a magnet, pulling you closer to her with her charisma and intensity. But can you handle the taunts and insults that come with being near her? Will you challenge her, sparking her fury further? Or will you embrace her, falling for the dragoness who was once your foe but is now your companion?
"Variel’s story is one of a world of pain and adventure, and you won’t be able to resist discovering it. Her complex personality, combined with her sadistic and domineering nature, will thrill you or break you. You’ll find yourself captivated by her, despite her alluring personality, and you’ll want to know more about this dragoness who has gone from being an antagonist to being an ally. Can you survive or will you go down in flames screaming and Variel laughing and relishing in your suffering?"
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royal1asset-if · 1 year
Upcoming IF's
Kamusta mga kapatid( Hello brethrens)
So my brain is being a rebellious bitch, I wanted my brain to think of the scenes for the "Royal Assets" but it decided to think other projects.
So I have 2 upcoming projects:
"Turn Them Asunder" and "An IF Within An IF"( Titles might subject to change)
So let's break it down shall we?( Note: I will not start these 2 yet due to I want to finish first Royal Assets but I might make a demo for the 2 so that I can see your reactions)
So "Turn Them Asunder" is inspired by my favorite childhood entertainments namely: Blade(movie), Van Helsing(movie) Devil May Cry(Game) and lastly Hellsing(animation)
So in this IF I'am planning to have the MC their own very leather trench cloth(it's so badass and choose your own color) their own dual pistols and I will be calling them "Justice" and "Vengeance"(Gun Fu shenanigan's) and lastly you can pick your own curse either "Vampire" or "Lycan"(Embrace your inner demons) also I'm thinking if I should write this in 1 POV or 3 POV
So here is a rough synopsis( Might subject to change)
It has been too long since that accursed night, too long since you enjoyed your life but the fates have chosen you as their unlucky entertainment.
Everything happened too fast, your parents were tucking you in bed and kissing your forehead goodnight. You feel safe and happy hoping that this will last forever and you dreamed about rainbows and sweets.
Then you eyes fluttured open to the sounds of scream echoing in the night, you rose up from your bed and went to the noise, creeping slowly on the staircase and you can hear fighting and cursing. Then what you saw that night will forever haunt you, your parents is fighting some sort of monstrosity at first you see them winning but the beast got it's second wind and overpowering your parents.
Killing them, rending their flesh and bathing and eating their organs their blood spraying on the walls and onto you but you were to shocked to notice it, to terrified to move and scream when the beast spotted you and planning that you will be their next meal.
The beast grabbed you by the neck and taking a bite of you( a nibble to be exact) savoring each taste then that is they bit you on the neck.
Well that's in the past, today your a hunter a special one of a kind hunter, you were cursed that night and you turned into a beast as well but you were different than the common creature of the night.
You have their strengths but none of their weaknesses.
The hunt is beginning and you will end their unlife.
You know what they say; "It takes a monster to destroy a monster"
The next on is "An IF Within An IF" let's be honest here I'm sure almost everyone wanted to be transported into their favorite movies or games and that what this IF is all about.
Inspired by me watching these 2 anime's; Konusoba(anime) and Cautious Hero(anime)
This one is a bit complicated and I think I'm gonna look for a second writer to help create this.( ANyone interested in becoming my co-writer just message me and let's talk about it :)
So without further ado these is the rough sypnosis( Might subject to change)
Hello there so I'm your basic and common IF author ever since I was a kid I'm a fan of fantasy genre type of games and novels.
To the point that I got inspired to create my own IF called
"Dragon's Edge" so gist of this IF is that the MC(you) is imbued with a dragon's soul but of course I don't want to make the life of MC's easy that particular dragon is ruthless and stubborn waiting for the opportunity to kill your MC.
I finished the game and launched it lived and I never thought that people would loved it and gaining so many followers on "Rumblr"
Ahh yes life is good, that is until I got roadkilled and a goddess isekai'd me to my IF novel.
Well at least I know what's gonna happen being my story and all and this is gonna be a walk in the park.
That is when I learnt the plotwist that my IF has is been rewritten by the gods.
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punk-rocking-rose · 1 year
they should gather all the best tumblr bloggers and have em duke it out for a title. call it the royal rumblr
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aritamargarita · 4 months
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rikatatsumi · 6 years
Please let sheamus win this
it’s his birthday
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aj-brooks-ambrose · 7 years
Shawn Kissing Michelle’s cheek, how cute!
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divinebeauty37 · 5 years
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I believe in you ... Sasha Banks ! <3 
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optiprisms · 2 years
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writinglionqueen · 3 years
SmackDown Recap (1/29/21)
~Daniel Bryan kick starts SmackDown
~AJ interrupts (the quarterly time where RAW can be on SD)
~AJ wants to fight Daniel Bryan before Royal Rumble
~Bianca Belair vs Bayley
~Belair gets the win and they ask Belair how she’s feeling because it’s the biggest win of her career
~Big E wants to know his number for the Rumblr from Sonya (slips her a single dollar bill)
~Miz and Morrison interrupt and they fight
~King Corbin vs Dominik Mysterio (Dom sneak attacks Corbin)
~Corbin gets the win
~Sami Zayn wants to team with Shinuske Nakamura since he’s been doing his own thing like Cesaro but Shinsuke refuses
~Reginal tries to give Sasha wine, a gift from Carmella, ut Sasha roasts Carmella and tells Reginald how Carmella will not win
~Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens have a word with each other before their match at Royal Rumble
~Daniel Bryan vs AJ Styles with Cesaro on commentary
~Sami comes out to heckle the ref about his injustice
~Big E comes out to quiet him
~Fight ensues
~Cesaro joins in on the fray
~Shinsuke comes out and fights as well
~Turns into a 6 man tag team match between Big E, Shinsuke and Daniel on one team vs Cesaro, Sami and AJ
~Miz and Morrison interrupt and attacks Big E’s team and Big E which means it’s a DQ for the 6 man tag team
~Otis comes out to help Big E
~Became a 9 man tag team: Big E, Shinsuke, Otis, and Daniel vs Miz, Morrison, Cesaro, Sami, and AJ
~It’s down to Sami descending on Daniel but Sheamus steps in to aid him
~Sheamus gets the win to aid Daniel’s team
~Gets attacked by the other team
~Braun shows up to help
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jazzy-tzw · 4 years
Also Drew at the 2020 Royal Rumblr had the biggest BDE ever and I absolutely love it
Definitely. I remember as soon as he came out, I was like oh yeah, this is his night🤞🏽
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ghostsoapgirl · 5 years
I’m really excited for this Sunday guys.
This will be the first paperview my family has watched together in, its gotta be at least 7 years. And I’m just so excited ???
I remember my mom purchasing wrestlemania for me and I was just so in awe and I sat in front of the tv while everyone sat on the couch (I was the biggest fan) and just.
I get to do that for my little brother now? Like. Sunday can not get here fast enough guys.
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PM ends up trying to intervene in the royal rumblr to stop this madness. Its a good thing that no other prospitian is trying to keep the fight going!
For a brief moment, all fighting ceases as a flash of First Guardian energy shoves the two apart. WQ’s eyes go cross as she locates the tiny speck of Green sun energy. Finally, PM can do what she needs to do. Deliver this handful of reports to WQ.
A planetary flick by the Black Queen sends her spinning off to the outer rim and the royal rumble continues.
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