#royal morning blue
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ikarakie · 7 months
nah i get that lady from rwrb because imagine you open a wardrobe and the prince of fucking england is in there half naked. i, too, would need to sit the fuck down
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sincenewyorks · 10 months
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im sobbing wtf
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pippin-katz · 2 months
Don’t mind me, just mourning over the deleted scenes we still have not gotten for Red, White & Royal Blue; I’m totally fine 🫥
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i-know-the-endss · 10 months
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keep it coming
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queerbuckleys · 10 months
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yeah it really does make a whole lot of sense Henry....
Santal 33 - a unisex fragrance that captures a defining image of the spirit of the American West and personal freedom. (x)
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meraki-yao · 8 months
RWRB Scene: Cuddling
I wanna talk about the cuddle scene immediately after the V&A scene because it makes me so happy
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It's short, but it's so freaking sweet and loving. Henry being the little spoon, Alex's arms completely encompassing him, hand gripping Henry's wrist even in his sleep, Henry waking up (side note: who the fuck just wakes up and can open their eyes fully), seeing Alex's hand on his wrist and smiling with so much content, then snuggling further into Alex's embrace.
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It's such a sweet moment, it encapsulates both of their feelings at that point so well. Alex holding on and fighting to be on Henry's side even in his sleep. Henry finally accepting Alex's love and letting that encompass him. I'm not sure if they designed these two actions with this symbolism/intention, but it's there.
So speaking of designing, this scene wasn't planned? It was apparently a spur-of-the-moment decision? I'm so curious about the story behind this: was the original script just the deleted breakfast scene immediately after the V&A dance scene? This scene had to be on location, were they originally filming the breakfast scene? Who was the one to come up with the idea? Was there trial and error in deciding how the boys were gonna cuddle? WHO CAME UP WITH THE HAND GRIP THING???
Also who made them strip lol 😂 Henry wears clothes when he sleeps unless he and Alex had sex the night before, so are they implying that they came back from V&A and made love like some sort of consummation? (so the opposite of the book's "this might be the last time" sex) (and the sun was already rising when they left, boys did you two fucking sleep at all, what time did you two fucking get up)
And Alex's other arm is actually under their pillow stretches to the headboard, and I'm curious how is Alex/Taylor's arm not dead from a blood circulation issue lol
There's just so much about this movie that I want to know, so much love and care went into this movie and it shows, I just wish they could verbalize it
I swear I can listen to stories on making this movie forever
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ninzied · 7 months
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his hands are in my hair, his
in which henry’s hand in his hair just does things to him, okay?
He’s not the big spoon all the time.
When they’re pressed for space (the limo in Berlin, for example), he somehow ends up with his head tucked into Henry’s shoulder—blissed out, fuckstruck, arm draped over Henry’s torso, Henry’s fingers in his hair.
Or when Alex falls asleep in other places Henry would call inopportune (listen—the Met Gala ran late and it’s a long train ride back to their brownstone), it’s always to Henry’s body wrapped warmly around his, the soothing feel of Henry’s fingers lightly dragging through his curls, against his scalp down to his nape, and…mmm…Alex can’t help but nod right off.
All right, so, maybe he’s starting to see a pattern form here.
Henry has a thing for his hair. Alex knows it. Alex likes it. (More than likes it—can be very vocal about it in fact—and it’s not not partly because of the way Henry flushes pretty pink when they’re dancing in front of a statue of Venus and Alex makes how much he enjoys it known directly into Henry’s ear.)
Alex is also learning that under the right circumstances, he likes it to the point where his brain short-circuits by shutting off altogether—which, whether it happens while they’re at June and Nora’s or on the couch in their own home, so entirely not his own doing.
Alex can’t help if his boyfriend’s obsessed with touching his hair.
Anyway, case in point: tonight they’re sprawled out on said couch, Alex with a textbook, Henry with David curled up on his other side, the two of them engrossed in their third episode of Bake Off. Alex is so content that he feels warm with it, even halfway to drowsy, even though he still has another chapter or four to get through before bed.
It’s a valiant effort, staying awake, considering Henry’s wound his hand through Alex’s hair yet again, his elbow resting on Alex’s shoulder, and he smells like home when Alex buries his face into his chest, just breathing him in, breathing in this, and—wait. Wait a minute.
Alex leans back, though not far enough to pull Henry’s hand away from his hair. Not that, never that. “How dare you try to lull me to sleep with your hand in my hair right in the middle of biscuit week?” he demands, suitably indignant for someone who’s just yawned so loudly that even David looked reproachful.
Henry levels him with a bemused expression. “Darling,” he says, like Alex is being a little bit slow. “You’re the one who put my hand there.”
“You put my hand there,” Henry repeats. The corner of his mouth twitches up in the slightest hint of a smirk, which Alex resolves to do something about momentarily. “You literally reached over about five minutes ago, wormed your way beneath my arm and then bodily forced my hand in your hair.” Almost a full-blown smirk now, and yep, Alex is definitely going to kiss it right off his face in a second. “Wouldn’t be the first time, either, in case you happened to wonder.”
Lies, Alex thinks.
“Lies,” Alex tells him. “That is not a thing.” At Henry’s look, which is altogether too smug for his liking (another lie, thinks Alex again, he actually likes it a hell of a lot), he leans back in, pressing his nose against Henry’s jawline. “But I do like it when you talk dirty to me.”
Henry’s breath gives the tiniest hitch, fingers tightening almost reflexively in Alex’s hair. It sends a full-body shudder down his spine, driving all rational thought from his mind as he presses even closer, and, well—even if it is a thing that he does (it isn’t (oh, it so, so is)), Alex can hardly be held accountable when this is the state it leaves him in, can he?
also on ao3 because why not.
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somebluemelodies · 6 months
DAY ONE OF SPIDERBIT THEME WEEK STARTED BY @anonymous-dentist! :D SELECTED THEME: ROYALS part of my existing spiderbit royals au, which you can find here :)
All things considered, this gala is actually tolerable.
It's not that Roier hates galas - he likes dressing up, gossiping with townsfolk, participating in a few dances. It's the politics he doesn't like: classist courtiers, uptight generals, all the talk of pacts and trades and treaties, this and that-
Too many negatives and not enough positives.
But this? This is his first gala with Cellbit as his personal guard. As his partner.
There was another gala, months before. Back when Cellbit was still practically a stranger to him, one of the knights who patrolled the parameters of the massive ballroom and down the halls to ensure nothing went awry. Back when suitors were coming up to him left and right, looking to flirt and dance and win his hand alongside his heart. Roier would humor them, but they would never win. Even if it made his parents increasingly exasperated with him.
There will be none of that this time around, though, at least he certainly hopes. This time, things are different. So much different.
In what has to be a first, there's no armor on Cellbit to be found. Instead, the silver metal has been replaced with black and white and deep emerald fabrics; a high-collared shirt and a long coat. The guard's sword is in its sheath attached to his waist, though, veiled from immediate sight by a black cape, and he expects nothing less.
In no uncertain terms, Roier has trouble looking away. But it's fine, because Cellbit keeps looking at him, too, with unadulterated adoration, smiling with such a warm fondness that it makes him melt all over, and he wonders how the hell he went for so long without it.
(There's a lot of other eyes on them at first, too. It makes Cellbit stiff in his vigilance, his face open to the world and not just his world. But Roier's hand barely leaves his.)
(They really do stand out; dark greens and reds contrary to the bright yellow-golds and vivid violets of the prince's parents. A match that could rival, indeed.)
The gala enters its full swing and everything is, well, normal. Tolerable. The prince makes his rounds with the townsfolk, getting his favorite clue into the local drama. Chisme.
The guard accompanies him, too, but occasionally walks off to strike conversation with his own companions, or do his own silent checks around the borders of the ballroom. The latter doesn’t go unnoticed by Roier.
“Ya, mi amor,” he chastises fondly when Cellbit returns once. “Nothing to worry about.”
The band starts playing a tune that makes Roier perk up immediately, and before Cellbit can dispel the recognizable glint in his eye, the guard is being pulled deeper into the ballroom, Roier’s hand sliding into his own as the prince’s free settles on his shoulder.
Cellbit huffs, but he’s anything but upset, especially with the way Roier’s face lights up with a laugh, pressing closer still.
(And he remembers why dancing isn’t so bad, after all. If it means this.)
(They’re getting married. Married.)
The song ends with Roier getting twirled out with a laugh and a flourish. Then, it’s clear he gets another idea, tugging Cellbit’s hand lightly. “Sigueme, sigueme.”
They’re slipping out of the ballroom and down a hall, going up the stairs. Their final destination is revealed when the prince pushes open one of the double doors and they’re hit with a cool summer breeze.
“They’re going to notice we’re gone.” Cellbit quirks a brow.
“And? I saw the look on my father’s face. I am not listening to another general if I can help it.”
The guard hums, smiling amusedly. “Brilliant solution.”
“I’m full of them, no?” Roier responds.
“Sometimes.” The quip is met with a gasp and a smack to Cellbit’s shoulder. Roier pulls back in faux hurt, hand to his heart and everything, but then Cellbit’s hands are on his waist and he’s pulled right back. The prince pouts. “Hijo de puta.”
Cellbit only smiles knowingly, and Roier feels positively fuzzy. Their lips connect, and he’s flush against his love once more, arms circling snugly around the guard’s neck.
(A fire burns. All it took was patience.)
(He’s never letting go, now.)
When they finally pull apart, Roier rests his head against Cellbit’s shoulder, and they hold each other tighter still.
They can’t hear the music from the ballroom anymore, but it doesn’t matter. The night is their guide, as it always has been, and all is well.
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yrsonpurpose · 8 months
paris morning scene goodbye goodbye goodbye, you were bigger than the whole sky
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carolinahope · 8 months
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What is this scene? And when are we getting the "good" footage? And 5 more hours of bloopers?
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galecstatic · 10 months
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the fact that the book and movie you loved so dearly are making history in their own perfect little ways is something that can be very personal.
and you wouldn't understand how amazing and unbelievably proud i am for this one. and how forever grateful and forever indebted i am for what they have given and blessed us.
with all of these big things coming for rwrb, we need to just remember what casey said: you and i must always remember that once, it was just us. alex, henry, and us.
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nontoxic-writes · 10 months
okay but henry has never owned a key because hes never had have a home thats his. but he does now, in alex, and alex gives him a key to remind him of it.
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potato-jem · 11 months
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thomasbrodiesandwich · 9 months
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okay now i need to know what do you guys think this deleted scene is
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dancermk · 5 months
My 2023 sum up of film and TV…
Favourite movie with a cinema release - Barbie
Favourite TV series - Fellow Travelers
(Honourable mentions to - Heartstopper s2, Morning Wars s3, Lessons in Chemistry)
Favourite romcom - Red, white and royal blue
Favourite TV series that concluded in 2023 - Succession
Favourite Australian series - The Newsreader
Shows I think were underrated- Shrinking and Minx
Most overrated shows - House of the Dragon, The Last of Us
Most overrated movies - Oppenheimer and Maestro
Favourite performances - Jonathan Bailey, Matt Bomer, Nicholas Galitzine, Sam Reid, Anna Torv, Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Anniston, Brie Larson, Jeremy Strong, Sarah Snook.
My biggest complaints- still not enough: well written female or POC characters, female or POC protagonists, female or POC screenwriters, female or POC directors. (Nice that we are starting to see improvements in trans and non-binary representation on screen)
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Most looking forward to in 2024…
Movie - All of Us Strangers (January release here in Australia)
TV - Mary and George and Interview with the Vampire s2
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