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gramarobin · 8 months
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My buddie, sleeping at home after hia dental surgery this morning 🥺🐶❤️ *Eight* teeth and a piece of lower front jawbone had to be removed. So awful. And yes, that is a "my pillow", my mother bought it for my husband years ago. After my dog is done using it I will burn it as I can't stand Mr Lindell 😬
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the problem about having a fandom friend who shares your brain is that you begin to become incomprehensible to everyone else
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youngcrew09 · 2 years
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geniousbh · 1 day
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⸻ 𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝒅𝒂𝒔 𝒎𝒂̃𝒆𝒔 💋💐
headcanons/blurb lsdln cast (pipe e matías) 𝅃 MILF!reader
obs.: oi nenitas, muito se fala sobre dilfs isso e dilfs aquilo (que tesao pode ir me botando), mas e as mulheres deliciosas que são mães? pois é, ent decidi que ia atazana-las em pleno domingo de dia das mães com algo que eu tenho pensado HÁ tempos! fiz com o felipe e o matías e talvez venha ai um simón e um santiago pra completar🎉🎉🎇 espero que façam bom proveito e feliz dia das mães pras mamães das divas, pras divas que são mamães (oi rs), e etc!! beijocas💞🥰
tw.: smut, linguagem chula, masturbação (f), nipple play, LACTATION KINK🤭😶‍🌫️, menção a oral, menção a sexo, sexo desprotegido (não façammm), manhandling, espanhol fajuto, e se tiver algo a mais let me know. MDNI
𝒑𝒊𝒑𝒆 𝒐.: é o mais novo professor do seu filhinho de 5 anos - qual você teve com 26, por isso não é tão mais velha - na escolinha de futebol qual você leva quase todos os dias antes do seu pilates, sempre chegando lá com aquelas roupas apertadas de lycra, tops de compressão fazendo seus seios ficarem bem empinados e redondinhos, levando a imaginação do argentino a mil, obrigando que ele segurasse a respiração e mordesse a boca sempre que você vinha dar algum recado, segurando no braço dele. "eu e meu ex-marido assinamos o divórcio oficial semana passada então talvez ele fique moadinho por alguns dias", "sem problemas, a gente dá um jeito de animar ele e distrair", "obrigada, querido". porra de querido felipe pensava enquanto assistia sua bunda no momento em que você se virava para sair, ele precisava de você chamando ele de outras coisas, precisava... sei lá, balançava a cabeça tentando focar. nas reuniões era um custo não ficar vidrado em você - sempre mexendo no celular já que ele tinha descoberto que você trabalhava de casa e resolvia muitas coisas por mensagem - olhando de cima a baixo e se demorando nas suas coxas, tendo que ser chamado atenção quando um dos outros pais erguia a mão e o fazia uma pergunta. olhando a papelada de matrícula, via que você tinha trinta e poucos, mas o pagamento da mensalidade era feito no cartão de outra pessoa, "enzo v.", provavelmente o ex marido.
ficava cada vez mais difícil de controlar os impulsos e a vontade de ficar perto, mas o cúmulo era no dia das crianças do clube, em que as mães organizavam uma festinha e os professores ajudavam. vocês ficavam responsáveis por algumas coisas na cozinha e felipe propositalmente te encoxava várias vezes, pegando coisas no armário, ou querendo usar a pia ao mesmo tempo - não que você já não desconfiasse, ele era bem expressivo e pouco discreto das vezes que inventava que precisava falar sobre o pequeno contigo, se apoiando na janela do teu range rover e se inclinando bem pertinho de ti - não esperando que num determinado momento você fosse revidar e roçar a bunda nele, o fitando bem inocentinha por cima do ombro "ah, desculpa", fazendo ele erguer a sobrancelha e olhar ao redor antes de te puxar pra dentro da despensa, pressionando seu corpo contra uma das paredes. "por fi, me fala que eu não tô imaginando coisas...", olhando fixo pro teu rostinho, "hm.. depende, do quê você tá falando, pipe?", se fingia de burra mordiscando o lábio inferior e erguendo o olhar pra ele - homens no geral gostavam de se sentir superiores e o otaño não se diferenciava disso - "tu me quieres, mami", ele dizia convicto te arrancando um risinho ordinário. "eu? tem certeza? até onde eu sei, é você quem não se aguenta quando eu chego aqui na escola pra deixar meu filho, há meses tem sido assim... não pensa que eu não te vejo babando, pendejo", soprava baixinho, brincando com o pouco que sabia de espanhol e se impondo mais de súbito, o desbancando - e alguns homens também gostavam quando mulheres tinham atitude, no caso, felipe se enquadravam em ambos estereótipos -, fazendo-o passar a língua pela bochecha e assentir nervosinho antes de te segurar a nuca com afinco e te arrancar um beijo feroz.
o joelho do mais novo quase instantaneamente subindo para entre suas pernas e fazendo uma pressão deliciosa no seu sexo enquanto ele sugava sua língua e apertava seu quadril, "a gente não pode... eu sou muito velha pra ti", "shhh quietinha". te virando e fazendo você empinar, roçando ainda mais a ereção por cima dos tecidos contra sua buceta marcadinha pela legging, "puta merda, você acha justo ser gostosa assim?" falava enfiando a mão na sua calça e bem depressa apalpando a intimidade quente sobre a calcinha, "acha justo vir, deixar o pirralho aqui usando essas roupinhas justas e me fazer pensar como é macetar a mãezinha de um aluno? responde", o sotaque argentino te fazendo arrepiar por inteiro. ele não ficava muito atrás, por vezes, chegava para buscar o menor e via felipe sem camisa, suado, só com aqueles shortinhos pretos (ou brancos), que marcavam o pau do argentino sem qualquer pudor, e sabia que outras mães percebiam também. naquela tarde, o otaño te comia numa rapidinha ali mesmo sussurrando que gozaria em ti e que era pra ficar com a porra dele até o final enquanto ele chupava e marcava seu pescocinho por baixo dos fios na nuca.
depois disso, as coisas descarrilhavam, trocavam telefone, ele aparecia na sua casa pra dar aulas particulares, ficando bem mais tempo do que era contratado porque antes de ir sempre te puxava pra algum canto te dando um beijo intenso e amassando seu corpo com as mãos grandes. começavam a sair, iam a motéis - onde ele te mostrava muitas coisas que seu ex nunca nem sonharia em fazer, te comendo contra a parede, na banheira e te fazendo esguichar só no oral -, além de começar a se apegar terrivelmente ao seu menininho, cuidando e se preocupando especialmente com ele nas aulas, levando esporro de outros professores por dar atenção a mais. mas, estaria pouco ligando porque em quatro meses naquela toada se encontrava completamente apaixonado por você, mesmo contigo listando vários motivos do porque não poderiam namorar, tem certeza que com um pouquinho de insistência consegue mudar teu pensamento.
𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒔 𝒓.: você é a nova professora de inglês do cursinho e porra matías nunca pensou que fosse ter aquele tipo de fetiche, mas te ver chegando no colégio com aquelas saias tubinho e camisas sociais, além dos saltinhos baixos, que apenas serviam pra você o alcançar na altura, era uma prova de resistência. se masturbava incontáveis vezes pensando em como seria enfiar o rosto no meio do seu decote - que ficava a mostra quando os dois primeiros botões da roupa abriam sem querer - e em como seu rostinho, sempre centrado e polido, ficaria com ele te botando a pica até o talo e te fazendo sentar. você não era muito velha, o quê? 28? 29? ele lembrava de você dizendo que era recém formada na pós graduação e pedindo que eles fossem pacientes já que espanhol não era sua primeira língua. e, apesar de ser um puto egocêntrico com todos os outros professores, na sua aula em específico, o recalt se comportava, prestava atenção e tirava dúvidas, levantando o braço e pedindo que você fosse até a mesa dele - sem desconfiar que enquanto você explicava algum verbo to be, ele reparava no seu sutiã rendadinho por dentro da blusa folgadinha na frente ao se curvar -, por isso não entendia as reclamações na sala dos professores, sempre o defendendo.
o choque de matías vinha quando você citava muito brevemente com algumas meninas que sua filhinha era bebê ainda, um ano e pouco e costumava ficar com a avó, "mas e o pai, teacher?", "ah, nós não conversamos mais, ele se mudou antes de conhecer ela". veja bem, ele não sabia que tinha tesão em professora, e tudo bem, tinha superado a descoberta, mas ter tesão em MILF?? era muito diferente, e consumia a cabecinha dele, até não poder mais. matías pesquisava tudo sobre ti, achava teu instagram, via fotos com a bebezinha - que a propósito era a sua cara - e zero fotos do bocó do seu ex. ficava totalmente alucinado na ideia de "você". permanecia depois das aulas, perguntava sobre os livros utilizados e até pedia pra ir ao banheiro na língua americana, oferecendo o dedo do meio pra todo colega que o zoava. até o dia em que implorava por aulas particulares, dizendo que estava com dificuldade e que tinha escolhido inglês como matéria extra no vestibular da maioria das faculdades, te fazendo compadecer da situação e aceitar apesar de só conseguir atendê-lo aos sábados de manhã. ele nem acreditava quando chegava no teu prédio, confirmando o nome na portaria e entrando.
seu apartamento era tão ajeitadinho e combinava com o seu estilo sóbrio, mas você estava usando shorts e regata daquela vez, o que em parte tinha cozinhado metade do cérebro dele, enfim podendo reparar nas suas coxas roliças. "sua bebê fica na avó?", "o quê?", a pergunta te pegava de surpresa quando o recalt fazia ela enquanto você corrigia os exercícios que o tinha passado para avaliar o nível de fluência dele, "na verdade, matí, ela tá dormindo ainda... por sorte, ela dorme bastante de manhã, me deixa com tempo livre pra fazer o que preciso", sorria para o garoto e então arrastava mais a cadeira para perto da dele, se debruçando e passando a mostrar os errinhos que ele cometera. matías não mentia, não prestava atenção em nada, sua boca mexia e ele só conseguia pensar em como queria te beijar, o lápis que você segurava apontava para algum "might" ou "may" que ele tinha errado e a cabeça dele ia longe pensando em como sua mãozinha delicada de unhas feitas seria em volta do membro dele. "chamando, matías pra terra! alôoo, tá ai?", você questionava estalando os dedos na frente do rosto adormecido do moreno, fazendo-o arregalar um pouco os olhos e entreabrir os lábios.
"posso te beijar?", a voz um pouco rouca do argentino e o pedido inconsequente eram repentinos, tornando suas bochechas coradas e te fazendo engolir seco, retraindo no assento. "matías... eu sou sua professora...", "não ligo", "você tem o quê? dezoito? dezenove? não é certo", "por favor", ele se inclinava fazendo seus rostos se aproximarem - o encosto da cadeira impedindo que você se afastasse mais - te encarando com o olhar baixo. você tinha sim reparado nele também, o achava uma graça, e depois de ouvir tantas coisas sobre o mesmo, havia puxado os históricos de conduta, entendendo que talvez ele se sentisse confortável contigo e enfim prestasse atenção no conteúdo, sem contar que o jeitinho dele e o nariz grande eram um charme; o que não convinha notar já que era muito inapropriado😤 ao passo que ele se aproximava, chegando a roçar a boca na sua, ficava mais difícil de raciocinar, levando uma das mãos até o ombro do outro para o impedir de continuar "no seas así... por fi, prometo que não vamos fazer muito barulho...", adivinhando que o seu próximo argumento seria a bebê dormindo. era dito e feito, quando matías mordia seu inferior e puxava, você arfava, deixando que ele avançasse e te beijasse, virando mais na cadeira e tentando te puxar para ele. em minutos você estava sobre o colo do mais novo, correspondendo o selar afoito e cheio de língua, enquanto ele te segurava a bunda, te guiando para rebolar no colo dele enquanto seus seios se apertavam contra o peitoral. fazia tanto tempo que você não ficava com alguém então tudo tinha o dobro do efeito, além de ficar encharcada muito mais rápido. quando matías descia sua regata junto do sutiã para colocar um biquinho seu na boca, aproveitava dos seus olhinhos apertadinhos para enfiar a mão na parte da frente do shorts, rindo de canto com o mamilo na boca ao sentir a umidade descontrolada e que o melecava os dedos já. "é um pecado uma mulher gostosa assim ficar sem carinho, sabia teacher?", ele soprava rastejando o indicador e o médio para dentro da sua calcinha logo encontrando o pontinho inchado para dedar, sem deixar de rodear a auréola do mamilo e colocar na boca pra sugar.
matías revirava os olhos quando sentia o gosto suave e leitoso na boca, fazendo o pau latejar no jeans caralho ele tava mamando de verdade porra vai se foder abocanhando mais o peito, chupando enquanto os dígitos escorregavam para dentro da sua entradinha e bombeavam ritmados. você mesma, toda afetada, dividida entre o tesão absurdo que estava sentindo e a pressão do nozinho e começava a se apertar no seu baixo ventre e a antiética de estar permitindo um aluno fazer tudo aquilo. "m-matí... por favor, preciso gozar...", pedia arqueando as costas e choramingando, "se pedir em inglês eu deixo", ele provocava soltando abafado e maquiavélico, te imitando como nas aulas. o som da buceta molhada e de quando ele estalava a boca soltando um peito pra buscar o outro - com um filetinho de leite escorrendo pelo queixo - ecoava na sala do apê, só contribuindo pra quando ele te fazia vir precisando gemer baixinho na orelhinha dele. matías te colocaria pra mamar ele debaixo da mesa naquela manhã e na semana seguinte ele te comeria no sofá, na próxima na sacada e assim por diante... no final do ano, ele passaria num vestibular de uma faculdade fora e você não mais veria ele, mas de vez em sempre ele te mandaria mensagens dizendo que tem saudades e pedindo pra você falar sobre como tava indo - preocupado em saber se mais algum outro aluno gostava de você agora - e se sua filhinha estava bem.
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louddydisturb · 8 months
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Harry e louis foram casados por muito tempo mas com alguns desentendimento eles acabaram “dando um tempo”, porem por causa de seus dois filhos eles decidem continuar morando juntos mas as coisas acabam não dando muito certo
Harry, 27
Louis, 32
Tw: harry! Mulher cis, breeding kink, belly bulge
Mommry e louddy😭🫶🏻
(Ainda não é o do ultimo spoiler porque eu meio que obcequei nesse plot aqui)
Boa leitura!
Era final da tarde quando louis entra pela grande porta da casa, dando de cara com harry deitada no sofá com theo em seu colo e alicia fazendo dever de casa na mesinha de centro
Theo tinha 2 anos, era o caçula e mais apegado a mãe. Ele tinha cachinhos castanhos e olhos verdes praticamente a copia da mãe se não fosse pelo nariz de botão de louis
Alicia tinha 5 e era completamente apegada ao pai mesmo que ela tambem tivesse os cachos e os olhos da mãe
“Deveria desgrudar mais o theo, ele está quase na idade de ir para a creche e continua praticamente mamando” louis fala caminhando até os três e deixando um beijo na cabeça de cada criança
“Theo está perfeitanente bem, não se meta na criação dos meus filhos”
“São meus filhos tambem” o mais velho fala deixando o terno na cadeira da mesa de jantar e caminhando até a cozinha “porque tanto mau humor?”
“Nada que seja muito relevante ou fora do normal” harry fala calmamente enquanto acariciava os cachos do garoto que dormia em seu colo
Louis sabia o motivo do mau humor dos últimos dias e harry sabia muito bem disso
Eles tinham dado um tempo há um pouco mais de um ano mas por causa da crianças que ainda eram muito pequenas eles resolveram entrar em um consenso de continuarem morando juntos.
Era como se fossem amigos que dividiam apartamento, harry podia sair com quem quisesse e louis podia sair com quem quissese
Porem de alguns bons meses para ca harry andava frustrada por não achar ninguem “bom o suficiente”
Ela teve algumas fodas casuais e todas foram apenas uma frustração a mais e o fato de ter seu ex marido andando só de short ou alguma calça moletom pela casa não a ajudava muito
“O jantar está no microondas, vou levar theo para a cama e dormir, depois da uma checada no dever de casa da alicia” harry levanta com o garoto aconchegado em seu colo e se despede da filha antes de subir para seu quarto
Era sexta feira a noite, louis tinha chegado do trabalho e estava na sala assistindo jogo de futebol, as crianças estavam dormindo e harry estava se arrumando no quarto de cima
Oque deixava o homem levemente estressado, ele tinha noção que harry podia fazer oque quisesse e que ela era uma mulher solteira
Mas o fato de saber que a sua ex-mulher estava indo encontrar com algum carinha de aplicativo de relacionamento e muito provavelmente foder com um qualquer fazia o seu sangue ferver
“Vou sair, fica de olho nas crianças” harry desce as escadas usando um vestido colado preto junto com saltos finos vermelhos e uma bolsa da mesma cor e seus cachos soltos em seu ombro, completamente perfeita.
“Ta ok” louis diz seco voltando a prestar atenção no jogo que passava na tv e ignorando a ereção em sua calça ao que ele escuta o barulho da porta se fechando
Harry caminha para fora da casa e pega a range rover estacionada na garagem para ir dirigindo até o local marcado
Sam esperava na mesa resevarda, ele era um cara da idade de harry que ela conheceu em algum aplicativo de relacionamento aleatorio, eles deram match e começaram a conversar algumas vezes mas tudo muito superficial
“Harry! Que bom finalmente podermos nos conhecem” ele levanta cumprimentando a cacheada com um abraço “está linda”
“Oi sam, você tambem está otimo” sinceramente harry não o achava tão ruim mas apenas faltava algo
“Eu pedi um vinho podemos decidir a entrada agora”
“Pode escolher se quiser” harry achava que poderia estar melhor em sua cama do que perdendo tempo nesse tal encontro
“Sim! Acredita que ele teve a cara de pau de falar ‘ah mas a gente pode continuar morando juntos sem compromisso’ “ harry ria e imitava a voz de louis enquanto sam apenas concordava tomando um gole de seu vinho “ai agora ele finge que nos somos melhores amigos” ela suspira “isso me estressa sabe, e alem do ma-“
“Harry desculpa já vou ter que ir, amanhã tenho um turno cedo e já está tarde. Foi otimo hoje viu” sam levanta deixando libras o suficiente pra pagar a conta e se despedindo da cacheada com um beijo na bochecha
Harry bufou frustada ao que o outro saiu do estabelecimento, ela não tinha feito nada de errado e ele simplesmente correu
“Lou?” Ela escuta um murmuro sonolento ao que o celular é atendido “você pode vir me buscar?”
“Que? Porque?”
“Não consigo dirigir”
“Chama um taxi ou pede para o querido que te convidou te trazer em casa”
“Ele foi embora” harry fala em um sussurro quase inaudivel
“Me passa o endereço” harry escuta o barulho de uma porta abrindo e então louis desliga o telefone
Se passaram 10 minutos quando louis estacionou na frente do restaurante, encontrando harry sentada no meio fio com uma cara chorosa
“Vamos” ele abaixa o vidro da suv observando harry praticamente corre para o carro “foi tão ruim assim?”
“Eu não sei oque acontece Lou” ela cruza os braços observando as ruas movimentada de Londres
“Ta tudo bem” Louis dirigia completamente concentrado na estrada e trincando a mandíbula quase que inconscientemente
Com certeza o jeito que o tomlinson apertava o volante não estava ajudando com a sanidade de harry
O resto do caminho para a casa foi tranquilo, apenas o som da radio tocando alguma musica aleatória
“Quer conversar um pouco?” Louis pergunta jogando as chaves do carro no aparador, harry entra na casa em se senta no sofá amplo da sala
“Pode ser” Louis senta ao lado da outra “não acho que eu vá arrumar alguém tão cedo” harry quase ri com o quão tenso o corpo de Louis ficou “ninguém gosta realmente de mim” o falso tom choroso fez Louis querer socar qualquer um que a tenha tratado mal “meu corpo ficou todo feio Lou”
“Não fale besteiras” a mão tatuada desliza para as coxas pálidas de harry
“Ficou, nem mesmo você me quis mais depois da gravidez do Theo” harry conseguia manipular e ter Louis na palma de sua mão
“Você sabe que não foi bem assim” o aperto em sua coxa fez harry reprimir um gemido de satisfação, harry ansiava pelo mínimo toque que fosse “me fale mais”
“Ninguém parece ser interessante o suficiente, Lou” ela sentava de lado com as coxas praticamente em cima das de Louis e brincava com a cordinha do moletom do outro “todos são extremamente entediantes”
“Ah são? Pensei que gostava ja que saia com vários” harry sentia o carinho em sua coxa subindo cada vez mais, a alguns centímetros de sua coxa “porque são entediantes?”
“Porque não são você” Louis sorri ouvindo exatamente oque queria ouvir, ele conhecia bem como harry era
“Não são eu?” A respiração de Louis próxima ao pescoço de harry fazia a mulher amolecer no aperto alheio “eles não te fodem como a putinha que você é?”
“Louis…” harry geme baixo ao que Louis a puxa para seu colo, ela podia sentir perfeitamente a ereção de Louis embaixo de si
“Shh” Louis levanta trazendo harry em seu colo e caminhando desajeitadamente ate o quarto que era deles “no final das contas você sempre vai ser minha, né amor”
O tomlinson beijava devagar todo o pescoço branquinho da cacheada, essa que tinha a respiração desregulada e mordia os lábios tentando segurar os propios gemidos
O vestido de harry cai em algum canto do quarto antes de seu corpo ser empurrado contra o colchão macio da cama
“Nunca mais fale mal de si mesma, harry” ele deixava beijinhos nas marcas na cintura e barriga de harry, fazendo-a choramingar em seus braços
Harry apertava as coxas e puxava os fios de Louis cada vez que ele ameaçava puxar sua calcinha e apenas voltava a deixar beijos e chupões por suas coxas
“Louis por favor, eu preciso tanto de você”
“Precisa?” Ele pressiona o dedão no clitoris inchadinho da cacheada que choraminga confirmando com a cabeça “você é tão puta, harry. Mas só a minha puta” a calcinha de renda é arrancada em um puxão do corpo de harry “eu senti tanta falta desse corpo” Louis apertava a cintura de harry finalmente lambendo desde da entradinha até o clitoris sensível da mais nova, o gosto agridoce tomando conta de seu paladar
“Isso Lou, tão bom” harry rebolava contra a lingua de Louis. Completamente desesperada por um orgasmo
Louis a fodia com a lingua, tudo virando apenas uma bagunça molhada e quente
“Eu nunca conseguiria me cansar de você, amor” ele deixa um tapa na coxa branquinha antes de se ajoelhar na cama para terminar de tirar suas propias roupas, Harry foi mais rapida em se sentar na frente dele e puxar o moletom azul para fora do corpo masculo, as tatuagem que pintavam todo os braços e parte do torço de louis ficam a mostra fazendo as pernas de harry praticamente amolecerem. Ela arranhou o abdomen levemente com as unhas, observando as marcas vermelhas se formarem antes de puxar o cos da calça moletom junto com a cueca, liberando o falo duro do aperto do tecido
Harry punhetou o membro que brilhava pré gozo antes de pressionar a lingua na fenda vermelinha
“Porra harry” louis contava com todo o seu autocontrole para não agarrar o cabelo de harry e começar a foder a garganta dela como bem entendesse
Harry rodeava a cabecinha com a língua e então tentava levar até o seu máximo, fazendo Louis gemer puxando seus cachos como apoio
O tomlinson segurou a cabeca de harry, a forçando até encostar o nariz em sua pelves e gozando fundo na garganta
“Caralho, eu senti tanta falta dessa boca” louis se afasta da mulher e a puxa para um beijo um tanto quanto desesperado, ele terminava de tirar o sutiã do corpo dela enquanto harry o empurrava e sentava exatamente em cima de seu membro ainda sensivel por causa do orgasmo recente
“Me fode, amor” ela choramingava necessitada rebolando no pau já ereto de louis
“Senta” ele leva uma mão para o quadril de harry e a outra ele ajuda a encaixar o pau na entradinha molhada, Ambos gemendo contidos
Harry se apoiava no peitoral de louis enquanto quicava praticamente sem intervalos, os labios vermelinhos sendo mordidos na tentativa de abafar os gemidos e o rostinho todo corado
Louis gemia rouco apertando a cinturinha fina com tanta força que com certeza deixaria marcas
“Olhe pra você, sentando no pau do ex-marido só porque não consegue controlar a si mesma. E porque ninguem consegue te comer do jeitinho que voce gosta ne, amor?”
“Ninguem lou” lagrimas escorriam pelas bochechas gordinhas e harry ja podia sentir seu baixo ventre revirar com a proximidade de um orgamo
“Goza pro lou, harry” ele começa a brincar com o clitoris sensivel fazendo a mulher tremer e gozar por toda sua pelves. Ela deita em seu peito, gemendo baixinho em seu pescoço e rebolando devagar no membro ainda dentro de si “tão perfeita, tão boa pra mim” louis acariciava as costas dela, sentido-a arrepiar em seu toque
Louis testou estocar os quadris contra harry que ainda estava molinha em seu colo, ela gemeu mordendo a curva seu pescoço e apertando seus braços. Ele sabia o quão sensivel harry era depois de um orgasmo e isso só o dava mais vontade de destruir-la ate que a unica coisa que se passe na cabeça dela seja ‘louislouislouis’
Ele segura a cintura de harry e continua com a estocadas cada vez mais agressivas, fazendo-a arquear as costas gemendo e olhando Louis com os olhos verdes suplicantes e lagrimejados
Isso foi o estopim para o autocontrole de Louis, ele virou a cacheada a jogando com tanto de agressividade contra o colchão, a bunda gordinha empinada em seu direção
Ele estocava agressivamente contra a bucetinha que pulsava em seu pau
Os dois eram apenas uma bagunça molhada o, harry gemia abafado no travesseiro
Louis vira harry na cama, se encaixando entre as coxas gordinhas tendo a visão de harry com lagrimas acumulando nos olhos, os lábios vermelhos e com alguns filetes de sangues causados pelos próprios dentes, as bochechas coradas e o rostinho todo suado
Mas algo que chamou a atenção de Louis, e praticamente o fez gozar no mesmo instante foi ver a elevação que formava no baixo ventre de harry toda vez que ele estocava
Harry levou a mão para o local sentindo exatamente quando se formava a pequena protuberância ali
“Porra hazza, eu vou te deixar bem cheia, amor” ele abaixa o torso ficando na altura do rosto da cacheada, essa que o puxa para um beijo um tanto quanto intenso “vou te deixar cheia de nenens”
Harry gozou, esguichando por toda a pelves de Louis, esse que não suportou o aperto em seu pau e esporrou fundo na cacheada
“Nunca mais fale que seu corpo ficou feio depois da gravidez” ele beija a testa suadinha da garota que ainda tremia em seu colo “vamos até fazer mais um para você relembrar o quão bonita você fica gravidinha” Louis se afasta devagar observando a porra escorrer e grudar nas coxas de harry
“Louis, se você tiver me engravidado oque a gente vai fazer” harry fala distraída aproveitando a temperatura morninha da agua da banheira
Ela deitava de costa no peito de Louis, esse que a acariciava e a beijava todo minuto
“Vamos ter ele ou ela, ué” ele leva as duas mãos para a barriga ainda lisinha de harry “se forem gêmeos ai a gente começa procurar por outra casa com um jardim maior”
“Mas Louis, isso foi só pra desestressar, não estamos mais juntos”
“Você sabe que eu sempre fui contra a esse “tempo”” ele faz as aspas com as mãos “e desde do momento que você assinou a certidão de casamento no cartório até então isso ainda te faz minha mulher” harry podia ver os olhos azuis praticamente brilhando “vamos ser felizes com alicia, Theo, a sementinha e um cachorro”
“Um cachorro, tomlinson-styles?”
“Sim! Eu vi que é ótima criar cachorro com bebês”
“Só se vocês quiserem me deixar louca”
“Alicia e Theo querem”
“Vou pensar no caso de vocês”
Quem apoia parte dois bem fuffly com harry gravidinho e louis bem pai babão
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kiradrabbles · 23 days
Love story - yandere ticci toby x reader chapter 1
cw: stalking, obsessive behaviour, graphic depictions of violence (no shit), and Toby being a total freaky weirdo. Not explicit non-con yet.
No good deed ever goes unpunished. One late night trip to a convenience store you decide to help a man who knocks over some cans. Toby can't get his mind off you, now. And when he finally finds something that helps him get his mind off the raging in his head and the operators grasp on him, he won't let it go.
AKA. Toby is delusional, horny, and totally obsessed with you. Without further adieu... with a horrendous word count of 4000+....
Chapter 1: Meet cute
To say toby had no idea when his infatuation with you started would be a lie, he knew exactly when it started. He knew it down to the hour, the minute, the second. How could he forget the moment he met you after all? It was like a romance, one of those rom-com meet cutes. His own sappy love story with his own perfectly happy ending.
It was a cold night, he couldn't precisely remember the time, sure, but he knew the stars were up in the sky, and that it was the midst of winter as there was snow dusting the ground. Colorado's winters were cold - and as it was cold, Toby got stuck with doing the supply runs. As was apparently "fair". Because of his CIPA he couldn't feel cold (or heat), which meant any time the weather conditions were slightly less-than desirable it was his job to go half-buy half-shoplift the food the mansions residents needed for the next few days. At least, those that didn't eat human flesh.
Not that he really minded. He'd take any chance he could to get out of the mansion for a while, taking Tim's car - an old beaten up Land Rover they had stolen from a victim years ago - and speeding along the highways to the nearest store. Well, not speeding. He was always cautious in cars - he had his reasons.
And it was in one of those convenience stores where he first saw you, memory engraved into his mind forevermore.
You were beautiful that was for sure. Specks of snow sprinkled over your hair and face, light glinting off them as you made your way into the store, still shivering from the cold as you stopped in you tracks, soaking in the sudden warmth. The harsh lighting just seemed to frame you, like a halo of sorts, a spotlight sending his attention screaming to you. He couldn't tear his eyes away. Something about you distracted him, If just for a second, from the chaos in his head. The voices and the constant war of emotions died down, to make room for a new emotion. One he hadn't felt in years.
Toby knew it was love - what else could it be? His heart was pounding in his chest, he felt giddy with what must be affection as he stared at you. He wasn't used to the feeling, but what he knew was it was better than any temporary high his missions could give him, sharp as an axe and twice the rush.
You must have noticed his staring, because by the time he came to his senses and focused again you had met his gaze, head tilted with a nervous half-smile on your perfect face. He had made you smile. A nervous one, but yet a smile, nonetheless.
A sharp crack sounded as his neck jerked, bringing him screeching back to reality, breaking the eye contact and bringing his gaze down to his poorly bandaged hands. Oh, how he wished he dressed better.
He hadn't even bothered to throw on a bandage on his face to cover his gash, instead opting for a single-use blue face mask Jack had lying around. The hoodie he was donned had thumb holes ripped into the cuffs, and he hoped like hell it wasn't one of the ones with obnoxious blood stains. He couldn’t see any on the front, but he would not put it past him to somehow have some sprayed on his back, he got pretty.. Brutal when in the zone.
The next time he looked back to you, you were bent over a little, looking down at some energy drinks. He allowed his eyes to drift over you, taking in everything. Before he could take out his phone and take a photo - not in a strange way, of course, just to remember the occasion - he ticced. At the most inconvenient time possible, naturally. 'Birdie!' he chirped out, followed by a bird whistle, which sent you looking behind yourself in startled confusion, and Toby's gaze to his hands once again.
He continued skirting around you for the next minute or so, before it happened. He was kneeled down, looking at the drinks you were looking at before, imagining sharing one with you, hands brushing each other’s. Toby could finish it in one gulp, seeing you pout, then cup your face and kiss it into your mouth, watching you squeal and close your eyes, lean into him. Some might argue this was too soon, or strange to imagine, but Toby knew it wasn't. He was in love with you, after all, so it was normal.
He was brought out of those pleasant daydreams by a loud clatter, looking down. He'd knocked some drinks off the shelf.
"Fuh-fuck." he cursed quietly
He reached down to fetch them, but someone got to it first - you got to it first. Your hands were so small as they picked it up, he wanted to cup them in his hands and kiss them, feel your soft skin against his own, callous and scarred.
"Th-thanks" he muttered, looking down at you again as he rose up to his full hight, a few inches taller than you are. "S-sorry about that, I have tour- wow! - Tourette’s. I have Tourette’s."
"It's fine" you gave a little smile, nervously picking at your hands. "Don't worry about it."
The first thing that struck him was your voice. It was.. Perfect. It suited you perfectly. He wanted to play it on loop, set it as his ringtone, his new favourite song.
The second? You didn't judge him for his Tourette’s. Of course, you didn't, you were perfect. You were made for him; you wouldn't judge him for anything like that. You weren't like anybody else. He wanted then more than anything to take you in his arms right there, lift you up and take you back to the mansion, to his room, hide you from the rest of the world, have you all to himself. Instead, he waited behind you at the checkout, taking in the faint smell of you, trying to keep a handle on his ticcing and twitching, at least when you were there.
When it was his turn he barely looked at the cashier, slapping a wad of cash on the table and watching him sort through it, bowing his head a little under tobies harsh gaze, snatching the change as soon as it was handed to him. He couldn't lose you, let you get too far, he had to keep track of you.
He tracked you like he would a victim, trailing behind you in the Land Rover, just far behind enough you wouldn't register it, a few cars back. He followed you to an apartment block, parking across the road, watching as you exited the car, oblivious to the eyes of your future lover trailing you.
Thankfully for him you were on the first floor, obvious from the way light visible in one of the windows turned on a few seconds after you entered the building. He made a mental note of the room you stayed in and pulled out from the car park, making his way back to the mansion. It would be suspicious if he came back too late. He would come back for you, though. He had to.
And that he did. He started with simple things, waiting outside the apartment for you to leave and trailing you, learning your routines, your most visited locations, anything about you he could pick up. You liked to read, adorable. He would love to read with you, having your tiny form on his lap, book in hand, resting against him. But until then he would settle for entering the bookstore after you, trailing his hands over the shelves he knew you touched.
It was through this book-store that he finally found your name. His lovers name. He was skulking around the shelves just out of your view, watching you, and occasionally taking a quick photo, with the new phone he had recently brought. More modern than the last one - not just because he needed a better one to film you with, but the decent camera really didn't hurt.
 Not in a creepy, stalker way of course. He was sure if he sat down and asked you, you really wouldn't mind.
"Oh, Sidney!" You called, waving to a girl at the counter. You knew her? "Hey!"
"Oh, hey [Y/N]."
[Y/N]. That was your name. His [Y/N], soon to be [Y/N] Rogers. He felt giddy with delight.
He didn't stop there, either. As time passed, as he memorised your routine, the shitty movie theatre you worked at, your favourite stores and café's and places to be, he started to know when you would and wouldn't be in your apartment. And what good proxy didn’t know how to lockpick?
Your apartment smelt like you, that was the first thing that struck him. A light, airy sort of scent, that he just couldn't get enough of. He found himself leaning down, opening a drawer and taking a long sniff. It looked like mostly fresh laundry, hoodies and shorts.
He had time; he knew that much. You wouldn't return from your job at that crappy local movie theatre for at least another 3 hours. It was a decent enough job, he supposed, though his skin crawled at the thought of you getting hit on or yelled at by customers. He had had half a mind to follow you and wait just outside, to give anyone who gave you a hard time or even looked at you funny a piece of his mind. He refrained, for now however, deciding instead to make the most of his time and spending it getting as close to you as physically possible. Speaking of close..
As he rummaged through your drawers, he came across one with more.. Intimate content. Underwear, it looked like. Your underwear. He reached his hands into the dresser, taking out a bra almost reverently. This had touched your skin, and not just your skin. Your breasts. He was indirectly touching your breasts. His face was burning and his heart was pounding as he held it, grinning so wide it would have hurt if he could feel pain.
He set it back down in the drawer as another thing caught his eye, what looked like a matching set. Lacy black panties and a skimpy black bra. He hadn't imagine you'd own something like that, but he wasn't complaining. Quite the opposite in fact. He'd ask you to wear it for him when you two were together, but for now, his imagination would suffice. He stuffed a pair of panties he was sure you wouldn't miss into your pocket, and turned to look at the rest of the room.
Over the next week or so, he made himself at home when you weren't there. It was as if he was your lover, your live in boyfriend. He used your toothbrush, laid in your bed, next to where you would lay, imagining your sleeping form lying next to his. He 'borrowed' your clothes and rummaged through your bins, and even killed those racoons that had been raiding your bins for you. He did feel a little bad for the beasts, but anything that inconvenienced his love could not be tolerated. 
As a testament to his own self-control, he managed to prevent himself from hiding in your closet and watching you sleep for the majority of the days, no matter how tempting it was. That was, until, you tripped and hurt your ankle on the way to work. And since he could hardly pick you up and kiss you and take care of you, he would do the next best thing. Stick around and make sure you were okay.
That was all he was doing, he told himself, as he shut the door on himself, leaving a good 30 minute window for you to get back. He was being a good boyfriend.
The closet wasn't quite spacious by any means, but he fit fine, If his legs were bent at a weird angle. What did it matter? It wasn't as if he could feel them cramping, and even if he could, it would be worth it to be so close to his beloved. Perhaps it was stupid, reckless. What if he ticced and alerted you? What if you ran, or called the police? Nevertheless love clouded over his logic and better judgement, and so he stayed.
He was euphoric when you got back, not even casting a glance at the usually empty closet. He peered through the gap in the door with wide, enraptured eyes as you continued your daily routine. He stayed staring as you sat on your laptop, and especially as you changed into more comfortable clothes, facing directly at him. It was hard to tell whether the pounding of his heart in his throat and his shaking hands as he took the phone out were nerves at the thought of being seen, or excitement at seeing you so bare in front of him, in just your underwear.
When he felt the tightness in his pants, he decided it was the latter.
Over the next few days, he became a regular in your closet too. Spending the night in the mansion became a rarity that  he only happened to do when he came back from a late night mission and needed a shower and change of clothes. He preferred being with you, of course, no one enjoys being away from their partner.
The winter was fading by the time he worked up the balls to talk to you again. You were at work in the movie theatre, and he decided he would visit you. He would charm you, and ask you for your number, he had it all planned out.
He donned the best clothing he could find in his closet - a Black turtleneck instead of his usual scrappy hoodies, some trousers, he'd shined his boots, and even worn some cologne! He'd stolen it from a victim previously, and until now, he never had a reason to wear it. He gave himself one last cursory glance in the mirror on the way out, checking his hair wasn't as unruly as usual and that his gash was covered, and left.
The movie theatre wasn't too busy, he was relieved to see. There were only two people on cashier duty, you, and another girl. Most people were in her queue, he noted. She looked pretty, he supposed that was the reason why.
Idiots. Why even look at her when they could be blinded by the perfection that was you? Although, internally he was glad really. Less competition.
He tried to seem as casual as possible as he strode in, taking his place in your line, behind what looked like a young couple. How ironic, Toby thought, that he was behind a couple. That was what they were about to be. In love, holding hands, giving each other knowing glances and kisses on the cheeks.
When it was his turn, he walked up to you, jerking his neck and giving a nervous smile, trying and failing to seem like some confident heartthrob.
"Oh, hey, I know you" You spoke, returning his smile. You remembered him. Had you been thinking about him too? "You're uh.. Convenience store guy, right?"
 "Y-yeah, that's me. Hey."
"Hey" If you continued smiling like that at him he might just turn into mush in front of you. "What can I get for ya?"
"Oh, uh.." He looked up at the digital signage showing the movies on, deciding on some generic looking horror movie "H-how’s 'The - wow! - the Blackcoats daughter'?"
"One ticket for the Blackcoats, alright. Anything else I can get for you sir?"
"Muh-my names Toby, not sir" He stuttered out, earning a little laugh from you that made his heart soar "One B-bucket of popcorn please? L-large"
"That was horrible. I'm [Y/N]. " you respond, before you turn around, perfect hair swishing behind you as you start to fill up a box of popcorn for him. Now was his chance. C'mon Toby, c'mon- She remembered him, she must like him too.
"O-oh, and I forgot one - birdie - one thing."
"Hm?" You turn and face him again
"c-could I get your number? To g-go." He gave you the most charming smile he could muster, though It most likely ended up looking like a begging puppy, desperate for a treat.
You were surprised for a second, blinking a couple of times, before he could see your face flush the prettiest pink you'd ever seen, opening your mouth for a second, searching for a response. You seemed flustered - he made you flustered. God, you were so cute it made him ache.  "W-well, sure, do you want me to write it down, or..?"
"I-I have a phone, hang on" He fished his phone out of his pocket, quickly checking his photos app was shut. It would be unfortunate if you saw just how much he adored you quite yet.
You took the phone and typed it in, naming your contact '[Y/N] :)', before handing the phone back. As he took it, your fingers brushed his, and he could of sworn he felt actual electricity pass through you, fingertips tingling where he left yours.
He sent a little text 'Hi, it's toby :)' to test you hadn't given him the wrong number by mistake, smiling even wider when your phone gave an affirmative chime, his bandage over his mouth crinkling a little.
"T-thanks" He managed, sure his voice sounded positively giddy with delight.
"No problem" You smiled back at him "Have a good view!"
He took his ticket and popcorn, and in his excitement, strode out of the movie theatre entirely, forgetting the movie he'd brought. His head was far too full of thoughts of his beloved.
As much as he longed to spend another night with you, that day he had a mission to attend to. It didn't dampen his mood however, he didn't think anything could. He got your number. You liked him! You had to, why else would you give it to him? He was so excited he was practically vibrating.
He swung one of his hatchets over his shoulder, practically skipping down the hall and out the door to where Tim and Brian were waiting to murk some oblivious camper who had decided to set up camp in the forest.
"Someone's in a good mood" Tim spoke with his southern drawl, flicking his cigarette butt onto the forest floor and crushing it with the heel of his boot, before taking his mask and covering his face fully once again, letting out a tired sigh. He was one of the few proxies who didn't take much joy in killing.
Toby just nodded. He sure was.
Brian was silent, striding ahead of them, presumably in the direction of their latest victims. His AK-47 strapped to his back, and the baclava with the odd looking frown already donned.
"Hoodies frontin'" Tim spoke, explaining the silence from the man, as he followed along. Hoodie was generally non-verbal, so it didn't surprise him.
Toby had trouble concentrating, on the walk to the campsite. His mind kept drifting to you. More than once Tim had caught him taking his phone out and glancing at the screen. He was just checking if you'd responded to his text, even though he assumed you wouldn't until your shift was over.
"Waiting for somethin'?" Tim spoke, briefly pausing his walk to look at Toby
Their short interaction was interrupted by Hoodie holding his hand up to silence them, pointing to a tent in the woods a  little way ahead of them. It looked to be a family of three. A father, a daughter, and a Wife. All easy enough targets, no visible weapons save for the pen-knife on one of the logs. That wouldn't be even close to a match for one of them, let alone all three.
"We'll each take one" Tim said, breaking the silence, earning a nod from Hoodie and a 'yep' from Toby. It was go time.
Toby started to walk over slowly, before stopping, just before they noticed him, wet leaves making soft sounds under his feet. He readied his hatchet, holding it behind his head. Three, two, one..
The hatchet landed where he wanted it with a wet thud, buried halfway through the mans forearm. Sure, he could have gone for the head, but he hardly felt like a quick kill. He needed a way to vent out all his excitement, after all.
The man was shocked to the point he couldn't move, eyes wide and staring in horror at his now half-attacked limb, nerves severed, falling limp in front of him with Toby's axe still lodged in. Toby himself let out a manic 'whoop whoop!', the adrenaline of the kill finally kicking in.
The shrill, terrified scream of the child was cut short by the echoing sound of a shot, and Toby watched as a round buried itself in her forehead. Hoodie, always the efficient one.
And then the man stood up, lunging for the knife, and his tunnel vision kicked in, as he sprinted to him, remaining hatchet in hand. It was somewhat impressive, Toby noted, he could even stand losing that much blood at once. Nevertheless, he wouldn't be standing much longer, as Toby barrelled at him full speed, sending the two of them sprawling into the ground, leaves flying up in a shower as they thudded down.
Toby came to his senses first, raising himself up, hatchet behind his head, grinning like the maniac that he was. Thud. Crack. The sweet sound of ribs crunching under his hatchet. He looked down, watching the way the blood squirted and pooled on the still-screaming mans chest. Again. Thwack. Crack. More blood, more screams. He was vaguely aware of it splashing his face as he licked his lips, acknowledging the familiar copper tang against his tongue.
In a sudden show of theatrics he dropped the axe to his side, bending down over the rib-cage and tearing the ribcage apart, the muscle and sinew nothing compared to his advanced strength. With a tear they were out of the way, strew either side of the now motionless corpse of the man. He plunged his hand into his chest, searching around in the guts, which were slippery with blood, before coming across what he wanted. The heart.
With a swift flick of his wrist he plucked the heart out of the mans chest, watching as it beat in his tight grip. He held it up, briefly considering gifting it to you. He could buy you some flowers and turn up at your door, blood-stained from head to toe, and present them to you.
"I killed him because I love you!" He'd say, and you'd swoon and fall into his arms and kiss him as he carried you back.
As oblivious as he was, he wasn't so stupid as to actually think your reaction would be so eager, casting the thought away. He snorted, throwing the heart so it hit the back of Tim, who was standing over the woman’s body, her neck neatly broken.
He spun around "Don't do that shit, Toby!"
Toby just giggled, righting himself and kicking the head of the body, watching it loll. As he stood up, he noticed something sticking out of his torso. Was that..? He pulled it out, and sure enough, there was the knife the guy had. Huh, he actually landed a hit. Kudos to him. The knife was discarded on the ground.
Hoodie cleared his throat, beckoning them to follow him back to the mansion, and so they did, in mostly silence. Tim neglected to point out Toby's incessant phone checking this time, thankfully.
He made his way back to the mansion, avoiding most of it's residents other than a quick scratch of Smile Dog. Locking the door to his room, stripping down and dumping his axes on his bed along with his phone, glancing down at where the knife had wounded him. Sure enough, it was already starting to scab up. One benefit of being a proxy was it was really, really hard to get hurt.
He slipped into the shower, not bothering to change the temperature on the water. He couldn't feel it after all, why bother?
By the time he'd gotten out, less than 10 minutes later, he chucked a towel round himself, not bothering to comb his mop of hair. He'd gotten all the blood out of it, that was good enough.
He leant over, dripping water on his bedsheets and dirty clothes, to check the phone. He beamed, looking down at the notification on the home screen, Letting out a content kind of sigh. He swept the bloody clothes and axes off the bed, dropping the towel on the floor and crawling in, not bothering to get dressed. He was too excited to talk to you now, what did that matter?
'Hey :)' You'd said, followed by 'Sorry the response was late, was still at work'
He briefly debated his response, before settling with a simple 'It's fine :)'
'How are you?'
'I'm good' he paused, he didn't want to seem too dry. 'Just been working out.' Well.. It was just a little lie, really. All that running and killing counted as exercise, surely.
He talked to you for almost a whole hour, kicking his legs like a schoolgirl every time you'd responded to him. He'd asked about your favourite book series, grinning as wide as he could when you infodumped to him. You felt close enough to share this with him! He was over the moon.
Eventually it came to an end as all good things do and you said goodnight, telling him you had work the next morning. And you needed to rest. He knew. It was cute you wanted to tell him though, like you cared, wanted to make sure he didn't feel like he was being ignored. You were so considerate; his lover was so cute.
He turned out the lights, laying on his side with the phone, scrolling through the pictures and videos he had of you. It had become a nightly routine whenever he was in the mansion, to help you feel closer to him.
He came across a photo he had recently taken - you in that matching black set he'd found when he first broke into your apartment. You were trying it on in the mirror, and holy shit, you looked perfect. The most beautiful thing he'd ever laid his eyes on. Even now, in a slightly grainy image taken through the drawer of a cupboard, he couldn't tear his eyes away.
Sure enough, he felt a familiar feeling in his lower stomach, looking down. He could spare a few minutes before he went to bed.  
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sandyport · 4 months
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feito 26/01/2024.
sandy's notes: Dia 3 do desafio da @flowercandy: música do seu artista masculino de KPOP favorito. Eu sempre fico bastante indecisa com Rover e esta, mas Peaches é uma música incrível e até fácil de se inspirar. Pêssegos e um duplo sentido é uma boa combinação (+ karol me helpando com o psd). Diferente da última postagem, queria algo mais colorido ou próximo a isso (mas juro que sou horrível em capas assim, na próxima é dark dnv hehehe). Fiquem com os pêssegos!
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mysticstronomy · 10 days
Saturday, May 4th, 2024.
Welcome back,
The Conversation report, published on November 10, 2021, said there is plenty of oxygen on the Moon, which is the Earth’s only natural satellite, but it is not in gaseous form.
A study has claimed that the Moon’s top layer alone has enough oxygen to sustain as many as eight billion people for 100,000 years.
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According to a report by the Australian website The Conversation, the top layer of rocks on the Moon, called regolith, is made up of approximately 45 per cent oxygen.
The report, published on November 10, said there is plenty of oxygen on the Moon, which is the Earth’s only natural satellite, but it is not in gaseous form.
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"Although the Moon does have an atmosphere, it’s very thin and composed mostly of hydrogen, neon and argon. It’s not the sort of gaseous mixture that could sustain oxygen-dependent mammals such as humans,” it added.
In October this year, the Australian Space Agency signed a deal with NASA to send a rover to the Moon to collect lunar rocks that could provide breathable oxygen.
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The Conversation report on November 10 further said that oxygen can be found in many minerals in the ground ‘around us’, adding the Moon is majorly made up of the same rocks found on planet Earth.
"Minerals such as silica, aluminium, and iron and magnesium oxides dominate the Moon’s landscape. All of these minerals contain oxygen, but not in a form our lungs can access,” it added.
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The report has suggested that Electrolysis technique can be used to extract oxygen from silica, aluminium, iron and other minerals found on the Moon.
“In this case, the oxygen is produced as a byproduct. On the Moon, the oxygen would be the main product and the aluminium (or other metal) extracted would be a potentially useful byproduct,” it said.
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However, for the procedure to be sustainable, it has to be supported by solar energy on any other sources of energy on the Moon. “Extracting oxygen from regolith would also require substantial industrial equipment.”
Earlier this year, a start-up from Belgium said that it was making three experimental reactors to improve the process of making oxygen through electrolysis. The Space Applications Services is planning to send such reactors to the Moon by 2025, the report said.
Originally published on www-hindustantimes-com
(Wednesday, May 8th, 2024)
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simpforfandom231 · 4 months
Basketball star PT2
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The midday sun cast a warm glow over the Belgian streets as Y/N pulled up in her sleek Range Rover to pick up Julie Vanloo, her spirited teammate and confidante. Julie hopped into the car with an infectious grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Guess who's practically Hollywood royalty now?" Julie teased, nudging Y/N playfully as they drove towards their favorite lunch spot.
Y/N blushed, her hands tight on the steering wheel. "Oh, come on, Jules. You know that whole thing with Rachel Zegler was just a crazy coincidence. She's a Hollywood star, and I'm just a basketball player from Belgium. It's not like she'd actually want to go on a date with me."
Julie, unable to contain her enthusiasm, squealed, "Are you kidding? Rachel Zegler crushing on you is like winning the lottery! You're an absolute catch, Y/N!"
As they arrived at the cozy cafe, the owner greeted them with a knowing smirk. "Looks like you've got some famous admirers, Y/N. Better watch out for the paparazzi!"
Seated at their usual spot, Julie continued to playfully prod Y/N about sending a message to Rachel. "Come on, Y/N! Slide into those DMs and make history! I'd give anything to be in your shoes right now!"
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Yeah, right. Like Rachel Zegler is going to respond to a message from me. She's probably just joking about wanting to go on a date."
Julie's eyes widened, "Are you kidding? This is like a romantic comedy in the making! Hollywood actress falls for the Belgian basketball star. It's perfect!"
Y/N chuckled, still unconvinced. "Julie, you've watched too many rom-coms. This is real life, not a movie script. Besides, she lives in Hollywood, and I'm here in Belgium. It's not exactly convenient."
Undeterred, Julie leaned in, "Life is short, Y/N. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, right?"
Y/N smirked, "Nice try, quoting a basketball proverb at me, but this is a whole different ball game."
As they debated the pros and cons of Y/N reaching out to Rachel, fans approached for pictures. One particularly enthusiastic fan brought up the Met Gala interview, and Y/N groaned playfully, "Yeah, that happened. Rachel Zegler is incredible, though. I'm just a basketball player from Belgium."
Once the fans dispersed, Julie resumed her campaign. "Look, Y/N, even your fans want this to happen. Imagine the headlines – 'Belgian Basketball Star and Hollywood Darling's Unlikely Romance!'"
Y/N sighed, still skeptical, "Julie, this is crazy. It's not like she'd ever consider dating me. We're in completely different worlds."
However, the twinkle in Julie's eye didn't waver. "Come on, Y/N. You're amazing, and who knows? Maybe Rachel Zegler is just waiting for you to make the first move. It's worth a shot!"
Reluctantly, Y/N pulled out her phone, her fingers hovering over the keys. "Fine, but this is probably the dumbest thing I've ever done."
As she crafted a message to Rachel, her heart pounded in her chest. "Hey Rachel, it's Y/N. I heard your interview, and, well, I was wondering if you'd be up for grabbing coffee or something sometime? 😊"
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ereardon · 1 year
Realised seeing other people do the head cannon asks I was probably mean to say which characters 😂 So I would love to know a ☁️ head cannon for Jake and Nat!
Hope you are having a lovely day 🥰
Hi Boo! Sorry this took a minute to get to, but hope you like it 🥰
☁️ : A soft headcanon
Jake pulled out all the stops for your twenty-eighth birthday. Since you hadn't told him about when you turned twenty seven, he had taken it upon himself to let your twenty-eighth birthday stand out to make up for missing the year before.
He and Cassie devised a day of all of your favorite things: donuts on the beach with Ellie, a spa day with Cassie and Phoenix, and then dinner and drinks with Jake. He even bought a dress and laid it out for you on the bed to wear to dinner. You slipped it on and watched as Jake's eyes turned into saucers when you appeared at the top of the stairs.
Bradley and Cassie had Ellie over for a sleepover, so you and Jake could have the night to yourselves. He couldn't keep his hands off of you: on your thigh during the drive to the restaurant, cupping your knee under the table, kissing your knuckles as the waiter brought you a cake slice with candles in it, his lips warm on your temple as he pulled you in close while you waited for the valet to return with the Range Rover.
How you knew you were getting really old was that the best part of the night was when the two of you got home and you let Jake unzip your dress, sliding into an old button down shirt of his and a pair of panties as Jake queued up one of your favorite rom coms.
You settled into the couch with Jake, but he got up toward the end to grab a bottle of champagne.
"You're going to miss it!" you called.
Jake laughed from the kitchen. "Baby, I know how this movie ends."
Of course he did; you had made him watch at least five times.
Once the credits were rolling, you stood up and stretched, wrapping your arms around Jake from behind. "Come outside with me?" he asked softly.
You nodded and took Jake's hand, letting him lead you out onto the wraparound porch.
The moon was glowing in the clear sky and you could see every inch of Jake's face in its light. He smiled at you. "Happy Birthday, honey," Jake whispered.
You smiled. "Thank you."
"Did you have a nice birthday?"
"The best."
"The best, huh?" he asked and there was a glimmer on his face that you couldn't place.
Until he bent down, one knee resting on the wooden deck.
"Natalie West, I love you. You're my entire heart. You're the only woman I could ever think of who I would want to help raise Ellie with me. You're the person I can't wait to go to bed beside, and the only one I want to wake up next to. I'm so deeply, ridiculously in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, raise kids with you, fall even more in love with you. I hope you feel the same way."
You gasped.
Jake pulled a box out of his pocket and opened it. "Will you marry me, honey?"
You nodded, words failing you, and Jake grinned, sliding the ring onto your finger and pulling you into his arms, pressing his lips softly against yours. Your fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck and when he pulled back he saw tears in your eyes. "I love you, too," you murmured. "Of course I want to marry you."
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zot3-flopped · 4 months
And here's the real story behind the number 28: «The club's chairman, John Ryan, wore No28 when he became the oldest person to play for a professional football club in England, aged 52 years and 11 months.
He said: "I am honoured to let Louis play in my number to help raise money for the charity. I wore this in 2003 for my record beating appearance at Hereford and this is the first time I have allowed it to be used since but I felt this was a good cause."»
Also, when Louies say that he was signed by a pro football team, well he never was, no: they signed him for charity (which, kudos for that) and for what was (this time a real!) PR stunt
www theguardian com/football/2013/aug/01/one-direction-louis-tomlinson-doncaster
I didn't know about it being the chairman's name.
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gramarobin · 8 months
What an absolute nightmare 😑 I got on Rover .com and found a petsitter. Took our dogs for a meet & greet and the lady came around the side yard after waiting at her front door 10 minutes, texting, ringing doorbell, then calling...she just walked around the corner- I thought she was a neighbor, didn't introduce herself, backed away from the dogs then asked us to come to the back yard. We unleashed the dogs, who were very excited to be in a new place and ran around her covered pool...then Buck- shepherd mix, ran full speed across the pool cover which didn't hold his weight and he stumbled at the edge and jammed his face into the cement, yiped, kept running, turned around and was gushing blood from his mouth. The lady-aptly named Karen, blurted "No, I'm not going to be able to board him" and then called Rover to ask if they cover accidents-of course they said no. Karen proceeded to get the hose to wash the blood off her cement and squirted it around in front of me as Im applying pressure with a rag to Bucks bleeding mouth and she said "oh watch your feet" more concerned about her cement than my injured dog🤬 Every emergency vet within 3 hours is full and not taking patients. We are home, bleeding stopped, I fear his front teeth are loose, we gave him one of our other dogs pain pills. I am pretty upset and not sure how to proceed. The whole thing baffles me. Karens been a dog sitter for a while, how has she let dogs into her fully fenced back yard and they dont run across the covered pool? its a small yard, little rim of grass-i took pics and video...how? What the hell!? Just omg, Advise welcome. Buck is anxiously licking his front legs now, poor bud. What would you do if it were your dog?
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Magdalena en èxtasi, GIOVAN MAURO DELLA ROVERE conegut com IL FIAMMINGHINO
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brynnsx · 1 year
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Todas as conexões serão baseadas em músicas do Fleetwood Mac, a banda preferida de Brynn. Fique à vontade para escolher e me chama no chat (ou comenta aqui) se alguma te interessar!
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જ⁀➴ YOU AND I ; keep your heart open and your eyes shut tight, what will be, will be, but don't forget about me
Brynn tem @charmcsinha como melhor amiga. Ela é a única pessoa em quem a Red confia fielmente e faria de tudo para ajudá-la em qualquer situação. Felizmente, é tudo recíproco.
જ⁀➴ LANDSLIDE ; but time makes you bolder, even children get older and I'm getting older too
Brynn e @abussola são amigas de infância e até hoje mantém uma amizade estável. Apesar de não serem melhores amigas, são bem próximas, quase como irmãs postiças. Atlas sabe de todos os altos e baixos que ela passou durante sua vida, e os dois tem uma conexão inexplicável.
જ⁀➴ YOU MAKE LOVING FUN ; I never did believe in miracles, but I've a feeling it's time to try, I'm beginning to wonder why
Apesar de não realizar a atividade de forma assídua, Brynn e @iburnurhouse são drinking buddies. Quando ela precisa encher a cara, já sabe quem chamar. Geralmente se dão muito bem sob efeito de álcool e não muito quando sóbrios.
જ⁀➴ SEVEN WONDERS ; If I live to see the seven wonders, I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
Se juntos já causam, imagina juntos? Brynn e muse são os parceiros perfeitos para o crime. Quando se encontram, é certo de que algo não muito bom vá acontecer. Ela não costuma sair da linha, mas com muse é praticamente impossível não fazê-lo ( m/f & 0/1 )
જ⁀➴ TANGO IN THE NIGHT ; when the moon was full and bright, I would take you in the darkness and do the tango in the night
@eivid e muses são "clientes" de Brynn, que estão a procura de algo, ou tem algum mistério para resolver. Brynn os ama, pois a mantém entretida entre as outras tarefas que tem que fazer ( m/f & 1/5 )
જ⁀➴ SOONER OR LATER ; and though it's not the first time, I've thought of you this way, the darkness of the winter keeps my happiness at bay
Contrariando o esperado, Brynn resolveu ajudar @calitheas, filha de um vilão, com alguma coisa, algum mistério. É a única no qual ela confia sobre sua atividade como detetive, e espera não ser traída sobre.
જ⁀➴ TEMPORARY ONE ; where are you darlin', when my moon is risin', and your sun is shinin' down
Como não costuma beber muito, tende a passar da conta nas festas (e não perceber); quando faz isso, @henleblanc está sempre ali para ajudá-la, como um anjo da guarda de muita paciência.
જ⁀➴ MY LITTLE DEMON ; all of my friends keep on tellin'me that I just ain't the girl I used to be, I really don't like it... ain't nothing I can do
@bolladonnas é a má influência de Brynn. A filha da Chapeuzinho tenta manter-se no lado dos mocinhos, mas Belladonna consegue fazer com que ela saia de sua zona de conforto em relação a fazer coisas erradas, e se divertir com isso.
જ⁀➴ RED ROVER ; one of the quiet ones, one of the few, now fall down onto your knees, show us all what you can do
Brynn tem @devillvesteprada e @sevbitch como a perfeita definição de frenemies. Podem até se aturar e trocar palavras de vez em quando, mas não deixam de revirar os olhos um para o outro quando necessário.
જ⁀➴ EVERYBODY FINDS OUT ; it's not like any words need to be said, well you always know when something's wrong
Não é difícil perceber que Brynn é extremamente insegura quanto a muitas coisas (menos sua inteligência). Muse tende a implicar com ela e humilhá-la publicamente sempre que possível; é uma das poucas pessoas que realmente a fazem se sentir mal ( m/f & 0/1 )
જ⁀➴ STEAL YOUR HEART ; it's the same old thing in the same old way, all alone we suffer, oh, to steal your heart away
@rhaddock é um crush de Brynn com o qual ela não sabe tomar atitude. É definitivamente um amor platônico.
જ⁀➴ DRAGONFLY ; a gorgeous opal crown sat on his head, although the garden is a lovely place was it worthy of so fine a guest
Brynn e @c-korak são apenas amigos, mas a troca de flertes (sem intenção) entre os dois os faz pensar se eventualmente algo mais pode acontecer.
જ⁀➴ BLEED TO LOVE HER ; all the world is laughing at you and somebody's got to sacrifice if this whole thing's gonna turn out right
Apesar de dizer que não quer se apaixonar, Brynn irá, e por muse, um filho de vilão. O que parecerá amor verdadeiro na verdade se transformará em uma grande mentira, feita para quebrar seu coração... pobrezinha ( m/f & 0/1 )
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i4219s · 1 year
o louis gravando com o kai dançando rover 😿😿😿 mt lindos
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blogandonoticias · 1 year
Influencer Toguro atropela e mata motociclista ao dirigir de ré em avenida
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Ele dirigia veículo de luxo no Rio de Janeiro
Uma batida envolvendo um carro de luxo e uma moto terminou com o motociclista morto na madrugada deste sábado (4), no Rio de Janeiro. O motorista do Range Rover era o influencer Tiago Toguro, que conta com milhões de seguidores em suas redes sociais.
Segundo o g1, Toguro perdeu o acesso a uma avenida. Ele começou a dar ré para retornar, quando atropelou a moto e seu condutor.
O influencer, no entanto, negou em nota oficial ter dado ré.
"Foi uma fatalidade. (…) Ele veio a colidir na parte traseira do veículo e perdeu a vida, em momento algum eu dei marcha ré", garante.
“Posso afirmar que, desde o momento do acidente, eu permaneci no local, aguardei o atendimento médico à vítima, me coloquei à disposição das autoridades para que fosse realizado o exame de alcoolemia e substâncias tóxicas”, diz a nota.
Toguro ainda afirma que já está em contato com a família da vítima e que não tinha se pronunciado até o momento por não estar bem e querer respeitar os familiares do motociclista:
“Só ontem no final da noite que eu recebi o contato dos familiares e minha assessoria conversou com a irmã da vítima. (…) Desde o momento do acidente até agora, não estou bem, por isso o silêncio e por este motivo preferi não me pronunciar e respeitar o luto da família e amigos.
Toguro viralizou nas redes sociais no ano passado com mensagens motivacionais e reflexões, como o meme "em pleno ano da tecnologia". Ele também compartilha conteúdos sobre musculação nos canais de YouTube “Em Busca do Shape Inexplicável” e “Mansão Maromba”. O
Os dois canais juntos somam quase 8 milhões de seguidores. Já a sua conta do Tiktok bateu 4,3 milhões recentemente. No instagram, Toguro conta com 6,2 milhões de fãs.
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